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Comparison of Two SLAM Algorithms Provided by ROS (Robot Operating System)


Abstract and Figures

Navigation of the mobile Robot is one of the salient aspects of robotics. For a robot to navigate successfully in an environment, a robot needs a map of that environment. Simulation Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is a versatile mapping method that can be used for mapping. This paper investigates two of the SLAM algorithms provided on an open-source framework called the Robotic Operating System (ROS) with other software (RVIZ and Gazebo). This paper aims to compare the result of the two SLAM algorithms (Hector SLAM, GMapping) in terms of map accuracy and the average time taken for the Waffle Pi (robot model) to reach its various destinations in an unknown indoor environment. The distinctiveness of this paper lies in the evaluation of map qualities with respect to the time taken by the Waffle Pi robot to navigate through the Gazebo world environments where dynamic obstacles were introduced.
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Comparison of Two SLAM Algorithms Provided by
ROS (Robot Operating System)
Ayoade Femi Olalekan
Department of Robotics
Digitech Robotics
Lagos, Nigeria
Jane Alam Sagor
Department of Systems
Teton Private Limited
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Md Hasibul Hasan
Department of EEE
Lovely Professional University
Phagwara, India
Adekunle Samuel Oluwatobi
Department of Robotics
Tizeti Network Limited
Lagos, Nigeria
AbstractNavigation of the mobile Robot is one of the salient
aspects of robotics. For a robot to navigate successfully in an
environment, a robot needs a map of that environment.
Simulation Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is a versatile
mapping method that can be used for mapping. This paper
investigates two of the SLAM algorithms provided on an open-
source framework called the Robotic Operating System (ROS)
with other software (RVIZ and Gazebo). This paper aims to
compare the result of the two SLAM algorithms (Hector SLAM,
GMapping) in terms of map accuracy and the average time taken
for the Waffle Pi (robot model) to reach its various destinations
in an unknown indoor environment. The distinctiveness of this
paper lies in the evaluation of map qualities with respect to the
time taken by the Waffle Pi robot to navigate through the
Gazebo world environments where dynamic obstacles were
KeywordsSLAM, ROS, Robot Model, Mapping, GMapping
The field of robotics has improved dramatically over time,
and several researches have been conducted to improve the
efficiency of robots. Part of this development is the
autonomous navigation of mobile robots. GPS (global
positioning system) is one of the most essential tools used in
the navigation of mobile robots; however, there are a few
problems associated with the use of GPS to achieve navigation.
Issues such as obstruction from trees shed and, houses make it
difficult for smooth communication between the GPS and the
robots. To curtail this problem, SLAM algorithms were
introduced. SLAM enables the robot to be aware of its present
position and acclimatize with its environment. However,
SLAM is creating more difficulties such as noise which affects
loop closure and data association. This paper is aimed to
compare two different ROS provided algorithm (Hector SLAM
and GMapping) to examining their compliance by using
parameters to evaluate them in different environments.
