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Arachis inflata: A New B Genome species of Arachis (Fabaceae)

  • National University of the Northeast- CONICET

Abstract and Figures

Great efforts have been done to collect germplasm of the Arachis genus in South America, however, many regions still remain underexplored. Under the hypothesis that these regions have new and diverse populations/species of Arachis, several expeditions were carried out since 2000 in Bolivia, to increase the documentation of the genus diversity. As a first result of these explorations, a new species of section Arachis with B genome is formally described. Arachis inflata is closely related to A. magna and A. ipaënsis, but it can be clearly distinguished from them, and from any other species of the genus, for having a type of fruit with a completely distinct morphology. The fruit has a smooth epicarp, but shows a bullated aspect, due to the presence of air chambers in the mesocarp.
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G. J. Seijo et al., A new B genome species of Arachis
1 Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste (IBONE, UNNE-CONICET), Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Campus Cabral,
Corrientes, Argentina. E-mail: J. G. Seijo:
2 Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Campus Deodoro Roca,
Corrientes, Argentina.
3 Herbario Forestal Nacional Martín Cárdenas (BOLV), Centro de Biodiversidad y Genética, Universidad Mayor de
San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
4 Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas A&M University, Stephenville, TX 76401, USA.
 
Arachis inata: una nueva especie de Arachis (Fabaceae) del Genoma B
Guillermo J. Seijo1,2 , Margoth Atahuachi3, Charles E. Simpson4 & Antonio Krapovickas1
Summary: Great eorts have been done to collect germplasm of the Arachis genus in South
America, however, many regions still remain underexplored. Under the hypothesis that these
regions have new and diverse populations/species of Arachis, several expeditions were carried
out since 2000 in Bolivia, to increase the documentation of the genus diversity. As a rst result
of these explorations, a new species of section Arachis with B genome is formally described.
Arachis inata is closely related to A. magna and A. ipaënsis, but it can be clearly distinguished
from them, and from any other species of the genus, for having a type of fruit with a completely
distinct morphology. The fruit has a smooth epicarp, but shows a bullated aspect, due to the
presence of air chambers in the mesocarp.
Key words: Germplasm, peanut, Planalto Chiquitano.
Resumen: Se han realizado grandes esfuerzos para coleccionar germoplasma del género
Arachis en Sudamérica, sin embargo, aún quedan muchas regiones subexploradas. Bajo
la hipótesis de que estas tienen poblaciones/especies nuevas y diversas de Arachis, se
realizaron nuevas expediciones en Bolivia a partir del año 2000 con el objetivo de incrementar la
documentación de la diversidad de este género. Como primer resultado de estas exploraciones,
en este trabajo se describe formalmente una nueva especie de la sección Arachis perteneciente
al genoma B. Arachis inata es una especie afín a A. magna y A. ipaënsis, aunque se distingue
claramente de ellas, y de todas las demás especies del género, por presentar un tipo de fruto
distinto. El mismo presenta epicarpo liso, con aspecto ampollado, debido a la presencia de
cámaras de aire en el mesocarpo.
Palabras clave: Germoplasma, maní, Planalto Chiquitano.
Section Arachis is the largest and more
diverse taxonomic section of the homonymous
genus (Krapovickas et Gregory 1994; Valls
et Simpson 2005). It is composed of 31
     
 
chromosome numbers (x= 9, 10) and ploidy
(2x and 4x) levels (Smartt et al., 1978; Gregory
et Gregory, 1979; Fernández et Krapovickas
1994; Stalker, 1991; Seijo et al., 2004, 2007;
Robledo et Seijo, 2008, 2010; Robledo et al.,
2009; Silvestri et al. 2015). Germplasm of
these wild species (mainly with 2n= 2x= 20) is
economically important, because they are the
Seijo, G. J., M. Atahuachi, C. E. Simpson & A. Krapovickas. 2021. Arachis inata: A New B Genome species of Arachis
(Fabaceae). Bonplandia 30(2): 1-6.
Doi: Recibido 23 Febrero 2021. Aceptado 7 Abril 2021.
Publicado en línea: 10 Junio 2021. Publicado impreso: 15 Agosto 2021.
ISSN 0524-0476 impreso. ISSN 1853-8460 en línea.
BONPLANDIA 30(2). 2021
most related to the cultivated peanut (2n= 4x=
40, AABB) and have several potentially useful
agronomic traits for genetic improvement of
the crop (Simpson, 2001; Stalker et al., 2016).
Intense germplasm collections were carried
out in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay enlarging
the number of accessions maintained in the
Institutions to the present day. Even though
several exploration missions for wild Arachis
species were done in Bolivia, most of them
concentrated in the 70´s - 80´s and early 90’s
      
      
that required the expeditions at that time
resulted in a sparse picture of many of the
collection points. Despite the comparatively
few expeditions, most of the species of section
Arachis were found in Bolivia, and most of
them are endemic, indicating that this country
is a large center of diversity for this group of
plants and deserves more attention.
Under the hypothesis that underexplored
areas have new and diverse populations/
species of Arachis, we conducted a series
of explorations since 2000, mainly in the
Santa Cruz department of Bolivia, with the
objective of increasing the documentation of
the genus diversity. Those explorations were
only possible thanks to the collaboration of
researchers from the Instituto de Botánica
del Nordeste in Corrientes (Argentina) with
those from the Herbario Nacional de Bolivia
in La Paz (LPB), Herbario Nacional Forestal
Martín Cardenas (BOLV) in Cochabamba, and
Herbarium of the Museo de Historia Natural
      
Sierra (USZ), all from Bolivia; also, with the
collaboration of researchers from Texas A&M
AgriLife Research, USA and Embrapa Genetic
Resources and Biotechnology (CEN, Brazil).
Herbarium acronyms follow Thiers (2021).
A first result of these explorations
is the finding of Arachis populations that
undoubtedly belong to a new B genome
species of section Arachis. While searching
for Arachis species in the Planalto Chiquitano,
Velazco Province, Santa Cruz Department,
several new populations of A. magna (e.g. J.
G. Seijo, V. G. Solís Nea, A. Schinini & R.
Almada 2996, 3022 and J. G. Seijo & V. G.
Solís Nea 3257, 3289; all at LPB and CTES)
were found. Also, some other populations
were found (like J. G. Seijo, V. G. Solís Nea,
M. Grabiele & W. Reynoso 3637, 3640, 3649,
3653, 3664, 3790) that resemble A. magna in
the aerial organs, although they looked larger
       
above-ground vegetative organs revealed that
        
axis of well developed plants was wider and
less acute than in A. magna, and the margin of
presence of a dense layer of long hairs. Also,
in most of the populations the color of the
standard petal was pale orange compared to
the intense orange tone commonly observed in
A. magna and other Arachis species of the B
genome. The great surprise came after sifting
the soil. The fruit articles recovered were
     
