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Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic


Abstract and Figures

This study used a survey method, collecting data used observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The data analysis technique used in this study is qualitative descriptive statistics. The results of observations of questionnaires and interviews are that; 1) There is a need for innovations in designing or developing a media/learning model based on mobile learning that is adapted to the times and technological advances, especially in the subject of rhythmic gymnastics at the high school / vocational high school level so that students can learn independently safely and healthily during the Copid-19 pandemic. 2) Design of mobile learning material for high school / vocational gymnastics is feasible to be used as a media for distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, based on the results of expert validation and field trials, namely; 1) the results of the validation of the gymnastics material expert explained that the series of rhythmic gymnastics movements were feasible because they could be applied, 2) the results of the validation by the media expert obtained a value of 80% in the very good category, and 3) the results of the validation of the learning experts were 81% in the very good category. While the results of field trials in both small-scale and large-scale trials, the overall results show that the mobile learning design is attractive, easy to use and students can practice the gymnastics movements that have been developed. This shows that the mobile learning design is suitable for use as a distance learning medium in the high school / vocational high school level rhythmic gymnastics material during the Covid-19 pandemic because the media is easy to use and useful in the learning process so that learning objectives can be achieved properly.
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International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9(3): 394-402, 2021
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2021.090302
Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics
Materials for High School / Vocational High School
Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the
Covid-19 Pandemic
Oktariyana1,*, Moch. Asmawi1, Iman Sulaiman1, Oktariyani2, Noviria Sukmawati3,
Muhsana El Cintami Lanos4, Hikmah Lestari4
1Faculty of Post Graduate Sports Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
2English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Social and Humaniora, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung, Indonesia
3Sport Education Study Program, Universitas Bina Darma, Palembang, Indonesia
4Physical Education Study Program, Universitas PGRI Palembang, Indonesia
Received December 14, 2020; Revised February 6, 2021; Accepted March 12, 2021
Cite This Paper in the following Citation Styles
(a): [1] Oktariyana, Moch. Asmawi, Iman Sulaiman, Oktariyani, Noviria Sukmawati, Muhsana El Cintami Lanos,
Hikmah Lestari , "Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School
Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic," International Journal of Human Movement and
Sports Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 394 - 402, 2021. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2021.090302.
(b): Oktariyana, Moch. Asmawi, Iman Sulaiman, Oktariyani, Noviria Sukmawati, Muhsana El Cintami Lanos, Hikmah
Lestari (2021). Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School
Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Human Movement and
Sports Sciences, 9(3), 394 - 402. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2021.090302.
Copyright©2021 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract This study used a survey method, collecting
data used observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The
data analysis technique used in this study is qualitative
descriptive statistics. The results of observations of
questionnaires and interviews are that; 1) There is a need
for innovations in designing or developing a
media/learning model based on mobile learning that is
adapted to the times and technological advances,
especially in the subject of rhythmic gymnastics at the
high school / vocational high school level so that students
can learn independently safely and healthily during the
Copid-19 pandemic. 2) Design of mobile learning
material for high school / vocational gymnastics is
feasible to be used as a media for distance learning during
the Covid-19 pandemic, based on the results of expert
validation and field trials, namely; 1) the results of the
validation of the gymnastics material expert explained that
the series of rhythmic gymnastics movements were
feasible because they could be applied, 2) the results of
the validation by the media expert obtained a value of
80% in the very good category, and 3) the results of the
validation of the learning experts were 81% in the very
good category. While the results of field trials in both
small-scale and large-scale trials, the overall results show
that the mobile learning design is attractive, easy to use
and students can practice the gymnastics movements that
have been developed. This shows that the mobile learning
design is suitable for use as a distance learning medium in
the high school / vocational high school level rhythmic
gymnastics material during the Covid-19 pandemic
because the media is easy to use and useful in the learning
process so that learning objectives can be achieved
Keywords Mobile Learning; Rhythmic Gymnastics;
Learning Media, Distance Learning; The Copid-19
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9(3): 394-402, 2021 395
1. Introduction
The Covid-19 pandemic is currently endemic in almost
all countries, one of which is Indonesia. With the
problems that occur, teaching and learning activities are
usually carried out face-to-face and carried out in schools.
However, as a result of this pandemic, learning has turned
to distance learning (PJJ). Distance education, hereinafter
referred to as PJJ, is education where students are
separated from the educator and whose learning uses
various learning resources through information and
communication technology and other media [1]. The
Covid-19 pandemic has negated all activities in Indonesia
that have the potential to gather mass, including
educational activities at all levels. As a result, almost all
formal education institutions organize online learning [2].
In modern times, distance education is becoming a more
popular and accepted approach to education [3]. Also,
nowadays digital technology has become an inseparable
part of the world of education [4]. Digital technology here
includes a variety of computer hardware and software,
such as cell phones, web tools, application software,
communication services, and storage [5].
Distance learning, especially in the provision of
rhythmic gymnastics at the SMA / SMK level, will be fun
if the teacher uses media that is interesting and fun for
students. According to AECT [6] explains that "learning
media is anything people use to transmit messages".
