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Ecotourism of the Special Nature Reserve "Deliblatska Peščara" in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic

  • College of Tourism and Balkan Network of Tourism Experts, Belgrade


As potentially significant factors of ecotourism development of the Special Nature Reserve "Deliblatska Peščara" are endemic flora and fauna, diverse ecosystem, Ramsar habitats, legal legislation regulating protection, the rich socio-cultural heritage of the local community, the existence of protection zones within the area and other factors. Deliblato sands are characterized by a very rare dune relief, which is characteristic only for this protected area. Sand, which is a significant component of the soil here, has influenced the development of special flora and fauna, some of which are endemic and cannot be found in other protected natural areas. In addition to natural, very important factors for the development of ecotourism are socio-cultural values. There are numerous settlements in the reserve that have a significant cultural, monumental and archaeological heritage. The research aims is to determine, with the help of quantitative methodology, whether and to what extent the conditions of the pandemic have affected the needs of tourists for ecotourism and nature trips. The results of the research by examining tourists who visited this protected natural area, indicate a significant impact of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 on the ecotourism development of Special Nature Reserve "Deliblatska Peščara".
ECOLOGICA, Vol. 28, No 102 (2021), 208-214
Originalni naučni rad
UDC: [338.48-6:502/504]:[616.98:578.834](497.113Deliblatska peščara)
Ekoturizam specijalnog rezervata prirode „Deliblatska peščara“ u
uslovima pandemije COVID-19
Ecotourism of the special nature reserve “Deliblatska peščara” in the
conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic
Snežana Štetić1*, Igor Trišić2, Igor Gvozden3
1,2Balkanska mreža turističkih stručnjaka, Beograd, Srbija
Balkan Network of Tourism Experts, Belgrade, Serbia
3Ugostiteljsko-turistička škola, Beograd, Srbija
School for restaurant and tourism business, Belgrade, Serbia
*Autor za prepisku / Corresponding author
Rad primljen / Received: 09.12.2020, Rad prihvaćen / Accepted: 07.05.2021.
Sažetak: Potencijalno značajni faktori razvoja ekoturizma u Specijalnom rezervatu prirode „Deliblatska peščara“
jesu: endemična flora i fauna, raznovrstan ekosistem, postojanje ramsarskih staništa, postojanje zakonske
legislative koja reguliše zaštitu, bogata socio-kulturna baština lokalnog stanovništva, postojanje zona zaštite unutar
područja i drugi faktori. Deliblatska peščara karakteriše vrlo redak dinski relјef, koji je svojstven samo ovom
zaštićenom području. Pesak koji je ovde u značajnoj meri sastojak tla, uticao je na razvoj posebne flore i faune, od
kojih su pojedine vrste endemiti i ne mogu se pronaći u drugim zaštićenim područjima. Pored prirodnih vrlo značajni
faktori za razvoj ekoturizma jesu društvene vrednosti. Na prostoru rezervata postoje brojna naselјa koja raspolažu
značajnim kulturnim, spomeničkim i arheološkim nasleđem. Cilј istraživanja je da se uz pomoć kvantitativne
metodologije utvrdi da li su i u kojoj meri uslovi pandemije uticali na potrebe turista za ekoturizmom i putovanjima u
prirodu. Rezultati istraživanja ispitivanja turista koji su posetili ovo zaštićeno prirodno područje, ukazuju na značajni
uticaj pandemije uslovlјene COVID-19 na razvoj ekoturizma u Specijalnom rezervatu prirode „Deliblatska peščara“.
Ključne reči: ekoturizam, Deliblatska peščara, endemska flora i fauna, pandemija COVID-19.
Abstract: As potentially significant factors of ecotourism development of the Special Nature Reserve "Deliblatska
Peščara" are endemic flora and fauna, diverse ecosystem, Ramsar habitats, legal legislation regulating protection,
the rich socio-cultural heritage of the local community, the existence of protection zones within the area and other
factors. Deliblato sands are characterized by a very rare dune relief, which is characteristic only for this protected
area. Sand, which is a significant component of the soil here, has influenced the development of special flora and
fauna, some of which are endemic and cannot be found in other protected natural areas. In addition to natural, very
important factors for the development of ecotourism are socio-cultural values. There are numerous settlements in
the reserve that have a significant cultural, monumental and archaeological heritage. The research aims is to
determine, with the help of quantitative methodology, whether and to what extent the conditions of the pandemic
have affected the needs of tourists for ecotourism and nature trips. The results of the research by examining tourists
who visited this protected natural area, indicate a significant impact of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 on the
ecotourism development of Special Nature Reserve "Deliblatska Peščara".
