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Best Practice in Multi-factor Authentication


Abstract and Figures

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) often referred to as Two-factor Authentication (2FA), which is a subset of MFA, is the practice of implementing additional security methods on top of a standard username and password to help authenticate the identity of a user and increase the security of data. This chapter will investigate the problem with username and password logins, the different types of authentication, current best practice for multi-factor authentication and interpretations about how the technology will grow in the upcoming years.
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Semiconductor Science and Information Devices | Volume 03 | Issue 01 | April 2021
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 DOI:
Semiconductor Science and Information Devices
The Role of Multi-factor Authentication for Modern Day Security
Joseph Williamson Kevin Curran*
School of Computing, Engineering & Intelligent Systems, Ulster University, UK
Article history
Received: 26 April 2021
Accepted: 21 May 2021
Published Online: 25 May 2021
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) often referred to as Two-factor Authen-
tication (2FA), which is a subset of MFA, is the practice of implementing
additional security methods on top of a standard username and password
to help authenticate the identity of a user and increase the security of data.
This chapter will investigate the problem with username and password log-
ins, the different types of authentication, current best practice for multi-fac-
tor authentication and interpretations about how the technology will grow
in the upcoming years.
Multi-factor authentication
1. Introduction
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an increasingly
common security measure being implemented in online
services to help validate the identity of the user wanting
to access the content provided. On top of a traditional
username and password MFA is an authentication method
which requires the user to enter some form of additional
code or data that only they possess. Current MFA methods
require two or more authentication methods from a user.
The authentication methods used are
• Something the user has
• Something the user knows
• Something the user is
A common example of MFA usage in an everyday
activity is using an ATM machine with a bank card (some-
thing the user has) and PIN (something the user knows).
Examples of something the user include various biometric
data such as fingerprints or iris scans. Each variation of
MFA implementations will have different strengths and
weaknesses which will be covered in the next chapter.
Multi-factor authentication is one of the most reliable
ways to protect online accounts from attackers [1]. With
MFA enabled on an account if a hacker has obtained the
username and password details, they will be unable to ac-
cess said account as they will not be able to receive or use
the MFA data. It is therefore a quick way for a company
to increase the security of their users accounts without
giving the user more information to remember.
Despite the rise in usage of MFA, passwords remain the
most frequently used methods of user authentication [2]. Two
common problems with using only passwords for authen-
tication are that users will create simple, easy to remem-
ber passwords and they will reuse passwords. These two
factors cause various problems regarding security of user
accounts as they leave themselves vulnerable to basic
password cracking attacks. From analysis of common
passwords, it has been found that there are ten common
*Corresponding Author:
Kevin Curran,
School of Computing, Engineering & Intelligent Systems, Ulster University, UK;
Semiconductor Science and Information Devices | Volume 03 | Issue 01 | April 2021
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 DOI:
practices for creating a password. These patterns are
Appending, Prefixing, Inserting, Repeating, Sequenc-
ing, Replacing, Reversing, Capitalizing, Special-format
and Mixed patterns [3]. By knowing this one of the most
common password cracking techniques used by attack-
ers is a dictionary attack. This method in its most basic
sense attempts using every word in the dictionary as a
password. However more complicated attacks will use a
pattern-based dictionary attack. These attacks consist of
using the same dictionary words ran through functions to
alter them, so they also test against variations of the words
using the ten common practices for creating a password.
Although the performance of a pattern-based dictionary
attack is much slower than a simple dictionary attacks the
upside is that a much greater number of passwords can be
cracked using this method [3].
Table 1. Number of possible passwords per character in
password using all letters (upper and lower case), digits
and symbols (including space) on a keyboard
Number of Characters used Number of password combinations
1 69 (69^1)
2 4761 (69^2)
3 328509 (69^3)
4 22667121 (69^4)
5 1564031349 (69^5)
6 107918163081 (69^6)
7 7446353252589 (69^7)
8 513798374428641 (69^8)
One of the most well know methods for password
cracking is a brute force attack. A standard brute force at-
tack simply tries every combination of characters starting
from single letters until the correct password is found.
Often when a machine is compromised by a brute force
attack it will join a botnet, which is a network of infected
machines that are all controlled in a group. This allows for
a single person often called the “bot master” to control all
the devices in the network to carry out distributed attacks.