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the most appropriate
media to use is mobile learning-based learning media. In a
mobile learning and teaching environment, where students
can interact and review resources "anytime, anywhere,"
the learner and the instructor become clients for
interactive learning and instruction centers. These centers
can support teachers with the provision of controlling,
monitoring, and guiding activities for learning and
teaching. In such a mobile environment the role of the
teacher is that of mediator, supporter, or facilitator, or to
guide learning. To be successful in such a dynamic
environment, a teacher must engage and monitor students'
learning processes, assist them in their learning activities
and help them to make meaningful connections with the
real world and with prior and new knowledge [7]. Mobile
learning is "unique learning because learners can access
learning materials, directions, and applications related to
the course anytime and anywhere [8]. Mobile learning as
instant and optionally accessible, anywhere and anytime
learning, which helps us create our knowledge, satisfy our
curiosity, collaborate with others, and enrich our
experiences "[9]. Meanwhile, according to Crompton [10],
mobile learning is e-learning that is performed through
mobile devices. Mobile learning as taking place when the
learner is not at a fixed, predetermined location, or when
the learner takes advantage of the learning opportunity
offered by mobile technologies [11].
With the existence of mobile learning products,
rhythmic gymnastics material at the SMA / SMK level is
expected to be useful as a medium for distance learning
during the Covid-19 pandemic as well as for the future.
Also, the use of innovative, creative, and independent
learning models is needed in the learning and teaching
process of physical education in schools, especially for
SMA / SMK level on rhythmic gymnastics material.
Rhythmic gymnastics as a choice of rhythmic activity in
the basic competencies of physical education learning, in
its implementation, must refer to educational goals,
including developing self-skills in psychomotor
development and maintenance of physical fitness and
healthy lifestyles through various rhythmic activities in
schools. Also, the goal of physical education is to
understand the concept of physical activity and exercise in
a clean environment as information to achieve perfect
physical growth, a healthy lifestyle and fitness, skill, and
have a positive attitude. From the description above it can
be concluded that physical education through rhythmic
gymnastics in rhythmic activities aims to develop basic
psychomotor movement skills and improve physical
fitness and healthy lifestyles for students.
Rhythmic gymnastics is a gymnastic movement that is
carried out to the rhythm of the music, the movements can
be varied according to the accompaniment of music,
singing, or counting. Husnul [12] explained that rhythmic
gymnastics is gymnastics that is done to channel a sense
of art or a sense of beauty to foster and improve the art of
movement. The emphasis that should be put on rhythmic
gymnastics is rhythmic, body flexibility, and continuity of
movement. Also, Ahmad [13] explained that rhythmic
gymnastics is a movement of steps and body exercises
that are formed in such a way as to produce the beauty of
regular motion from one movement to another. The
objectives of teaching gymnastics include: 1) developing
physical skills, 2) developing physical fitness, 3) instilling
knowledge and awareness of physical fitness, 4)
developing emotional skills and social talents, 5)
developing attitudes and personality) [14].
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Mobile Learning
Any device that is small enough can work alone, can be
carried around at any time in everyday life, and can be
used for some form of learning. This small device can be
seen as a tool for accessing content, either stored locally
on the device or accessible via interconnection. This
device can also be a tool for interacting with other people,
either through voice or exchanging written messages, still
images, and moving images [15]. The term mobile
learning (m-learning) refers to the use of handheld and
mobile information technology (IT) devices, such as
PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), mobile phones,
396 Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels
as a Distance Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic
laptops, and tablet PCs, in teaching and learning. Mobile
learning (m-learning) is part of electronic learning
(e-learning) so that by itself it is also part of distance
learning (d-learning). M-learning is learning across
multiple contexts, through social and content interactions,
using personal electronic devices [16]. Mobile learning is
a facility or service that provides electronic information in
general to learners and with educational content/material
that can help in attaining knowledge regardless of location
and time [17]. Mobile learning can be defined as the use
of mobile devices as a mediator in the process of learning
and teaching "[18]. Mobile learning is a new learning
method that maximizes the use of mobile device
technology or smartphones. The development of mobile
learning media must be developed as attractive as possible
so that student learning motivation can increase.
2.2. Rhythmic Gymnastics
Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that can be done
individually or in groups. Rhythmic gymnastics is very
good for body fitness and the formation of body parts.
Good and appropriate movements in rhythmic gymnastics
will produce maximum results as expected. Caine [19]
explained that gymnastics is a sport characterized by early
intensive practice. It can represent the most demanding
sport in which performance excellence is reached during
childhood and early adolescence. Childhood and
adolescence are periods of enormous skeletal growth (at
the end of adolescence, the major part of adult bone mass
is acquired). In principle, rhythmic gymnastics aims to
make the body fit, supple, and make the heart happy. The
freedom of movement obtained through movement will
result in balance, timing, strength, and coordination. Or it
can also be interpreted as rhythmic gymnastics, where the
movements are performed rhythmically, a combination of
the various rhythmic movements that accompany them,
the accompaniment can be in the form of clapping, beats,
singing, music, and so on. In rhythmic gymnastics, we
need to master movement techniques to achieve
movements that are harmonious and beneficial to both
body and spirit. This is following the goals of gymnastics,
namely shaping the beauty of the body, fitness, and
strength. When doing rhythmic gymnastics movements, it
is hoped that students can do it cheerfully and happily. So
that the goal to increase the work of the heart and body
metabolism is achieved. Also, doing rhythmic gymnastics
properly and correctly can provide other benefits such as
burning excess fat in the body, is a weight loss program,
improves the appearance of the muscles of the thighs,
arms, waist, abdomen, and chest.
2.3. Learning Media
The use of instructional media at the learning
orientation stage will greatly assist the effectiveness of the
learning process and the delivery of messages and lesson
content. In addition to generating student motivation and
interest, learning media can also help students improve
understanding, present data by attracting and condensing
information. Media is an intermediary or messenger from
the sender to the recipient of the message [20]. Meanwhile,
Suhartati [21] explained that media is anything that can
transmit information from information sources to
information recipients. Meanwhile, learning is the
teacher's effort to make students carry out learning
activities. It can be concluded that learning media is
anything that can be used to transmit information from
teachers to students so that it can stimulate the thoughts,
feelings, attention, and interests of students and in the end
can make students carry out learning activities, especially
in distance learning during the Copied pandemic. 19 this.
