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Formulation and physical characterization of herbal face gel toner



Topical applications of the drugs have an advantage of delivering the drug directly to the site of action and acting for a longer period of time. Skin is one of the most widespread and readily accessible organs on the human body for topical administration and is the main route of topical drug delivery system. The main aim of this project was to formulate a natural and safe herbal skin toner which has calming, soothing, and astringent, effect on the face and skin to reduce the facial irritancy and enhance the beauty and can be used in day today busy schedule. The extracts used are from the ingredients which are easily available, economical and has nutritional value from topical point of view. Toner has gained the popularity as it can be used daily and helps in restoring the skin texture hence the purpose of the study was aimed for the similar formulation.
Corresponding author: Vibhavari M Chatur
Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Chinchwad, Pune 19, Maharashtra, India.
Copyright © 2021 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Liscense 4.0.
Formulation and physical characterization of herbal face gel toner
Vibhavari M Chatur *, Sanjay G Walode, Siddhi A Awate, Minal U Gandhi and Vaishnavi S Thorat
Rasiklal M Dhariwal Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Chinchwad, Pune 19, Maharashtra, India.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 11(01), 138145
Publication history: Received on 13 June 2021; revised on 18 July 2021; accepted on 20 July 2021
Article DOI:
Topical applications of the drugs have an advantage of delivering the drug directly to the site of action and acting for a
longer period of time. Skin is one of the most widespread and readily accessible organs on the human body for topical
administration and is the main route of topical drug delivery system. The main aim of this project was to formulate a
natural and safe herbal skin toner which has calming, soothing, and astringent, effect on the face and skin to reduce the
facial irritancy and enhance the beauty and can be used in day today busy schedule. The extracts used are from the
ingredients which are easily available, economical and has nutritional value from topical point of view. Toner has gained
the popularity as it can be used daily and helps in restoring the skin texture hence the purpose of the study was aimed
for the similar formulation.
Keywords: Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller); Cucumber (Cucumissativus); Honey; Rose Water
1. Introduction
1.1. Herbal Cosmetics
The herbal cosmetics are the preparations containing phytochemical from a variety of botanical sources, which
influences the functions of skin and also provide nutrients necessary for the healthy skin and body [1]. The natural herbs
and their products or extract when used for their aromatic value in cosmetic preparation are called as herbal cosmetics
[2]. There has been a common belief that the chemical-based cosmetics may be harmful to the skin and turned in
increased awareness among consumers for herbal products which triggered the demand for natural products and
natural extracts in cosmetics preparations [3].
1.2. Gel
A gel is a solid or semisolid system of at least two constituents, consisting of a condensed mass enclosing and
interpenetrated by a liquid. The characteristic of gel and jelly is the presence of some form of cutaneous structure, which
provides solid-like properties [4] Gels and jellies are composed of small number of solids dispersed in relatively large
amount of liquid, yet they possess more solid-like than liquid-like character.
1.3. Advantages of gel
Gels forms can be used to achieve optimal cutaneous and percutaneous drug delivery.
They are non-invasive and have more patient compliance.
They can avoid gastrointestinal drug absorption difficulties caused by gastrointestinal pH.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 11(01), 138145
Gels are having property to avoid enzymatic activity and drug interaction with food, drinks and other products
in diet.
They can avoid the first pass effect, that is, the initial pass of drug substance through the human body.
They avoid systemic and portal circulation following gastrointestinal absorption.
Gels are not deactivated by liver enzymes because the liver is bypassed.
Gels are applied over skin for slow and prolonged absorption.
They have localized effect with minimum side effects compared to the other forms [5].
