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Seven New Records of Penicillium Species Belonging to Section Lanata - Divaricata in Korea

Taylor & Francis

Abstract and Figures

Penicillium species are known to be ubiquitous environmental saprophytes. In the survey of diversity of genus Penicillium, seven new records of Penicillium species belonging to section Lanata-Divaricata were isolated from freshwater and soil samples collected from different locations in Korea. Based on morphological characteristics and multilocus phylogenetic analysis of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), β-tubulin (BenA), and calmodulin (CaM) genes, the isolated strains were identified as P. annulatum, P. camponotum, P. echinulonalgiovense, P. globosum, P. limosum, P. onobense, and P. yunnanense, respectively. This study presents detailed phylogenetic analyses and morphological descriptions of these species that contribute to section Lanata-Divaricata in Korea.
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Seven New Records of Penicillium Species
Belonging to Section Lanata-Divaricata in Korea
Monmi Pangging, Thuong T. T. Nguyen & Hyang Burm Lee
To cite this article: Monmi Pangging, Thuong T. T. Nguyen & Hyang Burm Lee (2021): Seven New
Records of Penicillium Species Belonging to Section Lanata-Divaricata in Korea, Mycobiology, DOI:
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Seven New Records of Penicillium Species Belonging to Section
Lanata-Divaricata in Korea
Monmi Pangging, Thuong T. T. Nguyen and Hyang Burm Lee
Environmental Microbiology Lab, Department of Agricultural Biological Chemistry, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences,
Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea
Penicillium species are known to be ubiquitous environmental saprophytes. In the survey of
diversity of genus Penicillium, seven new records of Penicillium species belonging to section
Lanata-Divaricata were isolated from freshwater and soil samples collected from different
locations in Korea. Based on morphological characteristics and multilocus phylogenetic ana-
lysis of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), b-tubulin (BenA), and calmodulin
(CaM) genes, the isolated strains were identified as P. annulatum,P. camponotum,P. echinu-
lonalgiovense,P. globosum,P. limosum,P. onobense, and P. yunnanense, respectively. This
study presents detailed phylogenetic analyses and morphological descriptions of these spe-
cies that contribute to section Lanata-Divaricata in Korea.
Received 22 March 2021
Revised 31 May 2021
Accepted 28 June 2021
Freshwater; soil; section
Lanata-Divaricata; morph-
ology; phylogeny
1. Introduction
The genus Penicillium established by Link et al. in
1809 [1], has a worldwide distribution, isolated from
diverse substrates, including air, soil, freshwater, as
endophytes, insect specimens, indoor environments,
and food products [2,3]. Using phylogenetic
approach, often supported by phenotypic, physio-
logic and/or extrolite data, members of this genus is
divided into two subgenera, 32 sections and 89 ser-
ies [2]. Members of this genus are economically
important as it produce antibiotics, enzymes,
organic acids, alcohols and pharmaceuticals [4].
Whereas, some of them cause food spoilage, pro-
duce mycotoxins, and cause human and animal dis-
eases [5]. Currently, the genus contains 483
accepted species [2]. In Korea, more than 100
Penicillium species have been reported [612].
The Penicillium section Lanata-Divaricata was
established by Thom et al. in 1930 [13] for species
with biverticillate conidiophores that usually contain
an elongation of the conidiophores main axis and
metulae that diverge from axis to form an asymmet-
rical verticil. Thus, resulting in conidiophores to be
interpreted as monoverticillate, although they are in
most cases divergently branched biverticillate coni-
diophores (also termed divaricate). This group of
species mainly isolated from soil, some found from
air, and protea repens infructescence [3,1416]. This
section is species-rich, with 56 species are accepted
until 2016 [1419]. But the list is rapidly increasing
with many new Penicillium species recently
described from all over the world and added to sec-
tion Lanata-Divaricata. Up to date, 76 species of
Penicillium sect. Lanata-Divaricata have been
accepted [2]. Recently, P.soli,P.melanosporum,P.
siccitolerans and P.michoacanense, were discovered
from phosphate solubilizing soil in China and soil
samples as xerophilic in Mexico and Spain [20,21].
To our knowledge, only 16 species of Penicillium
section Lanata-Divaricata have been reported in
Korea until now [6,10,11]. Thus, the aim of this study
was to isolate, identify and describe the previously
unrecorded seven isolates found in soil and freshwater
samples collected from different locations in Korea, P.
annulatum,P. camponotum,P. echinulonalgiovense,P.
globosum,P. limosum,P. onobense,andP. yunnanense
based on multi-loci phylogenetic analysis of ITS, BenA
and CaM, and morphological data.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Sampling and isolation
Details of freshwater and soil samples collected from
different locations in South Korea are shown in
Table 1. Serial dilution plating method was used to
isolate fungal strains; 1 g of soil or 1 mL of freshwater
sample was added to 9 mL sterile distilled water.
Approximately, 10
were plated onto potato dextrose agar (PDA)
, Sparks, MD, USA) and malt extract agar
CONTACT Hyang Burm Lee
ß2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of the Korean Society of Mycology.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (,
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
(MEA) (Difco
) containing 50 ppm streptomycin
solution. Plates were incubated at 25 Cfor
710 days. Then, colonies were transferred to new
PDA plates and incubated for 7 days at 25C.
For stock storage, pure isolates were maintained in
20% glycerol at 80 C and in PDA slant tubes in
the Environmental Microbiology Laboratory
Fungarium, Chonnam National University, Gwangju,
Korea. The isolated strains were also deposited in the
Collection of National Institute of Biological
Resources (NIBR), Incheon, and Culture Collection
of the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological
Resources (NNIBR), Sangju, Korea as shown in
Table 1.
2.2. DNA extraction and PCR sequencing
Total genomic DNA was extracted directly from the
mycelia using Solg TM Genomic DNA Prep Kit
(Solgent Co. Ltd., Daejeon, Korea). The ITS rDNA
region was amplified with primer pairs ITS1/ITS4 or
ITS5/LR5 [22], BenA gene with T10/Bt2b [23]orT1/
Bt2b [23,24], and CaM gene were amplified with CF1/
CF4 [25], respectively. The PCR cycling programs
used for amplification follows: initial denaturation at
94 C for 4 min, followed by denaturing at 94 Cfor
1 min, then annealing (in case of ITS rDNA and
C for 30 s (in case of CaM, annealing
temperature at 55 C for 50 s), extension for 2 min at
72 C, and a final 10 min elongation step at 72 C
which was followed by cooling at 4 Cfor30cycles.
PCR products were visualized in 1% (w/v) agarose gel
electrophoresis. The PCR products were purified with
the Accuprep PCR Purification Kit (Bioneer Corp.,
Daejeon, Korea). PCR products were sequenced using
the same PCR primers on an ABI PRISM3730XL
Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA) at
Macrogen (Daejeon, Korea).
2.3. Phylogenetic analysis
All sequence data used in this study were obtained
from GenBank. Sequences were aligned with
Clustal_X version 2.1 [26] and were edited manually
with Bioedit version [27]. Maximum likeli-
hood (ML) phylogenies were assessed using MEGA
7 software [28] and the Kimura 2-parameter model.
The p-distance substitution model with 1,000 boot-
strap replications was used for the assessment of the
reliability of internal branches. Penicillium glabrum
CBS 125543 (T) was used as outgroup. The sequen-
ces of the isolates in this study were deposited in
the database under the accession numbers shown in
Table 2.
