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Developing Picture Describe For Elementary School Students' Speaking Skills


Abstract and Figures

The main purpose of this study is to help the English teachers easily to teach speaking in teaching English by describing picture. The activities are consists of reading, listening and talking. The researcher employed Research and Development method (RD) and adapted Borg and Galls’ model which consisted of five stages, namely 1) research and information collection, 2) planning, 3) develop preliminary form of product, 4) preliminary field of testing, and 5) main product revision. The researcher used three instruments to obtain the data such as interview, questionnaires and observation checklist. The obtained data will be classified based on the instrument used. The researcher shows the result by explaining them in quantitative and qualitative approach. The students needed supporting book in learning English that has attractive and colourful picture for students. The product is a describing picture book for elementary school entitled PICRIBE. The result of expert validation of the book is percentage of 4,0% and 4,5% is the result of expert validation ofthe materials. It means the bookis feasible as supporting media in learning speaking
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Vol.4 (1), Juni 2021, pp. 1-11
belantika Pendidikan
Developing Picture Describe For Elementary School
Students' Speaking Skills
Abdullah Farih, Afifa Eka Kurniawati Dewi
Universitas Islam Lamongan
Riwayat Artikel:
Diterima: 07-02-2021
Disetujui: 21-02-2021
Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to help the English teachers easily
to teach speaking in teaching English by describing picture. The activities are
consists of reading, listening and talking. The researcher employed Research
and Development method (R&D) and adapted Borg and Galls model which
consisted of five stages, namely 1) research and information collection, 2)
planning, 3) develop preliminary form of product, 4) preliminary field of testing,
and 5) main product revision. The researcher used three instruments to obtain
the data such as interview, questionnaires and observation checklist. The
obtained data will be classified based on the instrument used. The researcher
shows the result by explaining them in quantitative and qualitative approach.
The students needed supporting book in learning English that has attractive
and colourful picture for students. The product is a describing picture book for
elementary school entitled PICRIBE. The result of expert validation of the book
is percentage of 4,0% and 4,5% is the result of expert validation ofthe materials.
It means the bookis feasible as supporting media in learning speaking.
Abstrak: Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membantu para guru
bahasa Inggris dengan mudah dalam mengajar berbicara dalam pengajaran
bahasa Inggris dengan mendeskripsikan gambar. Kegiatannya terdiri dari
membaca, mendengarkan dan berbicara. Peneliti menggunakan metode
Research and Development (R&D) dan mengadaptasi model Borg and Galls
yang terdiri dari lima tahap, yaitu 1) penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi, 2)
perencanaan, 3) pengembangan bentuk awal produk, 4) pengujian lapangan
awal, dan 5) revisi produk utama. Peneliti menggunakan tiga instrumen untuk
memperoleh data yaitu wawancara, kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Data yang
diperoleh akan diklasifikasikan berdasarkan instrumen yang digunakan.
Peneliti menunjukkan hasil dengan menjelaskannya secara kuantitatif dan
kualitatif. Siswa membutuhkan buku pendukung dalam pembelajaran bahasa
Inggris yang memiliki gambar menarik dan berwarna bagi siswa. Produk
berupa buku bergambar deskripsi untuk sekolah dasar berjudul PICRIBE.
Hasil validasi ahli buku prosentase 4,0% dan 4,5% hasil validasi ahli materi.
Artinya, buku layak sebagai media pendukung dalam pembelajaran berbicara.
Kata kunci:
Speaking Skills
Describing Picture
Elementary school
Alamat Korespondensi:
Abdullah Farih
Universitas Islam Lamongan
Jetis, Kec. Lamongan, Kabupaten Lamongan, Jawa Timur
Education has become a priority because it involves most people to take part in this matter. Education is a bridge
that will lead people to a better future. Education performs the main role in the country development. The
development can be determined by whether its citizens have a good education or not.
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Abdullah Farih dkk (Developing Picture Describe)
The world of education in the era is needed to prepare students who can show their superiority, it is
intelligence, personality, and spiritual character. According to (Indonesia, 2003) on National Education System;
Education is conscious and well-planned effort in involving learning environment and learning process in order who
learners are going to be ready to improve their potential in the acquiring spiritual and non-secular strengths, self-
control developing, personality, intelligence, morals, and good character and skills which needs for him/herself, for
the community, for the nation, and the State.
In Indonesia, the government is very concerned about education by constructing several adjustments,
specifically for primary and secondary level. Education of Indonesia is started from kindergartens to universities.
