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Comparison of Injury Patterns between Electric Bicycle, Bicycle and Motorcycle Accidents

Journal of Clinical Medicine
  • St. George's University School of Medicine

Abstract and Figures

Background: Electric bicycles (E-bikes) are an increasingly popular means of transport, and have been designed for a higher speed comparable to that of small motorcycles. Accident statistics show that E-bikes are increasingly involved in traffic accidents. To test the hypothesis of whether accidents involving E-bikes bear more resemblance to motorcycle accidents than conventional bicyclists, this study evaluates the injury pattern and severity of E-bike injuries in direct comparison to injuries involving motorcycle and bicycle accidents. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, the data of 1796 patients who were treated at a Level I Trauma Center between 2009 and 2018 due to traffic accident, involving bicycles, E-bikes or motorcycles, were evaluated and compared with regard to injury patterns and injury severity. Accident victims treated as inpatients at least 16 years of age or older were included in this study. Pillion passengers and outpatients were excluded. Results: The following distribution was found in the individual groups: 67 E-bike, 1141 bicycle and 588 motorcycle accidents. The injury pattern of E-bikers resembled that of bicyclists much more than that of motorcyclists. The patients with E-bike accidents were almost 14 years older and had a higher incidence of moderate traumatic brain injuries than patients with bicycle accidents, in spite of the fact that E-bike riders were nearly twice as likely to wear a helmet as compared to bicycle riders. The rate of pelvic injuries in E-bike accidents was twice as high compared with bicycle accidents, whereas the rate of upper extremity injuries was higher following bicycle accidents. Conclusion: The overall E-bike injury pattern is similar to that of cyclists. The differences in the injury pattern to motorcycle accidents could be due to the higher speeds at the time of the accident, the different protection and vehicle architecture. What is striking, however, is the higher age and the increased craniocerebral trauma of the E-bikers involved in accidents compared to the cyclists. We speculate that older and untrained people who have a slower reaction time and less control over the E-bike could benefit from head protection or practical courses similar to motorcyclists.
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Journal of
Clinical Medicine
Comparison of Injury Patterns between Electric Bicycle, Bicycle
and Motorcycle Accidents
Emilian Spörri 1, Sascha Halvachizadeh 1, Jamison G. Gamble 2, Till Berk 1, Florin Allemann 1,
Hans-Christoph Pape 1and Thomas Rauer 1, *
Citation: Spörri, E.; Halvachizadeh,
S.; Gamble, J.G.; Berk, T.; Allemann,
F.; Pape, H.-C.; Rauer, T. Comparison
of Injury Patterns between Electric
Bicycle, Bicycle and Motorcycle
Accidents. J. Clin. Med. 2021,10, 3359.
Academic Editors: Roman Pfeifer and
Daniel L. Herr
Received: 10 July 2021
Accepted: 27 July 2021
Published: 29 July 2021
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1Department of Trauma Surgery, University Hospital Zurich, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland; (E.S.); (S.H.); (T.B.); (F.A.); (H.-C.P.)
2St. George’s University School of Medicine, St. George, Grenada;
Background: Electric bicycles (E-bikes) are an increasingly popular means of transport, and
have been designed for a higher speed comparable to that of small motorcycles. Accident statistics
show that E-bikes are increasingly involved in traffic accidents. To test the hypothesis of whether
accidents involving E-bikes bear more resemblance to motorcycle accidents than conventional bi-
cyclists, this study evaluates the injury pattern and severity of E-bike injuries in direct comparison
to injuries involving motorcycle and bicycle accidents. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study,
the data of 1796 patients who were treated at a Level I Trauma Center between 2009 and 2018 due
to traffic accident, involving bicycles, E-bikes or motorcycles, were evaluated and compared with
regard to injury patterns and injury severity. Accident victims treated as inpatients at least 16 years of
age or older were included in this study. Pillion passengers and outpatients were excluded. Results:
The following distribution was found in the individual groups: 67 E-bike, 1141 bicycle and 588
motorcycle accidents. The injury pattern of E-bikers resembled that of bicyclists much more than that
of motorcyclists. The patients with E-bike accidents were almost 14 years older and had a higher
incidence of moderate traumatic brain injuries than patients with bicycle accidents, in spite of the
fact that E-bike riders were nearly twice as likely to wear a helmet as compared to bicycle riders. The
rate of pelvic injuries in E-bike accidents was twice as high compared with bicycle accidents, whereas
the rate of upper extremity injuries was higher following bicycle accidents.
The overall
E-bike injury pattern is similar to that of cyclists. The differences in the injury pattern to motorcycle
accidents could be due to the higher speeds at the time of the accident, the different protection and
vehicle architecture. What is striking, however, is the higher age and the increased craniocerebral
trauma of the E-bikers involved in accidents compared to the cyclists. We speculate that older and
untrained people who have a slower reaction time and less control over the E-bike could benefit from
head protection or practical courses similar to motorcyclists.
Keywords: E-bike injuries; polytrauma; outcome; injury pattern comparison
1. Introduction
E-bikes, marketed as a clean alternative to cars with low energy consumption, have
become a popular mode of transport with increasing interest [
]. Due to an increasing
number of E-bike accidents [
], the topic of accident prevention and safety has been raised
too. In Switzerland, the percentage of E-bikes sold as a percentage of all bicycles sold
increased from 3.9% in 2008 to 32.2% in 2018 [
]. The trend started in China, where about
90% of all E-bikes were registered in 2011 [
] and where most of the early studies on E-bike
accidents originated [57].
According to the motor assistance, E-bikes can reach speeds of up to 25 km/h or
45 km/h, hence they are able to reach higher velocities with less effort when compared
J. Clin. Med. 2021,10, 3359.
J. Clin. Med. 2021,10, 3359 2 of 8
with conventional bicycles [
]. Accordingly the rise in number and use of E-bikes led to a
substantial increase in E-bike related traffic accidents [
]. Some studies have focused on
crash characteristics [
], experience surveys [
] or riding behavior [
]. Others dealt
with injury severity [
] or injury patterns occurring from E-bike accidents [
To date, only a few studies comparing E-bike related injuries with those suffered by
conventional bicyclists or motorcyclists are available. A previous study, evaluating the
injury severity of E-Bikers compared to conventional bicyclists, in police-recorded accidents
without comparison of injury patterns, showed diverging results in injury severity [1].
The aim of this study was to evaluate the patterns and severity of E-bike injuries in
comparison to findings in conventional bicycle and motorcycle accidents to further fill
the gap of available literature on E-bike injuries. It is hypothesized that E-bike accidents
have more similarity with motorcycle accidents than with conventional bicyclists due to
higher speed.
2. Materials and Methods
This study was designed as a monocentric retrospective cohort study and was ap-
proved by the local institutional review board (PB_2016-01888). It follows the Strengthening
the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) guidelines for reporting
observational studies [17].
2.1. Setting
This study includes patients that were treated due to a road traffic accident at an aca-
demic Level I Trauma Center between 2009 and 2018. All medical data were collected from
the electronical medical records during the hospitalization and analyzed retrospectively.
Patients were followed-up until discharge from the hospital.
