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Detection of the Fission Product Palladium-107 in a Pond Sediment Sample from Chernobyl

Detection of the Fission Product Palladium-107 in a Pond Sediment
Sample from Chernobyl
Anica Weller, Tim Ramaker, Felix Stäger, Tobias Blenke, Manuel Raiwa, Ihor
Chyzhevskyi, Serhii Kirieiev, Sergiy Dubchak, and Georg Steinhauser
Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2021, 8, 656661
ABSTRACT: Radiometric or mass spectrometric analysis of the long-lived
fission product 107Pd is notoriously difficult. We developed and optimized a chemical
separation protocol for minute amounts of radiopalladium with a subsequent
measurement by inductively coupled plasma triple quadrupole mass spectrometry
with propane as the collision gas. This allows for detection limits of <2 ng of 107Pd/kg,
which makes the method suitable for environmental samples with low levels of 107Pd.
For testing of this method, a sample of sediment from the Chernobyl cooling pond was
analyzed. Indeed, it could be shown that the cooling pond sediment exhibits a uniquely
increased 107Pd/105Pd ratio (0.08 ± 0.02), thus strongly indicating detectable levels of
107Pd using this method.
Long-lived radionuclides are of special importance for the long-term safety
assessments of nuclear waste repositories. Given their high radiotoxicity, most research
focused on α-emitting actinides. However, also long-lived β−-emitting fission products
such as 79Se, 99Tc, 107Pd, 129I, and 135Cs as well as activation products (59Ni, 93Zr, and
41Ca) can also be dose relevant.1 Because most of these radionuclides are pure
β−emitters, any radiometric detection reaches its limit due to the nuclideslong half-
lives and the need for chemical separation of trace amounts of these elements.13
Despite this analytical shortcoming, modeling data illustrate the importance of long-
lived fission products. Calculations for spent nuclear fuel of a boiling water reactor
(BWR) with UO2 fuel and burnup of 50 GWd/t show an activity in the range from 109
to 1012 Bq per metric ton of heavy metal after 1000 years of cooling.4 The fission
product 107Pd falls in the lower range with 7.2 × 109 Bq t1. It is a β emitter with a low
β end point energy of 34 keV and a half-life of 6.5(3) × 106 years.5 With increasing
burnup of commercial nuclear fuel, the onset of 107Pd increases due to the breeding and
subsequent fission of 239Pu in the fuel. The yield of 107Pd through thermal neutron
fission of 235U is relatively low (0.14%), but it is much higher for 239Pu (3.2%).6 Buck
et al. reported that fission-produced radiopalladium accumulates in spent nuclear fuel
in AgPd-rich phases.7
Palladium-107 is a radionuclide of potential concern in final repositories. In any
case, fission-produced Pd may become a potentially interesting source of industrial Pd
due to rising Pd prices. Spent fuel consists of 0.1% Pd per ton of heavy metal.4 The
use of such artificial Pdis presently a topic of discussion with respect to its
application in catalytic products.810 However, in such artificial Pd, 107Pd would have
to be considered, as well. Once mixed into the Pd recycling stream, the radioisotope
107Pd could never again be removed from the stream by chemical means.