Curriculum is a plan for education in Indonesia to achieve goals. According to (Fatmawati, 2009), the curriculum is
an educational program that states three things, namely: 1) the educational objectives of a program, 2) the content,
teaching procedures and learning experience needed to achieve these goals, and 3) tools to measure whether these
goals have been achieved or not.
The English subject is based on the 1994 curriculum for elementary schools. Specifically, the program on
including English language subject in primary schools is according to the policy of the Indonesian Ministry of
Education and Culture No. 0487/1992, Chapter VIII states that curriculum in the primary level can be added. The
most important thing in the education is teaching language, because the best way to communicate is language.
“Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions unit desires by means
of voluntarily produced symbols” (Bashir et al., 2011). Four language skills; speaking, listening, reading, and
writing; acquired in different stages in the developmental phase of a student's language. Learning a second or
foreign language means learning to communicate. Second language learning calls the process of developing ability
in another language. In Speaking, communication involves interaction with one or more people. Effective
communication also includes good hearing, an understanding how the other feels. (Harmer, 2007), states there are
several elements in speaking. They are language features, language management and interactions from others.
Speaking is the way to communicate, so learning English speaking very important. “The most people,
mastering speaking are the most important aspect of learning a second language” stated (Nunan, 1991). Speaking
is the first step to know someone language ability. Speaking looks intuitively the most important language skill,
and people who know a language are referred to as ‘speakers’ of that language, as if speaking included all other
kinds of knowing, and many if not most foreign language learners are primarily interested in learning to speak. In
addition, success in learning a language is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation within the
target language (Nunan, 1991). Speaking has an important role in carrying out social interactions with others.
Therefore, everyone needs to master speaking skills. Speaking is a way to express opinions, feelings, experiences,
and knowledge to others in formal situation or in the informal situations. Lack of speaking skills can cause people
to do not be successful in their school or community.
Some students find problem in learning speaking. The problem comes from the students; they are difficult to
use the foreign language, lack of motivation to practice the second language, especially English in the dialog.
Studying second language, the key factor to improve proficiency is motivation. It is known by two important
elements: learners’ demand for communication and their attitudes towards the foreign language (Al-Sobhi & Preece,
2018). Learners are also very shy and afraid to take part in the dialog. Some of the factors are comes from material,
media and teaching technique. In teaching English is the first can be motivated the students to study English and
many techniques can be applied to teach them including describing pictures.
Pictures are good visual tools in process of learning in the classroom. As cited in (Pratiwi & Ayu, 2020)
Picture, one of the visual aids, is every type of pictorial presentation”, and according to (Ratminingsih & Budasi,
2018),” pictures media can support the teacher to involve the student’s interest and enjoy learning English. Pictures
also represent the real situation”. From statements above, the researcher used picture as a media to teach speaking,
bringing the real situation to the classroom. Based on the researcher's observations in SDN Kebalandono, the
researcher presents the students' difficulties in English speaking lessons. From lack of vocabulary and arrange to
be sentences until difficult to pronounce. They only have an English book from the school. They need some
references book. The researcher tries to apply "PICRIBE" in speaking skills. The media to teach is used as a picture
describing book. The researcher chooses a book to develop speaking skills that will be given to help the students.
From the discussion above, the researcher chooses “Developing "PICRIBE" in Students' Speaking Skills for
the Fourth-Class of Primary School” The study helps to methodologies and strategies oriented to the development of
Picture Describe for the learners to make a good in English speaking skills. From the discussion above, the
researcher involves the student in answering the research problem which contains how “PICRIBE” develops the
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Abdullah Farih dkk (Developing Picture Describe)
students’ speaking skills in elementary school. The study will help to methodologies and strategies oriented to the
development of Picture Describe for the learners to make a good in English speaking skills.
Speaking Skills
Teaching learning process in English speaking skill requires the ability to master some components of the
language of vocabulary, the composition of the sentence and the way of pronunciation. According to Keith and
Morrow as cited in (Inayah, 2019) speaking skill is an activity by saying sentences made by two or several people
acting as speakers and listeners in order that they will react consistent with what they mean. (Tarigan, 2006) adds
that speaking skill is the skill of conveying messages through spoken language. The link between spoken language
and message as medium of delivery is very heavy. The message received by the listener is in the form of a language
sound rather than in another form. Then the listener diverts the message in the form of the language sound into
what the speaker is saying.
