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Experimental investigation of swirl number influence on spiral vortex structure dynamics


Abstract and Figures

The hydraulic turbines are recently forced to operate far away from the optimal conditions in order to balance fluctuations in electricity generation. In case of Francis, pump and propeller turbines, using only single control component of guide vanes, it means that in regions where the high residual swirl enters the draft tube, the flow is decelerated and convenient conditions for the vortex rope development are created. Such flow conditions are considered to be the triggering mechanism for occurrence of different forms of vortex structures in the Francis turbine draft tube, e.g. spiral or straight vortex rope at part load or full load respectively. Independently on the vortex rope shape the unsteady pressure fields develop producing periodic stress on turbine components and possibly resulting in noise, blade cracks, runner lift, power swing, etc. To study and mimic such flow conditions, a simplified device of vortex generator apparatus is employed. Thanks to its design, the vortex generator enables to change the ratio between fluxes of axial momentum and tangential moment of momentum of generated swirl. Then, the behavior of vortex structure changes in a similar way as the flow rate variation in the draft tube of Francis turbine. For above mentioned reasons the unsteady cavitating spiral vortex is experimentally studied using both high speed video record and particle image velocimetry (PIV). The main focus is on change of vortex dynamics regarding to the swirl number variation. The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) together with the classical fast Fourier transformation (FFT) are employed to extract dominant modes and frequencies from experimental data.
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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Experimental investigation of swirl number
influence on spiral vortex structure dynamics
To cite this article: D Štefan et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 774 012085
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30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774 (2021) 012085
IOP Publishing
Experimental investigation of swirl number influence
on spiral vortex structure dynamics
Stefan1, M Hudec1, V Uruba2, P Proch´azka2, O Urban1, P Rudolf1
1V. Kaplan Department of Fluid Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno
University of Technology, Technica 2896/2, 61699 Brno, Czech Republic
2Institute of Thermomechanics, The Czech Academy of Science, Dolejˇskova 1402/5, Prague,
Czech Republic
Abstract. The hydraulic turbines are recently forced to operate far away from the optimal
conditions in order to balance fluctuations in electricity generation. In case of Francis, pump
and propeller turbines, using only single control component of guide vanes, it means that in
regions where the high residual swirl enters the draft tube, the flow is decelerated and convenient
conditions for the vortex rope development are created. Such flow conditions are considered to
be the triggering mechanism for occurrence of different forms of vortex structures in the Francis
turbine draft tube, e.g. spiral or straight vortex rope at part load or full load respectively.
Independently on the vortex rope shape the unsteady pressure fields develop producing periodic
stress on turbine components and possibly resulting in noise, blade cracks, runner lift, power
swing, etc. To study and mimic such flow conditions, a simplified device of vortex generator
apparatus is employed. Thanks to its design, the vortex generator enables to change the ratio
between fluxes of axial momentum and tangential moment of momentum of generated swirl.
Then, the behavior of vortex structure changes in a similar way as the flow rate variation
in the draft tube of Francis turbine. For above mentioned reasons the unsteady cavitating
spiral vortex is experimentally studied using both high speed video record and particle image
velocimetry (PIV). The main focus is on change of vortex dynamics regarding to the swirl
number variation. The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) together with the classical fast
Fourier transformation (FFT) are employed to extract dominant modes and frequencies from
experimental data.
1. Introduction
The spiral vortex (special form of so called ”vortex rope” in hydro-turbine terminology) is one of
the main flow structures found in the draft tube (outlet diffuser) of Francis turbine operated at
part load. At part load the flow rate Qis lower than one at the best efficiency point QBEP and
the high residual swirl exits the turbine outlet and enters the draft tube where the remaining
kinetic energy is transformed to the static pressure. This decelerated swirling flow tends to be
unstable, thus the highly unsteady pressure field with the spiral vortex rotating around 25% of
the runner speed is formed. The resulting high pressure amplitudes strain the mechanical parts
of the turbine (e.g. blades, bearings) [1], cause power swing in electricity generation [2, 3, 4]
and produce significant mechanical noise. For this reason it is important to understand the
main source of dominant frequencies which could also cause resonance of some parts in hydraulic
system [5]. In order to study dynamical behavior of such vortex structure the simplified approach
30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774 (2021) 012085
IOP Publishing
consisting of swirling apparatus was employed in several researchers’ studies [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
and various spiral vortex behaviors were reported: transition from single to twin spiral vortex
[12, 13], self-oscillating vortex rope dynamic of synchronous character [14, 15] and finally the
vortex re-connection with formation of vortex rings [16, 17, 18, 19].