2.4. Distance Learning
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) explained that more than 91% of
the world's student population has been affected by school
closures due to the Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19)
pandemic. The impact of the Copid-19 pandemic was the
Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud)
through the Minister of Education and Culture Circular
Number 4 of 2020 containing directions regarding
learning from home through distance learning. Distance
education or what is called distance education (in English)
is an institution-based formal education in which students
and instructors are in separate locations so that it requires
an interactive telecommunications system to connect the
two and the various resources needed in it. Electronic
learning (e-learning) or online learning (online) is part of
distance education that specifically combines electronic
technology and internet-based technology [22]. Simply
put, distance learning is education that is taught remotely,
without a physical classroom.
2.5. Methodology
This study used a survey method. Collecting data using
observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The data
analysis technique used in this study is qualitative
descriptive statistics. This research has been carried out in
high school / vocational high school in the city of Baturaja,
South Sumatra, which consists of 3 schools, namely SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Baturaja, SMK Negeri 2 OKU, and
SMK Negeri 3 OKU.
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9(3): 394-402, 2021 397
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Results of Needs Analysis
The next step is to conduct a needs analysis. This stage
is also carried out as a basis for developing a mobile
learning model in rhythmic gymnastics at the high school
/ vocational high school level so that it can facilitate
students in participating in rhythmic gymnastics learning,
especially during the Copid-19 pandemic. The needs
analysis was carried out by distributing questionnaires and
simple interviews to students who were taking rhythmic
gymnastics subjects.
The following is an explanation of the results of the
needs analysis and the findings in the field that there are
several important points so that it is necessary to develop
a Mobile Learning Design for Rhythmic Gymnastics
Materials at the high school / vocational high school level
as a Distance Learning Media during the Copid-19
Pandemic, including; 1) out of 50 students, 100% of the
students stated that rhythmic gymnastics subjects at
school were only given once a week. So thus students'
understanding of rhythmic gymnastics material is quite
low, without any assistive media that makes it easier for
students to learn independently who can study anywhere
that does not only rely on teaching by teachers at school. 2)
Of the 50 students, only 10% of students open learning
applications, 68% of students open Facebook applications
more often, and 22% of students open Instagram
applications. 3) Of the 50 students, 40% of students chose
mobile learning media, 32% chose printed books and 28%
chose to learn VCDs. This means that students are very
enthusiastic about mobile-based media that is adapted to
the progress of the times and technological developments
in the present era, which can learn anytime and anywhere
regardless of time and place. 4) Out of 50 students 90% of
students already have an Android cellphone, and only
10% of students do not have an Android cellphone. So
that if the rhythmic gymnastics learning media is
packaged in the form of an Android-based application
there are no obstacles for students to access and learn it.
and 5) out of 50 students 96% of students agreed that
rhythmic gymnastics learning was packaged in the form of
mobile learning.
Departing from these points, it can be concluded that
there is a need for innovations in designing or developing
a media/learning model based on mobile learning that is
adapted to the times and technological advances,
especially in the subject of rhythmic gymnastics at the
high school / vocational high school level so that students
can learn independently safely and healthily during the
Copid-19 pandemic.
3.2. Product Design Results
The design of mobile learning products for rhythmic
gymnastics material as a medium for distance learning
during the Copid-19 pandemic is in the form of an
application that can be downloaded by users online. In the
material menu, besides displaying a description of the
material in the form of text, it also displays examples of
rhythmic gymnastics learning movements as outlined in
the learning videos so that students can better understand
following the rhythmic gymnastics learning movements
that the researcher has developed. In brief, the description
of the design of mobile learning in the form of a rhythmic
gymnastics learning application can be described as
Figure 1. Logo of Rhythmic gymnastics learning application
Figure 2. Display of Rhythmic Gymnastics Learning Application
Program Title
398 Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels
as a Distance Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Figure 3. Display of Rhythmic Gymnastics Learning Application Entry
Figure 4. Main Menu Display
Figure 5. Rhythmic Gymnastics Menu Display
Figure 6. Simulation Video Menu Display
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9(3): 394-402, 2021 399
Figure 7. Rhythmic Gymnastics Video Show
3.3. Results of the Validation of Gymnastics Material
The following are the results of validation by
gymnastics material experts on the initial design that has
been compiled. The results show that the overall results of
the series of movements in rhythmic gymnastics are
feasible because they can be applied, but some
movements must be replaced. So the rhythmic gymnastics
movement sequence model deserves to be continued at the
next stage of the trial. However, gymnastics experts still
provide notes in the form of input and suggestions on the
model of the rhythmic gymnastics movement series to be
revised before proceeding to the next stage. The following
is a table of several revisions (notes in the form of
suggestions and input) from gymnastics experts and the
follow-ups from researchers are as follows:
Table 1. Revision and Follow Up
Expert Response
(Input Suggestions)
Pay attention to the
movements made
with power and
precisely so that you
don't get injured.
The demonstrators have trained
again so that the gymnastics
movements are carried out
properly and correctly, are
compact, and interesting.
When shooting, pay
attention to the
instructor's formation
so that all movements
are visible.
Improve the formation of
Music is already
good, especially
developing folk
The songs are arranged from
South Sumatra regional songs,
namely, the song dik sangke,
ombay akas, pempek lenjer,
cuhup tenang, cuk mak ilang, and
gending Sriwijaya.
4 Duration added again
The initial duration of ± 15
minutes after the revision was
changed to ± 20 minutes.