2.4. Morphological studies
For characterization, the respective strains were ino-
culated into three points, namely Czapek yeast auto-
lysate agar (CYA), Blakeslees malt extract agar
(MEA), and yeast extract sucrose agar (YES), and
incubated at 25 C for 7 days [29]. For morpho-
logical observations, fragments of mycelia were
removed from the cultures and placed on micro-
scope slides with lactic acid (60%). An Olympus
BX51 microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) was
used to capture digital images.
3. Results
3.1. Phylogenetic analysis
A BLASTn search on the ITS, BenA, and CaM
regions of the isolates were obtained. ITS regions of
CNUFC WG2-1, and CNUFC WNP1 showed simi-
larities of 99.8% (498/499 bp), 99.8% (485/486 bp),
99.8% (501/502 bp), 99.8% (488/489 bp), 100% (533/
533 bp), 100% (533/533 bp), and 99.8% (481/482 bp)
with P.annulatum (NR_138303), P.camponotum
(NR_158823), P.echinulonalgiovense (GU981587), P.
globosum (KY495018), P.limosum (NR_111496), P.
onobense (NR_111497), and P.yunnanense
(KY494989), respectively. In a BLASTn search with
BenA sequence, the isolate CNUFC ULD4-13,
Table 1. Information of Penicillium isolates used in this study.
Species Strain Culture Collection Source Location
Penicillium annulatum CNUFC ULD4-13 IMYKFGC000000043 Rhizosphere soil Seonginbong Peak, Ulleung Island, Korea
(3730004N 13051023E)
Penicillium camponotum CNUFC ULD4-3 QWJQFGC000000303 Rhizosphere soil Seonginbong Peak, Ulleung Island, Korea
(3730004N 13051023E)
CNUFC MDW-11 QWJQFGC000000469 Freshwater Mt. Mudeung, Wonhyo valley, Gwangju,
Korea (3508021N 12659033E)
Penicillium globosum CNUFC WG2-7 NNIBRFG25626 Freshwater Jeongdori Gugyedeung, Wando, Korea
(341901.20N 1264500.00E)
Penicillium limosum CNUFC DMS3-17 QWJQFGC000000008 Damp soil Sandeok-ri, Goseomyeon, Damyang, Korea
(3519016.1N 12659017.401E)
Penicillium onobense CNUFC WG2-1 NNIBRFG9318 Freshwater Jeongdori Gugyedeung, Wando, South
Korea (341901.20N 1264500.00E)
Penicillium yunnanense CNUFC WNP1 NNIBRFG25628 Freshwater Doam-gil, Wando, Korea (341901.20N
Table 2. GenBank accession numbers for fungal strains used in this study.
Species Strain
GenBank Accession no.
P.alagoense URM 93058 (T) MK804503 MK802333 MK802336
P.annulatum CBS 135126 (T) JX091426 JX091514 JX141545
P.annulatum CNUFC ULD4-13 MZ234244 MZ284832 MZ284839
P.araracuarense CBS 113149 (T) GU981597 GU981642 KF296373
P.bissettii CBS 140972 (T) KT887845 KT887806 KT887767
P.brasilianum CBS 253.55 (T) GU981577 GU981629 MN969239
P.brefeldianum CBS 235.81 (T) AF033435 GU981623 AB667857
P.camponotum CBS 140982 (T) KT887855 KT887816 KT887777
P.camponotum CNUFC ULD4-3 MZ234245 MZ284833 MZ284840
P.caperatum CBS 443.75 (T) KC411761 GU981660 KF296392
P.cataractum CBS 140974 (T) KT887847 KT887808 KT887769
P.cluniae CBS 326.89 (T) KF296406 KF296471 KF296402
P.coeruleum CBS 141.45 (T) GU981606 GU981655 KF296393
P.cremeogriseum CBS 223.66 (T) GU981586 GU981624 KF296403
P.curticaule CBS 135127 (T) FJ231021 JX091526 JX141536
P.echinulonalgiovense CBS 328.59 (T) GU981587 GU981631 KX961269
P.echinulonalgiovense CNUFC MDW-11 MZ234246 MZ284834 MZ284841
P.ehrlichii CBS 324.88 (T) AF033432 GU981652 KF296395
P.elleniae CBS 118135 (T) GU981612 GU981663 MN969254
P.excelsum DTO 357-D7 (T) KR815341 KP691061 KR815342
P.fructuariae-cellae CBS 145110 (T) MK039434 KU554679 MK045337
P.glaucoroseum CBS 138908 (T) MN431390 MN969383 MN969257
P.globosum CBS 144639 (T) KY495014 KY495123 KY494954
P.globosum CNUFC WG2-7 MZ234247 MZ284835 MZ284842
P.griseoflavum CGMCC 3.18799 (T) KY495011 KY495120 KY494951
P.guangxiense CBS 144526 (T) KY494986 KY495095 MN969332
P.hainanense CBS 144527 (T) KY495009 KY495118 KY494949
P.infrabuccalum CBS 140983 (T) KT887856 KT887817 KT887778
P.janthinellum CBS 340.48 (T) GU981585 GU981625 MN969268
P.javanicum CBS 341.48 (T) GU981613 GU981657 GU981613
P.koreense KACC 47721 (T) KJ801939 KM000846 N/A
P.laevigatum CGMCC 3.18801 (T) KY495015 KY495124 KY494955
P.levitum CBS 345.48 (T) GU981607 GU981654 KF296394
P.limosum CBS 339.97 (T) GU981568 GU981621 KF296398
P.limosum CNUFC DMS3-17 MZ234248 MZ284836 MZ284843
P.lineolatum CBS 188.77 (T) GU981579 GU981620 MN969272
P.ludwigii CBS 417.68 (T) KF296409 KF296468 MN969273
P.malacosphaerulum CBS 135120 (T) FJ231026 JX091524 JX141542
P.mariae-crucis CBS 271.83 (T) GU981593 GU981630 KF296374
P.meloforme CBS 445.75 (T) KC411762 GU981656 KF296396
P.ochrochloron CBS 357.48 (T) GU981604 GU981672 KF296378
P.onobense CBS 174.81 (T) GU981575 GU981627 KF296371
P.onobense CNUFC WG2-1 MZ234249 MZ284837 MZ284844
P.ortum CBS 135669 (T) JX091427 JX091520 JX141551
P.panissanguineum CBS 140989 (T) KT887862 KT887823 KT887784
P.paraherquei CBS 338.59 (T) AF178511 KF296465 KF296372
P.pedernalense CBS 140770 (T) KU255398 KU255396 N/A
P.piscarium CBS 362.48 (T) GU981600 GU981668 KF296379
P.pulvillorum CBS 280.39 (T) AF178517 GU981670 KF296377
P.raperi CBS 281.58 (T) AF033433 GU981622 MN969291
P.reticulisporum NRRL 3447 (T) AF033437 GU981665 KF296391
P.rolfsii CBS 368.48 (T) JN617705 GU981667 KF296375
P.rubriannulatum CBS 144641 (T) KY495029 KY495138 KY494969
P.setosum CBS 144865 (T) KT852579 MF184995 MH105905
P.simplicissimum CBS 372.48 (T) GU981588 GU981632 KF296368
P.skrjabinii CBS 439.75 (T) GU981576 GU981626 KF296370
P.soliforme CBS 144482 (T) KY495038 KY495147 MN969337
P.spinuliferum CBS 144483 (T) KY495040 KY495149 MN969338
P.subrubescens DTO 188-D6 (T) KC346350 KC346327 KC346330
P.svalbardense CBS 122416 (T) GU981603 KC346325 KC346338
P.tanzanicum CBS 140968 (T) KT887841 KT887802 KT887763
P.terrarumae CBS 131811 (T) MN431397 KX650295 MN969323
P.vasconiae CBS 339.79 (T) GU981599 GU981653 KF296386
P.wotroi CBS 118171 (T) GU981591 GU981637 KF296369
P.yunnanense CBS 144485 (T) KY494990 KY495099 KY494930
P.yunnanense CNUFC WNP1 MZ234250 MZ284838 MZ284845
Bold letters indicate isolates and accession numbers determined in our study.
