
Electrophysiological characterization of neuronal diversity in the substantia nigra pars reticulata in control and parkinsonian mice

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The substantia nigra pars reticulate (SNr) is the main output structure of the basal ganglia (BG), a subcortical network controlling the elaboration of motor programs as well as cognitive and associative learning functions. The identification of distinct cell-types within the BG has played a key role for understanding the properties and functions of this circuit. Recent studies suggest that the SNr is composed of several cell types but until now this neuronal diversity has never been taken into consideration regarding normal and pathological functioning of this nucleus, particularly in Parkinson’s disease (PD). By combining immunohistochemical and electrophysiological approaches in the PVCre::Ai9T mouse line, we have demonstrated that SNr neurons expressing the protein parvalbumin (PV+) exhibit different anatomical and electrophysiological properties than non PV-expressing (PV-) neurons. Our anatomical analysis reveal that PV+ and PV- neurons are present in equal proportion in the SNr, but with a distinct distribution, PV+ being enriched in the lateral part of the SNr, while PV- are found in the medial portion of the nucleus. In vitro electrophysiological recordings from identified PV+ and PV- neurons in the SNr also revealed that PV+ neurons fired at relatively higher rates than PV- cells. Additionally, our data revealed that DA loss and subsequent L-DOPA treatment induce a profound reduction of the excitability of PV+ SNr neurons in a 6-OHDA mouse model of PD while activity of PV- remains unchanged by these treatments.It is well known that the activity of SNr neurons is controlled by GABAergic inputs from striatal dSPN and the GP. We performed optogenetic manipulation of STR-SNr and GP-SNr inputs in order to determine whether PV+ and PV- SNr neurons received equivalent inputs from these two nuclei. We tested the impact of STR-SNr or GP-SNr activation on the activity of SNr neurons in cell-attached configuration and then switched to whole-cell voltage-clamp to characterize short-term plasticity of these synapses. Our results show that both PV+ and PV- SNr neurons are innervated by the STR and the GP. They also revealed that inhibition from dSPN was more powerful to silence activity of both subtypes of SNr neurons. Indeed, we observed that both STR-SNr and GP-SNr synapses displayed short-term depression in PV+ and PV- SNr neurons. DA loss affected GABA transmission in a different manner in PV+ and PV- SNr cells. On one hand, PV+ neurons were more sensible to striatal synaptic inhibition than PV- cells after DA depletion. On the other hand, PV-GP inputs were reduced on PV+ neurons and increased in PV- cells after DA loss suggesting a disequilibrium in pallidal inhibition between these two SNr populations.Furthermore, considering that rodent models of PD have shown elevated extracellular levels of GABA in the SNr which can exert a tonic extrasynaptic inhibition on SNr neurons, we decided to characterize GABAergic extrasynaptic transmission in the SNr of control and 6-OHDA lesioned mice. We studied GABAA mediated tonic inhibition by performing whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of PV+ and PV- SNr neurons in acute slices. We observed that PV- SNr neurons displayed larger GABAA receptor-mediated tonic currents than PV+ cells in the SNr of control mice. The presence and involvement of δ and/or α5 extrasynaptic subunits in GABAA receptors mediating this type of transmission was also studied, revealing a major presence and effect of α5-subunits on PV- neurons probably mediating the tonic currents observed in these neurons. However, contrary to expected, chronic DA-depletion did not trigger any increase in tonic inhibition neither in PV+ cells nor in PV- SNr neurons.All these findings highlight the importance of differentiating cell populations in the SNr to a better knowledge of the BG circuit in normal and pathological states such as in PD.

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Interneurons control brain arousal states The underlying circuit mechanisms coordinating brain arousal and motor activity are poorly understood. Liu et al. found that glutamic acid decarboxylase 2 (GAD2)–expressing, but not parvalbumin-expressing, interneurons in a part of the brain known as the substantia nigra promote sleep (see the Perspective by Wisden and Franks). Parvalbuminergic neurons fire at higher rates in states of high motor activity, and their activation increases movement termination consistent with the function of the substantia nigra in suppressing unwanted movements during action selection. By contrast, GAD2 neurons are preferentially active in states of low motor activity. In addition to motor suppression, their activation powerfully enhances the transition from quiet wakefulness to sleep, which differ mainly in the arousal level rather than motor behavior. GAD2 interneurons thus provide general suppression of both motor activity and brain arousal to promote states of quiescence. Science , this issue p. 440 ; see also p. 366
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The striatum is richly innervated by mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons that modulate a diverse array of cellular and synaptic functions that control goal-directed actions and habits. The loss of this innervation has long been thought to be the principal cause of the cardinal motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). Moreover, chronic, pharmacological overstimulation of striatal dopamine (DA) receptors is generally viewed as the trigger for levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID) in late-stage PD patients. Here, we discuss recent advances in our understanding of the relationship between the striatum and DA, particularly as it relates to PD and LID. First, it has become clear that chronic perturbations of DA levels in PD and LID bring about cell type-specific, homeostatic changes in spiny projection neurons (SPNs) that tend to normalize striatal activity. Second, perturbations in DA signaling also bring about non-homeostatic aberrations in synaptic plasticity that contribute to disease symptoms. Third, it has become evident that striatal interneurons are major determinants of network activity and behavior in PD and LID. Finally, recent work examining the activity of SPNs in freely moving animals has revealed that the pathophysiology induced by altered DA signaling is not limited to imbalance in the average spiking in direct and indirect pathways, but involves more nuanced disruptions of neuronal ensemble activity.
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The substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) is one of the output nuclei of the basal ganglia (BG) and plays a vital role in movement execution. Death of dopaminergic neurons in the neighboring nucleus, the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), leads to Parkinson's disease. The ensuing dopamine depletion affects all BG nuclei. However, the long-term effects of dopamine depletion on BG output are less characterized. In this in vitro study, we applied electrophysiological and immunohistochemical techniques to investigate the long-term effects of dopamine depletion on GABAergic transmission to the SNr. The findings showed a reduction in firing rate and regularity in SNr neurons after unilateral dopamine depletion with 6-OHDA, which we associate with homeostatic mechanisms. The strength of the GABAergic synapses between the globus pallidus (GP) and the SNr increased but not their short-term dynamics. Consistent with this observation, there was an increase in the frequency and amplitude of spontaneous inhibitory synaptic events to SNr neurons. Immunohistochemistry revealed an increase in the density of vGAT-labeled puncta in dopamine depleted animals. Overall, these results may suggest that synaptic proliferation can explain how dopamine depletion augments GABAergic transmission in the SNr.
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The basal ganglia (BG) are a collection of interconnected subcortical nuclei that participate in a great variety of functions, ranging from motor programming and execution to procedural learning, cognition, and emotions. This network is also the region primarily affected by the degeneration of midbrain dopaminergic neurons localized in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). This degeneration causes cellular and synaptic dysfunctions in the BG network, which are responsible for the appearance of the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Dopamine (DA) modulation and the consequences of its loss on the striatal microcircuit have been extensively studied, and because of the discrete nature of DA innervation of other BG nuclei, its action outside the striatum has been considered negligible. However, there is a growing body of evidence supporting functional extrastriatal DA modulation of both cellular excitability and synaptic transmission. In this review, the functional relevance of DA modulation outside the striatum in both normal and pathological conditions will be discussed.
