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Genome Skimming Reveals Widespread Hybridization in a Neotropical Flowering Plant Radiation

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Abstract and Figures

The tropics hold at least an order of magnitude greater plant diversity than the temperate zone, yet the reasons for this difference are still subject to debate. Much of tropical plant diversity is in highly speciose genera and understanding the drivers of such high species richness will help solve the tropical diversity enigma. Hybridization has recently been shown to underlie many adaptive radiations, but its role in the evolution of speciose tropical plant genera has received little attention. Here, we address this topic in the hyperdiverse Bromeliaceae genus Vriesea using genome skimming data covering the three genomic compartments. We find evidence for hybridization in ca. 11% of the species in our dataset, both within the genus and between Vriesea and other genera, which is commensurate with hybridization underlying the hyperdiversity of Vriesea, and potentially other genera in Tillandsioideae. While additional genomic research will be needed to further clarify the contribution of hybridization to the rapid diversification of Vriesea, our study provides an important first data point suggesting its importance to the evolution of tropical plant diversity.
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fevo-09-668281 May 22, 2021 Time: 17:18 # 1
published: 28 May 2021
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.668281
Edited by:
Danilo M. Neves,
Federal University of Minas Gerais,
Reviewed by:
Clarisse Palma-Silva,
State University of Campinas, Brazil
Tim Barraclough,
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Oriane Loiseau
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Biogeography and Macroecology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Received: 15 February 2021
Accepted: 30 April 2021
Published: 28 May 2021
Loiseau O, Mota Machado T,
Paris M, Koubínová D, Dexter KG,
Versieux LM, Lexer C and Salamin N
(2021) Genome Skimming Reveals
Widespread Hybridization in a
Neotropical Flowering Plant Radiation.
Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:668281.
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.668281
Genome Skimming Reveals
Widespread Hybridization in a
Neotropical Flowering Plant
Oriane Loiseau1,2*, Talita Mota Machado3, Margot Paris4, Darina Koubínová1,
Kyle G. Dexter2, Leonardo M. Versieux5, Christian Lexer6and Nicolas Salamin1
1Department of Computational Biology, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2School of Geosciences, University
of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 3Programa de Pós Graduação em Biologia Vegetal, Universidade Federal
de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 4Department of Biology, Unit Ecology and Evolution, University of Fribourg, Fribourg,
Switzerland, 5Departamento de Botânica e Zoologia, Centro de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte,
Natal, Brazil, 6Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
The tropics hold at least an order of magnitude greater plant diversity than the temperate
zone, yet the reasons for this difference are still subject to debate. Much of tropical plant
diversity is in highly speciose genera and understanding the drivers of such high species
richness will help solve the tropical diversity enigma. Hybridization has recently been
shown to underlie many adaptive radiations, but its role in the evolution of speciose
tropical plant genera has received little attention. Here, we address this topic in the
hyperdiverse Bromeliaceae genus Vriesea using genome skimming data covering the
three genomic compartments. We find evidence for hybridization in ca. 11% of the
species in our dataset, both within the genus and between Vriesea and other genera,
which is commensurate with hybridization underlying the hyperdiversity of Vriesea, and
potentially other genera in Tillandsioideae. While additional genomic research will be
needed to further clarify the contribution of hybridization to the rapid diversification of
Vriesea, our study provides an important first data point suggesting its importance to
the evolution of tropical plant diversity.
Keywords: Bromeliaceae, genome skimming, phylogenomics, hybridization, Vriesea
Hybridization, the exchange of genetic material between lineages, is a widespread evolutionary
phenomenon of crucial importance in the evolution of diversity (Marques et al., 2019). Gene flow
between species may have deleterious effects on species cohesion by breaking species boundaries
and causing genetic homogenization. There is however increasing evidence that hybridization can
promote genetic diversity, adaptation and speciation, although the exchange of genetic material
per se might not be sufficient to create new diversity without a key role of natural selection
acting on the relevant parts of the genome to maintain them (Schumer et al., 2018). In particular,
hybridization has been shown to be involved in many adaptive radiations, such as Darwin’s
finches (Grant and Grant, 2019), African rift lakes cichlid fishes (Meier et al., 2017;Irisarri et al.,
2018;Svardal et al., 2020), Heliconius butterflies (Kozak et al., 2021), and Hawaiian silver swords
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Loiseau et al. Widespread Hybridization in Vriesea
(Barrier et al., 1999). In comparison with the low rate of
mutation, hybridization can immediately elevate the standing
genetic variation upon which selection can act (Seehausen, 2013).
This has the potential to accelerate the adaptive divergence of
populations in face of environmental variability, novel habitats
or previously underutilized niches. Elevated rates of speciation
following hybridization can create a positive feedback as the
evolution of many closely related species in one area may in turn
provide new opportunities for hybridization (Seehausen, 2004).
Interspecific gene flow can promote diversification through
the direct generation of a new species via hybrid speciation or
through adaptive introgression, the latter being the transfer of
only parts of the genome which may confer a selective advantage
(Harrison and Larson, 2014). The identification of these
mechanisms has been helped by two important advances in the
field. First, the emergence of the genome scale datasets that are
becoming standard in evolutionary studies provided the raw data
to tackle these questions. Second, the development of statistical
methods that can formally test the presence of introgression
against a null model that involves only incomplete lineage sorting
(ILS; e.g., Joly et al., 2009;Green et al., 2010;Blanco-Pastor
et al., 2012;Blischak et al., 2018). A remaining open question is
the prevalence of hybridization or adaptive introgression in the
context of diversifying lineages (Pfennig, 2021).
Although hybridization has been detected across a wide
range of organisms, it is particularly frequent in plants, and is
acknowledged as one of the main drivers of the evolution of
angiosperms (Soltis and Soltis, 2009). However, little is known
about the contribution of hybridization in the evolution of
diverse tropical clades which make up a large part of plant
diversity. In this study, we focus on the Bromeliaceae, which
is, with ca. 3,500 species, one of the most diverse and iconic
plant families of the Neotropical flora, particularly abundant
in Andean and Atlantic rainforests (Smith and Downs, 1974;
Benzing, 2000;Gouda et al., 2018). The family harbors several
exceptionally diverse young clades, such as the core tillandsioids
and the tank-forming epiphytic bromelioids (Givnish et al.,
2014). The increased rates of diversification which underlie
these rapid radiations may have been spurred by several key
innovations such as the tank habit, CAM photosynthesis or
hummingbird pollination (Givnish et al., 2014;Silvestro et al.,
2014). Hybridization is also thought to have promoted bromeliad
diversity (Palma-Silva et al., 2016) but although both artificial
(Vervaeke et al., 2004;Wagner et al., 2015;de Souza et al., 2017)
and natural hybrids have been reported (e.g., Palma-Silva et al.,
2011), the frequency and exact contribution of this phenomenon
to bromeliad diversity are still to be determined. While some
studies suggest that hybridization generates intraspecific genetic
diversity in isolated populations (Lexer et al., 2016;Neri et al.,
2018;Mota et al., 2019), it may also prevent genetic differentiation
and blur species boundaries (Goetze et al., 2017). To date,
most of the research on hybridization in bromeliads focuses
on the population level and studies with a macroevolutionary
perspective are lacking.
Here, we take a phylogenomic approach to the study of
hybridization in the Tillandsioideae, the largest of the three
subfamilies of bromeliads, with a focus on the diverse genus
Vriesea (231 species, Gouda et al., 2018). Using genome
skimming we provide an unprecedented molecular dataset
for 108 species of Vriesea and 39 species from related
genera. We use phylogenetic inference and coalescent-based
approaches to test for the presence of hybridization during
the evolutionary history of the group. Our results provide
evidence for clear cyto-nuclear discordance in the phylogenetic
history of Tillandisoideae. We further detect signatures of ancient
hybridization at both the inter- and intrageneric level. Our study
suggests that hybridization has occurred repeatedly throughout
the evolutionary history of bromeliads and may have played an
important role in triggering the rapid evolution of this group.
Genomic Dataset
We used an extended version of the chloroplast genomic
dataset generated with genome skimming by Machado et al.
(2020) containing nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial data.
Genome skimming, also referred as low-coverage whole genome
sequencing, allows easy and cost-effective obtention of DNA
sequences for phylogenomic analyses across a wide range of
evolutionary divergences (Dodsworth, 2015). This technique is
particularly effective for the high-depth sequencing of the high-
copy fraction of the genome such as plastids and ribosomal
nuclear DNA (Coissac et al., 2016). It also offers the possibility
to obtain shallow coverage of single copy nuclear DNA, and
thousands of low-depth nuclear markers can be obtained with
a sufficient sequencing effort. Sampling included 147 species of
11 genera in the subfamily Tillandsioideae, plus Ananas comosus
as an outgroup. In total, there were 108 species of Vriesea
s.l., representing c. 46% of the total diversity of the genus.
For the other genera the number and proportion of species
were as follows (species numbers according to Gouda et al.,
2018): Alcantarea (11 species; 26% of the diversity), Goudaea
(2; 100%), Guzmania (4; 1%), Lutheria (2; 50%), Mezobromelia
(1; 20%), Racinaea (1; 78%), Stigmatodon (4; 22%), Tillandsia
(9; 1%), Werauhia (3; 1%), Zizkaea (1; 100%). Protocols of
DNA extraction, library preparation and sequencing, as well as
the bioinformatic pipeline for quality checking of reads, and
SNP calling are described in Machado et al. (2020). Briefly,
library preparation was performed using KAPA LTP library
preparation kits (Roche, Basel, Switzerland) and unique barcodes
for each library were chosen from a set of 60 dual-index
primers designed in Loiseau et al. (2019) to allow multiplexing.
