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Importance Acral skin may develop nevi, but their mutational status and association with acral melanoma is unclear. Objective To perform targeted next-generation sequencing on a cohort of acral nevi to determine their mutational spectrum. Design, Setting, and Participants Acral nevi specimens (n = 50) that had been obtained for diagnostic purposes were identified from the pathology archives of a tertiary care academic cancer center and a university dermatology clinic. Next-generation sequencing was performed on DNA extracted from the specimens, and mutations called. A subset of samples was stained immunohistochemically for the BRAF V600E mutation. Results A total of 50 nevi from 49 patients (19 males and 30 females; median [range] age, 48 [13-85] years) were examined. Analysis of the sequencing data revealed a high prevalence of BRAF mutations (n = 43), with a lower frequency of NRAS mutations (n = 5). Mutations in BRAF and NRAS were mutually exclusive. Conclusions and Relevance In this cohort study, nevi arising on mostly sun-protected acral skin showed a rate of BRAF mutation similar to that of acquired nevi on sun-exposed skin but far higher than that of acral melanoma. These findings are in contrast to the well-characterized mutational landscape of acral melanoma.

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... They showed that CNVs were much less common in acral melanocytic nevus than acral melanoma. A mutational survey of acral melanocytic nevi was also performed in a U.S. population [12]. Similarly to the Korean results, BRAF mutation was commonly observed in acral melanocytic nevus. ...
... The lesions are benign, and progression to melanoma is rare. Most acral melanomas arise de novo, not in association with a preexisting acral nevus [12,29]. Acral melanocytic nevi which do not show typical benign dermoscopic patterns may require clinical and dermoscopic surveillance, and once or twice a year is enough [30]. ...
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Acral melanocytic neoplasms, including acral melanocytic nevus and acral melanoma, are common melanocytic lesions in Asian populations. Both lesions occur on the volar surface of the hands and feet, and on nail units. Acral melanocytic nevi occur on the arch area of the sole, whereas acral melanomas frequently occur on weight-bearing areas of the sole, and on the fingernails. Therefore, the development of acral melanoma may be associated with chronic pressure, physical stress, or trauma. Dermoscopy is a useful adjunctive diagnostic tool for differential diagnosis. Acral melanocytic nevus is characterized by a parallel furrow pattern, whereas acral melanoma has a parallel ridge pattern. Genetic alterations are also different between the two types of lesion. BRAF and NRAS mutations are common in acral melanocytic nevus, whereas acral melanoma shows lower rates of KIT, NF1, BRAF, and NRAS mutations and remarkable copy number variations in genes such as CCND1, CDK4, hTERT, PAK1, and GAB2. Sentinel lymph node biopsy is important for staging and prognosis. Contemporary treatments for melanoma include targeted therapy for mutations and immunotherapy, such as anti-PD1 inhibitors.
... Among different melanoma subtypes, acral melanoma (AM) is the most frequent in non-white populations, including Asians and Africans, and is responsible for the higher proportion of cases in countries with a lower incidence of melanoma overall [3][4][5][6][7]. AM differs from the other melanoma forms in the biological profile causing specific genetic/immunohistochemical features and related behaviors [8][9][10][11][12]: first, it is a non-UV-related tumor arising from the epithelium-associated melanocytes; second, it shows the early onset of major chromosomal rearrangements with gene copy number changes and multiple high-level amplifications (e.g., driver mutations in GNAQ, NF1, KIT TP53, PTEN, or RB1 genes, versus BRAF and NRAS of superficial spreading and nodular melanoma) [13]; third, it exhibits specific molecular findings (e.g., CCND1 overexpression, AURKA, and TERT) [14]; fourth, it is characterized by a rapid evolution and ability to metastasize and, thus, a poor prognosis [15][16][17]. This said, AM is also known for having a late diagnosis compared with other forms: the more reported underlying hypothesis emphasize the patients' (and/or physicians') reticence in examining this area and the difficulty of the differential diagnosis with acral nevi -with reported rates of misdiagnosis of 20%-despite dermoscopic examination [18][19][20][21]. ...
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Background: The differential diagnosis of atypical melanocytic skin lesions localized on palms and soles represents a diagnostic challenge: indeed, this spectrum encompasses atypical nevi (AN) and early-stage melanomas (EN) displaying overlapping clinical and dermoscopic features. This often generates unnecessary excisions or delayed diagnosis. Investigations to date were mostly carried out in specific populations, focusing either on acrolentiginous melanomas or morphologically typical acquired nevi. Aims: To investigate the dermoscopic features of atypical melanocytic palmoplantar skin lesions (aMPPLs) as evaluated by variously skilled dermatologists and assess their concordance; to investigate the variations in dermoscopic appearance according to precise location on palms and soles; to detect the features with the strongest association with malignancy/benignity in each specific site. Methods: A dataset of 471 aMPPLs—excised in the suspect of malignancy—was collected from 10 European Centers, including a standardized dermoscopic picture (17×) and lesion/patient metadata. An anatomical classification into 17 subareas was considered, along with an anatomo-functional classification considering pressure/friction, (4 macroareas). A total of 156 participants (95 with less than 5 years of experience in dermoscopy and 61 with ≥than 5 years) from 17 countries performed a blinded tele-dermoscopic pattern analysis over 20 cases through a specifically realized web platform. Results: A total of 37,440 dermoscopic evaluations were obtained over 94 (20%) EM and 377 (80%) AN. The areas with the highest density of EM compared to AN were the heel (40.3% EM/aMPPLs) of the sole and the “fingers area” (33%EM/aMPPLs) of the palm, both characterized by intense/chronic traumatism/friction. Globally, the recognition rates of 12 dermoscopic patterns were non statistically different between 95 dermatology residents and 61 specialists: aMPPLs in the plantar arch appeared to be the most “difficult” to diagnose, the parallel ridge pattern was poorly recognized and irregular/regular fibrillar patterns often misinterpreted. Regarding the aMPPL of the “heel area”, the parallel furrow pattern (p = 0.014) and lattice-like pattern (p = 0.001) significantly discriminated benign cases, while asymmetry of colors (p = 0.002) and regression structures (p = 0.025) malignant ones. In aMPPLs of the “plantar arch”, the lattice-like pattern (p = 0.012) was significant for benignity and asymmetry of structures, asymmetry of colors, regression structures, or blue-white veil for malignancy. In palmar lesions, no data were significant in the discrimination between malignant and benign aMPPLs. Conclusions: This study highlights that (i) the pattern analysis of aMPPLs is challenging for both experienced and novice dermoscopists; (ii) the histological distribution varies according to the anatomo-functional classification; and (iii) different dermoscopic patterns are able to discriminate malignant from benign aMPPLs within specific plantar and palmar areas.
