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Phylogeography and molecular species delimitation reveal cryptic diversity in Potamolithus (Caenogastropoda: Tateidae) of the southwest basin of the Andes


Abstract and Figures

The species of the genus Potamolithus inhabiting the southwestern basin of the Andes are difficult to distinguish due to small size and similar shell morphology. Only Potamolithus australis and Potamolithus santiagensis have been traditionally recognized in this region, but the occurrence of several morphologically similar undescribed populations could increase the regional richness. Here we delimit described and potentially undescribed cryptic species of the genus using partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. Network analysis and diversity indices inferred six highly differentiated haplogroups, many of them sympatric and widespread in the study area. Phylogeographic analyses suggest a scenario of recent diversification and the occurrence of multiple refuges during the successive Pleistocene glaciations. Phylogenetic analysis also recovered six major clades that showed no relationship with physiography. Species delimitation analyses consistently recognized three or four candidate species apart from P. australis and P. santiagensis. Divergence times indicate that speciation of Chilean Potamolithus began at the end of the Pliocene, probably driven by climatic rather than geographic events. Considering the high inter-and intra-basin genetic diversity, conservation efforts should be focused on protecting sympatric taxa in the basins with the highest species richness.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:15735 | 
Phylogeography and molecular
species delimitation reveal
cryptic diversity in Potamolithus
(Caenogastropoda: Tateidae)
of the southwest basin
of the Andes
Gonzalo A. Collado1,2, Cristian Torres‑Díaz1,2 & Moisés A. Valladares1,2*
The species of the genus Potamolithus inhabiting the southwestern basin of the Andes are dicult
to distinguish due to small size and similar shell morphology. Only Potamolithus australis and
Potamolithus santiagensis have been traditionally recognized in this region, but the occurrence of
several morphologically similar undescribed populations could increase the regional richness. Here we
delimit described and potentially undescribed cryptic species of the genus using partial sequences of
the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. Network analysis and diversity indices
inferred six highly dierentiated haplogroups, many of them sympatric and widespread in the study
area. Phylogeographic analyses suggest a scenario of recent diversication and the occurrence of
multiple refuges during the successive Pleistocene glaciations. Phylogenetic analysis also recovered
six major clades that showed no relationship with physiography. Species delimitation analyses
consistently recognized three or four candidate species apart from P. australis and P. santiagensis.
Divergence times indicate that speciation of Chilean Potamolithus began at the end of the Pliocene,
probably driven by climatic rather than geographic events. Considering the high inter‑ and intra‑basin
genetic diversity, conservation eorts should be focused on protecting sympatric taxa in the basins
with the highest species richness.
Species identication is increasingly important in biodiversity studies, conservation biology and natural herit-
age of the countries14. e high rate of species extinction as a consequence of habitat loss, pollution and global
change, together with the enormous unknown biodiversity in some groups has led to the development of more
eective and precise methods of taxonomic discrimination, which has been facilitated by technological advances5.
It is now known that a portion of natural diversity is morphologically cryptic, so its identication depends on
integrating molecular tools and traditional morphological approaches6.
A signicant number of studies has shown that the evolutionary history of the biota in southern South
America has been inuenced by dierent geological processes and climatic events such as the Andean orogeny,
marine introgressions, drainage reversals and glaciations720. e Andean upli occurred from the Early Miocene
generated the drainage divide between Chile and Argentina signicantly impacting the distribution of genetic
diversity of species, mainly the aquatic fauna10,12,19,21. e Patagonia Region suered successive glaciations, with
more than 10 major cooling events during the Pliocene and Pleistocene2225. is intermittent melting and cooling
of glaciers also had an impact on the underlying biota, leaving a genetic imprint on the phylogeography of several
species7,12,19. Some of the strongest glacial events were the Great Patagonian Glaciation (GPG) c. 1 million years
ago (Ma), several ancient glaciations collectively called the Pre-GPG occurred in the Lower/Middle Pleistocene
(2.1–1.0Ma) and three other cooling events called the Post-GPG that occurred in the Middle Pleistocene2528.
e boundary between the Piacenzian and Gelasian glaciations marks the boundary between the Pliocene and
             
Chillán, Chile. 
Chile. *email:
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:15735 | 
the Pleistocene, 2.59 Ma29. From the end of the Miocene the land south of 37°S was intermittently covered by
ice sheets extending to Antarctica in the successive glaciations and whose greatest extension was reached during
the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the late Pleistocene, c. 0.025 Ma24,25,30,31. e tectonics and environmental
processes generated expansion and retreat of forests, isolation of species into refugia, habitat fragmentation,
extinctions, and the establishment of distributional limits promoted by transverse glacial tongues from the Andes
that le open areas of secondary contact aer melting10,12,15,19,22.
e superfamily Truncatelloidea Gray, 1840 is one of the most diverse groups of Caenogastropoda, with hun-
dreds of genera3234. Within this superfamily, the family Tateidae iele, 1925 is composed of minute freshwater
snails that have a wide geographic distribution throughout the South Pacic and southern South America3538.