2.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Patients were included in this study if they were treated following a road traffic
accident including E-bikes, bicycles or motorcycles. Further, patients were 16 years and
older. Patients who were hit by a bike, or pillion passengers were excluded from this
study. Patients’ data with more than 10% missing values were excluded from this study.
Further, patients with injuries resulting from a motorized standing scooter accident were
excluded. Patients who had an accident abroad were excluded, with the exception of
patients transferred to our hospital from neighboring countries within 24 h of the accident.
Patients who underwent elective surgery after a bike accident without first presenting to
our hospital for initial treatment were also excluded. Outpatients were excluded due to a
lack of detailed information on accident mechanism and medical clarification.
All patients were stratified according to the vehicle driven during the injury into:
Group E-Bike (E), Group Bicycle (B), or Group Motorcycle (M).
The bicycle group contained conventional bicycles and mountain bikes. The E-Bike
group included both E-Bikes with motor assistance up to 25 km/h and those with assistance
up to 45 km/h, as it was not possible to retrospectively distinguish between these two
types of assistance from the available data set. In the group of motorcycles, in addition to
classic motorcycles, mopeds were also included.
2.3. Search Strategy
The patients were identified using the appropriate International Classification of
Diseases (ICD) Code of transportation accidents (ICD V99) in the computerized patient
database. From this pool only conventional bicycle, E-bike and motorcycle accidents
were selected. The medical database enabled instantaneous retrieval of past diagnostic
reports, scores, treatment and other relevant documents to analyze. Knowing that not all
possible rider accidents had the right ICD Code nor every report had accurate informa-
tion about vehicle or accident type, patients with incomplete documentation were called
and interviewed.
J. Clin. Med. 2021,10, 3359 3 of 8
2.4. Data Collection
Data collected included sex, age, helmet use, collision or self-accident, anatomic region
of injury, injury severity regarding the Injury Severity Score (ISS) [
], dislocated/open
fractures regarding the radiology report and initial Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) [
]. Size
data were asked for during hospital stay. Outcomes included treatment, intensive care
unit (ICU), mortality and duration of hospital stay. Early onset surgery and late onset
surgery, which was performed at least 48 h after the accident respectively planned as an
elective procedure, were summarized in one group. Anatomic regions were divided to
upper extremity, lower extremity, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar,
sacral), head, face and skin. According to the ISS [
] the injuries were classified as minor
or major trauma. The cut-off point for a major trauma was settled as ISS over 15. Traumatic
brain injuries (TBI) were further classified into mild (initial GCS-Score 13–15), moderate
(initial GCS-Score 9–12) and severe (initial GCS-Score 3–8).
2.5. Statistical Analysis
The primary analysis of this work bases on descriptive statistics in order to present
comparative measures among the three groups. Continuous variables are presented as
mean with standard deviation (SD), categorical variables as numbers and percentage. Com-
parison of the three groups (E/B/M) was initially performed with Kruskal Wallis test in
cases, where data distribution appeared nonuniform. The additional risk of suffering from
specific injuries were calculated and presented with odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence
interval (95% CI).
Ap-value of less than or equal to 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
Statistical analysis was performed using R (R Core Team (2020). R: A language and
environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna,
Austria. URL accessed on 28 July 2021).
3. Results
Out of 3932 eligible patients, 1796 met the inclusion criteria, 67 (3.7%) had E-bike
related injuries, 1141 (64%) had bicycle related injuries and 588 (33%) had motorcycle
related injuries.
The average age at the time of injury was 56 years for E-bikers, which was the oldest
group by far, compared to 42 years for the bicyclists and 41 years for the motorcyclists. The
male-to-female ratio in total was 3.2 to 1. Motorcyclists had the highest male rate with 88%
(n= 515) followed by the bicyclists with 72% (n= 816) and the E-bikers with the lowest of
61% (n= 41, Table 1).
Table 1. Demographics.
Bicycle n= 1141 E-Bike n= 67 Motorcycle n= 588
Age (years)
BMI (kg/m2)
Sex (male)
Motorcyclists had the significantly highest collision proportion with 41% (n= 243).
The lowest collision proportion were the E-bikers with only 13% (n= 9), meaning they had
the highest self-accident proportion. Helmet use was established for 73% (n= 49) of the E-
bikers whereas only 38% (n= 429) of the bicyclists wore a helmet. Generally, motorcyclists
almost always wore a helmet 96% (n= 243), as it is mandatory in Switzerland. Standing out
in terms of injury severity with the highest rate in major traumas 39% (
n= 230
), dislocated
fractures 60% (n= 353), open fractures 16% (n= 96), paralysis 2.9% (n= 17) and mortality
J. Clin. Med. 2021,10, 3359 4 of 8
2.6% (n= 15) were the motorcyclists (Table 2). E-bike driver were more commonly subject
of collison, rather than self-inflicted accidents as compared with bicyclists (OR 1.64, 95%CI
1.31 to 2.1, p< 0.001).
Table 2. Accident Type and Severity.
Bicycle n= 1141 E-Bike n= 67 Motorcycle n= 588
Collision 264 (23.1%) 9 (13.4%) 243 (41.3%)
Helmet use 429 (37.6%) 49 (73.1%) 564 (95.9%)
Major trauma 207 (18.1%) 13 (19.4%) 230 (39.1%)
Dislocated fractures 425 (37.2%) 30 (44.8%) 353 (60.0%)
Open fractures 31 (2.7%) 1 (1.5%) 96 (16.3%)
Paralysis 13 (1.1%) 1 (1.5%) 17 (2.9%)
Mortality 14 (1.2%) 1 (1.5%) 15 (2.6%)
Head injuries were seen more often in bicycle (64%) and E-bike (66%) accidents
compared to motorcycle accidents with 47%. Motorcyclists also had the lowest rate of facial
injuries at 19%, compared with bicyclists and E-bikers with 42% and 40% respectively. On
the other hand, lower extremity (55%), thoracic (51%), abdominal (18%) and spinal injuries
(24%) were all significantly more frequent in motorcyclists. Upper extremity injuries (48%
and 41%) were more prevalent than lower extremity injuries (28% and 25%) in E-bikers
and bicyclists. In contrast, motorcyclists had an antipodal rate with a higher frequency of
lower extremity injuries (55%) than upper extremity injuries (43%). The injury localization
shows clear similarities between E-bikers and conventional bicyclists. Exceptions can
be recognized in terms of thoracic and pelvic injuries. Bicyclists have a higher rate in
thoracic injuries (37% vs. 25%) whereas E-bikers were more likely to experience pelvic
injuries (13% vs. 7%). The risk of suffering from a pelvic injury was nearly twice as high
following an E-bike accident when compared with bicycle (OR 1.95, 95%CI 1.01 to 4.08,
p= 0.0093
). However, E-bike driver were less likely to suffer from upper extremity injuries
when compared with bicyclists (OR 0.80, 95%CI 0.67 to 0.98, p= 0.035). A complete list of
injury localization is provided in Table 3.
Table 3. Injury Localization.
