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Chapter 8 Mushroom: A True Super Food

  • Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)


Mushrooms have been consumed by humans since antiquity and considered as a culinary wonder due to their organoleptic merits. In the era of healthy eating by cutting down the calories, saturated fat and cholesterol, mushrooms are bound to attract the public attention a lot. At present they are widely used across the globe not only as food but also in the area of pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals. In this chapter an attempt has been made to provide the up to date insight on the nutritional and medicinal properties of mushrooms. Mushroom proteins are considered of higher nutritional quality than those of vegetables, being comparable to proteins of animal origin such as meat, eggs and milk. Furthermore, modern mushroom culture produces more protein per unit area of land than any other kind of agricultural technology at present available. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has recommended mushrooms as a food item contributing significantly to the protein nutrition of the developing countries like Nepal, which depend heavily on the cereal diets. In the recent years, a lot of research has been done on the chemical composition of mushrooms around the globe including Nepal which revealed their several nutritional and medicinal attributes. Contemporary researches have also validated and documented much of the ancient knowledge on the mushrooms and recognized them as functional foods as well as a vital natural source for the development of pharmaceuticals, cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals in the 21 st century.
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
Chapter 8
Mushroom: A True Super Food
Jay Kant Raut* and Mahesh Kumar Adhikari1
Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal
Mushrooms have been consumed by humans since antiquity and considered as a culinary
wonder due to their organoleptic merits. In the era of healthy eating by cutting down the
calories, saturated fat and cholesterol, mushrooms are bound to attract the public
attention a lot. At present they are widely used across the globe not only as food but also
in the area of pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals. In this chapter an
attempt has been made to provide the up to date insight on the nutritional and medicinal
properties of mushrooms. Mushroom proteins are considered of higher nutritional quality
than those of vegetables, being comparable to proteins of animal origin such as meat,
eggs and milk. Furthermore, modern mushroom culture produces more protein per unit
area of land than any other kind of agricultural technology at present available. Food
and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has recommended mushrooms as a food item
contributing significantly to the protein nutrition of the developing countries like Nepal,
which depend heavily on the cereal diets. In the recent years, a lot of research has been
done on the chemical composition of mushrooms around the globe including Nepal which
revealed their several nutritional and medicinal attributes. Contemporary researches
have also validated and documented much of the ancient knowledge on the mushrooms
and recognized them as functional foods as well as a vital natural source for the
development of pharmaceuticals, cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals in the 21st century.
Keywords: Anti-aging; anti-allergic; dietary supplement; fungi; white vegetables;
vegetarian meat.
Mushrooms are higher fungi that are biologically distinct from plant and animal
belonging to divisions Basidiomycota and Ascomycota (Hawksworth et al., 2008). They
have been informally categorized among the ‘White vegetables’ and described as the
forgotten source of nutrients (Feeney et al., 2014; Weaver & Marr, 2013). Mushrooms are
widely consumed across the globe; especially for their organoleptic properties and have
been praised by humankind as a culinary wonder (Ergönül et al., 2013; Valverde et al.,
1 Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
Sajan Lal Shyaula, Gan B. Bajracharya, Gopal K.C., Shanta Man Shakya and Dilip Subba (Editors)
Copyright © 2021 Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal
ISBN: 978-9937-0-9153-4
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
2015). In the era of healthy eating by cutting down the calories, saturated fat and
cholesterol, mushrooms are bound to attract the public attention a lot (Zhang et al., 2014).
Mushroom proteins are considered of higher nutritional quality than those of vegetables,
being comparable to proteins of animal origin such as meat, eggs and milk (Wang et al.,
2014). Furthermore, modern mushroom culture produces more protein per unit area of
land than any other kind of agricultural technology available at present (Aneja, 2001).
Health awareness and demand for meat substitutes have prompted global mushroom
consumption. Currently, the usage of mushrooms has expanded up to a wider extent not
only as food but also in the area of pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals for
the mankind. In the recent years, a lot of researches have been done on the chemical
composition of mushrooms around the globe which revealed their several nutritional and
medicinal attributes. Contemporary researches have validated and documented much of
the ancient knowledge on the mushrooms and recognized them as functional foods as well
as a vital natural source for the development of pharmaceuticals, cosmeceuticals and
nutraceuticals in the 21st century (Kostić et al., 2017; Reis et al., 2014; Soković et al.,
2016). In this chapter, the nutritional and medicinal attributes of mushrooms, with an
emphasis on as a functional as well as a true super food are reviewed and highlighted.
Mushroom in Folklore
Mushrooms have been used as both food and medicine since prehistoric time (Chang &
Miles, 2004; O’Neil et al., 2013). It is known from the fossil record that mushrooms have
existed since the lower cretaceous period (130 million years ago), long before human
beings evolved on this planet. It is assumed that the primitive man also consumed
mushrooms (Miles & Chang, 1997). Mushroom has got a place in the scriptures of many
ancient civilizations. Theophrastus (372–227 BC), the great Greek philosopher, wrote
about food value of mushroom and treated them as the royal dishes, a part of vegetable
kingdom. The Egyptians regarded them as a food for Pharaohs (King of ancient Egypt).
The Greek and Romans described them as ‘Food for the Gods’ and were served only on
festive occasions. Chinese treasured mushroom as elixir of life (Kotowski, 2019).
Reference to mushroom is also found in the Vedas (Wasson, 1971). Mushroom is a dish
of Jannat for Islamic people (Marwat et al., 2009). Recently, the importance of the role of
mushrooms in history was evidenced by the fact that the desert truffle, Terfezia arnenari,
was described in the Bible as ‘Bread from Heaven’ and ‘Manna of the Israelites’ (Pegler,
2002). Moreover, various mushroom rituals were practiced in various civilizations of
Russia, China, Greece, Mexico and Latin America throughout the world. Many believed
that mushrooms had properties that could produce super-human strength, help in finding
lost objects and lead the soul to the realm of the gods (Chang & Miles, 2004). In the past,
they were often considered as exotic and luxurious food reserved for the rich only. But
today mushrooms have become food for both the rich and the poor (Aneja, 2001).
Wild versus Cultivated
Mushrooms belong to the kingdom Fungi, which constitutes the most diverse group of
organisms after insects on this biosphere. They are found all around the world and grow
in a wide range of habitats (desert, grassland, roadway and forest). The number of
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
mushroom species on the earth is currently estimated at 150,000–160,000. Out of these,
only 16,000 species are described so far which is only around 10% of the estimated
mushroom species (Hawksworth et al., 2008; Hawksworth & Lücking, 2018). Due to
many reasons (such as habitat, environmental factors, etc.), the availability of mushrooms
in the wild is uncertain and seasonal. The need and greed to ensure the regular availability
of mushrooms impelled the mankind to domesticate wild delicious mushrooms. For the
first time Auricularia auricula-judae in 600 AD, Flammulina velutips in 800 AD and
Lentinula edodes in 1000 AD were domesticated in China, but the real commercial
ventures started with the cultivation of the common white button mushroom (Agaricus
bisporus) in the limestone caves in France, in late eighteenth century, which can be truly
termed as biggest milestone in the history of artificial mushroom production (Figure 8.1).
In the late l8th century, mushroom production made its way across the Atlantic to the
United States, where curious home gardeners in the East tried their luck at growing this
new and unknown crop (Miles & Chang, 2004). Since then, more than 20 species of
edible and medicinal mushrooms have been domesticated, and technologies have been
improved to the commercial level.
Caesar’s mushroom
(Amanita caesarea)
Morel mushroom
(Morchella elata)
Chicken of the woods
(Laetiporus sulphureus)
White button mushroom
(Agaricus bisporus)
Oyster mushroom
(Pleurotus ostreatus)
Shitake mushroom
(Lentinula edodes)
Figure 8.1. Some popular wild edible mushrooms (upper row) and
cultivated mushrooms (butttom row) in Nepal.
