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Abstract and Figures

Human-crocodile conflicts (HCC) are problems affecting crocodile conservation. Scientific publications on crocodile attack cases in Indonesia are few with low validation which hinder optimal conflict mitigation efforts. The estuarine river of Kutai National Park is a natural habitat for saltwater crocodiles and mostly nearby dense settlements. This study aims to map the distribution of saltwater crocodiles and potential conflicts in the Kutai National Park area. To predict the distribution of saltwater crocodiles, we used Maximum Entropy MAXENT with its environmental predictors i.e. slope, altitude, distance from shore, distance from river, temperature, and habitat types (mangrove forest, freshwater swamp, and shrubs). MAXENT prediction showed that elevation was the most influential variable with AUC (Average Under Curve) value of 0.952. Settlements with activities occurring within one kilometer from the river and those adjacent to coastal areas proved to be the highest in human conflicts with crocodiles.
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Media Konservasi Vol.26 No.1 April 2021: 52-62 ISSN: 0215-1677
DOI: 10.29244/medkon.26.1.52-62 E-ISSN: 2502-6313
Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, Faculty of Forestry, IPB Campus Dramaga, Bogor
16680, Indonesia
Accepted September 26, 2020 / Approved February 26, 2021
Human-crocodile conflicts (HCC) are problems affecting crocodile conservation. Scientific publications on crocodile attack cases in Indonesia
are few with low validation which hinder optimal conflict mitigation efforts. The estuarine river of Kutai National Park is a natural habitat for
saltwater crocodiles and mostly nearby dense settlements. This study aims to map the distribution of saltwater crocodiles and potential conflicts in the
Kutai National Park area. To predict the distribution of saltwater crocodiles, we used Maximum Entropy MAXENT with its environmental predictors
i.e. slope, altitude, distance from shore, distance from river, temperature, and habitat types (mangrove forest, freshwater swamp, and shrubs).
MAXENT prediction showed that elevation was the most influential variable with AUC (Average Under Curve) value of 0.952. Settlements with
activities occurring within one kilometer from the river and those adjacent to coastal areas proved to be the highest in human conflicts with
Key words: conflict, crocodile, human, MAXENT
Human-wildlife conflict is one of the threats to the
decreasing population of some species of wildlife.
Competition between humans and wildlife for shared
limited resources in an area has brought losses both to
the wildlife and humans (Dickman 2010). Negative
interaction such as in the case of tiger-human conflicts
can occur due to competition for resources (Nugraha and
Sugardjito 2009).
Reptiles often cause death in human-wildlife
conflicts. According to reports from the WHO (World
Health Organization), in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and
Sub-Saharan Africa countries, there are 421 thousand
snakebites cases per year which often result in injury and
death (Subroto and Lismayanti 2017). Besides snakes
and komodos, crocodiles are also recorded as a type of
reptile that often negatively interacts with humans
(Longkumer et al. 2017). This negative interaction often
occurs in conservation areas adjacent to settlements, such
as in the case of human-komodo conflicts that happened
in Komodo National Park, especially in Komodo Village
and Rinca Village (Ramadhani 2018).
The problem that affects crocodile conservation is
human-crocodile conflict. The most common causes of
crocodile attacks are the decrease in the natural habitat of
crocodiles, the decrease in crocodile prey populations,
and high human activities in the crocodile home range
(Webb et al. 2010). In addition, crocodiles are
opportunistic predators, so humans are not excluded from
becoming one of the alternative prey for crocodiles when
their natural prey is reducing or even depleted in their
habitat (Caldicott et al. 2005).
There are only a few scientific publications that
discuss crocodile attack cases in Indonesia. Information
about crocodile attacks is often published in mass media
which can be accessed through electronic media,
newspapers, and direct information from communities
around the crocodile habitat. However, there is a limited
number of scientific papers that discuss the number of
cases of human-crocodile conflicts in general in
Indonesia, including the types of attacks and their causes.
Limited access to information regarding crocodile attacks
is the main problem of difficulties for conflict mitigation.
A global crocodile attack database was launched in 2013
which contained data on crocodile attacks in various
countries (CrocBITE 2013). Based on information from
the database, Indonesia ranked first for crocodile attacks
with 1028 cases since 1845 (CrockBITE 2013).
Ardiantiono et al. (2015) divide crocodile attack cases
based on the data from CrocBITE website into two
periods: period I (1845-1890) and period II (2000-2014).
In period II, crocodile attack cases were increasing in
southern Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi.
Kalimantan has the most cases of crocodile attacks in
Indonesia by 21 cases (CrocBITE 2013).
Kutai National Park with an area of 198,629 ha was
established in 1995 based on the Decree of the Minister
of Forestry No. 325/Kpts-II/1995. This area has
mangroves, rivers, and estuary ecosystems as the main
habitat for the saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus)
which is adjacent to the locals' settlement in Bontang
City. A populated city with crocodile habitats is more
likely to create conflicts. This research aims at mapping
the risk points for human-crocodile conflicts in the
Media Konservasi Vol.26 No.1 April 2021: 52-62
settlements around Kutai National Park and it is expected
that this research can be used as a reference in planning
conflict mitigation and crocodile conservation in Kutai
National Park.
This research was conducted on March - April 2019
and the data were collected from settlements around
Kutai National Park (East Kalimantan Province),
particularly around Bontang City including Sangkima
Subdistrict and Sangatta Subdistrict (East Kutai
Regency). Below is a map of the location of research
data collection (Figure 1).
The instruments used in this research included
Maximum Entropy Modeling (MAXENT) version
3.4.1k, ArcGis 10.5, cameras, GPS (Global Positioning
System), and MS. Excel. The materials used in this
research included coordinate data of crocodile attacks on
humans and crocodile discoveries, Kutai National Park
basemap, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Indonesia
geospatial map (Rupa Bumi Indonesia/RBI), and Landsat
8 imagery.
