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A Textbook is one of the tools used by a teacher to help them convey material to students during the learning process. The research used a qualitative study approach with an analytical research design of the contents of textbooks using the training method in the textbook. The objectives of the study are: (1) to see the contents of the Let's Learn English textbook to the 2013 curriculum was relevant. (2) To find out what kinds of new words are contact in the textbook. (3) Researching and analyzing how the practice of word forms in the textbook let's learn English. The results of this study show that content's of the Let's Learn English textbook for class X is very good. Researchers easily find information about vocabulary in the form of exercises. These findings show that: (1) Content textbooks is very relevant to the 2013 curriculum. (2) In analyzing the contents of textbooks, researchers find it easy to find information about new vocabulary. (3) The form of vocabulary exercises according to the material from the content Based on the researcher about the analysis of this textbook, the suggestion is that the reader does not just read the material in the text, but understands the meaning and purpose of the material so that information would received accurately.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 1 Januari 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 608
Features Of Vocabulary Exercises Contents In First Grade Senior
High School Textbook
Thania Fransisca Br Saragih1, Erikson Saragih2, Rutmelina Sianipar3
13English Department, Faculty of Teaching Training, Prima University of Indonesia
2Lecturer Of University Of Prima Indonesia
Email: thaniasaragih@yahoo.com1, ,
Abstract. A Textbook is one of the tools used by a teacher to help them convey material to students during
the learning process. The research used a qualitative study approach with an analytical research design of the contents
of textbooks using the training method in the textbook. The objectives of the study are: (1) to see the contents of the
Let's Learn English textbook to the 2013 curriculum was relevant. (2) To find out what kinds of new words are
contact in the textbook. (3) Researching and analyzing how the practice of word forms in the textbook let's learn
English. The results of this study show that content's of the Let's Learn English textbook for class X is very good.
Researchers easily find information about vocabulary in the form of exercises. These findings show that: (1) Content
textbooks is very relevant to the 2013 curriculum. (2) In analyzing the contents of textbooks, researchers find it easy to
find information about new vocabulary. (3) The form of vocabulary exercises according to the material from the content
Based on the researcher about the analysis of this textbook, the suggestion is that the reader does not just read the
material in the text, but understands the meaning and purpose of the material so that information would received
Keywords: Textbook, vocabulary, and content analysis
Abstrak. Buku teks merupakan salah satu alat yang digunakan oleh seorang guru untuk membantu
menyampaikan materi kepada siswa selama proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi
kualitatif dengan desain penelitian analitik isi buku teks menggunakan metode pelatihan dalam buku teks. Tujuan dari
penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk melihat isi buku ajar Ayo Belajar Bahasa Inggris sesuai kurikulum 2013. (2) Untuk
mengetahui jenis kata baru apa yang berhubungan di buku teks. (3) Meneliti dan menganalisis bagaimana praktik
bentuk kata dalam buku ajar mari belajar bahasa Inggris. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konten buku ajar Ayo
Belajar Bahasa Inggris kelas X sangat baik. Peneliti dengan mudah menemukan informasi tentang kosakata dalam
bentuk latihan. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Isi buku teks sangat relevan dengan kurikulum 2013. (2) Dalam
menganalisis isi buku teks, peneliti mudah mencari informasi tentang kosakata baru. (3) Bentuk latihan kosakata yang
sesuai dengan materi dari isiBerdasarkan penelitian peneliti tentang analisis buku ajar ini, disarankan agar pembaca
tidak hanya membaca materi yang ada di teks, tetapi memahami arti dan tujuan dari teks tersebut. materi sehingga
informasi akan diterima secara akurat.
Learning vocabulary is not only
learning what the vocabulary means, but also
understanding what the word means and how
to convey it correctly so that when we convey
the information we convey it would be
understood properly.
As we all know that knowledge of
vocabulary is not something that we can
instantly master. The vocabulary that we
understand is vocabulary that we may have
studied for a long time, such as when we
understood vocabulary when we were in
elementary school, then until adulthood the
meaning of the vocabulary has not changed.
