ArticlePDF AvailableLiterature Review

Optimizing Patient Care in Egg Allergy Diagnosis and Treatment

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Asthma and Allergy
  • Texas Children's Hospital & Baylor College of Medicine

Abstract and Figures

Egg allergy occurs frequently in childhood with a reported prevalence of 1.3–1.6%. Providing optimal care to egg-allergic patients requires knowledge of the most up-to-date developments in both diagnosis and management, as well as effective communication skills, which will engage the patient in the shared decision-making process. This review aims to provide up-to-date information on egg allergy and also serve as a concise guide on optimal patient diagnosis and management. The field of food allergy has seen multiple advances in recent years, including use of component resolved diagnostics, early egg introduction into the infant diet as a way of preventing egg allergy, baked egg introduction and oral immunotherapy as a form of active therapy. Faced with a variety of options and treatment paths, it is important to ensure that patients and families taking part in the decision-making process have fully understood the potential outcomes and trade-offs and can undertake a detailed discussion of all options that are available to them. Shared decision-making remains the cornerstone of optimal patient care.
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Optimizing Patient Care in Egg Allergy Diagnosis
and Treatment
Aikaterini Anagnostou
Baylor College of Medicine, Section of
Pediatric Immunology, Allergy and
Retrovirology, Houston, TX, USA;
Children’s Hospital, Department of
Pediatrics, Section of Immunology,
Allergy and Retrovirology, Houston,
Abstract: Egg allergy occurs frequently in childhood with a reported prevalence of
1.3–1.6%. Providing optimal care to egg-allergic patients requires knowledge of the
most up-to-date developments in both diagnosis and management, as well as effective
communication skills, which will engage the patient in the shared decision-making
process. This review aims to provide up-to-date information on egg allergy and also
serve as a concise guide on optimal patient diagnosis and management. The eld of food
allergy has seen multiple advances in recent years, including use of component resolved
diagnostics, early egg introduction into the infant diet as a way of preventing egg allergy,
baked egg introduction and oral immunotherapy as a form of active therapy. Faced with
a variety of options and treatment paths, it is important to ensure that patients and
families taking part in the decision-making process have fully understood the potential
outcomes and trade-offs and can undertake a detailed discussion of all options that are
available to them. Shared decision-making remains the cornerstone of optimal patient
Keywords: food allergy, children, egg, components, prevention, food challenge, food allergy
action plan, management, oral immunotherapy, desensitization, shared decision-making
Food allergies are common, affecting 6–8% of the children
and affect the
quality of life of children and their caregivers.
Food-allergic patients often
worry about unintentional exposures and their consequences, especially anaphy-
laxis and life-threatening events. Patients face multiple dietary and psychosocial
restrictions (such as exclusion from peer social activities and bullying).
Optimal care for food allergy should place the best interests of the patient in its
core and include the ability to adhere to evidence-based clinical guidelines, support
patient needs, have an established referral system within a dened provider network
and implement shared decision-making. Providing optimal care to egg-allergic
patients requires knowledge of the most up-to-date developments in both diagnosis
and management, as well as effective communication skills, which will engage the
patient and their family in the shared decision-making process.
We live in an era when patients have access to a multitude of medical informa-
tion sources, are encouraged to make their own decisions about their care and opt
for the options that best t their needs. This review aims to provide up-to-date
information on egg allergy and also serve as a concise guide on optimal patient
diagnosis and management.
Correspondence: Aikaterini Anagnostou
Baylor College of Medicine, Section of
Pediatric Immunology, Allergy and
Retrovirology, 1102 Bates Avenue Ste
330, Houston, TX, 77030, USA
Tel +1 832-824-1319
Fax +1 832-825-1260
Journal of Asthma and Allergy 2021:14 621–628 621
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Epidemiology and Natural History
Egg allergy is one of the most frequent childhood food
allergies with a reported prevalence of 1.3–1.6%.
a US-based study, using data from the National Health
and Nutrition Examination Survey, prevalence estimates
for sensitization to egg were 3.4% for children 6 years old
and over, and 14.2% for children below the age of 6
The clinical egg allergy prevalence was overesti-
mated, but the study provided some insight into prevalence
In a recent Australian study, egg allergy was
reported as affecting 8.9% of 1-year old infants
all of
whom underwent an oral food challenge for conrmation
of the diagnosis.
Egg allergy usually develops in the rst year of life
is outgrown by the majority of patients. Knowing the natural
history of egg allergy is important for the physician, in order
to plan next steps in management, such as avoidance of egg
or consideration of baked egg introduction (less allergenic
form than cooked or raw egg) or even reintroduction of egg
in all forms into the diet if the allergy has resolved. Research
studies have examined the natural history of egg allergy
showing that although most children will outgrow it, resolu-
tion occurs gradually, over many years. A UK prospective
study in 95 egg-allergic children reported that nearly one-
third had outgrown their allergy to well-cooked egg at 3 years
of age and two-thirds at 6 years.
Generally, allergy to well-
cooked egg was shown to resolve twice as quickly as allergy
to the uncooked form.
In 881patients with egg allergy in the
United States, it was shown that 4% outgrew their allergy by
age 4 years, 12% by age 6 years, 37% by age 10 years, and
68% by age 16 years.
Another study examining egg allergy
resolution in 213 egg-allergic children recruited from pri-
mary care, the median age of resolution was 6 years with
50% of children outgrowing their allergy by this time.
