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Understanding of Oral Oncology and its Changes in Dynamics in Nepal

  • Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS), Jumla, Nepal

Abstract and Figures

With the increase in smoking habits, oral cancer is turning into a threat among smokers. It is also due to a lack of awareness among people, oral cancer is increasing rapidly. The increased rate of illiterate people in Nepal has been a reason for a change in dynamics. Due to a lack of awareness, people are diagnosed late with cancer which leads to an increased mortality rate. So, awareness is a must for the reduction of oral cancer. In most cases, surgery is the best chance. Since people in Nepal are mostly from middle-class families, it highly impacts their life. The article primarily addresses the incidence of oral cancer in Nepal. It also emphasizes the risk factors and causes of oral cancer along with its diagnosis and surgery.
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1 Europasian J Med Sci.
Vol. 3 | No. 1 | Jan-Jun Issue | 2021
Europasian Journal
of Medical Sciences
Understanding Oral Oncology and its Changes in Dynamics in Nepal
Aaniya Shrestha
With the increase in smoking habits, oral cancer is turning into a threat
among smokers. It is also due to a lack of awareness among people, oral
cancer is increasing rapidly. The increased rate of illiterate people in Nepal
has been a reason for a change in dynamics. Due to a lack of awareness,
people are diagnosed late with cancer which leads to an increased
mortality rate. So, awareness is a must for the reduction of oral cancer. In
most cases, surgery is the best chance. Since people in Nepal are mostly
from middle-class families, it highly impacts their life. The article primarily
addresses the incidence of oral cancer in Nepal. It also emphasizes the
risk factors and causes of oral cancer along with its diagnosis and surgery.
Keywords: awareness; dental oncology; oral squamous cell carcinoma;
tobacco; treatment
Original Article
Author Info:
Under Graduate Student,
Rajshahi University, Rangpur,
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Received: 28 November 2020; Accepted: 26 February 2021; Published Online: 27 February 2021
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Shrestha A. Understanding of Oral Oncology and its Changes in Dynamics. Europasian J Med Sci. 2021; 3(1):
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Introduction: Cancer may be dened as a malignant
tumor either sarcoma or carcinoma. Whereas,
abnormal malignant swelling in any part of the
oral cavity (i.e. head and neck region) is called oral
cancer [Figure 1]. If a person has oral cancer, not
only will the person feel discomfort in the facial
region but also the digestive system will become
affected. One common sign of oral cancer is an
oral ulcer that may be painful. If the ulcer persists
for more than 2 weeks one has to visit a dentist
for early diagnosis and treatment. Oral cancer
is predominantly oral squamous cell carcinoma
(OSCC) and is mainly caused in the oropharynx by
human papilloma virus (HPV). It is believed that the
rate of HPV cancer will increase in the following
years based on the habits of the surrounding
Oral cancer is a non-communicable disease that
holds the sixth position in the world.2 In 1990, there
were more than 84,000 deaths due to oral cancer.
Similarly, 135,000 deaths in 2013 whereas in 2018,
355,000 people were victims and 177,000 were
dead worldwide. It occurs that almost one-fourth
of all new cases of cancer are oral.3
Compared to developed countries, developing
countries appear to be more victimized.4 Oral
cancer is also rising in Nepal. Oral cancer death
in Nepal had been 1,341 in 2017, according to
the World Health Organization (WHO). Hence
Nepal was named 25th in the world.5 It is the third
most common type of cancer in Nepal.6 The most
recurrent oral cancer site was found as tongue
(42.5%) followed by buccal mucosa (27.2%) based
on the survey done in 2010. But when analyzed
on the basis of the geographic location, buccal
mucosa in the Terai sector was the most common
site for OSCC (63.9%) and notably the Madhesi
ethic group (34.2%). 7
In recent times, there has been some change
in dynamics. The reason for the change in the
dynamics of oral cancer is mainly due to people’s
lifestyles and lack of knowledge among the people
about the harmful and adverse effects of tobacco
and other related items.8 Due to greater access
to these products with no supply restriction and
lack of awareness of oral cancer risk factors such
as tobacco, people with low socioeconomic status
are at higher risk. It mostly occurs to those who
drink and smoke often. It is important to note that
people who do not smoke and only drink alcohol
occasionally are victims of oral cancers. According
to data, over 25% of all population belongs to this
Oral cancer is mostly seen in people over the age of
40; especially men possibly because of differences
in risk habits. But in the case of Nepal, it seems that
there is a change in dynamics. Females are more
likely to suffer from oral cancer mainly due to the
use of tobacco. The main concern arises among
pregnant women.9 The state of cancer affects not
only the mother but also the child. Babies from
such mothers are usually born with fetal disorders.10
Tens and thousands of microorganisms exist as
a part of oral ora in the mouth [Table 2]. They
usually benet the body by preventing infection.