The existence of crocodiles was obtained through
direct observation, with the first step by searching for
information on the whereabouts of crocodiles from the
community around the crocodile habitat. Based on the
results of the direct observation, the researchers then
traced it based on the information on crocodile sightings.
The historical location of the crocodile sightings by the
community was then marked with a point using a GPS.
Direct observation was also carried out around the waters
in Bontang, Sangatta, and Sangkima to get the current
crocodile sighting points. Crocodile sighting was also
carried out through direct observation during the day
when the crocodiles were sunbathing. The observation
was carried out using boats on the Sangatta River, while
in Sangkima and Bontang City, the observations were
done on foot along the riverbanks.
Data of potential conflict were collected through
semi-structured interviews with respondents. This
method was to provide opportunities for the locals to
share their experiences and express their opinions
(Pramusanti 2001). The respondents were selected using
purposive sampling method according to the criteria and
research objectives or with certain considerations
(Sugiyono 2010). The criteria were crocodile finders,
crocodile attack victims, relatives, and family of
crocodile attack victims. The questions for the
respondents were the information about the location of
the encounter or attack, the form of attack, the time of the
attack, the part that was attacked, the activities before the
attack, the location of treatment, and the possibility of
crocodile attacks.
Figure 1 Map of research area on crocodile distribution and risks of human-crocodile conflicts in settlements around
Kutai National Park
Mapping The Distribution of Saltwater Crocodile
Data processing was performed using MAXENT
application. The predictive modeling of crocodile
distribution in order is presented in Figure 2, then the
results of data processing are analyzed descriptively.
The results of predictive modeling of the
distribution of saltwater crocodiles were then used as the
material to observe areas in settlements around Kutai
National Park that had the potential for human-crocodile
conflicts through an overlay analysis. Overlay analysis
was conducted using the results of predictive modeling
of crocodile distribution, with historical points of human-
crocodile conflicts and maps of human activities.
The human-crocodile conflict risk mapping was
made based on a reclassification of predictive modeling
of saltwater crocodile distribution, which was the
prediction of high presence with a score of 1, prediction
of moderate presence with a score of 2, and prediction of
low presence with a score of 3. The classification was
done using the natural breaks method or clear
breakpoints method. Based on the results of
reclassification of predictive modeling of saltwater
crocodile distribution, then it was overlaid with the
distribution of community activities which were
classified into 3 classes of high, moderate, and low
activity. High activity is an activity with a distance of
less than 1 km from the crocodile habitat which is given
a score of 1, moderate activity is an activity with a
distance of 1-2 km which is given a score of 2, and low
activity with a distance of 2-3 km is given a score of 3.
The risk of conflict occurs if human activities are carried
out near the crocodile habitat. The risk of human-
crocodile conflicts is classified into 3 classes, which are
high risk, moderate risk, and low risk. An area is said to
be at high risk if the community activities are carried out
within a distance of less than 1 km from the crocodile
habitat which is predicted to be high. Moderate risk is an
area with community activities carried out 1-2 km from
the crocodile habitat which is predicted to be high or
moderate, while the low risk is 2-3 km from the crocodile
habitat which is predicted to be high to low (Table 1).
Figure 2 Flowchart mapping of crocodile distribution and risk of human-crocodile conflicts
Media Konservasi Vol.26 No.1 April 2021: 52-62
Table 1 Classification of level of risk for human-crocodile conflicts
Description: 1 = high risk, 2 = moderate risk, >2 = low risk
1. Prediction of Crocodile Distribution Using
Maxent Application
a. Crocodile distribution
There were 70 points found based on the results of
interview and direct observation of crocodiles found in
Bontang, Sangatta, and Sangkima. The majority of points
were found in Sangatta area. Crocodiles were found in
their main habitats, such as in mangroves, seas, lakes,
saltwater, ditches, rivers and ponds. The river is the
habitat where crocodiles are mostly found (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Percentage of crocodiles in several habitats
b. Model accuracy test
Based on the mean value of the sensitivity and
specificity graphs (Figure 4), the AUC (Area Under
Curve) value is 0.952 with a standard deviation of 0.013.
The AUC value shows a good result of the modeling
Figure 4 AUC values on sensitivity and specificity
The graph of average omission and predicted area
(Figure 5) shows high accuracy, as the bias value is quite
low. It can be seen from the blue and green lines around
the black line which are biased predictions.
Figure 5 Illustration of omission and protected area
Based on the results of AUC test (Figure 6), the
environmental variables which give the most influence
on performance in assessing the predictive modeling are
elevation, distance to shore, and slope. It is because the
elevation variable is classified as continuous and has a
wide range and range of data. The distance from river
variable is the most important variable as indicated by
the green line on the curve as the AUC value decreases if
the distance from river variable is removed.
The magnitude of the influence of environmental
variables on the model is also shown by the table of
percent contribution and permutation importance (Table
2). The elevation variable is the most influential variable
with a contribution value of 55.5%. The model is
influenced by variables of river distance, distance from
shore, temperature, mangrove forest, swamp, slope, and
c. Response curves of environmental variables
The crocodiles are predicted to live at an altitude
less than 50 meters and the slope from 0-5 meters. It is
because crocodiles are mostly found in downstream
areas, shores, and flat topography in areas where
crocodiles are predicted to be high. Non-linear response
curves are responses from environmental variables that
are not influenced by other variables. The following is an
illustration of the elevation response curve and slope
response curve (Figure 7).
Encounter rates with crocodiles
Activity distance (Km)
High (1)
Moderate (2)
Low (3)
Mapping The Distribution of Saltwater Crocodile
Figure 6 The influence of environmental variables
obtained from AUC values
(description: (elevasikutai3=elevation,
mangrovekutai2=mangrove forest, pantaikutai=distance
from shore, rawakutai= freshwater swamp forest,
semakkutai=shrubs, slopekutai2=slope,
suhukutai=temperature, sungaikutai2= distance from
Based on the response curves, the crocodiles in the
mangrove forest and the freshwater swamp are predicted
to be high. The higher level of dominance of mangrove
forest and freshwater swamp, the higher the prediction of
crocodiles. Shrubs are predicted to be equal in both areas
with and without shrubs. The comparison of the three
predictions for the presence of crocodiles is presented in
Figure 8.