Tateid snails were traditionally included in the family Amnicolidae Tryon, 186335, Hydrobiidae Troschel, 185739
or Lithoglyphidae Troschel, 185737,40, revealing inconsistencies in the classication; the monophyly of the Tateidae
was recovered by Wilke et al41. Two native genera of this family have been recognized in South America, Pota-
molithus Pilsbry, 1896, which contains about 47 species42, and the monospecic genus Strobellitatea Cazzaniga,
201743. A third genus is Potamopyrgus Stimpson, 1865, represented in Chile by the invasive species Potamopyrgus
antipodarum (Gray, 1843)44. Potamolithus is a diverse genus of thick-shelled operculate snails comprising species
that reach between 2.0 and 7.0mm in length35,4549. Although there are drawings or illustrations of the so parts
in some taxa, species taxonomy has been based mainly on characters of the external shell morphology39,45,46,48,50.
In Chile only two species of the genus have been described based solely on external shell characters and oper-
culum, Potamolithus australis Biese, 1944 and Potamolithus santiagensis (Biese, 1944). Apart from the original
description, P. australis, typical of Llanquihue Lake in Chilean Patagonia, appears mentioned in a few later works
and lists of species47,5154 while López Armengol55 considered it as nomen dubium. Potamolithus santiagensis,
originally described under the genus Littoridina Souleyet, 1852 from Dehesa Stream36 in central Chile and to
which a population of El Yeso Spring was later added56, was subsequently included in the genus Heleobia Stimp-
son, 1865 but recently transferred to Potamolithus by Collado etal.57. ese authors also added two populations
from central Chile (Lo Carreño and El Colorado) to the range of P. santiagensis.
Mitochondrial DNA sequences generally constitute a powerful tool for species delimitation, particularly
in groups that are dicult to resolve using morphological data58. e advent of species delimitation methods
based on DNA sequences has provided a useful method to validate previously described species and identify new
evolutionary units in a wide variety of taxa5964. In the present study, based on the current taxonomic knowledge
of the genus Potamolithus, we assessed the hypothesis that only two species exist along its distribution range in
Chile. We performed phylogenetic and network analyses in a phylogeographic framework to study the biodi-
versity of the genus in the southwest basin of the Andes, both within and among species, including potentially
cryptic species. We also used molecular species delimitation approaches to dene species partitions considering
already described species and new lineages in the group.
Specimen collection. Snails were collected in 2015–2017 from multiple freshwater ecosystems located in
central and southern Chile (Fig.1; TableS1). All animals were collected using a hand sieve and then stored in
absolute ethanol. Snail sampling was authorized by the Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura, Ministerio de
Economía, Fomento y Turismo, República de Chile (Resolution No. 3285). e procedure for handling animals
was approved by the Bioethics Committee of the Universidad de Valparaíso (Resolution No. 009–2013), institu-
tion with which the rst author was associated at the beginning of the project. All methods were carried out in
accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations proposed. e study was carried out in compliance with the
ARRIVE guidelines (http:// www. nc3rs. org. uk/ page. asp? id= 1357).
Molecular analysis. For DNA extraction, PCR amplications and sequencing of partial sequences of the
mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene we followed the methods described by Collado44
and Collado etal.57,65. Forward and reverse strands were corrected for misreads and merged into one sequence
le using Sequencher v5.4.6 (Gene Codes Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI, USA). Sequences were aligned with
MAFFT v7.47066 using the MAFFT online service for multiple sequence alignment67. To estimate genetic diver-
sity of Potamolithus across the landscape we calculated the number of polymorphic sites (S), number of haplo-
types (H), haplotype diversity (Hd) and nucleotide diversity (π) in DnaSP v5.10.168. To visualize the relationships
between haplotypes we constructed a median-joining network69 using the program PopART v1.770. Genetic
distances were estimated in MEGA Xv10.2.671.
Species delimitation in Potamolithus was studied using the Automatic Barcoding Gap Discovery (ABGD)
method72 (a non-tree-based method)59, the multi-rate Poisson tree processes (mPTP) analyses73 and a Bayes-
ian general mixed Yule coalescent (bGMYC) approach74. e ABGD method is based on genetic distances and
automatically detects the gap between intra and interspecic divergence, which is then used recursively to delimit
species hypotheses. e mPTP method delimits species trying to determine the transition from a between to a
withinspecies process, but also incorporates dierent levels of intraspecic genetic diversity deriving from dier-
ences in either the evolutionary history or sampling of each species73. e GMYC method requires an ultrametric
tree (or multiple trees sampled from a posterior distribution in the Bayesian implementation) and attempts to
detect the transition between the branching pattern attributed to speciation and intra-species coalescent process.
e ABGD method was performed on the online web server (https:// bioin fo. mnhn. fr/ abi/ public/ abgd/ abgdw
eb. html) and was run with the default settings (relative gap width of 1.5; intraspecic divergence: between 0.001
and 0.1). For the mPTP and bGMYC analyses, phylogenetic reconstructions were performed previously using
the Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI) algorithms, respectively. Tatea huonensis (Tenison-
Woods, 1876) (GenBank accession number: JX97061941) was used as outgroup in both reconstructions. In
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:15735 | 
addition, four species of Potamolithus from Argentina were included in the reconstructions: Potamolithus aga-
petus Pilsbry, 1911 (GB: KM22091075), Potamolithus buschii (Frauenfeld, 1865) (GB: KM22090975), Potamolithus
elenae de Lucía & Gutiérrez Gregoric, 2016 (GB: KX397599, KX39760076) and Potamolithus lapidum supersulcatus
Pilsbry, 1896 (GB: KX15884376). e ML reconstruction was performed in RAxML v8.2.1277 using the GTRGAM-
MAI model of nucleotide substitution and the node support was obtained by performing a bootstrap analysis of
1000 pseudo-replicates. e Bayesian reconstruction for the bGMYC method was performed in BEAST v2.6.378
using the Relaxed Clock Log Normal model and a Coalescent Constant Population tree prior.