Bicycle n= 1141 E-Bike n= 67 Motorcycle n= 588
Head 731 (64.1%) 44 (65.7%) 275 (46.8%)
Face 479 (42.0%) 27 (40.3%) 112 (19.0%)
Thorax 427 (37.4%) 18 (26.9%) 300 (51.0%)
Abdomen 81 (7.1%) 3 (4.5%) 107 (18.2%)
Pelvis 84 (7.4%) 9 (13.4%) 99 (16.8%)
Spine total 167 (14.6%) 11 (16.4%) 142 (24.1%)
Upper extremities 472 (41.4%) 32 (47.8%) 251 (42.7%)
Lower extremities 279 (24.5%) 19 (28.4%) 326 (55.4%)
Motorcyclists had the fewest traumatic brain injuries (TBI) respectively (resp.) head
injuries with 47% compared to E-bikers with 66% and bicyclists with 64%. The rate of
moderate TBI was found to be significantly higher among E-bikers at 10%. In addition, the
initial GCS-Score of less than 15 at the accident site was seen the most in the E-bike group
by far. For more details about traumatic brain injury see Table 4.
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Table 4. Traumatic Brain Injury.
Bicycle n= 1141 E-Bike n= 67 Motorcycle n= 588
TBI total 731 (64.1%) 44 (65.7%) 275 (46.8%)
Mild TBI 645 (56.5%) 35 (52.2%) 213 (36.2%)
Moderate TBI 45 (3.9%) 7 (10.4%) 28 (4.8%)
Severe TBI 41 (3.6%) 2 (3.0%) 34 (5.8%)
Initial GCS <15 239 (20.9%) 26 (38.8%) 129 (21.9%)
Motorcyclists were found to have a hospital stay nearly twice as long (10 days)
as compared to bicyclists (5 days) and E-bikers (6) days. The same pattern is seen for
surgical procedures required (74%) and intensive care unit stay (ICU) required (29%) due to
consequences of the initial accident only, where motorcyclists clearly take the lead. Wound
care without surgery after an E-bike accident was performed in 48% of the cases, 43% after
a bicycle accident and 33% after a motorcycle accident. Following a hospital stay 10%
of the bicyclists, 12% of the E-bikers and 27% of the motorcyclists went to a stationary
rehabilitation center. Only a few patients were transferred to another hospital respectively
regionalized (Table 5).
Table 5. Hospitalization.
Bicycle n= 1141 E-Bike n= 67 Motorcycle n= 588
Required ICU stay 148 (13.0%) 11 (16.4%) 173 (29.4%)
Required Surgery 590 (51.7%) 35 (52.2%) 434 (73.8%)
Wound care 491 (43.0%) 32 (47.8%) 196 (33.3%)
Hospital stay (days)
Discharged home 993 (87.0%) 54 (80.6%) 385 (65.5%)
Rehabilitation 109 (9.6%) 8 (11.9%) 160 (27.2%)
Relocation/Transfer 25 (2.2%) 4 (6.0%) 28 (4.8%)
4. Discussion
The main aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of E-bike accidents
compared to bicycles and motorcycles with the question of wether the injury pattern of
E-Bike accidents is more similar to that of motorcycle accidents or more similar to that of
bicycle accidents.
This study has revealed the following main results:
1. Injury patterns in E-bike accidents are more comparable to those of bicyclists than
to those of motorcyclists.
2. The rate of pelvic injuries in E-bike accidents is twice as high compared with bicycle
accidents, whereas the rate of upper extremity injuries was higher following bicycle accidents.
3. E-bikers who sustained injuries were older than bicycle or motorcycle riders.
Technology has produced a number of recreational vehicles over the past few decades.
The literature follows exposing the dangers and pitfalls of riding without proper safety
precautions in most vehicle types. Attention has now turned to a novel class of two-wheel
vehicle. As the scientific community works to catch up with the fast-paced rate of technolog-
ical advancements in transportation technologies such as E-bikes, trends in the data, such
as those presented in this study, will lay the groundwork to educate, advise and eventually
enact policies and precautions aimed at reducing and preventing E-bike related injuries.
Another major topic is the growing availability of bike sharing programs, especially E-bike
sharing. Gross et al. [
], Baschera et al. [
] and
DiMaggio et al.
] compared E-bike acci-
dents with other two-wheel vehicular related traumas. Gross et al. [
] compared resulting
J. Clin. Med. 2021,10, 3359 6 of 8
injuries between children and adults from E-bike accidents whereas,
Baschera et al.
compared traumatic brain injuries caused by E-bike and bicycle accidents.
In accordance with the results of Gross et al. [
] the assumption was that E-bike
accidents are similar to motorcycle accidents in terms of injury patterns. However, the
results of this study could not reproduce these results and showed conversely that the
injury patterns in E-bike accidents are more comparable to those of bicyclists than to
those of motorcyclists. E-bike users, reported to the hospital, are less frequently male as
compared with conventional bicycle and motorcycle users. We found that the majority of
cases involved middle-aged victims, which is in accordance with previous studies [
Whereas conventional bicycle or motorcycle accident victims were found to be considerably
younger [
]. Self-accidents of E-bikers were higher than those seen with bicyclists and
motorcyclists, which may be attributed to higher age, likely longer reaction times and a
higher mental workload in difficult traffic situation [8]. Due to the retrospective nature of
the present study, no statements could be made regarding either the speed of the E-bike
riders at the time of the accident or any accident partners in non-self-inflicted accidents
due to a lack of documentation. This limits the generalizability and significance of the
results of the present study. In line with a recent study confirming that e-bikers ride faster
than conventional cyclists [
], this could also be assumed for the present study and could
account for an influence on injury distribution. Greater TBI rates in E-bikers compared to
conventional bicyclists was found, despite the fact that E-bikers wore helmets almost twice
as often as bicyclists. In addition, the E-bikers initial GCS-Score indicated abnormal resp.
under 15 almost twice as often as bicyclists.
Overall, the injury patterns in E-bike accidents are more comparable to those of bicy-
clists than to those of motorcyclists. However, while the rates of spinal cord injury, severe
traumatic brain injury, and upper extremity injury were comparable in all three groups, the
rate of pelvic injury in E-bike accidents was comparable to that of motorcycle riders.
In this study, the percentage in E-bikers who experienced major trauma (19%) and
patients requiring surgery (46%) was higher than that described by Papoutsi et al. (13% resp.
26%) and lower than Gross et al. regarding the percentage of major trauma (35%) [
Weiss et al. postulated the risk of an accident increases with age, but not with bicycle
type [
]. This study confirms that this is different for higher or more severe accident rates.
The percentage of TBI (66% in E-bikers and 64% in bicyclists) is very similar to the study
of Baschera et al. (69% resp. 59%) [
]. Other studies have described TBI in under 40% of
cyclists [
]. These big differences can be explained due to different definitions of TBI or
data collection methods. The most common injury occurring in motorcycle accidents are
lower extremity injury, in 55% of the cases, same incidence as in Fletcher et al. [23].
One strength of this study is that it was conducted at a Level I Trauma Center, with
wide variations in injury severity. Victims from rural and urban accidents are included.