In research work [1] the author inspects the SLAM of
autonomous guided vehicles by using two different SLAM
algorithms available on ROS, in order to show a sample system
for guided vehicles. The quality of the map generated by each
SLAM algorithm was examined and measured how precise the
robot was when navigating using a different map generated by
these two algorithms. In [2], researchers developed a mobile
robot based on ROS. The Bayesian algorithm was utilized in
creating grid maps, and AMCL (Adaptive Monte Carlo
Localization) was employed to estimate the position of the
robots. During this autonomous navigation, ROS served as a
platform to track and to evaluate the mobility of the robots
using SLAM. In [3], another group of researcher presented a
mobile robot that can navigate a familiar environment by
obtaining relevant resources from the Cloud. The primary
objective of the work was to increase the robots efficiency
ability and development of an algorithm that will result in
successful navigation. In [4], an algorithm was proposed;
Extended Particles aided Unscented Kalman Filter for self-
driving car localization. This paper is a review to tackle a
formerly proposed algorithm that has limitations of navigation
in a real-life environment. Also, a 3D algorithm was
implemented, which made it better in-term of applicability. In
another work, researchers evaluated a SLAM algorithm that
was provided by ROS for 2D navigation in real-world as well
as simulation. The algorithms were used based on Fast SLAM,
Hector SLAM and GMapping [5]. This research paper
discussed the limitation of each technique and its robustness. In
paper [6], researchers use GMapping techniques for indoor
mapping by conducting three different trials. This aims to
investigate the significant effect of SLAM related parameters
such as the speed of the robots, delay in mapping and map
quality of the particle filter techniques used to get an accurate
map. The best speed at which the robot can move when
creating mapping and particle filter was also evaluated. In
paper [7], the author presented a way to tackle technical
challenges faced by multi-functional navigation robots in a
manufacturing environment or factory. The project addressed
the problem by enabling the robot to identify marks on the
floor of a factory or a manufacturing environment and the
robot was able to avoid obstacles in its parts when moving to
various destinations. In [8], this paper also proposed an
evolutionary fuzzy control for robot navigation and obstruction
avoidance in an unknown outdoor environment using a
2021 2nd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET)
Belgaum, India. May 21-23, 2021
978-1-7281-7029-9/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE
navigation scheme which was either tested through simulation
or was evaluated through experimentation and simulation. In
paper [9], several SLAM algorithms ( EKF, Fast SLAM and
Graph mapping) were tested on a random controlled vehicle
which covered practical and theoretical examination of each
technique and was found that Fast SLAM gave the most
accurate and best output than any other approaches. In [10], the
author checks the adaptability of a robot whose navigation
depends on SLAM GMapping techniques. It was used in
creating the maps, and the map quality was evaluated in an
unknown environment. This paper [11], reviews the related
works by evaluating the adaptability, durability, and
acceptability of the representation of long-time mapping. Also,
discussed other emerging SLAM technological innovations. It
serves as a tutorial paper for those using SLAM. The article
[12], presents a comparative study of mobile robot trajectory
by using a conventional office environment to experiment. This
made use of 2D-Lidar-based SLAM techniques and Monocular
Camera-based SLAM techniques.
We evaluate the robustness of each SLAM algorithm in a
complex and large environment, by estimating the average time
taken by the robot to reach its various destinations; along with
the estimated time taken for the robot to reach each destination
where dynamic obstacles were introduced also measured
For this study, an open-source robotic middle-ware known
as ROS (Robot Operating System) was used. Basically, ROS
provided libraries are used in this project. Since the
introduction of ROS, robotic programs and development have
become more flexible and convenient. With ROS, it is possible
to get hardware abstraction of a robot such as waffle pi
autonomous vehicle employed in this project along with
sensors, motor, and actuators that can be used in navigation
and can be found in ROS inform of URDF, XACRO and
Meshes files. Other open-source software that is used in ROS
is Gazebo and RVIZ. Gazebo is a simulation software that is
used in simulating robot in a virtual environment, which
enables a robotic engineer to create an environment in which a
robot can be simulated. With the help of plug-ins, we introduce
different robot models such as the waffle pi robot that has been
used in this project which can create the environment in the
form of a URDF file, and a simulation of that robot in Gazebo
world is shown in Fig. 1. RVIZ is a simulator that is used for
data visualization of a robot. It displays several data such as
laser scan, map from the map server, and grid display. To
accomplish autonomous navigation of Robot in ROS, RVIZ
made it possible by providing navigation goal and poses
estimation functionalities.
The autonomous robot needs to know its environment
(localization) and must be able to navigate without colliding
with either dynamic or static obstacles in the surroundings
(mapping) when moving from one destination to another. This
is accomplished with the help of SLAM. For this article,
different algorithms can be used for implementing SLAM such
as Karto SLAM, Fast SLAM, Core SLAM, Graphics SLAM,
Hector SLAM, and GMapping, which are all provided by ROS.