The examples presented above obviate the need for sensitive analytical methods
for 107Pd. However, radioanalytical methods face limitations when it comes to
analyzing 107Pd. The low β energy of 107Pd results in a weak radiation detector response
and a low detection efficiency as the analytical signal is partly obscured from cosmic
radiation. Liquid scintillation counting (LSC) suffers from low count rates due to
absorption effects in solution.11,12 Additionally, the low specific activity of pure 107Pd
(1.9 × 107 Bq g1) drastically increases the detection limits. Lastly, all β measurement
techniques are susceptible to interference from other β emitters. Stable Pd can be
analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS) with high sensitivity (detection limits with a
direct injection nebulizer or flow injection in the lower picograms per gram range).13,14
This detection limit corresponds to approximately 102 mBq (g of pure 107Pd)1. Only a
few analytical studies have specifically targeted 107Pd so far. This includes meteorites,
where 107Pd was measured indirectly from 107Ag/109Ag isotopic ratios via either
TIMS15,16 or MC-ICP-MS17,18 under the assumption that the cosmogonic 107Pd had
completely decayed to its daughter nuclide, 107Ag. Due to the long half-life of 107Pd,
such indirect measurement is not feasible for terrestrial materials. Andris et al.19 and
Dulansk et al.20 developed chemical separation techniques and measured radioactive
waste for 107Pd by LSC. In both studies, the 107Pd activities were all below their
determined detection limits for radioactive waste samples. Asai et al. first reported the
determination of 239 ng of 107Pd in 1 mg of U in spent nuclear fuel with single
quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS),21 which is the
same order of magnitude like the calculated value for spent nuclear UO2 fuel.4 Further
MS studies targeted 107Pd in Zircaloy fuel cladding22 and radioactive waste from the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP).23 These studies dealt with higher
concentrations of 107Pd, which would typically be found in spent nuclear fuel but hardly
in the environment. Due to several types of interference as well as lack of sensitivity,
some of these methods cannot be used for environmental samples.
The objective of this study was the development of an analytical protocol for the
separation of minute amounts of radiopalladium in environmental samples followed by
MS measurement. The method should subsequently be tested on a sample possibly
contaminated with 107Pd. Because no certified reference materials are available for
107Pd, we extracted fuel particles from the sediment of the Chernobyl cooling pond and
tested them for the detectable occurrence of environmental 107Pd. The Chernobyl
cooling pond is notorious for its contamination with fuel particles,24 which contain,
among other radionuclides, 107Pd. Thirty-five years after the Chernobyl nuclear
accident (April 26, 1986), to the best of our knowledge, the detection of low 107Pd
concentrations has never been successful in a Chernobyl sample, let alone in any other
environmental sample. This motivated us to develop a method with enhanced
sensitivity for this difficult-to-measure radionuclide. The method included a multistep
chemical separation with subsequent triple quadrupole ICP-MS (ICPQQQ-MS)
measurement in reaction mode with propane/He gas. We aimed at detection limits in
the range of microbecquerels per kilogram or nanograms per kilogram. For quality
assurance purposes, we monitored the major types of MS interference, which are silver
isotopes, zirconium and yttrium oxides, and palladium hydride species, throughout the
analytical procedure.
... With the continuous development of nuclear industry and the wide application of radioactivity in daily life, the importance of radioanalytical chemistry is highlighted since it is required in a variety of fields such as environmental monitoring, radioactivity assessment, nuclear decommissioning, nuclear forensics and so on. Under most circumstances radionuclides including natural occurring radionuclides ( 210 Po, 210 Pb, 226 Ra, 238 U, 232 Th etc.) and anthropogenic radionuclides ( 55 Fe, 90 Sr, 99 Tc, 135,137 Cs, 129 I, 237 Np, 239,240 Pu, 241 Am, etc.) are the analytes [11][12][13][14][15], whereas in some cases non-radioactive stable nuclides contained in radioactive sample matrices are analyzed (e.g., impurity analysis of nuclear materials) [16][17][18][19]. In contrast to other branches in analytical chemistry, there are two distinctive characteristics for radioanalytical chemistry, i.e., the target analytes are usually at extremely low level (trace or ultra-trace) and radiation is involved during the analysis. ...
... Although the invention of flow analysis dated from the 1950s by Skeggs [51], the application of FI in radioanalytical chemistry started from the 1990s [52]. After that, FI has been gradually employed in the radioanalysis of various nuclides including 60 Co, 137 Cs, 90 Sr, 99 Tc, 239, 240 Pu, 241 Am etc. [53][54][55][56][57][58]. The FI simplifies the operation processes compared with the manual procedures and enables online determination with the continuous flow. ...
