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Reconciling ionization energies and band gaps of warm dense matter derived with ab initio simulations and average atom models

  • Center for Advanced Systems Understanding

Abstract and Figures

Average atom (AA) models allow one to efficiently compute electronic and optical properties of materials over a wide range of conditions and are often employed to interpret experimental data. However, at high pressure, predictions from AA models have been shown to disagree with results from ab initio computer simulations. Here we reconcile these deviations by developing an innovative type of AA model, AvIon, that computes the electronic eigenstates with novel boundary conditions within the ion sphere. Bound and free states are derived consistently. We drop the common AA image that the free-particle spectrum starts at the potential threshold, which we found to be incompatible with ab initio calculations. We perform ab initio simulations of crystalline and liquid carbon and aluminum over a wide range of densities and show that the computed band structure is in very good agreement with predictions from AvIon.
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Reconciling ionization energies and band gaps of warm dense matter derived with ab initio
simulations and average atom models
G. Massacrier ,1,*M. Böhme ,2,J. Vorberger,3,F. Soubiran,4and B. Militzer5,§
1Univ Lyon, Univ Lyon1, Ens de Lyon, CNRS, Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon UMR5574, F-69230, Saint-Genis-Laval, France
2Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS), D-02826 Görlitz, Germany
3Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Bautzner Landstraße 400, D-01328 Dresden, Germany
4École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Université Lyon 1, Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon, CNRS UMR 5276, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07,
France and CEA DAM-DIF, 91297 Arpajon, France
5Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
(Received 15 June 2020; accepted 19 March 2021; published 8 April 2021)
Average atom (AA) models allow one to efficiently compute electronic and optical properties of materials over
a wide range of conditions and are often employed to interpret experimental data. However, at high pressure,
predictions from AA models have been shown to disagree with results from ab initio computer simulations.
Here we reconcile these deviations by developing an innovative type of AA model, A
VION, that computes the
electronic eigenstates with novel boundary conditions within the ion sphere. Bound and free states are derived
consistently. We drop the common AA image that the free-particle spectrum starts at the potential threshold,
which we found to be incompatible with ab initio calculations. We perform ab initio simulations of crystalline
and liquid carbon and aluminum over a wide range of densities and show that the computed band structure is in
very good agreement with predictions from A
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.023026
The electronic and optical properties of materials change
drastically with increasing pressure or density, which affects
their equation of state, opacity, and transport properties. These
changes have profound implications for the interior structure
and evolution of stars and planets [1,2]. The modification of
electronic states with temperature and pressure is a very active
research subject [3,4]. The characterization of electronic prop-
erties is especially challenging in the regime of warm dense
matter (WDM) because pressure and temperature are high,
particles are strongly interacting, and the system is partially
degenerate. One relevant phase transition is the dissociation
and metallization of hydrogen [58] that changes from an
insulating, molecular substance to a monoatomic, electrically
conducting fluid. This phase change is a manifestation of a
Mott transition [9,10].
Due to the development of high-power lasers and other
facilities, the capabilities to create and diagnose WDM have
increased substantially and a variety of new experimen-
tal results have been obtained [1117]. Many characterize
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further
distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s)
and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.
modifications of the atomic structure due to the plasma en-
vironment. A key quantity is the degree of ionization, which
may be enhanced by the continuum lowering phenomenon,
or ionization potential depression (IPD), that describe the
reduction of the ionization energy compared to the value of
an isolated ion. X-ray Thompson scattering measurements
(XRTS) provide direct access to the IPD [1820]. The analysis
of the scattering signal is based on the Chihara formalism
[21,22], which relies on the separation of bound and free
electronic states as well as well-defined direct transitions
between the two. There are experimental results both sup-
porting and contradicting the two classic IPD models of
Stewart-Pyatt (SP) [23] and Ecker-Kröll (EK) [24]. SP models
are widely used to predict plasma properties like ionization
balance, equation of state, opacities, electrical and thermal
There are a variety of theoretical approaches to study
WDM and the IPD [2527]. With ab initio simulations, one
follows the evolution of many ions in a periodic simulation
cell by coupling density functional theory (DFT) [28,29]to
molecular dynamics (MD) [30]. In comparison, average atom
(AA) models are computationally far less demanding because
they place only a single nucleus at the center of a cloud of
electrons and determine the resulting states. Many variations
of the AA approach exist [25,3133]. However, when these
methods are applied to guide or interpret experiments at ex-
treme densities or highly degenerate plasma conditions, the
results appear to deviate from predictions of ab initio meth-
ods [26,3436], which provided the initial motivation for this
In this paper, we use DFT calculations to study the evolu-
tion of electronic states of dense C and Al over three orders of
2643-1564/2021/3(2)/023026(9) 023026-1 Published by the American Physical Society
magnitude in density and then reproduce them with a novel,
general-purpose type of AA model. For the latter, we adopt an
alternate view of the continuum. Usually, AA models embed
the ion in some kind of jellium and the continuum of states
starts at the threshold of the potential. We determine that it
is this property that leads to a disagreement with ab initio
results. As a matter of fact, valence and conduction bands
as derived from DFT-MD simulations exhibit no clear link to
such a potential threshold.
We performed ab initio calculations for dense carbon
and aluminum with the ABINIT code [3742]. For both ma-
terials, we performed static DFT calculation using perfect
lattices (T=0 eV) and DFT-MD simulations at a finite tem-
perature (T=12.5 eV). For aluminum, we employed the
local density approximation (LDA) to incorporate exchange-
correlation (XC) effects [43] and the PBE-GGA functional
was used for carbon [44]. For both materials, we generated
new pseudopotentials with very small core radii using the
OPIUM code [45]. The 1s core electrons were frozen in the
norm conserving pseudopotential for aluminium. For carbon,
we even performed all-electron calculations.
As the predicted crystal structures of aluminium and car-
bon change with density, we change the structure at T=0
according to Ref. [46] for carbon and Ref. [47] for aluminium.
For carbon, the order of the phases is diamond (3.52 to 7.66 g
cm3), BC8 (7.87 g cm3), simple cubic (sc, 15.9 g cm3),
simple hexagonal (sh, 23.29 g cm3), and face-centered cubic
(fcc, 46.36 to 640.83 g cm3). A 123k-point grid with a
plane wave cutoff energy of 600 Hartrees (Ha) was used for
diamond. The BC8, sc, and sh calculations used a k-point grid
of 323points and a cutoff energy of 700 Ha. The static T=0
calculations for aluminium were carried out for both the fcc
and body-centered cubic (bcc) [48] phases to get a better
understanding on how the phase affects the valence band gap.