About speaking skill, Tarigan says that there are several general goals in conducting speaking classes. They
are; 1) entertaining, the speaker attracts the attention of the listener by means, such as humour, spontaneous
excitement, funny stories, adventures and so on to create an atmosphere of excitement for the listener, 2) informing,
this purpose is implemented to explain a process, to describe, to translate, or to interpret something, to give, to
spread or to provide knowledge, 3) stimulating speech, according to Tarigan, speaking must be smart to persuade,
to influence, or to convince listeners. This can be achieved if the speaker knows the listener's willingness, interests,
inspiration, needs, and aspirations.
Speaking for Young Learner
Young learners are elementary school students aged 6 to 12 years. It can be grouped into two groups, namely
younger (6 to 8 years) and older (9 to 12 years) group. According to (Cooper, 2007), young learners are in group level
one (5 to 7 years) or level two (8 to 10 years). These are brief discussion of characteristics of young learners adopted
from (Cooper, 2007). Young learner refers to the elementary school students (6 to 13 years). They have certain
characteristics, namely as follows:
1. They have a first language, and they can read and write already.
2. These student’s capability can facilitate their learning.
3. They like activities or movements.
4. Students at this age cannot just sit and silent still for a long time. They like moving.
5. They have limit time to concentrate. They bored easily.
6. So, the English lesson should be in short time.
7. They like asking.
8. The teacher should patiently answer their questions and include them as the teaching and learning
9. They have some world knowledge.
10. These students are not “blank slate” and possibly, unconsciously, they have mastered some English words.
11. They can work in groups.
12. This will give the possibility of conducting group works.
13. They are naturally ready to learn a foreign language.
Motivating to find out the target language should be given to the students. The task of the teacher is to
maintain and to grow the motivation. Characteristics of young learners are 1) having a self-pride attitude, 2)
difficult to distinguish concrete things and abstract things, 3) tending to be imaginative and active, 4) have a feeling
of being easily bored, and 5) children's lives are colourful and cheerful (Cooper, 2007). Speaking skills as a young
English learner is very important. Children like to talk, therefore young learners in elementary schools need to be
more focused on speaking skills. Some activities that can make students active and willing to talk include 1) simple
dialogue, 2) classroom language, 3) role play and situational dialogue, 4) talking about something, and 5) describing
a picture. (Kusumawardhani & Nurhayati, 2019) as quoted by (Inayah, 2019) states that some factors that make
difficulties English Young Learner (EYL) speaking are associated with the learners themselves, the teaching
strategies, the curriculum, and therefore the environment. So, the teacher should understand some of the factors
involve the students in learning English for young learners. Some students also lack speaking English motivation.
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They do not really want to speak and learning English. The speaking skills development can only happen if teacher
give them motivation and students’ identity and people around give opportunity to precise them.
Curriculum of Elementary School
English subjects can be officially taught in elementary schools since the 1994 school year as local content
subjects. Officially the policy on including English language subject in primary schools is following the policy of the
Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture No. 0487/1992, Chapter VIII, which states that primary schools can
add subjects to their curriculum, provided the lessons do not conflict with the aims of national education. Then, this
policy was followed by Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 060 / U / 1993 dated 25 February 1993
concerning the possibility of an English language program as a subject for local elementary content and can be
started in 4th grade elementary school. Schools have the authority regarding English subjects included as one of the
local contents taught in primary schools based on situation, condition, and consideration of both parents and the
community. This policy has a positive impact program to the community and the schools. Over the few years, there
has been an increasing tendency for schools to implement English language teaching programs starting from
elementary schools.
Picture for Young Learner
Media is the tool, material, or an event that is used to support the instruction to achieve knowledge, skills,
and attitudes. Gerlach and Elly as cited in (Harjuno, 2009) propose, “A medium is any person, material, or event
that establishes conditions, which enable learners or students to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes.”
Meanwhile, (Brown, 2007), determines media because the items or the things physically employed by an educator to
the instruction facilitate. Pictures are often in sort of flashcard, cue cards, pictures of large wall, illustration or
photographs, and projected slide. It means by using picture, the scholars can bring the real situation to the
classroom. Picture is the visual aid that is used to help and support a teacher to the students' attention. (Piaget,
1976) in cognitive development theory stated that, pupils are within the sensor motor phase. Pupil achieves
knowledge from their senses and that they wish to look something visual during this phase. So, teaching and
learning process more interesting and enjoyable when using picture.