Keywords: ecotourism, Deliblato sands, endemic flora and fauna, Covid-19 pandemic., e-mail:, e-mail:
ECOLOGICA, Vol. 28, No 102 (2021)
Specijalni rezervat prirode „Deliblatska peščara“
je zaštićeno prirodno područje u jugoistočnom delu
Vojvodine, kojeg čini specifični ekosistem sa vrlo
različitim prirodnim faktorima (Simić & Puzović, 2008;
Brankov, 2010; Trišić, 2019; Izveštaj o sprovođenju
programa zaštite prirodnih dobara za 2019. godinu,
2020). Ovaj rezervat karakteriše vrlo redak dinski
relјef, koji je svojstven samo ovom zaštićenom
području. Pesak koji je ovde u značajnoj meri sasto-
jak tla, uticao je na razvoj posebne flore i faune, od
kojih su pojedine vrste endemiti i ne mogu se pronaći
u drugim zaštićenim područjima Vojvodine (Izveštaj o
sprovođenju programa zaštite prirodnih dobara za
2019. godinu, 2020). Takvi su banatski božur (Pae-
onia officinalis L.), pančićev pelen (Artemisia pancicii
(Janka) Ronniger), šerpet (Rindera umbellata Bun-
ge), bademić (Prunus tenella Batsch), peščarsko
smilјe (Helichrysum arenarium) i kleka (Juniperus
communis) koja je i jedini samonikli četinar Panonske
nizije. Pored flore značajni su i brojni predstavnici
faune (Puzović et al., 2015; Program zaštite životne
sredine Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine za period
2016-2025. godine („Sl. list AP Vojvodine“, 10/2016);
Amidžić et al., 2017). SRP „Deliblatska peščara“
jedinstvenim zaštićenim područjem čine i 6 staza
zdravlјa, predviđenih za korisnike sportsko-rekrea-
tivnog turizma, edukativnog, eko i zdravstvenog
turizma. Ukupna dužina staza je oko 50 km (Trišić,
Pored navedenih faktora na području rezervata
nalazi se čuveno lovište „Deliblatska peščara“ ukup-
ne površine 31.036,55 ha (Plan upravlјanja za Spe-
cijalni rezervat prirode „Deliblatska peščara“ 2011-
2020, 2011). Na prostoru rezervata postoje kapaciteti
koji omogućavaju razvoj ekoturizma, izletničkog,
ruralnog, nautičkog, vinskog, sportskog, lovnog i
edukativnog turizma (Brankov, 2010; Puzović et al.,
2015). To omogućavaju smeštajni kapaciteti Školsko-
rekreativnog centra Čardak“ (130 ležaja) i lovačke
kuće, kampovi i kapaciteti seoskih domaćinstava u
Šumarku, Dubovcu, Deliblatu, Skorenovcu i Kovinu
(Plan upravlјanja za Specijalni rezervat prirode
„Deliblatska peščara“ 2011-2020, 2011; Pravilnik o
unutrašnjem redu i čuvarskoj službi Specijalnog
rezervata prirode „Deliblatska peščara“ („Službeni
glasnik RS", 10/2016)). Kao poslednja i najveća geo-
grafska oblast peščarsko-stepske, šumske i močvar-
ne vegetacije koja je nekada dominirala Panonskom
nizijom, SRP „Deliblatska peščara” je jedan od
najvažnijih centara biodiverziteta u Srbiji (Pavlović et
al., 2017; Trišić & Štetić, 2020). Svi navedeni faktori
doprinose razvoju ekoturizma kao značajnog oblika
turizma u ovom specijalnom rezervatu prirode (Kova-
čev et al., 2014; Štetić & Šimičević, 2018).
Specijalni rezervat prirode „Deliblatska peščara“
ima povoljan geografski položaj i dobru saobraćajnu
povezanost sa svim gradovima u zemlji i u regionu
(Trišić, 2019). Položaj ovog rezervata može se
sagledati na Slici 1.
Slika 1 - Mapa specijalnog rezervata prirode
„Deliblatska Peščara“
Figure 1 - Map of Special Nature Reserve
"Deliblatska Peščara“
Izvor / Source: Trišić (2019)
Pandemija COVID-19 u Republici Srbiji progla-
šena je u martu 2020. godine. Svoj negativan uticaj
ostvarila je na čitavo čovečanstvo. Pored toga što je
virus smrtonosan, ostavio je značajne posledice na
život ljudi, ekonomiju, privredu i način života. Pose-
ban uticaj odrazio se na turizam i zabranu putovanja.
U vreme socijalne distance i zabrane javnih okup-
ljanja, ljudi su se intenzivno okrenuli ka prirodi. Vreme
za odmor upravo su težili da provedu u prirodi. Kako
je turizam u vreme pandemije moguć u vrlo kontro-
lisanim i ograničenim prirodnim uslovima posebnih
prostornih celina, autori su za područje istraživanja
nevedenog uticaja izabrali Specijalni rezervat prirode
„Deliblatska peščara“.