It is important to understand all these mentioned instabilities since the hydraulic turbines
are forced to operate far away from the optimal conditions in order to balance fluctuations in
electricity generation. For this reason the simplified device of swirl generator was used to study
changes in vortex dynamics regarding to the swirl number variation.
2. Swirl generator
The vortex generator presented in this study was developed with aim to change the ratio
between fluxes of axial momentum and tangential moment of momentum of generated swirl.
Such a geometry enables to adjust the swirl parameters while keeping the simple design for
manufacturing and operation (e.g. exclude any rotating parts). This was ensured by the inflow
separated to axial and tangential entrance. The tangential inflow Qtis mixed with axial one Qa
using the spiral geometry without any blade cascade. The swirl generator geometry is shown in
figure 1 where the red plane marks longitudinal cross-section in axial direction and blue plane
the mid-cross-section in the spiral. This swirl generator was already used in several numerical
[20, 21] and experimental studies [19].
Figure 1. Geometry of swirl generator. Figure 2. Test rig overview.
3. Measurements
Measurements were performed using the closed loop hydraulic circuit where the water is supplied
by the pump situated in the basement of laboratory. For both axial Qaand tangential Qtinflow
the static pressure level and flow rate were measured. The photo of test-rig with installed swirl
generator is shown in figure 2.
This paper presents results of two experimental campaigns. While the first one was
concentrated on visual observation of cavitating vortex using the high speed camera (HSC),
the second one employed stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (S-PIV) to obtain information
about velocity distribution in longitudinal planes situated within transparent diffuser. Assuming
the diffuser throat diameter Dt= 0.05 m as a reference length the Reynolds number for nominal
flow rates Qn= 10 l/s and Qn= 5 l/s is Re = 254647 and Re = 127323, respectively.
3.1. High speed camera recording
For the image recording of cavitating vortex the high speed camera Ximea CB120MG-CM-X8G3
was used. This camera, consisting of 12 MPx monochrome CMOSIS sensor, was equipped with
Canon EF 50 mm f/1.4 USM lens characterized by a very good aperture and focal length without
image distortion. For the scene illumination the 238 x 190 mm large LED lightening panel
30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774 (2021) 012085
IOP Publishing
Aputure Amaran HR consisting of 672 LED bulbs was used. In order to record vortex structure
filled with the water vapors, the so called back-light method was employed as suitable and
previously proved technique. According to the layout shown in figure 3 the camera, light source
and recorded object are situated inline. While the camera is heading towards the light source,
the recorded object is in the middle of the scene. In our case the diffuser was manufactured
from acrylic glass, thus it is fully transparent. The LED panel was placed just aside the diffuser
wall and camera was placed approximately in distance of 0.5 m. The final record was done with
aperture F2.5 and frame rate 1487.5 fps.
Figure 3. Layout of HSC recording. Figure 4. S-PIV calibration arrange-
ment for longitudinal target.
3.2. PIV measurements
The stereoscopic PIV (S-PIV) measurements were done employing the Pegasus PIV laser
Nd:YLF from New Wave Research and two CMOS NanoSense Mk III cameras from Dantec
Dynamic A/S. The laser has double head emitting coherent light with wavelength 527 nm by
maximal frequency equal to 10 kHz. The pulse energy is optimized for 1 kHz when its value
is 10 mJ (corresponding power is 10 W per head). Both cameras with resolution 1280 x 1024
pixels were equipped with Nikon lenses. As shown in figure 4 the multi-level calibration target
was designed and 3D printed exclusively for this application. The velocity vector maps with
129 x 110 vectors corresponds to space resolution approx. 1 mm. The water was saturated
by a borosilicate silver coated glass particles from Dantec. Diameter of particle is 10 µm with
spherical shape and smooth surface. For each measured flow ratio totally 1636 snapshots were
acquired with record length t= 3.27 s.
3.3. Measurements uncertainties
Several uncertainties were accounted for both PIV and high speed camera recording. Regarding
the PIV the positioning uncertainty of calibration target was lowered to minimum by using
the calibration target with outer dimensions equal to inner dimensions of diffuser cone. The
verticality of target placed in diffuser was checked by micro spirit level. The Scheinpflug lens
mounting was used for PIV cameras, however, the angle between lenses axes and the diffuser
outer surface was far from to be perpendicular, as recommended in similar situation [22]. This
configuration has been dictated by spatial restrictions. The uncertainty of flow rate plays
significant role since the ratio between axial and tangential inflow was set accordingly. The
flow rate uncertainty was quantified as combination of flow meter accuracy and actual measured
flow rate. For nominal flow rate Qn= 10 l/s the maximal uncertainty 0.05 l/s was estimated.