... Interestingly, pre-existing benign melanocytic acral nevi are not a risk factor for development of ALM (18). Benign acral nevi have been found to have a significantly higher BRAF mutation rate than in ALM, suggesting that they are not precursor lesions (19). Mechanical stress such as pressure and trauma may play a role in the development of advanced ALM, especially in the lower extremities, but studies have reported conflicting evidence of this potential association (4, 20-22). ...
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Acral lentiginous melanoma is a rare subtype of melanoma generally associated with poor outcomes, even when diagnosed at an early stage. The tumor genetic profile remains poorly understood, but it is known to have a suppressed immune environment compared to that of non-acral cutaneous melanomas, which limits therapy options. There is significant attention on the development of novel therapeutic approaches, although studies are limited due to disease rarity. For local disease, wide local excision remains the standard of care. Due to frequent under-staging on preoperative biopsy, wider margins and routine sentinel lymph node biopsy may be considered if morbidity would not be increased. For advanced disease, anti-PD1 monotherapy or combination therapy with anti-PD1 and anti-CTLA4 agents have been used as first-line treatment modalities. Anti-PD1 and anti-CTLA4 combination therapies have been shown to be particularly beneficial for patients with BRAF-mutant acral lentiginous melanoma. Other systemic combination regimens and targeted therapy options may be considered, although large studies with consistent results are lacking. Regional and intralesional therapies have shown promise for cutaneous melanomas, but studies generally have not reported results for specific histologic subtypes, especially for acral melanoma. Overall, the unique histologic and genetic characteristics of acral lentiginous melanoma make therapy options significantly more challenging. Furthermore, studies are limited, and data reporting has been inconsistent. However, more prospective studies are emerging, and alternative therapy pathways specific to acral lentiginous melanoma are being investigated. As further evidence is discovered, reliable treatment guidelines may be developed.
... For targeted therapy, BRAF-mutant AM shows a similar response rate to BRAF inhibitors as BRAF-mutant CM. Unfortunately, only 19% of AM patients harbor BRAF mutation 3 . For immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy targeting anti-PD-1 and/ or anti-CTLA4, the response rates for AM, ranging from 15-20%, are lower than those for CM 10 . ...
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Acral melanoma (AM) is a rare subtype of melanoma characterized by a high incidence of lymph node (LN) metastasis, a critical factor in tumor dissemination and therapeutic decision-making. Here, we employ single-cell and spatial transcriptomic analyses to investigate the dynamic evolution of early AM dissemination. Our findings reveal substantial inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity in AM, alongside a highly immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment and complex intercellular communication networks, particularly in patients with LN metastasis. Notably, we identify a strong association between MYC ⁺ Melanoma ( MYC ⁺ MEL) and FGFBP2 ⁺ NKT cells with LN metastasis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that LN metastasis requires a metabolic shift towards fatty acid oxidation (FAO) induced by MITF in MYC ⁺ MEL cells. Etomoxir, a clinically approved FAO inhibitor, can effectively suppress MITF-mediated LN metastasis. This comprehensive dataset enhances our understanding of LN metastasis in AM, and provides insights into the potential therapeutic targeting for the management of early AM dissemination.
... This raises the possibility that melanomas on acral are of two different types, with a bona fide and unique acral type with an admixture of cutaneous melanoma of the World health Organization (WHO) low-CSD subtype, i.e., melanomas on the sunexposed skin with low degree of cumulative sun damage [89]. A recent study on acral nevi identified BRAF V600E mutation in 86% of samples [90], which is similar to what was observed in cutaneous nevi that considered the precursors of low-CSD melanomas [45]. Another study identified transcriptome-level differences between acral and cutaneous melanocytes [91]. ...