1.4. Toners
Toner removes any last traces of dirt; grime and impurities stuck in your skin pores after you wash your face. When
added to your daily skincare routine and used regularly, it can have major positive impact on the appearance and
tightness of your pores (aging skin).[6]
1.5. Effects of a toner on skin
Earlier the skin toner was a typical product used as a second cleansing agent for removing residual makeup after regular
facial cleansing or used for removing excess sebum secreted from facial skin and to prepare the skin before nourishing
treatment. Toners may be categorized into alcohol-based or non-alcohol-based toners for various skin types such as
oily skin, sensitive skin, or combination skin. Nowadays, the diversity and prevalence of the products cause skin toners
to be utilized more as cosmceutical products with several purposes; for example, rehydrating skin, balancing skin pH,
tightening skin pores, relieving irritation, and also antisepsis [6].
2. Material and methods
Fresh cucumbers, aloe Vera and roses were obtained from the local market of Pune. Carbopol 934 and methanol were
obtained from SD Fine Chemical Ltd. Mumbai. All other chemicals used were of analytical grade.
2.1. Drug information
2.1.1. Cucumber
Cucumber, Cucumissativus (family- Cucurbitaceous) are obtained throughout India. The silica in cucumber is an
essential component of healthy connective tissue, which includes muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bone.
Cucumber juice is often recommended as a source of silica to improve the complexion and health of the skin, plus
cucumber's high-water content makes it naturally hydrating, a must for glowing skin [7].
The flesh of cucumber is primarily composed of water but also contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and caffeic acid, both
of which help soothe skin irritations and reduce swelling.
Medicinal Importance
Cucumber has loads of water content to keep skin hydrated. The cooling properties along with antioxidants and silica
present in cucumbers help rejuvenate the skin. The flesh of the cucumber is mostly water, but also contains ascorbic
acid (vitamin C) and caffeic acid, both of which help soothe skin irritations and reduce swelling and these acids prevent
water retention.
2.1.2. Aloe Vera
The botanical name of Aloe Vera is Aloe barbadensis miller. It belongs to Asphodelaceae (Liliaceae) family, and is a
shrubby or arborescent, perennial, xerophytic, succulent, pea- green color plant [8].
Active components with its properties
Aloe Vera contains 75 potentially active constituents: vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic
acids and amino acids [8-11].
It contains vitamins A (beta-carotene), C and E, which are antioxidants. It also contains vitamin B12, folic acid, and
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 11(01), 138145
It contains 8 enzymes like aliases, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, bradykinase, carboxypeptidase, catalase, cellulase,
lipase, and peroxidase. Bradykinase helps to reduce excessive inflammation when applied to the skin topically.
The calcium, chromium, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium and zinc are essential for the
proper functioning of various enzyme systems in different metabolic pathways and few are antioxidants.
2.1.3. Rose water
Rose water is extracted by distilling rose petals with steam. Rose water is fragrant, and it’s sometimes used as a mild
natural fragrance as an alternative to chemical-filled perfumes. It’s been used traditionally in both beauty products and
food and drink products. It also comes with plenty of potential health benefits. It has been used for thousands of years,
including in the Middle Ages [13].
Medicinal importance
Anti-Inflammatory Action
Moisturizing and Anti-Aging Agent
Cosmetic & Skin Protection Application
Astringent effect on skin pores
Skin whitening Agent
2.1.4. Honey
Honey is a mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other compounds. It
consists number of enzymes, including invertase, glucose oxidase, catalase, and acid phosphorylase. Honey also contains
eighteen free amino acids, in which the most abundant is proline.
The main group of antioxidants in honey are the Flavonoids, of which, pinocembrin is unique to honey and bee propolis.
Naturally darker honey has greater antioxidant properties in it. Acetic, butanoic, formic, citric, succinic, lactic, malic,
pyroglutamic, gluconic acids, and a number of aromatic acids are found in honey. Bee’s honey is almost free of
cholesterols. It also contains trace amounts of the vitamins B2, B4, B5, B6, B11 and vitamin C. Also, Minerals like calcium,
iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, selenium, chromium and manganese are found in honey [14].
2.2. Preparation of extracts
2.2.1. Aloe vera gel
Steps for Preparation of aloe vera gel:[15]
The central parenchymatous pulp was scooped out with a spatula from the Aloe leaves and the pulp was washed
repeatedly with water and finally treated with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to increase the pH of juice and
to avoid to acidity in preparation.