Let's take a look at what (Adger, 2002) says
that states that, "Vocabulary is not only
confined to the meaning of words but also
includes how vocabulary in language is
structure". According to (Graves,
2006) Wikis have much potential in the
teaching of vocabulary. Therefore, students
can follow the different methods in learning
1. Students should supply the information
included the context and the meaning.
2. Students would be engaged and should
have given enough time to learn the word.
3. Students should have many disclosures by
practicing and reviewing the word.
4. Students would have conversation about
the meaning of the word.
Teaching and learning vocabulary is
an important part of the classroom and in
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 1 Januari 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 609
teaching. We will therefore briefly list three
aspects that are relevant in vocabulary
acquisition and learning: (i) vocabulary
acquisition from a cognitive perspective, that
is, as conditioned by the processes our brain
has to follow; (ii) the role of frequency in
vocabulary acquisition or learning and how
this questioning affects the textbook, and (iii)
the distribute of vocabulary would be studied
throughout the textbook. The words would
be studied must pay attention to the learning
situation. This requires newness in exposure,
words being introduced gradually and
gradually, and at the same time as before
presented and learned would be reintroduced
later to support repetition.
Teaching techniques for adult and
novice learners are very different. A teacher
must really understand the situation and
condition of his students. According to
(Harris, 1969) there are several methods in
the English learning process they are (a)
Giving total physical activity (example games
and total physical response activity). (b)
Providing hands on activities (example to
three learn words, sentences, and practice
meaningful language), (c) Internalizing the
concept through visual aids (example video,
picture, tapes, music, flash card, and puppet
toys), and (d) Explaining things with
nonverbal language (facial features, gestures)
will fail.
Textbook is one of the materials that
is often used in teaching and learning
activities. Textbooks are also a source of
knowledge that is easy to get and can help
students get learning material (Widianingsih,
2009 ) nevertheless, points out that
vocabulary mastery would be the first priority
in English language teaching and learning.
Textbooks can also cover a variety of
materials would be taught. On the other hand,
textbooks also support the learning process
regularly and effectively, without textbooks
teaching and learning activities will not run
smoothly and effectively.
In educational activities in Indonesia,
textbooks are a major part of learning tailored
to the existing curriculum. In educational
activities in Indonesia, textbooks was
preparing by authorities based on the latest
curriculum. According to (D, 2003) textbooks
are vitally important, they play a significant
role in shaping teachers', students' and
families' views of school subjects. Textbooks
would be defined simply as books which
for teaching and / or learning. According to
(Tomlinson, 2011), “textbook is the one of
tools that used to help teachers to teach the
The textbook should also have
qualities by the material would be taught. The
qualities from the textbook can also be seen
from the aspects of the content, presentation,
graphics, and linguistic aspects of the
textbook. Existing material should also
be by the curriculum and be equipped with
attractive illustrations, so that students
interesting and can more easily understand the
subject. Do not escape the use of words
from the material presentation so that it is not
monotonous and developed according to the
student's school level.
Currently, various types of textbooks
have been publish to meet the
needs. (Awasthi, 2006) offers more detail
definition, saying that “textbook is a teaching
and learning material for both the teachers
and the learners to rely on the process of
teaching and learning” students in learning
activities. Therefore, the task of a teacher is to
choose a book to guide students. In addition
to book choice, teachers must also understand
that curriculum is the main source of teachers
in knowing competency standards, basic
competencies, learning materials, learning
activities, indicators and time allocation.
The benefit of this textbook analysis is
to help the reader understand what the intent
and purpose of each learning material is. Here
the writer describes what is analyze before
knowing what kind of vocabulary to study. In
addition, the researcher hopes that with the
analysis of this textbook, it can improve
critical thinking so that understanding in
reading textbooks can increase. Textbooks
also have an important role for students or
teachers, but (E, A, & R, 2004) provide a
basic outline for the role of textbook
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 1 Januari 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 610
1. To teach and encourage students to
construct new knowledge
2. To balance detail and precision of
3. To provide logical and consistent
mathematical systems
4. To bring about new questions
5. To provide students with active,
creative, many sided information
Research Questions
The study aims to discuss the research
question: The question was address by the
following sub-questions.