CBS: Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands; CNUFC: Chonnam National University Fungal
Collection (Gwangju, South Korea); DTO: Working collection of the Applied and Industrial Mycology department
housed at the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, the Netherlands; 7); KACC: Korean Agricultural Culture
Collection, National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Rural Development Administration (Suwon, South Korea);
URM: Culture collection (WCDM 604) hosted at the Departmento de Micologia of the Universidade Federal de
Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil. T: ex-type strain; N/A: Not available.
WG2-7, CNUFC DMS3-17, CNUFC WG2-1, and
CNUFC WNP1 showed similarity 99.6% (470/
472 bp), 99.17% (479/483 bp), 98.80% (411/416 bp),
100% (416/416 bp), 99.79% (466/467 bp), 100% (480/
480 bp), and 99.76% (411/412 bp) with sequences of
P.annulatum CV0037 (JX091514), P.camponotum
(KT887819), Penicillium sp. YD-2017a (KY495150),
P.globosum (KY495127), P.limosum (GU981621),
P.onobense (GU981627), and P.yunnanense
(KY495099), respectively. Similarly, CaM sequence
CNUFC WG2-1, and CNUFC WNP1 showed simi-
larities of 98.53% (536/544 bp), 98.64% (436/442 bp),
98.51% (398/404 bp), 99.5% (402/404 bp), 100%
(407/407 bp), 99.75% (405/406 bp), and 99.75% (405/
406 bp) with P.annulatum (JX141547), P.campono-
tum (KT887781), Penicillium sp. YD-2017a
(KY494981), P.globosum (KY494958), P.limosum
(KF296398), P.onobense (KF296371), and P.yunna-
nense (KY494930), respectively. Phylogenetic tree
based on the combined sequence data of the three
loci, ITS, BenA, and CaM revealed that the seven
isolated strains were identical to P.annulatum,P.
camponotum, P.echinulonalgiovense,P.globosum,P.
onobense,P.limosum, and P.yunnanense (Figure 1).
3.2. Taxonomy
3.2.1. Taxonomy of CNUFC ULD4-13
Penicillium annulatum Visagie & K. Jacobs,
Mycological Progress 14 (10/96): 14 (2015) (Figure 2).
Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree of Penicillium annulatum CNUFC ULD4-13, P. camponotum CNUFC ULD4-3, P. echinulonalgiovense
CNUFC MDW-11, P. globosum CNUFC WG2-7, P. limosum CNUFC DMS3-17, P. onobense CNUFC WG2-1, and P. yunnanense
CNUFC WNP1 and related species belonging to section Lanata-Divaricata based on maximum likelihood analysis of the com-
bined ITS, BenA,andCaM sequences. Numbers at the nodes indicate the bootstrap values (>70%) from 1,000 replicates. The
bar indicates the number of substitutions per nucleotide. The study isolates are shown in bold and different colors.
Colony characteristics: CYA 25 C, 7 days: colo-
nies were moderately deep, radially and concentric-
ally sulcate, with ring-like appearance because of
sporulating and nonsporulating areas, with low mar-
gins, light-green to white mycelia, floccose texture,
sparse to moderately dense sporulation, no soluble
pigment, reverse light to grayish orange, and
reached 4046 mm in diameter. MEA 25 C, 7 days:
colonies were low to moderately deep, plane, low,
irregular margins, light-green to white mycelia, floc-
cose texture, moderately dense to dense sporulation,
no exudate, no soluble pigment, reverse dull-green
to greenish white, and reached 4247 mm in diam-
eter. YES 25 C, 7 days: colonies were radially sul-
cate, with ring-like appearance because of
sporulating and nonsporulating areas but less than
those on CYA, low, narrow margins, white mycelia,
floccose texture, sparse to moderate sporulation, no
exudate and soluble pigment, reverse dull-yellow to
yellowish white, and reached 4149 mm in diameter.
Micromorphology: Conidiophores were bi- and
terverticillate, 165720 34.5 mm. Metulae were
appressed to divergent, 7.820 2.54.5 mm.
Phialides were ampulliform 35 per metula,
6.2823.5 mm. Conidia were globose to subglo-
bose, 2.5323mm.
3.2.2. Taxonomy of CNUFC ULD4-3
Penicillium camponotum Visagie, David Clark, &
Seifert, Persoonia 36: 271 (2016) (Figure 3).
Colony characteristics: CYA 25 C, 7 days: colo-
nies were moderately deep, lightly radially sulcate,
narrow, entire margins, white mycelia, floccose tex-
ture, sparse to absent sporulation, no soluble pig-
ments, reverse yellowish white to pale-yellow, and
reached 2022 mm in diameter. MEA 25 C, 7 days:
Figure 2. Morphology of Penicillium annulatum. (A, D) Colonies on Czapek yeast autolysate agar (CYA); (B,E) Colonies on
Blakeslees malt extract agar (MEA); (C,F) Colonies on yeast malt extract agar (YES). (AC: obverse view, DF: reverse view).
(GI) Conidiophores; (J) Conidia (scale bars: GJ¼20 lm).
colonies were plane, entire margins, white mycelia,
floccose texture; moderately dense sporulation, no
soluble pigments, no exudates, reverse pinkish gray,
and reached 2126 mm in diameter. YES 25 C,
7 days: colonies were moderately deep, radially, and
concentrically sulcate, with low, wide, entire mar-
gins, white mycelia, floccose texture, moderately
dense sporulation, no soluble pigments, reverse
light-brown, and reached 2123 mm in diameter.
Micromorphology: Conidiophores were biverticil-
late, 212610 2.53.5 mm. Metulae were divergent,
12.225.6 2.54mm. Phialides were ampulliform,
36 per metula, 8.211.4 2.53.5 mm. Conidia were
globose, 2.23.5 2.13.4 mm.
3.2.3. Taxonomy of CNUFC MDW-11
Penicillium echinulonalgiovense S. Abe ex
Houbraken & R.N. Barbosa, Antonie van
Leeuwenhoek 111 (10): 1895 (2018) (Figure 4).
Colony characteristics: CYA 25 C, 7 days: colonies
were moderately deep and lightly radially sulcate, with
low, narrow, entire margins, white mycelia, floccose
texture, sparse to absent sporulation, no soluble pig-
ments, reverse yellowish white to pale-yellow, and
reached 1822 mm in diameter. MEA 25 C, 7 days:
colonies were low to moderately deep and plane, with
low, irregular margins, light-green to white mycelia,
floccose texture, moderately dense to dense sporula-
tion, no exudate, no soluble pigment, reverse dull-
green to greenish white, and reached 2023 mm in
diameter. YES 25 C, 7 days: colonies were low to
moderately deep, sunken at center, radially and con-
centrically sulcate, with low, narrow, entire margins,
dense sporulation, no exudate and soluble pigment,
reverse dull-green, and reached 1720 mm in diameter.
