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Media Portrayal of Violence Against Women; A Case of Top-Rated TV Channels

  • University of Okara
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
1Lecturer, University of the Punjab Lahore
2Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
3Lecturer, Communication Studies, Minhaj University Lahore
4Centre for Nanosciences, Department of Physics, University of Okara,
5BS Hons. (Accounts Finance), Department of Business, Forman Christian College University
This study examines the portrayal of violence against women in Pakistani TV dramas
through content analysis method. The primary purpose of this study is to find out that how
Pakistani TV dramas portraying violence against women. The researcher has also focused
upon the representation of violence against women in different categories as physical,
emotional, and sexual violence in selected TV dramas. Data is collected from the three
most popular drama Channels of Pakistan, one is HUM TV, second is Geo TV and the third
is ARY Digital. These channels are selected through the purposive sampling technique.
Content analysis of drama serials (Rehaai, Kalmohi and Chup Rahoo) of one specific week
telecasted during prime-time transmission on violence against women during the period from
March 2013 to March 2015 is done. The hypotheses are tested through a chi-square test
and got accepted. The findings of the study revealed that the most popular TV channels of
Pakistan portray the issues of violence against women in their drama serials. It is also
revealed that women are misrepresented and portrayed in stereotypical characters. They
are represented as victims of male characters. Women face domestic violence at their
husbands and fathers places because they depend on them.
Keywords: Portrayal, violence against women, TV channels
This study focuses on Media portrayal of violence against women; A case of top rated TV
channels” from: (March 2013 to March 2015).”
According to 2015 report 90 cases of acid burning, 481 cases of home violence, 268 cases
of sexual violence and 860 cases of honor killing are reported. (Kaiser, F.2015). Most of
these dramas centered on the family, especially women, often as independent individuals
and most often as mothers, sisters, and wives (Ahmar, T. 2012).some developing countries
have less focus on the issue of women regarding their rights. (Asif, M. 2010).Despite having
an important role, they are facing many problems in their daily lives such as Child marriage,
Watta satta, Honor killing, Marriage to Quran and throwing acid. (Khan, S.2012). The most
abusive forms of violence being faced by women take place in their Homes (Babur, U.Z.
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
According to a Feudal lord in rural Sindh, "if our women get education, they will forget their
culture” (Hassan, 1995, p.23). The stories related to physical, emotional, and sexual
violence are also transmitted through several means of mass media (Hussain, S.M.2013).
According to reports from various NGOs, there are still more than 5,000 women in the
province of Sindh, who married the Holy Quran (Ahmed, T.2012).Pakistani TV dramas are
mostly centered on the everyday lives of the people particularly women, who are frequently
such as self-governing persons usually shown in stereotypical household characters.
(Ahmar, T. 2012)
Domestic violence and honour killing in Pakistan is considered as a private family matter.
That is why police and NGOs did not report or even act against such heinous crimes.
Besides women empowerment in the 21st century Violent themes such as child marriage,
marriage with the Holy Quran, karo kari, sawara, and wani are very common in Pakistan.
Many studies have been made on gender-based violence and move beyond simply related
to violence that only focuses one dimension of physical violence and the empowerment of
women. However, this study focuses on portrayal of domestic violence in forms of physical,
emotional, and sexual violence in Pakistani TV dramas.
HUM TV, ARY digital and Geo TV are private TV channels which broadcast 24- hours’
entertainment programs. These TV channels are popular because they cover the entire
family content, and their special focus is on issues of women. They are not bound by the
government. While Government owned TV channels have boundaries. HUM TV, ARY digital
and Geo TV dramas depict some actual realities of our society. These are the most popular
entertainment channels after privatization of the’s dramas represent a female
victim character with little or no agency to change her life. (Jiwani, M.2013)
Literature review is considered as one of the most important steps in any research process
as it helps the researcher to get key facts, questions, plus findings related to former
research. The main point of this research was to evaluate the representation of gender-
based violence on Pakistani dramas serials. In this research work researcher has evaluated
related resources on gender-based violence in Television serials. There is a great
percentage of violence in TV dramas. (Show maker, Reese 1991)
Babar, U.Z. (2007) summarizes that women in TV dramas are shown as dancers, singers,
and performers just for the satisfaction of the men. They are also portrayed as sex objects in
television commercials. Zia. A. (2007) concluded that in Pakistani media women are
represented as victimized, spectators and in lower status roles. Female characters are often
represented as passive and weak in position. While male characters in television dramas
commit harmful acts more often than female.