1. What types of vocabulary contents that
has been stated in “Let’s Learn English
“Textbook for Senior High
School students in First Grade?
2. How are vocabulary exercise contents
represented in “Let’s Learn English
“Textbook for Senior High
School students in First Grade?
3. Have the vocabulary material contents
been relevant to 2013 English Curriculum
for Senior High School.
The Objective of the Study
Based on the problems research
questions above, the objectives of this study
1. To describe the types of vocabulary
exercises stated in “Let’s Learn English
Textbook for Senior High School students
in First Grade.
2. To describe vocabulary exercise contents
represented in “Let’s Learn English“
Textbook for Senior High School students
in First Grade.
3. To describe how relevance vocabulary
exercise contents to 2013 English
Curriculum for Secondary School level.
The Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study exercise contents was
limit to analyze the vocabulary on the English
textbook entitled "Let's Learn English" that is
use in the first level of high school. Which
published by PT. Bumi Aksara in 2014 with
the 2013 curriculum with the 2016 revised
edition written by Drs. H. Sophia Fanany, M.
Pd and Dra. Aisyah Anwar, M. Pd. In this
study, the data obtained or obtained came
from the textbook "Let's Learn English",
which is in the form of vocabulary content
where the vocabulary content is like what was
present in the textbook and determines what
vocabulary exercises are like in the textbook
and whether it is in suitable with the 2013
Significance of the Study
This study is necessary for the
following reasons:
1. To improve the mindset critical to study
2. Get to know new vocabulary with some of
the exercises in the textbook.
3. Increase understanding of the meaning of
new vocabulary that has been analyzed.
Learning vocabulary does not mean
only understanding what the word means, but
also understanding when and its application in
different contexts. Therefore, vocabulary is
the key to communication. A leading
linguist (P, 2001) notes: “Vocabulary is not
an end in itself. A rich vocabulary makes the
skills of listening, speaking, reading, and
writing easier to perform.”
Knowledge of vocabulary is very
important in various aspects such as in
reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Without vocabulary, no information would be
conveyed, and vice versa, if there is no
sufficient knowledge of vocabulary, there will
be little understanding about information. (P,
2001) further describes the relationship
between vocabulary knowledge and language
use as complementary: knowledge of
vocabulary enables language use and,
conversely, language use leads to an increase
in vocabulary knowledge. The more new
vocabulary you know, the more you can learn.
When you discover new vocabulary,
remember them and develop them into new
In this research design, researchers
used a qualitative research approach. The data
collection method uses descriptive method
because in this textbook the researcher
focuses more on the exercise feature of
adding new vocabulary. Qualitative method is
the most effective method used in the research
process because the method of writing this
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 1 Januari 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 611
report focuses on the description system. The
purpose of using qualitative methods is not
only to describe research in textbooks but to
study and analyze in detail what problems you
would like to solve properly using an
analytical design.
Object of the Study
The object of research in this journal is an
English book entitled "Let's Learn English"
by Sophian Funnyand Aisyah Anwar publishe
d in 2014 by PT. Bumi Aksara, and is use as a
guide by teachers for teaching in schools. The
reason this book is use as the object of
research is because this textbook meets the
criteria of researchers, namely the 2013
revised edition of the 2016 curriculum
textbook which has various material reviews
that can improve students' skills in the field of
English. There are still many students or other
readers who do not understand how to use
different types of vocabulary in different
contexts. So the problem analyzed in this
textbook is the vocabulary training feature of
each chapter has a different vocabulary
difficulty level.
The Instruments
The research instrument is a research
tool used by researchers so that the research
aims would be accomplished. The instrument
in this study is using content analysis
exercises in “Let’s Learn English textbook.
In a qualitative research, the researcher must
understand the instruments in a study.
Researchers must also know the methods used
and what research problem with the right
instrument, the research would carry out.
Instrument in data collection was call a
checklist. The data based on the existing
textbook will be collect and obtained. The
checklist used in this study is Vocabulary
Exercises found in the textbook Let's Learn
There are 8 topics on Vocabulary
Exercises contained in the textbook "Let's
Learn English" which is that used in the first
grade of high school
Table 2.1 The of vocabulary contents
exercises in the textbook “Let’s Learn
Chapter I
I’m From
Expressions of
Chapter II
Attention !