Nevertheless, if a patient is immunocompromised,
the normal ora can overgrow and become
pathogenic and may contribute to the
development of a tumor. Based on the evidence,
chronic inammatory disease (periodontitis, poor
oral hygiene) can also cause oral oncogenesis. But
this might be a possibility as no evidence has been
proven yet.11
Oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) like
leukoplakia (white or grayish patches) erythroplakia
(bright red velvety patch) [Figure 1], and oral
submucous brosis are also considered responsible
for OSSC. It is an aggressive tumor. The cases
are usually advanced and require multimodality
therapy. Therefore, in case of low and middle-
income countries like Nepal, the 5year survival of
OSCC patient’s is 23–57%.12
Another cause of mortality in OSCC is due to
metastasis to the lymph node. The neoplasm may
also be derived from connective tissues, lymphoid
tissues, minor salivary glands, melanocytes, and or
metastasis from distant tumors.12
Risk factors include the use of different forms of
tobacco, cigarette, cigar, gutkha, pan-masala, betel
nuts. Others include illiteracy, lack of awareness;
reverse end smoking, HPV virus, mouthwashes with
high alcohol content, trauma in the mouth, etc.
Alcohol promotes the activation of procarcinogens
and acts as a solvent for the introduction of harmful
carcinogens into the body cells.13 While tobacco
smoke comprises >4000 chemical compounds and
60 of them are considered to be toxic to humans.14
90% of the cases reported for oral cancer are due to
the intake of tobacco in various forms.15 However,
the survival rate also depends on factors including
Shrestha A. Understanding Oral Oncology ...........
3 Europasian J Med Sci.
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Shrestha A. Understanding Oral Oncology ...........
epidemiology and therapeutic development.16
Signals from the connective tissue surrounding
a tumor are believed to play a vital role in the
spread of oral cancer.17 An invasive squamous
cell carcinoma means that cancer has entered to
deeper parts of the oral cavity.18 [Figure 2]
People usually know that they have cancer after
they experience some abnormal swelling, ulcer, or
difculty in the oral cavity. Unfortunately, patients
are diagnosed after the development of symptoms
in an advanced stage (such as discomfort,
dysphagia, reduced tongue movement, and ability
to open the mouth, weight loss, and loss of sensory
Nevertheless, cancer may be asymptomatic so
during a professional career, a dentist might not
experience an average of more than 5-10 patients
with oral cancer. This leads to a late diagnosis of
TNM classication and staging of oral cancer are
presented in Table no. 3 and Table no. 4 respectively.
Some tests for diagnosis of oral cancer include
Physical examination, Endoscopy, Biopsy, Oral brush
biopsy, HPV testing, X-ray, Computed tomography
(CT or CAT) scan, MRI, Barium swallow, PET scan,
Panorex lm.21 These diagnosis and early detection
of oral cancer is encouraged by different aspects.
Salivary biomarkers namely L-phenylalanine,
Cluster of differentiation factor 34 (CD34), Genomic
biomarkers namely integrin α3 and β4, proteomic
biomarker aid evaluate and distinguish oral cancer
monitoring and differentiation.22
Cancer treatment differs from person to person
based on the location, extension, stage, age, side
effects from the treatment, patient’s mental and
economic status as well as patient’s preference and
specialist’s advice.23
• Surgery: Surgery is the rst choice in most
cases. It may vary as per tumor size and location.
Surgery may either be to eliminate cancer or
to repair a function damaged by cancer. If the
cancer is in an advanced stage removing the
tumor might be straight forward but might
leave a void. To repair this, the surgeon will
perform a skin graft for reconstruction that
came from the thigh and upper arm.24 The
surgery can be complicated and can take more
than 6 hours in some cases
• Radiation therapy: radiation beams are aimed
every once, twice, and sometimes even ve to
eight times a week. It is given to suppress cancer
symptoms or prevent them from spreading.
