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Recruiting Graduates of Insider at University: Challenge or Opportunity?



Recruiting insiders as a way of recruitment which universities try to employ their graduates has a long history. So, the aim of the present study was to investigate status of Iran's old universities about attracting and recruiting the graduates of insider at university and also, provide an integrated wisdom about graduates of insider to thinkers and policymakers of higher education with using a qualitative research synthesis. Therefore, in initially all keywords around insiders were emerged and then special databases. A total of 48 studies were identified and 29 twenty-nine of them were selected purposefully as sample. In the second section, researchers chose 4 Iran's old universities by cluster sampling as sample.To quality control of the data, CASP checklist was conducted and also, code reliability was used to integrate the data. To analyze the data, conductive content analysis was conducted. The results of first section showed that we can view recruiting insiders based on two themes which are challenges and opportunities. The challenges are academic development challenge; professional development challenge; academic chauvinism growth in recruitment and employment; individual communication development challenge; inter-university communication development challenge. In addition, opportunities are the structural-cultural development of the university, the structural-cultural advantages and the economic advantages. Also the results of second section showed that there is higher percentage the graduates of insider in Iran's old universities.
Recruiting Graduates of Insider at
University: Challenge or
Mohsen Nazarzadeh Zare1*,
1- Asistant Professor of Higher Education
Management, Department of Educational Sciences,
Malayer University, Iran
2- Asistant Professor of Educational Management,
Department of Educational Management, Semnan
University, Iran
Recruiting insiders as a way of recruitment
which universities try to employ their
graduates has a long history. So, the aim of
the present study was to investigate status of
Iran's old universities about attracting and
recruiting the graduates of insider at
university and also, provide an integrated
wisdom about graduates of insider to
thinkers and policymakers of higher
edcuation with using a qualitative research
synthesis. Therefore, in initially all keywords
around insiders were emerged and then
special databases. A total of 48 studies were
identified and 29 twenty-nine of them were
selected purposefully as sample. In the
second section, researchers chose 4 Iran's old
universities by cluster sampling as sample.
To quality control of the data, CASP
checklist was conducted and also, code
reliability was used to integrate the data. To
analyze the data, conductive content analysis
was conducted. The results of first section
showed that we can view recruiting insiders
based on two themes which are challenges
and opportunities. The challenges are
academic development challenge;
professional development challenge;
* Corresponding author:
academic chauvinism growth in recruitment
and employment; individual communication
development challenge; inter-university
communication development challenge. In
addition, opportunities are the structural-
cultural development of the university, the
structural-cultural advantages and the
economic advantages. Also the results of
second section showed that there is higher
percentage the graduates of insider in Iran's
old universities.
Keywords: Graduates of Insider, Attracting and
Recruiting, Faculty Members, Challenges,
Volume 12, Number 1, Spring 2020
Journal of Science & Technology Policy
                  
Nazarzadeh Zare, M., & Mohammadi, Sh. (2020). Recruiting Graduates of Insider at University: Challenge or
Opportunity?. Journal of Science & Technology Policy, 12(1), 91-104. {In Persian}.
DOI: 10.22034/jstp.2020.12.1.1155
DOI: 10.22034/jstp.2020.12.1.1155
12- Academic inbreeding
        
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  
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      
 
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 
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        
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    
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        
         
         
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      
         
        
 
         
      
        
          
        
       
       
      
      :
      
 
  
        
     
        
     
1- Charles Eliot
2- Endogamy
3- Academic nepotism
4- Local circulation
         
  
    
       
       
        
  
      
         
        
    
    
  
 
 
  
5- Pure Inbred
6- Silver-corded
        
       
      "
"    
       
  
    
        
  
 
      
 
        
          
      
      
  
1- Mobile inbred
      
      
     
  
     
      
       
       
   
       
       
          
   
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      
2- Research synthesis
   
     
      
       
        
    
         
   
  
        
1- Cooper
 
     (ERIC)
(Science Direct)(Scopus)
    (Google Scholar) 
 
Academic Inbreeding, Inbred Higher Education,
Inbred Faculty, Inbred Scholar, Inbred Researcher
         
        
(Science Direct)
(Google Scholar)
   
         
        
        
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   
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     
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   
 
     
          
1- CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme)
 
       
        
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   
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 
        
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       
       
        
      
         
 
      
      
        
       
         
        
  
      
          
      
1- Yonezawa
1- Chauvinism
     
     
     
   
      
       
  
      
    
       
 
       
      
       
      
       
       
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      
    
        
      
       
        
       
      
        
     
         
       
         
         
      
         
       
       
       
     
    
        
        
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    
       
      
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       
    
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       
      
  
      
 
        
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       
         
     
        
       
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        
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       
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       
        
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      
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        
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       
        
        
      