Mushroom Production and Consumption in Nepal
The tradition of collection and consumption of wild edible mushrooms by the various
ethnic groups in Nepal have been very popular since ancient times (Adhikari & Adhikari,
1996; Adhikari, 2000). Some ethnic groups (Chepang, Danuwar, Tamang, Tharu, Raute,
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
etc.) found to be heavily depend on collection and consumption of wild mushrooms for
their food and medicine (Adhikari, 2014; Pandey & Budhathoki, 1970). Some wild
mushroom are being used in the Newar community during their ethnic festival (Adhikari
& Adhikari, 2011). The country is very rich in mushroom diversity due to its complex
geomorphology, diversity in altitude and climatic conditions. However, to date, very little
number of mushroom species has been unveiled and exploited scientifically. There are
altogether 1291 mushroom species, among them, 159 are edible, 100 are poisonous, 74
are medicinal and 25 are using in other purposes (Devkota & Aryal, 2020). There is also
significant trade and revenue from the collection of some wild mushrooms such as
Ophiocordyceps sinensis (yarsagumba), Morchella spp. (guchhi-chyau) and Ganoderma
spp. (rato-chyau) (Adhikari, 2008; Adhikari, 2009). They play an important role in the
national bio-economy (Raut, 2019; Raut et al., 2019). In addition of wild collection, the
artificial farming started in 1974 with button mushroom. Oyster (Pleurotus spp.), button
mushroom (A. bisporus), shitake (L. edodes) and milky mushroom (Calocybe indica) are
the most popular mushrooms in Nepal which have been farming on commercial scale (see
Figure 8.1). However, all these cultivars are exotic. None of native species is in the
cropping system yet. The production follows the upward trend. Total national output of
mushroom was only 30 kg in 1974 that reached 9300 tonnes in the year 2016 (Raut,
2019). In the last few years, with the change in the food habit and the recognition of its
nutritional and medicinal values, domestic market is increasing rapidly. The per capita
consumption/year reached 115 g in 2015 from 4 g in 2000 (Raut, 2019). Several
mushrooms both wild as well as cultivated from different parts of the country have been
chemically characterized (Adhikari et al., 2019; Adhikari, 2000; Adhikari et al., 2018;
Adhikari et al., 1996; Aryal et al., 2017; Aryal & Budhathoki, 2015; Gautam & Adhikari,
2007; Giri & Rana, 2009; Bang et al., 2014; Jha & Tripathi, 2012; Mishra & Mishra,
2017; Pandey & Budhathoki, 1970; Tamrakar et al., 2016, 2017, 2019; Upadhyaya et al.,
2017; Upadhyaya et al., 2018). These studies indicate the researches on the nutritional and
nutraceutical values of the Nepalese mushrooms are getting momentum in the recent
years making Nepalese peoples more aware on their food and medicinal value.
Nutritional Attribute
Mushrooms offer high quality protein. The protein present in mushrooms contains all nine
essential amino acids (EAAs) essential for humans, in contrast to most other plant-based
protein options which are typically missing one or more EAAs. Moreover, mushrooms
have a high branched-chain amino acid composition, which is usually only found in
animal-based protein sources. In fact, mushroom proteins are nearly equivalent to the
animal protein. It is also known as White vegetables or Boneless vegetarian meat (Kakon
et al., 2012). Greeshma et al. (2018) found in a study that the amino acid content in
mushrooms is comparable to that of ovalbumin and surpasses soybean and wheat scores
(WHO/FAO reference standards). In a study that assessed the difference in satiety levels
between mushrooms and meat, participants expressed significantly less hunger, a greater
sense of fullness, and reduced prospective consumption after consuming the mushroom
meal compared with those participants given meat (Hess et al., 2017).
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
The crude protein content of edible mushrooms is usually high, but varies greatly and
is affected by factors such as species, developmental stage, environment and substrate
(Cheung, 2010; Ferreira et al., 2017; Kakon et al., 2012). It contains 20–35% protein dry
weight basis (DW) as compared to 7.3% in rice, 13.2% in wheat, 39.1% in soybean and
25.2% in milk. This shows that protein content in mushrooms ranks below animal meats
but well above most other foods including milk (Chang & Miles, 2004; Kakon et al.,
2012; Rahi & Malik, 2016). On a fresh weight basis, an average value of protein content
in mushroom is 3.5–4% which is, in general, about twice that of asparagus and cabbage,
and 4 times and 12 times those of oranges and apples, respectively (Chang & Miles,
2004). In fact, in populations who do not consume animal proteins (either due to lack of
availability or religious beliefs), mushrooms can be used to combat protein deficiency and
as a supplement to cereal grains. The complete protein composition found in mushrooms
is a great alternative to bridge the gap for vegans and vegetarians who may be burnt out
on other traditional plant-based protein sources such as pea, rice, and other grains and
legumes (Jayachandran et al., 2017).
Carbohydrates and Fiber
Arabinose, fructose, rhamnose, xylose, fucose, mannose, mannitol, glucose, trehalose,
sucrose and melezitose are some carbohydrates of mushroom. The carbohydrate content
of edible mushrooms varies with species and ranges from 35 to 70% DW (Ooi, 2009).
Mannitol and trehalose are the major sugars reported in mushrooms that varies from
species to species. Mannitol is mainly responsible for the growth and firmness of the fruit
body and the most abundant sugar in the wild species (Ferreira et al., 2017). Pleurotus
species contain carbohydrates ranging from 46.6 to 81.8% as compared to 60% in A.
bisporus on dry weight basis (Rahi & Malik, 2016).
Mushrooms are also a good source of fiber, particularly the soluble fiber β-glucan.
Most of the active polysaccharides, water soluble or insoluble, isolated from mushrooms
can be classified as dietary fibers. Dietary fibre is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be
digested by gastrointestinal enzymes. Mushrooms contain 10–50% dietary fibers in dried
matter (Rahi & Malik, 2016). The soluble fiber is mainly β-glucans, a polysaccharide.
Soluble fiber helps to lower total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. It
also helps regulate blood sugar levels (Kakon et al., 2012). The fiber content ranges from
7.4 to 27.6% in Pleurotus species as compared to 10.4% in A. bisporus and 4 to 20% in
Volvariella volvacea (Rahi & Malik, 2016).
Mushrooms contain extremely small amount of fat usually ranging from 0.1 to 16.3%,
most of which are polyunsaturated fat (Sande et al., 2019). As a result, they are
considered as a low caloric heart-healthy food choice without cholesterol. Instead, they
have ergosterol that acts as a precursor for vitamin D synthesis in human body. Similarly,
ergosterol in button mushroom is converted into vitamin D2 when exposed to UV
radiation or sunlight. It has been observed that a diet rich in sterols is important in the
prevention of cardiovascular diseases (Valverde et al., 2015). In general, the crude fat of
mushrooms represents all classes of lipid compounds including free fatty acids,
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, sterols, sterol esters, and phospholipids
(Chang & Miles, 2004). Linoleic acid, oleic acid and linolenic acid are the major
constituents in their lipid profiles and, in general, unsaturated fatty acids predominate
over saturated fatty acids. Therefore, compared to other food of vegetable and animal
origin, mushrooms have the advantage of possessing high levels of polyunsaturated fatty
acids. Percentage of these fatty acids (in 100 g of total fatty acids) in mushrooms varies
greatly: linoleic acid ranges from 0.0–81.1%, oleic acid between 1.0 and 60.3%, and
linolenic acid from 0.0–28.8% (Sande et al., 2019). Unsaturated fatty acids are essential to
human body while saturated fatty acids, which are present in high amounts in animal fats,
may be harmful to human health (Rahi & Malik, 2016). The high content of unsaturated
fatty acids in mushrooms make them a healthy food. Unsaturated fatty acids are useful for
a wide range human physiology such as in management of cardiovascular diseases,
triglyceride levels, blood pressure and arthritis (Ferreira et al., 2009; Heleno et al., 2012;
Reis et al., 2012; Valverde et al., 2015).
Mushroom is an excellent source of vitamins especially C and B (folic acid, thiamine,
riboflavin and niacin). The riboflavin (vitamin B2) content in mushrooms is higher than
that generally found in vegetables, and some varieties of A. bisporus even have a level of
vitamin B2 as high as that found in egg and cheese (Mattila et al., 2000). The content of
riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin and folates, varies within the range of 1.8–5.1, 31–65 and
0.30–0.64 mg/100 g DW, respectively, depending on the species. In addition to riboflavin,
niacin and folates, cultivated mushrooms also contain small amounts of vitamin C and
vitamin B1, and traces of vitamins B12 and D2. Folic acid and vitamin B12, which are
normally absent in vegetative foods, are present in mushrooms. Vitamin A is uncommon,
although several mushrooms contain detectable amounts of pro-vitamin A measured as
the β-carotene equivalent. Most cultivated mushrooms are believed to contain low
amounts of the fat-soluble vitamins, K and E, and only a small contribution to the daily
requirement of vitamin C (Mattila et al., 2001). Vitamin C content has been reported to
be highest in L. edodes (9.4 mg/100 g dry sample) followed by Pleurotus sajor-caju, A.
bisporus and V. volvacea with 7.4, 1.8 and 1.4 mg/100 g DW, respectively (Chang &
Miles, 2004).
It has been reported that the vitamin D2 content in A. bisporus (0.21 µg/100 g DW)
cultivated in the dark is lower than that of L. edodes (22.0–110 µg/100 g DW) cultivated
in natural climatic conditions (Takamura et al., 1991), which is mainly due to the
influence of illumination on the conversion of ergocalciferol (provitamin D) to vitamin D
(Mattila et al., 2002). Unfortunately, few foodstuffs naturally contain significant levels of
vitamin D. Mushrooms are the only non-animal-based food containing vitamin D, and
hence they are the only natural vitamin D source for vegetarians. Mushrooms cultivated in
indoors contain lower levels of vitamin D2 than those cultivated at outdoors because the
metabolic route from ergosterol to ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) requires sunlight or
artificial ultraviolet (UV) light. Common cultivated mushrooms could be remarkably
enriched with vitamin D2 by UV- irradiation after harvest (Mau et al., 1998). This easy
way to improve the nutritional value of common mushrooms and make them more
functional as a source of vitamin D is worth noting (Mattila et al., 2000).
