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Characterization of Fasciculation Potentials (FPs) in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Peripheral Nerve Hyperexcitability Syndromes (PNH)

BioMed Research International

Abstract and Figures

This study is aimed at investigating the features of fasciculation potentials (FPs) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndromes (PNH). Needle electrophysiologic examination (EMG) was performed for 5-15 muscles in the ALS and PNH patients. The spontaneous activity of fasciculations and fibrillations/sharp-waves (fibs-sw) was recorded. The distribution, firing frequency, and waveform parameters of FPs in muscles were calculated and compared. In total, 361 muscles in ALS patients and 124 muscles in PNH patients were examined, with the FP detection rates of 45.1% and 53.2%. Moreover, the ALS patients with the upper limb onset had the highest FP detection rate. Fasciculations occurred more frequently in the upper limbs than in the lower limbs in ALS and PNH. The detection rate of fibs-sw in the bulbar muscle was relatively low, which could be elevated when combining fibs-sw and FPs. Benign FPs in PNH were of smaller amplitude, shorter duration, and fewer phases/turns, compared with malignant FPs in ALS. The FP area in PNH was significantly smaller than that in ALS. The incidence of polyphasic FPs in ALS was distinctly greater than that in PNH. The firing frequency of FPs in PNH was higher than that in ALS. There was no significant difference in the amplitude, duration, phases and turns, and area of FPs between groups with and without fibs-sw in the muscles of normal strength in ALS. Conclusively, it is necessary to detect the FPs in the thoracic and bulbar muscles of patients suspected having ALS. FP parameters in ALS are significantly different from PNH.
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Research Article
Characterization of Fasciculation Potentials (FPs) in Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Peripheral Nerve Hyperexcitability
Syndromes (PNH)
Hua Wang ,
Bin Liu ,
and Jiyou Tang
Department of Neurology, Shandong Provincial Hospital, Cheeloo College of Medicine, Shandong University, Jinan 250021, China
Department of Neurosurgery, Shandong Provincial Hospital Aliated to Shandong First Medical University, Jinan 250021, China
Department of Neurology, Shandong Qianfoshan Hospital, Cheeloo College of Medicine, Shandong University, Jinan 250014, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Jiyou Tang;
Received 10 October 2020; Revised 22 March 2021; Accepted 17 April 2021; Published 3 May 2021
Academic Editor: Quintino Giorgio D'alessandris
Copyright © 2021 Hua Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study is aimed at investigating the features of fasciculation potentials (FPs) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and
peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndromes (PNH). Needle electrophysiologic examination (EMG) was performed for 5-15
muscles in the ALS and PNH patients. The spontaneous activity of fasciculations and brillations/sharp-waves (bs-sw) was
recorded. The distribution, ring frequency, and waveform parameters of FPs in muscles were calculated and compared. In
total, 361 muscles in ALS patients and 124 muscles in PNH patients were examined, with the FP detection rates of 45.1% and
53.2%. Moreover, the ALS patients with the upper limb onset had the highest FP detection rate. Fasciculations occurred more
frequently in the upper limbs than in the lower limbs in ALS and PNH. The detection rate of bs-sw in the bulbar muscle was
relatively low, which could be elevated when combining bs-sw and FPs. Benign FPs in PNH were of smaller amplitude, shorter
duration, and fewer phases/turns, compared with malignant FPs in ALS. The FP area in PNH was signicantly smaller than that in
ALS. The incidence of polyphasic FPs in ALS was distinctly greater than that in PNH. The ring frequency of FPs in PNH was
higher than that in ALS. There was no signicant dierence in the amplitude, duration, phases and turns, and area of FPs between
groups with and without bs-sw in the muscles of normal strength in ALS. Conclusively, it is necessary to detect the FPs in the
thoracic and bulbar muscles of patients suspected having ALS. FP parameters in ALS are signicantly dierent from PNH.
1. Introduction
Fasciculations have long been recognized as a dominant
characteristic and early feature of amyotrophic lateral sclero-
sis (ALS), which can be detected in a wide range of muscles in
the body of ALS patients. However, fasciculation potentials
(FPs) can indicate ALS only when combined with the pro-
gressive limb weakness, atrophy, and/or increased tendon
reexes from the physical examination and neurogenic
defects from the electrophysiologic examination (EMG) [1].
Not all aected muscles in ALS patients can display FPs,
and not all muscles with FPs are associated with neurogenic
damages. Normal muscles in some patients may develop
FPs [2], which also could be frequently detected in the
peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndromes (PNH) [3].
PNH includes a series of diseases such as the cramp-
fasciculation syndrome, benign fasciculation syndrome
(BFS), Isaacs syndrome, and Morvan syndrome. Spontane-
ous discharges (including fasciculations, doublets, triplets,
or multiplets), as well as myokymic discharges and myotonic
discharges, which are usually detected by the needle EMG in
muscles of PNH patients [4, 5]. Patients with symptoms of
muscle twitches and cramps who may suer from chronic
fatigue syndrome (CFS) would struggle to get a diagnosis
for years or come to the department of neurology because
of the symptom of fasciculations. According to the Awaji cri-
teria proposed in 2008 [6], fasciculations and brillations/-
sharp-waves (bs-sw) should share similar and equivalent
importance in the diagnosis in ALS with EMG. Thus, the
detection and observation of FPs should be highlighted
BioMed Research International
Volume 2021, Article ID 6631664, 12 pages
during EMG. However, there are few articles describing the
prevalence of FPs in needle EMG for ALS and PNH.
In ALS, FPs are expected to have a more complex, insta-
ble morphology, which may be involved in normal muscles
of a clinically unrelated body region [6]. Nevertheless, it has
been reported to be dicult to distinguish the benign and
malignant fasciculations just based on the waveform [7].
