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Acute thrombectomy for saddle pulmonary embolus: Case presentation and review of management


Abstract and Figures

Pulmonary embolism is the third leading cause of cardiovascular death after myocardial infarction and stroke [1,2,4,5]. Anticoagulation is the primary choice of treatment for the majority of patients presenting with acute pulmonary embolism [2,4]. However, a greater risk of mortality in patients with right ventricular (RV) dysfunction may open the door to more aggressive treatment modalities [2]. We present the case of a patient who was diagnosed with a post-operative saddle pulmonary embolus that failed initial treatment with anticoagulation and required emergency thrombectomy to prevent mortality. A brief overview of treatment options is highlighted.
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Open Access, Volume 2
Acute thrombectomy for saddle pulmonary embolus: Case
presentaon and review of management
Case Report
Journal of
Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports
Received: Feb 11, 2021
Accepted: Mar 09, 2021
Published: Mar 11, 2021
Copyright: © Shukla R (2021).
*Corresponding Author: Rajeev Shukla
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Monash Medi-
cal Centre, Clayton, VIC Australia.
Pulmonary embolism is the third leading cause of cardiovascular
death aer myocardial infarcon and stroke [1,2,4,5]. Ancoagulaon is
the primary choice of treatment for the majority of paents presenng
with acute pulmonary embolism [2,4]. However, a greater risk of mor-
tality in paents with right ventricular (RV) dysfuncon may open the
door to more aggressive treatment modalies [2]. We present the case
of a paent who was diagnosed with a post-operave saddle pulmonary
embolus that failed inial treatment with ancoagulaon and required
emergency thrombectomy to prevent mortality. A brief overview of treat-
ment opons is highlighted.
Keywords: Pulmonary embolism management, Pulmonary embolism
guidelines, Saddle pulmonary embolism, Catheter based intervenon.
Rajeev Shukla1,2*; Adrian Pakavakis4; Prasanth Sadasivan Nair1; Anna Shukla3; Julian A Smith1; Prashant Joshi1
1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, VIC Australia.
2Department of Surgery, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Australia.
3School of Health Sciences, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Australia.
4Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, VIC Australia.
ISSN 2766-7820
Pulmonary embolism (PE) has a variable presentaon ranging
from incidental discovery in asymptomac paents to severe hae-
modynamically instability, which therefore makes the diagnosis
clinically challenging [1,2,3]. Mortality rates three months aer PE
are linked to the size of the embolus and the degree of RV strain
and have been reported as high as 17% [3]. The mortality rates of
paents presenng in cardiogenic shock can be as high as 30% [6].
PE is a preventable disease; with early recognion and the inia-
on of appropriate treatment, mortality can be prevented and as-
sociated morbidity signicantly improved. Treatment modalies
are iniated with the aid of risk stracaon and deviaon from
this can result in potenally dire consequences.
Case presentaon
A 46-year-old man was admied for management of an acute
exacerbaon of Crohn’s disease. His medical history included
deep vein thrombosis six weeks earlier with obstrucve thrombus
in one of the commitant peroneal veins in the midcalf extending
to 10 cm but with no extension above the knee. During the hos-
pital admission the paent required a semi-elecve laparoscopic
total colectomy. Aer an inial uncomplicated recovery, the pa-
ent developed sudden onset hypoxia (SaO2 70% RA), sinus tachy-
cardia (HR 135) and hypotension (BP 90/70 mmHg) on the sec-
ond post-operave day. The paent required low dose inotropic
support with noradrenaline to maintain haemodynamic stability.