But for this paper, only two (GMapping and Hector SLAM) of
the most popular SLAM algorithm were used. GMapping is a
SLAM technique that filters particles to create its map. It is a
filter base algorithm called Rao Blackwellized Particle Filter
(RBPF). Hector SLAM is a SLAM technique that uses
Extended Kalman’s Filters (EKF) to accomplish its task.
Turtle-bot 3 package (waffle pi) is the robot model employed
in this article. It is a two-wheeled mobile robot which
incorporates various sensors such as LIDAR 360, Sonar, and
camera which are used in navigation. The description of the
model robot is shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 1. Waffle Pi Robot in Gazebo empty world
Fig. 2. Structure of Waffle Pi Robot
We created two different simulation environments on the
Gazebo simulator, and we add the robot model (waffle Pi) to
those simulations that were created. Waffle Pi has sensors that
are responsible for navigation. One of them is a laser scanner
(LIDAR 360) that provides data that is used in creating a map
when implementing the two SLAM techniques on RVIZ. Data
were published to scan topic for the map, to generate and to
visualize it on RVIZ; afterwards, map topic has been activated.
In Fig. 3, RVIZ, Gazebo was launched from their respective
Fig. 3. Waffle Pi Collecting map of the environment
Fig. 4 represents a map generated on RVIZ using
GMapping while Fig. 5 presents a map generated using Hector
SLAM for the first and Second simulated environment. To
generate these maps, the waffle pi robot has moved around the
environment using a Teleoop navigation stack, and to control
the movement keyboard was used. After taking the map for
each of the environments with different SLAM techniques, the
maps were saved as YAML files, and fig. 4 and 5 also
represents the pictures of PGM file type. For the robot to
navigate autonomously, the generated map with each algorithm
was fed to the waffle pi robot. The AMCL uses a probabilistic
localization model that aids the movement of the robot from
one position to another using 2D navigation goal provided by
RVIZ to reach each destination; and 2D pose estimator that
allows the position of the waffle pi robot to be decided within
an environment.
Fig. 4. Map generated with GMapping for both environment.
Fig. 5. Map generated with Hector SLAM for both environment.
Fig. 6 indicates the colour of the line that the Waffle Pi
Robot followed to reach its destination. The destination is
marked with a red arrow on it. The waffle pi robot follows and
transmits itself following the short distance to its destination;
hence, it reroutes itself regularly.
Fig. 6. Waffle Pi Robot follows its destination.
Fig. 7. Node Graph
The node graph for both maps generated using Hector and
GMapping are presented in Fig. 7, which described how topics
were published and subscribed to within different nodes
presented in the graph.
To check the efficiency of each SLAM algorithms, criteria
such as the map quality during mapping, time is taken for the
robot to navigate and get to its destination for each
environment, were recorded. The time taken was recorded with
five test runs, and the average value was evaluated.
1st trial
2nd trial
3rd trail
Fig. 8. GMapping trails for the first map
1st trail
2nd trail
3rd trail
Fig. 9. Hector SLAM trails for the first map
In Fig. 14, the first environment with static obstacles
describe how waffle pi robot navigate from its source to
various destinations, and each of this navigation is carried out
using a map generated by each SLAM algorithm. 1st bar chart
shows the time taken for the robot to reach its destinations for
different trials for maps created with GMapping and Hector
1st trial
2nd trail
3rd trail
Fig. 10. GMapping mapping for the second environment; without obstacles
The second environment is shown in both Fig. 15 and Fig.
16. They describe the navigation of the robot the global cost
map gets updated every time the robot navigates in this
environment, and when new obstacles detected via laser scan
the map gets updated with the help of AMCL, and the robot
reroutes itself to avoid the new obstacles. In both of the figures,
it shows the average time at which the Waffle Pi gets to its
1st trail
2nd trail
3rd trail
Fig. 11. Hector mapping for the second environment; without obstacles
1st trail
2nd trail
3rd trail
Fig. 12. GMapping mapping for the second environment; with obstacles
1st trail
2nd trail
3rd trail
Fig. 13. Hector mapping for the second environment; with obstacles.