Micromorphology: Conidiophores were biverticil-
late, 56210 2.23.0 mm. Metulae were divergent,
Figure 3. Morphology of Penicillium camponotum. (A,D) Colonies on Czapek yeast autolysate agar (CYA); (B,E) Colonies on
Blakeslees malt extract agar (MEA); (C,F) Colonies on yeast malt extract agar (YES). (AC: obverse view, DF: reverse view).
(GI) Conidiophores; (J) Conidia (scale bars: GJ¼20 lm).
10.718.8 2.23.1 mm. Phialides were ampulliform,
26 per metula, 7.110.9 2.53.0 mm. Conidia
were echinulate, globose to subglobose
2.53.9 2.33.7 mm.
3.2.4. Taxonomy of CNUFC WG2-7
Penicillium globosum L. Cai, Houbraken, & X.Z.
Jiang, Cladistics 35 (5): 529 (2018) (Figure 5).
Colony characteristics: CYA 25 C, 7 days: colo-
nies were sunken in center, radially and concentric-
ally sulcate, low, narrow, entire margins, blueish
white mycelia, floccose texture, sparse to moderately
dense sporulation, no soluble pigment, reverse pale-
orange to apricot, and reached 2022 mm in diam-
eter. MEA 25 C, 7 days: colonies were low, irregular
margins, white mycelia, floccose texture, sparse to
moderately dense sporulation, no exudate, no sol-
uble pigment, reverse grayish green, and reached
2024 mm in diameter. YES 25 C, 7 days: colonies
were deep, raised at center, radially and
concentrically sulcate, low, narrow, entire margins,
white mycelia, floccose, sulcate texture, sparse to
moderately dense sporulation, no exudate, no sol-
uble pigment, reverse grayish orange, and reached
1619 mm in diameter.
Micromorphology: Conidiophores were mono-
and biverticillate, 42162 3.64mm. Metulae were
appressed to divergent, 7.620.2 2.74mm.
Phialides were ampulliform, 39 per metula,
7.812.6 2.24mm. Conidia were globose to sub-
globose, 2.94.1 2.13.8 mm.
3.2.5. Taxonomy of CNUFC DMS3-17
Penicillium limosum S. Ueda, Mycoscience 36 (4):
451 (1995) (Figure 6).
Colony characteristics: CYA 25 C, 7 days: colo-
nies were radially sulcate at center, with light gray-
ish green to white floccose surface, no exudate and
soluble pigment, reverse brown to brownish orange,
and reached 3944 mm in diameter. MEA 25 C,
Figure 4. Morphology of Penicillium echinulonalgiovense. (A,D) Colonies on Czapek yeast autolysate agar (CYA); (B,E) Colonies
on Blakeslees malt extract agar (MEA); (C,F) Colonies on yeast malt extract agar (YES). (AC: obverse view, DF: reverse view).
(GI) Conidiophores; (J) Conidia (scale bars: GJ¼20 lm).
7 days: colonies were plain, white to grayish green
mycelia, with sparse to moderately dense sporula-
tion, no soluble pigment, reverse grayish yellow, and
reached 3541 mm in diameter. YES 25 C, 7 days:
colonies were deep, raised at center, radially and
concentrically sulcate, with low, narrow, entire mar-
gins, white mycelia, floccose, sulcate texture, sparse
to moderately dense sporulation, no exudate, no sol-
uble pigment, reverse grayish orange, and reached
3640 mm in diameter.
Micromorphology: Conidiophores were biverticil-
late, 73252 mm. Metulae were appressed to divergent,
14.820.2 34mm. Phialides were ampulliform, 56
per metula, 812.6 2.23mm. Conidia were globose
to subglobose, 2.73.2 2.43mm.
3.2.6. Taxonomy of CNUFC WG2-1
Penicillium onobense C. Ram
ırez & A.T. Mart
Mycopathologia 74 (1): 44 (1981) (Figure 7).
Colony characteristics: CYA 25 C, 7 days: colo-
nies were velvety, radiately wrinkled, dirty white,
entire margins, white mycelia, velutinous texture,
moderately dense sporulation, no soluble pigments
and exudates, reverse pale-brownish orange, and
reached 1922 mm in diameter. MEA 25 C, 7 days:
colonies were low, with low, irregular margins,
green mycelia, grayish green at center, floccose tex-
ture, sparse to moderately dense sporulation, no
exudate, no soluble pigment, reverse grayish green
with light orange circle at center, and reached
3643 mm in diameter. YES 25 C, 7 days: colonies
were moderately deep, radially and concentrically
sulcate, with low, wide, entire margins, white myce-
lia, floccose texture, moderately dense sporulation,
no soluble pigments, no exudates, reverse light-
brown, and reached 1823 mm in diameter.
Micromorphology: Conidiophores were biverticil-
late, 73310 mm. Metulae were divergent,
Figure 5. Morphology of Penicillium globosum. (A,D) Colonies on Czapek yeast autolysate agar (CYA); (B,E) Colonies on
Blakeslees malt extract agar (MEA); (C,F) Colonies on yeast malt extract agar (YES). (AC: obverse view, DF: reverse view).
(GI) Conidiophores; (J) Conidia (scale bars: GJ¼20 lm).
10.213.1 3.35mm. Phialides were ampulliform,
36 per metula, 8.312.2 2.23mm. Conidia were
elliptical to subglobose, 2.34.1 2.14.1 mm.
3.2.7. Taxonomy of CNUFC WNP1-1
Penicillium yunnanense L. Cai & X.Z. Jiang,
Cladistics 35 (5): 545 (2018) (Figure 8).
Colony characteristics: CYA 25 C, 7 days: colo-
nies were moderately deep, raised at center, radially
sulcate, with low, narrow, entire margins, white
mycelia, velutinous texture, moderately dense sporu-
lation, no soluble pigments, no exudates, reverse
greenish gray to dull-green, and reached 2224 mm
in diameter. MEA 25 C, 7 days: colonies were mod-
erately deep, radially sulcate, with low, narrow,
irregular margins, white mycelia, floccose texture,
sparse to moderately dense sporulation, no exudate,
no soluble pigment, reverse pale to yellowish gray,
pale yellowish circles at center, and reached
2324 mm in diameter. YES 25 C, 7 days: colonies
were low to moderately deep, sunken at center, radi-
ally and concentrically sulcate, with low, narrow,
entire margins, white mycelia, floccose texture,
sparse to moderately dense sporulation, no exudate,
no soluble pigment, reverse dull-green, and reached
2628 mm in diameter.
Micromorphology: Conidiophores were mono-
and biverticillate, 22126 23mm. No metulae
were observed. Phialides were ampulliform,
6.614.1 24mm. Conidia were broadly ellipsoidal
to ellipsoidal, 342.53.5 mm.
4. Discussion
This study advanced our understanding of
Penicillium sect. Lanata-Divaricata and contributed
seven new records for Korea.
Figure 6. Morphology of Penicillium limosum. (A,D) Colonies on Czapek yeast autolysate agar (CYA); (B,E) Colonies on
Blakeslees malt extract agar (MEA); (C,F) Colonies on yeast malt extract agar (YES). (AC: obverse view, DF: reverse view).
(GJ) Conidiophores; (K) Conidia (scale bars: GK¼20 lm).