Electrocardiography demonstrated sinus tachycardia with S1Q3T3
features. A transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) demonstrated a Page 2
Citaon: Shukla R, Pakavakis A, Nair PS, Shukla A, Smith JA, Joshi P. Acute thrombectomy for saddle pulmonary embolus: case
presentaon and review of management. J Clin Images Med Case Rep. 2021; 2(2): 1023.
large saddle PE (Figure 1), dilated and severely hypokinec right
ventricle, dilated inferior vena cava (IVC) with no collapse during
respiraon and moderate pulmonary hypertension (PA systolic
pressure 50 mmHg). An urgent computed tomography pulmonary
angiogram (CTPA) was obtained and revealed a massive saddle
pulmonary embolus (Figure 2) extending from the main pulmo-
nary trunk across the bifurcaon of the pulmonary trunk into
both right and le main pulmonary arteries (Figure 3). Inially
the paent was commenced on a therapeuc heparin infusion,
however, connued haemodynamic instability warranted acute
surgical pulmonary embolectomy. The paent was urgently trans-
ferred to the operang theatre where arterial and central venous
lines were inserted. Following the inducon of general anaes-
thesia the paent was intubated and venlated. The surgical ap-
proach required median sternotomy and subsequent administra-
on of heparin for preparaon of cardiopulmonary bypass, which
was achieved by placing cannulae in the ascending aorta and both
cavae. A dose of antegrade cold blood cardioplegia was delivered
on applying the cross clamp across the aorta, which achieved in-
stantaneous electromechanical arrest. A vercal pulmonary arte-
riotomy was performed revealing a large thrombus extending into
the le and right pulmonary arteries (Figure 4). The enre throm-
bus was carefully removed en-bloc (Figure 5 and 6). On comple-
on of the embolectomy, the pulmonary artery was closed in two
layers of 5-0 prolene. Intraatrial and intraventricular extension of
the thrombus was excluded by perfoming a small right atriotomy,
which was subsequently closed in two layers of 5-0 prolene. The
paent was weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass and heparin
reversed with protamine. Roune closure of the sternum and
so ssues completed the surgery. The paent was transferred
to the intensive care unit in a haemodynamically stable condion
on a low dose of noradrenaline. The post bypass transoesopha-
geal echocardiogram showed improved contraclity of the right
ventricle with overall reducon in diameter. The paent was ex-
tubated on day 1 and made an unevenul recovery. The paent
subsequently had an inferior vena cava lter inserted two days
aer embolectomy and was ancoagulated with warfarin. An ul-
trasound during this procedure revealed a le iliac vein clot which
was presumed to be the source of the pulmonary embolus. Re-
peat TTE one week post embolectomy revealed normal RV ejec-
on fracon with upper normal RV size. The IVC was mildly di-
lated with sasfactory inspiratory collapse. Pulmonary artery (PA)
pressures were unobtainable. The paent was discharged from
hospital thirteen days following embolectomy. Three months post
discharge the paent suered a small intracranial bleed without-
neurological injury. At seven years, the paent is alive and doing
well with no residual cardiac dysfuncon.
The annual incidence of pulmonary embolism has been report-
ed to be between 39-115/100,000 populaon globally and is the
third leading cause of cardiovascular mortality behind myocardial
infarcon and stroke [1,2,4,5]. Diagnosis can oen be challenging
due to the spectrum of presentaons ranging from asymptomac
to cardiovascular collapse and death [1-3]. Health organisaons
world-wide have begun to adopt muldisciplinary pulmonary em-
bolism response teams (PERTs) who are tasked with convening in
real-me to aid clinical decision regarding management - taking
into account risk factors and risk stracaon scores, such as the
pulmonary embolism severity index (PESI) to assess risk of early
mortality [1,2,5]. The PESI score straes paents into 5 levels of
risk from very low to very high. It has been extensively validated
and shown to be reliable in idenfying paents at low risk of ear-
ly mortality [1,5]. The AHA and ESC guidelines both support the
use of risk stracaon scores such as PESI or Geneva Pulmonary
Embolism Score to help categorise paents into levels of risk and
determine the need for further invesgaons and the nal treat-
ment pathway [5,8]. However, it is important to note that dier-
ent risk stracaon models assess dierent aspects of risk. The
AHA/ESC categorise paents into high, intermediate and low risk
of mortality resulng from PE in 30 days. In comparison the PESI
scheme predicts the mortality in 30 days due to any cause [2,5].
