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Legality and Ethics of Web Scraping

ommunications of the
ssociation for
Research Article DOI: XXX ISSN: 1529-3181
Volume 47
Paper XXX
pp. 555 579
Tutorial: Legality and Ethics of Web Scraping
Vlad Krotov
Murray State University
Leigh Redd Johnson
Murray State University
Leiser Silva
University of Houston
Researchers and practitioners often use various tools and technologies to automatically retrieve data from the Web
(often referred to as Web scraping) when conducting their projects. Unfortunately, they often overlook the legality and
ethics of using these tools to collect data. Failure to pay due attention to these aspects of Web Scraping can result in
serious ethical controversies and lawsuits. Accordingly, we review legal literature together with the literature on ethics
and privacy to identify broad areas of concern together with a list of specific questions that researchers and practitioners
engaged in Web scraping need to address. Reflecting on these questions and concerns can potentially help researchers
and practitioners decrease the likelihood of ethical and legal controversies in their work.
Keywords: Big Data, Web Data, Web Scraping, Web Crawling, Law, Legality, Ethics, Privacy.
[Department statements, if appropriate, will be added by the editors. Teaching cases and panel reports will have a
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This manuscript underwent [editorial/peer] review. It was received xx/xx/20xx and was with the authors for XX months for XX revisions.
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Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Volume 47
Paper XXX
1 Introduction
In the past, researchers and practitioners found it difficult and costly to obtain data for their projects (Munzert,
Rubba, Meißner, & Nyhuis, 2015). In contrast, today, increasingly digitized and virtualized social processes
have resulted in zettabytes (billions of gigabytes) of available data on the Web (Cisco, 2016). This data
provides a granular, real-time representation of numerous processes, relationships, and interactions in the
socio-material space (Krotov & Tennyson, 2018). Thus, academic researchers have ample opportunities for
answering new and old research questions with more rigor, precision, and timelines (Constantiou &
Kallinikos, 2015). Practitioners can leverage this data to better understand their customers, formulate
strategies based on their findings, and, ultimately, improve organizational performance (Ives, Palese,
Rodriguez, 2016).
Unfortunately, harnessing Web data presents serious technical, legal, and ethical challenges. While tools
and technologies that one can use to scrape the Web have proliferated in recent years (Munzert et al.,
2015), collecting data from the Web remains a legal and ethical “grey area” (Snell & Menaldo, 2016). While
one can apply existing legal frameworks to some extent to Web scraping, researchers have largely ignored
Web scraping’s ethical issues. In this paper, we review the legal and the general information systems (IS)
literatures related to Web data, ethics, and privacy to identify broad areas of concern and specific issues
that one needs to address when collecting data from the Web using automated tools. Compliance with these
legal and ethical requirements can help industry and academic researchers decrease the likelihood that
they will encounter legal problems and ethical controversies in their work and, overall, foster research that
relies on Web data.
2 Web Scraping Explained
2.1 Big Web Data
The data available on the Web comprises structured, semi-structured, and unstructured quantitative and
qualitative data in the form of Web pages, HTML tables, Web databases, emails, tweets, blog posts, photos,
videos, and so on (Watson, 2014). Harnessing data on the Web requires one to address various technical
issues related to its volume, variety, velocity, and veracity (IBM, 2018).
First, volume measured in zettabytes (billions of gigabytes) often characterizes data on the Web (Cisco,
2016). Second, the vast data repositories available on the Web come in various formats and rely on various
technological and regulatory standards (Basoglu & White, 2015). Third, data on the Web does not remain
static; actors generate and modify it with extreme velocity. Fourth, veracity also characterizes data on the
Web (IBM, 2018). Due to the open, voluntary, and often anonymous interactions on the Web, Web data’s
availability and quality remain inherently uncertain. Thus, researchers can never be completely sure whether
they can or will be able to access the data they need on the Web and whether it will be valid and reliable
enough for research purposes (IBM, 2018).
2.2 Web-scraping Processes, Technologies, and Tools
Given big Web data’s volume, variety, and velocity, individuals or even large teams of academic researchers
or industry data specialists can find it difficult or impossible to collect and organize it (Krotov & Tennyson,
2018; Krotov & Silva, 2018). As such, researchers often resort to various technologies and tools to automate
the data-collection and organization process to some degree. Researchers often refer to this emerging
practice of automatically extracting and organizing data from the Web in order to further analyze it as Web
scraping (Krotov & Silva, 2018; Krotov & Tennyson, 2018).
Web scraping comprises three primary and intertwined phases: 1) website analysis, 2) website crawling,
and 3) data organization (see Figure 1) (Krotov & Silva, 2018; Krotov & Tennyson, 2018). Each phase
requires one to understand several Web technologies and at least one popular programming language,
such as R or Python. However, these three phases often require at least some human involvement and,
thus, one cannot fully automate them. We discuss each phase further below.
Tutorial: Legality and Ethics of Web Scraping
Volume 47
Paper XXX
Figure 1. Web Scraping (Adapted from Krotov & Tennyson, 2018; Krotov & Silva, 2018)
Website analysis involves examining a website’s, websites’, or Web repository’s (e.g., an online database)
underlying structure to understand how they store data. To do so, one needs to understand the World Wide
Web’s architecture, mark-up languages (e.g., HTML, CSS, XML, XBRL, etc.), and various Web databases
(e.g., MySQL).
Website crawling involves developing and running a script that automatically browses a website and
retrieves the needed data. Researchers often develop these crawling applications (or scripts) using such
programming languages as R and Python due to their overall popularity in data science and availability in
libraries (e.g., “rvest” package in R or Beautiful Soup library in Python) to automatically crawl and parse
Web data.
After one parses necessary data from the selected Web repository, one needs to clean, pre-process, and
organize it in a way that enables one to further analyze it. Given the volume of data involved, one may also
need to adopt a programmatic approach to save time. Many programming languages, such as R and
Python, contain natural language processing (NLP) libraries and data-manipulation functions that can help
one clean and organize data.
In recent years, “point-and-click” Web-scraping tools that allow one to automate at least some steps in the
Web-scraping process without deeply understanding the Web technologies that we discuss above have
proliferated. One can use these tools on cloud-based platforms or as standalone desktop applications. We
list some such tools in Table 1 (Sagina, 2018).
However, these “point-and-click” Web-scraping tools do not always work as intended. For example, they
often miss certain webpages or simply lack the “intelligence” to figure out how to access the needed data
points from a website. Given that the Web constitutes an open system with various standards and
technologies for delivering Web content and supporting user interactions, we can understand these
limitations. Moreover, these standards evolve all the time, and different actors often use and interpret them
differently. Overall, the Web contains fluid content: actors generate and modify it at a rapid speed. Thus,
even some advanced visual Web-scraping tools unsurprisingly require one to insert custom programming
code into them to make them work as intended.
All these technical issues and the fact that many of these tools require hefty subscription fees force many
academic and industry researchers to develop their own custom Web-scraping tools using such popular
Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Volume 47
Paper XXX
languages as Python and R. Moreover, recounting how one collected, cleaned, and organized Web data
via R or Python computer code in a detailed and unambiguous way can enhance the research protocol that
one uses in studies that rely on this Web data (Peng, 2011).
Table 1. Popular Web-scraping Tools (Adapted from Sagina, 2018)
Notable features
A visual, cloud-based tool for
extracting Web data that
individuals and organizations
can use
Web-based, user-friendly interface
Easy to set up automatic interactions with Web forms and
Can schedule data-extraction jobs
Can store extracted data in the cloud
Can generate data insights via reports, charts, and other data-
visualization techniques
Can automate data-extraction workflows
Visual, cloud-based tool
positioned as an enterprise
Can create robots or agents to extract and clean data
Intelligent extraction that makes choices and suggestions to
resolve issues related to images, pagination, etc.
Advanced Web-scraping tool
with workflow automation
based on a Web interface
A mature tool with seven revised versions
Intuitive point-and-click interface
Supports Web authentication
Allows exporting data in multiple formats
Supports scheduled crawling
A desktop application with a
graphical interface that can
access “tricky” Web
Can crawl and scrape typically problematic webpages, such as
webpages with nested comments, images, calendars, pop-up
windows, AJAX or JavaScript code, etc.
Available for multiple platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS X,
and Linux
A desktop tool with an
intuitive graphical interface for
extracting contacts from the
Can extract links, email addresses, RSS feeds, data tables, or
data from databases
A Python-based, visual Web-
scraping tool for designing
Web scraping macros
Can run on Windows and MacOS machines
Allows one to embed chunks of Python code to perform
descripting actions on a website
Supports advanced Web-scraping tasks related to captcha
solving and data cleaning
Cloud-based tool that
overcomes typical
deficiencies that Web
scrapers experience related
to servers limiting automated
access to content
Overcomes access rate limiting by rotating among numerous IP
Contains pre-built applications for various Web-scraping tasks.