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Background and Purpose L‐DOPA‐induced dyskinesia (LID) remains a major complication of L‐DOPA therapy in Parkinson's disease. LID is believed to result from inhibition of substantia nigra reticulata (SNr) neurons by GABAergic striatal projection neurons that become supersensitive to dopamine receptor stimulation after severe nigrostriatal degeneration. Here, we asked if stimulation of direct medium spiny neuron (dMSN) GABAergic terminals at the SNr can produce a full dyskinetic state similar to that induced by L‐DOPA. Experimental Approach Adult C57BL6 mice were lesioned with 6‐hydroxydopamine in the medial forebrain bundle. Channel rhodopsin was expressed in striatonigral terminals by ipsilateral striatal injection of adeno‐associated viral particles under the CaMKII promoter. Optic fibres were implanted on the ipsilateral SNr. Optical stimulation was performed before and 24 hr after three daily doses of L‐DOPA at subthreshold and suprathreshold dyskinetic doses. We also examined the combined effect of light stimulation and an acute L‐DOPA challenge. Key Results Optostimulation of striatonigral terminals inhibited SNr neurons and induced all dyskinesia subtypes (optostimulation‐induced dyskinesia [OID]) in 6‐hydroxydopamine animals, but not in sham‐lesioned animals. Additionally, chronic L‐DOPA administration sensitised dyskinetic responses to striatonigral terminal optostimulation, as OIDs were more severe 24 hr after L‐DOPA administration. Furthermore, L‐DOPA combined with light stimulation did not result in higher dyskinesia scores than OID alone, suggesting that optostimulation has a masking effect on LID. Conclusion and Implications This work suggests that striatonigral inhibition of basal ganglia output (SNr) is a decisive mechanism mediating LID and identifies the SNr as a target for managing LID.
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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder whose cardinal motor symptoms are attributed to dysfunction of basal ganglia circuits under conditions of low dopamine. Despite well-established physiological criteria to define basal ganglia dysfunction, correlations between individual parameters and motor symptoms are often weak, challenging their predictive validity and causal contributions to behavior. One limitation is that basal ganglia pathophysiology is studied only at end-stages of depletion, leaving an impoverished understanding of when deficits emerge and how they evolve over the course of depletion. In this study, we use toxin- and neurodegeneration-induced mouse models of dopamine depletion to establish the physiological trajectory by which the substantia nigra reticulata (SNr) transitions from the healthy to the diseased state. We find that physiological progression in the SNr proceeds in discrete state transitions that are highly stereotyped across models and correlate well with the prodromal and symptomatic stages of behavior.
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The theory of phase oscillators is an essential tool for understanding population dynamics of pacemaking neurons. GABAergic pacemakers in the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr), a main basal ganglia (BG) output nucleus, receive inputs from the direct and indirect pathways at distal and proximal regions of their dendritic arbors, respectively. We combine theory, optogenetic stimulation and electrophysiological experiments in acute brain slices to ask how dendritic properties impact the propensity of the various inputs, arriving at different locations along the dendrite, to recruit or entrain SNr pacemakers. By combining cable theory with sinusoidally-modulated optogenetic activation of either proximal somatodendritic regions or the entire somatodendritic arbor of SNr neurons, we construct an analytical model that accurately fits the empirically measured somatic current response to inputs arising from illuminating the soma and various portions of the dendritic field. We show that the extent of the dendritic tree that is illuminated generates measurable and systematic differences in the pacemaker’s phase response curve (PRC), causing a shift in its peak. Finally, we show that the divergent PRCs correctly predict differences in two major features of the collective dynamics of SNr neurons: the fidelity of population responses to sudden step-like changes in inputs; and the phase latency at which SNr neurons are entrained by rhythmic stimulation, which can occur in the BG under both physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Our novel method generates measurable and physiologically meaningful spatial effects, and provides the first empirical demonstration of how the collective responses of SNr pacemakers are determined by the transmission properties of their dendrites. SNr dendrites may serve to delay distal striatal inputs so that they impinge on the spike initiation zone simultaneously with pallidal and subthalamic inputs in order to guarantee a fair competition between the influence of the monosynaptic direct- and polysynaptic indirect pathways.
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Genetically engineered mouse models are commonly preferred for studying the human disease due to genetic and pathophysiological similarities between mice and humans. In particular, Cre-loxP system is widely used as an integral experimental tool for generating the conditional. This system has enabled researchers to investigate genes of interest in a tissue/cell (spatial control) and/or time (temporal control) specific manner. A various tissue-specific Cre-driver mouse lines have been generated to date, and new Cre lines are still being developed. This review provides a brief overview of Cre-loxP system and a few commonly used promoters for expression of tissue-specific Cre recombinase. Also, we finally introduce some available links to the Web sites that provides detailed information about Cre mouse lines including their characterization.
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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain and shows motor dysfunctions. Zonisamide (ZNS, 1,2-benzisoxazole-3-methanesulfonamide), which was originally developed as an antiepileptic drug, was also found to have beneficial effects on motor symptoms in PD. In the current study, we have investigated the behavioral and physiological effects of ZNS on L-DOPA–induced dyskinesia (LID) in PD model mice. Chronic administration of L-DOPA plus ZNS in PD model mice was shown to increase the duration and severity of LID compared with PD model mice that were treated with L-DOPA alone. To elucidate the neural mechanism of the effects of ZNS on LID, we examined neuronal activity in the output nuclei of the basal ganglia, i.e., the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr). Chronic administration of L-DOPA plus ZNS in PD mice decreased the firing rate in the SNr while they showed apparent LID. In addition, chronic treatment of L-DOPA plus ZNS in PD mice changed cortically evoked responses in the SNr during LID. In the control state, motor cortical stimulation induces the triphasic response composed of early excitation, inhibition, and late excitation. In contrast, L-DOPA plus ZNS–treated PD mice showed longer inhibition and reduced late excitation. Previous studies proposed that inhibition in the SNr is derived from the direct pathway and releases movements, and that late excitation is derived from the indirect pathway and stops movements. These changes of the direct and indirect pathways possibly underlie the effects of ZNS on LID.
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Dopamine (DA) depletion modifies the firing pattern of neurons in the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) shifting their mostly tonic firing towards irregularity and bursting, traits of pathological firing underlying rigidity and postural instability in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and animal models of Parkinsonism (PS). Drug induced Parkinsonism (DIP) represents about 20-40% of clinical cases of PS becoming a problem for differential diagnosis, still not well studied with physiological tools. It may co-occur with tardive dyskinesia. Here we use in vitro slice preparations including the SNr to observe drug induced pathological firing by using drugs that most likely produce it: DA receptors antagonists (SCH23390 plus sulpiride), to compare with firing patterns found in DA-depleted tissue. The hypothesis being that SNr firing would be similar under both conditions, a prerequisite to propose a similar preparation to test other DIP producing drugs. Firing was analyzed with three complementary metrics, showing similarities between DA-depletion and acute DA-receptors blockade. Moreover, blockade of either nonselective cationic channels (NSCC) or Cav3-type calcium channels hyperpolarized the membrane, abolished bursting and irregular firing, silencing SNr neurons in both conditions. Therefore, currents generating firing in control conditions are in part responsible for pathological firing. Haloperidol, a DIP producing drug, reproduced DA-receptors antagonists firing modifications. Since acute DA-receptor blockade induces SNr neurons firing similar to that found in the 6-OHDA model of PS, output basal ganglia neurons may play a role in generating DIP. Therefore, this study opens the way to test other DIP producing drugs.