The treated pulp was placed in a blender to obtain the juice.
The obtained juice was subjected to vacuum filtration to get clear liquid.
To the clear liquid so obtained, Carbopol 934 was added and dispersed uniformly ensuring no lumps.
The prepared aloe vera gel was weighed and stored in air tight containers in a dark room to prevent photo-
oxidation to prepare formulation.
2.2.2. Cucumber extract
Preparation of Extract [16, 17]
For isolating the extract from cucumber, cucumbers were properly peeled, washed and chopped finely.
The chopped material was then crushed in a grinder and the slurry obtained was passed through the muslin
cloth in order to obtain the cucumber juice.
The juice was then lyophilized at a temperature of -70 °C so that a freeze-dried extract in the solid form can be
The extracts can be stored by keeping in refrigerator till use.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 11(01), 138145
2.2.3. Rose water:[18]
Rose water was extracted through steam distillation method in which rose petals were immediately prepared to go
through a very meticulous steam- distillation process. The rose petals are kept in chamber with water.
2.3. Preparation of gel
2.3.1. Preparation of toner gel [17]
Required quantity of gelling agent was weighed and dispersed in a small quantity of aloe vera juice to form a
homogenous dispersion.
Required amount of honey and tween 80 weighed and dispersed in above solution.
Required amount of methanol was then added to the above solution.
Methyl paraben and propyl paraben were small quantity of water and added to above mixture with continuous
The final weight of gel was adjusted with aloe vera gel.
3. Formulation
Aloe vera Gel
Herbal Extracts
Tween 80
Distilled Water
Upto25 ml
3.1. Pictures of the formulation
Figure 1 Picture on the day of formulation
Figure 2 Picture of formulation stability after month
3.2. Direction for using gel toner
Put a few drops of the toner on a cotton pad.
Apply it all over the face and neck.
You can also take a few drops in your hands instead of a cotton pad and apply it over your face.
Allow it to dry.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 11(01), 138145
Follow it up with a serum or moisturizer.
3.3. Evaluation of gel toner
Preliminary evaluation of formulation was carried out as follows.
3.3.1. pH
The pH meter was calibrated and measured the pH by placing in the beaker containing 20mg of the gel. [19]
3.3.2. Spreadability Test
500mg of the gel was sandwiched between 2 slides. A weight of 100gm was placed on upper slide. The weight was
removed and extra gel was scrapped off. The lower slide was fixed on board of apparatus and upper slide was fixed with
non-flexible string on which 20g load was applied. Time taken by upper slide to slip off was noted down and the spread
ability was tested.[20]
3.3.3. Homogeneity
This test for the gel was done by physical touch with hands.
3.3.4. Appearance
The appearance of prepared gel was found by observing its colour, opacity, etc physical parameters.
3.3.5. After Feel
After applying the herbal gel toner on skin, the properties like emollient nature, slipperiness and the amount of gel left
after application was noted.
3.3.6. Smear Type
The test was conducted after the application of gel on the skin the smear formed was oily or aqueous in nature.
3.3.7. Removal
The removal of the gel applied on skin was done by washing under tap water with minimal force to remove the gel.
