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The Impact of Intelligent Science and Technology on Human Society: Appeals of Institutional System


Abstract and Figures

As the degree of intelligence in social development increases, the future society will present new features. For example, the necessary labor time for humans will be greatly shortened. The direct result of this is the rapid growth of unemployed people. Many jobs in the future society will be replaced by intelligent machines, and a differentiation of new social stratification will emerge, bringing new social problems and new institutional appeals. The innovations of this article are: first, “the rapid growth of the unemployed people is a great progress of society” is the creative idea of this article, which is different from the views of many economists; second, this article envisions a differentiation of a new social stratification of the future society—the base stratum, the middle stratum, and the top stratum—and analyzes the social problems brought about by the differentiation of new social stratification; third, this article puts forward the institutional appeal of a shared society based on the principle of economic distribution of “social security + distribution according to labor”, and proposes reasonable philosophical suggestions for the future development of humans.
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Proceedings 2020, 47, 38; doi:10.3390/proceedings2020047038
The Impact of Intelligent Science and Technology on
Human Society: Appeals of Institutional System
Kun Wu, Kaiyan Da * and Wenbao Ma
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China; (K.W.); (W.M.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +86-1896-690-3388
The Fourth International Conference on Philosophy of Information, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2–6 June 2019.
Published: 15 May 2020
Abstract: As the degree of intelligence in social development increases, the future society will
present new features. For example, the necessary labor time for humans will be greatly shortened.
The direct result of this is the rapid growth of unemployed people. Many jobs in the future society
will be replaced by intelligent machines, and a differentiation of new social stratification will emerge,
bringing new social problems and new institutional appeals. The innovations of this article are: first,
“the rapid growth of the unemployed people is a great progress of society” is the creative idea of
this article, which is different from the views of many economists; second, this article envisions a
differentiation of a new social stratification of the future society—the base stratum, the middle
stratum, and the top stratum—and analyzes the social problems brought about by the
differentiation of new social stratification; third, this article puts forward the institutional appeal of
a shared society based on the principle of economic distribution of “social security + distribution
according to labor”, and proposes reasonable philosophical suggestions for the future development
of humans.
Keywords: intelligence; unemployment; stratum; social system; principle of sharing
1. Introduction
As we enter the 21st century, and the degree of intelligence in social development increases, the
future society will present new features. Different people have different opinions about the fast and
increased changes. Some are optimistic, while others are pessimistic. In fact, as long as we make full
preparations for the changes in advance, I am sure that we can calmly face the future without being
afraid of anything. Based on this, how to reasonably evaluate the future development of intelligent
science, how to actively face, research and develop intelligent science, how to reasonably and
appropriately guide people to understand intelligent science and how to better design the systems of
our science and technology, politics, economics, culture and education are the main topics of this
2. Viewpoint 1: The Reduction in Working Hours Shows Great Progress in Society
Nowadays, many experts and philosophers, especially economists, hold the idea that the rapid
of growth of unemployed people is a symbol of social unrest. They think that the higher the rate of
the unemployment, the more unstable the society. However, this paper will offer a different opinion.
From human history, we can clearly see that the shorter the working hours, the more advanced
the society is. Let us go back to primitive society. The lack of food forced men to go hunting animals
and women to go collecting fruit. They had to work for a whole day or a whole week to bring
something back for their family or tribe. Sometimes, if they were not lucky enough, they would bring
nothing. Then, they invented some tools, such as stones, knives and arrows, which helped them get
Proceedings 2020, 47, 38 2 of 3
more foods and make their lives easier. Fire was another great invention. With these tools, they
worked less hours. When they had enough food, they would choose not to go outside and stayed
with their families instead. The direct result was the rapid growth of the social population. Roughly
a thousand years later, the Industrial Revolution brought humans into a new age. They had more
advanced tools called machines. People did not have to do the heavy and jobs with long hours. In
some countries, the government regulated that the working hours of workers should be no more than
eight hours per day, which was a great relief to human labor. When off work, people would have
more time to entertain themselves, for example, by watching movies, chatting with friends, shopping
in the mall and travelling the world. Some decades later, the invention of the computer has brought
us into another great new age called the information age. With the rapid development and
popularization of production automation, intelligent science and intelligent technology, not only
peoples physical work, but also part of their mental work, may be replaced by machines and robots.
