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Abstract and Figures

Purpose: Anecdotal reports indicate that many elite athletes are dissatisfied with their sleep, but little is known about their actual sleep requirements. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the self-assessed sleep need of elite athletes with an objective measure of their habitual sleep duration. Methods: Participants were 175 elite athletes (n = 30 females), age 22.2 (3.8) years (mean [SD]) from 12 individual and team sports. The athletes answered the question "how many hours of sleep do you need to feel rested?" and they kept a self-report sleep diary and wore a wrist activity monitor for ∼12 nights during a normal phase of training. For each athlete, a sleep deficit index was calculated by subtracting their average sleep duration from their self-assessed sleep need. Results: The athletes needed 8.3 (0.9) hours of sleep to feel rested, their average sleep duration was 6.7 (0.8) hours, and they had a sleep deficit index of 96.0 (60.6) minutes. Only 3% of athletes obtained enough sleep to satisfy their self-assessed sleep need, and 71% of athletes fell short by an hour or more. Specifically, habitual sleep duration was shorter in athletes from individual sports than in athletes from team sports (F1,173 = 13.1, P < .001; d = 0.6, medium), despite their similar sleep need (F1,173 = 1.40, P = .24; d = 0.2, small). Conclusions: The majority of elite athletes obtain substantially less than their self-assessed sleep need. This is a critical finding, given that insufficient sleep may compromise an athlete's capacity to train effectively and/or compete optimally.
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How Much Sleep Does an Elite Athlete Need?
Charli Sargent, Michele Lastella, Shona L. Halson, and Gregory D. Roach
Purpose: Anecdotal reports indicate that many elite athletes are dissatised with their sleep, but little is known about their actual
sleep requirements. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the self-assessed sleep need of elite athletes with an objective
measure of their habitual sleep duration. Methods: Participants were 175 elite athletes (n = 30 females), age 22.2 (3.8) years
(mean [SD]) from 12 individual and team sports. The athletes answered the question how many hours of sleep do you need to
feel rested?and they kept a self-report sleep diary and wore a wrist activity monitor for 12 nights during a normal phase of
training. For each athlete, a sleep decit index was calculated by subtracting their average sleep duration from their self-assessed
sleep need. Results: The athletes needed 8.3 (0.9) hours of sleep to feel rested, their average sleep duration was 6.7 (0.8) hours,
and they had a sleep decit index of 96.0 (60.6) minutes. Only 3% of athletes obtained enough sleep to satisfy their self-assessed
sleep need, and 71% of athletes fell short by an hour or more. Specically, habitual sleep duration was shorter in athletes from
individual sports than in athletes from team sports (F
= 13.1, P<.001; d= 0.6, medium), despite their similar sleep need
= 1.40, P= .24; d= 0.2, small). Conclusions: The majority of elite athletes obtain substantially less than their self-
assessed sleep need. This is a critical nding, given that insufcient sleep may compromise an athletes capacity to train
effectively and/or compete optimally.
Keywords:sleep duration, sleep need, sleep decit, recovery
The true function of sleep is not yet fully understood, but it
plays an important role in energy conservation,
nervous system
host-defense mechanisms,
and restoration of opti-
mal performance
all of which are critical for elite athletes. The
amount of sleep required to maintain these functions is a natural
and relevant question, and many athletes and coaches seek guid-
ance regarding targets for sufcient sleep duration.
The appropriate sleep duration recommended by the US
National Sleep Foundation is 7 to 9 hours for young adults (18
25 y) and 7 to 8 hours for other adults (2664 y).
These recom-
mendations were developed by an 18-member expert panel and are
based on a systematic review of medical and scientic research
regarding the consequences of either too little, or too much, sleep for
health and performance. When compared against these general
benchmarks, elite athletes typically obtain less sleep than is recom-
or the minimum amount of sleep that is recom-
The National Sleep Foundations guidelines are useful for
identifying potential deciencies in habitual sleep duration at a
broad level, but they are not sensitive to individual differences in
sleep need. In general, many aspects of mental performance are
impaired by sleep loss in a dose-dependent fashionthat is, the
less sleep obtained, the poorer the performance.
there is considerable variability in the individual response to
sleep losssome maintain good levels of performance, while
others perform poorly.
At present, we do not have a good
understanding of how much sleep an elite athlete needs, nor do
we know whether they obtain their required sleep need on a
habitual basis. It is possible that some athletes may require less
sleep than recommended by the National Sleep Foundation, while
others may require more.
The aims of the present study were to (1) identify the subjective
sleep need of elite athletes and compare it with an objective measure
of their habitual sleep duration; (2) examine the relationships
between habitual sleep onset, habitual sleep offset, and habitual
sleep duration; (3) compare sleep variables between individual and
team sports; and (4) compare sleep variables between sexes. We
hypothesize that objective habitual sleep duration in elite athletes
will be lower than their subjective sleep need.
A total of 175 elite athletes from 12 sports (Australian Rules
football, basketball, cricket, kayaking, mountain biking, race walk-
ing, road cycling, rugby union, soccer, swimming, track cycling, and
triathlon) gave informed consent to participate in the study (Table 1).
Athletes were volunteers from national teams of which the coaching
staff had expressed an interest in having the sleep of their athletes
monitored. Participants were excluded if they were training or
sleeping at altitude, if they were injured, if they reported a clinical
diagnosis of a sleep disorder, or if they had undertaken transmeridian
travel in the 2 weeks prior to data collection. According to the
National Sleep Foundations Guidelines,
11 athletes were catego-
rized as teenagers, 128 were classied as young adults, and 26 were
classied as adults. The study was approved by the Human Research
Ethics Committees of Central Queensland University and the
University of South Australia.
Athletessleep/wake behavior was monitored for a minimum of 4
nights during a normal phase of training outside of competition
using self-report paper sleep diaries in conjunction with wrist
Sargent, Lastella, and Roach are with the Appleton Institute for Behavioural
Science, Central Queensland University, Adelaide, SA, Australia. Halson is with
the School of Behavioural and Health Sciences, Australian Catholic University,
Brisbane, QLD, Australia. Sargent ( is corresponding
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, (Ahead of Print)
© 2021 Human Kinetics, Inc. ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION
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activity monitors. Each athlete wore an activity monitor on the
same wrist throughout the data collection period, except when
showering, swimming, or training. The sleep diaries were used to
record 2 pieces of information for each nighttime sleep: start date/
time and end date/time. Daytime naps were not recorded. Athletes
were instructed to complete their sleep diary each morning 30 min-
utes after waking. There was no experimental manipulation of the
athletestraining schedules or sleep/wake behaviors, and the
athletes were free to consume training supplements, caffeine, or
alcohol during the data collection period. Information regarding
medication use (including sleeping pills) was not collected. Prior to
the commencement of data collection, athletes completed a series
of questions presented in the front of the sleep diary to assess sleep
need, sleep satisfaction, and sleep quality. Data collected from
some of the athletes included in the present study have been
reported elsewhere.
Subjective and Objective Sleep Measures
A series of pen/paper questions were used to capture information
regarding athletesperspectives of their sleep. These included:
1. Sleep need (in hours), assessed with the question How many
hours of sleep do you need to feel rested?;
2. Sleep satisfaction (in arbitrary units), assessed with the ques-
tion How satised are you with the amount of sleep you get?;
responses were rated using a 10-point scale, where 1 = very
dissatised and 10 = very satised;
3. Sleep quality (in arbitrary units), assessed with the question
Overall, how would you rate the quality of your sleep?;
responses were rated using a 6-point Likert scale, where
1 = very poor, 2 = poor, 3 = fair, 4 = good, 5 = very good,
and 6 = excellent.