Cilj istraživanja u ovom radu jeste da se ispita u
kojoj meri je pandemija COVID-19 uticala na odluke
turista o putovanju i razvoj ekoturizma u zaštićenom
prirodnom području. Autori su uz pomoć kvantitativne
metodologije analizirali odgovore 150 turista koji su
posetili ovo zaštićeno područje. Rezultati istraživanja
mogu doprineti konstituisanju stavova o razvoju
turizma baziranog na prirodi u uslovima pandemije i
mogu pomoći u planiranju turizma i njegovom razvoju
u zaštićenim prirodnim područjima, gde su prirodni
faktori primarni motiv u donošenju odluke o puto-
ECOLOGICA, Vol. 28, No 102 (2021)
U zaštićenom prirodnom području „Deliblatska
peščara“ mogu se razvijati različiti specifični oblici
turizma bazirani na prirodi. Kako je ovo osetljiva
turistička destinacija primarni oblik turizma je eko-
turizam (Štetić et al., 2019). Ovaj oblik turizma ima
za cilj promociju prirodnih karakteristika područja u
kojem se realizuje i kao najvažnije, ekoturizam
unapređuje kvalitet prirode, utiče na sisteme zaštite
prostora i doprinosi sveukupne benefite za zašti-
ćeno područje (Milićević et al., 2021), turiste i lokal-
no stanovništvo (McCool et al., 2001; Twining-Ward
& Butler, 2002; Buckley, 2003; Cottrell et al., 2013).
Ekoturizam može imati pozitivan uticaj na razvoj
održivog turizma, doprinoseći ekološkoj, ekonom-
skoj i socio-kulturnoj održivosti (Queiroz et al., 2014;
Sowinska-Świerkosz & Chmielewski, 2014; Scholtz
et al., 2015; Banos-Gonzales et al., 2016; Lee &
Hsieh, 2016; Agyeiwaah et al., 2017; Vučetić, 2018;
Asmelash & Kumar, 2019).
Stavovi turista o određenim pojavama mogu biti
od značaja za definisanje trenutnog stanja turizma.
Turisti mogu ukazati na uticaje različitih faktora na
njihove aktivnosti u turističkim destinacijama (Trišić
et al., 2020). Uz pomoć kvantitativne metodologije u
radu su analizirani podaci dobijeni anketiranjem
turista koji su posetili Specijani rezervat prirode
„Deliblatska peščara“. Ispitivan je uticaj pandemije
COVID-19 na razvoj turizma ove destinacije, odnos-
no razvoj ekoturizma u zaštićenom prirodnom pod-
ručju u uslovima pandemije. Anketni upitnik između
ostalog sadrži 4 pitanja u formi tvdnji koje se odnose
na uticaj COVID-19 na odluke o putovanjima. Ispi-
tivanje je vršeno uz poštovanje svih mera zaštite od
infekcije (nošenje zaštitnih maski i rukavica, održa-
vanje socijalne distance i poštovanje mera o dozvo-
ljenom broju ljudi). Ispitanici su svoje odgovore
rangirali na petostepenoj Likertovoj skali, pri čemu
skala 1 označava neslaganje u potpunosti, skala 3
neutralan stav i skala 5 označava slaganje u
potpunosti (Maple et al., 2010; Puhakka & Siika-
mäki, 2012; Scholtz et al., 2012; Dolnicar & Grün,
2013; Kruger et al., 2013; Rasoolimanesh & Jaafar,
2016). Pitanja u formi tvrdnji koja su postavljena
ispitanicima mogu se sagledati u Tabeli 1.
Tabela 1 - Model upitnika
Table 1 - Model of Questionnaire
Preferiram turizam baziran na prirodi
I prefer nature-based tourism
Pandemija COVID-19 je uticala da posetim
zaštićeno prirodno područje
19 pandemic affected my visit to a
protected natural area
Posetio bih ovo područje i da nema uticaja
pandemije COVID
I would visit this area even if there was no
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Posetiću ovo zaštićeno prirodno područje i
nakon pandemije COVID
I will visit this protected natural area even after
the COVID-19 pandemic
Dobijeni podaci nakon sprovedenog upitnika
analizirani su uz pomoć deskriptivne statistike i
prikazani uz pomoć grafikona i tabela.
Ispitinacima su pitanja iz upitnika postavljana na
terenu u toku posete zaštićenog područja i korišće-
njem elektronske forme upitnika uz pomoć društ-
venih mreža koje promovišu turizam Deliblatske
peščare. Ispitivanje je obavljeno u toku 2020. i 2021.
godine. Ukupno je anketirano 150 turista. Svi upitnici
su validni. Svi anketirani turisti imaju više od 18 go-
dina. Gradovi iz kojih su turisti jesu: Beograd, Kovin,
Vršac, Pančevo, Novi Sad i Smederevo. Struktura
ispitanika može se sagledati u Tabeli 2.
Tabela 2 - Struktura ispitanika / Table 2 - Structure of respondents
Pol / Gender
Muškarci / Male
Žene / Female
Ukupno / Total
Obrazovanje / Education
Osnovno obrazovanje / Primary education
Srednje obrazovanje / Secondary education
Više obrazovanje / Higher education
Visoko obrazovanje / High education
Ukupno / Total
Starosna struktura / Age structure
Srednja vr. / Mean
Izvor: proračun autora / Source: author's calculation
ECOLOGICA, Vol. 28, No 102 (2021)
Od ukupnog broja ispitanika 56,67% jesu žene.
Osnovno obrazovanje nema nijedan ispitanik, dok
najviše ispitanika ima srednje obrazovanje (70%).
Više obrazovanje ima 20,66%, dok 9,34% ispitanika
ima visoko obrazovanje. Ovakva obrazovna i staro-
sna struktura omogućava pouzdanost odgovora
ispitanika na postavljena pitanju u upitniku.