A. magna, with reticulated morphology. They
were very large, with a smooth epicarp, and
with air chambers in the mesocarp, that gave
them a bullated external appearance (Fig. 1
Further studies of the morphology,
    
cross compatibility of these accessions with
bullated fruits provided evidence that they
belong to a new species of section Arachis.
Here we present its formal description in the
following section.
  Seijo, Atahuachi, C. E.
Simpson & Krapov.  Fig. 1.
Morphologically similar to Arachis magna
Krapov., W. C. Greg. & C. E. Simpson, but
differing by the generally larger plants,
less acute leaets and with whitish margin,
and bullated, not reticulated, fruits, with
conspicuous air chambers in the mesocarp.
Typus. Bolivia. Santa Cruz:  
de Chávez, 4,2 km S de San Antonio de
Lomerío, camino a San Juan de Lomerío,
16º48’01”S, 61º50’24”W, 343 m, 21-I-2005,
J. G. Seijo, V. G. Solís Nea, M. Grabiele &
W. Reynoso 3637 (holotypus CTES, isotypus
G. J. Seijo et al., A new B genome species of Arachis
Fig. 1. Arachis inata (Seijo et al. 3637). A: Main axis and a lateral branch of a young plant. Note remains of the fruit (that
harbored the seed that gave rise to the plant) in the roots. B: Stem. C: Lateral branch apex. D: Main stem apex. E: Detail of the apex
with a bullated aspect. H: Inside view of half fruit article with the seed removed. Note the bullated aspect in the inner surface of the
fruit article and the air chambers in the mesocarp (some of them were manually opened). Drawings by Liliana Gómez.
Fig. 1. Arachis inata (Seijo et al. 3637). A: Eje principal y rama lateral de una planta joven. Se observan restos del fruto (que
contenía la semilla que dio origen a la panta) en las raíces. B: Tallo. C: Ápice de la rama lateral. D: Ápice del eje principal. E:
      
externa de un artejo del fruto, el exocarpo con aspecto ampollado. H: Vista interna de una mitad de artejo con la semilla removida.
Se observa el aspecto ampollado en la cara interna de artejo y las cámaras de aire en el mesocarpo (algunas de ellas fueron
manualmente abiertas). Ilustración realizada por Liliana Gómez.
BONPLANDIA 30(2). 2021
Annual herb, weak axonomorphic root.
Mainstem erect, up to 90 cm long, usually
       
branches at the base. Lateral branches
prostrated, up to 1.50 m long, stems green,
rounded, or somewhat angular, quadrangular in
dried specimens, villous, with wavy hairs 1.5-
2 mm long, and few scattered bristles. Leaves
tetrafoliolate. On the main-stem, stipules with
the fused portion 14-20 mm long, the free
part 28-40 mm long, 2.5-3 mm wide at the
base; petiole 35-55 mm long; rachis 10-20
  
basal pair 45-52 mm long, 18-24 mm wide,
and the apical one 52-63 mm long, 22-28 mm
wide. On lateral branches, the fused part of the
stipules 5-13 mm long, and the free part 15-
22 mm long, 2.5-3.5 mm wide; petiole 12-22
to cordate, obtuse to sub-acute, proximal pair
23-30 mm long, 15-20 mm wide, distal one
28-33 mm long, 19-22 wide. The fused part
of the stipules villous, with long wavy hairs
and long bristles, the free portion glabrous
in most of the surface with few long hairs
and bristles toward the base, margins ciliate.
Petiole and rachis canaliculated, villous and
  
glabrous, abaxial face with sparse adpressed
1 mm long hairs, and wavy 1-2 mm long
hairs in the midvein, margin densely ciliate
with antrorse white hairs and few 1 mm long
     
spikes, hypanthium 30-60 mm long, light
pink, covered with 1-2 mm long wavy hairs.
Calyx light pink, villous with some sparse
long bristles; upper lip 4-5 mm long; lower lip
falcate, narrow, 5-6 mm long. Standard petal
9-10 mm long, pale orange, with orange lines
on the front and yellow throat, wings yellow
and keel whitish. Peg violaceous, villous in
the aerial part, with wavy 1-2 mm long and
scattered 1-2 mm long adpressed hairs. Fruit
subterranean, biarticulated, articles ellipsoid,
15-25 mm long, 10-14 mm wide, without beak,
surface smooth, bullated due to air chambers in
the mesocarp. Shell thick, up to 5 mm.
Chromosome number: 2n= 20, without large
heterochromatic bands in the typical accession
Seijo et al. 3637 (Seijo unpublished).
Geographic distribution and habitat: It
grows in Santa Cruz Department (Bolivia),
Ñuflo de Chávez and Velasco provinces,
Lomerío region, in the southern portion of the
Planalto Chiquitano, and the northern part of
the San Julian River Basin, which in turn drains
into the Mamoré River. Most populations were
found in the undergrowth of cerrado vegetation
or in the transition between cerrado vegetation
and open grassy patches, close to lagoons or
water courses, in sandy soils.
air chambers present in the mesocarp that gives
Paratypi:    Prov.
  