Due to availability, 2 different models of activity monitor
produced by a sole manufacturerwere used in this study
(Actiwatch-64 and Actical Z-series; Philips Respironics, Bend,
OR). The monitors were congured to sum and store data in
1-minute epochs based on activity counts from a piezoelectric
accelerometer with a sensitivity of 0.05 g and a sampling rate of
32 Hz. Data from the sleep diary and activity monitor were used to
determine when participants were awake and when they were
asleep. Essentially, all time was scored as wake unless: (1) the
sleep diary indicated that the athlete was lying down attempting to
sleep and (2) the activity counts from the monitor were sufciently
low to indicate that the athlete was immobile.
When these 2
conditions were satised simultaneously, time was scored as sleep.
In this study, sensitivity was set at medium, which corresponds to a
threshold activity count of 40. (Please note: Sensitivity can be set at
lowfor elite athletes instead of medium, but this may only be
suitable when using the Actiwatch-64.) This scoring process was
conducted using a Philips RespironicsActiwatch algorithm. Vali-
dation studies comparing wrist activity monitors with polysomno-
graphy report high levels of agreement in healthy adults (88%)
and well-trained athletes (81%90%).
For each athlete, the following variables were derived for each
sleep period:
1. Sleep onset (in hours:minutes): the time at which an athlete
rst fell asleep after going to bed;
2. Sleep offset (in hours:minutes): the time at which an athlete
last woke before getting up;
3. Sleep duration (in hours): the amount of sleep obtained during
a sleep period, that is, between sleep onset and sleep offset.
The athletessleep was monitored for an average of 12 (4)
(mean [SD]) nights. Habitual values for the 3 objective sleep
variables were calculated by averaging sleep onset, sleep offset,
and sleep duration using the number of nights of data available for
each athlete. In addition, a sleep decit indexwas calculated for
each athlete by subtracting habitual sleep duration(objective
measure) from sleep need(subjective measure).
Table 1 Participant Characteristics
Participants n Age, y BMI, kg/m
Total 175 22.2 (3.8) 24.3 (3.7)
Men 145 22.4 (3.7) 24.8 (3.8)
Women 30 21.1 (4.5) 21.8 (2.2)
Alpine skiing 1 22.0 (NA) NA (NA)
Australian Rules football 43 22.3 (3.3) 24.3 (3.9)
Basketball 11 17.3 (0.9) 23.2 (1.4)
Cricket 17 23.9 (3.8) 24.4 (1.1)
Diving 1 18.0 (NA) 23.7 (NA)
Kayaking 2 24.0 (0.0) 26.5 (2.5)
Mountain biking 7 25.7 (4.7) 20.9 (1.0)
Race walking 4 22.5 (4.1) 20.3 (1.4)
Road cycling 9 19.2 (1.2) 22.3 (1.4)
Rugby union 29 24.6 (3.5) 29.8 (2.9)
Soccer 20 20.3 (3.5) 23.8 (1.7)
Swimming 8 22.6 (4.9) 22.8 (2.0)
Track cycling 6 23.3 (2.0) 26.3 (1.7)
Triathlon 17 21.2 (2.8) 20.4 (1.5)
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; NA, not applicable. Note: Data are presented as mean (SD).
2Sargent et al
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Statistical Analyses
Descriptive analyses of athletessubjective and objective sleep
variables were conducted. All variables were normally distributed
according to the KolmogorovSmirnov normality test.
The aims of the study were addressed by conducting a series of
linear mixed effects models using the variance components covari-
ance structure and restricted maximum likelihood estimation. To
examine the difference between sleep need and habitual sleep duration
for the entire sample, sportwas entered as a random effect into the
model and type of measurement(ie, sleep need or habitual sleep)
was entered as a xed effect. Separate models were then used to
examine the difference between habitual sleep duration and sleep
need in 9 of the 12 sports, with type of measuremententered as a
xed effect. (Please note: Alpine skiing [n = 1], diving [n = 1], and
kayaking [n = 2] were not included in the sport-specic analyses.)
Two linear mixed effects models were used to examine the
impact of habitual sleep onset time and habitual sleep offset time on
habitual sleep duration. Habitual sleep duration was binned as a
function of habitual sleep onset time (9 ×30-min bins) and habitual
sleep offset time (8 ×30-min bins). In each model, binwas
entered as a xed effect.
Three linear mixed effects models were used to examine
differences in the 7 sleep variables (3 ×subjective, 3 ×objective,
1×sleep decit index) between individual and team sports, between
all sports, and between the sexes. In each of the respective models,
sport type,”“sport,and sexwere entered as a single xed effect.
Where appropriate, main effects were examined using pairwise
comparisons with a Bonferroni adjustment. Within- and between-
group effect sizes were calculated using Cohen d. Effect sizes were
interpreted as follows: 0.2 = small effect; 0.5 = medium effect, and
0.8 = large effect. All statistical analyses were performed using
SPSS (version 26; IBM Corp, Armonk, NY). Results are reported
as mean and SD and were considered signicant at P<.05.
Habitual Sleep Duration, Sleep Need, and Sleep
Decit Index
The participants had a habitual sleep duration of 6.7 (0.8) hours,
which was signicantly less than their self-assessed sleep need of
8.3 (0.9) hours (F
= 211.03, P<.001; d= 1.9, large), resulting
in a sleep decit index of 96.0 (60.6) minutes (Table 2). Habitual
sleep duration was signicantly less than self-assessed sleep need
for all sports (Figure 1).
The US National Sleep Foundation recommends that teenagers
aged 1417 years obtain 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night and young
adults/adults aged 1864 years obtain 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.
In this sample, 3%, 88%, and 9% of participants had a self-assessed
sleep need that was below, within, and above their age-specic range,
respectively (Figure 2A and 2B). Furthermore, 63%, 37%, and 0% of
participants had a habitual sleep duration that was below, within, and
above their age-specic range, respectively (Figure 2C and 2D). Only
3% of participants habitually obtained a sufcient amount of sleep to
satisfy their self-assessed sleep need, and 71% of participants fell short
by an hour or more (Figure 2E and 2F).
Habitual Sleep Onset and Habitual Sleep Offset
On average, participants had habitual sleep onset and habitual sleep
offset times at 23:24 (00:42) and 07:18 (00:48) hours, respectively
(Table 2; Figures 3A and 4A). Habitual sleep duration was signi-
cantly affected by both habitual sleep onset time (F
P<.001; d=0.92.0, large) and habitual sleep offset time (F
6.7, P<.001; d=1.03.2, large); earlier onset times and later offset
times both tended to result in greater habitual sleep duration
(Figures 3B and 4B).
Sleep Satisfaction and Sleep Quality
Participants rated their sleep quality as 3.9 (0.9) on a Likert scale
from 1 (very poor) to 6 (excellent) (Table 2). Similarly, participants
rated their sleep satisfaction as 6.8 (1.6) on an arbitrary scale from 1
(very dissatised) to 10 (very satised) (Table 2).
Sport-Based Comparisons
There was a main effect of sport type (ie, individual vs team sport)
on habitual sleep onset time, habitual sleep offset time, and habitual
sleep duration (Figure 5A5C). Habitual sleep onset and offset
times were earlier in athletes from individual sport than athletes
from team sports, but habitual sleep duration was shorter in athletes
from individual sports than athletes from team sports. There was no
main effect of sport type on sleep need (F
= 1.40, P= .24;
d= 0.2, small), sleep satisfaction (F
= 0.15, P= .70; d= 0.1,
small), sleep quality (F
= 0.09, P= .76; d= 0.1, small), or sleep
decit index (F
= 2.84, P= .09; d= 0.3, small).
