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Intravenous lidocaine for inducing remission of cluster period



Cluster headache is a rare clinical condition, classified by the IHS as a trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia. Some known abortive treatments are inhaled oxygen, subcutaneous sumatriptan, intravenous dihydroergotamine and intranasal lidocaine. However, previous case reports suggest that intravenous lidocaine may play a role in the treatment of cluster headache attacks. We describe a patient with refractory cluster headache, whose condition remitted after the use of intravenous lidocaine. Therapy with lidocaine was conducted without harm, and the remission after a "single shot" suggested this approach to be safe and desirable to be tried in patients with cluster headache..
Headache Medicine, v.3, n.1, p.41-43, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2012 41
Intravenous lidocaine for inducing remission of
cluster period
Lidocaína intravenosa como indutor de remissão de surto de cefaleia
em salvas
Cluster headache is a rare clinical condition, classified by the
IHS as a trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia. Some known
abortive treatments are inhaled oxygen, subcutaneous
sumatriptan, intravenous dihydroergotamine and intranasal
lidocaine. However, previous case reports suggest that
intravenous lidocaine may play a role in the treatment of cluster
headache attacks. We describe a patient with refractory cluster
headache, whose condition remitted after the use of intravenous
lidocaine. Therapy with lidocaine was conducted without harm,
and the remission after a "single shot" suggested this approach
to be safe and desirable to be tried in patients with cluster
Keywords: Keywords:
Keywords: Keywords:
Keywords: Intravenous lidocaine; Cluster headache
A cefaleia em salvas é uma rara condição clínica que faz parte
das cefaleias trigêmino-autonômicas. Há alguns tratamentos
abortivos descritos na literatura, como oxigênio inalatório,
sumatriptana subcutânea, dihidroergotamina e lidocaína
intranasal. Relatos de caso sugerem o uso da lidocaína intra-
venosa como terapêutica destas crises. Descrevemos um caso
de portador de cefaléia em salvas forma refratária, cuja condição
remitiu ao uso de lidocaína endovenosa. A resposta eviden-
ciada sugere que um tratamento do tipo "single shot" com
lidocaína endovenosa é seguro e desejável para os portadores
de cefaleia em salvas.
-chave: chave:
chave: chave:
chave: Lidocaína endovenosa; Cefaleia em salvas
Paulo Sérgio Faro Santos1, Renato Endler Iachinski2, Henry Koiti Sato2, Maria Tereza Moraes Souza
Nascimento2, Ricardo Krause Martinez de Souza2, Vanessa Rizelio2, Pedro André Kowacs2
1Medical Student, Universidade Federal de Sergipe – UFS, Aracaju, SE, Brazil
2Neurology Service, Instituto Neurológico de Curitiba, Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Santos PS, Iachinski RE, Sato HK, Nascimento MT, Souza RK, Rizelio V, et al.
Intravenous lidocaine for inducing remission of cluster period. Headache Medicine. 2012;3(1):41-3
Cluster headache is an uncommon condition, most
prevalent in men and classified by the IHS as a trigeminal
autonomic cephalalgias, term originally coined by
Goadsby and Lipton, in 1997.(1,2) It is characterized by
attacks of headache (orbital, retro-orbital or temporal)
and are accompanied by autonomic symptoms, that last
from 30 to 180 minutes, at a frequency that ranges from
one crisis each other day up to eight crises per day during
the cluster period, frequently with a circadian periodicity
of the attacks, and a circannual periodicity of the cluster
Some therapies have been recommended for
treatment of cluster headache attacks, such as inhaled
oxygen, subcutaneous sumatriptan, intravenous dihydro-
ergotamine and intranasal lidocaine.(3) Intravenous
lidocaine was reported to be effective in the acute control
of attacks of SUNCT syndrome (Severe Unilateral
Neuralgiform Headache with Conjunctival Injection and
Tearing), another type of trigeminal autonomic
cephalalgia.(4,5) However, its use on the treatment of cluster
headache attacks was reported in a few papers, and
remains largely unknown.(6,7)
We describe a case of a refractory cluster headache
patient, whose condition remitted after the use of
intravenous lidocaine.