The source of information is from a detailed patient database. Other studies relied on in
field EMS personnel reports, insurance claim reports or questionnaire-based survey data-
sets only. While the number of E-bike accidents may not be as high as other modes
of transportation, it is directly proportional to bicycle and motorcycle accident rates,
warranting further examination. An analysis of the national road traffic accident statistics
showed a total of 20,022 patients involved in accidents in 2020: Of these, 3565 were
motorcyclists, 1690 E-bike riders and 3637 bicyclists [
]. Given the retrospective nature
of this study, it is possible that the number of E-bikers was under reported, thus not
providing a completely clear picture on the actual number of e-bike users. Attempting
to summarizing all two-wheeled vehicles in use on the streets in only 3 groups is a very
pragmatic approach. Furthermore, this study was limited to adults 16 years of age or
older, as children are treated at a separate hospital. Furthermore, being that this study
was conducted at a Level 1 trauma center, it is not only a strength it is also an important
limitation. It is possible that we saw a higher level of more severe E-bike related trauma
than might be seen at lower-level trauma centers. E-biker with less serious injuries may
have been treated at hospitals with more limited trauma care, resulting in a selection bias
J. Clin. Med. 2021,10, 3359 7 of 8
for more serious injuries in this study. In this study, patients from rural and urban settings
of a major European city were included. Types of injury may be different with different
terrain and traffic in other parts of the country, which may also represent a selection bias.
Future studies should include data from hospitals of varying trauma center levels.
5. Conclusions
The overall E-bike injury pattern is similar to that of cyclists. The difference in the
injury pattern of motorcycle accidents could be due to the higher speeds at the time of the
accidents, the different protective clothing and architecture of the vehicle. What is striking,
however, is the higher age and the increased craniocerebral trauma of the E-bikers involved
in an accident compared to the cyclists. In our opinion older and untrained people may
have slower reaction times and less control over the E-bike, which are now faster due to
the motorized support of the E-bike. This population could benefit from head protection
or practical courses similar to that of motorcyclists. The innovation of environmentally
friendly transportation brings benefits and novel, indisputable injury risks. Further studies
are needed to compare the different types of E-bikes with more detailed data. Data from
E-bike share companies would also bring more transparency in terms of the relationship
between accidents and commercial use.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, E.S. and T.R.; methodology, E.S. and T.R.; software, E.S.
and T.R.; validation, E.S., T.R. and H.-C.P.; formal analysis, E.S., S.H. and T.R.; data curation, E.S.;
writing—original draft preparation, E.S.; writing—review and editing, J.G.G., T.B., F.A., S.H., H.-C.P.
and T.R.; visualization, E.S. and T.R.; supervision, T.R. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement:
This study was conducted according to the guidelines
of the Declaration of Helsinki, and with the approval of the cantonal ethic commission Zurich
Informed Consent Statement:
General consent was obtained or accepted from all subjects enrolled
in the study as approved by the Zurich Cantonal Ethics Committee (PB_2016-01888).
Data Availability Statement: Data is accessible on reasonable request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Bundesamt für Statistik BFS. Verunfallte Personen nach Verkehrsmittel, 2020: ASTRA—Strassenverkehrsunfälle (SVU). 2020.
Available online:
verkehrsunfaelle/strassenverkehr.html (accessed on 21 July 2021).
... While some studies have addressed accident characteristics [6] or riding behavior [7], others have examined injury severity [3,5,[8][9][10] or injury patterns associated with E-bike accidents [2,4,5,[8][9][10][11][12]. However, to date, only few studies have compared E-bike-related injuries with injury patterns of conventional bicyclists or motorcyclists [2,3,11]. ...
... While some studies have addressed accident characteristics [6] or riding behavior [7], others have examined injury severity [3,5,[8][9][10] or injury patterns associated with E-bike accidents [2,4,5,[8][9][10][11][12]. However, to date, only few studies have compared E-bike-related injuries with injury patterns of conventional bicyclists or motorcyclists [2,3,11]. A recent study comparing the injury patterns of E-bikers, bicyclists, and motorcyclists showed that the overall injury pattern between E-bikers and conventional bicyclists is comparable and suggested that the differences in injury patterns compared to motorcycle accidents might be related to differences in speed at the time of the accident, different protective gear, and vehicle architecture [2]. ...
... However, to date, only few studies have compared E-bike-related injuries with injury patterns of conventional bicyclists or motorcyclists [2,3,11]. A recent study comparing the injury patterns of E-bikers, bicyclists, and motorcyclists showed that the overall injury pattern between E-bikers and conventional bicyclists is comparable and suggested that the differences in injury patterns compared to motorcycle accidents might be related to differences in speed at the time of the accident, different protective gear, and vehicle architecture [2]. Interestingly, a higher rate of craniocerebral trauma was found in E-bikers involved in accidents compared to bicyclists [2]. ...
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Purpose With the growing technical options of power transmission and energy-saving options in electric drives, the number of E-bike-related accidents especially in an elderly population has increased. The aim of the current study was to compare if the increased velocity in comparison to conventional bikes translates into different injury patterns in the cranio-cervical and head region. Methods A retrospective cohort study was performed in patients admitted to our level one trauma center between 2009 and 2019 after being involved in an accident with either an E-bike, bicycle, or motorcycle and suffered cranio-cervical or traumatic brain injury. Outcomes: cranio-cervical/intracranial injury pattern. Data interpretation was conducted in an interdisciplinary approach. Results From 3292 patients treated in this period, we included 1068 patients. E-bikers were significantly older than bicyclists (or motorcyclists) and lay between the other two groups in terms of helmet use. Overall injury patterns of E-bikers resembled those found in motorcyclists rather than in bicyclists. E-bikers had a higher incidence of different cerebral bleedings, especially if no helmet was worn. Helmet protection of E-bikers resulted in a comparable frequency of intracranial bleeding to the helmeted bicyclists. Conclusion The overall pattern of head and cervical injuries in E-bikers resembles more to that of motorcyclists than that of bicyclists. As they are used by a more senior population, multiple risk factors apply in terms of complications and secondary intracranial bleeding. Our study suggests that preventive measures should be reinforced, i.e., use of helmets to prevent from intracranial injury.
... Finally, 24 studies were included in the systematic review. Verbeek et al., 2021;Zmora et al., 2019;Poos et al., 2017;Arbel et al., 2022;Avrahamov-Kraft et al., 2022;Benhamed et al., 2022;Berk et al., 2022;Clough et al., 2023;Eriksson et al., 2022;Gülses et al., 2022;Cicchino et al., 2021;Murros et al., 2022;Stray et al., 2022;Meyer et al., 2022;Spörri et al., 2021;Lin et al., 2020;Verstappen et al., 2020;Blomberg et al., 2019;Tan et al., 2019;Capua et al., 2019;Baschera et al., 2019) Of these, one was found on Embase, five were on PubMed Medline, Berk et al., 2022;Eriksson et al., 2022;Meyer et al., 2022;Capua et al., 2019) Benhamed et al., 2022;Clough et al., 2023;Gülses et al., 2022;Cicchino et al., 2021;Murros et al., 2022;Stray et al., 2022;Lin et al., 2020;Verstappen et al., 2020;Blomberg et al., 2019;Tan et al., 2019;Baschera et al., 2019) None of the studies were found in the Cochrane Library. The full screening and selection process is displayed in Figure 1. ...
