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Comparison of proteolytic, cytotoxic and anticoagulant properties of chromatographically fractionated bromelain to un-fractionated bromelain


Abstract and Figures

Bromelain consisting of a number of proteolytic enzymes possess anticancer and thrombotic properties. Hence, four chromatically separated fractions were examined for their proteolytic, anticancer and antithrombotic activity. Bromelain fractions were separated using ion-exchange column chromatography. Proteolytic properties were assessed using standard azocasein assay. Anticancer properties were first assessed using four different cell lines PANC-1, HEP 2B, HEP 3G and OVCAR-3 on cells grown in 96 well plates. Subsequently, fraction 2 and fraction 3 combined with gemcitabine were tested in ASPC-1 cells. Then cytotoxicity of fraction 3 was compared to bromelain in combination with doxorubicin and N-acetylcysteine on HEP G2 and HEP 3B cells. Finally, the anticoagulation effect of fraction 3 or bromelain combined with N-acetylcysteine was evaluated using human blood. Fraction 3 showed the highest proteolytic activity (5% greater than standard bromelain) whilst others were less active. Cytotoxicity as assessed by IC50 indicated fraction 3 to be the most potent whilst the others did not follow their proteolytic potency order. OVCAR-3 was the most sensitive amongst the cell lines. Fraction 3 showed higher potency in combination with gemcitabine in ASPC-1 cells compared to fraction 2. Similarly, fraction 3 in combination with doxorubicin showed higher toxicity when compared to bromelain. Fraction 3 or bromelain only showed thrombolytic activity in combination with N-acetylcysteine. Fraction 3 may be developed for clinical use since it showed better cytotoxicity compared to bromelain.
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Am J Transl Res 2021;13(5):4309-4321 /ISSN:1943-8141/AJTR0124020
Original Article
Comparison of proteolytic, cytotoxic and anticoagulant
properties of chromatographically fractionated
bromelain to un-fractionated bromelain
Samina Badar1, Mohamed Azarkan2, Ahmed H Mekkawy1,3, Javed Akhter1,3, Krishna Pillai1,3, Rachida El
Mahyaoui2, Kevin Ke1, Lauren Cavanaugh4, David L Morris1,3
1Department of Surgery, University of New South Wales, St. George Hospital, Kogarah, NSW, Australia; 2Service
de Chimie Générale I (CP 609), Protein Chemistry Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB),
Brussels, Belgium; 3Mucpharm Pty Ltd, Australia; 4Haematology Department, St. George Hospital, Kogarah, NSW,
Received October 12, 2020; Accepted March 2, 2021; Epub May 15, 2021; Published May 30, 2021
Abstract: Bromelain consisting of a number of proteolytic enzymes possess anticancer and thrombotic properties.
Hence, four chromatically separated fractions were examined for their proteolytic, anticancer and antithrombotic ac-
tivity. Bromelain fractions were separated using ion-exchange column chromatography. Proteolytic properties were
assessed using standard azocasein assay. Anticancer properties were rst assessed using four different cell lines
PANC-1, HEP 2B, HEP 3G and OVCAR-3 on cells grown in 96 well plates. Subsequently, fraction 2 and fraction 3
combined with gemcitabine were tested in ASPC-1 cells. Then cytotoxicity of fraction 3 was compared to bromelain
in combination with doxorubicin and N-acetylcysteine on HEP G2 and HEP 3B cells. Finally, the anticoagulation ef-
fect of fraction 3 or bromelain combined with N-acetylcysteine was evaluated using human blood. Fraction 3 showed
the highest proteolytic activity (5% greater than standard bromelain) whilst others were less active. Cytotoxicity as
assessed by IC50 indicated fraction 3 to be the most potent whilst the others did not follow their proteolytic potency
order. OVCAR-3 was the most sensitive amongst the cell lines. Fraction 3 showed higher potency in combination with
gemcitabine in ASPC-1 cells compared to fraction 2. Similarly, fraction 3 in combination with doxorubicin showed
higher toxicity when compared to bromelain. Fraction 3 or bromelain only showed thrombolytic activity in combina-
tion with N-acetylcysteine. Fraction 3 may be developed for clinical use since it showed better cytotoxicity compared
to bromelain.
Keywords: Bromelain, proteolysis, cytotoxic, coagulation, cancer
Bromelain, an enzymic extract from the fruits
and stem of pineapple plant (Ananas comosus)
containing proteases, phosphatases, hydroxy-
lases, peroxidases, glycoproteins etc, has
shown anti-tumoural, anticoagulant, anticancer
and a variety of therapeutic properties in a
number of studies [1-4]. Further, it has muco-
lytic properties and in combination with
N-acetylcysteine serves as an efcient muco-
lytic and anticancer agent [5-7]. Currently, it is
undergoing clinical evaluation for the treatment
of mucinous tumours secreted by a rare dis-
ease known as pseudomyxoma peritonei [8, 9].
More recently, we have shown that the addition
of bromelain or N-acetylcysteine or their combi-
nations with cytotoxics such as gemcitabine,
doxorubicin, oxaliplatin etc, can potentiate the
action of these chemotherapeutic agents in
pancreatic cancer cell lines and in other can-
cers [10] with indication that the effective dos-
age of these chemotherapeutic agents may be
dramatically reduced.
Since bromelain is made up of a number of
enzymes and other proteinaceous component,
researchers have separated them into fractions
[11] in the hope of conning certain enzymic
and therapeutic properties exclusively to these
fractions. Hence, we have also separated bro-
melain into four fractions with varying proteo-
Comparison between fractionated and un-fractionated bromelain
4310 Am J Transl Res 2021;13(5):4309-4321
lytic activity. Although these fractions are com-
ponents of bromelain, they do not necessarily
share similar proteolytic potency, anti-tumoural
and blood anti-coagulant properties. Since
the anticancer effect of bromelain has been
attributed to its proteolytic properties [12], we
rst examined this property using chromato-
graphically separated bromelain fractions bo-
th, in their catalytically competent and irrevers-
ibly inactivated forms, with comparison to un-
fractionated bromelain after which, we exam-
ined the cytotoxic potency in four different
cell lines such as pancreatic cancer (ASPC-1),
hepatocellular cancer (HEP 3B, HEP G2) and
ovarian cancer (OVCAR 3), in vitro. Their poten-
cy may enable us to select fractions that have
good potential as chemotherapeutic adjuvant
agents. Further, investigation of fractions with
high anti-tumoural activity in combination with
gemcitabine or doxorubicin, two common cyto-
toxics, along with the addition of N-acetylcy-
steine was carried out in the hope of develop-
ing a more effective anti-cancer agent.
Although the blood anticoagulant properties of
bromelain are quite well known [13, 14], there
are paradoxical reports suggest that bromelain
may also cause minor coagulative disorder
especially when delivered intraperitoneally in
mice [15]. The intraperitoneal delivery of a com-
bination of bromelain with N-acetylcysteine for
mucinous tumours have resulted in elevation of
inammatory cytokines indicating that brome-
lain may act by degrading the surface layers of
the peritoneum. The extrinsic pathway in blood
coagulation may be at play in this instance
since the intrinsic coagulative pathway is prob-
ably inhibited by bromelain [16]. The antithrom-
botic properties of bromelain have been quite
well investigated in several studies and it has
been shown to interfere with the coagulation
cascade at several crucial points (intrinsic
pathway and the common pathway), thus serv-
ing as an anticoagulant [17, 18]. Since the anti-
coagulative action of bromelain has been linked
to its proteolytic properties, we investigated
the antithrombotic properties of bromelain
fraction with the highest proteolytic activity to
give an indication of its safety in patients on
anticoagulation therapy.
Materials and methods
Bromelain was purchased from Challenge Pty
Ltd, Taiwan, China and Sigma-Aldrich. All other
reagents used in this study are of analytical
grade and purchased from Sigma-Aldrich.
Iodoacetamide was purchased from Merck.
Fractionation and purication of Ananas como-
sus stem proteases
Stem bromelain proteases (Sigma-Aldrich, Ref.