We applied two phylogenyaware approaches to delimit species in Potamolithus. First, mPTP analyses were
performed using the online server (https:// mcmc- mptp.h- its. org/ mcmc/) and the ML tree from RAxML. For the
mPTP method, aer removing the outgroup, we performed two independent runs, each of 1,000,000 generations,
sampling every 1000 generations and with a 10% burn-in. e second method was a GMYC model implemented
in the package bGMYC v1.0.274 in R v3.5.2 soware79. For the analyses we used 100 random trees from the BEAST
reconstruction (aer removing outgroups). Simulations considered 50,000 generations, discarding 40,000 rep-
licates, and setting a thinning every 100th generation. Aer preliminary analyses with varying parameters on a
single tree, the upper and lower bounds of the Yule and coalescent rate change parameters were set to 1.0and
0.5, respectively, and the upper prior threshold for the number of species was set at 100. Finally, all results were
visualized using the package phytools v0.6–2080.
Divergence times were estimated in BEAST using a reduced data set of the haplotypes retrieved by DnaSP.
For this analysis, a strict clock model was implemented using a substitution rate of 1.7% with a standard devia-
tion of 0.34%81. For allBEAST analyses the site model was specied using bModelTest v1.2.182, performing
three independent analyses with 50 million generations each to infer a Maximum Clade Credibility Tree using a
burn-in of 25%. A non-ultrametric Bayesian tree was reconstructed for the complete COI dataset using MrBayes
v3.2.783. e analysis used four parallel runs with 20 million generations each using a burn-in period of 25%.
ML and BI reconstructions were performed in the CIPRES cluster of the San Diego Supercomputer Center84.
Figure1. Sampling localities of Potamolithus in central and southern Chile ofthe present and
other studies44,57,65. e areas of Maule-Ñuble and Llanquihue Lake-Puelo River are enlarged. e locality of
El Yeso, historically assigned to Potamolithus santiagensis, is indicated by a white triangle. e type locality of
Potamolithus australis, Puerto Chico in Llanquihue Lake, is indicated by a white square. e limits of the ice
sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum in Patagonia were generated following dierent authors24,30,31. e map
was created using QGIS Geographic Information System v3.4.9 (http:// www. qgis. org). (Map: M.A. Valladares).
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:15735 | 
e amplication of the COI gene in the Chilean Potamolithus (176 individuals) produced a fragment of 510
nucleotides in length. e mtDNA COI sequence alignment recovered a total of 86 polymorphic and 69 parsi-
mony-informative sites, dening 47 haplotypes from 196 individuals considering our original sequences and
those obtained from GenBank. e nucleotide composition in the complete dataset (excluding outgroup) was
38.7% A, 19.1% C, 16.1% G and 26.1% T. e best-tting model of nucleotide substitution, as determined by
bModelTest, was the HKY + I + G. e sequences showed a pattern of high haplotype diversity (Hd = 0.928) and
nucleotide diversity (π = 0.0382). e diversity indices showed the co-occurrence of several genetic entities in the
same locality (considering sites with N > 2). is was reected by a large number of mutational steps and high
nucleotide diversity within localities (TableS1). e median-joining network recovered six well-dierentiated
haplogroups without any evident latitudinal segregation (Fig.2). Haplogroup 1 was composed of 16 haplotypes
(89 individuals) detected in 33 out of the 48 localities analyzed, representing the largest latitudinal distribution
ranging from Central Chile to the southernmost locality sampled in Patagonia (32° to 53°S). Haplogroup 2 was
composed of ve haplotypes (33 individuals) distributed in 17 localities from central Chile to Tierra del Fuego
(32° to 52°S). Haplogroup 3 contained two haplotypes (7 individuals) presents in three localities in the south-
central area of Chile (35° to 41°S). Haplogroup 4 recovered ve haplotypes (15 individuals) presents in seven
localities in the south-central area (35° to 53°S). Haplogroup 5 was composed of two haplotypes (5 individuals)
presents in two neighboring localities from the south of Chile (41°S), representing the narrowest distribution
among all haplogroups. Haplogroup 6 was composed of 17 haplotypes (42 individuals) presents in 16 localities in
the southcentral area of Chile (37° to 51°S). All haplogroups showed high degrees of geographic overlap with no
clear physiographic separation between or within groups. Only haplogroups 1 and 6 showed a star-like structure,
Figure2. e median-joining haplotype networks of Potamolithus populations obtained in the present study.
e areas of Maule-Ñuble and Llanquihue Lake and Puelo River are enlarged. e number of mutational steps
among haplogroups is indicated by small bars. e limits of the ice sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum
in Patagonia were generated following dierent authors24,30,31. e map was created using QGIS Geographic
Information System v3.4.9 (http:// www. qgis. org). (Map: M.A. Valladares).