(Harmer, 2007), states that a range of objects, pictures and other things can be used as instructional media to
present and manipulate language and to involve students in the activities. (Campbell & Wright, 1990), says that
picture is not just an aspect of method but through its representation of place, object, and people, it is essential part
of the overall experiences. Pictures are considered more effective because they can make students able to catch the
idea clearly. (Van Kraayenoord & Paris, 1996) adds the five primary reasons of using picture: it is easy to prepare,
to organize, interesting, meaningful, and authentic. A lot of research has been done related to teaching learners
using pictures, whether they were young learners or adults. Most of the result showed positive sides of using
pictures as teaching media.
“Picribe” Book
Pricribe is a book containing English material for fourth-grade children in primary school. The objective of
this book is to develop material in speaking skills. The book contains of picture describing that related to the
learners’ speaking skills. The learning material of each unit is put together according to a particular theme. The
themes chosen are based on the elementary school curriculum. Researchers are aware of the tendency of
elementary schools still using books as a medium for teaching materials so that researchers use book media as a
supplement to improve speaking skills in the fourth grade of elementary schools. Learning resources are all sources
used to gain knowledge, can be in the form of tools such as textbooks, etc. AECT (Association for Educational
Communication and Technology) classifies components of learning resources in educational technology in messages,
people, materials, tools, procedures, and the environment. Referring to learning resources in AECT, the tools
referred as learning resources can be in the form of absolute facilities and infrastructure, such as curriculum,
textbooks, stationery, learning places, etc.
Describing picture functions are to practice describing things and using position preposition, to listening
practice and chatting with direction, to coach students, retell story and imagination in English speaking skill. The
gain of using PICRIBE is alright for beginner and for young learner. Many gaining describing picture are: 1) more
interactive learning, 2) reducing time required, 3) more interesting instruction, 4) improving the quality of learning,
5) students’ positive attitude can be enhanced. Picture describing is a method that easy to play. It is very good
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method to the elementary School students. The students more maximum used their five senses, saw the picture by
suing eyes, listened partner speaking by using ears, describing picture by using mouth. So that, students’ more
active by using describing picture.
This research aims to develop speaking material based on describing pictures for elementary school students
at SDN Kebalandono Lamongan. The main purpose of this research is to help English teachers teach speaking
easily by using picture descriptions on students. The subjects in this study were grade 4 students at SDN
Kebalandono. This research was conducted using research and development (R&D) research design. According to
(Gunasekaran, 1999), research and development methods are research methods used to produce certain products
and test the effectiveness of these products. In the world of education, research and development is research used to
validate and develop product of education (Gall et al., 1996).
There are many types of design models developed by experts, but the researcher chooses a design model
developed from (Gall et al., 1996; Hamzah, 2019), which consists of ten steps which is a popular model used in
research development in the department of education. The procedural steps in developing the teaching materials by
Borg and Gall are: 1) research and information collection, 2) planning, 3) develop preliminary form of product, 4)
preliminary field testing, 5) main product revision, 6) main field testing, 7) operational product revision, 8)
operational field testing, 9) final product revision, 10) dissemination and implementation. The researcher simplifies
the stage in accordance with the place, purpose, complication, and time of the research. From ten stages, the
researcher used five steps.
Fig 1. Researcher steps
Population and Sampling
Population is point of all elements possessing one or more attributes of interest. In other words, we can
mention that a population is the whole research subject. (Gunasekaran, 1999; Karimata, 2019) stated, “The
population means generalization region consists of; objects / subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics
are determined by investigators to be studied and then drawn conclusions.” The population is whole subject of
research. The population of this study is fourth grade students of SDN Kebalandono in the academic years
2019/2020. This study is implemented in second semester. The total population was 14 students. The researcher
overcomes the problems related to speaking skills on their learning. The researcher in is identifying the problem of
the process of English teaching learning related to the teaching English to the students.
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Sample is part of population taking using certain procedure so that it can be expected to represent its
population. The researcher uses 14 students who have different English skills.
Data Collection and Techniques
The data procedure of data collection is as the followings:
For the first interviewing, the researcher does to the teacher and collects information in the research setting.
The collected information is used to know the real problem in the field, for example to know whether material used
is suitable for students or not. The second interviewing has purpose to know the developed speaking itself, whether
the speaking skills using PICRIBE is effective or not.
The observation is to get the fact the classroom learning process, the researcher uses field-note taking in
collecting the data. It is important information as principle in the developing speaking.