There was a main effect of sport on habitual sleep onset time
= 3.27, P=.001), habitual sleep offset time (F
11.05, P<.001), and habitual sleep duration (F
= 5.61,
P<.001) (Table 2). Habitual sleep onset was earliest in mountain
bikers and latest in rugby union players (Figure 6A), habitual sleep
offset was earliest in triathletes and latest in basketballers
(Figure 6B), and habitual sleep duration was shortest in triathletes
and longest in basketballers (Figure 6C). There was no main effect
of sport on sleep need (F
= 0.83, P= .60), sleep satisfaction
= 0.86, P= .57), sleep quality (F
= 1.53, P= .13), or
sleep decit index (F
= 1.44, P= .17).
Sex-Based Comparisons
There was a main effect of sex on habitual sleep onset time
(Figure 7A). Female athletes went to bed earlier than male athletes.
There was no main effect of sex on habitual sleep offset time or
habitual sleep duration (Figure 7B and 7C), nor was there an effect
on sleep need (F
= 0.17, P= .68; d= 0.1, small), sleep satis-
faction (F
= 0.06, P= .81; d= 0.1, small), sleep quality (F
0.22, P= .64; d= 0.1, small), or sleep decit index (F
= 2.15,
P=.15; d= 0.3, small) (Table 2).
The primary ndings of this study are (1) athletes need 8.3 hours of
sleep to feel rested, (2) athletes typically obtain 6.7 hours of sleep,
(3) the most sleep is obtained by athletes who fall asleep between
22:00 and 22:30 hours (7.2 h) or wake up between 09:00 and
09:30 hours (7.6 h), (4) athletes involved in team sports (6.9 h)
obtain more sleep than athletes involved in individual sports
(6.4 h), and (5) female athletes have an earlier habitual sleep onset
time than male athletes. Importantly, only 3% of athletes obtain
enough sleep to satisfy their self-assessed sleep need, and 71% of
athletes fall short by an hour or more. Insufcient or inadequate
sleep, dened here as a failure to meet a required sleep need on a
Sleep Need in Elite Athletes 3
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Table 2 Sleep Variables in Elite Athletes
Subjective variables Objective variables
need, h
of data,
Habitual sleep
onset, h:min
Habitual sleep
offset, h:min
duration, h
Sleep deficit
index, min
Total 8.3 (0.9) 6.8 (1.6) 3.9 (0.9) 12.0 (4.4) 23:24 (00:42) 07:18 (00:48) 6.7 (0.8) 96.0 (60.6)
Men 8.3 (0.9) 6.8 (1.6) 3.9 (0.9) 11.8 (4.2) 23:30 (00:42) 07:24 (00:48) 6.7 (0.7) 99.1 (60.6)
Women 8.3 (1.0) 6.9 (1.5) 4.0 (0.8) 12.9 (5.3) 23:12 (00:42) 07:06 (01:00) 6.8 (1.0) 81.3 (59.5)
Alpine skiing 6.0 (NA) 7.0 (NA) 3.0 (NA) 17.0 (NA) 01:18 (NA) 08:00 (NA) 5.6 (NA) 24.5 (NA)
Australian rules football 8.4 (0.8) 7.0 (1.7) 3.9 (1.0) 13.6 (0.9) 23:24 (00:33) 07:32 (00:31) 7.0 (0.7) 84.4 (42.1)
Basketball 8.5 (0.8) 6.9 (1.3) 4.3 (0.8) 12.5 (3.1) 23:24 (00:27) 07:54 (00:24) 7.5 (0.4) 64.9 (45.7)
Cricket 8.5 (1.0) 6.5 (1.1) 3.7 (0.8) 9.9 (3.8) 23:19 (00:44) 07:34 (00:36) 6.7 (0.6) 108.2 (77.5)
Diving 6.5 (NA) 3.0 (NA) 2.0 (NA) 13.0 (NA) 24:00 (NA) 06:30 (NA) 5.7 (NA) 45.6 (NA)
Kayaking 8.0 (0.7) 5.5 (2.1) 3.5 (0.7) 15.5 (0.7) 23:00 (00:30) 06:24 (00:36) 6.3 (0.3) 99.6 (61.7)
Mountain biking 8.5 (1.0) 7.0 (2.0) 3.8 (0.8) 12.0 (1.4) 22:49 (00:31) 07:11 (00:49) 7.3 (0.5) 74.6 (70.3)
Race walking 8.8 (1.0) 7.0 (1.4) 3.8 (1.0) 23.3 (5.4) 23:05 (00:28) 06:56 (00:48) 7.0 (0.5) 103.6 (81.1)
Road cycling 8.2 (0.4) 7.3 (1.9) 4.2 (0.7) 11.1 (4.1) 23:19 (00:40) 07:10 (00:18) 6.6 (0.9) 92.9 (53.5)
Rugby union 8.2 (0.8) 6.3 (1.7) 3.6 (0.8) 13.0 (2.7) 23:51 (00:42) 07:29 (00:48) 6.5 (0.7) 103.0 (63.3)
Soccer 8.4 (0.9) 7.4 (1.3) 4.1 (0.9) 5.4 (2.9) 23:39 (00:35) 07:45 (00:33) 7.0 (0.7) 86.6 (52.5)
Swimming 8.2 (1.6) 6.7 (1.5) 3.4 (0.9) 13.3 (1.5) 23:05 (01:00) 06:21 (01:07) 6.2 (0.5) 117.7 (114.6)
Track cycling 8.9 (0.6) 6.7 (2.1) 4.3 (0.8) 5.7 (0.8) 23:51 (01:51) 07:45 (01:16) 6.7 (1.0) 133.5 (52.5)
Triathlon 8.0 (0.7) 7.2 (1.4) 4.2 (0.7) 14.8 (4.9) 22:56 (00:28) 06:05 (00:20) 5.9 (0.8) 124.7 (51.2)
Abbreviation: NA = not applicable. Note: Data are presented as mean (SD). Sleep needis the amount of sleep, in hours, to feel rested; sleep satisedis measured on a 10-point Likert scale, where 1 = very dissatised
and 10 = very satised;sleep qualityis measured on a 6-point Likert scale, where 1 = very poorand 6 = excellent;nights of datais the number of nights on which sleep was assessed using an activity monitor;
habitual sleep onsetis the mean clock time that an athlete rst fell asleep after going to bed; habitual sleep offsetis the mean clock time that an athlete last woke before getting up; habitual sleep durationis the mean
sleep duration calculated from the activity monitor record; and sleep decit indexis calculated as the difference between sleep needand habitual sleep duration.
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Figure 2 Histograms representing the relative frequency and cumulative relative frequency of subjective sleep need (A and B), habitual sleep
duration (C and D), and sleep decit index (E and F).
Figure 1 Self-assessed sleep need compared with habitual sleep duration in athletes from 11 different sports. Mean values for each sport have been
offset for interpretability. Error bars represent SD.
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Figure 3 Histogram representing the relative frequency of habitual sleep onset time (A) and bar charts (mean [SD]) with individual cases (open
circles) representing habitual sleep duration plotted as a function of mean habitual sleep onset time (B). The outcomes of the post hoc comparisons
between mean habitual sleep onset time bins and the corresponding effect sizes are presented in panel B. (Please note: The error bar on the nal column in
panel B is obscured because the value is small.)
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Figure 4 Histogram representing the relative frequency of habitual sleep offset time (A) and bar charts (mean [SD]), with individual cases (open
circles) representing habitual sleep duration plotted as a function of mean habitual sleep offset time (B). The outcomes of the post hoc comparisons
between mean habitual sleep offset time bins and the corresponding effect sizes are presented in panel B. (Please note: The standard deviation for the
penultimate column in panel B is equal to 0.)
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regular basis, could have important consequences for an elite
athlete, particularly in terms of their ability to train effectively
and/or compete optimally.
The average subjective sleep need reported by elite athletes in
this sample was 8.3 hours. Similar values have been reported by
healthy untrained adolescents (8.6 h; 17 [1] y) and adults (8.0 h; 36
[12] y).
