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The Role of Blockchain Technology in Augmenting Supply Chain Resilience to Cybercrime


Abstract and Figures

Using a systematic review of literature, this study identifies the potential impact of block-chain solutions for augmenting supply chain resilience (SCR) to cybercrime. This rich literature synthesis forms the basis of a novel theoretical framework that provides guidance and insight for block-chain adopters and vendors as well as delineate palpable benefits of this novel technology. An interpretivist philosophical design and inductive reasoning are adopted to conduct the systematic review of literature. A total of 867 papers were retrieved from Scopus database between the years of 2016 and 2020 and subsequently analysed via abductive reasoning, grounded theory and a thematic meta-analysis; where the latter was achieved using a scientometric approach and software tools such as VOS viewer and NVivo. Scientometric analysis revealed the most prolific countries, sources, publications and authors who reside at the vanguard of blockchain developments and adoption. Subsequent grounded theory analysis identified six main clusters of research endeavour viz: "case study", "challenges and opportunity", "traceability", "smart contract" "blockchain and IoT" and "data security". From 28 SCR metrics identified within literature, five were found to have been positively impacted by blockchain technology solutions, namely: "visibility", "collaboration", "integration", "risk management" and "information sharing." Prominent applications of blockchain technology in practice were "traceability systems" and "smart contracts" which are often implemented separately or in combination and primarily in food supply chains. This research constitutes the first study to critically synthesise extant literature for evaluation of blockchain solutions' implication on SCR metrics. New perspectives obtained provided a basis for the novel theoretical framework for implementation that will be valued by software developers and adopting organizations, whilst creating new direction for researchers interested in blockchain technology.
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Buildings 2021, 11, 283.
The Role of Blockchain Technology in Augmenting Supply
Chain Resilience to Cybercrime
Aya Bayramova, David J. Edwards * and Chris Roberts
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, City Centre Campus, Birmingham City University,
Millennium Point, Birmingham B4 7XG, UK; (A.B.); (C.R.)
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Using a systematic review of literature, this study identifies the potential impact of block-
chain solutions for augmenting supply chain resilience (SCR) to cybercrime. This rich literature syn-
thesis forms the basis of a novel theoretical framework that provides guidance and insight for block-
chain adopters and vendors as well as delineate palpable benefits of this novel technology. An in-
terpretivist philosophical design and inductive reasoning are adopted to conduct the systematic
review of literature. A total of 867 papers were retrieved from Scopus database between the years
of 2016 and 2020 and subsequently analysed via abductive reasoning, grounded theory and a the-
matic meta-analysis; where the latter was achieved using a scientometric approach and software
tools such as VOS viewer and NVivo. Scientometric analysis revealed the most prolific countries,
sources, publications and authors who reside at the vanguard of blockchain developments and
adoption. Subsequent grounded theory analysis identified six main clusters of research endeavour
viz: “case study”, “challenges and opportunity”, “traceability”, “smart contract” “blockchain and
IoT” and “data security”. From 28 SCR metrics identified within literature, five were found to have
been positively impacted by blockchain technology solutions, namely: “visibility”, “collaboration”,
“integration”, “risk management” and “information sharing.” Prominent applications of blockchain
technology in practice were “traceability systems” and “smart contracts” which are often imple-
mented separately or in combination and primarily in food supply chains. This research constitutes
the first study to critically synthesise extant literature for evaluation of blockchain solutions’ impli-
cation on SCR metrics. New perspectives obtained provided a basis for the novel theoretical frame-
work for implementation that will be valued by software developers and adopting organizations,
whilst creating new direction for researchers interested in blockchain technology.
Keywords: blockchain technology; supply chain resilience; cybersecurity; resilience metrics
1. Introduction
Since the discovery of blockchain technology’s viability in environments other than
original cryptocurrency practices, applications have exponentially proliferated in diverse
industrial sectors such as: insurance [1]; content distribution [2]; logistics [3,4]; travel [5];
healthcare [6,7]; e-commerce [8]; and banking systems [9]. Novel supply chain applica-
tions are no exception and various work has been undertaken to explore its applications
primarily on food supply chains, particularly emphasizing product traceability and visi-
bility enhancement features cf. [10,11]. Other researchers such as Queiroz et al. [2], Saw-
yerr and Harrison [12] and Maesa and Mori [13] studied blockchain’s innate immutability
aspects of stored transactional data.
However, with multitudinous and largely unforeseen disturbances to global supply
chains (e.g., the Global Financial Crises in 2008 [14]; the 911 terrorist attack [15,16] and
Covid-19 pandemic [17,18]) engenders the necessity to evaluate the impact of technolog-
ical advancements on supply chains in times of disruption rather than solely measuring
Citation: Bayramova, A.; Edwards,
D.J.; Roberts, C. The Role of
Blockchain Technology in
Augmenting Supply Chain
Resilience to Cybercrime.
Buildings 2021, 11, 283. https://
Academic Editor: David Arditi
Received: 2 June 2021
Accepted: 27 June 2021
Published: 30 June 2021
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
tral with regard to jurisdictional
claims in published maps and institu-
tional affiliations.
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li-
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and con-
ditions of the Creative Commons At-
tribution (CC BY) license (http://crea-
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 2 of 20
their impact in a “business as usual” scenario [19,20]. Researchers studying the risks as-
sociated with these unforeseen disruptions, categorize them into two major dichotomous
group of “external” and “internal” risk groups [21–23]. External risks are associated with
unexpected events occurring extrinsically that stifle the supply chain system and induce
a ripple effect (throughout the supply chain) that prolong the recovery from the disrup-
tion [21,22]. Examples of external risks include force majeure (e.g., earthquakes, hurri-
canes and floods) but also man-made catastrophes (e.g., computer viruses, terrorist at-
tacks, economic turbulence or recession) [19,20]. These risks not only have the inherent
capacity to create operational disruptions and shortages to supply chain participants, but
also threatens an organisation’s financial and human resources such that distribution,
transportation and communication suffers immeasurably [20]. External risks are largely
unavoidable and hence, organisations can only prepare to mitigate their disruption vis-à-
vis eliminate them [23]. Conversely, internal risks are associated with uncertainties of sup-
ply-demand coordination events or unprecedented change in product specifications
[20,24]. Forrester [25] defined the “bullwhip effect” concept in supply chains as depicting
fluctuations in purchasing an inventory to fulfil customer demand that accumulates to-
wards the upstream of a supply chain. This concept occurs when a supplier’s order is
larger than a buyer’s order and is often caused by poor quality of information sharing,
erroneous perceived demand and delays in supply chains [26]. Other examples of internal
risks are information technology problems or breakdowns, uncertainties in lead times,
power outages, equipment malfunctions and systemic failures [27].
These numerous internal and external risks (and their frequency of occurrence) in-
crease the vulnerability of supply chains and necessitate development of risk mitigation
methods and strategies to engender organisational resilience and preparedness [20,28].
Yet, despite these risks elucidated upon, circa 69% of organisations globally have no com-
plete visibility of their supply chains [29] and 30% of organisations fail to analyse the
source of disruptions [30]. These compelling statistics engender the need for novel studies
that answer the question: what are the blockchain technology applications that could po-
tentially augment supply chain resilience (SCR) against disruption risks? Therefore, this
research seeks to define and delineate the potential impact of these applications and their
adoption(s) on SCR metrics using a scientometric review of existing literature. Concomi-
tant research objectives are to: provide much needed guidance on blockchain applications
for industry practitioners and for organisations planning to adopt them; and create a cyber
threat map (as a novel theoretical framework) by identifying common cyber threats ac-
cording to their target types and their current solutions to contrast those solutions with
blockchain potentials. New insights (including a novel framework) generated will serve
to incite wider polemic debate but will also provide much needed guidance and clarifica-
tion for software developers and adopting organizations.