Na tvrdnju (n1) - Preferiram turizam baziran na
prirodi, ispitanici su svoje odgovore iskazali na
sledeći način (Tabela 3, Grafikon 1):
Tabela 3 / Table 3
N %
Izvor: Proračun autora / Source: author's calculation
Grafikon 1 / Graph 1
Legenda: 5 - Potpuno se slažem; 4 - Delimično se
slažem; 3 - Niti se slažem, niti se ne slažem; 2 -
Delimično se ne slažem; 1 - Potpuno se ne slažem.
Note: 5 - I absolutely agree; 4 - I partially agree; 3 -
neither agree nor disagree; 2 - I partially disagree;
1 - I absolutely disagre
Analizom podataka u Tabeli 3 i Grafikonu 1,
možemo zaključiti da se značajan broj ispitanika
izjasnio u potpunosti (67,34%) i delimično (16%) da
preferira turizam baziran na prirodi. Ovo potvrđuje
činjenicu da su na odluku turista da posete zašti-
ćeno područje uticali upravo prirodni atributi koji
omogućavaju razvoj turizma baziranog na prirodi
(Weaver, 2010; Dudley et al., 2014; Navarro et al.,
2020). Ukupno 7,33% ispitanika ima neutralan stav
po ovom pitanju, dok 9,33% ispitanika ne preferira
Na tvrdnju (n2) Pandemija COVID-19 je uticala
da posetim zaštićeno prirodno područje, ispitanici su
se izjasnili na sledeći način (Tabela 4,Grafikon 2):
Tabela 4 / Table 4
N %
Izvor: Proračun autora / Source: author's calculation
Grafikon 2 / Graph 2
Legenda: 5 - Potpuno se slažem; 4 - Delimično se
slažem; 3 - Niti se slažem, niti se ne slažem; 2 -
Delimično se ne slažem; 1 - Potpuno se ne slažem.
Note: 5 - I absolutely agree; 4 - I partially agree; 3 -
neither agree nor disagree; 2 - I partially disagree;
1 - I absolutely disagre
Analizom podataka u Tabeli 4 i Grafikonu 2,
možemo zaključiti da se značajan broj ispitanika
izjasnio u potpunosti (87,34%) i delimično (12,66%),
da je pandemija COVID-19 uticala na njihovu odluku
da posete Specijalni rezervat prirode „Deliblatska
peščara“. Neutralan i negativan stav prema ovoj
tvrdnji nije iskazao nijedan ispitanik. Analizm odgo-
vora na postavljeno drugo pitanje zaključuje se da je
pandemija COVID-19 bila od presudnog značaja za
donošenje odluke da se poseti Speciajni rezervat
prirode „Deliblatska pešačara“. To predstavlja i reali-
zaciju osnovnog cilja ovog istraživanja.
Na tvrdnju (n3) Posetio bih ovo područje i da
nema uticaja pandemije COVID-19, ispitanici su se
izjasnili na sledeći način (Tabela 5, Grafikon 3):
Tabela 5 / Table 5
N %
Izvor: Proračun autora / Source: author's calculation
ECOLOGICA, Vol. 28, No 102 (2021)
Grafikon 3 / Graph 3
Legenda: 5 - Potpuno se slažem; 4 - Delimično se
slažem; 3 - Niti se slažem, niti se ne slažem; 2 -
Delimično se ne slažem; 1 - Potpuno se ne slažem.
Note: 5 - I absolutely agree; 4 - I partially agree; 3 -
neither agree nor disagree; 2 - I partially disagree;
1 - I absolutely disagre
Analizom odgovora u Tabeli 5 i Grafikonu 3,
zapaža se da bi 106 ispitanika (70,66%) posetili ovo
zaštićeno prirodno područje i da nije pandemije
COVID-19. Ukupno 6,67% ispitanika ima neutralan
stav po ovom pitanju, dok 34 ispitanika (22,67%) ne
bi posetili ovo zaštićeno prirodno područje da nije
Rezultati dobijeni nakon analize odgovora na
pitanje u vezi s trećom tvrdnjom ukazuju na činjenicu
da je 34 ispitanika posetilo ovo područje zbog
nemogućnosti putovanja u druge destinacije, zbog
epidemiološke situacije.
Na tvrdnju (n4) Posetiću ovo zaštićeno prirod-
no područje i nakon pandemije COVID-19, ispitanici
su se izjasnili na sledeći način (Tabela 6, Grafikon
Tabela 6 / Table 6
N %
Izvor: Proračun autora / Source: author's calculation
Grafikon 4 / Graph 4
Legenda: 5 - Potpuno se slažem; 4 - Delimično se
slažem; 3 - Niti se slažem, niti se ne slažem; 2 -
Delimično se ne slažem; 1 - Potpuno se ne slažem.
