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Green Finance, Fintech and environmental protection: Evidence from China

  • Nexcelia Research Unit

Abstract and Figures

This paper is one of the first to offer a comprehensive analysis of the impact of green finance related policies in China, utilizing text analysis and panel data from 290 cities between 2011 and 2018. Employing the Semi-parametric Difference-in-Differences (SDID) we show that overall China's green finance related policies have led to a significant reduction in industrial gas emissions in the review period. Additionally, we found that Fintech development contributes to the depletion of sulphur dioxide emissions and has a positive impact on environmental protection investment initiatives. China is poised to be a global leader in green finance policy implementation and regulators need to accelerate the formulation of green finance products and enhance the capacity of financial institutions to offer green credit. While minimizing the systemic risk fintech poses, policy makers should encourage fintechs to actively participate in environmental protection initiatives that promote green consumption.
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Original Research
Green nance, ntech and environmental protection: Evidence from
Tadiwanashe Muganyi
, Linnan Yan
, Hua-ping Sun
Shanghai University School of Economics, Baoshan, Shanghai, People's republic of China
Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK
Jiangsu University, Zhejiang, People's republic of China
article info
Article history:
Received 24 March 2021
Received in revised form
17 June 2021
Accepted 18 June 2021
Green nance
Environmental protection
Green consumption
This paper is one of the rst to offer a comprehensive analysis of the impact of green nance related
policies in China, utilizing text analysis and panel data from 290 cities between 2011 and 2018.
Employing the Semi-parametric Difference-in-Differences (SDID) we show that overall China's green
nance related policies have led to a signicant reduction in industrial gas emissions in the review
period. Additionally, we found that Fintech development contributes to the depletion of sulphur dioxide
emissions and has a positive impact on environmental protection investment initiatives. China is poised
to be a global leader in green nance policy implementation and regulators need to accelerate the
formulation of green nance products and enhance the capacity of nancial institutions to offer green
credit. While minimizing the systemic risk ntech poses, policy makers should encourage ntechs to
actively participate in environmental protection initiatives that promote green consumption.
©2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences,
Harbin Institute of Technology, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction
China's green nance industry is growing rapidly, transforming
the country's nancial sector in the process. Although green nance
has been a hot topic amongst researchers in recent years, it remains
conceptually unclear (Dayong [1]. Green nance refers to nancial
investments targeted at environmental protection initiatives [2].
There are three main categories of green nance namely green-
asset nance, credit &investments [3]. Green nance seeks to
engage the private sector in the funding of environmental projects
to bridge the gap left by insufcient public budgets (see Fig. 1).
Developing countries face many credit constraints that increase
the likelihood of poor environmental performance, hence the need
for active green nance policies [4]. It is the prerogative of gov-
ernments in developing countries to develop and implement pol-
icies that promote green nance systems [5]. Financial instruments
like green bonds are now being employed to ensure environmental
projects are funded in a sustainable way. Green bonds are xed
income instruments aimed at supporting environmental projects.
To increase uptake and narrow the green nance gap, these bonds
often have several tax incentives attached to them [6].
Green nance has become a key policy concern for emerging
economies. China's 13th Five Year Plan proposed the creation of a
green nancial system that encourages the private sector to play a
more active role in sustainable development. Green bonds are
favored by shareholders as they have the potential to increase rm
value in the long run (J [7]. Although green nance is an increas-
ingly important policy issue in China several barriers still exist at
the operational micro and meso levels (M [8].
While there is still a need for greater coordination between
policy makers and key stakeholders, green nance in China is
already yielding positive results. There is an inverse relationship
between green investment and CO
emissions [9]. Green nancing
alone cannot guarantee successful environmental protection ini-
tiatives, it has to be augmented by signicant investment in both
human capital and technological innovation [10]. Green nance is
expected to play an important role in the attainment of climate
change goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. China is at the
forefront of green nance initiatives globally with most bene-
ciaries being developing countries with a stable political environ-
ment with signicantly high levels of credit risk [11].
Green nance initiatives face complex risk dimensions that affect
their overall performance. For example, carbon nancing includes
*Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (H.-p. Sun).
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2666-4984/©2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, Harbin Institute of Technology, Chinese Research
Academy of Environmental Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Environmental Science and Ecotechnology 7 (2021) 100107
signicant risks for nancial institutions. To ensure the long-term
sustainability of green nance projects, nancial institutions need
to hedge against associated risks (X [12]. Although green nance
signicantly reduces emissions, over the short-term it has a negative
effect on highly polluting rm performance (D [13].
2. China's green nance gap
Green nance policies play a guiding role in credit supply to
enterprises in areas with less developed nancial ecosystems as
well as state owned enterprises [14]. China is a global leader in
green credit policy implementation. It is important for green
nance policy to leverage technology and preexisting relationships
between banks and enterprises (F [15].
Green nance policies that are based on strict carbon emission
regulation often lead to a win-win scenario for both manufacturers
and suppliers [16]. Green nance policies also have a positive
impact on the manufacturing industry [17 ]. showed a positive
correlation between green nance instruments and rm innova-
tion, further concluding that green nance has the potential to play
an imperative role in China's transition to intelligent and sustain-
able manufacturing. Increased scrutiny on green bonds in global
capital markets is facilitating the development of a more dynamic
green nance ecosystem in China [18].
In most emerging markets including China, the effectiveness of
green nance initiatives is dependent on the level of economic
development. Developed regions are more signicantly impacted
by bank green nance activities (X [19]. Green nance is essential
for sustainable and clean production within the economy. By
strengthening the integrity of green nance systems, governments
can achieve their sustainable development goals [20]. Green
nance policies require coordination amongst all stakeholders to
improve effectiveness and guarantee continuity which is not al-
ways the case [21].
Commercial banks in China greatly value green management.