2. Methodology
The overarching epistemological design adopted a mixed philosophical stance of in-
terpretivism and post-positivism cf. [3134] to systematically analyse extant literature us-
ing a scientometric approach (a sub-branch of bibliometrics) cf. [3538]. As a philosophical
approach, interpretivism seeks to understand and interpret a phenomenon under investi-
gation from different points of view in a subjective way [39,40]. Conversely, postpositiv-
ism is an approach of pursuing objectivity to reduce the potential effect of researchers’
bias by applying both quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis [41]; in this
present study using meta-data analysis. Objectivity in postpositivist paradigm results in
establishing nascent theory that enables building categories and dimensions from an ir-
regular data set [42]. Mixed philosophies are widely used within contemporary construc-
tion and project management literature. For example, Ghosh et al. [43] explored patterns
and trends in the application of the internet of things (IoT) research to identify future ap-
plications in the construction industry; and Oshodi et al. [44] conducted a systematic re-
view of construction output modelling techniques. Given the investigative nature of this
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 3 of 20
research, inductive and abductive reasoning [39,45] are adopted to deduce comprehensive
conclusions based upon theoretical understanding [40] of blockchain technology applica-
tions’ impact on SCR. From an approach and methods perspective, the research is con-
ducted in two consecutive stages (refer to Figure 1); where stage one adopts inductive
reasoning to conduct a meta-analysis of literature (as a secondary data source) and stage
two builds upon this body of knowledge using abductive reasoning and grounded theory.
Figure 1. Research processes and their outcomes.
2.1. Meta-Analysis Technique
Meta-analysis is a form of inquiry in which studies about investigated phenomenon
(each representing a research unit) are aggregated and integrated to summarise literature
based on relationships between different research items [46]. Hunter and Schmidt [47]
proffer that this method creates cumulative knowledge by eliminating potential distortive
effects of primary research whilst maintaining track of ongoing research. To facilitate this
first stage, the software tool VOS viewer with functionalities of visualizing, exploring and
creating bibliometric networks was adopted [48]. Bibliometric data was sourced from Sco-
pus database with the search rules of TITLE-ABS-KEY (blockchain AND technology AND
in AND supply AND chains) AND (EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2021)) AND (EXCLUDE
CLUDE (LANGUAGE, German) OR EXCLUDE (LANGUAGE, French)). All these
search criteria were selected to source a critical mass of existing publications within the
scientific community to perform substantiated literature analysis from different perspec-
tives. This refined search provided 867 publications with 44.2% of conference papers, fol-
lowed by 44.6% of journal articles, excluding: book series; trading journals; books; and 15
papers that were translated from Chinese, Spanish, German and French. While there was
no limit set for “date range” except for excluding 2021, year of publication for pertinent
papers started from 2016. Conference papers were sampled because the rapid progress of
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 4 of 20
blockchain developments and relatively expedient publication rates means that many re-
searchers (particularly in information technology fields of science) choose to publish their
work at these events.
2.2. Grounded Theory Technique
Grounded theory analysis was conducted using computer-assisted qualitative data
analysis software (CAQDAS) called NVivo to provide a deeper and richer interrogation
of the prevailing academic discourse. To narrow the scope of data analysis, this stage com-
menced with thematic analysis of bibliometric data retrieved from Scopus journal data-
base (obtained from stage 1). All data retrieved were analysed manually in a Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet by colour-coding each emerging theme through screening the titles and
abstracts of each publication and clustering them together. From initially sourced 867 pub-
lications, papers with irrelevant application areas (such as rental service, auditing and
public voting) were excluded. Similarly, papers based on generic supply chain manage-
ment and risk management matters were excepted from the dataset. Based on these
screening and filtering processes, thematical clusters of ‘case study’ (with 89 papers) and
‘data security’ (with 27 papers) were selected to further study using grounded theory
analysis. All the publications in those clusters were retrieved by locating their digital ob-
ject identifier (DOI) addresses except for those without access or link.
Grounded theory is an approach of analysing data by fragmenting them using key
processes of ‘coding’, ‘theoretical sampling’ and ‘theoretical saturation’ [39]. The first
stage of open coding reveals emerging concepts in the publications [39]. This approach of
data collection (by open coding through selected publications) and analysis is referred as
a “theoretical sampling” which is distinguished from other sampling approaches because
it emphasises selection of data to generate a theoretical understanding rather than focus-
ing on statistical adequacy of a sample [49]. Further these concepts are aggregated to
achieve theoretical saturation, via which categories are generated. Based on these concepts
and categories the guidance note of blockchain application for vendors and potential
adopters was subsequently generated.
3. Supply Chain Resilience
Globalization has stimulated organisations to change their strategies to expedite re-
sponse time and consequently, conventional competition amongst organizations has been
transformed into a race between whole supply chains that foregrounded supply chain
management and SCR [27,50]. A supply chain is a group of specialists such as supplier,
manufacturer, distributor and retailer that create chains through service and production
by maintaining a flow of goods and information [50]. It comprises a set of facilities that
help in purchasing required materials, transforming them into intermediate or finished
goods, eventually distributing these goods to customers [51]. Conversely, supply chain
management characterizes planning and control of all business processes, activities re-
garding the sourcing, inventory and logistics along with coordination and collaboration
with other participants in the supply chain [52]. The main objective of supply chain man-
agement is to deliver superior customer value by integrating supply and demand man-
agement within each organisation as well as whole supply chains [17]. However, the for-
mation of supply chains is scattered globally with different parts of the chain located in
different geographical locations; this increases supply chains’ vulnerability to disruptions
[12,23,53]. This is because, every actor in the supply chain is affected differently by exter-
nal impacts such as environmental, social, economic and political factors [17,54]. Mitiga-
tion or eradication of such risks, can be achieved by integration of the entire supply net-
work and by improving transparency and visibility amongst supply chain participants,
which eventually augments SCR [22]. The term resilience has been used in different sub-
jects such as psychology, ecology, economy, social and organisational concepts to denote
the ability of a given system to return to a state of equilibrium after temporary disturbance
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 5 of 20
[28]. While, some authors cf. [55,56] analogously accepted this definition in SCR area, oth-
ers cf. [28,57] define resilience in supply chain as a capability of supply chains to develop
preparedness against unforeseen disruptions to respond in a resourceful and timely man-
ner and restore their former condition or preferably in an improved state.
Resilience in supply chains mitigates negative impacts of contingencies by identify-
ing and adopting strategies and apposite plan of actions to recover to its original or better
state [20]. A myriad of systematic literature review studies have been conducted to outline
SCR strategies, metrics, capabilities and performance measures to identify barriers and
enablers to resilience in supply chains [58]. A study by Bhamra et al. [59] discusses litera-
ture about resilience in small-to-medium-enterprises (SMEs) during the 19762010
timespan and accentuate on the importance of more case-study based empirical studies.
Contrary to this view, scholars such as Pereira et al. [60], Tukamuhabwa et al. [21], Ali et
al. [58] note the inadequacy of theoretical applications in SCR studies, while Datta [61]
proposes using more context-specific interventions. Both Linnenluecke [62] and Sawyerr
and Harrison [12] examine high reliability theories stressing the practicality of insights
from high reliability studies for SCR improvement.