B4882; 3 units/mg protein) were fractionated
as described previously [19]. Briey, stem bro-
melain powder was suspended in 100 mM
sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0, in the presen-
ce of the reversible thiol-blocking reagent
S-methyl methanethiosulfate (MMTS, Sigma-
Aldrich, Ref. 64306) under constant moderate
stirring for 2 hours at 4°C. MMTS is added to
prevent autolysis and/or irreversible oxidation
of the catalytic cysteine residues of stem bro-
melain proteases. The resulting suspension
was ultracentrifuged (35000 × g, 4°C, 30 min)
and the supernatant constituting the total solu-
ble protein fraction (TE) was applied onto a
home-made SP-Sepharose Fast Flow column
(13 × 2.5 cm internal diameter; GE Healthcare)
pre-equilibrated with 100 mM sodium acetate
buffer pH 5.0 and eluted with a linear concen-
tration gradient from 100 mM to 800 mM sodi-
um acetate buffer, pH 5.0. The unbound mate-
rial was washed away with ten column volumes
of the pre-equilibrating buffer and elution of the
bound proteins was performed with a linear
concentration gradient of sodium acetate buf-
fer pH 5.0. The chromatographic fractions were
assayed for amidase activity using DL-BAPNA
(Sigma-Aldrich, Ref. B4875) as a substrate as
previously described [20]. The chromatograph-
ic fractions constituting the different proteases
were pooled according to their amidase activity
prole, concentrated by ultraltration and
exhaustively dialyzed against water at 4°C.
These fractions were lyophilized and stored at
-20°C until use, in their reversibly inhibited
forms, where the catalytic cysteine is S-thio-
methylated. In this form, the fractions become
fully active upon addition of an activator, such
us L-cysteine.
Irreversible inhibition of stem bromelain frac-
Stem bromelain total extract (ET) and chro-
matographically obtained fractions (F1, F2, F3
and F4) were rst activated with dithiothreitol
(DTT, Sigma-Aldrich, Ref. 43815) at 5 mM nal
concentration for 10 minutes and subsequent-
ly irreversibly inhibited with a large excess of
Comparison between fractionated and un-fractionated bromelain
4311 Am J Transl Res 2021;13(5):4309-4321
iodoacetamide (Merck, Ref. 407710) at 10 to
20 mM nal concentration, until the inhibition
was completely achieved. After removing the
iodoacetamide excess by exhaustive dialysis,
residual proteolytic activity was checked uoro-
metrically using appropriate substrates [19].
The irreversibly inhibited samples were lyophi-
lized and stored at -20°C until use.
Proteolytic properties of fractions (F1-4) in
comparison to un-fractionated bromelain
Two hundred μg/ml of the different forms of
bromelain (fractions 1-4, un-fractionated Sig-
ma-Aldrich and Challenge bromelains) were
prepared in 1X phosphate buffer saline at pH
7.0, containing 5.0 mM L-cysteine. To 250.0 μl
of the different bromelain solutions was added
250.0 μl of azocasein (1.0% (w/v) solution in
distilled water). The mixture was agitated in a
shaker for 30 minutes at room temperature
(23°C) and then 1.5 ml of trichloroacetic acid
(5.0% (w/v) solution in distilled water) was
added to the mixture and vortexed. The precipi-
tated azocasein was centrifuged at 2500 rpm
for 6 minutes and 150.0 μl of supernatant was
pipetted out into a 400 μl microwell. To this,
150.0 μl of 1.0 N NaOH solution was added
and the absorbance at 440 nm was measured
[21]. The absorbance for the four fractions were
then compared to assess their relative proteo-
lytic activities.
Cytotoxic effect of the four bromelain fractions
The cancer cells were grown in cell culture
medium (RPMI) containing 10.0% foetal bovine
serum in humidier at 37°C with 5.0% carbon
dioxide, following a standard protocol. After
three passages the cells were trypsinised and
then seeded into a 96 well plate at 4000 cells/
well and allowed to anchor overnight. The cells
were then treated with varying concentrations
of each fraction (F1-F4) and un-fractionated
bromelain (control) in RPMI and incubated at
37°C, for 72 hours, at the end of which the
media was decanted, and the plates were xed
using cold 10.0% trichloroacetic acid for 30
minutes at 4°C. The plates were then washed
with tap water and dried overnight at 23°C,
after which they were subjected to sulfhorda-
mine B (SRB) assay following a standard proto-
col [22]. From the absorbance at 510 nm, the
50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) in μg/ml
were determined.
Cytotoxic effect of bromelain fractions 2 or 3 in
combination with cytotoxic drugs
The tumour cell line ASPC-1 was seeded as
before in a 96 well plate and treated with vary-
ing concentrations of bromelain fractions 2 or 3
and in combinations with the cytotoxic drug
gemcitabine and then incubated over 72 hours
at the end of which they were subjected to the
SRB assay [22] as before with cells viability
assessment at 510 nm. Similarly, the tumour
cells HEP-G2 and HEP 3B were treated with
varying concentrations of doxorubicin in combi-
nation with bromelain and NAC or with fraction
3 and NAC.
Interestingly, when irreversibly inactivated un-
fractionated bromelain and chromatographi-
cally separated fractions 1, 2, 3 and 4 were
assayed in the presence of L-cysteine on ASPC-
1 cells in the range of 0-100.0 μg/ml, no cyto-
toxic activity was detected. These data clearly
demonstrated that the cytotoxic effects of bro-
melain fractions are linked to their proteolytic
activity (data not shown).
Determination of antithrombotic properties of
fraction 3
Prothrombin time (PT), activated partial throm-
boplastin time (APTT), international normalis-
ed ratio: INR, F-10 (%): factor 10 as a percent-
age: The citrated blood samples prior to, and
after addition of, bromelain fraction 3 were
centrifuged rst at 150 × g for 20 minutes and
then at 1200 × g for 10 minutes. The resulting
platelet poor plasma (PPP) was then obtained
which was used for the determination of PT,
INR, APTT and F10 using STA Neoptimal 10,
STA TriniCLOT aPTT S, STA Decient X kits
(Diagnostica Stago Inc), respectively. All run on
instrument Diagnostica Stago STA-R Evolution
(Diagnostica Stago Inc).
Fractionation and purication of Ananas como-
sus stem proteases
This rst step of ion-exchange chromatography
leads to four major protein populations accord-
ing to amidase activity measurements (Figure
Comparison between fractionated and un-fractionated bromelain
4312 Am J Transl Res 2021;13(5):4309-4321
1). According to SDS-PAGE analysis (Inset
Figure 1), fractions 1 and 4 are nearly homoge-
neous and pure. For F2 and F3 fractions, we
can see that in addition to the major protein
band at around 24 kDa which corresponds to
basic bromelain isoforms, another protein with
F1 (<21%), F4 (<37%) and F2 (<40%) had activi-
ties that were less compared to the bromelain
(C) control. Fractions F2 and F4 had almost
similar proteolytic activities. Hence, the order
of proteolytic activities with highest are F3, F1,
F4 and F2. (Figure 3 and Table 1).
Figure 1. Fractionation on SP-Sepharose Fast Flow of the whole soluble pro-
tein fraction from Ananas comosus stem. Fractions of 14.0 mL were col-
lected at ow rate of 60.0 mL/h and analyzed by absorbance measurements
at 280 nm (●), Na+ concentration (dotted line), and amidase activity (nkat/
chromatographic fraction) against DL-BAPNA (▲). Inset, SDS-PAGE: lane 1
and 7: molecular weight standard, lane 2: whole soluble protein fraction,
lane 3-6: fractions F1-F4, respectively.
Figure 2. Afnity chromatography on D-mannose-Agarose of F3 fraction ob-
tained after ion exchange chromatography on SP-Sepharose FF. The arrow
indicates the starting elution with D-mannose. Inset: SDS-PAGE. Lane 1: mo-
lecular weight standard, lane 2: F3 fraction obtained after SP-Sepharose FF,
lane 3: afnity chromatography ow through fraction (basic bromelain), lane
4: afnity chromatography retained fraction (lectin) and lane 5: afnity chro-
matography F2 ow through fraction.
an apparent molecular we-
ight of 14 kDa is also visible.