Similarly, to dictionary attacks there are various methods
of brute force attacks which differ in complexity. There is
the standard botnet attack of trying all possible character
combinations. Letter frequency analysis which uses let-
ters based on the frequency they occur in words. Markov
model which represents the probability of two letters ap-
pearing beside each other in a string. Finally, there is tar-
geted brute force attacks which uses both letter frequency
analysis and the Markov model and apply other outside
logic [4].The danger with a brute force attack is that assum-
ing it is given the right character set and unlimited time it
will be able to crack the password. Although brute force
attacks can guarantee a 100% success rate, it is extremely
inefcient as for every extra character added to a strong
password the time it would take for it to crack it grows
exponentially, this can be seen in Table 1 which shows
how for each additional character added to a password the
number of combinations grows exponentially and there-
fore the time to crack also increases at the same rate.
Another common password cracking method used by
attackers is through rainbow tables. Rainbow tables are
a representation of plaintext passwords and their hash
values [5]. They work checking if the hash value from the
table matches any of the nal hash values. If it does, it be-
gins by entering the plain text values for that hash, if the
hash produced by entering the plain text value matches
then the plain text password has been found, if it fails it
reduces the hash to a new plain text value and tries again.
This process repeats until a successful password is found.
Figure 1 visualises this process in the form of a block di-
agram. Rainbow tables are much faster than brute-force
attacks as the values are already stored. The trade-off for
this is that a large amount of disk space is required [6].
Figure 1. A Block Diagram of a Rainbow Table [6]
These password cracking methods and others are part
of the problem with only using password authentication
for online services. A computer cannot tell if a password
has been cracked using any of the aforementioned meth-
ods. They will simply allow access to any user who enters
a correct password. By using multi-factor authentication
alongside a username and password the system can vali-
date the legitimacy of the user’s identity (if the users MFA
methods have not been compromised) and avoid some
of the flaws of only using passwords for authentication.
With the issues in simple username and password systems
explored and how MFA can help cover their aws a deep
dive on MFA itself can be undertaken. The following sec-
tions of this report will explore the different types of MFA
Semiconductor Science and Information Devices | Volume 03 | Issue 01 | April 2021
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0
used today and the positives and negatives of each type,
the best practice for implementing MFA into services,
current security issues with MFA and its adoption, future
developments and a conclusion of the topics discussed
throughout the report.
2. Types of Authentication
Multi-factor authentication can be broken down into
three main types. They are knowledge factors, possession
factors and inherent factors. It is the combination of two
or more of these features together that gives multi-factor
authentication its strength, with each additional factor
used the identity of the user should verify the integrity and
identity of the user. In this section these different factors
will be analysed individually based on their rigidity and
real-world examples will be considered.
2.1 Knowledge Factors
Starting with knowledge factors (these are things that
only the user should know), popular methods for authenti-
cation via knowledge include passwords, PINs and ques-
tions. Passwords as already mentioned have various prob-
lems, there is large amounts of different cracking methods
available, users reuse passwords so when compromised on
one service hackers will often try the same password on
other services, many passwords are not complex enough
and when passwords are complex users often write them
down or save them in files. Use of a password manager
can help avoid some of these issues. A password manager
automatically creates strong passwords and auto lls them
for a user. This means all a user must do is remember one
master password and the rest are automatically created by
the password manager service. However, if the user cre-
ates a weak master password and it is cracked it can lead
to access of all the users accounts and login details.
PINs or personal identification numbers are most
commonly used in card transactions or to unlock mobile
phones/tablets. A pin should be four to twelve digits in
length, but it is recommended that they should be no more
than six digits in length [7]. In general, a PIN is used in the
same way as a password it is entered into a system and
compared with a reference PIN and if they have the same
value, it will be accepted. In the same way PINs used for
different applications should be different since if you use
the same PIN across multiple platforms, they are only
as secure as the weakest one [8]. The advantage of a PIN
is that they’re shorter and therefore easier for people to
remember. In a standard 4-digit PIN there is 10000 (104)
possible different combinations. This makes the use of a
PIN less than ideal for online activity as it could easily be
cracked by a brute force attack, but for physical use such
as with ATM machines or mobile phones a PIN is usually
secure enough to stop attacks as when the PIN is entered
incorrectly a certain number of times a mobile device will
lock out for a period of time or the card will get shredded
by the ATM machine. The nature of PINs used in these
examples makes them part of multi-factor authentication
as an attacker will require both the bank card or phone and
the PIN number to access the information [8].