3.1. Supply Chain Resilience Metrics
Measuring resilience in supply chains has stimulated, scholars to define and deline-
ate numerous metrics differently. Common terminologies used by authors to describe
SCR metrics include: core dimension [63]; antecedents [20,57,64]; capabilities [65,66]; ena-
blers [60,67]; competencies [68]; elements [55,58,69,70]; formative elements [12,65]; and
dimensions [71]. Sawyerr and Harrison [12] conclude that from thirteen formative ele-
ments of SCR, ‘redundancy’, ‘human resource management’, ‘collaboration’, ‘agility’,
‘flexibility’, ‘culture’ and ‘risk avoidance’ resilience metrics can be applied to supply
chains. The findings indicate that ‘collaboration’ with supply chain partners in the event
of a disruption is the first prerequisite, because it improves other elements of resilience
such as ‘visibility’, ‘awareness’ and ‘decision making’. More recent research by Shekarian
and Parast [20] assess the impact of four common resilience elements, namely: ‘flexibility’,
‘agility’, ‘redundancy’ and ‘collaboration’ on alleviating demand, supply, process, control
and environmental risks. Their findings [20] state that ‘collaboration’ is the most im-
portant strategy to cope with control disruptions, while ’flexibility’ is found to be essential
to mitigate demand, supply, process and environmental risks in supply chains. Con-
versely, Karl et al. [27] categorize thirteen elements of resilience into ‘pre-disruption’,
‘during-disruption’ and ‘post-disruption’ phases and analyse their relationship with ten
common non-financial key performance indicators (KPI) of organizations. Using co-oc-
currence analysis, the authors [27] establish that ‘financial strength’ and ‘visibility’ resili-
ence elements have no link to any organisational KPIs, whereas, ‘knowledge manage-
ment’ present the highest co-occurrence with KPIs.
3.2. Blockchain Technology
According to Yoo [72] blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that allows par-
ticipants in a network to exchange various transactional data between them. This distrib-
uted database maintains a constantly growing list of information records in a decentral-
ized way, forming blocks that are protected against tampering and adjustments [72,73].
Blockchain technology is a platform on which various services and applications can be
constructed [74]. Depending on the level of accessibility, this platform is differentiated
with public, private and consortium types [75]. As the name suggests, public blockchain
is a permissionless platform that is openly accessible to anyone to join the network,
whereas a private type platform requires permission from network participants to join
[76]. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the earliest and most widespread examples of a public type
blockchain [77,78]. A consortium type blockchain is a hybrid approach of public and pri-
vate platforms where network access is allocated to a group of pre-defined members
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 6 of 20
[76,79]. Common aspects (or features) of blockchain technology adopted throughout in-
dustry are ‘trust’, ‘data security’, ‘traceability’, ‘smart contract’, ‘decentralization’ and ‘im-
mutability’ [73]. Given this variety of features, extant literature claims that blockchain
technology will transform businesses and improve the integration of economic and legal
processes in the digital world [80,81]. Specifically, huge potential is anticipated in the au-
tomation of activities that require disintermediation to reduce the number of intermedi-
aries between producer and consumers during investments made, thus offering greater
security and protection against cybercrime [1,82].
4. Analysis and Findings
Network maps of scientometric data generated in VOS viewer comprise nodes signi-
fying different items that present an object of interest such as publications, researchers,
countries or keywords [35,83,84]. Generally, a map subsumes only one type of item hence,
it is uncommon to incorporate, for instance, both publications and keywords in one net-
work map [48]. The size of the network nodes conveys the numerical value of the item to
be investigated: the greater the number of certain items occurring, the bigger the nodes
[48]. Relationships between those nodes are depicted through links that connect pairs of
investigated items. Links symbolize the strength or weight of a connection and therefore,
in case the link between items has the strength of one, VOS viewer does not display the
strength of link. Depending on the items being presented in those nodes, the links indi-
cates different connections such as: bibliographic coupling links between publications, co-
occurrence links between keywords or co-authorship links between researchers [48]. Sim-
ilar to nodes, each map encompasses only one type of link between any pair of items. VOS
viewer allows to create a citation, bibliographic coupling, keyword co-occurrence, co-au-
thorship and co-citation analysis based on bibliometric data. For this present study cita-
tion analysis on ‘sources’, ‘documents’ and ‘authors’ units, along with, co-occurrence anal-
ysis on ‘all keywords’ unit had been selected.
4.1. Co-Occurrence of Keywords
Visualization of keywords in a visualisation network provides a comprehensive im-
age of existing knowledge and signposts the direction in which current studies are moving
[85,86]. The network consists of nodes representing the volume of co-occurring keywords
and links portraying the weight or number of publications in which two keywords occur
together. With the purpose of achieving rich and comprehensive depiction of keywords
in a co-occurrence map, ‘all keywords’ was selected instead of ‘authors’ keywords’, as
building a network on authors’ keywords is constrained by authors’ knowledge in terms
of the number/range of word selections. Therefore, selecting all keywords is preferable
approach, except for the situation when network map turns unmanageable and illegible
because of the overflow of dataset. The resultant network map illustrated in Figure 2 con-
sists of 4682 items, 61,338 links and 64 clusters.
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 7 of 20
Figure 2. Overlay visualisation of co-occurrence of all keywords in the field of blockchain technology in supply chains.
From the list of keywords prior to network construction, terms ‘blockchain’, ‘block-
chain technology’, ‘supply chain’, ‘supply chain’ and ‘supply chain management’ were
purposefully eliminated from the list to improve visualisation. The network map reveals
terms viz. ‘internet of things’ (IoT), ‘3D printing’, ‘digital storage’ and ‘tracking systems’
to be predominate in the field highlighting the popularity of blockchain adoption in com-
bination with those technological developments and its main usage in terms of tracking
and tracing the goods in supply chains. All four keywords tend to occur particularly in
2018 and in the beginning of 2019 based on the colour-coded nodes. However, most recent
keywords in bright yellow nodes exhibit the potential shift in the research focus. Specifi-
cally, ‘environmental technology’, ‘sustainable development’, ‘sustainability’, ‘carbon
emission’ and ‘sustainable supply chains’ are the most recent keywords in bigger yellow
nodes suggesting more recent momentum in the field towards sustainability concerns
from earlier studies into cybercrime.
4.2. Key Authors, Papers, Countries and Journals
Data included in Table 1 describes the top ten most prolific sources, authors and
countries and top ten mostly cited sources, authors and papers. Data was extracted from
VOS viewer in the process of citation analysis and was manually sorted in a Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet. Countries such as United States, India, United Kingdom and China are
the most prominent in terms of publications and perhaps reflects the proportionate num-
ber of supply chains across those countries. As Singh et al. [50] suggest, most global sup-
ply chains are in USA, India, UK, China and Germany, which makes these countries most
attracted to the field of supply chains and associated advanced technological develop-
ments in supply chains that could improve organisational performance. Additionally, an
overlay visualisation of these indicators during citation analysis revealed that papers of
those countries are predominantly from the period of 20182019 years, whereas develop-
ing countries such as Bangladesh, Peru, Chile, Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkey and Tunis have
conducted and published studies predominantly in 2020. This geographical expansion
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 8 of 20
proves that the proliferation of blockchain adoption and interest across all continents has
gathered momentum but that developing countries lag behind this development pace.
Table 1. Key countries, sources, authors, documents [8796].