Table 2 Comparison of contribution value of each environmental variable
Percent contribution (%)
Permutation importation (%)
Distance from river
Distance from shore
(a) (b)
Figure 7 (a) Elevation response curve (b) Slope response curve
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 8 (a) Mangrove response curve (b) Freshwater swamp response curve (c) Shrubs response curve
Media Konservasi Vol.26 No.1 April 2021: 52-62
(a) (b)
Figure 9 (a) Distance from river response curve (b) Distance from shore response curve
Based on the response curve of distance from the
river and distance from the shore, it is known that
crocodiles are predicted to be fewer if the distance is
getting farther from rivers and shores. Crocodiles
commonly present less than 1 km from the rivers and
shores. The illustration of response curves of the distance
from the river and the distance from the coast is
presented in Figure 9.
Based on the temperature response curve, it shows
that the predicted value for the presence of crocodiles is
at a temperature of 26-28° C (Figure 10). The
temperature is also influenced by topographic conditions
which are classified as lowlands. Crocodiles need a
temperature that is hot enough for sunbathing since they
need to increase their body temperature to metabolize.
Figure 10 Temperature response curve
The prediction of crocodile population distribution
from MAXENT processing shows that elevation from
sea level is the most influential environmental variable. It
is in line with the results of other studies stating that a
good habitat for saltwater crocodiles is characterized by a
wide edge of water bodies and lush vegetation for nesting
and spawning such as downstream rivers, mangroves,
and shorelines (Somaweera et al. 2011), all of which are
on the lowlands ranging from 0-100 masl. Moreover, in
tropical areas, elevation affects the temperature in
crocodile habitat, the higher elevation of an area, the
lower the temperature in that area. Crocodile habitat
which is classified as lowland makes the temperature in
the crocodile habitat warmer. The cold-blooded nature of
crocodiles makes them try to maintain their body
temperature by sunbathing or seeking shade if their body
temperature is too high (Jayson 2002).
d. Prediction of crocodile distribution
The prediction of saltwater crocodile distribution
shows that each location of data collection has
crocodiles' presence points. The more an area
approaching the red color or scored one on the map, the
higher the predicted value for the crocodile's presence at
that point. The following is a map of prediction of
saltwater crocodile population distribution in settlements
around Kutai National Park (Figure 11).
Figure 11 Prediction map of saltwater crocodile
population distribution
Mapping The Distribution of Saltwater Crocodile
2. Mapping The Risk of Human-Crocodile
a. Crocodile attacks
Based on the results of interviews about crocodile
attacks on humans, 24 cases were reported. The impact
of the attack was bite wounds and death. As many as 12
cases of crocodile attacks were recorded that resulted in
fatalities or by 50%. Most crocodile attacks on humans
occurred in rivers (Figure 12). Based on the observation,
community activities in the river and around the river
include fishing, bathing, fish farming, and using it as a
transportation route. Most cases of crocodile attacks
occurred during 2015 2017 as many as 6 cases (Table
Figure 12 Percentage of crocodile attacks in several
Currently, the presence of crocodiles around
community settlements is considered unsettling and
dangerous. Bontang City is the area with the highest
awareness of crocodiles compared to Sangatta and
Sangkima. It can be seen from the comparison of
evacuated crocodiles and wild crocodiles (Figure 13).
The data were obtained from the data of Kutai National
Park and direct observation.
Figure 13 Comparison of wild crocodiles and evacuated
crocodiles in each study location
(Source: data from Kutai Nationa Park and field
Human activities in crocodile habitats trigger
conflict between them. Conflict may occur if there is a
direct contact between humans and crocodiles which
brings negative impacts on crocodiles or humans and
even both of them. The increasing human activities and
closer settlement to the crocodile habitat is one of the
causes of direct contact between humans and crocodiles.
Another reason that causes crocodiles to approach
community settlements is people's habits that often throw
household organic waste, fishery waste, and livestock
waste into the rivers. According to Plaza and
Lambertucci (2017), rivers that are used as landfills can
change patterns of movement, migration, home range,
and individual behavior of different species, thereby
increasing various types of conflict with humans. Blake
(2002) states that crocodiles have a very good sense of
smell with the two nostrils at the end of the muzzle that
make it easier for them to smell while swimming. These
activities can trigger the crocodiles to come to the
community settlements.
Table 3. Crocodile encounter in Bontang, Sangatta, and Sangkima and the attacks
Total respondent
Total crocodile
encounter spots
Total victim
Last attack report
Common location
of attack
River, estuary, and sea
River and estuary
River and estuary
Injured to the waist, legs,
buttocks, neck and back. No
death reported
3 people were injured and 5
people died
6 people were injured and 7
people died
Human activities
during the attacks
Fishing, fish farming, traveling,
raising livestock, playing golf,
sea water therapy
Fishing, crossing rivers,
ablution, bathing, selling fish,
repairing pipes, traveling.
Bathing, gardening,
crossing river, washing
motorbikes, fishing.
Media Konservasi Vol.26 No.1 April 2021: 52-62
b. Mapping of the risk of human-crocodile conflicts
Based on the classification using the natural breaks
method, a map of saltwater crocodile encounters is
obtained in Figure 14. Each class has a different range of
values: the first class with a range of 0.000000001 -
0.129217864 (low encounter rates), the second class with
a range of 0.129217864 - 0.410456742 (moderate
encounter rates), and the third class with a range of
0.410456742 - 0.969133973 (high encounter rates). The
class differences are distinguished by the resolution of
each pixel. If a figure is approaching number one, it
indicates that the location has the most likely presence of
crocodiles. The map of encounter rates was then overlaid
with the map of community activities. The overlaying
results of the two maps found some areas with a high
level of conflict potential, which were Sangatta,
Sangkima, and Bontang.