The pressure sensor behind test section was used to measure pressure level and consequently
evaluate Thoma cavitation number σas further described in equation (2). The measuring range
of this sensor is 0 6 bars with uncertainty 0.00625 bars.
30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774 (2021) 012085
IOP Publishing
4. Proper orthogonal decomposition
The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) was introduced to the field of fluid mechanics in
1967 by Lumley [23] as a method for identification of coherent structures. POD can be used to
analyze experimental and numerical data that are applied to scalar or vector functions.
Let u=f(x, tk) be a variable dependent on spatial coordinates x= (x, y, z ) and discrete time
tk. Given a set of data can be expressed using POD as a set of orthogonal spatial basis functions
i(x) (spatial modes) and temporal functions aj(tk) (temporal modes), where i= 1,2, ..., N (N
is number of grid points), k= 1,2, ..., M (Mis number of snapshots) and j= 1,2, ..., L (Lis
number of summed modes and LM). Accordingly, the approximation of the data set in the
first Lmodes can be written in terms of the spatial and temporal functions as follows:
ui(x, tk) =
i(x)aj(tk) (1)
where LMhas the largest mean square projection. In the method of snapshots, the general
N×Neigenvalue problem is reduced to an M×Meigenvalue problem. This solution enables
a substantial reduction in computational effort when the number of grid points Nsignificantly
exceeds the number of dataset snapshots M. The inner products of all pairs of the sampled
fields, i.e., the snapshots, are the temporal correlation matrix C(t
k, tk) used as the kernel and
defined in discrete form as C(t
k, tk) = M1U(x, t
k)U(x, tk), where U(x, tk) is the data matrix
where the columns are snapshots. On solving the eigenvalue problem of the form CA =λAwe
obtain the matrix of eigenvectors A, where ajis the jth column, and corresponding eigenvalues
λj. If uis velocity (obtained by PIV for example), we are minimizing the residual kinetic energy.
For this reason, POD is often referred to as the energetically optimal method. More details on
the computation of POD modes from discrete data might be found in [24, 25].
In this work POD was applied on measured flow fields by PIV to identify the main dynamics
features of generated swirling flow.
5. Results
Using the high speed camera the spatial shape of cavitating vortex was recorded for different flow
ratios. For each flow ratio four distinct snapshots are shown in figures 5 - 10. It is obvious that
the vortex shape is inconsistent in time and the spatial shape changes significantly with various
flow ratios. While at flow ratios with low tangential inflow (figures 5 - 7) the well developed
spiral vortex appears, at flow ratios with high tangential inflow (figures 9 - 10) the upper part
of vortex is formed by large amount of cavitation. Moreover in regimes close to flow ratio 50:50
(axial to tangential) it was observed that the vortex spiral grows and collapses periodically. Such
behavior is accompanied by creation of vortex ring and is documented in previous study [19].
In order to quantitatively describe the flow conditions with cavitating vortex, Thoma
cavitation number σwas calculated as:
where pis static pressure measured behind the diffuser section, pvis pressure of saturated
vapour, ρis water density and v0is mean velocity in diffuser throat area. Consequently, for
visualized cavitating vortex depicted in figures 5 - 10 average value of σ= 7.9.
30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774 (2021) 012085
IOP Publishing
Figure 5. Cavitating vortex at 55:45 of axial
to tangential flow ratio, σ= 7.82, S= 0.21.
Figure 6. Cavitating vortex at 50:50 of axial
to tangential flow ratio, σ= 7.85, S= 0.26.
Figure 7. Cavitating vortex at 45:55 of axial
to tangential flow ratio, σ= 7.88, S= 0.32.
Figure 8. Cavitating vortex at 40:60 of axial
to tangential flow ratio, σ= 7.91, S= 0.38.
Figure 9. Cavitating vortex at 35:65 of axial
to tangential flow ratio, σ= 7.96, S= 0.45.
Figure 10. Cavitating vortex at 30:70 of
axial to tangential flow ratio, σ= 8.00, S=
30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774 (2021) 012085
IOP Publishing
The swirling flow magnitude as a ratio between axial to tangential inflow is determined by
the swirl number S. It is a dimensionless parameter commonly used to characterize a swirling
flow at high Reynolds numbers. When the critical swirl number is reached the vortex breakdown
occurs. The widely used swirl number is defined as S=´uwrdS
R´u2dS where uis the time-averaged
axial velocity, wis the time-averaged tangential velocity, ris the radial coordinate and Ris
reference radius. In our case the swirl number is evaluated on single line from planar PIV grid
(as shown in figure 11), thus the equation might be modified as
0u2dr (3)
This evaluation line is situated in throat of diffuser, close to the border of PIV grid and contains
only 39 points with valid PIV vectors. Together with relatively short record length of t= 3.27 s
the exact value of swirl number might not be precisely estimated. This was particularly case of
flow ratio 30:70 with nominal flow rate Q= 10 l/s. This regime was at the limit of cavitation
occurrence which could distort PIV record. That was reason why the larger portion of tangential
inflow was measured for Q= 5 l/s. As shown in figure 12 the swirl number gradually increases as
the portion of tangential inflow increases. The black dotted line denotes the trend line estimated
as a combination of both data sets.