Top Ten Most Prolific Sources, Authors and Countries in Descending Order
IEEE Access
United States
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Sustainability (Switzerland)
International Journal of Production Research
United Kingdom
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental
International Journal of Information Management
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
IFAC- Papers Online
Supply Chain Management
International Journal of Production Economics
Top ten most cited sources, authors and documents in descending order
IEEE Access
Mengelkamp et
al. [87]
International Journal of Production Research
Tian [88]
International Journal of Information Management
Saberi et al. [89]
Applied Energy
Casino et al. [90]
Supply Chain Management
Ivanov et al. [91]
13th International Conference on Service Systems
and Service Management-2016
Tian [92]
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Kim and
Laskowski [93]
Telematics and Informatics
Meng et al. [94]
Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and
Kshetri [95]
International Journal of Production Economics
Bocek et al. [96]
Not surprisingly, ‘IEEE Access’ (an open-source and peer-reviewed journal) domi-
nates the field with 35 publications (indicated in the first section of Table 1) and 1118 cita-
tions (in the second section of Table 1), as blockchain technology’s applications in terms
of ‘data security’, ‘smart contracts’ and ‘distributed ledger platform’ attract more research-
ers from the technology field. IEEE Access is an electronic-archival journal published by
the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers that presents the results of research
and developments across electronics engineering field of interest [97]. Based on the net-
work visualisation map, the sources such as ‘International Journal of Information Man-
agement’ with 13 publications and ‘International Journal of Production Research’ with 17
publications have the most recent publications in this field, alongside being in the most
productive top ten journals list.
The most prolific author in the field is Li, Z. with 10 papers, followed by Choi, T. and
Wang, Y. with 9 papers in the field. Li, Z. is an academic from Guangdong University of
Technology in China, renowned in Engineering, Computer Science and Social Sciences
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 9 of 20
subject areas. Three of Li’s papers are on the traceability aspect of blockchain technology
in food supply chains, while six other publications are a combination of different block-
chain technology applications in industry and service. From the top ten list of authors
with the most publications, Li, Z. has collaborated with Queiroz, M. A. and a more recent
article by Li, Z. in the field of blockchain technology presents a content-analysis based
literature review of blockchain adoption in food supply chains and offers four benefits
and five associated challenges of blockchain adoption in this sector [73]. The four main
benefits of blockchain technology adoption were: ‘food traceability’; ‘recall efficiency’; ‘in-
formation transparency’; ‘efficiency combined with IoT’ while barriers to adoption were
listed as: ‘lack of deeper understanding of blockchain’; ‘raw data manipulation’; ‘getting
all stakeholders’; ‘buy-in unanimously’; ‘deficiency of regulation’ and ‘technology diffi-
culties’ [73]. In terms of highly cited documents in the field, an article by Mengelkamp et
al. [87] prevails placing all six authors (namely: Mengelkamp, E., Kessler, S., Gärttner, J.,
Orsini, L., Rock, K. and Weinhardt, C.) fourth after Tian, F. with 643 citations, Sarkis, J.
with 511 citations and Kouhizadeh, M. with 488 citations. Tian, F. has only two articles in
the field in 2016 and 2017, both of which are frequently cited by other academics. Both
studies are on applications of blockchain traceability feature in combination with IoT and
RFID in food supply chains. In contrast, the study by Mengelkamp et al. [87] is conducted
in blockchain based local energy trading. This case-study based research [87] concludes
that blockchain technology is appropriate to operate in a decentralized microgrid energy
market, as it meets their seven identified market components delineated upon in their
study’s framework.
4.3. Findings from Grounded Theory Analysis
Based on extensive manual screening of topics and abstracts mined from Scopus in
thematic analysis, the field of blockchain technology in supply chains generated six the-
matic clusters as illustrated in the Figure 3. Emergent themes of ‘case study’, ‘challenges
and opportunity’, ‘traceability’, ‘smart contract’, ‘blockchain and IoT’ and ‘data security’
have been observed. The graph demonstrates a trend of publications in each cluster re-
spectively which covers a timespan from 2016 and 2020.
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 10 of 20
Figure 3. Trend of publication number in identified clusters.
In order to maintain consistency between the aim of this study and processes taken
to achieve them, the ‘case study’ (with 89 papers) and ‘data security’ (with 27 papers)
thematic groups were selected to study in grounded theory analysis; albeit, only the case
study cluster was analysed further for this present research. During the analysis of the
‘case study’ cluster publications in NVivo, 19 nodes emerged to be nascent concepts in the
initial open-coding stage. As a result of iterative subsequent coding stages, concepts were
aggregated into categories. Consequently, three main categories of ‘case studies’, ‘appli-
cation of blockchain with other technologies’ and ‘blockchain technology in different in-
dustries’ were generated. In the ‘case study’ category different examples of blockchain
project (e.g., credit evaluation system [10]; tracking system for medicine traceability [79];
carbon trading, tracking [98]) in different industries (e.g., food supply chains, pharmaceu-
tical, shipping, construction and oil gas) were identified. Some of the examples were case
studies and pilot projects and others were various use cases that could be adopted as proof
of concepts that required further development and testing. Concepts such as ‘trust’, ‘trace-
ability’, ‘cybersecurity’, ‘smart contract’ and ‘distributed ledger technology’ were devel-
oping from the analysis to be the main features of blockchain technology. Further, all iden-
tified concepts and categories were analysed in cluster analysis (refer to Figure 4).
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 11 of 20
Figure 4. Clusters in grounded theory analysis.
The dendrogram was created selecting 33 most frequently occurring keywords with
minimum length of three words in NVivo word frequency query. Stemmed words with
similar meaning were filtered by adding them to ‘stop words list’. For a similarity metric
to form clusters ‘Pearson correlation coefficient’ was selected, which means that words
that have higher degree of similarity based on their occurrence and frequency are shown
clustered together and words with lower degree of similarity are displayed further apart.
The formation of these clusters demonstrates three main branches (in Figure 4) that de-
scribe blockchain technology’s main functions and their uses: ‘trust and transparency in
transactional use’, ‘data access and security use in public and private sectors’ and ‘smart
contract and traceability system use for process improvement and information sharing’.
From which the latter two branches together form the biggest cluster in the dendrogram
stating about the most frequently used application of blockchain technology. For finer
scrutiny of the impact of blockchain technology on SCR, keywords of SCR metrics were
analysed in word frequency as depicted in word cloud in the Figure 5 to contrast them
with the most cited 28 resilience metrics identified through preliminary literature review.
Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that resilience metrics such as ‘information
sharing’, ‘integration’, ‘risk management’, ‘visibility’ and ‘collaboration’ to be pivotal in
the times of disruption. Moreover, adoption of blockchain technology augments these
metrics by removing all the existing silos amongst supply chain participants and increas-
ing connectivity and visibility between them.
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 12 of 20
Figure 5. Word cloud depiction of supply chain resilience metrics in terms of their frequency of occurrence.
5. Discussion
Using both sets of analyses, it can be concluded that blockchain technology has im-
plications on SCR in terms of ‘visibility’, ‘risk management’, ‘integration’, ‘collaboration’
and ‘information sharing’. Other SCR metrics such as ‘agility’, ‘flexibility’, ‘company’s
knowledge’ and ‘redundancy’ were not at the centre of discussion by researchers who
were studying blockchain applications. The ‘visibility’ metric tends to be improved in the
cases of blockchain technology adoption in the form of traceability systems [80,99] whilst
‘information sharing’ and ‘collaboration’ metrics are enhanced in instances of blockchain
technology adoption for distributed ledger technology features [82,100]. However, there
are some opponents of this idea of improving interconnectivity who claim the ever-grow-
ing connectivity itself to be a precursor for the cyberspace disruption caused by cyber-
criminal attacks or cyber warfare [101]. Examples of cyber-attacks on financial entities’
and organisations’ information systems by targeting their: operational systems, data
server, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) control systems [101,102];
critical national infrastructure (CNI) [101]; industrial control systems (ICS) and internet of
things (IoT) [103,104]. Such attacks in the public sector have given rise to the question as
to whether blockchain technology is immune to criminal or nefarious activities in the dig-
ital world. Figure 6 depicts commonly known cyber-attacks (such as ransomware, Distrib-
uted Denial of Service (DDoS), phishing, IoT attacks, insider threat, AI/machine learning-
based attacks, spear-phishing and web-based attacks)each of which has different targets
and different motives for interception or infiltration [105].