The use of a high number of Illumina dual-indexed primers,
designed with a minimum edit distance of 4 between each
of the 7-bp indexes, reduces the probability of conversion by
sequencing, amplification errors and index hopping (Kircher
et al., 2012;Costello et al., 2018). After sequencing in an
Illumina HiSeq 3000 Genome Analyzer (Illumina, San Diego,
California, United States), quality controlling and read trimming,
pair-end reads (2 ×150 bp) were mapped onto the Tillandsia
adpressiflora Mez pseudo-reference genome built in de la Harpe
et al. (2020) using BOWTIE2 v.2.2.5 (Langmead and Salzberg,
2012). After identification of PCR duplicates, realignment of
reads around indels and base calibration, SNPs were called
using UnifiedGenotyper of GATK v.3.6 (McKenna et al.,
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Loiseau et al. Widespread Hybridization in Vriesea
2010) and the EMIT_ALL_SITES option to recover both
variant and invariant sites. We used Vcftools v.0.1.13 (Danecek
et al., 2011) to filter only high-quality sites called with Q
values higher than 20 and less than 50% missing data. For
phylogenomic inferences invariant sites were filtered out and
separate alignments of SNPs were produced for the nuclear,
chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes.
Phylogenetic Inferences
We performed phylogenetic reconstruction using both
maximum-likelihood and coalescent-based methods. Since
using only variable sites for phylogenetic inference can lead to
incorrect estimation of branch lengths and topology (Leaché
et al., 2015), we employed methods designed for SNP datasets.
First, we used RAxML v.8.2.10 (Stamatakis, 2014) to infer
separate phylogenetic trees for the alignments of chloroplast,
mitochondrial and nuclear SNPs. For each analysis we applied
a GTR +G model of substitution and an ascertainment bias
correction to account for the absence of constant sites in the
alignments. Bootstrap replicates were performed using the
-autoMRE option which executes a maximum of 1,000 bootstrap
replicate searches but stops if support values reach convergence
earlier. Secondly, to account for any potential effects of ILS
in phylogeny estimation, we used SVDquartet (Chifman and
Kubatko, 2014, 2015), a coalescent-based method designed for
SNP data implemented in PAUP(Swofford, 2001) to infer the
nuclear phylogenetic tree. SVDquartet is a coalescent method
for inferring phylogenetic relationships based on phylogenetic
invariants which are mathematical functions representing the
expected frequencies of site patterns in an alignment. It first
infers the quartet topology of all subsets of four taxon in the
dataset and then agglomerate them in order to obtain the
species tree with all taxa. Although SVDquartet can also estimate
phylogenetic relationships for non-recombining loci, we did not
run it on our chloroplast or mitochondrial datasets because they
contained <10,000 SNPs and the performance of this method is
highly dependent on the number of SNPs.
Divergence Time Estimates
We temporally calibrated the nuclear phylogenetic tree using
penalized-likelihood implemented in the program treePL v1.0
(Smith and O’meara, 2012). We chose this approach because
joint estimation of the topology and divergence times from SNP
data (e.g., SNAPP, Bryant et al., 2012) was computationally too
intensive to be applied to our large dataset. Given the absence
of fossil data for bromeliads, we used a secondary calibration to
perform the divergence time estimation. We implemented the
age estimate of the crown node of core Tillandsioideae from
Bouchenak-Khelladi et al. (2014) as a calibration for the root node
of our tree, which encompasses the core Tillandsioideae, using
the boundaries of the 95% HPD as minimum and maximum
constraints (7.2417–12.984 My). Although their study is a
monocotyledon-wide analysis, their sampling of Tillandsioideae
is as good as other studies focusing on Bromeliaceae, and their
dating analysis is based on nine fossil calibration points. Their
sampling did not include any member of the tribe Vrieseeae,
and we were unable to calibrate any shallower node in our
tree. We performed cross-validation to estimate the value of
the best-fitting smoothing parameter whose value can vary
between 0 (each branch has its own substitution rate) and 1
(strict clock model).
Hybridization Detection
In order to estimate levels of hybridization across our dataset,
while accounting for ILS, we used the program HyDe v0.4.3
(Blischak et al., 2018), a coalescent method which tests for
hybridization in the presence of ILS using phylogenetic invariants
(Kubatko and Chifman, 2019), similarly to the D statistics
(Patterson et al., 2012). HyDe can detect both recent and
ancient hybridization without the need for an a priori hypothesis,
considers ambiguous sites, and can be applied to large genomic
datasets. For all possible quartets in a dataset comprising one
outgroup population, two parental populations (P2 and P3) and
one hybrid population (P1), HyDe estimates the amount of
admixture using a gamma statistic. Gamma values are comprised
between 0 and 1, where γ=0.5 means 50:50 hybrid and values
close to 0 or 1 indicate a low level of asymmetrical admixture by
introgression. We tested all four-taxon combinations comprising
one outgroup and a triplet of ingroup taxa. For all tests Ananas
comosus was set as the outgroup taxon using the python script
run_hyde.py1. The program applies a conservative Bonferronni
correction and outputs the combinations with a significant signal
for hybridization at a level of <0.05. Unless it applied to
population data, this approach does not determine whether
the significantly introgressed individuals represent the results
of a hybrid speciation event, but suggests at a minimum
that these individuals have genetic material from at least two
different lineages in the phylogeny. We summarized the result
of HyDe by recording the genera of the two parental species
for each significant triplet, and counted for each hybrid the
frequency of the different generic combinations. This allowed us
to evaluate whether the detected hybrids most likely reflected
intra- or intergeneric hybridization. We then constructed a
network diagram using the fonction qgraph from the R package
Qgraph v.1.5 (Epskamp et al., 2012) in order to display the
frequency at which each genus was involved as a parental
species (P2 or P3) for hybrids in other genera across all
significant combinations.
After base calling and filtering, 496,594 high-quality sites were
obtained for the nuclear genome with a coverage depth of 22.2
reads per position and 19.3% missing data. For the chloroplast
and mitochondrial genomes, 68,854 high-quality bases at 53.9X
(5.8% missing data) and 19,403 high quality bases at 11.2X
(18.2% of missing data) were recovered, respectively. From the
SNP calling 116,478 SNPs were obtained for the nuclear, 5,171
SNPs for the chloroplast and 1,069 SNPs for the mitochondrial
genomes. Sites presenting a pattern of a single nucleotide and
an ambiguity code are considered by RaxML as invariant sites
and we excluded them from the alignments, which led to a total
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Loiseau et al. Widespread Hybridization in Vriesea
dataset of 103,244 nuclear SNPs, 3,913 chloroplast SNPs, and 970
mitochondrial SNPs.
Phylogenetic Relationships
Intergeneric phylogenetic relationships were well-supported
in all inferred trees. The chloroplast topology is similar to
the one recovered in Machado et al. (2020), with subtribe
Cipuropsidinae (composed of the genera Goudaea, Zizkaea,
Lutheria, and Werauhia) sister to subtribe Vrieseinae (composed
of Vriesea s.str., Stigmatodon, and Alcantarea,Figure 1). Our
study adds new results for the mitochondrial phylogeny,
which has a similar topology to the plastid tree. However,
the nuclear topology resolves the subtribe Cipuropsidinae
as sister to the tribe Tillandsieae (Figure 1). Furthermore,
within the Cipuropsidinae, Lutheria is recovered as sister to
Werauhia in the chloroplast and mitochondrial trees (with
bootstrap support of 100 and 98, respectively, Supplementary
Figures 1, 2), whereas in the nuclear tree, it forms a
clade together with Goudea,Zizkaea and the Cipuropsis-
Mezobromelia complex (with bootstrap support of 98; Figure 1
and Supplementary Figure 3). The genus Goudea, represented
by the two species G. ospinae and G. chrysostachys, is
recovered as monophyletic in the nuclear phylogeny but not
in the chloroplast and mitochondrial trees (Figure 1 and
Supplementary Figures 1–3). The coalescent-based phylogenetic
tree obtained with SVDquartet from the nuclear data has
a similar topology to the phylogenetic tree inferred with
RAxML but an overall lower bootstrap support (Supplementary
Figure 4). It differs, however, in the position of Werauhia,
which is found in a sister position to the tribe Tillandsieae,
and Guzmania, which is recovered nested within Tillandsia
(with low support, Supplementary Figure 4). The monophyletic
Vriesea s. str is characterized by small branch lengths and low
internal support in all phylogenetic trees, yet most of the 12
clades described in Machado et al. (2020), which correspond
to morphological or geographic groups, are recovered in
the chloroplast and nuclear phylogenies, but not in the
mitochondrial phylogeny.
Divergence Times
The best smoothing parameter found by treePL was 0.01,
which allows for substantial substitution rate variation among
lineages. The estimated crown age of the core Tillandsioideae
was 12.98 My. The two main clades, the tribe Tillandsieae +the
Cipuropsidinae and subtribe Vrieseinae have crown ages of 11.24
and 7.66 My, respectively (Figure 2). The genus Vriesea s. str
has a crown age of 6.18 My and following the initial divergence
aV. drepanocarpa, the rest of the group began to diversify
3.91 My ago and most of its diversification occurred during
the Pleistocene.
FIGURE 1 | Phylogenetic incongruence in core Tillandsioideae. Summary cladograms of the chloroplast (left) and nuclear (right) phylogenetic trees. The red dot
indicates the incongruent node associated with the placement of subtribe Cipuropsidinae. Genera indicated as follow (from up to down): V. s. str.,Vriesea sensu
stricto; Sti,Stigmatodon; Alc,Alcantarea; Cip- Mez,Vriesea—Cipuropsis/Mezobromelia complex; Gou,Goudeae; Ziz,Zizkaea; Lut,Lutheria; Wer,Werauhia;
Till,Tillandsia; Guz,Guzmania. Colors indicate genera where hybrids were detected (see Figure 2). Photos by Eric Gouda (Goudaea, Mezobromelia and Zizkaea)
and Talita Mota Machado (Alcantarea, Stigmatodon, Tillandsia and Vriesea s. str.).
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Loiseau et al. Widespread Hybridization in Vriesea
FIGURE 2 | Left: Dated nuclear phylogeny of coreTillandsioids (intrageneric branches not shown). Colors indicate clades were hybrids have been detected. Right:
network diagram of the putative origin of the detected hybrids across all significant triplets identified by HyDe. The width and color of the arrows are proportional to
the frequency at which one genus is detected as a parental lineageaccross all hybrids.