In this way, it is inevitable that people will have a larger reduction in the labor time necessary to
maintain their livelihood.
Do not worry. First, working hours have been steadily falling in most countries for the last 50
years. Second, fewer working hours does not necessarily mean lower total output or lower
productivity. Third, as working hours decrease, workers focus more on work–life balance and how
to spend their leisure time [1].
3. Viewpoint 2: New Social Stratification Will Appear
When a large number of intelligent machine systems and intelligent robots replace people’s
traditional labor industries, the basic work industries leave to humans can be roughly divided into
three categories.
The first is the management, maintenance and guidance of intelligent machine systems and
intelligent robots.
The second is the coordination and management of the relationship between robots and robots,
people and robots, and people and people. These will be the main social service fields for various
government agencies in the future. Of cours e, a lot of wo rk in this field m ay also be re placed by robo ts.
The third is to engage in higher levels of creative research and manufacturing activities, such as
creating new and improving old intelligent machine systems and intelligent robots, using new
technological means to change or enhance people’s own nature and capabilities, and developing
human’s own cultural entertainment.
The new social stratification is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. New Social Stratification.
4. Appeals of Institutional System
Talcott Parsons was the first to formulate a systematic theory of social systems. He defines a
social system as a network of interactions between actors [2]. Based upon his theory, in order to
properly solve the above social problems, to maintain and develop human society in a healthy and
harmonious atmosphere, it is necessary to establish a highly developed new social system that adapts
to the human–computer symbiosis world.
Proceedings 2020, 47, 38 3 of 3
Firstly, this new social system must adapt to a society in which social wealth is highly shared. It
should effectively ensure that unemployed people at the bottom of society can also live a decent and
rich life. This point should not be a problem in a highly developed and intelligent society, because a
world of human–machine symbiosis must be a world in which social wealth is abundant. If the social
wealth is not monopolized by a few people, there will be no problem at all in obtaining a relatively
affluent life for the whole society.
Secondly, this new social system should try to make more people employed.
Thirdly, it is necessary to legislate relevant creative research and the management and use of
corresponding intelligent products to prevent possible harm to humans. In this respect, the concept
of robots harming humans and intelligent technology destroying humans that many people worry
about is not purely talk [3].
Funding: This research was funded by National Social Science Fund, grant number 18ZDA027.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
1. Dolton, P. Working Hours: Past, Present, and Future. IZA World Labor 2017, doi:10.15185/izawol.406.
2. Parson, T. The Social System; Routledge: London, UK, 2018.
3. Wu, K.; Da, K.Y. The Comprehensive Human Essence and the New Evolution of Human Beings. Academics
2019, 8, 185–194.
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
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... The world is not merely a counting machine, so we should abandon the thinking way of loving God and rationally embrace the uncertainties and complexities the future world will bring to us. By the way, whether AI could produce intelligent machines more superior than humans depends on human themselves, and the key point to solve the contradiction between them is to build a civilized, free, and harmonious society [9]. ...
Conference Paper
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This paper aims at a particular love for God in the human exploration of knowledge (including philosophy and science). Here, “a particular love for God” does not mean something related to religion but a way of thinking to pursue perfection, eternity, and absolute ultimateness because God is considered the only infinite, self-caused, and unique substance of the universe. On the one hand, this kind of thinking paradigm is good for people because it guides people to pursue love, beauty, and all perfect things in theory and practice; however, on the other hand, it is too simple, naïve, and extreme because the existence and evolution of the world is very complex and full of multidimensional and multilayered uncertainties and randomness. The conclusion of this article is that the world is not merely a counting machine, so we should abandon the thinking way of loving God and rationally embrace the uncertainties and complexities the future world will bring to us.
The Comprehensive Human Essence and the New Evolution of Human Beings
  • K Wu
  • K Y Da
Wu, K.; Da, K.Y. The Comprehensive Human Essence and the New Evolution of Human Beings. Academics 2019, 8, 185-194.