Almost 80% of the current athletes reported needing
between 7 and 9 hours of sleep, suggesting that the US National
Sleep Foundations sleep duration recommendation of 7 to 9 hours
is reasonable for most athletes. However, sleep need varied
between individual athletes, with the lowest reported sleep need
of 5.5 hours (n = 1) and the highest reported sleep need of 11 hours
(n = 2). A general recommendation may be appropriate for the
majority of athletes, but the sleep need of some may substantially
differ from the prescribed target.
In the present study, a sleep decit index was calculated by
subtracting athleteshabitual sleep duration from their subjective
sleep need (ie, 96.0 [60.6] min). A difference of 1 hour between
self-reported sleep need and sleep duration is typically considered
insufcient sleep.
In a large-scale epidemiological study with
healthy, untrained adults (n = 12,423; aged 3360 y), the preva-
lence of insufcient sleep was 20%.
In the present study, the
prevalence of insufcient sleep was 71%. There are 2 main
alternatives that could explain a high prevalence of insufcient
sleep in a populationeither sleep need is higher than normal or
the amount of sleep obtained is lower than normal. The latter
explanation seems the one most likely to apply to the athletes in this
studythe amount of sleep that they require is normal (8.3 h), but
the amount of sleep they habitually obtain (6.7 h) is not sufcient to
satisfy this requirement.
The average sleep duration observed in this cohort of elite
athletes was 6.7 hours; however, this value varied between sports.
In general, athletes from individual sports had earlier habitual sleep
onset and offset times but obtained less sleep than athletes from
team sports. Specically, alpine skiing, diving, triathlon, swim-
ming, kayaking, rugby union, and road cycling habitually obtained
less sleep than the average, while athletes from basketball, moun-
tain bike, race walking, Australian Rules Football, soccer, track
cycling, and cricket habitually obtained more sleep than the
average. For some sports, the habitual sleep durations observed
in this study are similar to those reported previously (ie, Australian
Rules Football7.0 h vs 6.97.1 h
; basketball7.5 h vs
7.6 h
; soccer7.0 h vs 7.2 h),
but, for other sports, the current
values are lower than those previously reported (ie, diving5.7 h
vs 7.1 h
; rugby union6.5 h vs 7.1 h).
It is not clear why the
habitual sleep duration differs between current and past studies for
some sports, but potential explanations include differences in the
physical demands of training,
the characteristics of the athletes
(eg, chronotype),
and/or the time of day that training sessions
It is plausible that longer habitual sleep durations could be
achieved by manipulating aspects of an athletes training schedule
(especially for individual sports) to ensure bedtimes and getup
times are optimized for sleep duration, but this is a question that is
yet to be empirically investigated.
The amount of sleep an individual obtains on a regular basis
does have implications for their ability to function effectively. A
number of studies have examined the impact of severe, acute
sleep loss on exercise and sports performance in athletes, that is,
1 to 2 nights of between 3 and 5 hours of time in bed,
but there
are no studies that have examined the impact of mild, chronic
sleep loss on exercise and sports performance in elite athletes,
that is, 7 to 14 days of between 5 and 7 hours of time in bed. In
healthy, untrained adults, 7 days of either 5 or 7 hours of time in
bed slows response time by 23% and 12%, respectively, when
compared with 9 hours of time in bed
; and 14 days of 6 hours of
time in bed increases the rate of errors on a response time task by
177% when compared with 8 hours of time in bed.
In the
present study, 38% of athletes obtained 6.5 hours of sleep or less
over an average of 12 (4) days. This level of habitual sleep
duration could impair aspects of cognitive function and self-
perceived capacity that are important for exercise and sports
performance, for example, longer response times in time-critical
sports, decreased time to fatigue in sports that require intermittent
and repeated bouts of exercise, an increase in decision-making
errors in any sport played over prolonged periods, and so forth.
However, very little is known regarding the impact of short
habitual sleep duration on exercise and sports performance. Short
habitual sleep duration could directly affect exercise and sports
performance through impairments in heart rate, minute ventila-
tion, and lactate concentration,
or it could indirectly affect
exercise and sports performance through alterations in mood,
motivation, and/or perceived exertion.
In the absence of a
Figure 5 Mean (SD) (bars and lines) and individual cases (open circles) of habitual sleep onset time (A), habitual sleep offset time (B), and habitual
sleep duration (C) plotted as a function of individual sport or team sport. There was a main effect of sport type (ie, individual vs team sport, as indicated
by *) on habitual sleep onset time (F
= 9.15, P= .003; d= 0.5, medium), habitual sleep offset time (F
= 53.28, P<.001; d= 1.2, large), and
habitual sleep duration (F
= 13.1, P<.001; d= 0.6, medium).
8Sargent et al
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Figure 6 Mean (SD) (bars and lines) with individual cases (open circles) representing habitual sleep onset (A), habitual sleep offset (B), and habitual
sleep duration (C) plotted for each sport. The outcomes of the post hoc comparisons between sports and the corresponding effect sizes are presented in
each panel. In panel B, differences between swimming and the other sports are indicated by sequential vertical marks on the top line, and differences
between triathlon and the other sports are indicated by sequential vertical marks on the bottom line. (Please note: The rank order in which sports are
presented on the x-axis differs between the 3 panels.)
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systematic evaluation of the relationship between habitual sleep
duration and exercise and sports performance, it is not possible to
conrm one explanation or the other.
Females are typically underrepresented in studies examining
the sleep/wake behavior in athletes. Despite a large sample
cohort in the present study (n = 175), only 17% (n = 30) were
women. Habitual sleep onset time was earlier in female athletes
compared with male athletes, but there was no difference in
habitual sleep duration between the sexes. Similarly, Leeder
et al
reported no difference in sleep duration between female
(n = 43) and male (n = 23) Olympic athletes. However, this
comparisonas was the comparison in the present study
was not sport specic. That is, male and female athletes from
different sports were compared, rather than comparing sleep
variables between male and female athletes from the same sport.
Habitual sleep duration differs as a function of sport,
raises the possibility that potential sex differences in habitual
sleep duration may be obscured if comparisons are not conned
to athletes participating in the same sport. This is an area that
requires further investigation.
There are some delimitations that should be considered when
interpreting the results of the present study. Sleep need was
assessed using a single subjective question. Objective sleep need
can be assessed using sleep restriction and/or sleep extension
However, these protocols are not feasible for use
with elite athletes because they require an individual to spend
multiple consecutive nights in a sleep laboratory. In the present
study, habitual sleep duration was based on nighttime sleep
episodes onlyathletes were not required to record daytime
naps. It is possible that some of the athletes supplemented their
nighttime sleep with daytime naps. This would result in an
underestimation of habitual sleep duration. Napping is an effec-
tive strategy in some situations when athletesnighttime sleep is
; however, the frequency of daytime napping in
athletes is typically low
and unlikely to substantially increase
total sleep duration.
Finally, activity monitors were used to
assess habitual sleep duration. These devices are considered
acceptable for monitoring sleep/wake behavior in the eld,
but validation studies indicate that the devices can either over-
estimate or underestimate sleep duration by 18 (52) and 54
(36) minutes, respectively.
Consequently, the accuracy of
the devices should be considered when interpreting the values of
habitual sleep duration reported in the present study.