Hence risk stracaon should aid in clinical decision making but
not be used to dene absolute treatment modalies. ESC guide-
lines recommend early use of echocardiography even in paents
determined as low-risk PE due to the signicant increase in mor-
tality in the presence of RV dysfuncon [5].
Figure 1: Transthoracic echocardiogram image demonstrang large
saddle pulmonary embolus.
Figure 2: Axial CTPAdemonstrang saddle pulmonary embolus Page 3
Figure 3: Axial and coronal CT imagesdemonstrang extension of pul-
monary embolus into le and right pulmonary arteries
The treatment phases for acute PE can be divided into (1) hae-
modynamic and respiratory support and (2) intervenon of acute
pulmonary embolism.
(1) Haemodynamic and respiratory support
Severe PE compromises both circulaon and gaseous exchange
and presents as hypoxaemia and RV failure. The venlaon and
perfusion mismatch that is observed in such cases requires care-
ful, deliberate intervenons to prevent further haemodynamic
deterioraon. RV dilataon occurs as a result of PA obstrucon
causing a sudden rise in PA pressures. The developing RV failure
further compromises forward ow from RV to LA and consequent-
ly a fall in cardiac output. The complex physiological changes re-
quire judicious and careful iniaon of all supporve interven-
ons. Supplemental oxygen is preferred via non-invasive routes
in the rst instance. Mechanical venlaon should be reserved
for paents who are unable to tolerate non-invasive oxygenaon
and the use of anaesthec inducon agents which can cause hy-
potension should be avoided. Posive-pressure venlaon should
be selected at the lowest tolerable pressures to prevent further
reducon in venous return. Volume replacement should be giv-
en judiciously in order to prevent over distenon of a failing RV,
thereby compromising cardiac output. Such replacement should
Figure 4: Pulmonary arteriotomy revealing large thrombus.
Figure 5: Removal of large thrombus.
Figure 6: Large pulmonary embolus removed en-bloc. Page 4
be guided by invasive CVP monitoring or TTE. Inotropic use has
been shown to be eecve in the haemodynamically unstable pa-
ent by improving coronary perfusion [5].
(2) Intervenon of acute pulmonary embolism
Ancoagulaon: Both the ESC and AHA recommend that in the
absence of absolute contraindicaon, therapeuc ancoagulaon
with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) or fondaparinux is
commenced while concomitantly performing appropriate inves-
gaons for all risk categories of PE. AHA also recommend the
use of unfraconated heparin (UFH), however, the ESC guidelines
tend not to prefer UFH due to it carrying a higher risk of bleed-
ing and heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia. ESC recommend
reserving UFH use to paents with severe renal impairment (CrCl
<30 ml/min), severe obesity or imminent haemodynamic decom-
pensaon requiring reperfusion intervenon [5,8].
Thrombolysis: The ESC and AHA recommend thrombolysis
for intermediate and high risk PE. Studies have shown a faster
improvement in RV funcon, reducon in PA pressure and pul-
monary obstrucon when thrombolysis is commenced within 48
hours of onset of symptoms, although intermediate-risk paents
experienced a higher risk of severe extracranial and intracranial
bleeding. An overall reducon in mortality rates of 50-60% have
been reported for the laer category of paents. Early thromboly-
sis and its eect on long term sequalae of acute PE such as chronic
pulmonary hypertension remain unknown, and results from the
PEITHO trial conrm no role for thrombolysis for intermediate PE
for the purpose of prevenng long term sequalae [5,8].
Catheter Based Intervenons: These intervenons are pro-
posed for paents who are categorised as high or intermediate
risk PE with absolute or relave contraindicaons to systemic
thrombolysis, failed thrombolysis or at risk of signicant clinical
deterioraon prior to the thrombolyc eect [1,5,7,8]. Two types
of intervenon exist:
Embolectomy – Involves a catheter being navigated to the site
of clot burden and retrieval of the clot by aspiraon. Studies have
shown these intervenons to signicantly reduced RV/LV pres-
sure rao but only produce modest reducon in PA pressure. No
intracerebral bleeding events have been reported [7].