Lomerío a San Juan de Lomerío, 16º48’02”S,
61º50’26”W, 328 m, 29-XI-2007, Atahuachi
et al. 1390 (BOLV, CTES); 6,9 km S de
San Antonio de Lomerío, 16º48’30”S,
61º51’10”W, 390 m, 31-I-2005, Seijo et al.
3640 (CTES, LPB, UCZ); id., 16º48’36”S,
61º51’12”W, 29-XI-2007, Atahuachi et al.
1391 (BOLV, CTES); 18,1 km S de San
Antonio, 16º52’04”S, 61º50’16”W, 417 m,
21-I-2005, Seijo et al. 3649 (CTES, LPB);
id., Itotoca, 16º52’05”S, 61º50’13”W, 383 m,
29-XI-2007, Atahuachi et al. 1393 (BOLV,
CTES); 23,1 km S de San Antonio, 16º54’S,
61º49’W, 21-I-2005, Seijo et al. 3653 (CTES,
LPB); 39,8 km S de San Antonio, 16º58’31”S,
61º48’28”W, 290 m, 21-I-2005, Seijo et al.
3664 (CTES, LPB). Prov. Velasco, 31,2 km
S de San Rafael, 17º01’S, 60º36’W, 302 m,
8-IV-2004, Seijo & Solís Nea 3292 (CTES);
89,4 km NE de San Ignacio, 16º15’23”S,
60º15’52W, 280 m, 25-I-2005, Seijo et al.
3715 (CTES, LPB); 32 km S de San Rafael,
camino a San José, 17º01’S, 60º36’W, 288
m, 1-II-2005, Seijo et al. 3790 (CTES, LPB);
camino San Rafael-Las Petas, Hacienda San
Jorge, 16º38’18”S, 59º59’31”W, 212 m, 30-
XI-2007, Atahuachi et al. 1405 (BOLV,
Obs. 1: The area of A. inata is associated
with the Planalto Chiquitano, overlaps the SW
area of A. magna and extends southward to the
San Julian River. The above-ground vegetative
G. J. Seijo et al., A new B genome species of Arachis
appearance is similar in both species, however,
they are easily distinguished by the morphology
of the fruit: while A. magna has the classical
reticulated ones, A. inata has fruits that bear
conspicuous air chambers in the mesocarp,
giving the external appearance of a bullated
surface. The later character of the fruit is unique
in the genus Arachis   
color of the standard petal, while in A. inata it
is pale orange, in A. magna is of a more intense
well, in A. magna is poorly distinguishable while
in A. inata is conspicuously whitish, due to the
presence of abundant long hairs.
Obs. 2: Arachis inata does not have large
heterochromatic bands in its chromosomes and
has a typical karyotype of the B genome species,
resembling that of A. magna and A. ipaënsis
(Seijo et al. unpublished). Crossing data gave the
following pollen stain results with A. inata × A.
ipaënsis (K 30076) 61.3%; A. magna (V 13761)
45.4%; A. glandulifera (K 30091) 11.8%; A.
krapovickasii (Wm 1291) 8.6%; A. batizocoi
(K 9484) 2.93%. These data help to solidify the
separation of A. inata into a new species.
Obs. 3: Moretzhon et al. (2012) studied the
genetic relationships among species of section
Arachis, including the accession Seijo et al.
3292 of A. inata, by using intron sequences
of a few nuclear genes and SSR markers. This
accession of A. inata grouped closely with an
accession of A. williamsii in the cluster made
on intron sequences, but with a set of A. magna
(sister to accession V14750) in the distance tree
  