For the fcc unit cell a 643k-point grid with 12 bands and a
plane wave cutoff energy of 400 Ha has been used. The bcc
calculations used a 123k-point grid with 20 bands and a plane
wave cutoff at 400Ha. The band gap reported for these solid
phases is the indirect gap over the sampled Brillouin zone.
The MD simulations at T=12.5 eV were run using a
Nosé-Hoover thermostat and with a time step of δt=0.09
fs and with eight atoms in the periodic supercell which was
sampled only at the -point. The number of bands considered
was 450 and the plane wave cutoff was 500 Ha for carbon.
The aluminum DFT-MD simulations considered 630 to 640
bands and a cutoff energy of 400 Ha. Electronic density of
states (DOS) and band-gap results at finite temperatures were
derived by averaging over the DOS of 10 sample configura-
tions obtained via DFT-MD and which where postprocessed
with a static run using 83k-points. These DOS were averaged
after aligning them first at the chemical potential μ(a few eV
below the Fermi energy at these low temperatures).
Figure 1shows the DOS, weighted by the Fermi-Dirac
factor 1/(1 +e(εμ)/kT ), at T=12.5 eV and for densities a
few times the solid density. For illustration purposes the DOS
were smoothed using a Gaussian with a half width at half
maximum (HWHM) of 0.8 eV. For carbon, the peaks below
x DOS (1/eV)
3.51 g/cc DFT-MD
21.2 g/cc DFT-MD
3.51 g/cc AvIon
21.2 g/cc AvIon
x DOS (1/eV)
8.03 g/cc DFT-MD
22.0 g/cc DFT-MD
8.03 g/cc AvIon
22.0 g/cc AvIon
-250 -200 -150 -100 -50 050
-125 -100 -75 -50 -25 025
HP (eV)
(a) C
(b) Al
FIG. 1. Density of states (multiplied by the Fermi-Dirac factor)
at various densities and T=12.5 eV for liquid (a) carbon and (b)
aluminum. Energies are counted from the chemical potential. Results
are from DFT-MD or A
VION simulations as shown in the legends.
The position of the threshold potential V(R) for each A
VION simula-
tion is also shown as vertical bars at the top of each panel. For better
readability, we introduced different yscales for the valence bands
(left yaxis) and the continuum states (right yaxis).
250 eV represent the 1s states while the 2s and 2p states
have already merged with the continuum at these conditions.
With increasing density, we find that the continuum edge
shifts towards lower energies when compared with the Fermi
energy, consistent with earlier findings [49]. For the following
discussion, we define the valence band gap (VBG) of carbon
to be the gap between the 1s states and the bottom of the
continuum band.
For aluminum at the lowest density of 8.03 g cm3, the 2s
and 2p states form two well-separated peaks. At 22.0 g cm3,
these peaks have broadened. At yet higher densities, they will
merge (not shown). The VBG of aluminum is defined to be
the gap between the uppermost 2s/2p state and the continuum
Our simulations show consistently that the continuum edge
shifts towards lower energies, well below the Fermi energy,
as density increases. Eventually gaps between valence and
continuum bands close. In traditional AA models, the bottom
of the continuum begins at the maximum of the potential and
a state is pressure-ionized as soon as it crosses this thresh-
old. This leads to inconsistent results between the DFT and
AA approaches because in DFT one derives the free-particle
spectrum without introducing such a threshold. To resolve
this discrepancy and to reproduce the fully self-consistent
many-body DFT calculations, we developed a novel type of
AA approach, A
VION, that is much more efficient than DFT-
MD and can be readily applied to arbitrary materials and
thermodynamic conditions. As we will show below, A
reproduces the DFT-MD predictions very well. It also explains
apparent discrepancies between the usual AA models and
DFT-MD simulations.
In ab initio many-body simulations, the band structure
is obtained from eigensolutions of the Schrödinger equation
in a periodic box for an effective potential resulting from
a collection of electrons and nuclei, while taking advantage
of the Kohn-Sham scheme [50]. In our A
VION approach, we
intend to solve the same equations to obtain the band struc-
ture and wave functions around a single nucleus in a limited
volume. The only connection with the plasma environment
arises from the boundary conditions of the wave functions at
the surface of that volume. In an actual many particle system
these boundary conditions are highly complex and vary from
ion to ion depending on the environment. Still these variations
can be represented well enough with approximate methods
as long as the predictions are validated through comparisons
with many-body simulations.
VION is a spherical model with a neutrality radius R.To
obtain agreement with many-body simulations, we introduce
novel boundary conditions at Rthat allows us to derive bound
and free states within a common scheme. As we will show,
this has deep implications for the band structure of the contin-
uum states and for the magnitude of band gaps. Conversely,
traditional AA models set the boundary conditions at infinity.
This leads to a clear distinction between a bound (discrete)
and a free (continuous) spectrum, which is not compatible
with predictions of many-body simulations at high density.
For an element with nuclear charge Zand at given temper-
ature T,theA
VION approach self-consistently determines the
electronic density profile ne(r) and an effective potential V(r)
within the Kohn-Sham scheme [50]. The spherical potential
r+vH(r)+vxc[ne(r)] (1)
is the sum of the Coulombic nuclear attraction, the Hartree
potential vHresulting from the electronic density through
Poisson equation, and an exchange-correlation part in the
LDA approximation. (We use Refs. [5153].) The potential
vHinside Rcan be written, up to a constant, as a function of
the sole charge inside this same volume:
vH(r)=vH(0) e2r
where Q(r)=r
04πr2ne(r)dris the number of electrons
inside radius r. We do not need to assume any definite value
for V, and leave vH(0) unspecified.
The electronic density (including all electrons) is, in
turn, determined from the spherical eigenstates φεm=
rPε (r)Ym
r) in the potential V. Their radial parts obey
¯h2[V(r)ε]Pε (3)
(with mthe electron mass, ¯hthe Planck constant), are normal-
ized to unity inside the ion sphere, and populated according to
a Fermi-Dirac distribution. Accordingly,
2(2+1) dεg(ε)
e(εμ)/kT +1|Pεl(r)|2,(4)
where the g(ε) are partial DOS for the angular momentum
. The chemical potential μis adjusted so that Zelectrons
exactly pile up inside of radius R, i.e., Q(R)=Z.From
electro-neutrality one has dV
dr (R)=0 (neglecting vxc). The
value V(R) defines the potential threshold on the energy scale.