Catheter directed thrombolysis Involves the delivery of
thrombolycs locally to the site of clot burden, thereby excluding
the use of systemic thrombolycs. This can be achieved by use
of a low-power, high-frequency ultrasound catheter. The ULTIMA
trial demonstrated improvement in RV funcon and PA pressure
in the short-term, however, the long-term benet remains un-
clear. Bleeding rates are higher than those observed by systemic
ancoagulaon but lower than systemic thrombolysis [5,7,8].
The AHA and ESC recommend the use of catheter based in-
tervenons in high risk paents in whom thrombolysis has failed
or is contraindicated. Given the lack of prospecve, randomised
trials examining catheter-based intervenons, Theroux et al pro-
pose that paents in the high and intermediate risk PE category
be considered on a case-by-case basis with discussion at the PERT
team level [5,7,8].
Surgical embolectomy: is reserved for paents in the high or
intermediate risk PE categories with absolute contraindicaons to
thrombolysis or at risk of rapid clinical deterioraon prior to the
eect of systemic thrombolysis or as a rescue intervenon where
thrombolysis has failed. Studies have shown that prompt surgical
intervenon signicantly improves RV funcon and PA pressure
with a lower risk of major bleeding when compared with throm-
bolysis. No dierence in 30 day mortality was found between sur-
gical embolectomy and thrombolysis (13% and 15%), however,
stroke and re-intervenon rates within 30 days was higher with
thrombolysis [5,7,8].
We present the case of a 46-year-old man who had success-
ful emergency surgical embolectomy for a high risk saddle pul-
monary embolism. RV dysfuncon and PA pressure returned to
normal post procedure. The paent is alive at 7 years and his
echocardiogram at 5 years post embolectomy remains stable with
mildly dilated right ventricle and normal right ventricular func-
on. Both the AHA and ESC guidelines make recommendaons
aimed at improving the morbidity and mortality of paents pre-
senng with acute, high and intermediate risk PE, which include
the early involvement of the PERT team to aid real-me clinical
assessment and decision for treatment opons and the early use
of echocardiography to assess RV dysfuncon – even in low risk
PE [1,2,5]. Thrombolysis, catheter based and surgical interven-
ons for treatment of acute PE are endorsed by AHA and ESC.
Both catheter-based and surgical intervenons require special-
ist experse and therefore outcomes are variable and reecve
of this [5,7,8]. In our centre we oer both services, however, we
have demonstrated that with early surgical intervenon by an ex-
perienced team, excellent outcomes can be achieved without the
risk of stroke, bleeding or re-intervenon that is inherent with
thrombolyc intervenons.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Purpose of the review: Over 100,000 cardiovascular-related deaths annually are caused by acute pulmonary embolism (PE). While anticoagulation has historically been the foundation for treatment of PE, this review highlights the recent rapid expansion in the interventional strategies for this condition. Recent findings: At the time of diagnosis, appropriate risk stratification helps to accurately identify patients who may be candidates for advanced therapeutic interventions. While systemic thrombolytics (ST) is the mostly commonly utilized intervention for high-risk PE, the risk profile of ST for intermediate-risk PE limits its use. Assessment of an individualized patient risk profile, often via a multidisciplinary pulmonary response team (PERT) model, there are various interventional strategies to consider for PE management. Novel therapeutic options include catheter-directed thrombolysis, catheter-based embolectomy, or mechanical circulatory support for certain high-risk PE patients. Current data has established safety and efficacy for catheter-based treatment of PE based on surrogate outcome measures. However, there is limited long-term data or prospective comparisons between treatment modalities and ST. While PE diagnosis has improved with modern cross-sectional imaging, there is interest in improved diagnostic models for PE that incorporate artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. Summary: In patients with acute pulmonary embolism, after appropriate risk stratification, some intermediate and high-risk patients should be considered for interventional-based treatment for PE.