Note: 5 - I absolutely agree; 4 - I partially agree; 3 -
neither agree nor disagree; 2 - I partially disagree;
1 - I absolutely disagre
Analizom odgovora u Tabeli 6 i Grafikonu 4,
zaključuje se da će 135 ispitanika (90%) sigurno
posetiti ovo područje i nakon pandemije, dok će 10%
ispitanika verovatno posetiti ovo zaštićeno prirodno
područje. Neutralan i negativan odgovor nije dao
nijedan ispitanik.
Dobijeni podaci ukazuju da su turisti posetom
zaštićenog prirodnog područja, u uslovima loše
epidemiološke situacije i zabrane realizacije mnogih
drugih turističkih kretanja, stekli određenu naviku da
posećuju ovakve turističke destinacije nakon nor-
malizacije zdravstvene situacije i uslova putovanja..
Ekoturizam je oblik turizma utemeljen na pri-
rodnim faktorima koji ima za cilj razvoj ekološke svesti
kod turista, zaštitu prirode i unapređenje njenih ele-
menata. Koristi od ovog oblika turizma bi trebalo da
imaju priroda, turisti, upravljači destinacijom, lokalno
stanovništvo i ekonomija. Ovaj specifičan oblik turiz-
ma vezuje se za osetljive turističke destinacije. Zbog
posedovanja izuzetnih prirodnih vrednosti Speciajlni
rezervat prirode „Deliblatska peščara“ predstavlja
destinaciju ekoturizma ili drugih specifičnih oblika
turizma baziranih na prirodi. Kako poseduje povoljan
geografski položaj i dobru saobraćajnu povezanost
sa svim većim gardskim centrima u zemlji i u regionu,
ovaj rezervat prirode može biti eko-destinacija doma-
ćih i međunarodnih turista.
U uslovima pandemije COVID-19, kada su puto-
vanja u strane zemlje onemogućena, stanovništvo
ima značajnu potrebu za putovanjem u prirodne
turističke destinacije. Takve su zaštićena prirodna
područja, parkovi prirode, izletišta, ruralni predeli i
manje naseljene prostorne celine. Putovanja u za-
štićena prirodna područja u uslovima pandemije su
intezivirana. Razlog je potreba stanovništava za
odlaskom iz gradskih sredina. U zaštićenim prirodnim
područjima uz poštovanje svih zdravstvenih mera
zaštite, turisti realizuju svoju potrebu za izletničkim,
rekreativnim, sportskim, edukativnim, ribolovnim i
drugim oblicima turizma, među kojima značajno me-
sto zauzima i ekoturizam kao noviji vid turizma bazi-
ran na prirodi. Pored navedenih oblika turizma, turisti
u sklopu posete zaštićenim područjima prisustvuju i
različitim manifestacijama, pa se komplementarnost
ovih oblika turizma ogleda u pozitivnim socio-
kulturnim uticajima.
ECOLOGICA, Vol. 28, No 102 (2021)
Nakon sprovedenog istraživanja uticaja pande-
mije COVID-19 na razvoj ekoturizma, može se
zaključiti da su turisti kao razlog posete Specijalnog
rezervata prirode „Deliblatska peščara“ u velikom
procentu naveli lošu epidemiološku situaciju. Veliki
broj ispitanika je iznelo da je u potpunosti (87,34%) ili
delimično (12,66%), pandemija COVID-19 uticala na
njihovu odluku da posete Specijalni rezervat prirode
„Deliblatska peščara“. Ukupno 22,67% turista ne bi
posetilo ovo zaštićeno područje da nije došlo do uslo-
va pandemije. Ovaj podatak ukazuje na činjenicu da
loša epidemiološka situacija ima uticaj na razvoj eko-
turizma ili drugih oblika turizma utemeljenih na prirodi.
Ovo predstavlja i osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja. Zna-
čajan podatak nakon sprovedenog istraživanja jeste
da će svi ispitani turisti posećivati ovo područje i
nakon normalizacije epidemiološke situacije.
Ograničenja u istraživanju bila su poštovanje
mera zaštite protiv zaraznih bolesti koje je propisala
Vlada Republike Srbije, zbog kojih brojni turisti nisu
želeli da budu anketirani, da se ne bi izlagali mogućoj
infekciji u toku kontakta u procesu anketiranja. Pret-
postavke su da bi kod većeg uzorka ovi rezultati bili
još izraženiji.
Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja mogu poslužiti u
izradi strategija razvoja turizma u sklopu planiranja
određenih specifičnih oblika turizma u destinacijama
sa osetljivim ekosistemom, kakva su upravo zaštiće-
na prirodna područja. Kako će uticaj pandemije ostati
duži vremenski period i kako su se turističke navike
modifikovale i prilagodile ovim nepovoljnim uslovima,
ekoturizam može predstavljati značajan oblik turis-
tičkih kretanja kako u našoj tako i u zemljama širom
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... The sandstone was protected in 1965, first as a general nature reserve, and later, with the abolition of this term, it was declared a special nature reserve. The SNR is classified in the fourth category of the IUCN classification, which represents a natural asset of exceptional importance in the first category [36,37], in an area of 34,829 ha. A three-level protection regime is established in this area: the first level of protection-2354 ha; the second level-8219 ha; and the third level-24,257 ha [35]. ...
... In terms of international regimes and protection status, it should be listed: Potentially, area NATURA 2000 [35,37]. ...