Fig. 14. The first environment with static obstacle only
The implication of our outcomes was as expected, and
possible improvements are pointed out. The map we are
created using each algorithm on RVIZ and Gazebo, the same
were used for navigation of the robot to 3 different destinations
for each were carried out for five trials. And the average value
of each test was used to plot graphs of various destinations
concerning the time, illustrated in the 2nd bar chart.
It was observed that the map created using GMapping is
more accurate than that of Hector SLAM because manoeuvring
of waffle pi robot especially when moving at high speed tend to
distort the map which was not experienced while using
GMapping. However, before navigation, it is required to set the
position of the Robot on RVIZ using pose estimator in the case
of GMapping while it was not required in Hector SLAM.
Hence, if these two challenges can be eradicated, it will
improve the efficiency of both algorithms.
Fig. 15. The graphical representation in the form of a bar chart showing the
time (in seconds) which robot used for travelling. (For maps created
with both algorithms)
Fig. 16. The 2nd environment without dynamic obstacles
Fig. 17. The 2nd environment with dynamic obstacles
Fig. 18. The graphical representation of the map simulation data.
Another aspect witnessed was, when the distance travelled
and the time required was less, there was no notable difference.
However, as distance and time of operation rises, a clear
distinction between both is observed. Although the map quality
of GMapping is relatively better (Fig. 4) than Hector mapping,
but the overall robustness of Hector SLAM is greater than
GMapping. The result in Fig. 18 was in accordance with the
report of the robustness of Hector in comparison with
We are grateful for the success of this project to those who
made it possible for us to accomplish this task.
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... This trend is represented in numerous studies that explore the diverse range of SLAM algorithms available within the ROS ecosystem, examining their performance metrics and practical applicability. For example, research documented in Zhao et al. (2022), Bhargava et al. (2021), Le et al. (2018) and Olalekan et al. (2021) investigates the capabilities and efficiencies of various SLAM technologies, providing a comparative analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. ...
... The results from these evaluations are crucial for understanding how different algorithms perform in real-world settings. Furthermore, studies Bhargava et al. (2021) and Olalekan et al. (2021) utilize the structural similarity index measure (SSIM) as a metric to assess the similarity of maps produced by different SLAM processes and to evaluate their computational efficiency. This approach offers insights into the quality of the environmental mapping and the resource demands of each algorithm. ...
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Accurate localization is essential for enabling intelligent autonomous navigation in indoor environments. While global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) provide efficient outdoor solutions, applications in indoor environments require alternative approaches to determine the vehicle's global position. This study investigates a ROS-based multi-sensor integrated localization system utilizing wheel odometry, inertial measurement unit (IMU), and 2D light detection and ranging (LiDAR) based simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for cost-effective and accurate indoor autonomous vehicle (AV) navigation. The paper analyzes the limitations of wheel odometry and IMU, highlighting their susceptibility to errors. To address these limitations, the proposed system leverages LiDAR SLAM for real-time map generation and pose correction. The Karto SLAM package from robot operating system (ROS) is chosen due to its superior performance according to the literature. Results indicate that the integration of these technologies reduces localization errors significantly, with the system achieving a high degree of accuracy in pose estimation under various test conditions. The experimental validation shows that the proposed system maintains consistent performance, proving its potential for widespread application in environments where GNSS is unavailable.
... In recent years, utilising open-source platforms such as ROS is common in the development of SLAM algorithms [7]. Studies such as [10,11,32,33] investigate into various SLAM algorithms available in ROS, assessing their performance metrics. For instance, [10] evaluates GMapping, Hector SLAM, and Karto SLAM using benchmark datasets, while [11] and [33] employ the structural similarity index measure (SSIM) to gauge map similarity and CPU efficiency. ...
... Studies such as [10,11,32,33] investigate into various SLAM algorithms available in ROS, assessing their performance metrics. For instance, [10] evaluates GMapping, Hector SLAM, and Karto SLAM using benchmark datasets, while [11] and [33] employ the structural similarity index measure (SSIM) to gauge map similarity and CPU efficiency. Notably, research indicates that Karto SLAM consistently demonstrates superior performance in terms of mapping accuracy and CPU efficiency [10][11]. ...