The distinctive feature of A
VION is in the way the DOS is
constructed. The continuum in traditional AA models starts
above that threshold [setting V(rR)=0], and includes
all ε>V(R) solutions, matching them to a combination of
Bessel functions (free solutions) at the Rboundary. We show
in this paper that the band structure inherent to condensed
matter, which persists for crystals under WDM conditions as
shown recently by Bekx et al. [54] (see, in particular, their
Fig. 7), or in DFT simulations, challenges this simple view,
yet can be recovered with a modified AA model.
For bound states, the concept of bands instead of isolated
states [which give a δ-function contribution to some g(ε)]
has already been used in a number of AA models [5558].
Regarding states above threshold, some preliminary works
have explored the modification of the DOS due to neighbors
using multiple scattering theory [5961]. While this is in the
spirit of our work, our aim is to avoid the huge complexity it
In A
VION for every angular momentum, , the partial DOS
g(ε)=kgk(ε) is a sum over successive energy bands k.
For given , all wave functions within the kth band have
k1 nodes in the interval ]0,R[. In addition, the lower ε
and upper ε+
kenergy limits of this kth band result from the
eigensolutions of the radial Schrödinger equation [Eq. (3)]
with the respective boundary conditions d(Pε/r)
dr (R)=0 and
Pε (R)=0. With these two conditions, we intend to mimic the
bonding and antibonding character of typical molecular wave
functions. Note that the Pε (R)=0 condition for the upper
band limits does not imply that there is a hard wall at radius
R, but that the total (over the whole plasma) wave function, a
part of which we solve for in the ion sphere, has a node at R.
We emphasize that we no longer make a distinction between
bound (below threshold) and free (above threshold) states, as
is done in traditional AA models. Still we need to make an
assumption for the DOS inside each band.
Between the respective limits ε±
k, we choose in this work
the Hubbard functional form gk(ε)=2
k)]1/2, where δ=1
k)[62]. This is undoubtedly
oversimplified. The DOS of the bands is actually controlled
by a complex interplay between the ion and its neighbors, and
its computation requires involved techniques. For instance the
recent work of Starrett and Shaffer [61] used a multiple scat-
tering approach, but requires around one hour of CPU time.
Our goal is precisely to bypass this computationally highly
demanding step: A
VION necessitates a few seconds per point
[63]. With this DOS at hand and wave functions computed for
a set of energies inside the bands, the electronic density can
be obtained from Eq. (4).
FIG. 2. Evolution of band energies computed with AVION as a function of density for carbon (first column) and aluminum (second column),
for the temperatures T=12.5 eV (upper row) and T=0.1 eV (lower row). In panels (a) and (b), energies are counted from the potential
threshold V(R); in (c) from the top of the 1s band for carbon; in (d) from the top of the 2p band for aluminum. Lowest s,p,anddbands are
in red, blue, and green colors, respectively. The black line is the potential threshold V(R); the black dots mark the chemical potential μat
computed points. The valence band gap (VBG) and the pseudo-ionization potential (PIP) of the C 1s and Al 2p bands are shown as vertical
arrows. In panel (c), an arrow indicates the carbon K-edge, which is in good agreement with Hu’s predictions [26]forT=1.3 eV (blue dots).
As a summary, the three parameters (Z,T,R) entirely
determine an A
VION calculation. The iterative procedure is
initiated with a trial electronic density as input. The poten-
tial is determined through Eqs. (1) and (2). Bands and wave
functions are obtained from the solutions of Eq. (3). The
resulting electronic density is constructed from Eq. (4) with
μadjusted for electroneutrality. The result is compared with
the input. If different, a new loop is initiated with a mix of
the two densities, and the procedure is continued until full
convergence is achieved.
To compare with results at given ion density ni(or mass
density ρ=Amuni, where Ais the atomic mass of the ele-
ment), we set in this paper Requal to the Wigner-Seitz radius,
RWS =[3/(4πni)]1/3. Note that this is only one plausible
choice among other possibilities that we do not explore in this
work [64].
As an illustration of our approach, Fig. 2shows the evo-
lution of band energies over a large density range for carbon
and aluminum at temperatures T=12.5 eV and T=0.1eV.
The reference energy in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) is the potential
threshold V(R). To better visualize the VBG, energies are
counted from the top of the 1s band for carbon in Fig. 2(c),
and the top of the 2p band for aluminum in Fig. 2(d).Atlow
density, bands below the threshold appear as sharp, localized
bound states. With increasing density, they widen as they
approach the potential threshold, which they eventually cross
in a continuous way. Above a density of a few g cm3the
bottom of the continuum is associated for carbon first with the
2s and later with the 2p band, while for Al, it is first the 3s
and later the 3d band. The void region between the top of the
valence band (1s for C, 2p for Al) and the continuum defines
the VBG, as shown with arrows in the panels.
Our A
VION model does not distinguish bound and free
states. States rather evolve from being localized to delocal-
ized. To compare with traditional AA and IPD models, we
introduce a pseudo-ionization potential (PIP) in A
VION, which
we define to be the difference between a state’s energy and the
threshold potential V(R), even though the PIP is not linked
to any physical quantity in our approach. We show the PIP
for the 1s state of C in Figs. 2(a) and 2(c), and for the 2p
stateofAlinFigs.2(b) and 2(d). Both decrease rapidly with
density. The VBG predicted by our A
VION approach remains
much larger because the region void of states extends well
above the potential threshold. This explains the discrepancies
reported in Ref. [34] between very small gaps in AA models
and large VBGs in DFT-MD results, as is demonstrated by
further analysis in the following section.
In A
VION, we can predict the K-edge by subtracting the 1s
state’s energy from the chemical potential (or Fermi energy),
as is illustrated for carbon in Fig. 2(c). In the same panel,
we included as blue dots the values computed from DFT
simulations in Ref. [26]forT=1.3 eV. The agreement with
the K-edge inferred from our A
VION approach is excellent.
The increase of the K-edge energy emerges as a “competi-
tion between continuum lowering and Fermi surface rising”
[26,35,36] when including the potential threshold as an inter-
mediate step in the analysis. Still in A
VION and in DFT, the
K-edge energy can be determined directly.