Concerning the detection rates of malignant and benign
FPs, a previous study has revealed that the ring rates in
three patients with BFS in the upper limb muscles were
higher than those with ALS [8]. However, a recent article
has shown an opposite result that the FP ring frequencies
in the muscles of ALS patients were signicantly higher than
those of the PNH patients [9]. In this study, the prevalence,
ring pattern, and waveforms of FPs in ALS and PNH were
investigated. How the clinicians could benet of the detection
of FPs was studied and analyzed.
2. Patients and Methods
2.1. Study Subjects. A total of 55 patients, including 36
patients with ALS and 19 patients with PNH, were enrolled
in this study. The 36 patients with ALS were admitted to
the EMG Laboratories of Shandong Provincial Hospital,
from April 2018 to June 2019. In addition, the 19 patients
with PNH were admitted from July 2017 to June 2019. All
of the 36 patients with ALS had a progressive history of mus-
cle weakness and/or muscle atrophy in one or more body
regions, with/without muscle stiness, for at least 4 months.
Complete neurological examination and electromyography
were performed. According to the ndings from the labora-
tory and imageological examinations, patients with diabetes,
focal radicular neuropathy, multifocal motor neuropathy,
cervical spondylosis, and syringomyelia were excluded. There
were three patients showing rapid progress in the EMG
Table 1: Demographic characteristics and fasciculation detection rate in muscles of ALS and PNH.
ALS (n=36) PNH (n=19)p
Gender (M : F) 27 : 9 10 : 9 0.388
Age (years) 59.6 (8.2) 54.0 (14.8) <0.001
Disease duration (month) 15.6 (10.6) 20.0 (31.3) <0.001
ALSFRS-R 39.8 (5.5) N/A N/A
Overall fasciculation detection rate (%) 45.1 (163/361) 53.2 (66/124) <0.001
The data of age, disease duration, and ALSFRS-R were shown as the mean (SD). ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; PNH: peripheral nerve hyperexcitability
syndrome; and ALSFRS-R: revised ALS Functional Rating Scale.
oracicBulbar Uppar limb Lower limb
Region of onset
Detection rate of fasciculations
Figure 1: Fasciculation detection rates for ALS classied by an onset site.
2 BioMed Research International
follow-up within six months, and the data of their last
examination were included in the study. Ultimately, accord-
ing to the revised El Escorial and the Awaji criteria [6, 10],
35 of the recruited patients were classied as probable or
denite ALS, while only 1 patient as unclassied. The dis-
ease onset occurred in the upper limb in 21 patients, lower
limb in 8 patients, bulbar in 5 patients, and respiratory
onset (spinal origin) in 2 patients. The syndromes of PNH
included the muscle twitches, cramps, stiness, and myoky-
mia, as well as wide spread of fasciculations. Moreover, the
pseudomyotonia and muscle hypertrophy would also be
observed. Some of the patients with PNH were accompa-
nied by the hyperhidrosis, insomnia, hallucination, memory
loss, epilepsy, and pathological pain, due to the immunolog-
ical basis associated with antibodies to VGKCs and AChRs.
Moreover, in these 19 patients with PNH, three exhibited
transient weakness of the limbs and body muscles, and the
laboratory tests showed hypokalemia. One of these 3
patients also showed the hypocalcemia and hypermagnese-
mia due to the electrolyte disorder caused by the Sjogrens
syndrome. In one patient complaining of memory loss, sei-
zure, continuous muscle twitching, and coxal muscle spasm,
the leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein1 associated with
limbic encephalitis was detected. In addition, two out of the
CFS patients were combined with the mild L5-S1 radiculo-
pathy in the lower limbs according to the EMG examina-
tion, and however, only the fasciculations in the upper
limbs were included herein for the analysis of FP morphol-
ogy. There was another patient of CFS with a history of
mild hoarseness and dysphagia for 2 years, who was
enrolled in the Emergency Ward, with hypoxemia due to
acute laryngeal paralysis before the EMG examination.
Moreover, one patient with CFS for more than 20 years
had a mild sensory nerve defect. Another patient with
Isaacssyndrome had a signicant reduction in the wide-
spread muscle twitching due to pregnancy. Only one subject
of the 19 PNH patients had suered from kidney cancer for
4 years. Patients in the PNH group had dierent disease
durations, and the patients diagnosed with Isaacsor Mor-
van syndrome had relatively shorter symptom histories
(with the mean value of 1.8 m) than those diagnosed with
CFS/MFS (with the mean value of 34.6 m).
Detection rate of fasciculation (%)
ALS group
PNH group
Figure 2: Fasciculation detection rates by needle EMG on each muscle. The fasciculation detection rates by needle EMG on each muscle were
analyzed and compared between the ALS and PNH groups. ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; PNH: peripheral nerve hyperexcitability
syndrome; TON: tongue; SCM: sternocleidomastoid; TPZ: upper trapezius; DEL: deltoid; BB: biceps brachialis; FCR: exor carpi radialis;
EDC: extensor digitorum communis; FDI: rst dorsal interosseous; APB: abductor pollicis brevis; ABD: rectus abdominis; T8PS and
T10PS: 8
and 10
thoracic paraspinal; QUAD: quadriceps femoris; IP: iliopsoas; TA: tibialis anterior; GM: gluteus maximus; AH:
abductor hallucis.
3BioMed Research International
All subjects gave their informed consents, and the pro-
tocol was approved by the local research ethic committee.
2.2. EMG Detection. All of the 55 patients underwent the
accurate neurological examination before the EMG detec-
tion, including the LMN related muscle force (MRC scales
0-5), sign of atrophy, and distribution of fasciculations in 4
body regions. Besides, the tendon reexes and muscle spas-
ticity, plantar response, Homan sign, and jaw reex were
also evaluated, which might indicate the UMN functional
defect. The disease severities in the patients with ALS were
evaluated by the revised ALS Functional Rating Scale.