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
Ash and Minerals
The ash content gives us a general idea about the mineral content of mushrooms and
usually ranges from 6 to 10.9% on dry weight basis (Cheung, 2010). Mushrooms are a
good source of wide variety of minerals, containing macro-elements such as calcium (Ca),
magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), phosphorus (P) and micro-elements such
as copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn). The amount of K, P, Na, Ca,
and Mg accounts about 56 to 70% of the total ash content, while potassium, an extremely
important mineral that regulates blood pressure, alone forms 45% of the total ash (Li &
Chang, 1982; Rahi & Malik, 2016). Mushrooms in general are rich in selenium (Se), an
essential trace mineral (Cocchi et al., 2006). Se is a powerful antioxidant that fights
oxidative stress and helps defend human body from chronic conditions, such as heart
disease and cancer. Mushrooms contain more Se than any other form of produce and are
one of the richest, natural sources of Se (Rahi & Malik, 2016). Mushrooms can also have
low contents of toxic elements, such as arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb)
(Ferreira et al., 2017). These toxic elements are not found or are very low in the cultivated
species (Mallikarjuna et al., 2013). The mineral content in mushrooms are greatly vary
with mushroom species, types of substrate and the environmental factors (Liu et al.,
Generally, mushrooms comprise a high moisture content that ranges about 85 to 95% of
their fresh weight. Freshly harvested mushrooms are highly perishable because of high
moisture content metabolism and susceptible to enzymatic browning. Water content in
mushroom greatly varies depending on the time of cropping, watering condition during
cultivation, postharvest period, and temperature and relative humidity during growth
(Cheung, 2010). The moisture is easily lost after harvest, due to evaporation;
consequently, the chemical composition of mushrooms varies within and between species,
and corresponding maturation. Therefore, the dry matter content of mushrooms is
relatively low, about 10–30% on fresh weight basis and it is mainly formed by
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and ash; low lipid concentrations result in low energy value
(Ferreira et al., 2017).
Due to low energy content (generally 25.08-50 cal/100 g of fresh weight), edible
mushrooms should be regarded as dietetic food. Cultivated species, such as A. bisporus
and Pleurotus ostreatus are characterized by a medium calorific value of 30 and 36
cal/100 of the edible part, respectively (Bernas et al., 2006; Manzi et al., 2001). Wild
species, Suillus luteus, Morchella esculenta, Cantharellus cibarius, Lactarius deliciosus
and Leccinum scabrum show low calorific values varying from 11 to 14 cal/100 g fresh
matter; a medium one was found for Boletus edulis (17 cal/100 g) and the highest one for
Tuber melanosporum (56 cal/100 g) (Aletor, 1995). A serving of 100 g of fresh edible
mushrooms provides only 1.4–4.4% of the daily energy requirement for a 70 kg adult
male who engages in moderate physical activity (Cheung, 2010).
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
Medicinal Attribute
Antioxidants in Mushrooms
Oxidation is essential to many living organisms for the production of energy to fuel
biological processes. Free radicals are produced in the normal natural metabolism of
aerobic cells. A free radical is defined as any atom or molecule possessing unpaired
electrons in the outer orbit (Halliwell & Gutteridge, 1984). They are generally unstable
and very reactive. Free radicals derived from molecular oxygen (O2) are usually known
by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and represent the most important class of radical
species generated in living systems (Miller et al., 1990). Once produced, most of the free
radicals are neutralized by cellular antioxidant defenses (enzymes and non-enzymatic
molecules). Maintenance of equilibrium between free radical production and antioxidant
defenses (enzymatic and non-enzymatic) is an essential condition for normal organism
functioning. Due to either by the over-production of ROS or by the loss of the cell
antioxidant defenses, a disequilibrium occurs which is known as oxidative stress
(Machelin & Bendich, 1987). The excess ROS may oxidize and damage cellular lipids,
proteins and DNA leading to abnormal function (Ferreira et al., 2009; Fu et al., 1998;
Valko et al., 2007). In fact, the uncontrolled production of oxygen-derived free radicals is
involved in the onset of more than one hundred diseases including several kinds of
cancers (Valko et al., 2006), diabetes (Valko et al., 2007), cardiovascular diseases (Shah
& Channon, 2004), neurological disorders (Perry et al., 2008), among others (Valko et al.,
2007). The over-production of ROS has also been related to the aging process (Halliwell
& Gutteridge, 1984; Halliwell, 1996). Therefore, it becomes very important for many to
supplement their diet with good levels of antioxidants and free radicals scavengers to
protect themselves from the oxidative damage. Recently, many studies have found that
edible mushrooms possess potent antioxidants (Adhikari et al., 2019; Barros et al., 2007;
Boonsong et al., 2016; Elmastas et al., 2007; Ferreira et al., 2009; Gursoy et al., 2009;
Bang et al., 2014; Kalaras et al., 2017; Kalyoncu et al., 2010; Kozarski et al., 2015; Keleş
et al., 2011; Mau et al., 2004; Srikram & Supapvanich, 2016; Strapáč et al., 2016;
Unekwu et al., 2014; Wani et al., 2010). Phenolics, tocopherol, ascorbic acid and
caretenoids are the responsible compounds which has been isolated from the different
species of mushrooms. They are reported to boost the immune system; have
anticancerous, anti-hypercholesterolaemic and antiviral activities; and ameliorate the
toxic effect of chemo- and radiotherapies (Chang & Miles, 2004; Rathore et al., 2017).
Also, mushrooms might be used directly in diet and promote health taking advantage of
the additive and synergistic effects of all the bioactive compounds present.
Hypocholesterolemic/Antiatherogenic Effects
Increasing incidence of cardiovascular diseases in the globe leads to search for natural
substances as hypocholesterolemic agents that can lower blood cholesterol. In this regard,
mushrooms contain variety of such bioagents with promising effects on several
cardiovascular risk biomarkers (Murugan et al., 2018). Edible mushrooms as a natural
hypocholesterolemic and antisclerotic diet are often prescribed in Oriental medicine
(Ishikawa et al., 1984). Elevated serum cholesterol levels are widely recognized as a
contributing risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and stroke. Atherosclerosis, a progressive disease
characterized by the accumulation of lipids and fibrous elements in the large arteries,
constitutes the single most important contributor to the growing burden of cardiovascular
diseases (Libby, 2012). Intake of mushrooms with hypocholesterolemic properties
reduces the cardiovascular risk (Bobek & Galbavý, 1999; Kaneda & Tokuda, 1966; Mori
et al., 2008; Yamada et al., 2002). In general, the hypocholesterolemic effects, including
the lowering of plasma triglycerides, and hepatic total cholesterol and triglycerides, of
edible mushrooms e.g., A. auricula-judae, A. bisporus, P. ostreatus, and Tremella
fuciformis have been mainly attributed to dietary fiber (Caz et al., 2015; Guillamón et al.,
Based on the capacity of the reduction of cholesterol absorption, the European
Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recognizes two types of functional food that can
reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases (EFSA, 2009, 2010, 2012). One that contains
sterols (phytosterols) or derivatives (sitostanol esters) and another type contains
β-glucanspolysacharides. These compounds can reduce LDL-cholesterol in
hypercholesterolaemic patients by 10–15% within 3–4 weeks with the intake of 1.5 g/day
(Chen & Huang, 2009; Miettinen et al., 1995). Edible mushrooms are good sources of
phytosterol-like structures such as ergosterol, fungisterol and many other derivatives. The
major fungal sterol, ergosterol (9.61–1.28 mg/g DW), is abundant in all mushrooms
species since it is a constitutive compound of the hyphae membranes and it is known as a
vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) precursor (Kalač, 2009; Mattila et al., 2002; Teichmann et al.,
2007). According to the reports, several oyster mushroom strains showed lovastatin
(mevinolin), a compound able to lower cholesterol levels by inhibiting the 3-hydroxy-3-
methyl-glutaryl CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase, a key-enzyme in the cholesterol metabolism
(Gunde-Cimerman & Cimerman, 1995). However, other compounds, such as
lanosteroids, ganoderols, etc., obtained from other mushrooms are also able to perform
such an inhibition (Berger et al., 2004; Gil-Ramirez et al., 2011). Mushroom intake
clearly has a cholesterol-lowering effect or hypocholesterolemic effect by different
mechanisms such as decreasing very-low-density lipoproteins, improving lipid
metabolism, inhibiting of activity of HMG-CoA reductase, and consequently preventing
the development of atherosclerosis (Guillamón et al., 2010). According to current dietary
recommendations for preventing and treating for cardiovascular diseases, edible
mushroom presents an appropriate nutritional value and its consumption can affect some
known cardiovascular risk biomarkers.