• Chemotherapy: It is given by an oral or
parenteral route.
• Others include: Combined therapy, Targeted
therapy, Immune therapy, Gene therapy,
Hormone therapy
• Favorable chemo preventive agents for oral
cancer include β-carotene, retinoid, N-acetyl
cysteine, NSAIDs, vitamin-E.25
• Lastly, mouth should be kept healthy during
oral cancer.
• Patients in stage I or II do well after surgery and
therapy. If cancer is in the last stage, surgery
followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy is
done. It is more expensive and aggressive than
in an early stage.26
1. Our body has a defense system for foreign
particles. Similarly, for cancer, our body secretes
melatonin which is known for its antioxidant
activity. This protects us from cancer.27 It is secreted
mostly during night time so a healthy and sound
sleep is necessary.
2. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) acts as a cytotoxic
substance mainly due to apoptosis. Its constituents
help to reduce early cancer.28
3. Besides therapy, one must also take care of
their diet. During the treatment, a person might
experience difculty in swallowing and a poor
appetite. So, a proper meal is essential which will
give the right nutrients like green leafy vegetables,
sweet potatoes, carrots, lemon, oranges, papaya,
tomatoes, grapes, avocado, green tea, etc. Evidence
also proves that drinking raspberry juice regularly
can cure oral oncogenesis.29
“Prevention is better than cure”. “Cancer” itself
sounds threatening and when it comes to a less
educated population like Nepal people usually have
misconceptions about it. It is most likely due to a
lack of health education in a particular population.
Although several dental health camps are placed
every year in different provinces of Nepal, this is Europasian J Med Sci.
Vol. 3 | No. 1 | Jan-Jun Issue | 2021
Europasian Journal
of Medical Sciences
still not enough for the vast population living
around. Cancer begins with dysplasia in the body
and risk factors and preventive measures play
a greater role in this.22 For oral cancer to decline
at a larger scale people must be made aware of
the importance of oral hygiene and the Minister
of Health and Population (MoHP) should make
rules of regular dental checkups and programs like
National Strategic Plan for Oral Health for Nepal
(2001-2002) [WHO].30 Dental checkups must of
course include screening tests. It is a test used by
the dentist or dental assistant to check possible
signs of cancer or precancerous condition in the
oral cavity. The main objective is to identify oral
cancer at an early stage for a better cure. Oral-
based questionnaires can help us to be sure
about the oral health condition. Evidence shows
that visual evaluation is useful in reducing oral
cancer mortality in patients at risk. Mass media
campaigns like broadcasting in television, radio,
and public campaigns are also helpful. But till the
Shrestha A. Understanding Oral Oncology ...........
Figure 3: A screening test for oral cancer38
Figure 2: Chances of oral cancer in different parts
of oral cavity
Figure 1: Parts of the oral cavity with precancerous
5 Europasian J Med Sci.
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Shrestha A. Understanding Oral Oncology ...........
Table 1: Risk factors of oral cancer39
Environmental factor Emergency risk factors Genetic factor Not modiable Infective viruses
alcohol, smoking,
poor oral hygiene)
(like candidiasis)
syndrome Age HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
Low socio- economic
HPV (Human
Papilloma Virus)
Family history
of cancer Ebv(Epstein Barr Virus)
Exposure to radiation Diabetes Ethnicity HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus)
Improper diet Dyskeratosis
dysgenesis Gender HCV (Hepatitis C Virus)
Table 2: Virus associated with Oral Cancer40
Virus Event
HSV 1 It is a strongly associative factor. Causes oral infections. The virus acts as a mutagen and results in malignancy.
HCV Causes risk of genetic instability in the cells. From saliva and serum, squamous cells of the oral cavity are exposed
to HCV in the affected patient resulting in the development of OSSC.
EBV The virus might not have a direct effect but is associated with immunodeciency.
HPV It is also a strongly associative factor. It is a sexually transmitted disease. The oral lesion is the major cause of
cancer. They are :vulgar wart (HPV-4), papilloma’s (HPV-11), leukoplakia (HPV-6)
Table 3: TNM classication41
TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed.