Practical Applications
The results presented here could be used by coaches and practi-
tioners as normative data to guide their athletes regarding appro-
priate sleep targets for duration and timing. Importantly, elite
athletes need 8 hours of sleep per night to feel rested, but
more than 70% of athletes do not obtain the sleep they need on
a regular basis. Coaches and practitioners should consider factors
that affect the timing of their athletessleep (eg, training start times,
competition schedules, travel, etc), which may be preventing their
athletes from obtaining the sleep they need. Potential strategies for
maximizing sleep duration by manipulating sleep timing include
(1) delaying the start time of morning training sessions and/or
minimizing the number of training sessions that start before 6 AM
whenever possible; (2) encouraging athletes to delay their wake-up
time the morning after an evening competition or training sessions,
if practical; and (3) providing athletes with targets for sleep timing
to help them achieve their optimal sleep duration where appropriate
(eg, sleeps that start between 22:00 and 22:30 h or end between
09:00 and 09:30 h).
Elite male and female athletes need 8.3 hours of sleep to feel rested.
However, a majority of athletes (71%) fail to meet this need on
most nights. The consequences of insufcient habitual sleep
duration for general health and cognitive performance are well
understood, but less is known regarding the impact of insufcient
habitual sleep duration on exercise and sports performance. In the
future, it will be important to determine whether increasing an
athletes habitual sleep is a feasible and efcacious strategy for
improving exercise and sports performance.
This study was nancially supported by the Australian Research Council
under grant (LP0990371). The authors are grateful to the athletes and
coaching staff for their time and commitment during data collection.
Figure 7 Mean (SD) (bars and lines) and individual cases (open circles) of habitual sleep onset time (A), habitual sleep offset time (B), and habitual
sleep duration (C) for male and female athletes. Habitual sleep onset was earlier in females than males (F
= 5.0, P= .03; d= 0.5, medium, as indicated
by *), but there was no difference between the sexes for habitual sleep offset time (F
= 2.65, P= .11; d= 0.3, small) or habitual sleep duration (F
2.15, P= .14; d= 0.3, small).
10 Sargent et al
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12 Sargent et al
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... Studies have found that prolonged high-intensity training and excessive sports competition may disrupt the athletes' circadian rhythm, making it difficult for them to fall asleep at night and causing daytime fatigue (14-16). Especially on the night before a competition, athletes may face emotions such as tension and excitement, increasing the risk of insomnia (17)(18)(19). Additionally, athletes may be affected in their ability to fall asleep and sleep quality due to issues such as bodily pain and muscle soreness during the training process, consequently affecting their training and competitive performance (18,20). ...
... Relative maximum power, relative average power, and heart rate were recorded during each type of exercise, fingertip blood was collected at the immediate end of exercise for blood lactate concentration analysis using an EKF portable blood lactate meter (EKF Lacate-Scout, EKF, Germany) and subjects were asked about their level of fatigue by Borg (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20) Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale. ...
... The prevalence of sleep issues among elite athletes has garnered attention. Addressing athletes' sleep problems, Sargent et al. (19) approached the question of "how much sleep one should get" and found that elite male and female athletes perceived a need for 8.3 h of sleep for adequate rest. However, 71% of athletes were unable to meet this requirement. ...
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Objective Sleep is an essential component of athletic performance and recovery. This study aimed to investigate the effects of different types of high-intensity exercise on sleep parameters in adolescent speed skaters. Methods Eighteen male adolescent speed skaters underwent aerobic capacity testing, Wingate testing, and interval training in a randomized crossover design to assess strength output, heart rate, and blood lactate levels during exercise. Sleep quality after each type of exercise was evaluated using the Firstbeat Bodyguard 3 monitor. Results The results showed that Wingate testing and interval training led to decreased sleep duration, increased duration of stress, decreased RMSSD, and increased LF/HF ratio (p < 0.01). Conversely, aerobic capacity testing did not significantly affect sleep (p > 0.05). The impact of interval training on sleep parameters was more significant compared to aerobic capacity testing (p < 0.01) and Wingate testing (p < 0.01). Conclusion High-intensity anaerobic exercise has a profound impact on athletes’ sleep, primarily resulting in decreased sleep duration, increased stress duration, decreased RMSSD, and increased LF/HF ratio.
... Obtaining sufficient sleep may be particularly challenging during Grand Tours because cyclists must complete extreme bouts of endurance exercise each day with little time to recover before the next stage of racing. Specifically, road cyclists report needing 8.2 h of sleep per night to feel fully rested [10], but during one-week multi-stage races, they obtain an average of only ~ 7 h of sleep per night [11,12]. Furthermore, in simulated Grand Tours, average sleep duration declines over consecutive weeks of racing from 7.4 h to 7.0 h [13]. ...
... In addition to TRIMP, WHOOP 'daily strain' was calculated for each day of the study (including non-race days). WHOOP daily strain measures 'total cardiovascular load' on a proprietary, non-linear scale of 0 to 21 and is categorised into the following bands: light strain (0-9), moderate strain (10)(11)(12)(13), high strain (14)(15)(16)(17), and overreaching (18)(19)(20)(21) [20]. ...
... Specifically, male cyclists obtained an average of 7.2 h of sleep each night during their race compared to 7.2 h during the pre-race baseline and female cyclists obtained an average 7.5 h of sleep each night during their race compared to 7.7 h during the pre-race baseline. Interestingly, before and during their respective races, these cyclists obtained more sleep than the 6.3 h per night that other road cyclists obtain during a normal phase of training [10]. There are various possible explanations for the relatively good sleep observed in the present study, but the importance, and daily scheduling, of the events are probably the most critical. ...
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Background Sleep is a critical component of recovery, but it can be disrupted following prolonged endurance exercise. The objective of this study was to examine the capacity of male and female professional cyclists to recover between daily race stages while competing in the 2022 Tour de France and the 2022 Tour de France Femmes, respectively. The 17 participating cyclists (8 males from a single team and 9 females from two teams) wore a fitness tracker (WHOOP 4.0) to capture recovery metrics related to night-time sleep and autonomic activity for the entirety of the events and for 7 days of baseline before the events. The primary analyses tested for a main effect of ‘stage classification’—i.e., rest, flat, hilly, mountain or time trial for males and flat, hilly or mountain for females—on the various recovery metrics. Results During baseline, total sleep time was 7.2 ± 0.3 h for male cyclists (mean ± 95% confidence interval) and 7.7 ± 0.3 h for female cyclists, sleep efficiency was 87.0 ± 4.4% for males and 88.8 ± 2.6% for females, resting HR was 41.8 ± 4.5 beats·min⁻¹ for males and 45.8 ± 4.9 beats·min⁻¹ for females, and heart rate variability during sleep was 108.5 ± 17.0 ms for males and 119.8 ± 26.4 ms for females. During their respective events, total sleep time was 7.2 ± 0.1 h for males and 7.5 ± 0.3 h for females, sleep efficiency was 86.4 ± 1.2% for males and 89.6 ± 1.2% for females, resting HR was 44.5 ± 1.2 beats·min⁻¹ for males and 50.2 ± 2.0 beats·min⁻¹ for females, and heart rate variability during sleep was 99.1 ± 4.2 ms for males and 114.3 ± 11.2 ms for females. For male cyclists, there was a main effect of ‘stage classification’ on recovery, such that heart rate variability during sleep was lowest after mountain stages. For female cyclists, there was a main effect of ‘stage classification’ on recovery, such that the percentage of light sleep (i.e., lower-quality sleep) was highest after mountain stages. Conclusions Some aspects of recovery were compromised after the most demanding days of racing, i.e., mountain stages. Overall however, the cyclists obtained a reasonable amount of good-quality sleep while competing in these physiologically demanding endurance events. This study demonstrates that it is now feasible to assess recovery in professional athletes during multiple-day endurance events using validated fitness trackers.
... For sleep duration, we found that across all sports classes, 35% of athletes slept up to 7 h during the night. However, most athletes need about 8 h of sleep per night to feel rested [44]. While we did not find a gender difference in sleep duration, we found that athletes of individual sports tended to sleep longer than members of team sports. ...