Full-text available
Guidelines summarize and evaluate available evidence with the aim of assisting health professionals in proposing the best management strategies for an individual patient with a given condition. Guidelines and their recommendations should facilitate decision making of health professionals in their daily practice. However, the final decisions concerning an individual patient must be made by the responsible health professional(s) in consultation with the patient and caregiver as appropriate.
Full-text available
Current mainstay treatment for pulmonary embolism (PE) includes oral anticoagulation, thrombolytic therapy, catheter embolectomy and acute surgical embolectomy. Surgical embolectomy is reserved for hemodynamically unstable patients (cardiogenic shock, cardiac arrest) and contraindication to thrombolytic therapy. We report a case of saddle PE in a young female with echocardiographic signs of right ventricular (RV) dysfunction who underwent early acute surgical embolectomy with a positive outcome. It would be beneficial to use bedside echocardiography even in hemodynamically stable patients to determine RV strain as this could act as an early indicator suggesting the escalation of therapy.
Full-text available
Although the clinical syndrome following pulmonary embolism (PE) may be subtle, in the case of massive PE the severity of the clinical presentation typically makes the picture more obvious. If more than two lobar pulmonary arteries become obstructed, the hemodynamic and respiratory consequences are severe, and may be life threatening. We present an unusual case where a patient experienced transient hemodynamic collapse during valsalva, and a massive saddle pulmonary embolus was discovered incidentally. Current treatment options for massive PE are then discussed.
Acute pulmonary embolism (PE) causes significant morbidity and mortality, particularly for patients with subsequent right ventricular (RV) dysfunction. Once diagnosed, risk stratification is imperative for therapeutic decision making and centers on evaluation of RV function. Treatment includes supportive care, systemic anticoagulation, and consideration of reperfusion therapy. In addition to systemic anticoagulation, patients with high-risk PE should receive reperfusion therapy, typically with systemic thrombolysis. The role of reperfusion therapies, which include catheter-based interventions, systemic thrombolysis, and surgical embolectomy, are controversial in the management of intermediate risk PE. Catheter directed thrombolysis (CDT) can be considered in certain intermediate risk patients although prospective, comparative data for its use are lacking. Surgical or catheter embolectomy are viable treatment options for high-risk patients in whom reperfusion therapy is warranted but who have absolute contraindications to thrombolysis. Further research is needed to better elucidate which patients with PE would most benefit from advanced reperfusion therapies.
Pulmonary embolism is an important clinical entity with considerable mortality despite advances in diagnosis and treatment. In the present article, the authors offer a comprehensive review focused mainly on epidemiology, risk factors, risk stratification, pathophysiological considerations and clinical presentation. Diagnosis based on assessment of clinical likelihood, electrocardiography, chest x-ray, D-dimer levels, markers of myocardial injury and overload, and blood gases is discussed in detail. Special attention is devoted to the clinical use of computed tomography, pulmonary angiography and echocardiography in the setting of pulmonary embolism.
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is responsible for the hospitalization of >250 000 Americans annually and represents a significant risk for morbidity and mortality. Despite the publication of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines to aid in the management of VTE in its acute and chronic forms, the clinician is frequently confronted with manifestations of VTE for which data are sparse and optimal management is unclear. In particular, the optimal use of advanced therapies for acute VTE, including thrombolysis and catheter-based therapies, remains uncertain. This report addresses the management of massive and submassive pulmonary embolism (PE), iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis (IFDVT),and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). The goal is to provide practical advice to enable the busy clinician to optimize the management of patients with these severe manifestations of VTE. Although this document makes recommendations for management, optimal medical decisions must incorporate other factors, including patient wishes, quality of life, and life expectancy based on age and comorbidities. The appropriateness of these recommendations for a specific patient may vary depending on these factors and will be best judged by the bedside clinician.
Interventional therapies for acute pulmonary embolism: Current status and principles for the development of novel evidence. A scientific statement from the
  • J Giri
  • A K Sista
  • I Weingberg
Giri J, Sista AK, Weingberg I et al. Interventional therapies for acute pulmonary embolism: Current status and principles for the development of novel evidence. A scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2019; 140(20): e774-e801.