Finding New
Chapter III
Would You
Like To Join
Me ?
Expressions of
Chapter VI
Fill In The
Blanks With
The Suitable
Chapter V
Moving to
the Moon
Complete The
Missing Words
Chapter VI
Find Some
Legend Stories
Surprising !
Match The
Ahead by a
Fill In The
Blanks With
This, That,
These, or Those
Based on the table above, there are 8
vocabulary exercises that are present in the
textbook "Let's Learn English".
The Procedures of Collecting Data
To obtain data in answering the
research questions, the following steps are
used in this research.
1. The author chooses an English textbook
entitled "Let's Learn English"
2. The author studies vocabulary content and
vocabulary exercises contained in
3. The author analyzes each vocabulary
feature exercise contained in the textbook.
The Procedures of Analyzing Data
To analyze the data obtained from the
"Let's Learn English" textbook for Senior
High School Students in First Grade, the
researcher took the following steps:
1. Researchers read the content "Let's Learn
English" textbook to identify vocabulary
exercises in the textbook.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 1 Januari 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 612
2. Researchers try to analyze and understand
what the meaning of vocabulary exercises
in the textbook.
3. After knowing what kind of vocabulary to
analyze, the researcher continued the case
study by completing the exercises
contained in the textbook.
The Credibility of Data
The analysis of this textbook uses a
qualitative method where the researcher tries
to present, explain, and measure the
correctness of the data from various
references. To find out how well the data in
the study were, the researchers used a
credibility test with triangulation theory
which in the data involved various
The research data are various
vocabulary exercises in “Let’s Learn English”
textbook. There are three vocabulary
exercises, completing, matching, and finding
the meaning of words. The themes of
vocabulary exercises is qualitative data.
Qualitative data taken from observations in
several chapters of textbooks as a research
approach to finding information about book
analysis in the form of vocabulary exercises.
In studying the data, this research conducted
from first grade high school textbooks.
Data Analysis
Analysis of Qualitative Data
Qualitative data taken from
observation in several chapters of textbooks
as a research approach to finding information
about book analysis in the form of vocabulary
exercises. The forms of vocabulary exercises
are completing, matching, and finding the
meaning of words. Completing would be
found in chapters 1,4,5, and 8, namely in the
form of completing dialogues or sentences.
While the vocabulary matching exercise is in
chapter 7, namely matching words from
column A to B. From the analysis, it is found
that vocabulary material is relevant to the
2013 high school curriculum and included in
the very good category. The evidence
would be seen in the findings section.
Findings The types of vocabulary contents
in “Let’s Learn English“ textbook for
Senior High School students in First
The graph below shows the different
types of English vocabulary and the
situations where they might find them. The
types of vocabulary are shown vertically on
the left and the situations where they are
used are shown horizontally at the bottom:
Knowledge of vocabulary are
classifications based on vertical and
horizontal charts. The first on Academic; here
the researcher analyzes that new vocabulary is
found more in academic institutions because a
person's academic situation can further
expand his vocabulary knowledge with
various sources. Similar to everyday
situations, we can also find vocabulary from
our daily lives, such as by chatting with
friends, watching TV shows, and reading
fiction books.
However, the new vocabulary content
is clearly different from the Academic
situation which uses various learning
resources. Second based on the subject-
specific, which in the graphics that has
shown more dominant in the academic
situation. Example is Moraine who focuses
on geographic issues. Then the third is phrasal
verbs, which are vocabulary knowledge
formed from two or three words from
different grammatical categories. For example
to get at, to sit on , and to get into. The fourth
is idioms. Idioms are sentences that cannot be
interpreted literally, which means that we
cannot interpret directly what the sentence
means in our own sense. For example, to rain
cats and dog, if taken literally means for rain
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 1 Januari 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 613
cats and dogs, but the real meaning is heavy
rain The fifth is Informal / Slang, which is
the language generally used by millennial
children to show whatever their slang is in a
certain group. Meanwhile, informally uses
language which in general has been widely
used in everyday life. For example "kids",
here kids are a kind of informal word, because
most of everyone is ready in their daily life.