The classification results of human-crocodile
conflict potential indicate that high potential is obtained
in settlements with activities less than one kilometer
away from rivers and beaches. The further the distance
from rivers and beaches, the potential for conflict is
getting moderate and gradually lowering. In addition,
activities carried out in areas with a high chance of
encountering crocodiles, such as mangroves and
freshwater swamps, have a high potential for human-
crocodile conflicts (Figure 15).
c. Efforts of Kutai National Park on human-
crocodile conflicts
Kutai National Park, assisted by the community, has
tried to overcome the risk of human-crocodile conflicts
by evacuating the crocodiles found in their settlements.
Crocodiles that are caught are moved to crocodile
habitats far from settlements. One of the crocodile
release locations is Telaga Bening lake in the Kutai
National Park. Telaga Bening lake is chosen as the
release location because it is far from settlements and has
become a natural habitat for saltwater crocodiles. Apart
from being released into their natural habitat, Kutai
National Park also moves the crocodiles to captivity in
East Kalimantan, including the Teritip Crocodile
Captivity in Balikpapan and Makroman in Samarinda. In
addition, Kutai National Park has formed a special team
to rescue wildlife, called the Wildlife Rescue Unit
(WRU). WRU focuses on saving wildlife including
crocodiles. This is in accordance with the Renja KSDAE
(2017) regarding National Priority activities in the
National Priority Program for the Development of Rural
Areas in the form of collaborative management of
conservation forests with communities around non-
conservation forest areas.
Evacuation is carried out when there is a report
from the community. Usually, the evacuation process is
assisted by the community. In Bontang area, it is also
assisted by the fire department. The rope-snare method is
applied to catch the crocodiles. Apart from direct
evacuation by WRU, some crocodiles in the settlement
are handed over directly by the community. Crocodiles
that are caught by the community are usually injured and
even dead. It happens because they do not pay attention
to the crocodile's safety during the catching process.
People use poison as bait or beat the crocodile during the
capture. The evacuation process needs to be improved to
reduce the potential for conflict. Another effort made by
Kutai National Park is the familiarization of wildlife
conflicts against community.
The effectiveness of crocodile evacuation carried
out by WRU is still unknown. The absence of tagging for
the crocodiles that were captured and released again
made the crocodiles that were evacuated unable to be
traced to their whereabouts after evacuation. The
selection for release location of evacuated crocodiles
must be considered carefully. According to Walsh and
Whitehead (1993), conflicted crocodiles should be
evacuated to captivity and should not be returned to wild
habitats since C. porosus, especially males, have a
tendency to return to their hatcheries.
Figure 14 Map classification results of saltwater crocodile encounter rates using natural breaks method
Mapping The Distribution of Saltwater Crocodile
Figure 15 Risk map of human-crocodile conflicts in settlements around Kutai National Park, Kalimantan
Media Konservasi Vol.26 No.1 April 2021: 52-62
3. Human-crocodile conflict management
Crocodile attacks do not only occur in Indonesia,
many other countries have experienced similar cases.
According to Pooley (2018) in his bibliography, African,
American and the Caribbean, Australia and Oceania,
Southeast Asian and East Asian countries are
experiencing human-crocodile conflicts. Several
countries that face human-crocodile conflicts have
started to look for solutions to reduce the risks.
According to Amarasinghe et al. (2015), the causes of
human-crocodile conflict in Sri Lanka include the
destruction and loss of natural habitat due to land
encroachment by humans. The cause of the conflict in Sri
Lanka is not much different from what happened in
Kalimantan, especially in Bontang City. Bontang is the
most developed city compared to Sangatta and
Sangkima. There was a change in land use that occurred
in 2014 based on SK .4194/Menhut-VII/KUH/2014
indicating a change in land use which was previously the
Kutai National Park area. Development and land-use
changes resulted in decreased natural habitat for
crocodiles. The solutions pursued by Sri Lanka are
habitat restoration, prohibiting human encroachment in
river and swamp buffer zones, limiting the issuance of
new permits for sand mining near river estuaries (at least
10 km from river mouths), cleaning up waste and
invasive water plants in artificial watercourses to rivers,
all of these can be applied in preparing the strategies for
conflict mitigation efforts.
According to Fukuda et al. (2014), the public safety
program from human-crocodile conflicts consists of two
main programs: safety awareness education and
evacuation of crocodiles in conflict. Safety awareness
education aims at raising awareness of the risk of
crocodile attacks, while evacuation of crocodiles in
conflict must pay attention to safety. The WRU team of
Kutai National Park has been active in promoting animal
conflict awareness to schools around the area. Increasing
public awareness and awareness of the risk of human-
crocodile conflict can be applied through warning boards
for the presence of crocodiles. It has not been done
optimally by Kutai National Park and East Kalimantan
BKSDA (Nature Conservation Agency). Therefore,
public understanding and multi-stakeholders cooperation
need to be improved in order to create awareness of the
importance of coexistence between humans and wildlife.
Human activities in areas with a higher chance of
finding crocodiles, especially in mangrove and
freshwater swamp ecosystem, increase the risk of
human-crocodile conflicts. Settlements around Kutai
National Park and Bontang City with activities that are
carried out 0-1000 meters away from rivers and beaches
have the highest risk of human-crocodile conflicts.
Activities that trigger negative interaction between
humans and crocodiles include swimming, bathing,
fishing, and washing in the river. Kutai National Park has
installed warning boards on the presence of crocodiles
and evacuated crocodiles in populated settlements.