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 13 of 20
Figure 6. Common cyber-attack types categorized by their target types (people, hardware, software, network) and their
current solutions.
The figure was developed based on the ‘data security’ cluster publications that de-
scribe four main attack vectors namely: software, people, network and hardware that ad-
versaries exploit for data breach, data mining, cyber espionage, to obtain ransom or
merely to cause chaos and disruption [101104]. From four potential attack vectors, tar-
geting people or staff of the organizations (e.g., by using phishing or spear-phishing tech-
nique) is the most vulnerable and easy threat vector for cyber-attackers [106]. In addition
to these potential vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks, there is another inherent downside in
traditional data storage method, namely: storing all critical digital assets in a centralized
way inadvertently creates a single point of failure and easy target for adversaries. As de-
scribed in the Figure 6, multiple prevention, detection or remediation control tools are
currently available to prevent already known cyber-attack types, yet there is no largely
offered solutions against unknown attacks. A myriad of research has been conducted in
this field; contrasting blockchain technology solutions with cloud computing [102,105] or
with traditional databases [107,108] and claiming that single-point-of-failure type data
storage practices lead to the breach of mission critical data. This in turn poses a tangible
threat to individuals, organization and consequently to the whole supply chains [102].
Because blockchain technology provides permanent record-keeping of all data with
their authorized entrance source in a tamper-proof and decentralized way, it retains the
intrinsic potential to address the issues associated with both easy attack vector and single-
point-of-failure weakness alluded earlier [107]. With blockchain technology all data
shared in a network are performed in an encrypted version which creates another layer of
protection against the intrusion or data breach that usually occurs on network level attack
vector. Single point of failure risk is eliminated with decentralization; while threat of in-
sider attack (from people attack vector) is eradicated with the traceability capability of
permanent record (supported by a digital signature feature) of all the transactions per-
formed by legitimate users in the permissioned network. However, despite all these po-
tential benefits of improving resilience against multiple occurring disruptions in the
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 14 of 20
‘physical’ and ‘digital world’, prevailing literature also reveals numerous challenges as-
sociated with blockchain implementation for both vendors and adopters. This problem
enhances the importance of developing guidance (as a theoretical framework) for poten-
tial adopters and vendors (refer to Figure 7).
Figure 7. Theoretical framework for blockchain technology adopters and vendors [81,95,109114].
As the main success factor for new technology adoption is to prevent misalignment
between organizational requirements and technological propositions, potential adopters
should clearly define their own needs based on which select corresponding application
and functionalities of blockchain technology [81,108,110]. Similarly, vendors are required
to assess the suitability of organisations’ needs and available blockchain solutions [81,95].
For measuring a return on investment (ROI), the potential value and cost of new techno-
logical solution must be considered [111113]. For instance, adopting a traceability system
is worthwhile for high value goods (such as diamonds) in order to prevent counterfeit [95]
or products with greater risk of contamination (such as medicine or dairy and meat prod-
ucts) [81,110]. Whereas, software developers or vendors should assess the feasibility and
adaptability level of the industry the adopter is operating in, to ensure the successful
adoption of proposed solution [109,110]. Lastly, it is compulsory for adopters to consider
interoperability of their selected blockchain solution within supply chains, as the merits
of this disruptive technology are leveraged through broad acceptance rather than being
limited to one organization only [109,113,114]. Moreover, vendors should evaluate the
technological maturity level of potential adopters for successful adoption of the technol-
ogy [110,113,114].
6. Conclusions
The findings of this present study suggest that the field of blockchain technology
remains embryonic and yet, the field is also rapidly evolving to meet societal, economic
and political needs. However, despite several introduced proposals and use cases by re-
searchers cf. [1,10,100,112,115,116] there is still a notable deficiency of applications of
blockchain technology in supply chains in real world contexts. Moreover, most use cases
lack standard methods to design and consequently validate the blockchain solutions [112].
According to Deloitte Insights [117] only 8% of blockchain projects are continued, whereas
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 15 of 20
the remaining initiatives tend to fail. This failure can perhaps be attributed to users (rather
than organizations) who are developing stand-alone blockchain applications instead of
foundational libraries that allow to create multiple applications [117]. Additionally, pro-
jects initiated by commercial organizations tend to have higher adoption rates compared
to users’ developments, as organizational blockchain projects are reportedly five times
more likely to be copied [117]. This present study also reveals the latest trends and poten-
tial gaps within this systematic literature review that employed meta-analysis, thematical
analysis and grounded theory analysis methods. The much-needed clarity provided by
this present study will enable both researchers and practitioners to review the blockchain
technology landscape and better understand developments in this field. Moreover, con-
tributions of the present study can be recognised by achievement of aims and objectives
delineated at the outset of this work, but also by practical implications in the form of cyber
threat map and guidance note that elucidates upon requirements for both software devel-
opers and vendors. Different perspectives are provided about the value of this technology,
not only to improve trust, time and cost effectiveness, but also to augment the overall SCR
in the times of internal or external disruptions.
However, all indicated contributions carry some constraints and limitations that
must be considered further. The guidance framework provided for adopters and vendors
represent an indicative list of guidance and is by no means exhaustive. This list of guid-
ance must be expanded in scope and enriched with more insights from applications of
blockchain technology in real-world contexts; such work would expand upon the aca-
demic research literature studied in this papersome of which may be based on pure
theory not practice. With a substantial number of case studies in the field, studying the
impact of each specific applications of blockchain technology (such as smart contract,
traceability systems or DLT) on each resilience metrics could provide greater insights for
practitioners and create new directions for enthusiastic researchers. Furthermore, solu-
tions indicated in the cyber threat map are exclusively based on current tools and technol-
ogies used to prevent, detect or remediate the aftermath of disruption: the map does not
cover available frameworks or standards to manage the risk and threat of cyber-attack
Despite the initial precautious hype about blockchain technology with its introduc-
tion in cryptocurrency (specifically within the financial sector), its various applications
with promising features became the reason for its proliferation. On the contrary, banks,
insurers and brokerages have started to actively test ways of harnessing its merits. Be-
cause regulators have not yet determined certain standards around utilization of block-
chain-based systems, (which is one of the challenges of blockchain adoption) this initial
interest by financial sector could serve as a starting point for policymakers to develop and
apply formal regulations. Currently the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) is developing the ISO/TC307 standard that will contribute towards establishing mar-
ket confidence and augment proper adoption of the technology [118]. However, there re-
mains a caveat to blind widespread adoption of blockchain technology, as the most com-
mon reason of technology adoption projects’ failure tends to occur because of the misfit
between organisational requirements and technological proposition. Therefore, for suc-
cessful blockchain technology adoption, adopters should rigorously ascertain their own
needs first, then identify their functional and non-functional requirements from this tech-
nology. In conclusion, as with every technological adoption, the main point to consider is
that any technology is merely an enabler and not the panacea to a problem that organiza-
tions hope to tackle. Therefore, other organisational aspects such as processes and partic-
ularly people must be considered, as staff resistance to changes implemented is another
reason of most project failures. This aspect is particularly pivotal in blockchain adoption,
as its merits can be leveraged only when multiple stakeholders implement collectively.
Otherwise, interoperability of different blockchain applications could be another diffi-
culty they face.