TO No evidence of a primary tumor.
Tis Carcinoma in situ. It is the early stage of cancer that has not been spread to deeper tissues or metastasized. It
gives you the idea about cancer without any invasion.
T1 Tumor ≤ 2 cm
T2 Tumor 2 - 4 cm.
T3 Tumor ≥4 cm.
T4 Tumor invades adjacent structures such cortical bone, base of the skull, inferior alveolar nerve, oor of mouth,
skin of face , chin or nose, maxillary sinus etc.
NX Nearby lymph nodes cannot be assessed.
N0 No involvement of lymph node
N1 One lymph node involved on the same side as the primary tumor. This lymph node is smaller than 3 cm across.
N2a Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, more than 3 cm but not more than 6 cm in greatest dimension
N2b Metastasis in multiple ipsilateral lymph nodes, none more than 6 cm in greatest dimension
N2c Metastasis in bilateral or contralateral lymph nodes, none more than 6 cm in greatest dimension
N3 The cancer has spread to a lymph node that measures more than 6 cm across.
M0 No spread of cancer to other parts of the body
M1 Metastasis occurred. Europasian J Med Sci.
Vol. 3 | No. 1 | Jan-Jun Issue | 2021
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of Medical Sciences
government does not emphasize these rules, we as
our caretaker can visit the dentist and do a regular
dental checkup. The willingness of individual health
practitioners and medical centers to engage in pre-
cancer screening and oral health promotion needs
to be strengthened. Since the screening test is
simple one can self-examine at home from time to
time via the internet [Figure 3].
If a patient is found with OPMDs, they can then
be referred for verication, conrmation, and case
management with necessary counseling. The main
drawback is that the people remain unaware of
the condition as it might not show any symptoms.
Some of them are of low evidence so research
must include therapeutic strategies and prognostic
Cancer has a huge effect on the economy as well as
on the mental health of an individual. In a country
like Nepal where people are mostly middle class
and about 66% being farmers, it is hardly possible
for them to pay their medical bills.
Surgery in the head and neck region may have a
psychological effect. It can affect the appearance of
people. With intense reconstructive surgery, there
is a high chance of injury.32-35 Surgery may include
graft transplant, dental implants, and articial
palates to replace any missing tissue or teeth.31
Maxillofacial trauma is another reason for death in
people even after the successful removal of cancer.
The lengthy recovery time causes depression,
frustration, and or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD).32-35 Radiation can lead to pancytopenia so
after cancer treatment patients are advised for CBC.
Recovery from oral cancer may rely on both tumor
and surgery. If the huge tumor has been removed
from the tongue, palate, or gum and replaced
it by a skin graft, the graft might not be able to
perform the normal function. Usually, people need
rehabilitation with eating and speaking during
recovery. Speech therapy is necessary post-surgery
for optimal improvement.36-37
Oral cancer is a widespread disease and Nepal has
been a victim of it for the past few years. There has
been a change in the dynamics of oral oncology
where females have been more victimized than the
male. It can be easily prevented by avoiding cancer-
responsible factors such as maintaining a better
lifestyle and oral hygiene. Treatment of cancer can
cost a fortune. So, the best solution would be to
take preventive measures and reduce the chance
of oral cancer for better. “Why cure cancer when we
can prevent it from happening”.
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Objective Reliable data describing the trends and clinicopathological characteristics of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) in the Nepalese population are very limited. The current study aimed to examine the demographics, trend, and clinicopathological characteristics of OSCC reported to the main referral/tertiary cancer hospital, the B.P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital (BPKMCH) in Nepal for a period of 11 years (1999–2009). Material and methods This is a cross‐sectional study. Data were retrieved retrospectively from hospital register maintained in the Department of Ear, Nose, Throat at BPKMCH, categorized into demographic and clinicopathological variables and SPSS (V25) was used for the analysis. Results In a period of 11 years, 3,452 cases of head and neck cancer were registered at the Department of Ear, Nose, Throat, BPKMCH. Out of 1,111 oral cancer cases, 1,081 (97.3%) were OSCC. A trend for increasing number of OSCCs presenting to BPKMCH was observed during that period. OSCC was found to be more common among males (73.0%), Brahmin/Chhetri ethnic groups (33.0%), in age group of 51–60 years (31.9%), and in Terai region (62.0%). Tongue (42.8%) was the most common site, followed by buccal mucosa (27.2%). Nevertheless, when stratified with respect to the geographical location and ethnicity, buccal mucosa was the most common site for OSCC in Terai region (63.9%, p = .002) and in Madhesi ethnic group (34.2%, p < .001). Majority of OSCC cases were diagnosed at advanced stage (49.7%, Stage IV) and received a combination therapy (42.0%). Conclusions Hospital‐based records can provide valuable information on disease characteristics in countries like Nepal. This study revealed that the clinicopathological characteristics of OSCC in Nepal follow the global trend. Nevertheless, relationship between specific intraoral sites for OSCC with geographic location and ethnic groups is an interesting observation and requires further population‐based studies to clarify these findings.