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Background Acral and mucosal melanomas are aggressive subtypes of melanoma, which have a significantly lower burden of somatic mutations than cutaneous melanomas, but more frequent copy number variations, focused gene amplifications, and structural alterations. The landscapes of their genomic alterations remain to be fully characterized. Methods We compiled sequencing data of 240 human acral and mucosal melanoma samples from 11 previously published studies and applied a uniform pipeline to call tumor cell content, ploidy, somatic and germline mutations, as well as CNVs, LOH, and SVs. We identified genes that are significantly mutated or recurrently affected by CNVs and implicated in oncogenesis. We further examined the difference in the frequency of recurrent pathogenic alterations between the two melanoma subtypes, correlation between pathogenic alterations, and their association with clinical features. Results We nominated PTPRJ , mutated and homozygously deleted in 3.8% (9/240) and 0.8% (2/240) of samples, respectively, as a probable tumor suppressor gene, and FER and SKP2 , amplified in 3.8% and 11.7% of samples, respectively, as probable oncogenes. We further identified a long tail of infrequent pathogenic alterations, involving genes such as CIC and LZTR1 . Pathogenic germline mutations were observed on MITF , PTEN , ATM , and PRKN . We found BRAF V600E mutations in acral melanomas with fewer structural variations, suggesting that they are distinct and related to cutaneous melanomas. Amplifications of PAK1 and GAB2 were more commonly observed in acral melanomas, whereas SF3B1 R625 codon mutations were unique to mucosal melanomas (12.9%). Amplifications at 11q13-14 were frequently accompanied by fusion to a region on chromosome 6q12, revealing a recurrent novel structural rearrangement whose role remains to be elucidated. Conclusions Our meta-analysis expands the catalog of driver mutations in acral and mucosal melanomas, sheds new light on their pathogenesis and broadens the catalog of therapeutic targets for these difficult-to-treat cancers.
... Acral melanoma has a much lower mutational burden than nonacral cutaneous melanoma arising on sunexposed skin. In addition, it has a lower incidence of activating mutations in the two most common cutaneous melanoma oncogenes, BRAF (19%) and NRAS (21%), despite these being highly expressed in nevi arising on acral skin (3). Instead, acral melanoma has a higher frequency of mutations in c-KIT, NF1, NOTCH2, TYRP1, and PTEN and is characterized by genomic amplifications, rearrangements, and copy-number changes, particularly in genes such as CDK4, Cyclin D1, GAB2, PAK1, and TERT (4,5). ...
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Purpose: Acral melanoma is a rare subtype of melanoma that arises on the non-hair-bearing skin of the palms, soles and nail beds. In this study, we used single cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) to map the transcriptional landscape of acral melanoma and identify novel immunotherapeutic targets. Experimental design: We performed scRNA-seq on 9 clinical specimens (5 primary, 4 metastases) of acral melanoma. Detailed cell type curation was performed, the immune landscapes were mapped, and key results were validated by analysis of TCGA and single cell datasets. Cell-cell interactions were inferred and compared to those in non-acral cutaneous melanoma. Results: Multiple phenotypic subsets of T cells, NK cells, B cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells with varying levels of activation/exhaustion were identified. A comparison between primary and metastatic acral melanoma identified gene signatures associated with changes in immune responses and metabolism. Acral melanoma was characterized by a lower overall immune infiltrate, fewer effector CD8 T cells and NK cells and a near-complete absence of γδ T cells compared to non-acral cutaneous melanomas. Immune cells associated with acral melanoma exhibited expression of multiple checkpoints including PD-1, LAG-3, CTLA-4, VISTA, TIGIT and the Adenosine A2A receptor (ADORA2). VISTA was expressed in 58.3% of myeloid cells and TIGIT was expressed in 22.3% of T/NK cells. Conclusion: Acral melanoma has a suppressed immune environment compared to that of cutaneous melanoma from non-acral skin. Expression of multiple, therapeutically tractable immune checkpoints were observed, offering new options for clinical translation.
Acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) is the most common subtype of acral melanoma. Even though recent genetic studies are reported in acral melanomas, the genetic differences between in-situ and invasive ALM remain unclear. We aimed to analyze specific genetic changes in ALM and compare genetic differences between in-situ and invasive lesions to identify genetic changes associated with the pathogenesis and progression of ALM. We performed whole genome sequencing of 71 tissue samples from 29 patients with ALM. Comparative analyses were performed, pairing in-situ ALMs with normal tissues and, furthermore, invasive ALMs with normal and in-situ tissues. Among 21 patients with in-situ ALMs, 3 patients (14.3%) had SMIM14 , SLC9B1 , FRG1 , FAM205A , ESRRA , and ESPN mutations, and copy number (CN) gains were identified in only 2 patients (9.5%). Comparing 13 invasive ALMs with in-situ tissues, CN gains were identified in GAB2 in 8 patients (61.5%), PAK1 in 6 patients (46.2%), and UCP2 and CCND1 in 5 patients (38.5%). Structural variants were frequent in in-situ and invasive ALM lesions. Both in-situ and invasive ALMs had very low frequencies of common driver mutations. Structural variants were common in both in-situ and invasive ALMs. Invasive ALMs had markedly increased CN gains, such as GAB2 , PAK1 , UCP2 , and CCND1 , compared with in-situ lesions. These results suggest that they are associated with melanoma invasion.
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Background: The differential diagnosis of atypical melanocytic palmoplantar skin lesions (aMPLs) represents a diagnostic challenge, including atypical nevi (AN) and early melanomas (MMs) that display overlapping clinical and dermoscopic features. We aimed to set up a multicentric dataset of aMPL dermoscopic cases paired with multiple anamnestic risk factors and demographic and morphologic data. Methods: Each aMPL case was paired with a dermoscopic and clinical picture and a series of lesion-related data (maximum diameter value; location on the palm/sole in 17 areas; histologic diagnosis; and patient-related data (age, sex, family history of melanoma/sunburns, phototype, pheomelanin, eye/hair color, multiple/dysplastic body nevi, and traumatism on palms/soles). Results: A total of 542 aMPL cases—113 MM and 429 AN—were collected from 195 males and 347 females. No sex prevalence was found for melanomas, while women were found to have relatively more nevi. Melanomas were prevalent on the heel, plantar arch, and fingers in patients aged 65.3 on average, with an average diameter of 17 mm. Atypical nevi were prevalent on the plantar arch and palmar area of patients aged 41.33 on average, with an average diameter of 7 mm. Conclusions: Keeping in mind the risk profile of an aMPL patient can help obtain a timely differentiation between malignant/benign cases, thus avoiding delayed and inappropriate excision, respectively, with the latter often causing discomfort/dysfunctional scarring, especially at acral sites.