These studies highlight geographical differences as well as
population differences in the observed natural history of egg
allergy. High egg-white specic IgE levels and sensitization
to the stable egg-white allergen component Gal d 1 have also
been associated with persistent egg allergy.
It is important to inform patients and families of these
resolution rates, in order to address any misconceptions
(some families may believe egg allergy is lifelong, for
instance) and manage expectations.
The gold standard diagnostic tool for egg allergy remains
an oral food challenge under medical supervision. In daily
practice, a clinical history of an allergic reaction occurring
after ingestion of egg, together with positive testing (egg
skin prick test or egg-specic IgE) is usually used for
Sampson et al reported on the 95% egg-
specic IgE-positive predictive value for diagnosis as 6
kUA/L, assisting clinicians in the diagnostic process.
Their retrospective analysis included 100 with atopic der-
matitis and food allergy, between 3 months and 14 years of
Using the above cut-offs, physicians may also plan
oral food challenges to egg accordingly.
As mentioned above, egg allergy is naturally outgrown
over time by the majority of children.
Monitoring egg-
specic IgE antibodies regularly may help to decide when
an egg challenge can be repeated.
Both the patient and
their family stand to benet from re-introducing egg into
the diet, in terms of nutrition and a wider variety of food
product choices.
In addition to diagnostic cut-offs,
studies have examined cut-offs for recommending an egg
challenge to evaluate allergy resolution. When the chance
of passing a challenge is 50% or more, most allergists
would recommend an oral challenge.
Matsui et al pro-
posed a cutoff level for egg-specic IgE of 2 kUA/L;
almost two-thirds of patients at less than this level were
able to pass their challenge.
However, It is important to
note that even when levels of egg-specic IgE are unde-
tectable, it is still possible for patients to fail an egg
Therefore, the decision to undertake
a challenge should be made jointly by physician and
patient, as part of the shared decision-making process
and discussions.
There are currently no universally accepted cut-offs for
either skin prick test or specic IgE that may predict which
children will be able to tolerate the baked form of egg.
However, component resolved diagnostics (CRDs) have
emerged as a novel diagnostic tool, with improved speci-
city compared to traditional specic IgE testing, as well
as the potential to differentiate clinical allergy from
In egg-allergic children, two components
are used to help physicians differentiate between transient
and persistent egg allergy.
First, Gal d 1 (ovomucoid),
a dominant allergen, which is stable against heat and
digestion has been associated with persistent egg allergy
and a decreased probability of cooked/heated egg
Second, Gal d 2 (ovalbumin), representing
55% of the total egg white protein, has been associated
with transient egg allergy and an increased probability of
cooked/heated egg tolerance.
Identifying different
Journal of Asthma and Allergy 2021:14
Anagnostou Dovepress
patient phenotypes of egg allergy is an important contribu-
tion of component resolved diagnostics.
In a hypothetical scenario of an egg-allergic patient
requesting diagnostic conrmation or further management
options (such as baked egg introduction), CRDs and oral
food challenges have a role to play in optimizing both
diagnosis and care and the patient should be informed of
these options, if available to them.
Prevention with Early Introduction
of Egg
The timing of food allergen introduction to infants likely
plays a role in the development of food allergy later in life.
For many years, patients were advised to delay the intro-
duction of allergenic foods, including egg, but this advice
was reversed in recent guidelines, which strongly encou-
rage early introduction of all common food allergens into
the infant diet from 6 months of age.
This recommenda-
tion came as a result of multiple research studies support-
ing the notion that early introduction of allergenic foods
into an infant’s diet may prevent the development of
a food allergy.
Specically for egg, in the EAT study, there was
a signicant decrease in egg allergy for infants introducing
egg at age 3 months compared with infants that were
exclusively breast fed when per protocol analysis was
applied (1.4 vs 5.5%, p = 0.009).
In an Australian
study of high-risk infants with moderate to severe eczema,
approximately a third of infants in the early introduction
group (from 4 months of age) developed egg allergy,
compared with half the infants in the late egg introduction
group (from 8 months of age), p=0.11; the assessment was
performed at 1 year of age. Interestingly, even as early as 4
months of age, over one-third of the included infants
already had detectable egg-specic IgE levels, despite
not having any oral egg exposure. This nding suggests
that sensitization to egg occurs early in life, before 4
In a larger cohort of healthy high-risk infants
randomized to either raw egg or placebo from 4 to 6
months of age results were similar between the groups.
Egg allergy developed in 7% of infants receiving raw egg
compared with 10.3% of infants in the placebo arm (p =
A different RCT reported a signicant difference
in the proportion of infants sensitized to egg at 12 months –
20% versus 11% in infants randomized to placebo and
egg, respectively (p = 0.03).
A more recent two-center Japanese study (the ‘PETIT’
found that the introduction of heated egg in small,
gradual dose increases was both safe and effective in the
prevention of egg allergy (p = 0.0001). A total of 147 infants
were randomly assigned to early introduction of egg or
placebo. Egg allergy was diagnosed in only 8% of the
infants receiving 50 mg of heated egg powder daily from 6
to 9 months of age and 250 mg daily thereafter until 12
months of age. In the placebo group, egg allergy was diag-
nosed in 38% (p=0.0001). Finally, in a cross-sectional study
by Koplin et al, which included 2589 infants, a lower rate of
egg allergy was noted for participants who received cooked
egg at 4–6 months than those who received cooked egg after
that age.