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:15735 | 
however, this can be attributed to the fact that these groups contain most sampled individuals, and that the rest
of the haplogroups could have been underrepresented.
Both ML and BI methods recovered congruent tree topologies inferring six clades with high values of node
support (Fig.S1), which correspond to the six haplogroups described by the haplotype network. ese clades
conform two major clades, one including haplogroups 1 to 4 and the other haplogroups 5 and 6. e species P.
elenae (Estero Valcheta, Argentinean Patagonia) was recovered as the sister lineage of all Chilean Potamolithus
populations. Potamolithus lapidum supersulcatus (Uruguay River, Argentina), P. agapetus and P. bu sc hi i (Buenos
Aires, Argentina) formed a more distant lineage from the Chilean species. In addition to the Chilean populations
and GenBank sequences, the phylogenetic reconstructions included two individuals from Bariloche, Argentinean
Patagonia, which were recovered in Haplogroup 1 (star in Figs.3 and S1). Genetic distances among Potamolithus
species or haplogroups ranged from 3.1 to 11% (TableS2).
e three dierent species delimitation approaches were partially congruent detecting ve (ABGD and mPTP)
or six (bGMYC) species partitions (Fig.3). Potamolithus snails from El Yeso, originally assigned to P. santiagensis
by Biese56 (triangles in Figs.1, 3 and S1), were consistently identied as a partition with the three methods of spe-
cies delimitation employed here, although the ABGD and mPTP analyses included haplogroups 1 and 2 whereas
the bGMYC only Haplogroup 1. Samples from Puerto Chico (Llanquihue Lake), type locality of P. australis, were
recovered in haplogroups 1 and 6 (square in Fig.1, 3 and S1); most samples sequenced from this locality were
haplogroup 6. Following Biese36, individuals of Haplogroup 1 were assigned to P. santiagensis and Haplogroup
6 to P. australis. e ABGD and mPTP analyses also identied haplogroups 3 to 5 as separate partitions, while
the bGMYC method haplogroups 2 to 5. Divergence times estimated in BEAST suggest that the splitting of a
Potamolithus ancestor from T. huonensis, a closely related tateid, occurred about 12.4 (7.4–18.1) Ma (Fig.S2).
e splitting of Chilean Potamolithus species occurred between 2.7 and 0.68Ma. Potamolithus santiagensis,
circumscribed to the distribution area covered by Haplogroup 1, split from Haplogroup 2 approximately 0.68
(0.39–0.98) Ma whereas P. australis from Haplogroup 5 approximately 1.5 (0.89–2.2) Ma (Fig.S2).
Using dierent molecular analyses, in the present study we showed that the biodiversity of the genus Potamo-
lithus in Chile is underestimated, with more species than the two previously recognized. Our results suggest
that there is cryptic diversity in the group and at least three species partitions would require validation and
formal description. However, besides relying on single locus analyses, an integrative approach is recommended
considering multiple loci and combined with other characters such as morphology, internal anatomy, radula,
larval development and ecology, among others59. e phylogenetic analysis inferred at least six well-supported
monophyletic groups, depicting several phylogenetic species, which is congruent with the haplogroups recovered
by the network analysis.
Two of the three species delimitation methods were congruent in the number and conformation of the spe-
cies partitions recovered. Five partitions were delimited using ABGD and mPTP and six with bGMYC. Previous
studies have shown that the Generalized Mixed Yule Coalescent model is useful in detecting incipient specia-
tion events85, when the threshold of intra- and interspecic distances is low, but on certain occasions it can
overestimate the number of species due to pronounced intraspecic genetic variability86,87. e tree recovered
in our analysis shows large branch lengths between the main clades, but short within each lineage, which is also
noticeable in the haplotype network. ese results suggest that the evolutionary process of the species is consist-
ent with a recent diversication scenario (see below). Considering this, it is likely that the model implemented
in the mPTP method is more appropriate to the Potamolithus pattern, mainly since it considers dierent levels
of intraspecic diversity within a species as a result of their evolutionary history or uneven sampling73. Using
a conservative approach88, the species delimitation analyses were consistent with the denition of ve species
partitions in Potamolithus in Chile, three of them previously undetected.
Potamolithus australis and P. santiagensis were described in the same article36, and partly on the same sheet,
using characters from the external shell morphology and operculum, which are not entirely clear, despite they
were described in dierent genera. Although these species have not been evaluated until now with independent
morphological evidence, recent phylogenetic analyses based on COI sequences performed with samples of P.
australis from Puerto Chico and P. santiagensis from El Yeso showed that they are dierent species42,57,65. ree
methods of species delimitation in the present study identied these morphologically cryptic taxa as separate
units, with P. santiagensis covering from Valparaíso Region to Tierra del Fuego in southern Patagonia, including
Chiloé Island. Potamolithus australis has a narrower range, covering from Trupán Lake in the Bío-Bío Region
to Sofía Lake in the southern section of western Patagonia in continental territory. Apart from these two spe-
cies, the ABGD and mPTP methods identied three additional partitions in Potamolithus whereas the bGMYC
method four. One of these lineages (Haplogroup 2) has a similar range to that of P. santiagensis, although it was
not found on Chiloé Island. A second lineage (Haplogroup 4) ranges from the Maule Region to the Strait of
Magellan in southern Patagonia, covering continental territory. A third lineage (Haplogroup 3) is distributed
from Putagán in the Maule Region to Llanquihue Lake in Los Lagos Region, while a fourth lineage (Haplogroup
5), found inhabiting a small waterfall whose waters ow into the Puelo River in Los Lagos Region, is restricted
to that single location.