Figure 11. Line for evaluation of swirl
number. Figure 12. Swirl number evolution.
Figure 13 shows contours of axial velocity vax for four different flow ratios. The red line
marks the border of backflow region where vax <0. It is obvious that the size of backflow region
increases and changes shape with variation of flow ratio. Comparing these results with figures
5 - 10 it is possible to conclude the influence on spatial shape of cavitating vortex. In order to
identify the region of largest velocity fluctuations the root mean square of velocity magnitude
was calculated as follows
(vivavg )2(4)
where viis recorded sample of velocity magnitude, vavg is average from whole record. Results
are depicted in figure 14.
30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774 (2021) 012085
IOP Publishing
Figure 13. Contours of axial velocity (red lines separate the backflow region).
While at flow regimes 60:40 and 50:50 (axial to tangential) the regions of largest velocity
fluctuations form the conical-like shape leading from the end of hub, at regimes with higher
portion of tangential inflow the largest velocity fluctuations are found in the outer periphery of
diffuser throat. This redistribution might point to the significant change in vortex spatial shape.
Figure 14. Contours of velocity magnitude root means square RM Sv.
5.1. Modal decomposition of PIV data
POD was primarily applied to the field of radial velocity vrad. It is known that even small
instability is well recognizable in a field of vrad and thus is suitable for such analysis. Figure
16 shows variation of radial velocity modes for four different flow ratios. Spatial shape in form
of contours plot, relevant modal frequency fand percentage contribution to the overall energy
spectra are presented for the first four dominant modes #1 #4.
30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774 (2021) 012085
IOP Publishing
The change in flow ratio brings the variation in spatial modes as well as change of modal
frequency and percentage contribution. While at flow ratio 60:40 (axial to tangential) the mode
#1 contributes to the overall energy spectra by 8.7 %, at flow ratio 30:70 (axial to tangential) it
is already more than three times higher (31.4%). As shown in figure 18 the frequency of mode
#1 increases linearly with increase of tangential inflow and denotes the dominant frequency of
generated vortex. One can see that frequency of mode #1 and #2 is identical and percentage
contribution is very similar. If we plot temporal mode a1against a2we will get so called phase
portrait as depicted in figure 15. Circular shape denotes π/2 phase shift between these two
modes #1 and #2, which means that those two POD modes create one Fourier mode in form
of traveling wave .
Figure 15. Phase portraits of temporal modes a1and a2
Flow ratio mode #1 mode #2 mode #3 mode #4
S = 0.16
f = 18.1 Hz f = 18.1 Hz f = 46.5 Hz f = 54.2 Hz
8.7 % 7.6 % 4.5 % 4.3 %
mode #1 mode #2 mode #3 mode #4
S = 0.26
f = 29.7 Hz f = 29.7 Hz f = 93 Hz f = 71 Hz
13 % 12.3 % 5.2 % 5 %
mode #1 mode #2 mode #3 mode #4
S = 0.38
f = 39.5 Hz f = 39.5 Hz f = 77.5 Hz f = 77.5 Hz
22.8 % 18.2 % 3.7 % 3.7 %
mode #1 mode #2 mode #3 mode #4
S = 0.52
f = 51 Hz f = 51 Hz f = 102 Hz f = 102 Hz
31.4 % 20 % 4.1 % 3.6 %
Figure 16. Variation of radial velocity modes
30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774 (2021) 012085
IOP Publishing
From spatial shapes, identical modal frequency, similar percentage contribution and phase
portraits we can conclude, that modes #1 and #2 create a complex Fourier mode [26]. These
modes appear especially in case that POD is applied on flow in axi-symmetric domain, e.g.
vortex rope in draft tube of hydraulic turbine [27, 28].
Different situation applies for modes #3 and #4. Their frequency sometimes varies and it is
not always dominant in frequency spectra as for modes #1 and #2. Percentage contribution is
also much smaller as shown in figure 17 and remains around same magnitude. It is important to
highlight that the spatial shape of modes #3 and #4 at flow ratios 40:60 and 30:70 is different
to all others pointing on some longitudinal wave propagation.