Hypoglycaemic/Antidiabetic Effects
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a multifactorial metabolic disorder characterized by chronic
hyperglycemia due to defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both (American
Diabetic Association, 2014). The increasing worldwide incidence of DM with the number
of DM patients estimated to be doubled from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million in 2030
is creating a global public health burden (WHO, 2005). Management of diabetes basically
initiates with a modification in diet and exercise. Currently, available therapy for diabetes
includes insulin and various oral antidiabetic agents such as sulphonylurea, biguanide,
metformin, α-glucosidase inhibitors and troglitazone, but these are known to have a
number of serious adverse effects in patients (Berger, 1985; Sukalingam et al., 2015).
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
Thus, there is an urgent requirement for effective substitutions to reduce the
complications of diabetes with lower side-effects. In recent years, the search for alternate
medications has drawn great attention to combat diabetes (Ganesan & Xu, 2019).
Therefore, development of safe and effective oral hypoglycemic agents from natural
sources to manage DM without side effects is of great interest recently and is strongly
recommended by The World Health Organization (WHO) (Singh et al., 2007).
Several mushrooms species such as Tremella aurantia, O. sinensis, Ganoderma
lucidum, A. auricula-judae, L. edodes, P. ostreatus, Phellinus linteus and others have
been shown to decrease blood glucose and triglyceride levels. Such results strongly
suggest that these mushrooms have potential preventive and therapeutic actions in DM
(type I and II) (Shamtsyan, 2016). The hypoglycemic activity of mushrooms has been
recorded on fruit bodies and on bioactive compounds isolated from the fruit bodies, such
as polysaccharides (Kiho et al., 1994; Kiho et al., 1994, 2000; Kurushima et al., 2000;
Mori et al., 1998) and lectin (Ewart et al., 1975). Furthermore, endo and exopolymers
produced in submerged mycelial cultures have also been found to have a hypoglycemic
effect (Kim et al., 2001; Kim et al., 1997). The most common animal models used for the
study of the hypoglycemic effects of mushrooms are rats and mice with insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus (IDDM) induced by streptozotocin (STZ), and genetically diabetic mice
with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) (Beattie et al., 1980; Cheung,
2010; Kiho et al., 2001; Swanston-Flatt et al., 1989). In conclusion, mushrooms have
been recognized as an ideal food for the dietetic prevention of hyperglycemia because of
their high dietary fiber and protein, and low fat content.
Antiviral Effect
Mushroom can be considered as a powerhouse of antiviral agent. Cochran was the first to
report the antiviral substances in mushrooms (Goulet et al., 1960). They have shown
potential activity against prominent viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV), influenza, herpes simplex virus (HSV), hepatitis B and C viruses, etc. The antiviral
activity of these mushrooms is associated mainly to the presence of polysaccharides in
mycelium and fruiting bodies, and synthesis of triterpenoid secondary metabolites (Chen
et al., 2012; Linnakoski et al., 2018; Rincão et al., 2012). Antiviral agents in mushrooms
can be divided into two major groups of molecules; the high-molecular weight
compounds such as polysaccharides, proteins and lignin-derivatives from the fruiting
bodies exhibiting their effect indirectly through immunostimulating activity; and the low-
molecular weight compounds, small organic molecules excreted by mushrooms in a liquid
culturing (fermentation) setups that directly inhibits viral enzymes, synthesis of viral
nucleic acids or adsorption and uptake of viruses into cells. High molecular weight
polysaccharides (such as glucan, chitin, mannan, polysaccharide krestin (PSK) or
lentinan) extracted from fruiting bodies and fungal mycelia have been reported to present
antiviral activities (Cardozo et al., 2011; Rincão et al., 2012; Tochikura et al., 1987).
Antiviral activity against HIV has shown by various types of mushroom. Several
triterpenes from G. lucidum i.e. ganoderiol F, ganodermanontriol and ganoderic acid B
are active antiviral agents against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). A low
molecular weight laccase (LAC), from the dried fruiting body of Hericium erinaceus
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
(Wang & Ng, 2004a, 2004b), fruiting body of Pleurotus eryngii (Wang & Ng, 2006b),
Lentinus edodes and G. lucidum (Sun et al., 2011; Wang & Ng, 2006a, 2006b) possess the
strong antiviral activities against HIV. Lanostane-type triterpenoid derived from
Scleroderma citrinum was also shown to have antiviral response against HSV
(Kanokmedhakul et al., 2003). Acidic protein-bound polysaccharide isolated from water-
soluble extracts of G. lucidum showed potent antiviral activity against both HSV-1 and
HSV-2 (Eo et al., 2000). P. ostreatus, Fomes fomentarius, Auriporia aurea and Trametes
versicolor were promising in blocking HSV in RK-13 cells (Krupodorova et al., 2014). A.
aurea, F. velutipes, F. fomentarius, G. lucidum, Lentinus edodes, Lyophyllum shimeji, P.
eryngii, P. ostreatus, Schizophyllum commune and T. versicolor extracts were tested for
inhibition against influenza A H1N1 virus (Krupodorova et al., 2014). Two phenolic
compounds from Inonotus hispidus showed antiviral action against influenza A and B
viruses (Ali et al., 2003). Datronia mollis, Daedaleopsis confragosa, Ischnoderma
benzoinum, T. versicolor, Trametes gibbosa, Laricifomes officinalis and Lenzites betulina
as promising antivirals against H5N1 and H3N2 (Teplyakova et al., 2012). Inonotus
obliquus polysaccharides were tested for their antiviral activity against a number of feline
viruses and found to be active against feline influenza H3N2 and H5N6 (Tian et al.,
The need for natural antiviral compounds arises from the issues of side effects and
development of drug-resistant mutant viruses (De Clercq, 1997). Mushrooms having
antiviral activity with no side effects and being readily available make it an effective source
of foods and therapeutics. Different compounds extracted from mushrooms include lectins
(Hassan et al., 2015), polysaccharides (Friedman, 2016), polysaccharopeptides (Ng, 1998),
enzymes and other molecular compounds (Lindequist et al., 2005), which possess
antiviral activity against HIV, herpes virus, influenza virus, Epstein-Barr virus, coxsackie
virus, etc. Medicinal mushrooms having different components each of which showing
antiviral action against different viruses make them more interesting for pharmacological
exploration. Isolated and extracted compounds can be formulated into tablets, capsules
and teas depending on the source. Usage of mushrooms as dietary supplements should
further be encouraged. The ease of mushroom cultivation could provide a ubiquitous
supply of antiviral compounds, once large-scale production is formulated for these
Antitumour/Anticancer Effects
There are many reports on mushroom polysaccharides as antitumour and immune-
stimulating agents (Cheung, 2010; Ooi, 2009; Zhang et al., 2007). They show their
antitumour activity by stimulating the host immune system rather than direct killing the
tumour cells. The use of mushrooms as an anticarcinogenic agent is known for a very long
time in Korea, China, Japan, Russia, USA and Canada (Daba & Ezeronye, 2003). A variety
of polysaccharides from a number of mushroom varieties have been demonstrated to
enhance the immune system. Naturally-occurring substances having immunotherapeutic
effects are termed as immunoceuticals which can be included in the general category of
nutraceuticals, or dietary supplements. Immunoceutical has become a tool for
immunotherapy, a new dimension of anticancer therapy by which the body’s immune
defenses, beaten down by the cancer and by toxic therapies used against the cancer, can
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
be revitalized to carry out their natural functions of eliminating abnormal tissues from the
body (Kidd, 2000).
More than 50 mushrooms species have yielded potential immunoceuticals that
exhibit anticancer activity in vitro or in animal models. Six of these carcinostatic
(immunotherapeutic) agents that have been investigated in human cancers include
lentinan, schizophyllan, active hexose correlated compounds (AHCC), maitake D-
fraction, polysaccharide-K and polysaccharide-P (Daba & Ezeronye, 2003). G. lucidum,
Lentinus edodes, T. fuciformis, Griflola, H. erinaceus, Agaricus blazei, F. velutipes,
Coriolus versicolor, I. obliquus, P. ostreatus, Sparassis crispa, Poria cocos and
Cordyceps militaris are some major mushroom species have been used as carcinostatic
agents (Meng et al., 2016). These mushrooms are associated with the treatment of various
cancers including breast, colorectal, cervical, skin, liver, ovarian, bladder, prostate,
gastric, skin, lung, leukemia and stomach cancers (Ayeka, 2018; Wasser, 2002). There are
many mushroom based commercial anticancer products in the global market and some
have been patented (Pandya et al., 2019). Despite the discovery of many antitumor
components of mushrooms, still, there is a need to increase the range of available
compounds, find more effective and less toxic molecules and to understand deeply single
and/or multiple targets, so as to battle cancer more precisely.
Antimicrobial Effect
Antimicrobial agents are substances used to treat infections caused by pathogenic
microorganisms. They have been in widespread and largely effective therapeutic use since
their discovery in the 20th century (Glamoclija & Sokovic, 2017). However, the
emergence of multi-drug resistant pathogens now presents an increasing global challenge
to both human and veterinary medicine (WHO, 2014). Mushrooms need antimicrobial
compounds to survive in their natural environment. Hence mushrooms must have strong
antimicrobial properties to fight such microbes to survive (Lindequist et al., 2005).