Questions, also known as security questions, are a
method of authentication where the user is required to
answer one or more questions about themselves and these
answers are then stored by the service. The next time the
user wants to access the service they will be prompted to
answer on or more of their questions correctly to authenti-
cate themselves. Good security questions should meet the
following criteria [9].
• The question should be appropriate for many people
• The answer should be easy to remember
• There should only be one right answer
• The answer should be difcult to guess
Despite these guidelines for creating good security
questions two problems with them are that users will for-
get their answers and also answers can be guessed. Find-
ings show that users forget 16% of their answers in half a
year and acquaintances to users could guess 17% of their
answers [10]. People are also sharing more than ever on-
line through social media and many common answers for
security questions can be found through a quick search,
so the answers become public knowledge. Questions to
t large quantities of people also cause problems as com-
mon answers will occur see Figure 2 for some example
questions, in the case of “What was the name of your rst
pet?” a search of common pet names can be done and
names from the returned lists can be tried. Just like with
passwords and PINs it is important that only a limited
number of attempts at answering these questions can be
made so that situations like this can be limited.
Figure 2. Apple ID security questions [11]
Semiconductor Science and Information Devices | Volume 03 | Issue 01 | April 2021
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0
From analysing these three different knowledge factors
a pattern can be noticed, as extra security is added to in-
crease the difculty for hackers, the difculty for a user to
remember the data also increases.
2.2 Possession Factors
A possession factor can be dened as something only
the user has, popular authentication methods via posses-
sion tokens including connected, disconnected and con-
tactless. The main advantage of these tokens is that the
only thing the user needs to remember to have the token
when they need to authorise themselves.
A connected token usually comes in one of two forms,
a smart card or a USB key. A smart card is a normal card
with an integrated circuit. Smart cards perform authen-
tication by interacting through a smart card read that
allows the circuit in the card to interact with the device.
An example of a smart card is a bank card in this case for
authentication to be completed the additional measure of
a PIN code is needed. A USB key is simply a USB device
that when plugged into a device via a USB port authenti-
cates any connected services. Yubico is an example of a
USB key. It adheres to Fast Identity Online stands and is
used by 9 of the top 10 internet companies [12]. Their USB
keys require that you press a small button located on the
key, which can be seen in Figure 3, while it is plugged in
to authenticate your access.
Figure 3. Yubikey 5 USB key
Like connected tokens, disconnected tokens also usu-
ally come in two different forms, a key fob (see Figure 4)
or a soft token. In each case the token generates a code
that the user must enter on the service they are using to
conrm their identity. The authentication code is generat-
ed using a Time-based One Time Password (TOTP) algo-
rithm which uses a key and the current time to create the
unique code [13]. Software tokens much more common in
today’s age as many can be accessed through mobile ap-
plications such as Symantec VIP or Google Authenticator.
Figure 4. RSA SecurID 700 Authenticator
Another example of a disconnected token is SMS au-
thentication, this simply works by receiving the code on a
phone through a text message and then entering said code
to authenticate the user’s identity. This possession factor
authentication, although benecial over no authentication,
has become arguably a method of attack for hackers want-
ing to access accounts rather than a secure authentication
method [14]. The attack method to gain SMS authentication
codes is called SIM swapping. It involves the attacker
getting the individuals phone number and convincing a
phone shop staff member to port the number to a burner
phone or SIM card [16]. They attempt to reset the password
for the user’s account and “verify” their identity through
the authenticator code sent to the burner phone.
Contactless authentication allows the user to authen-
ticate their identity using a device they possess that does
not need to contact a reader but just needs to be in close
proximity. Two common technologies involved in con-
tactless authentication are Radio-frequency Identication
(RFID) and Near Field Communication (NFC), NFC
being based off RFID technology standards. An example
of RFID in use is through ID cards or badges. In this sce-
nario the card is usually used to allow access to a room
or building, the user holds the card up to the reader, see
Figure 5, and if they have the correct access level the door
will open allowing them to enter.