... Clough et al., 2023;Cicchino et al., 2021;Meyer et al., 2022) 0.0---14.41 Berk et al., 2022;Clough et al., 2023;Eriksson et al., 2022;Gülses et al., 2022;Cicchino et al., 2021;Meyer et al., 2022;Spörri et al., 2021;Verstappen et al., 2020;Capua et al., 2019) 0.0---18.64 Eriksson et al., 2022;Gülses et al., 2022;Meyer et al., 2022;Spörri et al., 2021;Lin et al., 2020;Verstappen et al., 2020;Capua et al., 2019) % pelvis injuries not reported 0.0 -0.48 Clough et al., 2023;Murros et al., 2022) 0.82---7.36 ...
... Berk et al., 2022;Clough et al., 2023;Eriksson et al., 2022;Gülses et al., 2022;Cicchino et al., 2021;Meyer et al., 2022;Spörri et al., 2021;Verstappen et al., 2020;Capua et al., 2019) 0.0---18.64 Eriksson et al., 2022;Gülses et al., 2022;Meyer et al., 2022;Spörri et al., 2021;Lin et al., 2020;Verstappen et al., 2020;Capua et al., 2019) % pelvis injuries not reported 0.0 -0.48 Clough et al., 2023;Murros et al., 2022) 0.82---7.36 Clough et al., 2023;Eriksson et al., 2022;Murros et al., 2022;Spörri et al., 2021) 7.78---13.43 ...
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Background: Electric personal mobility devices (ePMDs) have conquered cityscapes, leading to increased reports of associated injuries. However, it remains elusive whether people who present to an emergency department (ED) after an accident are more severely injured when previously using non-electric personal mobility devices (PMDs) or ePMDs. Methods: PubMed Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Library were searched until March 7, 2023 (PROSPERO: CRD42021257425). Following PRISMA guidelines, data were independently evaluated by two authors and pooled using a random-effects model. Primary outcomes were injury patterns and severity of PMD-and ePMD-related injuries. Results: The systematic review included 24 studies reporting 843 scooter-, 3,000 e-scooter-, 15,482 bike-, and 5,694 e-bike-related injuries. E-scooter riders had higher odds of head and neck, thorax, and lower extremity injuries, lower odds of upper extremity injuries, and higher odds of surgery than bike riders. E-bike riders had higher odds of spine and lower extremity injuries, higher mean ISS, higher odds of ward and ICU admission, higher odds of surgery, and higher odds of death than bike riders. Conclusions: Riders injured severely enough to present to an ED are more severely injured when previously riding an ePMD. Thus far, legal regulations of ePMD usage vary between states, but mandatory protective gear use is rare. Our study's data supports previous suggestions to demand stricter ePMD usage regulations focusing on rider safety globally. However, it must be noted that age, gender, and driving behavior differed between devices. Observed outcome differences may, in part, be linked to these differences.
... Notwithstanding, comparative studies across two-wheeler categories are rare, even when inspecting different data sources. Meanwhile, the accident studies comparing e-bikes with motorized and non-motorized two-wheelers have not performed regression or predictive analyses so far (Junior et al., 2012;Sporri et al., 2021;Yun et al., 2022). In addition, accident data from police and hospital sources are usually casualty-exclusive due to the accident recording process. ...
... Overall, the accident injury severity of e-bikes was closer to, if not inferior to, that of bicycles. This finding is similar to Sporri et al. (2021), which compared medical data from e-bikes with motorcycles and bicycle riders. This conclusion implies that, although usually used in an electric-driven manner, e-bikes with the limitations set by the New National Standard do not pose as great a risk of accidental injury to riders as motorcycles. ...
This study aims to compare the accident injury severity of e-bikes with that of other types of two-wheelers based on accident data and to analyze the factors influencing them. Using 1015 police accident records from Zhangjiakou City in 2020 and 2021, the accident injury severity of e-bikes was firstly compared with that of other two-wheelers based on five levels of accident injury severity classified according to the records. Two ordered Probit regression models were secondly used to compare the factors influencing the accident injury severity of e-bikes with that of other two-wheelers and the magnitude of their effects. At the same time, the contributions of each influential factor to the degree of accident injury of two-wheelers were estimated with the assistance of classification trees. Results show that e-bikes are closer to bicycles than motorcycles in terms of injury severities and the factors influencing them, in which the factors "accident configuration," "division of responsibility for the accident," and "collision with a heavy vehicle or four-wheeled vehicle" are significant. Based on the findings, potential measures are suggested to reduce e-bike accident casualties, such as improving rider education, ensuring speed limit enforcement, promoting safety equipment wearing, and making road design friendly to non-motorized and elderly riders. The results of this study can provide an essential reference for traffic management and rider education measures on e-bikes.
... Bicycle riders face a higher risk of head trauma compared to motorists [15], and bicycle-related accidents occur due to crashes, rider errors, and environmental hazards. To address this, bicycle accident detection system in [3] utilizes hardware modules with a MARG sensor-based system to measure 24 features related to riding status and falls, achieving a 95.2% accuracy in detecting accidents due to falls during cycling. ...
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To enhance the safety of bicycle riders an android mobile application was developed that utilizes real-time audio analysis to detect approaching vehicles and alert the riders when there is a safety issue. The application employs a CNN lite model to detect the presence of the vehicle. The CNN model was trained on a dataset of 0.5-second audio clips of vehicle and non-vehicle sounds. The root mean square value of the audio clip is calculated to figure out the approaching vehicles. Based on the model prediction and the root mean square value of amplitude, the application issues alerts to the user. Three alert levels are defined, ranging from level one for low amplitude to level three for high amplitude. The alert types are audio, visual and vibration. Users can customize and adjust the alert types and threshold values within the predetermined range according to their preferences. The evaluation of the model revealed favourable results, as indicated by low loss and high recall and precision metrics, affirming the efficacy of the model for accurately detecting vehicles. The ability of the model to proactively detect and alert bicycle riders of incoming vehicles, enable the users to take timely actions to prevent potential hazards and positions the application as a crucial and effective lifesaving tool.
... These findings are concordant with the findings of a single-institution pediatric study conducted in Israel, which demonstrated higher ISS and more frequent loss of consciousness among injured e-bike riders compared to pedal bike riders [16]. However, a single-center study conducted in Switzerland reported that e-bike injury patterns were similar to those observed for pedal bicycles but not motorcycles [17]. In addition, DiMaggio et al. found that rates of concussion and fracture across all age groups were higher for bicycles compared to e-bikes; however, the study notes that rates of internal injury were greater for e-bikes than for pedal bicycles [7]. ...