This later corresponds to the
Ananas comosus lectin [23].
F2 and F3 fractions were thus
further submitted to afnity
chromatography on a man-
nose-agarose support [23] to
obtain basic bromelain-enri-
ched fractions. SDS-PAGE ex-
periments (F3 taken as exam-
ple in Figure 2) clearly indicat-
ed that the ow through frac-
tions contained only the basic
bromelain isoforms (lane 3 in
Inset of Figure 2), lectin (lane
4 in Inset of Figure 2) being
specically retained on the
afnity support.
For the anti-antitumor stud-
ies, fractions F1 and F4 were
used without further puri-
cation, while for fractions F2
and F3, the mannose-agarose
ow through fractions were
assayed. Mass spectrometry
and N-terminal sequencing
analyses showed that F1 con-
tained two acidic bromelain
isoforms, F2 contained poorly
active basic bromelain iso-
forms, F3 contained highly
active basic bromelain iso-
forms and F4 contained anan-
ain isoforms [19].
Comparison of proteolytic
properties of fractions (F1-4)
in comparison to un-fraction-
ated bromelain
Proteolytic activities assess-
ed with equivalent quantities
of the various fractions indi-
cates that F3 has the high-
est activity, about 5.0% high-
er than the control bromela-
in (un-fractionated). Fractions
Comparison between fractionated and un-fractionated bromelain
4313 Am J Transl Res 2021;13(5):4309-4321
Cytotoxic effect of the four bromelain fractions
In ASPC-1 cells, F3 is comparably more potent
than any of the other fractions and it is more
than twice as potent when compared to brome-
lain (C) (4.22 vs 10.00 μg/ml). Noticeably, F2 is
slightly more potent (about 20%) compared to
bromelain (C) (8.10 vs 10.00 μg/ml). When
compared to bromelain (C), F1 and F4 have
reduced potency (Figure 4A).
In HEP 3B cells, a similar trend was seen with
the different fractions, F3 being more potent,
about twice as potent as control bromelain (C)
(5.11 vs 11.98 μg/ml), whilst F2 is similar to
control bromelain (C). For the remaining frac-
tions, F1 is about 5 times weaker than control
bromelain (C) whilst F4 is about four times as
weak as control bromelain (C) (Figure 4B).
Fraction 3 shows superior cytotoxicity in HEP
G2 cells and is twice as potent as control bro-
melain (C) (5.77 vs 11.67 μg/ml), whilst F2
shows similar potency to control bromelain (C).
F1 shows almost about six-fold reduction in
cytotoxicity when compared to control brome-
lain (C) (72.00 vs 11.67 μg/ml) (Figure 4C).
A similar trend is shown in OVCAR 3, F3 is again
2.5 times as potent as control bromelain (C)
whilst F2 is only slightly more potent compared
to control bromelain (C) (3.71 vs 4.73 μg/ml).
The weakest fraction is again F1 followed by F4
(Figure 4D).
Hence, there seems to be trend in cytotoxicity
in the different fractions, indicating that F3 is
considerably more potent compared to the rest
whilst F2 seems to be much more potent com-
pared to F4 and F1 (Table 2).
Comparing the potency of F3 with that of F2 or
un-fractionated bromelain in the different cell
lines seems to indicate that F3 is twice as
potent as F2. Further there is indication (based
on IC50 values) that OVCAR 3 (ovarian tumour
cells) is more sensitive to these two fractions,
indicating that certain oncogenic cellular fea-
tures are targeted by these fractions (Figure
Cytotoxic effect of bromelain fractions 2 or 3 in
combination with gemcitabine on ASPC-1 cells
and doxorubicin in combination with NAC and
bromelain or fraction 3 on ASPC-1, HEP-G2
and HEP 3B cells
In ASPC-1 cells (pancreatic cancer cells), frac-
tion 3 has slightly higher cytotoxicity in combi-
nation with gemcitabine (5.0 μM) at the con-
centrations investigated (Table 3A). At 5.00
and 10.0 μg/ml, fraction 3 shows a slightly
greater difference in cytotoxicity. Table 3B indi-
cates that at 2.5 and 5.0 μg/ml concentration,
in the presence of 2.5 μM doxorubicin, un-frac-
tionated bromelain showed slightly higher cyto-
toxicity compared to fraction 3. However, at
10.0 μg/ml, fraction 3 exhibited a much higher
cytotoxicity (18% more) on hepatic cancer cells
(HEP G2) when combined with doxorubicin (2.5
μM). Table 3C indicates that in the presence of
Figure 3. The picture indicates the relative proteolytic
activities as compared to standard bromelain. BR (L)
= bromelain from Sigma-Aldrich; BR (C) = bromelain
from Challenge.
Table 1. The relative increase or decrease
in proteolytic activity of different bromelain
fractions (F1-F4) as compared to control
bromelain (L)
OD (440 nm) Z
Bromelain (L) 0.705
F1 0.555 <21
F2 0.417 <40
F3 0.736 >5
F4 0.441 <37
Fraction 3 shows a 5.0% increase whilst the others all
show lesser proteolytic activity (<37-<21). Comparative
proteolytic activity of fraction to control (Z) is calculated
as follows: X = [OD (fraction)/OD (control) × 100]; 100-X
= Y.
Comparison between fractionated and un-fractionated bromelain
4314 Am J Transl Res 2021;13(5):4309-4321
7.0 mM NAC in combination of 2.5 μM doxorubi-
cin, there is no difference in cytotoxicity be-
tween un-fractionated bromelain and fraction
3 at concentrations of 2.50 and 5.00 μg /ml
on HEP G2 cells (hepatic cancer cells). However,
at 10.0 μg/ml bromelain fraction 3 showed
greater activity (10% higher). The addition of
Determination of antithrombotic properties of
fraction 3
The prothrombin time (PT) indicates that the
addition of bromelain (C) in the range of 5.0-
10.0 μg/ml to blood had no effect; however the
addition of 10.0 mM NAC to bromelain (5.0-
Figure 4. The picture show the IC50
(μg/ml) of unfractionated bromelain
(C), bromelain fractions 1, 2, 3 and
4 in different cell lines (A) ASPC-1,
(B) HEP 3B, (C) HEP G2 and (D) OV-
CAR 3 cell lines. (E) shows IC50 (μg/
ml) of bromelain fraction 3 in ASPC-
1, HEP 3B, HEP G2 and OVCAR 3 cell
Table 2. Inhibitory concentration (IC50) μg/ml
F1 36.34 57. 3 1 72.00 16.95
F2 8.10 12.24 11.15 3.71
F3 4.22 5.11 5.77 1.80
F4 16.53 37.14 22.52 11.38
Bromelain (C) 10.00 11.98 11.67 4.73
The IC50 values for the different fractions indicate that their cytotoxicity var-
ies both, with the fractions and the cell lines.
Table 3A. ASPC-1cells after 72 hours treatment with gem-
citabine (5.0 µM) in combination with bromelain (C) or brome-
lain fractions 3
Concentration of BR (C)
or BR fraction 3 (μg/ml)
% alive
BR (C)
% alive
% reduction
BR (C)
% reduction
2.50 31.0 28.8 69.0 71. 2
5.00 31.1 24.1 68.9 75.9
10.0 26.1 18.9 73.9 81.1
2.50-10.0 μg/ml bromelain (C) or
fraction 3 with doxorubicin (2.5
μM) showed superior cytotoxic
performance by fraction 3 on
HEP 3B cells (hepatic cancer ce-
lls). A 20.0% increase in cytotoxic
efciency is obtained with fraction
3 compared to the un-fractionated
bromelain (C) (Table 3D). In the
presence of 7.0 mM NAC and 2.5
μM doxorubicin, at concentrations
ranging from 2.5-10.0 μg/ml,
there is only a marginal difference
in cytotoxicity between the un-
fractionated bromelain (C) and
fraction 3 (Table 3E). Figure 5
shows the cytotoxic effects of frac-
tionated and un-fractionated bro-
melain combination therapies on
pancreatic and hepatic cells in
Comparison between fractionated and un-fractionated bromelain
4315 Am J Transl Res 2021;13(5):4309-4321
10.0 μg/ml) showed a signicant increase in
PT, indicating that the clotting mechanism will
be delayed. The addition of fraction 3 also did
not alter the PT whilst with the addition of NAC
10.0 mM to 10.0 μg/ml of fraction 3 increased
the PT substantially (21.6 sec). The addition of
10.0 mM of NAC had a substantial increase in
PT (25.4 sec). This indicates that both, brome-
lain (C) and fraction 3 should be combined to
NAC to obtain an anticoagulant effect.