The media practitioners should display the images of male and female characters in which
they uphold strong relations with one another. (Malik, F.2009). Women often suffer
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
domestic violence firstly in father’s place and secondly at husband’s place. (Parvez,
Nosheen, H. (2011) summarizes that domestic violence is seem in the form of physical,
emotional, and sexual violence, between the families. Awan, Z.S. (2012) explores that mass
media and NGO’s play a significant role in our society because they focus on the issues of
women. Although traditional styles are constantly followed but the media seek to portray the
diversified image and role of women in the modern society (Malik, M. R., & Kiani, A.2012).
Jiwani, M. (2013) conducted Textual analysis of two dramas, one from 1985 and one from
2011.Women should be provided opportunities to prove themselves to change the
stereotypical image portrayed by the media. (Rameez, A., & Ali, A.R.2015)
“In the intervening years, the feminist work is documented and analysed the several forms of
violent attacks against women just because they are woman.” (Skonrina, 1977). Wood, T.J.
describes the Influence of Media on Views of Gender who are bitter counterpoint "good"
women. (Davis, 1990). Star World and America Plus represented the stereotypical images of
male and female characters. That is why people can exploit the body of women. (Christine,
C. Hall, I., & Crum, J.M. 1994).
Srivastava &Agarwal (2004) in their research work concluded that in Hindi movies like
“Pratibha‟ and “Anjaam” women are represented either helpless victims suffer in silence or
as hard and cunning; revenge for their suffering by resorting once again to violence. Anette
F; James Lang, J; & Osterhaus, J (2005) stated that, sexual violence is the strongest crime
in overall the world. Women in mass media are depicted as sex objects. (Dickey. J. 2006).
Ghally, M; &Farouk, H. (2009) find out that Egyptian TV dramas continue to focus on
traditional roles and stereotypes. Women are shown as mothers, wives, workers, victims,
mistresses and provocative.
According to Dharba, V. (2012) the attraction of a woman is usually measured by the colour
of her skin. Rabecca Miles (2012) concluded that some TV dramas represent gender
equality differently. Birgit Wolf (2013) summarizes that the mainstream representations of
violence are the main hegemony. Guler, E. (2015) stated that in Turkish drama female
characters are portrayed as victims of male characters. Molin, D. (2007) concluded that
Californian series based on moderate and experimental representations of masculinity and
Holst (1969) & Berlson (1959) stated that “content analysis is a technical, systematic, critical
& impartial research technique which is used to study the manifest content of the
communication". That is why researcher adopted the content analysis method to analyze the
major concepts of present study.
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
To find out how violence against women is being portrayed in Pakistani TV dramas.
To examine how male and female characters are being depicted in Pakistani TV dramas.
To examine the type of violence which is more represented in Pakistani TV dramas
Research Questions
1. Do Pakistani TV dramas portray men as violent characters?
2. Do Pakistani TV dramas depict women as oppressed and victimized?
3. Which type of violence is more represented in Pakistani TV dramas?
H1: Male characters are represented as violent characters in Pakistani TV Dramas.
H2: Female characters are portrayed as victim of male characters in Pakistani TV dramas.
Variables in content analysis
Independent Variable
HUM TV, Geo TV and ARY digital Drama serials are independent variables in this study.