... Thus, allowing young athletes to sleep sufficiently might yield the biggest impact on improving their sleep health. It is already known that only a minority of 3% of athletes tend to get the amount of sleep that they would subjectively need to feel refreshed [44]. It is currently being discussed whether late training does more harm than good, as a higher training load has been shown to reduce sleep duration. ...
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For athletes, sleep is essential for recovery and performance. Yet, up to two-thirds of athletes report poor sleep quality. Comprehensive data across all sports disciplines on the underlying causes of sleep problems are missing. We reanalyzed a data set of N = 1004 Swiss top athletes across an extensive array of 88 sports to gain knowledge on the specific deficits in sleep health with respect to gender, sport classes, sport-related factors, and well-being. We found that 18% of athletes were affected by at least two out of five high-risk sleep factors: 9% of athletes slept less than 6 h per day, 30% were dissatisfied with their sleep, 17% showed problems falling asleep within 30 min, 18% of athletes reported difficulty maintaining sleep more than three times a week, and 6% of athletes used sleeping pills more than once a week. We found sleep health strongly linked to overall well-being and mental health (22% showed at least moderate symptoms of either depression or anxiety). Therefore, screening and treating sleep disorders might effectively improve mental health and general well-being as well as performance among athletes around the globe.
... Within an in-season week of training and competition, we observed that the nocturnal sleep duration presently recorded (7.5 h approximately) was in line with the sleep duration recommended for the general population (7-9 h), 24 but it was much lower than the sleep duration athletes need to feel rested (ie, 8.5 h). 25 In contrast to previous reports indicating poor sleep quality in high-level athletes from various sports, 26 adequate sleep efficiency (92.3%) was observed in this specific cohort of elite-level water polo players. This finding, however, is similar to previous results in water polo 6 and presumably indicates that, overall, players received a nonfragmented nocturnal sleep. ...
... The nap duration presently observed is much greater compared with previous observations in team sports players (60 min) 30 and likely suggests that the players of the present study used napping to compensate for inadequate nocturnal sleep obtained the previous night(s). Besides, the long midday napping may indicate that in such a level of competition, players need more sleeping time to feel rested (total nocturnal sleep time: approximately 8.5 h), 25 which was not currently attained. Thus, long midday naps may reflect a behavioral adjustment aiming to facilitate the subjective feeling of recovery. ...
Purpose : To examine nocturnal sleep patterns, napping behaviors, and subjective wellness responses of elite water polo players within an in-season week and to identify whether sleeping patterns differ between men and women. Methods : Sleep characteristics of 10 male and 17 female professional water polo players were objectively assessed during 1 week of the in-season period, including 5 training days, 1 match day, and 1 day of rest. Internal load (rating of perceived exertion × duration of training or match) was assessed 30 minutes posttraining or postmatch, and the total quality of recovery was recorded every morning. A series of multilevel models were used to analyze the data. Results : Time in bed and wake-up time were earlier on both training ( P < .001) and rest days ( P < .001) than on the day of the match. Internal workload did not predict any of the players’ sleeping patterns. Midday naps predicted less time in bed ( P = .03) and likely less sleep time ( P = .08). The total quality of recovery was predicted only by the total sleep time ( P < .01). Women exhibited higher sleep efficiency ( P < .001), less waking after sleep onset ( P = .01), and a lower number of awakenings ( P = .02) than men. Conclusions : The current results indicate that the nocturnal sleep patterns of elite water polo players are not associated with internal load and that women display better nocturnal sleep quality compared with men. As long naps interfere with nocturnal sleep, and total nocturnal sleep time predicts total quality of recovery, we suggest that athletes follow hygiene sleep strategies to facilitate adequate nocturnal sleep and next-day recovery.
... 40 In our study, athletes slept an average of 7 hours and 15 minutes (±61 minutes), which reaches the lowest adult recommended time but falls far short of the recommended 8.3 or even 9 h in athletes. 41,42 Recent studies have shown that adolescent athletes do not achieve the recommended amount of sleep and have poorer sleep quality under the pressure of training and academics. 43 This suggests that sleep problems in this group may be long-established and negatively impact academic performance, athletic performance, and mental health. ...
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Introduction Poor sleep negatively impacts cognitive and physical functioning and affects athletic and academic achievement. “Dual-career” athletes emphasize the pursuit of academic excellence along with athletic performance. Purpose The study aimed to assess sleep characteristics and sleep quality in dual-career collegiate badminton athletes. Furthermore, the study explored associations between training and academic stress and sleep, providing a theoretical basis for better training and sleep programs for dual-career athletes. Participants and Methods In this study, 15 dual-career collegiate badminton athletes were recruited, and 12 subjects (male n = 8, female n = 4, mean age 20.3 ± 1.7) completed the questionnaire. Repeated measurements were taken monthly in the spring semester from March to August 2021. The questionnaire assessed sleep quality and daytime sleepiness by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Epworth Sleepiness Score (ESS). Moreover, we collected average training, study time per week, and monthly sports competitions and academic tests to quantify participants’ training and academic stress. Results An average of 36.1% of dual-career athletes reported poor sleep and 25.0% had excessive daytime sleepiness. Overall, a significant positive correlation existed between PSQI scores and weekly study hours (r = 0.308, p = 0.009). Significant positive correlations were found between the four stressors and PSQI (August: r = 0.868, p < 0.001; July: r = 0.573, p = 0.026) or ESS scores (March: r = −0.678, p = 0.015; August: r = 0.598, p = 0.040) for specific months. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) analysis identified that lower study and training hours predict better sleep quality. Conclusion Dual-career collegiate badminton athletes had a higher prevalence of poor sleep and daytime sleepiness, and daytime sleepiness did not result in better sleep quality; study and training hours had the greatest effect on the sleep quality of dual-career collegiate badminton athletes.
... 15 Indeed, these barriers to achieving adequate sleep appear to impair sleep duration and quality in elite athletes. 16 Recent work by Halson et al 17 has demonstrated substantial sleep concerns in over 50% of Olympic athletes in Australia, including small differences between male and female athletes and between team and individual sports. Other comparisons in sleep quality between elite male and female athletes have yielded mixed results. ...
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Adequate sleep is crucial for elite athletes’ recovery, performance readiness, and immune response. Establishing reference ranges for elite athletes enables appropriate contextualization for designing and targeting sleep interventions. Purpose: To establish sleep-quality reference ranges for Olympic and Paralympic cohorts using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and explore differences based on sex and sport types. Methods: Team USA athletes (men = 805, women = 798) completed the PSQI as part of a health-history questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to create reference ranges and linear models, and χ ² test of independence determined differences in PSQI global and component scores between sex, games, season, and participation. Results : Six hundred thirty-two (39.43%) athletes reported poor sleep (PSQI Global ≥ 5). Men displayed later bedtimes ( P = .006), better global PSQI scores, shorter sleep latency, less sleep disturbance, and less use of sleep medication than women (all P < .001). Winter Games participants had later bedtime ( P = .036) and sleep offset time ( P = .028) compared with Summer Games athletes. Team-sport athletes woke earlier than individual-sport athletes ( P < .001). Individual-sport athletes were more likely to have low ( P = .005) and mild ( P = .045) risk for reduced sleep duration than team-sport athletes. Conclusion : These data provide PSQI-specific reference ranges to identify groups at greatest risk for poor sleep, who may benefit most from targeted sleep interventions.