Needle electromyography and nerve conduction using
the electromyographic machine (MEB 9200K, NIHONKOH-
DEN) were performed, with the lter of 10-5 kHz. The skin
temperature was maintained greater than 32
C. At least 6
nerves of the upper and lower limbs were examined, and all
the patients were excluded from the signicant sensory nerve
damages and motor nerve conduction block. Then, 8-15
muscles (a total of 361) in each ALS patient and 5-9 (a total
of 124) muscles in the PNH group were subjected to the test
for spontaneous activity of fasciculations and bs-sw. The
frequently examined muscles in dierent body regions in
each patient included the tongue, sternocleidomastoid, upper
trapezius, deltoid, biceps brachialis, extensor digitorum
communis, rst dorsal interosseous, abductor pollicis brevis,
rectus abdominis, 8
and 10
thoracic paraspinal, iliopsoas,
vastus medialis, tibialis anterior, gluteus maximus, and
abductor hallucis. The actual number and range of muscles
examined were adjusted by the distribution of fasciculations
and the weakness complained by the patient. Most patients
could cooperate with the needle EMG examination and kept
the examined muscles relaxed.
bs-sw and fasciculations (especially FPs) were explored
in at least 6 sites, lasting for at least 120 s for each muscle.
The bs-sw was dened as the regularly ring potentials
(duration < 5 ms and amplitude < 1 mV) that lasted for more
than 3 s, and the fasciculations were recognized as the motor
unit potential-shaped potentials with more than 50 μV, ring
in a high irregular pattern. FPs showing not only once were
included for the ring frequency calculation (total of 75),
and the detection rate of FPs in each muscle was calculated.
ALS group
PNH group
Figure 3: Analysis of examined muscle numbers. The numbers of muscles examined were analyzed and compared between the ALS and PNH
groups. ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; PNH: peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndrome; TON; tongue; SCM: sternocleidomastoid;
TPZ: upper trapezius; DEL: deltoid; BB: biceps brachialis; FCR: exor carpi radialis; EDC: extensor digitorum communis; FDI: rst dorsal
interosseous; APB: abductor pollicis brevis; ABD: rectus abdominis; T8PS and T10PS: 8
and 10
thoracic paraspinal; QUAD: quadriceps
femoris; IP: iliopsoas; TA: tibialis anterior; GM: gluteus maximus; AH: abductor hallucis.
4 BioMed Research International
All the FPs detected (783 in the ALS group and 183 in the
PNH group) were saved oline for the further analysis and
comparison of amplitude, duration, phases, turns, and area.
Complex or malignant FPs were dened as those having
either more than 4 phases or increased amplitude and/or
duration, compared to normal values of motor unit poten-
tials in the specic muscle. Due to the fact that the data of
FPs from dierent muscles were included herein, it was di-
cult to analyze and compare the duration and amplitude and
area of the FPs, with the normal muscles. Therefore, complex
FPs were simply dened as the FPs with more than 4 phases
herein. Combined FPs were also noticed, which were how-
ever not analyzed separately.
2.3. Statistical Analysis. The FPs detected in the ALS patients
were divided into 3 groups according to the muscle strength:
G1, normal muscle strength (MRC5) group; G2, slightly
weak muscle (MRC4) group; and G3, moderately or severely
weak muscle (MRC3 and below) group. The FPs detected in
the muscles of normal strength in the ALS patients were sep-
arately analyzed according to the presence or absence of bs-
sw in the muscle.
Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 22.0
software (IBM, USA). Pearson χ2test was used to analysis
the dierence in the gender composition between the PNH
and ALS patients. The MannWhitney Utest and Kruskal
Wallis test were used to analyze the FP amplitude, duration,
area, phases, turns, and ring frequencies between the ALS
subgroups and PNH group. The polyphasic FP ratio between
groups was compared using the contingency tables. p<0:05
was considered statistically signicant.
3. Results
3.1. Distribution and Detection Rates of FPs. In total, 36
patients with ALS and 19 patients with PNH were recruited
herein. Spontaneous potentials (FPs and bs-sw) of 361 mus-
cles in the ALS group and 124 muscles in the PNH group were
analyzed (Table 1). The distribution and detection rates of FPs
were analyzed and compared. Our results showed that the
total detection rates of fasciculations were 45.1% and 53.2%
for the ALS and PNH groups, respectively (p<0:001). How-
ever, the average number of muscles involved in the detection
was less in the PNH group (6.87) compared with the ALS
group (10.38) (p<0:001). Classied based on the onset region,
the upper limb onset group of ALS had the highest FP detec-
tion rate (49.64%), similar to the lower limb onset group
(46.50%), both of which were higher than the bulbar and tho-
racic onset group in the ALS patients (Figure 1).
The detection rates of FPs in each muscle were analyzed
and compared between the ALS and PNH groups. As shown
in Figure 2, the detection rates of FPs in the lower limb mus-
cles, rectus abdominis, and most of the upper limb muscles in
the PNH group were slightly higher than those in the ALS
group. The muscles examined with the FP detection rates
that were approximately equal to or greater than 50%
included the upper trapezius, biceps brachialis, extensor digi-
torum communis, abductor pollicis brevis, and rst dorsal
interosseous in the ALS group and the deltoid, extensor digi-
torum communis, abductor pollicis brevis, rst dorsal inter-
osseous, tibialis anterior, gluteus maximus, and abductor
hallucis in the PNH group. Fasciculations occurred signi-
cantly more frequently in the upper limbs than in the lower
limbs in both the ALS and PNH groups. The mean FP
1.28% 0.13% 0.51%
Percentage of detected FPs
Figure 4: Percentage of FPs detected in dierent muscle strength groups. The number and percentage of FPs detected in the dierent muscle
strength groups in all FPs in ALS were analyzed. MRC: medical research council.
5BioMed Research International
detection rates in the upper and lower limbs were 54.7% and
34.6% in the ALS group, which were 63.6% and 52.5% in the
PNH group. Fasciculations occurred slightly more often in
the proximal extremity (median, 55%) than the distal mus-
cles of upper limb (median, 51.7%). Meanwhile, they were
more often detected in the distal extremities (median,
70%) than in the proximal upper limb muscles (median,
50%). Although the detection rates of FPs in some muscles
(e.g., in the upper trapezius, deltoid, gluteus maximus, and
abductor hallucis) were higher than 60%, the number of
these muscles examined in this study was actually not high
(Figure 3).