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Purpose: Electric bicycles (e-bikes) achieve higher speeds than pedal bicycles, but few studies have investigated the impact on injury rates specific to the pediatric population. Utilizing the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS), we compared rates of pediatric injury for e-bikes, bicycles, and gas-engine bicycles (mopeds) from 2011 to 2020. Methods: Descriptive and bivariate inferential analyses were performed upon NEISS estimates of e-bike, bicycle, and moped injuries in children aged 2-18 years. Analyses were stratified by patient age and helmet usage. The Mann-Kendall test of trends was used. Results: We identified 3945 e-bike, 23,389 moped, and 2.05 million bicycle injuries. Over time, the incidence of injury increased for e-bikes (Kendall's τ=0.73, p = 0.004), decreased for pedal bicycles (Kendall's τ= - 0.91, p = 0.0003), and did not change for mopeds (Kendall's τ = 0.06, p = 0.85). Males accounted for 82.5 % of e-bike injuries. The age group most commonly affected by e-bike injury (44.3 %) was 10-13 years old. The proportion of injuries requiring hospitalization was significantly higher for e-bikes (11.5 %), compared to moped and bicycle (7.0 and 4.8 %, respectively, p < 0.0001). In cases where helmet use or absence was reported, 97.3 % of e-bike riders were without a helmet at the time of injury, compared to 82.1 % of pedal bicycle riders and 87.2 % of moped riders. Conclusions: The rate of pediatric e-bike injuries increased over the study period. Compared to riders on pedal bicycles or mopeds, children on e-bikes had infrequent helmet use and increased rate of hospitalization. These findings suggest that attention to e-bike safety and increasing helmet usage are important to public health among the pediatric population. Level of evidence: IV.
... Portanto, as bicicletas elétricas se apresentam como alternativa às bicicletas convencionais. (Spörri et al., 2021) A bicicleta elétrica está equipada com um motor, geralmente montado na roda traseira. Sua grande vantagem é que roda silenciosamente e permite que o ciclista pedale facilmente em condições difíceis, como subidas íngremes e estradas rurais. ...
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A minimum amount of weekly physical activity is advised by the World Health Organization in able to produce significant effects on people's health. Aside from running, weightlifting, and soccer, cycling ranks as the fourth most popular form of physical activity in Brazil. However, during the past decade, the number of cyclists has increased at the highest rate. At the same time as cycling's prominence in urban mobility processes is growing, there hasn't been much progress in advancing the use of bicycles as a more secure, effective, and comfortable physical activity promotion tool among the public. This academic project aims to show the value of some actions that influence people's decisions about whether to use bicycles for transportation or leisure activities, as well as to advance urban planners' and mobility experts' efforts toward the creation of programs that encourage people to ride their bicycles in order to be physically more active, have better health, and live longer.
Objectives To describe the incidence of head and neck trauma related to electric bicycles and to characterize head and neck injury patterns seen in electric bicycle (eBike) users versus pedal bicyclists in the United States. Methods The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) was queried from 2009 to 2020 for patients with head and neck injuries related to electric and pedal bicycles. Extracted data included patient demographics, injury patterns, hospital admission, and helmet use. Univariate chi‐squared analyses were performed to compare demographics and injury patterns between bicycle groups. Effect sizes were reported with Cramer V values ( V ). Results The incidence of eBike‐related head and neck injuries increased from 2993 in 2009 to 9916 in 2020. Compared to pedal bicycle users, eBike users were more likely to have head injuries (60.4% vs. 52.0%) and fractures (10.9% vs. 6.0%), and were more likely to require hospitalization (20.6% vs. 10.4%). The effect size of helmet use was significantly greater in eBike users compared to pedal bicyclists when examining distributions of age group ( V = 0.203 vs. V = 0.079), injury location ( V = 0.220 vs. V = 0.082), and injury type ( V = 0.162 vs. V = 0.059). Helmeted injuries in eBike users more commonly involved neck injuries and sprains, rather than head injuries and fractures. Conclusion Head and neck trauma related to eBike use is increasing in the United States. Injury patterns and admission rates reflect greater injury severity in eBike users compared to pedal bicyclists. Helmet use may be particularly beneficial in mitigating head and neck injury in eBike users. Level of Evidence 3 Laryngoscope , 2023
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Este estudo foi delineado com o foco na identificação dos tipos de traumas mais recorrentes nos acidentes com motocicletas no Oeste Catarinense, bem como verificação do perfil dos condutores e garupas. Foram analisadas as ocorrências atendidas pelo corpo de bombeiros responsável pela assistência à região do Oeste Catarinense, entre o período de 01 de janeiro de 2015 a 31 de dezembro de 2020. Foram obtidas 21728 ocorrências, das quais 6798 estavam relacionadas a acidentes motociclísticos. Após leitura criteriosa com a aplicação dos critérios de exclusão foram selecionados 4746 boletins. Foi possível observar que entre as vítimas, a maioria dos condutores são adultos-jovens com idade entre 18 e 35 anos do sexo masculino (49,80%), enquanto que a maioria dos passageiros são do sexo feminino (60,32%) com predomínio da faixa etária 18 a 25 (43,53%). Além disso, os sinistros do tipo moto versus carro e as quedas foram os mais frequentes e os segmentos anatômicos mais acometidos foram os membros inferiores, membros superiores e a cabeça e pescoço, com escoriações e fraturas como as lesões mais frequentes. No que diz respeito aos dias da semana, os registros de acidentes foram mais prevalentes às quintas e sextas-feiras, enquanto que os sábados e domingos foram os dias com menores números de ocorrências. Com este estudo demonstramos a necessidade de intensificar as campanhas educativas, além de reforçar a importância dos registros completos, uma vez que podem colaborar com os estudos epidemiológicos.
Background: The increased popularity of cycling is leading to an anticipated increase in cycling-related traffic accidents and a need to better understand the demographics and epidemiology of craniospinal injuries in this vulnerable road user group. This study aims to systematically investigate and characterise cycling-related head and spine injuries seen in the Major Trauma Centre for the Eastern region, which has the highest cycling rates in the UK. Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort study comparing the incidence, patterns, and severity of head and spine injuries in pedal cyclists presenting to the Major Trauma Centre in Cambridge between January 2012 and December 2020. Comparisons of injury patterns, characteristics, and associations were made according to mechanism of injury, helmet use, patient age and gender. Results: A total of 851 patients were admitted after being involved in cycling-related collisions over the study period, with 454 (53%) sustaining head or spine injuries. The majority of victims (80%) were male and in mid-adulthood (median age 46 years). Head injuries were more common than spine injuries, with the most common head injuries being intracranial bleeds (29%), followed by skull fractures (12%), and cerebral contusions (10%). The most common spine injuries were cervical segment fractures, particularly C6 (9%), C7 (9%), and C2 (8%). Motorised collisions had a higher prevalence of spine fractures at each segment (p < 0.001) and were associated with a higher proportion of multi-vertebral fractures (p < 0.001). These collisions were also associated with impaired consciousness at the scene and more severe systemic injuries, including a lower Glasgow coma scale (R = -0.23, p < 0.001), higher injury severity score (R = 0.24, p < 0.001), and longer length of stay (R = 0.21, p < 0.001). Helmet use data showed that lack of head protection was associated with more severe injuries and poorer outcomes. Conclusion: As cycling rates continue to increase, healthcare providers may expect to see an increase in bicycle-related injuries in their practice. The insights gained from this study can inform the treatment of these injuries while highlighting the need for future initiatives aimed at increasing road safety and accident prevention.