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Acral melanoma is a rare subtype of melanoma that arises on the non-hair bearing skin of the nail bed, palms of the hand and soles of the feet. It is unique among melanomas in not being linked to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure from the sun, and, as such, its incidence is similar across populations who are of Asian, Hispanic, African and European origin. Although research into acral melanoma has lagged behind that of sun-exposed cutaneous melanoma, recent studies have begun to address the unique genetics and immune features of acral melanoma. In this review we will discuss the latest progress in understanding the biology of acral melanoma across different ethnic populations and will outline how these new discoveries can help to guide the therapeutic management of this rare tumor.
This case report describes a patient in their 60s with metastatic colon cancer who developed multiple new dark nevi within 2 months of initiating encorafenib and panitumumab therapy.
Acquired and congenital melanocytic naevi are common benign neoplasms. Understanding their biology and genetics will help clinicians and pathologists correctly diagnose melanocytic tumours, and generate insights into naevus aetiology and melanomagenesis. Genomic data from published studies analysing acquired and congenital melanocytic naevi, including oncogenic driver mutations, common melanoma associated mutations, copy number aberrations, somatic mutation signature patterns, methylation profile, and single nucleotide polymorphisms, were reviewed. Correlation of genomic changes to dermoscopic features, particular anatomic sites and total body naevus counts, was also performed. This review also highlights current scientific theories and evidence concerning naevi growth arrest. Acquired and congenital melanocytic naevi show simple genomes, typically characterised by mutually exclusive single oncogenic driver mutations in either BRAF or NRAS genes. Genomic differences exist between acquired and congenital naevi, common and dysplastic naevi, and by dermoscopic features. Acquired naevi show a higher rate of BRAF hotspot mutations and a lower rate of NRAS hotspot mutations compared to congenital naevi. Dysplastic naevi show upregulation of follicular keratinocyte-related genes compared to common naevi. Anatomical locations and DNA signatures of naevi implicates ultraviolet radiation and non-ultraviolet radiation pathways in naevogenesis. DNA driver point mutations in acquired and congenital melanocytic naevi have been well characterised. Future research is required to better understand transcriptional and epigenetic changes in naevi, as well as those regulating naevus growth arrest and cell environment signalling.
The lower limb is a common site for melanoma in women, but the reason for this is not fully understood. To investigate this phenomenon in more detail, we assessed the specific subsites of primary melanoma occurring on the lower limbs of females compared with males across age groups. In a records-based study at an oncology hospital in north-west of England, among an unselected sample of patients with primary invasive melanoma treated between 2002–2015, information was collected on patient age at diagnosis, sex, and co-morbidities, and the tumor thickness and anatomical subsite (thigh, lower leg, foot for lower limb). Of a total sample of 1,522 patients, 316 (227, 72% female) had lower limb melanoma. The most common subsite was lower leg (142 cases with F:M ratio =3.74), followed by thigh (55 cases with F:M = 1.83) and feet (30 cases with F:M = 1.15). At ages <40 years the odds of thigh to foot melanoma was 20 times higher in females than in males (OR 20.0, 95% CI 2.6-152.6) and 7.5 times higher on the lower limb (OR 7.5, 95% CI 1.1–49.2). For ages 40+ years, the odds of females developing thigh melanoma compared to foot melanoma was similar in males versus females (OR 0.8), while the corresponding odds of lower leg melanoma in females versus males remained significantly increased at ages 40–59 and 60+ (OR 4.2 and 2.8 respectively). Our study demonstrates the female predilection for lower limb melanoma persists over most but not all subsites.However, there is heterogeneity in the female to male occurence of lower limb melanoma across subsites and at different ages, which may be linked to relative influence of genetic and environmental risk factors.
Although there is a higher incidence of melanoma among non-Hispanic white individuals, melanoma is diagnosed at more advanced stages and associated with worse survival rates among individuals with skin of color (SOC). The proportion of melanoma subtypes differs across racial groups, with acral lentiginous melanoma and mucosal melanoma representing higher proportions of melanoma diagnoses in individuals with SOC compared to white individuals. Recognition of distinct differences in anatomic location and dermoscopic patterns may facilitate appropriate differentiation of physiologic from pathologic pigmentation. The first article of this continuing medical education series will focus on epidemiology and the clinical presentation of melanoma in individuals with SOC with the aim of improving early diagnosis and clinical outcomes.
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Purpose: Acral melanoma is the major subtype of melanoma seen in Asian melanoma patients and is featured by its insidious onset and poor prognosis. The genomic study that elucidates driving mutational events is fundamental to the development of gene-targeted therapy. However, researches on genomic profiles of acral melanoma in Asian patients are still sparse. Patients and methods: We carried out whole-exome sequencing (WES) on 60 acral melanoma lesions (with 55 primary samples involved), targeted deep sequencing in a validation cohort of 48 cases, RNA sequencing in 37 acral melanoma samples (all from the 60 ones undergoing WES) and fluorescence in situ hybridization in 233 acral melanoma specimens (54 of the 60 ones undergoing WES included). All the specimens were derived from Asian populations. Results: BRAF, NRAS and KIT were discerned as significantly mutated genes (SMGs) in acral melanoma. The detected COSMIC signature 3 related to DNA damage repair, along with the high genomic instability score, implied corresponding pathogenesis of acral melanoma. Moreover, the copy number gains of EP300 were associated with the response of acral melanoma to targeted therapy of A485 (a p300 inhibitor) and immune checkpoint blockade treatment. Additionally, the temporal order in mutational processes of the samples was reconstructed, and copy number alterations were identified as early mutational events. Conclusions: Our study provided a detailed view of genomic instability, potential therapeutic targets and intratumoral heterogeneity of acral melanoma, which might fuel the development of personalized strategies for treating acral melanoma in Asian populations.