Firms with comprehensive green management strategies can get
access to signicantly larger lines of credit [22]. Chinese state-
owned banks are playing an increasingly leading role in the allo-
cation of green nance in credit markets. This edge has come at a
cost, as green nance initiatives tend to be more protable for
private banks than for state owned banks. State own banks are
forced to take on greater risk to meet green nance policy objec-
tives [23]. Banks should focus on encouraging green nance tar-
geted at achieving green transitions based on stable prices and
mature technology to achieve sustainable environmental outcomes
(C [24]. To achieve optimal results, green nance policies should
also consider the technology inter-dependencies which inuence
the whole nancial system and value chains [25].
For green nance to achieve its objectives there is need for
stronger regulations that remedy information asymmetry and
moral hazards, while ensuring an optimal balance between ecology
and nance (Y [26]. To close the green nance gap, there is need to
develop sustainable investment vehicles based on long-term policy
perspectives [27]. China's green transition nancing model is one of
the most comprehensive in the world and it is on track to be the
global leader in green nance [28].
Predicated on the theoretical analysis presented above, we
developed the following hypothesis:
I. Green nance policies promote positive environmental
2.1. Role of ntech in green nance
Fintech is poised to play a leading role in the provision of green
nance through leveraging big data analytics and articial intelli-
gence to foster a green transition amongst consumers and small
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) [29]. There is a research gap
regarding the involvement of ntech in environmental protection
efforts in China. This gap is attributed to many ntech companies
not being actively involved in these efforts, except for Ant Groups'
bespoke Ant Forest initiative. Ant forest is a model example of how
ntech platforms can encourage consumers to actively participate
in green nance projects. The award-winning initiative encourages
a sustainable green transition amongst consumers and SMEs (H
[30]. The Ant forest mini program encourages Alipay's consumers
to reduce their carbon footprint by rewarding green behaviors such
as walking, cycling, taking public transport, and paying utilities
online. Users can accumulate these carbon savings and earn green
energy which they can use to grow a virtual tree, which Alipay will
eventually turn into a real tree as part of a desert reclamation
Other ntech companies are actively incorporating green
nancial systemmeasures aimed at using technology to reduce
carbon emissions and facilitate efcient resource utilization. Fin-
tech has been credited with promoting the adoption of green
agricultural practices in China by ensuring credit availability,
addressing information asymmetry, and increasing trust amongst
farming communities [31]. Empirical evidence shows that China's
internet development has had a noticeable negative impact on
energy consumption through promoting nancial development
and industrial upgrading [21].
As China's ntech ecosystem continues to expand, it is expected
to play an important role in the country's transition to a new green
nancial system. Fintech platforms accelerate both the procure-
ment and deployment of funds earmarked for environmental pro-
jects [32]. Green bonds can help boost the nancial performance of
ntech rms while providing a conduit for long term green in-
vestment [33]. Fintechs have the potential to accelerate China's
transition to a new green nancial system that will promote cleaner
production through intelligent manufacturing and other green
management processes.
Subsequently, we developed a 2nd and 3rd hypothesis.
II. Fintech development has a negative impact on SO
in China
III. Fintech enhances environmental investment initiatives
3. Data and methodology
This study utilizes the research policy text analysis database to
identify when related green nance policies were affected across
Fig. 1. Number of cities with a green nance related policy initiative
Source: Ruiyan database.
T. Muganyi, L. Yan and H.-p. Sun Environmental Science and Ecotechnology 7 (2021) 100107
290 cities in China. The study period ranges from the year
2011e2018. To identify the relevant treatment effects, we utilized
the following keywords: green nance, green bonds, green credit,
green operations, and carbon nance. These green nance policy
initiatives vary across each city, however they all have the same
goal which is to promote environment protection initiatives.
Regulators in China are keen on achieving their climate and
environmental protection targets and green nance has been
identied as a key priority area. China is accelerating its efforts to
create a green nancial system aimed at helping the country meet
its emission reduction targets and transition into a more sustain-
able model of industrial production. The visualization below shows
how rapidly green nance policy initiatives have been enacted
across China's cities.
3.1. Base model
Green nance policies in China include several follow up ini-
tiatives to ensure set targets are met. To analyze our rst hypothesis
a semi parametric difference-in-differences (SDID) model is uti-
lized. SDID is best suited for the analysis of treatment effects based
on non-experimental panel data with multiple rounds of policy
measures [34]. The average treatment effect (ATT) on Chinese cities
can be represented by equation (1) below.
Where, y
denotes the environmental variable of interest after
green nance related policies are put into effect at time t and y
represents the same variable before the treatment effect, d
whether a city enacted a green nance related policy at time t.
When ts0 after the baseline dis equal to 1.
To address the unevenness of characteristics between treated
and untreated groups [35], suggests a reweighted estimate of the
ATT given in equation (2).
Abadie's weighted estimate (2) is unbiased if the following
equations (3) and (4) hold.
Þ<1 (4)
Where, y
is the change in our environment interest variable
between baseline z and time t. Baseline characteristics of the con-
trol variables are represented by x
. The propensity score which
represents the conditional probability of being part of the policy
treatment group is denoted by the following identity:
Þ. The propensity score for the SDID estimator can be
estimated using a linear probability model (LPM), as suggested by
Ref. [35] or a series logit estimator (SLE) postulated by Ref. [36].
The LPM propensity score can be derived from equation (5).
Where, parameters are estimated using the ordinary least squares
(OLS) method and x
is a binary variable. The order of polynomial
function used to approximate the propensity score for LPM is given
as k and x
is a continuous variable represented by the following
expression: x
The SLE model produces the following propensity score:
Þ¼ b
Where, ðxÞis represented by the logistic function (7).