Older age of introducing egg increased the risk of
developing egg allergy in both low-risk infants and high-risk
infants (those with eczema, history of reactions to foods, or
a family history of food allergy) with reported p=0.22 and
p < 0.001, respectively.
In addition to the above research studies, a recent sys-
tematic review and meta-analysis, which included six RCTs
and a total of 3032 participants, reported a protective effect
with early egg introduction with 37 fewer cases of egg
allergy per 1000 people (assuming a 9.3% incidence of
egg allergy in the studied population).
Recent Australian data show a complete change in the
behavior of new parents with earlier introduction of egg in
their infants’ diet following publication and dissemination
of the new guidelines supporting early introduction.
majority of parents fed their infants cooked (rather than
baked) egg in an effort to limit the amount of sugar in the
diet. It is reported that the majority of Australian parents
are following the new recommendations from the govern-
ment and medical societies and are successfully feeding
their infants egg by 1 year of age, which is much earlier
than what was seen previously.
The optimal management of egg allergy includes various
components, such as medical interventions, dietetic input
and active treatment approaches, such as introduction of
baked egg and oral immunotherapy. These components are
explored in more detail below.
Medical Management
A comprehensive management plan or “Food allergy Action
plan” is essential and should include advice on identication
and treatment of allergic reactions as well as education on
the use of epinephrine auto-injectors.
The management
Journal of Asthma and Allergy 2021:14
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plan needs to include not only immediate family members
but also members of the wider environment of the child,
such as nannies, grandparents and school personnel.
Reactions to accidental exposures may occur, but education
on how to quickly identify the relevant signs and symptoms
and how to promptly administer the appropriate treatment
are key to mitigate negative outcomes.
Provision of emergency medication is another key ele-
ment of medical management. Epinephrine is the rst-line
treatment for anaphylaxis, and long-acting oral antihista-
mines may be used for mild reactions.
Finally, patient follow-up by a qualied allergist is
important. The allergist may provide ongoing education
on preventing and managing future reactions as well as
perform allergy tests periodically to assess for natural
resolution. Additionally, for patients who are avoiding all
forms of egg, regular assessments should be made to
evaluate for baked egg challenges and introduction.
Dietary Management
All patients require clear information on egg avoidance.
Dietitians play a key role in educating patients and
families in this area.
Education should include discus-
sions on food labelling (both ingredients list and “may
contain” statements) and patients should be advised to
read both the ingredients list and the precautionary aller-
gen labelling (PAL) on the foods they buy, every time, as
recipes may change over time.
Patients often nd PAL
statements difcult to interpret without dietetic input.
When eating outside the home patients need to be edu-
cated on certain risks. Miscommunication is a common
problem, so patients should liaise directly with staff in
restaurants and other food establishments to avoid egg
“contamination” (also known as “cross contact”) in their
Clear communication (such as alerting the restau-
rant in ahead of time of the food allergy, involving senior
staff or the chef in the order, and ensuring the table sur-
face is adequately cleaned) is key in minimizing risk.
Cross-contact is common in buffets where food is shared
and cleaning tends not to be thorough. Parents should be
advised that simple dishes with ingredients that are
clearly stated are often a better option than complex
dishes with multiple different ingredients and complicated
Role of Baked Egg Introduction
Different forms of egg display different allergenicity, with
raw egg being the most allergenic and baked egg the least.
Generally, heating appears to reduce allergenicity.
Studies suggest that up to 70% of egg-allergic children
are able to tolerate egg that is baked.
This provides some
benets such as a more inclusive diet, better nutrition, less
social restrictions and, as a result, better quality of life.
The role of baked egg introduction in the resolution of
egg allergy is more controversial, with a recent systematic
review suggesting that more evidence is needed in this
area, especially in the form of randomized trials of baked
egg consumption versus baked egg avoidance in baked-
tolerant participants.
However, multiple observational
research studies report a benecial effect with regular
baked egg consumption.
Children who react to baked
egg in their initial exposure appear to have a more severe
phenotype and lower rates of natural resolution. In con-
trast, children with negative or low sensitization to Gal d 1
are more likely to tolerate baked/heated egg.
information may be helpful to the clinician when consider-
ing an oral challenge and introduction of baked egg.
Peters et al examined 140 infants with challenge-
conrmed egg allergy at age 1 year and reported egg
allergy resolution in 47%, 12 months later (at age 2).
Those infants who had reacted to baked egg at baseline,
showed lower rates of resolution. Additionally, infants
that consumed baked egg more than 5 times per month
had better odds in developing tolerance.
A similar
study, which included 70 participants who regularly ate
baked egg, evaluated the role of baked egg in the devel-
opment of tolerance to regular egg.
A reported 53% of
the above participants were able to tolerate regular egg
after an approximately 3-year study period, compared
with only 28% of the participants in the comparison
group (who all adhered to strict avoidance).
Additionally, regular baked egg consumers were 14
times more likely to develop tolerance compared with
the strict avoidance group and tolerance was achieved
much earlier (50 months versus 78.7 months in the avoid-
ance group).
As part of optimal care, the role of baked egg intro-
duction should be discussed with patients, including ben-
ets (nutritional, social) and risks (allergic reactions
during the challenge), as this simple intervention has the
potential to change the daily life of the egg-allergic child
and potentially speed up their allergy resolution.
Egg Oral Immunotherapy
Food oral immunotherapy (OIT) is a new form of active
therapy for food allergies. The administration of small but
Journal of Asthma and Allergy 2021:14
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increasing doses of the allergenic food allows patients to
gradually increase their ability to consume small to medium
amounts of their allergen without reactions.