42 Headache Medicine, v.3, n.1, p.41-43, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2012
The patient was a 49 year-old male, who has been
suffering from cluster headache since the age of 37. The
intensity and frequency of his cluster headache attacks
had progressively worsened in the last seven years. There
was no history of remission periods exceeding 30 days in
the last year. At the time of his admission, he was using
topiramate 75 mg o.d. and naratriptan 2.5 mg b.i.d..
Twenty milliliters of lidocaine 2% diluted in 240 mL of
dextrose 0.5% were infused at 60 mL/h. During the infusion
the patient was kept under cardiac monitoring. There were
no adverse events. The patient had no headaches during
the infusion period, and remained cluster headache-free
at the follow-up, even after naratriptan withdrawal and
after reduction of topiramate to 25 mg 1 b.i.d.. Discussion
Lidocaine is a local anesthetic widely used in medical
practice for regional anesthesia in peripheral and central
neuropathic pain.(8,9) It can be administered by different
routes: epidural, spinal, intramuscular, intrapleural, topical,
intranasal and intravenous.(8) Intranasal lidocaine has been
used as adjuvant treatment for attacks of cluster headache
since 1985(10) and, similarly, was tried in the treatment of
migraine.(11) While success is achieved in addressing these
painful situations, this is not a usual practice.(10-13) In addition,
other studies show the use of intravenous lidocaine to abort
SUNCT attacks.(4,5) In 2004, Matharu(5) described four cases
of SUNCT patients who showed disappearance of the
headache during intravenous lidocaine administration.
However, recurrence was observed approximately 15 to
20 minutes upon termination of the infusion.(5) Adverse
events were reported by three patients and consisted of
nausea and vomiting, depressive symptoms and paranoid
ideation.(5) In two patients, SUNCT remitted for about a
year after the intravenous administration of lidocaine and
substitution of the previous prophylactic medications for
topiramate.(5) Arroyo, in a 2010 double-blind study(4)
demonstrated that intravenous lidocaine was superior to
placebo in the treatment of SUNCT. These authors
reinforced the need for patient monitoring during the
intravenous administration of lidocaine.(4,5) Although the
results suggest a good response to intravenous lidocaine
as an abortive therapy of SUNCT, its mechanisms of
action are still unclear.(4) In 1988, Maciewicz(6) reported
the use of intravenous lidocaine for treating migraine and
cluster headache attacks. In this report, the author found
a significant reduction in pain intensity reported by patients
with cluster headache.(6) He also suggested that the good
result was due to the direct action of lidocaine in the
trigeminal nociceptive input from local blood vessels.(6)
Marmura, in 2009,(7) through a retrospective study on the
use of intravenous lidocaine in 68 patients, two of whom
were suffering from cluster headache, reported a 50%
improvement of pain after administration of the anesthetic
in these patients. Just as in SUNCT, lidocaine mechanism
of action involved in termination of cluster headache attacks
is unclear.(4,7) However, Leone (2009)(14) suggested cluster
headache and SUNCT to share similar pathophysiological
mechanisms. This assumption is due to the presence of
hypothalamic activation in cluster headache and SUNCT
as well as the positive response of both conditions to high-
frequency hypothalamic stimulation.(14)
As summed up by Lauretti (2008)(9) "the final
analgesic action of intravenous lidocaine reflects the
multifactorial aspect of its action, resulting from the
interaction with sodium channels, and direct or indirect
interaction with different receptors and nociceptive
transmission pathways such as muscarinic antagonism,
glycine inhibiton, reduction in the production of excitatory
amino acids, reduction in the production of thromboxane
A2, release of endogenous opioids, reduction in
neurokinins and release of adenosine triphosphate".