ðxÞ¼ e
To measure the impact of green nance related policies this
paper focuses on three environmental interest variables. The
dependent variables are highlighted in the following expression;
½ln ESO2
;ln DSD
and lnPSO2
, where ESO2
denotes emis-
sions of industrial sulphur dioxide (SO
);represents DSD
discharge of industrial smoke and dust and PSO2
is the volume of
industrial SO
produced. The environmental interest variables are
measured in tonnes for each city, I, at time t. The binary treatment
variable or time variable in our SDID model takes the value of 1
when a green nance related policy is affected and 0 at baseline (for
cities without green nance related policies).
3.2. Control variables
The control variables or x
employed in the model are the level
of industrialization in each city, Ind
, measured as a secondary
industry value added as a percentage of gross domestic product
(GDP). To control for the level of economic activity and size, we
employed the GDP per capita represented by GDPpc
and the level
of trade openness in each city, TOP
3.3. Impact of ntech on environmental protection
China's ntech industry has grown expeditiously in the period
under review. Our second hypothesis is dependent on the
assumption that the ntech sector growth has contributed signif-
icantly to the decline of industrial gas emissions in Chinese cities.
Fintech is central to a few green initiatives including the sharing
economy. To test our second hypothesis, we utilize the econometric
model specied below.
Where, the criterion variable SO2
represents SO
emissions in city,
I, at time t and Fintech
is the lagged ntech variable and it is
based on the Peking University digital nancial inclusion index
(PKU-DFIC) [37]. The Index utilizes Ant Group's comprehensive
data on ntech usage across China including digitalization levels,
coverage breath, usage depth and other key indicators. How these
factors are weighted is included in the appendix section. Lagged
control variables include city GDP per capita (GDPpc
), level of
trade openness ( TOP
), and industrialization level (Ind
). To
capture the state of pollution within each city we also include the
current level of discharge of industrial smoke and dust which is
represented by DSD
To test our 3rd and nal hypothesis, we utilize provincial data on
environmental protection investment. Fintech is expected to have a
positive impact on environmental protection investment. The
following econometric model is employed:
T. Muganyi, L. Yan and H.-p. Sun Environmental Science and Ecotechnology 7 (2021) 100107
Where, the dependent variable is environmental prevention in-
vestment denoted by EPI
for Chinese province, j, at time t. The
level of ntech development in each province is given as Fintech
which is a lagged variable. Control variables are similar to those
employed for city level data with the addition of the rate of ur-
banization which is denoted by Urb
. We also expand our esti-
mation model to include other environmental control variables
namely, RRI
, which represents the recycling rate of solid industrial
wastes and IWG
denoting the industrial waste gas emissions of in
each province.
3.4. Cross sectional dependency
Panel data analysis cross sectional dependency can lead to
spurious estimation results [38]. This study will conduct the
Pesaran CD test which holds for xed values of either T and N [39].
The Pesaran CD statistic is calculated using equation (12).
CD ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Where, b
the error term pairwise-correlation sample estimate.
When T/and N/the tends to a normal distribution.
4. Results and discussions
This study utilizes City panel data from 290 Chinese cities be-
tween the years 2011 and 2018. The research policy text analysis
database offers a comprehensive compendium of green nance
related policies used as a treatment effect in this study. The text
analysis database utilized in this study is the Ruiyan database
(2020), published by China's main administrative authorities and
regulatory bodies, at the national, provincial, and municipal levels.
To determine our treatment group, we collated the following key-
words from the database green credit,green bond,green
operation, and carbon nance. Treatment group cities are shown
in Table A1 in the appendix section. The earliest time of policy
appearance is regarded as the policy initiation point. The table
below shows the city data characteristics.
Green nance policies are expected to result in lower industrial
gas emissions and lead to more investment in environmental
protection projects within China's cities (see Table 1). Our SDID
approach seeks to capture how these policies affect environmental
outcomes across China. Table 2 below highlights the characteristics
of our entire sample.
4.1. Green nance and environmental protection
To test whether or not green nance policies implemented
across China's city led to positive environmental outcomes, we use
the SDID estimator for both the LPM and SLE approaches. The LPM
employed is of order 4. Dependent variables include SO
and volume produced as well as discharge of industrial smoke and
dust. SDID estimation results for both LPM and SLE are presented in
Table 3.
SDID estimation results conrm our rst hypothesis that green
nance related policies leads to positive environmental outcomes.
For both LPM and SLE models, our environmental interest variables
have negative signicant coefcients. Green nance related policies
implemented between the period 2011 to 2018 in Chinese cities
have had an overall negative impact on industrial gas emissions.
Overall, using SLE results, green nance policies have led to a 38%
decline in SO
emissions, a 28% decline in industrial gas and smoke
discharge, and a 20% decline in the volume of SO
produced in
China's cities in the period under review.
4.2. Fintech and environmental protection
To analyze the impact of ntech growth on industrial gas
emissions outlined in our second hypothesis, we estimate equa-
tions (8) and (9) using the xed effects (FE) model. Hausman test
Table 1
Data characteristics.
Variable Measurement Source Obs Mean SD Min Max
Sulphur Dioxide Emissions ( ESO2
Emissions of industrial Sulphur Dioxide in tonnes (log) EPS (2019) 2,447 10.226 1.154 0.693 13.25
Smoke and Dust Discharge ( DSDÞDischarge of industrial smoke and dust in tonnes (log) EPS (2019) 2,186 9.781 1.168 2.398 15.458
Volume of Sulphur Dioxide
Volume of industrial Sulphur Dioxide in tonnes savings
EPS (2019) 1,682 11.505 1.298 0.693 14.569
Fintech Index (Fintech)PKU-DFIC (log) Institute of Digital Finance, PKU
2,311 4.936 0.514 2.834 5.714
GDP per capita (GDPpc) GDP per capita in RMB (log) China City Yearbook (2010e2018) 2,528 10.601 0.593 8.576 13.056
Trade Openness (TOP) Actual foreign investment USD 10,000 (log) EPS (2019) 2,149 10.177 1.728 0.693 14.9469
Industrialization (Ind)Secondary industry value added as a % of GDP (log) EPS (2019) 2,585 3.843 0.271 2.402 4.497
Green Finance Related policy
Binary variable 1 for cities with policy &0 for cities without Research Policy text analysis database 2,601 0.204 0.403 0 1
Table 2
City policy data characteristics.
policy Non-policy diff.