Food oral
immunotherapy studies have been conducted for most of
the common childhood food allergens, including egg.
In a seminal randomized oral immunotherapy study of
55 children, with egg allergy, a 55% rate of desensitization
was noted in the active arm after 10 months of therapy
compared with 0% in the placebo arm. An additional year
of egg OIT increased the desensitization rate to 75%
supporting the notion that longer treatment periods likely
result in higher desensitization rates
. A 4-year follow-up
of the above subjects has reinforced the above statement
showing that longer duration of therapy increases the like-
lihood of tolerating regular egg.
A recent trial evaluated 50 participants aged 3–16 years,
which were reactive to unbaked egg and were assigned to 2
years of treatment with either baked egg or egg OIT.
A comparison group of baked egg-reactive children were
also included and received egg OIT. Following 2 years of
treatment, therapy was discontinued for 8–10 weeks to
examine sustained unresponsiveness.
A total of 11.1% of
children consuming baked egg compared with 43.5% of
children receiving egg OIT achieved the desired outcome
(sustained unresponsiveness, P = 0.009).
In the baked egg-
reactive group, 17.9% achieved sustained unresponsiveness.
Children receiving egg OIT were much more likely to reach
the desired outcome compared with those consuming baked
egg alone (without OIT).
Finally, a systematic review investigating efcacy and
safety of egg OIT included 10 RCTs and a total of 439
participants between 1 and 18 years.
The majority of
children receiving egg OIT were able to consume
a partial serving of egg (1–7.5 g) compared to only 10%
in the avoidance group. A full portion of egg was success-
fully consumed by almost 50% in the OIT group compared
to 10% of the avoidance group.
The authors reported that
OIT induces tolerance in almost 50% of the subjects
compared with only 1 in 10 subjects who follow egg
However, adverse events are much more
frequent in the treatment arm and some children (reported
as 1 in 12 study participants) may suffer severe allergic
reactions requiring epinephrine.
It appears that oral immunotherapy for egg allergy is
effective, but this is not without risk. The risk–benet ratio
should be clearly outlined and discussed in detail with
patients and families, so they can make the decision that
best ts their expectations and preferences.
Shared Decision-Making
Shared decision-making is important for any disease with
long-term management, such as egg allergy.
As there are
multiple different management and therapy options available
to patients currently, each with its own benets and risks,
shared decision-making presents signicant value.
The landscape of egg allergy has evolved in both
diagnostics and treatment over recent years, with
a variety of novel interventions such as component
resolved diagnostics, oral immunotherapy, and early intro-
duction with the aim to prevent egg allergy development.
This rapid advancement can be challenging to patients as
they try to understand potential outcomes and trade-offs of
different available options, and decide which aspects of
management matter to them the most, so they can reach
a decision on how to proceed.
See Figure 1.
The role of young children in decision-making discus-
sions should also be emphasized and youngsters should be
encouraged to participate in decisions about their care, if
they wish, from an appropriate age. Both parents and
healthcare providers have a duty to support children as
they navigate the often confusing landscape of their
disease and learn to make decisions on their own. The
young patient’s concerns may be addressed during the
Figure 1 Optimizing patient care in egg allergy.
Abbreviations: CRDs, component resolved diagnostics; OIT, oral immunitherapy.
Journal of Asthma and Allergy 2021:14
Dovepress Anagnostou
clinic visit by the allergist, their opinions should be sought
and their preferences for care should be investigated and
discussed. Children may sometimes not reveal their lack of
understanding of complex concepts, so a jargon-free lan-
guage would be useful to assist them in this area.
may also engage their children separately in decision-
making and ensure they are ready to transition to indepen-
dence during adolescent and adult years.
A relationship of trust and respect between patients,
families and clinicians in combination with a safe,
unrushed environment where different opinions may be
heard and analyzed, and validated decision aids may be
incorporated into patient care will provide the patient with
a valuable and optimal care experience.
It is clear that optimizing the care of the egg-allergic
patient includes multiple elements, both in terms of diag-
nosis and management. These need to be addressed by the
physician looking after the patient so that jointly, patients/
families and physicians may discuss available options and
treatment pathways and make appropriate decisions. It is
important to note that shared decision-making remains the
cornerstone of optimal patient care and should be applied
in all relevant interactions in the allergy clinic.
OIT, oral immunotherapy; PAL, precautionary allergen
labelling; QoL, quality of life; RCT, randomized con-
trolled trials.
There is no funding to report.
None directly relevant to this work.
Dr Aikaterini Anagnostou is the principal investigator
for Aimmune Therapeutics research peanut oral immu-
notherapy trials and receives Institutional grant funding,
and serves as an advisory board member for DBV
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DovePress Journal of Asthma and Allergy 2021:14
Anagnostou Dovepress
... 1 Food allergies are common in children, particularly those allergic to cow's milk and hen's egg, and have become a growing public health concern in developed countries. [2][3][4] Allergic reactions to food proteins are a common cause of life-threatening reactions in pediatric allergic patients and could persist throughout life. 5 Food-allergic patients often worry about unintentional exposures and their consequences, especially anaphylaxis, facing multiple dietary and psychosocial restrictions. ...
... 5 Food-allergic patients often worry about unintentional exposures and their consequences, especially anaphylaxis, facing multiple dietary and psychosocial restrictions. 3 Eggs are a fundamental food of human diet, and together with cow's milk, they are the most common food allergens in children. 6 Prevalence of egg allergy ranges between 0.5% and 8.9% of the pediatric population. ...