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Objective Based on the relationship between sleep and sports performance, the present study aimed to evaluate sleep quality and excessive daytime sleepiness among adult CrossFit (CrossFit, LLC, Santa Cruz, CA, USA) practitioners and to verify possible associations with intestinal health. Methods This cross-sectional study involved males and females aged ≥ 18 years who had been regularly practicing CrossFit for at least 3 months. This survey used an online questionnaire addressing demographic and socioeconomic data, disease history, dietary characteristics, and questions regarding CrossFit. To assess intestinal health, the ROME IV Consensus Criteria and Bristol Scale were used. The Pittsburgh International Sleep Quality Index (PSQI-BR) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale were used to assess sleep quality. Results A total of 1,090 people (73.3% females) with a mean age of 31.2 ± 7.5 years were included. Considering the diagnosis of constipation, 36.9% of the patients were classified as constipated, especially females when compared with males ( p < 0.001). On the sleepiness scale, 22.4% of the volunteers showed excessive daytime sleepiness, which was also observed more frequently among females ( p = 0.013). In the PSQI-BR, 47.4% of participants were classified as having poor sleep quality (poor sleepers). The overall PSQI-BR score was 5.81 ± 2.85, with no difference between males and females ( p = 0.360). There was a positive correlation between the PSQI-BR global score and a diagnosis of constipation and excessive daytime sleepiness. There was a negative correlation between the stool type on the Bristol scale and the PSQI-BR global score. Conclusion The present study demonstrated that sleep quality was poor among CrossFit users, especially females, which can compromise their training performance.
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This narrative review explores the impact of sleep and nutrition on injury risk in adolescent athletes. Sleep is viewed as essential to the recuperation process and is distinguished as an active participant in recovery through its involvement in growth, repair, regeneration, and immunity. Furthermore, the literature has shown that the sleep of athletes impacts elements of athletic performance including both physical and cognitive performance, recovery, injury risk, and mental well-being. For sleep to have a restorative effect on the body, it must meet an individual’s sleep needs whilst also lasting for an adequate duration and being of adequate quality, which is age-dependent. The literature has suggested that athletes have increased sleep needs compared to those of the general population and thus the standard recommendations may not be sufficient for athletic populations. Therefore, a more individualised approach accounting for overall sleep health may be more appropriate for addressing sleep needs in individuals including athletes. The literature has demonstrated that adolescent athletes achieve, on average, ~6.3 h of sleep, demonstrating a discrepancy between sleep recommendations (8–10 h) and actual sleep achieved. Sleep–wake cycles undergo development during adolescence whereby adaptation occurs in sleep regulation during this phase. These adaptations increase sleep pressure tolerance and are driven by the maturation of physiological, psychological, and cognitive functioning along with delays in circadian rhythmicity, thus creating an environment for inadequate sleep during adolescence. As such, the adolescent period is a phase of rapid growth and maturation that presents multiple challenges to both sleep and nutrition; consequently, this places a significant burden on an adolescent athletes’ ability to recover, thus increasing the likelihood of injury. Therefore, this article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the available literature on the importance of sleep and nutrition interactions in injury risk in adolescent athletes. Furthermore, it provides foundations for informing further investigations exploring the relation of sleep and nutrition interactions to recovery during adolescence.
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Understanding sleep patterns and behaviors of athletes is essential for developing targeted sleep-based interventions for implementation in practice. However, more than double the number of sleep studies have examined male athletes compared with female athletes, making the current understanding of sleep patterns, behaviors, and interventions among athletes disproportionately indicative of men. Consequently, this review demonstrates the need for more female-specific sleep data among athlete populations due to research inattention and sex-related differences. Specifically, this review identifies variations in sleep patterns and behaviors between male and female athletes, as well as physiological and lifestyle factors that potentially affect sleep patterns and behaviors across the lifespan, specifically in female athletes. In this regard, evidence suggests some female athletes experience longer sleep durations and better objective sleep quality, but similar or worse subjective sleep quality compared with male athletes. Additionally, scheduling training in the morning or throughout the day may benefit sleep in some female athletes. Considering sleep disorders, women may be at greater risk for insomnia and restless legs syndrome compared with men, which may be attributed to pregnancy, as well as a higher prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms, iron deficiency without anemia, and use of psychotropic medication among women. Finally, the menstrual cycle, menstrual disorders, oral contraceptive use, and the postpartum period have been shown to exert detrimental effects on sleep patterns and behaviors and should theoretically be considered when monitoring and managing sleep in female athletes.
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Background: Growing evidence highlights that elite rugby union players experience poor sleep quality and quantity which can be detrimental for performance. Objectives: This study aimed to i) compare objective sleep measures of rugby union players between age categories over a one week period, and ii) compare self-reported measures of sleep to wristwatch actigraphy as the criterion. Methods: Two hundred and fifty-three nights of sleep were recorded from 38 players representing four different age groups (i.e. under 16, under 18, senior academy, elite senior) in a professional rugby union club in the United Kingdom (UK). Linear mixed models and magnitude-based decisions were used for analysis. Results: The analysis of sleep schedules showed that U16 players went to bed and woke up later than their older counterparts (small differences). In general, players obtained seven hours of sleep per night, with trivial or unclear differences between age groups. The validity analysis highlighted a large relationship between objective and subjective sleep measures for bedtime (r = 0.56 [0.48 to 0.63]), and get up time (r = 0.70 [0.63 to 0.75]). A large standardised typical error (1.50 [1.23 to 1.88]) was observed for total sleep time. Conclusion: This study highlights that differences exist in sleep schedules between rugby union players in different age categories that should be considered when planning training. Additionally, self-reported measures overestimated sleep parameters. Coaches should consider these results to optimise sleep habits of their players and should be careful with self-reported sleep measures.
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This study examined the efficacy of daytime napping to supplement night-time sleep in athletes. Twelve well-trained male soccer players completed three conditions in a randomised, counterbalanced order: 9 h in bed overnight with no daytime nap (9 h + 0 h); 8 h in bed overnight with a 1-h daytime nap (8 h + 1 h); and 7 h in bed overnight with a 2-h daytime nap (7 h + 2 h). Sleep was assessed using polysomnography. The total amount of sleep obtained in the three conditions was similar, i.e. 8.1 h (9 h + 0 h), 8.2 h (8 h + 1 h), and 8.0 h (7 h + 2 h). Daytime napping may be an effective strategy to supplement athletes’ night-time sleep.
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(1) Background: The purpose of the present study was to examine the efficacy of sleep extension in professional rugby players. The aims were to: (i) characterise sleep quantity in elite rugby players and determine changes in immune function and stress hormone secretion during a pre-season training programme; (ii) evaluate the efficacy of a sleep extension intervention in improving sleep, markers of physical stress, immune function and performance. (2) Methods: Twenty five highly trained athletes from a professional rugby team (age (mean ± SD) 25 ± 2.7 years; height 1.87 ± 0.07 m; weight 105 ± 12.1 kg) participated in a six week pre-post control-trial intervention study. Variables of sleep, immune function, sympathetic nervous activity, physiological stress and reaction times were measured. (3) Results: Sleep extension resulted in a moderate improvement in sleep quality scores ([mean; ± 90% confidence limits] −24.8%; ± 54.1%) and small to moderate increases in total sleep time (6.3%; ± 6.3%) and time in bed (7.3%; ± 3.6%). In addition, a small decrease in cortisol (−18.7%; ± 26.4%) and mean reaction times (−4.3%; ± 3.1%) was observed following the intervention, compared to the control. (4) Conclusions: Professional rugby players are at risk of poor sleep during pre-season training, with concomitant rises in physical stress. Implementing a sleep extension programme among professional athletes is recommended to improve sleep, with beneficial changes in stress hormone expression and reaction time performance.