2.3 Addressing Legal and Ethical Issues
In this paper, we argue that, , to produce publishable research or data products, researchers need to not
only have knowledge in various tools and technologies for retrieving and organizing data from the Web but
also reflect on whether they use Web data in a legal and ethical manner. Court cases that involve disputes
over Web data have involved several legal frameworks or broad principles, such as illegal access and use
of data, breach of contract, copyright, trespass to chattels, and trade secrets. Researchers should also
recognize their actions’ possible ethical consequences in relation to Web data. For example, a finding
derived from a research project that relies on data collected from a website may unintentionally compromise
individuals’ privacy, violate their rights as research subjects, lead to erroneous decisions, or contribute to
bias and discrimination. Web data can also reveal confidential information about organizations that
participate in the activities that a website or organization that owns it affords. Furthermore, some ways to
use data may reduce a website’s perceived value among its intended audience.
Researchers need to recognize the legal and ethical issues that surround Web scraping. Recognizing
potential legal and ethical issues that arise from collecting Web data and taking proactive measures to
address these issues can help researchers avoid costly lawsuits or widely publicized ethical controversies
that can damage their reputation. Researchers can waste the time and resources they expend in collecting
Tutorial: Legality and Ethics of Web Scraping
Volume 47
Paper XXX
big data from the Web if they do not collect it in accordance with legal and ethical standards. In this paper,
we propose a framework that can guide practitioners and academics on the legality and ethics of collecting
Web data, which we call the legality and ethics framework for Web scraping (see Figure 2 later in the paper).
3 Web-scraping Literature
We searched several popular databases for journal papers that contained Web scraping” or “data scraping”
in their title and found that the topic remains a new, emerging phenomenon for two reasons. First, most
papers that contained these two phrases appeared only a few years ago. Second, we found fewer than 200
papers that focused explicitly on Web scraping (see Table 2).
These Web-scraping papers fell into two broad categories: 1) technical, tutorial-like papers on Web scraping
and related tools and technologies and 2) non-technical papers that touched on Web scraping’s legal and
ethical aspects. We found far fewer papers in the second category, which suggests that researchers often
overlook social and ethical issues related to Web scraping. We discuss these broad literature categories
and representative papers in Sections 3.1 to 3.2. We focus not on rigorously or comprehensively reviewing
the Web-scraping literature but on making an analytic argument that we require an integrated, socio-
technical approach to Web scraping that considers not only technical but also ethical and legal issues
surrounding this emerging practice.
3.1 Technical Papers
The first subcategory of technical papers on Web scraping comprised tutorial-like papers. These papers
either discussed technologies and tools that researchers can use for Web Scraping in a particular context
or field or outline potential opportunities that Web scraping can offer to researchers in various fields. For
example, Krotov and Tennyson (2018) discussed popular mark-up languages that researchers can use for
storing financial data on the Web and showed how they can use R language, together with its libraries, to
gather, organize, and pre-process financial data from the Web. Neumann et al. (2017) explained how
researchers interested in scientometric research can use OXPath technology to harvest metadata from
digital library repositories. Beoing and Waddell (2017) showed how researchers can retrieve and analyze
data from Craigslist to better understand the rental market in the United States. Kirkpatrik (2015) discussed
specific ways in which one can use Web scraping, data mining, and data visualizations in journalism.
Collectively, these authors indicated that Web scraping has attracted increasing interest from many scientific
fields and industries.
The second subcategory of technical papers related to Web Scraping comprised mostly conference papers
that discussed specific technical solutions related to acquiring data from the Web. Computer science
researchers authored most of these papers. For example, Hernandez-Suarez at el. (2018) discussed ways
in which researchers can bypass Twitter API use restrictions (mostly related to how much and how often
one retrieves data from Twitter). Chaulagain et al. (2017) proposed an architecture for a cloud-based tool
that researchers can use to retrieve big data from the Web. Ujwal et al. (2017) proposed a concept of an
Table 2. Web-scraping Literature
Technical papers (n)
Non-technical papers
l total
EBSCO Academic
Search Complete
EBSCO Business
Source Complete
IEEE Xplore
Technical papers
subtotal (n):
Non-technical papers
subtotal (n):
Technical papers (%):
Non-technical papers
Grand total:
Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Volume 47
Paper XXX
adaptive Web-scraping tool that adapts to the structural changes of a webpage that contains data that one
needs. One can find many other interesting solutions to Web-scraping problems and tools for specific Web
scraping applications in recent conference papers related to Web scraping. Collectively, these papers show
that Web scraping constitutes an important and growing area in computer science (e.g., Ujwal et al., 2017).
3.2 Papers Related to Legal and Ethical Issues
We found far fewer papers on Web scraping in the legal and ethical category compared to the technical
category (Dreyer & Stockton, 2013; Hirschey, 2014; Snell & Menaldo, 2016; Buchanan, 2017; Krotov &
Silva, 2018). Among other things, this literature has concluded that an inherent paradox surrounds Web
data, which makes its retrieval and analysis complex from legal and ethical standpoints. On the one hand,
the Web’s creators intended it to be open and easily accessible to the public. The same openness principle
drives many online business models: website owners benefit from a wider user base that can access the
data they make available. On the other hand, Web data represents a critical asset for website owners, and,
therefore, they need to protect it. Ideally, many website owners would like others to view this data as
propriety, which means the individual or entity behind the website that contains this data owns it. However,
one cannot easily solidify this ownership since, from a legal standpoint, a website’s owner does not
necessarily own the data that its users generate (Dreyer & Stockton, 2013).
Either due to all these complexities surrounding Web data ownership or, perhaps, due to the Web-scraping
phenomenon’s novelty, lawmakers have yet to develop any legislation specific to Web scraping. Instead,
legal principles and frameworks that people developed in other eras and different contexts often guide
researchers and practitioners. Currently, fundamental legal theories and laws such as “illegal access and
use of data”, “breach of contract”, “copyright infringement”, and “trespass to chattels” guide Web scraping
(Dreyer & Stockton, 2013; Snell & Menaldo, 2016).
Ethics and the law represent distinct but complimentary notions (Mingers & Walsham, 2010) as legal
frameworks usually cover the most obvious ethical issues surrounding a particular practice that one can
codify in the form of a relatively unambiguous law (Light & McGrath, 2010). But more complex and subtle
ethical controversies often plague Web scraping (Krotov & Silva, 2018). While some legal papers touch on
the ethical issues associated with Web scraping, we found no academic paper that has explicitly focused
on more subtle ethical issues surrounding Web scraping.
3.3 Addressing the Gaps in the Literature
Based on our literature review, we conclude that researchers often view Web scraping as a technical
phenomenon. Most papers that we have discovered tackled technical issues surrounding Web scraping.
Few papers touched on the “softer issues” surrounding the practice. While we found quite a few legal papers
devoted Web scraping’s legality, most had an exploratory nature. They outlined some applicable legal
frameworks that [courts] have used in relation to Web scraping and provided some examples of court cases
based on these legal frameworks (Gold & Latonero, 2018; Sellars, 2018; Zamora, 2019). We can
understand these findings given that Web scraping represents a relatively new, emerging practice and
courts have applied various legal theories to Web scraping in an inconsistent manner. Accordingly,
individuals engaged in Web scraping cannot easily (or at all) determine their actions legality. Further, as
Web scraping’s social acceptability emerges, more subtle legal issues may come into play due to various
research projects that rely on Web data. Depending on a study’s or a project’s goals, one may apply these
broad legal frameworks and principles differently.
To address this gap, we thoroughly reviewed the court cases that have involved disputes over Web scraping
for the past two decades, analyzed the dispositive facts in each case, and grouped them by similar findings
and precedents. In particular, we used the following procedure to identify cases relevant to Web scraping.
First, we identified all law journal papers related to Web scraping via a database called HeinOnline. Second,
we examined these legal papers to identify the most recent and relevant papers. Subsequently, we identified
court cased that these papers discussed. We researched the cases that we identified through “backwards”
analysis using Google search engine. We examined both the case history and recent updates to each case
using publicly available online sources found via Google. By reviewing and analyzing these court cases, we
could not only identify and refine the broad legal issues and frameworks applicable to Web scraping but
also summarize how researchers have applied the various legal theories to Web-scraping practices.
In this review, we also found that the legal literature has often mentioned but rarely explicitly discussed more
subtle ethical issues surrounding Web scraping. To the best of our knowledge, we did not find any single
Tutorial: Legality and Ethics of Web Scraping
Volume 47
Paper XXX
paper that explicitly and wholly examined ethical issues surrounding Web scraping. To address this gap,
we reviewed IS literature related to Web data collection and ethics. While ethics does not represent a
“native” topic in the IS field, we believe that the field has a unique position to adopt a holistic, socio-technical
perspective on what we view as a complex, socio-technical phenomenon (i.e., Web scraping). To identify
applicable literature, we conducted a backward citation analysis on Mason’s (1986) paper, an early and
seminal IS paper devoted to ethics in the information age. We scanned the literature to identify several
papers that mentioned Web data collection and use. While we did not find many papers, we use them to
strengthen and expand our own arguments in relation to ethical issues around Web scraping that originated
from our own practical experiences in relation to automated Web data collection.
We used our review of legal and IS literature to identify the most fundamental legal and ethical principles
that pertain to Web scraping. We discuss these principles and their arising implications in Section 4.