Compared to control APTT, the clotting time
with the addition of bromelain (C) (5-10 μg/ml
seems to have a very minor effect on the APTT
(30.6-29.9 sec vs 31.5 sec for control). The
addition of 10.0 mM NAC to 5.0 or 10.0 μg/ml
(%), whilst the addition of NAC (10.0 mM) to bro-
melain (C) (5.0-10.0 μg/ml) showed a substan-
tial drop in F-10 (%) (82-79.5), indicating an
anticoagulant effect. Similarly, F3 on its own
had no effect whereas in combination with
10.0 mM NAC it showed an anticoagulant effect
(F-10% = 72). The addition of 10.0 mM NAC
showed a high drop in F-10 (%), indicating that
it has a considerable anticoagulant effect
(Table 4).
The anticancer properties of bromelain have
been mainly attributed to its proteolytic com-
ponent [12] although it contains a number of
Table 3B. HEPG2 cells after 72 hours treatment with brome-
lain fraction 3 and doxorubicin (2.5 µM)
Concentration of BR (C)
or BR fraction 3 (μg/ml)
% alive
BR (C)
% alive
% reduction
BR (C)
% reduction
2.50 25.4 28.6 74.6 71. 4
5.00 24.4 29.5 75.6 70.5
10.0 23.9 7.60 76.1 92.4
Table 3C. HEPG2 cells after 72 hours treatment with BR Frac-
tion 3, NAC (7.0 mM) and doxorubicin (2.5 µM)
Concentration of BR(C)
or BR fraction 3 (μg/ml)
% alive
BR (C)
% alive
% reduction
BR (C)
% reduction
2.50 20.5 20.8 79.5 79.2
5.00 19.0 18.7 81.0 81.3
10.0 15.5 4.20 84.5 95.8
Table 3D. HEP3B cells after 72 hours treatment with BR (C)
and fraction 3 in combination with doxorubicin (2.5 µM)
Concentration of BR (C)
or BR fraction 3 (μg/mL)
% alive
BR (C)
% alive
% reduction
BR (C)
% reduction
2.50 27. 1 20.1 72.9 79.9
5.00 26.1 20.9 73.9 79.1
10.0 21.9 2.10 78.1 97.9
Table 3E. HEP3B cells after 72 hours treatment with BR (C) or
bromelain fraction 3 in combination with NAC (7.0 mM) and
doxorubicin (2.5 µM)
Concentration of BR
(C) or F 3 (μg/mL)
% alive
BR (C)
% alive
% reduction
BR(C) % reduction (F3)
2.50 5.20 3.50 94.8 96.5
5.00 4.90 3.40 95.1 96.6
10.0 5.10 2.20 94.9 9 7. 8
bromelain (C) showed an increase
in APTT (32.9-32.7 sec), indicat-
ing that there is an anticoagulant
The addition of F3 showed a reduc-
tion of APTT value, 29.6 sec as
compared to control value of 31.5
sec, similar to that obtained for
bromelain (C). The addition of 10.0
mM NAC to 10.0 μg/ml of fraction
3 showed a small increase in APTT
(33.4 sec vs 31.5 sec (control)),
indicating a minor anticoagulant
effect. However, the addition of
10.0 mM NAC by itself gave a
value of APTT of 37.3 sec that
shows a modest anticoagulant
The INR values indicated that bro-
melain (C) (5.0-10.0 μg/ml) had
no effect on coagulation time,
whilst the addition of NAC (10.0
mM) to bromelain (C) (5.0-10.0
μg/ml) showed a substantial in-
crease in INR that is indicative of
delay in clotting (anticoagulant
effect). Likewise, F3 on its own
had no effect whilst in combina-
tion with 10.0 mM NAC it showed
an anticoagulant effect (INR =
1.59). Finally, the addition of 10.0
mM NAC showed a high INR, indi-
cating that it has a substantial
anticoagulant effect (Table 4).
The addition of bromelain (C) (5.0-
10.0 μg/ml) had no effect on F-10
Comparison between fractionated and un-fractionated bromelain
4316 Am J Transl Res 2021;13(5):4309-4321
Figure 5. (A and B) show the cytotoxic effect of fractions 2 or 3 in combination with gemcitabine on ASPC-1 cell line.
(C-F) show the cytotoxic effect of doxorubicin with NAC in combination with either fraction 3 or standard bromelain
(C) on hepatic cancer cell lines HEP G2 and HEP 3B.
Table 4. It shows blood parameters that were determined in the presence of different concentrations
of control bromelain (C) (BR) in μg/ml alone, control bromelain (C) (BR) + N-acetylcysteine mM (NAC),
fraction 3 (F3) alone, fraction 3 + NAC, and NAC alone
Parameter Control BR (5) BR (10)
BR (5)
NAC (10)
BR (10)
NAC (10)
F3 (10)
F3 (10)
NAC (10)
NAC (10)
PT (sec) 14.4 14.5 14.4 19.5 19.8 14.7 21.6 25.4
APTT (sec) 31.5 30.6 29.9 32.9 32.7 29.6 33.4 37. 3
INR 1.04 1.05 1.04 1.43 1.45 1.06 1.59 1.88
F-10 (%) 115 115 115 82 79.5 108.5 72 55
PT: partial prothrombin time; APTT: activated partial prothromboplastin time. INR: International normalised ratio (patient PT/PT
(control)), F-10: factor 10. Data highlighted in red indicate anticoagulant effect.
Comparison between fractionated and un-fractionated bromelain
4317 Am J Transl Res 2021;13(5):4309-4321
other enzymes such as carbohydrases, lectins,
phosphatases, hydroxylases, peroxidases and
glycosylases, etc [1, 4]. This is mainly due to the
digestive nature of proteases that can disinte-
grate protein components of numerous recep-
tors, signalling molecules and cancer related
molecules that provide resistance, metastasis
and accelerated replication in cancer cells [24].
Further, various mucins in cancer cells, both
secretory and transmembrane, are glycopro-
teins providing a barrier to drug penetration in
chemotherapy besides inducing accelerated
replication and resistance [25]. These muci-
nous glycoproteins are disintegrated by a com-
bination of bromelain and N-acetylcysteine
with disruption of their cellular biochemical and
physiological role [6, 7] and this mixture is cur-
rently used for treating mucinous tumours
secreted by a rare cancer known as pseudo-
myxoma peritonei [9]. Besides, bromelain has
also antithrombotic properties that affects vari-
ous components in the coagulation cascade
[17, 18]. Since bromelain is composed of sev-
eral enzymes, fractions with proteolytic activity
were isolated and their anticancer and anti-
thrombotic properties were evaluated in the
present study.
Proteolytic activity as assessed using the azo-
casein assay indicated that fraction 3 had the
best activity compared to control (5% higher).
However, the second potent fraction was F1 fol-
lowed by F4 and then F2. F1 was 21% less
active compared to control whilst F2 and F4
were almost of similar potency (40 and 37%
less). The differential proteolytic activities may
be related to the different enzyme composition
such as highly active basic bromelain isoforms
(F3), poorly active basic bromelain isoforms
(F2), ananain (F4) and acidic bromelain iso-
forms (F1) [19]. This indicates that if cytotoxici-
ty was mainly related to proteolysis, then the
following investigation that relates to inhibitory
concentration (IC50) of the four fractions
should follow a similar order of activity, although
other cellular features found within the cell
types may inuence cytotoxicity.