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This study examined agreement between self-perceived sleep and sleep estimated via activity monitors in professional rugby league athletes. 63 athletes, from three separate teams wore actigraphy monitors for 10.3 ± 3.9 days. During the monitoring period, ratings of perceived sleep quality (on a 1–5 and 1–10 Likert scale), and an estimate of sleep duration were recorded daily. Agreement between sleep estimated via activity monitors and self-perceived sleep was examined using mean bias, Pearson correlation (r) and typical error of the estimate (TEE). 641 nights of sleep were recorded, with a very large, positive correlation observed between sleep duration estimated via activity monitors and subjective sleep duration (r = 0.85), and a TEE of 48 minutes. Mean bias revealed subjective sleep duration overestimated sleep by an average of 19.8 minutes. The relationship between sleep efficiency estimated via activity monitors and self-perceived sleep quality on a 1–5 (r = 0.22) and 1–10 Likert scale (r = 0.28) was limited. The outcomes of this investigation support the use of subjective measures to monitor sleep duration in rugby league athletes when objective means are unavailable. However, practitioners should be aware of the tendency of athletes to overestimate sleep duration.
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The importance of sleep in providing psychophysiological recovery in elite athletes is often overlooked. In other populations (eg shift workers and adolescent students), sleep hygiene education may serve to acutely improve sleep indices. However, this is yet to be examined in an elite athlete setting. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to evaluate the effect of a sleep hygiene education session on sleep indices in elite athletes. The study involved 26 elite female netball athletes performing one week of baseline sleep monitoring (PRE), followed by a sleep hygiene education session and a further week of sleep monitoring (POST) in a single group, pre- post design. The sleep hygiene education session focused on providing information on the importance of sleep for athletes and practical tips to improve sleep quality and quantity. Sleep monitoring was performed using wrist actigraphy to assess total sleep time (TST), sleep efficiency (SE%), total time in bed (TTB), sleep latency (SL), wake episodes per night (WE), sleep onset variance (SOV), wake variance (WV), wake episode duration (WED), sleep onset time (SOT), and wake time (WT). There was a significant improvement in TST (mean ± SD; 22.3 ± 39.9 minutes, p=0.01) PRE to POST sleep hygiene education session, the difference associated with a small effect (ES: 0.39). A significant improvement PRE to POST was found for WV (p=0.03), and for WED (p=0.03). There were no significant differences for SE%, SL, TTB, WE, SOV, SOT, WT. The current study reports that a sleep hygiene education session is effective in improving sleep quantity in elite female athletes in an acute setting.
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Objectives: To assess sleep patterns and associations between sleep and match performance in elite Australian female basketball players. Design: Prospective cohort study. Methods: Seventeen elite female basketball players were monitored across two consecutive in-season competitions (30 weeks). Total sleep time and sleep efficiency were determined using triaxial accelerometers for Baseline, Pre-match, Match-day and Post-match timings. Match performance was determined using the basketball efficiency statistic (EFF). The effects of match schedule (Regular versus Double-Header; Home versus Away) and sleep on EFF were assessed. Results: The Double-Header condition changed the pattern of sleep when compared with the Regular condition (F(3,48)=3.763, P=0.017), where total sleep time Post-match was 11% less for Double-Header (mean±SD; 7.2±1.4h) compared with Regular (8.0±1.3h; P=0.007). Total sleep time for Double-Header was greater Pre-match (8.2±1.7h) compared with Baseline (7.1±1.6h; P=0.022) and Match-day (7.3±1.5h; P=0.007). Small correlations existed between sleep metrics at Pre-match and EFF for pooled data (r=-0.39 to -0.22; P≥0.238). Relationships between total sleep time and EFF ranged from moderate negative to large positive correlations for individual players (r=-0.37 to 0.62) and reached significance for one player (r=0.60; P=0.025). Conclusions: Match schedule can affect the sleep patterns of elite female basketball players. A large degree of inter-individual variability existed in the relationship between sleep and match performance; nevertheless, sleep monitoring might assist in the optimisation of performance for some athletes.
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Purpose: To investigate the effects of a training camp on the sleep characteristics of professional rugby league players compared to a home period. Methods: During a seven-day home and 13-day camp period, time in bed (TIB), total sleep time (TST), sleep efficiency (SE) and wake after sleep onset (WASO) were measured using wristwatch actigraphy. Subjective wellness and training loads (TL) were also collected. Differences in sleep and TL between the two periods and the effect of daytime naps on night time sleep were examined using linear mixed models. Pearson's correlations assessed the relationship of changes TL on individuals TST. Results: During the training camp, TST (-85 min), TIB (-53 min) and SE (-8%) were reduced when compared to home. Those who undertook daytime naps showed increased TIB (+33 min), TST (+30 min) and SE (+0.9%). Increases in daily total distance and training duration above individual baseline means during the training camp shared moderate (r = -0.31) and trivial (r = -0.04) negative relationships with TST. Conclusions: Sleep quality and quantity may be compromised during training camps, however undertaking daytime naps may be beneficial for athletes due to their known benefits, without being detrimental to night time sleep.
Purpose: To quantify the sleep/wake behaviors of adolescent, female basketball players and to examine the impact of daily training load on sleep/wake behaviors during a 14-day training camp. Methods: Elite, adolescent, female basketball players (N = 11) had their sleep/wake behaviors monitored using self-report sleep diaries and wrist-worn activity monitors during a 14-day training camp. Each day, players completed 1 to 5 training sessions (session duration: 114 [54] min). Training load was determined using the session rating of perceived exertion model in arbitrary units. Daily training loads were summated across sessions on each day and split into tertiles corresponding to low, moderate, and high training load categories, with rest days included as a separate category. Separate linear mixed models and effect size analyses were conducted to assess differences in sleep/wake behaviors among daily training load categories. Results: Sleep onset and offset times were delayed (P < .05) on rest days compared with training days. Time in bed and total sleep time were longer (P < .05) on rest days compared with training days. Players did not obtain the recommended 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night on training days. A moderate increase in sleep efficiency was evident during days with high training loads compared with low. Conclusions: Elite, adolescent, female basketball players did not consistently meet the sleep duration recommendations of 8 to 10 hours per night during a 14-day training camp. Rest days delayed sleep onset and offset times, resulting in longer sleep durations compared with training days. Sleep/wake behaviors were not impacted by variations in the training load administered to players.
Purpose: The cumulative influence of sleep time on endurance performance remains unclear. This study examined effects of three consecutive nights of both sleep extension and restriction on endurance cycling performance. Methods: Endurance cyclists/triathletes (n=9) completed a counterbalanced crossover experiment with three conditions; sleep restriction (SR), normal sleep (NS), and sleep extension (SE). Each condition comprised seven days/nights of data collection (-2, -1, D1, D2, D3, D4, +1). Sleep was monitored using actigraphy throughout. Participants completed testing sessions on days D1-D4 that included an endurance time-trial (TT), mood, and psychomotor vigilance assessment. Perceived exertion (RPE) was monitored throughout each TT. Participants slept habitually prior to D1, however, time in bed was reduced by 30% (SR), remained normal (NS), or extended by 30% (SE) on nights D1, D2, and D3. Data were analysed using Generalised Estimating Equations. Results: On nights D1, D2, and D3, total sleep time was longer (P<0.001) in the SE condition (8.6±1.0; 8.3±0.6; 8.2±0.6h, respectively), and shorter (P<0.001) in the SR condition (4.7±0.8; 4.8±0.8; 4.9±0.4h) compared with NS (7.1±0.8; 6.5±1.0; 6.9±0.7h). Compared with NS, TT performance was slower (P<0.02) on D3 of SR (58.8±2.5 vs 60.4±3.7min) and faster (P<0.02) on D4 of SE (58.7±3.4 vs 56.8±3.1min). RPE was not different between or within conditions. Compared with NS, mood disturbance was higher-, and psychomotor vigilance impaired, following SR. Compared with NS, psychomotor vigilance improved following SE. Conclusion: Sleep extension for three nights led to better maintenance of endurance performance compared with normal and restricted sleep. Sleep restriction impaired performance. Cumulative sleep time affects performance by altering the perceived exertion of a given exercise intensity. Endurance athletes should sleep >8 hours per night to optimise performance.