Fasciculations were more easily detected in the slightly
weak muscles (MRC4, 47.6%) in the ALS patients than in
the normal strength muscle (MRC5, 35.5%). The incidence
of FPs in the moderately or severely weak muscles (MRC3
and below, 16.9%) was signicantly lower than that in the
normal strength or slightly weak muscles (Figure 4).
The bs-sw at more than two sites examined in the mus-
cle by the needle EMG was considered abnormal. The detec-
tion rate of bs-sw in the bulbar muscle was relatively low
(tongue 23.7% and sternocleidomastoid 29.7%). Given the
diculty of patient coordination in the muscle examination
of bulbar muscles, it was impossible to distinguish the bs-
sw due to the incomplete relaxation, in about 10% (or less)
of the examined lingual muscles. On the other hand, the
FPs of the bulbar muscle were more easily to detected, with
the detection rates of 42.1% and 44.4%, respectively, for the
tongue and sternocleidomastoid. There were 8 and 9 more
patients showing the FPs in the bulbar muscles without
denervation activity. Therefore, combined with the sponta-
neous activity of FPs and bs-sw, the whole neurogenic
detection rate of the bulbar muscles could be signicantly
improved, approximately 50.0% and 54.1% for the tongue
and sternocleidomastoid, respectively. Although the biceps
had a positive rate of 73.5% of bs-sw, there were another 6
muscles showing FPs, and a combined 91.2 neurogenic activ-
ity was accomplished. The same phenomenon occurred in
the anterior tibialis, covering from 51.3% to 71.9% (Figure 5).
In general, the distribution of FPs in each body region
was not consistent with the bs-sw. When the denervation
activity occurred in no more than 3 individual body regions,
the distribution of FPs was more extensive than bs-sw, with
an incidence of 47.8% (11/23). However, when the bs-sw
was widely distributed (3 or 4 body regions), the distribution
range of FPs was decreased correspondingly. In the body
regions not clinically aected, the FPs and denervation activ-
ities could be examined. Our results showed that 63.9%
(23/36) of the patients showed bs-sw or FPs in the body
regions not clinically involved (Figure 6).
Muscles in ALS
Detection rate (%)
bs-sw combined Ps
Figure 5: Detection rate of spontaneous activity combined with bs-sw and FPs in each muscle examined in ALS. bs-sw: brillations/sharp-
waves; FPs: fasciculation potentials; ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; PNH: peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndrome; TON: tongue;
SCM: sternocleidomastoid; TPZ: upper trapezius; DEL: deltoid; BB: biceps brachialis; EDC: extensor digitorum communis; FDI: rst
dorsal interosseous; APB: abductor pollicis brevis; ABD: rectus abdominis; T8PS and T10PS: 8
and 10
thoracic paraspinal; QUAD:
quadriceps femoris; IP: iliopsoas; TA: tibialis anterior.
6 BioMed Research International
3.2. Characterization of FPs. The shape and frequency of FPs
discharging more than once were observed. Repeated
released FPs in the PNH group were generally simple and sta-
ble (Figure 7). However, most the FPs repeatedly recorded in
the ALS group showed morphological diversity, complexity,
and instability (Figure 8). Besides, the rate of stable FPs in
the ALS group was 34.2%, compared with the rate of almost
100% in the PNH group, which was higher in the muscles
without bs-sw (43.75%) of the ALS patients.
3.3. Comparison of Fasciculations in ALS and PNH. Benign
FPs in the PNH group were with smaller amplitude
(p<0:001), shorter duration (p<0:001), and fewer phases
and turns (p<0:001), when compared with the malignant
FPs in ALS. The area of FPs in the PNH group was signi-
cantly smaller than that in the ALS group (p<0:001). The
incidence of polyphasic FPs (phases > 4) in ALS was dis-
tinctly greater than PNH (p<0:01). The ring frequency of
FPs repeatedly recorded in the PNH group was higher than
that in the ALS group (Table 2).
A total of 278 FPs were recorded in the normal strength
muscles of ALS, which were divided into two groups (i.e.,
the G1 and G2 groups), according to whether they were
accompanied by the onset of denervation activities. There
was no signicant dierence in the amplitude, duration,
phases and turns, and area of FPs between the G1 and G2
groups in ALS. However, the proportion of the polyphasic
FPs in the G2 group was signicantly higher than that in
the G1 group (p<0:001). However, the amplitude, duration,
phases and turns, area, and polyphasic ratios of FPs in the
Patient number
Body regions
Figure 6: Comparison of number of involved body regions of fasciculation potentials (FPs) and brillations/sharp-waves (bs-sw) in ALS.
Figure 7: Fasciculations recorded in tibialis anterior muscle in PNH.
7BioMed Research International
normal strength muscles without denervation in the ALS
group (G1) showed the same diversity as those between the
ALS and PNH groups (Table 3).
The number of fasciculations detected in the muscles of
dierent muscle strength varied greatly. The G2 group with
mild muscle weakness of ALS had the highest number of
FPs, followed by the G1 normal muscle group, and the lowest
number of FPs was observed for the G3 severe muscle weak-
ness group. The mean number of fasciculations (of dierent
shapes) of each muscle showed the same trend, with the
Figure 8: Fasciculations recorded in ALS. (a) Fasciculations recorded in the biceps (MRC3, bs-sw 2+) of an ALS patient. (b, c) Fasciculations
recorded in the rectus abdominis (MRC5, bs-sw 2+) of another ALS patient. The components showing intermittent conduction block and
multifocal triggering were marked by arrows.