Figure 5. A wireless RFID reader
A common use of NFC authentication is to make con-
tactless payments using a mobile device, to do this the de-
vice must be able to transmit data through NFC and also
have a supporting app that enables payments to be com-
pleted for example Apple Pay, Google Pay or other mobile
banking apps. Then the user holds their device close to the
reader and it authenticates a payment. NFC differs from
RFID in that it can provide two-way data transfer. NFC
can however be vulnerable to attacks; two such methods
Semiconductor Science and Information Devices | Volume 03 | Issue 01 | April 2021
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0
are eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks. Eaves-
dropping is where the attacker makes use of an antenna to
intercept the radio signals that are being transmitted [17]. A
man-in-the-middle attack occurs when an attacker acts as
if it is one of the legitimate parties in the NFC communi-
cation and can therefore intercept all data communicated
between to two legitimate parties.
These different possession factors all make increasing
the security for a user much easier as they only need to
remember to carry the device they are using for authen-
tication with them when they want to access their data.
However, should the user forget or lose their authenticator
they will be unable to access the accounts unless they go
through a recovery process, they will then also need to re-
place their authenticator.
2.3 Inherent Factors
Inherent factors of authentication cover features about
the user, the most widespread methods of inherent au-
thentication use biometric methods however behavioural
methods can also be used. This section will focus on var-
ious biometric methods. Biometric authentication does
not require the user to bring or remember anything to au-
thenticate themselves, they just need to interact with some
form of interface. Methods for biometric authentication
include fingerprint scanning, face recognition and retina
scans. The most common example of each of these meth-
ods is for unlocking mobile devices.
Fingerprint authentication is the most used biometric
authentication method with more than one billion smart-
phones shipped in 2018 containing them. This can be ob-
served in Figure 6 which shows the percentage of phones
shipping with a ngerprint scanner each year.
Figure 6. Global Smartphone Fingerprint Sensor Penetra-
Fingerprint authentication works using the minutiae
algorithm. It works by storing the ridges of ngerprints as
dots in a co-ordinate system. The user sets it up by doing
an initial scan of their ngerprint ensuring to press and get
as many areas of the fingerprint as possible. Then when
it comes to authentication the user places their registered
nger on the scanner and if the ridges match up with the
co-ordinate system the user will be authenticated and al-
lowed access. The use of ngerprint scanners has high re-
liability compared to other biometric authentication meth-
ods. This is most likely due to the technology being much
more established and that no two people have an identical
Face recognition works in a similar way to minutiae
algorithm but instead of plotting ridges on a co-ordi-
nate system it looks at the facial features (Figure 7), two
features that are deemed particularly important are the
distance between a person’s eyes and the distance from a
person’s forehead to their chin [18]. Facial authentication
can also double as a contactless authentication method as
the user does not need to make physical contact for the
authentication to occur, instead it is a camera that reads
the users facial features and compares it to an internal da-
tabase of the features it is looking for and if it is a match
the authentication is veried. Facial recognition also has
a high reliability with Apple saying that the chance of a
stranger being able to unlock a device using their Face ID
is roughly one in one million.
Figure 7. An example of facial features used for authenti-
cation [19]
Retina scanners are an authentication method that looks
at the user’s retina. The main method for authentication
via retinal scans is using the blood vessel pattern in the
retina, these patterns are unique for every person [20]. Like
facial recognition authentication this method can also be
considered a contactless authentication method as the user
has their eye scanned by a camera and the blood vessel
patterns are matched to those stored in the system data-
base. The initial image scanned by the retinal scanners is
broken down in various stages to make the matching of
the patterns faster. This breakdown can be seen in Figure 8.
Semiconductor Science and Information Devices | Volume 03 | Issue 01 | April 2021
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0
Figure 8. Breakdown of a retina scan. a) Original retina
image. b) Enhanced image. c) Segmented blood vessels. d)
Thinned blood vessels. (Mazumdar, J., 2018)
Inherent factors although strong methods of authen-
tication are not without their complications. With many
people worrying about how the data they put online are
being used, this concern only increases with the collection
of biometric data. A common issue that users of biometric
authentication can also face is that if the scanner is dirty,
or in the case of ngerprint scanners the user’s nger is
wet or dirty, the scanners can give a false rejection of au-
thentication. In most cases if this happens a certain num-
ber of times the system will lock a legitimate user out.