... 7 Understanding the natural history of egg allergy is crucial for planning the next steps in management, whether it involves avoiding eggs entirely or considering the introduction of baked egg, which is less allergenic. 3 Oral food challenge (OFC) is the gold standard for confirming the diagnosis and assessing tolerance to egg; however, OFC is not without risk. 7 The role of serum-specific IgE (sIgE) in the pathogenesis of egg allergy is well-documented. ...
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Introduction: Food allergies represent a growing public health concern, particularly among children. This study aims to examine egg allergy in pediatric patients and analyze the value of serum-specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE) levels as predictive biomarkers for oral food challenge (OFC) outcomes. Methods: Retrospective study, involving pediatric patients with suspected IgE-mediated egg allergy, conducted at a tertiary hospital. Results: Data from 176 pediatric patients were analyzed, revealing a higher male prevalence (59.1%). Most cases (40.3%) presented symptoms in the first year of life, predominantly mucocutaneous symptoms (46%). OFC results varied across various forms of egg presentation, with cooked egg being the most frequently tested food. Positive OFCs were observed in 14.6% (n = 36) of cases. The study identified specific egg protein biomarkers for positive OFC, with ovalbumin for raw egg (sIgE > 1.28 KUA/L; area under the curve [AUC] = 0.917; sensitivity [S] 100%; and specificity [Sp] 92%), ovomucoid for cooked egg (sIgE > 0.99 KUA/L; AUC = 0.788, 95%; S: 79%; and Sp: 74%), and ovomucoid for baked egg (sIgE> 4.63 KUA/L; AUC = 0.870; S: 80%; and Sp: 85%) showing predictive capacities. Conclusions: The findings underscore the importance of considering various forms of egg presentation in the diagnosis and management of egg allergy. The findings highlight the valuable discriminatory capacity and provided reliable biomarkers, such as ovalbumin for raw egg and ovomucoid for cooked and baked egg in risk assessment, aiding in predicting OFC outcomes and helping clinicians to make informed decisions in diagnosing and managing egg allergies, thus improving patient care and quality of life.
... Allergen reduction or avoidance is the main option for patients with food allergies (Anagnostou, 2021;Fu et al., 2019); for example, avoiding eggs or consuming baked eggs to treat egg allergies (Anagnostou, 2021). Oral immunotherapy (OIT) is an effective treatment for CMA (Keet et al., 2012;Yeung et al., 2012), and baked milk OIT was reportedly more effective than a placebo (Dantzer et al., 2022). ...
... Allergen reduction or avoidance is the main option for patients with food allergies (Anagnostou, 2021;Fu et al., 2019); for example, avoiding eggs or consuming baked eggs to treat egg allergies (Anagnostou, 2021). Oral immunotherapy (OIT) is an effective treatment for CMA (Keet et al., 2012;Yeung et al., 2012), and baked milk OIT was reportedly more effective than a placebo (Dantzer et al., 2022). ...
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Cow milk is a major allergenic food. The potential prevention and treatment effects of lactic acid bacteria (LAB)‐fermented dairy products on allergic symptoms have garnered considerable attention. Cow milk allergy (CMA) is mainly attributed to extracellular and/or cell envelope proteolytic enzymes with hydrolysis specificity. Numerous studies have demonstrated that LAB prevents the risk of allergies by modulating the development and regulation of the host immune system. Specifically, LAB and its effectors can enhance intestinal barrier function and affect immune cells by interfering with humoral and cellular immunity. Fermentation hydrolysis of allergenic epitopes is considered the main mechanism of reducing CMA. This article reviews the linear epitopes of allergens in cow milk and the effect of LAB on these allergens and provides insight into the means of predicting allergenic epitopes by conventional laboratory analysis methods combined with molecular simulation. Although LAB can reduce CMA in several ways, the mechanism of action remains partially clarified. Therefore, this review additionally attempts to summarize the main mechanism of LAB fermentation to provide guidance for establishing an effective preventive and treatment method for CMA and serve as a reference for the screening, research, and application of LAB‐based intervention.
... With a reported prevalence of 1.3-1.6 percent, egg allergy is common among children. It is obvious that maximizing the care of egg-allergic patients entails a number of factors, both in terms of diagnosis and management (Anagnostou, 2021). The allergy usually emerges before the kid turns two years old, and it fades in 55 percent of instances within the first six years (Garca et al., 1996). ...
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A food allergy is a type of immunological reaction to food that is abnormal. The allergic reaction's symptoms might range from moderate to severe. Itching, swelling of the tongue, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, difficulty breathing, and low blood pressure are some of the symptoms. This can happen anywhere from a few minutes to several hours after exposure. Methods: The included samples of this study were 125 patient with chronic urticaria with age between 20 - 60 years were collected from allergy specialized center of Baghdad/ Ressafa. Determination of food allergen specific IgE in serum of total subjects was done for twenty two of common food allergens. Results: The current results showed that 39/125 of urticarial patients were positive to Beta-Lacto globulin, 29/125 positive to Banana, 21/125 positive to Apple, 14/125 positive to Egg Yolk, 10/125 positive to Sesame, 9/125 positive to Nut-Mix, 7/125 positive to Rice and Potato, 6/125 positive to Egg White, Citrus Mix and Peach, 5/125 positive to Milk and Tomato, 3/125 positive to Wheat Flour and Onion, 2/125 positive to Celery, 1/125 positive to Pea, Pork Meat, Strawberry, Baker’s Yeast, Chicken Meat and Cacao (Chocolate). Conclusions: The most common food allergies concluded in this study were for Beta-Lacto globulin, Banana, Apple, Egg Yolk and Sesame.