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Key points: Classifying different subtypes of neurons in deep brain structures is a challenge and is crucial to better understanding brain function. Understanding the diversity of neurons in the Globus Pallidus, a brain region positioned to influence afferent and efferent information processing within basal ganglia, could help to explain a variety of brain functions. We present a classification of neurons from the GP using electrophysiological data from wild type mice and confirmation using transgenic mice. This work will help researchers to identify specific neuronal subsets in the GP of wild-type mice when transgenic mice with labeled neurons are lacking. Abstract: Classification of the extensive neuronal diversity in the brain is fundamental for neuroscience. The Globus Pallidus external segment (GPe), also referred to as the Globus Pallidus in rodents, is a large nucleus located in the core of the basal ganglia and its circuitry is implicated in action control, decision-making and reward. Although considerable progress has been made to characterize different GPe neuronal subtypes, no work has directly attempted to characterize these neurons in non-transgenic mice. Here, we provide data showing the degree of overlap in expression of neuronal PAS domain protein (Npas1), LIM homeobox 6 (Lhx6), parvalbumin (PV) and transcription factor FoxP2 biomarkers in mouse GPe neurons. We use an unbiased statistical method to classify neurons based on electrophysiological properties from nearly 200 neurons from C57BL/6J mice or transgenic mice expressing fluorescent protein reporters in specific neuronal subtypes. In addition, we examined the subregion distribution of the neuronal subtypes. The cluster analysis using firing rate and hyperpolarization-induced membrane potential sag variables revealed 3 distinct neuronal clusters: type 1, characterized by low firing rate and small sag potential; type 2, low firing rate and larger sag potential; type 3, high firing rate and small sag potential. We used other electrophysiological variables and data from marker-expressing neurons to evaluate the clusters. We propose that the GPe GABAergic neurons should be classified into three subgroups: arkypallidal, low-firing prototypical and high-firing prototypical neurons. This work will help researchers identify GPe neuron subtypes when transgenic mice with labeled neurons cannot be used. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Complex I (NADH dehydrogenase, NDU) and complex IV (cytochrome-c-oxidase, COX) of the mitochondrial electron transport chain have been implicated in the pathophysiology of major psychiatric disorders, such as major depressive disorder (MDD), bipolar disorder (BD), and schizophrenia (SZ), as well as in neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer disease (AD) and Parkinson disease (PD). We conducted meta-analyses comparing complex I and IV in each disorder MDD, BD, SZ, AD, and PD, as well as in normal aging. The electronic databases Pubmed, EMBASE, CENTRAL, and Google Scholar, were searched for studies published between 1980 and 2018. Of 2049 screened studies, 125 articles were eligible for the meta-analyses. Complex I and IV were assessed in peripheral blood, muscle biopsy, or postmortem brain at the level of enzyme activity or subunits. Separate meta-analyses of mood disorder studies, MDD and BD, revealed moderate effect sizes for similar abnormality patterns in the expression of complex I with SZ in frontal cortex, cerebellum and striatum, whereas evidence for complex IV alterations was low. By contrast, the neurodegenerative disorders, AD and PD, showed strong effect sizes for shared deficits in complex I and IV, such as in peripheral blood, frontal cortex, cerebellum, and substantia nigra. Beyond the diseased state, there was an age-related robust decline in both complexes I and IV. In summary, the strongest support for a role for complex I and/or IV deficits, is in the pathophysiology of PD and AD, and evidence is less robust for MDD, BD, or SZ.
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The external globus pallidus (GP) is a key GABAergic hub in the basal ganglia (BG) circuitry, a neuronal network involved in motor control. In Parkinson's disease (PD), the rate and pattern of activity of GP neurons are profoundly altered and contribute to the motor symptoms of the disease. In rodent models of PD, the striato-pallidal pathway is hyperactive, and extracellular GABA concentrations are abnormally elevated in the GP, supporting the hypothesis of an alteration of neuronal and/or glial clearance of GABA. Here, we discovered the existence of persistent GABAergic tonic inhibition in GP neurons of dopamine-depleted (DD) rodent models. We showed that glial GAT-3 transporters are downregulated while neuronal GAT-1 function remains normal in DD rodents. Finally, we showed that blocking GAT-3 activity in vivo alters the motor coordination of control rodents, suggesting that GABAergic tonic inhibition in the GP contributes to the pathophysiology of PD.
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Evidence from electrophysiological studies has suggested an inhibitory interaction between GABAergic neurons in substantia nigra pars reticulata and dopaminergic neurons in pars compacta. However, that this inhibitory interaction is due to a projection from pars reticulata to pars compacta has never been demonstrated directly, nor has the GABAergic neuron that mediates the interaction been identified either electrophysiologically or anatomically. To more closely examine interactions between substantia nigra pars reticulata GABA neurons and dopaminergic neurons, single unit extracellular recordings were obtained from antidromically identified nigrostriatal neurons and their response to antidromic activation of nigral GABAergic projection neurons observed. Stimulation of superior colliculus or thalamus produced a short latency inhibition of dopaminergic neurons. This inhibition was blocked by local application of bicuculline but not 2- hydroxysaclofen. Bicuculline caused most dopaminergic neurons to fire in a bursty mode, whereas saclofen caused most dopaminergic neurons to fire in a pacemaker-like mode. The thalamic-evoked inhibition was not affected by kainate lesions of the globus pallidus, but these lesions produced effects on firing pattern identical to those produced by saclofen. These data demonstrate a short latency inhibition of nigral dopaminergic neurons mediated by GABAA receptors that arises from the axon collaterals of pars reticulata projection neurons. We propose a model in which the firing pattern of nigral dopaminergic neurons in vivo is modulated differentially by disinhibition of GABAA inputs arising from pars reticulata projection neuron axon collaterals and disinhibition of pallidonigral GABAergic inputs mediated by GABAB receptors.
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Parkinson's disease results from the death of the dopamine-containing neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC). This is accompanied by a loss of dopamine in brain regions, such as the corpus striatum, which receives input from dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (SN). Since the corpus striatum is the primary target for these dopaminergic neurons, it has long been thought that the corpus striatum is the principal region affected. It was, therefore, natural to assume that replenishing dopamine in the striatum might be an effective treatment for Parkinson's disease. In fact, the dopamine precursor L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-dopa), the current drug of choice for treatment of Parkinson's disease, is believed to exert its therapeutic effect by replenishing dopamine levels in the corpus striatum via enzymatic decarboxylation within the synaptic terminals of surviving nigrostriatal neurons (Hornykiewicz, 1974). However, dopamine is also synthesized, stored, and released from the dendrites of SNC neurons that arborize in the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNR) (Cheramy et al., 1981). Using a classic animal model for Parkinson's disease (rats with a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the SN), we show that L-dopa is also converted to dopamine in significant amounts within the 6-OHDA-lesioned SN. Furthermore, in contrast to the situation in the striatum where dopamine levels are only elevated for a short time, dopamine levels in the SN remain elevated until the behavioral effects of L-dopa have subsided. This elevation of nigral dopamine levels produces rotation that can be blocked by injecting a selective D1 dopamine receptor antagonist (SCH 23390, 2 micrograms in 1 microliter) directly into the SN pars reticulata. Infusion of SCH 23390 into the ipsilateral striatum produced only a modest reduction in L- dopa-induced circling behavior. These results suggest that D1 dopamine receptors in the SN may be at least as important as D1 dopamine receptors in the striatum as a site for the effects of L-dopa. This may have important implications for the therapy of Parkinson's disease.
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Individual neostriatal-matrix spiny neurons were stained intracellularly with biocytin after intracellular recording in vivo, and their axons were traced into the globus pallidus (GP), entopeduncular nucleus (EP), and/or substantia nigra (SN). The locations of the neurons within the matrix compartment of the neostriatum (NS) were established by immunocytochemical counterstaining of sections containing the cell bodies using antibodies for calbindin- D28K. This allowed nearly complete visualization of the axonal projections of single NS neurons. On the basis of their intrastriatal axonal arborizations, matrix spiny neurons could be divided into 2 types. One type, which was the more common, had local axonal arborizations restricted to the region of the dendritic field, often with axon collaterals arborizing within the dendritic field of the cells of origin. A second, less common, cell type in the matrix had local axon collaterals distributed widely in the NS. Among matrix neurons with restricted local collateral fields, 3 subtypes could be distinguished on the basis of their efferent axonal projections. Type I cells projected only to the GP. Type IIa cells projected to the GP, EP, and SN pars reticulata. Type IIb cells projected to the GP and SN but not to the EP. The shapes and densities of the GP arborizations varied in the 3 cell types, with the cells projecting only to the GP (type I) projecting more heavily and filling a larger volume there than type II cells. The dendrites and intrastriatal axon collaterals of 3 subtypes were similar in morphology. The class of matrix spiny neurons with intrastriatal axon collaterals distributed widely in the NS were observed to project to the GP. Projections beyond the GP were not identified for this cell type, but could not be ruled out. Somatodendritic morphologies of neurons did not differ according to the projection site. These results demonstrate that NS matrix spiny cells are more heterogeneous in their efferent projection patterns than previously suspected on the basis of retrograde axonal tracing and immunocytochemical studies. As predicted by those previous studies, there is a class of matrix neurons that projects only to the GP. Presumably, these cells contain enkephalin. Cells projecting to the SN and EP, and so presumably containing substance P, give off a small projection to the GP, as well, and differ in their collateralization patterns within the 3 major target nuclei.