The DOS as obtained from AVION are compared in Fig. 1to
DFT-MD results at T=12.5 eV and for the lowest densities.
To ease comparison, the DOS have been convolved using a
Gaussian distribution for the neutrality radii Rwith a HWHM
equal to RWS/40, which slightly broadens the valence peaks.
As A
VION is based on a quite simple prescription for the DOS
shape inside a band, a perfect match is not expected. Never-
theless the model reproduces remarkably the DFT-MD results
and their trends, especially since it requires a few seconds
against hundreds of hours for DFT. The continuum edges and
the valence band positions agree quite well for carbon, and
for aluminum at the lowest density of 8.03 g cm3.ForAl
at 22.0 g cm3the agreement on the positions of both the 2s
and 2p bands and the continuum edge can be made better by
upshifting with 10 eV the A
VION DOS (which amounts to a
shift of the chemical potential).
The position of the potential thresholds V(R)arealso
drawn as vertical bars in the top of the panels. For carbon,
the continuum starts just below the threshold at 3.51 g cm3,
and just above at 21.2 g cm3. For aluminum, it is just below
the threshold at 8.03 g cm3. These situations would be
hard to distinguish experimentally from the usual equality
in traditional AA models. In contrast, for aluminum at 22.0
3, the continuum edge starts some 40 eV above the
threshold. These results are easily visualized through inspec-
tion of the upper panels of Fig. 2.
In Fig. 3, we compare results of DFT, A
VION, and SP
methods over three orders of magnitude in density. For both
T=0 conditions and fluid states at T=12.5eV,weshow
results from DFT(-MD) simulations and A
VION calculations.
The latter use T=0.1 eV instead of T=0 to avoid numerical
issues, but as a matter of fact the A
VION results are fairly
similar in these low temperature range except for a slight
difference for Al at low density.
Energy (eV)
AvIon VBG T=0.1eV
AvIon VBG T=12.5eV
AvIon PIP T=12.5eV
SP C4+ (shifted)
SP C4+ T=12.5eV
SP C5+ T=12.5eV
Density (gcm3)
Energy (eV)
AvIon VBG T=0.1eV
AvIon VBG T=12.5eV
AvIon PIP T=12.5eV
SP Al3+ (shifted)
SP Al3+ T=12.5eV
SP Al4+ T=12.5eV
FIG. 3. Valence band gaps (VBG) of (a) carbon and (b) alu-
minum. We compare static DFT calculations of solids (T=0),
DFT-MD simulations of liquids at T=12.5eV,andA
VION results.
The pseudo-IP (PIP) from A
VION is compared with SP predictions
for the IP of various ionization states, as well as a shifted curve for
the less ionized ion (dash-dotted). The SP C4+curve in (a) has been
shifted by 67 eV, and the SP Al3+curve in (b) by 21 eV.
For carbon, AVION reproduces the DFT band gaps very
well but a small deviation remains for the highest densities.
VION predicts a gap closure at a density of 500 g cm3
while the gap in static DFT calculations of fcc carbon has not
yet closed. DFT-MD simulations of liquid carbon predict gap
closure at a density of 620 g cm3. (We define the point of
gap closure in DFT-MD when the standard deviation of the
distribution of gap values overlaps with zero.)
For aluminum, the agreement is very good up to a density
of around 20 g cm3. Then the AVION band gap increases to
higher values than is predicted with DFT methods. However,
the following decrease and eventual band gap closure at 190
3occurs in a range compatible with DFT predictions.
The difference in the latter may be traced back to the different
crystal or fluid state in the DFT simulations, while the envi-
ronment in A
VION is always with spherical symmetry. Note
that A
VION shows a marked change of the band-gap slope
around 32 g cm3, which is linked to the switch from the 3s to
the 3d band used to define the continuum edge [see Fig. 2(d)].
This change in slope is also seen in our DFT simulations. A
similar slope change, though less dramatic, occurs for carbon
at around 35 g cm3due to the switch of the lowest continuum
band from 2s to 2p.
In Fig. 3, we also plot the PIP computed with A
VION for
T=12.5 eV (it is almost the same for T=0.1eVonthis
density range.) Its value goes to zero at already 170 g cm3
for C and 30 g cm3for Al. From the point of view of tra-
ditional AA models, this would imply that the involved bands
have already merged with the continuum at these conditions.
However, both our A
VION and DFT results predict there is still
a sizable VBG present under these conditions.
It is useful to compare when A
VION and SP models predict
a given state to become pressure ionized. From around 1 g
cm3up to the density where the valence band crosses the
threshold, carbon has two localized electrons and aluminum
has ten. We hence plot in Fig. 3the modified IP, E0SP,
for the 1s state of C4+and C5+, and for the 2p state of Al3+
and Al4+, where E0is the isolated ion spectroscopic value
and SP the IPD predicted by the SP model. It shows little
resemblance to the VBG curves computed with A
VION and
DFT. SP models predict pressure ionization to occur at lower
densities, at values in between the point where A
goes to zero and A
VION and DFT predict the VBG to close.
It should be noted that AA models and DFT simulations
involve approximations which do not allow reproduction of
the measured energies of isolated ions, which are input pa-
rameters in SP models. By shifting SP curves for C4+and
Al3+, i.e., adjusting E0, it is possible to match the evolution of
VION’s PIP over most of the density range (see lines labeled
“shifted” in Fig. 3.) In these degenerate conditions, A
VION and
SP models make similar predictions for screening effects and
SP reduces to the ion sphere expression, 3ze2/(2R), where
z=4 for C and z=3 for Al. The residual discrepancy for
the densities where both curves go to zero may be explained
by noticing that the PIP is counted from the top of the valence
band; the SP model rather refers to an eigenstate that would be
computed with the condition Pε ()=0. Hence it is situated
in the band below its top and is ionized at a higher density.
In this paper, we developed a novel type of AA approach,
VION, to obtain consistency with much more computation-
ally demanding many-body DFT simulations. We studied
solid and liquid carbon and aluminum over three orders of
density. With our A
VION method, we find excellent agreement
with DFT predictions for the continuum edge shift below the
Fermi energy, the carbon K-edge increase and the valence
band gaps. Traditional AA models on the other hand predict
valence bands to enter the continuum at far too low densities.