Finally, the instability of vortex breakdown starts to appear somewhere between flow ratio
80:20 and 70:30 (axial to tangential inflow). This might be well identified from figure 18 where
the frequency of mode #1 is plotted with lowest value at Qt/Q = 0.3.
Figure 17. Mode’s percentage contribution. Figure 18. Frequency of mode #1.
6. Conclusions
The unsteady spiral vortex structure was studied using simple device of swirl generator
apparatus. The spatial shape of generated vortex structure changes according to variation
of swirl number S. From video record of cavitating vortex it might be concluded, that type of
vortex breakdown is dependent on magnitude of swirl number S. While for interval 0.2< S < 0.4
the spiral form of vortex breakdown develops, for S > 0.4 the ”wasp-nest-like” shape with large
amount of cavitation region just under the hub and short spiral tail is formed. This fact is
reflected in modal decomposition of radial velocity field. At flow ratios 40:60 and 30:70 the
spatial shape of modes #3 and #4 reveal longitudinal wave with frequency twice higher than
for modes #1 and #2.
By swirl number estimation and POD analysis it was possible to identify the combination
of axial to tangential inflow when the vortex breakdown starts to develop. Such a ratio
is approximately 75:25 (axial to tangential inflow) with estimated swirl number S= 0.04.
Approximately at this flow ratio the frequency of mode 1 is becoming nonzero, thus the vortex
breakdown instability emerges.
In future work we will concentrate on CFD simulation employing scale resolving turbulence
model and presented experimental results will be used for verification.
30th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774 (2021) 012085
IOP Publishing
The research has been supported by project “Computer Simulations for Effective Low-Emission
Energy” funded as project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16 026/0008392 by Operational Programme
Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 1: Strengthening capacity for high-quality
research and by specific research project No. FSI-S-20-6235 of Brno University of Technology,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
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... (3) different kinds of vortical flow [8]; (4) sudden pressure variation and cavitation [9]; and (5) jet-wake flow [10]. ...
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In hydro turbines, the draft tube vortex rope is one of the most crucial impact factors causing pressure pulsation and vibration. It is affected by operating conditions due to differences in the flow rate and state and can be symmetric or asymmetric along the rotational direction. It may influence the stability of draft tube flow. To achieve a better understanding, in this work, dynamic mode decomposition is used in a draft tube case study of a simplification of a vortex rope. As the flow rate increases, the shape of the vortex rope becomes clear, and the flow rotation becomes more significant as the inlet flow rate increases. Dynamic mode decomposition was used to determine the relative frequencies, which were 0 (averaged), 0.7 times, and 1.4 times the features of the reference frequency. As the inlet flow rate increases, the order of high-energy modes and their influence on the vortex rope gradually increase, and this characteristic is exhibited further downstream of the draft tube. When the inlet flow rate is low, the impact of mode noise is greater. As the flow velocity increases, the noise weakens and the rotation mode becomes more apparent. Identifying the mode of the vortex flow helps extract characteristics of the vortex rope flow under different operating conditions, providing a richer data-driven basis for an in-depth analysis of the impact of operating conditions on the flow stability of a draft tube.
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... The overview of different applications of PIV techniques in the context of hydro turbines can be found in [34,35]. Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is also used to extract the spatial structure and the energy of the PVC in the context of model hydro turbines [36,37]. To characterize the dominant frequency and amplitude of the pressure fluctuations induced by the PVC, pressure sensors installed into the draft tube cone are used [14]. ...
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We report on the experimental study of a precessing vortex core (PVC) in an air model of a Francis turbine. The focus is placed on the modal decomposition of the PVC that occurs in the draft tube of the model turbine for a range of operation conditions. The turbulent flow fluctuations in the draft tube are assessed using stereo particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements. Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is applied to the antisymmetric and symmetric components of the velocity fields to distinguish the dynamics of the azimuthal instabilities. The pressure pulsations induced by the PVC are measured by four pressure sensors mounted on the wall of the hydro turbine draft tube. Spatial Fourier decomposition is applied to the signals of the pressure sensors to identify the contributions of azimuthal modes, m=1 and m=2, to the total pressure fluctuations. The analysis based on velocity and pressure data shows similar results regarding the identification of the PVC. The contribution of the m=2 mode to the overall turbulent kinetic energy is significant for the part load regimes, where the flow rates are twice as low as at the best efficiency point (BEP). It is also shown that this mode is not the higher harmonic of the PVC, suggesting that it is driven by a different instability. Finally, we show a linear fit of the saturation amplitudes of the m=1 and m=2 oscillations to determine the critical bifurcation points of these modes. This yields critical swirl numbers of Scr=0.47 and 0.61, respectively. The fact that the PVC dynamics in hydro turbines are driven by two individual instabilities is relevant for the development of tailored active flow control of the PVC.