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Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive motor symptoms that are preceded by cognitive deficits and is considered as a disorder that primarily affects forebrain striatal neurons. To gain a better understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms associated with disease progression, we analyzed the expression of proteins involved in GABAergic neurotransmission in the striatum of the R6/1 transgenic mouse model. Western blot, quantitative PCR and immunohistochemical analyses were conducted on male R6/1 mice and age-matched wild type littermates. Analyses were performed on 2 and 6 month-old animals, respectively, before and after the onset of motor symptoms. Expression of GAD 67, GAD 65, NL2, or gephyrin proteins, involved in GABA synthesis or synapse formation did not display major changes. In contrast, expression of α1, α3 and α5 GABAAR subunits was increased while the expression of δ was decreased, suggesting a change in tonic- and phasic inhibitory transmission. Western blot analysis of the striatum from 8 month-old Hdh Q111, a knock-in mouse model of HD with mild deficits, confirmed the α1 subunit increased expression. From immunohistochemical analyses, we also found that α1 subunit expression is increased in medium-sized spiny projection neurons (MSN) and decreased in parvalbumin (PV)-expressing interneurons at 2 and 6 months in R6/1 mice. Moreover, α2 subunit labeling on the PV and MSN cell membranes was increased at 2 months and decreased at 6 months. Alteration of gene expression in the striatum and modification of GABAA receptor subtypes in both interneurons and projection neurons suggested that HD mutation has a profound effect on synaptic plasticity at an early stage, before the onset of motor symptoms. These results also indicate that cognitive and other behavioral deficits may be associated with changes in GABAergic neurotransmission that consequently could be a relevant target for early therapeutic treatment.
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Following the discovery of a higher than expected incidence of Parkinson Disease (PD) in Gaucher disease, a lysosomal storage disorder, mutations in the glucocerebrocidase (GBA) gene, which encodes a lysosomal enzyme involved in sphingolipid degradation were explored in the context of idiopathic PD. GBA mutations are now known to be the single largest risk factor for development of idiopathic PD. Clinically, on imaging and pharmacologically, GBA PD is almost identical to idiopathic PD. In patients with a known GBA mutation, it is possible to monitor for prodromal signs of PD. The clinical similarity with idiopathic PD and the chance to identify PD at a pre-clinical stage provides a unique opportunity to research therapeutic options for early PD, before major irreversible neurodegeneration occurs. However, to date, the molecular mechanisms which lead to this increased PD risk in GBA mutation carriers are not fully elucidated. Experimental models to define the molecular mechanisms and test therapeutic options include cell culture, transgenic mice and other in vivo models amenable to genetic manipulation, such as drosophilia. Some key pathological pathways of interest in the context of GBA mutations include alpha synuclein aggregation, lysosomal-autophagy axis changes and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Therapeutic agents that exploit these pathways are being developed and include the small molecule chaperone Ambroxol. This review aims to summarise the main features of GBA-PD and provide insights into the pathological relevance of GBA mutations on molecular pathways and the therapeutic implications for PD resulting from investigation of the role of GBA in PD.
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The identification of distinct cell types in the basal ganglia has been critical to our understanding of basal ganglia function and the treatment of neurological disorders. The external globus pallidus (GPe) is a key contributor to motor suppressing pathways in the basal ganglia, yet its neuronal heterogeneity has remained an untapped resource for therapeutic interventions. Here we demonstrate that optogenetic interventions that dissociate the activity of two neuronal populations in the GPe, elevating the activity of parvalbumin (PV)-expressing GPe neurons over that of Lim homeobox 6 (Lhx6)-expressing GPe neurons, restores movement in dopamine-depleted mice and attenuates pathological activity of basal ganglia output neurons for hours beyond stimulation. These results establish the utility of cell-specific interventions in the GPe to target functionally distinct pathways, with the potential to induce long-lasting recovery of movement despite the continued absence of dopamine.
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Substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr), the major output nucleus of the basal ganglia, receives dopamine from dendrites extending from dopaminergic neurons of the adjacent nucleus pars compacta (SNc), which is known for its selective degeneration in Parkinson's disease. As a recipient for dendritically released dopamine, the dopamine D1 receptor (D1R) is a primary candidate due to its very dense immunoreactivity in the SNr. However, the precise location of D1R remains unclear at the cellular level in the SNr except for that reported on axons/axon terminals of presumably striatal GABAergic neurons. To address this, we used D1R promotor-controlled, mVenus-expressing transgenic mice. When cells were acutely dissociated from SNr of mouse brain, prominent mVenus fluorescence was detected in fine processes of glia-like cells, but no such fluorescence was detected from neurons in the same preparation, except for the synaptic bouton-like structure on the neurons. Double immunolabeling of SNr cells dissociated from adult wild-type mice brain further revealed marked D1R immunoreactivity in the processes of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-positive astrocytes. Such D1R imunoreactivity was significantly stronger in the SNr astrocytes than that in those of the visual cortex in the same preparation. Interestingly, GFAP-positive astrocytes dissociated from the striatum demonstrated D1R immunoreactivity, either remarkable or minimal, similarly to that shown in neurons in this nucleus. In contrast, in the SNr and visual cortex, only weak D1R immunoreactivity was detected in the neurons tested. These results suggest that the SNr astrocyte may be a candidate recipient for dendritically released dopamine. Further study is required to fully elucidate the physiological roles of divergent dopamine receptor immunoreactivity profiles in GFAP-positive astrocytes.
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The loss of nigrostriatal dopamine neurons in Parkinson’s disease induces a reduction in the number of dendritic spines on medium spiny neurons (MSNs) of the striatum expressing D1 or D2 dopamine receptor. Consequences on MSNs expressing both receptors (D1/D2 MSNs) are currently unknown. We looked for changes induced by dopamine denervation in the density, regional distribution and morphological features of D1/D2 MSNs, by comparing 6-OHDA-lesioned double BAC transgenic mice (Drd1a-tdTomato/Drd2-EGFP) to sham-lesioned animals. D1/D2 MSNs are uniformly distributed throughout the dorsal striatum (1.9% of MSNs). In contrast, they are heterogeneously distributed and more numerous in the ventral striatum (14.6% in the shell and 7.3% in the core). Compared to D1 and D2 MSNs, D1/D2 MSNs are endowed with a smaller cell body and a less profusely arborized dendritic tree with less dendritic spines. The dendritic spine density of D1/D2 MSNs, but also of D1 and D2 MSNs, is significantly reduced in 6-OHDA-lesioned mice. In contrast to D1 and D2 MSNs, the extent of dendritic arborization of D1/D2 MSNs appears unaltered in 6-OHDA-lesioned mice. Our data indicate that D1/D2 MSNs in the mouse striatum form a distinct neuronal population that is affected differently by dopamine deafferentation that characterizes Parkinson’s disease.