Finally, intravenous lidocaine was generally
considered to be safe in this setting of administration, and
may obviate the need for prolonged medical, semi-
invasive or invasive therapies. Based upon the "single-
shot" response observed in this case, prospective controlled
double-blind studies to prove the efficacy of intravenous
lidocaine in remission of symptoms of cluster headache
are desirable.
1. Fischera M, Marziniak M, Gralow I, Evers S. The incidence and
prevalence of cluster headache: a meta-analysis of population-
based studies. Cephalalgia. 2008;28(6):614-8.
2. Goadsby PJ, Cittadini E, Burns B, Cohen AS. Trigeminal
autonomic cephalalgias: diagnostic and therapeutic
developments. Curr Opin Neurol. 2008;21(3):323-30.
3. Cohen AS, Goadsby PJ. Prevention and treatment of cluster
headache. Prog Neurol Psychiatry. 2009;13(3):9-16.
4. Arroyo Am, Durán XR, Beldarrain MG, Pinedo A, García-Moncó
JC. Response to intravenous lidocaine in a patient with SUNCT
syndrome. Cephalalgia. 2010;30(1):110-2.
5. Matharu MS, Cohen AS, Goadsby PJ. SUNCT syndrome responsive
to intravenous lidocaine. Cephalalgia. 2004;24(11): 985-92.
6. Maciewicz R, Chung RY, Strassman A, Hochberg F, Moskowitz M.
Relief of vascular headache with intravenous lidocaine: clinical
observations and a proposed mechanism. Clin J Pain. 1988;
Headache Medicine, v.3, n.1, p.41-43, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2012 43
Pedro André Kedro André K
edro André Kedro André K
edro André Kowacsowacs
Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba
Rua Jeremias Maciel Perretto 300 – Bairro Ecoville
81210-310 – Curitiba, PR, Brazil
7. Marmura M, Rosen N, Abbas M, Silberstein S. Intravenous
lidocaine in the treatment of refractory headache: a
retrospective case series. Headache. 2009;49(2):286-91.
Erratum in Headache. 2009 May;49(5):803.
8. Heavner JE. Local anesthetics. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol.
9. Lauretti GR. Mechanisms of analgesia of intravenous lidocaine.
Rev Bras Anestesiol. 2008;58(3):280-6. Article in English,
10. Kittrelle JP, Grouse DS, Seybold ME. Cluster headache: local
anesthetic abortive agents. Arch Neurol. 1985;42(5):496-8.
11. Rapoport AM, Bigal ME, Tepper SJ, Sheftell FD. Intranasal
medications for the treatment of migraine and cluster headache.
CNS Drugs. 2004;18(10):671-85.
12. Costa A, Pucci E, Antonaci F, Sances G, Granella F, Broich G,
Nappi G. The effect of intranasal cocaine and lidocaine on
nitroglycerin-induced attacks in cluster headache. Cephalalgia.
13. Robbins L. Intranasal lidocaine for cluster headache. Headache.
14. Leone M, Bussone G. Pathophysiology of trigeminal autonomic
cephalalgias. Lancet Neurol. 2009;8(8):755-64.
Received: 12/20/2011
Accepted: 1/22/2012
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Intravenous lidocaine has been used for several indications since the decade of 1960. Its multimodal mechanism of action was the objective of this review. Mechanisms of action that diverge from the classical Na+ channel blockade, the differential action of intravenous lidocaine in central sensitization, and the analgesic and cytoprotective actions, as well as the different doses of intravenous lidocaine were reviewed. The final analgesic action of intravenous lidocaine is a reflection of its multifactorial action. It has been suggested that its central sensitization is secondary to a peripheral anti-hyperalgic action on somatic pain and central on neuropathic pain, which result on the blockade of central hyperexcitability. The intravenous dose should not exceed the toxic plasma concentration of 5 microg mL(-1); doses smaller than 5 mg kg(-1), administered slowly (30 minutes), under monitoring, are considered safe.