Buildings 2021, 11, 283 16 of 20
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.B. and D.J.E.; methodology, A.B., D.J.E. and C.R.; val-
idation, A.B. and D.J.E.; formal analysis, A.B., D.J.E.; investigation, A.B. and D.J.E.; data curation,
A.B. and D.J.E.; writingoriginal draft preparation, A.B., D.J.E. and C.R.; writingreview and ed-
iting, A.B., D.J.E., C.R.; supervision, D.J.E., C.R.; project administration, A.B. and D.J.E. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to an ethical protocol
that was approved by the Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment Faculty Academic
Ethics Committee) of Birmingham city University (Edwards/#7741/sub1/Mod/2020/Sep/CEBE
FAECBNV6200 ACM Version D.J. Edwards13th October 2020).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the
Data Availability Statement: Data is available from the corresponding author upon written request
and subject to review.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Given the increasing number of articles, the need to conduct reviews of the existing literature at the intersection of BCT and SCRES has become imperative. Some authors have responded to this need, including Bayramova et al. [2021], Taqui et al. [2022], Beck et al. [2023], Chelh and Ababou [2023], and Singh et al. [2023]. However, to the best of our knowledge, there remains a lack of purely bibliometric analyses that map the research landscape and structure at the nexus of BCT and SCRES without positioning from a distinguished perspective. ...
... In a recent systematic literature review, Singh et al. [2023] found that the BCT and cyber-secure supply chain association has been the subject of a broad body of research. In their study, Bayramova et al. [2021] indicated that cybersecurity is one of the key features of BCT within supply chains. Meanwhile, Bechtsis et al. [2022] noted that BCT and cybersecurity are directly linked and suggested a resilient data-driven supply chain framework comprising three levels and integrating three layers. ...
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Background: Recently, global supply chains have been heavily disrupted by severe events (e.g., the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russo-Ukrainian War, and recent natural disasters), prompting both practitioners and academics to find innovative responses to improve supply chain resilience in the face of unexpected disruptive turbulence. Blockchain technology (BCT) has emerged as one such response. As a result, the literature has witnessed a significant growth in studies focusing on supply chain resilience research from the BCT perspective. This paper presents a bibliometric and visualization analysis of research at the nexus of BCT and supply chain resilience. Methods: To carry out our analysis, we adopted a structured methodology, starting with the determination of relevant keywords to build up our search string, moving on to the selection of a scientific database, and finally to the application of inclusion criteria to retain only relevant articles. The analysis was performed using VOSviewer software. Results: As analysis results, we found that Sarkis Joseph, Kumar Anil, Helms Marilyn, Hervani Aref Aghaei, and Nandi Santosh are the most highly productive authors and that Sustainability is the principal journal with the most significant number of articles. Regarding country contributions, India, England, China, the USA, and Australia were found to be the top contributors. Finally, "BCT for secure supply chain management", "BCT and sustainability", "BCT, an Industry 4.0 technology, and supply chain resilience", and "BCT within supply chains in the COVID-19 era" were identified as four main research clusters at the nexus of BCT and supply chain resilience. Conclusions: The results of our bibliometric analysis indicate that research at the intersection of BCT and supply chain resilience has attracted considerable interest from the scientific community, particularly in recent years. The network analysis uncovers four relevant research streams that underline the potential of BCT to contribute to improving the resilience of supply chains worldwide. This study provides meaningful insights into supply chain resilience research from the perspective of BCT, constituting an essential milestone for future developments.
... Cerchioneet al. (2020) examined seven SCRE indicators: flexibility, redundancy, visibility, disaster preparedness, market capability, and financial capability. Bayramova et al. (2021) divided SCRE into various components, including redundancy, collaboration, agility, flexibility, human resource management, risk aversion, and culture. Chrisandina et al. (2022) proposed five crucial factors to enhance SCRE: rapid detection, response and recovery, end-to-end visibility and data-driven control, downsizing, collaboration among stakeholders in the supply chain, and effective demand planning. ...
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With global supply chains facing increasing complexity and uncertainty, mitigating sustainable supply chain risks (SSCRs) has become an important research topic. Industry 5.0 (I5.0) is a supplement to, and re-development of, Industry 4.0, but no research on improving supply chain resilience (SCRE) through I5.0 drivers to mitigate SSCRs currently exists. Therefore, we developed a QFD approach to investigate the relationship between SSCRs, SCRE, and I5.0 drivers. This study utilises the FDM-FDISM-ANP-TOPSIS method, considers China’s largest private logistics enterprises as the object of empirical analysis, and establishes a sustainable supply chain identification system and SCRE evaluation index system for logistics enterprises through two-stage House of Quality. The findings reveal that 20 key I5.0 significantly bolster 17 SCRE, thereby mitigating 13 SSCRs by QFD-MCDM framework. These I5.0 drivers play a pivotal role in enhancing SCRE of logistics enterprises. This study contributes to the field of supply chain risk resilience in sustainable engineering by integrating the perspectives of SSCRs, SCRE and I5.0. It underscores the necessity for managers in logistics enterprises to develop SCRE solutions that incorporate both SSCRs and I5.0 considerations. Furthermore, our findings offer valuable insights for other industries aiming to bolster their supply chain competitive advantages in an increasingly complex global landscape.
Recent natural disasters, including the COVID-19 pandemic, earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes, have exposed the vulnerabilities inherent in global supply chains, resulting in widespread disruptions that have impacted most organizations. The healthcare industry has been particularly affected by these supply chain vulnerabilities, leading to critical shortages of medical products, and compromising the quality-of-service delivery. The vulnerabilities exposed in healthcare supply chains underscore the pressing need for improved systems, policies, and solutions to mitigate supply chain risks and disruptions. Drawing upon theoretical frameworks from diverse disciplines, the current study aims to investigate the impact of natural disasters on healthcare supply chains and develop critical steps to address vulnerabilities, thereby fostering a resilient supply chain strategy tailored to the healthcare industry.
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O cenário pós-pandemia, com descontinuidades de muitas cadeias de suprimentos, aumentou significativamente a busca por resiliência em cadeias de suprimentos em todo o mundo, dando mais prioridade na garantia da continuidade e da eficiência das cadeias de suprimentos, assim neste sentido as tecnologias disruptivas ganha espaço na literatura, uma delas o blockchain, revelando-se ter um grande potencial na promoção de segurança e colaboração ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos. Assim o objetivo desta pesquisa é em “identificar os potenciais lacunas teóricas que possam ser exploradas no contexto da relação entre a tecnologia blockchain e a resiliência em cadeias de suprimentos em um contexto pós-pandêmico”, para tanto a abordagem metodológica foi a análises da literatura disponível na base de dados Scopus, desenvolvidas por meio das técnicas de co-ocorrência e bibliographic coupling, como ferramentas recomendadas na identificação de tendências emergentes. Neste sentido o delineamento do nível de maturidade e principais direções de pesquisa na interseção entre a tecnologia blockchain e a resiliência em cadeias de suprimentos, particularmente no cenário pós-COVID-19, assim o estudo sugerem orientações para gestores e profissionais de cadeias de suprimentos na consideração da adoção da tecnologia blockchain como meio de ganho de resiliência, eficiência e transparência.
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The national adoption of any technology involves the tight cooperation between the government and the key players involved in the sector of significance. This study highlights a road map toward blockchain technology (BCT) adoption and how it can catalyze better collaboration between the national authorities who play a vital role in securing food systems. The study discusses novel organizational and management concepts to blockchain-based digital governance and lays the foundation for future research. The methodology involves a combination of a systematic review and field research with officials of Qatar’s Food Security Program. As a result of analysing the case of Qatar, this paper analyzes the key features of both the BCT and the national food security goals of Qatar and investigates the technology–strategy fit. The outcomes include a blockchain collaboration matrix, “Technology Adoption and Stakeholder Effect” Matrix, and mapping the national strategies of Qatar Food Security to the capabilities of blockchain technology. Finally, this work concludes by providing concrete suggestions to help facilitate blockchain adoption within the national IT infrastructure, for better traceability and transparency in the food system.