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Stevenson, [editors]. Crocodiles. Status Survey and
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Crocodile Specialist Group, Darwin, Australia. 99-
... 1. Waring sign boards (Thomas et al. 2010;IUCN/SSC, 2013;Jeremiah and Reniko 2018;Ramdani et al. 2021;Ardiantiono et al. 2023Basu et al. 2023) are placed at the locations of sightings and high risk ( Fig. 6c and d). 2. Constituting a Joint patrolling Team (JPT) at every forest range to monitor crocodiles in the frequently sighted creeks/streams/nallahs. 3. The JPT installed cages in the creeks/streams/nallahs around human settlements after sighting to capture the saltwater crocodile and either released at a far distance natural habitat away from the human settlements or in the nearest zoological parks (Fig. 6e, f and g). Similar, kind of translocation of saltwater crocodiles were adopted globally (eg: Amarasinghe et al. 2015;Das and Jana 2018;Jeremiah and Reniko 2018;Ardiantiono et al. 2023;Basu et al. 2023;Simakani et al. 2023;Than et al. 2023). ...
... Similar, kind of translocation of saltwater crocodiles were adopted globally (eg: Amarasinghe et al. 2015;Das and Jana 2018;Jeremiah and Reniko 2018;Ardiantiono et al. 2023;Basu et al. 2023;Simakani et al. 2023;Than et al. 2023). 4. Frequent awareness programs like street play, announcements, NEWS paper advertisements, distribution of saltwater crocodile handbills, etc. (Thomas et al. 2010;Gani et al. 2022;Ramdani et al. 2021;Ardiantiono et al. 2022Ardiantiono et al. , 2023 are being hosted by DoEF under the crocodile awareness program (CAP). 5. The saltwater crocodile nesting sites are protected and monitored by the DoEF by establishing temporary watch towers at the site until they hatch out (Fig. 6h, i and j). ...
... Therefore, advising the local residents to be vigilant during SWM (May to September) and NEM (October to December). 7. Preventing the disposal of organic protein waste like fish and other meat offals in the creeks (Kumar et al. 2012;Viswakannan et al. 2014;Sivaperuman 2015;Ramdani et al. 2021). ...
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Human-wildlife conflict is among the major constraint for wildlife management. It often can result in biodiversity decline and jeopardize the delicate balance of ecosystems. The human-saltwater crocodile conflict (hereafter referred to as HCC) is a major wildlife management issue in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands (ANI). Analyzing the long-term trends is vital for better understanding and management of HCC. We used diverse approaches like interviews with local community and victims, HCC register maintained by the Department of Environment and Forest (DoEF), and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) to understand the patterns in the reported HCC events in ANI. During the past four decades (1983–2023), 36 fatal and non-fatal HCC were documented in the Andaman Islands. The HCC in ANI exhibited 75% increase after the catastrophic 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. A comparison of gender involved in HCC indicates that men are often (56%) become victim of HCC owing to their frequent involvement in outdoor activities like fishing, swimming, farming, cattle rearing, etc. The highest number (79%) of HCC and crocodile sightings were documented during the wet season (June-December). The majority of HCC (53%) were reported in the creeks. South Andaman accounts for the highest number of HCC (53%) compared to the rest of the Andaman Islands. High relative frequency of sightings of saltwater crocodile in the creeks of South Andaman like Manglutan nallah (21.47), Dhanikhari nallah (16.56), Collinpur nallah (14.72), and Guptapara nallah (11.04) were recorded between 2016 to 2023. The current scenario demands an urgent need for more fundamental research focusing on the changes in Saltwater crocodile habitats post 2004 tsunami, factors driving the HCC, and development and implementation of an updated management plan to ensure the co-existence of humans and crocodiles in the ANI.
... Selain itu, munculnya genangan kolong akibat pertambangan membuat akses buaya untuk menjelajah mencari pakan. Sifat buaya yang oportunis dan territorial akan meningkatkan resiko serangan/konflik terhadap manusia(Manurung, Kusrini, & Prasetyo, 2021).Upaya mitigasi menjadi sangat penting agar mengurangi terjadinya konflik buaya dengan manusia(Mekonen, 2020). Langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil untuk mengurangi risiko serangan buaya yaitu dengan upaya kolaboratif antara masyarakat, pemerintah, dan otoritas terkait seperti meningkatan pemahaman kepada masyarakat tentang perilaku buaya dan mengurangi resiko serangan. ...
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Konflik manusia-satwaliar merupakan masalah yang berkembang di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia, buaya merupakan satwaliar yang sering terlibat konflik dengan manusia, salah satu spesiesnya adalah buaya muara (Crocodylus porosus Schneider 1801). Buaya memiliki sifat predator oportunistik sehingga tidak menutup peluang manusia menjadi salah satu mangsa alternatif buaya muara ketika mangsa alami sudah berkurang bahkan habis di habitatnya. Di Pulau Bangka, habitat utama C. porosus semakin tergerus akibat dikonversi menjadi areal penambangan timah inkonvensional, perkebunan kelapa sawit skala besar, serta perumahan. Akibatnya, kasus penyerangan buaya muara terhadap manusia semakin masif. Studi ini difokuskan pada identifikasi konflik buaya dengan manusia di Pulau Bangka Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk memetakan sebaran konflik buaya dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penyebab konflik buaya dengan manusia di Pulau Bangka. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan analisis spasial dan statistik deskriptif sederhana. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan pada kurun waktu 2020-2021 telah terjadi 20 konflik buaya dengan manusia di 19 lokasi yang berbeda meliputi Kota Pangkalpinang, Kab, Bangka, Kab. Bangka Selatan dan Kab. Bangka Barat. Faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya konflik diduga karena adanya pertambangan timah yang menyebabkan meurunnya kualitas habitat alami, penurunan populasi mangsa, dan tingginya aktivitas manusia di daerah jelajah buaya muara. Sebanyak 60% lokasi kejadian konflik antara buaya dengan manusia terjadi dilokasi yang terdapat pertambangan, dan 40% tejadi di sungai, pelabuhan, dermaga, kolam budidaya ikan hingga ke perumahan.