A. inata belongs to the B genome and that there
is a very low genetic distance among species in
this group.
We acknowledge to the Myndel Botanica
Fundation for providing funds to support the
expeditions in Bolivia in 2004, 2005 (to GS) and
in 2012 (to MA) and to Agencia Nacional de
for contributing with funds to these expeditions
and for the characterization of the materials
collected (Projects PICT-2012-1875 and PICT-
2018-03664 to GS). We also acknowledge
to all the collectors that participated in the
expeditions for their help in the fieldwork.
We especially thanks to Stephan Beck of LPB
who made possible the initial collaborations
between Argentinian and Bolivian institutions.
the collection permits to carry out this work is
greatly appreciated. The drawing of A. inata
is greatly acknowledged to Liliana Gómez,
. (1994). Cromosomas
y evolución en Arachis (Leguminosae). Bonplandia
8: 187-220.
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... The evolution of the genus has led to description of 83 species, to date, which have been classified into nine taxonomic sections (Krapovickas & Gregory, 1994Valls & Simpson, 2005, 2017Valls et al., 2013, Seijo et al., 2021. Based on the collection efforts, clearly the direction of evolution of Arachis has been from east to west on the South American continent. ...
... In 1976, extensive collection of Arachis germplasm was initiated and funded, in part by the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) (Krapovickas & Gregory, 1994 page 7). Several new non-A genome materials were collected over the following years, providing more options to consider as the B-genome donor for A. hypogaea (Krapovickas & Gregory, 1994Valls & Simpson, 2005;Robledo & Seijo, 2010;Seijo et al., 2021). Kochert et al. (1991) proposed that A. duranensis Krapov. ...
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Arachis hypogaea L. originated in South America and has been taken to most of the tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world as a valuable food crop with high protein content and a source of high energy unsaturated oil. The origin of the cultivated peanut, 2n = 4x = 40, has been the subject of many discussions, but the primitive parents have been agreed on by most as A. duranensis being the A genome donor and A. ipaënsis the B donor; both diploids with 2n = 20. Whether the chromosome doubling of this hybrid occurred in a natural setting or in the garden of a hunter-gatherer-cultivator is also a subject of debate, but most likely it occurred innature. Molecular analyses have established that A. duranensis was the female of the cross.Until recently no one had been successful in making and establishing plants of the cross in that direction. However, the reciprocal cross is easily accomplished and has been reported several times. The primary objective of this paper is to report the successful cross and development of hybrid plants, amphidiploids and populations from the hybrid, A. duranensis × A. ipaënsis.
... The genus Arachis is native to South America. It contains 83 described species, assembled into nine taxonomic sections according to their morphology, geographical distribution, and cross-compatibility relationships (Krapovickas and Gregory, 1994;Valls and Simpson, 2005;Valls et al., 2013;Valls and Simpson, 2017;Seijo et al., 2021). Cultivated peanut belongs to section Arachis, which also includes 32 closely related wild species. ...
... Of these, 28 are diploid with x = 10 (2n=20), three species are diploid with x = 9 (2n=18), and A. hypogaea and A. monticola Krapov. & Rigoni are allotetraploids (2n=4x=40) with a genome formula AABB (Lavia et al., 2009;Stalker, 2017 and references therein; Seijo et al., 2021). Six genome types, A, B, D, F, K, and G, have been described for the diploid species in section Arachis, differing on the chromosome morphology, distribution patterns of heterochromatic bands and rDNA loci, and cross-compatibility (Smartt et al., 1978;Stalker, 1991;Fernandez and Krapovickas, 1994;Robledo and Seijo, 2010;Silvestri et al., 2015). ...
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Introduction Fungal foliar diseases can severely affect the productivity of the peanut crop worldwide. Late leaf spot is the most frequent disease and a major problem of the crop in Brazil and many other tropical countries. Only partial resistance to fungal diseases has been found in cultivated peanut, but high resistances have been described on the secondary gene pool. Methods To overcome the known compatibility barriers for the use of wild species in peanut breeding programs, we used an induced allotetraploid (Arachis stenosperma × A. magna)4x, as a donor parent, in a successive backcrossing scheme with the high-yielding Brazilian cultivar IAC OL 4. We used microsatellite markers associated with late leaf spot and rust resistance for foreground selection and high-throughput SNP genotyping for background selection. Results With these tools, we developed agronomically adapted lines with high cultivated genome recovery, high-yield potential, and wild chromosome segments from both A. stenosperma and A. magna conferring high resistance to late leaf spot and rust. These segments include the four previously identified as having QTLs (quantitative trait loci) for resistance to both diseases, which could be confirmed here, and at least four additional QTLs identified by using mapping populations on four generations. Discussion The introgression germplasm developed here will extend the useful genetic diversity of the primary gene pool by providing novel wild resistance genes against these two destructive peanut diseases.
... The genus Arachis contains 83 described species, assembled into nine taxonomic sections according to their morphology, cross-compatibility relationships and geographical distribution in South America (Krapovickas and Gregory 1994;Simpson 2005, 2017;Valls et al. 2013;Seijo et al. 2021). Brazil is the largest holder of wild Arachis, as 65 species of all nine sections occur in its territory and 46 are exclusive to the country. ...
... The objective of this study was to analyze the genetic variability and relationships of some recently collected accessions of species in the Arachis section, highlighting the five previously described species determined to have a B genome stricto sensu (Robledo and Seijo 2010), that is, not yet considering the recently described A. inflata (Seijo et al. 2021), and compare them with accessions of the Erectoides and Procumbentes sections. The genetic variation within and between 31 species of Arachis was analyzed using microsatellite markers, contributing to a more efficient conservation and use of this germplasm. ...
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The genus Arachis is endemic to South America and contains 83 described species assembled into nine taxonomical sections. The section Arachis is of particular interest because it includes the cultivated peanut (A. hypogaea) and its closely related wild species. In this study, we used 26 microsatellite markers to analyze the genetic variability and relationships of some recently collected germplasm accessions of species in the Arachis section, with emphasis on the B genome species. The knowledge of the genetic relationships among species and accessions is necessary for a more efficient management of germplasm collections and use of wild species for crop improvement. This is especially important for the B genome species, as only one accession of A. ipaënsis, the B genome donor to the allotetraploid A. hypogaea (AABB), is available in germplasm collections worldwide. The results shed more light on the genetic relationships between accessions of A. ipaënsis, A. gregoryi, A. magna, A. valida and A. williamsii, what expands the number of accessions for incorporation of useful genes from the species associated with the peanut B genome. The analyses also showed a generally high level of intraspecific genetic variability, but usually grouped the accessions according to their genome types and species. However, accessions of some species did not group as expected, and these results suggest the need of further taxonomic revision of a few taxa, especially some accessions of A. gregoryi, A. magna and A. kuhlmannii and the circumscriptions of sections Erectoides and Procumbentes.
... The Arachis genus is native to South America and contains 83 described species (Valls and Simpson, 2005;Valls et al., 2013;Santana and Valls, 2015;Valls and Simpson, 2017;Seijo et al., 2021). Many diploid accessions of A. cardenasii (Krapov. ...