Meanwhile, "Cops" is the slang word for
police officers. Another example is cool /
awesome, which is a slang word that shows
appreciation for something. The sixth is
"Euphemism" which is a word which has a
more subtle or polite meaning. For example,
when faced with some situation that grieving,
it is better to use the sentence for "to pass
away" than the word for "death".
In the book "Let's Learn English" the
researcher found types of vocabulary such as
Listening Vocabulary, Speaking Vocabulary,
Reading Vocabulary, and Writing vocabulary
according to the language skills which are the
reference if you want to master English. The
first is Listening Vocabulary, consistent in
every word conveyed by the informant.
Example: The teacher uses an audio media
that has material in the form of a conversation
or a song which is then played to students in
the classroom in order to practice listening to
vocabulary in English.
Speaking Vocabulary, consistent in
the use of the words used when speaking.
Example: The teacher gives an assignment in
the form of a dialogue between several people
and students practicing in front of the
classroom as well as practicing student
pronunciation. The third is Reading
Vocabulary, consistent with what is read.
Example: Students was assigned to look for a
story either folklore or news and students
understand the contents of the reading and
then read it in the classroom. The last is
Vocabulary writing, consistent in our
understanding of using vocabulary when
writing. Example: students write a story either
personal experience or personal bio to
practice and increase the use and
understanding of vocabulary in writing
The vocabulary exercise contents
represented in “Let’s Learn English“
Textbook for Senior High School students
in First Grade.
In the textbook "Let's Learn English",
vocabulary exercises represented in each
chapter, where there are 8 chapters. In the text
book "Let's Learn English" the form of
vocabulary training consists of four forms of
training, namely completing vocabulary
exercises found in chapters 1,3,4,5, and 8.
The second form of exercise which is finding
the meaning of vocabulary using a dictionary
is in chapter 2. 6 forms of exercise, namely
finding a legend story and the last one,
namely matching vocabulary exercises in
chapter 8.
An example of vocabulary completing
exercise is on page 67 task 16, which is
completing conversations using introducing,
greetings or parting vocabulary.
Task 16
1. Fadli : How is it going today,
Wildan : …………….
2. Roland : Good morning, Mr.
Hakim. How are you today, sir?
Mr. Hakim : ………….. , How
about you, Roland?
3. Nanda : I’d like to introduce
myself to you, I’m Nanda.
Fatimah : Hi. I’m ………….
Nice to meet you, Nanda.
Nanda : …………….
4. Rudi : ……………..
Salim : Hi, I’m Salim.
Pleased to meet you, Rudi.
Rudi : …………….
5. Dodi : Hey, Rita. It has been
a long time not to see you.
Rita : Yeah. Where are youn
Dodi : To my campus. There,
my bus is coming. Bye Rita, ……….
Rita : ………………..
Table 3.1 Material of Vocabulary Exercises
in Chapter 1 about Introducing
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 1 Januari 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 614
- Excuse me,
my name’s ….
- How do you
- Hello, my
name’s ….
- May I
- First, let me
- Allow me to
Table 3.2 Material of Vocabulary Exercises
in Chapter 1 about Greetings
- Hi!
- Hello!
- Hello there/
- Good morning!
- Good to see you
- How are you?
- Hi everybody!
- Long time no see!
- (How/Very) nice
to see you
- Ok .
- Not bad.
- Just fine,
thank you.
- I’m fine,
thank you.
- Just so so.
- Very well,
thank you.
- And
- How about
- And you?
Table 3.3 Material of Vocabulary Exercises
in Chapter 1 about Parting
- Bye/ Bye-bye
- See you
- See you later.
- Take care of
- Goodbye .
- Bye
- Hope so.
- Sure thing.
- You, too.
- Goodbye.
The next example of vocabulary
exercise is finding the meaning of vocabulary
which students can use dictionary as a source,
found on page 49 task 19.
Task 19
Researcher analyzes task 19 with the
title "Study the words below. Use your
dictionary to find out the meanings". The
researcher invites the reader to find the
meaning of each vocabulary by using the
dictionary as a medium. not only finding the
meaning of the vocabulary, but the researcher
hopes that readers will also find the meaning
of each word and how it is use in context.