The movement is
systematic, good, and
varied according to
the characteristics of
high school /
vocational school
3.4. Validation Results of Media Experts
Based on data from the results of the media expert
validation instrument, the values obtained are; 1) the app
appearance attractiveness is 80% with a very good
category, 2) the suitability of the audio music used is 80%
with the very good category, 3) the attractiveness of the
video content is 82% in the very good category, 4) the use
of media as an alternative to learning is 80 % with very
good category, and 5) aspect of media functionality by
80% with a very good category. The results of the media
expert's validation can also be illustrated in the following
pie chart:
Figure 8. Pie Diagram of Media Expert Validation Results
Based on the pie chart above, thus the overall design of
the mobile learning material for high school / vocational
high school rhythmic gymnastics is a very good category,
which means that the mobile learning product of rhythmic
gymnastics material for SMA / SMK in the form of a
rhythmic gymnastics learning application is feasible for
continued at the next trial stage, but media experts still
provide notes in the form of input and suggestions that
need to be revised on the product that has been developed.
The notes in the form of input and advice from media
experts on mobile learning design products for high
school / vocational high school level rhythmic gymnastics
are as follows:
400 Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels
as a Distance Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Table 2. Revision and Follow-up of Application Products by Media Experts
No Expert Response (Input Suggestions) Revision
Fixed in the introduction & title section, there was a typing
error and the font color was adjusted to the background on the
Revised according to suggestions
In the background in the main menu, the color is changed
according to the theme
Revised according to suggestions
In the hint menu, each point is given an icon and the image is
adjusted accordingly.
Revised according to suggestions
In the video background simulation menu, the image is
adjusted to the video theme.
Make revisions and add one button/button so that users can see
the full video of Batara exercises from heating, core, and cooling.
5 And the video button/button is added again "full video".
Add a description of each movement to the exercise video in the
The shooting location is chosen as an interesting and
conducive place for gymnastics.
Choose an attractive and conducive shooting location. In the
initial product, the shooting location was in a poor school location
which was then improved by selecting a shooting location at the
Jakabaring Stadium, Palembang-South Sumatra.
3.5. Learning Expert Validation Results
The following are the results of the
assessment/validation by learning experts on the initial
product design of mobile learning for high school /
vocational high school level rhythmic gymnastics
materials. (a) on the indicators of the formulation of
learning objectives, a value of 80% was obtained with
very good criteria, (b) on the indicators of the delivery of
learning material, a value of 83% was obtained in the very
good category, and (c) on the indicators of learning
management, a value of 80% was obtained with very good
category. Based on the data above, an average percentage
of 81% is obtained with a very good category, which
means that the product that has been developed is feasible
to be tested at a later stage. The results of the learning
expert validation can also be illustrated in the following
pie chart:
Figure 9. Pie Diagram of Learning Expert Validation Results
From the results of the validation of the experts, both
media experts, material experts, and learning experts as a
whole, it can be concluded that the mobile learning design
product for the rhythmic gymnastics material at the SMA /
SMK level is feasible to be tested at the next stage,
namely small-scale trials and large-scale trials with notes
after the revisions according to the suggestions.
3.6. Field Trials (Small Scale & Large Scale)
This mobile learning design product for high school /
vocational high school level rhythmic gymnastics has
been evaluated and validated by experts, then revised
according to the experts' notes, after the initial product
draft was revised then tested on a small scale involving N
= 20 students, namely from SMA Muhammadiyah 1
Baturaja. And conducted a large-scale trial involving N =
80 SMA / SMK students consisting of 3 schools, namely
SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Baturaja, SMK Negeri 2 OKU,
and SMK Negeri 3 OKU. This small and large scale trial
is an empirical feasibility test to obtain data about the
attractiveness and ease of practicing the design of mobile
learning products that have been developed. In the results
of small-scale trials and large-scale trials, it was found
that the product design of mobile learning, rhythmic
gymnastics material as a whole was suitable for use
because all test subjects, namely students, were able to
implement and apply all development products that the
researchers compiled.
The results of small and large-scale trials that have been
carried out have resulted in several field notes to be used
as material for correction and evaluation, especially in the
implementation of model products on a large scale in
learning rhythmic gymnastics in schools. The following
are some of the notes that have been compiled including; a)
Researchers must take precautions regarding the
application of mobile learning design products for
rhythmic gymnastics learning because not all students
bring or have Android cellphones and anticipate internet
networks that are quite smooth so students can download
products in the form of rhythmic gymnastics learning
applications during learning, b) in general the product
mobile learning design of rhythmic gymnastics learning
can be applied in learning, because it helps students in the
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9(3): 394-402, 2021 401
learning process, learning interactions, and student
learning motivation, as a whole the product can be applied
and used by all subjects on a small and large scale, c) the
equipment used must be well prepared, d) there are
several models of a series of rhythmic gymnastics
movements that need to be considered in their
implementation, e) order and discipline must always be
3.7. Discussion
The development of information and communication
technology has encouraged the creation of innovations in
all fields. One of the fields that have not escaped this
development is the field of education where the concept of
mobile learning (m-learning) was born. The time that is
owned by the teacher to meet face to face with students in
the classroom can be assisted in the use of mobile learning
which can be accessed anytime and anywhere because
mobile learning uses mobile technology devices that can
provide convenience to each user in accessing knowledge.