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Tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV) transmitted by thrips causes significant yield loss in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) production. Use of peanut cultivars with moderate field resistance has been critical for TSWV management. However, current TSWV resistance is often not adequate, and the availability of sources of tetraploid resistance to TSWV is very limited. Allotetraploids derived by crossing wild diploid species could help introgress alleles that confer TSWV resistance into cultivated peanut. Thrips-mediated TSWV screening identified two diploids and their allotetraploid possessing the AA, BB, and AABB genomes Arachis stenosperma V10309, Arachis valida GK30011, and [A. stenosperma × A. valida]4x (ValSten1), respectively. These genotypes had reduced TSWV infection and accumulation in comparison with peanut of pure cultivated pedigree. Transcriptomes from TSWV-infected and non-infected samples from A. stenosperma, A. valida, and ValSten1 were assembled, and differentially expressed genes (DEGs) following TSWV infection were assessed. There were 3,196, 8,380, and 1,312 significant DEGs in A. stenosperma, A. valida, and ValSten1, respectively. A higher proportion of genes decreased in expression following TSWV infection for A. stenosperma and ValSten1, whereas a higher proportion of genes increased in expression following infection in A. valida. The number of DEGs previously annotated as defense-related in relation to abiotic and biotic stress was highest in A. valida followed by ValSten1 and A. stenosperma. Plant phytohormone and photosynthesis genes also were differentially expressed in greater numbers in A. valida followed by ValSten1 and A. stenosperma, with over half of those exhibiting decreases in expression.
... Microsatellite or SSR (Simple sequence repeat) markers have been widely used to analyze the genetic variability in plant species, since they are multiallelic, polymorphic, randomly distributed through plant genomes, and typically codominant markers. In addition, microsatellites have proven to be highly The objective of this study was to analyze the genetic variability and relationships of some recently collected accessions of species in the Arachis section, highlighting the ve previously described species determined to have a B genome stricto sensu (Robledo and Seijo 2010), that is, not yet considering the recently described A. in ata (Seijo et al. 2021), and compare them with accessions of the Erectoides and Procumbentes sections, contributing to a more e cient conservation and use of this germplasm. We also took the opportunity to examine some small doubts regarding the identity of a few accessions, as described below, which can become a burden in the management of germplasm. ...
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The genus Arachis is endemic to South America and contains 83 described species assembled into nine taxonomical sections. The section Arachis is of particular interest because it includes the cultivated peanut ( A. hypogaea ) and its closely related wild species. The knowledge of the genetic relationships among species and accessions is necessary for a more efficient management of germplasm collections and use of wild species for crop improvement. In this study, we used 26 microsatellite markers to analyze the genetic variability and relationships of some recently collected accessions of species in the Arachis section, with emphasis on the B genome species. The analyses showed a generally high level of intraspecific genetic variability, but usually grouped the accessions according to their genome types and species. However, accessions of some species did not group as expected, and these results suggest the need of further taxonomic revision of a few taxa, especially some accessions of A. gregoryi , A. magna and A. kuhlmannii and the circumscriptions of sections Erectoides and Procumbentes .
Premise Wild species are strategic sources of valuable traits to be introduced into crops through hybridization. For peanut, the 33 currently described wild species in the section Arachis are particularly important because of their sexual compatibility with the domesticated species, Arachis hypogaea . Although numerous wild accessions are carefully preserved in seed banks, their morphological similarities pose challenges to routine classification. Methods Using a high‐density array, we genotyped 272 accessions encompassing all diploid species in section Arachis . Detailed relationships between accessions and species were revealed through phylogenetic analyses and interpreted using the expertise of germplasm collectors and curators. Results Two main groups were identified: one with A genome species and the other with B, D, F, G, and K genomes. Species groupings generally showed clear boundaries. Structure within groups was informative, for instance, revealing the history of the proto‐domesticate A. stenosperma . However, some groupings suggested multiple sibling species. Others were polyphyletic, indicating the need for taxonomic revision. Annual species were better defined than perennial ones, revealing limitations in applying classical and phylogenetic species concepts to the genus . We suggest new species assignments for several accessions. Conclusions Curated by germplasm collectors and curators, this analysis of species relationships lays the foundation for future species descriptions, classification of unknown accessions, and germplasm use for peanut improvement. It supports the conservation and curation of current germplasm, both critical tasks considering the threats to the genus posed by habitat loss and the current restrictions on new collections and germplasm transfer.
Arachis pintoi , commonly known as pinto or forage peanut, is used mainly in consortia with grass pastures and as cover plant. In addition to increasing the productivity of livestock and plantations, it contributes to the mitigation of environmental impacts (reduction of greenhouse gas emissions) and soil improvement (nitrogen fixation, reduction of fertilizers use), as well as to pests and disease management. Several cultivars that are tolerant to specific climates and soil conditions are suitable to be used as ground covers in agroforestry and silvopastoral systems, orchards, and plantations. Biotechnological and phytochemical investigations revealed the potential of pinto peanut as a sustainable source of resveratrol and other stilbenoids. Extracts from plants grown under natural conditions and from materials obtained in vitro displayed allelopathic, anthelmintic, or antioxidant activities. Other studies revealed the potential of pinto peanut for erosion control, phytoremediation, seed and essential oils production, materials for animal tissue engineering, synthesis of nanoparticles for drug delivery, and as green biorefineries to produce proteins, biochemicals, and biomaterials.
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Plants of the genus Arachis originated from South America and are cultivated worldwide. The genus Arachis contains 83 species and nine intrageneric taxonomic sections. The cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) belongs to the Arachis section, the forage peanut (Arachis pintoi Krapov. & W. C. Greg.) belongs to the Caulorrhizae section, and the perennial peanut (Arachis glabrata Benth.) belongs to the Rhizomatosae section. These three peanut species have been developed for use as fodder crops. This review summarizes the forage value of Arachis species. Forage and perennial peanuts can be intercropped with forage species to feed livestock. The cultivated peanut vines and peanut by-products, such as peanut skins and peanut meal, are also high-quality fodder used to feed sheep, cattle, and poultry. A major limiting factor in terms of adopting forage and perennial peanuts as forage crops is their limited resistance to frosts, resulting from their low winter hardiness. Therefore, the feeding value of cultivated peanuts is higher compared to forage and perennial peanuts. This review suggests that Arachis is a suitable forage crop, focusing on their nutritional properties and breeding to increase their performance under cultivation and feeding value.
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The rhizoma peanut (Arachis glabrata Benth., section Rhizomatosae) is a tetraploid perennial legume. Although several A. glabrata cultivars have been developed as forage and ornamental turf, the origin and genomic constitution of this species are still unknown. In this study, we evaluated the affinity between the genomes of A. glabrata and the probable diploid donors of the sections Rhizomatosae, Arachis, Erectoides and Procumbentes by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Single GISH analyses detected that species of the sections Erectoides (E2 subgenome) and Procumbentes (E3 subgenome) were the diploid species with the highest degree of genomic affinity with A. glabrata. Based on single GISH experiments and DNA sequence similarity, three species -A. duranensis, A. paraguariensis subsp. capibarensis, and A. rigonii-, which showed the most uniform and brightest hybridization patterns and lowest genetic distance, were selected as probes for double GISH experiments. Double GISH experiments showed that A. glabrata is constituted by four identical or very similar chromosome complements. In these assays, A. paraguariensis subsp. capibarensis showed the highest brightness onto A. glabrata chromosomes. Thus, our results support the autopolyploid origin of A. glabrata and show that the species with E2 subgenome are the most probable ancestors of this polyploid legume forage.