Cytotoxicity as assessed in pancreatic cancer
cells (ASPC-1) indicated that fraction 3 was the
most potent with the lowest IC50 value (twice
as potent as control bromelain (C)) indicating
that basic bromelain isoforms performs well in
a cellular environment with pH 7.0, followed by
poorly active basic bromelain isoforms (F2) that
may be again indicative of pH effect on their
proteolytic activity and hence their cytotoxicity.
Fraction 4 that is composed of ananain iso-
forms is less active whilst fraction 1 (acidic bro-
melain isoforms) is least active. A similar trend
existed in the other cell lines investigated such
as hepatocellular cancer cells and the ovarian
cell line. However, the trend in IC50 value as
indicative of proteolytic potency only showed
that F3 was the most active whilst fraction 4
also conformed to its order of proteolytic activ-
ity. Fractions 1 and 2 did not follow the order of
their proteolytic activity in cellular cytotoxicity.
Further, the proteolytic potency of un-fraction-
ated bromelain and F3 were almost equal (F3
exceeding by 5%) but their IC50 values were
very dissimilar and not proportional to their pro-
teolytic activity. Hence, these ndings suggest
that other anti-tumour intrinsic factors other
than their proteolytic properties contribute to
their cytotoxic potency. Amongst the four cell
lines investigated, OVCAR 3 was the most sen-
sitive with the lowest IC50 values for all the
fractions investigated. This suggests the pres-
ence of certain cellular features that are prone
to the action of bromelain which needs further
investigation. However, it is known that OVCAR
3 has high expression of mucins that are prone
to the hydrolytic action of bromelain [26]. The
second most sensitive cell line is the pancreat-
ic tumour cells, ASPC-1. These cells are also
highly mucinous expressing mainly of trans-
membrane types (MUC1, MUC16, etc.) [26, 27].
HEP 3B and HEP G2 that are of hepatic origin
appear to be almost equally affected by the
fractions but less sensitive (higher IC50 val-
ues). Further hepatic cell lines may have meta-
bolic enzymes that are capable of deactivating
bromelain and its chromatographically sepa-
rated fractions since the liver is primarily
involved in detoxifying xenobiotics [28].
Subsequent investigation of fractions 2 and 3
in combination with gemcitabine (5.0 μM) in
pancreatic cancer cells indicated that at low
concentration of fractions (2.5 μg /ml), the dif-
ference in % cellular inhibition was almost simi-
lar whilst at higher concentrations (5.0 and
10.0 μg/ml), fraction 3 was more potent. This
may suggest the presence of certain other
molecules that at higher concentrations may
enable the increase in cytotoxic potency. In
hepatocellular cell lines (HEP G2), the combina-
Comparison between fractionated and un-fractionated bromelain
4318 Am J Transl Res 2021;13(5):4309-4321
tion of fraction 3 or un-fractionated bromelain
(C) with doxorubicin (2.5 mM) indicated that un-
fractionated bromelain (C) was slightly more
cytotoxic at 2.0-5.0 μg/ml, however at 10.0 μg/
ml, fraction 3 was signicantly more potent,
again indicating the presence of other mole-
cules at trace amount that at certain concen-
trations provide this enhancement of cytotoxic-
ity. A similar scenario existed when NAC (7.0
mM) was included in the treatment. NAC is
known to enhance the cytotoxicity of bromelain
in our previous studies in both hepatic and pan-
creatic cancer cell lines [10].
In the case of HEP 3B, the addition of doxorubi-
cin (2.5 μM) indicated that fraction 3 was more
potent at the three concentrations investigated
when compared to un-fractionated bromelain
(C). However, the addition of NAC (7.0 mM) to
the mixture indicated that fraction 3 was only
marginally more potent. This indicates that
fraction 3 is relatively less enhanced by NAC as
compared to un-fractionated bromelain that is
made up of composite enzymes.
The variation of cytotoxic response of these
hepatocellular cell lines to un-fractionated bro-
melain (C) and fraction 3 may be partially attrib-
uted to their individual cellular features [29].
On the other hand, the ratio of the agents that
have been used either as dual or triple combi-
nations may play a role in their efciency. The
combination of these agents is only efcient at
certain molar ratio as it has been shown previ-
ou sly [10].
A comparison of proteolytic activity to cytotoxic-
ity indicates that highly active basic isoforms of
bromelain present in F3, with high proteolytic
activity, shows the highest cytotoxicity as indi-
cated by the IC50 values in all the cell lines
tive order of proteolytic activity of the assayed
fractions. Finally, although F1 that is composed
of acidic bromelains has relatively very high
proteolytic activity (second most activity
amongst the fractions), it seems to show low
cytotoxicity. This again indicates that there is
not usually a relationship between proteolytic
activity and cytotoxicity (Table 5).
The basic bromelain isoforms seem to perform
very well as cytotoxic agents perhaps owing to
their basic optimum proteolytic activity at pH
7.0, whilst ananain and acidic isoforms may
also be dependent on acidic environment for
maximal proteolytic activity and hence their
weaker cytotoxicity.
There are various reports indicating the anti-
thrombotic properties of bromelain, as a total
extract, and its potential as an anticoagulant
for treatment of blood coagulative disorders
[17, 18]. However, earlier evaluation on the pro-
teolytic activity of fraction 3 showed that its
activity is only slightly higher (by 5%) than un-
fractionated bromelain, hence we did not
expect to see a large variation in any of the
coagulative parameters that we measured. The
PT (prothrombin time) indicates that F3 was
similar to controls and to un-fractionated bro-
melain (5.0-10.0 μg/ml). The APTT showed no
change with addition of 10.0 μg/ml of brome-
lain. With the addition of 10.0 μg/ml of F3, the
difference was being very small. Comparing the
INR values indicated that the addition of bro-
melain (5.0-10.0 μg/ml) did not alter the values
compared to a control which is similar to F3.
Finally, the F-10 (%) also showed no difference
as compared to un-fractionated bromelain with
the addition of 5.0-10.0 μg/ml bromelain, how-
ever, fraction 3 showed a very small drop (108),
Table 5. It shows the order of proteolytic activities arranged from
highest to lowest in relation to their cytotoxicity, along with their
main components
Order of proteolytic
Order of
Cytotoxicity Main components
Fraction 3 Fraction 3 Highly active basic bromelain isoforms
Fraction 1 Fraction 2 Poorly active basic bromelain isoforms
Fraction 4 Fraction 4 Ananain isoforms
Fraction 2 Fraction 1 Acidic bromelain isoforms
The basic bromelain isoforms seem to have a higher cytotoxicity in all the cell lines
investigated. The second most
cytotoxic component is F2
composed of poorly active
basic isoforms of bromelain
but with low proteolytic activi-
ty (<40% compared to con-
trol), hence indicating that
proteolytic activity does not
really corresponds with degree
of cytotoxicity. The third most
cytotoxic component is F4
containing ananain and it cor-
responds with the compara-
Comparison between fractionated and un-fractionated bromelain
4319 Am J Transl Res 2021;13(5):4309-4321
again indicating that there is no signicant anti-
coagulative action.
However, the addition of NAC showed signi-
cant difference, an increase in PT, APTT and
INR values and a substantial drop in F-10 (%)
values that is indicative of positive anticoagula-
tive action. Likewise, the addition of NAC to un-
fractionated bromelain in blood caused a sig-
nicant increase in PT, APTT and INR values
and a drop in F-10 (%) that is again indicative of
anticoagulative action. Hence, NAC has sub-
stantial anticoagulative properties. This antico-
agulative action is mainly due to its antioxidant
properties that prevents the aggregation of
platelets [30]. Further, it is able to disrupt the
disulde linkage found in brin brils in blood
clot owing to its antioxidant properties [31].