... However, spatial analysis on a finer scale (50 × 50 km grid) found that crocodile attacks were spatially more numerous in areas with lower human density. The latter characteristic was supported by studies that have reported a lower abundance of saltwater crocodiles in human habitations due to fewer viable habitats, hunting, and pressure to eliminate or translocate crocodiles seen near settlements (Fukuda et al., 2014;Pooley et al., 2021;Ramdani et al., 2021). We considered that crocodile attacks may not be influenced directly by the human density but because of the increased human activities. ...
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Crocodile attacks on humans and subsequent retaliations are a pressing issue for saltwater crocodile conservation. As human-crocodile conflict is complex, integrating social and ecological information better explains the drivers and patterns of these interactions. Our study aims to incorporate ecological factors associated with the intensity of crocodile attacks together with social factors of mass media reports to identify high-risk areas of human-crocodile conflict in Indonesia. We compiled reports of crocodile attacks in the 2010-2019 period from media reports, field surveys, and local informants. The presence of attack was estimated by evaluating the influence of habitat, climate, human, and reporting effort. As tone of media coverage can reflect and shape reader's tolerance about a certain issue, we assessed the headline's tone from each media article that reported crocodile attacks from 2017 to 2019. A total of 665 crocodile attacks were recorded and mainly distributed in western and central Indonesia. The estimated number of crocodile attacks was higher in areas with lower forest biomass and human density, and wider cellular network coverage. Negative media coverages were frequently reported in western Indonesia. By combining social information of negative media reporting and the ecological information of crocodile attacks hotspots, we identified 170,500 km 2 priority risk areas in the western part of Indonesia, a notable 65.8 % reduction in area size compared to the attack hotspots. We highlight the application of socio-ecological information in risk prioritization to address the rising trends of negative human-wildlife interactions.
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ABSTRAK Taman Nasional Kutai, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur merupakan salah satu kawasan konservasi dengan habitat yang beragam serta potensi keanekaragaman jenis herpetofauna yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan komposisi jenis herpetofauna, membandingkan keanekaragaman herpetofauna, serta menduga faktor-faktor lingkungan yang menentukan kehadiran herpetofauna pada pada berbagai tipe habitat di Taman Nasional Kutai. Pengamatan dilakukan menggunakan metode Visual Encounter Survey (VES) berdasarkan waktu yang dikombinasikan dengan jalur transek di mangrove, hutan dataran rendah, hutan kerangas, dan hutan rawa. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 28 jenis reptil dari 9 famili serta 22 jenis amfibi yang berasal dari 6 famili. Hutan dataran rendah memiliki keanekaragaman serta kekayaan tertinggi (H' reptil =2,43; H' amfibi = 2,63). Kesamaan jenis antara empat tipe habitat sangat rendah yang menunjukkan bahwa setiap tipe habitat hanya mendukung jenis tertentu. Faktor lingkungan yang dominan memengaruhi kehadiran jenis-jenis reptil di jalur akuatik adalah kecepatan arus air, pH air, dan intensitas cahaya, sedangkan faktor lingkungan yang memengaruhi di jalur terestrial adalah ketebalan serasah, tutupan tajuk pohon, dan jarak jalur ke sumber air. Untuk amfibi, faktor dominan yang paling berperan dalam kehadiran jenis, yaitu kelembaban relatif (jalur terestrial) dan keberadaan substrat batu (jalur akuatik). ABSTRACT Kutai National Park, East Kalimantan is one of the conservation areas with various habitats for herpetofauna. The aims of this research to compare the composition of herpetofauna species and diversity, and to predict environmental factors that determine the presence of reptiles and amphibians in various types of habitat in Kutai National Park. We used time-based Visual Encounter Survey (VES) method combined with transect lines in mangroves, lowland forests, heath forests and swamp forests. We found 28 species of reptiles from 9 families and 22 species of amphibian from 6 families. Lowland forests have the highest diversity and wealth (H' reptile = 2.43, H' amphibian = 2.63). Cluster analysis showed low similarity among four habitats which showed that each habitat only able to support certain species. The dominant environmental factors affecting the presence of reptile species in aquatic pathways are the speed of water flow, water pH, and light intensity, while environmental factors that affect terrestrial species are the thickness of leaf litter, tree canopy cover, and distance to the water source. The dominant environmental factor affecting the presence of amphibian were relative humidity (terrestrial) and the availability of rocky substrates (aquatic).
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Bihar is the state with the third largest number of snakebite deaths per year in India. This prospective, one-year study of 608 snakebites provides the first data from Bihar on determinants of unfavourable outcomes in snakebites. Any delay in reaching hospital raised the risk of a snakebite patient for an unfavourable outcome [OR 8.88, CI 2.04-38.8]. Attending a traditional practitioner prior to presenting to the hospital was the only specific, significant delay [OR 3.52, CI 1.26-9.7]. Prevention of unfavourable outcomes occurred by presenting to hospital in less than 1.5 hours [OR 0.23, CI 0.052-1.0]. Motorbike was the best mode of transport [OR 0.37, CI 0.12-1.1]. Other risk factors were patients aged under 15 years [OR 3.79, CI 1.57-9.12] and bites to the upper limb [OR 2.47, CI 1.01-6.04]. Patients who were envenomated had a higher risk of unfavourable outcome, if referred due to antivenom being unavailable [OR 12.2, CI 1.49-100]. To save lives, it is imperative that measures to reduce delays in getting patients to hospital must be included in snakebite management, alongside continued availability of antivenom and assisted ventilation.