3. Best Practice
With the various authentication methods investigated
in the previous section it is important to consider what the
current best practice for using multi-factor authentication
is. For service providers the first step in providing best
practice is to implement multi-factor authentication in any
form. Despite some of the security issues with various
types of MFA using it in conjunction with a username and
password will signicantly increase the validity of a user
login and make it much harder for attackers to gain ac-
For service providers that already have multi-factor au-
thentication implemented into their software applications
the best practice for them should be to not make multi-fac-
tor authentication an optional feature but rather to enforce
it upon its users. By leaving the responsibility of enabling
multi-factor authentication down to the users companies
controlling data will end up in situations where some
users will never activate MFA methods for their account,
this results in a situation where the company has to deal
with user accounts of varying security levels. This would
make it harder for the company to manage their security
as it will be harder to identify potential threats to their
data. Companies could however give users the option to
choose which methods of MFA they want to use, by pro-
viding multiple options for users. This would allow them
to use the authentication methods they are most familiar
with, for example a company providing biometric authen-
tication should probably include another form of authen-
tication that users can use instead if they do not have the
necessary equipment to authenticate via biometrics.
In many cases today services with MFA enabled only
allow users to enable one additional method of authenti-
cation as well as username and password when accessing
their accounts. This is known as two-factor authentication
(2FA) which has become standard practice for software
and services that have MFA features. However, there is no
standards or guidelines that enforce the use of only two
factors for authentication. Therefore, companies that care
about their user’s security could implement solutions that
require a minimum of three or more factors to authenti-
cate. This could lead to frustrations from users who need
to conrm via all the authentication methods but for each
additional authentication factor that is made mandatory
it increases the difculty for an attacker to gain unautho-
rised access.
Regarding the technologies used for best practice, the
inherent factors will provide the most reliable method for
authentication as the user does not have to remember any
information or carry anything with them in order to access
their data. They are also the hardest methods for attackers
to crack so they are much more secure than knowledge
factors and possession factors. Despite their strength in-
herent factors will not be suitable for every situation as
users may not have the required technology to use them.
If this is the case, a possession factor should be used. Out
of possession factors the two most secure to use are the
connected and disconnected tokens excluding SMS au-
thentication. These methods that have the added benet of
being easy for users to set up as mobile authenticator apps
are very common and can be used on a wide variety of
platforms. As stated previously the best option for security
is to use a combination of two or more of these inherent
and possession authentication methods.
4. Future Development of MFA
As mentioned in the best practice chapter of the report,
one of the main future developments will be to make
multi-factor authentication more of an adopted approach
to security and user identication. This could come in the
form of making multi-factor authentication in one form or
another a mandatory security measure when accessing cer-
tain online services that may contain a lot of private data
such as email services or social media. Although many
of these online services do contain the ability to activate
MFA it is very much up to the user to go out of their way
to use them. For example, for a user to activate MFA on a
Facebook account they must navigate to their settings, go
to “security and login” and then manually activate MFA
for their account. It could become a standard for websites
to either enforce users to use MFA for their accounts or to
Semiconductor Science and Information Devices | Volume 03 | Issue 01 | April 2021
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0
do regular reminders that their service has MFA function-
ality and what the benets of using it are for the user. Also
new users to such services could be prompted to activate
MFA upon account creation.
Another area of future development will be in the form
of inherent factors. Although authentication in biometric
forms are very common with modern mobile devices the
trend has not quite carried over to desktop computers.
While the hardware and software technologies exist, they
have thus far failed to reach the mass market of users.
With a Microsoft representative stating that although n-
gerprint scanning is present within enterprises the main
issue is that it isn’t prevalent [21]. The main way this could
be implemented for both companies and consumers are
including the scanning technologies in newly developed
laptops and desktops. This is becoming an emerging trend
in the computer market with the implementation of Win-
dows Hello for Windows powered devices and Touch ID
for MacBooks. However currently on the Windows side it
is limited in the number of devices that support it and only
MacBooks introduced after 2018 have touch ID function-
ality. With the increased uptake of these features for new
laptops and raised awareness of how to implement the
features on existing devices using webcams and USB n-
gerprint readers inherent factors of authentication should
rise in popularity due to their ease of use and fast authen-
tication times.
Behavioural methods of authentication are also likely
to be an increasing method of user authentication. They
are a subset of inherent factors where how the user inter-
acts with a system is used to authenticate their identity.