Similarly, many other antioxidants increase the
bleeding time [32]. Hence, from the present
antithrombotic parameters measured, F3 does
not have any signicant anti-coagulant proper-
ties that may affect patients who are on warfa-
rin or other anticoagulant therapy. However,
one has to be careful since these measure-
ments represent the intrinsic coagulation path-
way. Studies with intraperitoneal delivery of
bromelain in mice have indicated bleeding in
the peritoneal cavity, owing to the abrasive
action of bromelain on the peritoneal surface
cells where the extrinsic pathway comes into
action that unies with the common pathway of
coagulation (Figure 6). The common pathway
where factor X, prothrombin II and plasminogen
come into action to generate brin bres may
be affected by un-fractionated bromelain and
fraction 3, and this needs further investigation.
Although bromelain affects the kinin system
(bradykinin, prekallikrin, etc) of the intrinsic
coagulation parameters will be affected and
hence increase bleeding time (Figure 6).
Therefore, the current study indicates that bro-
melain fractions (F1-F4) have different proteo-
lytic activities that may affect their perfor-
mance as an anti-cancer agent in the various
cell lines investigated. However, their proteo-
lytic potency does not appear to correlate well
with their degree of anticancer action suggest-
ing that these chromatically separated frac-
tions do not only carry proteolytic enzymes but
may have other components that affect the
viability of tumour cells. Fraction 3 performs
slightly better in combinations with gemcitabine
when compared to fraction 2 in ASPC-1 cells
(pancreatic cancer). In combination with doxo-
rubicin, fraction 3 performs slightly better than
standard (un-fractionated) bromelain. On the
whole, as a single agent, bromelain (5.0-10.0
μg/ml) or fraction 3 (10.0 μg/ml), does not
show any antithrombotic properties, however,
in combination with NAC, they exhibit anti-
thrombotic properties. Hence, for therapeutic
purposes, a combination regime of NAC with
either fraction 3 or bromelain may affect indi-
viduals who are on antithrombotic medication.
The reason why only fraction 3, composed of
basic bromelain isoforms, seems to mimic the
action of un-fractionated bromelain may be
attributed to the fact that basic bromelain iso-
forms represent the major components of the
bromelain total extract. The assessment of the
dose of the bromelain complex mixture to be
used for therapeutic purposes thus remains an
important factor to be elucidated. Using a well
characterized fraction, e.g. F3, will thus be a
nice alternative and perspective. Actually, it
Figure 6. Coagulation cascade in the common pathway. Bromelain and frac-
tion 3 may degrade factor X, prothrombin II and plasminogen and hence
delay coagulation.
coagulation pathway that con-
nects with the common path-
way, our investigation does
not seem to suggest that
the system is affected at the
concentrations of bromelain
and fraction 3 used in this
study. Further it also does
not affect the common path-
way. However, the presence
of NAC is crucial in affecting
the coagulation parameters
that we have monitored cur-
rently and hence when it is
combined with bromelain, the
Comparison between fractionated and un-fractionated bromelain
4320 Am J Transl Res 2021;13(5):4309-4321
remains a challenge to understand at the
molecular level the numerous effects of stem
bromelain proteases, highlighting the need for
more detailed studies combining both, cytotox-
icity and proteomics investigations to identify
potential specic targets affected by these
promising proteases.
We would like to thank Mrs Laetitia Bolle for
here technical assistance during the prepara-
tion of bromelain fractions. This research is
partly funded by Mucpharm Pty Ltd, Australia.
Professor David L Morris is the co-inventor and
assignee of the combination of Bromelain and
Acetylcysteine in cancer patent licence and
director of the spin-off company, Mucpharm Pty
Ltd. Dr Javed Akhter, Dr Krishna Pillai and Dr
Ahmed H Mekkawy are employees of Mucpharm
Pty Ltd.
Disclosure of conict of interest
Address correspondence to: David L Morris, Depart-
ment of Surgery, St George Hospital and University
of New Sout h Wale s, Sy dn ey, Aust ralia. E- ma il : david.
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... Badar et al. chromatographically separated bromelain into four fractions and examined their proteolytic, anticancer, and antithrombotic activities. Fraction 3 bromelain (F3 bromelain), the highly active basic bromelain isoform, had the highest proteolytic and anticancer activities [7]. In combination with chemotherapeutic agents, F3 bromelain exhibited greater treatment efficacy than did unfractionated bromelain in pancreatic and hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines [7]. ...
... Fraction 3 bromelain (F3 bromelain), the highly active basic bromelain isoform, had the highest proteolytic and anticancer activities [7]. In combination with chemotherapeutic agents, F3 bromelain exhibited greater treatment efficacy than did unfractionated bromelain in pancreatic and hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines [7]. Our previous study revealed that bromelain resulted in considerable oxidative stress and the production of superoxides in CRC cells followed by the triggering of autophagy, causing cell death and inhibiting carcinogenesis [8]. ...
... The fractions corresponding to basic bromelain were pooled in accordance with their amidase activity profile. In a previous study, we demonstrated that F3 bromelain contained basic bromelain and a lectin [7]. To purify basic bromelain, we used Dmannose-agarose as an affinity support as described in [7]. ...
Full-text available
Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most lethal cancers worldwide. Long-term survival is not achieved in metastatic CRC despite the current multidisciplinary therapies. Bromelain, a compound extracted from the pineapple plant, has multiple functions and anticancer properties. Previously, bromelain has been chromatographically separated into four fractions. Fraction 3 (F3) exhibits the highest proteolytic activity. The anticancer effects of F3 bromelain in CRC cells is unknown. Methods: In vitro cytotoxicity was verified through a sulforhodamine B assay. Apoptosis in CRC cells induced by unfractionated or F3 bromelain was examined using Annexin V-FITC/PI staining and Western blot analysis. ROS status, autophagy and lysosome formation were determined by specific detection kit. Results: The cytotoxicity of F3 bromelain in CRC cells was found to be comparable to that of unfractionated bromelain. F3 bromelain induces caspase-dependent apoptosis in CRC cells. Treatment with unfractionated or F3 bromelain increased superoxide and oxidative stress levels and autophagy and lysosome formation. ATG5/12 and beclin-1 were upregulated, and the conversion of LC3B-I to LC3B-II was increased significantly by treatment with F3 bromelain. Treated CQ, autophagy inhibitor, with unfractionated or F3 bromelain enhances the cytotoxic effects. Finally, the combination of unfractionated and F3 bromelain with a routine chemotherapeutic agent (5-fluourouracil, irinotecan, or oxaliplatin) resulted in synergistically higher cytotoxic potency in CRC cells. Conclusion: Unfractionated and F3 bromelain inhibits CRC cell proliferation in vitro, and the cytotoxic effects of unfractionated bromelain are equivalent to F3 bromelain. F3 bromelain may be a potential and potent drug for clinical use due to its anticancer efficacy and high synergistic cytotoxicity when combined with a routine chemotherapeutic agent for CRC.
... Bromelain, containing several proteolytic enzymes, exhibits anticancer and thrombotic properties. The anticoagulant effect of bromelain, either alone or in combination with Nacetylcysteine, was assessed using human blood and showed thrombolytic activity when combined with Nacetylcysteine 56 . ...
Full-text available
Herbal medicine, also known as phytomedicine, utilizes various plant parts like leaves, fruits, roots, bark, or flowers for their health benefits, standing as an alternative healthcare approach to conventional medicine. Traditional herbal remedies, integral to medical systems worldwide, notably in China and India, are gaining global recognition for their efficacy and fewer side effects. Approximately 80% of the world's population relies on traditional herbal medicine for primary healthcare, as per the World Health Organization. Ananas comosus (L.) Merril, commonly known as pineapple, belongs to the Bromeliaceae family, encompassing about 50 genera and 200 species. Pineapple, a perennial herbaceous plant, exhibits unique physical attributes, with its main parts including the stem, leaves, peduncle, multiple fruit, crown, shoots, and roots. Pineapple contains various amino acids, including tyrosine and tryptophan, along with bromelain, an enzyme aiding digestion by breaking down proteins. This review outlines previous research on the phytochemical and pharmacological characteristics of Ananas comosus, highlighting its diverse medicinal properties. From antimicrobial and anticancer activities to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hepatoprotective effects, pineapple demonstrates significant therapeutic potential across multiple health domains. Additionally, its nutritional value and traditional uses further underscore its importance as a versatile herbal remedy. Keywords: Ananas comosus, pineapple, phytochemicals, pharmacological activities, medicinal properties, bromelain.