Dependent Variable
In this study portrayal of violence against women is dependent variable on HUM TV and
ARY digital drama serials as well as violence against women is also dependent on media
whether they portray it or not it is up to them.
Purposive sampling
For selecting dramas researcher had selected 3 Pakistani TV Dramas Rehaai from HUM TV,
Chup rahoo from ARY Digital as well as kalmohi from Geo TV.
Universe of the study
For content analysis,HUM TV, Geo TV and ARY digital prime time drama serials on violence
against women from March 2013 to March 2015 are the universe of the present study.
Sample of the Study
Three most popular prime time drama serials, 1drama serial of HUM TV (Rehaai, 2013) and
1 of ARY digital (Chup Rahoo, 2015) and 1 from Geo TV (Kalmohi) are selected since
violence against women.
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
Unit of analysis
In this study HUM TV, Geo TV and ARY digital dramas on violence against women
are the unit of analysis.
In this research unit of analysis consists of following items:
Location of violence
In the present study categories have been made to give specific codes to media content. In
this research contents of Pakistani TV channels from HUM TV, Geo TV and ARY digital
dramas regarding violence against women are taken and this data is measured as status of
Violent Character (male or female) status of Victim character (protagonist). Pakistani TV
channels HUM TV, ARY digital and Geo TV dramatized physical, emotional, and sexual
violence suffered by women are categories. Father's home, Husband's home and Sister's
home is also categorized Location as of violence.
Operationalization of Categories
Physical violence: In physical violence women are shown as spitting, scratching, biting,
grabbing, shaking, shoving, pushing, restraining, throwing, twisting, slapping beaten by male
and female (husband, father, and brother, mother-in-law or by any other relative) characters.
Emotional violence: In emotional violence women are shown as being abused, insulted
through name calling, threatens and humiliated.
Sexual violence: In sexual violence women are represented as raped by a family member,
(e.g.,brother-in-law, cousin etc.). This type of violence occurs mostly in the survivor's home
or in the perpetrator’s home. Sexual violence has different forms such as stalking that
someone else feeling afraid, nervous, harassed, or in danger and take place under very
different circumstances.
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
Findings and Results Section I
Violent characters in HUM TV drama Serial Rehaai (2013)
Figure 5.1
Figure 5.1 represents the violent characters
of drama serial Rehaai. The total number of
violent characters is 4 out of which 53.3%
violence is committed by Husband, 20% by
father, 6.7% by father-in-law and 13.3% by
son and 6.7% by no character. No character
illustrates that in an episode there was no
violence committed by any character. So, the
major violent character is Husband who
commits 53.3% violence.
Victim characters in drama serial Rehaai Figure 5.2
Figure 5.2 shows the female victim
characters in Drama Serial Rehaai. The
total number of victim characters of this
drama serial is 4. The above graph shows
that 6.7% for no victim character as in an
episode no violence has been committed.
The figure shows that 53.3%for wife as
victim character 20% for daughter, 13.3%
for mother and 6.7% for daughter in law.
So, the character of wife is considered as
more victimized as compared to other
characters. In domestic violence wife is the
most miserable character of this drama
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
Location where violence has been committed in drama serial Rehaai. Figure5.3
Figure 5.3 indicates the representation of
location where violence has been committed in
drama serial Rehai. In domestic violence
researcher has selected 3 main types of
locations where violence is committed. The
above mention figure illustrates that 6.7%for no
location as in an episode there is no location
where violence against women has been
committed. The places where violence against
women is committed are allocated to 80% for
husband’s home and 13.3% for Father’s home.
Type of violence which has been committed in drama serial Rehaai. Figure5.4
There is total three types allocated to
violence against women which are physical,
emotional, and sexual violence. The figure
5.4 shows that 53.3% for physical violence,
40% for emotional violence and 6.7% for no
type of violence as in an episode there was
no violence been committed in drama serial
Rehaai. So according to the representation
of graph physical violence has been
committed most in this drama serial with the
ratio of 53.5%.