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Accurate localization is essential for enabling intelligent autonomous navigation in indoor environments. While Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) provide efficient outdoor solutions, applications in indoor environments require alternative approaches in order to determine vehicle's global position. This study investigates a ROS-based multi-sensor integrated localization system utilizing wheel odometry, inertial measurement unit (IMU), and 2D Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) based simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for cost-effective and accurate indoor autonomous vehicle (AV) navigation. The paper analyzes the limitations of wheel odometry and IMU, highlighting their susceptibility to errors. To address these limitations, the proposed system leverages LiDAR SLAM for real-time map generation and pose correction. The Karto SLAM package from robot operating system (ROS) is chosen due to its superior performance in previous research. Furthermore, the paper presents a low-cost prototype utilizing Raspberry Pi and Arduino Mega as the main controllers, demonstrating the feasibility of achieving accurate indoor localization with readily available hardware. This research contributes to the development of practical and cost-effective indoor navigation solutions for autonomous vehicles in wide range applications.
... ROS is middleware that runs on existing OSs and can safely send and receive data in real time between control programs divided according to execution content. In recent years, some studies that control unmanned ground vehicles via ROS have been conducted [9][10][11]. As mentioned above, ROS is characterized by being able to acquire multiple sensor information via a local network and perform distributed processing to control robots from various remote locations. ...
... In the experiment, the charging piles and the robot can communicate with each other. In the real-world scenario, such a configuration can be easily established using ROS [35] (robot operating system), which provides the communication between robots. We tested the model and algorithm in five different tests. ...
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Autonomous mobile service robots are used to complete many tasks, such as cleaning, transporting goods and monitoring. Such tasks usually require uninterrupted and continuous service. However, the battery of the robot is limited and must be charged frequently. For a large number of robots, it is essential to select a suitable charging pile. For this issue, we propose a path planning model for robots to intelligently access a limited number of charging piles distributed on the map. The traditional path planning model mainly considers the shortest path criterion to generate the path. Different from this, the path planning model in this paper not only considers the shortest path, but also the service position of the robot after charging, the remaining power of the robot, the state of the charging pile and the position of the robot in the map. Our path planning assigns the most suitable charging pile to the robot that needs charging. To solve the problem of high memory consumption and slow search speed when traditional A* algorithm is used for path planning, we propose local memorial path planning (LMPP) algorithm to quickly generate effective paths. The simulation results show that the proposed robot charging path planner can improve the robot service satisfaction and plan the effective path to the available charging piles.
... (4)(5)(6) Nowadays, with the popularity of robot operation system (ROSs) that can support multiple functionalities (including SLAM), AGVs with ROS-based SLAM navigation have attracted considerable interest and are being widely adopted in smart factories. (7)(8)(9) However, from the viewpoint of autonomous mobile robot (AMR) designs with high flexibility and factory security, AGVs with ROS-based SLAM navigation require further improvement. Such AGVs with ROS-based SLAM navigation may be dangerous in unexpected situations and place serious restrictions on task plans without high manufacturing flexibility. ...
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This research describes the virtual humanoid robot R-SCUAD using the Gazebo simulator. In its development, humanoid robots often perform movements that have a negative impact on the robot's hardware, therefore the development of a virtual robot model is a solution to overcome this problem. So that the robot can be simulated before running. Gazebo is a robot simulator that allows to accurately simulate, design and test robots in various environments. Gazebo itself is a simulation used by ROS (robotic operating system). The simulation is built by doing a 3D design process in solidwork software and exported to a URDF file that matches the format on the ROS. Tests carried out on robots are by comparing virtual robots with real robots. From the tests carried out on the robot, it was found that the virtual robot can walk according to the real robot, such as falling if the robot's condition is not balanced. The simulation robot also moves according to the real robot when the controls are carried out.