Introgression and Hybridization
The HyDe analyses detected significant introgression in 287
out of the 1,687,425 possible triplets, after the conservative
Bonferroni correction (Supplementary Table 1). For simplicity,
we will call these cases “hybrids, although we fully recognize that
it is difficult to distinguish between hybrids and introgressive
hybridization from the analyses performed. These 287
combinations contain 17 species identified as potentially of
hybrid origin, which included nine species of Vriesea s.str., the
species V. dubia that belongs to the Vriesea-Cipuropsis clade,
three species of Tillandsia as well as Goudaea chrysostachys,
Guzmania berteroniana, Werauhia gladioliflora, and Zizkaea
tuerckheimii (Table 1). Nine of them represented products
of intergeneric hybridization. The boxplots of gamma values
from all significant tests for each of the 17 hybrids are shown
in Figure 3. Nine of these (representing V. medusae plus the
intergeneric hybrids, except Vriesea roberto-seidelli) are centered
around 0.5, indicating that these taxa are potentially 50:50
hybrids (Figure 3). The remaining hybrids were characterized by
a smaller introgression proportion as indicated by their gamma
values. Six hybrids had median gamma values between 0.5 and
0.7 and two (Vriesea friburgensis and Zizkaea tuerckheimii) had
median values above 0.7 indicating a low level of admixture
(Figure 3). Vriesea billbergioides and Tillandsia juncea were
identified as the parental species of the hybrid Vriesea roberto-
seidelli. All other hybrids had multiple significant triplets
involving different P2 and P3, indicating that the parental species
of most hybrid taxa could not be unambiguously identified
(Table 1 and Supplementary Table 1). When HyDe identifies
multiple significant triplets involving several putative parental
taxa for a given hybrid, it points to ancestral hybridization
which remains detectable in several descendant lineages, even
after considerable evolutionary divergence. Although the
exact origin of the detected hybrids could not be uncovered,
most of them had a signal of admixture biased toward one
combination of parental lineages (Table 1). For example, the
majority of the significant combinations involved a species
from Vriesea s.str and a species from Guzmania in eight
out of the nine intergeneric hybrids (Figure 4), while four
hybrids of Vriesea had both parental species from Vriesea. s.
str in most of their combinations. This prevalence of some
lineages in the significant triplets is reflected in Figure 2
(right), where the thickness and darkness of the arrows is
proportional to the number of time a genera was identified
as a parental lineage for the hybrids in other lineages. This
network diagram clearly depicts Guzmania and Vriesea s.str as
the main putative parents for Vriesea s.str, Tillandsia, Goudaea,
and Werauhia hybrids.
Hybridization as a Widespread
Phenomenon in Bromeliaceae
Our study points to widespread hybridization in subfamily
Tillandsioideae, both within and among genera. By recovering
mitochondrial, chloroplast and nuclear DNA in a single
sequencing experiment, we were able to clearly demonstrate
incongruent evolutionary histories between the three genomic
compartments. Discrepancy between organellar and nuclear
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Loiseau et al. Widespread Hybridization in Vriesea
TABLE 1 | Frequency of the possible combinations for the generic origin of the
parental species for each hybrid across all significant triplets identified by HyDe.
Hybrid (P3) Genera of parental species
Number of
triplets with
Goudaea chrysostachys Vriesea s.str.—Guzmania 21
Guzmania—Tillandsia 3
Guzmania—Vriesea Cipuropsis 2
Guzmania—Zizkaea 2
Guzmania berteroniana Vriesea s.str.—Guzmania 18
Guzmania—Tillandsia 3
Guzmania—Zizkaea 2
Guzmania—Vriesea Cipuropsis 1
Tillandsia geminiflora Vriesea s.str.—Guzmania 23
Guzmania—Tillandsia 3
Guzmania—Zizkaea 2
Guzmania—Vriesea Cipuropsis 1
Tillandsia juncea Vriesea s.str.—Guzmania 27
Guzmania—Tillandsia 3
Guzmania—Vriesea Cipuropsis 3
Guzmania—Zizkaea 3
Tillandsia tenuifolia Vriesea s.str.—Vriesea s.str. 9
Vriesea s.str.—Tillandsia 2
Vriesea s.str.—Werauhia 2
Vriesea s.str.—Goudaea 1
Vriesea s.str.—Guzmania 1
Vriesea botafoguensis Vriesea s.str.—Vriesea s.str. 4
Vriesea s.str.—Goudaea 1
Vriesea s.str.—Tillandsia 1
Vriesea s.str.—Werauhia 1
Vriesea dubia Vriesea s.str.—Vriesea s.str. 3
Vriesea s.str.—Tillandsia 2
Vriesea s.str.—Guzmania 1
Vriesea friburgensis Vriesea s.str.—Vriesea s.str. 2
Vriesea s.str.—Tillandsia 1
Vriesea medusa Tillandsia—Tillandsia 1
Tillandsia—Vriesea Cipuropsis 1
Vriesea s.str.—Tillandsia 1
Vriesea oxapampae Vriesea s.str.—Guzmania 21
Guzmania—Tillandsia 3
Guzmania—Zizkaea 2
Guzmania—Vriesea Cipuropsis 1
Vriesea roberto-seindelli Vriesea s.str.—Tillandsia 1
Vriesea rodigasiana Vriesea s.str.—Guzmania 25
Guzmania—Tillandsia 3
Guzmania—Zizkaea 3
Vriesea saundersi Vriesea s.str.—Vriesea s.str. 2
Vriesea s.str.—Tillandsia 1
Vriesea saxicola Vriesea s.str.—Vriesea s.str. 6
Vriesea s.str.—Tillandsia 4
Vriesea s.str.—Goudaea 2
TABLE 1 | Continued
Hybrid (P3) Genera of parental
species (P1,P2)
Number of significant
triplets with this
Vriesea s.str.—Guzmania 2
Vriesea s.str.—Werauhia 2
Vriesea simulans Vriesea s.str.—Guzmania 21
Guzmania—Tillandsia 3
Guzmania—Zizkaea 2
Werauhia gladioliflora Vriesea s.str.—Guzmania 20
Guzmania—Tillandsia 3
Guzmania—Zizkaea 1
Zizkaea tuerckheimii Vriesea s.str.—Vriesea s.str. 2
Vriesea s.str.—Tillandsia 1
phylogenies is common in plants and can be caused either by ILS
or hybridization (Naciri and Linder, 2015). By applying a method
which uses phylogenetic invariants to detect hybridization in the
presence of ILS, we were able to detect a significant level of
admixture in the nuclear genome of 17 of the 148 species included
in our phylogeny. Four of these (Goudaea chrysostachys, Vriesea
dubia, Werauhia gladioliflora, and Zizkaea tuerckheimii) belong
to subtribe Cipuropsidinae and two of these originated from
ancestral hybridization between the Vriesea s.str. and Tillandsieae
lineages (Figure 4). This finding supports the hypothesis that
hybridization is responsible for the incongruent placement of
subtribe Cipuropsidinae which is recovered as either closely
related to the Vrieseinae (in the plastid and mitochondrial
phylogenies) or alternatively to the Tillandsieae (in the nuclear
phylogeny). In bromeliads, a similar example of cyto-nuclear
discordance was found in the genus Puya and was explained
by a mixture of ancient and recent hybridization events (Jabaily
and Sytsma, 2010;Schulte et al., 2010). Our results add to the
growing body of evidence that hybridization may have been a
widespread phenomenon and an important driving force in the
evolution of bromeliads. Indeed, interspecific and intergeneric
artificial crosses of bromeliads are a common horticultural
practice (Vervaeke et al., 2004;de Souza et al., 2017) and several
studies report the permeable nature of species boundaries among
bromeliads (Palma-Silva et al., 2011;Mota et al., 2019). For
example, a study on pre-pollination isolating mechanisms in
an assemblage of 42 sympatric species of bromeliads in Brazil
found that neither microhabitat preferences, flowering phenology
nor pollinators contributed to prezygotic reproductive isolation
(Wendt et al., 2008). Another study looked at post-pollination
barriers among 13 species of bromeliads and found that despite
pollen tube growth inhibition being an important mechanism,
nearly 25% of interspecific and intergeneric crosses lead to
normal pollen tube growth (Matallana et al., 2016). Additionally,
three sympatric species of Tillandsia in Mexico showed overlap
in flowering time, similarity in reproductive organs morphology
and manual crosses among them resulted in high fruit production
and viable seeds (Ramírez-Rosas et al., 2020). There is further
morphological and genetic evidence for natural introgression
or hybrid speciation in several bromeliad genera, including
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Aechmea (Goetze et al., 2017), Alcantarea (Versieux et al., 2012;
Lexer et al., 2016), Fosterella (Paule et al., 2017), Pitcairnia
(Palma-Silva et al., 2011;Mota et al., 2020), Puya (Jabaily and
Sytsma, 2010;Schulte et al., 2010), Tillandsia (Gardner, 1984;
Gonçalves and de Azevêdo-Gonçalves, 2009), and Vriesea (Matos
et al., 2016;Zanella et al., 2016;Neri et al., 2018).
Despite this wealth of evidence for a strong hybridization
potential in bromeliads, population genetic studies generally have
found low levels of interspecific gene flow in extant populations
of bromeliads. For example, in Vriesea s.str., gene flow has been
reported between V. scalaris and V. simplex (Neri et al., 2018) and
between V. carinata and V. incurvata (Zanella et al., 2016) but
all species exhibited high genetic structure, a low proportion of
admixed individuals in the populations (between 8 and 12%) and
low level of introgression. In these cases, the interaction between
multiple reproductive barriers such as different reproductive
systems, variation in floral traits, temporal flowering differences
and low hybrid seed viability may have limited interspecific
crosses and helped to maintain species integrity (Zanella et al.,
2016;Neri et al., 2017). Similar results have been found in
other genera such as Pitcarnia (Palma-Silva et al., 2011;Mota
et al., 2020). However, these studies were done at the population
level and explicitly targeted recent or ongoing gene-flow within
small sympatric populations, whereas we focused on the long-
term evolutionary signature of introgression across the whole
subfamily. Our results indicate that 11% of the species in our
dataset exhibit a signature of ancient hybridization with high
levels of admixture. Therefore, while exchange of genetic material
seems to be restricted to low level of introgression in the extant
populations of bromeliads that have been studied so far, our study
provides evidence that gene flow occurred between the ancestors
of extant lineages of core Tillandsioideae that have considerably
diverged from each other. Whether these events represent cases
of hybrid speciation or introgressive hybridization remains to be
investigated. Nevertheless, our results suggest that hybridization
may have been more frequent in bromeliads than what has been
suggested so far. If this is the case, it could have played an
essential role in promoting speciation and generating diversity
in bromeliads over evolutionary time, similarly to what has
been demonstrated in other evolutionary radiations. In fact,
the emerging view of bromeliad evolution is that the existence
of generally strong, yet occasionally permeable reproductive
barriers maintains species cohesion, while allowing the spreading
of advantageous alleles (Neri et al., 2017). This is in line with the
“speciation with gene flow” concept or the idea of the “porous
genome, in which some parts of the genome can be easily
introgressed while genes essential to species cohesion are resistant
to gene flow (Wu, 2001). Uniformity of chromosomal numbers in
Tillandsioideae may enhance chromosome rearrangements and
recombination, promoting speciation in the presence of gene flow
(Rieseberg, 2001).