3.3.8. Patch Test
About 1-3gm of material to be tested was placed on a piece of fabric or funnel and applied to the sensitive part of the
skin e.g., skin behind ears. The cosmetic to be tested was applied to an area of 1sq.m. of the skin. Control patches were
also applied. The site of patch is inspected after 24 hrs. As there was no reaction the test was repeated three times. As
no reaction was observed on third application, the person may be taken as not hypersensitive.[21]
3.3.9. Irritancy Test
The gel was applied on left hand dorsal side surface of and observed in equal intervals up to 24hrs for irritancy,
redness and oedema. [22]
3.3.10. Accelerated Stability Studies
Accelerated stability studies were performed on all the formulations by maintaining at room temperature for 20 days
with constant time interval. During the stability studies the parameters like homogeneity, viscosity, physical changes,
pH and type of smear were studied.[23]
3.3.11. Extrudability
A simple method was adopted for this study. The formulation was filled in the collapsible tubes after the gel was set in
the container. The extrudability of formulation was determined in terms of weight in grams required to extrude a 0.5
cm of ribbon of gel in 10 second.[24]
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 11(01), 138145
3.3.12. Diffusion study
The diffusion study was carried out for the prepared formulation by preparing agar nutrient medium of any
concentration. It was poured into petri dish a hole bored at the centre and gel was placed in it. The time taken for the
gel to get diffused was noted.[25]
4. Results
4.1. Result of physical characterization
Sr. No
pleasant characteristic
Feel on application
After two months was stable, has been kept for further study
Easily washable
By visual
By touch
Patch Test
Not hypersensitive
Diffusion Test
Easily extrudable
Easily removable
4.2. Toner Results interpretation on hands
Figure 2a: Before application of gel
Figure 2b: After application of gel
5. Results and Discussion
This herbal formulation especially in a gel form was prepared by using the ingredients which are available in day-to-
day life also, which were very natural and harmless. The main purpose behind formulating it in the form of gel was its
easiness in applicability and Spreadability. Also, formulating a toner was intended so as to check the effectiveness of
such natural substances like cucumber and aloe vera on the skin and to check whether they are able to produce the
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 11(01), 138145
cleansing effect in a gel form. By seeing the observations and the results, it proved to be satisfactory. The formulation
showed on application had very soothing and cleansing and most importantly toning effect on the skin. It gave the
feeling of tightened skin.
5.1. Stability studies
Accelerated stability studies were performed on the formulation by maintaining at room temperature for 60 days with
constant time interval. During the stability studies the parameters like homogeneity, viscosity, physical changes, pH and
type of smear were studied and were found to be satisfactory as well.
6. Conclusion
From the above studies of the formulation, it is clear that the herbal gel toner prepared is effective for the smoothening,
calming, astringent, and rejuvenating effect on the skin. It is non irritable and can be used on daily bases for enhancing
the natural beauty of human skin. The formulation was also found to possess significant antioxidant activity which may
contribute to its sunscreen activity. In addition to the above-mentioned parameters the gel toner was found to have
good homogeneity along with good spreadability and pH in the range of skin. Thus, the gel form of herbal toner can be
used topically for improving the health and rejuvenation of the dried and pale skin. It was also found that the ingredients
like cucumber and Aloevera gave the best results for hydration and acne problems.
Compliance with ethical standards
We thank Mrs. Rohini Kolhe for guiding us and our lab technician and other helpers who made this study possible.
Disclosure of conflict of interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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... Facial toners are utilized as cosmeceutical products and have several functions, for example rehydrating the skin, balancing the skin's pH, tightening skin pores, relieving irritation, and antisepsis [1]. Cleansing faces with a high-pH cleanser might upset the skin. ...
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The goal of this research was to develop a reliable oil-controlling toner for facial skin with a natural product, Houttuynia cordata Thunb extract (HCE). The developed HCE facial toner showed high stability and had a high satisfaction level. Clinical studies revealed that the sebum value of the skin after using the developed HCE toner for eight weeks decreased (4.6-times lower), which was statistically significant (p-value < 0.05) when compared to the HCE-free toner. The sebum amount on the facial skin after using the HCE toner decreased by approximately two-times compared to the HCE-free toner. In addition, the skin moisture content increased statistically significantly (p-value < 0.05) from the eighth week of treatment compared to the HCE-free toner and was 1.5- and 1.4-times higher for the left and right cheeks, respectively. The average moisture content of the facial skin treated with the HCE toner increased by 2- and 1.4-times compared to the treatment with the HCE-free toner for the left and right cheeks, respectively. Consequently, the HCE toner had anti-sebum and moisturizing efficacy, and the increased reliability of the natural product meant that it could soon be a premium commercial product.