Although ITS rDNA is designated as the univer-
sal primers available and most widely sequenced
marker for fungi [30], but not variable enough for
distinguishing all closely related species in
Penicillium [3,31]. Thus, additional secondary
marker such as BenA and CaM were proposed and
found to be useful for the accurate identification of
Penicillium species [2,3,15]. Phylogenetic tree based
on combined ITS-BenA-CaM sequences indicated
that seven strains belonging to the series Janthinella,
Rolfsiorum and Simplicissima in section Lanata-
Divaricata (Figure 1).
The isolates CNUFC ULD4-13 was well placed
within the clade of P. annulatum in series
Rolfsiorum (Figure 1). The isolate was morphologic-
ally similar to description of P.annulatum [15] with
respect to producing bi- and terverticillate conidio-
phores, ampuiliform phialides, and roughened
globose to subglobose conidia (Figure 2). Previous
studies showed P.annulatum to be isolated from air
sample, soil, and mite in Protea repens infructes-
cence and Stellenbosch in South Africa [15]. There
are no studies on extrolites produced by P.annula-
tum. Similarly, the phylogenetic placement and mor-
phological characteristics of isolates CNUFC ULD4-
3 into series Rolfsiorum (Figure 1), matched previ-
ously with described species, P.camponotum [16].
Penicillium camponotum isolated from carpenter
ants from New Brunswick, Canada, and ant nest in
Picea abies from Germany, was reported to produce
andrastin A, B, and C, citrinalin, mangrovamides,
marcfortine A and B, and patulin [16]. In this study,
P.camponotum was isolated from soil samples. The
isolate CNUFC MDW-11 was grouped with P.echi-
nulonalgiovense in series Simplicissima (Figure 1)
and shared morphology similar to the previous
Figure 7. Morphology of Penicillium onobense. (A,D) Colonies on Czapek yeast autolysate agar (CYA); (B,E) Colonies on
Blakeslees malt extract agar (MEA); (C,F) Colonies on yeast malt extract agar (YES). (AC: obverse view, DF: reverse view).
(GI) Conidiophores; (J) Conidia (scale bars: GJ¼20 lm).
descriptions. Penicillium echinulonalgiovense was
first isolated from soil samples in Japan without a
Latin diagnosis, later validated by Barbosa et al.
[32,33]. Penicillium echinulonalgiovense was also iso-
lated from bee pollen and nest of Melipona scutella-
ris located at Recife, Pernambuco in Brazil; soil
samples from Australia, China, Hong Kong,
Indonesia, USA, Madagascar, and Malaysia; and
industrial installations in Netherlands [33].
Penicillium echinulonalgiovense produces andrastin
A, xanthoepocin, and pulvilloric acid [2,33].
Similarly, CNUFC WG2-7 was clustered within the
same clade as P.globosum in series Simplicissima
(Figure 1), described by Diao et al. [34]. The isolate
CNUFC WG2-7 was morphologically similar to P.
globosum with only differences in the number of
phialides per metula. According to Diao et al. [34],
319 phialides per metula whereas the isolate
CNUFC WG2-7 consists of 39 phialides per
metula. P.globosum was isolated from an acidic soil
in China and Australia; rainforest soil from
Malaysia; industrial installations in Netherlands; and
soil in citrus grove in Florida, USA [34]. Also, the
morphological characteristics of CNUFC DMS3-17
were similar to the previous descriptions [35] and
was also clustered in P.limosum CBS 339.97 (type)
in series Janthinella (Figure 1). Earlier, Penicillium
limosum have been reported to be found only in
marine sediment in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan [35].
In this study, we isolated P.limosum from damp
soil samples. Penicillium limosum was reported to
produce a sexual state [35] but no sexual state is
found in CNUFC DMS3-17 isolate. Based on previ-
ous descriptions, CNUFC WG2-1 shared similar
morphology and placed in series Simplicissima
(Figure 1). Penicillium onobense isolated from soil
and andosol in Navarra, Spain [36], produces brefel-
din A, janthitrems/shearinins, and 2-(4-
Figure 8. Morphology of Penicillium yunnanense. (A,D) Colonies on Czapek yeast autolysate agar (CYA); (B,E) Colonies on
Blakeslees malt extract agar (MEA); (C,F) Colonies on yeast malt extract agar (YES). (AC: obverse view, DF: reverse view).
(GJ) Conidiophores; (K) Conidia (scale bars: GK¼20 lm).
hydroxyphenyl)-2-oxoacetaldehyde oxime [2]. The
isolate CNUFC WNP1 was placed in series
Janthinella (Figure 1) and also shared similar mor-
phological characters with previous descriptions
[34]. P.yunnanense was isolated from acidic soil in
China [34]. Interestingly, this study isolated P.echi-
nulonalgiovense,P.globosum,P.onobense, and P.
yunnanense from freshwater for the first time.
This study on the isolation and description of
seven new records of Penicillium sect. Lanata-
Divaricata from freshwater and soil samples adds to
our knowledge on fungal biodiversity. Different
environmental sources such as bees, ants, flowers,
leaves, nut kernels, and shells studies are needed in
Korea considering the increasing evidence for eco-
logical specialization in Penicillium species.
Additional studies on the production of extracellular
enzymes, antimicrobial compounds, and extrolites
are still needed in the genus Penicillium.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by
the author(s).
This work was in part supported by the Project on Survey
and Discovery of Indigenous Fungal Species of Korea
funded by NIBR, and the Project on Discovery of Fungi
from Freshwater and Collection of Fungarium funded by
NNIBR of the Ministry of Environment (MOE).
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... The 5 µL of Annexin V (Fluorescein isothiocyanate) was added to obtain a pellet with vortex. Incubation was performed at 25°C for 15 min in dark conditions, followed by the addition of propidium iodide (5 µL) and 1× binding buffer (400 µL), and apoptosis assay was performed using BD FACSCalibur flow cytometer [34][35][36]. ...
... The Penicillium limosum strain AK-7 shared the phylogeny with P. limosum CBS 339. The morphological observation is the prominent fundamental and basic technique to identify the fungal species at the genus level, and 18S rRNA sequencing was the most preferred molecular technique, which exhibits a high resolution of molecular identification of the fungal isolates up to the species level [35]. A similar study was conducted using the 18S rRNA gene sequence technique to identify P. citrinum and Penicillium CAM64 [23,24]. ...
Full-text available
Natural metabolites from beneficial fungi were recognized for their potential to inhibit multidrug-resistant human and plant fungal pathogens. The present study describes the isolation, metabolite profiling, antibacterial, and antifungal, antioxidant, and anticancer activities of soil fungi. Among the 17 isolates, the AK-7 isolate was selected based on the primary screening. Further, the identification of isolate AK-7 was performed by 18S rRNA sequencing and identified as Penicillium limosum (with 99.90% similarity). Additionally, the ethyl acetate extract of the Penicillium limosum strain AK-7 (AK-7 extract) was characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and a Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) analysis, and the results showed different functional groups and bioactive metabolites. Consequently, a secondary screening of antibacterial activity by the agar well diffusion method showed significant antibacterial activity against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial pathogens. The AK-7 extract exhibited notable antifungal activity by a food poisoning method and showed maximum inhibition of 77.84 ± 1.62%, 56.42 ± 1.27%, and 37.96 ± 1.84% against Cercospora canescens, Fusarium sambucinum and Sclerotium rolfsii phytopathogens. Consequently, the AK-7 extract showed significant antioxidant activity against DPPH and ABTS•+ free radicals with IC50 values of 59.084 μg/mL and 73.36 μg/mL. Further, the anticancer activity of the AK-7 extract against the human ovarian teratocarcinoma (PA-1) cell line was tested by MTT and Annexin V flow cytometry. The results showed a dose-dependent reduction in cell viability and exhibited apoptosis with an IC50 value of 82.04 μg/mL. The study highlights the potential of the Penicillium limosum strain AK-7 as a source of active metabolites and natural antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, and anticancer agent, and it could be an excellent alternative for pharmaceutical and agricultural sectors.