Although our results suggest that hybridization is a
widespread phenomenon in Tillandisoideae, it does not
rule out the existence of ILS as an additional source of
phylogenetic incongruence. In fact, the lower branch support of
the phylogenetic tree inferred using a method which models ILS
(SVDquartet), compared to a method which does not (RAxML),
suggests that ILS is indeed present in the group. Yet, given that
HyDe is based on a theoretical frameworks that considers both
ILS and hybridization, the presence of ILS is unlikely to have
mislead our inference of hybridization. However, we cannot rule
out the possibility that other factors related to data acquisition
impacted our analyses. First, index hopping, an inherent source
of errors linked to sequencing technologies, can potentially lead
to mis-assignment of reads between multiplexed samples. In
this study, we used a set of 60 dual-indexed Illumina adapters
to limit the redundancy of the indexes and reduce this potential
error, as recommended by Costello et al. (2018).Ros-Freixedes
et al. (2018) also showed that index hopping, when present, has
little impact on SNP call accuracy from low-coverage sequence
data, and we are therefore confident that this potential bias has
a limited impact on our analyses. Bias toward reference allele
due to alignment also can have an effect on SNP calling, even
if it was shown to be negligible with genome skimming on
pigs (Ros-Freixedes et al., 2018). To limit this bias, we used the
Tillandsia adpressiflora pseudo-reference genome constructed in
de la Harpe et al. (2020) for mapping our samples. The method
consisted in incorporating specific variation of a T. adpressiflora
individual sequenced at high coverage into the high quality
Ananas comosus genome (Ming et al., 2015). This strategy has
the advantage of improving the global mapping efficiency of our
samples for both reference and alternative alleles, but we cannot
exclude that some of our SNP calls were impacted by biases
linked to the quality and distance of the reference genome. In
addition, because our genome skimming approach favors the
detection of the high copy fraction of the genome, our sequence
data may include duplicated genes or transposable elements. It
is possible that the recovery of alternative paralogs in different
lineages can affect the inference of phylogenetic trees and the
estimation of the proportion of introgression. A Vriesea de novo
genome assembly using long reads sequencing would be very
helpful to detect and filter such multicopy genomic regions.
The method that we used to detect introgression has been
shown through simulations to perform well in identifying
introgressed individuals but may select the wrong parental
species in the case of ancestral hybridization, by favoring
parental species belonging to the sister clade of the true parent
(Kubatko and Chifman, 2019). This is why here we focus
on the identification of the hybrids rather than on the exact
determination of their origin, which could also be affected the
unbalanced taxonomic sampling of our study. Although it is
unclear how the limited sampling outside of Vriesea may have
impacted the detection of hybridization, a deeper sampling
of all Tillandsioid genera would allow to further investigate
intergeneric hybridization and confirm that the repeated signal
for ancestral hybridization between Vriesea and tribe Tillandsieae
is not an artifact due to the lack of intrageneric sampling. Finally,
our results suggest that ancient hybrid speciation has occurred
in core Tillandsioids, but the analysis we performed does not
allow to discriminate between hybrid speciation and introgressive
hybridization. A deeper investigation of the exact origin of the
hybrids detected in this study would require additional analyses
based on whole genome data in order to carry out a proper test of
these two scenarios.
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FIGURE 3 | Histogram of the distribution of the gamma statistics across all significant triplets for each detected species. The dashed line indicate the value for 50/50
Biogeographic History of Tillandsioideae
and Opportunities for Hybridization
Kessous et al. (2020) inferred a broad ancestral area for
the core Tillandsioideae, spreading across the Atlantic Forest
(AF), the Andes and the Chacoan dominion (i.e., the South
American “Dry Diagonal, Neves et al., 2015). The authors
hypothesized that tectonic and climatic events during the
Miocene (the formation of the Paranean Sea and the Dry
Diagonal) likely caused the vicariance between the Andean
lineages (Tillandsieae +Cipuropsidinae) and the Vrieseinae
in the AF (Kessous et al., 2020). Although the Andean and
Amazonian rainforests are at present separated from the AF
by the drier biomes of the Dry Diagonal, there is considerable
evidence in the literature that these wet forest biomes were
in contact during the Miocene and Pleistocene, allowing for
migration and biotic exchange (Batalha-Filho et al., 2013;
Trujillo-Arias et al., 2017). Our analysis revealed a strong signal
of hybridization between Vriesea s.str. and the tribe Tillandsieae
in nine species, a finding coherent with the biogeographic
history of the group. Indeed, hybridization between Vriesea
s.str. and Guzmania is unlikely to be the result of recent
hybridization given that these two lineages diverged from each
other more than 12 My ago and have their respective centers
of diversity in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and the Andes.
It is therefore plausible that hybridization occurred between
ancestral populations of different core-tillandsioid genera with
overlapping broad distributions or between populations that had
geographically diverged between the Andes and the Amazon but
were in contact during the Miocene. More recent hybridization
events between Vriesea s.str and the Andean lineages are less
likely but cannot be ruled out given that Vriesea has dispersed
to the Amazonian and Andean regions during the Pleistocene
(a few species have a disjunct distribution spanning the Dry
Diagonal, with others being restricted to the Andes/Amazon
and absent from the AF). In contrast, we did not detect
hybridization between Vriesea and its two most closely genera,
Alcantarea and Stigmatodon, which are also distributed in the
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Loiseau et al. Widespread Hybridization in Vriesea
FIGURE 4 | Most likely ancestral intergeneric hybridization events detected by HyDe. Left: Cladogram of the intergeneric phylogenetic relationships within core
Tillandsioideae. Colored squares show genera where hybrids have been detected. Right: Most frequent combinations for the generic origin of the nine inter-generic
hybrids inferred by HyDe. Numbers below each quartet indicate the number of time the depicted combination was found over the total number of significant triplets
for that hybrid.
AF and have species occuring in sympatry, nor did we find
signal for intrageneric hybridization within these two genera.
This result could by explained either by our limited taxonomic
sampling, insufficient genomic data, limitation of the method
used to detect hybridization, or alternatively by the existence
of strong reproductive barriers preventing interspecific crosses
among Vriesea,Alcantarea and Stigmatodon. Little is known
about Stigmatodon, a recently segregated genus, but studies of
Alcantarea have demonstrated the existence of introgression
among several Alcantarea species, in spite of high population
genetic divergence (Barbará et al., 2009;Lexer et al., 2016).
However, because our phylogenetic approach does not include
intraspecific sampling and uses only a limited part of the genome,
it cannot detect such geographically localized and low level
of interspecific gene flow. Despite a difference in style length
which could act as a prezygotic reproduction barrier, natural
hybridization between Vriesea and Alcantarea cannot be ruled
out given that it is at least experimentally feasible under certain
conditions (e.g., with Alcantarea as the male donor; de Souza
et al., 2017). The main habitat of Alcantarea and Stigmatodon are
inselbergs, considered terrestrial islands due to their ecological
and spatial isolation which reduces the connectivity between
populations (Porembski, 2007). It has been proposed that low
level of introgressive hybridization could contribute to the
maintenance of the genetic diversity of these isolated populations,
thereby balancing the lack of intraspecific gene flow observed
in inselberg bromeliad species (Palma-Silva et al., 2011;Mota
et al., 2019). Thus, considering that Alcantarea, Stigmatodon
and Vriesea are often found in sympatry in the Atlantic Forest
inselbergs, hybridization between them seems at least plausible.
Further investigation is required to elucidate whether or not gene
flow between these lineages occurred at some point during their
evolutionary history.
Bromeliads Phylogenomics
Bromeliaceae are known for their low rate of molecular evolution
compared to other Poales (Gaut et al., 1992;Smith and
Donoghue, 2008), resulting in a lack of resolution in species-
level phylogenies reconstructed from a small number of plastid
and sometimes nuclear markers (e.g., Sass and Specht, 2010;
Versieux et al., 2012;Goetze et al., 2016). In this study, we aimed
at circumventing this limitation by using genome skimming,
a method which allows the obtention of a large amount of
DNA from different genomic compartments without the need
for upstream marker development. We obtained thousands of
SNPs from the chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear genomes
for nearly 150 species of Tillandsioideae, representing the largest
genomic dataset for bromeliads to date. Using these data to infer
a phylogeny, we were able to confidently resolve intergeneric
relationships, indicating that the method is well-adapted for
intermediate levels of divergence in bromeliads. However, within
genera, branch support values ranged from high (Alcantarea)
to intermediate (the Stigmatodon clade), to very low (Vriesea
s.str.). This lack of power is particularly critical in our chloroplast
dataset where only 8.3% of sites are variable despite a high
sequencing depth, 53.9x on average, obtained with our genome
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Loiseau et al. Widespread Hybridization in Vriesea
skimming method. Chloroplast genes have been the most
common markers used for phylogenetics analyses in bromeliads
so far, but our results suggest that even the full plastome would be
unlikely to contain enough information to resolve phylogenetic
relationships within Vriesea.Simpson et al. (2017) faced a similar
problem using genome skimming approach to obtain plastid
genomes for the phylogenomic analysis of a large clade of
Boraginaceae. Coissac et al. (2016) suggest that entire plastid
genomes obtained with genome skimming would not be enough
for “difficult” groups, and that the obtention of hundreds of
nuclear loci is likely to be required. They suggested that shallow-
pass nuclear loci obtained with genome skimming could provide
enough phylogenetic informative data in such cases. Despite
considerable genomic data in our study, we obtained low support
within the focal clade Vriesea s.str. This is probably due to (1)
the substantial amount of missing data (c. 22%) in the alignment
of nuclear SNPs, and (2) the fact that only 40% of the nuclear
SNPs are parsimony-informative. Indeed, even though 48% of
our detected high-quality nuclear sites are polymorphic, SNPs
were found mainly at low frequencies (median frequency of 5.9%)
and were rarely informative. Hence, while being advantageous
in term of cost and time, genome skimming is probably not the
most efficient approach for shallow-scale phylogenetic studies
in Bromeliaceae, particularly in young and speciose clades such
as Vriesea, which diversified into c. 300 species in less than 8
My. Obtaining more informative nuclear SNPs, would require
increasing the sequencing depth of each sample and therefore
dramatically increasing the cost for large scale phylogenomic
studies. For these reasons, we argue that more specific approaches
such as target-capture sequencing of low-copy nuclear genes
could be the way forward to obtain better-resolved phylogenies of
large bromeliad genera such as Guzmania,Tillandsia or Vriesea.