One of them is the design of the rhythmic gymnastics
mobile learning material at the high school/vocational
high school level which has been developed into a
multifunctional learning model, which can be both a
source and a learning medium. The mobile learning
design product for high school / vocational high school
level rhythmic gymnastics material that has been
developed is a multi-functional learning model, both as a
source and as a learning medium. With a product in the
form of this learning exercise, an active, creative, and fun
learning interaction can be realized during the Covid-19
pandemic. With the concept of mobile learning, learning
will not be limited by time and space because of the
flexibility and portability of the devices used so that
students are more enthusiastic and have the opportunity to
learn in new, easy, useful, and fun learning spaces [24].
According to Lu'mu [25] in his research, he states that
learning media applications using Android-based
smartphones are proven to be feasible, practical, and
efficient for use in learning. Learning applications that are
accessed via mobile smartphones are effectively used as
media [26]. With the existence of mobile learning, access
to teaching and learning can be done anywhere, anytime,
and with this mobile learning, the teaching process can be
more effective [27]. The product of this rhythmic
gymnastics learning application is expected to be useful
for the world of education and answer problems that occur
today, namely in the Copid-19 pandemic, which requires
learning to be carried out online or virtual or what is
called distance learning.
The novelty of this development product, namely; 1)
developed from computer-based to smartphone, so that
users, in this case, are students can learn independently
anytime and anywhere without being bound by time and
place, 2) a development product in the form of a rhythmic
gymnastics learning application in which there are
examples of rhythmic gymnastics movements with
gymnastic movements that have been arranged according
to the characteristics of high school / vocational high
school students. 3) the music used in the rhythmic
gymnastics video in the application is music composed of
South Sumatra regional songs.
4. Conclusions
Based on the results of the survey and field trials that
have been carried out, it can be concluded that; 1) there is
a need for innovations in designing or developing a
media/learning model based on mobile learning that is
adapted to the times and technological advances,
especially in the subject of rhythmic gymnastics at the
high school / vocational high school level so that students
can learn independently and safely, healthy during the
Copid-19 pandemic. 2) The design of mobile learning
material for high school / vocational high school level
gymnastics is feasible to be used as a medium for distance
learning during the Copid-19 pandemic, based on the
results of expert validation and field trials. 3) It is the
answer to the problems that occurred during the Copid-19
pandemic which demanded that learning be carried out
online or virtual which is often referred to as distance
learning. So that the learning objectives of rhythmic
gymnastics can be achieved properly, namely improving
the physical fitness of high school / vocational high school
We are very grateful to the Postgraduate Program at the
State University of Jakarta, the sports education study
program, and all those who have contributed to the writing
of this article.
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... This study is offered on a digital platform as an application on a smartphone with the aim of serving as an educational resource for its users (athletes, sports professionals, and the general public). Mobile learning design for rhythmic gymnastics (Oktariyana et al., 2021). This study was conducted on senior high school students as an effort to improve rhythmic gymnastics during the COVID-19 period. ...
... Students can use technology in learning, such as Android as a tool to help study success (Shoraevna et al., 2021), make the educational process more engaging (Burbules et al., 2020), exciting and inspiring (Gómez-Carrasco et al., 2020;Schmid & Petko, 2019), so that students participate actively in their education (Ninaus et al., 2019;Oluwajana et al., 2019). Learning using mobile is a medium that is easy to use in achieving effective learning goals (Oktariyana et al., 2021). In addition, mobile learning can increase knowledge, collaborate with others, and enhance student experiences (McQuiggan et al., 2015). ...
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Handstand skills are one of the materials that must be mastered by students through Physical Education (PE) learning. However, the learning media used by the teacher has not been effective in achieving this goal. Therefore, this study aims to develop Android-based gymnastics learning media to improve handstand skills in junior high school students. The design used is Research and Development (R & D) which adopts the Plomp model and pre-experimental to test its effectiveness. A total of 47 junior high school students in Indonesia participated in this study. Then, 9 experts were also involved to assess the feasibility of the product before it was implemented. The procedures in this study consisted of preliminary research, prototyping phase, and assessment phase. Product effectiveness testing includes pre-test data, use of Android-based learning media, and post-test data. The instrument used was a handstand skills test, and the duration of the treatment was ± 1 month. Validity and reliability data were analysed using the validity coefficient V from Aiken and Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC), while product effectiveness used a t-test. The results showed that the average validity was 0.87 (high) and the reliability was 0.88 (very high). The results of testing the effectiveness of the product also showed that the Android-based gymnastics learning media was effective for improving handstand skills (p < .05), with an average post-test of 70.93 > pre-test of 63.45 and the difference is 7.48. In conclusion, students in junior high school can develop their handstand skills by using Android-based gymnastics learning media. This research is expected to be able to overcome the limitations in learning, both for PE teachers, junior high school students, and gymnastics practitioners in improving handstand skills.
... The design of mobile learning material for vocational high school level is feasible to be used as a medium for distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, as shown in the results of expert validation and field trials. It is the answer to the problems that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic which demanded that learning be carried out online or virtual (distance learning) [13]. E-learning tools at vocational school have been utilized in several schools with adequate infrastructure and facilities. ...
... The information technology is very useful in supporting face-to-face learning activities. Effective learning can utilize information and communication technology optimally in the learning process and design an innovation through online learning [13]. ...
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The Covid-19 pandemic brings us to a global challenge and has attracted the attention of people around the world. Covid-19 pandemic has forced the government to shift teaching and learning activities in schools to doing learning activities at home through distance learning, for example by using e-learning, m-learning, blended learning, or web-based learning. Vocational school is one of the level education that impacted by online learning. In online learning, innovation is needed that increases student interest in learning, especially high school students. This research was using literature review methods with gaining more information from the literature, meaning that data about the object of research is collected through the library in the form of journals. A systematic search use a complete searching in PubMed, Google Scholar, and ProQuest databases that articles published between 2019 and 2021. The literature search result 26 articles discussed about online learning innovation at vocational school during Covid-19 pandemic. The result discuss about four points following: online learning tools, online learning innovation system, teachers and students perception and also the challenging face on online learning system at vocational school. Several learning innovations are needed to increase the interest in learning of vocational students even though they are doing online learning. Challenges and obstacles are expected to be good opportunities in improving online learning in the future.