e COI phylogenetic tree and network analysis of Potamolithus populations showed a deep genetic diver-
gence but weak phylogenetic structure regarding the landscape physiography. Haplogroup 1 (P. santiagensis),
Haplogroup 6 (P. australis), Haplogroup 2, and to a lesser degree haplogroups 3 and 4, have a wide geographic
distribution in the country so the hypotheses of vicariance and speciation by basins do not explain the diversity
pattern observed in the group. Moreover, we did not nd evidence that phylogenetic structure corresponds to the
faunistic units proposed by Stuardo & Vega89 for the land mollusks in continental Chile, i.e., a “northern fauna” in
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the north of the country and a “forest fauna” from around 38° S to Cape Horn together with a transitional zone of
overlap between the units from 31 to 38° S. Furthermore, we did not nd evidence of any congruence between the
haplotype distribution and the biogeographic regions proposed by Dyer90 for Chilean shes. Similar studies per-
formed in dierent faunal groups have shown contradictory results14, but in all cases population dierentiation
was due to a mixture of evolutionary processes. For instance, in an area similar to the one studied here, a rather
Figure3. Species delimitation of Chilean Potamolithus populations using the COI gene. Delimitation of
molecular clusters was performed using ABGD, mPTP and bGMYC. Posterior probability (> 0.9) values
obtained in the Bayesian COI tree are shown at the nodes (BEAST reconstruction). Scale bar next to the shells
represents 1mm.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:15735 | 
weak inuence of geographic barriers in the dierentiation of several species of the crustaceans and catshes
has been reported 7,12,19,91, although vicariance has also contributed to divergence in several sh species10,12,21.
e splitting of Chilean Potamolithus populations in the two major clades 2.73 (1.8–3.69) Ma is congruent
with the Pliocene–Pleistocene limit about2.59Ma (ICS, 2008). Subsequent pulses of speciation are also con-
gruent with the Pre-GPG in the Lower/Middle Pleistocene 2.1–1.0Ma and the GPG in the Middle Pleistocene.
e origin of P. australis is congruent with both dates whereas P. santiagensis with the last one; the coldest
Pleistocene glaciation occurred 0.7 Ma23. We did not nd association between contemporary levels of genetic
diversity of Potamolithus species and the LGM. e haplotypes distributed in the north of the studied area are
also found in southern Patagonia, and ve of the haplogroups occur in Llanquihue Lake, a large waterbody that
was completely glaciated during the early Pleistocene23. e presence of P. santiagensis, P. australis and several
candidate species in southern Patagonia, an area that was covered by ice during the last ice age, may be due to
the presence of refuge areas that remained in northern and/or southern Chile from which the species could have
recolonized the dierent waterbodies once the ice melted. Colonization signals were detected in several species of
sigmodontine rodents from lower latitudes in southern Patagonia14, with local dierentiation also contributing
to species diversity. Divergence times in Potamolithus also suggest persistence through the Pleistocene glacial
cycles, similar to the pattern inferred in the sigmodontine rodents of the area14.
Several species of Potamolithus from Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil have been proclaimed with some degree
of threat, mainly due to their restricted range, habitat loss, water pollution, tourism and overcollection37,49,50,92,93,
although only seven appear classied in the IUCN Red List of reatened Species as Data Decient or Least
Concern (e.g. Pastorino & Darrigran94,95). e conservation status of P. santiagensis and P. australis has not been
evaluated until now. Although the wide range that both species occupy would mean classifying them in a lower
conservation category, the presence of invasive species constitutes a serious threat, considering that in the type
locality of P. santiagensis the species is probably extinct, possibly linked to the presence of the invasive P. a nt ip o-
darum44,57,65. e occurrence of Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1805 in several freshwater ecosystems in Chile96 also
constitutes a potential threat to these species, in addition to those already mentioned for other South American
Data availability
Original mitochondrial sequences obtained in the present study were submitted to GenBank (accession num-
bers MW916963–MW917138) (TableS1). Voucher specimens are housed at the Laboratorio de Malacología y
Sistemática Molecular, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chillán, Chile.
Received: 16 April 2021; Accepted: 21 June 2021
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is paper was supported by Proyecto DIUBB 193309 3/R. MAV acknowledges a Postdoctoral Fellowship (VRIP
UBB Nº 352/6786/2020 and 352/1941/2021). GAC and CT-D acknowledges the Grupo de Investigación en
Biodiversidad y Cambio Global (GI 170509/EF) of the UBB. We also thank Nicolás Villalobos and Francis Miño
for their assistance during samplings and Darío Farías for molecular amplications.
Author contributions
e three authors designed the study. G.A.C. collected samples. M.A.V. carried out molecular analyses and pre-
pared gures. G.A.C. and M.A.V. wrote the paper with input from C.T-D. All authors reviewed and discussed
the manuscript.
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e authors declare no competing interests.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:15735 | 
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10. 1038/ s41598- 021- 94900-3.