Questionnaire is data collection technique by giving a set of question to the respondent to answer. It was
created to know some suggestion and revision that should be made by the researcher. Furthermore, it was done to
help the researcher know about the product weakness.
Data Analysis Technique
Based on the data collection technique, it is divided into two approaches: quantitative and qualitative. The
quantitative approach can be done by giving questionnaire while the qualitative approach can be done by
observation and interview.
Observation and Interview
The observation and interview data are interpreted descriptively. The researcher presents at the action scene
but does not interact or participate. The researcher sees sheet which includes the activity, actor, and place. The
description forms as represent the result.
Questionnaire Analysis
The researcher makes two steps questionnaire, which is research and collecting data and preliminary field
testing. Likert scale is used to measurement of the questionnaire. “Skala bertingkat, yaitu jawaban responden
dilengkapi dengan pernyataan bertingkat, biasanya menunjukkan skala sikap yang mencakup rentang dari sangat
setuju sampai sangat tidak setuju terhadap pernyataannya, (Hamzah, 2019). The data are analyzed using the
following formula adapted from Likert scale, as in Figure.
𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝟏𝟎𝟎%𝒇𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎%
f : Frequency
N : the number of students
100 : fixed number
The data from the expert validation then are calculated in different formula. The formula used as in Figure
3.4 whichis purposed by Levin and Stephen (2010:63).
𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝟏𝟎𝟎%𝒇𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎%
Xi : The sum of data values
N : The number of summed data
To interpret whether the development materials are acceptable and good, the researcher shows the
assessment of the mean. The assessment of the mean is discovered in Table 1.
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Table 1. The assessment of the mean
0 1
Very Poor
1.1 2
2.1 3
3.1 4
4.1 5
The research was conducted in February until April 2020. The findings cover the results of research and
information collections, planning, develop basic product form, testing previous product revision and final product.
Research and development conducted by researcher using the Borg and Gall development procedures.
The Result of Research and Information Collection
The research and information collection conducted in February 2020, at SDN Kebalandono. There were three
kinds of instruments used to conduct the research and information collection. They are questionnaires, interview
guidelines and observation checklist. The first instrument was questionnaires distributed to the students of fourth
grade. The second instrument was interview guidelines given to the students and teachers of SDN Kebalandono.
Then, the researcher used observation checklist as the last instrument when reaching the try out stage. From the
collecting data information, the researcher found that the students needed media in learning English. The media
that used was book. The students assumed that describing picture can help them to learn speaking. So, the
researcher developed picture describe as a media to teach them.
The steps were taken by researcher in planning product development, including determining the learning
objectives, determining the appropriate module titles and creative, selecting materials, preparing a framework in
which there are materials, teaching sequence, and material collection. It was explained: a) The formulation of
objectives was made known to students as the results they achieved after using books. Thus, students were found
out what they can after learning to use this book, especially in speaking learning, b) the selection of materials used
in the book, including the selection of pictures and instructions in each chapter, c) making of the book framework, to
make the writing of the book can be done regularly and structured. The framework starts from; title, preface,
features of the book, instructions, table of contents, Chapters of the book, structure focus, glossary, reference list,
and source of images, d) collection of materials, after going through the previous stage, the next step is to collect
materials for making books. Materials were included everything needed in the making of books obtained from
various sources, including reference books, the internet, and other sources.
Develop Product Form
Developing materials, then the researcher developed the Picture described with objectives, interactive and
colourful picture, and activities for students. The activities consisted of vocabulary, describing and dialogues
suitable for the materials. Based on the syllabus of English lesson for Elementary School, the researcher listed the
topics of the pictures described as Table 2.
Table 2. Researcher listed the topics
Lesson 1
My family
Lesson 2
Fruits and Vegetables
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
My shirts
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Design Product
The descriptions of the product contents were.
The cover was presented on a blue background which was combined with white in the middle. There was a
picture of a group of children talking about something against the background of a field. The selection of images
agreed to the purpose of making books. There is the title of the book, the intended use of the book, the identity of the
book's researcher.
The acknowledgment written contains the background of the book. Besides, the preface contained gratitude,
thanks and requests for constructive criticism or suggestions with simple design but still looks interesting.
Features of the book.
This book was arranged with some topics related to the method to teach speaking. The content of the book
was based on theme based for elementary school which had some instructions: 1) look and answer, 2) read aloud, 3)
let us describe, 4) listen and talk.