... Ion exchange chromatography relies on reversible electrostatic interaction between a resin and charged analytes. Such an approach has been proved able to remove contaminant polysaccharides (35), increasing bromelain-specific activity (even more than salt precipitation) (53,54). Ion exchange has been also tested in combination with size exclusion chromatography, resulting in a 41% recovery of initial activity (55). ...
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Bromelain is a key enzyme found in pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.); a proteolytic substance with multiple beneficial effects for human health such as anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant and anticarcinogenic, traditionally used in many countries for its potential therapeutic value. The aim of this updated and comprehensive review focuses on the potential anticancer benefits of bromelain, analyzing the cytotoxic, apoptotic, necrotic, autophagic, immunomodulating, and anti-inflammatory effects in cancer cells and animal models. Detailed information about Bromelain and its anticancer effects at the cellular, molecular and signaling levels were collected from online databases such as PubMed/MedLine, TRIP database, GeenMedical, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. The results of the analyzed studies showed that Bromelain possesses corroborated pharmacological activities, such as anticancer, anti-edema, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-coagulant, anti-osteoarthritis, anti-trauma pain, anti-diarrhea, wound repair. Nonetheless, bromelain clinical studies are scarce and still more research is needed to validate the scientific value of this enzyme in human cancer diseases.
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Fibrinolytic enzymes cleave fibrin which plays a crucial role in thrombus formation which otherwise leads to cardiovascular diseases. While different fibrinolytic enzymes have been purified, only a few have been utilized as clinical and therapeutic agents; hence, the search continues for a fibrinolytic enzyme with high specificity, fewer side effects, and one that can be mass-produced at a lower cost with a higher yield. In this context, this review discusses the physiological mechanism of thrombus formation and fibrinolysis, and current thrombolytic drugs in use. Additionally, an overview of the optimization, production, and purification of fibrinolytic enzymes and the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in optimization and the patents granted is provided. This review classifies microbial as well as non-microbial fibrinolytic enzymes isolated from food sources, including fermented foods and non-food sources, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. Despite holding immense potential for the discovery of novel fibrinolytic enzymes, only a few fermented food sources limited to Asian countries have been studied, necessitating the research on fibrinolytic enzymes from fermented foods of other regions. This review will aid researchers in selecting optimal sources for screening fibrinolytic enzymes and is the first one to provide insights and draw a link between the implication of source selection and in vivo application.
Various therapeutic approaches are conducted for regression of liver fibrosis and prevent possible further carcinogenic transformation. This study was aimed to assess the prospective therapeutic potential of bromelain against thioacetamide (TAA)-induced liver fibrosis using in-vitro and in vivo approaches. In vitro study, HSC-T6 cell line was used to evaluate the effect of bromelain on HSC-T6 cell viability and apoptosis. In vivo, Rats were treated by TAA for 6 weeks for induction of hepatic fibrosis followed by post treatment by different doses of bromelain and silymarin for further 4 weeks to assess the regression of hepatic fibrosis. The in-vitro findings indicated that bromelain hindered the proliferation of HSCs in concentration dependent manner compared with the untreated cells. The in vivo study revealed that treatment of TAA fibrotic rats with different doses of bromelain and silymarin induced a significant restoration in liver function biomarkers, attenuation of oxidative stress, upregulation of total antioxidant capacity and thereby decline of fibrotic biomarkers and improving histopathological and immunohistochemical changes. In conclusion, This study indicates that bromelain can regress TAA induced hepatic fibrosis in rats via inhibiting HSCs activation, α-SMA expression and the ECM deposition in hepatic tissue in addition to its antioxidants pathway, these findings prove the promising therapeutic potential of bromelain as a novel therapeutic approach for chronic hepatic fibrotic diseases.
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A mannose binding jacalin-related lectin from Ananas comosus stem (AcmJRL) was purified and biochemically characterized. This lectin is homogeneous according to native, SDS-PAGE and N-terminal sequencing and the theoretical molecular mass was confirmed by ESI-Q-TOF-MS. AcmJRL was found homodimeric in solution by size-exclusion chromatography. Rat erythrocytes are agglutinated by AcmJRL while no agglutination activity is detected against rabbit and sheep erythrocytes. Hemagglutination activity was found more strongly inhibited by mannooligomannosides than by D-mannose. The carbohydrate-binding specificity of AcmJRL was determined in some detail by isothermal titration calorimetry. All sugars tested were found to bind with low affinity to AcmJRL, with Ka values in the mM range. In agreement with hemagglutination assays, the affinity increased from D-mannose to di-, tri- and penta-mannooligosaccharides. Moreover, the X-ray crystal structure of AcmJRL was obtained in an apo form as well as in complex with D-mannose and methyl-α-D-mannopyranoside, revealing two carbohydrate-binding sites per monomer similar to the banana lectin BanLec. The absence of a wall separating the two binding sites, the conformation of β7β8 loop and the hemagglutinating activity are reminiscent of the BanLec His84Thr mutant, which presents a strong anti-HIV activity in absence of mitogenic activity.
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Background Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is difficult to treat. Intraperitoneal delivery of mucolytic solutions might potentially improve therapy, in addition to surgical cytoreduction and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Methods Comparison of mucolytic effect of two formulations (control: bromelain 300 µg/mL+N-Acetylcystein 250 mM; test: bromelain 200 µg/mL+200 mM cysteamine) Results Solubilisation was faster with the test vs. the control formulation (90 vs. 180 min) for dissolving the soft mucin plugs (p < 0.05). The test solution was also more effective in dissolving the hard mucus plugs compared to control (82.5±2.74 % vs. 36.33±3.27 %). All mucin types disintegrated in simulated peritoneal washing. Cytotoxicity of the test solution on HT29 cell line was time-dependent. Conclusions The test formulation is more effective and faster than the control formulation in dissolving mucus plugs of various densities. Mucus plugs were all solubilised after 40 min in simulated peritoneal washing. This novel mucolytic formulation might pave the way for an effective and less invasive therapy of PMP in the future.
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Background: Platelet cross-linking during arterial thrombosis involves von Willebrand Factor (VWF) multimers. Therefore, proteolysis of VWF appears promising to disaggregate platelet-rich thrombi and restore vessel patency in acute thrombotic disorders such as ischemic stroke, acute coronary syndrome, or acute limb ischemia. N-Acetylcysteine (NAC, a clinically approved mucolytic drug) can reduce intrachain disulfide bonds in large polymeric proteins. In the present study, we postulated that NAC might cleave the VWF multimers inside occlusive thrombi, thereby leading to their dissolution and arterial recanalization. Methods: Experimental models of thrombotic stroke induced by either intra-arterial thrombin injection or ferric chloride application followed by measurement of cerebral blood flow using a combination of laser Doppler flowmetry and MRI were performed to uncover the effects of NAC on arterial thrombi. To investigate the effect of NAC on larger vessels, we also performed ferric chloride-induced carotid artery thrombosis. In vitro experiments were performed to study the molecular bases of NAC thrombolytic effect, including platelet aggregometry, platelet-rich thrombi lysis assays, thromboelastography (ROTEM), and high-shear VWF string formation using microfluidic devices. We also investigated the putative prohemorrhagic effect of NAC in a mouse model of intracranial hemorrhage induced by in situ collagenase type VII injection. Results: We demonstrated that intravenous NAC administration promotes lysis of arterial thrombi that are resistant to conventional approaches such as recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator, direct thrombin inhibitors, and antiplatelet treatments. Through in vitro and in vivo experiments, we provide evidence that the molecular target underlying the thrombolytic effects of NAC is principally the VWF that cross-link platelets in arterial thrombi. Coadministration of NAC and a nonpeptidic GpIIb/IIIa inhibitor further improved its thrombolytic efficacy, essentially by accelerating thrombus dissolution and preventing rethrombosis. Thus, in a new large-vessel thromboembolic stroke model in mice, this cotreatment significantly improved ischemic lesion size and neurological outcome. It is important to note that NAC did not worsen hemorrhagic stroke outcome, suggesting that it exerts thrombolytic effects without significantly impairing normal hemostasis. Conclusions: We provide evidence that NAC is an effective and safe alternative to currently available antithrombotic agents to restore vessel patency after arterial occlusion.
