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Photosynthesis in human beings as a natural food through the blue light.

  • Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana, Cuba


The article explains how photosynthesis occurs in humans. It is disclosed that hemoglobin as a photosynthetic pigment is responsible for this process, its structure is identical to chlorophyll in plants, the only thing that changes is the central metallic ring, which in plants is magnesium that gives it its green color. and in humans it is the iron that gives it its red color.
Journal of Agriculture and Life Sciences Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2018 doi:10.30845/jals.v5n2p5
Photosynthesis in human beings as a natural food through the blue light
René F. Espinosa Álvarez
Master in Diseases Infectious
Auxiliary Professor
Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana
Auxiliary Researcher
José de la Luz Montero García
Doctor in Chemical Sciences
Specialist in Scientific-Technical Information
Institute of Scientific and Technological Information (IDICT)
In a previous article published in 2009, reference was made to blue therapy for the treatment of some diseases. In
this work, emphasis is placed on feeding through this therapeutics and in the photo bioenergetics process that
occurs at the cellular level. Likewise, hemoglobin is confirmed as a photosynthetic pigment comparable with
chlorophyll in plants. Other applications that can generate this procedure are disclosed and it is promoted to
investigate the occurrence of photosynthesis in other mammals.
Keywords: photosynthesis in humans / natural feeding / hemoglobin as photosynthetic pigment / bidirectional
Some time ago, reference was made to blue therapy as a resource for the successful treatment of certain diseases
such as hypertensive crises, asthma attacks, sinus tachycardias and certain tumors, amongothers.1Likewise, details
had been given about the action of the permanent magnetic fields, capable of modifying the structure of the
liquids that are ingested and of changing their surface tension. Accordingly, the magnetized water is able to
dissolve atherosclerotic plaques of the arteries and vesicular lithiasis by the calcium they contain, in the same way
that prevents the deposition of calcium in the arteries.2
In both contributions it was demonstrated that both cyanotherapy and liquid magnetization are bidirectional
procedures, since both manifest themselves in a sense as a therapeutic resource and, on the other hand, as a
preventive modality. The most recent example of "bidirectionality" appears in the pioneering work on stem cells
by John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka, demonstrating that mature stem cells can be reprogrammed to become
induced pluripotent stem cells. These works completely revolutionized the understanding of how organs are
developed, a circumstance previously considered only in the sense of immature cells up to specialized ones, and
that earned their authors the award of the Nobel Prize for Medicine 2012. 3,4
The existence of plasma membrane receptors coupled to the G protein is known, which are stimulated by some
physical signals such as light, flavors and odors, as well as by substances such as adrenaline, histamine, dopamine
and serotonin. There are also receptors in the eyes to capture light. Researchers Robert J. Lefkowitz and Brian K.
Kobilka also won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2012, for their work demonstrating the existence and functioning
of beta-adrenergic receptors and the specific moment in which a receptor of this type is activated by a hormone
that sends a signal to the inside of the cell.5,6
Most of the information that is received through the organ of vision is due to the photosynthetic receptors located
in the retina. This statement is not new, since from the year 1604 the famous astronomer Johannes Kepler had
already reached that conclusion.7
When talking about the photochemistry of vision, reference is being made to the phenomenon consisting of the
penetration of light in the optical stick through its surface. In the optical stick there is a series of two-layer
membrane discs containing rhodopsin.
ISSN 2375-4214 (Print), 2375-4222 (Online) Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
This pigment is broken down into two components, namely retinol and opsin, and as a result of this
photochemical reaction, excitation of the photoreceptors takes place and the nerve impulses are propagated by the
optic nerve to the brain.7,8
In all body cells, oxygen combines with the degradation products of carbohydrates, proteins and fats under the
influence of various enzymes that control the kinetics of chemical reactions in the mitochondria that release the
necessary energy. From there, the compound called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is obtained, used by all cells for
their intracellular.9
Among the characteristics of human hemoglobin is its ability to combine laxly and reversibly with oxygen and
transport it to the cells.10It is also able to transport the blue light quanta of the retinal vessels of the eye to the
cells, where activate the plasma membrane receptors and a process is produced in which ATP is obtained from the
ADP. Hence, hemoglobin can be considered as a photosynthetic pigment, given its ability to absorb light and
transform light energy into other types of energy through a photo-biological process. This statement can be
demonstrated by means of the electronic paramagnetic resonance spectrometer, which is used for the study of
photochemical processes and, in particular, of photosynthesis.11
This new knowledge allows inferring its application to other activities that man performs. For example, in the
agricultural work you can use the glasses of blue crystals, which favorably influence the achievement of greater
productivity of those who dedicate themselves to it. The use of these glasses can make it possible to obtain better
personal marks for high performance athletes, especially those who practice disciplines that require great physical
efforts such as road cycling, marathon and swimming in the background, among others.