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Todays, academic identity has been constantly criticized by some researches. They claim academic identity has lost. But some academics do not accept this criticism to all disciplines and they consider the humanities and social sciences to be ineffective. One way to find out this identity is to explore the discourse that governs dissertation defense sessions. The present research aimed to investigate the issue in a marginal university through ethnographic method. Due to achieve the aim, 31 observations of senior and doctoral defense sessions in various fields as well as 35 interviews with students, referee and guidance team were conducted. The results showed that only chemistry and physics disciplines rely on professional identity in defense sessions and accordingly the content of the dissertation is scrutinized. But in other academic disciplines, the dominant discourse of defense sessions is a formalist discourse in which the refereeing and supervisory teams devote all their time to the dissertation form and ultimately the method, and forget the content produced. Based on the institutional theory, the disciplines that have been formalized cannot be considered ineffective. Because the external environment of the university accepts and legitimizes the discourse of experimental disciplines, and because of this, there is an opportunity for professional discourse. This issue is not true to other disciplines, and its actors have no choice except to resort to form and method to protect their identity.
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Objective: The main objective of this article was to analyze Iran's upstream documents in the field of recruitment, promotion, and service compensation of research faculty members to assess the challenges and problems existing in these documents and subsequently provide suggestions for overcoming them. Methodology: In the present study, the symptomatic reading method was used, which is one of the research methods in the field of social sciences. In the symptomatic reading method, sampling is not necessary. Based on this, all of Iran's upstream documents regarding the system of recruitment, promotion, and service compensation of research faculty members were selected. The analysis of the documents was carried out by initially categorizing and classifying the explicit statements in the text of each of these documents regarding the system of recruitment, promotion, and service compensation for research faculty members. Then, by re-examining the texts of these documents, the researchers proceeded to articulate the points or unsaid aspects that were not addressed in each of the top documents regarding the system of recruitment, promotion, and service compensation of research faculty members. Findings: The findings of the analysis were categorized into two main categories, including what was spoken and what was not spoken in the existing documents. Then, based on these findings, policy proposals were presented. Discussion and conclusion: Considering that the mission and framework of research centers differ from those of universities in Iran, it is essential to pay serious attention to the recruitment, promotion, and compensation of the faculty members in research centers. It is not possible to apply a uniform and fixed procedure in this regard.
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Article Type: Research Paper Background and aim: The effects of academic inbreeding on research productivity in each higher education system can be different. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the research productivity of inbred and non-inbred faculty members in the top three universities in Iran. Materials and methods: This quantitative descriptive study was performed using the scientometric method. The study population included inbred and non-inbred faculty members with the academic rank of assistant professor in the top three universities of Iran in the Shanghai ranking system based on an index of research productivity in three disciplinary areas of technical engineering, medical sciences, and human-social sciences. Data were collected from the Scopus database. Findings: The findings showed that inbred faculties (26%) had more publications than non-inbred ones. Furthermore, the citations and H-index of publications of inbred faculties were 24.4% and 5.1%, which were more than those of non-inbred ones, respectively. Non-inbred faculties compared to inbred ones were more successful in attracting research funding. Inbred faculties (40.26%) were more willing to intra-organizational collaboration and non-inbred faculties (13.54%) were more willing to collaborate internationally. Conclusion: Overall, the results of this study indicated that the scientific effectiveness of inbred faculties was higher than that of non-inbred faculties. Moreover, the rate of obtaining funding for non-inbred faculties was higher than inbred faculties, and eventually, inbred faculties tended to collaborate within an organization, while non-inbred faculties tended to collaborate at the international level.
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In Portugal, research productivity is nowadays essential for the positive assessment of academics, research units and study programmes. Academic inbreeding has been highlighted in the literature as one of the factors influencing research productivity. This paper tests the hypothesis that inbreeding is detrimental for research productivity, measured through the number of publications listed in Scopus. The study resorts to a database provided by the national Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES), which comprises all academics teaching in all Portuguese institutions in the academic year 2015/2016. The sample selected for the analysis contains all academics with a PhD in Sociology (N=289). The study uses a special regression model for the analysis: the negative binomial logit hurdle. This was necessary given the large amount of academics with no publications or citations in Scopus, which were the dependent variables to assess research performance. The analysis provides separate results for the probability of inbred academics of having no papers/citations, and for the probability of producing more papers/citations than the non-inbred. Findings suggest that academic inbreeding, defined at the institutional level, has no negative effect on research productivity, contrary to what was expected. However, when defined at the national level, academic inbreeding is detrimental for the recognition and the impact of research: academics with a foreign PhD are more likely to have citations compared to academics who obtained their PhD in Portugal. A tendency was also noted that inbreeding might be more detrimental to research productivity in faculties of Economics than in Social Sciences and Humanities.