4 Legality of Web Scraping
Currently, no legislation addresses Web scraping directly; thus, individuals who engage in Web scraping
activities do so in an uncertain legal landscape. Currently, related fundamental legal theories and laws, such
as “illegal access and use of data”, “breach of contract”, “copyright infringement”, and “trespass to chattels”,
guide Web scraping (Dreyer & Stockton, 2013; Snell & Menaldo, 2016). We discuss how these fundamental
legal theories apply to Web scraping specifically below.
4.1 Illegal Access and Use of Data
Several laws prohibit one from illegally or fraudulently using data that one obtains from Web scraping. The
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) and its comparable state laws constitute the predominant legal
basis for claims that involve disputes about Web scraping. Among other provisions, the CFAA prohibits the
one from intentionally accessing a computer without authorization or in a way that exceeds authorization
(18 U.S.C. § 1030(a) (2008)), and the act provides for both civil and criminal penalties (18 U.S.C. § 1030(c)
(2008)). Currently, approximately sixty legal opinions have addressed how the CFAA applies to Web
scraping. The majority of these opinions address what constitutes unauthorized access under the law. This
variety in opinions suggests that courts remain divided on this issue, and they have reached little consensus
over the last two decades about how the CFAA applies to Web scraping (Sellars, 2018). Still, recent cases
provide some guidance to researchers who employ Web scraping to collect data about their potential civil
and criminal liability under the CFAA.
Initially, many courts focused on whether a website’s terms of useor “terms of service” policy prohibited
Web-scraping activities, and, if so, whether the website user accessed the website in an “unauthorized” way
(e.g., see EF Cultural Travel BV v. Zefer Corp. 2003; Southwest Airlines Co. v. Farechase, Inc. 2004;
EarthCam, Inc. v. OxBlue, Inc. 2017). Since then, other courts have generally required some affirmative
action on the website user to become a party to the terms of use/service, and, consequently, for the
website’s ownders to deem such access unauthorized (see, e.g., Alan Ross Machinery Corp. v. Machinio
Corp 2018). In 2016, the Ninth Circuit ruled that violating a website’s terms of use/service alone cannot
form the basis for liability under the CFAA (Facebook, Inc. v. Power Ventures, Inc. 2016).
However, a website’s owner can revoke access to it and make access unauthorized by sending a cease
and desist letter to a party crawling or scraping the website (Craigslist Inc. v. 3Taps Inc. 2013; Facebook,
Inc. v. Power Ventures, Inc. 2016). Still, at least one court found a cease and desist letter alone as
insufficient to hold the Web scraper liable under the CFAA (Ticketmaster L.L.C. v. Prestige Entertainment,
Inc. 2018). In 2017, the District Court for the Northern District of California required a website owner to allow
Web scraping on the owner’s website despite a cease and desist letter and an IP block when the user
accessed publicly available data (hiQ Labs, Inc. v. LinkedIn Corp. 2017). In September, 2019, the Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the lower court’s decision in the hiQ case and noted that Web scraping
publicly available data likely does not violate the CFAA (hiQ Labs, Inc. v. LinkedIn Corp 2019).
4.2 Breach of Contract
As we note above, legal professionals have pointed out that a website owner can effectively prevent
programmatic access to a website by explicitly prohibiting such access in the website’s terms of use/service.
In addition to unauthorized access and use, failure to comply with these terms may lead to a “breach of
contract” on the side of the website’s user (Dreyer & Stockton, 2013). But to hold someone liable for violating
the terms of use/service, the website user generally needs to enter an explicit agreement to comply with the
Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Volume 47
Paper XXX
policy (e.g., by clicking on a checkbox) (Alan Ross Machinery Corp. v. Machinio Corp 2018; Facebook, Inc.
v. Power Ventures, Inc. 2016). Thus, simply prohibiting Web scraping on the website may not preclude
someone from crawling it from a legal standpoint. Further, the website must establish that it incurred material
damages due to the breach to its terms of use/service in order to succeed with a breach of contract claim.
In some jurisdictions, Web users have been enjoined or prevented from (or held liable for) Web-scraping
activities due to a contract between the website and a third party who owns some or part of the content on
the website. In such cases, Web scrapers have been held to the terms of the contract between the website
and the third party generally because the website’s terms of use/service require compliance with contracts
between the website and third parties (e.g., QVC, Inc. v. Resultly, LLC 2016).
4.3 Copyrighted Material
Scraping and republishing data that the website owner owns and explicitly copyrights can lead to a copyright
infringement case, especially when the party uses the scraped data for financial gain (Dreyer & Stockton,
2013). However, copyright law does not prevent one from collecting the data itself, nor does a website
necessarily own the data on its website, particularly when users generate it (e.g., content from social media
sites). Moreover, one cannot copyright ideasonly their specific form or representation. Thus, for example,
one can use copyrighted data to summarize this data.
Also, one can still use copyrighted material on a limited scale under the “fair use” principle when one
transforms the copyrighted material in a new or original way. However, this area remains a “grey area”.
While some courts have found that scrapers used scraped material according to the fair use principle (Kelly
v. Arriba Soft Corp. 2003), others have concluded the opposite (Associated Press v. Meltwater U.S.
Holdings, Inc. 2013). In the Meltwater case, the court indicated that using even a small percentage of
scraped data—“as little as 4.5%”—could be enough to not fall under the fair use exception. However, a
noteworthy aspect in the Meltwater case concerned the fact that Meltwater made the data available for
purchase; if anyone could publicly access such data, the court may have reached a different conclusion.
Courts have also begun to consider whether authorization mechanisms or lack thereof constitute a license
to copy scraped data. The robots.txt protocol constitutes one such mechanism. The instructions contained
in a robot.txt file uploaded to a Web server can inform scrapers about any website restrictions or limitations
on Web scraping, which includes website areas that they may access and expectations regarding crawl rate
(Sellars, 2018). In Parker v. Yahoo (2008), the court suggested that a failure to include a robots.txt file with
specific instructions could potentially create an implied license under copyright law. In Field v. Google, Inc.
(2006), another court noted that the instructions that a website’s robots.txt file provided prevented the
website’s owner from arguing that a scraper used the website’s data in a way that infringed copyright.
However, when a website’s owner does not own the data on the website, the robots.txt file cannot constitute
an implied license (Associated Press v. Meltwater U.S. Holdings, Inc. 2013).
4.4 Trespass to Chattels
If Web scraping overloads or damages a website or a Web server, then the person responsible for the
damage may be liable under the “trespass to chattels” theory (Dreyer & Stockton, 2013). In 2000, a court
awarded an injunction based on trespass against a Web scraper when the scraper prevented a website
from using a small amount of server resources for other uses (eBay, Inc. v. Bidder’s Edge, Inc. 2000).
However, since then, courts have ruled that the damage needs to be material and easy to prove in court in
order for the Web server’s owner to be eligible for financial compensation (Intel Corp. v. Hamidi 2003). Since
one often cannot easily prove such damage, Web scraping cases do not widely use the the trespass to
chattels theory (Gold & Latonero, 2018).
4.5 Trade Secrets
One should not use Web scraping as a deliberate surveillance mechanism to try and reveal a competing
organization’s trade secrets. For example, some have accused Uber of using Web scraping to “spy” on
competing companies and individual drivers (Rosenblatt, 2017). A trade secret refers to a legal concept
that, in accordance with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (2020), constitutes a type of
intellectual property that one can protect in court. According to the United States Patent and Trademark
Office (2020) definition:
Tutorial: Legality and Ethics of Web Scraping
Volume 47
Paper XXX
Trade secrets consist of information and can include a formula, pattern, compilation, program,
device, method, technique or process. To meet the most common definition of a trade secret, it
must be used in business, and give an opportunity to obtain an economic advantage over
competitors who do not know or use it.
Thus, the confidential aspects of a company’s operations must meet the above definition and criteria in order
for the law to legally protect them as a trade secret. If a certain aspect of a company’s operations does not
meet this definition (and yet the company still wants to keep it confidential), then the issue becomes related
to organizational privacy, which we discuss in Section 5.
5 Ethics of Web Scraping
While both the courts and the legal literature have applied existing laws and legal theories to Web scraping,
they have addressed Web scraping’s ethics to a more limited degree. While many perspectives on ethics
exist, ethical principles from the Association of Internet Researchers “Internet Research: Ethical Guidelines
3.0” (the IRE) best apply to Web scraping, and, hence, we adopt them in this paper (Association of Internet
Researchers, 2019). The IRE promotes “ethical pluralism and cross-cultural awareness” and notes that
European countries often take a deontological approach to ethics and privacy (i.e., they focus on means or
duties rather than the end result), while the United States and United Kingdom focus on a more utilitarian
approach (i.e., they emphasize the greatest good for the greatest number). With respect to real-world
problems in the IS field, Mingers and Walsham (2010) recognize that one can use different ethical
approaches to address various issues and advocate that researchers use discourse ethics, which
synthesizes both deontological and utilitarian approaches. Discourse ethics posits that individuals affected
by certain decisions debate the issues arising from these decisions in order to define universal ethical
norms. The IRE suggests that one use a similar pluralistic approach in which one should acknowledge and
explore a range of ethically defensible positions to a problem (e.g., deontological and utilitarian approaches,
among others) while recognizing that some basic norms emerge among different ethical approaches.