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... DNA barcoding has contributed to the discovery of new species, assessment of biodiversity, clarification of taxonomic ambiguities, and correction of misidentifications in studies of diversity [35][36][37]. Taxonomic and systematic investigations have also examined the delimitation of species based on the COI gene, with DNA barcoding used with genetic distance or tree-based methods for species delimitation to increase the accuracy of identifications [38][39][40][41][42][43][44]. ...
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Mealybugs are insects belonging to the family Pseudococcidae. This family includes many plant-pest species with similar morphologies, which may lead to errors in mealybug identification and delimitation. In the present study, we employed molecular-species-delimitation approaches based on distance (ASAP) and coalescence (GMYC and mPTP) methods to identify mealybugs collected from coffee and other plant hosts in the states of Espírito Santo, Bahia, Minas Gerais, and Pernambuco, Brazil. We obtained 171 new COI sequences, and 565 from the BOLD Systems database, representing 26 candidate species of Pseudococcidae. The MOTUs estimated were not congruent across different methods (ASAP-25; GMYC-30; mPTP-22). Misidentifications were revealed in the sequences from the BOLD Systems database involving Phenacoccus solani × Ph. solenopsis, Ph. tucumanus × Ph. baccharidis, and Planacoccus citri × Pl. minor species. Ten mealybug species were collected from coffee plants in Espírito Santo. Due to the incorrect labeling of the species sequences, the COI barcode library of the dataset from the database needs to be carefully analyzed to avoid the misidentification of species. The systematics and taxonomy of mealybugs may be improved by integrative taxonomy which may facilitate the integrated pest management of these pests.
... DNA barcoding has contributed to the discovery of new species, assessment of biodiversity, clarification of taxonomic ambiguities, and correction of misidentifications in studies of diversity [35][36][37]. Taxonomic and systematic investigations have also examined the delimitation of species based on the COI gene, with DNA barcoding used with genetic distance or tree-based methods for species delimitation to increase the accuracy of identifications [38][39][40][41][42][43][44]. ...
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Mealybugs are insects belonging to the family Pseudococcidae. This family includes many plant-pest species with similar morphologies, which may lead to errors in mealybug identification and delimitation. In the present study, we employed molecular-species-delimitation approaches based on distance (ASAP) and coalescence (GMYC and mPTP) methods to identify mealybugs collected from coffee and other plant hosts in the states of Espírito Santo, Bahia, Minas Gerais, and Pernambuco, Brazil. We obtained 171 new COI sequences, and 565 from the BOLD Systems database, representing 26 candidate species of Pseudococcidae. The MOTUs estimated were not congruent across different methods (ASAP-25; GMYC-30; mPTP-22). Misidentifications were revealed in the sequences from the BOLD Systems database involving Phenacoccus solani × Ph. solenopsis, Ph. tucumanus × Ph. baccharidis, and Planacoccus citri × Pl. minor species. Ten mealybug species were collected from coffee plants in Espírito Santo. Due to the incorrect labeling of the species sequences, the COI barcode library of the dataset from the database needs to be carefully analyzed to avoid the misidentification of species. The systematics and taxonomy of mealybugs may be improved by integrative taxonomy which may facilitate the integrated pest management of these pests.
... Specimen identification based on DNA barcodes does not rely on taxonomic expertise and can exclude the influence of human subjectivity in traditional morphological taxonomy. In recent years, increasing taxonomic practices have involved both morphological traits and DNA barcodes (DeSalle et al. 2005;Collado et al. 2021;Sabatelli et al. 2021). DNA barcodes have gained wide adoption for animal cryptic species recognition, species discovery, taxonomic revisions, and faunal assessments (Hebert et al. 2004, Tembe et al. 2014, Lone et al. 2020. ...
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Barcode libraries are generally assembled with two main objectives in mind: specimen identification and species discovery/delimitation. In this study, the standard COI barcode region was sequenced from 681 specimens belonging to katydids (Tettigoniidae), cave crickets (Rhaphidophoridae), and leaf-rolling crickets (Gryllacrididae) from Zhejiang Province, China. Of these, four COI-5P sequences were excluded from subsequent analyses because they were likely NUMTs (nuclear mitochondrial pseudogenes). The final dataset consisted of 677 barcode sequences representing 90 putative species-level taxa. Automated cluster delineation using the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) revealed 118 BINs (Barcodes Index Numbers). Among these 90 species-level taxa, 68 corresponded with morphospecies, while the remaining 22 were identified based on reverse taxonomy using BIN assignment. Thirteen of these morphospecies were represented by a single barcode (so-called singletons), and each of 19 morphospecies were split into more than one BIN. The consensus delimitation scheme yielded 55 Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units (MOTUs). Only four morphospecies ( I max > DNN) failed to be recovered as monophyletic clades (i.e., Elimaea terminalis , Phyllomimus klapperichi , Sinochlora szechwanensis and Xizicus howardi ), so it is speculated that these may be species complexes. Therefore, the diversity of katydids, cave crickets, and leaf-rolling crickets in Zhejiang Province is probably slightly higher than what current taxonomy would suggest.