Natural remedies have lesser side effects, secure and also aceeptable than chemical ones. In the world market, formulations with natural ingredients have more accesible. For delivering the drug imediately to the site of action, which gives prolonged action is the benefits of topical drug delivery system. Skin is the main path of delivery of drug in TDDS. The ingredients are easily available which are being used. They are not only easily available but also has nutritional value from topical point of view and more economical. To formulate and evaluate the formulation is the motive of this project. It is natural and safe herbal preparation which gives calming, soothing and astringent effect on the face. The natural ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber also the pippermint, lemmongrass and rose water used in the formulation. It having ability to reduce the facial irritation as well as to enhance beauty. We can use it in our daily busy schedule. Face toner is estimated for its physicochemical properties, surface tension, pH and stability. Most popular advantages of herbal cosmetics are, they are non toxic in nature and they having tendancy to reduce allergic reactions. The main reason behind this study, we found good properties of the face toner.
There has been increased global interest in Herbal Formulations, herbal remedies are more acceptable in the belief that they are safer with few side effects than the synthetic ones. Herbal face toner does not have any side effects and make face alluring. In herbal face toner main ingredients are, sugar cane juice, pomegranate juice and tomato juice, and other ingredients are mint, lemon juice, rose water. This herbal face toner is in liquid form for applied on skin. Their organoleptic property was evaluated and rheological properties were also evaluated and result is good. The flowing property of face pack is good. The objectives of this herbal toner is rehydrating skin, balancing skin pH, tightening skin pores, relieving irritation, and also germ- free. Herbal face toner is used to stimulate blood circulation, rejuvenates and helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin. The advantage of herbal cosmetics is their non-toxic in nature; reduce the allergic conditions and time-tested usefulness of many ingredients. Thus, in the present work, we found good properties of the face toner.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the skin anti‐inflammatory activity of rose petal extract (RPE) and the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. Recently, flowers have been considered as dietary resources owing to their biological activities, such as inhibition of nephritis and hemorrhoids. The Rosa plant exerts various biological functions, including antioxidant and anti‐microbiological activities. Herein, we confirmed the skin anti‐inflammatory activity of RPE upon solar UV (sUV) exposure. RPE reduced sUV‐induced COX‐2 expression as well as expressions of several cytokines. Activation of MKK4‐JNK, MEK‐ERK, and MKK3‐p38 signaling pathways, which are associated with cytokine production, was also attenuated by RPE treatment. We hypothesized these RPE‐induced changes are because of its antioxidant activity, because RPE displayed drastic radical scavenging and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC). Furthermore, high anthocyanins, polyphenols, and flavonoids contents were found in RPE. Hence, these results indicated the skin anti‐inflammatory activity of RPE is because of antioxidant activity. Rose petal extract (RPE) exerts strong antioxidant effects through cytokine suppression in epidermal cell lines exposed to sUV. And RPE possesses high amounts of anthocyanin content.
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Pomegranate has been used for thousands of years to cure a wide range of diseases across different cultures and civilizations. It has great nutritional values and numerous health benefits. Pomegranates as a Treatment for Cancer, Osteoarthritis and Other Diseases. The pomegranate has been used in natural and holistic medicine to treat sore throats, coughs, urinary infections, digestive disorders, skin disorders, arthritis, and to expel tapeworms. However, modern research suggests that pomegranates might be useful in treating such serious conditions as prostate cancer, skin cancer, osteoarthritis, and diabetes. Studies also show that pomegranate seeds might help rid the digestive system of fats. Clinical research shows that pomegranates, when part of a healthy diet, might help prevent heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. This is because pomegranates have the potential to thin the blood, increase blood flow to the heart, reduce blood pressure, reduce plaque in the arteries, and reduce bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol. A decoction of seed is used to treat syphilis. Juice used to treat jaundice and diarrhoea. Juice of flower is used to treat nose bleeds. The fruit pulp and the seed are stomachic. Dried, pulverized flower buds are employed as a remedy for bronchitis.