... Food allergens are predominantly proteins present in different food products, such as cereals, nuts, milk, eggs, fish and shellfish. One of the most common allergies is egg allergy, which affects 1.3-1.6% of children and usually develops in the first year of life (Anagnostou, 2021). A major allergen implicated in egg allergy is ovalbumin (OVA), the main protein of egg white (54%) (Urisu et al., 2015). ...
Ovalbumin (OVA) is a food allergen whose allergenicity is modulated by heating. We aimed to establish a molecular connection between heat-induced modifications and the modulation of the IgE binding capacity of OVA. For this, we used model samples of heat-modified OVA with increasing complexity; glycated, aggregated or glycated and aggregated. Using sera from egg-allergic individuals, we show that both aggregation and glycation strongly impacted IgE binding capacity, despite limited structural changes for glycated OVA. A molecular exploration at the amino acid level using high-resolution mass spectrometry = revealed extensive cross-linking, mostly through disulfide and dehydroprotein bridges, and moderate but significant glycation. Structural modifications affected residues located within or at a few amino acids distance of known human linear IgE epitopes, such as C121, K123, S169, K190, K207, H332 and C368. We thus unveil key amino residues implicated in the changes in IgE binding of OVA induced by heating.
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Most adult cases of hen's egg allergy are carried over from childhood, and new-onset adult cases are rare. Such cases may result from cross-reactivity or sensitization by inhalation. Here we present a rare case of adult-onset egg allergy due to monosensitization to ovalbumin (Gal d 2) with an unclear sensitization pathway. A 27-year-old woman developed recurrent gastrointestinal symptoms after ingestion of raw and under-cooked eggs. She had never suffered from atopic dermatitis or food allergies. She had never kept birds as pets and had no history of exposure to egg allergens. Prick to prick testing was positive only with raw egg white. Specific IgE testing revealed monosensitization to Gal d 2. She was advised to avoid raw and undercooked eggs and her symptoms resolved. In the management of adult-onset egg allergy, evaluation of allergen components will lead to appropriate elimination guidelines, and investigation of sensitization pathways may help identify the cause of this disease.
Relevance: world studies showed that egg allergy is one of the main causes of IgE-mediated food allergies in children. The aim of our study was analyzing the frequency and rate of sensitization to white egg of the Russian population's children, depending on the gender and age. Materials and methods: allergen-specific IgE levels were measured in children with food allergy (4981 patients aged 6 months-18 years). The frequency and degree of sensitization in various age groups were analyzed. Results: 29.5% of children had an anti-egg IgE antibodies. Among all positive responses, the low (31.6%, IgE=0.35-0.69 kU/l) and moderate (40.2%, IgE=0.70-3.5 kU/l) sensitization were most common. An extremely high level of anti-egg antibodies (IgE50.0 kU/l) was observed in 6.2% of patients. The highest frequency of sensitization was revealed in patients under the age of one year (39%). Decreasing of the positive responses frequency was noted in patients of older age groups. The dependence of the sensitization frequencies on sex was found in children over 12 years old. Frequencies of egg sensitization in girls aged 12-14 and 14-18 were statistically significantly lower compared to those in boys of the same age. The dependence of the response severity on the patient's age was also noted: a decrease in the frequency of highly positive responses and an increase in proportion of patients with medium or low IgE levels in older children were found. There was a decrease in the severity of the IgE-response by the age of 12 years in girls and by the age of 14 years in boys. Conclusion: the frequency and severity of positive IgE-responses to white egg allergens extract is the highest in children of the first year of life. These parameters decrease in older children, After 12 years of age the response severity and frequency are associated with the patient's gender. The marked tendency towards a decrease in the number of patients who have a positive response to a white egg allergens extract and the degree of its severity by adolescence may be evidence of the development of tolerance to this food product with the age.
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Allergic reactions to foods influence a remarkable amount of population and are related with significant wellbeing results. It is one of the most significant issues that have expanding consideration. Current comprehension of the turn of events and utilization of allergenic capability of certain types of food proteins is restricted. In spite of the fact that there is a selection of in vivo models for assessing hypersensitivity, none of the current models has been approved, is prescient, or generally acknowledged with respect to their allergen explicit inhibitors. Hence, there is a proceeded with enthusiasm on the knowledge recovery based on food allergy so as to give more enlightening way to the current research field. In this paper, the current status of purification, characterization, and types of food allergens and their impacts is thoroughly reviewed. The present available methods for the allergen assessment (in view of animal, cell and clinical methodologies) are emphasized.
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Objective: Shared decision making (SDM) is becoming more commonly appreciated and used in medical practice as a way to empower patients who are facing treatment preference-sensitive conditions, such as allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, food allergy, and persistent asthma. The purpose of this review is to educate the allergy health care provider about how SDM works and provide practical advice and allergist-specific SDM resources. Data sources: PubMed and online patient decision aid resources. Study selections: Studies and reviews relevant to SDM and patient decision aids relevant to the allergy health care provider were selected for discussion. Results: There are ethical, practical, economic, and psychological imperatives for the implementation of quality SDM, particularly for chronic diseases. Many benefits and barriers of SDM have been identified and models have been developed to encourage implementation of quality SDM. For the allergy health care provider, SDM for asthma has been shown to improve adherence, outcomes, and patient satisfaction with care. Patient decision aids are useful tools for SDM and have recently been developed for allergen immunotherapy, severe asthma, and atopic dermatitis. Conclusion: Effective SDM has been shown to improve adherence and lead to better outcomes. SDM should be universally implemented as a key component of patient-centered health care. Allergy health care providers should work with their patients to reach treatment decisions that align with their values and preferences.