Although applied differently, in both deontological and utilitarian approaches, researchers must generally
consider the harms caused due to their actions. In addition to violating existing laws, Web scraping can
result in unintended harm to others, such as the website’s owners or customers. One can often not easily
predict these harmful consequences (Light & McGrath, 2010). With that said, we discuss some possible
harmful consequences from web Scraping in Sections 5.1 to 5.6.
5.1 Web Crawling Restrictions Provided
In the Web-scraping context, researchers need to first address whether a website includes a robots.txt file
that prohibits them from conducting automated Web crawling. No legal or technical restrictions impel a Web
user to follow the instructions that the robots.txt protocol provides. Still, social norms generally dictate that
Web scrapers follow these instructions (Gold & Latonero, 2018). Various legitimate reasons (e.g., privacy
concerns) can lead website creators to prohibit robots from automatically crawling their websites. Failure to
obey these instructions can cause unintended harm to a website’s owner and users.
5.2 Individual Privacy and Rights of Research Subjects
A research project that relies on data collected from a website may unintentionally compromise the privacy
of individuals who participate in the activities that the website affords (Mason, 1986). For example, by
matching the data collected from a website with other online and offline sources, a researcher could
unintentionally reveal the identity of the individuals who created the data (Ives & Krotov, 2006). Many
examples exist. For instance, after America Online (AOL) released approximately 500,000 search queries
that its users submitted to its search engine in 2006, the Internet community quickly identified some users
due to “ego searches” that involved their own names and specific geographical locations even though the
company replaced users’ names with random numbers. The findings derived from this dataset led to various
ethical controversies. Some AOL members performed disturbing searches that indicated possible drug use,
violence, and illegal pornographic materials.
Although website users may have no legal or technical protection for data shared on certain websites, they
expect that websites somehow protect and keep such data private, which raises concerns, especially
through the lens of deontological ethics. Broader and serious implications arise once a website publishes
data, especially when “personal and sensitive data…could be used directly or indirectly against individuals
in [certain] countries and political systems” (Association of Internet Researchers, 2019). For example,
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security and law enforcement officials could identify individuals through Web-scraping activities to prosecute
criminal activity (Zuboff, 2015), which creates issues with a user’s assumptions about privacy and unjust
rights violations. Additionally, Web scraping certain DNA ancestry databases could reveal users’ private
genetic and health-related information, and various governments and organizations could use it to create a
“biometric database useful for identifying nearly any American from a DNA sample” (Regalado, 2019).
Even if one does not violate individuals’ privacy when Web scraping, a website’s customers may not have
consented to a third party’s using their data. Thus, using this data without consent violates research
subjects deontological right to autonomy and equality (Buchanan, 2017). Given that they simply cannot
obtain informed consent in certain Web-scraping projects, researchers must consider the steps necessary
to protect confidentiality, including deleting certain identifiable information or “pseudonymiz[ing] their data
separating keys from the actual data set” (Association of Internet Researchers, 2019). These privacy and
rights violations can lead to serious consequences for a website’s owner given the heightened concern with
online privacy in the light of the recent privacy scandals that involve such organizations as Facebook and
Cambridge Analytica.
Further, users disclose information with the understanding that the receiver will use it in a certain context.
When one uses it for purposes that users did not intend, additional issues arise regarding privacy and
consent. For example, when booking a flight on a travel website, users typically know that the website may
use the information to offer hotel or other travel-related accommodations. On the other hand, users would
likely not expect a third party to use the data to make pricing decisions due to Web-scraping activities
(Martin, 2015). Elsewhere, users understand that they need to accept advertisements in their browsers to
use a social media service, but they do not always appreciate how certain parties might collect, use, and
disclose their personal information through Web-scraping projects, which allows such parties to exploit and
traffick personal data (Wigan & Clarke, 2013).
5.3 Discrimination and Bias
Information from Web-scraping activities can contribute to discriminatory practices, inferences drawn on
preexisting biases, and prejudicial labeling. In addition to denying due process, decisions based on data
that one obtained from Web scraping could lead to new forms of financial and social discrimination (Wigan
& Clarke, 2013) or unfair profiling practices (Someh, Davern, Breidbach, & Shanks, 2019). Predictive
algorithms based on prior data patterns may lead to learned prejudice built on institutionalized prejudice
(e.g., in the college-admission process) (Martin, 2015). Businesses may target products and services to
certain groups based on past behavior (limiting consumer choice) and charge different amounts for such
goods and services based on gender, age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and so on (e.g., charging
young men higher rates for car insurance) (Newell & Marabelli, 2015). Researchers should foresee and
avoid such potential ways to use Web data.
5.4 Organizational Privacy
Just like individuals have the right to privacy, organizations also have the right to maintain certain operational
aspects confidential (Mason, 1986). Automatic Web scraping can unintentionally reveal confidential
information about an organization’s operations. For example, by automatically crawling and counting
employment ads on an online recruitment website, one could approximate the website’s target audience,
market share, and revenue. One could also reveal some details and possibly flaws in the way that the
website stores data (Ives & Krotov, 2006). Instances in which an organization has suffered a data privacy
breach, employed discriminatory practices lacked due process for users, and so on can damage its
reputation, create legal issues, and lead to material financial losses (Markus, 2017).
5.5 Diminishing Value for the Organization
If an individual accesses a website not via the typical Web interface, then the person will avoid the
advertisements that the website uses to monetize its content. Moreover, a Web-scraping project can lead
one to create a data product (e.g., a report) that, without infringing on the copyright, makes it less likely for
a customer to purchase a data product from the data’s original owner. In other words, the data product that
one creates with Web scraping’s help can directly or indirectly compete the website’s owner’s business
(Hirschey, 2014). Such activities may lead to financial losses to the website’s owner or, at a minimum, an
unfair distribution of value from data ownership (Mason, 1986).
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On the other hand, some website owners partner with researchers in attempt to find ways to monetize these
Web-scraping projects or for better brand recognition. Naturally, researchers also should carefully consider
how such partnerships affect their research’s independence (Association of Internet Researchers, 2019).
5.6 Data Quality and Impact on Decision-Making
Organizations and public officials often make strategic decisions based on data that they amass through
Web-scraping activities, which can lead to faulty decision making due to Web data’s veracity. Due to the
anonymous, pluralistic, and “at-will” mechanisms that actors on the Web use to generate data on the Web,
such data often lacks completeness, accuracy, and relevance (Clarke, 2016). Despite these issues, the
need for consumer analytics can create destructive demand for such data and may encourage Web-
scraping activities that collect and sell low-quality Web data (Martin, 2015). Further, a group that
inappropriately uses Web data can negatively impact all individuals who use that data in the value chain,
which magnifies the problem (Someh et al., 2019). To compound these issues, users often lack the ability
to modify aggregated and shared data for accuracysomething that contributes to a likely exponential
growth of what the data misrepresents (Someh et al., 2019). Some Internet users deliberately create and
spread false information on the Web, which contributes to the problem about Web data quality even further
and lowers the public’s trust in any conclusions that one derives from the data.
Thus, organizations may base important decisions on haphazard, user-generated Web data that lacks
quality, relevance, and compliance with strict academic or professional standards (Constantiou & Kallinikos,
2015). As a result, organizations that employ this data may make flawed decisions or suffer financial losses,
and research that employs it may make flawed conclusions. Furthermore, the general public may treat low-
quality Web data that they cannot easily (or at all) properly interpret as authoritative, which could allow
organizations to manipulate consumer behavior and public opinion, limit consumer and voter choices, and
create artificial markets and political agendas (Wigan & Clarke, 2013). These erroneous moves and
decisions pose unintended consequences for entire economies and societies.
6 Legality and Ethics Framework for Web Scraping
Based on analyzing the literature that we present in this paper, we generate some questions that both
researchers and practitioners need to address in order to make a Web-scraping project legal (Dreyer &
Stockton, 2013; Hirschey, 2014; Snell & Menaldo, 2016) and ethical (Mason, 1986; Ives & Krotov, 2006;
Buchanan, 2017):
Does the website’s terms of use/service explicitly prohibit Web crawling or scraping?
Does the website explicitly copyright its data?
Does the project involve illegal or fraudulent use of the data?
Can crawling and scraping potentially cause material damage to the website or the Web server
that hosts it?
Has the website sent the user a cease and desist letter, blocked the user’s IP address, or closed
access to data in some other way?
Does the website’s robots.txt protocol significantly limit or prevent Web-scraping activities?
Can the data obtained from the website compromise individual privacy, research subjects’ rights,
or non-discrimination principles?
Can the data obtained from the website reveal confidential information about organizations
affiliated with the website?
Can the project that requires the Web data potentially diminish the value of the service that the
website provides?
Does the quality of the data obtained from the Web have the potential to lead to ill-informed
decision making?
We derived these questions from the broad legal frameworks and ethical issues surrounding Web scraping
that we discuss in Section 5. The legal frameworks or principles on which the framework builds include
illegal access of data, illegal use of data, breach of contract, copyright, trespass to chattels, and trade
secrets. The ethical dimension includes such concepts as Web crawling restrictions (imposed by a website’s
owner), individual privacy, rights of research subjects, organizational privacy, diminishing value for the
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organization, discrimination and bias, and data quality and decision making. We describe these ethical and
legal concepts in more detail in Section 5.