DiD 0.20
ES02 10.23 9.84 10.32 0.48***
[1.16] [1.20] [1.12] (0.06)
DSD 9.78 9.56 9.84 0.28***
[1.17] [1.20] [1.15] (0.06)
PSO2 11.51 11.37 11.53 0.16*
[1.30] [1.26] [1.30] (0.08)
Ind 3.84 3.8 3.85 0.05***
[0.27] [0.25] [0.27] (0.01)
TOP 10.18 10.85 10.02 0.83***
[1.73] [1.68] [1.70] (0.09)
GDPpc 10.60 10.70 10.58 0.12***
[0.59] [0.61] [0.59] (0.03)
observations 2601 530 2071 2601
Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses. Signicance levels are denoted as fol-
lows: *p<0.10, **p<0.05, and ***p<0.01.
T. Muganyi, L. Yan and H.-p. Sun Environmental Science and Ecotechnology 7 (2021) 100107
results conrmed the suitability of our model. We adopted a similar
approach to estimate equations (10) and (11) to determine the
impact of ntech on environmental protection investment across
China's provinces. Provincial data summary statistics are given in
the appendix section. We conducted the Pesaran CD test for both
models and results are reported in Table 4.
Pesaran CD results reject the null hypothesis for model A.
Showing that city panel data errors are not weakly cross sectionally
dependent. This result can be attributed to structural factors and
economic shocks that affected industrial gas emissions in China's
cities during the study period. To account for cross sectional de-
pendency in city data analysis, we report our FE model estimation
results with clustered standard errors. Model B shows that for
provincial data analysis, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Esti-
mation results for both city data analysis are shown in Table 5 (see
Table 6).
Our estimation results show that ntech development in China's
cities has a signicant negative impact on industrial gas emissions.
Taking model (2) results from Table 5, the ntech variable has a
coefcient of 0.153. This values indicates that a 1% increase in
ntech development contributes to a 15% decline in SO
across China's 290 cities. This result is a novel nding and it points
to the role ntech can play in facilitating China's transition to a
green nancial system. Fintech rms can play an integral role in the
provision of green nance and promote environmentally friendly
consumption. This result conrms our second hypothesis.
Provincial level estimation results show that ntech promotes
environmental protection investment. The ntech coefcient re-
ported above in provincial model (2) is 0.117, which indicates that a
1% increase in ntech development at the provincial level enhances
environmental protection investment by 11%. These results show
that despite the systemic risks ntech in China poses, it has the
potential to promote green nance initiatives that channel the
much needed nancial resources to fund environmental protection
and prevention projects.
5. Conclusion and policy implications
Green nance is not just a global trend, but it has become an
important channel for industrialized nations to achieve sustainable
growth. China is at the forefront of green nance policy investiga-
tion and implementation. Financial regulators in China are inves-
tigating how to include green credit in macro prudential policy
Table 3
Effect of Green Finance related policies on environmental interest variables.
Environmental variable (ATT)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Constant 0.432*** 0.349*** 0.211** 0.381*** 0.281*** 0.199**
(0.074) (0.081) (0.090) (0.075) (0.078) (0.087)
Observations 2047 1771 1571 2066 1791 1590
Notes: Models (1), (2) and (3) are reported using an LPM of degree 4. Models (4), (5), and (6) are reported using default SLE. Standard errors are in parentheses. Signicance
levels are denoted as follows: *p<0.10, **p<0.05, and ***p<0.01.
Table 4
Pesaran CD test results.
Model A (SO2
)Model B ðEPI
CD statistic P value CD statistic P value
88.058 *** 0.0000 1.006 0.314
Note: H
errors are weakly cross-sectional dependent, CD Nð0;1Þand *** indicates signicance at the 1% level.
Table 5
Impact of ntech on industrial gas emissions.
Variables Criterion (SO2
(1) (2)
0.166*** 0.153***
(0.060) (0.049)
1.172*** 0.832***
(0.179) (0.146)
0.011 0.014***
(0.021) (0.018)
1.491*** 0.999***
(0.237) (0.180)
City FE Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes
Observations 1,797 1787
F Statistic 116.54*** 133.16***
0.3774 0.5522
Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses. Model (1) and (2) report FE estimation
with clustered standard errors Signicance levels are denoted as follows: *p<0.10,
**p<0.05, and ***p<0.01.
Table 6
Impact of ntech on provincial environmental protection investment.
Variables Criterion (EPI
(1) (2)
0.103** 0.117***
(0.042) (0.042)
0.054*** 0.050***
(0.017) (0.017)
0.560** 0.456*
(0.255) (0.260)
0.022*** 0.016*
(0.008) (0.009)
0.067*** 0.054***
(0.014) (0.015)
Province FE Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes
Observations 248 248
F Statistic 16.40*** 12.79***
0.2789 0.2989
Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses. Signicance levels are denoted as fol-
lows: *p<0.10, **p<0.05, and ***p<0.01.
T. Muganyi, L. Yan and H.-p. Sun Environmental Science and Ecotechnology 7 (2021) 100107
analysis. The PeopleBank of China (PBOC) is working on devel-
oping more green nance products that will help accelerate the
green transformation of China's nancial system. According to PWC
(2017), green nance has the potential to reduce credit risk, in-
crease nancial openness, and encourage sustainable development.