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The Deliblato Sands Special Nature Reserve (SNR) is located in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Northern Serbia). The favorable position implies the proximity to large cities with which it has good traffic connections. Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, and other countries from the region represent a dispersive zone. The topic of this paper is the function that the SNR has in sustainable tourism development. The objective of this work is the analytical research of the available written data, as well as those obtained after the conducted survey. The basis of the research is to find out how and to what extent the SNR contributes to sustainable tourism development. The research was carried out by measuring the value of sustainable tourism indicators, and examining the attitudes of residents, visitors, and students about the current state of sustainable tourism and the importance of the SNR for future tourism development. Respondents were selected using a random sample method. The authors used qualitative and quantitative methodologies in the paper. This research examined the SNR sustainable development by measuring sustainability indicators and surveying 1884 respondents (714 residents, 620 visitors, and 550 students) about sustainable tourism in the SNR. The obtained data were analyzed and presented with the help of SPSS v. 21 software. The research results can be used to create national and international strategies for sustainable tourism development.
... The ecological dimension of tourism progress implies the elimination of negative impacts of tourism on space and the improvement of existing natural factors in mountain destinations [20][21][22]. Economic sustainability refers to economic benefits for residents, local economies, and entire regions [23]. Significant economic benefits include the employment of the population, income from tourist consumption and sale of tickets, local products, and services [24,25]. ...
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Sustainable development can be an element of tourism success if its principles are included in the process of strategic tourism development planning, and if such a concept is one of the strategic development goals. The paper analyzes the impact of the perception of the local population and visitors and their satisfaction with the development of tourism in the protected mountain area of Fruška Gora National Park, which has an abundance of natural, cultural, and social tourism resources that are directly included in the tourism offer. Maintaining natural and social values within this sensitive tourist destination, eliminating negative effects of tourism, strengthening the role of residents and visitors in tourism planning and development, and initiating special and other forms of tourism should be the basis of tourism development in this preserved area. The purpose of the research was to obtain important results on the residents’ attitudes and visitors’ satisfaction with the state of sustainable tourism within this national park, using quantitative methodology and an SPSS analysis of the conducted questionnaire. The respondents’ attitudes referred to environmental, economic, sociocultural, and institutional sustainability as being significant foundations of sustainable tourism development. The results revealed not only that tourism in Fruška Gora National Park was partially sustainable, but also that there was a need to improve all dimensions of sustainability. Such results could be used to transform tourism development strategies by emphasizing the growth of sustainable forms of tourism activities. The construction of tourist facilities and infrastructures must be based on environmental protection and residents must be directly involved in tourism development planning.
... The research of the habits of PAs visitors (the time of visit, the number of visitors, the activities they are involved in, etc.) are a necessary part of planning the sustainable development of tourism (Hadwen et al., 2007). Three PAs that are the subject of this research, with the exception of SNR "Deliblatska peščaraˮ (Kovačev et al., 2014;Štetić et al., 2021;Trišić, 2019;Trišić, 2020;Trišić et al., 2020;Vesić, 2017), are still insufficiently explored, particularly as destinations for hikers and recreationalists. This paper is the result of a twomonth research conducted among the inhabitants of the City of Pančevo dealing with one-day excursions in the nearby protected areas. ...
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This research seeks to determine whether the residents of the City of Pančevo use the surrounding protected areas (PAs) for excursions and to what extent. A survey was conducted on a sample of 715 respondents above the age of 15. One main and six assisting hypotheses were set, testing the significance of differences between specific groups of respondents. Following the analysis of the results obtained by the descriptive statistics method and a Chi-Square Test, statistic conclusions were derived. The results show that 88.7% of the respondents like excursions into nature, but due to the lack of free time, money, and similar factors, only 55.1% of them practice such trips. Findings about preferred activities (dominated by walking 33.8%), the frequency (58.6% of respondents having visited the Special Nature Reserve "Deliblatska peščara" several times; 51.9% of respondents never having visited the Nature Park "Ponjavica"; 65.9% of respondents never having visited the Nature Monument "Ivanovačka ada") and the style of visits to these PAs (mostly on their own), can help define guidelines for their further development.
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In December 2021 and January 2022, the inhabitants of the City of Pančevo were surveyed using the random sampling method to find out to what extent they are aware of the existence of protected areas in their vicinity and how often they use them for outdoor trips and recreation. With the same aim, the inhabitants of the City of Vršac were also surveyed in mid-2022. This paper presents the results concerning the youth of these two cities. The survey covered 2.6% of the population between 15 and 24 years old in the City of Pančevo and 2.2% of the population between 15 and 24 years old in the City of Vršac. Less than half of the respondents have the habit of going to nature in their free time, and the main obstacles to this are the lack of free time and money, as well as the lack of direct public transport connections. In addition to the main research hypothesis, some other hypotheses were tested related to the similarities or differences between different groups of respondents in terms of the type of outdoor activities they engage in. The results obtained are important for planning future activities to preserve, improve and promote these valuable sites.