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Main conclusion Opposing changes in the abundance of satellite DNA and long terminal repeat (LTR) retroelements are the main contributors to the variation in genome size and heterochromatin amount in Arachis diploids. The South American genus Arachis (Fabaceae) comprises 83 species organized in nine taxonomic sections. Among them, section Arachis is characterized by species with a wide genome and karyotype diversity. Such diversity is determined mainly by the amount and composition of repetitive DNA. Here we performed computational analysis on low coverage genome sequencing to infer the dynamics of changes in major repeat families that led to the differentiation of genomes in diploid species (x = 10) of genus Arachis, focusing on section Arachis. Estimated repeat content ranged from 62.50 to 71.68% of the genomes. Species with different genome composition tended to have different landscapes of repeated sequences. Athila family retrotransposons were the most abundant and variable lineage among Arachis repeatomes, with peaks of transpositional activity inferred at different times in the evolution of the species. Satellite DNAs (satDNAs) were less abundant, but differentially represented among species. High rates of evolution of an AT-rich superfamily of satDNAs led to the differential accumulation of heterochromatin in Arachis genomes. The relationship between genome size variation and the repetitive content is complex. However, largest genomes presented a higher accumulation of LTR elements and lower contents of satDNAs. In contrast, species with lowest genome sizes tended to accumulate satDNAs in detriment of LTR elements. Phylogenetic analysis based on repetitive DNA supported the genome arrangement of section Arachis. Altogether, our results provide the most comprehensive picture on the repeatome dynamics that led to the genome differentiation of Arachis species.
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Peanut, also known as groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), is a native new world crop. The Arachis species originated in South America and are found in tropical and subtropical areas. Eighty-one species have been named including the domesticated peanut, A. hypogaea L. Species have evolved in highly diverse habitats and both annual and perennial types exist. New species are being discovered in areas that previously were very difficult to reach because of poor roads and transportation. Fruiting below ground likely protected the seeds from predators and the many root adaptations (e.g., rhizomes, tuberous roots) likely helped species to adapt to new habitats. Conversely, the geocarpic fruit impeded rapid spread into new environments. The center of origin for A. hypogaea is believed to be southern Bolivia to northwestern Argentina based on the occurrence of the two progenitor species Arachis duranensis and Arachis ipaënsis, and archaeological evidence gathered in this region. Wild peanut species were important as sources of food in pre-Columbian times and several taxa are still widely used as forages or for their aesthetic value as a ground cover. Arachis glabrata and Arachis pintoi are utilized for grazing and Arachis repens is used as a ground cover in residential areas and roadsides in tropical regions. Two wild species (Arachis villosulicarpa and Arachis stenosperma) were cultivated by indigenous people in Brazil for food and medicinal use, albeit on a limited scale, but only A. hypogaea is economically important today as a human food source. Importantly, many Arachis species have extremely high levels of disease and insect resistances that are not present in cultivated peanut.
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Most species of the genus Arachis (Leguminosae; 80 spp.) are diploid with x = 10 and only four species have x = 9 chromosomes. Three of these x = 9 species belong to section Arachis and are morphologically and chromosomally similar. To study the homeology of the genomes of x = 9 species and their relation to other genomes in section Arachis, we applied fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of 18S–26S and 5S rDNA and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) banding. FISH revealed for these three species one pair of 5S rDNA sites interstitially within the short arm of the metacentric pair 6 and one pair of 18S–26S rDNA sites in the proximal region of the long arm of the SAT chromosomes. Conspicuous DAPI+ bands were detected pericentromerically in all nine chromosome pairs of A. decora and A. praecox and in all but one pair of A. palustris. Our results suggest that all three species with x = 9 of section Arachis share the same genome type and are different from the other genome types A, B, D, F, and K described for this section. Apparently, the x = 9 species of section Arachis form a monophyletic group characterized by a genome type, that we propose to call G genome.
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Background and Aims The genus Arachis contains 80 described species. Section Arachis is of particular interest because it includes cultivated peanut, an allotetraploid, and closely related wild species, most of which are diploids. This study aimed to analyse the genetic relationships of multiple accessions of section Arachis species using two complementary methods. Microsatellites allowed the analysis of inter- and intraspecific variability. Intron sequences from single-copy genes allowed phylogenetic analysis including the separation of the allotetraploid genome components.
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Chromosome markers were developed for Arachis glandulifera using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of the 5S and 45S rRNA genes and heterochromatic 4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) positive bands. We used chro-mosome landmarks identified by these markers to construct the first Arachis species ideogram in which all the ho-mologous chromosomes were precisely identified. The comparison of this ideogram with those published for other Arachis species revealed very poor homeologies with all A and B genome taxa, supporting the special genome con-stitution (D genome) of A. glandulifera. Genomic affinities were further investigated by dot blot hybridization of biotinylated A. glandulifera total DNA to DNA from several Arachis species, the results indicating that the D genome is positioned between the A and B genomes.
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The 5S and the 18S-25S rRNA genes were physically mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in all botanical varieties of cultivated peanut Arachis hypogaea (2n = 4x = 40), in the wild tetraploid A. monticola, and in seven wild diploid species considered as putative ancestors of the tetraploids. A detailed karyotype analysis including the FISH signals and the heterochromatic bands was carried out. Molecular cytogenetic landmarks are provided for the construction of a FISH-based karyotype in Arachis species. The size, number, and chromosome position of FISH signals and heterochromatic bands are similar in all A. hypogaea varieties and A. monticola, but vary among the diploid species. Genome constitution of the species is discussed and several chromosome homeologies are established. The bulk of the chromosome markers mapped, together with data on geographical distribution of the taxa, suggest that peanut originated upon domestication of A. monticola and evidence that the diploids A. duranensis and A. ipaensis are the most probable ancestors of both tetraploid species. Allopolyploidy could have arisen by a single event or, if by multiple events, always from the same diploid species.