Even if the development of such target-capture kits is complex
and challenging (de La Harpe et al., 2019;Andermann et al.,
2020), it would benefit a wide research community working on
many fascinating groups of bromeliads.
By generating an unprecedented genomic dataset for the
largest sub-family of Bromeliaceae, our study sheds lights
on the evolutionary history of an important floristic
component of Neotropical rainforests. We pinpointed the
incongruence of the nuclear phylogeny with the chloroplast and
mitochondrial phylogenetic trees regarding the position of the
subtribe Cipuropsidinae.
Our finding of 17 substantially introgressed taxa, potentially
the products of hybrid speciation, in our dataset of 116,478
nuclear SNPs for 148 species of Tillandsioideae suggest that
hybridization is a plausible explanation for this incongruence.
Furthermore, the signal for hybridization between the
ancestral lineages of Vriesea and tribe Tillandsieae suggests
that hybridization may be widespread phenomenon in core
tillandsioids, and to a greater extent, in bromeliads. Thus, our
study adds to the growing body of evidence that hybridization
is ubiquitous across this diverse Neotropical plant family and
may have fueled the diversification of the most diverse clades
of Bromeliaceae such as the core Tillandsioideae and core
Bromelioideae. Future genomic studies with deeper sequencing
across a wide taxonomic range in bromeliads would likely
reveal more hybridization and help to tell apart the respective
contribution of hybrid speciation and adaptive introgression to
the evolution of bromeliad diversity. Further joint investigation
of hybridization at the micro- and macro- evolutionary level
will be necessary to clarify the exact mechanisms through
which it may have promoted genetic diversity, adaptation and
speciation, and ultimately contributed to the adaptive radiation
and ecological success of bromeliads.
The datasets presented in this study can be found in online
repositories. The names of the repository/repositories
and accession number(s) can be found below: NCBI
(accession: PRJNA554504).
NS and CL designed the study. TM performed fieldwork and
sample collection. MP led the sequencing experiments and post
sequencing bioinformatics. TM and MP did the labwork. DK
and OL did phylogenetic analyses. OL did hybridization test
and led the writing with significant contributions from all co-
authors. All authors commented and agreed on the last version
of the manuscript.
This work was funded by the Sinergia grant (CRSII3-147630)
from the Swiss National Science Foundation to NS and CL
as well as funding from the University of Lausanne. TM
was supported by Ph.D. fellowship grants from CAPES
(Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível
Superior) and CNPq [Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científico e Tecnológico—CNPq-SWE (205660/2014-
2)/CNPq (142354/2016-3)]. LV received funding from the
CNPq (455510/2014-8 and 303794/2019-4). Computational
resources were supplied by the project “e-Infrastruktura
CZ” (e-INFRA LM2018140) provided within the program
Projects of Large Research, Development and Innovations
Infrastructures, and by the computing infrastructure (DCSR) of
the University of Lausanne.
The authors thank the Botanical Gardens of the University of
Vienna (WU-HBV), Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro (RBvb),
Marie Selby Botanical Garden (SEL), and Jardin des Serres
d’Auteuil (P) for providing plant material, ICMBIO, and IEF-MG
for collection permits. TM thanks all the amazing people who
collaborated in the fieldwork and other stages of this work.
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Loiseau et al. Widespread Hybridization in Vriesea
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
online at:
Supplementary Figure 1 | Phylogenetic tree of core Tillandsioideae inferred with
RaxML using the concatenated mitochondrial SNPs.
Supplementary Figure 2 | Phylogenetic tree of core Tillandsioideae inferred with
RaxML using the concatenated chloroplast SNPs.
Supplementary Figure 3 | Phylogenetic tree of core Tillandsioideae inferred with
RaxML using the concatenated nuclear SNPs.
Supplementary Figure 4 | Phylogenetic tree of core Tillandsioideae inferred with
SVDquartet using the concatenated nuclear SNPs.
Supplementary Table 1 | List of all significant triplets identified by HyDe.
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Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a
potential conflict of interest.
Copyright © 2021 Loiseau, Mota Machado, Paris, Koubínová, Dexter, Versieux,
Lexer and Salamin. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or
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Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 13 May 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 668281
... Next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques have recently been proven to be a powerful source of data to examine phylogenetic relationships at different taxonomic scales in Bromeliaceae (Machado et al., 2020;Paule et al., 2020;Chávez-Galarza et al., 2021a, 2021bLoiseau et al., 2021;Möbus et al., 2021Vera-Paz et al., 2022Yardeni et al., 2022;Bratzel et al., 2023). Phylogenetic analyses based on complete plastome sequences derived from NGS have improved phylogenetic resolution and statistical support within the bromeliad subfamilies Puyoideae and Tillandsioideae (Vera-Paz et al., 2022, when compared with previous single-and multilocus studies based on Sanger sequenced markers. ...
... Here, Mesoamerantha is resolved as sister to a clade formed by Bakerantha and Hechtia, which is congruent with the findings of Givnish et al. (2011) based on eight plastid markers, although differing from those proposed in previous studies focusing exclusively on the subfamily and using both plastid and nuclear Sanger sequenced markers (Ramírez-Morillo et al., 2018a;Rivera-Martínez et al., 2022). Discordances between plastid and nuclear data have been associated with biological processes such as incomplete lineage sorting and hybridization (Naciri & Linder, 2015), both of which important mechanisms in the evolution of several Bromeliaceae lineages (Palma-Silva et al., 2016), and reported at the genus (e.g., Tillandsioideae; Loiseau et al., 2021) or species level (e.g., Aechmea subgenus Ortgiesia, Goetze et al., 2017;Bakerantha, Romero-Soler et al., 2022b). ...
... As in previous phylogenetic studies, clade F is characterized herein by short internodes with low to moderate statistical support. Thus, even with complete plastid genome sequence data, support for relationships at shallower phylogenetic divergences within that clade remains low to moderate, pointing to the need to seek more variable molecular markers such as low-copy nuclear loci, as has been explored recently for other rapidly radiating bromeliad lineages (Loiseau et al., 2021;Yardeni et al., 2022;Bratzel et al., 2023). ...
Full plastomes have recently proven to be a valuable data source for resolving recalcitrant phylogenetic relationships in the flowering plant family Bromeliaceae. The study of complete plastomes has additionally led to the discovery of new structural rearrangements and advanced our understanding of bromeliad plastome diversity and evolution. Here, we focus on the study of full plastomes of the bromeliad subfamily Hechtioideae to assess phylogenetic relationships, marker informativeness, and plastome structure and evolution. Using whole‐genome sequencing data, we de novo assembled and annotated new plastid genomes of 19 Hechtioideae species plus one representative each from the Pitcairnioideae and Puyoideae subfamilies and compared them with four additional available plastomes from other bromeliad subfamilies. Our phylogenetic analysis using complete plastome sequences not only recovered the three currently recognized genera of Hechtioideae as monophyletic, strongly supporting Mesoamerantha as sister of Bakerantha and Hechtia , but also improved statistical support at different phylogenetic depths within the subfamily. We identified a set of highly informative loci, some of them explored for the first time in Hechtioideae. Structural rearrangements, including expansions and contractions of the inverted repeats, large inversions, and gene loss and potential pseudogenization were detected mainly within the genus Hechtia . Evolutionary trait rate shifts were associated with the size and guanine–cytosine content of the small single copy and inverted repeats.
... Phylogenetic studies within Vriesea in the literature have struggled to identify molecular markers capable to discriminate infrageneric groups and delimit species boundaries (Costa et al. 2015, Gomes-da-Silva and Souza-Chies 2017, Kessous et al. 2020, Machado et al. 2020, Loiseau et al. 2021. Using the phylogenetic tree from Gomes-da-Silva and Souza-Chies (2017); Kessler et al. (2020) assessed the gain and loss of hummingbird pollination in Vriesea to illustrate how hummingbirds may lead to increased diversification rates. ...
... Reis et al. 2016). Our methodological approach in addition to the distinct sources of information for secondary calibrations and the inclusion of the Vriesea limae L.B.Sm.clade as Stigmatodon (Couto et al. 2022), explain the differences in divergence times compared to Kessous et al. (2020) and Loiseau et al. (2021). In general, our topology is congruent with other published phylogenies for the study group, especially for deep nodes (Kessous et al. 2020, Machado et al. 2020, Loiseau et al. 2021. ...
... Our methodological approach in addition to the distinct sources of information for secondary calibrations and the inclusion of the Vriesea limae L.B.Sm.clade as Stigmatodon (Couto et al. 2022), explain the differences in divergence times compared to Kessous et al. (2020) and Loiseau et al. (2021). In general, our topology is congruent with other published phylogenies for the study group, especially for deep nodes (Kessous et al. 2020, Machado et al. 2020, Loiseau et al. 2021. ...