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Background To describe the distribution of injuries, hospitalization rates by body areas injured, and surgery-requiring admissions, and to identify independent predictors of admission to a regional hospital in Jamaica. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among persons presenting to the St Ann’s Bay Regional Hospital in Jamaica (2016–2018) with injuries sustained from motorcycle crashes. A census was done of patients admitted to the surgery ward from the emergency room, as well as those referred to the Orthopaedic Outpatient Department. Trained members of the orthopedic team administered a pretested questionnaire within 24 hours of presenting to the orthopedic service to elicit data on sociodemographic characteristics, motor vehicle collision circumstance and motor bike specifications, physical injuries sustained and medical management, as well as compliance with legal requirements for riding a motorcycle. Associations between variables were examined using χ ² tests and logistic regression. Results There were 155 participants in the study, and 75.3% of motorcyclists with injuries required admission. The average length of stay was approximately 10 days. Surgery was required for 71.6% of those admitted. Lower limb injuries constituted 55% of all injuries. The independent predictors for admission were alcohol use and total body areas involved. Motorcycle crash victims who used alcohol close to the time of crash were three times more likely to be admitted to hospital than those who did not consume alcohol. As the total body areas involved increased by one, there was a threefold increase in the likelihood of being admitted. Additionally, the greater the number of body areas involved, the greater was the likelihood of admission. Discussion Lower limb injuries are the most commonly reported injuries among victims of motorcycle crashes. Alcohol and total body areas involved are independent predictors of admission to hospital. In the planning of trauma delivery services, this information should be taken into account. Level of Evidence Level IV.
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In Switzerland, the usage and accident numbers of e-bikes have strongly increased in recent years. According to official statistics, single-vehicle accidents constitute an important crash type. Up to date, very little is known about the mechanisms and causes of these crashes. To gain more insight, a survey was conducted among 3658 e-cyclists in 2016. The crash risk and injury severity were analysed using logistic regression models. 638 (17%) e-cyclists had experienced a single-vehicle accident in road traffic since the beginning of their e-bike use. Risk factors were high riding exposure, male sex, and using the e-bike mainly for the purpose of getting to work or school. There was no effect of age on the crash risk. Skidding, falling while crossing a threshold, getting into or skidding on a tram/railway track and evasive actions were the most important accident mechanisms. The crash causes mentioned most often were a slippery road surface, riding too fast for the situation and inability to keep the balance. Women, elderly people, riders of e-bikes with a pedal support up to 45 km/h and e-cyclists who considered themselves to be less fit in comparison to people of the same age had an increased risk of injury. This study confirms the high relevance of single-vehicle crashes with e-bikes. Measures to prevent this type of accident could include the sensitisation of e-cyclists regarding the most common accident mechanisms and causes, a regular maintenance of bicycle pathways, improvements regarding tram and railway tracks and technological advancements of e-bikes.
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Much biomedical research is observational. The reporting of such research is often inadequate, which hampers the assessment of its strengths and weaknesses and of a study's generalisability. The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) initiative developed recommendations on what should be included in an accurate and complete report of an observational study. We defined the scope of the recommendations to cover three main study designs: cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies. We convened a 2-day workshop in September, 2004, with methodologists, researchers, and journal editors to draft a che-cklist of items. This list was subsequently revised during several meetings of the coordinating group and in e-mail discussions with the larger group of STROBE contributors, taking into account empirical evidence and methodological considerations. The workshop and the subsequent iterative process of consultation and revision resulted in a checklist of 22 items (the STROBE statement) that relate to the title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections of articles. 18 items are common to all three study designs and four are specific for cohort, case-control, or cross-sectional studies. A detailed explanation and elaboration document is published separately and is freely available on the websites of PLoS Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine, and Epidemiology. We hope that the STROBE statement will contribute to improving the quality of reporting of observational studies.
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In Europe, the use of electric bicycles is rapidly increasing. This trend raises important safety concerns: Is their use compatible with existing infrastructure and regulations? Do they present novel safety issues? How do they impact other traffic? This study sought to address these concerns, using instrumented electric bicycles to monitor e-cyclists’ behavior in a naturalistic fashion. Data was collected from 12 bicyclists, each of whom rode an instrumented bicycle for two weeks. In total, 1500 km worth of data were collected, including 88 critical events (crashes and near-crashes). Analysis of these critical events identified pedestrians, light vehicles and other bicycles as main threats to a safe ride. Other factors also contributed to crash causation, such as being in proximity to a crossing or encountering a vehicle parked in the bicycle lane. A comparison between electric and traditional bicycles was enabled by the availability of data from a previous study a year earlier, which collected naturalistic cycling data from traditional bicycles using the same instrumentation as in this study. Electric bicycles were found to be ridden faster, on average, than traditional bicycles, in addition to interacting differently with other road users. The results presented in this study also suggest that countermeasures to bicycle crashes should be different for electric and traditional bicycles. Finally, increasing electric bicycle conspicuity appears to be the easiest, most obvious way to increase their safety.
Background Powered, two-wheeled transportation devices like electric bicycles (E-bikes) and scooters are increasingly popular, but little is known about their relative injury risk compared to pedal operated bicycles. Methods Descriptive and comparative analysis of injury patterns and trends associated with E-bikes, powered scooters and pedal bicycles from 2000 to 2017 using the US National Electronic Injury Surveillance System. Results While persons injured using E-bikes were more likely to suffer internal injuries (17.1%; 95% CI 5.6 to 28.6) and require hospital admission (OR=2.8, 95% CI 1.3 to 6.1), powered scooter injuries were nearly three times more likely to result in a diagnosis of concussion (3% of scooter injuries vs 0.5% of E-bike injuries). E-bike-related injuries were also more than three times more likely to involve a collision with a pedestrian than either pedal bicycles (OR=3.3, 95% CI 0.5 to 23.6) or powered scooters (OR=3.3, 95% CI 0.3 to 32.9), but there was no evidence that powered scooters were more likely than bicycles to be involved in a collision with a pedestrian (OR=1.0, 95% CI 0.3 to 3.1). While population-based rates of pedal bicycle-related injuries have been decreasing, particularly among children, reported E-bike injuries have been increasing dramatically particularly among older persons. Conclusions E-bike and powered scooter use and injury patterns differ from more traditional pedal operated bicycles. Efforts to address injury prevention and control are warranted, and further studies examining demographics and hospital resource utilisation are necessary.