In existing dynamic market place, supply chain disruptions have become a common phenomenon. Emergence of new technologies coupled with variable customer demand and uncertain pandemic has fueled the disruptions across the supply chain ecosystem. To cater the unanticipated disruptions, supply chains of every business has to be circular and sustainable and construction industry is no exception to this. The present study concentrates on identifying the major performance indicators of resilient Construction Supply Chain (CSC) and prioritize the most significant ones. Fuzzy–Decision Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method was used to reveal the influential relationship of performance indicators on the resilience level in CSCs. Further, a strategy map is prepared to highlight the organizational strategy and cause‐effect approach. The findings from study revealed that maintaining appropriate security level, strong collaboration among supply chain partners, efficient supply chain designs, ability to detect discrepancies, bottlenecks, and vulnerabilities, and conservation of resources to facilitate sustainable operations are the top seven performance indicators that are evident in the causal group for sustainable CSC. In the effect group, prominent performance indicators are flexibility, financial strength, and efficient allocation of resources. The study adds on to the existing literature by identifying and analyzing significant performance indicators for establishing resilient, sustainable and circular practices in the construction industry.
Purpose The purpose of this research paper is to review and synthesize the role of blockchain technology (BCT) in various types of illegal activities, including but not limited to fraud, money laundering, ransomware attacks, firearms, drug tracking, cyberattacks, identity theft and scams. Design/methodology/approach The authors conducted a review of studies related to illegal activities using blockchain from 2015 to 2023. Next, a thematic review of the literature was performed to see how these illegal activities were conducted using BCT. Findings Through this study, the authors identify the relevant themes that highlight the major illegal activities performed using BCT, its possible steps for prevention and the opportunities for future developments. Finally, the authors provide suggestions for future research using the theory, context and method framework. Originality/value No other research has synthesized the illegal activities using BCT through a thematic approach to the best of the authors’ knowledge. Hence, this study will act as a starting point for future research for academic and technical practitioners in this area.
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Purpose The advent of Industry 4.0 has engendered opportunities for a coalescence of digital technologies that collectively enable driverless vehicles to operate during the construction and use of a highway. Yet, hitherto scant research has been conducted to review these collective developments and/or sample construction practitioner opinion on them. This study aims to present a systematic review of extant literature on the application of driverless technologies in civil engineering and in particular, the highways infrastructure sector and offers insight into the limitations of associated barriers to full adoption, namely, current technological development processes, legal deficiencies and societal concerns. In so doing, this work presents a vignette of contemporary developments augmented by a critical analysis from practitioners’ perceptions. Design/methodology/approach A mixed philosophical methodological approach is adopted for this inductive research study. Interpretivism is used to critically analyse the literature and post-positivism to perform content analysis of the literature and synthesis of the discourse with practitioners. A total of 44 related papers published between 1998 and 2019 have been included in this study. Emergent themes identified from literature are then discussed in some further detail, namely, 1) automation and robotics; 2) case studies and simulations; and 3) safety and ergonomics). A focus group is then held with leading industrialists to discuss their experiences of advanced driverless technology applications in practice. Based upon a culmination of emergent evidence, a conceptual model of prevailing barriers is then developed to further elucidate upon the challenges facing the highways infrastructure sector. Findings Research into driverless technologies within the highways infrastructure sector has received relatively scant academic attention. Hitherto, most advancements made have stemmed from multidisciplinary teams consisting of engineering, information technology and social scientist researchers. There is insufficient supporting evidence of civil engineering and construction academics input into developments made – suggesting that prototype products often fail to adequately consider practical applications in the highways infrastructure sector at the design and use case stage. This view is substantiated by feedback from leading industry experts who participated in unstructured telephone interviews. Their feedback suggests that practical applications of products have been beset with problems, thus creating a perception that advanced technologies are largely “unusable” within the highways infrastructure sector and so are unsuitable for large-scale (and particularly bespoke) industrial applications. Originality/value This research critically synthesises the prevailing scientific discourse within extant literature on driverless technologies implemented but also garners practitioner feedback from leading UK industrialists on their applications in practice. Hitherto, this combined analysis approach has been rarely used in spite of it having significant advantages of tacit knowledge reflection on technologies used, where such can be used as a basis for further informed discourse and/or development. Moreover, this work culminates in a conceptual model that acts as a catalyst for future research investigations.
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Purpose The Internet of Things (IoT) provides exciting opportunities for the construction industry to solve its time and resource constraints and frequent defaults. This study seeks to identify and rank the perceived importance level of principal research areas associated with the IoT and the construction industry by utilising a scientific mapping tool (i.e. VOSviewer). Such knowledge would enable key drivers for successful adoption of the IoT and digitisation technologies to be outlined. An analysis of key drivers and research trends that facilitates the development of a roadmap for applying the IoT and digital technologies in the construction sector is therefore much needed. Design/methodology/approach An interpretivist philosophical lens was adopted to analyse published work as secondary data, where each publication represented a unit of analysis. A total of 417 peer-reviewed journal review articles covering the IoT within the construction domain were systematically reviewed using a mixed-methods approach, utilising qualitative-scientometric analyses techniques. Findings The results revealed a field of study in a fledgling stage, with a limited number of experts operating somewhat in isolation and offering single-point solutions instead of taking an integrated “holistic” approach. Key publication outlets were identified and the main focus of research undertaken being in the technical areas of smart buildings, smart construction objects and environmental sustainability. The major effects of adopting the IoT within the construction industry were identified as high-speed reporting, complete process control, data explosion leading to deep data analytics, strict ethical and legal expectations. Key drivers of the IoT adoption were outlined: interoperability; data privacy and security; flexible governance structures; proper business planning and models. Practical implications The study benefits researchers and industry practitioners alike. For researchers, the identified gaps reveal areas of high priority in future research. For construction companies, particularly small to medium-sized businesses, the study raises awareness of the latest developments and potential applicability of the IoT in the industry. For government agencies and policymakers, this study offers a point of reference in directing the adoption of the IoT smoothly in the construction sector and provides guidelines and standards for maximising the potential benefits. Originality/value The study is the first scientometric review of the existing body of knowledge in the context of application of the IoT in the construction industry. Findings expose knowledge gaps in contemporary research, specifically, a broader consideration of organisational adjustments needed to accommodate the IoT usage, economic analyses and impediments to wider acceptance.
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Purpose This paper aims to investigate the value management workshop process and specifically identifies the roles and responsibilities of the quantity surveyor within this. Information accrued is then used to develop a novel template value management workshop that provides a platform for educating future quantity surveying and other construction professionals. Design/methodology/approach This research adopts a mixed philosophical epistemological design that uses interpretivism with elements of postpositivism. Specifically, a cross-sectional study of extant literature informs the development of a structured questionnaire that is posed to focus group participants (consisting of experienced industrial practitioners) to secure qualitative feedback and validate the template. Findings Research findings reveal that the roles and responsibilities of the quantity surveyor in the value management workshop process have hitherto received scant academic attention. Additionally, literature has revealed that available information on workshop content is limited, leading to ineffective studies. There has also been a miscommunication among construction practitioners in relation to the quantity surveyor’s role in the workshop process. Following extensive research, a novel template has been created which identifies the content of each workshop session alongside the roles and responsibilities of the quantity surveyor (and other construction professionals) which can be used for educational purposes. Originality/value The literature revealed that scant academic and professional governing body(ies) attention has been paid to the education and training of future generations of quantity surveyors involved in value management. Specifically, there is limited applied case study evidence to investigate this phenomenon and, hence, the workshop curricular presents advance knowledge in this respect and provides a practical template solution.