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Background: The timing of the introduction of egg to an infant's diet is of current interest, as new evidence raises questions regarding the benefit of delaying egg introduction. The objective of this study was to systematically review the existing literature regarding the effect of the early introduction of egg on the development of egg allergy. Methods: Literature searches were conducted in MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CENTRAL, and trial protocols were searched in Meta Register and OpenGREY. Only randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing early (between 3 and 6 months of age) egg introduction to no early introduction were included. The primary outcome was the development of egg allergy. Results: Of the 416 articles identified and screened, 6 RCTs met the eligibility criteria for data extraction. Allergic outcomes were evaluated in a total of 3,032 participants. A low to moderate level of evidence showed a benefit of the early introduction of egg (relative risk, RR 0.60, 95% CI 0.44-0.82, p = 0.002, mild heterogeneity, I2 = 23%). The absolute risk reduction for a population with an incidence of egg allergy of 9.3% was 37 fewer cases (95% CI 17-52) per 1,000 people. Consumption of < 4,000 mg/week of egg protein had a greater preventive effect than a higher dose. Conclusion: This systematic review and meta-analysis showed an association between the early introduction of egg and a lower risk of egg allergy. Furthermore, the nature and dose of egg protein exposure may play a role. These findings should be addressed in the context of primary studies.
In recent decades, immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediated food allergy has become a growing public health concern. Converging evidence from cross-sectional prevalence studies, health care utilization records, and cohort studies indicate that food allergies are increasingly prevalent and often severe. Although IgE-mediated food allergy has long been considered a predominantly pediatric concern, analysis of recent self-reported data suggests that food allergies may be more prevalent among adult populations than previously acknowledged, with many reported cases of adult-onset allergies as well as persistent childhood-onset allergies. Results of studies also suggest that food allergy‐related health care utilization is increasing as more individuals seek emergency treatment for food-induced anaphylaxis. Analysis of epidemiologic data also indicates that the burden of food allergies is unequally distributed. Published prevalence rates are highest in Western countries, e.g. , the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. Within these countries, there also is heterogeneity across racial and/or ethnic groups, with non-White and second-generation immigrant populations disproportionately affected. Importantly, such observations can shed light on the etiology of food allergy and inform improved clinical management, treatment, and prevention efforts. For example, there is a growing consensus that earlier introduction of allergenic foods, e.g. , peanut, promotes oral tolerance and can dramatically reduce food allergy risk. In addition, much attention has been paid to the potentially deleterious effects of cutaneous allergen exposure, e.g. , through eczematous skin, which can skew the immune response away from tolerance and toward allergic sensitization, thereby increasing food allergy risk. Furthermore, there is a growing appreciation for the potential protective effects of diverse microbial exposures, given mounting evidence for the immunomodulatory effects of the human microbiome. Also, when considering the geographic variability in the prevalence of certain food and environmental allergies as well as their structural similarities at the molecular level, it is believed that co-sensitization between food and environmental allergens may be a key driver of rising food allergy prevalence.
Background While desensitization and sustained unresponsiveness (SU) have been shown with egg oral immunotherapy (OIT), the benefits of baked egg (BE) therapy for egg allergy have not been well studied. Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of BE ingestion compared to egg OIT in participants allergic to unbaked egg but tolerant to BE. Methods BE tolerant but unbaked egg reactive children ages 3-16 years were randomized to 2 years of treatment with either BE or egg OIT. Double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges (DBPCFC) were conducted after 1 and 2 years of treatment to assess for desensitization, and after 2 years of treatment followed by 8-10 weeks off of treatment to assess for SU. Mechanistic studies were conducted to assess for immune modulation. A cohort of BE reactive participants underwent egg OIT and identical DBPCFCs as a comparator group. Results Fifty participants (median age 7.3 years) were randomized and initiated treatment. SU was achieved in 3 of 27 (11.1%) BE participants versus 10 of 23 (43.5%) egg-OIT participants (p=0.009). In the BE reactive comparator group, 7 of 39 (17.9%) participants achieved SU. More BE tolerant participants withdrew from BE versus egg OIT (29.6% versus 13%). Dosing symptom frequency in BE tolerant participants was similar with BE and egg OIT, but more frequent in BE reactive participants. Egg white-specific IgE, skin testing and basophil activation decreased similarly after BE and egg OIT. Conclusion Among children allergic to unbaked egg but tolerant to BE, those treated with egg OIT were significantly more likely to achieve SU compared to children ingesting BE.
Objective: To review risk communication in the context of shared decision making. Data sources: Articles describing risk communication, shared decision making, and cost-effective healthcare delivery. Study selections: A narrative review detailing approaches to improve risk communication and shared decision making to optimize patient-centered cost-effective practice. Results: Risk communication must occur on a foundation of mutual trust and can be improved by keeping risk in perspective of everyday hazards such as using pictograms when possible, providing numeric likelihoods of risks and benefits, and discussing absolute risks. Variability in patient-perceived quality of life for allergic and non-allergic health states may impact the health and economic outcomes of many allergy therapies. Shared decision making improves patient knowledge and risk perception, engagement, and adherence. Patient decision aids can be time consuming to develop and validate, but their use is associated with a more accurate understanding of patientoriented outcomes. Conclusion: Communicating risk is complex and validated patient decision aids using visual aids, presenting essential information, using knowledge checks, and incorporating values clarification can reduce decisional conflict and improve decisional self-efficacy.