We visually depict these questions, legal frameworks, and ethical concerns in Figure 2, which we call the
legality and ethics framework for Web scraping. However, we draw no specific links between questions and
legal and ethical elements since they significantly overlap. Moreover, the links are “loosely coupled” and,
therefore, “non-propositional”, a defining characteristic of a theoretical framework that does not claim to be
a theory (Bacharach, 1989).
Figure 2. Legality and Ethics Framework for Web Scraping
A positive answer to any question in Figure 2 may suggest that the Web-scraping project can potentially
result in lawsuits or ethical controversies. However, researchers may not need to halt a research project
that potentially violates one or more principles that we discuss in this paper. For example, one can still use
copyrighted data in accordance with the fair use principle. Even if terms of use/service prohibit crawling,
one can still obtain permission to automatically collect data from the website’s owner. Still, researchers
behind the projects that involve a positive answer to any question in Figure 2 should reflect on how they will
deal with the arising issues in order to avoid ethical controversies or even lawsuits. We provide an example
study that relies on Web scraping and address potential concerns in the study based on Figure 2 in Appendix
We also note that the list of questions in Figure 2 may not exhaustively list all the legal and ethical
controversies that a particular Web-scraping project can produce. The data available on the Web and the
various tools, technologies, and applications related to this data continue to grow at a rapid pace. Thus, one
would find it hard (or impossible) to predict all areas of possible future concern in relation to using Web data
(Light & McGrath, 2010). We do recommend that researchers always ask themselves the following two
overreaching questions that targets both legal and ethical considerations:
Can my actions in relation to Web data produce harm to individuals, organizations, or
What can we do to provide reasonable assurance that we do not unintentionally produce such
In particular, academic researchers whose respective institutional review board or human subjects
protection committee require them to use all possible mechanisms to protect their research subjects’ privacy
and wellbeing need to reflect on these issues and topics. We recommend that academic journals should
also incorporate these questions as a formal requirement for their manuscript-submission process to provide
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an additional layer to protect human subjects that researchers use in their studies and the interests of other
related stakeholders, such as academic journal publishers. We also hope that various academic and
industry research organizations will incorporate these questions into their policies and procedures to protect
human subjects, individual researchers, and organizations that conduct research from harm that may result
from ethical and legal controversies. We believe that doing so can foster research that relies on data from
the Web, which has become a vast repository of valuable datasets that span both the social and material
7 Conclusion
The big data available on the Web presents researchers and practitioners with numerous lucrative
opportunities. For researchers, these opportunities include leveraging this data to better understand various
old and new social phenomena with better timeliness and precision. Practitioners can leverage this data to
better understand their customers and develop data products that help with decisions and strategic planning.
But leveraging big data from the Web presents both researchers and practitioners with big challenges as
well. Apart from the need to learn and deploy new tools and technologies that can accommodate big data,
researchers and practitioners who intend to use Web scraping in their research projects need to comply
with various legal and ethical requirements. Unfortunately, due to the Web-scraping phenomenon’s relative
novelty, Web scraping’s legality and ethics remain grey areas. In this paper, we reflect on some legal and
ethical issues that surround Web scraping. We formulate some specific questions that researchers who
employ Web scraping need to address. A negative answer to all these questions does not necessarily give
a clearance to proceed with a research project. Rather, researchers should use the questions as a starting
point to reflect on the legality and ethics of a research project that relies on Web scraping to acquire data.
Researchers should always focus on identifying potential harm to individuals and organizations that result
from their projects and on implementing reasonable precautions to prevent this harm from occurring. Finally,
we stress that the information that we provide in this paper does not, and we do not intend for it, to constitute
legal advice. We urge both researchers and practitioners to seek qualified legal help when in doubt
regarding their Web-scraping projects’ legality.
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Appendix A: The Case of
In this appendix, we apply the legality and ethics framework for Web scraping that we propose to Dice
( leading specialized recruitment website for IT and engineering professionals (DHI
Group, 2017). In doing so, we focus on answering the following research question:
RQ: What skills or requirements do employers most demand a systems analyst to have?
We can potentially answer this question using the data available on Dice. Historically, the website has
specialized in job search and recruitment solutions for IT and engineering workforce (DHI Group, 2017). At
a given moment, the website contains close to 80,000 active job listings that one can publicly access, and
it has over 2.1 million resumes (not in public access). The website also reports that it has more than two
million unique visitors every month.
At its most basic level, we can view as an online bulletin board where potential job seekers can
post their resumes and recruiters representing various companies can post their job ads. Job seekers can
then apply to posted jobs, while recruiters can browse through the resumes of IT professionals who use the
website. offers several other research and data solutions related to IT recruitment for companies
in finance, energy, healthcare, and hospitality (e.g. security clearance of job applicants). The company also
publishes research in relation to IT labor and recruitment.
Phase 1: Website Analysis
To analyze Dice, we first studied the API manual that it provided (no longer available). From this manual,
we could see that the website allowed the public to use one domain to access job data: “
One can obtain the data on the website using the API in three formats: HTML, XML, and JSON. One can
query the website’s database of job listings by supplying the URL devoted to one of these data formats with
parameters. Among other things, these parameters allow one to narrow down the search to specific
keywords or pre-format the resulting output from the Web server. We provide sample output from an API
search query that we formed to retrieve job listings related to the role of a “systems analyst” in Appendix B.
As one can see from the output in JSON format (see Appendix B), the API does not allow one to achieve
actual job descriptions. The API allows only URLs that point to actual job descriptions. We opened one of
these URLs in a browser (Google Chrome) for further analysis. In Google Chrome, one can use the inspect
feature to analyze a job description page’s underlying code in order to determine which elements contain
the needed job description. One needs this code to retrieve the actual job description for each job listing
with the API using an R script (which we discuss in more detail below).
Reflecting on Legality and Ethics of Crawling and Scraping
Before commencing the actual data-collection process based on the technical analysis that we describe
above, we reflect on data quality and legality and ethics of this Web data-collection project.
First, we concluded that provides high-quality data on job descriptions. Technology and hiring
professionals mostly posted job ads, which the website administrators moderated further. Thus, we believed
that we would not likely see glaring problems with data quality that would possibly lead to flawed decision
Subsequently, we examined the terms of use agreement for the website. These terms explicitly allowed one
to access data using the API created by the company created. Developers can use this API at no charge.
One can use the API from Dice to programmatically search through jobs ads and, if necessary, download
this information. Thus, we concluded that the company encouraged the user community to automatically
crawl and scrape the website. Programmatically retrieving job descriptions outside the data that the official
API returns raises a slight ethical dilemma. Most websites, including, have an item in their terms
of use that prohibits one from accessing website data using unauthorized means. Thus, we needed to reflect
on whether we accessed the job descriptions in an authorized way. After some deliberation, we concluded
that we would not do anything illegal or unethical by going outside the data that the API returned (see
Appendix B). First, the API returned URLs that pointed to actual job descriptions, which meant that the
organization did not want to keep those URLs secret. Second, the URLs pointed to publicly available pages.
One does not even need an account with to view these pages. Thus, we concluded that we could
go ahead and retrieve the job descriptions that these URLs returned via the API.
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We did not find any restrictions for automatically crawling the website areas that contained job ads in the
robots.txt file either. Thus, we concluded that we could go ahead and develop an R script that automatically
crawled the pages and downloaded data.
The rate at which we retrieved job descriptions from the website (approximately one job description every
one or two seconds, which we determined through some “trial” runs using smaller sets) and the relatively
small dataset (1105 job ads) did not make it likely that automatically crawling and retrieving the data we
needed would damage or slow down the website’s servers.
We also saw that the website contained a statement that it copyrighted the data it provided. Since we did
not intent to republish the data we collected verbatim (we only intended to summarize the most frequent
keywords in those job ads at a high level), we concluded that we would comply with the fair use principle in
using this data. We also determined that, if one somehow aggregated the data we collected at the company
level, it could expose certain aspects of the operations of the companies that posted these job ads to Dice.
Again, since we did not intend to republish this data verbatim or group it using company names, we felt like
we properly respected organizational privacy and trade secrets.
Overall, we believed that we used the data for a legitimate, non-fraudulent purpose (i.e., research). We did
not believe that our results would somehow diminish the website’s data. If anything, such research could
provide additional exposure to the company’s brand and provide a case for the data’s quality and
Thus, we concluded that we used the websites data in a legal and ethical way.
Phase 2: Website Crawling
In this phase, we first developed and debugged an R script to crawl the website and download the data
related to systems analyst job listings. Next, we ran the script with some degree of human supervision to
retrieve the data. This phase produces a data frame (a popular data structure in R similar to a table in Excel)
filled with data and meta-data related to systems analyst job listings.
We chose R as a Web-scraping tool for several reasons. First, one can use R without cost. Using some
ready-made scraping tools would probably involve paying a hefty subscription fee. Second, R contains
several useful libraries (e.g., rvest) to simulate Web sessions and parse data in various formats. Third, one
can fine-tune R code to do a Web-scraping task of any complexity or granularity.