8 BioMed Research International
mean shapes of 7.72, 8.67, and 7.03, respectively, for the G1,
G2, and G3 groups, with however no statistically signicant
dierence (based on Fishers exact test). The amplitude of
FPs in the ALS G2 group (MRC4) was higher than those in
the normal and severe weak muscles (for both the G1 and
G3 groups, p<0:05), and the area of FPs in the G2 group
was larger than that in the G1 group (p<0:05). The duration
of FPs in various ALS groups did not dier signicantly from
each other nor did the phases and turns of FPs. The percent-
age of polyphasic FPs was higher in the groups of muscles
with normal strength and mild weakness (p<0:001).
Accompanied with the greater FP number in the mild weak
muscle group (G2), the FP ring frequency of the G2 group
was higher than that in the G1 group, which was the lowest
in the G3 group, with however no statistically signicant dif-
ference (Table 4).
4. Discussion
In this study, the whole detection rate of FPs in the ALS
patients with the needle EMG was 45.1%, which was signi-
cantly lower than the detection rate with ultrasound (74%)
[9]. Indeed, the application of the needle EMG examination
has been limited by the detection range of the concentric
Table 2: Parameters of fasciculation potentials (FPs) in ALS and PNH.
Number of FPs ALS FPs PNH FPs p
783 183
Amplitude (μV) 508.00 (85-6080) 333.00 (90-2300) p0:001
Duration (ms) 15.73 (0.9-30) 13.56 (4.7-27.0) p0:001
Number of phases 4.32 (1-16) 3.39 (1-9) p0:001
Number of turns 4.25 (0-22) 2.73 (0-10) p0:001
Area (mVms) 0.994 (0.1-25.6) 0.49 (0.1-5.2) p0:001
Polyphasic (%) 48.15 26.23 p0:001
FP frequency (Hz) 3.02 (0.3-20.0) 7.15 (5.5-40.0) 0.002
The data were shown as the median (range). ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; PNH: peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndrome; MRC: medical research
Table 3: Parameters of fasciculation potentials (FPs) in ALS with MRC5 and PNH.
Number of FPs
ALS-MRC 5 without
partial denervation
ALS-MRC 5 with partial
149 129 183
Amplitude (μV) 477.50 (95-4681) 423.00 (85-4998) 333.00 (90-2300)
G1 vs. G3, p0:001
G2 vs. G3, p0:001
G1 vs. G2, 0.549
Duration (ms) 16.4 (6.3-27.7) 15.48 (5.6-25.6) 13.56 (4.7-27.0)
G1 vs. G3, 0.002
G2 vs. G3, 0.004
G1 vs. G2, 0.740
Number of phases 4.3 (1-10) 4.37 (2-16) 3.39 (1-9)
G1 vs. G3, p0:001
G2 vs. G3, p0:001
G1 vs. G2, 0.874
Number of turns 3.91 (0-15) 4.41 (0-16) 2.73 (0-10)
G1 vs. G3, p0:001
G2 vs. G3, p0:001
G1 vs. G2, 0.424
Area (mVms) 0.96 (0.1-13.5) 0.95 (0.1-11.0) 0.49 (0.1-5.2)
G1 vs. G3, p0:001
G2 vs. G3, p0:001
G1 vs. G2, 0.741
Polyphasic (%) 46.98 51.94 26.23
G1 vs. G3, p0:001
G2 vs. G3, p0:001
G1 vs. G2, p0:001
FP frequency (Hz) 2.50 (0.5-7.8) 2.88 (1.0-8.3) 7.15 (5.5-40.0)
G1 vs. G3, 0.008
G2 vs. G3, 0.002
G1 vs. G2, 0.681
The data were shown as the median (range). ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; PNH: peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndrome; MRC: medical research
9BioMed Research International
needle electrodes. Regensburger et al. [11] have reported that
the mean detection radius of EMG for the fasciculations was
7.75 mm, comparable to a motor unit size. However, consid-
ering the irreplaceable importance of needle EMG in the
detection of neurogenic defects, combined with the signi-
cance of FPs as the denervated potential in the electrophysi-
ological diagnosis of ALS, it is necessary to detect and identify
the FPs in the thoracic and bulbar regions of patients, where
the denervated potentials are dicult to detect accurately. In
this study, we routinely examined the lingual and sternoclei-
domastoid muscles of the medulla oblongata segment, para-
vertebral muscles, and rectus abdominis of the thoracic
segment of ALS patient. The sensitivities of the detection
for neurogenic deciency associated with combined FPs
and bs-sw were increased to 67.8% and 96.6% in the bulbar
and thoracic regions, higher than those of the ultrasonic
detection of a single muscle in these regions [9, 12].
It is dicult to distinguish ALS from PNH by examining
the FP detection rate in the muscles of a particular body
region of the patient. Our results showed that the FP detec-
tion rate in the PNH group (53.2%) was higher than that in
the ALS group. The patients in the PNH group could be
divided into two groups (i.e., the groups with disease dura-
tions less or more than 6 months), and the mean detection
Table 4: Parameters of fasciculation potentials (FPs) in ALS with dierent muscle strength and PNH.