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
Violent characters in drama Serial Kalmohi (2013-2014) Figure 5.5
Figure 5.5 illustrates the representation of violent
characters of Drama Serial Kalmohi. The total no
of violent characters of drama serial Kalmohi are 5
in which 8.7% is allocated for no character as in
some episodes there was no violence committed
by any character. The above mention graph
shows that 13% of violence is committed by
husband, 47.8% by brother, and 4.4% by male
cousin. Similarly, graph shows that.
17.4%% domestic violence is committed by
stepmother and 8.7% by bhabi.
(Brother’s wife).
Victim characters in drama Serial Kalmohi
Figure 5.6
Figure 5.6 indicates the representation of victim
character of Geo TV Drama serial Kalmohi. As
in this drama serial there is only one character
which is suppressed by their family members.
The victim character is labeled as protagonist
in this graph. Graph shows that 8.7% for no
character as in some episodes there was no
victim character is portrayed. The protagonist
(Husna) is portrayed as main victim character
with 91.3%.
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
Location of violence in drama serial Kalmohi Figure5.7
Figure 5.7 indicates the location of violence where
violence against women has been committed on the
victim character in drama serial Kalmohi. Graph shows
that 8.7% for no location, 73. 9% for father’s home,
13.1 % for husband home and 4.3% for any other
place. So, majority of the violence has been
committed at father’s home.
Type of violence in drama serial Kalmohi Figure 5.8
Figure 5.8 shows the representation of the type
of violence committed in the drama serial
Kalmohi. Graph illustrates that 8.7% for no
violence 60.9% for physical violence, 26.1% for
emotional violence and 4.3% for sexual violence.
So, the result proves that physical violence is the
major type of violence committed in this drama.
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
Violence against women in ARY digital Drama Serial Chup Raho (2014-2015)
Violent characters Figure 5.9
Figure 5.9 depicts the violent characters of ARY
digital drama serial Chup Raho. The total violent
characters of this drama serial are husband and
brother-in-law. Graph shows 55.6% violence has
committed by brother-in-law, 29.6% by husband
and 14.8% by any other character. So, the major
violent character of the whole drama
serial is brother-in-law.
Portrayal of victim character in drama serial Chup Rahoo
The above figure 5.10 represents the victim
characters of drama serial Chup Raho.
There is only one leading suppressed and
victim character (protagonist). According to
the graph 92.6% is allocated to protagonist
as she is the only one character in the
whole drama serial who faces violence and
7.4% for any other character.
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
Location of violence in drama serial Chup Rahoo Figure 5.11
Figure 5.11 represents the location of violence where
violence has been committed.
Graph shows that 3.7% violence has been committed
in husband’s home, 70.4% in Sister’s home and
25.9% at any other place. So according to most of
the violence is committed at sister’s place.
Type of violence in drama serial Chup Rahoo Figure 5.12
Figure 5.12 represents the type of violence. Three
type of violence has been examined in this drama
serial. Graph shows that 33.3% for physical
violence, 22.2% for emotional violence and 44.5%for
sexual violence. So according to the graph sexual
violence is the most practiced type of violence in
Pakistani Drama Serial Chup
Hypothesis testing
This study is about the portrayal of violence against women in Pakistani TV dramas.
Researchers develop hypothesis with the help of research questions and objectives of the
study. For the validity of the data researcher has applied Chi Square statistical test method
in this study. Following are the hypothesis of this study.
H1: Male characters are represented as violent characters in Pakistani TV Dramas.
H2: Female characters are portrayed as victim of male characters in Pakistani TV dramas.
After analyzing the Hypothesis 1 researcher has found that
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
H1: Male characters are represented as violent characters in Pakistani TV Dramas.
H0: Male characters are not represented as violent characters in Pakistani TV Dramas.