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Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis have been recognized as pus-forming bacteria triggering an inflammation in acne. The present study was conducted to evaluate antimicrobial activities of Terminalia arjuna bark against these etiologic agents of acne vulgaris. Topical formulations (cream) have been developed containing flavonoid (FF-I to III) and tannin fraction (TF-I to III) of Terminalia arjuna bark at different concentrations i.e. 0.5%, 1% and 2% (w/w). These topical formulations were tested for pH, viscosity, spreadability, stability, drug contents uniformity and in vitro diffusion. The drug content uniformity of creams were found within the range of 97.31% to 98.80% (FF-I to III) and 96.84% to 98.66% (TF-I to III) respectively. The formulations of FF -III and TF –III showed maximum drug release of 83% and 78% over a period of 8h. All the formulations were evaluated for its acute skin irritancy activity in Swiss Albino rats. These formulations did not produce any skin irritation for about a week when applied over the skin. Comparative studies showed that the viscosity of the formulations increases, spreadability decreases and vice versa. From the stability studies, creams showed no changes in pH, viscosity, spreadability and drug contents, after keeping at different temperatures for 90 days. In vitro antibacterial activity was performed against Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) and Staphylococcus epidermidis, a causative organism for Acne vulgar for the developed formulations using agar well diffusion method. The measured zones of inhibitions of the formulations were compared with standard marketed topical herbal preparation for acne. Results of the investigation showed that formulation FF-III (cream containing 2% flavonoid fraction) has greater antibacterial activity against Propionibacterium acnes (zones of inhibition >17 mm) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (zones of inhibition >20 mm) than other formulations and which is comparable to that of standard marketed topical herbal preparation. Therefore, this plant would possibly for an alternative treatment for acne.
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To formulate and optimize a herbal gel of Aloe vera extract containing Carbopol 934 as gelling agent and to investigate the effects of topical application of Carbopol 934 gel containing Aloe vera extract on the healing of skin wounds surgically induced in Wistar rats. Different concentrations of viscosity enhancer Carbopol 934 were tried and finally gel that showed good spreadability and consistency was selected for wound healing property of herbal gel of Aloe vera. Excision wound model was used for the study. The optimized gel was evaluated for different physicochemical properties and wound healing property. Differences in wound healing were observed between the various treatments when compared to the control group. Tissue hyperplasia was lower in the control group compared to the other treated groups. In animals group treated with gel, 80.14% healing was observed up to 14(th) day. While in untreated group I (control) animals showed 52.68% healing of wounds on 14(th) day. On the other hand, control group animals also showed inflammation and pus formation up to 5(th) day of study, while treated animals did not showed any observable inflammation and pus formation. Results shows prepared gel has promising effect on the wound healing process.
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Vitamin A may influence gastric carcinogenesis through its essential role in controlling cell proliferation and differentiation. However, epidemiologic studies of vitamin A, retinol (preformed vitamin A), and provitamin A carotenoids in relation to the risk of gastric cancer have documented inconsistent results. The objective of the study was to examine the associations between intakes of vitamin A, retinol, and specific carotenoids and the risk of gastric cancer in a prospective population-based cohort study of Swedish adults. The study cohort consisted of 82 002 Swedish adults aged 45-83 y who had completed a food-frequency questionnaire in 1997. The participants were followed through June 2005. During a mean 7.2-y follow-up, 139 incident cases of gastric cancer were diagnosed. High intakes of vitamin A and retinol from foods only (dietary intake) and from foods and supplements combined (total intake) and of dietary alpha-carotene and beta-carotene were associated with a lower risk of gastric cancer. The multivariate relative risks for the highest versus lowest quartiles of intake were 0.53 (95% CI: 0.32, 0.89; P for trend = 0.02) for total vitamin A, 0.56 (95% CI: 0.33, 0.95; P for trend = 0.05) for total retinol, 0.50 (95% CI: 0.30, 0.83; P for trend = 0.03) for alpha-carotene, and 0.55 (95% CI: 0.32, 0.94; P for trend = 0.07) for beta-carotene. No significant associations were found for beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin, or lycopene intake. High intakes of vitamin A, retinol, and provitamin A carotenoids may reduce the risk of gastric cancer.