... Consequently, in many SI procedures where the target nuclides are eluted with high concentration acids or with some reducing or oxidizing reagents, further treatment of the large volume eluent including evaporation, digestion, transforming and concentrating to small-volume dilute acid condition etc. are imperative before subsequent detection, and no doubt increases the complexity of the methods. Recently, several studies aiming to combining SI with direct ICP-MS detection were reported for the analysis of 90 [11,14,27,57]. The common feature of these novel methods was that the authors employed small volume of dilute acid solutions to highly efficiently elute nuclides from specific resins, followed by direct ICP-MS measurement. ...
With the advocation of green analytical chemistry (GAC), the development of eco- and operator friendly analytical practices is highly concerned. This could be more noteworthy for the radioanalytical chemistry as hazardous radioactivity present during the analytical procedures. For the first time, herein we critically reviewed the practices and progresses of radioanalytical methodologies for typical nuclides from the perspective of GAC. Different stages of the general radioanalytical procedures were considered. On this basis, practices and progresses of the methodologies were dialectically discussed from two aspects, viz., the analytical performances and the analytical greenness. In the end, future trends of radioanalytical methodologies for different nuclides were proposed. Although in many cases the implementation of GAC might deteriorate the analytical performances, with the aid of multi-nuclide separation procedure as well as automatic techniques, it is promising to improve the analytical greenness meanwhile satisfy the analytical requirements for specific application purposes.
... In addition to the evaluation of new radioactive tracers in the water cycle such as S-35 [143], new opportunities for complementary radionuclide analyses are provided by triple quadrupole plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-QQQ-MS) which enables the detection of several relevant radionuclides (e.g., Sr-90) due to its efficient removal of interferences and the analysis in mass-shift mode after a reaction cell (e.g., [144][145][146][147]). Such approaches also offer new applications for environmental nuclear forensics [148] including in aquatic environments [149][150][151][152]. ...
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With the nationwide introduction of wastewater treatment the overall water quality improved significantly, but challenges remain, including diffuse pollution, historical sediment contamination and the presence of a multitude of anthropogenic chemical species. The implementation of several EU directives in the twenty-first century led to a stronger focus on improving water and sediment quality and the sustainable management of sediments at river basin scale. Hence, in the last 25 years, not only have the regulatory frameworks significantly changed, but also the scientific backbone of our products, delivered to Germany’s federal ministries, practitioners from the German Waterways and Shipping Administration, German federal states and the public. In this respect, approaches such as non-target screening, multi-element analysis, effect-based methods, novel approaches in microplastic and nanoparticle analysis and the benefits from the increase in digitalization and automation are key methods and processes to face future challenges, especially those connected to the global climate crisis.
This review covers advances in the analysis of air, water, plants, soils and geological materials by a range of atomic spectrometric techniques including atomic emission, absorption, fluorescence and mass spectrometry.
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Understanding the circumstances of the undeclared 2017 nuclear release of ruthenium that led to widespread detections of the radioisotope 106Ru in the Eurasian region, and whether it derives from a civilian or military source, is of major importance for society and future improvements in nuclear safety. Until now, the released nuclear material has merely been studied by analyzing short-lived radioisotopes. Here, we report precise measurements of the stable isotopic composition of ruthenium captured in air filters before, during, and after the nuclear release, and find that the ruthenium collected during the period of the 2017 nuclear release has a non-natural isotopic composition. By comparing our results with ruthenium isotopic compositions of spent nuclear fuels, we show that the release is consistent with the isotopic fingerprints of a civilian Russian water-water energetic reactor (VVER) fuel at the end of its lifetime, and is not related to the production of plutonium for nuclear weapons. A cloud of enhanced ruthenium concentrations has been observed over Europe in 2017, but no country has acknowledged responsibility for this nuclear release. Here, the authors show that the stable isotopic composition of ruthenium emitted from nuclear fuel reprocessing during the 2017 event is consistent with the isotopic signature of civilian Russian nuclear reactor fuel.