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Cavitation is a quasi-periodic process, and its non-stationarity leads to increasingly complex flow field structures. On the other hand, characterizing the flow field with greater precision has become increasingly feasible. However, accurately and effectively extracting the most representative vibration modes and spatial structures from these vast amounts of data has become a significant challenge. Researchers have proposed data-driven modal decomposition techniques to extract flow field information, which have been widely applied in various fields such as signal processing and fluid dynamics. This paper addresses the application of modal decomposition methods, such as dynamic mode decomposition (DMD), Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD), and Spectral Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (SPOD), in cavitation feature detection in hydraulic machinery. It reviews the mathematical principles of these three algorithms and a series of improvements made by researchers since their inception. It also provides examples of the applications of these three algorithms in different hydraulic machinery. Based on this, the future development trends and possible directions for the improvement of modal decomposition methods are discussed.
The paper investigates the unstable behavior of a precessing vortex core in a diffuser behind a rotating swirler. The studies were carried out by experimental methods using a hydrodynamic stand, and by numerical simulation of turbulent flow in the stand in the various flow swirl modes. Both experimental and calculation studies show nonperiodic reconnection of the vortex core and the formation of vortex rings. This instability is observed within a narrow range of the swirl parameter between a weakly swirled flow without vortex breakdown and a strongly swirled flow with forming a stable precessing vortex core. The vortex core reconnection leads to forming a wave disturbance propagating along the vortex rope.
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The unsteady shape variation of a cavitating spiral vortex is experimentally studied pointing out the repetitive creation of vortex ring (or vortex loop). To generate the spiral vortex structure, a newly designed vortex generator is employed. This generator is used to study the decelerated swirling flow leading to the spiral vortex formation as a consequence of spiral vortex breakdown, which is considered to be the main triggering mechanism for the occurrence of the coherent vortex rope structure in the Francis turbine draft tube operated at part load conditions. Thanks to its design, the vortex generator enables to change the ratio between fluxes of axial momentum and tangential moment of momentum of generated swirl. Using this set-up, the behavior of the vortex structure changes in a similar way as the flow rate variation in the draft tube of Francis turbine. At certain flow conditions, the spiral vortex movement is characterized by sudden spiral entanglement leading to disconnection of a vortex ring and followed by spiral reconnection. Thanks to the transparent diffuser of the swirl generator apparatus, both high-speed camera recording of the cavitating vortex and PIV measurements of velocity fields at cavitationfree conditions are employed. The main aim of this paper is to link the visual observation of the above described vortex dynamics with the velocity fields measured in one longitudinal and one cross-sectional planes.
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The paper presents the results of a POD analysis of the flow in a swirl generator. The generator has two separate inlets – one straight axial inlet and one tangential inlet ended by a spiral case. This allows to set different operating points, which are in turn connected with different shapes of the vortex rope present in the flow field. In this case, the investigation is aimed at linearly varying flow rates at the boundaries, namely, the ratio of the tangential flow rate is increased from 40 % up to more than 80 % of the total flow rate, which is maintained constant. Substituting the POD modes into the energy equation provides additional insight into the energy fluxes between the modes and consequently into a major part of the turbulent flow energy cascade as the input data were gained from a CFD simulation using scale-resolving Stress-Blended Eddy Simulation model. The POD modes can be used to construct a simplified model of the vortex rope dynamics covering a wider operating range rather than just one point.
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The instability of stationary vortex structures is manifested by an oscillation at several fundamental frequencies which are associated with characteristic shapes. It is caused by the non-linear convective terms in the Navier-Stokes equations. The frequency of unstable oscillation can be detected by the Fourier transform of the velocity and the pressure field themselves or their constitutive modes. It is this knowledge of the constitutive modes that is the basis for using the inverse method to define a reduced mathematical model in a finite-dimensional space. This model allows to analyze the vortex structures in the region of instability and their dependence on inhomogeneous boundary conditions. Present paper describes the essential steps of deriving an inverse method. The inverse method is applied to fluid flow in the draft tube of a swirl generator. The dynamic mode decomposition and the discrete Fourier transform of the flow field are assessed as possible methods that can provide the modal and spectral matrix for the model.