The paper presents an object tracking algorithm implemented through an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The system generates the trajectory taking into account the image obtained by the front camera of the drone, the object to be detected is a moving red box and using color segmentation techniques the object is detected. The red box is continuously tracked by centering the image frame. Open-source computer vision libraries (OpenCV) are used to process the images obtained from the drone. The software was verified by simulations with Gazebo and Rviz on the robot operating system (ROS) and compared with the real drone.
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In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), nodes are mobile and communicate with each other without any help of base station. Mobility models play a useful role in providing QoS support in MANET. In this paper, we have investigated the effects of various mobility models which include modified Gauss–Markov (MGM), enhanced modified Gauss–Markov (EMGM), and random direction-3D (RD-3D), on routing protocol AODV and DSDV with parameters PDR, delay, and throughput. The enhanced modified Gauss–Markov mobility model outperforms well in comparison with the other mobility models with respect to PDR and delay, while the random direction-3D mobility model performs better in comparison with other mobility models with respect to throughput for both AODV and DSDV routing protocols. KeywordsAODVDSDVMANETMobility modelsQoS
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Navigation of a wheeled robot in unknown environments is proposed in this paper. The approach may be applied to navigating an autonomous vehicle in unknown environments, such as parking lots. The navigation consists of three parts: obstacle avoidance behavior, target seeking behavior, and a behavior supervisor. The obstacle avoidance behavior is achieved by controlling the robot to move along an obstacle boundary through evolutionary fuzzy control. In the evolutionary fuzzy control approach, a Pareto set of fuzzy controllers (FCs) is found though a multi-objective continuous ant colony optimization algorithm. Target seeking behavior is achieved by controlling the robot through hybrid proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controllers. The behavior supervisor determines the switching between obstacle avoidance and target seeking behaviors, where the dead-cycle problem is considered. Simulations and experiments were performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed navigation scheme.
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The location of the vehicle is a basic parameter for self-driving cars. The key problem of localization is the noise of the sensors. In previous research, we proposed a particle-aided unscented Kalman filter (PAUKF) to handle the localization problem in non-Gaussian noise environments. However, the previous basic PAUKF only considers the infrastructures in two dimensions (2D). This previous PAUKF 2D limitation rendered it inoperable in the real world, which is full of three-dimensional (3D) features. In this paper, we have extended the previous basic PAUKF’s particle weighting process based on the multivariable normal distribution for handling 3D features. The extended PAUKF also raises the feasibility of fusing multisource perception data into the PAUKF framework. The simulation results show that the extended PAUKF has better real-world applicability than the previous basic PAUKF.
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Navigating through unstructured environments is a basic capability of intelligent creatures, and thus is of fundamental interest in this research. Navigation is a complex task that relies on developing an internal representation of space, grounded by recognizable landmarks and robust visual processing, that can simultaneously support continuous self-localization (“I am here”) and a representation of the goal (“I am going there”). Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and related technologies can make this achievable. The number of robots deployed in the manufacturing industry has increased rapidly and this trend is likely to continue in the future, as autonomous robots have the potential to automate a wide array of labor-intensive tasks in the factory environment and improve output. There are many technical challenges that need to be solved to realize an autonomous multifunctional robotic platform. In this research, we aim to address the primary problem of the autonomous navigation of robots in the factory environment. The robotic platform will be able to recognize the markers on the factory floor and navigate in the factory on the designated path by avoiding obstacles in its path from point A to point B autonomously. In this research, we use a minimal number of sensors to reduce the BOM cost of the robotic platform and maximize battery life. We intend to use cameras (RGB), motor encoders and a low-cost IMU to localize the robot, and an electric drive train to propel the platform. Also, we have used neural networks to recognize the markers and paths in the factory environment, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) to localize the robot and a navigation algorithm to guide the robotic platform to the destination.