We first applied the developed R script to a moderately sized data set that comprised 1,104 observations
(23 webpages that contained job descriptions). It took approximately 19 minutes to download data related
to 1,104 jobs on an office computer with the following configuration:
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4590 CPU @ 3.30 GHz
Upload/Download Speed: ~100 Mbps
It took approximately 12 hours to download data for 44,889 job listings that contained words “systems” and
“analyst” (not necessarily as a single phrase) using the computer with the configuration above.
We also observed that we queried the server to obtain approximately one job description per second. We
concluded that such crawling rate would not likely to overload the company’s Web servers and prevent other
users from accessing its resources.
Phase 3: Data Organization
Once we saved all the scraped data in the job_table data frame, we used R to further process and organize
it in a Microsoft Excel sheet. Using the “xlsx” R package function, we saved the entire data frame into one
single Excel file. We used Excel files to store data due to the format’s universality and popularity.
Researchers often use Excel to manually analyze data. Most people view and analyze data in Excel quite
comfortably. Moreover, one can easily import Excel files into virtually any other software (including R and
The file name contained the additional metadata: date and time. We added this data so that we could
determine when we conducted a particular scraping job by simply looking at its file. Some research projects
may require researchers to scrape data on multiple dates to come up with a substantially large data sample.
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Figure A1 shows how the Excel sheet organized the data. The file in Figure A1 contains information about
systems analyst jobs listed on Dice. Each row corresponds to a particular job listing, which clearly delineates
job ads. Each column represents a particular attribute of each job listing. The specific columns include the
URL used to obtain a job description (JobURL), the title of the job listed (JobTitle), the name of the company
that posted the job (Company), when the company posted the job (JobDate), and job listings full description
Figure A1. Excel File Content
In addition to having one single Excel file that contained all scraped job listings, the script produced a
separate Excel file for each page of job listings that we scraped. By default, the API returned information
about 50 job listings at a time. Thus, separate Excel files each stored 50 job listings as well. These saved
pages collectively duplicated the information in the main Excel sheet. We used such duplication to avoid
complete data loss during the scraping process. Obtaining a dataset that contains thousands of
observations may take a computer hours, or even days, of non-stop work. If script execution halts (e.g., the
Web server becomes unavailable, the computer runs out of memory or freezes, a power outage occurs,
etc.), researchers still have access to the data that they collected prior to the failure point. The script saves
this data as Excel files up to the point when it stopped for whatever reason. If the script successfully
executes, it saves the entire dataset in the main time-stamped Excel file (e.g.,
Jobs_Sat_Feb_25_12_00_37_2017.xlsx). The file name means that the script saved the data on 25
February, 2017 at 12:00:37 pm. We provide the entire file structure that we produced after running the Web-
scraping task in Figure A2.
Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Volume 47
Paper XXX
Figure A2. File Structure Created
We stored these files on a password-protected computer that the first author owned. Thus, we concluded
that we took adequate measures to protect what might constitute copyrighted data from unauthorized
access. We agreed that we would not share the data with anyone else.
What Happened Next
Some interesting developments related to the legality and ethics of the Web-scraping project that we
describe in this appendix occurred several months after we executed the data-collection task. The first
author developed an R package that could automatically crawl and retrieve data from based on
supplied parameters to stimulate further research in this area, save other researchers’ time, and valuably
extend the utilities available for the website. The author viewed his efforts as doing something valuable to
the broader community using his time and expertise at no charge.
The first author eventually published the package on CRANa leading peer-reviewed repository that
comprises user-provided R extensions. The author also wrote a manual on how to use this package and
advertised its availability to various Web communities, such as the ISWorld mailing list. The package started
gaining popularity. Several researchers approached the package’s author for additional instructions and
clarifications on how to use it.
A few months after the author released the R package, several individuals who used it notified the author
that it no longer worked. The author quickly determined that the R code in the package had no errors.
Instead, he determined that the API that Dice supplied and that the package used no longer responded.
The author wrote an email to Dice asking why the API no longer worked. He also encouraged the package’s
users to make similar inquiries with Dice. At first, Dice sent standard “template” responses to each inquiry,
such as “Thank you for your inquiry, if you are interested in any of our data products please visit”.
Eventually, the author received a more detailed response. The Dice representative stated that the company
no longer supported the API. The representative added that the company intended its own internal
developers to use the API rather than the public and that anyone interested in Dice data should use the
main Web interface or subscribe to relevant data products.
At first, the author wanted to modify the package so that it could obtain data directly from the website by
bypassing the APIs. However, he then interpreted the situation as Dice imposing a restriction on crawling
and scraping its data. Thus, he decided that it would be unethical and, perhaps, illegal for him to continue
developing tools for scraping data from Dice. He found this development rather disappointing as he viewed
Tutorial: Legality and Ethics of Web Scraping
Volume 47
Paper XXX
himself as a volunteer who contributed his time and expertise at no charge for making the website more
useful to the research community.
After we recently examined the website’s robots.txt file again, we confirmed that the author correctly
identified the situation. We found that the website did not want automated Web crawlers to programmatically
access its job listings. Indeed, the website possibly updated the file to make sure potential users access job
listings on the website’s main entryway. Thus, the author decided to abandon the package. He still hopes
that one day he can modify the R code that it works with some other website that contains IT job listings in
order to stimulate further research on in-demand IT skills and competencies.
Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Volume 47
Paper XXX
Appendix B: JSON Output from
The output below is generated using the following URL being sent to the server:
tp://\u003d19","jobTitle":"IT Systems Analyst in
Wichita, KS at CURO Financial Technologies Corp","company":"CURO Financial Technologies
Corp","location":"Wichita, KS","date":"2017-02-
Business Systems Analyst","company":"Citizens Bank","location":"Cranston, RI","date":"2017-02-
Business Systems Analyst","company":"Citizens Bank","location":"Cranston, RI","date":"2017-02-
inical Applications Systems Analyst - Ambulatory","company":"Connecticut Children\u0027s Medical
Center","location":"Rocky Hill, CT","date":"2017-02-
Business Systems Analyst","company":"Citizens Bank","location":"Cranston, RI","date":"2017-02-
Systems Analyst","company":"Boise State University","location":"Boise, ID","date":"2017-02-
23"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Sr. IT Systems
Analyst - Eden Prairie, MN","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"Eden Prairie, MN","date":"2017-
02-24"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Senior IT
Systems Analyst - WellMed - San Antonio, TX","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"San Antonio,
24"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Sr. Business
Systems Analyst - WellMed - San Antonio, TX","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"San Antonio,
Systems Analyst - Phoenix, AZ or Eden Prairie, MN","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"Phoenix,
24"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Senior Business
Systems Analyst - WellMed - San Antonio, TX","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"San Antonio,
24"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Business /
Systems Analyst - Basking Ridge, NJ","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"Basking Ridge,
Systems Analyst","company":"QuantRes Asset Management","location":"Nassau","date":"2017-02-
24"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"IT Systems
Analyst - Las Vegas, NV","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"Las Vegas, NV","date":"2017-02-
24"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"IT Systems
Analyst - Schaumburg, IL","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"Schaumburg, IL","date":"2017-02-
24"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Financial Aid
Systems Analyst","company":"Baylor University","location":"Waco, TX","date":"2017-02-
17"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Senior Business
Systems Analyst - WellMed - San Antonio, TX","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"San Antonio,
Systems Analyst - Warminster, PA","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"Warminster,
24"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"IT Systems
Analyst - Eden Prairie, MN","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"Eden Prairie, MN","date":"2017-
Tutorial: Legality and Ethics of Web Scraping
Volume 47
Paper XXX
02-24"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"IT Systems
Analyst - Las Vegas, NV","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"Las Vegas, NV","date":"2017-02-
24"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"IT Business /
Systems Analyst - Rocky Hill, CT","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"Rocky Hill,
24"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Systems Analyst -
Schaumburg, IL","company":"UnitedHealth Group","location":"Schaumburg, IL","date":"2017-02-
Systems Analyst II - Ambulatory","company":"Allscripts","location":"Whittier, CA","date":"2017-02-
25"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Sr. Data
Systems Analyst","company":"MagNet","location":"Lake Worth, FL","date":"2017-02-
Analyst","company":"Great River Energy","location":"Elk River, MN","date":"2017-02-
Systems Analyst","company":"Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc.","location":"Springfield,
22"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Sr Clinical
Systems Analyst","company":"Allscripts","location":"Whittier, CA","date":"2017-02-
25"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"MS Systems
Analyst-Clinical Applications","company":"Allscripts","location":"Whittier, CA","date":"2017-02-
25"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Lead Business
Systems Analyst","company":"DeWinter Group","location":"San Francisco, CA","date":"2017-02-
Systems Analyst 3 (7584U) #22697","company":"University of California, Berkeley","location":"Berkeley,