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Mutualistic plant-pollinator interactions play a critical role in the diversification of flowering plants. The spatiotemporal correlates of such interactions can be understood in a phylogenetic context. Here, we generate ddRAD-seq data for the highly diverse Vriesea-Stigmatodon lineage to test for correlated trait evolution among pollination syndromes and life form, habitat type, and altitude. Our results show that pollination syndromes are correlated with changes in life form and habitat type. The ancestor of the Vriesea-Stigmatodon lineage was likely bat pollinated, rock dwelling and inhabited open, mid-elevation forests. Transitions from bat to hummingbird pollination are correlated with transitions to the epiphytic life form in shaded habitats, whereas bat pollination is correlated with the rock-dwelling life form and open habitats. Our dated phylogenetic tree reveals independent origins of hummingbird pollination, occurring twice in Vriesea at c. 5.8 and 5.4 Mya. The timing for the shifts in pollination syndrome coincides with geological and environmental transformations across the Serra do Mar Mountain Chain, which increased habitat heterogeneity where Vriesea and their mutualists diversified. The phylogenetic tree reinforces the non-monophyly of taxonomic sections within the genus Vriesea previously defined by flower morphology, indicating that some lineages should be treated as species complexes. This study identifies synergetic drivers of speciation in a tropical biodiversity hotspot.
... Its main use has been restricted to characterize conserved nuclear loci for primer or probe design for candidate low copy nuclear markers (Straub et al., 2012;. Despite some attempts to use low copy nuclear markers from genome skims to base phylogenetic inference (Besnard et al., 2014;Besnard et al., 2018;Olofsson et al., 2019;Vargas et al., 2019;Liu et al., 2021;Loiseau et al., 2021;Meng et al., 2021;Cai, Zhang & Davis, 2022), this avenue is still neglected. Two major factors might have hampered the use of genome skims to generate low copy nuclear data: lack of genomic information for the group of interest and shallow sequencing. ...
... A practical implication is that after skimming the plastome and few other regions traditionally used, the remaining and overwhelming amount of DNA sequenced is usually not analyzed and wasted. Most studies that aimed to recover low copy nuclear markers from genome skims have relied on reference-guided approach, with varied strategies for data filtering (Besnard et al., 2018;Olofsson et al., 2019;Vargas et al., 2019;Loiseau et al., 2021;Meng et al., 2021). Nonetheless, a user-friendly pipeline to perform the whole process, from data assembly to alignment generation, is still lacking. ...
... Despite a few attempts to use genome skims to recover low copy nuclear loci for direct phylogenetic use (Besnard et al., 2014;Besnard et al., 2018;Olofsson et al., 2019;Vargas et al., 2019;Liu et al., 2021;Loiseau et al., 2021;Meng et al., 2021;Cai, Zhang & Davis, 2022), such endeavor remains largely neglected. Causes might include shallow depth of the low copy part of the genome due to libraries with few reads, species with large genomes, and especially, the trade-off between these two, but also might be related to the lack of pipelines for data assembling. ...
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Background Genome skimming is a popular method in plant phylogenomics that do not include a biased enrichment step, relying on random shallow sequencing of total genomic DNA. From these data the plastome is usually readily assembled and constitutes the bulk of phylogenetic information generated in these studies. Despite a few attempts to use genome skims to recover low copy nuclear loci for direct phylogenetic use, such endeavor remains neglected. Causes might include the trade-off between libraries with few reads and species with large genomes ( i.e ., missing data caused by low coverage), but also might relate to the lack of pipelines for data assembling. Methods A pipeline and its companion R package designed to automate the recovery of low copy nuclear markers from genome skimming libraries are presented. Additionally, a series of analyses aiming to evaluate the impact of key assembling parameters, reference selection and missing data are presented. Results A substantial amount of putative low copy nuclear loci was assembled and proved useful to base phylogenetic inference across the libraries tested (4 to 11 times more data than previously assembled plastomes from the same libraries). Discussion Critical aspects of assembling low copy nuclear markers from genome skims include the minimum coverage and depth of a sequence to be used. More stringent values of these parameters reduces the amount of assembled data and increases the relative amount of missing data, which can compromise phylogenetic inference, in turn relaxing the same parameters might increase sequence error. These issues are discussed in the text, and parameter tuning through multiple comparisons tracking their effects on support and congruence is highly recommended when using this pipeline. The skimmingLoci pipeline ( ) might stimulate the use of genome skims to recover nuclear loci for direct phylogenetic use, increasing the power of genome skimming data to resolve phylogenetic relationships, while reducing the amount of sequenced DNA that is commonly wasted.
... genus (Samyn, 1995). However, so far, little information is available in the literaturecompared to the number of species in the familyinvolving hybridizations among Bromeliaceae species (Vervaeke et al., 2002;2003;Souza et al., 2017;Cavalcante et al., 2020;Matallana et al., 2016;Loiseau et al., 2021;Costa et al., 2021). On the other hand, there are records of more than 600 hybrids covering numerous species belonging to 35 genera of the family (Bromeliad Society International, 2023), both of natural origin and through specific crosses. ...
... There are some studies involving hybridization of Bromeliaceae focusing on species diversity and hybridization possibility (Vervaeke et al., 2002;2003;Rôças et al., 2004;Matallana et al., 2016;Zanella et al., 2016;Souza et al., 2017;Cavalcante et al., 2020;Loiseau et al., 2021;Costa et al., 2021). Hybridization is not a rare phenomenon for bromeliads, since there are several reports of the development of interspecific and intergeneric hybrids to satisfy demand for flowers and ornamental plants. ...
Reproductive systems among the Bromeliaceae family are very diverse at the species level, including allogamous, autogamous, cleistogamous, agamospermic or mixed plants. Hybridization allows the creation of new genotypes with different combinations of shapes and colors to meet the ornamental plant market's demand for novelty. Knowing the reproductive strategies of the species makes it possible to obtain these new materials with ornamental potential, in addition to being essential to define better conservation strategies. Little is known about the reproductive biology of Lymania species. In addition, at least 60% of these species are on the Brazilian National List of Species Threatened with Extinction. The purpose of this study was to identify the reproductive systems, the possible interspecific hybridizations, and the possible reproductive barriers of nine Lymania species based on the germination of pollen grains and the corresponding growth of the pollen tube in the pistil by using fluo-rescence microscopy with ultraviolet filtering. Natural and controlled pollinations of the nine species were carried out. The reproductive strategy was defined according to the autogamy index (AI), self-incompatibility index (SII), and reproductive efficiency index (REI). All species were self-incompatible except for L. smithii, which was autogamous. Agamospermy was not observed in any of the studied species. Forty-one hybridization combinations between species were performed, resulting in a 54% success rate, with incongruity in only 12 combinations. The main incongruence phenomena identified after interspecific crosses were: poor germination of pollen grains on the stigma surface; inhibition of pollen tube growth along the style; coiling of pollen tubes along the style; pollen tubes inside the ovary but without penetration into the micropyle; and reticulate deposition of callose in the pollen tube, among others. We suggest that self-incompatibility of the species is gametophytic, preventing self-fertilization. Results showed that it is possible to perform hybridization with some species. However, morphological, genetic, and molecular studies are needed to confirm the potential of these species. Seeds generated in the different reproductive systems, as well as in the hybridizations, had germination rates above 94%. The results presented here make important contributions to the conservation of species, seed generation , and hybridization of Bromeliaceae.
... For example, a couple of dozen samples can be sequenced and combined with hundreds of previously available sequences to produce a densely sampled new phylogeny . Recent studies have shown that an increase in the number of plastid loci and nrDNA greatly improves the resolution of phylogenetic trees for taxonomically difficult groups, although unresolved relationships may remain (Loiseau et al., 2021;D'haijère et al., 2022;Fu et al., 2022;Ji et al., 2022). The lower resolution might result from missing data due to the varying sequencing coverage in genome skimming data, or actual low informativeness that might not be sufficient to resolve some evolutionary relationships, resulting in phylogenies that are less resolved toward the tips. ...
... The lower resolution might result from missing data due to the varying sequencing coverage in genome skimming data, or actual low informativeness that might not be sufficient to resolve some evolutionary relationships, resulting in phylogenies that are less resolved toward the tips. Genome skimming has been most successfully applied in studies at higher taxonomic ranks, such as between tribes or large (sensu lato) genera (Loiseau et al., 2021). Ultimately, such regions comprise a few loci representing only a small part of the evolutionary history of the entire genome. ...
Full-text available
Recent technological advances in long‐read high‐throughput sequencing and assembly methods have facilitated the generation of annotated chromosome‐scale whole‐genome sequence data for evolutionary studies; however, generating such data can still be difficult for many plant species. For example, obtaining high‐molecular‐weight DNA is typically impossible for samples in historical herbarium collections, which often have degraded DNA. The need to fast‐freeze newly collected living samples to conserve high‐quality DNA can be complicated when plants are only found in remote areas. Therefore, short‐read reduced‐genome representations, such as target capture and genome skimming, remain important for evolutionary studies. Here, we review the pros and cons of each technique for non‐model plant taxa. We provide guidance related to logistics, budget, the genomic resources previously available for the target clade, and the nature of the study. Furthermore, we assess the available bioinformatic analyses, detailing best practices and pitfalls, and suggest pathways to combine newly generated data with legacy data. Finally, we explore the possible downstream analyses allowed by the type of data generated using each technique. We provide a practical guide to help researchers make the best‐informed choice regarding reduced genome representation for evolutionary studies of non‐model plants in cases where whole‐genome sequencing remains impractical.
... Landscape change during the Miocene and the Pliocene shaped the evolution of some species studied, as suggested by the divergence time of hybridizing species pairs (e.g. Scotti-Saintagne et al., 2013;Vargas et al., 2017;Pouchon et al., 2018;Nicola, Johnson & Poznera, 2019;Schley et al., 2020;Bedoya et al., 2021;André et al., 2022;Loiseau et al., 2021). Bedoya et al. (2021), through population sampling strategies and genomic SNPs obtained by RADseq, and target capture, investigated the hybridization history of two aquatic species in the genus Marathrum Bonpl. ...
... (Meliaceae) through a population sampling strategy, SSR markers and Sanger sequencing, and they suggested that divergence between these species began during the Miocene: however, SSR data suggested recent hybridization between them. Loiseau et al. (2021) studied species of Vriesea Hassk. (Bromeliaceae) from Brazil using a species sample strategy and genome skimming data and found that diversification of the group started during the Miocene, but most diversification occurred in the Pleistocene. ...