This paper offers insights on how China is already implementing
a variety of green nance related policy initiatives and how that has
signicantly impacted industrial gas emissions in the period under
review. Using the SDID model we proved that overall green nance
related policies lead to positive environmental outcomes (i.e.,
reduction in industrial emissions). Subsequently, the study in-
vestigates the role of ntech development in environmental pro-
tection. Our novel ndings show that ntech development
contributes to reduced industrial gas emissions and augments
environmental protection investment initiatives. This nding gives
rise to the following policy implications:
Financial regulators need to accelerate the development of
green nance products and enhance the capacity of nancial
institutions to offer green credit.
There is need for greater investment into fundamental research
on how green nance products can be implemented while
mitigating associated risks.
Regulators should encourage ntechs to actively participate in
green nance and environmental protection initiatives that
promote green consumption, while also minimizing the sys-
temic risk ntech poses.
Our study is not without a few caveats. Limited data availability
meant we could not exhaustively study the heterogenous factors
that affect our study questions including long-term impacts. The
lack of suitable instrumental variables limited our ability to address
endogeneity and simultaneity challenges. Despite these afore-
mentioned limitations, this paper offers important insights on how
green nance and ntech development can play a vital role in
promoting environmental protection and sustainable growth.
Key Program of National Social Science Fund of China
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Tadiwanashe Muganyi: Conceptualization, Methodology, Proj-
ect administration, Writing eoriginal draft, Software. Linnan Yan:
Data curation, Investigation, Formal analysis. Hua-ping Sun:
Methodology, Writing ereview &editing.
Declaration of competing interest
We conrm that this paper is our original work with all data
acquired by our investigation and there is no plagiarism in it. We
also conrm that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere
and is not under consideration by another journal. The authors have
no conicts of interest to declare.
We are grateful to all independent reviewers who contributed to
this paper.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
Treatment Group Cities
Treatment Group Cities
Anqing Huangshi Qingdao Xingtai
Anyang Huizhou Qingyuan Xuancheng
Baiyin Ji'an Qingyang Ya'an
Baise Jinan Quzhou Yancheng
Baoding Jiamusi Quanzhou Yangzhou
Beijing Jiayuguan Sanmenxia Yangjiang
Benxi Jinhua Sanya Yangquan
Bozhou Jingmen Shanwei Yichun
Cangzhou Jingzhou Shanghai Yichang
Changzhou Jingdezhen Shangrao Yiyang
Chaoyang Jiujiang Shenzhen Yongzhou
Chenzhou Jiuquan Shiyan Yulin
Chengde Kaifeng Shijiazhuang Yueyang
Chongzuo Lishui Shuangyashan Yunfu
Dazhou Liuan Suizhou Zhangye
Dezhou Longyan Taizhou Changchun
Dingxi Luohe Tangshan Zhenjiang
Dongguan Ma'anshan Tianjin Zhongwei
Ezhou Maoming Tianshui Chongqing
Fuzhou Meishan Tonghua Zhoukou
Fuyang Meizhou Tongren Zhuzhou
Ganzhou Nanchang Wulumuqi Zhumadian
Guangzhou Nanping Wuxi
Guigang Nanyang Wuzhong
Handan Ningbo Wuhu
Heyuan Ningde Wuhan
Heihe Pingliang Wuwei
Hengshui Pingxiang Xianning
Hengyang Puyang Xiangyang
Huanggang Qinzhou Xinxiang
Source : Ruiyan Database
T. Muganyi, L. Yan and H.-p. Sun Environmental Science and Ecotechnology 7 (2021) 100107
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... Scientists from different countries investigated the impact of green finance policies on carbon emissions (Ameyaw et al. 2019;Zhang et al. 2021;Muganyi et al. 2021;Li and Fan 2023;Flammer 2021;Yu et al. 2022;Sai et al. 2023). Some scholars have found that the development of green finance has a negative impact on carbon emissions Yang et al. 2023). ...
... Green technology innovations are the essential factor that contributes to achieve the carbon emission reduction (Shan et al. 2021) and has been widely considered to be a crucial way to achieve carbon neutrality (Cai et al. 2023). Fintech is an important branch of scientific and technological innovation, whose development contributes to environmental protection investment initiatives (Muganyi et al. 2021). Development of green finance promotes green innovation, reduces energy consumption, and contributes to industrial upgrading (Huang et al. 2022;Li et al. 2018). ...
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Carbon emissions are important factors causing global warming, which requires global efforts to deal with. In this paper, we investigate the mechanism of financial innovation on reducing carbon emissions in China by constructing a financial innovation development index with factors of green finance as well as fintech development. Empirical results show that financial innovation contributes to reduce carbon intensity by promoting energy structure transition as well as public fiscal expenditure on energy conservation and environmental protection. Moreover, heterogeneity exists in the effect of financial innovation on carbon emission reduction. Financial innovation has a significant role in reducing carbon intensity in eastern regions, but has a relatively small influence on central and western regions. Furthermore, financial innovation has a lag effect on reducing carbon intensity.
... Secondly, China currently faces significant gaps in green investment, limited availability of green financial products, and insufficient capacity to innovate such products while striving to achieve its double carbon goals (Muganyi et al. 2021). However, the evolution of fintech, underpinned by a range of digital technologies, stands as a pivotal force in facilitating the provision and advancement of green financial products, as well as meeting the varied and complex requirements for green financing (Yang et al. 2021). ...