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The efficient characterization of nuclear waste materials represents a significant challenge during nuclear site decommissioning, with a range of radionuclides requiring measurement in varied and often complex sample matrices. Of the available measurement techniques, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has traditionally been applied to long-lived radionuclides, particularly in the actinide series. With recent advances in the technique, both the sensitivities achievable and number of radionuclides potentially measurable has expanded, with the reduced procedural time offering significant economic benefits to nuclear site waste characterization compared with traditional radiometric (typically alpha and beta spectrometry) techniques. This review provides a broad assessment of recent developments, improvements in capability and describes the advantages and drawbacks of ICP-MS with regards to sample introduction and instrument design. The review will be of interest to international agencies concerned with nuclear decommissioning as well as nuclear site laboratories, project managers and sites involved in environmental monitoring and nuclear forensics.
Presence of environmental radiosilver and the investigation of the 108mAg/110mAg isotopic ratio in the aftermath of a nuclear power plant accident provides valuable information on the condition of the control rods of pressurized water reactors. However, the detection of minute amounts of the gamma emitting radiosilver isotopes is often thwarted by the presence of concomitant and dominating gamma emitters, primarily ¹³⁷Cs, which results in increased detection limits in the gamma spectra. We developed a rapid and robust separation protocol for trace silver extraction in presence of overwhelming activities of ¹³⁷Cs via autodepostion of silver on a copper plate. This method achieved a quantitative removal of interfering ¹³⁷Cs in the deposition product and proved to be very efficient (yields > 70 % for aqueous samples), rapid (results within 4 h), and robust with respect to varying salinities and composition of the water samples. The autodeposition approach is also applicable for organic samples after acid-assisted microwave digestion. By applying established sequential extraction protocols for soil, the fate of freshly deposited radiosilver and radiocesium in soil was investigated. Silver showed a high affinity to the soil with a pronounced (> 90 %) accumulation in the residual fraction after the sequential extraction, whereas radiocesium exhibited higher mobility, allowing for the extraction of major fractions in the first extraction steps. The constitution of the aqueous contamination matrix (CaCl2 or Ca(NO3)2) had significant influence on the binding properties of cesium on soil.
ORIGEN-ARP is used to simulate nine fuel types (six reactor classes) in a scoping study investigating potential isotopic indicators contained within the noble metal phase formed in used nuclear fuel. A concurrent effort compares predictions of these noble metal phase isotopic inventories to measured values in three approved testing materials (ATMs) of various burnups ranging from 28 to 70 MWd/kgM. The noble metal phase elements (Mo-Tc-Ru-Rh-Pd-Te) are chemically unreactive and remain undissolved following dissolution as a fine black residue. This characteristic is appealing for nuclear forensics or nuclear archeology, in which information is often sought regarding fuel burnup and reactor class in order to verify past operating declarations. Intra-element isotope ratio predictions that compare favorably to the chemical measurements of the three ATMs are plotted as a function of burnup to determine the feasibility to distinguish reactor class or burnup. This evaluation of intra-elemental isotope ratios specific to the noble metal phase provides a prospect to determine reactor class from remaining, undissolved solids following reprocessing. This would be particularly valuable in assessing the source of used nuclear fuel at an undeclared reprocessing facility. Results of predicted isotope ratios are reported that show promise as indicators at low burnups (<5 MWd/kgM) and are compared to the measurements at higher burnups for the three ATMs.
Decommissioning and monitoring around nuclear sites presents challenges with regards to the range of sample matrices and radionuclides that must be accurately characterised. Over the last few decades, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been increasingly used in the nuclear sector as a rapid alternative to decay counting techniques for long-lived radionuclides, as well as an expanding range of shorter-lived radionuclides. The presence of various interferences still presents a major challenge in achieving accurate measurements, often necessitating extensive chemical clean-up prior to measurement. This study evaluates the potential application of tandem ICP-MS/MS for the measurement of a range of radionuclides of interest to nuclear decommissioning and waste management. The flexibility of the instrumental setup is shown in achieving improved interference removal compared to alternative instrument designs, improving sample throughput by reducing reliance on offline separation, and increasing the potential application of ICP-MS/MS for routine measurement of difficult-to-measure radionuclides.