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Given the importance of protease’s worldwide market, the determination of optimum conditions and the development of a standard protocol are critical during selection of a reliable method to determine its bioactivity. This paper uses quality control theory to validate a modified version of a method proposed by Charney and Tomarelli in 1947. The results obtained showed that using azocasein substrate bromelain had its optimum at 45°C and pH 9 (Glycine-NaOH 100 mM). We also quantified the limit of detection (LoD) and limit of quantification (LoQ) in the above-mentioned optimum (0.072 and 0.494 mg·mL −1 of azocasein, resp.) and a calibration curve that correlates optical density with the amount of substrate digested. In all analysed samples, we observed a significant decrease in response after storage (around 17%), which suggests its use must be immediately after preparation. Thus, the protocol presented in this paper offers a significant improvement, given that subjective definitions are commonly used in the literature and this simple mathematical approach makes it clear and concise.
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The complement system is a major constituent of the innate immune system. It not only bridges innate and adaptive arms of the immune system but also links the immune system with the coagulation system. Current understanding of the role of complement has extended far beyond fighting of infections, and now encompasses maintenance of homeostasis, tissue regeneration, and pathophysiology of multiple diseases. It has been known for many years that complement activation is strongly pH sensitive, but only relatively recently has the physiological significance of this been appreciated. Most complement assays are carried out at the physiological pH 7.4. However, pH in some extracellular compartments, for example, renal tubular fluid in parts of the tubule, and extracellular fluid at inflammation loci, is sufficiently acidic to activate complement. The exact molecular mechanism of this activation is still unclear, but possible cross-talk between the contact system (intrinsic pathway) and complement may exist at low pH with subsequent complement activation. The current article reviews the published data on the effect of pH on the contact system and complement activity, the nature of the pH sensor molecules, and the clinical implications of these effects. Of particular interest is chronic kidney disease (CKD) accompanied by metabolic acidosis, in which therapeutic alkalinization of urine has been shown significantly to reduce tubular complement activation products, an effect, which may have important implications for slowing progression of CKD.
Current systemic dosages of chemotherapeutic drugs such as gemcitabine, 5-FU, cisplatin, doxorubicin are administered every 7 days over 4 cycles due to systemic toxicity. An increase in potency of the drugs will result in dosage reduction with more frequent administration and efficacy increase. Hence, we investigated how the drugs potency can be increased by combining with bromelain and N-acetylcysteine. Tumour cells (5,000/well) were seeded into a 96 well plate and treated 24 hrs later with either single agents or in combinations at various concentrations. Cell survival was assessed by the sulforhodamine B assay after 72 hours of exposure. LD 50 was determined for each treatment and the Combination Index (CI) was assessed to determine synergy using Tallarida’s method. CI indicated that synergy was dependent on the concentration of the agents used and was cell line specific. For bromelain and N-acetylcysteine, certain ratio of the two agents gave very good synergy that was prevalent in almost all cell lines. Gemcitabine and 5-FU and doxorubicin reacted favourably with most concentrations of bromelain and NAC investigated. Cisplatin and oxaliplatin were not very compatible with NAC. A value of CI <0.5 indicated that the current clinical chemotherapeutic dosage can be dramatically reduced. Bromelain with NAC showed synergy in all tumour cell lines and acting synergistically with chemotherapeutic drugs. Synergistic combinations resulting in considerable dosage reduction of chemotherapeutic agents may enable more frequent treatment with higher efficacy.
Background: Bromelain (Brom) and Acetylcysteine (Ac) have synergistic activity resulting in dissolution of tumour-produced mucin both in vitro and in vivo. The aim of this study was to determine whether treatment of mucinous peritoneal tumour with BromAc can be performed with an acceptable safety profile and to conduct a preliminary assessment of efficacy in a clinical setting. Methods: Under radiological guidance, a drain was inserted into the tumour mass or intraperitoneally. Each patient could have more than one tumour site treated. Brom 20-60 mg and Ac 1·5-2 g was administered in 5% glucose. At 24 h, the patient was assessed for symptoms including treatment-related adverse events (AEs) and the drain was aspirated. The volume of tumour removed was measured. A repeat dose via the drain was given in most patients. All patients that received at least one dose of BromAc were included in the safety and response analysis. Findings: Between March 2018 and July 2019, 20 patients with mucinous tumours were treated with BromAc. Seventeen (85%) of patients had at least one treatment-emergent AE. The most frequent treatment-related AEs were CRP rise (n = 16, 80%), WCC rise (n = 11, 55%), fever (n = 7, 35%, grade I) and pain (n = 6, 30%, grade II/III). Serious treatment-related AEs accounted for 12·5% of all AEs. There were no anaphylactic reactions. There were no deaths due to treatment-related AEs. An objective response to treatment was seen in 73·2% of treated sites. Conclusion: Based on these preliminary results and our preclinical data, injection of BromAc into mucinous tumours had a manageable safety profile. Considerable mucolytic activity was seen by volume of mucin extracted and radiological appearance. These results support further investigation of BromAC for patients with inoperable mucinous tumours and may provide a new and minimally invasive treatment for these patients.
Crude pineapple proteases extract (aka stem bromelain; EC is an important proteolytic mixture that contains enzymes belonging to the cysteine proteases of the papain family. Numerous studies have been reported aiming at the fractionation and characterization of the many molecular species present in the extract, but more efforts are still required to obtain sufficient quantities of the various purified protease forms for detailed physicochemical, enzymatic and structural characterization. In this work, we describe an efficient strategy towards the purification of at least eight enzymatic forms. Thus, following rapid fractionation on a SP-Sepharose FF column, two sub-populations with proteolytic activity were obtained: the unbound (termed acidic) and bound (termed basic) bromelain fractions. Following reversible modification with monomethoxypolyethylene glycol (mPEG), both fractions were further separated on Q-Sepharose FF and SP-Sepharose FF, respectively. This procedure yielded highly purified molecular species, all titrating ca. 1 mol of thiol group per mole of enzyme, with distinct biochemical properties.
Bromelain is a crude extract from pineapple that is known for a wide array of pharmacological effects including protein digestion, fibrinolytic and anti-immune inflammatory effects and has been popularly used as a phytotherapeutic drug. However, its clinical values and applications remain understudied. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of bromelain on the coagulability of blood using thromboelastography (TEG). We identified 0.4 U/ml as the minimum concentration of bromelain that results in modification of a normal TEG tracing. We studied the effects of this dose on whole blood samples obtained from normal and hypercoagulable individuals using TEG and evaluated their plasma using conventional tests including prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). We extended this analysis to investigate the effect of bromelain on platelet aggregation in normal blood and on the coagulability of mice blood in vivo in response to a clinically relevant dose injected intraperitoenally. The addition of bromelain ex vivo reduced coagulability of both normal and hypercoagulable blood significantly and resulted in 47 and 22% prolongation of PT and 20 and 10% prolongation of APTT in normal and hypercoagulable samples, respectively and inhibited adenosine di-phosphate (ADP)-induced platelet aggregation by 19%. In vivo, there was a considerable variation in TEG parameters in blood obtained from mice and unexpectedly a paradoxical effect toward hypercoagulability was shown in response to 1.5 mg/kg bromelain injected intraperitoneally into seven different animals. However, these results were not statistically significant when compared with the saline-injected animals. Although the in-vitro findings in this small study indicate a potential anticoagulant effect for bromelain, this needs to be interpreted with caution as neither an oral nor intravenous routes were evaluated. The paradoxical in-vivo data following intraperitoneal administration show the complexity of the effects of bromelain beyond platelets and indicate possible effects on other cells or proteins that require further investigations.