Instruction was parts of book that gave some instructions in using the book. The instructions were given for
the teacher and student.
The content covers the order of parts contained in the book accompanied by page numbers. The contents
aimed to facilitate book users in using books properly and correctly.
Sub Bab Page
Each chapter had a different design in accordance with the lesson. There were 4 chapters presented. Then
there were 4 different designs at the beginning of each chapter.
The Lessons
Each lesson had the same design with a display of a white background, and there was a combination of blue
and yellow lines on the top and bottom. The pictures were depended on the chapter to be studied. Besides, there
were chapter titles and lesson descriptions to be conveyed. The word "lesson 1" with the crown design makes it
looked more interesting. Each part of the lesson consisted of a) Basic competence, b) learning objective, c) activities,
d) instruction, e) look and answer, in this section, the image presented and accompanied by questions that match
images. At the bottom, there were instructions for teachers and students, f) read aloud, there were vocabularies
accompanied by pictures. According to each chapter to be studied. There were instructions columns for teachers and
students g) let us describe, after learning the English language every word in the discussion of "read aloud" then
continued by describing the picture. It was designed to be 2 columns, containing images in column 1 and their
description in column 2 which was shaped like a card. It is expected that with the description of the images
students were able to improve their ability to speak English, h) dialogue, it was an addition that contained
questions and answers that were relevant to each chapter.
Structure focus
The structure focused presents the grammar related to the contents of the book, which had been adjusted at
the level.
This contained of the words and the meaning that liked dictionary.
References contained book references used in product preparation. There were two types of references; first
was references of book and the second was references of picture.
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Preliminary Field Testing
Expert Validation and Expert Validation of the Book
The researcher asked suggestion to the expert. The results of the questionnaires were calculated using the
formula purposed by Levin and Stephen. The obtained results then were converted into the following parameter as
described in Table 3. The researcher offered five score scales in this questionnaire. It was done by. Dr. R. Chusnu
Yuli Setyo, M.Pd as the expert validator of the book presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Expert Validator
Aspects Of Assessment
Appearance of the book
Content of the book
Children’s interest to the book
Total score of point
This shows that the mean value of the book was 3.9. It was categorized in Good scale as its position in 3.1 4.
However, it still needs revision.
Expert Validation of Instructional Materials Effectiveness
This validation was about the instructional material effectiveness. It was done by Dr. Uzlifatul Masruroh
Isnawati as the expert validator of instructional materials effectiveness shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Expert validator of instructional materials effectiveness
Statement of objectives
Instructional content
Level of language
Style of presentation
Instructional activities
Difficulty level
Sequence of presentation
Practice and review
Total score obtained
This showed that the mean value of instructional materials effectiveness earned 3.6 score. Thus, the
materials effectiveness was Good. Then, the researcher still considered revising the materials. The materials
effectiveness also was done by Mifro Chalina, S.Pd as the expert validator can be seen in Table 5. This showed that
the mean value of the instructional content appropriateness was 3.7. It was categorized in Good scale as its position
in 3.1 4. However, it still needs revision presented in Table 6.
Table 5. The materials effectiveness also was done by Mifro Chalina, S.Pd as the expert validator
Statement of objectives
Instructional content
Level of language
Style of presentation
Instructional activities
Difficulty level
Sequence of presentation
Practice and review
Total score obtained
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Table 6. Main Product Revision
Revision done
Validation of the book
Appearance of book
Make the structure appearance in each chapter not
Content of the book
Add the speaking practice for individual students.
Children’s interest to
the book
It has been clear
Instructional Materials
Statement of objectives
Give instruction, basic competence, learning objectives and
activities in each chapter.
Instructional content
It has been clear
Level of language
It has been clear
Style of presentation
It has been clear
Instructional activities
Make it varied.
There are four instructional in each chapter:
Look and answer,
Read aloud.
Let us describe.
Listen and talk
Difficulty level
Change the language in the basic level
Sequence of
Make it clear
Practice and review
Give some dialogue to practice.
Give some questions.
Final Product
The developing of final product based on the suggestion given by the experts. It still had the same outline as
the first draft which then was revised and delivered to the expert to be validated. For the publishing the product,
the researcher planned to send the final product to the publisher to get the best result of the product distribution. It
was purposed to acknowledge the product to the teachers and the learners of primary school as the instructional
media to teach speaking.