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In the Deliblatska Peščara Special Nature Reserve (SNR) there are a large number of natural and social factors that affect the development of tourism. Such are: rare and endangered endemic flora and fauna that are important in the procedures of species protection, ecosystem, wetlands, socio-cultural heritage, the possibility of developing specific forms of tourism and other factors. The SNR has a relief that is present only in this protected area – dunes. This type of sand has influenced the specific flora and fauna that cannot be found in other areas. There are 18 settlements in the reserve that have significant cultural, monumental and archaeological heritage. The research aims to determine the satisfaction of residents with the function of the SNR in sustainable tourism development using a quantitative methodology and SPSS software. The responses from 510 residents indicate their satisfaction with the development of sustainable tourism in the SNR through ecological, economic and institutional sustainability of this tourism destination.
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Ecotourism is a form of tourism, increasingly developed within protected natural areas due to its ability to minimize negative impacts on the environment and contribute to the preservation and improvement of natural values. In addition to natural potentials, scientific literature emphasizes the importance of the involvement of the local community in ecotourism development, through which multiple socioeconomic benefits for the local population are obtained. Deliblato Sands is an area protected as a Special Nature Reserve, thanks to its specific morphological features, rich biodiversity, rare species and exceptional landscape values. This research examines the attitudes of the inhabitants of the municipalities of Vrsac, Bela Crkva, Kovin, Alibunar and Pancevo, on whose territories the borders of SNR "Deliblato Sands" are located, about the development of ecotourism in Deliblato Sands, its impact on the environment and community and readiness of local population for direct involvement in ecotourism development. The attitudes of 339 respondents were collected through an online survey, and the results of the research were presented by descriptive analysis. It was determined that the inhabitants of municipalities in South Banat have a positive attitude towards the development of ecotourism in the area of SNR "Deliblato Sands", and a proactive approach to direct involvement in further ecotourism development of this area.
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This paper presents experimental research into the attitudes of tourists towards the significance of protected areas with regard to tourism in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, in the northern part of the Republic of Serbia. It is an area with significant rare plant and animal resources, as well as wеtlands, ecosystems, and hilly and mountainous areas. Several research methods have been used in the paper. The first method is to collect data using a written questionnaire that was completed by 215 visitors to different protected areas in AP Vojvodina. Their answers revealed their attitudes toward sustainable tourism in selected protected areas. After examining the differences in the answers using the Kruskal-Wallis test, the results of the survey conducted by the authors were examined by means of two comparative analyses of identical, related, and similar answers in selected case studies. Based on the results of the Kruskal-Wallis Test, it can be concluded that there is a statistically significant difference in the assessments of the importance of activities and the forms of tourism chosen when visiting protected areas. The most important forms of tourism are ecotourism and adventure tourism. Tourists also identified hiking, cycling, and wildlife watching as the most important activities.
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The Special Nature Reserve "Zasavica" is a significant wetland and Ramsar site of the southwestern part of Vojvodina Province (Northern Serbia). This complex of aquatic habitats has been formed by the effects of the Sava and the Drina rivers. This former riverbed of the Sava River and the today's Zasavica stream makes the basic hydrographic resource of this protected area. The reserve is inhabited by numerous rare and endangered plant and animal species, which unitedly make rare biodiversity, unique in the country and the region. Whether the area of the Special Nature Reserve "Zasavica" represents a significant potential for the development of tourism will be concluded in this paper by using two scientific methods. The obtained results from a conducted questionnaire, as the first method, will be used to analyze the interplay of factors and their interrelations as potentials for sustainable tourism development, outlined in the Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy of Serbia.The obtained results can examine the main hypothesis that the SNR is a significant tourist potential for ecotourism both at the level of the Republic of Serbia and at the level of the countries in the region, such as Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as other European countries. By enhancing sustainable tourism and protecting the space of this reserve, and by implementing the national tourist offer, higher socio-cultural, economic and ecological benefits can be achieved.
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The aim of this study was to identify the determinants of demand of visitors for the Kruger National Park (KNP) during a recession. From 355 questionnaires, the results revealed the following determinants that influenced visitors’ demand for the Park: behavioural determinants as well as socio-demographic determinants. The results indicated that visitors to the KNP found that visiting the Park is a great way of getting away from their busy lifestyles (Gauteng Province), while visitors from Mpumalanga indicated that many of them considered visiting other tourism attractions. It was also found that visitors adapted their spending behaviour at the Park in order to afford a visit. This was the first time that the influence of determinants of tourism demand during a recession was determined. This information is important for SANParks, because it provides management with valuable insights into what strategic planning should be conducted in the event of a future recession. It was also found that the demand for visiting the KNP was not greatly influenced by the recession, because visitors could adapt their spending behaviour at the KNP. Furthermore, the study shows that visiting natural areas may have become a primary need or part of a lifestyle, especially during the 2008/2009 recessionary period.
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The area of the Special Nature Reserve "Deliblatska Pešĉara" has a huge capital of pristine nature. On the one hand, this is an important area for plant and animal species, while, on the other hand, it is attractive for tourists as important users of place. This area has sensitive ecosystems and is important for conservation of geodiversity. Precisely for this reason, it represents a significant tourist potential. The economic revenues of tourism can be used for proper monitoring and nature protection by directing the money to improve protection area system. It is one of the basic postulates of sustainable tourism development.