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In light of China’s objectives for carbon peak and carbon neutrality, there is an opportunity for fintech to leverage its technological advantages and enhance its integration with green finance (GF). This can bring about enhanced coverage and precision of financial services for green industries, facilitating the transformation towards a sustainable, greener, and low-carbon real economy. We investigate how fintech development influences the carbon emission reduction effects of GF utilizing a two-way fixed effects model with a panel dataset covering 30 provinces in China from 2011 to 2020. Our findings indicate that the negative impact of GF on carbon emissions (CE) is heightened in areas with high levels of fintech development. Furthermore, we notice regional disparities in how fintech development impacts the effectiveness of GF in reducing CE. Specifically, fintech has a statistically significant impact in the central and western regions, whereas its significance is absent in the eastern region. Lastly, our mechanism analysis reveals that fintech plays a vital role in enhancing GF’s capacity to mitigate CE, which is achieved through channels of promoting green technology innovation (GTI), alleviating corporate financing constraints (FC), and optimizing energy structure (ES). These findings provide compelling evidence for the positive effect of fintech on the environment and offer justification for promoting the development of fintech and GF.
... GF implies all financial activities that ensure an eco-friendly environment (Muganyi et al. 2021) and includes a variety of economic efforts focused on promoting environmental protection, combating climate warming, and facilitating the rational utilization of natural resources (Zhang and Zhao 2024). To some extent, GF is more prudent than traditional finance. ...
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Achieving economic development and ecological protection simultaneously is an inevitable selection for sustainable development in today’s world, so it is crucial to improve eco-efficiency (EE). According to Chinese panel data at the provincial level between 2010 and 2020, this research explores the nexus between green finance (GF) and EE. The results denote that GF can significantly improve EE, and the higher the level of EE, the stronger the effect of improvement. The upgrading of industrial structure, optimization of energy structure, enterprises’ concern for environmental protection and the public's attention to the environment are all favorable factors that can enhance the promotion effect of GF on EE. Additionally, this facilitation can only be played under a good external environment and mature internal conditions. Our findings can provide new insights for improving EE by developing GF.
... In the realm of global citations, [30] stands out as the most cited article, amassing a substantial 250 citations, as illustrated in Fig. 11. Similarly, [31] has garnered 183 citations, while [32] has a commendable 174 citations. Turning to Fig. 12, which delineates the keywords employed in this research topic, it is evident that "green finance" reigns supreme as the most frequently used keyword. ...
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Smallholder farmers, crucial to global food security, face challenges in sustainable integration into agricultural innovation due to inherent flaws in existing finance models. This research addresses the conspicuous gap in comprehensive reviews on sustainable finance in agriculture through a bibliometric approach. Financial constraints, limited market access, and climate vulnerability plague smallholder farmers, hindering the long-term sustainability of current financial models. This study aims to systematically map the scholarly landscape of sustainable finance models for smallholder farmers, focusing on the adoption of agricultural innovations. A critical knowledge gap exists regarding bibliometric patterns and trends in the adoption of agricultural innovations by smallholder farmers. The study utilizes the RAPID framework for a streamlined and evidence-based bibliometric review, employing RStudio and the bibliometrix-package. The analysis aims to recognize, assess, purge, investigate, and document key themes and emerging patterns in the literature. Noteworthy trends from bibliometric reviews indicate a rise in bibliometric approaches, with VOSviewer as a prevalent tool. This research contributes methodologically by advocating for Scopus as the primary database. The study’s significance lies in informing policy, practice, and research initiatives supporting smallholder farmers. By revealing bibliometric patterns, this study aims to guide the design of innovative and context-specific financial instruments, fostering a more sustainable and inclusive agricultural landscape. In conclusion, this research endeavors to bridge the knowledge gap and provide novel insights at the intersection of sustainable finance and agricultural innovation adoption. The anticipated outcomes will inform the development of tailored financial models, advancing the resilience and productivity of smallholder farmers globally.
... It serves as a regional entity that caters to various individuals, businesses, consumers, producers, investors, and financial lenders. In their study, Muganyi et al. (2020) examined the effects of green financing policies in China. They utilised the semi-parametric difference-in-differences (SDID) method and found that these policies have substantially decreased industrial gas emissions during the review period. ...
... Policy Recommendation: East Asian nations should leverage Fintech for sustainable finance, emphasizing regulatory structures integrating ESG factors into financial decisions (Muganyi et al., 2021). Promoting green financial instruments like green bonds can effectively direct funds to eco-friendly endeavours. ...
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This study explores the intricate interplay between econsomic development and environmental well-being within the East Asian context. Despite the region's robust economic performance, it grapples with significant environmental challenges, including pollution, waste management issues, and deforestation. Our investigation focuses on assessing the impact of energy innovation, financial technology (Fintech) revenue, environmentally related taxes, and natural resource rents on environmental sustainability. Employing cointegration and autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) estimation methodologies, our analysis indicates that energy innovation, environmentally related taxes, and Fintech revenue positively and significantly influence environmental sustainability. However, natural resource rents exhibit a negative effect. Furthermore, we observe bidirectional causality between environmental sustainability and both energy innovation and Fintech revenue, suggesting a mutually reinforcing relationship. Conversely, the relationship between environmental sustainability and GDP growth, natural resource rents, and environmentally related taxes appears unidirectional. These findings underscore the necessity of adopting a holistic approach. East Asian nations should adeptly manage their natural resource endowments, harness Fintech for sustainable initiatives, and sustain investments in clean energy innovation. By embracing these strategies, East Asia can chart a course towards a sustainable future, simultaneously propelling economic progress and fostering a healthier global environment.