... In addition, sports activities that require special skills often make students feel reluctant to participate, because they feel they lack confidence or are unable to perform well (Agustina, 2021;Lavega et al., 2018;Samadov, 2019). This phenomenon illustrates that innovation is needed in presenting sports material that is able to overcome these obstacles and arouse students' enthusiasm for learning in a sports context (Lavega et al., 2018;Oktariyana et al., 2021;Pratiwi, 2020). ...
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This study investigates the impact of social media use on adolescents' mental well-being by considering the mediating role of social support and media use behavior. A cross-sectional survey method was used to collect data from 500 adolescents aged 13-18 years. The results of multiple linear regression analysis show that social media use is negatively correlated with adolescents' mental well-being. These findings indicate that adolescents who use social media with high intensity tend to experience decreased mental well-being due to lack of social support and unhealthy usage behavior. The implications of this research highlight the need for interventions that strengthen offline social support and educate adolescents about healthy social media use behaviors. The novelty of this research lies in its interdisciplinary approach which combines the perspectives of psychology, sociology and information technology to investigate complex phenomena developing in the digital era. These findings make an important contribution to our understanding of adolescent well-being in the digital era and encourage greater attention to appropriate interventions to protect the mental health of adolescents using social media.
... Design experts also provide qualitative product development data results (data feedback/input) of Laboratory virtual database class XI; the password for the user and the evaluation recap are added. The Mobile learning design for high school and vocational schools gymnastic materials can be used as a support for distance learning as long as it demonstrates how mobile learning can be used as a convenient and helpful aid for remote learning, enabling the achievement of learning objectives (Oktariyana, 2021). In addition to developing The design of the mobile application devices, ReFlex and TeamUp were created especially for student centers and cooperative classroom instruction, where ongoing reflection is a critical component of the learning process (Leinonen et al., 2014) . ...
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Tujuan pengembangan dan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk laboratorium virtual berbasis android sebagai media pembelajaran basis data kelas XI SMK dilengkapi buku petunjuk penggunaan “Vlab base” dan meningkatkan pemahaman serta hasil belajar siswa pada topik pengelolaan tabel pada basis data menggunakan Bahasa SQL. Prosedur pengembangannyamenggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D) dan pendekatan pengembangan aplikasi model waterfall. Hasil validasi dari ahli media mencapai prosentase 92 (sangat layak), ahli desain 93 (sangat layak), dan ahli materi 94 (sangat layak). Uji kepraktisan mencapai prosentase 95 (sangat layak), kelompok kecil 90,67 (sangat layak), dan uji coba kelompok besar 93 (sangat layak) yang mempermudah siswa belajar dan praktikum mandiri memahami pengelolaan database berkategori sangat layak dan dapat digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran. Hasil pre dan post test siswa meningkatkan nilai hasil belajar siswa sebesar 100% berdasarkan kriteria efektivitas ketika digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Abstract: The goal of this research and development is to create an Android-based virtual laboratory product as a database learning medium for class XI Vocational School equipped with a manual for using "Vlab base" and to improve understanding and results of student learning in the topic of managing tables in databases using SQL language. The development procedure employed the research and development (R&D) method to create Android-based learning materials and the waterfall model application development approach. The validation results are 92% (very feasible) from the media experts, 93% (very decent) from the design experts, and 94% (very decent) from the material experts. The practicality test reaches 95% (very feasible), the small group reaches 90.67% (very feasible), and the large group trial obtains 93% (very feasible), making individual practice and learning simpler for pupils to understand database management that is categorized as very feasible and can be used by teachers in learning. Based on the criteria of effectiveness for learning, the results of the students' pre-test and post-test showed a 100% improvement in the value of student learning outcomes.
... All aspects of the teaching process are studied and practiced to improve the teaching quality and teaching effect by means of information technology [2]. Compared with conventional face-to-face education, distance education's biggest feature is the separation of teachers and students in time and space, which leads to the asynchronous process of teaching and learning [3]. It mainly relies on network technology, communication technology, multimedia technology and other modern technical means to complete the whole process of educational administration and teaching. ...
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In order to effectively extract the multi-dimensional data of teaching quality evaluation and accurately evaluate the quality of network distance teaching quality in universities, an optimal classification algorithm for network distance teaching quality evaluation is proposed. From the perspectives of teaching attitude, teaching skill, teaching skill, teaching content, teaching method and means, the quality evaluation indices of network distance teaching is designed. Combined with the evaluation indices, the multi-dimensional data mining method based on OLAP technology is used to mine the required multi-dimensional data of teaching quality evaluation in the distance teaching data warehouse of universities, the required multi-dimensional data is input into SVM algorithm to solve the optimal classification hyperplane of multi-dimensional data and implement the optimal classification of multi-dimensional data. The quality of distance teaching is evaluated by improving the salp group algorithm and setting the penalty factor and kernel function of SVM algorithm. The experimental results show that the classification accuracy of this method for multidimensional data is over 90%, and the evaluation accuracy is as high as 99%, it can extract multi-dimensional teaching quality evaluation from the network distance teaching data, which has good classification effect and can improve the accuracy of network distance teaching quality evaluation.