The third form of vocabulary exercise
is finding legend stories, students can use the
internet, newspapers, or magazines as sources
of information. Students are also expected
would be able to understand the reading
content of the legend because it can add new
vocabulary that is not understood by students.
The third vocabulary exercise form is on page
176 task 34.
The fourth example of vocabulary
exercise is matching vocabulary exercises on
page 189 task 15. In this exercise students are
expect would be able to match words in
column A where the meaning of vocabulary
in column A is in column B. This exercise is
able to add new vocabulary which is rarely
known by students.
The vocabulary exercises are in the
form of matching words in column A where
the meaning of the words is in column B. In
this exercise we do not only know the new
vocabulary but the meaning of the
The relevance of vocabulary material
contents to 2013 English Curriculum for
Senior High School.
The form of vocabulary material in the
textbook is relevance with 2013 English
Curriculum for Senior High School and falls
into the very good category. Why that is
relevance, because the material presentation
has contained in the textbook that accordance
learning activities, there are some
characterized as forming traits, characters,
knowledge and thinking patterns, critical and
unique. In addition, why is it said would
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 1 Januari 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 615
relevant to the 2013 curriculum because the
learning process begins with observing the
material first, then understanding and
analyzing the material, so that students are
able to complete the exercises in the textbook.
As every single KI and KD
successfully implemented in the textbook, and
the materials provided in the textbook
completely completed as all suggested
English language skills exercises of writing,
speaking, reading and listening materials in
the curriculum 2013 were implemented.
(Harimansyah, 2008) stated that a textbook
can be said to be good in content aspect, if
noticed a complete reference that was
accordance to the curriculum or syllabus,
relevant science, and needs of learners. There
are four criteria being used here. These are:
The integration of four skills in learning
English (reading, listening, speaking and
writing) (Hendi, 2013) and as is
recommended in 2013 English curriculum
document (p.14). The inclusion of two main
language components (grammar and
vocabulary) (Hendi, 2013).
For example, it could be seen in
the previous explanation where there are three
examples of vocabulary exercises in the form
of completing, finding legends and looking
for word meanings. The form of vocabulary
training with material content is very relevant,
does not deviate from the material content.
From the three explanations of the previous
examples, it has shown that the material in the
textbook "Let's Learn English" is in the very
good category because it is relevant to the
2013 high school English curriculum.
In this section, the researcher explains
sequentially what is the answer to the research
1. What types of vocabulary contents are
stated in “Let’s Learn English“
Textbook for Senior High School
students in First Grade?
Teaching words is a crucial aspect in learning
a language as languages are based on words
(Thorburry, 2002) General vocabulary, there
are 4 types of vocabulary that we have to
The first is Listening Vocabulary,
consistent in every word conveyed by the
informant. Example: The teacher uses an
audio media that has material in the form of a
conversation or a song which is then played to
students in the classroom in order to practice
listening to vocabulary in English. The
second is Speaking Vocabulary, consistent in
the use of the words used when speaking.
Example: The teacher gives an assignment in
the form of a dialogue between several people
and students practicing in front of the
classroom as well as practicing student
pronunciation The third is Reading
Vocabulary, consistent with what is read.
Example: Students was assigned to look for a
story either folklore or news and students
understand the contents of the reading and
then read it in the classroom. The last is
Vocabulary writing, consistent in our
understanding of using vocabulary when
writing. Example: students write a story either
personal experience or personal bio to
practice and increase the use and
understanding of vocabulary in writing.
Vocabulary is also the most important
part of language learning and as the meaning
of new words written in a book or learning
room in the classroom. On the other hand, (E
& C, 1995), indicates two kinds of
vocabulary, namely receptive vocabulary and
productive vocabulary. Receptive
Vocabulary, receptive vocabulary is words
that learners recognize and understand when
they are using in context, but which they
cannot produce. It is vocabulary that learners
recognize when they see or meet in reading
text but do not use it in speaking and writing
(Webb, 2005). Productive Vocabulary,
productive vocabulary is the words that the
learners understand and can pronounce
correctly and use constructively in speaking
and writing. It involves what is needing for
receptive vocabulary plus the ability to speak
or write at the proper time. Therefore,
productive vocabulary would be addressed as
an active process, because the learners can
produce the words to express their thoughts to
others (Webb, 2005).