It has been shown that when this procedure is applied to patients with clinical symptoms of fatigue, muscle
weakness and fatigue, these disappear in a few minutes, without interrupting their physical activity. It can also be
applied as a complementary therapy to reduce the healing time in patients suffering from malignant tumors with
metastases that are treated with oral potassium and low sodium diet. 12
Doctors who provide assistance to their patients are accustomed to indicate different therapeutic modalities
depending on the pathology or pathologies in each case and, sometimes, do not notice that the food may be able to
cure by itself any disorder, disease or certain disorder. As, unfortunately, there is not yet a generalized culture in
this sense, we must find a way for these professionals to change their mentality and come to understand and
assimilate the scope of this knowledge and be ready to put it into practice. Since photosynthesis is part of the
complementary diet, it must be taken into account in this context.
General Considerations
The disease is a process that occurs within the cell and this explains why the true cause of many disorders has not
been determined. In a functional disorder, there is always behind a structural disorder. However, there is no
explanation of what happens inside the cell or whether it has its origin in energy problems, particularly ATP
deficiency, because it has not been possible to quantify its use by cells. The same happens in any industry that, if
it does not receive energy, can not function properly. In the specific case of cells, one should ask:
Do all cells receive enough energy (ATP) to perform their functions?
Does it receive only a group of cells and others receive it in a more limited way or do not receive it?
Is this energy uniform to all the organs of the arteries that irrigate it through the blood?
Therefore, it is possible that diseases can also occur due to the lack of energy necessary for the maintenance of
cells, mainly if they do not have the ATP required to perform their functions. Hence the importance of
photosynthesis in humans as a natural food through blue light and the need for its indication for all acquired
diseases that affect man.
From this we can also derive the probability that this process will develop in other mammals and that the
procedure addressed in this work will be applied to them, which can transcend, in a particular way, those accorded
to the chemical, physical and veterinary.
Journal of Agriculture and Life Sciences Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2018 doi:10.30845/jals.v5n2p5
Bibliographic References
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2. Espinosa Álvarez RF, Novoa Blanco JF, Montero García JL. Uso de la ingestión de líquidos previamente
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9. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Tratado de Fisiología Médica T 3. España: Mc Graw Hill Interamericana 1996. p. 3
p. 23.
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12. Espinosa Álvarez RF, Montero García JL, Novoa Blanco JF. Teoría celular físico-química del cáncer. Cont
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Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, descriptivo y de corte transversal durante 15 años a enfermos con diferentes patologías (angina de pecho estable, isquemia cerebral transitoria, litiasis vesicular no complicada, así como várices hemorroidales y várices en miembros inferiores) una terapéutica consistente en la ingestión de todos los líquidos previamente magnetizados basado en una ley de la naturaleza (Ley de Faraday). A partir de los 3 meses de iniciado el tratamiento se hizo evidente la desaparición de los síntomas clínicos de las patologías descritas y en los casos específicos de litiasis vesicular se constató su total desaparición al cabo de un año, mediante la realización de ultrasonido diagnóstico evolutivo.
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Se explica como se produce el tumor maligno a nivel celular y como evoluciona en su desarrollo de modo gradual, sus alteraciones químicas que origina cambios en la estructura y función de la célula afectada. Se da a conocer una terapéutica en 3 pacientes cuya finalidad es desnutrir el tumor sin afectar a las células sanas. Esta teoría descrita tiene su basamento científico en las leyes de la materia y de la naturaleza.
The "reversion of cell fate from differentiated states back into totipotent or pluripotent states" has been an interest of many scientists for a long time. With the help of knowledge accumulated by those scientists, we succeeded in converting somatic cells to a pluripotent cell lineage by the forced expression of defined factors. These established induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells have similar features to embryonic stem (ES) cells, including pluripotency and immortality. The iPS cell technology provides unprecedented opportunities for regenerative medicine and drug discovery.
The egg and the nucleos: a battle for supremacy
  • J B Gurdon
Gurdon JB. The egg and the nucleos: a battle for supremacy. Disponible en: nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/2012/gurdon-lecture.html [Date of consultation: 4 jan 2013]
Tratado de Fisiología Médica T 3. España: Mc Graw Hill Interamericana
  • A C Guyton
  • J E Hall
Guyton AC, Hall JE. Tratado de Fisiología Médica T 3. España: Mc Graw Hill Interamericana 1996. p. 558.