03"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Sr Systems
Analyst - Financial Applications","company":"Vitamin Shoppe","location":"Secaucus, NJ","date":"2017-02-
Business Systems Analyst","company":"Sila Solutions Group","location":"Shelton, CT","date":"2017-02-
23"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Sr. Business
Systems Analyst - Business Intelligence","company":"Crescent Solutions Inc","location":"Irvine,
06"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Jr. Systems
Analyst","company":"4M Research","location":"Huntsville, AL","date":"2017-01-
Systems Analyst-Workday-Long Term-CTH-Pittsburgh-Immediate","company":"Accion
Labs","location":"Pittsburgh, PA","date":"2017-02-
Systems Analyst","company":"Eliassen Group","location":"Boston, MA","date":"2017-02-
24"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Sr. Systems
Analyst","company":"Stellargy Services, LLC","location":"Reston, VA","date":"2017-02-
Systems Analyst/Programmer (Senior)","company":"Mastech","location":"Washington, DC","date":"2017-
Senior Business Systems Analyst","company":"BIAS Corporation","location":"Atlanta, GA","date":"2017-
869?src\u003d19","jobTitle":"Sr. Systems Analyst","company":"Strategic IT Staffing","location":"Reston,
Systems Analyst","company":"Synergy Computer Solutions","location":"Mettawa, IL","date":"2017-02-
Systems Analyst - Epicor","company":"Access Staffing","location":"Bay Shore, NY","date":"2017-02-
16"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"HRIS Business
Systems Analyst","company":"Computer Merchant, Ltd., The","location":"Mentor, OH","date":"2017-02-
A/Systems Analyst","company":"BIAS Corporation","location":"Brentwood, TN","date":"2017-02-
25"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Data Analyst /
Business Systems Analyst (Data Warehouse)","company":"Agile Global Solutions, Inc","location":"Denver,
Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Volume 47
Paper XXX
Systems Analyst III - Claims","company":"Fidelis Care New York","location":"Buffalo, NY","date":"2017-02-
Systems Analyst","company":"DEEGIT, INC.","location":"Greenville, SC","date":"2017-02-
22"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Senior Systems
Analyst","company":"xScion Solutions","location":"Washington, DC","date":"2017-02-
Analyst","company":"Matlen Silver Group","location":"Charlotte, NC","date":"2017-02-
24"},{"detailUrl":"\u003d19","jobTitle":"Senior Systems
Analyst","company":"Eliassen Group","location":"Dulles, VA","date":"2017-02-24"}]}
Tutorial: Legality and Ethics of Web Scraping
Volume 47
Paper XXX
About the Authors
Vlad Krotov is an Associate Professor and MSIS Program Director at the Department of Computer Science
and Information Systems, Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business, Murray State University. He received
his PhD in Management Information Systems from the Department of Decision and Information Sciences,
University of Houston (USA). Prior to joining Murray State University, he served as an Associate Professor
and Assistant Dean of Graduate Programs at Abu Dhabi University (UAE). His teaching, research, and
consulting work is devoted to helping managers use data and technology for creating organizational value.
His research has appeared in a number of academic and practitioner-oriented journals: CIO Magazine,
Journal of Theoretical and Applied E-Commerce, Communications of the Association of Information
Systems, Business Horizons, Journal of Competitiveness Studies, Polish Journal of Management Studies,
Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, The
Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, Journal of Education for Business, Polish Journal of
Management Studies, etc. His research was recognized at Murray State University by the “Outstanding
Research Award” in 2016 the "Emerging Scholar Award” in 2017.
Leigh Redd Johnson is a Professor of Business Ethics and Law in the Accounting Department of Murray
State University where she has taught since 2006. Prior to joining Murray State, Ms. Johnson was a
corporate and securities associate at Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC in its Research Triangle
Park, North Carolina office. She has published in Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Accounting
Education, Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting, The U.C. Davis Business
Law Journal, The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, The Journal of Corporate Taxation, The
American Journal of Business Education, and Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, among
Leiser Silva has served as a faculty member at the Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston
since 2002 and serves as the Associate Dean for Bauer's Graduate and Professional Programs. Silva holds
a Ph.D. in Information Systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science, a M.Sc. in
Systems Analysis and Design from the same institution, and a B.Sc. in Computer Sciences from the
Universidad del Valle in Guatemala. His current research examines issues of power and politics in the
adoption and implementation of information systems, particularly in the context of public organizations. Silva
has made contributions to the body of literature in Information Systems that studies the relationship between
strategy and Information Technology. His work has been published in leading academic journals such
as MIS Quarterly, Journal of the Association of Information Systems (JAIS), Journal of Information
Technology (JIT), European Journal of Information Systems and Information Systems Journal.
Copyright © 2020 by the Association for Information Systems. Permission to make digital or hard copies of
all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not
made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and full citation on
the first page. Copyright for components of this work owned by others than the Association for Information
Systems must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on
servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior specific permission and/or fee. Request permission to publish
from: AIS Administrative Office, P.O. Box 2712 Atlanta, GA, 30301-2712 Attn: Reprints or via e-mail from
... However, guidance about web scraping is lacking in the field of archaeology. Web scraping is regulated mainly by norms that developed from the mid-1990s through the present day, and through public policy and the legal system (Gold and Latonero 2018;Krotov et al. 2020;Sobel 2021). Both sets of frameworks have seen substantial change, and the legal framework surrounding scraping is hazy. ...
... Some web scrapers also can perform the same function as a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack by automating repeated and very rapid requests on a website, overwhelming its servers. Other scraping techniques may be designed to extract sensitive information about individuals, which then may be sold to a third party (Krotov et al. 2020). Any researcher who can make a web scraper can also make a web scraper that does similar kinds of intrusive damage. ...
... The CFAA also vaguely delineates web-scraping practices that could be illegal. For example, if private data not intended for the public were somehow scraped from a website, that could constitute "unauthorized access" and fall under the CFAA (Krotov et al. 2020;Sobel 2021). The notoriously vague wording of the CFAA also means that acts such as lying about one's age on the internet could constitute a federal crime, and even scraping of publicly accessible data could be construed as a federal crime (Macapinlac 2019). ...
Full-text available
Web scraping, the practice of automating the collection of data from websites, is a key part of how the internet functions, and it is an increasingly important part of the research tool kit for scientists, cultural resources professionals, and journalists. There are few resources intended to train archaeologists in how to develop web scrapers. Perhaps more importantly, there are also few resources that outline the normative, ethical, and legal frameworks within which scraping of archaeological data is situated. This article is intended to introduce archaeologists to web scraping as a research method, as well as to outline the norms concerning scraping that have evolved since the 1990s, and the current state of US legal frameworks that touch on the practice. These norms and legal frameworks continue to evolve, representing an opportunity for archaeologists to become more involved in how scraping is practiced and how it should be regulated in the future.
... Moreover, in Europe, there are regulations, directives and Computer Misuse Act and Trespass to Chattels. However, web scraping, especially on a large scale (also known as crawling when more sources are repeatedly scraped) for commercial purposes may lead to legal implications if permission is not obtained (Krotov, Johnson and Silva, 2020). ...
... All data is written in English. [16][17] The model used to process opinions is called RoBERTa, an acronym for "A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach" It is a natural language processing (NLP) model that is based on the success and architecture of BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) but with significant improvements in its training and performance, this model was developed in 2018 by Google AI Languages and has proven to be a valuable tool in various sentiment analysis and word processing tasks. [8][9] The usefulness of Roberta for sentiment analysis lies in its ability to understand and represent context, that is, to use the meaning of words in a text accurately. ...
The sentimental polarity of patients' medical treatments is decisive for therapeutic adherence, especially in managing chronic diseases. Patients value the effects of medications differently, while health personnel do it from a practical perspective. For this, patient reviews have been taken in unstructured text to the diversity of drugs available on the WebMD site. A numerical assessment accompanies these data on a Likert scale of the variables for "EaseofUse", "Effectiveness," and "Satisfaction". Using an NLP model called RoBERTa; the opinions have been analyzed, finding that neutral opinions are maintained against positive scales of "EaseofUse" and "Effectiveness," but negative opinions regarding "Satisfaction," where the evaluations are divided into the extremes. The analysis has been done statistically using frequencies and diagrams of pairs between feelings and variables of interest. Keywords: Natural language processing; sentiment analysis; BERT; medication satisfaction
... Fuente: Jácome Paulina -Oferta laboral Para el conocimiento de la oferta laboral en el país no se encontró una base de datos consolidada que permita conocer el estado de la misma, por lo que se realizó una breve búsqueda en los diferentes portales de empleo del país con la finalidad de recolectar información a través de ellos. Para lo que se planteó utilizar la técnica del web scraping, sin embargo, como se lo ha mencionado anteriormente la captura de datos con web scraping requiere una evaluación previa sobre su legalidad en los diferentes portales de empleo de los que se pretende extraer la información, y no todos son aptos para su ejecución, por lo tanto en la figura siguiente se muestran seleccionados aquellos que ofrecen esa libertad en base a las interrogantes propuestas por (Krotov & Silva, 2018). Entre los portales seleccionados para la recopilación de datos con web scraping que se encuentran en la Tabla ¿Pueden los datos obtenidos revelar información confidencial sobre las operaciones de las organizaciones que proporcionan datos o la empresa propietaria del sitio web? ...