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Parkinson's disease (PD) patients experience loss of normal motor function (hypokinesia), but can develop uncontrollable movements known as dyskinesia upon treatment with L-DOPA. Poverty or excess of movement in PD has been attributed to overactivity of striatal projection neurons forming either the indirect (iSPNs) or the direct (dSPNs) pathway, respectively. Here, we investigated the two pathways' contribution to different motor features using SPN type-specific chemogenetic stimulation in rodent models of PD (PD mice) and L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID mice). Using the activatory Gq-coupled human M3 muscarinic receptor (hM3Dq), we found that chemogenetic stimulation of dSPNs mimicked, while stimulation of iSPNs abolished the therapeutic action of L-DOPA in PD mice. In LID mice, hM3Dq stimulation of dSPNs exacerbated dyskinetic responses to L-DOPA, while stimulation of iSPNs inhibited these responses. In the absence of L-DOPA, only chemogenetic stimulation of dSPNs mediated through the Gs-coupled modified rat muscarinic M3 receptor (rM3Ds) induced appreciable dyskinesia in PD mice. Combining D2 receptor agonist treatment with rM3Ds-dSPN stimulation reproduced all symptoms of LID. These results demonstrate that dSPNs and iSPNs oppositely modulate both therapeutic and dyskinetic responses to dopamine replacement therapy in PD. We also show that chemogenetic stimulation of different signaling pathways in dSPNs leads to markedly different motor outcomes. Our findings have important implications for the design of effective antiparkinsonian and antidyskinetic drug therapies.
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Neurons of the globus pallidus receive massive inputs from the striatum and the subthalamic nucleus, but their activity, as well as those of their striatal and subthalamic inputs, are modulated by brainstem afferents. These include serotonin (5-HT) projections from the dorsal raphe nucleus, cholinergic (ACh) inputs from the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, and dopamine (DA) afferents from the substantia nigra pars compacta. This review summarizes our recent findings on the distribution, quantitative and ultrastructural aspects of pallidal 5-HT, ACh and DA innervations. These results have led to the elaboration of a new model of the pallidal neuron based on a precise knowledge of the hierarchy and chemical features of the various synaptic inputs. The dense 5-HT, ACh and DA innervations disclosed in the associative and limbic pallidal territories suggest that these brainstem inputs contribute principally to the planification of motor behaviors and the regulation of attention and mood. Although 5-HT, ACh and DA inputs were found to modulate pallidal neurons and their afferents mainly through asynaptic (volume) transmission, genuine synaptic contacts occur between these chemospecific axon varicosities and pallidal dendrites, revealing that these brainstem projections have a direct access to pallidal neurons, in addition to their indirect input through the striatum and subthalamic nucleus. Altogether, these findings reveal that the brainstem 5-HT, ACh and DA pallidal afferents act in concert with the more robust GABAergic inhibitory striatopallidal and glutamatergic excitatory subthalamopallidal inputs. We hypothesize that a fragile equilibrium between forebrain and brainstem pallidal afferents plays a key role in the functional organization of the primate basal ganglia, in both health and disease.
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The electrophysiological and neurochemical characteristics of the nondopaminergic nigrostriatal (NO-DA) cells and their functional response to the degeneration of dopaminergic nigrostriatal (DA) cells were studied. Three different criteria were used to identify NO-DA cells: (1) antidromic response to striatal stimulation with an electrophysiological behavior (firing rate, interspike interval variability, and conduction velocity) different from that of DA cells; (2) retrograde labeling after striatal injection of HRP but showing immunonegativity for DA cell markers (tyrosine hydroxylase, calretinin, calbindin-D28k, and cholecystokinin); and (3) resistance to neurotoxic effect of 6-hydroxydomine (6-OHDA). Our results showed that under normal conditions, 5-8% of nigrostriatal neurons are immunoreactive for GABA, glutamic acid decarboxylase, and parvalbumin, markers of GABAergic neurons, a percentage that reached 81-84% after 6-OHDA injection. Electrophysiologically, NO-DA cells showed a behavior similar to that found in other nigral GABAergic (nigrothalamic) cells. In addition, the 6-OHDA degeneration of DA cells induced a modification of their electrophysiological pattern similar to that found in GABAergic nigrothalamic neurons. Taken together, the present data indicate the existence of a small GABAergic nigrostriatal pathway and suggest their involvement in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease.
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Researchers are pinpointing the brain circuits that can help us form good habits and break bad ones
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The globus pallidus externus (GP) is a nucleus of the basal ganglia (BG), containing GABAergic projection neurons that arborize widely throughout the BG, thalamus and cortex. Ongoing work seeks to map axonal projection patterns from GP cell types, as defined by their electrophysiological and molecular properties. Here we use transgenic mice and recombinant viruses to characterize parvalbumin expressing (PV+) GP neurons within the BG circuit. We confirm that PV+ neurons 1) make up ~40% of the GP neurons 2) exhibit fast-firing spontaneous activity and 3) provide the major axonal arborization to the STN and substantia nigra reticulata/compacta (SNr/c). PV+ neurons also innervate the striatum. Retrograde labeling identifies ~17% of pallidostriatal neurons as PV+, at least a subset of which also innervate the STN and SNr. Optogenetic experiments in acute brain slices demonstrate that the PV+ pallidostriatal axons make potent inhibitory synapses on low threshold spiking (LTS) and fast-spiking interneurons (FS) in the striatum, but rarely on spiny projection neurons (SPNs). Thus PV+ GP neurons are synaptically positioned to directly coordinate activity between BG input nuclei, the striatum and STN, and thalamic-output from the SNr.
Unitary pallidonigral synaptic currents were measured using optogenetic stimulation, which activated up to three unitary synaptic inputs to each SNr cell. Episodic barrages of synaptic conductances were generated based on in vivo firing patterns of GPe cells and applied to SNr cells using conductance clamp. Barrage inputs were compared to continuous step conductances with the same mean. Barrage inputs and steps both slowed SNr neuron firing and produced disinhibition responses seen in peristimulus histograms. Barrages were less effective than steps at producing inhibition and disinhibition responses. Barrages, but not steps, produced irregular firing during the inhibitory response. Phase models of SNr neurons were constructed from their phase resetting curves. The phase models reproduced the inhibition and disinhibition responses to the same inputs applied to the neurons. The disinhibition response did not require rebound currents but arose from reset of the cells' oscillation. The differences in firing rate and irregularity in response to barrage and step inhibition resulted from the high sensitivity of SNr neurons to inhibition at late phases in their intrinsic oscillation. During step inhibition, cells continued rhythmic firing at a reduced rate. During barrages, brief bouts of intense inhibition stalled the cells' phase-evolution late in their cycle, close to firing, and even very brief respites from inhibition rapidly released single action potentials. The SNr cell firing pattern reflected the fine structure of the synaptic barrage from GPe, as well as its onset and offset.
Significance Identifying new targets for deep brain stimulation in epilepsy requires a deeper understanding of the brain networks engaged by seizure activity. For over 30 y, the substantia nigra pars reticulata has been recognized as a potential target, but the efferent pathways mediating the suppression of seizures have remained obscure. Here, we show that silencing the projection from the substantia nigra to the superior colliculus fully recapitulates the antiseizure effects evoked from cell bodies within the substantia nigra . By contrast, inhibition of the projection to the pedunculopontine nucleus exacerbates some seizures, reduces others, and is without effect on still others. The functional divergence of these pathways highlights a key role for projections to the superior colliculus in the control of seizures.