Importance Acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) is a rare subtype of malignant melanoma typically occurring on the palmar and plantar surfaces. Although it has distinctive genetic, prognostic, and behavioral characteristics relative to cutaneous melanomas overall, owing to its rarity, treatment is largely guided by data extrapolated from more common subtypes. Although sentinel lymph node (SLN) status has been shown to be a significant prognostic factor for ALM, the independent effect of ALM-subtype disease on the likelihood of SLN positivity and the stage-specific positivity rates for ALM are not well characterized. Objective To evaluate the association of ALM with SLN status as well as to characterize the clinical stage-specific rates of SLN positivity for ALM based on the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 8th edition (AJCC-8). Design, Setting, and Participants The National Cancer Database (NCDB) includes all reportable cases from Commission on Cancer accredited facilities and represents approximately 50% of all newly diagnosed melanoma cases in the US. This retrospective cohort study included cases of AJCC-8 clinical stage I to II melanomas from the NCDB diagnosed from 2012 to 2015. The analysis took place between April 2021 and September 2021. Exposures Melanoma histopathologic subtype. Main Outcomes and Measures Sentinel lymph node status. Results We identified 60 148 patients with malignant melanomas, 959 of whom had ALM-subtype disease. Among patients in the cohort, 25 550 (42.5%) were women and the mean (SD) age was 64 (16) years. Multivariable logistic regression controlling for demographic and histopathologic characteristics revealed that ALM was independently associated with the highest risk for SLN positivity among included subtypes (vs superficial spreading melanoma: odds ratio, 1.91; 95% CI, 1.59-2.28). Subgroup analysis by AJCC clinical stage demonstrated that ALM was independently associated with the highest risk for SLN positivity for both stage IB and II disease. The rate of SLN positivity for patients with stage IB and II ALM was 18.39% (95% CI, 13.82%-24.03%) and 39.53% (34.98%-44.26%), respectively. Conclusions and Relevance In this cohort study ALM was independently associated with SLN positivity and had relatively high positivity rates at clinical stage IB and II. This suggests that SLNB should be encouraged for all patients with clinical stage IB and II ALM, and such patients should receive appropriate counseling about the higher regional metastatic risk of their cancers. Future work with a larger cohort is required to elucidate the risk of SLN positivity for stage IA ALM.
Acral melanoma is a subtype of melanoma that occurs on the glabrous (non–hair-bearing) skin of the hands and feet. The incidence of acral melanoma is similar across people of different races and ethnicities. At the genetic level, acral melanomas have diverse mutations known to activate the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway.¹,2 Their overall point mutation burdens are relatively low, but they are riddled with complex copy number alterations, recently termed tyfonas.³ Tyfonas are “typhoons” of high-junction copy number events and fold-back inversions with hypermutated DNA near the junctional endpoints, which have only been observed in acral melanomas and dedifferentiated liposarcomas.³ Tyfonas can be present in precancerous cells up to 3 mm beyond the clinical or histological boundary of acral melanomas, suggesting that these alterations arise early during tumorigenesis and give rise to fields of poised cells that can eventually progress into melanoma.
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To increase understanding of the genomic landscape of acral melanoma, a rare form of melanoma occurring on palms, soles or nail beds, whole genome sequencing of 87 tumors with matching transcriptome sequencing for 63 tumors was performed. Here we report that mutational signature analysis reveals a subset of tumors, mostly subungual, with an ultraviolet radiation signature. Significantly mutated genes are BRAF, NRAS, NF1, NOTCH2, PTEN and TYRP1. Mutations and amplification of KIT are also common. Structural rearrangement and copy number signatures show that whole genome duplication, aneuploidy and complex rearrangements are common. Complex rearrangements occur recurrently and are associated with amplification of TERT, CDK4, MDM2, CCND1, PAK1 and GAB2, indicating potential therapeutic options.
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Lung cancer patients with mutations in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) benefit from treatments targeting tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). However, both intrinsic and acquired resistance of tumors to TKIs are common, and EGFR variants have been identified that are resistant to multiple TKIs. In the present study, we characterized selected EGFR variants previously observed in lung cancer patients and expressed in a murine bone marrow pro‐B Ba/F3 cell model. Among these EGFR variants, we report that an exon 20 del/ins mutation S768insVGH is resistant to erlotinib (a first‐generation TKI), but sensitive to osimertinib (a third‐generation TKI). We also characterized a rare exon 21 germ‐line variant, EGFR P848L, which transformed Ba/F3 cells and conferred resistance to multiple EGFR‐targeting TKIs. Our analysis revealed that P848L 1) does not bind erlotinib, 2) is turned over less rapidly than L858R (a common tumor‐derived EGFR mutation), 3) is not autophosphorylated at Tyr‐1045 (the major docking site for Cbl proto‐oncogene [c‐Cbl] binding), and 4) does not bind c‐Cbl. Using viability assays including 300 clinically relevant targeted compounds, we observed that Ba/F3 cells transduced with EGFR P848L, S768insVGH, or L858R have very different drug‐sensitivity profiles. In particular, EGFR P848L, but not L858R or S768insVGH, was sensitive to multiple Janus kinase (JAK1/2) inhibitors. In contrast, cells driven by L858R, but not by P848L, were sensitive to multikinase MAPK/ERK kinase (MEK) and ERK inhibitors including EGFR‐specific TKIs. These observations suggest that continued investigation of rare TKI‐resistant EGFR variants is warranted to identify optimal treatments for cancer.