Antimicrobial compounds with more or less strong activities could be isolated from many
mushrooms and that could be very useful in the treatment of human infections
(Glamoclija & Sokovic, 2017). Only a handful mushrooms species have been studied for
antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and /or antiprotozoal properties. During recent years
many investigations confirmed antimicrobial activity of numerous edible and inedible
mushrooms (Balakumar et al., 2011; Chowdhury et al., 2015; Gebreyohannes et al., 2019;
Hearst et al., 2009; Imtiaj et al., 2007; Klaus et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2010; Nikolovska-
Nedelkoska et al., 2013; Ren et al., 2014; Sharma et al., 2014; Singh, 2017; Tamrakar et
al., 2017; Venturini et al., 2008). Primary and secondary metabolites such as oxalic acid,
peptides or proteins, terpenes, steroids or benzoic acid derivatives from mushrooms have
been associated with their antimicrobial properties (Alves et al., 2012). The antimicrobial
potential of mushroom species depends on sample’s origin, type of extract, assays
applied, and bacterial and fungal species investigated, as well as the numerical values of
the results are presented (Alves et al., 2012; Barros et al., 2007; Glamoclija & Sokovic,
2017; Harikrishnan et al., 2012). One of the first antimicrobial compounds ever isolated
from a polypore was biformin, a poly acetylenic carbinol. Biformin is produced by
Trichaptum biforme (Polyporus biformis) and is active against a wide variety of bacteria
and fungi (Robbins et al., 1947). Ethanolic mycelial extracts from Lentinus edodes
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
possess antiprotozoal activity against Paramecium caudatum (Lindequist et al., 2005).
Trehalose present in the extract of L. edodes is considered to be an important factor to
improve the beneficial intestinal bacterial flora of the gut. It is also effective to reduce the
harmful effects of certain bacterial enzymes such as α-glucosidase, α-glucuronidase and
tryptophanase preventing colon cancer formation (Wasser & Weis, 1999). Some
mushroom extracts, particularly obtained from L. edodes and P. linteus, have been
reported as effective even against highly resistant bacteria, such as methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (Hearst et al., 2009; Hur et al., 2004). Agaricus genus
represents the most important cultivated edible mushroom. Antimicrobial activity of three
Agaricus species was published by Öztürk et al. (2011), who have described effects of
methanolic extracts against six species of Gram-positive bacteria and seven species of
Gram-negative bacteria. Giri et al. (2012) have described that a methanolic extract of A.
campestris from India showed antimicrobial activity against seven bacterial species.
Glamočlija et al. (2015) have investigated biological activity of the methanolic and
ethanolic extracts of Agaricus bisporus, A. bitorquis, A. campestris and A. macrosporus.
All the extracts showed antibacterial potential.
Some Ascomycestes such as M. esculenta and Tirmania pinoyi also demonstrated
excellent antibacterial activity. The methanolic extracts of M. esculenta exhibited very
good activity against five bacteria (Heleno et al., 2013). Coprinol, a new antibacterial
cuparane‐type terpenoid from cultures of a Coprinus sp., exhibited activity against
multidrug‐resistant Gram‐positive bacteria (Johansson et al., 2001). Cordycepin,
a derivative of the nucleoside adenosine, the main active constituent of C. militaris,
has antibacterial property, which is now being produced synthetically (Paterson, 2008).
Liu et al. (2010) have isolated novel compounds with effective antimicrobials from
two American mushroom species, Jahnoporus hirtus and Albatrellus flettii:
3,11‐dioxolanosta‐8,24(Z)‐diene‐26‐oic acid, a new lanostane type triterpene from
J. hirtus, and confluentin, grifolin, and neogrifolin from A. flettii. Grifolin showed
promising activity against Bacillus cereus (10 μg/mL) and Enterococcus faecalis
(0.5 μg/mL). Menaga et al. (2012) have found that bioactive compounds from Pleurotus
florida mushroom extracts could be used as an alternate therapeutics as antibiotics. Alves
et al. (2012) have reported that Fistulina hepatica, Russula botrytis and Russula delica are
the most promising species as antimicrobial agents.
Antiobesity Effect
Obesity is an excessive accumulation of fat in adipose tissue caused by an imbalance
between the intake and expenditure of energy (WHO, 2000; Hofbauer, 2002; Leslie et al.,
2007). It is a serious and growing worldwide health challenge that increases the risk of
other diseases and health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure
and certain cancers (WHO, 2000). WHO considers obesity as one of the most obvious and
neglected public health issue. It has become a global epidemic, affecting not only
developed but also developing countries and among all the segments of society (WHO,
2000; Gortmaker et al., 2011). It is estimated that 1.12 billion people will be obese around
the world in 2030. Once considered a high-income country problem, overweight and
obesity are now on the rise in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban
settings (WHO, 2020b).
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
To prevent or reduce obesity, the imbalance between energy intake and expenditure
needs to be addressed by improving dietary habits and/or increasing physical activity,
though this is difficult to achieve in modern society. Antiobesity drugs, as an alternative
option, have side effects and are expensive (Enzi et al., 1976; Kang & Park, 2012).
Conversely, the habitual consumption of foods with antiobesity effects may be a cost-
effective and manageable way to overcome obesity. Natural products can be an
outstanding, effective and safe strategy for the prevention of obesity (Bessesen & Van
Gaal, 2018). Recently, many studies have reported anti-obesity effects of mushrooms.
The antiobesity activity of maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa) has been demonstrated
in both animals and humans (Mayell, 2001; Shamtsyan, 2016). Antiobesity and
triglyceride lowering effect has been reported for fermented milk product containing
edible mushroom water extracts (mushroom yogurt) (Jeon et al., 2005). Flammulina
velutipes (Enokitake), Hypsizygus marmoreus (Bunashimeji), Lentinus edodes (Shiitake),
G. frondosa (Maitake) and Pleurotus eryngii (Eringi or King oyster mushroom) contain
many nutritional components such as dietary fiber, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin
B6, vitamin D and folic acid (Valverde et al., 2015), and are reported to have antiobesity
effects (Handayani et al., 2011; Mizutani et al., 2010; Yeh et al., 2014), immunomodulatory
effects (Vetvicka & Vetvickova, 2014), antitumor effects (Masuda et al., 2013),
antiatherosclerotic effects (Mori et al., 2008) and antidiabetes effects (Hong et al., 2007).
Dried powder of A. auricula‐judae, suspension of Coprinus comatus, α‐glucan of G.
frondosa, and ethanol extract of P. ostreatus inhibited body weight increase in healthy and
diabetic patients (Soković et al., 2016).
Mushroom intake suppressed fat accumulation by inhibiting fatty acid synthesis and
promoting lipolysis of visceral fat. Mushroom intake also suppressed adipocyte
enlargement and promoted adiponectin production. Moreover, mushroom intake caused
some lactic acid- and short chain fatty acid (SCFA)-producing bacteria to proliferate,
possibly because of the dietary fiber content of the mushrooms, which promote energy
metabolism in the host and play a role in suppressing fat accumulation. Thus, the regular
mushroom intake results in synergistic and improved effects, and can be an effective
strategy for the prevention of obesity (Shimizu et al., 2018).
Immunosuppressive, Anti-inflammatory and Antiallergic Effects
Inflammation is the body’s natural reaction against injury and infection. It is a vital part of
the immune system’s response to injury and infection through which body signals the
immune system to heal and repair damaged tissue, as well as defend itself against foreign
invaders. An abnormal inflammation can occasionally be triggered by non-infectious/
harmless environmental agents or by an autoimmune process, as in rheumatoid arthritis
(Jayasuriya et al., 2020). An abnormal severe immune response to non-infectious
elements, also called antigens or allergens is known as hypersensitivity or allergy.
Allergies can be subdivided into type I–IV depending upon the antigens, cells and
symptoms that trigger the hypersensitivity reaction (Chinen & Shearer, 2008). Type I
allergy, the most frequent type of a pathogenic immune reaction, is caused by IgE-
mediated reactions, which result in the release of vasoactive substances, e.g. histamine
from mast cells. Although many mushrooms can stimulate the immune system, some
suppress immune responses that are useful for the treatment of allergic diseases, which
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
are increasing worldwide. The pharmacological treatment of allergy consists mainly of
administration of immunosuppressants, antiphlogistic, and/or antiallergic drugs.