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Arachis hypogaea is a natural, well-established allotetraploid (AABB) with 2n = 40. However, researchers disagree on the diploid genome donor species and on whether peanut originated by a single or multiple events of polyploidization. Here we provide evidence on the genetic origin of peanut and on the involved wild relatives using double GISH (genomic in situ hybridization). Seven wild diploid species (2n = 20), harboring either the A or B genome, were tested. Of all genomic DNA probe combinations assayed, A. duranensis (A genome) and A. ipaensis (B genome) appeared to be the best candidates for the genome donors because they yielded the most intense and uniform hybridization pattern when tested against the corresponding chromosome subsets of A. hypogaea. A similar GISH pattern was observed for all varieties of the cultigen and also for A. monticola. These results suggest that all presently known subspecies and varieties of A. hypogaea have arisen from a unique allotetraploid plant population, or alternatively, from different allotetraploid populations that originated from the same two diploid species. Furthermore, the bulk of the data demonstrated a close genomic relationship between both tetraploids and strongly supports the hypothesis that A. monticola is the immediate wild antecessor of A. hypogaea.
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Pasaron casi 100 años entre la designación por Linneo de la entonces única especie de Arachis (A. hypogaea L.) conocida por los europeos, y el primer tratamiento taxonómico delgénero por Bentham en 1841. Durante los siguientes 100 años, aparecieron cinco a diez descripciones de especies adicionales, que asignaban diferentes especies a los mismos nombres, y diferentes nombres a las mismas especies. A mediados del Siglo XX, era imposibleexaminar un ejemplar de herbario de Arachis y asignar con alguna certeza algún epíteto a algún espécimen (que no fuera un ejemplar tipo) excepto a A. hypogaea, A. guaranitica, A. tuberosa yA. villosulicarpa.En nuestro tratamiento, la literatura de este caos botánico en Arachis esta revisada en detalle yse hace un análisis de los fundamentos de su ocurrencia. Se demuestra que las bases de laconfusión moran en la combinación de la naturaleza esotérica de los caracteres morfológicos diferenciados de Arachis, de los especímenes fragmentarios de antaño, y de la representaciónde especies por plántulas.Además, se relata cómo, en 1959, decidimos reexplorar la localidad tipo de cada especie hastaentonces conocida, y recolectar allí especímenes de las plantas enteras y así resolver el problema. Después de treinta y cinco años, dos generaciones de coleccionistas de plantas, yalrededor de 2000 colecciones, presentamos aquí las descripciones de 69 especies de Arachis,especies distribuidas en Sudamérica al este de los Andes, al sud del Amazonas, al norte de LaPlata y desde el noroeste argentino hasta el nordeste de Brasil.Descubrimos muy pronto que los caracteres más significativos de Arachis residen en sus estructuras subterráneas, incluyendo sus frutos, tallos rizomatosos, sistemas radicales ehipocótilos.Demostramos que estos caracteres determinantes tienden a aglomerar las colecciones en grupos que se asocian con áreas geográficas y formaciones ecológicas generalmente diferentes.Hicimos un muestreo de 100 materiales representativos de aquellos grupos, áreas, y formaciones y los arreglamos en un experimento dialélico de cruzamientos y mostramos, en cruzamientos entre materiales de los diferentes grupos, un número notable de fracasos completos en la fertilización cruzada y, en aquellos híbridos que se lograron, se observó una alta tasa de infertilidad en la F1. Cuando se combinaron estas incompatibilidades e infertilidades de polenhíbrido con los datos de agrupamiento de caracteres morfológicos, se cristalizaron entonces las nueve distintas secciones del género aquí presentadas. Las figuras impuestas sobre mapas de Sudamérica ilustran las distribuciones geográficas de estas secciones.Las colecciones, entonces, fueron asignadas a las diferentes secciones sobre la base de lasincompatibilidades de cruzamiento y de los agrupamientos de caracteres exo-morfológicos.Al hacer estos grupos, las caracteristicas esotéricas a las cuales se hace referencia arriba, tan confusas cuando se aplican a través de los límites seccionales, se volvieron altamente pertinentes al ser aplicadas al problema de la diferenciación específica entre materiales dentro de lassecciones. Estas características, aplicadas en conjunto con la citología cromosómica, las reacciones cromatográficas y antigénicas, las variaciones en la fertilidad híbrida intra-seccional y las adaptaciones de forma de planta, y de hábito anual o perenne, nos permitió definir los siguientestaxa del género Arachis:Sección I. TRIERECTOIDES nov.: 1. A. guaranitica, 2. A. tuberosa. Sección II. ERECTOIDES nov.: 3. A. Martii, 4. A. brevipetiolata nov., 5. A. Oteroi nov., 6. A. Hatschbachii nov., 7. A. cryptopotamica nov., 8. A. major nov., 9. A. Benthamii, 10. A. douradiana nov., 11. A. gracilis nov., 12. A. Hermannii nov., 13. A. Archeri nov., 14. A. stenophylla nov., 15a. A. paraguariensis subsp. paraguariensis, 15b. A. paraguariensis subsp. capibarensis nov. Sección III. EXTRANERVOSAEnov.: 16. A. setinervosa nov., 17. A. Macedoi nov., 18. A. marginata, 19. A. prostrata, 20. A. lutescens, 21. A retusa nov., 22. A. Burchellii nov., 23. A. Pietrarellii nov., 24. A. villosulicarpa.Sección IV. TRISEMINATAE nov.: 25. A. triseminata nov. Sección V. HETERANTHAE nov.: 26. A. Giacomettii nov., 27. A. sylvestris, 28. A. pusilla, 29. A. Dardani nov. Sección VI.CAULORRHIZAE nov.: 30. A. repens, 31. A. Pintoi nov. Sección VII. PROCUMBENTES nov.: 32. A. lignosa nov. comb., 33. A. Kretschmeri nov., 34. A. Rigonii, 35. A. chiquitana nov., 36. A. matiensis nov., 37. A. appressipila nov., 38. A. Vallsii nov., 39. A. subcoriacea nov. Sección VIII. RHIZOMATOSAE nov., Serie PRORHIZOMATOSAE nov.: 40. A. Burkartii. Serie RHIZOMATOSAE nov.: 41. A. pseudovillosa nov. comb., 42a. A. glabrata var. glabrata, 42b. A. glabrata var. Hagenbeckii. Sección IX. ARACHIS: 43. A. glandulifera, 44. A. cruziana nov., 45. A. monticola, 46. A. magna nov., 47. A. ipaënsis nov., 48. A. valida nov., 49. A. Williamsii nov., 50. A.Batizocoi, 51. A. duranensis nov., 52. A. Hoehnei nov., 53. A. stenosperma nov., 54. A. praecox Almost 100 years elapsed between Linnaeus' naming the then lone species of Arachis (A.hypogaea L.), known to Europeans, and the first taxonomic treatment of the genus by Benthamin 1841. During the next 100 years five to ten additional species descriptions appeared,assigning different species to the same names,different names to the same species. By mid20thcentury, it was impossible to examine anyherbarium collection of Arachis and assign anyepithet with any assurance to any specimen (which was not a type collection) except to A.hypogaea, A. guaranitica, A. tuberosa and A. villosulicarpa.In our treatment the Iiterature of this botanical chaos in Arachis is reviewed in detail and anassessment is made of the foundations for its occurrence. It is shown that the bases for theconfusion lay in the combination of the esoteric nature of the differentiating morphologicalfeatures of Arachis, the fragmentary early collections and the representation of species byseedling specimens.Also, it is related how, in 1959, we decided to re-explore the type locality of each species thenknown, collect therein complete plant specimens and thereby resolve the problem. Thirty fiveyears, two generations of plant collectors and around 2000 collections later we present here 69species descriptions of Arachis, species distributed in South America east of the Andes, southof the Amazon, north of La Plata and from NW Argentina to NE Brazil.We soon discovered that the most significant characters of Arachis lay in their undergroundstructures, including their fruits, rhizomatous stems, root systems and hypocotyls.We showed that these defining characters tended to cluster the collections into groups whichwere associated with generally different geographic areas and ecological features.We drew a sample of 100 collections representing these c1usters, areas and features andarranged them in a hybridization diallel and showed, in crosses between collections representingdifferent c1usters of characters, areas and features, a remarkable number of complete failuresto cross-fertilize and in those hybrids which were recovered a high degree of F1 hybrid infertility.When these cross-incompatibilities and pollen infertilities were combined with the data oncharacter-clustering, the nine distinct sections of the genus presented here then crystallized.Figures imposed upon maps of South America iIIustrate the geographic distributions of thesesections.The collections were then assigned to the different sections on the bases of crossincompatibilityand exo-morphologic character clustering.When these groups were made the esoteric characteristics, referred to aboye, so confoundingwhen applied across sectionallines, became highly pertinent when applied to the problemof species differentiation between collections within sections. These, applied in conjunction withchromosome cytology, chromatographic and antigenic reactions, variations in intra-sectionalhybrid fertility and adaptations of plant form and annual and perennial habit, allowed us toassemble the following taxa of the genus Arachis:Section 1. TR/ERECTO/DES nov.: 1. A. guaranitica, 2. A. tuberosa. Section 11. ERECTO/DESnov.: 3. A. Martií, 4. A. brevipetio/ata