We describe one new eyeless Hyalella species, H. cuyana n. sp., from the hyporheic zone of Calingasta River, San Juan Province, Argentina. Hyalella cuyana n. sp. differs morphologically from its stygobiont congeners by characters of antennae (both antennae subequal in size; aesthetascs elongated); coxal plate 4 (posteriorly without excavation); epimeral plates 1–3 (rounded posterodistally); male gnathopod 2 propodus (almond-shaped, ovate, palm slope strongly oblique); and pleopods (inner ramus reduced to 2–3 articles). We provide a detailed morphological comparison between stygobiont and stygophile Hyalella species. We comment on the sympatry and new report of stygobiont Malacostraca species Parastygocaris andina and Cuyojanira sp. Severe environmental changes and significant decline of habitat quality recorded along the Calingasta River increase the risk of extinction for this vulnerable and endemic fauna. We recommend that the new Hyalella species should be listed as Critically Endangered (CR) in the IUCN categorization according to criteria B1a as it is only known from the type locality; and criteria B1b iii (continuing decline, observed, inferred in the quality of habitat).
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Las informaciones sobre Planorbidae en Chile son sumamente escasas. Todas las noticias tienen su origen en las informaciones de Claudio Gay (1844, págs. 123-124). En el curso de las investigaciones actuales se han obtenido Planorbidae de 23 localidades de Chile.
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The Hyalella species diversity in the high-altitude water bodies of the Andean Altiplano is addressed using mitochondrial cox1 sequences and implementing different molecular species delimitation criteria. We have recorded the presence of five major genetic lineages in the Altiplano, of which one seems to be exclusive to Lake Titicaca and nearby areas, whereas the rest occur also in other regions of South America. Eleven out of 36 South American entities diagnosed by molecular delimitation criteria in our study are likely endemic to the Titicaca and neighbouring water bodies. We have detected a remarkable disagreement between morphology and genetic data in the Titicacan Hyalella , with occurrence of several cases of the same morpho-species corresponding to several Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units (MOTUs), some even distantly related, and other instances where a particular MOTU is shared by a morphologically heterogeneous array of species, including species with body smooth and others with body heavily armoured. Species diversification and incongruence between morphological and molecular boundaries within this species assemblage may be associated to the sharp changes in hydrological conditions experienced by the water bodies of the Altiplano in the past, which included dramatic fluctuations in water level and salinity of Lake Titicaca. Such environmental shifts could have triggered rapid morphological changes and ecological differentiation within the Hyalella assemblage, followed by phenotypic convergence among the diverse lineages. Factors such as phenotypic plasticity, incomplete lineage sorting or admixture between divergent lineages might lie also at the root of the morphological-genetic incongruence described herein.
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Accurate species delimitation is crucial for studies of phylogeny, phylogeography, ecology, conservation and biogeography. The limits of species and genera in the Characidae family are controversial due to its uncertain phylogenetic relationships, high level of morphological homoplasy and the use of ambiguous morphological characters for descriptions. Here we establish species boundaries for Bryconamericus, Hemibrycon, Knodus and Eretmobrycon (Stevardiinae: Characidae), previously diagnosed with morphology, using three different barcoding approaches (GMYC, PTP, ABGD). Results revealed that species delimitation was successful by the use of a single-gene approach and by following a workflow in the context of integrative taxonomy, making evident problems and mistakes in the cataloging of Characidae species. Hence, it was possible to infer boundaries at genus level for clusters in the trees (GMYC and PTP) and automatic partitions (ABGD) which were consistent with some of recent taxonomic changes proposed in Characidae. We found that discordance cases between methods were linked to limitations of the methods and associated to putative species cluster closely related, some historically problematic in their diagnosis and identification. Furthermore, we suggested taxonomic changes and possibly new species, revealing a high degree of hidden diversity. Finally, we propose a workflow as a fast, accurate and objective way to delimit species from mitochondrial DNA sequences and to help clarify the classification of this group.
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Species delimitation in minute freshwater snails is often difficult to perform using solely shell morphology. The problem intensifies when invasive species spread within the distribution range of morphologically similar native species. In Chile, the Truncatelloidean snails are represented by the native genera Heleobia and Potamolithus plus the invasive mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum, which can easily be confused. Using an integrative approach, we performed molecular phylogenetic analysis and studied reproductive and morphological features to identify superficially similar forms inhabiting the central area of the country. Truncatelloidean snails were identified in 40 of 51 localities sampled, 10 containing Potamopyrgus antipodarum, 23 Heleobia and 7 Potamolithus. Based on these results and previously published data, the known distribution of the mudsnail in Chile encompasses 6 hydrological basins, including 18 freshwater ecosystems. The finding of the mudsnails in several type localities of native species/subspecies of “Heleobia” that were not find in situ suggests species replacement or significant extinction of native fauna, a hypothesis supported by the restudy of type material that shows that endemic forms belong to the genus Potamolithus. This study shows the usefulness of integrative taxonomy not only resolving complex taxa with cryptic morphology but also measuring the extent of an ongoing invasion.