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Organic waste can be considered a food subsidy which represents an important source of energy for different species that exploit it. However, it could produce contrasting impacts, both positive and negative. We reviewed which species of terrestrial vertebrates (birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians) exploit rubbish dumps, and the impacts that waste produces on them. We analysed 159 articles including 98 species that are present in rubbish dumps. Studies come from all over the world (including Antarctica), but mainly from Europe, North America and Africa. Impacts reported on vertebrates were manly considered positive (72.6%) but around a quarter showed negative impacts. Rubbish dumps provide food resources that may improve body condition, enhance reproductive performance and abundance, improve survival rate, alter movements, and they can be an important sustenance for some endangered species. However, these places increase the risk of pathogen infections and poisoning, can be responsible for the spread of introduced-invasive species and favour conflicts between humans and animals that use them. Moreover, species that take advantage of these sites can produce negative impacts on others that do not use them. Worldwide increase in waste production makes this novel ecosystem important on shaping ecological communities. Therefore, the spatial and temporal effects of rubbish dumps on wildlife should be evaluated more deeply at a worldwide scale considering current differences in waste production from developing to developed countries.
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Buaya muara (Crocodylus porosus) merupakan salah satu spesies buaya dengan laporan serangan terhadap manusia tertinggi di Indonesia. Pemahaman mengenai serangan buaya sangat penting dalam upaya konservasi dan mitigasi serangan. CrocBITE sebagai bentuk citizen science telah berhasil melibatkan masyarakat dalam pengumpulan informasi serangan buaya di dunia termasuk Indonesia dengan jumlah laporan serangan buaya muara tertinggi sebanyak 420 kasus sejak tahun 1845. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengeksplorasi data serangan buaya pada situs CrocBITE untuk menganalisis pola distribusi serangan buaya dan merumuskan upaya mitigasi serangan. Data serangan buaya diunduh melalui situs CrocBITE, kemudian diseleksi berdasarkan kriteria keberadaan dan validitas sumber informasi. Quantum GIS v2.2.0. Valmiera digunakan untuk pemetaan lokasi serangan dan paket R i386 3.1.0. digunakan untuk menghitung secara statistik kepadatan dan pola distribusi serangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah serangan yang tinggi terdapat di wilayah Indonesia bagian barat, yaitu Sumatra dan Jawa. Terjadi pergeseran serangan di pulau Sumatra dari utara ke selatan dan penurunan serangan di pulau Jawa pada periode 2000-2014. Terjadi peningkatan jumlah dan distribusi serangan yang signifikan pada periode 2000-2014 dibandingkan dengan periode 1845-1980. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat direkomendasikan pembuatan barikade dan zonasi perlindungan buaya sebagai upaya mitigasi serangan buaya muara di Indonesia. (Saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is a species with the highest cases of attack toward human in Indonesia. Understanding the crocodile attack is essential to plan the conservation and conflict mitigation. CrocBITE as one form of citizen science has been successful in involving society to collect the information of crocodile attack around the world including Indonesia which posses the highest number of attacks about 420 since 1845. This research aims to analyze the distribution pattern of crocodile attack and design the attack mitigation plan by exploring database in CrocBITE website. Quantum GIS v2.2.0. Valmiera was used to map the factual attack location, spatstat in R i386 3.1.0 were run to know the conflict density and distribution pattern statistically. The results showed that number of attacks was higher in western part of Indonesia (Sumatra and Java), however in recent period (2000-2014) the conflicts were moved from northern Sumatra to the southern part and rare conflict detected in Java island. Significant increase of attack happened in 2000-2014 period which the number of conflict was doubled compared to 1845-1980. Based the research, it is recommended to build a barrier and propose crocodile protection zone for crocodile attack mitigation in Indonesia)
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This bibliography serves as a first point of reference for researchers interested in human crocodile conflicts worldwide, and offers policy makers and practitioners access to a wide range of information on and approaches to mitigating such conflicts. It is available via the IUCN Croc Specialist Group website at: The material includes many papers which include useful information on human-crocodile relations more broadly, but the focus remains problematic encounters. This bibliography comprises mostly published research, not the grey literature or management programmes, and it is not a review of attack incidence (for recent overviews, see Sideleau and Britton 2012, 2013, Sideleau 2015 and CrocBITE at This is not a systematic review, but involved searching all of the IUCN SSC Crocodile Specialist Group proceedings (Working Group Meetings and Regional Meetings) and Newsletters for the past decade (2005-16), and a search for HCC-related papers in peer-reviewed journals through searching the online databases SCOPUS and Web of Science, as well as reference sections of papers found. A few, key, older publications are included. Publications which are difficult to access have been omitted, and links to online sources are provided wherever possible. Abstracts or summaries are provided in most cases. Please cite as: Simon Pooley, Croc Digest: A bibliography of human-crocodile conflict research and reports (London: Simon Pooley, 2016). This guide is licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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Human-wildlife conflict occurs when human requirements encroach on those of wildlife populations, with potential costs to both humans and wild animals. As top predators in most inland waters, crocodilians are involved in human-wildlife conflicts in many countries. Here we present findings of a 5-year survey on human-crocodile conflict on the island of Sri Lanka and relate the results to improving management practices. We aimed to quantify and understand the causes of human-crocodile conflict in Sri Lanka, and propose solutions to mitigate it. Visual encounter surveys were carried out to estimate the population size of Saltwater Crocodiles. We recorded 778 sightings of Saltwater Crocodiles at 262 of 400 locations surveyed, and estimate the total population to comprise more than 2000 non-hatchlings and to have increased at an average rate of 5% p.a. since 1978. We propose four crocodile vigilance zones within the wet zone and one crocodile vigilance zone within the dry zone of the country. Specific threats to Saltwater Crocodiles identified in crocodile vigilance zones were: habitat destruction and loss; illegal killing and harvesting (17 killings out of fear, ~200 incidents of killing for meat and skins, ~800 eggs annually for consumption); unplanned translocations; and, interaction with urbanization (10 incidents of crocodiles being run over by trains/vehicles and electrocution). Additionally, 33 cases of crocodile attacks on humans were recorded [8 fatal, 25 non-fatal (minor to grievous injuries)] and more than 50 incidents of attacks on farm and pet animals.