Background PD is a common neurodegenerative disease primarily affecting the cortico–basal ganglia loop. Objective To investigate whether chemogenetic‐mediated neuromodulation of various nuclei and pathways can counterbalance basal ganglia network abnormalities and improve motor disability in experimental PD. Methods Experimental PD was induced by stereotactic injection of 6‐OHDA to the medial forebrain bundle. Designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs were expressed in different basal ganglia nuclei by stereotactic injections of adeno‐associated viral vectors. We compared motor performance, monitored by the open‐field and rotarod tests, after random and blinded application of either normal saline or the synthetic receptor activator, clozapine‐N‐oxide. Results Motor performance, as measured by movement velocity, rotations, and rotarod scores, were significantly improved in PD mice by enhancing the activity of the GPe with Gq custom receptors and by reducing basal ganglia output activity, targeting the output nuclei GPi and SNr with Gi custom receptors. Conclusion Our findings support the hypothesis that enhanced inhibitory output activity of the basal ganglia complex underlie motor signs in PD, and point to the therapeutic potential of chemogenetic based treatments in PD patients. © 2018 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
The mammalian brain is composed of diverse, specialized cell populations. To systematically ascertain and learn from these cellular specializations, we used Drop-seq to profile RNA expression in 690,000 individual cells sampled from 9 regions of the adult mouse brain. We identified 565 transcriptionally distinct groups of cells using computational approaches developed to distinguish biological from technical signals. Cross-region analysis of these 565 cell populations revealed features of brain organization, including a gene-expression module for synthesizing axonal and presynaptic components, patterns in the co-deployment of voltage-gated ion channels, functional distinctions among the cells of the vasculature and specialization of glutamatergic neurons across cortical regions. Systematic neuronal classifications for two complex basal ganglia nuclei and the striatum revealed a rare population of spiny projection neurons. This adult mouse brain cell atlas, accessible through interactive online software (DropViz), serves as a reference for development, disease, and evolution.
We would like to thank Jeanne Loring and her team for contributing to the discussion and Table 1, Ulrika Blank Savukinas for illustration help, as well as all the funding agencies that have supported work within GForce-PD over the last few years including the EU (TRANSEURO and NeuroStemcellRepair no. 602278); the UK RMP Pluripotent stem cell hub; Cure Parkinson’s Trust; Rosetrees Trust; MRC-WT funding of the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute and the NIHR funding of the Biomedical Research Centre in Cambridge; The Swedish Research Council; The Swedish Brain foundation and the Swedish Parkinson Foundation; New York State Stem Cell Science (NYSTEM), and a grant from the Network Program for Realization of Regenerative Medicine from the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development. MP is a New York Stem Cell Foundation Robertson Investigator.
Parkinson's disease is characterized by the progressive loss of midbrain dopamine neurons. Dopamine replacement therapy with levodopa alleviates parkinsonian motor symptoms but is complicated by the development of involuntary movements, termed levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID). Aberrant activity in the striatum has been hypothesized to cause LID. Here, to establish a direct link between striatal activity and dyskinesia, we combine optogenetics and a method to manipulate dyskinesia-associated neurons, targeted recombination in active populations (TRAP). We find that TRAPed cells are a stable subset of sensorimotor striatal neurons, predominantly from the direct pathway, and that reactivation of TRAPed striatal neurons causes dyskinesia in the absence of levodopa. Inhibition of TRAPed cells, but not a nonspecific subset of direct pathway neurons, ameliorates LID. These results establish that a distinct subset of striatal neurons is causally involved in LID and indicate that successful therapeutic strategies for treating LID may require targeting functionally selective neuronal subtypes.
In addition to their well-known role in skeletal movements, the basal ganglia control saccadic eye movements (saccades) by means of their connection to the superior colliculus (SC). The SC receives convergent inputs from cerebral cortical areas and the basal ganglia. To make a saccade to an object purposefully, appropriate signals must be selected out of the cortical inputs, in which the basal ganglia play a crucial role. This is done by the sustained inhibitory input from the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) to the SC. This inhibition can be removed by another inhibition from the caudate nucleus (CD) to the SNr, which results in a disinhibition of the SC. The basal ganglia have another mechanism, involving the external segment of the globus pallidus and the subthalamic nucleus, with which the SNr-SC inhibition can further be enhanced. The sensorimotor signals carried by the basal ganglia neurons are strongly modulated depending on the behavioral context, which reflects working memory, expectation, and attention. Expectation of reward is a critical determinant in that the saccade that has been rewarded is facilitated subsequently. The interaction between cortical and dopaminergic inputs to CD neurons may underlie the behavioral adaptation toward purposeful saccades.
Importance Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM DBS) has been proposed as a treatment option for Parkinson disease dementia. Objective To evaluate the safety and potential symptomatic effects of NBM DBS in patients with Parkinson disease dementia. Design, Setting, and Participants A randomized, double-blind, crossover clinical trial evaluated the results of 6 patients with Parkinson disease dementia who were treated with NBM DBS at a neurosurgical referral center in the United Kingdom from October 26, 2012, to July 31, 2015. Eligible patients met the diagnostic criteria for Parkinson disease dementia, had motor fluctuations, were appropriate surgical candidates aside from the coexistence of dementia, were age 35 to 80 years, were able to give informed consent, had a Mini-Mental State Examination score of 21 to 26, had minimal atrophy seen on results of brain magnetic resonance imaging, and lived at home with a caregiver-informant. Interventions After surgery, patients were assigned to receive either active stimulation (bilateral, low-frequency [20 Hz] NBM DBS) or sham stimulation for 6 weeks, followed by the opposite condition for 6 weeks. Main Outcomes and Measures The primary outcome was the difference in scores on each item of an abbreviated cognitive battery (California Verbal Learning Test-II, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III digit span, verbal fluency, Posner covert attention test, and simple and choice reaction times) between the 2 conditions. Secondary outcomes were exploratory and included differences in scores on standardized measurements of cognitive, psychiatric, and motor symptoms and resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging. Results Surgery and stimulation were well tolerated by all 6 patients (all men; mean [SD] age, 65.2 [10.7] years), with no serious adverse events during the trial. No consistent improvements were observed in the primary cognitive outcomes or in results of resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging. An improvement in scores on the Neuropsychiatric Inventory was observed with NBM DBS (8.5 points [range, 4-26 points]) compared with sham stimulation (12 points [range, 8-38 points]; median difference, 5 points; 95% CI, 2.5-8.5 points; P = .03) and the preoperative baseline (13 points [range, 5-25 points]; median difference, 2 points; 95% CI, −8 to 5.5 points; P = .69). Conclusions and Relevance Low-frequency NBM DBS was safely conducted in patients with Parkinson disease dementia; however, no improvements were observed in the primary cognitive outcomes. Further studies may be warranted to explore its potential to improve troublesome neuropsychiatric symptoms. Trial Registration Identifier: NCT01701544
One of the most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases worldwide is still referred to as 'Parkinson's disease'. The condition is named after James Parkinson who, in 1817, described the shaking palsy (paralysis agitans). In the bicentennial year of this publication, we trace when and why the shaking palsy became Parkinson's disease. The term was coined by William Rutherford Sanders of Edinburgh in 1865 and later entered general usage through the influence of Jean-Martin Charcot and the school that he nurtured at the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. Despite a move towards more mechanism-based nosology for many medical conditions in recent years, the Parkinson's disease eponym remains in place, celebrating the life and work of this doctor, palaeontologist and political activist.
In the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) GABAA receptors (GABAARs) mediate neuronal inhibition and are important therapeutic targets. GABAARs are composed of 5 subunits, drawn from 19 proteins, underpinning expression of 20-30 GABAAR subtypes. In the CNS these isoforms are heterogeneously expressed and exhibit distinct physiological and pharmacological properties. We report the discovery of S44819, a novel tricyclic oxazolo-2,3-benzodiazepine-derivative, that selectively inhibits α5-subunit-containing GABAARs (α5-GABAARs). Current α5-GABAAR inhibitors bind to the "benzodiazepine site". However, in HEK293 cells expressing recombinant α5-GABAARs, S44819 had no effect on (3)H-flumazenil binding, but displaced the GABAAR agonist (3)H-muscimol and competitively inhibited the GABA-induced responses. Importantly, we reveal that the α5-subunit selectivity is uniquely governed by amino acid residues within the α-subunit F-loop, a region associated with GABA binding. In mouse hippocampal CA1 neurons, S44819 enhanced long-term potentiation (LTP), blocked a tonic current mediated by extrasynaptic α5-GABAARs, but had no effect on synaptic GABAARs. In mouse thalamic neurons, S44819 had no effect on the tonic current mediated by δ-GABAARs, or on synaptic (α1β2γ2) GABAARs. In rats, S44819 enhanced object recognition memory and reversed scopolamine-induced impairment of working memory in the eight-arm radial maze. In conclusion, S44819 is a first in class compound that uniquely acts as a potent, competitive, selective antagonist of recombinant and native α5-GABAARs. Consequently, S44819 enhances hippocampal synaptic plasticity and exhibits pro-cognitive efficacy. Given this profile, S44819 may improve cognitive function in neurodegenerative disorders and facilitate post-stroke recovery.