Still, our A
VION results agree with a continuum lowering
predicted by SP model up to a few times solid density. But
at higher densities, drastic errors in the SP models become
apparent as the continuum band shifts away from the potential
threshold that is incorrectly equated with the beginning of the
continuum band in the SP model.
Such predictions may be tested in experiment at high
energy laser facilities like the National Ignition Facility or
Laser Mégajoule (LMJ) [65] that are capable of producing
compressed matter of Gbar pressures [66] and multiple times
solid density [67] and may be combined with x-ray diffraction
[68] and x-ray Thomson scattering [69].
Since our A
VION approach is as efficient as traditional
AA models and can deliver DFT compatible predictions in
only a few CPU seconds, it allows to fit and interpret exper-
imental data and infer the temperature and density without
resorting to SP models. The capability of A
VION will make
joint experimental-theoretical explorations of WDM more
G.M. acknowledges support from the Programme Na-
tional de Physique Stellaire (PNPS) of CNRS/INSU, M.B.
from the Center of Advanced Systems Understanding (CA-
SUS), F.S. from the European Union through a Marie
Skłodowska-Curie action (Grant No. 750901) and B.M.
from the National Science Foundation-Department of Energy
(DOE) partnership for plasma science and engineering (Grant
No. DE-SC0016248) and by the DOE-National Nuclear Se-
curity Administration (Grant No. DE-NA0003842). The DFT
and DFT-MD simulations were performed on a Bull Cluster
at the Center for Information Services and High Performace
Computing (ZIH) at Technische Universität Dresden.
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... We use the AA model proposed by Massacrier et al [86]. In this model, we solve the 6 Page 6 of 57 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT -MLST-101176. ...
... This suggests that, when considering elements on which training has not been performed, and temperatures above 10 eV, the base AA model (with the P vir T or P fd method) may be more suitable than either of the neural network models. Of course, this conclusion does not apply when considering the full temperature range, or for elements present in the training data. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t often take only a few seconds [86], and are fast enough to run in-line with hydrodynamic simulations [126,127]. ...
... However, the network which uses AA data as input features has an extra computational load, namely the computation of the AA data. As mentioned in the conclusions of this paper, there exist AA codes which are fast enough to be run inline with hydrodynamic simulations [86,126,127]. On the other hand, the atoMEC code we have used is not (in general) fast enough to generate on-the-fly data for hydrodynamic simulations. ...
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Rapid access to accurate equation-of-state (EOS) data is crucial in the warm-dense matter regime, as it is employed in various applications, such as providing input for hydrodynamics codes to model inertial confinement fusion processes. In this study, we develop neural network models for predicting the EOS based on first-principles data. The first model utilizes basic physical properties, while the second model incorporates more sophisticated physical information, using output from average-atom calculations as features. Average-atom models are often noted for providing a reasonable balance of accuracy and speed; however, our comparison of average-atom models and higher-fidelity calculations shows that more accurate models are required in the warm-dense matter regime. Both the neural network models we propose, particularly the physics-enhanced one, demonstrate significant potential as accurate and efficient methods for computing EOS data in warm-dense matter.
... Furthermore, to extend our comparisons beyond the model described above, we have implemented the AA model proposed by Massacrier et al. [40]. In this model, the KS equations are solved for both the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, yielding energies ± nl , which define the upper (Dirichlet) and lower (Neumann) limits of a band structure. ...
... It is also clear to see that when the concept of bands in the AA model is not employed (i.e., when we use either the Dirichlet or Neumann conditions only), that N k = 1, w k = 1 and the above expression reduces to the ordinary expression for the density (4). The above simplification (13), (14) was not shown in Ref. [40], and we therefore provide a derivation in Appendix A. ...
... In the following, we will compare the four methods described for computing the MIS: the canonical or threshold approach (1), the counting method (15), the ELF method, and the KG approach (25), against a higher-fidelity DFT-MD benchmark and experimental data. For the threshold, counting, and ELF results, we compare the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions and the band-structure model [40]. For the KG results, we use the Dirichlet boundary condition only. ...
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The mean ionization state (MIS) is a critical property in dense plasma and warm dense matter research, for example, as an input to hydrodynamics simulations and Monte Carlo simulations. Unfortunately, however, the best way to compute the MIS remains an open question. Average-atom (AA) models are widely used in this context due to their computational efficiency, but as we show here, the canonical approach for calculating the MIS in AA models is typically insufficient. We therefore explore three alternative approaches to compute the MIS. First, we modify the canonical approach to change the way electrons are partitioned into bound and free states; second, we develop a novel approach using the electron localization function; finally, we extend a method, which uses the Kubo-Greenwood conductivity to our average-atom model. Through comparisons with higher-fidelity simulations and experimental data, we find that any of the three new methods usually outperforms the canonical approach, with the electron localization function and Kubo-Greenwood methods showing particular promise.
... The traditional pathway to circumventing these technical restrictions relies on algorithmic advances in software which leads to computationally more efficient calculations. Alternatively, approximate models such as average atom models [11][12][13] are applied for otherwise unattainable calculations. While they have a smaller computational overhead, they sacrifice accuracy. ...
... Then, for each initialization, inference was performed across 10 atomic configurations that had previously been used in [35]. Using these prediction results, the MAE was calculated according to equation (12). In doing so, we get five MAEs, one for each network initialization per hyperparameter optimization method. ...
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A myriad of phenomena in materials science and chemistry rely on quantum-level simulations of the electronic structure in matter. While moving to larger length and time scales has been a pressing issue for decades, such large-scale electronic structure calculations are still challenging despite modern software approaches and advances in high-performance computing. The silver lining in this regard is the use of machine learning to accelerate electronic structure calculations -- this line of research has recently gained growing attention. The grand challenge therein is finding a suitable machine-learning model during a process called hyperparameter optimization. This, however, causes a massive computational overhead in addition to that of data generation. We accelerate the construction of neural network models by roughly two orders of magnitude by circumventing excessive training during the hyperparameter optimization phase. We demonstrate our workflow for Kohn-Sham density functional theory, the most popular computational method in materials science and chemistry.
... [69,652,653]. Recent work by Massacrier et al. [654] developed a new approach to describe the IPD that treats bound and free electronic states under a consistent set of assumptions and thereby removes the discrepancies in dense plasmas between first-principles calculations and average atom models that were reported in Ref. [459]. We also mention KS-DFT simulations of S. Hu [655] for the shift of the K-edge in a strongly coupled fully degenerate carbon plasma that indicates significant differences from existing IPD models. ...