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We reviewed the historical records of attacks by saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) and the removal of problem saltwater crocodiles in the Northern Territory of Australia. Between 1977 and 2013, 5,792 problem crocodiles were removed, of which 69.04% were males and 83.01% were caught within the Darwin Crocodile Management Zone where suitable breeding habitats were hardly available. The most common size class was 150–200 cm and their mean size did not change significantly over years. This reflected the greater mobility of juvenile males as the majority of problem crocodiles, dispersing from core habitats that were occupied by dominant individuals. Eighteen fatal attacks and 45 non-fatal attacks occurred between 1971 and 2013. The rate of crocodile attacks, particularly non-fatal cases, increased over time. This increase was strongly related to the increasing populations of both humans and crocodiles, and the increasing proportion of larger (>180 cm) crocodiles. The management of human-crocodile conflict (HCC) should incorporate both human (e.g., public education and safety awareness) and crocodile (e.g., population monitoring, removal of problem crocodiles) components. Crocodiles in the 300–350-cm class were most responsible for attacks, and they should be strategically targeted as the most likely perpetrator. Approximately 60% of attacks occurred around population centers including remote communities. Problem crocodile capture and attacks both peak in the beginning (Sep–Dec) and end (Mar–Apr) of the wet season. However, fatal attacks occurred almost all year around. Attacks by crocodiles >400 cm often resulted in death of the victim (73.33%). Local and male victims were much more common than visitors and females, respectively. The most common activity of victims was swimming and wading. Despite the increasing rate of attacks over time, the Northern Territory's management program, and in particular the removal of problem crocodiles from urban areas, is considered to have reduced potential HCC. Public education about crocodile awareness and risks must be maintained. © 2014 The Wildlife Society.
Snake-bite is an important medical emergency case and caused of many hospitaladmission especially in the rural area, forests, plantations and swamps. Despite its importance,there have been fewer proper data of snake-bite incidence in Indonesia. World HealthOrganization estimate that at least 421,000 envenomings and 20,000 deaths from snakebitesoccur each year, especially in South and South East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. The authorsreport a case of a 76-year-old man came to Hasan Sadikin Hospital with chief complaint woundin his right hand and right forearm from snake-bite. Snake-bites can cause DIC because thevenom activates the coagulation system and cause fibrinolysis which occurs in less than 24hours. Laboratory results, we found abnormalities such as anemia, thrombocytopenia,hypofibrinogenemia, and increased levels of D-dimer. Patients were treated for 8 days and thenallowed to go home. Snake-bite is an occupational disease of farmers, plantation workers,herdsmen, fishermen, other. Snake bite cases require prompt and comprehensive managementso as to minimize the possibility of disability and death.Keywords: snake bite, DIC, hypertension
Since 1986 the Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory has operated a programme to remove 'problem' saltwater crocodiles from waters in and adjoining the township of Nhulunbuy. Over a period of five years, 52 different saltwater crocodiles (44 male) were captured. Most (48) were released at remote sites designated by the traditional Aboriginal owners of the surrounding lands. Release distances from the township varied from 17 to 282 km (by coastline). Many crocodiles (47.9%), including those released at the most distant sites, returned to, and were subsequently recaptured at, the township. Total capture rates (initial captures and recaptures pooled) varied seasonally, with fewer crocodiles being caught in the cooler dry season. During the wet season capture rates remained high, but relatively fewer 'new' crocodiles were caught. Probability of recapture could not be related to distance and direction of release from the township, nor size and sex of the released crocodile. Frequency of capture of individual crocodiles (1-8 times) was also unrelated to these variables. The high rates of return indicate that relocation is unlikely to be an effective strategy for managing humancrocodile interactions, at least in areas where potential release sites already support saltwater crocodile populations near carrying capacity.
This paper aimed to investigate human-tiger conflict during the year 2000–2004 and has reviewed a number of potential measures for resolving the conflicts as part of conserving the Sumatran tigers which can be applied in the study area. These include technical measures which deal mainly with the individual ‘problem’ animal that comes into conflict and human dimension measures which focus on raising human tolerance toward tigers and reducing the negative effects of co-existence between human and tigers. Some of the measures namely, disruptive stimuli modification, raising tolerance through education and cultural perspective approaches had been tried for a short period. The success or otherwise of these measures in the field have also contributed to the conclusions drawn and the recommendations made as a result. The data are supplemented with more information, including the insight on the effect of conflicts between inhabitant and wildlife, the perspectives of villagers regarding human-tiger conflicts and the causal factors of individual conflict incidents. The reluctance of local community to report incidents prevents conservation agencies for delivering an immediate and effective response and it stimulates the killing of Sumatran tigers that benefits both hunters and livestock owners through the sale of tiger derivatives. This study also proposed a procedure for handling human-tiger conflict that hopefully may be tested in any other area.
Human–wildlife conflict is one of the most critical threats facing many wildlife species today, and the topic is receiving increasing attention from conservation biologists. Direct wildlife damage is commonly cited as the main driver of conflict, and many tools exist for reducing such damage. However, significant conflict often remains even after damage has been reduced, suggesting that conflict requires novel, comprehensive approaches for long-term resolution. Although most mitigation studies investigate only the technical aspects of conflict reduction, peoples' attitudes towards wildlife are complex, with social factors as diverse as religious affiliation, ethnicity and cultural beliefs all shaping conflict intensity. Moreover, human–wildlife conflicts are often manifestations of underlying human–human conflicts, such as between authorities and local people, or between people of different cultural backgrounds. Despite evidence that social factors can be more important in driving conflict than wildlife damage incurred, they are often ignored in conflict studies. Developing a broader awareness of conflict drivers will advance understanding of the patterns and underlying processes behind this critical conservation issue. In this paper, I review a wide variety of case studies to show how social factors strongly influence perceptions of human–wildlife conflict, and highlight how mitigation approaches should become increasingly innovative and interdisciplinary in order to enable people to move from conflict towards coexistence.