Cluster headache is an excruciatingly painful primary headache syndrome with rapid onset attacks that are relatively short, typically up to three hours. Management strategies involve avoidance of possible triggers to attacks, such as alcohol and naps, and pharmacological treatments aimed at either quickly aborting acute attacks, or preventive therapies to suppress the attacks entirely, or reduce their frequency, severity or duration. Copyright © 2009 Wiley Interface Ltd
The effectiveness of intravenous lidocaine for relief of vascular headache was assessed using a single-blind protocol. Patients with acute pain due to common migraine or cluster headache were studied and compared with patients with cranial pain of other causes. Pain intensity was measured using a visual analog scale. In 13 headache patients, an intravenous injection of lido- caine (100 mg standard dose) produced rapid relief of clinical pain, with an associated significant change in visual analog scale scores (p < 0.001). Relief lasted approximately 20 min; in most patients the pain then returned to pretreatment levels. No significant side effects were reported by the subjects. This response may be the result of a direct, anesthetic action of lidocaine on trigeminal nociceptive afferents innervating cranial blood vessels. (C) Lippincott-Raven Publishers.
Cluster headache, paroxysmal hemicrania, and short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT) are primary headaches recently classified together as trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs). The causes of these headaches have long been debated, with "peripheral" hypotheses in opposition to "central" hypotheses. The available information indicates that the pain originates from within the brain in cluster headache. The hypothalamic activation observed during TAC attacks by use of functional neuroimaging, and the success of hypothalamic stimulation as a treatment, confirm that the posterior hypothalamus is crucial in the pathophysiology of these headaches. The posterior hypothalamus is now known to modulate craniofacial pain, and hypothalamic activation occurs in other pain disorders, suggesting that this brain area is likely to have a more complex role in the pathophysiology of TACs than that of a mere trigger. Hypothalamic activation might play a part in terminating rather than triggering attacks, and might also give rise to a central permissive state, allowing attacks to take place.
Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT) syndrome represents a serious therapeutic and diagnostic challenge, since it is usually refractory to most drugs and lacks biological markers. Response to intravenous lidocaine administration has been reported in some patients while it has failed in others. We report a patient with SUNCT syndrome who showed a clear-cut and consistent response to intravenous lidocaine therapy, which proved superior to placebo in a single-blinded fashion. Intravenous lidocaine should be considered in all patients with SUNCT syndrome. Response to this therapy could represent a diagnostic tool.
New treatments are needed to treat chronic daily headache (CDH) and chronic cluster headache (CCH). New treatments are needed to treat this population and intravenous (IV) lidocaine is a novel treatment for CDH. The aim of this study was to examine the use of IV lidocaine for refractory CDH patients in an inpatient setting. This was an open-label, retrospective, uncontrolled study of IV lidocaine for 68 intractable headache patients in an inpatient setting. We reviewed the medical records of patients receiving IV lidocaine between February 6, 2003 and June 29, 2005. Pretreatment headache scores averaged 7.9 on an 11-point scale and posttreatment scores averaged 3.9 representing an average change of 4. Average length of treatment was 8.5 days. Lidocaine infusion was generally well tolerated with a low incidence of adverse events leading to discontinuation of treatment. This study suggests benefit of lidocaine treatment and the need for further prospective analyses. The mechanism of lidocaine in treating headache is unknown.
Cocainization of the sphenopalatine fossa region has been shown to abort acute cluster headaches rapidly. Whether this response occurs by sympathomimetic action or via local anesthetic effect has been unknown. In this study, lidocaine hydrochloride was given as a therapeutic abortive agent to patients with cluster headache to elucidate cocaine's mechanism of action in relieving symptoms and to search for a safe, nonaddicting agent for self-administration. Using a 4% lidocaine solution applied to the sphenopalatine fossa, four of five patients obtained rapid relief of nitrate-induced cluster headaches and associated signs. Lidocaine was also effective in relieving spontaneous attacks. These results indicated that anesthetic rather than sympathomimetic effects are responsible for cocaine-medicated abortion of cluster headache, that transmission of pain in cluster headache likely occurs via the sphenopalatine fossa, and that topical lidocaine is effective in rapidly aborting acute cluster headache.