Table 6.1
Violent characters in drama serial Rehaai
Violent characters in drama serial Kalmoohi
Violent characters in drama serial ChupRahoo
The findings of the table show the representation of violent characters of drama serials
Rehaai, Kalmoohi and Chup Rahoo. Hypothesis has been tested in SPSS through chi
square. Results of the above table show that the hypothesis1 has been significantly
accepted with the p value 0.013 and null hypothesis is rejected.
After analyzing the Hypothesis 2 researcher has found that
H2: Female characters are portrayed as victim of male characters in Pakistani TV dramas.
H0: Female characters are not portrayed as victim of male characters in Pakistani TV
Table 6.2
Person Chi Square applied on the
violent characters of the dramas
victim characters in drama serial
victim characters in drama serial
Chup rho
Victim characters in drama serial
The results of this table show the female victim characters of the drama serials Rehaai,
Kalmoohi and ChupRahoo. According to the above table the p value (0.015) is less than
alpha (0.05). So, the alternative hypothesis is significantly accepted, and null hypothesis is
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
Discussion and Analysis
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the portrayal of violence against women in
Pakistani TV dramas (Rehaai, Kalmohi&ChupRahoo) from 2013 to 2015. In this study
researcher has used content analysis method to analyze the data. The study produces a
large amount of information regarding violence against women in Pakistani TV dramas.
Researcher has analyzed the drama serials of HUM TV, Geo TV and ARY digital because
their content covers the issues of Pakistani women.
To investigate the portrayal of violence against women in Pakistani TV dramas researcher
has used feminist theory which is totally about the rights of women and their position in the
society. Feminists said that women are still underrepresented in TV dramas.
Davis (1990) said that women are depicted as significantly younger and thinner than women
in the population as a whole, and most are portrayed as passive, dependent on men, and
involved in relationships or housework.
Another theory applied in this research is Gender Schema theory which explains that how
individual becomes gendered in society. Information about gender is mostly transformed
through society by way of schemata.
The present study aims to examine the portrayal of violence against women in Pakistani TV
drama. The role of women in the society is most important and influential rather than the
past few decades. Pakistani Dramas are the most watched media content in our society.
People watch dramas for entertainment, relaxation and escape from worries. This study is
about analyzing the portrayal of violence against women in Pakistani TV drama. Researcher
selected the time period of 2013- 2015 and most popular drama serials of HUM TV Geo TV
and ARY digital regarding violence against women. Researcher has used Content Analysis
as a methodology for research work. For content analysis total three dramas were selected.
This research concludes that violence against women is depicted in Pakistani TV dramas.
One of the objectives of the study is to find out how violence against women is being
portrayed in Pakistani TV dramas. After analyzing the data the present study reveals that
Pakistani drama serials portray violence against women in many forms and even women are
shown as depressed characters. It is shown that women who are victim of males remain in
the same position as in drama serial Kalmohi.
The second objective of this study is to examine how male and female characters are being
depicted in Pakistani TV dramas. After analyzing the data the present study reveals that
Pakistani drama serials portray women as oppressed and victimized characters while men
as violent characters. As in Rehaai, ChupRahoo and Kalmohi there are more percentage of
male violent characters that are depicted as violent characters and female are as victim
characters. Violence against women in selected dramas is practiced by male characters.
While in drama serial Kalmohi male and female characters both are depicted as violent
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
Another objective of the study is to examine the type of violence which is more represented
in Pakistani TV dramas. Sexual abuse is the most represented type of violence in drama
serial ChupRahoo. While physical violence the most represented type of violence in drama
serial Rehaai and Kalmohi.
Hence it is proved that violence against women is depicted in Pakistani TV dramas. Women
are represented as victim of male characters. Women face domestic violence at their
husbands and fathers place because they depend on them. The first hypothesis of this study
is male characters are represented as violent characters in Pakistani TV Dramas. The
second hypothesis of this study is female characters are portrayed as victim of male
characters in Pakistani TV dramas. After collecting and analyzing the data by applying chi
square test through the SPSS the hypothesis is accepted.