Dopamine is known to differentially modulate the impact of cortical input to the striatum between the direct and indirect pathways of the basal ganglia (BG). However, the role of extrastriatal dopamine receptors (DRs) in BG information processing is less clear. To investigate the role of extrastriatal DRs, we studied their distribution and function in one of the output nuclei of the BG of the rodent, the entopeduncular nucleus (EP). qRT-PCR indicated that all DR subtypes were expressed by EP neurons, suggesting that both D1-like receptors (D1LRs) andD2-like receptors (D2LRs) were likely to affect information processing in the EP. Whole-cell recordings revealed that striatal inputs to the EP were potentiated by D1LRs whereas pallidal inputs to the EP were depressed by D2LRs. Changes to the paired-pulse ratio of inputs to the EP suggested that dopaminergic modulation of striatal inputs is mediated by postsynaptic receptors, and that of globus pallidus-evoked inputs is mediated by presynaptic receptors. We show that these changes in synaptic efficacy changed the information content of EP neuron firing. Overall, the findings suggest that the dopaminergic system affects the passage of feedforward information through the BG by modulating input divergence in the striatum and output convergence in the EP.
The basal ganglia (BG) integrate inputs from diverse sensorimotor, limbic, and associative regions to guide action-selection and goal-directed behaviors. The entopeduncular nucleus (EP) is a major BG output nucleus and has been suggested to channel signals from distinct BG nuclei to target regions involved in diverse functions. Here we use single-cell transcriptional and molecular analyses to demonstrate that the EP contains at least three classes of projection neurons—glutamate/GABA co-releasing somatostatin neurons, glutamatergic parvalbumin neurons, and GABAergic parvalbumin neurons. These classes comprise functionally and anatomically distinct output pathways that differentially affect EP target regions, such as the lateral habenula (LHb) and thalamus. Furthermore, LHb- and thalamic-projecting EP neurons are differentially innervated by subclasses of striatal and pallidal neurons. Therefore, we identify previously unknown subdivisions within the EP and reveal the existence of cascading, molecularly distinct projections through striatum and globus pallidus to EP targets within epithalamus and thalamus.
Background: Long-term levodopa (l-dopa) treatment is associated with the development of l-dopa-induced dyskinesias in the majority of patients with Parkinson disease (PD). The etiopathogonesis and mechanisms underlying l-dopa-induced dyskinesias are not well understood. Methods: We used striatal optogenetic stimulation to induce dyskinesias in a hemiparkinsonian model of PD in rats. Striatal dopamine depletion was induced unilaterally by 6-hydroxydopamine injection into the medial forebrain bundle. For the optogenetic manipulation, we injected adeno-associated virus particles expressing channelrhodopsin to stimulate striatal medium spiny neurons with a laser source. Results: Simultaneous optical activation of medium spiny neurons of the direct and indirect striatal pathways in the 6-hydroxydopamine lesion but l-dopa naïve rats induced involuntary movements similar to l-dopa-induced dyskinesias, labeled here as optodyskinesias. Noticeably, optodyskinesias were facilitated by l-dopa in animals that did not respond initially to the laser stimulation. In general, optodyskinesias lasted while the laser stimulus was applied, but in some instances remained ongoing for a few seconds after the laser was off. Postmortem tissue analysis revealed increased FosB expression, a molecular marker of l-dopa-induced dyskinesias, primarily in medium spiny neurons of the direct pathway in the dopamine-depleted hemisphere. Conclusion: Selective optogenetic activation of the dorsolateral striatum elicits dyskinesias in the 6-hydroxydopamine rat model of PD. This effect was associated with a preferential activation of the direct striato-nigral pathway. These results potentially open new avenues in the understanding of mechanisms involved in l-dopa-induced dyskinesias. © 2017 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.
Most neurons of the striatum, approximately 95% in rodents, consist of GABAergic spiny projection neurons that form the major inputs and the only outputs of the nucleus. The remainder comprises several types of GABAergic interneurons that have been classified on the basis of electrophysiological properties, the expression of various calcium-binding proteins, neuropeptides or enzymes, and/or synaptic connectivity. These classification schemes have this far resulted in the identification of 10 major classes of GABAergic interneurons: a parvalbumin-expressing fast-spiking interneuron, a calretinin-expressing interneuron, two different neuropeptide Y–expressing interneurons, four subtypes of tyrosine hydroxylase-expressing interneurons, a fast-adapting interneuron, and a recurrent interneuron. This chapter will review the current state of knowledge of the anatomy and neurophysiology of striatal GABAergic interneurons, as well as their interactions with striatal cholinergic interneurons, spiny projection neurons, and cortical and thalamic afferents. The physiological properties of some of the GABAergic interneurons and their newly discovered interconnections suggest a heretofore-unknown complexity, diversity, and specialization of striatal GABAergic interneuronal function.
The basal ganglia, a group of subcortical nuclei, play a crucial role in decision making by selecting actions and evaluating their outcomes(1,2). While much is known about the function of the basal ganglia circuitry in selection(1,3,4), how these nuclei contribute to outcome evaluation is less clear. Here we show that neurons in the habenula-projecting globus pallidus (GPh) are essential for evaluating action outcomes and are regulated by a specific set of inputs from the basal ganglia. We found in a classical conditioning task that individual mouse GPh neurons bidirectionally encode whether an outcome is better or worse than expected. Mimicking these evaluation signals with optogenetic inhibition or excitation is sufficient to reinforce or discourage actions in a decision making task. Moreover, cell-type-specific synaptic manipulations revealed that the inhibitory and excitatory inputs to the GPh are necessary for mice to appropriately evaluate positive and negative feedback, respectively. Finally, using rabies virus-assisted monosynaptic tracing(5), we discovered that the GPh is embedded in a basal ganglia circuit wherein it receives inhibitory input from both striosomal and matrix compartments of the striatum, and excitatory input from the "limbic" regions of the subthalamic nucleus (STN). Our results provide the first direct evidence that information about the selection and evaluation of actions is channelled through distinct sets of basal ganglia circuits, with the GPh representing a key locus where information of opposing valence is integrated to determine whether action outcomes are better or worse than expected.
Parkinson's disease ( PD ) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease. About 2% of the population above the age of 60 is affected by the disease. The pathological hallmarks of the disease include the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and the presence of Lewy bodies that are made of α‐synuclein. Several theories have been suggested for the pathogenesis of PD , of which mitochondrial dysfunction plays a pivotal role in both sporadic and familial forms of the disease. Dysfunction of the mitochondria that is caused by bioenergetic defects, mutations in mitochondrial DNA , nuclear DNA gene mutations linked to mitochondria, and changes in dynamics of the mitochondria such fusion or fission, changes in size and morphology, alterations in trafficking or transport, altered movement of mitochondria, impairment of transcription, and the presence of mutated proteins associated with mitochondria are implicated in PD . In this review, we provide a detailed overview of the mechanisms that can cause mitochondrial dysfunction in PD . We bring to the forefront, new signaling pathways such as the retromer‐trafficking pathway and its implication in the disease and also provide a brief overview of therapeutic strategies to improve mitochondrial defects in PD . image Bioenergetic defects, mutations in mitochondrial DNA, nuclear DNA gene mutations, alterations in mitochondrial dynamics, alterations in trafficking/transport and mitochondrial movement, abnormal size and morphology, impairment of transcription and the presence of mutated proteins associated with mitochondria are implicated in PD. In this review, we focus on the mechanisms underlying mitochondrial dysfunction in PD and bring to the forefront new signaling pathways that may be involved in PD. We also provide an overview of therapeutic strategies to improve mitochondrial defects in PD. This article is part of a special issue on Parkinson disease .