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Accurate knowledge of the properties of hydrogen at high compression is crucial for astrophysics (e.g. planetary and stellar interiors, brown dwarfs, atmosphere of compact stars) and laboratory experiments, including inertial confinement fusion. There exists experimental data for the equation of state, conductivity, and Thomson scattering spectra. However, the analysis of the measurements at extreme pressures and temperatures typically involves additional model assumptions, which makes it difficult to assess the accuracy of the experimental data. rigorously. On the other hand, theory and modeling have produced extensive collections of data. They originate from a very large variety of models and simulations including path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations, density functional theory (DFT), chemical models, machine-learned models, and combinations thereof. At the same time, each of these methods has fundamental limitations (fermion sign problem in PIMC, approximate exchange-correlation functionals of DFT, inconsistent interaction energy contributions in chemical models, etc.), so for some parameter ranges accurate predictions are difficult. Recently, a number of breakthroughs in first principle PIMC and DFT simulations were achieved which are discussed in this review. Here we use these results to benchmark different simulation methods. We present an update of the hydrogen phase diagram at high pressures, the expected phase transitions, and thermodynamic properties including the equation of state and momentum distribution. Furthermore, we discuss available dynamic results for warm dense hydrogen, including the conductivity, dynamic structure factor, plasmon dispersion, imaginary-time structure, and density response functions. We conclude by outlining strategies to combine different simulations to achieve accurate theoretical predictions.
... Another slightly different variant of this model approximates the positive-energy spectrum using the non-degenerate limit of the 1-electron distribution instead of the Fermi-Dirac distribution [94] 1 . Let us also mention that some models also use bands for both the negative and positive parts of the energy spectrum [95], with applications to matter in which an ion lattice may subsist. ...
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Modeling plasmas in terms of atoms or ions is theoretically appealing for several reasons. When it is relevant, the notion of atom or ion in a plasma provides us with an interpretation scheme of the plasma’s internal functioning. From the standpoint of quantitative estimation of plasma properties, atomic models of plasma allow one to extend many theoretical tools of atomic physics to plasmas. This notably includes the statistical approaches to the detailed accounting for excited states, or the collisional-radiative modeling of non-equilibrium plasmas, which is based on the notion of atomic processes. This paper is focused on the theoretical challenges raised by the atomic modeling of dense, non-ideal plasmas. It is intended to give a synthetic and pedagogical view on the evolution of ideas in the field, with an accent on the theoretical consistency issues, rather than an exhaustive review of models and experimental benchmarks. First we make a brief, non-exhaustive review of atomic models of plasmas, from ideal plasmas to strongly-coupled and pressure-ionized plasmas. We discuss the limitations of these models and pinpoint some open problems in the field of atomic modeling of plasmas. We then address the peculiarities of atomic processes in dense plasmas and point out some specific issues relative to the calculation of their cross-sections. In particular, we discuss the modeling of fluctuations, the accounting for channel mixing and collective phenomena in the photoabsorption, or the impact of pressure ionization on collisional processes.
... We use the AA model proposed by Massacrier et al [85]. In this model, we solve the spherically symmetric Kohn-Sham equations, ...
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Rapid access to accurate equation-of-state (EOS) data is crucial in the warm-dense matter regime, as it is employed in various applications, such as providing input for hydrodynamics codes to model inertial confinement fusion processes. In this study, we develop neural network models for predicting the EOS based on first-principles data. The first model utilizes basic physical properties, while the second model incorporates more sophisticated physical information, using output from average-atom calculations as features. Average-atom models are often noted for providing a reasonable balance of accuracy and speed; however, our comparison of average-atom models and higher-fidelity calculations shows that more accurate models are required in the warm-dense matter regime. Both the neural network models we propose, particularly the physics-enhanced one, demonstrate significant potential as accurate and efficient methods for computing EOS data in warm-dense matter.
... From a practical perspective, we note that a gamut of numerical methods for the description of WDM systems has been presented in the literature, including molecular dynamics, classical Monte Carlo simulations, averageatom models [204][205][206][207][208][209], as well as integral equation the-ory approaches within the hypernetted-chain approximation for effective quantum potentials [210][211][212][213], dielectric formalism schemes [163,[196][197][198][199][200][201][214][215][216][217][218][219], and quantum hydrodynamics [125,126,129,130,220]. ...
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Matter at extreme temperatures and pressures -- commonly known as warm dense matter (WDM) in the literature -- is ubiquitous throughout our Universe and occurs in a number of astrophysical objects such as giant planet interiors and brown dwarfs. Moreover, WDM is very important for technological applications such as inertial confinement fusion, and is realized in the laboratory using different techniques. A particularly important property for the understanding of WDM is given by its electronic density response to an external perturbation. Such response properties are routinely probed in x-ray Thomson scattering (XRTS) experiments, and, in addition, are central for the theoretical description of WDM. In this work, we give an overview of a number of recent developments in this field. To this end, we summarize the relevant theoretical background, covering the regime of linear-response theory as well as nonlinear effects, the fully dynamic response and its static, time-independent limit, and the connection between density response properties and imaginary-time correlation functions (ITCF). In addition, we introduce the most important numerical simulation techniques including ab initio path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations and different thermal density functional theory (DFT) approaches. From a practical perspective, we present a variety of simulation results for different density response properties, covering the archetypal model of the uniform electron gas and realistic WDM systems such as hydrogen. Moreover, we show how the concept of ITCFs can be used to infer the temperature from XRTS measurements of arbitrarily complex systems without the need for any models or approximations. Finally, we outline a strategy for future developments based on the close interplay between simulations and experiments.
In the average atom (AA) model, the entropy provides a route to compute thermal electronic contributions to the equation of state (EOS). The complete EOS comprises in many modelings an additional 0 K isotherm and a thermal ionic part. Even at low temperature, the AA model is believed to be the best practical approach. However, when it comes to determining the thermal electronic EOS at low temperatures, the numerical implementation of AA models faces convergence issues related to the pressure ionization of bound states. At contrast, the Sommerfeld expansion tells us that the variations with temperature of thermodynamic variables should express in simple terms at these low temperatures. This led us to tackle the AA predictions with respect to the Sommerfeld expansion of the electronic entropy. We performed a comprehensive investigation for various chemical elements belonging to s, p, d, and f blocks of the periodic table, at varying densities. This was realized using an inferno-like model since this approach provides the best theoretical framework to address these issues. We found that the Sommerfeld expansion is valid for a ratio of the temperature to the Fermi energy of <0.05. This allows us to extend the study to other atomic numbers at a low enough unique temperature. Comparing the AA results with the free electron gas model, the discrepancies are <10% at very high densities but can reach an order of magnitude at the metal-insulator transition.