... Gymnastics is a sport that involves the performance of movements that require strength, speed and harmony of regular physical movements (Oktariyana et al., 2021;Kamid, Rohati, et al., 2021;Kamid, Syaiful, et al., 2021). Modern forms of gymnastics are unbalanced bars, balance beams, and floor exercises. ...
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Currently students really need a learning media that facilitates the learning process, one of the effective learning media used by students is video learning to increase student motivation and responsibility. This study aims to find out how the statistical results and differences as well the influence of students on student response variables, motivation, and responsibility in PJOK subjects in high school will be useful as a benchmark in improving student responses, motivation and student responsibility through learning videos and can be used as a reference in further research. The number of respondents as a sample is 140 students. this research method is a research and development model of R&D (Research and Development). The data collection technique used random sampling. The results of the study using a regression test that there is an influence between learning videos on student responses to student motivation and responsibility. so it can be said that the learning video is very influential on student responses to motivation and student answers on PJOK subjects at the secondary school level. The implication of this research is that student response is very important for motivation and responsibility so that it can be implemented in student learning outcomes. Thus, a good student response to student motivation and responsibility will improve student learning outcomes in high school.
... This will certainly make it easier to access learning materials anytime, anywhere. Oktariyana et al., [12] said that "It is the answer to the problems that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic which demanded that learning be carried out online or virtual which is often referred to as distance learning". ...
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p>Perkembangan jumlah pengguna smar t phone sudah merambah di kalangan siswa. Hal ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media pendukung proses pembelajaran. Penggunaan media merupakan salah satu komponen metode untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Berdasarkan observasi di SMK Sultan Trenggono Kota Semarang, media pembelajaran masih terbatas pada slide show power point yang monoton, e-book , dan LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa) atau buku-buku teks lainnya yang dinilai kurang memenuhi kelayakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengembangan media, (2) kelayakan media dan; (3) penilaian kemudahan dan kemanfaatan penggunaan media oleh siswa dan guru. Mobile learning didefinisikan sebagai model pembelajaran menggunakan perangkat IT ( information technology ) genggam dan bergerak. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah 4-D ( Four D Models ), yaitu: define (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), develop (pengembangan), dan disseminate (penyebaran). Berdasarkan penilaian kelayakan oleh validator media menunjukkan bahwa: aplikasi mendapat penilaian sebesar 86,93% dari ahli media dan 87% dari ahli materi. Sedangkan hasil uji coba menunjukkan nilai kemudahan dan kemanfaatan penggunaan aplikasi sebesar 87,5% oleh guru dan 82,27% oleh siswa. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media sangat layak untuk digunakan, mudah, dan bermanfaat dalam proses pembelajaran. Absctract The grow th number of smar tp hone users has penetrated among the students. This can be used as a supporting med ia of the learning process. The use of media is one component method to achieve learning objectives. Based on the observations at SMK Sultan Trenggono Kota Semarang, the learning media is still limited to the monotonous power point slide sho w , e-book, and LKS (student worksheet) or other textbooks that are considered less feasibi le . This study aims to determine: (1) media development, ( 2 ) media feasibility , and ( 3 ) assessment of ease and usefulness of media us age by students and teachers. Mobile learning is defined as a learning model using IT (information technology) handheld and mobile devices. The development model used is 4-D (Four D Models), which are: define, design, develop, and disseminate. Based on the feasibility assessment by the media validator shows that: the application received an assessment is 86.93% of media experts and 87% of material experts. While the test results show the value of ease and usefulness of application usage is 87.5% by teachers and 82.27% by students. This shows that the media is very feasible to use, easy, and useful in the learning process. </p
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This study aims to examine the effectiveness of a learning application that is accessed through mobile smartphones as a medium of introduction of local history during the physical revolution in South Kalimantan. Quantitative method was used with pre-experimental one-group pretest-posttest design in which the researchers tested the effectiveness of the media by comparing the students' understanding before and after being treated. The subjects of the study were students of class XI IPS SMAN 7 Banjarmasin consisting of two classes with a population of 57 people. The sample of this research was 25 students taken from population using sample random sampling technique. The research instrument used in the form of multiple choice test with the number of 25 items. Instrument validity was tested through product moment correlation, while its reliability was tested using alpha cronbach formula. The analysis technique used was paired sample t test with hypothesis H0 = no increase of pretest result to posttest after treatment, and H1 = increase of pretest result to posttest after given treatment. The results showed that after being treated using instructional media application, students' posttest score was greater than pretest with mean posttest (76,80)> pretest (56,32). Through the statistical calculation known that -thitung (-11,058) <-ttabel (-2,064) with a strong and positive correlation of 0.729 which means H1 accepted so that it can be said to occur increased understanding of students after using the application of learning. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the application of mobile smartphone-based learning is effectively used as a medium of introduction of local history of physical revolution in South Kalimantan in the students of class XI IPS SMA Negeri 7 Banjarmasin
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This research in the wake of the habit among students and lecturers in the uses smartphones, mostly only used to access social networks such as facebook and twitter and have yet to take an important role in education. This study aims to produce a system design mobile learning courses Operating Systems in STMIK Indonesia Padang, preferably in the learning process in the subject of the Operating System, the nature of memorization to books and teaching conventional. These mobile devices have a degree of flexibility and portability that enable high students can access materials, referrals and information related to learning anytime and anywhere. mobile learning android ased Operating System. This material requires a solid understanding and so we need learning support media and can be repeated whenever and wherever students need. The design of supporting mobile learning media is expected to facilitate the needs of students and teachers to learn the material at any time without any limitation of time and place. This study uses SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) is a method that describes the system development life cycle in the design and development of information systems. The programming language used is Java, using Eclipse IDE.