Number of FPs
278 373 132 183
Amplitude (μV) 445.00 (85-4998) 572.00 (89-4681) 445.50 (40-6080) 333.00 (90-2300)
G1 vs. G4, p0:001
G2 vs. G4, p0:001
G3 vs. G4, p0:001
G1 vs. G2, 0.001
G1 vs. G3, 0.912
G2 vs. G3, 0.006
Duration (ms) 15.73 (5.6-27.7) 15.63 (9-15.0) 16.35 (7.8-27.0) 13.56 (4.7-27.0)
G1 vs. G4, p0:001
G2 vs. G4, p0:001
G3 vs. G4, p0:001
G1 vs. G2, 0.639
G1 vs. G3, 0.243
G2 vs. G3, 0.277
Number of phases 4.34 (1-16) 4.35 (1-16) 4.18 (2-14) 3.39 (1-9)
G1 vs. G4, p0:001
G2 vs. G4, p0:001
G3 vs. G4, p0:001
G1 vs. G2, 0.827
G1 vs. G3, 0.675
G2 vs. G3, 0.529
Number of turns 4.15 (0-16) 4.47 (0-22) 3.90 (1-13) 2.73 (0-10)
G1 vs. G4, p0:001
G2 vs. G4, p0:001
G3 vs. G4, p0:001
G1 vs. G2, 0.128
G1 vs. G3, 0.610
G2 vs. G3, 0.066
Area (mVms) 0.96 (0.1-13.5) 1.04 (0.1-13.3) 0.96 (0.1-25.6) 0.49 (0.1-5.2)
G1 vs. G4, p0:001
G2 vs. G4, p0:001
G3 vs. G4, p0:001
G1 vs. G2, 0.034
G1 vs. G3, 0.333
G2 vs. G3, 0.478
Polyphasic (%) 49.28 48.79 43.94 26.23
G1 vs. G4, p0:001
G2 vs. G4, p0:001
G3 vs. G4, p0:001
G1 vs. G2, p0:001
G1 vs. G3, p0:001
G2 vs. G3, p0:001
FP frequency (Hz) 2.88 (0.5-8.3) 3.60 (0.5-12.5) 1.20 (0.3-20.0) 7.15 (5.5-40.0)
G1 vs. G4, 0.001
G2 vs. G4, 0.004
G3 vs. G4, 0.018
G1 vs. G2, 0.356
G1 vs. G3, 0.542
G2 vs. G3, 0.452
The data were shown as median (range). ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; PNH: peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndrome; MRC: medical research council.
10 BioMed Research International
rates of FPs in these two groups were 70.47% and 47.5%,
respectively, with no statistical dierences in PNH between
these two groups. The detection rates were both higher
than those in the ALS patients. However, patients with
PNH tended to be associated with a tremor in the extrem-
ities and gluteal muscle symptoms (especially the patients
with subacute onset), where the FPs companied with neu-
romyotonic and myokymic discharges would be easily
detected and the fasciculations in two sides of the tongue
were rarely observed.
The FPs in ALS were generally more complex than those
in PNH. In this study, our results showed that there were sig-
nicant dierences in the amplitude, duration, phases, and
turns and area of FPs between these two groups. Although
the polyphasic FP proportion of the PNH group was signi-
cantly lower than that of the ALS group, it was still higher
when compared with the previous ndings [13]. Several
inuencing factors should be also considered. Firstly, two
patients with hypokalemia in the PNH group had propor-
tions of polyphasic FPs up to 45%-50% according to the ret-
rospective study. Considering the acute onset of muscle
twitches, spasm and normal serum creatine enzyme levels,
the FPs detected in those two patients were not excluded.
In one of these two patients, the typical after-discharge
potentials were observed during the motor nerve conduction
test, and neither neurogenic nor myogenic MUPs were
observed during the weak eort analysis, for both of these
two patients. Kuwabara and Misawa [14] have found that
the axons of motor nerve became substantially hyperpolar-
ized in the patient with hypokalemia. Therefore, we suggest
that the hypokalemia and transient muscle weakness are
merely companying symptoms, which might be due to the
expression of related antibodies in the kidney [15]. However,
the minor muscle damages that could not be detected by nee-
dle EMG could not be excluded, which may be one of the rea-
sons for the increased polyphasic FP ratio.
de Carvalho and Swash [13] have revealed that the FPs in
the ALS patient muscles show no reinnervation (the earliest
stage of that muscle), which are similar with FPs in the BFS
in size, duration, and morphology. In this study, our results
showed the FPs recorded in the muscles with normal
strength, and no bs-sw were of signicantly higher ampli-
tude, longer duration, and increased number of phases, com-
pared with the FPs in the PNH group. However, the MUP
morphology of dierent muscles was not quantitatively ana-
lyzed, and it was possible that the FPs with more complex
morphology and longer duration were accompanied by the
neurogenic changes of MUPs in the muscles with normal
strength and no bs-sw [16]. In addition, these results sup-
ported the ndings from Krarup [16], showing that, in 44%
of muscles in the ALS patients, the neurogenic MUPs
occurred in the absence of the denervation activity. Our
results showed that, in patients with ALS, the FPs with the
normal morphology appear rst, followed by the FPs with
more complex patterns and the subsequent occurrence of
denervation activity (bs-sw), which were in line with the
ndings from de Carvalho and Swash [13]. If combined with
the pathological evolution of patients with ALS, the bs-sw
would not disappear, once it appeared during the short-
medium electrophysiological follow-up. In general, the ear-
lier the course of ALS, the more dicult it is to detect the
denervation potentials, while the more progressed the disease
course, the more dicult it is to detect the fasciculation
5. Conclusion
In summary, our results showed that the ring frequencies of
FPs with the same morphology were higher in the PNH
group than in the ALS group, which was contrary to some
previous ndings [9]. However, further studies are still
needed to verify whether the FPs detected at the same site
had the same shape on the needle EMG. In addition, the
number of included patients was limited, especially for the
ALS group with lower limb and bulbar-onset. Only 2 patients
had thoracic-onset in our ALS patient group. This had
impact on results, as statistical comparisons of FP detection
rates between groups dened by region-of-onset lacks the
reliability. Thus, further in-depth studies are still needed,
with enlarged sample sizes and exclusion screening for the
PNH patients.
Data Availability
The data that support the ndings of this study are available
on request from the corresponding author.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that there is no conict of interest
regarding the publication of this paper.
Hua Wang and Bin Liu contributed equally to this work.
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12 BioMed Research International
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Full-text available
This review considers the origin and significance of fasciculations in neurological practice, with an emphasis on fasciculations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and in benign fasciculation syndromes. Fasciculation represents a brief spontaneous contraction that affects a small number of muscle fibres, causing a flicker of movement under the skin. While an understanding of the role of fasciculation in ALS remains incomplete, fasciculations derive from ectopic activity generated in the motor system. A proximal origin seems likely to contribute to the generation of fasciculation in the early stages of ALS, while distal sites of origin become more prominent later in the disease, associated with distal motor axonal sprouting as part of the reinnervation response that develops secondary to loss of motor neurons. Fasciculations are distinct from the recurrent trains of axonal firing described in neuromyotonia. Fasciculation without weakness, muscle atrophy or increased tendon reflexes suggests a benign fasciculation syndrome, even when of sudden onset. Regardless of origin, fasciculations often present as the initial abnormality in ALS, an early harbinger of dysfunction and aberrant firing of motor neurons.