... Penicillium sp. C2281 seems to belong to the Lanata-Divaricata section, a group gathering many species isolated both from terrestrial and aquatic environments [76]. ...
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Plastic pollution of the ocean is a major environmental threat. In this context, a better understanding of the microorganisms able to colonize and potentially degrade these pollutants is of interest. This study explores the colonization and biodegradation potential of fungal communities on foamed polystyrene and alternatives biodegradable plastics immersed in a marina environment over time, using the Brest marina (France) as a model site. The methodology involved a combination of high-throughput 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to investigate fungal taxa associated with plastics compared to the surrounding seawater, and a culture-dependent approach to isolate environmentally relevant fungi to further assess their capabilities to utilize polymers as carbon sources. Metabarcoding results highlighted the significant diversity of fungal communities associated with both foamed polystyrene and biodegradable plastics, revealing a dynamic colonization process influenced by the type of polymer and immersion time. Notably, the research suggests a potential for certain fungal species to utilize polymers as a carbon source, emphasizing the need for further exploration of fungal biodegradation potential and mechanisms.
... The isolates of Aspergillus, which showed the greatest similarity to A. flavus, A. fumigatus, A. versicolor, A. sydowii, and A. creber, were obtained from leaves and fruits. The fungi of both genera are very common in different climate zones and have been isolated from soil, rhizosphere, decaying organic matter, water, dust, damp building materials, and indoor environments [48][49][50][51][52]. They have also been found to be contaminants in cereal grains, frozen fruits, acid liquids, cheese, eggs, walnuts, and almonds [53][54][55][56][57]. Furthermore, P. crustosum, as well as A. flavus, A. fumigatus, and A. versicolor, are known to be sources of bioactive secondary metabolites with neurotoxic, cytotoxic, mutagenic, teratogenic, and carcinogenic properties, as well as opportunistic pathogens that cause aspergillosis in immunosuppressed patients [56][57][58][59][60][61]. ...
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The American cranberry is a perennial North American fruit plant that is grown successfully on commercial plantations in Poland. The purpose of this study was to recognize filamentous fungi that colonize roots, leaves, and fruits without visible disease symptoms. Pure fungal cultures were isolated from disinfected plant fragments in agar media and identified by sequencing common taxonomic DNA markers such as the ITS region, the TEF-1α, or RPB2 genes. Of the 141 isolates studied, 59% were identified as closely related to soil saprotrophs. They were classified primarily as showing the greatest similarity to type strains of Trichoderma amoenum, Trichoderma dorothopsis, Paraphaeosphaeria sporulosa, and Penicillium murcianum. Additionally, isolates that are most similar to strains of Penicillium crustosum, Aspergillus flavus, and Aspergillus versicolor that produced mycotoxins were detected. The fungi identified as closest to Alternaria geophila, Alternaria senecionicola, Paraphoma radicina, Pestalotiopsis unicolor, Pestalotiopsis scoparia, and Neopestalotiopsis spp., whose hosts are plants other than American cranberry, represented 33.81% of the isolates tested. Only 7.2% of the isolates corresponded to the species of Physalospora vaccinia, Diaporthe vaccinii, and Diaporthe eres, known cranberry pathogens. The results of this study can be used to identify latent plant infection and potential disease risks.
... In Korea, numerous species of Penicillium have been documented over the years, and a comprehensive list was compiled by Kim et al. [8]. Recently, 15 previously unrecorded species were identified [9][10][11][12]. However, the number of reported Penicillium species in Korea remains lower than the global count. ...
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We report the first discovery of Penicillium mexicanum in Korea. Fungal strains were isolated from air samples collected in Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea. The strain was identified based on its morphological characteristics, as well as molecular phylogenetic analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), β-tubulin (BenA), and calmodulin (CaM) regions. This strain exhibited a high sequence similarity to the reference sequences of P. mexicanum. These findings enhance our understanding of fungal biodiversity in Korea and underscore the importance of continuous monitoring of fungal species.
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Eurotiales is a relatively large order of Ascomycetes, well-known for their ability to produce secondary metabolites with potential beneficial applications. To understand their diversity and distribution, different environmental sources including soil, freshwater, insect, and indoor air were investigated. Eight strains of Eurotiales were isolated and identified based on their morphological characters and a multi-gene phylogenetic analysis of the ITS, BenA, CaM, and RPB2 regions. We identified eight taxa that were previously not reported from Korea: Aspergillus baeticus, A. griseoaurantiacus, A. spinulosporus, Penicillium anthracinoglaciei, P. labradorum, P. nalgiovense, Talaromyces atroroseus, and T. georgiensis. Detailed descriptions, illustrations, and phylogenetic tree for the eight new records species are presented, and information regarding the records is also discussed.
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This article is the 15th contribution in the Fungal Diversity Notes series, wherein 115 taxa from three phyla, nine classes, 28 orders, 48 families, and 64 genera are treated. Fungal taxa described and illustrated in the present study include a new family, five new genera, 61 new species, five new combinations, one synonym, one new variety and 31 records on new hosts or new geographical distributions. Ageratinicolaceae fam. nov. is introduced and accommodated in Pleosporales. The new genera introduced in this study are Ageratinicola, Kevinia, Pseudomultiseptospora (Parabambusicolaceae), Marasmiellomycena, and Vizzinia (Porotheleaceae). Newly described species are Abrothallus altoandinus, Ageratinicola kunmingensis, Allocryptovalsa aceris, Allophoma yuccae, Apiospora cannae, A. elliptica, A. pallidesporae, Boeremia wisteriae, Calycina papaeana, Clypeococcum lichenostigmoides, Coniochaeta riskali-shoyakubovii, Cryphonectria kunmingensis, Diaporthe angustiapiculata, D. campylandrae, D. longipapillata, Diatrypella guangdongense, Dothiorella franceschinii, Endocalyx phoenicis, Epicoccum terminosporum, Fulvifomes karaiensis, F. pannaensis, Ganoderma ghatensis, Hysterobrevium baoshanense, Inocybe avellaneorosea, I. lucida, Jahnula oblonga, Kevinia lignicola, Kirschsteiniothelia guangdongensis, Laboulbenia caprina, L. clavulata, L. cobiae, L. cosmodisci, L. nilotica, L. omalii, L. robusta, L. similis, L. stigmatophora, Laccaria rubriporus, Lasiodiplodia morindae, Lyophyllum agnijum, Marasmiellomycena pseudoomphaliiformis, Melomastia beihaiensis, Nemania guangdongensis, Nigrograna thailandica, Nigrospora ficuum, Oxydothis chinensis, O. yunnanensis, Petriella thailandica, Phaeoacremonium chinensis, Phialocephala chinensis, Phytophthora debattistii, Polyplosphaeria nigrospora, Pronectria loweniae, Seriascoma acutispora, Setoseptoria bambusae, Stictis anomianthi, Tarzetta tibetensis, Tarzetta urceolata, Tetraploa obpyriformis, Trichoglossum beninense, and Tricoderma pyrrosiae. We provide an emendation for Urnula ailaoshanensis Agaricus duplocingulatoides var. brevisporus introduced as a new variety based on morphology and phylogeny.