The basal ganglia are a group of subcortical nuclei involved in a variety of processes including motor, cognitive and mnemonic functions. One of their major roles is to integrate sensorimotor, associative and limbic information in the production of context-dependent behaviours. These roles are exemplified by the clinical manifestations of neurological disorders of the basal ganglia. Recent advances in many fields, including pharmacology, anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology have provided converging data that have led to unifying hypotheses concerning the functional organisation of the basal ganglia in health and disease. The major input to the basal ganglia is derived from the cerebral cortex. Virtually the whole of the cortical mantle projects in a topographic manner onto the striatum, this cortical information is within the striatum and passed via the so-called direct and indirect pathways to the output nuclei of the basal ganglia, the internal segment of the globus pallidus and the substantia nigra pars reticulata. The basal ganglia influence behaviour by the projections of these output nuclei to the thalamus and thence back to the cortex, or to subcortical regions. Recent studies have demonstrated that the organisation of these pathways is more complex than previously suggested. Thus the cortical input to the basal ganglia, in addition to innervating the spiny projection neurons, also innervates GABA interneurons, which in turn provide a feed-forward inhibition of the spiny output neurons. Individual neurons of the globus pallidus innervate basal ganglia output nuclei as well as the subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra pars compacta. About one quarter of them also innervate the striatum and are in a position to control the output of the striatum powerfully as they preferentially contact GABA interneurons. Neurons of the pallidal complex also provide an anatomical substrate, within the basal ganglia, for the synaptic integration of functionally diverse information derived from the cortex. It is concluded that the essential concept of the direct and indirect pathways of information flow through the basal ganglia remains intact but that the role of the indirect pathway is more complex than previously suggested and that neurons of the globus pallidus are in a position to control the activity of virtually the whole of the basal ganglia.
Knowledge regarding the pathophysiological basis of Parkinson's disease (PD) has been greatly expanded over the past two decades, with extraordinary contributions from the field of genetics. However, genetic classifications became complex, difficult to follow, and at times misleading, by placing well-established monogenic forms of the disease along with others associated with risk loci, often ill characterized. The present paper summarizes the genetic, clinical, and neuropathological findings of the currently described monogenic forms of PD and also approaches the progress made in determining genetic risk factors for PD. Furthermore, the text incorporates the data into a recently proposed classification system that will hopefully bring a "user-friendly" approach to this issue. This paper also highlights a number of inconsistencies regarding classification of PD as a single, unique clinicopathological entity-in fact, in order to achieve the development of truly innovative therapies, PD should probably be regarded clinically as a "Parkinson's disease cluster", instead of a single disease. In the future, we hope that an in-depth and groundbreaking understanding of PD will allow the development of truly disease-modifying therapies that will target the molecular processes responsible for the cascade of pathological events underlying each form of PD.
Parkinson's disease is primarily caused by dysfunction of dopaminergic neurons, however, nondopaminergic (ND) systems are also involved. ND targets are potentially useful to reduce doses of levodopa or to treat nonlevodopa-responsive symptoms. Recent studies have investigated the role of ND drugs for motor and nonmotor symptoms. Adenosine A2A receptor antagonists, mixed inhibitors of sodium/calcium channels and monoamine oxidase-B have recently been found to improve motor fluctuations. N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonists and serotonin 5HT1B receptor agonists demonstrated benefit in levodopa-induced dyskinesia. Conversely, studies using antiepileptic drugs and adrenoreceptor antagonist had conflicting results. Moreover, metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists also failed to improve symptoms. The current review summarizes the most recent findings on ND drugs over the last 2 years.
The striatum is widely viewed as the fulcrum of pathophysiology in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID). In these disease states, the balance in activity of striatal direct pathway spiny projection neurons (dSPNs) and indirect pathway spiny projection neurons (iSPNs) is disrupted, leading to aberrant action selection. However, it is unclear whether countervailing mechanisms are engaged in these states. Here we report that iSPN intrinsic excitability and excitatory corticostriatal synaptic connectivity were lower in PD models than normal; L-DOPA treatment restored these properties. Conversely, dSPN intrinsic excitability was elevated in tissue from PD models and suppressed in LID models. Although the synaptic connectivity of dSPNs did not change in PD models, it fell with L-DOPA treatment. In neither case, however, was the strength of corticostriatal connections globally scaled. Thus, SPNs manifested homeostatic adaptations in intrinsic excitability and in the number but not strength of excitatory corticostriatal synapses.
Our understanding of the organization of the basal ganglia has advanced markedly over the last 10 years, mainly due to increased knowledge of their anatomical, neurochemical and physiological organization. These developments have led to a unifying model of the functional organization of the basal ganglia in both health and disease. The hypothesis is based on the so-called "direct" and "indirect" pathways of the flow of cortical information through the basal ganglia and has profoundly influenced the field of basal ganglia research, providing a framework ibr anatomical, physiological and clinical studies. The recent introduction of powerful techniques for the analysis of neuronal networks has led to further developments in our understanding of the basal ganglia. The objective of this commentary is to build upon the established model of the basal ganglia connectivity and review new anatomical findings that lead to the refinement of some aspects of the model. Four issues will be discussed. (1) The existence of several routes for the flow of cortical information along "indirect" pathways. (2) The synaptic convergence of information flowing through the "direct" and "indirect" pathways at the single-cell level in the basal ganglia output structures. (3) The convergence of functionally diverse information from the globus pallidus and the ventral pallidum at different levels of the basal ganglia. (4) The interconnections between the two divisions of the pallidal complex and the subthalamic nucleus and the characterization of the neuronal network underlying the indirect pathways. The findings summarized in this commentary confirm and elaborate the models of the direct and indirect pathways of information flow through the basal ganglia and provide a morphological framework for future studies. (C) 1998 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
L-dopa-induced dyskinesias (LIDs) are a serious complication of L-dopa therapy for Parkinson's disease. Emerging evidence indicates that the nicotinic cholinergic system plays a role in LIDs, although the pathways and mechanisms are poorly understood. Here we used optogenetics to investigate the role of striatal cholinergic interneurons in LIDs. Mice expressing cre-recombinase under the control of the choline acetyltransferase promoter (ChAT-Cre) were lesioned by unilateral injection of 6-hydroxydopamine. AAV5-ChR2-eYFP or AAV5-control-eYFP was injected into the dorsolateral striatum, and optical fibers implanted. After stable virus expression, mice were treated with L-dopa. They were then subjected to various stimulation protocols for 2h and LIDs rated. Continuous stimulation with a short duration optical pulse (1-5ms) enhanced LIDs. This effect was blocked by the general muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) antagonist atropine indicating it was mAChR-mediated. By contrast, continuous stimulation with a longer duration optical pulse (20ms to 1s) reduced LIDs to a similar extent as nicotine treatment (~50%). The general nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) antagonist mecamylamine blocked the decline in LIDs with longer optical pulses showing it was nAChR-mediated. None of the stimulation regimens altered LIDs in control-eYFP mice. Lesion-induced motor impairment was not affected by optical stimulation indicating that cholinergic transmission selectively regulates LIDs. Longer pulse stimulation increased the number of c-Fos expressing ChAT neurons, suggesting that changes in this immediate early gene may be involved. These results demonstrate that striatal cholinergic interneurons play a critical role in LIDs and support the idea that nicotine treatment reduces LIDs via nAChR desensitization.