nov., 5. A. Oteroi nov., 6. A. Hatschbach;i nov., 7. A.cryptopotamica nov., 8. A. majar nov., 9. A. Benthamií, 10. A. douradiana nov., 11. A. gracilisnov., 12. A. Hermannií nov., 13. A. Archer; nov., 14. A. stenophylla nov., 15a. A. paraguariensis subsp. paraguariensis, 15b. A. paraguariensis subsp. capibarensis nov. Section 111.EXTRANERVOSAE nov.: 16. A. setinervosa nov., 17. A. Macedoi nov., 18. A. marginata, 19.A. prostrata, 20. A. lutescens, 21. A. retusa nov., 22. A. Burchellii nov., 23. A. Pietrarellii nov.,24. A. villosulicarpa. Section IV. TRISEMINATAE nov.: 25. A. triseminata nov.. Section V.HETERANTHAE nov.: 26. A. Giacomettii nov., 27. A. sylvestris, 28. A. pusilla, 29. A. Dardaninov. Section VI CAULORRHIZAE nov.: 30. A. repens, 31. A. Pintoi nov.. Section VII.PROCUMBENTES nov.: 32. A. lignosa nov. comb., 33. A. Kretschmeri nov., 34. A. Rigonii, 35.A. chiquitana nov., 36. A. matiensis nov., 37. A. appressipi/a nov., 38. A. Vallsii nov., 39. A.subcoriacea nov. Section VIII. RHIZOMATOSAEnov., Series. PRORHIZOMATOSAEnov.: 40.A. Burkartii. Series. RHIZOMATOSAE nov.: 41. A. pseudovillosa nov. comb., 42a. A. glabratavaro glabrata, 42b. A. glabrata varo Hagenbeckii. Section IX. ARACHIS: 43. A. glandulifera, 44.A. cruziana nov., 45. A. monticola, 46. A. magna nov., 47. A. ipaensis nov., 48. A. valida nov.,49. A. Williamsii nov., 50. A. Batizocoi, 51. A. duranensis nov., 52. A. Hoehnei nov., 53. A.stenosperma nov., 54. A. praecox nov., 55. A. palustris nov., 56. A. benensis nov., 57. A.trinitensis nov., 58. A. decora nov., 59. A. Herzogii nov., 60. A. microsperma nov., 61. A. vil/osa,62. A. helodes, 63. A. correntina nov. comb., 64. A. Simpsonii nov., 65. A. Cardenasii nov., 66.A. Kempff-Mercadoi nov., 67. A. Diogoi, 68. A. Kuhlmannii nov., 69a. A hypogaea subsp.hypogaea varo 1. hypogaea, var.2. hirsuta, 69b. A. hypogaea subsp. fastigiata var.1. fastigiata,var.2. peruviana nov., var.3. aequatoriana nov., varA. vulgaris..The autogamous reproductive systems, agametic reproduction, underground fruiting habitand the limited means of seed dispersal are shown to be logically tied to the drift in chromosomalorganization which gives rise to noticeable increases in infertility in crosses between differentcollections of the same species, to a variably higher infertility in crosses between species withinsections, to a near total infertility in crosses between species from different sections.The evolutionary and phylogenetic relationships between the different sections are discussedand are further shown in a sequence of diagrams illustrating ideas presented. It is evidentthat the genetic distances separating the sections are far from being of the same magnitude.The presumably older (Triseminatae, Trierectoides, Erectoides, Extranervosae, and Heteranthae)sections, except for section Erectoides, are much more isolated from the remaining sections andeach other than those taken to be of more recent origin (Procumbentes, Caulorrhizae,Rhizomatosae, and Arachis).Arachis section is by far the largest section, containing about 40% of the species described.Species of the section appearto be spreading to newterritory and to be invading areas occupiedby species of other sections. They grow intermixed with populations of Extranervosae in the .upper Paraguay basin and occupy common ground with section Procumbentes in the GranPantanal. They have reached the shores of La Plata and the southeastern coast of Brazil andgrow from Yala in NW Argentina to the Tocantins in NE Brazil. They contain the world-widecultivar A. hypogaea.Essentially every published work on the botanical history and taxonomy of Arachis ispresented in individual specimen references and in the general bibliography. The history of A.hypogaea from the early 16th century to more recent times along with the common names inseveral native American languages provide a perspective on the antiquity of this cultivar and thelevel of civilization required for its creation.Six appendices provide supporting data and matters of record. Diagnostic keys to thesections and to the species within each section select the more sharply distinguishing guidesto the sections and species. Nineteen line drawings capture the sectional and species structuresof whole plants, root systems, fruit orientations, agametic reproductions from fruiting structures,carpel shapes and surface features of leaves and stems.
One thousand seventy-five cross combinations are re ported among 91 collections of the genus Arachis arising from northeastern Brazil to northwestern Argentina and from the south coast of Uruguay to the north-western Mato Grosso. The region sampled covers a land area about the size of the United States (excluding Alaska) between latitudes 3°-35°S and longitudes 35°-66°W south of the Amazon and from the base of the Andes to the Atlantic. The collections were distributed among the seven sections of the genus as follows: 22 Arachis (A), 26 Erectoides (E), 31 Rhizomatosae (R), 2 Caulorhizae (C), 6 Extranervosae (EX), 2 Triserninalae (T), and 2 Ambinervosae (AM). Cross-combinations were attempted between species from all of the generic sections. The number of combinations less 121 repeats represents 11.6 percent of the total number of paired combinations possible (8190) among the 91 collections. Two hundred ninety-six of the cross-combinations resulted in hybrids, 779 failed to pro duce hybrid offspring. Counting a hybrid and its reciprocal to be one hybrid, at least 126 of the 296 obtained were hybrids between distinct species. Among these are eight interspecific hybrids with the cultivated peanut, all con fined to section Arachis to which A. Iiypogaea belongs. In no instance following 69 trial crosses, with species representing all other sections, was a single intersectional hybrid obtained with A. hypogaea. Among the 2n × 2n hybrids and 4n × 4n hybrids, where numerical balance of the chromosomes was not a factor, the mean fertility of the within-section hybrids as represented by percent pollen stained was: A × A, 30.2 percent; E × E, 12.9 percent; R2 × R2 68.1 percent; C × C, 86.8 percent; EX × EX, 0.2 percent; T × T, 59.5 percent; and AM × AM, 20.6 percent. All intersectional hybrids av eraged 1.9 percent pollen stained. The data were used in combination with those of geographic distribution and presumed paleobotanical history to imagine the migration pattern and sectional evolution of the genus. The data supported the concept of a genus composed of three old centrally located botanical sections surrounded by four more recently derived sections to one of which (section Arachis) the cultivated peanut belongs. Intra- and intersectional cross-compatibilities and pollen fertilities were related to the problem of breaking the barriers to genetic exchange between species and to the problem of using genetic information from other species for the genetic improvement of the cultigen.
Arachis glandulifera Stalker is a diploid (2n = 2x = 20) taxon in section Arachis native to eastern Bolivia. Plants of A. glandulifera have longer lateral branches than other taxa of section Arachis, an upright mainstem, prostrate lateral branches, and larger flowers and seeds than other wild species in the section. The pods are greatly reticulated. Glandular trichomes are present on vegetative plant parts and the peg. Intraspecific hybrids among four accessions are fertile and uniformly have ten bivalents in pollen mother cells. Three accessions had nearly identical karyotypes, while a fourth had subtelocentric chromosomes 6 and 9. Hybrids between A. glandulifera and two other diploid species of section Arachis were male-sterile, and chiasmata frequencies ranged between 5.8 and 12.1 per cell. Attempts to hybridize the species with A. hypogaea failed. A new species description and D genomic classification are proposed for A. glandulifera, which is different from previously described A and B genomes of section Arachis.
The use of wild Arachis L. in cultivar improvement programs has been considered an option for more than 50 yr. Both A. Krapovickas and W.C. Gregory, independently, made interspecific hybridizations in the 1940s. However, only three cultivars have been released as a result of interspecific hybridizations, and only one of those has a clearly identifiable genetic component from the wild species. Several breeding lines have been reported and several germplasm releases are documented from Texas, North Carolina, and ICRISAT. At least four potential options exist for transferring genes from wild Arachis to the cultigen: a) The hexaploid pathway consists of crossing a diploid wild species directly with A. hypogaea, doubling the chromosome number to the hexaploid level, then backcrossing for several generations to restore the tetraploid condition. Several options are possible in this pathway involving various crossing schemes prior to crossing a diploid hybrid with A. hypogaea. North Carolina and ICRISAT ...