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ABSTRAK Sistem operasi sekarang ini menjadi salah satu bagian dari kurikulum program studi yang mengatas namakan teknologi informasi. Karena mata kuliah sistem operasi merupakan dasar dari pengenalan sebuah perangkat, baik itu komputer maupun ponsel. Proses belajar mengajar dapat dilakukan di mana saja dan kapan saja. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi, teknologi ponsel atau telepon genggam juga mengalami peningkatan yang pesat. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan banyak siswa yang menjadikan ponsel tersebut sebagai alat pembelajaran. Pembelajaran mengalami perpindahan yang semula konvensional menjadi E-Learning. Aplikasi Mobile Learning ini berisi informasi, chat, kuis, kursus, forum atau yang lain. Kata kunci: sistem operasi, android, m-learning, e-learning
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This study was performed to investigate the effects of live virtual classroom on students’ achievement and to determine students’ opinions about the live virtual physics classroom at distance learning. 63 second-year Distance Computer Education & Instructional Technology students enrolled in this study. At the live virtual physics classroom, the instructor presented physics lessons. Midterm, final and make-up scores were examined after the LOC instruction. Students who are LOCFF (n=32), joined over 50 % percent and they had significantly higher scores than students who are LOCFR (n=31), joined below 50 % percent to the lessons. According to ttest result, LOCFF group more successfully than LOCFR group (p=.006*). In addition, the interviews carried out with students to determine students’ opinions about the live virtual physics classroom and the results were evaluated, classified and discussed several essential considerations about virtual classrooms.
Mobile Learning: A Handbook for Developers, Educators and Learners provides research-based foundations for developing, evaluating, and integrating effective mobile learning pedagogy. Twenty-first century students require twenty-first century technology, and mobile devices provide new and effective ways to educate children. But with new technologies come new challenges-therefore, this handbook presents a comprehensive look at mobile learning by synthesizing relevant theories and drawing practical conclusions for developers, educators, and students. Mobile devices-in ways that the laptop, the personal computer, and netbook computers have not-present the opportunity to make learning more engaging, interactive, and available in both traditional classroom settings and informal learning environments. From theory to practice, Mobile Learning explores how mobile devices are different than their technological predecessors, makes the case for developers, teachers, and parents to invest in the technology, and illustrates the many ways in which it is innovative, exciting, and effective in educating K-12 students. Explores how mobile devices can support the needs of students. Provides examples, screenshots, graphics, and visualizations to enhance the material presented in the book. Provides developers with the background necessary to create the apps their audience requires. Presents the case for mobile learning in and out of classrooms as early as preschool. Discusses how mobile learning enables better educational opportunities for the visually impaired, students with Autism, and adult learners. If you're a school administrator, teacher, app developer, or parent, this topical book provides a theoretical, well-researched discussion of the pedagogical theory and mobile learning, as well as practical advice in setting up a mobile learning strategy.
Purpose Mobile devices transcend the educational affordances provided by conventional tethered electronic and traditional learning. However, empirical findings show that educators are not integrating technology effectively into the curriculum. This paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach In this study, a thematic synthesis methodology was used to develop and present a framework for thinking about the integration of mobile devices in teaching and learning. Findings The mobile learning (mlearning) integration framework comprises four main parts: beliefs, resources, methods and purpose. These four areas are elucidated to reveal the many sub-components that determine how technology is integrated. Originality/value An ecological framework is then presented to demonstrate how the individual parts of the initial framework operate through a complex, interconnected network of systems involving personal and environmental factors.
Conference Paper
Abstrak Komputerisasi eksperimen tentang bunyi berbasis soundcard laptop telah dilakukan. Topik eksperimen terdiri dari pengukuran kelajuan bunyi di udara dengan metode time of flight, visualiasi dan pengukuran frekuensi gejala layangan bunyi, pengukuran spektrum frekuensi warna bunyi (timbre), dan pengukuran perubahan frekuensi bunyi pada efek Doppler. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah Audacity dan Overtone. Ditinjau dari proses dan hasil eksperimen didapatkan bahwa proses pengukuran serta visualisai gejala bunyi mudah dilakukan, dan hasil pengukuran memiliki tingkat ketelitian tinggi. Abstract Computerization experiments of sound based on laptop soundcard have been carried out. Topics of the experiment consists of measuring speed of sound in air with time of flight methods, visualization and measurement of the frequency of the sound beats phenomenon, measurement of the frequency spectrum of sound color (timbre), and measurement of sound frequency changes on the Doppler effect. The software used in this experiment is Audacity and overtones. Viewing from the experimental results and processes it can be obtained that the measurement processes including visual phenomenon of sounds is easy to do, and the measurement results have a high accuracy. Keywords: teknologi innformasi dan komunikasi, eksperimen bunyi, dan soundcard laptop.
With the diffusion of easy-to-use Web 2.0 tools, such as podcasts, blogs and wikis, e-learning has become a popular mechanism for individual training. While individuals use these tools in the hope that their training will improve their performance, this relationship is not a given. This paper proposes that an individual's level of digital literacy affects her performance through its impact on her performance and effort expectations. To explain the influence of digital literacy on the intention of individuals to continue using e-learning and their performance, we integrate the concept of digital literacy with the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and test our model using survey data from New Zealand accountants working in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The results indicate that these relationships were significant: digital literacy on users' performance and effort expectations, performance expectations on users' intentions to continue using Web 2.0 tools, and continuance intention on performance. These findings suggest that individual digital literacy facilitates the use of e-learning, and should be considered when examining the impact of the latter on performance.