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 1 Januari 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 616
2. How are vocabulary exercise contents
represented in “Let’s Learn English“
Textbook for Senior High School
students in First Grade?
English language skills are a must-
have for someone who wants should
be proficient in the field of English. These
skills are divide into two parts, namely
receptive skills (Listening and reading) and
productive skills (Speaking and Writing). As
we know that listening is an activity to
understand and understand what someone is
saying to us. As mentioned in (David, 2003)
“Listening is an active, purposeful process of
making sense of what we hear.” While
reading is an activity to understand what the
writers said and usually readers are invite to
think critically about the article. So, reading
activity is not just reading briefly, but
understanding what the meaning and purpose
of the reading is.
(Mikulecky & S, 2011) states that
reading is a complex conscious and
unconscious mental process in which the
reader uses a variety of strategies to
reconstruct the meaning that the author is
assumed to have intended, based on data from
the text and from the readers prior knowledge.
On the other hand, Speaking is also called
speaking activity or socializing with other
people. For the sake of creating a good
relationship, one must support an attitude in
speaking as well.
(Nunan, 2004) stated that speaking is
the productive oral skills that consist of
producing systematic verbal utterance to
convey meaning. When the brain has an idea,
it encodes the idea and sent to the mouth by
using articulation system then mouth
produces the spoken text. Meanwhile, writing
skills is an activity to express thoughts about
something. According to (Jhon, 2012) writing
is a skill and like most other skills, such as
typing, driving, or cooking, it can be learned.
Therefore everyone can learn writing with
more practice and it can be mastered by hard
3. Have the vocabulary material contents
been relevant to 2013 English
Curriculum for Senior High School.
The curriculum is a planning tool that
is one of the organizational goals, content,
and learning materials and is new in learning
to make educational goals. According to
(Wahyuni, 2016) the national educational
curriculum has experienced changes in the
year 1947, 1952, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994,
2004, 2006, and latest is 2013. The entire
national curriculum is designed on the same
basis, the Pancasila and 1945 Constitution;
the different emphasis on basic education
goals and implementation approach. The
textbook relevance to 2013 English
Curriculum. This section focuses on the
relevance of the English textbook used to the
2013 curriculum. There are four criteria being
used here. These are: The integration of four
skills in learning English (reading, listening,
speaking and writing) (Hendi, 2013) and as is
recommended in 2013 English curriculum
document (p.14). The inclusion of two main
language components (grammar and
vocabulary) (Hendi, 2013).
Based on the data, data analysis and
findings in the previous chapter, the
researchers conclude the followings:
1. There are 4 types of vocabulary
available in the textbook entitled
"Let's Learn English". The types of
vocabulary are Vocabulary Reading,
Vocabulary Writing, Vocabulary
Listening, and Vocabulary Speaking.
Because this research is base on the
analysis of textbooks in the form of
vocabulary exercises with the
qualitative method, the researchers
here are more dominant in reading and
writing vocabulary in analyzing
2. The form of vocabulary practice is
well represented in the textbook
entitled "Let's Learn English". This is
evident from various forms of
vocabulary training in textbooks: such
as; (1) Using Expressions of
Introduction, (2) Finding New
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 1 Januari 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 617
Vocabulary, (3) Using Expressions of
Inviting, Offering, (4) Fill In The
Blanks With The Suitable Words, (5)
Complete The Missing Words, (6)
Find Some Legend Stories, (7) Match
The Words, (8) Fill In The Blanks
With This, That, These, or Those.
3. The contents of the vocabulary in the
textbooks are relevant to the contents
of the 2013 English curriculum. It is
clearly evident from the compositions
of the contents of the material
according to the learning indicators, as
well as the form of vocabulary
exercises that are according to the
contents of the material so that the
research process of this textbook can
run well.