RQ1. Do Pakistani TV dramas portray men as violent character?
In the reference of the above question the collected data suggested that men are
represented as violent characters in figure 5.1, 5.5 and figure 5.9 illustrate that men are
violent characters as represented in Pakistani TV dramas. They practice the highest ratio of
violence against women in Pakistani TV dramas other than the female violent characters.
RQ2. Do Pakistani TV dramas depict women as oppressed and victimized characters?
The question is about the oppressed and victimized characters of women in Pakistani TV
dramas. The question contains two parts one is oppressed and the other is victimized. The
figure 5.2, 5.6 and figure 5.10 illustrates about that the female victimized and oppressed
RQ4. Which type of violence is more represented in Pakistani TV dramas?
Women often suffer different types of problems such as domestic violence. While physical,
emotional, and sexual violence’s are the most common form of violence’s which are being
depicted in Pakistani TV dramas. Hence it has been proved that physical and sexual abuses
are the most represented type of violence in
Pakistani TV dramas.
Hence it is proved that violence against women is depicted in Pakistani TV dramas. Women
are represented as victim of male characters. Women face domestic violence at their
husbands and fathers place because they depend on them. The first hypothesis of this study
is male characters are represented as violent characters in Pakistani TV Dramas. The
second hypothesis of this study is female characters are portrayed as victim of male
characters in Pakistani TV dramas. After collecting and analyzing the data by applying chi
square test through the SPSS the hypothesis is accepted.
Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
E-PublicationOnline Open Access
DOI: 1673-064X-xsdx-v64-i05-2021.546415
There are some of the recommendations for the media policy makers regarding the portrayal
of violence against women. Media act as the mirror of the society so the depiction of
violence against women should not be portrayed as it represents the negative image of
Pakistani women to the outer world. But unfortunately Pakistani women is depicted as
suppress and weak creature who is victimized of domestic violence. It is the duty of the
media practitioners to empower the women of Pakistan by giving the positive image of
women in their dramas.
Mass media is considered as most powerful tool which influence the people’s mind in as a
whole. Media should not depict violence against meanwhile must act for the empowerment
of Pakistani women and aware them about their rights.
On the basis of the laws broadcasted in Pakistan, there are few institutions responsible for
monitoring media projection in the country. However, there are some self-regulatory
organizations which are made by the journalists as well. PEMRA issues license with certain
code of conducts so that every media company is obliged to its license if it disqualify the
code of morality in its transmission. (Malik, M. R., & Kiani, A.2012)
Agenda for future research
Due to the limitations researcher selected only three drama serials to analyze the portrayal
of violence against women in Pakistani TV drams. But in future there may be agendas like:
1. Portrayal of violence against women in Pakistani TV dramas and its impact on youth.
2. Portrayal of violence against women in Pakistani TV dramas and its impact on children.
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This study aims to investigate the image and portrayal of women in media regarding the biasness, depiction and role providence. Women have had to face pressures that range from domestic to social arenas. Keeping in view historical perspective, Pakistani women have majorly been oppressed. Even after the advent of feminism and social progress in the current era, Pakistani society still retains its identity as a strict one regarding morals, customs and culture. Despite of the fact that women are supposed as the weaker sex, Pakistani women are taking part in media and playing an active role in the progress of media development. Yet women still seem to be objectified in media. The study examines the image of women as presented in Pakistani print, broadcast and social media as well as in advertisements.
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Considering the efforts to resolve the societal phenomenon of violence against women (VAW), universal in all countries, information, awareness-raising and the role of the media are regarded as key targets. According to the European Commission (2010), the audiovisual sector is the most important source of information. Consequently, this paper aims to discuss the attitudes towards and the manifestations of the visual representation of violence against women. The discussion is based on existing findings about depictions in the mainstream media and on the analysis of visuals provided by the anti-violence against women movement.
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