Thirty male patients with cluster headache were given 4% lidocaine solution to use intranasally as an abortive therapy. Four sprays of lidocaine were used ipsilateral to the pain, and two more were used, if necessary. Twenty-seven percent of the men reported moderate relief, 27% obtained mild relief, and 46% stated that they had no relief from the lidocaine, Side effects were minimal. In this study, intranasal lidocaine was only a marginally helpful therapy for cluster headache. However, because of the ease of administration and lack of side effects, lidocaine may remain worthwhile as an adjunctive medication.
The administration of nitroderivatives in cluster headache (CH) sufferers is the most reproducible experimental paradigm to induce spontaneous-like pain attacks. Previous uncontrolled studies have reported that the local use of anaesthetic agents in the area of the sphenopalatine fossa is able to extinguish nitroglycerin (NTG)-induced pain in CH. The present study, carried out according to a double-blind placebo-controlled design, included 15 CH patients, six with episodic CH (mean +/- SD age of 36.8+/-5.6 years), and nine with chronic CH (37.8+/-10.4 years). Patients had undergone a standard NTG test (0.9 mg sublingually), during which the intensity of pain was scored using a visuoanalogic scale (VAS, range 0-10). Nine patients (two with the episodic form, seven with the chronic form) experienced a typical, spontaneous-like attack on the usual side, occurring in all cases within 45 min. In these patients, the test was repeated with an interval of 2 days, and once pain intensity reached 5 on the VAS, a 10% solution of cocaine hydrochloride (1 ml, mean amount per application 40-50 mg), or 10% lidocaine (1 ml), or saline was applied using a cotton swab in the area corresponding to the sphenopalatine fossa, under anterior rhinoscopy. This was done in both the symptomatic and the non-symptomatic side, for 5 min. Treatments were always performed randomly, in separate sessions. All patients responded promptly to both anaesthetic agents, with complete cessation of induced pain occurring after 31.3+/-13.1 min for cocaine and 37.0+/-7.8 min for lidocaine (M+/-SD). In the case of saline application, pain severity increased thereafter, and extinction of the provoked attacks occurred with a latency of 59.3+/-12.3 min (P<0.01 and P<0.01 vs. cocaine and lidocaine, respectively, Mann-Whitney U-test). While further suggesting that the sphenopalatine ganglion participates in the mechanisms of pain, these findings indicate that the local administration of the anaesthetic agents cocaine and lidocaine is effective on NTG-induced CH attacks, and may be used in the symptomatic treatment of this disorder.
Intranasally administered medications for the treatment of headache have recently received increased attention because they offer a rapid onset of activity, even in patients with nausea and vomiting. In addition, patients are likely to use intranasal agents earlier in the course of a headache attack because the intranasal route overcomes potential patient objections to administration of agents by injection and suppository. Although not yet widely available, intranasally administered headache medications are likely to enjoy widespread acceptance once introduced to markets worldwide. At present, butorphanol nasal spray is available for use in severe headache and other pain syndromes only in the US. This drug is a synthetic opioid agonist-antagonist and thus is useful for pain control when an opioid is required. Dihydroergotamine nasal spray has recently become available in Canada, and should be available in the US and other countries in the near future. Sumatriptan nasal spray has recently been approved in The Netherlands and should soon be available throughout Europe. Other abortive migraine agents may become available in tablet or capsule form and later for nasal administration. Capsaicin, lido-caine (lignocaine) and calcitonin have been used for relief of migraine and cluster headache, but have not yet been widely accepted.