Based on the conclusions in the
previous chapter, the researchers suggest the
1. Here the reader's inviting to think
critically because in research, the
researcher analyzes vocabulary
exercises. If there are difficulties in
finding new vocabulary, readers can
use translation media such as
dictionaries. Knowing the meaning of
each word in the vocabulary will help
us communicate with other people.
2. Researchers invite the reader's to find
out how important and relevant the
content in textbooks to the 2013
3. By conducting research on the Let's
Learn English textbook, expected that
it can improve qualities of learning in
the present and in the future.
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vocabulary mastery using crossword
puzzel technique in inclusion
program. Bachelor Degree of
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Harimansyah. (2008). Pengembangan Model
Pembelajaran: Uji Efektifitas Bahan
Ajar BIPA. Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa.
Hendi, S. (2013). Bedah Curriculum 2013
Bagi Guru Bahasa Inggris . Bandung:
CV Adoya MItra Sejahtera.
Jhon, L. (2012). English Skill. New York: Mc
Graw Hill.
Mikulecky, & S, B. (2011). A Short Course in
Teaching Reading.
Nunan. (2004). Task Based Language
Teaching. Cambridge University , 48.
S, T. (2002). How to Teach Vocabulary.
England: Cambridge University Press.
Thorburry, S. (2002). How to Teach
Vocabulary. England: Cambridge
University Press.
Wahyuni, S. (2016). Curriculum
Development Indonesia Context. ELT
Journal vol 10 .
Webb, S. (2005). Recerptive and Productive
Vocabulary. The Effect of Reading
and Writing on Word Knowledge,
Student in Second Language
Acquisition , 27:33-52.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Terakreditasi Peringkat 5 (No. SK: 85/M/KPT/2020)
Vol. 5. No. 1 Januari 2021
p-ISSN: 2598-9944 e- ISSN: 2656-6753
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 618
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
The field of task-based language teaching has developed considerably since the publication of Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom (Nunan, 1989), a book which helped to set the research agenda in teaching methodology for the following decade. While Designing Tasks underpins this new title, the material has been thoroughly updated and includes four completely new chapters. Task-Based Language Teaching offers a comprehensive and up-to-date appraisal of the field.
This study investigates the effects of receptive and productive vocabulary learning on word knowledge. Japanese students studying English as a foreign language learned target words in three glossed sentences and in a sentence production task in two experiments. Five aspects of vocabulary knowledge—orthography, syntax, association, grammatical functions, and meaning and form—were each measured by receptive and productive tests. The study uses an innovative methodology in that each target word was tested in 10 different ways. The first experiment showed that, when the same amount of time was spent on both tasks, the reading task was superior. The second experiment showed that, when the allotted time on tasks depends on the amount of time needed for completion, with the writing task requiring more time, the writing task was more effective. If the second experiment represents authentic learning, then a stronger argument can be made to use productive vocabulary learning tasks over receptive tasks. a
Using Expressions of Inviting, Offering, (4) Fill In The Blanks With The Suitable Words
  • Vocabulary
Vocabulary, (3) Using Expressions of Inviting, Offering, (4) Fill In The Blanks With The Suitable Words, (5) Complete The Missing Words, (6) Find Some Legend Stories, (7) Match The Words, (8) Fill In The Blanks REFERENCES
Textbook and It's Evaluation
  • J Awasthi
Awasthi, J. (2006). Textbook and It's Evaluation. Journal of Nelta, 1-2.
Increasing vocabulary mastery using crossword puzzel technique in inclusion program. Bachelor Degree of Education
  • R Widianingsih
Widianingsih, R. (2009 ). Increasing vocabulary mastery using crossword puzzel technique in inclusion program. Bachelor Degree of Education.
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran: Uji Efektifitas Bahan Ajar BIPA
  • Harimansyah
Harimansyah. (2008). Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran: Uji Efektifitas Bahan Ajar BIPA. Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa.
How to Teach Vocabulary
  • T Thorburry
S, T. (2002). How to Teach Vocabulary. England: Cambridge University Press. Thorburry, S. (2002). How to Teach Vocabulary. England: Cambridge University Press. Wahyuni, S. (2016). Curriculum Development Indonesia Context. ELT Journal vol 10.