Coevolution between floral traits and specific pollination behaviour is a significant evolutionary force in angiosperm diversification. However, hybridization is also reported to occur between plants with specialist pollination syndromes. Understanding the role of pollinators in plant diversification is crucial, especially in megadiverse regions, such as the Neotropics. In this review, we examine plant hybridization studies in the Neotropics with the aim of providing a perspective on biotic and abiotic factors starting hybrid zone formation. The Pleistocene was the most widely cited time for the occurrence of hybridization facilitated by geographical range shifts, but time-calibrated analyses are needed to recover a more realistic scenario. Our synthesis of hybridization and pollination systems suggested that specialist and generalist pollinators were associated with the starting point of hybridization in the Neotropical flora. Bees and hummingbirds are most likely to be the primary vectors of interspecific gene flow, and even sporadic visits by bees or other generalist pollinators could allow the formation of a new hybrid zone. We highlight that seed and pollen dispersal vectors should be included in an integrative discussion on hybridization in the Neotropical flora. We also provide a preliminary map of hybrid zones in the Neotropics, including Brazilian vegetation cover and losses in the last 30 years, with the aim of encouraging research into human-driven anthropogenic changes and formation and/or shift of hybrid zones through time.
... Gene tree conflicts are usually associated to incomplete lineage sorting, especially when related to rapid diversification events, but they may also reflect past hybridization/introgression events suggesting reticulate evolution (Wendel & Doyle, 1998;Linder & Rieseberg, 2004;Degnan & Rosenberg, 2009). Strong evidence of the latter situation has been increasing with the advances of multilocus and genomic scale phylogenetic studies (Pinheiro & Cozzolino, 2013;Granados-Mendoza & al., 2020;Karimi & al., 2020;Loiseau & al., 2021;Meng & al., 2021;Vega & al., 2021). ...
After a confused taxonomic history, Prosthechea (Laeliinae, Orchidaceae) has been circumscribed in a broad sense to include species previously placed in Encyclia subg. Osmophytum. However, recent alternative classifications resurrecting old names such as Anacheilium and Hormidium, and proposing new genera such as Euchile, Panarica, Pollardia, and Pseudencyclia were presented, splitting Prosthechea into narrower genera. In this study, we provide a molecular phylogeny of Prosthechea to reassess alternative generic classifications and shed light on evolutionary aspects of this highly diverse Neotropical lineage. Eighty species of Prosthechea s.l. and 12 species of related genera were sampled. Bayesian and maximum parsimony analyses of sequences from three plastid regions (rpl32-trnL, trnD-trnT, ycf1) and nrITS were included. Possible conflicts between nuclear and plastid data were assessed with partitioned Bremer support. Ancestral state reconstructions of morphological characters relevant to the genus taxonomy are provided. Our results reinforce the monophyly of the lineage corresponding to a broad circumscription of Prosthechea. The small lineages corresponding to Euchile, Panarica, and Hormidium are monophyletic, whereas the larger Anacheilium, Pollardia, and Pseudencyclia are not mono-phyletic. Splitting Prosthechea into smaller genera is not supported by our phylogeny, and nonmonophyly also hinders the proposal of a comprehensive infrageneric classification. The phylogenetic relationships recovered reflect better the biogeographic patterns than the previously proposed morphological affinities, pointing to the existence of homoplastic floral traits within the genus. Conflicts between nuclear and plastid partitions were detected, suggesting a possible scenario of reticulate evolution.
... The significance of hybridization in plant evolution and diversity has been extensively researched and disputed over the past few decades (Soltis & Soltis, 2009;Stull et al., 2023). Nevertheless, disentangling phylogenetic relationships and trait evolution in phylogenies heavily influenced by historical hybridization and introgression can be a challenging task, requiring continuous and thorough research (e.g., Loiseau et al., 2021), even with the recent success rendered by novel phylogenetic approaches (Bastide et al., 2018;Hibbins et al., 2023;Karimi et al., 2020;Sol ıs-Lemus et al., 2017;Sol ıs-Lemus & An e, 2016;Teo et al., 2023;Wang et al., 2021). Extensive hybridization and introgression obscure evolutionary history per se, providing an inaccurate perspective on trait evolution (Degnan & Rosenberg, 2009;Hibbins et al., 2023;Maddison, 1997;Maddison & Knowles, 2006;Mallet et al., 2016;Wang et al., 2021). ...
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Specific ecological conditions in the high mountain environment exert a selective pressure that often leads to convergent trait evolution. Reticulations induced by incomplete lineage sorting and introgression can lead to discordant trait patterns among gene and species trees (hemiplasy/xenoplasy), providing a false illusion that the traits under study are homoplastic. Using phylogenetic species networks, we explored the effect of gene exchange on trait evolution in Soldanella, a genus profoundly influenced by historical intro-gression. At least three features evolved independently multiple times: the single-flowered dwarf phenotype , dysploid cytotype, and ecological generalism. The present analyses also indicated that the recurring occurrence of stoloniferous growth might have been prompted by an introgression event between an ancestral lineage and a still extant species, although its emergence via convergent evolution cannot be completely ruled out. Phylogenetic regression suggested that the independent evolution of larger genomes in snowbells is most likely a result of the interplay between hybridization events of dysploid and euploid taxa and hostile environments at the range margins of the genus. The emergence of key intrinsic and extrin-sic traits in snowbells has been significantly impacted not only by convergent evolution but also by historical and recent introgression events.
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Angiosperms (flowering plants) are by far the most diverse land plant group with over 300,000 species. The sudden appearance of diverse angiosperms in the fossil record was referred to by Darwin as the “abominable mystery,” hence contributing to the heightened interest in angiosperm evolution. Angiosperms display wide ranges of morphological, physiological, and ecological characters, some of which have probably influenced their species richness. The evolutionary analyses of these characteristics help to address questions of angiosperm diversification and require well resolved phylogeny. Following the great successes of phylogenetic analyses using plastid sequences, dozens to thousands of nuclear genes from next‐generation sequencing have been used in angiosperm phylogenomic analyses, providing well resolved phylogenies and new insights into the evolution of angiosperms. In this review we focus on recent nuclear phylogenomic analyses of large angiosperm clades, orders, families, and subdivisions of some families and provide a summarized Nuclear Phylogenetic Tree of Angiosperm Families. The newly established nuclear phylogenetic relationships are highlighted and compared with previous phylogenetic results. The sequenced genomes of Amborella, Nymphaea, Chloranthus, Ceratophyllum, and species of monocots, Magnoliids, and basal eudicots, have facilitated the phylogenomics of relationships among five major angiosperms clades. All but one of the 64 angiosperm orders were included in nuclear phylogenomics with well resolved relationships except the placements of several orders. Most families have been included with robust and highly supported placements, especially for relationships within several large and important orders and families. Additionally, we examine the divergence time estimation and biogeographic analyses of angiosperm on the basis of the nuclear phylogenomic frameworks and discuss the differences compared with previous analyses. Furthermore, we discuss the implications of nuclear phylogenomic analyses on ancestral reconstruction of morphological, physiological, and ecological characters of angiosperm groups, limitations of current nuclear phylogenomic studies, and the taxa that require future attention.
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Understanding the spatial and temporal frameworks of species diversification is fundamental in evolutionary biology. Assessing the geographic origin and dispersal history of highly diverse lineages of rapid diversification can be hindered by the lack of appropriately sampled, resolved, and strongly supported phylogenetic contexts. The use of currently available cost-efficient sequencing strategies allows for the generation of a substantial amount of sequence data for dense taxonomic samplings, which together with well-curated geographic information and biogeographic models allow us to formally test the mode and tempo of dispersal events occurring in quick succession. Here, we assess the spatial and temporal frameworks for the origin and dispersal history of the expanded clade K, a highly diverse Tillandsia subgenus Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae, Poales) lineage hypothesized to have undergone a rapid radiation across the Neotropics. We assembled full plastomes from Hyb-Seq data for a dense taxon sampling of the expanded clade K plus a careful selection of outgroup species and used them to estimate a time- calibrated phylogenetic framework. This dated phylogenetic hypothesis was then used to perform biogeographic model tests and ancestral area reconstructions based on a comprehensive compilation of geographic information. The expanded clade K colonized North and Central America, specifically the Mexican transition zone and the Mesoamerican dominion, by long-distance dispersal from South America at least 4.86 Mya, when most of the Mexican highlands were already formed. Several dispersal events occurred subsequently northward to the southern Nearctic region, eastward to the Caribbean, and southward to the Pacific dominion during the last 2.8 Mya, a period characterized by pronounced climate fluctuations, derived from glacial–interglacial climate oscillations, and substantial volcanic activity, mainly in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Our taxon sampling design allowed us to calibrate for the first time several nodes, not only within the expanded clade K focal group but also in other Tillandsioideae lineages. We expect that this dated phylogenetic framework will facilitate future macroevolutionary studies and provide reference age estimates to perform secondary calibrations for other Tillandsioideae lineages.
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How frequent is gene flow between species? The pattern of evolution is typically portrayed as a phylogenetic tree, yet gene flow between good species may be an important mechanism in diversification, spreading adaptive traits and leading to a complex pattern of phylogenetic incongruence. This process has thus far been studied mainly among a few closely related species, or in geographically restricted areas such as islands, but not on the scale of a continental radiation. Using a nearly complete genomic representation of 47 species in the genus, we demonstrate that admixture has played a role throughout the evolution of the charismatic Neotropical butterflies Heliconius. Modeling of phylogenetic networks based on the exome uncovers up to 13 instances of interspecific gene flow. Admixture is detected among the relatives of H. erato, as well as between the ancient lineages leading to modern clades. Interspecific gene flow played a role throughout the evolution of the genus, although the process has been most frequent in the clade of H. melpomene and relatives. We identify H. hecalesia and relatives as putative hybrids, including new evidence for introgression at the loci controlling the mimetic wing patterns. Models accounting for interspecific gene flow yield a more complete picture of the radiation as a network, which will improve our ability to study trait evolution in a realistic comparative framework.