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Background Observations of recurrent somatic mutations in tumors have led to identification and definition of signaling and other pathways that are important for cancer progression and therapeutic targeting. As tumor cells contain both an individual’s inherited genetic variants and somatic mutations, challenges arise in distinguishing these events in massively parallel sequencing datasets. Typically, both a tumor sample and a “normal” sample from the same individual are sequenced and compared; variants observed only in the tumor are considered to be somatic mutations. However, this approach requires two samples for each individual. Results We evaluate a method of detecting somatic mutations in tumor samples for which only a subset of normal samples are available. We describe tuning of the method for detection of mutations in tumors, filtering to remove inherited variants, and comparison of detected mutations to several matched tumor/normal analysis methods. Filtering steps include the use of population variation datasets to remove inherited variants as well a subset of normal samples to remove technical artifacts. We then directly compare mutation detection with tumor-only and tumor-normal approaches using the same sets of samples. Comparisons are performed using an internal targeted gene sequencing dataset (n = 3380) as well as whole exome sequencing data from The Cancer Genome Atlas project (n = 250). Tumor-only mutation detection shows similar recall (43–60%) but lesser precision (20–21%) to current matched tumor/normal approaches (recall 43–73%, precision 30–82%) when compared to a “gold-standard” tumor/normal approach. The inclusion of a small pool of normal samples improves precision, although many variants are still uniquely detected in the tumor-only analysis. Conclusions A detailed method for somatic mutation detection without matched normal samples enables study of larger numbers of tumor samples, as well as tumor samples for which a matched normal is not available. As sensitivity/recall is similar to tumor/normal mutation detection but precision is lower, tumor-only detection is more appropriate for classification of samples based on known mutations. Although matched tumor-normal analysis is preferred due to higher precision, we demonstrate that mutation detection without matched normal samples is possible for certain applications. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s40246-017-0118-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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The enormous amount of short reads generated by the new DNA sequencing technologies call for the development of fast and accurate read alignment programs. A first generation of hash table-based methods has been developed, including MAQ, which is accurate, feature rich and fast enough to align short reads from a single individual. However, MAQ does not support gapped alignment for single-end reads, which makes it unsuitable for alignment of longer reads where indels may occur frequently. The speed of MAQ is also a concern when the alignment is scaled up to the resequencing of hundreds of individuals. We implemented Burrows-Wheeler Alignment tool (BWA), a new read alignment package that is based on backward search with Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT), to efficiently align short sequencing reads against a large reference sequence such as the human genome, allowing mismatches and gaps. BWA supports both base space reads, e.g. from Illumina sequencing machines, and color space reads from AB SOLiD machines. Evaluations on both simulated and real data suggest that BWA is approximately 10-20x faster than MAQ, while achieving similar accuracy. In addition, BWA outputs alignment in the new standard SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) format. Variant calling and other downstream analyses after the alignment can be achieved with the open source SAMtools software package.
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To evaluate the timing of mutations in BRAF (v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1) during melanocytic neoplasia, we carried out mutation analysis on microdissected melanoma and nevi samples. We observed mutations resulting in the V599E amino-acid substitution in 41 of 60 (68%) melanoma metastases, 4 of 5 (80%) primary melanomas and, unexpectedly, in 63 of 77 (82%) nevi. These data suggest that mutational activation of the RAS/RAF/MAPK pathway in nevi is a critical step in the initiation of melanocytic neoplasia but alone is insufficient for melanoma tumorigenesis.
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Exposure to ultraviolet light is a major causative factor in melanoma, although the relationship between risk and exposure is complex. We hypothesized that the clinical heterogeneity is explained by genetically distinct types of melanoma with different susceptibility to ultraviolet light. We compared genome-wide alterations in the number of copies of DNA and mutational status of BRAF and N-RAS in 126 melanomas from four groups in which the degree of exposure to ultraviolet light differs: 30 melanomas from skin with chronic sun-induced damage and 40 melanomas from skin without such damage; 36 melanomas from palms, soles, and subungual (acral) sites; and 20 mucosal melanomas. We found significant differences in the frequencies of regional changes in the number of copies of DNA and mutation frequencies in BRAF among the four groups of melanomas. Samples could be correctly classified into the four groups with 70 percent accuracy on the basis of the changes in the number of copies of genomic DNA. In two-way comparisons, melanomas arising on skin with signs of chronic sun-induced damage and skin without such signs could be correctly classified with 84 percent accuracy. Acral melanoma could be distinguished from mucosal melanoma with 89 percent accuracy. Eighty-one percent of melanomas on skin without chronic sun-induced damage had mutations in BRAF or N-RAS; the majority of melanomas in the other groups had mutations in neither gene. Melanomas with wild-type BRAF or N-RAS frequently had increases in the number of copies of the genes for cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) and cyclin D1 (CCND1), downstream components of the RAS-BRAF pathway. The genetic alterations identified in melanomas at different sites and with different levels of sun exposure indicate that there are distinct genetic pathways in the development of melanoma and implicate CDK4 and CCND1 as independent oncogenes in melanomas without mutations in BRAF or N-RAS.