Some mushroom species are known to provide significant anti-inflammatory
properties (Jose et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2004; Lull et al., 2005; Tamrakar et al., 2019). It
has been reported that ergosterol and ergosterol peroxide from the edible mushroom H.
marmoreus can inhibit inflammatory processes (Yasukawa et al., 1994). Some mushrooms
were investigated for possible treatments of allergic diseases like allergic asthma (Li et al.,
2000; Liu et al., 2003), food allergy (Hsieh et al., 2003), atopic dermatitis (Kuo et al., 2002),
inflammation (Jose et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2004), autoimmune joint inflammation such as
rheumatoid arthritis (Kim et al., 2003). Agaricus subrufescens, Armillaria ostoyae,
Flammulina velutipes, Ganoderma lucidum and G. tsugae, Innonotus obliquus, Phellinus
linteus, Pleurotus ostreatus, P. pulmonarius, Tricholoma populinum are some mushrooms
with promising antiallergic property, which have been detected only in vitro and/or in
animal assays, and necessary to verify the results in further test systems, to elucidate the
mode of action, to conduct clinical trials, to identify the responsible bioactive compounds,
and to ensure safety and quality of resulting products (Merdivan & Lindequist, 2017).
Antihypertensive Effect
Hypertension is characterised by elevated arterial blood pressure and also known as the
‘silent killer’ as it raises the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), strokes, kidney
dysfunction, premature mortality and disability while remaining asymptomatic (WHO,
2005). It has become an epidemic and a global challenge. WHO has estimated that
hypertension causes one in every eight deaths, making it the third leading killer in the
world (Haldar, 2013). A review of current trends shows that the number of adults with
hypertension increased from 594 million in 1975 to 1.13 billion in 2015, with the increase
seen largely in low- and middle-income countries (WHO, 2020a). Hypertension alone
does not pose the threat; rather, it is correlated to hypercholesterolaemia, obesity and
atherosclerosis that makes a person vulnerable to vascular dysfunctions (Ariyo et al.,
2000; Egan & Zhao, 2013; Kearney et al., 2005).
Renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) is one of the key regulators of blood
pressure, which involves a series of enzymatic reactions. Angiotensin-converting enzyme
(ACE) in RAAS is one of the enzymes that controls blood pressure by converting inactive
angiotensin I to the potent vasoconstrictor angiotensin II (Atlas, 2007). Exploiting the
inhibitor of ACE as one curative means for hypertension is therefore paramount. ACE
inhibitors such as captopril, enalapril and lisinopril are the first-line synthetic drugs used
as clinical antihypertensive medications (Wong et al., 2004). Adverse side effects of these
synthetic antihypertensive drugs compel to find the natural, safe and alternative
therapeutic approaches. In this regard, mushrooms have been suggested to lower blood
pressure by improving lipid metabolism and kidney function and hindering angiotensin
converting enzymes (Miyazawa et al., 2008). The low concentration of sodium and the
presence of a great amount of potassium (182–395 mg/100 g) supports the utilization of
mushroom within an antihypertensive diet. Potassium-rich food helps to reduce blood
pressure (WHO, 2012). WHO recommends that adults should consume at least 3,510 mg
of potassium per day. ACE inhibitory peptides present in mushrooms lowered blood
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
pressure with no adverse effect (Abdullah et al., 2012; Hong et al., 2008; Jao et al., 2012).
Several studies have investigated the antihypertensive effects of some edible mushroom
species such as Ganoderma lucidum, Grifola frondosa, Tricholoma giganteum, Marasmius
androsaceus, Pleurotus species, Lentinula edodes, Sparassis crispa, Pholiota adipose,
Sarcodon aspratus, H. marmoreus, Flammulina velutipes, Hericium erinaceus, Phlebia
tremellosa and Agaricus bisporus (Guillamón et al., 2010; Bang et al., 2014; Kabir et al.,
1987, 1988; Miyazawa et al., 2008; Mizuno & Zhuang, 1995; Yahaya et al., 2014). These
studies have attracted scientists of all over the world to focus further studies on mushroom.
Antihepatotoxic Effect
Hepatotoxicity is liver dysfunction or liver damage that is associated with an overload of
drugs or xenobiotics (Navarro & Senior, 2006). Liver is the largest organ of the human
body weighing approximately 1,500 g, and performs more than 500 vital metabolic
functions (Naruse et al., 2007). The chemicals that cause liver injury are called
hepatotoxins or hepatotoxicants. Hepatotoxicity can be caused by a wide variety of
pharmaceutical agents, natural products, chemicals or environmental pollutants and
dietary constituents.
Exposure to these hepatotoxic agents is usually accidental, through contaminated
food, water or air, or from unanticipated side effects of therapeutic agents. Severe
intoxication with hepatotoxic agents can lead to liver necrosis and death of the organism
if left untreated (Singh et al., 2011). Drug-induced hepatotoxicity is the most important
cause of acute liver failure in many countries (Andrade et al., 2019; Deng et al., 2009).
Mushrooms are considered to be beneficial for a wide range of hepatic disorders,
including hepatitis. Many mushroom extracts possess hepatoprotective property against
liver injury caused by toxic chemicals (Soares et al., 2013). Ethanolic extract of Calocybe
indica protects carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced chronic hepatotoxicity in mice by
restoring the liver antioxidant status (Chatterjee et al., 2011). Sumy et al. (2014) found the
hepatoprotective effect of oyster mushroom (P. florida) against paracetamol-induced liver
damage in Wistar albino rats. G. lucidum aqueous extracts induce hepatoprotective effects
on acute liver injury induced by α-amanitin (α-AMA) (Wu et al., 2013). A significant
hepatoprotective effect on cirrhosis of the liver and chronic hepatitis B with the extracts
or polysaccharides from Dendropolyprus umbellatus, Schizophyllum commune, Trametes
versicolor, Pseudoepicoccum cocos, T. fuciformis and others has been reported
(Shamtsyan, 2016). Several bioactive agents isolated from the fruit body, mycelia and
spores of G. lucidum, such as ganoderic acids and ganosporeric acid A, are shown to have
strong antihepatotoxic activity. A polysaccharide fraction from Lentinula edodes
demonstrated liver protective action in animals together with improved liver function and
an increased production of antibodies to hepatitis B (Mizuno et al., 1995). Aqueous
extracts of Volvariella volvacea, Lentinula edodes, F. velutipes, Auricularia auricular-
judae, Tramella fuciformis, Grifola frondosa and Tricholoma lobayense are screened for
their hepatoprotective activity using paracetamol-induced liver injury (doses of 1.0 g/kg
body weight) in rats as the model of chemical hepatitis (Ooi, 1996; Soares et al., 2013).
Phenolics, triterpenes, polysaccharides and peptides are the main classes of compounds
which could be responsible for the hepatoprotective activity of the mushroom extracts.
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
Anti‑aging Effect
Aging is a natural process that involves progressive physiological changes in an organism
leading to senescence, or a decline of biological functions and of the organism’s ability to
adapt to metabolic stress (Zhou et al., 2014). Among the numerous theories associated with
aging, the oxidative stress and free radical accumulation theories stand out the most that
states ROS generated inside the cell will lead to aging (Kim et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2017).
Oxidative stress is a result of imbalance between the antioxidant defense system and the
formation of ROS, which has been considered deleterious because of the damage to cell
membranes and DNA (Sies, 1997). Post-mitotic tissues such as brain, heart and skeleton
muscle are more susceptible to aging, compared with other organs (Kayali et al., 2006). In
brain, the accumulation of free radicals and attenuation of respiratory chain enzyme
complex activity cause damage to cerebral mitochondria (Trushina & McMurray, 2007),
wherein their dysfunction can induce the onset of some neurodegenerative diseases, such
as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, among others (Islam,
2017). Besides oxidative stress, aging is also closely associated with bringing about
structural and functional defects in the immune system (Vulevic et al., 2008).
Immunological dysfunction could be the cause of the increased susceptibility of the aged
population to bacterial and virus infections, which are commonly seen in the elderly.
Human body’s natural antioxidant systems are not sufficient to repair oxidative damage
entirely (Zheng et al., 2015) and lead to the severe damage of cell functions eventually
aging and death (Harman, 2006). In order to reduce the oxidative damage of free radicals,
a lot of synthetic antioxidants are widely used, such as butylatedhydroxyanisole,
butylatedhydroxytoluene, tert-butylhydroquinone and propyl gallate (Sun & Kennedy,
2010). In recent years, researches have shown that synthetic antioxidants are restricted
due to their potential hazards related to health, such as liver damage and carcinogenesis
(Yuan et al., 2008).
In view of this, several mushrooms have been investigated for anti-aging property.
Extracted polysaccharide TLH-3, isolated from the fresh fruiting body of Tricholo
mamalobayense, shows anti-aging capability when measured in D-galactose-induced aged
mice model (Ding et al., 2016). Many anti-aging cosmeceuticals have been developed
from several types of mushrooms that are used in topical creams, serums and facial
preparations as anti-aging ingredients (Wu et al., 2016). Anti-aging patented product from
G. lucidum spores is available (Chung & Tong, 2005). Two novel anti-aging ergosterols,
ganodermasidase A and B are found in the methanolic extract of G. lucidum (Weng et al.,
2010). Water-soluble polysaccharide (AAP I-a), isolated from Auricularia auricular-
judae, prevents oxidative stress in D-galactose-induced aged mice. A paste of
polysaccharides is used for the production of anti-aging creams or lotions and other skin-
related cosmetics in the industry (Zhang et al., 2011). These polysaccharides (AAP I-a)
have the ability to delay aging as they result in the inhibition of the functional enzymes
responsible for skin aging, such as elastase, tyrosinase, hyaluronidase and MMP-1
enzymes (Chaturvedi et al., 2018). Many extracted ingredients from the fruiting body of
medicinal mushroom such as polysaccharides, polyphenolic, phenolics, terpenoids,
selenium, vitamins and volatile organic compounds show tremendous antioxidant,
anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, skin whitening and moisturizing effects (Hyde et al., 2010;
Wu et al., 2016).