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Matter at extreme temperatures and pressures—commonly known as warm dense matter (WDM)—is ubiquitous throughout our Universe and occurs in astrophysical objects such as giant planet interiors and brown dwarfs. Moreover, WDM is very important for technological applications such as inertial confinement fusion and is realized in the laboratory using different techniques. A particularly important property for the understanding of WDM is given by its electronic density response to an external perturbation. Such response properties are probed in x-ray Thomson scattering (XRTS) experiments and are central for the theoretical description of WDM. In this work, we give an overview of a number of recent developments in this field. To this end, we summarize the relevant theoretical background, covering the regime of linear response theory and nonlinear effects, the fully dynamic response and its static, time-independent limit, and the connection between density response properties and imaginary-time correlation functions (ITCF). In addition, we introduce the most important numerical simulation techniques, including path-integral Monte Carlo simulations and different thermal density functional theory (DFT) approaches. From a practical perspective, we present a variety of simulation results for different density response properties, covering the archetypal model of the uniform electron gas and realistic WDM systems such as hydrogen. Moreover, we show how the concept of ITCFs can be used to infer the temperature from XRTS measurements of arbitrary complex systems without the need for any models or approximations. Finally, we outline a strategy for future developments based on the close interplay between simulations and experiments.
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We present an analysis of the static exchange-correlation (XC) kernel computed from hybrid functionals with a single mixing coefficient such as PBE0 and PBE0-1/3. We break down the hybrid XC kernels into the exchange and correlation parts using the Hartree-Fock functional, the exchange-only PBE, and the correlation-only PBE. This decomposition is combined with exact data for the static XC kernel of the uniform electron gas and an Airy gas model within a subsystem functional approach. This gives us a tool for the non-empirical choice of the mixing coefficient under ambient and extreme conditions. Our analysis provides physical insights into the effect of the variation of the mixing coefficient in hybrid functionals, which is of immense practical value. The presented approach is general and can be used for other types of functionals like screened hybrids.
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Carbon is the fourth-most prevalent element in the Universe and essential for all known life. In the elemental form it is found in multiple allotropes, including graphite, diamond and fullerenes, and it has long been predicted that even more structures can exist at pressures greater than those at Earth’s core1–3. Several phases have been predicted to exist in the multi-terapascal regime, which is important for accurate modelling of the interiors of carbon-rich exoplanets4,5. By compressing solid carbon to 2 terapascals (20 million atmospheres; more than five times the pressure at Earth’s core) using ramp-shaped laser pulses and simultaneously measuring nanosecond-duration time-resolved X-ray diffraction, we found that solid carbon retains the diamond structure far beyond its regime of predicted stability. The results confirm predictions that the strength of the tetrahedral molecular orbital bonds in diamond persists under enormous pressure, resulting in large energy barriers that hinder conversion to more-stable high-pressure allotropes1,2, just as graphite formation from metastable diamond is kinetically hindered at atmospheric pressure. This work nearly doubles the highest pressure at which X-ray diffraction has been recorded on any material.
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White dwarfs represent the final state of evolution for most stars1–3. Certain classes of white dwarfs pulsate4,5, leading to observable brightness variations, and analysis of these variations with theoretical stellar models probes their internal structure. Modelling of these pulsating stars provides stringent tests of white dwarf models and a detailed picture of the outcome of the late stages of stellar evolution6. However, the high-energy-density states that exist in white dwarfs are extremely difficult to reach and to measure in the laboratory, so theoretical predictions are largely untested at these conditions. Here we report measurements of the relationship between pressure and density along the principal shock Hugoniot (equations describing the state of the sample material before and after the passage of the shock derived from conservation laws) of hydrocarbon to within five per cent. The observed maximum compressibility is consistent with theoretical models that include detailed electronic structure. This is relevant for the equation of state of matter at pressures ranging from 100 million to 450 million atmospheres, where the understanding of white dwarf physics is sensitive to the equation of state and where models differ considerably. The measurements test these equation-of-state relations that are used in the modelling of white dwarfs and inertial confinement fusion experiments7,8, and we predict an increase in compressibility due to ionization of the inner-core orbitals of carbon. We also find that a detailed treatment of the electronic structure and the electron degeneracy pressure is required to capture the measured shape of the pressure–density evolution for hydrocarbon before peak compression. Our results illuminate the equation of state of the white dwarf envelope (the region surrounding the stellar core that contains partially ionized and partially degenerate non-ideal plasmas), which is a weak link in the constitutive physics informing the structure and evolution of white dwarf stars9. Researchers have measured the equation of state of hydrocarbon in a high-density regime, which is necessary for accurate modelling of the oscillations of white dwarf stars.
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Warm dense matter (WDM) is an exotic state of matter that is inherently difficult to model theoretically, due to the fact that the thermal Coulomb coupling and quantum effects are comparable in magnitude and must be treated on equal footing, foregoing the employment of conventional methods from either plasma physics or condensed-matter physics. Our work focuses on describing electronic states present in a transient, nonisothermal WDM state, where electrons become hot and ions remain cold, during the first 10–100 fs after the irradiation of a solid sample with an intense femtosecond x-ray pulse. We present a methodology, combining the finite-temperature Hartree-Fock-Slater approach with the Bloch-wave approach within a periodic atomic lattice, implemented in a new toolkit, xcrystal. In xcrystal, electronic states are represented in a hybrid basis comprising plane waves and localized core orbitals on a radial pseudospectral grid. This hybrid basis ensures a high numerical efficiency as highly localized states need not be described using plane waves. Additionally, these core orbitals are responsive to the presence of delocalized plasma electrons through an interwoven optimization between inner-shell and outer-shell electronic states employed in xcrystal. Therefore, not only does xcrystal model the plasma electrons efficiently, it also allows for access to inner-shell modifications at high electronic temperatures. To benchmark our method, we calculate K-shell threshold energies of x-ray-excited solid-density aluminum as well as the ionization potential depression and show their agreement with experiment. In comparing our method with other theoretical models, we conclude that the incorporation of optimized inner-shell orbitals is essential to obtain accurate results, and we find that the inclusion of the full crystal structure has a limited effect. Furthermore, we obtain temperature-dependent band structure predictions at WDM conditions, up to temperatures of 100 eV, which, to the best of our knowledge, are the first of their kind for this nonisothermal system. We expect that our proposed methodology will aid in the theoretical description of nonisothermal WDM, as well as advance the understanding of this exotic state of matter.