Improving urban metabolic efficiency is crucial for sustainable development. This paper examines how green finance affects urban metabolic efficiency and its underlying mechanisms using city‐level green finance data from China between 2010 and 2022. Additionally, the non‐linear impact of green finance on urban metabolic efficiency is analyzed using a PLFC model. The research findings indicate that green finance notably improves urban metabolic efficiency via its constraint effect, incentive effect, and innovation compensation effect. The conclusion remains valid after conducting robustness tests. The analysis of mechanisms indicates that the incentive effect outweighs the constraint effect. Heterogeneity analyses demonstrate that the impact of green finance on urban metabolic efficiency varies depending on regions, city sizes, and city attributes. Furthermore, further investigation demonstrates that green finance exhibits a non‐linear impact on urban metabolic efficiency, with education level and robotics application serving as significant moderating factors. This paper offers fresh insights into the correlation between green finance and urban metabolic efficiency, along with valuable references and insights for crafting more targeted policies.
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The exponential expansion of Malaysia's FinTech sector, characterized by a substantial increase from 193 to 313 companies over a span of four years, highlights its robustness and ability to adjust to evolving economic environments. Islamic FinTech, representing 5% of the market, demonstrates the sector's progress by combining technical innovation with Sharia rules. Malaysia's strong position on the Global Islamic FinTech (GIFT) Index may be attributed to several important factors. These include a well-developed regulatory framework, active government backing, a wide range of skilled professionals, modern infrastructure, and a flourishing capital market. The inclusion of Islamic FinTech companies is crucial in driving the advancement of Islamic finance. These companies operate in several industries, encompassing technology-based solutions, trade financing, crowdfunding, asset management, and digital transactions. Islamic FinTech transforms financial services by digitizing payment systems while guaranteeing strict compliance with Sharia principles. Blockchain technology improves the visibility of transactions, while peer-to-peer lending platforms adhere to Islamic financial norms. The utmost importance is placed on ethical issues, with a focus on adhering to Sharia principles, safeguarding customer privacy, ensuring appropriate utilization of artificial intelligence, and fostering a good impact on society. It is essential to have strong risk mitigation measures that cover Sharia compliance, operational resilience, data security, market dynamics, and consumer protection. Malaysia's dedication to achieving a harmonic equilibrium between technology advancement and ethical principles in Islamic finance serves as a potential model. The nation's prominence in the Global Islamic FinTech Index demonstrates the capacity of FinTech to establish a financially inclusive and socially beneficial financial system based on ethical principles, while also advocating for justice and financial inclusion.
The relationship between pollution emissions and economic development matters greatly to sustainable growth goals. China has experienced rapid growth in pollution emissions, energy consumption, and the effects of climate change. To achieve pollution reduction and energy savings targets, China's green loan policy implements a financing–pollution emissions reduction strategy for Chinese firms. Employing a difference-in-difference estimation method, we use Jiangsu Province manufacturing firm data for the period 2005 to 2013 to evaluate the effect of financing–pollution emission reduction policy tools on firm performance. Our analysis yields the following results. First, the financing–emission reduction policy has a “punishment” effect on highly polluting firm performance, including total factor productivity, profitability, and sales growth. Second, we find that these negative effects are weakened in dynamic processes. Further, pollution emissions are significantly reduced. Third, financial constraints act as the mechanism through which firm performance is punished, via the financial–emission reduction policy. Short-term and long-term bank financing decrease, while working capital and trade credit are increased to finance investment. Finally, with regard to ownership structure, state-owned firm performance is more likely to be penalized than other forms of ownership.
Investment in renewable energy is essential for reaching ambitious climate goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. Unfortunately, a large investment gap prevails, particularly in developing economies with underdeveloped domestic capital markets and weak institutions. Multilateral development banks with softer budget constraints and longer investment horizons can play an important role in filling this gap. Development finance, which traditionally originated in the West, has been increasingly dominated by two Chinese state-owned development banks: the China Development Bank and the China Export-Import Bank. These banks acted as major financiers of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and, between 2005 and 2017, provided nearly US$225 billion of overseas energy finance - more than any other multilateral development bank. Their investments have been controversial: the Chinese banks were often accused of financing fossil fuels projects located in politically and economically risky countries. This paper uses detailed data on the Chinese energy finance to illustrate the investment pattern of the Chinese banks, and implements Hurdle and simultaneous Probit models to test whether the two banks are in fact tolerant of the country risk: credit, governance and political risk. The analysis shows that projects located in countries that are politically stable but have higher credit risk and corruption levels are more likely to receive Chinese energy finance. Governance risk and autocratic regime type do not affect the decisions of the Chinese banks. This investment pattern indicates missed opportunities for advancing the clean energy transition and creates future risks for the host countries i.e. stranded assets.
Green finance plays a key role to drive the green transition, which is popular in both developed and developing countries. Different from direct financial subsidies, order financing, an emerging type of green finance, mainly contributes to the improvement of supervision mechanisms and the effectiveness of incentive mechanisms. This study focuses on the effects of order financing by considering carbon taxes. Based on game theory model, three major findings from the theoretical analysis are obtained. First, whether the firm launches a green transition or not mainly depends on the efficiency of clean technology, carbon taxes, marginal costs of energy, and the elasticity of effective energy input. Second, order financing encourages more firms to engage in green transition than mortgage financing does. With order financing, more firms can invest in clean technologies. Third, price fluctuation risk restricts the supply of order financing and the application of clean technologies. Third, this paper shows that mature clean technologies are easily adopted by firms. And to avoid price risk, banks would reduce order financing. Therefore, the policy implication is to encourage green finance for green transition with mature technology and a stable price.