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Sustainable heritage tourism cannot be materialized without guaranteeing tourist satisfaction. To this end, this study aimed at examining the structural relationship between tourist satisfaction and dimensions of sustainable heritage tourism in Tigrai, the inception of ancient Ethiopian civilization. For this study, 392 domestic and international tourists were chosen using a convenience sampling method. After the data were cautiously screened for its suitability for Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), this paper tested four hypotheses. Unlike some criticisms that consider tourists as those who do not care about sustainability, the findings of this study underpinned that the respondents were aware of tourism sustainability. In particular, the socio-cultural sustainability was the strongest predictor of tourist satisfaction followed by institutional and economic sustainability. It is essential to guarantee significant cultural exchanges between tourists and the local community while their interaction is needed to be fully positive and peaceful. Tourists look for a direct connection with the local history and living culture. The findings of this study additionally call for better management of tourism activities for institutional sustainability is affecting tourist satisfaction. Tourists’ perceptions of the economic dimensions appeared to affect their satisfaction with the industry. Environmental sustainability was found an insignificant predictor. This might be partly because the majority of the respondents were cultural tourists. Finally, a relevant conclusion, theoretical and managerial implications, and future research direction are included in this study.
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The article seeks to explain the importance of environmental indicators of sustainable development in the transitional selective tourism destination, that is, in different types of selective tourism. The survey results reveal that there are statistically significant differences of environmental indicator importance among different types of selective tourism. This new research approach in the field of sustainable tourism development and its results can be a beneficial input for tourism policymakers in the process of identification and creation of an optimal set of measures and activities of protection and preservation of the quality of the environment in selective tourism destination.
Sustainable tourism, as an integral part of sustainable development, emerged as a logical outcome of preventing the uncontrolled and excessive use of tourism resources and attractions. This study analyzes whether mountain tourism development in Serbia can be sustainable and feasible in the long term. Given the heterogeneity of mountains in Serbia in terms of tourism development, the subject of this research is the achieved level of sustainable tourism development in mountains in the most developed and most visited region in Serbia — Šumadija and Western Serbia: Zlatibor, Kopaonik, Tara, Zlatar, Mokra Gora and Goč. The sustainable tourism development level was analyzed by using five groups of the EU’s comparative indicators: economic, social, cultural, environmental and tourist satisfaction indicators. The results showed that the development of tourism in the examined mountains is not fully aligned with sustainable development. The tourist satisfaction indicator has the most acceptable values, which is a good basis for further harmonization of tourism development on the principles of sustainability. Economic indicators, especially the ratio of overnight stays and accommodation capacities, show the most unacceptable values, which indicate the need for implementing changes in the process of tourism development in the coming period. The analysis of sustainable tourism in mountain areas in Šumadija and the Western Serbia undoubtfully points out that it is necessary to significantly change the current tourism product portfolio, which implies harmonizing mountain tourism development with global trends. Certainly, a comparative analysis that looks at the degree of sustainability of mountain tourism in some countries of the Alpine region, such as Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia, contributes to this. The more intensive development of tourism throughout the year would significantly improve indicators of sustainable tourism in all analyzed mountain areas of Šumadija and Western Serbia. This would improve the value of economic indicators, which are marked as the most unsustainable. The development of tourism in the summer season, especially recreational and adventure tourism, would improve the social and cultural component of sustainable tourism. Environmental dimension of sustainable tourism would be enhanced by the development of ecotourism. By connecting spatially close mountains (Zlatibor, Zlatar, Tara and Mokra Gora) into a unique and integrated tourism destination, synergistic effects would be achieved resulting in international recognition and making the region of Šumadija and Western Serbia competitive on the European market.
The rich cultural and natural heritage of European countries have brought European tourism to the forefront. This status creates a need to take care of said tourism, with a particular focus on analysing its sustainability. Although several authors have pointed out the difficulties of transferring the principles of sustainable development to a specific sector, there is a consensus regarding the need to carry out an analysis at a local level, using indicators as a key tool. In this regard, it becomes very apparent that there is a need for an international set of indicators that enable an assessment of the transition towards sustainability at a local level. As yet, however, there is no widely-used approach. This paper proposes an index to measure sustainable tourism at the European NUTS 2 level, since lack of available data makes it impossible to produce indicators for cities.
Progress towards a more sustainable tourism sector at an enterprise level has been slow, even though a number of studies have developed a variety of indicators. Indeed, so many indicators have been developed that industry seems to be overwhelmed by choice, leading to inaction, poor decision-making or adoption of the easiest option. Perhaps, simplicity is the way forward. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate a number of studies that have proposed a variety of indicator themes to identify commonalities among them that may serve as a starting point for enterprises to move towards a more sustainable path. Seven key indicator themes emerged, including job creation, business viability, quality of life, water quality, waste management, energy conservation and maintenance of community integrity. The term ‘indicator theme’ is used for it identifies what needs to be assessed to monitor progress towards sustainable tourism, while simultaneously recognizing that specific measurement metrics may vary depending as they are site, context and enterprise specific.