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Purpose Housing completions in the UK have fallen to 125,000 annually, while government targets have risen to 300,000. This dramatic shortfall raises concerns as to whether current traditional construction approaches remain appropriate. This study aims to compare the traditional approach with modular construction, with a view to assessing whether a shift in construction systems offers the potential to alleviate the UK's domestic housing crisis. Design/methodology/approach A comprehensive interpretivist review of the available relevant literature is undertaken on construction methods within the UK; advantages and disadvantages. A bibliometric analysis is conducted to extract trends and findings relevant to the comparison at hand. The database is Web of Science; the analysis software is the VOS viewer. Findings The research illustrates that the UK housing market is in a state of crisis. A toxic combination of a rising UK population combined falling rates of housing delivery has resulted in an ever-widening housing supply gap. The construction industry’s capacity to meet this observed dearth in supply is further exacerbated by a number of chronic factors such as: falling participation in the construction sector workforce; lowering skill levels; reducing profitability; time to delivery pressures; and cost blow-outs. Originality/value While much information on the various construction methods are available, including comparative material, this study is the first to assemble the various comparative parameters regarding traditional and modular UK residential construction in one place. Thus, this study provides a definitive assessment of the relative advantages and disadvantages of these forms of construction.
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The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak shows that pandemics and epidemics can seriously wreak havoc on supply chains (SC) around the globe. Humanitarian logistics literature has extensively studied epidemic impacts; however, there exists a research gap in understanding of pandemic impacts in commercial SCs. To progress in this direction, we present a systematic analysis of the impacts of epidemic outbreaks on SCs guided by a structured literature review that collated a unique set of publications. The literature review findings suggest that influenza was the most visible epidemic outbreak reported, and that optimization of resource allocation and distribution emerged as the most popular topic. The streamlining of the literature helps us to reveal several new research tensions and novel categorizations/classifications. Most centrally, we propose a framework for operations and supply chain management at the times of COVID-19 pandemic spanning six perspectives, i.e., adaptation, digitalization, preparedness, recovery, ripple effect, and sustainability. Utilizing the outcomes of our analysis, we tease out a series of open research questions that would not be observed otherwise. Our study also emphasizes the need and offers directions to advance the literature on the impacts of the epidemic outbreaks on SCs framing a research agenda for scholars and practitioners working on this emerging research stream.
Purpose A scientometric review of extant literature is conducted to define and delineate upon the enabling dynamic capabilities required to engender the digitalisation of organisations operating in the architecture, engineering, construction and operations (AECO) sector. A secondary aim sought to provide direction for future studies and theories to be tested in this novel field of investigation as well as stimulate wider polemic debate amongst industry stakeholders. Design/methodology/approach An interpretivist philosophical stance and inductive approach was undertaken in this study, using a grounded theory strategy. Secondary data used was sourced from the Scopus journal database using specific related keywords. VOSviewer was used to prepare co-occurrence maps based on the bibliographic data gathered. Findings AECO organisations that seek digitalisation must possess the capability to sense and seize opportunities and threats within the business environment and reconfigure their business processes to best meet their market demand. This can be achieved by improving on attributes relating to industrial management and strategic planning, organisational learning, enterprise resource management and innovative information technology. Future studies should target novel areas such as AECO organisations' ambidexterity and service innovation. Originality/value This is the first study to explore the dynamic capabilities of AECO organisations in relation to digitalisation adoption. Therefore, the research serves as a robust theoretical background for signposting AECO organisations who seek to transition to digital solutions in the fourth industrial revolution.
Purpose This study aims to excoriate, define and delineate the main drivers of “change” in commercial construction projects and generate guidelines on how to minimise exposure to the associated adverse effects upon project stakeholders. Design/methodology/approach The research adopts mixed doctrines through a combination of epistemological lenses, embracing two primary philosophical stances: interpretivism, to identify the primary drivers of change based on a systematic literature review and a post-positivist, inductive approach to analyse the results of change within a Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) Design and Build (D&B) construction project case study. Findings The causal nexus of change during the construction phase is assessed and delineated; the key affecting factors are thematically grouped under headings: extent and severity; time in relation to implementing; instigating party; individual(s) responsible for managing the change; reason for the change; available resource; recoverable or non-recoverable; contract/project type; and type of client. Following this, the effects of change on key elements of the project are encapsulated and recommendations for adaptations which may provide improved experiences are offered. Originality/value The study tackles the common issue of managing the deleterious effects of change on commercial construction projects, defining management techniques to minimise stakeholder tribulation.
Technologies such as virtual reality (VR), online databases, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Building Information Modelling (BIM), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), 4 D Computer-Aided Design (4 D CAD), wearable robotics have been adopted to improve construction site health and safety. However, little attempt has been made to map global research on construction health and safety technologies. Therefore, this paper conducts a review of technologies for construction health and safety management to reveal emerging research trends. A bibliometric review adopting a two-step literature selection method was conducted to compile relevant publications from the Scopus database. In total, 240 related papers were examined. VOSviewer was used to develop a co-occurrence network based on the bibliographic data obtained. The analysis focussed on co-authorship per country, country/region distribution, the number of publications annually, publication source and source and trend of research topics. Findings revealed that emerging trends in construction health and safety technologies research focussed on project health and safety design and planning, visualisation and image processing for construction projects, digital technologies for project monitoring, information management and Internet of Things, automation and robotic systems, health and safety and accident prevention and structure evaluation.
Research on supply chain resilience (SCRE) capabilities and its performance measurement has been growing in recent years. However, the investigation of these concepts has primarily been conducted independently despite the interdependence of these concepts. A systematic literature review of 153 papers was conducted based on the principles of rigour, transparency and replicability required by the methodology. For the first time, we structurally reviewed the 11 SCRE performance metrics categories and its capabilities in SCRE Capabilities-Performance Metrics Framework (SCPM) developed based on the three resilience dimensions (readiness, response and recovery). The framework enables researchers to seek fundamental knowledge and to pursue further research regarding SCRE assessment. This study also provides practical value offering a guidance for decision-makers considering the trade-off among different capabilities and performance metrics.
Purpose The objective of this study is to assess quantitatively how feasible blockchain is for various industries, such as logistics and supply chain, health, energy, finance, automotive, pharmaceutical and agriculture and food using a comprehensive list of indicators. Design/methodology/approach A decision aid was applied to the problem of identifying the feasibility of blockchain in Turkish industries. To this end, first, a set of indicators was identified. Then, the fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS were utilized to assess the feasibility comparatively using the data gathered from a group of experts. Finally, a scenario analysis was conducted to ensure the consistency of our evaluation. Findings The findings of this study suggest that comparatively, logistics and supply chain , finance and health industries are the most feasible industries for blockchain. This study further suggests that blockchain is the least feasible for the automotive industry compared to the rest of the identified industries. Research limitations/implications It is cumbersome to find out the respondents who have sufficient knowledge of both blockchain and the identified industries. Even if we took the utmost care in identifying the right respondents, we limited our search to the biggest industrial hubs of Turkey. Practical implications The findings of this research may help various decision-makers employed in governments, conglomerates, software and consulting firms and national research institutions make more informed decisions and allocate their resources more effectively. Originality/value To this date, the current studies have solely investigated possible research opportunities in blockchain and demonstrated several blockchain applications in stand-alone cases. To the best of our knowledge, however, no single study exists that evaluates the feasibility of blockchain comparatively and holistically among a group of industries using various indicators.