Green credit financing (GCF) is a type of financial service provided by banks to encourage borrowers to commit green investment and achieve sustainable development. This study investigates a supply chain system consisting of a capital-constrained manufacturer and a well-funded supplier facing uncertain demand, in which the manufacturer may seek GCF from banks. An important prerequisite for obtaining a green loan is that the borrower must make green upgrades and ensure compliance with pre-specified environmental standards. We design a GCF model for a supply chain by imposing a hard constraint on carbon emissions. To determine the effectiveness of GCF, we conduct an in-depth analysis comparing the GCF with traditional trade credit financing (TCF), in which excessive carbon emissions are penalized. The optimal equilibrium solutions under GCF and TCF mode are obtained and their sensitivities to key parameters analyzed. Concerning the preferences of the two financing strategies, we find that under a relatively strict carbon emission policy, the manufacturer can set an appropriate green investment range to achieve a win-win situation with the supplier. Finally, we compare the social welfare of the supply chain for the different financing modes and find that there are regions in which both the social welfare and profit of the manufacturer can be a win-win. The government can guide manufacturers to make a win-win choice by setting different carbon caps.
This paper investigates the determinants of the green credit ratio (GCR), and the impact of green credits on the profitability and credit risk of Chinese banks. This study uses bank-level data over the period 2011–2018 and it applies the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). The present paper contributes to the understanding of green credit policy in China by examining the determinants of GCR, and its relationship with bank’s profitability and credit risk. Our findings document that large and profitable banks tend to lend more green credits. Interestingly, there is no significant impact of bank risk on GCR. In other words, risk management is not a significant barrier for banks issuing green credits. We show that state-owned banks are more likely to lend green credits, which is supported by our finding that China’s decisive attitude towards green credit policy is so strong that the bank’s risk does not matter for the green credit lending policy. Moreover, green lending practices have a significant impact on the profitability and risk faced by these banks. One of the most striking findings of this paper is that while green lending increases the profitability of non-state-owned banks and reduces their risk, state-owned banks provide green credits at the expense of their profitability. This can be attributed to the Chinese government’s ambition to push state-owned banks to play a key role in green lending.
Access to finance is a well-recognized barrier to scaling up renewable energy. Using the case studies of Germany and China, this research explores how governments spur renewable energy deployment by examining the availability, costs, and modes of financing. It compares the major financiers, their interactions, and government policy instruments, around renewable financing in both countries. The research concludes that finance mobilization should begin with actors who are willing to be patient and who are responsive to policies. Finance is easier to mobilize when pre-existing and strong relationships between lenders and borrowers are leveraged. It concludes that a well-designed fiscal subsidy policy together with a national development bank aiming to level the playing field is the key to open the door for the participation of decentralized actors in Germany, whereas a flawed fiscal subsidy policy and the pick-winner strategy of a national development bank advances big players in China.
In recent years, with sustainable development strategies, the conflict between economic development and natural resources has become increasingly severe. Meanwhile, green finance's emergence is due to the rethinking of human economic activities under global warming conditions and the energy crisis. Thus, this study aims to analyze the relationship between green finance and enterprise green performance using a meta-analytic approach. This study has used Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Software (CMA) 2.0 for meta-analysis and applied the Hunter and Schmidt model for statistical analysis to test the proposed hypotheses. This study finds a significant positive correlation between green finance and enterprise green performance and proves that firm type and region play a moderating role in the relationship between green finance and enterprise green performance. However, profitability does not significantly moderate the relationship between green finance and enterprise green performance.
This study investigates the role of natural resources rent, green investment, financial development and energy consumption in mitigation of carbon emissions to achieve sustainable development goal of a clean environment by using the panel data of 30 provinces of China from 1995-2017. This study employs novel cross-sectionally augmented autoregressive distributed lags (CS-ARDL) methodology to find the long and short-run impact of the variables of the study on carbon emission, where CS-ARDL estimates confirm the positive impact of energy consumption and financial development on carbon emissions (CO 2). Moreover, green investment is negatively linked to CO 2 , whereas national natural resources rent is positively associated with carbon emissions. Similarly, augmented mean group and common correlated effect mean group methods provide supportive results for CS-ARDL estimates. This study recommends strengthening of national natural tax law, promotion of green investment and environmental-friendly policies to control carbon emissions.
Previous studies have considered the effect of financial development on carbon emissions; however, few studies have explored the role of green finance in carbon mitigation. To bridge this gap, the current study constructs a green finance development index based on four indicators: green credit, green securities, green insurance, and green investment. A vector error correction model is used to analyze relationships between the development level of green finance, non-fossil energy consumption, and carbon intensity using data from 2000 to 2018. We find that China's green finance industry developed rapidly, and improvements in the green finance development index, as well as the increasing use of non-fossil energy, contributed to a reduction in carbon intensity. Simultaneously, an increase in carbon intensity inhibited the expansion of non-fossil energy use, impeded the investment flow to green projects, and ultimately led to a deterioration of green finance development. In addition, non-fossil energy consumption in China was primarily influenced by green finance and carbon intensity, with clear policy-driven effects. However, the impacts of green finance policies continually fell short and lacked continuity. This study proposes ways in which to improve the effect of green finance policy implementation, expand the consumption of non-fossil energy, and develop a carbon trading market.
Green control techniques are conducive to ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products, the ecological environment and agricultural production in China, while the credit constraints of traditional financial services make it difficult for them to be successfully promoted. However, the differences between digital financial services and traditional financial services have not been considered in the existing research, and the impact of digital financial use on farmers ‘adoption of green control techniques is rarely discussed from a micro perspective. Taking 441 family farms in Shandong and Henna provinces as an example, this paper adopts the mediating effect model to investigate the influence and mechanism of digital finance on the adoption of green control techniques in family farms and addresses possible endogeneity problems with the help of the instrumental variable method. It is found that the use of digital finance has a positive impact not only on the adoption of green control techniques in family farms but also on the adoption of green control techniques in family farms through three transmission mechanisms: improving credit availability, promoting information acquisition and enhancing social trust. This approach not only helps enrich the research on digital finance and clarify the differences between digital financial services and traditional financial services but also provides theoretical support for making full use of the development opportunity of digital finance to promote farmers to adopt green control techniques and ultimately achieve sustainable agricultural development.