This research aimed at developing “PICRIBE” or describing picture in speaking skills. To reach the objective,
the researcher used R&D as a method in conducting the research. The stages used by the researcher were adapted
from (Gall et al., 1996). There were five steps which should be done. The first step was organizing research and
information collection. The researcher employed three ways to collect the data. They were questionnaires, interview,
and observation sheet. The second step was planning. The researcher used the result of information collection and
research as the basis to plan the proposed use of the product, product users, product components, design, or
research steps in a limited scope of the product. The third stage was developing product form. After planning, the
researcher arranged the product to improve describing picture in speaking skills. There were four chapters in this
book to teach speaking. The fourth stage was testing of the product; the researcher purposed the draft to the expert
validate. This stage was done by giving questionnaires to experts (lecturers and teacher) of English. The validity
included validation of the book and material validation. After getting some suggestion and appraisals from the
expert, and then products that had been revised by experts were tested on students through limited scale.
The researcher went to the fifth stage, revision of the main product. The researcher refined the book
according to the suggestions, comments, and the expert’s additions. Thus, the researcher purposed the final product
and planned continue to make the book be the books’ series and the last sent the final product to the publisher. The
final product of the research was compiling a book entitled “PICRIBE”. The entire chapter mostly focused on the
students’ speaking skills. The book was for fourth-class of primary students. After the entire of the research, the
researcher concluded that the research produced a book entitled “PICRIBE” which can be a handbook teacher and
students to learn speaking. The book contains of describing picture.
Jurnal Belantika Pendidikan Vol.4 (1), Juni 2021, pp. 1-11 11
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... Hal senada dikatakan oleh Farih & Dewi (2021) bahwa media pembelajaran gambar sangat cocok untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menguasai kosakata bahasa inggris. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran yang inovatif dapat mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa. ...
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The objective of this study is using blended learning to develop vocational high school English writing material. It tries to develop writing material based on blended learning in vocational high school. This study is research and development (R&D) adapted by Sugiyono’s model. There are nine stages applied in the study. They are (1) need survey, (2) design product, (3) design validation, (4) design revision, (5) try out 1, (6) product revision, (7) try out 2, (8) final product revision, (9) production. The try out place at tenth grade of SMK Negeri 1Lamongan. The data gained through interviews, questionnaires and observations checklist. The interviews are for students need and teachers need. Questionnaires are to do the concept analysis, to submit the experts’ appraisal and to get the student’s responses. Furthermore, the observation checklist is used to conduct developing testing. The result of the study is (1) all of students enthusiastic in blended learning method for writing English learning. The third conclusion, the students of SMK Negeri 1 Lamongan gave positive response to all the activities in “Writing Blended Learning” book. They were appreciating and feeling helpful during in writing English class. The last conclusion is using the Writing Blended Learning handbook can help students improve their English writing skills and made the students more excited when learning English writing. Finally, the product of the study is the handbook entitled “Writing Blended Learning” which comprises 9 materials divided into two semesters
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This research has a purpose about using a movie to improve the learners’, especially English Young Learners’, writing skills. Movie, as a part of the development of technology, can be used to improve the learners’ writing skill. The participants of this research are English Young Learners (EYL) in of the English Course at Gading Serpong, Tangerang. Descriptive qualitative was used as the method of the research and the English Young Learners’ (EYL) story paper are used as the instruments of the research. The results of the research are: (1) Most learners were excited when they are asked to watch a movie; (2) Learners who have good writing skill could retell the story well, and (3) Learners who are not really master in writing, got some difficulties in retelling the story in written.
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Of the four English language skills, speaking enjoys a superior status. Accordingly, it should be given high priority while teaching. In spite of its importance, teaching English speaking skill to Arab EFL learners has always been an exacting task for Arab teachers of English because it is considered a foreign language, i.e. not widely spoken or used in everyday interactions. For such a reason, Arab teachers of English are required to persistently implement new teaching strategies to tackle the problems regarding speaking skills in the classroom. Although a number of studies have been carried out to investigate the difficulties related to teaching English language skills to the Arab students in the Arab World, the current study is regarded the first study which highlights the problems in learning and teaching English speaking skill in the Saudi School in Kuala Lumpur where English is actively spoken as a second language. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the common problems which affect the teaching of English speaking skills to the Arab learners in the Saudi School in Kuala Lumpur. Additionally, it aims at exploring the areas of difficulty that prevent the Arab students from learning to speak in the English classes. This research also scrutinises the role of Kuala Lumpur ESL context on the Arab students’ English language speaking skills. The current study adheres to qualitative method, and its data were collected via classroom observations and face-to-face interviews with four teachers of English and four students selected purposively. Findings included areas like learning and teaching difficulties. The study suggested some techniques to improve the teaching quality and enable the students to overcome their lack of speaking ability such as implementing communicative approach in the English classes.