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Hydropower plays a key role in the actual energy market due to its fast response and regulation capacity. In that way, hydraulic turbines are increasingly demanded to work at off-design conditions, where complex flow patterns and cavitation appear, especially in Francis turbines. The draft tube cavitation surge is a hydraulic phenomenon that appears in Francis turbines below and above its Best Efficiency Point (BEP). It is a low frequency phenomenon consisting of a vortex rope in the runner outlet and draft tube, which can become unstable when its frequency coincides with a natural frequency of the hydraulic circuit. At this situation, the output power can significantly swing, endangering the electrical grid stability. This study is focused on the detection of these instabilities in Francis turbines and their relationship with the output power swings. To do so, extensive experimental tests for different operating conditions have been carried out in a large prototype Francis turbine (444 MW of rated power) within the frame of the European Project Hyperbole (FP7-ENERGY-2013-1). Several sensors have been installed in the hydraulic circuit (pressure sensors in the draft tube, spiral casing, and penstock), in the rotating and static structures (vibration sensors, proximity probes, and strain gauges in the runner and in the shaft), as well as in the electrical side (output power, intensity, and voltage). Moreover, a numerical Finite Element Method (FEM) has been also used to relate the hydraulic excitation with the output power swing.
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This practical guide intends to provide comprehensive information on the PIV technique that in the past decade has gained significant popularity throughout engineering and scientific fields involving fluid mechanics. Relevant theoretical background information directly support the practical aspects associated with the planning, performance and understanding of experiments employing the PIV technique. The second edition includes extensive revisions taking into account significant progress on the technique as well as the continuously broadening range of possible applications which are illustrated by a multitude of examples. Among the new topics covered are high-speed imaging, three-component methods, advanced evaluation and post-processing techniques as well as microscopic PIV, the latter made possible by extending the group of authors by an internationally recognized expert. This book is primarily intended for engineers, scientists and students, who already have some basic knowledge of fluid mechanics and non-intrusive optical measurement techniques. It shall guide researchers and engineers to design and perform their experiment successfully without requiring them to first become specialists in the field. Nonetheless many of the basic properties of PIV are provided as they must be well understood before a correct interpretation of the results is possible.
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Operating hydraulic turbines under part- or over-load conditions leads to the development of the precessing vortex rope downstream of the turbine runner. In a regime close to the best efficiency point (BEP), the vortex rope is very unstable because of the low residual swirl of the flow. However, strong pressure pulsations have been detected in the regime. These oscillations can be caused by self-merging and reconnection of a vortex helix with the formation of a vortex ring. The vortex ring moves along the wall of the draft tube and generates a sharp pressure pulse that is registered by pressure transducer. This phenomenon was investigated on a simplified draft tube model using a swirl generator consisting of a stationary swirler and a freely rotating runner. The experiments were performed at Reynolds number (Re) = 10⁵. The measurements involved a high-speed visualization technique synchronized with pressure measurements on the draft tube wall, which enables an analysis of the key stages of vortex ring formation by comparing it with the pressure on the draft tube wall. Quantitative information regarding the average velocity distribution was obtained via the laser Doppler anemometer (LDA) technique.
An experimental investigation of the cavitating turbulent flow in a simplified hydraulic turbine was carried out to examine flow features in a wide range of speed and discharge conditions. A swirling device that allows reproducing the speed distribution behind the runner of a real turbine was manufactured using a rapid 3D prototyping technology. Laser Doppler velocimetry was used to measure both axial and tangential velocity components at the runner outlet for 96 operating regimes. The limitations of the swirl number used for swirling flow characterization through swirl free speed and discharge conditions were investigated. Particular attention was paid to the instability of the precessing vortex rope in the transition regime at a low swirl number. The boundaries of the regime with an aperiodic pressure surge in terms of the swirl number were defined, contributing to insight into the stability of swirling flow in hydraulic turbines.
We report on experimental study of flow and pressure pulsations in draft-tube of a laboratory air model of Francis-99 hydro-turbine operating over a broad range of regimes employing a rapid prototyping of the swirl generators and computerized measurements. In total, 867 operating regimes were examined corresponding to different combinations of the runner rotation speed and flowrates. The velocity measured by a computer-automated laser-Doppler anemometer and the pressure recording by wall-mounted acoustic sensors for a selection of operating conditions reveal a variety of patterns of the flow and vortex structures, with clearly identifiable regimes with the maximum coherent flow pulsations at non-optimal operating conditions. The regimes with distinct precessing vortex cores show notable rearrangement of the velocity and vorticity fields, accompanied by a sharp increase in the amplitude of the coherent pressure pulsations, as also confirmed by the peak crosscorrelation of the spectra of pressures signals from two diametrally placed wall-mounted microphones. The paper closes with a scrutiny of the swirl number, its distribution and the relation of zero-swirl with the isogonal best-efficiency loci in a broad range of operating conditions. For the nominal best efficiency regime, the integral swirl number appears to have a small positive value of about S = 0.11, but the tangential velocity distribution reveals two concentric counter-rotating cylindrical rod-like streams with a negative swirl (relative to the runner rotation direction) in the inner region and positive in the outer. In the regimes with the PVC formation, as illustrated for the maximum pressure pulsations regime at S > 0.5, the axial velocity appears to be almost stagnant in the core (though positive apart from the cowl wake), the flow being pushed into the peripheral annular region.