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Mapping is one of the elemental application of the mobile robot. The map is created using the mobile robot by employing sensors such as camera, sonar and laser sensor. One of the most popular mapping methods is the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). SLAM allows the map to be created while localizing the robot location in the map at the same time. GMapping is one of the widely used algorithms in SLAM which will be used in this project. The mobile robot is equipped with a Hokuyo Laser Range Finder sensor and netbook. The router is used for wireless communication between the mobile robot and the user. The GMapping is done in two different locations of different lab size and amount of features in the area. Three trial is conducted to investigate the effects of different parameters such as robot speed, mapping delay and particle filter on the mapping quality. The results show a significant difference in terms of mapping accuracy and the time taken to complete the process as the parameter changed from the three trial. As a result, the parameter used in the second trial, robot speed 0.1333m/s, mapping delay 1s and particle filter 30 is considered as the best based on the time taken and the map accuracy.
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This paper investigates the implementation of the Robot Operating System in mobile robot navigation. The developed algorithms and packages enhance the capabilities of the robot during navigation. The robot can navigate autonomously in a known area, reaching its navigational goals by planning its own path, executing its plan, while also avoiding obstacles and collisions. When a user sends a navigation goal at any given point in the map, the mobile robot performs an autonomous navigation process without human intervention. This process requires three components of the robot; mapping, localization, and planning. By executing all three of this component, the mobile robot simply becomes autonomous. In order to achieve that, the application of ROS was used. As a robust, open-source framework, ROS offers a flexible way for programming a mobile robot. ROS improves the capabilities of robots in term of efficiency, speed, and cost because when utilizing ROS, robots are connected to the cloud and its unlimited resources, significantly reducing the computational burden.
Conference Paper
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This article presents a comparative analysis of a mobile robot trajectories computed by various ROS-based SLAM systems. For this reason we developed a prototype of a mobile robot with common sensors: 2D lidar, a monocular and ZED stereo cameras. Then we conducted experiments in a typical office environment and collected data from all sensors, running all tested SLAM systems based on the acquired dataset. We studied the following SLAM systems: (a) 2D lidar-based: GMapping, Hector SLAM, Cartographer; (b) monocular camera-based: Large Scale Direct monocular SLAM (LSD SLAM), ORB SLAM, Direct Sparse Odom-etry (DSO); and (c) stereo camera-based: ZEDfu, Real-Time Appearance-Based Mapping (RTAB map), ORB SLAM, Stereo Parallel Tracking and Mapping (S-PTAM). Since all SLAM methods were tested on the same dataset we compared results for different SLAM systems with appropriate metrics, demonstrating encouraging results for lidar-based Cartographer SLAM, Monocular ORB SLAM and Stereo RTAB Map methods.
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Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) consists in the concurrent construction of a representation of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. The paper serves as a tutorial for the non-expert reader. It is also a position paper: by looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: do robots need SLAM? Is SLAM solved?
With the continuous development of intelligent robotics, intelligent robot can realize autonomous moving. Robot simultaneous localization and mapping technology arises at the historic moment. Adaptive monte carlo localization algorithm was used for mobile robot pose estimation. Bayesian algorithm was used to building grid map. The robot moving path was computed by the path planner algorithm. The mobile robot follows the path and realizes autonomous moving function. ROS platform was used for tracked mobile robot to realize the SLAM technology. Compared with conventional software development platform, ROS have strong focus on usability and ease of installation and have the advantages of free and open source. The experimental results demonstrated that ROS platform could greatly shorten the development cycle of the robot and the SLAM could easily realize on ROS, the robot can realize autonomous moving.
Conference Paper
In this work, a study of several laser-based 2D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) techniques available in Robot Operating System (ROS) is conducted. All the approaches have been evaluated and compared in 2D simulations and real world experiments using ROS. In order to draw conclusions on the performance of the tested techniques, the experimental results were collected under the same exact conditions and a generalized performance metric based on the k-nearest neighbours concept was applied. Moreover, the CPU load of each technique is examined. This work provides insight on the weaknesses and strengths of each solution. Such analysis is fundamental to decide which solution to adopt according to the properties of the intended final application.