Individuals with food allergy are at risk for accidental exposures, potentially resulting in allergic reactions that may cause significant morbidity and mortality. Dining out, including restaurants or take-out, account for a large proportion of severe reactions. Errors due to gaps in knowledge or miscommunication can easily occur on behalf of food-allergic individuals or restaurant staff, resulting in accidental exposures and allergic reactions. Improved legislation, training of restaurant staff, and practitioner-guided education are recommended to reinforce patient safety and prevent severe allergic reactions. This Work Group Report provides guidance with specific practices that practitioners may recommend, and that patients and restaurant staff may employ, for prevention and treatment of food-allergic reactions in restaurants.
Shared decision-making was first highlighted in a report by the Institute of Medicine in 2001. The primary aim of this initiative was to improve the quality of care provided to patients in the United States by creating a health care system that is safe, effective, efficient and equitable. Currently, medical decision making is based on a patient-centered approach with the individuals' preferences, needs and values guiding optimal care. Patients are frequently faced with a variety of treatment choices with no absolute guarantee of any desired outcome and no clear indication of the 'best or least worse" option. In fact, in healthcare, each of these options, usually have potential trade-offs and outcomes. The process of how to choose a particular option becomes a discussion where the clinician and the patient have to jointly review the medical evidence, but also the patient's openness and preference for balancing particular attributes of the treatment (both positive and negative). Shared decision-making is important for chronic diseases that require long-term management, such as most allergic conditions, including food allergies. The landscape of food allergies has changed considerably in recent years with multiple and significant scientific advances in both diagnostics and treatment, providing an ideal field for the use of shared decision-making. For the purposes of this review, we will discuss different areas of food allergy management within a single complex case, focusing on the role of shared decision-making.
Background: Randomized controlled trials demonstrate that timely introduction of peanut to infants reduces the risk of peanut allergy. However, much debate remains regarding how to best achieve earlier peanut introduction at the population level. Our previous study in 2007-2011 (HealthNuts, n = 5300) indicated that few infants were consuming peanut in the first year. Australian infant feeding guidelines were updated in 2016 to recommend introducing peanut before 12 months for all infants. There were no data available on the subsequent effect on peanut introduction or peanut reactions. Objective: We sought to assess the consequences of a nonscreening approach to allergenic food introduction in a population-based sample of infants in their first year of life. Methods: EarlyNuts is a population-based, cross-sectional study of 12-month-old infants in Melbourne, Australia, recruited by using an identical sampling frame and methods to HealthNuts (72% response rate vs 73% response rate in HealthNuts). We report here on the first 860 participants recruited between November 2016 and October 2018. Results: Most infants (88.6%; 95% CI, 86.1% to 90.7%) had introduced peanut by 12 months (median age, 6 months), an increase from 28.4% (95% CI, 27.2% to 29.7%) in the HealthNuts study. By 12 months, the majority of these (76.4%) had consumed peanut more than 4 times, and 28% were eating peanut more than once per week. Preliminary results on parent-reported reactions show that 4.0% of those consuming peanut by 12 months had possible IgE-mediated reactions. Conclusions: There has been a striking shift toward earlier peanut introduction, with a 3-fold increase in peanut introduction by age 1 year in 2018 compared with 2007-2011.
Decision-making is important in the context of pediatric chronic illness because children and families need to make decisions about burdensome and complex treatments on a regular basis, and children must eventually learn how to make such decisions independently. Research related to children's decision-making in medical settings has been focused primarily on cognitive aspects of decision-making, such as understanding and capacity. The concept of decision-making involvement (DMI) recognizes that children can be involved in decision-making in multiple ways, regardless of capacity, and that parents and health care providers play a critical role in supporting children as they learn to make decisions on their own. Providers can facilitate DMI during medical encounters by asking for the children's opinions and concerns, encouraging turn-taking, soliciting questions, asking for information directly from the children, and checking that the children understand what has been said. Efforts to involve children send the message that the youth perspective is important and set the expectation for increased participation over time. Providers can also support parent-child decision-making about illness management at home by guiding parents as to how best to involve children in decisions about illness management, identifying areas in which more or less parental guidance and support are needed, and assisting youth in planning ahead for decision-making about illness management in high-risk situations. Additional research is needed to identify why children's DMI in medical settings remains low, develop and evaluate strategies to enhance DMI, and test the effects of DMI on health-related behaviors and outcomes over time.
Purpose of review: This review examines the current literature and provides insight into the role of food immunotherapy in the management of food-allergic children. Key food immunotherapy trials, benefits, and risks of the intervention, as well as areas requiring further study are all discussed. Recent findings: Research studies have reported encouraging results regarding the efficacy of food immunotherapy in desensitizing food-allergic patients with an acceptable safety profile and a documented improvement in quality of life. The role of biologics and long-term effects of food immunotherapy are still under investigation. Summary: The burden of food allergy is significant, multifaceted, and well documented. Food immunotherapy is a novel treatment option and an exciting area of research that has seen tremendous progress over the last decade, presenting encouraging results for the treatment of children with food allergies.