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With the application of pressure, a material decreases in volume as described in its equation of state, which is governed by energy considerations. At extreme pressures, common materials are thus expected to transform into new dense phases with extremely compact atomic arrangements that may also have unusual physical properties. For aluminium, first principle calculations have consistently predicted a phase transition sequence fcc–hcp–bcc in a pressure range below 0.5 TPa [1–7]. The hcp phase was identified at 217 GPa in an experiment (Akahama et al., 2006), and the bcc phase has been recently confirmed in a dynamic ramp-compression experiment coupled with time-resolved X-ray diffraction (Polsin et al. 2017). Here we confirm this observation with a synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction experiment carried out within a diamond-anvil cell and report indications of the onset of the transition towards a bcc structure at pressures beyond 320 GPa. With this work, we also demonstrate the possibility of routine static high-pressure experiments with conventional bevelled diamond-anvil geometry in the 0.3–0.4 TPa regime.
Dense plasmas occur in stars, giant planets, and in inertial fusion experiments. Accurate modeling of the electronic structure of these plasmas allows for prediction of material properties that can in turn be used to simulate these astrophysical objects and terrestrial experiments. But modeling them remains a challenge. Here we explore the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green's function (KKR-GF) method for this purpose. We find that it is able to predict equation of state in good agreement with other state-of-the-art methods, where they are accurate and viable. In addition, it is shown that the computational cost does not significantly change with temperature, in contrast with other approaches. Moreover, the method does not use pseudopotentials—core states are calculated self consistently. We conclude that KKR-GF is a very promising method for dense plasma simulation.
The structure of the fluid carbon phase in the pressure region of the graphite, diamond, and BC8 solid phases is investigated. We find increasing coordination numbers with an increase in density. From zero to 30 GPa, the liquid shows a decrease of packing efficiency with increasing temperature. However, for higher pressures, the coordination number increases with increasing temperature. Up to 1.5 eV and independent of the pressure up to 1500 GPa, a double-peak structure in the ion structure factors exists, indicating persisting covalent bonds. Over the whole pressure range from zero to 3000 GPa, the fluid structure and properties are strongly determined by such covalent bonds.
We discuss a method to calculate with quantum molecular dynamics simulations the rate of energy exchanges between electrons and ions in two-temperature plasmas, liquid metals, and hot solids. Promising results from this method were recently reported for various materials and physical conditions [Simoni and Daligault, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 205001 (2019)]. Like other ab initio calculations, the approach offers a very useful comparison with the experimental measurements and permits an extension into conditions not covered by the experiments. The energy relaxation rate is related to the friction coefficients felt by individual ions due to their nonadiabatic interactions with electrons. Each coefficient satisfies a Kubo relation given by the time integral of the autocorrelation function of the interaction force between an ion and the electrons. These Kubo relations are evaluated using the output of quantum molecular dynamics calculations in which electrons are treated in the framework of finite-temperature density functional theory. The calculation presents difficulties that are unlike those encountered with the Kubo formulas for the electrical and thermal conductivities. In particular, the widely used Kubo-Greenwood approximation is inapplicable here. Indeed, the friction coefficients and the energy relaxation rate diverge in this approximation since it does not properly account for the electronic screening of electron-ion interactions. The inclusion of screening effects considerably complicates the calculations. We discuss the physically motivated approximations we applied to deal with these complications in order to investigate a widest range of materials and physical conditions. Unlike the standard method used for the electronic conductivities, the Kubo formulas are evaluated directly in the time domain and not in the energy domain, which spares one from needing to introduce an extraneous undetermined numerical parameter to account for the discrete character of the numerical density of states. We highlight interesting properties of the energy relaxation rate not shared by other electronic properties, in particular its self-averaging character. We then present a detailed parametric and convergence study with the numerical parameters, including the system size, the number of bands and k points, and the physical approximations for the dielectric function and the exchange-correlation energy.
New facilities explore warm dense matter (WDM) at conditions with extreme densities (exceeding ten times condensed matter densities) so that electrons are degenerate even at temperatures of 10–100 eV. Whereas in the nondegenerate region correlation effects such as Debye screening are relevant for the ionization potential depression (IPD), new effects have to be considered in degenerate plasmas. In addition to the Fock shift of the self-energies, the bound-state Pauli blocking becomes important with increasing density. Standard approaches to IPD such as Stewart-Pyatt and widely used opacity tables (e.g., OPAL) do not contain Pauli blocking effects for bound states. The consideration of degeneracy effects leads to a reduction of the ionization potential and to a higher degree of ionization. As an example, we present calculations for the ionization degree of carbon plasmas at T = 100 eV and extreme densities up to 40 g/cm3, which are relevant to experiments that are currently scheduled at the National Ignition Facility.
We discuss the possibility of obtaining highly precise measurements of the ionization potential depression in dense plasmas with spectrally resolved x-ray scattering, while simultaneously determining the electron temperature and the free electron density. A proof-of-principle experiment at the Linac Coherent Light Source, probing isochorically heated carbon samples, demonstrates the capabilities of this method and motivates future experiments at x-ray free electron laser facilities.
We perform first-principles path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) and density functional theory molecular dynamics (DFT-MD) calculations to explore warm dense matter states of aluminum. Our equation of state (EOS) simulations cover a wide density-temperature range of 0.1–32.4gcm−3 and 104–108 K. Since PIMC and DFT-MD accurately treat effects of the atomic shell structure, we find two compression maxima along the principal Hugoniot curve attributed to K-shell and L-shell ionization. The results provide a benchmark for widely used EOS tables, such as SESAME, QEOS, and models based on Thomas-Fermi and average-atom techniques. A subsequent multishock analysis provides a quantitative assessment for how much heating occurs relative to an isentrope in multishock experiments. Finally, we compute heat capacity, pair-correlation functions, the electronic density of states, and 〈Z〉 to reveal the evolution of the plasma structure and ionization behavior.