Background: Electrical bicycles (E-bikes) allow people of all ages to ride at high speeds but have an inherent risk of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Their sales have increased tremendously in recent years. Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort study to compare the incidence and severity of TBI in E-bikers and conventional bicyclists. We included patients at a Swiss level 1 trauma center admitted from 2010 to 2015. The primary outcome was the association between TBI and the bicycle type. The secondary outcome was the association between helmet use and TBI severity. Results: Of 557 patients injured riding an E-bike (n = 73) or a bicycle (n = 484), 60% sustained a TBI, most of which were mild (Glasgow coma scale [GCS] score, 13-15; E-bike, 78%; bicycle, 88%). TBI was more often moderate (GCS score, 9-12) or severe (GCS score, 3-8) in E-bikers than in bicyclists (P = 0.04). Intracranial hemorrhage, traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, and subdural hematoma occurred significantly more often in E-bikers than in bicyclists (P < 0.05). Neurosurgical intervention was necessary for 5 E-bikers (7%) and 25 (5%) bicyclists (P = 0.15). Wearing a helmet correlated with a lower risk of neurosurgical intervention in bicyclists (odds ratio [OR], 0.21; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.06-0.73; P = 0.01) and a lower risk of calvarial fractures in both bicyclists (OR, 0.16; 95% CI, 0.06-0.42; P < 0.01) and E-bikers (OR, 0.21; 95% CI, 0.05-0.84; P = 0.03). Conclusions: E-bikers had a significantly greater risk of moderate to severe TBI compared with bicyclists. Helmet use was associated with decreased odds of severe TBI in bicyclists and a tendency toward a more favorable outcome for E-bikers.
Background: Electric bike (e-bike) usage is growing worldwide, and so is the e-bike-related injury rate. Objective: This study was undertaken to characterize e-bike-related injuries. Methods: Data of all e-bike-related injuries presenting to our level I trauma center between 2014 and 2016 were collected and analyzed. Adult and pediatric (<18 years of age) e-bike-related injuries were then analyzed separately and compared. Results: Forty-eight patients suffering from e-bike-related injuries presented to our trauma center between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2016. Seventeen (35%) patients were <18 years of age and 40 (85%) were male. The overall most common mechanism of injury was falling off the e-bike in 24 patients (50%), followed by collision with a static object in 9 patients (18.8%). Head (38%) and facial (33%) injuries were most common in children. In adult patients, orthopedic trauma was predominant, with extremity fractures in 35 (73%) followed by significant lacerations in 14 patients (29%). Severe trauma (Injury Severity Score >15) was found in 17 (35%) patients. The duration of hospital stay was 10.8 ± 6 days, 12 patients (25%) required a stay in the intensive care unit, and 21 patients (43.7%) required surgery. Compared to adults, children (<18 years of age) had significantly more head and face injuries (p = 0.05). Conclusion: Our study suggests that e-bike-related trauma may involve serious injuries and have typical injury patterns that resemble those seen in motorcycle-related injuries. Children are more likely to suffer head and face injuries because of their higher head to body ratio. We suggest that these injuries should therefore be triaged appropriately, preferably to a medical facility with proper trauma capabilities.
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Deutschland ist eine Radfahrnation mit über 70 Mill. Fahrrädern. Bedingt durch die technische Weiterentwicklung wurden im Jahr 2010 deutschlandweit bereits 200 000 E-Bikes (Oberbegriff für elektrobetriebene Fahrräder, beinhaltet auch Pedelecs) verkauft, 2013 waren dies bereits 410 000. Aktuell werden deutschlandweit mehr als 1,6 Mill. Elektrofahrräder genutzt. Eine der größten Nutzergruppen sind Senioren. Unfallforscher befürchten ein erhöhtes Unfall-/Verletzungsrisiko. Methode Ein Jahr lang wurden alle Radverkehrsunfälle, speziell die Elektrofahrradunfälle unter Beteiligung von Senioren, in 23 Krankenhäusern des TraumaNetzwerks NordWest und der örtlich zuständigen Polizeibehörden erhoben und analysiert. Ergebnisse Ein Vergleich der Elektrofahrrad fahrenden Senioren mit der Gruppe der ebenfalls elektrounterstützt Rad fahrenden Jüngeren ergab im ersten Ansatz ein höheres Verletzungsrisiko. Die weitere vergleichende Analyse der schwerverletzten Senioren, die ein elektrounterstütztes Fahrrad fuhren, mit denen, die ein konventionelles Fahrrad nutzten, widersprach dem jedoch. Eine statistische Signifikanz blieb aus. Die Unfallwahrscheinlichkeit erhöhte sich mit dem Alter, nicht jedoch mit dem Fahrradtyp. Schlussfolgerung Unfallvermeidend könnten, neben einem spezifischen Fahrtraining, medizinische Vorsorgeuntersuchungen zur Früherkennung von Leistungseinbußen, speziell im Bereich kognitiver Verarbeitungsprozesse und des Gleichgewichts, wirken. Sie sollten zukünftig selbstverständlicher Bestandteil der Gesundheitsvorsorge und damit der Beratungsleistung der niedergelassenen Ärzte sein.
Introduction: The use of electric bicycles (E-bike) has dramatically increased. E-bikes offer convenient, environmental-friendly, and less expensive alternative to other forms of transport. However, E-bikes provide a new public health challenge in terms of safety and injury prevention. This study is the first to specifically investigate the E-bike related orthopaedic injuries, based on a national trauma registry. Methods: Data from a National Trauma Registry were reviewed for patients hospitalized following E-bike related injuries. Between Jan 2014 to Dec 2015, a total of 549 patients were reviewed. Data were analyzed according to demography, type of orthopaedic injury, associated injuries and severity, injury mechanism and treatment in the operating room. Results: A total of 360 (65%) patients sustained orthopaedic injuries, out of them 230 (63.8%) sustained limb/pelvis/spine fractures. Lower extremity fractures were more prevalent than upper extremity fractures (p<0.001). The tibia was the most fractured bone (19.2%). Patients over the age of 50 years were at the highest risk for spine (20. 5%, p=0.0001), pelvis (15.9%, p=0.0001) and femoral neck (15.9%, p=0.0172) fractures relative to other age groups. Approximately 42% of patients sustained associated injuries, with head/neck/face injuries being the most prevalent (30.3%). followed by chest (11.9%) and abdominal injury (13.3%). A collision between E-bike and a motorized vehicle was the mechanism of injury in 35% of cases. In this mechanism of injury, patients had 1.7 times the risk for associated injuries (p<0.0001) and the risk for major trauma (ISS score ≥16) was more than the double (p=0.03). One third of patients with orthopaedic injuries required treatment in the operating room. Treatment varied depending on the type of fracture. Conclusions: This study provides unique information on epidemiological characteristics of orthpaedic injuries caused be E-bikes, pertinent both to medical care providers, as well as to health policy-makers allocating resources and formulating prevention strategies.
In recent years, the increasing number of bicyclists has evoked the debate on use of bicycle helmet. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between helmet use and injury pattern in bicycle trauma patients. We performed a retrospective population-based study of 186 patients treated for bicycle-related injuries at a Level 1 Trauma Centre in Sweden during a 3-year period. Data were collected from case records. Unconditional logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (ORs), and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs). 43.5 % of the 186 patients used a bicycle helmet at the time of the crash. Helmet users were less likely to get head and facial injuries in collisions than non-helmet users (OR, 0.3; 95 % CI, 0.07-0.8, and OR, 0.07; 95 % CI, 0.02-0.3), whereas no difference was seen in single-vehicle accidents. The risk of limb injuries was higher among helmet users. Non-helmet use is associated with an increased risk of injury to head and face in collisions, whereas helmet use is associated with an increased risk of limb injuries in all types of crashes.