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This paper reports the theoretical perspectives underlying the development of local culture-based picture storybooks for teaching English for young learners. It is a library research which derives from three main sources, journal articles, reference books, and internet articles. Local culture-based picture storybooks are kinds of printed materials which basically contain stories adapted from local culture stories accompanied with visualization in the forms of pictures telling the characters and the settings to help young learners easily understand the stories. They are developed considering the good criteria of storybooks [1, 2]. The benefits of its development are (1) to improve reading skill of young learners, (2) to build children English literacy through listening to the story read by the teachers and communicating interactively with them through dialogic reading, (3) create a fun learning atmosphere which enhances motivation and participation to take part in understanding and using the language, and (4) to preserve local culture. The books are developed using a combination of model [3, 4] which has 5 main steps namely need analysis, developing product, expert validation, and quality assessment by experts and users (teachers), and main product revision.
Describing picture strategy is one of the techniques that can be used to improve students' speaking skills. Speaking skill is one of the subjects that difficult to be mastered by young learners. This study was conducted in SMA Al Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung at first-grade students. With qualitative data, the result showed that describing a picture strategy can improve students' speaking skills. This finding is in line with the previous research finding that describing pictures can help students to improve students’ speaking skills. Nevertheless, there are some problems gained in using describing picture strategy. Many students could not apply grammar correctly when they speak by using the strategy. The students are difficult to understand English when their friends speak English using describing the picture.
The quality of educational institutions is influenced by teaching and learning process that is students and lecturers. Novalita (2006) state that to learn a language the learners need more than just once or twice, but they need many time to understand the language, the real meaning of the language, the structure of the language, and so on. There is no good strategies in teaching process, but suitable strategy which is can be used in the teaching process. Therefore, every teacher or lecturer should master many strategies in the teaching and learning process. Some strategies can be applied to some students or learners, but it can’t be applied to all of students or learners. he goal of this study is to observe how the teacher implements English teaching instruction at English language center (PKPBI). Besides that, what are the material used and the way how teacher evaluates and also how do the learners perceive the English teaching instruction at English language center (PKPBI) of Maulana Malik Ibrahim state Islamic university of Malang. This study was a qualitative research because this study is a case study which focuses on teaching process. The data collections used in this study were observation, interview, and documentation. In order to analyze the data collected in the research project and answer the core questions of the study, it was used the grounded theory. The researcher found that the contents of the material used was reading section characterized by provision of an English reading text on mathematic-content-related area followed by writing exercises. The teacher implement English teaching instruction with the aim of answering the question, it can be concluded that for the beginning of teaching, there were a big amount of mistakes with the guidance and no explicit implementation of grammatical aspects during the lessons, because the teacher intents to present language items as in a regular language course. The balance between content and language was not easy to manage either, because in some situations the teacher tends to focus more in language or in content. The teacher evaluate by her choice of evaluation. She felt confused and scared at the beginning of the experience. About perceiving of the learners, the researcher concluded that the students feel challenging with the process of teaching and learning in the class, they also interesting with because they can continued applied what they learn. Key words: Teaching instruction, Non-English learners
Meaning-making is the foundation of literacy during children's early years in school because it involves constructive comprehension from what is seen or read or heard. Most assessments of children's literacy depend on their abilities to decode or write text, which may limit the complexity of understanding that can be assessed. We designed a novel activity, Story Construction from a Picture Book, to assess young children's abilities to construct meaning independent of decoding skills. The task requires active processes of comprehending the relations among a series of pictures and composing orally a story that connects the meaning among events. This study describes the performance of 5- and 6-year-old children on the Story Construction activity and relates their skills to other measures of literacy development undertaken concurrently, as well as 2 years later. We suggest that activities like the Story Construction activity are valuable assessments of young children's constructive comprehension processes that complement traditional assessments of emerging literacy skills. © 1996 Ablex Publishing Corporation, 355 Chestnut Street, Norwood, NJ 07648. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without permission of the publisher.
This . . . text [provides a] comprehensive introduction to educational research. [This textbook] has been revised to reflect a balance of both quantitative and qualitative research methods. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)