J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
Mushrooms are beneficial to the humankind not only in terms of nutrition but also for
improved health. They are appropriate for inclusion in low calorie diets. Thus, mushrooms
are not only food but are the raw material for development of functional food and dietary
supplements (nutraceuticals). Furthermore, mushrooms as functional food can help in the
early intervention of sub-healthy states and may prevent the consequences of several
life‐threatening diseases. Nevertheless, more scientific efforts are needed in order to
elucidate the mechanisms and to identify and characterize the responsible and novel
bioactive compounds from mushrooms around the globe, in addition to long term clinical
Abbreviations: DM = diabetes mellitus; EFSA = European Food Safety Authority; FAO = Food
and Agriculture Organization; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; HSV = herpes simplex virus;
LDL = low-density lipoprotein; ROS = reactive oxygen species; WHO = The World Health Organization.
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J. K. Raut and M. K. Adhikari / Comprehensive Insights in Vegetables of Nepal
Author’s Biography
Dr. Jay Kant Raut is currently working as a Senior Scientist at Nepal
Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Khumaltar, Lalitpur. He is
curator of Nepal Fungal Database (NFD) and Editor of NFD newsletter.
He has graduated his PhD degree in Mushroom Science in 2011 AD from
Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University, Japan. After
completing his Master Degree with Botany in 1997 from Tribhuvan
University, he has been actively working in the field of mycology. He is a
founder member of International Society for Fungal Conservation and
member of several other national and international professional societies.
At present, he is serving as regional representative in Asian Mycological
Association Executive Committee (2019-2023). Dr. Raut has authored/co-
authored about three dozens of research articles in national and
international journals, about dozen of op-eds and a mushroom book. He
has more than two decades of teaching and research experiences in Nepal
and Japan. Mushroom systematic and nomenclature, mushroom
biotechnology, mushroom cultivation, mycorrhiza, mushroom diversity
and conservation are the research areas of his interest. He is a prominent
crusader for mushroom science and non-green revolution in Nepal. He is
recipient of National Research Scientist Award 2019, Nepal Bidhya
Bhushan Padak ‘Ka’ and others.
Dr. Mahesh Kumar Adhikari is an eminent mycologist and currently
serving as the Secretary of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology
(NAST), Khumaltar, Lalitpur. He received MSc in Botany (in 1973) from
Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu Nepal, and PhD in 1996 from
University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. Since 1976, he has been
working on the systematics and biodiversity of fungi and published
around 200 fungal related articles and seven books. He has discovered 16
fungal species from the territory of Nepal which are new to science. Two
newly discovered fungi have been named as Puccinia adhikarii Ono and
Suillus adhikarii Das, Chakraborty & Cotter after him. The mushrooms
Russula nepalensis Adhikari and Russula kathmanduensis Adhikari
described by him, were released as postage stamp by Government of
Nepal, Department of Postal Services. Dr. Adhikari has edited several
books, proceedings and bulletins.
He is the Life member/member of Nepal Botanical Society, Natural
History Society of Nepal, Ecological Society of Nepal and other
professional societies. He has already served as the Vice-President of
Nepal Botanical Society, and Mycological and Phytopathological Society
of Nepal. He has also served as Member Secretary of APINMAP/
SCAMAP committee, Nepal National commission for UNESCO,
Ministry of Education and Culture, and IUFRO committees.
Dr. Adhikari is decorated with Young Scientist Traveling Fellowship
Award, Janpad Sewa Padak, Shree Panch Birendra Rajyarohan Rajat
Mahotsav Padak, Mahendra Vidhya Bhushan Padak (A grade), Nepal
Science and Technology Award, National Plant Resource Award, etc.
... Various researches have been performed regarding the medicinal value of fungi (Halpern and Miller, 2002). Several types of research on its chemical composition have revealed its nutritional and medicinal character (Raut and Adhikari 2021). It is attracting a lot of healthy eaters with its low calorie, cholesterol and saturated fat properties (Barzee et al., 2021). ...
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This review paper aims to discuss and compile information regarding various scopes, challenges , and mitigating measures of mushroom cultivation in Nepal. Overall information on mushroom cultivation comprising its status, scope, and problems is vital for bringing positive change in this sector. Different secondary sources of information were reviewed and analyzed including journals like Elsevier and Springer. In Nepal, the production of mushrooms has increased about 8.23 times over a decade until 2020. Nepal is blessed with a range of ecosystems that really are ideal for mushroom production. Different mushroom species have been commercially cultivated in different parts of Nepal. Mushroom production can be used as an alternative source to overcome food and nutrition security problems and eventually leads to the livelihood improvement of people in developing countries like Nepal. The study revealed that mushrooms can be used to fight several diseases with their nutritional and medicinal properties. The demand for mushrooms is increasing nowadays more than ever. With the implementation of various measures with proper coordination and planning, mushroom cultivation can be proliferated. As a result, the mushroom industry has a lot of potentials to help the country's socioeconomic transition. Nepal can capitalize on this opportunity by enacting appropriate and concrete national mushroom policies and programs.
Nepal is home to many commercially significant plants that are used to meet everyday needs and have always been present in Nepal. The facts on commercially significant plants, their state of conservation, and future conservation requirements are provided in this chapter. This chapter highlights the need for more data on commercially important plants that will aid in creating the management strategies required for conservation.
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In the present study some mushrooms were collected from different sites/forest areas of south Kashmir and then were evaluated for antioxidant activity. It was revealed from the study the all the concentrations of tested mushrooms showed antioxidant activity. However, the highest antioxidant activity was observed at highest concentration of mushroom extracts. It was followed by lower concentrations of mushroom extract. Sarcoscypha coccinia showed highest antioxidant activity followed by Cantharella cibarius, Bovista plumbea, Coprinus comatus and C. atramentarius respectively. All the extracts of mushrooms showed positive correlation with standard oxidant, catechol. The antioxidant activity of mushroom extracts was either lower or higher than the antioxidant activity of catechol.
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Context . Pleurotus ostreatus ( P.o ) is a culinary mushroom which is commonly called as “oyster mushroom” belonging to the Basidiomycetous fungi of the order Agaricales and family Pleurotaceae. Objectives . The present study investigates the anti-inflammatory potential of P.o and the underlying mechanisms of activity. Materials and Methods . Anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated using suspensions of freeze-dried and powdered (SFDP) P.o and acetone extract (AE) of P.o in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats using the carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema model. The mechanisms by which P.o is mediating the anti-inflammatory activity were studied using in vivo and in vitro assays. Results . At doses of 500–1000 mg/kg, the SFDP of P.o showed long-lasting activity at both early and late phases of carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema. The dose of 750 mg/kg showed the most potent inhibitory activity (92% inhibition) in healthy rats. The AE of P.o showed maximum inhibition of oedema of 87%. P.o exerted protective effects on the inflammatory pathologies in rats with diabetes. The possible mechanisms by which P.o mediates the anti-inflammatory activity were antihistamine activity (52.1%), inhibition of cell migration to the site of inflammation (45.4%), in vitro membrane stabilizing activity (52.6%), and inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production (91.2%) ( P < 0.05 ). Dose-dependent inhibition of NO production was seen with in vitro treatment of rat peritoneal cells with AE of P.o ( r = 0.95; P < 0.05 ). Discussion and Conclusion. The promising activity of culinary mushroom P.o against inflammation suggests its potential application as a functional food during inflammatory conditions.
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Objective: This study has investigated the antimicrobial activity of extracts of indigenous wild mushrooms against selected organisms. Methods: Thirty-five (35) indigenous wild mushrooms were collected from Arabuko-Sokoke and Kakamega National Reserve Forests, Kenya. All mushrooms were identified and their contents were extracted and screened for their antimicrobial activities against Escherichia coli (clinical isolate), Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 13883), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (clinical isolate), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), MRSA (ATCC 33591), Candida albicans (clinical isolate), and Candida parapsilosis (ATCC 90018) using tetrazolium microtiter plate bioassay method. Results: Of the 35 tested mushroom extracts, extracts of three (3) mushrooms, namely, Trametes spp. (Arabuko-Sokoke forest), Trametes, and Microporus spp. (Kakamega forest), have shown promising antimicrobial activities against the tested organisms. The S. aureus (ATCC 25923), P. aeruginosa (ATCC 27853), and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (ATCC 33591) were the most susceptible to chloroform extract of Trametes spp. collected from Arabuko-Sokoke forest. Of the tested organisms, S. aureus (ATCC 25923) was the most susceptible whereas E. coli was the most resistant organism to the hot water extract of Trametes spp. collected from Arabuko-Sokoke forest. Chloroform extract of Microporus spp. has shown the highest antibacterial activity against S. aureus (ATCC 25923), MRSA (ATCC 33591), and K. pneumoniae (ATCC 13883) but limited activity against E.coli. All extracts of the three wild mushrooms have shown the most antibacterial activities against S. aureus (ATCC 25923). Conclusion: The present study has shown that the extracts of the three wild mushrooms have shown promising antimicrobial activities against the tested organisms.