The present study was designed to study sunscreen and anti-oxidant activity of herbal gel formulations. Ocimum sanctum, (O. tenuiflorum; Family - Lamiaceae [Labiatae]) is one of the well-known drugs for its therapeutic values in traditional medicine. In the present study the drug was screened for its cosmetic use. All the three formulations containing aqueous, hydro-alcoholic as well as flavonoid extract showed sunscreen as well as anti-oxidant activity. The sunscreen activities of gel formulations could be related to the free radical scavenging properties of polyphenol compounds in the extracts incorporated in it.
Vitiligo also known as leukoderma is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes (the cells that make pigment) in the skin are destroyed. As a result, white patches appear on the skin on different parts of the body which affects even the psychology and social status of the patient. In recent years, it has been proved that Piperine, an alkaloid from black pepper has the repigmenting capacity. Use of Piperine in Vitiligo not only reduces UV Radiation but also prevents side effects. The presents work is about the extraction of Piperine from Black Pepper and its evaluation followed by formulation and evaluation of cream.
The present study was to prepare and evaluate the polyherbal cosmetic cream comprising extracts of natural products such as Aloe vera, Cucumis sativus and Daucus carota. Different types of formulations oil in water (O/W) herbal creams namely F1 to F7 were formulated by incorporating different concentrations of stearic acid and cetyl alcohol. The evaluations of all formulations (F1 to F7) were done on different parameters like pH, viscosity, spreadibilty and stability were examined. Formulations F6 and F7 showed good spreadibilty, good consistency, homogeneity, appearance, pH, spreadibilty, no evidence of phase separation and ease of removal. The formulation F6 and F7 shows no redness, edema, inflammation and irritation during irritancy studies. These formulations are safe to use for skin. These studies suggest that composition of extracts and base of cream of F6 and F7 are more stable and safe, it may produce synergistic action.
We previously reported that the glycoprotein extracted from aloe strongly inhibited the mediator releases caused by the activation of guinea pig lung mast cells. Therefore, this study aimed to purify a single component that has an antiallergic effect from crude aloe extract and then to assess the effects of aloe single component (alprogen) on the mechanism of mediator releases caused by the mast cell activation. We purified aloe extracts by using various columns. We also purified mast cells from guinea pig lung tissues by using enzyme digestion, rough and discontinuous density Percoll gradient. Mast cells were sensitized with IgG(1) (anti-ovalbumin) and challenged with ovalbumin. Histamine was assayed by using a fluorometric analyzer and leukotrienes by radioimmunoassay. [Ca(2+)](i) level was analyzed by using a confocal laser scanning microscope. Protein kinase activity was determined by the protein phosphorylated with [gamma-(32)P]ATP. The phospholipase D activity was assessed by the labeled phosphatidylalcohol. The amount of mass 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG) was measured by the [(3)H]DAG produced when prelabeled with [(3)H]myristic acid. Phospholipase A(2) activity was determined by measuring the lyso-phosphatidylcholine released from the labeled phospholipids. Alprogen significantly decreased histamine and leukotriene releases and blocked completely Ca(2+) influx during mast cell activation. The protein kinase C and phospholipase D activities were decreased by alprogen in dose-dependent manner. Alprogen inhibited mass DAG formation and the phospholipase A(2) activity during mast cell activation. The data suggest that alprogen purified from aloe inhibits multiple signals as well as blocking Ca(2+) influx caused by mast cells activated with specific antigen-antibody reactions and that then the inhibition of histamine and leukotriene release follows.
  • K D Tripathi
Tripathi KD. In; Essential of Medical Pharmacology, 5th Edn., Jaypee Brothers Medical Publisher Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 2004; 8-16.