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Oral cancer is one of the highly prevalent cancers worldwide and a leading cause of mortality in certain regions like South-Central Asia. It is a major public health problem. Late diagnosis, high mortality rates and morbidity are characteristics of the disease worldwide. For control of oral cancer an idea of the coverage of the same in the various regions is necessary. The estimated incidence, mortality and 5-year survival due to lip, oral cavity cancer in world is 3, 00, 373(2.1%), 1, 45, 328(1.8%) and 7, 02, 149(2.2%) respectively according to data of GLOBOCAN 2012. A changing trend in incidence and prevalence of oral cancer has been observed with more women and youngsters being affected by oral cancer.
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Oral cancers are one of the most commonly occurring neoplasm in the world. These conditions have a high mortality rate which is rapidly increasing. Factors like tobacco consumption, alcohol, genetics, etc., play a role in etiopathogenesis of these lesions, currently there is a lot of growing interest in role of viruses like Epstein-Bar virus, human papilloma virus, herpes simplex virus, hepatitis C virus etc., in oral carcinogenesis. Viruses can induce cancers through various methods. Thus knowing the exact role of viruses in cancers can affect the treatment plans and prognosis of the treatment.
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AIM : To evaluate clinical and radiographic aspects before and after endodontic treatment with an intracanal dressing paste composed of calcium hydroxide, chlorhexidine and zinc oxide in traumatized teeth followed-up for 1 year. METHODS : Patients (n=105) treated at the Dental Trauma Service of Piracicaba School of Dentistry, Brazil were enrolled in the study. Two groups of teeth were formed: immature (G1) (n=28) and completely developed teeth (G2) (n=174). All teeth were endodontically treated and received an intracanal dressing with a paste composed by calcium hydroxide, 2% chlorhexidine gel and zinc oxide at a 2:1:2 rate. Clinical and radiographic aspects were evaluated initially, monthly and after 1-year. RESULTS : Most of the immature teeth suffered extrusive luxation (39.3%), whereas intrusive luxation (40.8%) was more common in completely developed teeth. There was a significant reduction in pain on percussion and mobility (p=0.0001) for immature teeth. Mature teeth showed reduction of spontaneous pain, fistula, mobility and pain on percussion (p<0.0001). Radiographic examination showed decrease in all evaluated parameters for both groups, in addition to stabilization of root resorption. CONCLUSIONS : This new intracanal dressing paste for traumatized teeth showed promising results in both immature and completely developed teeth, and may prevent post-traumatic complications.
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Background: Cancer till today remains the leading cause of death in both developed and developing countries. Plants have been beacon of therapeutic sources for curing diseases from times immemorial. Hence, the present study aimed at evaluating the antiproliferative activity of extract of Ocimum sanctum leaves on oral cancer cell line. Objectives: To evaluate the antiproliferative effect and to analyze dose dependent cytotoxic activity of aqueous extract of O. sanctum leaves on KB mouth cell line. To compare the effectiveness among different variety of O. sanctum. Materials and methods: KB cells (Mouth Epidermal Carcinoma Cells) were used for the present study. Aqueous and dry extract of O. sanctum with both dark (Krishna Tulsi) and light (Rama Tulsi) leaves were prepared in the institution. The antiproliferative and cytotoxic activity on KB cell line was evaluated by MTT assay. Statistical analysis with Mann-Whitney U-test and Wilcoxon matched pairs test was carried out. Results: The aqueous extract of O. sanctum of both the leaves exhibited significant cytotoxic effect against oral cancer cell line. Conclusion: Aqueous extract of O. sanctum leaves was effective as an antiproliferative agent which caused apoptosis in oral cancer cell line. Clinical significance: Ocimum sanctum herb which is abundantly grown in India can be used for its anticancer properties for treating oral cancer. This will not only be cost-effective but will also have less or no side effects.
Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive oropharyngeal head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) is increasing in the United States. Current epidemiologic assessments of the national burden of HPV-positive OPSCC are needed. Methods: The Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results HPV Status Database included 12,017 patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma of pharyngeal subsites, including OPSCC and non-OPSCC head and neck cancer subsites (hypopharynx, nasopharynx, and "other pharynx"), diagnosed from 2013 to 2014. Age-adjusted incidence rates per 100,000 persons by HPV status were calculated. An exploratory Fine-Gray competing-risks regression determined the associations between HPV status and cancer-specific mortality. Results: From 2013 to 2014, the U.S. incidence of HPV-positive OPSCC was 4.62 [95% confidence interval (CI), 4.51-4.73] versus 1.82 (95% CI, 1.75-1.89) per 100,000 persons for HPV-negative OPSCC. The incidence of HPV-positive versus negative non-OPSCC of the head and neck was 0.62 (95% CI, 0.58-0.66) versus 1.38 (95% CI, 1.32-1.44). White race (5.47) and male sex (8.00) had the highest incidences of HPV-positive OPSCC, with a unimodal age incidence distribution peaking at ages 60 to 64 years (27.23). HPV positivity was associated with lower cancer-specific mortality than HPV-negative disease for OPSCC [adjusted HR (aHR), 0.40; P < 0.001], but not non-OPSCC (aHR, 1.08; P = 0.81), Pinteraction = 0.002. Conclusions: The U.S. incidence of HPV-positive OPSCC was 4.62 per 100,000 persons. Most cases were found in white male patients younger than 65 years, where it represents the sixth most common incident nonskin cancer. The favorable prognosis associated with HPV appears to be limited to the oropharynx. Impact: This large population-based epidemiologic assessment of the U.S. population defines the incidence and demographic burden of HPV-positive OPSCC.
Worldwide oral cancer is creating an alarming situation and it's a matter of global concern as it is the 11th most common carcinoma around the globe. After cardiovascular ailments, cancer is the next biggest killer. Approximately 90% of the total oral malignancies are squamous cell carcinomas. The etiological base of oral cancer is tobacco intake, smoking, smokeless tobacco (snuff or chewing tobacco), alcohol and areca nut intake, excessive sunlight exposure, reverse end smoking and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). The treatment measures for oral cancer are very costly and affordability is low. So, taking preventive measures at the first place itself is of immense importance. Preventive measure is a multidisciplinary approach involving co-ordinated efforts from all the sectors of the society. The preventive measures are categorised into primary, secondary and tertiary measures. Along with the various screening tests employed to detect oral cancer the review focuses on biomarkers, melatonin, tea constituents, polyphenols, chemoprevention, Chios mastic gum extract, Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase 1 (PARP1) targeted optical imaging agent, and their role in oral cancer prevention and control. The review gives a brief outline on the preventive measures to be adopted to help prevent oral cancer and improve the quality of life.
Objective To evaluate the preclinical efficacy of topical administration of freeze-dried black raspberries (BRBs) to inhibit the progression of premalignant oral lesions and modulate biomarkers of cancer development in high at-risk mucosa (HARM). Study Design Hamster cheek pouches (HCPs) were treated with carcinogen for six weeks to initiate a HARM microenvironment. Subsequently, right HCPs were topically administered a BRB suspension in short-term or long-term studies. After 12 weeks, SCC multiplicity, SCC incidence, and cell proliferation rates were evaluated. mRNA expression was measured in short-term treated pouches for selected oral cancer biomarkers. Results SCC multiplicity (-41.3%), tumor incidence (-37.1%), and proliferation rate (-6.9%) were reduced in HCPs receiving BRBs. Topical BRBs correlated with an increase in Rb1 expression in developing oral lesions. Conclusion Topical BRBs inhibit SCC development when targeted to HARM tissues. These results support the translational role of BRBs to prevent oral cancer development in humans.