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For millennia, fungi have been known by various communities as a valuable source of nutrition and medicines, however traditional view on mycobiota has changed throughout the history. A major role in this context played past scholars and scientists whose impact on attitude towards mushroom collection is also seen in our times. Their confrontation with traditional folk knowledge on mycobiota could be the cause of current division between mycophobic and mycophillic nations. The aim of this article is to present these changes from the perspective of Polish nation, which is currently considered as highly mycophillic. The visible change in scholars' attitude towards fungi and acceptance of folk view on mushrooms took place not earlier than at the turn of XVIII th and XIX th century. Long scientific reluctance to fungal kingdom has caused that knowledge about wild edible fungi is still limited and we still have broadly explore the world of fungi. With the right approach, mushrooms are able to provide us with many, possibly yet unknown benefits.
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In Nepal morel mushroom is one of the most important wild edible fungi, which is exported, in larger quantities. They have been collected, consumed and traded for more than two decades. The morel mushroom trade is worth a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide. This study was carried out to elucidate the current harvest and trade of morel mushrooms, the prospects for commercial morel industry development and the resource management in Nepal. Wild morels are harvested commercially and exported extensively from west Nepal especially from Karnali and Far West Province which share 58% and 29% of total national output respectively. Most commonly found and traded species are Morchella conica and M. esculenta. In most cases, the collectors sell morels in fresh form to the local dealers or in the local markets from where they are exported to different parts of the world. A bulk of morel mushrooms is traded via Nepalgunj and Mahendranagar routes. The local collectors get nominal benefits as prices are very low in the local area as compared to international markets. The price of M. conica is always higher than other morel species. There is neither processing nor any kind of value addition works currently being done in Nepal except drying, grading and packaging. The present study reveals that Nepal has a huge potential to become a major global producer of high quality morels. There is no serious concern about the overexploitation of the resource at the moment. However, a reliable local monitoring system and a scientific intervention for the artificial cultivation are inevitable for the sustainable management.
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The present study was conducted to evaluate nutritional properties of wild grown mushrooms collected from Far western regions of Nepal, mainly from two districts Darchula and Baitadi. Herein, it was reported and compared the nutritional value and nutraceutical values of the wild mushroom species; Laetiporus sulphureus (chicken of the woods), Polypore sp., Trametes elegans, Trichaptum biforme, Lenzites betulina, Stereum complicatum, Trametes versicolor, Trichaptum subchartaceum, and Ganoderma Lucidium. These mushrooms were found to be rich in proteins (6.8 - 60.23%), fibres ranging from 0.174 - 36.38% and also contained fat ranging from 3.642 - 14.6%. The carbohydrate contents ranged from 7.058 to 59% (on the basis of dry weight). Similarly; ash content and moisture content ranged from 10 - 19% and 10 - 16% respectively. The protein content was highest in Ganoderma lucidium (G. lucidium) and lowest in Trametes elegans (T. elegans). The fat content was highest in L. sulphureus and lowest in G. lucidium. Total phenolic content was estimated spectrophotometrically according to the Folin-Ciocalteus method. The analysis revealed that the total phenolic contents ranged from 3.95 to 10.05 mg ml-1. Similarly, the total flavonoid contents ranged from 2.149 to 11.36 mg ml-1. Our result indicated the high levels of antioxidants activity thus making mushrooms suitable to be used as functional foods or nutraceutical sources. Therefore, this study provides new information regarding chemical properties of wild mushrooms, which is very important for the biodiversity characterization.
Following an application from CreaNutrition AG submitted pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 via the Competent Authority of the United Kingdom, the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies was asked to deliver an opinion on the scientific substantiation of a health claim related to oat beta glucan and lowering of blood LDL and total cholesterol. Oat beta-glucan is sufficiently characterised. Lowering blood LDL-cholesterol concentrations is a beneficial physiological effect by decreasing the risk of coronary heart disease. The applicant identified a total of 22 references, which included three meta-analyses and 19 randomised controlled trials, as being pertinent to the health claim. In weighing the evidence, the Panel took into account that most of the trials investigating the effects of oat beta-glucan at doses of at least 3 g/d have shown a statistically significant decrease in LDL-cholesterol concentrations, and that there was strong evidence supporting the biological plausibility of the effect. The Panel concludes that a cause and effect relationship has been established between the consumption of oat beta-glucan and lowering of blood LDL-cholesterol concentrations. The following wording reflects the scientific evidence: “Oat beta-glucan has been shown to lower/reduce blood cholesterol. Blood cholesterol lowering may reduce the risk of (coronary) heart disease”. The Panel considers that, in order to bear the claim, foods should provide at least 3 g of oat beta-glucan per day. This amount can reasonably be consumed as part of a balanced diet. The target population is adults who want to lower their blood cholesterol concentrations.
This article describes several approaches to a selective therapy of virus infections: (E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine (BVDU [brivudin]) for the therapy of herpes simplex virus type 1 and varicella-zoster virus infections: (S)-9-(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)cytosine (HPMPC [cidofovir]) for the therapy of various DNA virus (i.e., herpesvirus, adenovirus, papillomavirus, polyomavirus, and poxvirus) infections; 9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)adenine (PMEA [adefovir]) for the therapy of retrovirus, hepadnavirus, and herpesvirus infections; (R)-9-(2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)adenine (PMPA) for the therapy and prophylaxis of retrovirus and hepadnavirus infections; and nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), such as tetrahydroimidazo[4,5,1-jk][1,4]-benzodiazepin-2(IH)-one and -thione (TIBO), 1-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)methyl]-6-(phenylthio)thymine (HEPT), alpha-anilinophenylacetamide (alpha-APA), and 2',5'bis-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-3'-spiro-5"-(4"-amino-1",2"-oxat hiole- 2",2"-dioxide)pyrimidine (TSAO) derivatives, and thiocarboxanilides for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infections. For the clinical use of NNRTIs, some guidelines have been elaborated, such as starting treatment with combinations of different compounds at sufficiently high concentrations to effect a pronounced and sustained suppression of the virus. Despite the diversity of the compounds described here and the different viruses at which they are targeted, they have a number of characteristics in common. As they interact with specific viral proteins, the compounds achieve a selective inhibition of the replication of the virus, which, in turn, should be able to develop resistance to the compounds. However, as has been established for the NNRTIs, the problem of viral resistance may be overcome if the compounds are used from the start at sufficiently high doses, which could be reduced if different compounds are combined. For HIV infections, drug treatment regimens should be aimed at reducing the viral load to such an extent that the risk for progression to AIDS will be minimized, if not avoided entirely. This may result in a real "cure" of the disease but not necessarily of the virus infection, and in this sense, HIV disease may be reduced to a dormant infection, reminiscent of the latent herpesvirus infections. Should virus replication resume after a certain time, the armamentarium of effective anti-HIV and anti-herpesvirus compounds now available, if applied at the appropriate dosage regimens, should make the virus return to its dormant state before it has any chance to damage the host. It is unlikely that this strategy would eradicate the virus and thus "cure" the viral infection, but it definitely qualifies as a cure of the disease.
Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is an adverse reaction to drugs or other xenobiotics that occurs either as a predictable event when an individual is exposed to toxic doses of some compounds or as an unpredictable event with many drugs in common use. Drugs can be harmful to the liver in susceptible individuals owing to genetic and environmental risk factors. These risk factors modify hepatic metabolism and excretion of the DILI-causative agent leading to cellular stress, cell death, activation of an adaptive immune response and a failure to adapt, with progression to overt liver injury. Idiosyncratic DILI is a relative rare hepatic disorder but can be severe and, in some cases, fatal, presenting with a variety of phenotypes, which mimic other hepatic diseases. The diagnosis of DILI relies on the exclusion of other aetiologies of liver disease as specific biomarkers are still lacking. Clinical scales such as CIOMS/RUCAM can support the diagnostic process but need refinement. A number of clinical variables, validated in prospective cohorts, can be used to predict a more severe DILI outcome. Although no pharmacological therapy has been adequately tested in randomized clinical trials, corticosteroids can be useful, particularly in the emergent form of DILI related to immune-checkpoint inhibitors in patients with cancer. This Primer discusses the cause, mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment of drug-induced liver injury — an adverse reaction to supplements, herbal medicines and commonly used pharmaceuticals.