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A comprehensive account of fungal classification from freshwater habitats is outlined and discussed in the present review based on literature of biodiversity studies and recent morpho-phylogenetic analyses. A total of 3,870 freshwater fungal species are listed with additional details on the isolation source, habitat, geographical distribution, and molecular data. The Ascomycota (2,968 species, 1,018 genera) dominated the freshwater fungal taxa wherein Sordariomycetes (823 species, 298 genera) had the largest number, followed by Dothideomycetes (677 species, 229 genera), Eurotiomycetes (276 species, 49 genera), and Leotiomycetes (260 species, 83 genera). Other phyla included in the updated classification of freshwater fungi are: Chytridiomycota (333 species, 97 genera), Rozellomycota (221 species, 105 genera), Basidiomycota (218 species, 100 genera), Blastocladiomycota (47 species, 10 genera), Monoblepharomycota (29 species, 6 genera), Mucoromycota (19 species, 10 genera), Aphelidiomycota (15 species, 3 genera), Entomophthoromycota (6 species, 4 genera), Mortierellomycota (5 species, 3 genera), Olpidiomycota (4 species, 1 genus), Zoopagomycota (3 species, 2 genera), and Sanchytriomycota (2 species, 2 genera). The freshwater fungi belong to 1,361 genera, 386 families and 145 orders. The Pleosporales and Laboulbeniaceae are the largest freshwater fungal order and family comprised of 391 and 185 species, respectively. The most speciose genera are Chitonomyces (87, Laboulbeniomycetes), Verrucaria (50, Eurotiomycetes), Rhizophydium (52, Rhizophydiomycetes), Penicillium (47, Eurotiomycetes), and Candida (42, Saccharomycetes).
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Soil is one of the main reservoirs of fungi. The aim of this study was to study the richness of ascomycetes in a set of soil samples from Mexico and Spain. Fungi were isolated after 2% w/v phenol treatment of samples. In that way, several strains of the genus Penicillium were recovered. A phylogenetic analysis based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS), beta-tubulin (BenA), calmodulin (CaM), and RNA polymerase II subunit 2 gene (rpb2) sequences showed that four of these strains had not been described before. Penicillium melanosporum produces monoverticillate conidiophores and brownish conidia covered by an ornate brown sheath. Penicillium michoacanense and Penicillium siccitolerans produce sclerotia, and their asexual morph is similar to species in the section Aspergil-loides (despite all of them pertaining to section Lanata-Divaricata). P. michoacanense differs from P. siccitolerans in having thick-walled peridial cells (thin-walled in P. siccitolerans). Penicillium sexuale differs from Penicillium cryptum in the section Crypta because it does not produce an asexual morph. Its ascostromata have a peridium composed of thick-walled polygonal cells, and its ascospores are broadly lenticular with two equatorial ridges widely separated by a furrow. All four new species are xerophilic. Despite the genus Penicillium containing more than 480 known species, they are rarely reported as xerophilic.
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In a study of the fungal diversity on Ulleung Island in Korea, three novel strains of Penicillium were isolated. Different sites on Ulleung Island were selected for collecting endophytic fungi, and three endophytic fungal strains showed unique morphological characteristics. DNA sequence of the internal transcribed spacer, β-tubulin, calmodulin, and RNA polymerase II second largest subunit regions of the strains were analyzed and they showed unique taxonomic position from the other species of Penicillium section Sclerotiora. The new strains were named Penicillium ulleungdoense sp. nov. As the novel endophytic Penicillium taxa were discovered in a unique environment, the data could be meaningful for understanding the geographical distribution of Ascomycetes on Ulleung Island.
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Penicillium, the most common genus plays an important ecological role in various terrestrial and marine environments. However, only a few species have been reported from rhizosphere soil. As part of a project to excavate Korean indigenous fungi, we investigated rhizosphere soil of six plants in the forest (terrestrial habitat) and sand dunes (coastal habitat) and focused on discovering Penicillium species. A total of 64 strains were isolated and identified as 26 Penicillium species in nine sections based on morphological characteristics and the sequence analysis of β-tubulin and calmodulin. Although this is a small-scale study in a limited rhizosphere soil, eight unrecorded species and four potential new species have been identified. In addition, most Penicillium species from rhizosphere soil were unique to each plant. Penicillium halotolerans, P. scabrosum, P. samsonianum, P. jejuense, and P. janczewskii were commonly isolated from rhizosphere soil. Eight Penicillium species, P. aurantioviolaceum, P. bissettii, P. cairnsense, P. halotolerans, P. kananaskense, P. ortum, P. radiatolobatum, and P. verhagenii were recorded for the first time in Korea. Here, we provide the detailed morphological description of these unrecorded species.
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Phosphate-solubilizing fungi (PSF) play an important role in increasing the bioavailability of phosphorus in soils for plants. Thirteen fungal strains, one collected from air and 12 from soil, were screened and described here in detail. These fungal strains were tested for their ability to solubilize tricalcium phosphate (TCP) on both solid and liquid Pikovskaya (PVK) media in vitro. The airborne fungal strain KUMCC 18-0196 (Aspergillus hydei sp. nov.) showed the most significant phosphate solubilizing activity on a solid PVK medium with the solubilization index (SI) (2.58 ± 0.04 cm) and the highest solubilized phosphates (1523.33 ± 47.87 µg/mL) on a liquid PVK medium. To the best of our knowledge, A. hydei sp. nov. is the first phosphate-solubilizing fungus reported from air. We also provide the identification especially for Aspergillus, Penicillium and Talaromyces, generally reported as PSF. It is important to not only screen for PSF but also identify species properly so that researchers have a clearer taxonomic picture for identifying potential taxa for future plant growth-promoting applications. Herein, A. hydei (section Nigri), Gongronella hydei, Penicillium soli (section Lanata-Divaricata) and Talaromyces yunnanensis (section Talaromyces) are fully described and introduced as new to science. These four new species are identified based on both morphological characteristics and multigene phylogenetic analyses, including the genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition method where necessary. Penicillium austrosinense is considered to be a synonym of P. guaibinense.