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Most melanocytic nevi develop on sun-exposed skin during childhood and adolescence and commonly harbor BRAF mutations or, less frequently, NRAS mutations. A small subset of nevi is present at birth, and therefore must develop independently of UV light. To assess whether these nevi have a different mutation spectrum than those that develop on sun-exposed skin, we determined the BRAF and NRAS mutation frequencies in 32 truly congenital nevi. We found no BRAF mutations, but 81% (26/32) harbored mutations in NRAS. Consistently, seven of 10 (70%) proliferating nodules that developed early in life in congenital nevi showed mutations in NRAS. A separate set of nevi that displayed histological features frequently found in nevi present at birth ("congenital pattern nevi") but lacked a definitive history of presence at birth showed an inverse mutation pattern with common BRAF mutations (20/28 or 71%) and less frequent NRAS mutations (7/28 or 25%). Thus, nevi that develop in utero are genetically distinct from those that develop later, and histopathologic criteria alone are unable to reliably distinguish the two groups. The results are consistent with the finding in melanoma that BRAF mutations are uncommon in neoplasms that develop in the absence of sun-exposure.
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Sun exposure and high prevalence of melanocytic nevi are major risk factors for melanoma, but the relationship between them is not well understood. This study examines the relationship between sun exposure (detailed by anatomic location and history of site-specific sunburns) and the presence of melanocytic nevi on 743 White children in Denver, Colorado. Parental reports of site-specific sunburns were collected annually for 2 years starting at ages 5 to 6 years. In the third year, nevi were counted and mapped by anatomic location. Nevus density was higher for boys (36.0 nevi/m2) than for girls (31.0 nevi/m2; P = 0.04). Nevus density was highest on the face, neck, and lateral forearms and was significantly higher in chronically versus intermittently sun-exposed areas (P < 0.0001). Compared with girls, boys had higher nevus density on the face, neck, and trunk, and lower nevus density on the upper arms and thighs (P < 0.01). In 2 years of reports, most subjects (69%) received at least one sunburn. The face, shoulders, and back were the most frequently sunburned areas of the body. When adjusted for host factors, total number of sunburns was significantly associated with higher total nevus prevalence (P = 0.01 for one burn). Site-specific sunburns were significantly associated with nevus prevalence on the back (P = 0.03 for three or more sunburns), but not on the face, arms, or legs. In this high-risk population, there is evidence for two pathways to nevus accumulation: by chronic sun exposure and by intermittent exposure related to sunburns.
Acral melanomas arise on the non-hair bearing skin of the palms, soles and in the nail beds. These rare tumors comprise 2-3% of all melanomas, are not linked to UV-exposure, and represent the most frequent subtype of melanomas in patients of Asian, African and Hispanic origin. Although recent work has revealed candidate molecular events that underlie acral melanoma development, this knowledge is not yet been translated into efficacious local, regional, or systemic therapies. In the current review, we describe the clinical characteristics of acral melanoma and outline the genetic basis of acral melanoma development. Further discussion is given to the current status of systemic therapy for acral melanoma with a focus on ongoing developments in both immunotherapy and targeted therapy for the treatment of advanced disease.
Background: Acral melanoma is a rare type of melanoma that affects world populations irrespective of skin color and has worse survival than other cutaneous melanomas. It has relatively few single nucleotide mutations without the UV signature of cutaneous melanomas, but instead has a genetic landscape characterized by structural rearrangements and amplifications. BRAF mutations are less common than in other cutaneous melanomas, and knowledge about alternative therapeutic targets is incomplete. Methods: To identify alternative therapeutic targets, we performed targeted deep-sequencing on 122 acral melanomas. We confirmed the loss of the tumor suppressors p16 and NF1 by immunohistochemistry in select cases. Results: In addition to BRAF (21.3%), NRAS (27.9%), and KIT (11.5%) mutations, we identified a broad array of MAPK pathway activating alterations, including fusions of BRAF (2.5%), NTRK3 (2.5%), ALK (0.8%), and PRKCA (0.8%), which can be targeted by available inhibitors. Inactivation of NF1 occurred in 18 cases (14.8%). Inactivation of the NF1 cooperating factor SPRED1 occurred in eight cases (6.6%) as an alternative mechanism of disrupting the negative regulation of RAS. Amplifications recurrently affected narrow loci containing PAK1 and GAB2 (n = 27, 22.1%), CDK4 (n = 27, 22.1%), CCND1 (n = 24, 19.7%), EP300 (n = 20, 16.4%), YAP1 (n = 15, 12.3%), MDM2 (n = 13, 10.7%), and TERT (n = 13, 10.7%) providing additional and possibly complementary therapeutic targets. Acral melanomas with BRAFV600E mutations harbored fewer genomic amplifications and were more common in patients with European ancestry. Conclusion: Our findings support a new, molecularly based subclassification of acral melanoma with potential therapeutic implications: BRAFV600E mutant acral melanomas with characteristics similar to nonacral melanomas that could benefit from BRAF inhibitor therapy, and non-BRAFV600E mutant acral melanomas. Acral melanomas without BRAFV600E mutations harbor a broad array of therapeutically relevant alterations. Expanded molecular profiling would increase the detection of potentially targetable alterations for this subtype of acral melanoma.