Hydraulic turbomachines have played a prominent role in the procurement of renewable energy for more than a century. Embedded in the context of general technological progress, their design for efficiency and reliability has reached an outstanding level of quality, and no other turbomachines have reached the efficiency levels of Francis turbines, now close to 96%. To maintain such a level in every project is a permanent engineering challenge because, unlike other types of equipment, the turbines and storage pumps for a hydroelectric power plant are usually ‘tailor-made’, that is their design is adapted to the flow and head available for a given location. Furthermore, with the fundamental changes in the electricity markets due to the integration of non-dispatchable renewables, such as wind and solar power, the role of hydro power in the electrical grid has dramatically changed from being a contributor of constant energy supply to a highly flexible supplier of ancillary services. Hydraulic turbomachines are nowadays operated in a far more dynamic way thereby requiring substantial progress in technology development. The main hydraulic performance issues of hydroelectric machinery – output, efficiency and cavitation – have been in the focus of interest right from the beginning because they are obviously linked with the owner’s financial success. Well-established practice and standards for testing these properties of the machines have existed for a long time. It is more difficult to assess in advance the durability of the equipment. Mechanical failure of one ore more components after some period of operation is in most cases due to fatigue caused by fluctuating stress added to the steady-state load. These fluctuating stresses are, like the steady-state ones, a consequence of the working principle of the hydraulic machines. To predict them becomes more and more important if the machines should be designed for good hydraulic performance, but at the same time be developed for the lowest possible cost and the most flexible operation. Apart from issues of mechanical safety, there are also other reasons for limiting the unsteady phenomena. For example, spontaneous power swings due to some mechanism of instability are not acceptable for the electrical network. There are also some issues at the border between safety and convenience, phenomena like pressure shocks, vibrations and noise where both operators and suppliers may disagree about what is acceptable or not. To make things even more challenging, the flexibility of modern power plant leads to a remarkable trend towards operating the equipment in off-design conditions for a larger percentage of time. As a consequence, the importance of fluctuating loads increases and the unsteady operational behavior must receive more attention. The idea for this book was born a few years ago, when a number of researchers in the field, including one of the authors, reached the age of retirement. Engineers who have acquired specific knowledge in the field, both empirical and theoretical, owe a good deal of that knowledge to unforeseen technical mistakes and their correction. The problems that had to be dealt with typically occurred once in every few years, or even over many years. Within a well-governed company, however, such incidents drive a process of rule-making to provide guidelines to avoid similar events. Over the years, the body of rules and guidelines increases and the errors are finally avoided. It is not quite the same in the open literature of the technical community. Paradoxically, the very large number of conference papers seems to assist in the merciless erosion of know-how. In view of this we recognized that we should make this specific knowledge available in a more compact form, some of it being owed to publicly funded research projects, or collected in exchange of experience with colleagues from other companies in working groups organized by IAHR. In addition this book is intended as a contribution to help improving the efficiency of collaboration between the buyers and suppliers of hydroelectric machinery. We are faced in many projects with unrealistic or unpractical technical requirements with regard to unsteady performance. This is mainly due to lack of available information about the actual behavior of hydraulic machines. With our book, we want to close this gap of knowledge and contribute to a more rational handling of the subject in future projects. Peter Dörfler Zurich, April 2012
The swirling flow exiting the runner of a hydraulic turbine is further decelerated in the discharge cone of the draft tube to convert the excess of dynamic pressure into static pressure. When the turbine is operated far from the best efficiency regime, particularly at part load, the decelerated swirling flow develops a self-induced instability with a precessing helical vortex, with associated severe pressure fluctuations. This phenomenon is investigated numerically in this paper, for a swirl apparatus configuration. The unsteady three-dimensional flow field is analyzed using a proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), and within this framework we examine the effectiveness of an axial jet injection for mitigating the flow instability. It is shown that a limited number of modes can be used to reconstruct the flow field. Moreover, POD enables to reveal influence of the jet injection on the individual modes of the flow and illustrates continuous suppression of the modes from higher order modes to lower order modes as the jet discharge increases. Application of POD offers new view for the future control effort aimed on vortex rope mitigation, because spatio-temporal description of the flow is provided. Thereby POD enables better focus of the jets or other flow control devices.