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Walter Biese described Littoridina santiagensis Biese, 1944 (Cochliopidae) from Estero Dehesa in 1944 based exclusively on external shell features and a second allopatric population in Yeso Spring three years later. Since 2011 different samplings have been carried out at the type locality and have only provided specimens of the morphologically similar invasive mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum Gray, 1843 (Tateidae), raising doubts about the identity of the species. The recent finding of two snail morphotypes in Yeso Spring, a thick shelled form congruent with type specimens of L. santiagensis and a slender one morphologically associable to P. antipodarum, allowed comparative studies, including the taxonomic analysis of additional populations with similar shell morphology occurring in central Chile. A DNA barcoding (COI) approach identified the slender form from Yeso Spring in Maipo Basin and a second population from the contiguous Rapel Basin indeed as the invasive P. antipodarum; however, L. santiagensis was recovered among species of Potamolithus Pilsbry, 1896 (Tateidae), justifying the Potamolithus santiagensis (Biese, 1944) comb. nov. Besides recognition of three other populations as belonging to Potamolithus, the molecular analysis also suggests trans-Andean dispersal of this group of snails in the Southern Cone of South America.
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Recent conceptual and practical advances in phylogenetic species delimitation have enabled progressively robust biodiversity studies. Delimiting species in widespread taxa is an intriguing problem; the edible operculated land snail Cyclophorus volvulus (Müller, 1774) is a good example since it shows a high degree of shell and color variation along with a widespread distribution throughout Thailand. Taxonomic boundaries for C. volvulus were examined and clarified using a combined morphological and phylogenetic approach, the latter of which was based on both nuclear and mitochondrial gene sequences. Moreover, three species delimitation analyses were applied: Poisson tree processes (PTP), automatic barcode gap discovery (ABGD), and generalized mixed Yule-coalescent (GMYC). All phylogenetic trees revealed that C. volvulus was polyphyletic and comprised of three clades that coincided with their geographic distribution. The three species delimitation analyses concurred with the phylogenies and formed at least three groups. According to the results, C. volvulus s.l., as currently recognized, consists of three distinct species in Thailand: C. volvulus s.s., C. occultus sp. nov., and C. borealis sp. nov., which are described herein. Moreover, several of these highly distinct C. volvulus evolutionarily significant units (ESU) are likely to require urgent conservation attention.
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Elaboration of Bayesian phylogenetic inference methods has continued at pace in recent years with major new advances in nearly all aspects of the joint modelling of evolutionary data. It is increasingly appreciated that some evolutionary questions can only be adequately answered by combining evidence from multiple independent sources of data, including genome sequences, sampling dates, phenotypic data, radiocarbon dates, fossil occurrences, and biogeographic range information among others. Including all relevant data into a single joint model is very challenging both conceptually and computationally. Advanced computational software packages that allow robust development of compatible (sub-)models which can be composed into a full model hierarchy have played a key role in these developments. Developing such software frameworks is increasingly a major scientific activity in its own right, and comes with specific challenges, from practical software design, development and engineering challenges to statistical and conceptual modelling challenges. BEAST 2 is one such computational software platform, and was first announced over 4 years ago. Here we describe a series of major new developments in the BEAST 2 core platform and model hierarchy that have occurred since the first release of the software, culminating in the recent 2.5 release.
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The Alto Ribeira karst area, southeastern Brazil, is a high-diversity area for troglobites. Three species of freshwater gastropods Potamolithus occur in the area: P.ribeirensis , only found in epigean waters at the Iporanga and Ribeira rivers; P.troglobius , which is endemic to the Areias cave system; and P.karsticus , a troglophilic species from Calcário Branco Cave and an epigean stream nearby. We investigated their distribution based on shell morphology and internal anatomy of epigean species, troglophilic populations, and troglobitic species. Distribution patterns of Potamolithus were compared to those of other aquatic taxa from the region (such as crustaceans and fishes). Besides the three species already described for the region, we recorded 12 additional ones, for a total of 15 species/morphs (six troglobites, seven troglophiles, and two epigean). Potamolithus spp. are restricted to micro-basins and/or caves, showing small areas of distribution and probably a high degree of endemism. Geomorphology (irregular landscape, with limestone outcrops intercalated with insoluble rocks, which probably act as geographic barriers for cave populations), paleoclimatic evidence, and ecological/biological factors, such as the low degree of mobility of these gastropods (sedentary habit), explain the distributional patterns. We observed troglomorphisms such as reduction/absence of eyes and pigmentation (body and periostracum), and a coiled intestine. Apparently, there is no cause-and-effect between miniaturization and intestine coiling for Potamolithus , in contrast to observations for other cave snails. Potamolithus snails are threatened in the region due to water pollution, uncontrolled tourism, and overcollection.
The Atlantic Forest is a highly fragmented biodiversity hotspot, which in Argentina is represented by the Paranaense Forest, covering a wide area of the province of Misiones. In conservation studies, groups of vertebrates, plants and arthropods are generally used together but other invertebrates scarcely used. In the present work, we aim to provide information on new species of freshwater gastropods, from protected and unprotected areas. Specimens were collected in a protected area (Yabotí Biosphere Reserve) and in two unprotected areas (Alba Posse city and Centro de Investigaciones Antonia Ramos -CIAR-). The shell, radula, internal anatomy and the molecular information of the partial sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) were analysed. The phylogenetic trees were obtained using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference analyses. Altogether, the anatomical, shell, and genetic studies allow us to differentiate six new species of the genus Potamolithus from the others present in Argentina and the surrounding areas. These new species raise the number of freshwater gastropods for the malacological province Río Uruguay to 64. Three of the new species have been found within a protected area, while other three at unprotected areas. The presence of invasive species, such as Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) and Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774), as well as the possible creation of a hydroelectric dam, may modify the environment inhabited by the new endemic fauna.