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En Ecuador el extenso volumen de información sobre el mercado laboral y su pertinencia con el área de conocimiento de los profesionales, no posee la capacidad de generar valor, es por ello que se planteó aplicar la metodología de trabajo para la ciencia de datos con la finalidad de extraer conocimiento y dar valor a esa información antes mencionada. La metodología analítica sintética permitió realizar inicialmente la identificación de datos y variables sobre la demanda laboral y oferta académica pertinente, y a partir de ahí transformarlos en nuevo conocimiento que permitirá interpretar los resultados obtenidos y contribuir con la toma de decisiones; además, llegando a la determinación que no existen empleos suficientes afines a los títulos profesionales que ofrecen las instituciones de educación superior por lo que se concluyó que en el país las carreras universitarias deben definirse en función a la oferta laboral existente.
... The purpose and use of scraped data should align with these standards to prevent misuse or misrepresentation, while also ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Legally, web scraping can be a gray area [8]. It may violate terms of service or copyright laws if data is collected without authorization. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Web scraping, the process of extracting data from websites, plays a crucial role in data collection for research, analysis, and automation. However, traditional web scraping techniques face challenges such as handling dynamic websites, anti-scraping measures, and extracting structured data from unstructured web pages. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool to enhance web scraping, offering solutions to overcome these challenges and improve data extraction efficiency and effectiveness. This review explores the application of AI techniques in web scraping, including natural language processing (NLP) for information extraction, machine learning for web page classification and computer vision for web page parsing. The benefits of AI-enhanced web scraping include improved accuracy, enhanced efficiency, handling dynamic websites, and scalability. Also, there are multiple challenges with using AI in web scraping. Ensuring the ethical and responsible use of AI in scraping is crucial to respect privacy rights, intellectual property, and terms of service of websites. However, the ethical considerations and the need to adapt to evolving antiscraping measures pose challenges. This review highlights the potential of AI in web scraping and emphasizes the importance of responsible and ethical practices.
... Moreover, in Europe, there are regulations, directives and Computer Misuse Act and Trespass to Chattels. However, web scraping, especially on a large scale (also known as crawling when more sources are repeatedly scraped) for commercial purposes may lead to legal implications if permission is not obtained (Krotov, Johnson and Silva, 2020). ...
Conference Paper
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Web scraping has numerous applications. It can be used complementary with APIs to extract useful data from web pages. For instance, commercial data is abundant, but not always relevant as it is presented on websites. In this paper, we propose the usage of web scraping techniques (namely, two popular libraries-BeautifulSoup and Selenium) to extract data from web and other Python libraries and techniques (vaderSentiment, SentimentIntensityAnalyzer, nltk, n consecutive words) to analyze the reviews and obtain useful insights from this data. A web scraper is built in which prices are extracted and variations are tracked. Furthermore, the reviews are extracted and analyzed in order to identify the relevant opinions, including complaints of the customers.
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Automated data collection provides tempting opportunities for social sciences and humanities studies. Abundant data accumulating in various digital archives allows more comprehensive, timely and cost-efficient ways of harvesting and processing information. While easing or even removing some of the key problems, such as laborious and time-consuming data collection and potential errors and biases related to subjective coding of materials and distortions caused by focus on small samples, automated methods also bring in new risks such as poor understanding of contexts of the data or non-recognition of underlying systematic errors or missing information. Results from testing different methods to collect data describing newspaper coverage of climate change in Finland emphasize that fully relying on automatable tools such as media scrapers has its limitations and can provide comprehensive but incomplete document acquisition for research. Many of these limitations can, however, be addressed and not all of them rely on manual control.
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AOL’s recent public release of user search information resulted in a heated privacy debate. This case study is a detailed account of this incident. The case is designed as an in-class teaching aid covering managerial, legal, and ethical issues related to privacy. It consists of four sections (A, B,C, and D). Each section is fairly short and is designed to be read in class, separated by discussion of the previous section. Alternatively, the first section might be distributed in advance; though this runs the risk of students identifying the case and jumping ahead in the discussion (AOL’s identity is concealed from students until the end of section B). A set of potential discussion questions for each section appears in the appendix. While there are too many questions to be covered in a single class, instructors can choose questions based on their particular teaching objective. A teaching note is also available from the authors.
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Big data analytics is a fast-evolving phenomenon shaped by interactions among individuals, organizations, and society. However, its ethical implications for these stakeholders remain empirically underexplored and not well understood. We present empirical findings from a Delphi study that identified, defined, and examined the key concepts that underlie ethical issues in big data analytics. We then analyze those concepts using stakeholder theory and discourse ethics and suggest ways to balance interactions between individuals, organizations, and society in order to promote the ethical use of big data analytics. Our findings inform practitioners and policymakers concerned with ethically using big data analytics and provide a basis for future research.
Conference Paper
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Automatic retrieval of data from the Web (often referred to as Web Scraping) for industry and academic research projects is becoming a common practice. A variety of tools and technologies have been developed to facilitate Web Scraping. Unfortunately, the legality and ethics of using these Web Scraping tools are often overlooked. This work in progress reviews legal literature together with Information Systems literature on ethics and privacy to identify broad areas of concern together with a list of specific questions that need to be addressed by researchers employing Web Scraping for data collection. Reflecting on these questions and concerns can potentially help the researchers decrease the likelihood of ethical and legal controversies in their work. Further research is needed to refine the intricacies of legal and ethical issues surrounding Web Scraping and devise strategies and tactics that researchers can use for addressing these issues.
Full-text available
Retrieving information from social networks is the first and primordial step many data analysis fields such as Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis and Machine Learning. Important data science tasks relay on historical data gathering for further predictive results. Most of the recent works use Twitter API, a public platform for collecting public streams of information, which allows querying chronological tweets for no more than three weeks old. In this paper, we present a new methodology for collecting historical tweets within any date range using web scraping techniques bypassing for Twitter API restrictions.
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Organizations are facing a new era of low-cost, small electronic devices with sensing, communications and computing capabilities, commonly known as the "Internet of Things" (IoT). Changes driven by the IoT will likely be far more profound than those brought about by previous IT eras. In particular, the digital data streams (DDSs) generated by the widespread adoption of IoT devices will create opportunities to transform the business landscape. This article describes how organizations can apply the Customer Service Life Cycle (CSLC) framework to harness the IoT to enhance customer experiences.
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Current sources of data on rental housing—such as the census or commercial databases that focus on large apartment complexes—do not reflect recent market activity or the full scope of the US rental market. To address this gap, we collected, cleaned, analyzed, mapped, and visualized eleven million Craigslist rental housing listings. The data reveal fine-grained spatial and temporal patterns within and across metropolitan housing markets in the United States. We find that some metropolitan areas have only single-digit percentages of listings below fair market rent. Nontraditional sources of volunteered geographic information offer planners real-time, local-scale estimates of rent and housing characteristics currently lacking in alternative sources, such as census data.
The main goal of this research note is to educate business researchers on how to automatically scrape financial data from the World Wide Web using the R programming language. This paper is organized into the following main parts. The first part provides a conceptual overview of the web scraping process. The second part educates the reader about the Rvest package—a popular tool for browsing and downloading web data in R. The third part educates the reader about the main functions of the XBRL package. The XBRL package was developed specifically for working with financial data distributed using the XBRL format in the R environment. The fourth part of this paper presents an example of a relatively complex web scraping task implemented using the R language. This complex web scraping task involves using both the Rvest and XBRL packages for the purposes of retrieving, preprocessing, and organizing financial and nonfinancial data related to a company from various sources and using different data forms. The paper ends with some concluding remarks on how the web scraping approach presented in this paper can be useful in other research projects involving financial and nonfinancial data.
This commentary on the JSIS Special Issue on datification focuses on two key themes selected from among the many topics discussed by Special Issue authors: 1) the debate over algorithmic intelligence versus human intelligence, and 2) the consequences of strategic performance systems. The current algorithmic versus human intelligence debate echoes earlier discussions in our field about whether expert systems should replace or support human experts. As appealing as it is to assume that algorithms support expert workers, research suggests that people are not very effective at monitoring and overriding automation. In addition, post-automation work tends to evolve toward lower human knowledge and skill. These observations should caution datification researchers against simplistic theories and should guide researchers to study the multilevel sociotechnical conditions and stakeholders involved in the design, use, and consequences of algorithms in organizations. Strategic performance measurement and ranking systems are also not new, but what is new is the belief that they will not just inform, but also transform, human behavior. In this respect, performance systems resemble the career tournaments that promote intense competition and create great inequality in executive pay and promotion. In addition, performance systems increasing serve as infrastructures, operating at multiple levels of analysis simultaneously. These observations imply that designing and studying such systems involve ethical choices, intensifying the demands on datification researchers.
A hands on guide to web scraping and text mining for both beginners and experienced users of R Introduces fundamental concepts of the main architecture of the web and databases and covers HTTP, HTML, XML, JSON, SQL. Provides basic techniques to query web documents and data sets (XPath and regular expressions). An extensive set of exercises are presented to guide the reader through each technique. Explores both supervised and unsupervised techniques as well as advanced techniques such as data scraping and text management. Case studies are featured throughout along with examples for each technique presented. R code and solutions to exercises featured in the book are provided on a supporting website.