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Faculty members as one of the crucial human capitals each university, can play an important role for this purpose. And when, a faculty can play a more effective role in the international engagements that he has the necessary competencies in this filed. Thus, the purpose of present research was the presenting a pattern for faculty members’ competency in the international engagements.To achieve the purpose, the qualitative approach through phenomenological method was used. The statistical populations were included experts in field of higher education in Iran, which selected 21 people as participants in the research by purposive sampling. The research instrument was semi–structured interview and also, data analyses method was qualitative inductive content analysis. Validity was confirmed through techniques such as member checking, and peer checking. Findings showed that conceptual pattern of faculty members’ competency in the international engagements included six competencies; scientific, professional, communicational, cross-cultural, metacognitive and intellectual.
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Although academic inbreeding practices are a means to assure organizational stability and institutional identity, which is sometimes seen as a positive circumstance for universities, it is also a way for older and more prestigious faculty members to secure and perpetuate power. From this perspective, for some scholars, the practice of senior faculty to recruit their own graduates directly after completing their doctoral degrees can be seen as a mechanism to gain personal rather than organizational stability. This uncompetitive mechanism of recruiting perpetuates old and less innovative practices, leading to institutional inertia. Several studies have also shown that academic inbreeding has detrimental effects on scholarly practice (Berelson 1960; Velho and Krige 1984; Horta 2009). For example, a negative correlation between academic inbreeding and research output suggests that in order to be more productive, universities must seek candidates from a source outside their own pool of graduates (Hargens and Farr 1973; Soler 2001; Horta, Veloso, and Grediaga 2007). Other empirical studies show that inbred scholars tend to be less open to interacting with colleagues from other scientific institutions. Inbreeding behavior foments parochial practices leading to intellectual segregation and isolation (Pelz and Andrews 1976; Adams et al. 2005). According to Padilla (2008), inbred academics tend to be more loyal to their own institution than to their own discipline.
"Like inbreeding, if the proliferation of faculty tiering is problematic for academe, this institution is promoting faculty tiering, but at a lower rate than national trends. But, inbreeding and faculty tiering appear to be related, with more inbred faculty in lower tiered positions."
Japan was one of the first countries in East Asia to develop a mass higher education system. However, in the last couple of decades, Japanese universities have experienced drastic reform (Amano and Poole 2005; Goodman, Kariya, and Taylor 2013). In the reformation process, the transformation of the Japanese academic labor market to a more open and competitive system has been a priority matter (Yamanoi 2007; Teichler, Arimoto, and Cummings 2013).
Inbreeding, in the real biological sense, is not strange in Spanish history. The Hispanic Empire, one of the biggest in history, was run by the Spanish branch of the Habsburgs. This dynasty (1516–1700) frequently saw the marriage of close relatives in such a way that consanguineous unions were prevalent. In the historical literature, it has been suggested that inbreeding was a major cause of the extinction of the dynasty, when King Charles II “the Bewitched,” physically and mentally disabled, died in 1700 without begetting any children from his two marriages. It is likely that the occurrence in Charles II of genetic disorders could explain most of the complex clinical profile of this king, including his infertility, which ultimately led to the extinction of the dynasty (Alvarez, Ceballos, and Quinteiro 2009), provoked the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714), which involved most European countries and eventually triggered the end of the Hispanic Empire.
The academic productivity of universities depends on academic staff as well as on management structures at these institutions that are able and qualified to provide conditions for productive work, reasonable decision-making, and proper career incentives. However, academic norms should not be underestimated. In a university, as a professional organization, there are both administrative and academic control systems, and the latter is based on academic norms. One of the most important norms is concerned with talent recruitment and its priorities, policies, and practices. A university’s decision to hire or not to hire their own graduates is one of the key decisions: it defines the characteristics and quality of people recruited, as well as how the management of academic teams is structured. For Russian universities, a rather high level of hiring from within (inbreeding) is traditional, and the reasons for it are cultural, infrastructural, and financial. In this chapter, we examine the causes of inbreeding and its consequences in the context of productivity, social norms, and emerging organizational structures. We use data from a set of detailed interviews with top management (vice-rectors and deans) of regional Russian universities collected in 2012. Interviews were focused on employment policies and the causes and consequences of inbreeding.
The problem of faculty inbreeding has been studied by researchers around the world for nearly a century. This chapter presents a thorough summary of the main studies focused on this phenomenon, beginning with definitions of inbreeding and a short historical discussion of when and where the first interest in inbreeding emerged. The chapter then presents what the literature has to say about possible reasons for inbreeding policies as well as the consequences of such practices. The possibilities for eliminating inbreeding are also considered. A brief summary of national cases of inbreeding concludes the chapter.
There is a dearth of academic scholarship on the incidence and character of “academic inbreeding” in South African higher education, considered for the purpose of this volume to be a policy of employment that strictly favors a university’s own graduates who have no or little experience of education at any other universities and no significant outside work experience. This chapter explores the phenomenon of academic inbreeding in South Africa. To begin with, I critically review the notion of “academic breeding.” While I use the definition of “academic breeding” that serves as the departure point for the authors contributing to this volume, I argue that the definition is too narrow to encapsulate the range of academic inbreeding in South Africa that should be equally of concern. I then describe the South African context of higher education and the academic workforce and workspace in order to ground the discussion on the nature and extent of academic breeding and its possible causes and consequences in South Africa.