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Objective: The aims of this study are to elucidate the frequencies and distribution of fasciculations using muscle ultrasound in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and those with other conditions mimicking ALS, and subsequently to develop a novel fasciculation score for the diagnosis of ALS. Methods: Ultrasound of 21 muscles was performed to detect fasciculations in 36 consecutive patients suspected of having ALS. We developed a fasciculation ultrasound score that indicated the number of muscles with fasciculations in statistically selected muscles. Results: A total of 525 muscles in 25 ALS patients and 231 in 11 non-ALS patients were analysed. Using relative operating characteristic and multivariate logistic regression analysis, we selected the trapezius, deltoid, biceps brachii, abductor pollicis brevis, abdominal, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, biceps femoris, and gastrocnemius muscles for the fasciculation ultrasound score. The mean scores were higher in the ALS group than those in the non-ALS group (5.3?0.5vs. 0.3?0.7) (mean?SD); p<0.001. Conclusions: Two or more of the fasciculation ultrasound scores showed high sensitivity and specificity in differentiating ALS patients from non-ALS patients. Significance: The fasciculation ultrasound score can be a simple and useful diagnostic marker of ALS.
Objective To elucidate differences in the distribution and firing frequency of fasciculations between peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndromes and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and to explore the generator site of fasciculations. Methods Ultrasound of 14 preselected muscles was performed in patients with peripheral hyperexcitability and ALS. The distribution and firing frequency of fasciculations were calculated. Cortical excitability assessment was also done by threshold tracking transcranial magnetic stimulation. Results In total, 518 muscles from 37 peripheral hyperexcitability patients and 756 muscles from 54 ALS patients were examined. Regarding the detection rate, 74% of muscles in ALS patients demonstrated fasciculations, compared with 34% of muscles in peripheral hyperexcitability patients (P <0.001). The number of unique repeating focal muscle fasciculation movements per muscle and firing frequency of individual fasciculations in ALS were both significantly higher than those in peripheral hyperexcitability (P <0.001). Furthermore, cortical silent period duration negatively correlated with the number and firing frequency of fasciculations in ALS (P <0.05). A similar relationship was not evident in peripheral hyperexcitability. Conclusions ALS patients exhibited a widespread distribution of fasciculations, whereas peripheral hyperexcitability patients had a lower limb-dominant pattern. Significance A significant proportion of fasciculations in ALS may be influenced by changes in central excitability.
Objective: The aims of this study were to investigate the detection radius and sensitivity of EMG for fasciculations. Methods: Muscle ultrasonography was performed simultaneously to EMG recordings in patients with fasciculations in the context of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Ultrasonography and EMG parameters were analyzed for selected fasciculations. Results: A total of 381 fasciculations were detected by ultrasonography in 18 muscles of 10 patients. Out of these, 125 (33%) were EMG-negative. In contrast, none of the fasciculations detected by EMG were ultrasonography-negative. EMG detection probability decreased significantly with increasing distance from the center of the fasciculation. EMG detection rate was 98% when the EMG needle was located within the fasciculation and 50% at 7.75 mm distance from the fasciculation center. In addition, EMG detection depended significantly on cross-sectional area of the fasciculation and presence of neurogenic changes. Conclusions: For detecting the same fasciculations, EMG is less sensitive than ultrasonography. EMG detection probability decreases sharply at a distance comparable to motor unit size. Significance: These results extend previous knowledge about superior sensitivity of ultrasonography for fasciculations. Moreover, our novel bimodal detection method provides first in vivo data about the EMG detection radius for fasciculations in a clinical setting.
Purpose of review: This article provides a review of the clinical phenotypes and evaluation of peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndromes. These rare diagnoses include cramp-fasciculation syndrome, Isaacs syndrome, and Morvan syndrome. Recent investigations have led to an understanding of the autoimmune underpinnings of these conditions and their specific associated antibodies. As the presentation of peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndromes includes muscle stiffness, twitches, and spasms, which are also shared with certain central nervous system and myopathic conditions, the differential diagnosis of peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndromes is reviewed. Recent findings: Peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndromes share clinical and electrodiagnostic evidence of motor nerve instability; however, their clinical presentations are varied. Case reviews have helped us understand the spectrum of symptoms associated with the three peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndromes reviewed here: cramp-fasciculation syndrome, Isaacs syndrome, and Morvan syndrome. More recently, research has focused on understanding the voltage-gated potassium channel complex antibodies as well as neoplasms associated with these conditions. Summary: The diagnosis of peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndromes requires a high index of suspicion, support from the physical examination, familiarity with the spectrum of symptoms associated with peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndromes, and recognition of diagnostic EMG features. Voltage-gated potassium channel complex antibodies are associated with these conditions. Optimum treatment and autoimmune pathogenesis remain areas of active research.
Objective: To investigate the origin of ectopic activity in neuromyotonia (NMT). Methods: We studied two patients. In addition to routine studies, we tested synchronicity of spontaneous discharges in different motor units in simultaneous recordings made with two needle electrodes in the first dorsal interosseus muscle. Time-locked fasciculations in these double recordings would represent abnormal ectopic activity initiated in a nerve trunk with ephaptic stimulation of a nearby axon. In patient 1, this research protocol was applied once, 15years after regular intravenous immunoglobulin (IvIg) treatment. Patient 2 was investigated before and 1year after IvIg. Results: Both patients improved after IVIg, mirrored by a striking decrease in the amount of spontaneous activity on electromyography. Moreover, our technique did not detect synchronous spontaneous activity (time-locked fasciculations) on the second assessment, although this was predominant before treatment in patient 2. Conclusions: In NMT, abnormal discharges originate both in distal axonal branches and in more proximal segments. It appears that IvIg is more effective in blocking antibody activity in proximal axonal segments, perhaps related to factors such as blood-nerve barrier, temperature or differing ion channel distributions. Significance: Treatment effects can shed light on the origin of abnormal activity in NMT.