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High-throughput DNA sequencing techniques enable time- and cost-effective sequencing of large portions of the genome. Instead of sequencing and annotating whole genomes, many phylogenetic studies focus sequencing effort on large sets of pre-selected loci, which further reduces costs and bioinformatic challenges while increasing coverage. One common approach that enriches loci before sequencing is often referred to as target sequence capture. This technique has been shown to be applicable to phylogenetic studies of greatly varying evolutionary depth. Moreover, it has proven to produce powerful, large multi-locus DNA sequence datasets suitable for phylogenetic analyses. However, target capture requires careful considerations, which may greatly affect the success of experiments. Here we provide a simple flowchart for designing phylogenomic target capture experiments. We discuss necessary decisions from the identification of target loci to the final bioinformatic processing of sequence data. We outline challenges and solutions related to the taxonomic scope, sample quality, and available genomic resources of target capture projects. We hope this review will serve as a useful roadmap for designing and carrying out successful phylogenetic target capture studies.
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The adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes in East Afrian Lake Malawi encompasses over 500 species that are believed to have evolved within the last 800 thousand years from a common founder population. It has been proposed that hybridisation between ancestral lineages can provide the genetic raw material to fuel such exceptionally high diversification rates, and evidence for this has recently been presented for the Lake Victoria Region cichlid superflock. Here we report that Lake Malawi cichlid genomes also show evidence of hybridisation between two lineages that split 3-4 million years ago, today represented by Lake Victoria cichlids and the riverine Astatotilapia sp. 'ruaha blue'. The two ancestries in Malawi cichlid genomes are present in large blocks of several kilobases, but there is little variation in this pattern between Malawi cichlid species, suggesting that the large-scale mosaic structure of the genomes was largely established prior to the radiation. Nevertheless, tens of thousands of polymorphic variants apparently derived from the hybridisation are interspersed in the genomes. These loci show a striking excess of differentiation across ecological subgroups in the Lake Malawi cichlid assemblage, and parental alleles sort differentially into benthic and pelagic Malawi cichlid lineages, consistent with strong differential selection on these loci during species divergence. Furthermore, these loci are enriched for genes involved in immune response and vision, including opsin genes previously identified as important for speciation. Our results reinforce the role of ancestral hybridisation in explosive diversification by demonstrating its significance in one of the largest recent vertebrate adaptive radiations.
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Subtribe Vrieseinae comprise four genera, Alcantarea, Stigmatodon, Vriesea s.s. and Waltillia, encompassing c. 20% of species in Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae), almost all of which are exclusive to Brazil. Here, we explore the biogeographic history of Vrieseinae, sampling 21 of the 22 genera of Tillandsioideae (130 terminals) and three DNA sequence markers (two plastid: rps16-trnK and matK; one nuclear: PHYC). We inferred a dated phylogeny and the ancestral areas of this lineage through RASP (reconstruct ancestral state in phylogeny) analyses. Vrieseinae were recovered as monophyletic, but tribe Vrieseeae (subtribe Vrieseinae + subtribe Cipuropsidinae) were not. A vicariant event between the Andes and Brazilian Shield probably occurred c. 10 Mya, when two clades, Cipuropsidineae + Tillandsieae and Vrieseineae, diverged. The Atlantic Forest plus the Chacoan region is recognized as the ancestral area for Vrieseinae. The results confirmed the recent origin of genera of Vrieseinae, with estimated crown ages in the Pliocene (5.3-2.6 Mya). We propose that the Paranaean Sea influenced the divergence of the main clades; Pleistocene events were probably responsible for the diversification of the most recent clades. This study sheds light on the biogeographic history of a key group of Neotropical plants, providing a new hypothesis for the evolution of bromeliads.
Gene exchange between species can influence ecological and evolutionary processes ranging from population rescue to adaptive radiation. Genomic tools have provided new insights into the prevalence and nature of gene exchange between species. However, much remains unknown of how ecological, behavioral, and evolutionary factors determine what genetic variation moves between species in the first place. In particular, more research is needed that evaluates whether such factors bias gene flow from one species to another, and whether any such biases affect how genetic variation from another species is ultimately retained in the genome of a given species. Addressing this issue is crucial in a changing world where hybridization and introgression might determine which species succeed and which become extinct.
Vriesea is the second largest genus in Tillandsioideae, the most diverse subfamily of Bromeliaceae. Although recent studies focusing on Tillandsioideae have improved the systematics of Vriesea, no consensus has been reached regarding the circumscription of the genus. Here, we present a phylogenetic analysis of core Tillandsioideae using the nuclear gene phyC and plastid data obtained from genome skimming. We investigate evolutionary relationships at the intergeneric level in Vrieseeae and at the intrageneric level in Vriesea s.s. We sampled a comprehensive dataset, including 11 genera of Tillandsioideae and nearly 50% of all known Vriesea spp. Using a genome skimming approach, we obtained a 78 483-bp plastome alignment containing 35 complete and 55 partial protein-coding genes. Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using maximum-likelihood based on three datasets: (1) the 78 483 bp plastome alignment; (2) the nuclear gene phyC and (3) a concatenated alignment of 18 subselected plastid genes + phyC. Additionally, a Bayesian inference was performed on the second and third datasets. These analyses revealed that Vriesea s.s. forms a well-supported clade encompassing most of the species of the genus. However, our results also identified several remaining issues in the systematics of Vriesea, including a few species nested in Tillandsia and Stigmatodon. Finally, we recognize some putative groups within Vriesea s.s., which we discuss in the light of their morphological and ecological characteristics.
Geographic isolation and reduced population sizes can lead to local extinction, low efficacy of selection and decreased speciation. However, population differentiation is an essential step of biological diversification. In allopatric speciation, geographically isolated populations differentiate and persist until the evolution of reproductive isolation and ecological divergence completes the speciation process. Pitcairnia flammea allows us to study the evolutionary consequences of habitat fragmentation on naturally disjoint rock-outcrop species from the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest (BAF). Our main results showed low-to-moderate genetic diversity within populations, and deep population structuring caused by limited gene flow, low connectivity, genetic drift and inbreeding of long-term isolation and persistence of rock-outcrop populations throughout Quaternary climatic oscillations. Bayesian phylogenetic and model-based clustering analyses found no clear northern and southern phylogeographic structure commonly reported for many BAF organisms. Although we found two main lineages diverging by ~2 Mya during the early Pleistocene, species’ delimitation analysis assigned most of the populations as independent evolving entities, suggesting an important role of disjoint rock outcrops in promoting high endemism in this rich biome. Lastly, we detected limited gene flow in sympatric populations although some hybridization and introgression were observed, suggesting a continuous speciation process in this species complex. Our data not only inform us about the extensive differentiation and limited gene flow found among Pitcairnia flammea species complex, but they also contain information about the mechanisms that shape the genetic architecture of small and fragmented populations of isolated rock outcrop of recently radiated plants.
The adaptive radiation of Bromeliaceae (pineapple family) is one of the most diverse among Neotropical flowering plants. Diversification in this group was facilitated by shifts in several adaptive traits or “key innovations” including the transition from C3 to CAM photosynthesis associated with xeric (heat/drought) adaptation. We used phylogenomic approaches complemented by differential gene expression (RNA‐seq) and targeted metabolite profiling to address the mechanisms of C3/CAM evolution in the extremely species‐rich bromeliad genus Tillandsia and related taxa. Evolutionary analyses of whole‐genome sequencing and RNA‐seq data suggest that evolution of CAM is associated with coincident changes to different pathways mediating xeric adaptation in this group. At the molecular level, C3/CAM shifts were accompanied by gene expansion of XAP5 CIRCADIAN TIMEKEEPER homologs, a regulator involved in sugar‐ and light‐dependent regulation of growth and development. Our analyses also support the re‐programming of abscisic acid‐related gene expression via differential expression of ABF2/ABF3 transcription factor homologs, and adaptive sequence evolution of an ENO2/LOS2 enolase homolog, effectively tying carbohydrate flux to abscisic acid‐mediated abiotic stress response. By pinpointing different regulators of overlapping molecular responses, our results suggest plausible mechanistic explanations for the repeated evolution of correlated adaptive traits seen in a textbook example of an adaptive radiation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
In the Bromeliaceae, hybrids have been engineered for horticultural purposes; in addition, hybrids have been observed in natural habitats. We investigated the hybridization potential of three sympatric species of Tillandsia inhabiting secondary forests and shaded coffee plantations in the central mountains of Veracruz, Mexico. The studied species (T. juncea, T. polystachia and T. variabilis) show overlap in flowering phenology and are believed to share pollinators. We compared the floral morphology of the species, performed controlled intra‐ and interspecific pollinations, and recorded pollen tube growth, fruit and seed set, as well as seed germination. Flower size differed among the species, but stamen and stigma heights were similar between pairs of species, which would facilitate interspecific pollen exchange. Pollen tubes reached the ovary in interspecific crosses. The three species showed interspecific cross‐compatibility, as all crosses resulted in development of mature fruit and viable seeds. Tillandsia juncea achieved the highest fruit set, whereas T. variabilis showed the highest seed set. Seed set as a result of agamospermy, autogamy, geitonogamy and interspecific cross‐pollination did not differ among the species. The findings suggest that pre‐ and post‐pollination barriers are weak among the three species of Tillandsia, which thus could potentially hybridize in natural sympatric populations. The species studied have a mixed‐mating system and also have the potential to produce hybrids.the mixed‐species clumps, flowering overlapped, and the similarity in the pistil and stamen length can facilitate the transfer or reception of the pollen each other.The interbreeding potential varies depending on the species role as pollen donors or recipients.
Significance Adaptive radiations, comprising many species derived from one or a small number of ancestral species in a geologically short time, are prominent components of the world’s biodiversity. Introgressive hybridization of divergent species has been important in increasing variation, leading to new morphologies and even new species, but how that happens throughout evolutionary history is not known. A long-term field study of Darwin’s finches on Daphne Major island, Galápagos, shows that introgression enhances variation and increases the potential for future evolution. We use a dated phylogeny to infer that populations became more variable in morphological traits through time, consistent with this enhancement effect, and then declined in variation after reaching a maximum. Introgression may be especially important with future climate change.