These methods include keystroke dynamics, which is
identifying a user based on how they interact with a key-
board e.g. typing speed, key press time, rhythm of typing,
mouse movements and other typing behaviours. These
methods of authentication allow for the user to be authen-
ticated in a continuous manner so would not interrupt the
user [22]. The issue with these methods of authentication
however again follows the problems of more common
biometric authentication, users do not want everything
about them to be known by companies and biometrics can
feel particularly invasive. Users will want to be sure about
how their data are being stored, used and who will be able
to have access to it. However, if they can see or be taught
about the benets of these authentication methods such as
how they would be extremely hard if not impossible for
an attacker to crack then it is possible that these methods
of continuous authentication could be implemented into
all modern software where users are required to login for
5. Conclusions
It is clear that despite the issues with some authenti-
cation methods, multi-factor authentication being used in
one form or another is much more secure than only using
a username and password. With users becoming increas-
ingly aware of security issues and the importance of pro-
tecting their online data, their rst steps in increasing the
security of their accounts should be to enable multi-factor
This chapter investigated the problem with username
and password logins, the different types of authentication,
current best practice for multi-factor authentication and
interpretations about how the technology will grow in the
upcoming years.
As security becomes a more pressing concern for com-
panies wanting to protect user data, and with governing
bodies starting to regulate security standards it seems
inevitable that multi-factor authentication will become
standard for conrming a user’s identity. The rst step is
for companies to implement MFA options for their users.
As the technologies continue to develop and become more
reliable and secure, the implementation of multi-factor
authentication methods should only increase year by year
allowing it to become as normal to technology users as
usernames and passwords are today.
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Conference Paper
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Near Field Communication, being an emerging technology, has become an attractive area of research in academics as well as in industries due to its flooding growth and promising applications like short range contactless communication for mobile phone and other devices alike. In this regard, a proper understanding and direction of current research of NFC is to be perfectly maintained for the advancement of knowledge and to reduce the bridge gap between its basic theory and application practice. In this paper, we have proposed a thorough survey on NFC and discussed it in terms of our own visualization. We have found the problems available in the current technology of major industries like Apple, Google, Paypal and proposed some new thoughts to solve those. We also have analyzed the NFC business ecosystem and current / future market trends. In other words, this holistic review with the objective of bringing to state-of-the-art in NFC design provides development of knowledge in this field with future research directions.
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It is a common mistake of application developers to store user passwords within databases as plaintext or only as their unsalted hash values. Many real-life successful hacking attempts that enabled attackers to get unauthorized access to sensitive database entries including user passwords have been experienced in the past. Seizing password hashes, attackers perform bruteforce, dictionary or rainbow-table attacks to reveal plaintext passwords from their hashes. Dictionary attacks are very fast for cracking hashes but their success rate is not sufficient. In this paper, we propose a novel method for improving dictionary attacks. Our method exploits several password patterns that are commonly preferred by users when trying to choose a complex and strong password. In order to analyze and show success rates of our developed method, we performed cracking tests on real-life leaked password hashes by using both a traditional dictionary and our pattern-based dictionary. We observed that our patternbased method is superior for cracking password hashes.
Conference Paper
In this paper we compare and evaluate the effectiveness of the brute force methodology using dataset of known password. It is a known fact that user chosen passwords are easily recognizable and crackable, by using several password recovery techniques; Brute force attack is one of them. For rescuing such attacks several organizations proposed the password creation rules which stated that password must include number and special characters for strengthening it and protecting against various password cracking attacks such as Dictionary attack, brute force attack etc. The result of this paper and proposed methodology helps in evaluating the system and account security for measuring the degree of authentication by estimating the password strength. The experiment is conducted on our proposed dataset (TG-DATASET) that contain an iterative procedure for creating the alphanumeric password string like a∗, b∗, c∗ and so on. The proposed dataset is prepared due to non-availability of iterative password in any existing password data sets.
Conference Paper
One of the most efficient methods for cracking passwords, which are hashed based on different cryptographic algorithms, is the one based on “Rainbow Tables”. Those lookup tables offer an almost optimal time-memory tradeoff in the process of recovering the plaintext password from a password hash, generated by a cryptographic hash function. In this paper, the first known such generic system is demonstrated. It is implemented in a state-of-the-art reconfigurable device that cracks passwords, which are encrypted with a number of different cryptographic algorithms. The proposed FPGA-based system is up to 1000 times faster than the corresponding software approach. This is achieved by using a highly parallel architecture employing a fine-grained pipeline.
Avail-Semiconductor Science and Information Devices | Volume 03 | Issue 01
  • Paypal
PayPal. (2014). Password and PIN security. Avail-Semiconductor Science and Information Devices | Volume 03 | Issue 01 | April 2021 Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 able: Last accessed 7th November 2019.