Isaacs syndrome is a peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) syndrome which presents as continuous motor activity. Clinical findings include cramps, fasciculations, and myokymia. Electrodiagnosis plays a key role in diagnosis by demonstrating after-discharges on nerve conduction studies and fasciculation potentials, myokymic discharges, neuromyotonic discharges, and other types of abnormal spontaneous activity on needle examination. Etiopathogenesis involves the interaction of genetic, autoimmune, and paraneoplastic factors, which requires a broad-ranging evaluation for underlying causes. Initial treatment is symptomatic, but immune therapy is often needed and can be effective. The purpose of this review is to describe the syndrome and its pathogenesis, assist the reader in evaluating patients with suspected Isaacs syndrome and distinguishing it from other disorders of PNH, and suggest an approach to management, including both symptomatic and immunomodulating therapy. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., a Wiley company.
Background There is little information on the earliest changes in motor unit (MU) physiology in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and the development of the classical neurophysiological features of ALS over time. Objective We studied the earliest abnormalities in MU physiology in ALS and changes over time. Design Observational, cross-sectional and longitudinal study. Population and methods We studied the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle in three groups of subjects; 73 patients with ALS, 10 with benign fasciculation and 37 healthy control subjects. In the ALS group, 61 had normal strength in the TA muscle and 12 had TA muscle strength of 4 on the medical research council scale. In all subjects we evaluated the presence of fasciculation potentials (FPs) and fibrillation/sharp-waves (fibs-sw), and quantified MU potentials (MUPs) and jitter. Twenty-six ALS patients with TA muscle of normal strength were investigated in serial studies. Results FPs were recorded in TA muscles (medical research council 5) of 21 ALS patients with normal MUPs. Longitudinal studies confirmed that the patients presenting with FPs as the only abnormality progressed to MUP instability before large MUPs associated with fibs-sw were detected. FPs from ALS patients with no other neurophysiological change were simpler than in patients in whom there were also fibs-sw and neurogenic MUPs. The complexity of FPs in patients with weak TA muscle was greater than in the latter group. FPs in patients with benign fasciculations were simpler than FPs in ALS patients with normal TA muscle strength. Conclusions FPs are a very early marker of ALS and anticipate MUP instability or reinnervation, consistent with a very early phase of increased axonal excitability. Later, widespread neuronal dysfunction causes widespread fibs-sw and loss of MUPs with compensatory reinnervation. Our results confirm the importance of FP morphology analysis in the differential diagnosis of ALS and other disorders, and indicate that benign FPs represent a different phenomenon.
The aim of this study was to investigate the fasciculation potentials (FPs) in the small-peripheral muscles of the foot and hand and the possible associated factors, in a healthy population. One hundred-twenty-two normal individuals (65 men and 57 women), aged 17-67 years (mean 39.96, SD=12.76) participated in the study. A special questionnaire consisting of 47 questions was devised as the basic instrument of the interview, which included the Hamilton anxiety rating scale. The extensor digitorum brevis (EDB), the flexor hallucis brevis (FHB) and the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscles were studied bilaterally using surface electrodes. In 94 (58 men and 36 women) from 122 participants (65 men and 57 women) FPs were recorded (men 89.2%, women 63.1%, all 77%). The mean FPs per minute and muscle, in all three muscles, was 8.0 (SD=4.6). More FPs were recorded in the muscles of foot than in FDI (p<0.01) and in FHB than in EDB (p<0.001). FPs were correlated to gender, body height and weight and to the score of the Hamilton scale (r2>0.1, p<0.01). The syndrome of benign FPs was observed in 2 men (1.6% of men). These results suggest that FPs are a very common phenomenon in the peripheral muscles of healthy persons.
The aim of this study was to determine first, if benign fasciculations and those in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis can de distinguished on the basis of their waveforms or firing characteristics, and second to determine how fasciculation parameters evolved with progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Fasciculation potentials recorded from 63 muscles of 28 patients with definite amyotrophic lateral sclerosis were compared with those from 21 muscles of 11 patients with the benign fasciculation syndrome. In each muscle, at a single site, up to 15 identifiable fasciculation potentials could be recognized. Thus the characteristics of 430 fasciculations from patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and 191 benign fasciculations were analysed. Fasciculation potential amplitude, area, turns, duration, firing interval, indices of waveform variability, evidence of axonal conduction block, evidence of axonal conduction variability and propensity to produce double fasciculations were measured. The waveforms of fasciculations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis were on average of shorter duration and had a greater number of turns than benign fasciculations, but, although irregular in both conditions, the firing rate in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was significantly higher. In both conditions, there was evidence of multifocal distal generation of fasciculations, axonal conduction block in the motor unit arborization and of variable axonal conduction. When severe weakness and marked chronic neurogenic change were present on electromyography, the firing rate of fasciculations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was higher but fasciculation potential amplitude, area and indices of waveform variability were little changed. Double fasciculations in which the waveforms of the two potentials were the same occurred in both conditions. The intervals were in two bands: an early band with 4-10 ms intervals showed identical waveforms of the two potentials, indicating the region of generation was the same. A second band of double fasciculation occurred in the tibialis anterior at an interval of 30-50 ms. Here, the first fasciculation waveform was variable in shape but the second fasciculation was the same on each occasion, suggesting reactivation of the fasciculation via the F-wave route. Double fasciculations in which the second discharge was different from the first had flat time-interval histograms, indicating no interaction between different fasciculations. In conclusion, benign and malignant fasciculations are not distinguishable on the basis of waveform; highly complex fasciculation potentials can be seen in both conditions. Fasciculation firing rate and the frequency of double fasciculations increases in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis when there is a marked lower motor neuron abnormality.