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The Eurotiales is a relatively large order of Ascomycetes with members frequently having positive and negative impact on human activities. Species within this order gain attention from various research fields such as food, indoor and medical mycology and biotechnology. In this article we give an overview of families and genera present in the Eurotiales and introduce an updated subgeneric, sectional and series classification for Aspergillus and Penicillium. Finally, a comprehensive list of accepted species in the Eurotiales is given. The classification of the Eurotiales at family and genus level is traditionally based on phenotypic characters, and this classification has since been challenged using sequence-based approaches. Here, we re-evaluated the relationships between families and genera of the Eurotiales using a nine-gene sequence dataset. Based on this analysis, the new family Penicillaginaceae is introduced and four known families are accepted: Aspergillaceae, Elaphomycetaceae, Thermoascaceae and Trichocomaceae. The Eurotiales includes 28 genera: 15 genera are accommodated in the Aspergillaceae (Aspergillago, Aspergillus, Evansstolkia, Hamigera, Leiothecium, Monascus, Penicilliopsis, Penicillium, Phialomyces, Pseudohamigera, Pseudopenicillium, Sclerocleista, Warcupiella, Xerochrysium and Xeromyces), eight in the Trichocomaceae (Acidotalaromyces, Ascospirella, Dendrosphaera, Rasamsonia, Sagenomella, Talaromyces, Thermomyces, Trichocoma), two in the Thermoascaceae (Paecilomyces, Thermoascus) and one in the Penicillaginaceae (Penicillago). The classification of the Elaphomycetaceae was not part of this study, but according to literature two genera are present in this family (Elaphomyces and Pseudotulostoma). The use of an infrageneric classification system has a long tradition in Aspergillus and Penicillium. Most recent taxonomic studies focused on the sectional level, resulting in a well-established sectional classification in these genera. In contrast, a series classification in Aspergillus and Penicillium is often outdated or lacking, but is still relevant, e.g., the allocation of a species to a series can be highly predictive in what functional characters the species might have and might be useful when using a phenotype-based identification. The majority of the series in Aspergillus and Penicillium are invalidly described and here we introduce a new series classification. Using a phylogenetic approach, often supported by phenotypic, physiologic and/or extrolite data, Aspergillus is subdivided in six subgenera, 27 sections (five new) and 75 series (73 new, one new combination), and Penicillium in two subgenera, 32 sections (seven new) and 89 series (57 new, six new combinations). Correct identification of species belonging to the Eurotiales is difficult, but crucial, as this the species name is the linking pin to information. Lists of accepted species are a helpful aid for researchers to obtain a correct identification using the current taxonomic schemes. In the most recent list from 2014, 339 Aspergillus, 354 Penicillium and 88 Talaromyces species were accepted. These numbers increased significantly, and the current list includes 446 Aspergillus (32 % increase), 483 Penicillium (36 % increase) and 171 Talaromyces (94 % increase) species, showing the large diversity and high interest in these genera. We expanded this list with all genera and species belonging to the Eurotiales (except those belonging to Elaphomycetaceae). The list includes 1 187 species, distributed over 27 genera, and contains MycoBank numbers, collection numbers of type and ex-type cultures, subgenus, section and series classification data, information on the mode of reproduction, and GenBank accession numbers of ITS, beta-tubulin (BenA), calmodulin (CaM) and RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2) gene sequences.
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During an investigation of the fungi from the Aspergillaceae family obtained from different environmental sources in Korea, we isolated six strains, including CNUFC WJC9-1, CNUFC BPM36-33, CNUFC MSW6, CNUFC ESW1, CNUFC TM6-2, and CNUFC WD17-1. The morphology and phylogeny of these isolates were analyzed based on their partial β-tubulin (BenA) and calmodulin (CaM) gene sequences. Based on the morphological characteristics and sequence analyses, the isolates CNUFC WJC9-1, CNUFC BPM36-33, CNUFC TM6-2, and CNUFC WD17-1 were identified as A. europaeus, A. pragensis, Penicillium fluviserpens, and P. scabrosum, respectively, and isolates CNUFC MSW6 and CNUFC ESW1 were identified as A. tennesseensis. To the best of our knowledge, the species A. europaeus, A. pragensis, A. tennesseensis, P. fluviserpens, and P. scabrosum have not been previously reported in Korea.
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Four strains of Penicillium and Talaromyces species are described and illustrated in an inventory of fungal species belonging to Eurotiales. The strains, CNUFC-DDS17-1, CNUFC-DDS27-1, CNUFC-PTM72-1, and CNUFC-YJW3-31, were isolated from soil and freshwater samples from South Korea. Based on their morphological characteristics and sequence analyses by the combined β-tubulin and calmodulin gene, the CNUFC-DDS17-1, CNUFC-DDS27-1, CNUFC-PTM72-1, and CNUFC-YJW3-31 isolates were identified as Penicillium pasqualense, Penicillium sanguifluum, Talaromyces apiculatus, and Talaromyces liani, respectively. The designated strains were found to represent a previously undescribed species of Korean fungal biota. In this study, detailed morphological descriptions and phylogenetic relationships of these species are provided.
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Penicillium species in section Lanata‐divaricata are common soil‐inhabiting fungi, but their presence in acidic soil has rarely been investigated. In an ongoing survey of Penicillium species occurring in China, 465 strains were isolated from soil, and of which 60 belonged to section Lanata‐divaricata. The majority of these strains were isolated from acidic soil. The phylogenetic relationship between these 60 isolates and accepted species of section Lanata‐divaricata was studied using ITS, BenA, CaM and RPB2 sequences, which revealed the presence of seven accepted species and 13 novel lineages. Combining phylogenetic data with data generated during macro‐ and microscopic observations resulted in the description of 13 new species. The growth rate of the new species obtained in this study was determined under acidic, neutral and alkaline conditions (pH 4, 7, 10). With the exception of P. hainanense, which was not able to grow at pH 10, all strains were able to grow at the three examined pH levels. Eleven species (i.e. P. austrosinense, P. flaviroseum, P. globosum, P. griseoflavum, P. hainanense, P. jianfenglingense, P. laevigatum, P. rubriannulatum, P. soliforme, P. spinuliferum, P. yunnanense) grew faster at low pH (pH 4) than at pH 7 or 10, and these species are therefore referred to as acid‐preferential. Penicillium viridissimum grew fastest on neutral medium and P. guangxiense grew best at pH 10, and is therefore considered to be acid‐tolerant. By isolating strains from a unique environment, combined with targeted isolation using a well‐designed protocol, we are able to describe new fungal diversity with specific physiological characteristics.
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Penicillium and Talaromyces species have a worldwide distribution and are isolated from various materials and hosts, including insects and their substrates. The aim of this study was to characterize the Penicillium and Talaromyces species obtained during a survey of honey, pollen and the inside of nests of Melipona scutellaris. A total of 100 isolates were obtained during the survey and 82% of those strains belonged to Penicillium and 18% to Talaromyces. Identification of these isolates was performed based on phenotypic characters and β-tubulin and ITS sequencing. Twenty-one species were identified in Penicillium and six in Talaromyces, including seven new species. These new species were studied in detail using a polyphasic approach combining phenotypic, molecular and extrolite data. The four new Penicillium species belong to sections Sclerotiora (Penicillium fernandesiae sp. nov., Penicillium mellis sp. nov., Penicillium meliponae sp. nov.) and Gracilenta (Penicillium apimei sp. nov.) and the three new Talaromyces species to sections Helici (Talaromyces pigmentosus sp. nov.), Talaromyces (Talaromyces mycothecae sp. nov.) and Trachyspermi (Talaromyces brasiliensis sp. nov.). The invalidly described species Penicillium echinulonalgiovense sp. nov. was also isolated during the survey and this species is validated here. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1007/s10482-018-1081-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Penicillium coffeae is described as a novel endophyte isolated from a Coffea arabica L. plant in Hawaii. The species is slow growing with short, vesiculate, monoverticillate conidiophores. Phylogenetic analysis using three loci shows that P. coffeae forms a strongly supported clade with P. fellutanum, P. charlesii, P. chermesinum, P. indicum, P. phoeniceum and P. brocae. Phenotypic ally these species are quite similar but can be distinguished. The EF-1α gene from P. fellutanum, P. charlesii, P. chermesinum and P. indicum lack introns, P. coffeae and P. phoeniceum have a previously unknown intron at codon 20 and P. brocae and P. thiersii isolates have a single intron at codon 26. The most parsimonious interpretation of intron changes on the strongly supported phylogenetic tree requires the gain of a novel intron at position 20 and loss of intron 26 to arrive at the current distribution of introns in this gene. This is one of only a few examples of intron gain in genes.