The benign melanocytic nevus is the most common tumor in humans and rarely transforms into cutaneous melanoma. Elucidation of the nevus genome is required to better understand the molecular steps of progression to melanoma. We performed whole genome sequencing on a series of 14 benign melanocytic nevi consisting of both congenital and acquired types. All nevi had driver mutations in the MAPK signaling pathway, either BRAF V600E or NRAS Q61R/L. No additional definite driver mutations were identified. Somatic mutations in nevi with higher mutation loads showed a predominance of mutational signatures 7a and 7b, consistent with UVR exposure, whereas nevi with lower mutation loads (including all three congenital nevi) had a predominance of the ubiquitous signatures 1 and 5. Two nevi had mutations in promoter regions predicted to bind E26 transformation-specific family transcription factors, as well as subclonal mutations in the TERT promoter. This paper presents whole genome data from melanocytic nevi. We confirm that UVR is involved in the etiology of a subset of nevi. This study also establishes that TERT promoter mutations are present in morphologically benign skin nevi in subclonal populations, which has implications regarding the interpretation of this emerging biomarker in sensitive assays.
We elucidated genomic and transcriptomic changes that accompany the evolution of melanoma from pre-malignant lesions by sequencing DNA and RNA from primary melanomas and their adjacent precursors, as well as matched primary tumors and regional metastases. In total, we analyzed 230 histopathologically distinct areas of melanocytic neoplasia from 82 patients. Somatic alterations sequentially induced mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway activation, upregulation of telomerase, modulation of the chromatin landscape, G1/S checkpoint override, ramp-up of MAPK signaling, disruption of the p53 pathway, and activation of the PI3K pathway; no mutations were specifically associated with metastatic progression, as these pathways were perturbed during the evolution of primary melanomas. UV radiation-induced point mutations steadily increased until melanoma invasion, at which point copy-number alterations also became prevalent.
The melanoma transformation rate of each nevus is rare despite the detection of oncogenic BRAF or NRAS mutations in 100% of nevi. Acquired melanocytic nevi (AMN) do however mimic melanoma and ∼30% of all melanomas arise within pre-existing nevi. Using whole-exome sequencing of 30 matched nevi, adjacent normal skin, and saliva we sought to identify the underlying genetic mechanisms for nevus development. All nevi were clinically, dermoscopically, and histopathologically documented. In addition to identifying somatic mutations, we found mutational signatures relating to ultra-violet radiation (UVR) mirroring those found in cutaneous melanoma. In nevi we frequently observed the presence of the UVR mutation signature compared to adjacent normal skin (97% vs 10% respectively). In copy number aberration (CNA) analysis, in nevi with copy number loss of tumor suppressor genes (TSG), these were balanced by loss of potent oncogenes. Moreover, reticular and non-specific patterned nevi revealed an increased (p<0.0001) number of CNA as compared with globular nevi. The mutation signature data generated in this study confirms that UVR strongly contributes to nevogenesis. Copy number changes reflect at a genomic level the dermoscopic differences of AMN. Lastly, we propose that the balanced loss of TSGs and oncogenes is a protective mechanism of AMN.
Acral melanoma occurring on the palms, soles, and nails is the most common subtype of cutaneous melanoma in Asians. Genetic alterations in acral melanoma and acral melanocytic nevus are not well known. We performed next-generation sequencing and evaluated the correlations between genetic information and the clinicopathologic characteristicsfrom 85 Korean patients with acral melanocytic neoplasms. Of the 64 patients with acral melanoma, most had ≥ T2 stage, and the heel was the most common anatomical site of melanoma (n = 34, 53.1%). The five most common mutations were BRAF (22, 34.4%), NRAS (14, 21.9%), NF1 (11, 17.2%), GNAQ (12, 17.2%), and KIT (7, 10.9%). In the 21 acral melanocytic nevi, those five gene mutations were also common. Copy number variations were also frequently detected in 75% of acral melanomas and 47.6% of acral melanocytic nevi, and amplification was more common than deletion in both lesions. BRAF mutation was associated with round-epithelioid cells and NRAS and NF1 mutations with bizarre cells. NF1 and GNAQ mutations showed elongated and spindle cells with prominent dendrites in acral melanomas. KIT mutation was common in amelanotic acral melanoma. This study suggests that common mutated genes are associated with distinct cytomorphological features in acral melanocytic lesions.
Moles, or melanocytic nevi, are both markers of an increased risk of cutaneous melanoma and direct precursor lesions. Recent strategies to reduce the burden of advanced disease have focused on early detection and ongoing surveillance of moles for malignant degeneration. Inherent in this approach is the notion that moles exhibit a certain risk of transformation into melanoma; however, this risk is unknown. To estimate the risk of moles transforming into cutaneous melanoma. We first constructed a model of transformation based on the assumption that the minimal number of moles turning into cutaneous melanoma per year is roughly equivalent to the number of melanomas diagnosed each year with associated nevic components. The annual risk was then calculated as the number of mole-associated melanomas diagnosed in 1 year (stratified by 10-year age groups) divided by the number of moles in a the same 10-year age group. We also estimated the cumulative risk during the lifetime of an individual mole by using a modification of the standard life table method. The annual transformation rate of any single mole into melanoma ranges from 0.0005% or less (ie, </=1 in 200,000) for both men and women younger than 40 years to 0.003% (about 1 in 33,000) for men older than 60 years. The rate is similar between men and women younger than 40 years but becomes substantially higher for men older than 40 years. For a 20-year-old individual, the lifetime risk of any selected mole transforming into melanoma by age 80 years is approximately 0.03% (1 in 3,164) for men and 0.009% (1 in 10,800) for women. The risk of any particular mole becoming melanoma is low, especially in younger individuals. However, since moles can disappear, ones that persist into old age have an increased risk of malignant degeneration. For young people with innumerable moles and no other associated risk factors, systematic excision of benign-appearing lesions would be of limited benefit.
Characterization of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) P848L, an unusual EGFR variant present in lung cancer patients, in a murine Ba/F3 model.
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