Radioactive particles have been released from multiple sources since the mid-twentieth century. Famous examples include nuclear fuel particles from Chernobyl, glassy microparticles from Fukushima as well as particles from nuclear weapons production facilities (e.g., Windscale, United Kingdom and the facilities in the former Soviet Union), nuclear weapons accidents at Palomares (Spain) and Thule (Greenland), and atmospheric nuclear explosions. Current challenges in environmental research of radioactive particles include the drying of the cooling pond of Chernobyl NPP, which will cause the weathering of previously preserved fuel particles in the (former) sediment of the pond. Environmental aspects of resuspended particles as well as natural particles and aerosols contaminated with radionuclides (e.g., ¹³¹I) are briefly discussed.
Safety evaluation of a radioactive waste repository requires credible activity estimates confirmed by actual measurements. A long-lived radionuclide, ¹⁰⁷Pd, which can be found in radioactive wastes, is one of the difficult-to-measure nuclides and results in a deficit in experimentally determined contents. In this study, a precipitation-based separation method has been developed for the determination of ¹⁰⁷Pd with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The photoreduction induced by pulsed laser irradiation at 355 nm provides short-time and one-step recovery of Pd. The proposed method was verified by applying it to a spent nuclear fuel sample. In order to efficiently recover Pd, a natural Pd standard was employed as the Pd carrier. Taking ad-vantage of the absence of ¹⁰²Pd in spent nuclear fuel, ¹⁰²Pd in the Pd carrier was utilized as the internal standard. The chemical yield of Pd was about 90% with virtually no impurities, allowing accurate quantification of ¹⁰⁷Pd. The amount of ¹⁰⁷Pd in the Pd precipitate was 17.3 ± 0.7 ng, equivalent to 239 ± 9 ng per mg of ²³⁸U in the sample.
Radioactive iodine is the Achilles' heel in the design for the safe geological disposal of spent uranium oxide (UO2) nuclear fuel. Furthermore, iodine's high volatility and aqueous solubility were mainly responsible for the high early doses released during the accident at Fukushima Daiichi in 2011. Studies Kienzler et al., however, have indicated that the instant release fraction (IRF) of radioiodine (131/129I) does not correlate directly with increasing fuel burn-up. In fact, there is a peak in the release of iodine at around 50–60 MW d/kgU, and with increasing burn-up, the IRF of 131/129I decreases. The reasons for this decrease have not fully been understood. We have performed microscopic analysis of chemically processed high burn-up UO2 fuel (80 MW d/kgU) and have found recalcitrant nano-particles containing, Pd, Ag, I, and Br, possibly consistent with a high pressure phase of silver iodide in the undissolved residue. It is likely that increased levels of Ag and Pd from ²³⁹Pu fission in high burnup fuels leads to the formation of these metal halides. The occurrence of these phases in UO2 nuclear fuels may reduce the impact of long-lived ¹²⁹I on the repository performance assessment calculations.
Significance This work describes an approach to postdetonation nuclear forensics involving isotopic measurements that allows for characterization of a nuclear detonation at any time. By performing high-precision measurements of stable isotope perturbations in nuclear bomb debris, it is possible to quantify short-lived fission products long after they have decayed below radiometric detection limits and become extinct. The extinct fission product concentrations can be used to reconstruct details of the nuclear device months to years after the detonation occurred. The approach is demonstrated by analysis of debris from the Trinity nuclear test and new estimates of the efficiency and yield of the historic test are presented.
A simple separation method for determination of 107Pd employing Ni ®Resin was established. Suitable conditions for Pd separation were tested. Palladium was adsorbed on Ni ®Resin from 0.5 mol L−1 HCl and eluted with 8 mol L−1 HNO3 with recoveries higher than 70 % determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. The method was applied for analysis of evaporator concentrate and radioactive sludge samples from nuclear power plants in Slovak Republic. In all analyzed samples were activity concentrations of 107Pd below minimum detectable activity. 107Pd was measured on liquid scintillation counter (TRICARB 2900/TR) using Ultima Gold AB scintillation cocktail.