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The Core Competencies of Vocational High School Teachers In 21st Century Learning



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The Core Competencies
of Vocational High School Teachers
In 21st Century Learning
Dessy Seri Wahyuni1,* Nyoman Sugihartini1
1 Department of Informatics and Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering and Vocational, Universitas
Pendidikan Ganesha 81116, Indonesia
*Corresponding author. Email:
This research suggests a mixed method that combines quality and quantitative approaches for defining the core skills of
Vocational High School (VHS) teachers. The research method comprises of two phases. The first phase is qualitative
method, and the second phase is quantitative method. It comprises of three research phases, namely (1) collecting the
competencies standard of VHS teachers, (2) determining the framework competencies by Fuzzy Delphi technique, (3)
managing skill priorities using the method of analytical hierarchy process. Seven experts from industry, academics,
government and 50 VHS teachers from different regencies in Bali Province, Indonesia participated in this study. This
research suggests which the core competencies of VHS teachers are pedagogical, vocational, professional and
technological competencies aspect.
Keywords: Vocational High School (VHS) Teachers, Core Competencies, Competency Framework
Vocational education in the 21st century is an
education that aims at sustainable survival with an
emphasis on the growth of life skills, job skills and
learning skills [1]. It requires teachers and students'
constructive and persuasive positions. Each student faces
complex life situations in the 21st century, full of
opportunities and challenges and uncertainties. In today's
constellation of life, students need the skills to live in
order to improve themselves, their community
efficiently, productively and with integrity.
Highly skilled education is required for the
qualifications of graduates who are ready to compete and
take up jobs in the world of work and who can achieve
satisfaction with career choices equipped with mastery of
employability skills, so that they can compete in DUDI
(Workplace). Vocational education includes instructors
who are aware and able to absorb, re-learn and unlearn
professional materials that are important to the needs of
the field of work. The contribution to vocational
education consists of students, vocational teachers and
trainers. This study would concentrate on one of the
inputs of vocational education by educators. Educators in
vocational schools are called vocational teachers.
Teachers are an important factor in the development of
VHS graduates who are ready to work and willing to
succeed in DUDI with their unique skills. Vocational
teachers are student leaders in learning and practicing
world-class work and working techniques that are both
effective and efficient [2,3].
Vocational education in Indonesia is divided into two,
namely high school education (VHS) and higher
education (Diploma). The focus of this study is on
vocational teachers. VHS teachers are categorized into
three groups, namely adaptive, normative and productive
teachers. Adaptive teachers are teachers who teach
adaptive subjects or in other words, subjects that are
fundamental and that can be created, such as
mathematics, physics and chemistry. Normative teachers
are teachers who teach normative teaching such as faith
and citizenship. In the meantime, productive teachers are
teachers who teach subject areas of expertise (vocational)
such as computer and network engineering (TKJ),
multimedia (MM) and software engineering (RPL). This
research focuses more on productive teachers.
Vocational teachers have different roles and functions
when compared to teachers in general schools.
Vocational teachers have a heavier burden in terms of
producing graduates who are not only smart in terms of
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 540
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Technology and Educational Science (ICTES 2020)
Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 228
theory, but the most important thing is to have special
skills in accordance with the competency of skills taken
in vocational schools. VHS is currently faced with very
dynamic work challenges and must be able to adapt to
DUDI's needs. Some researchers state that teacher quality
has a significant positive impact on work professional
performance [4]. The quality of vocational teachers is
very much determined by their identification clearly and
comprehensively related to the core competencies of
vocational teachers in carrying out their professional
work. Vocational teachers must be able to carry out
learning and job training for students, while teachers in
public schools only focus on the implementation of
Vocational teachers have a very significant difference
compared to general school teachers, therefore it is very
important and necessary to identify the main
competencies of a vocational teacher. The same thing
was conveyed by Estriyanto [5] that there is no specific
competency standard for vocational teachers in VHS,
which comprehensively describes the specific work
competencies of productive teachers in VHS
(occupational-specific competency). Not yet explained in
a clear, detailed and comprehensive manner have an
impact on the quality of the professional development of
vocational teachers' work. Vocational teachers clearly
have specific competency standards and are not the same
as teacher competency standards in public schools, this
can be seen from the learning objectives they carry out,
DUDI's involvement in the implementation of learning
and job training, cooperation patterns with DUDI, work
skills (hands-on on practice), communication, and
required working knowledge (vocational knowledge)
that is relevant and integrated with the material being
Several strategic issues related to improving the
quality of vocational education are: (1) increasing the
skills and quality of learning by educators; (2) improving
teacher qualifications by teacher guidance; (3)
reinforcing the vocational teacher management system.
The situation in the field shows that vocational teachers
come from instructors who teach non-productive
subjects. This is a problem of the central government, on
the pretext of continuing to obtain certification as
teachers so that they receive the responsibility of teaching
productive subjects which actually need professional
insight and expertise. According to Estriyanto [5] , the
State of Indonesia is urged to formulate standards of
competency that are applicable to the vocational
education in its country.
On the basis of the above described problems
(empirical research analysis), this study is define and
clearly and comprehensively describe the core skills of
vocational teachers (productive teachers in the VHS) in
every aspect, domain and competency indicator which is
adjusted to be implemented. Vocational education in the
21st century. We defined the problem from the issues
described above:
a. The competence structure for skilled teachers
specifically for effective teachers is not transparent
and comprehensive.
b. The skills criteria outlined in the Instruction of the
Minister of National Education are still general and
do not define the specifications of the standards of
professorial skills
c. The competence requirements still in use today do not
correspond to the technical demands of professional
teachers in the 21st century.
In this study, a vocational teacher is called, namely
someone who professionally organizes teaching, learning
and work practice (TLP) in vocational schools (VHS).
The implementation of quality vocational education must
be able to be in line with developments in science and
technology as well as the dynamics of labor needs. The
success of vocational education depends on the quality of
vocational teachers who have occupation-specific skills
[6,7]. Vocational teacher professionalism is categorized
on three types of expertise: mastery of vocational
knowledge (vocational knowledge), methods of teaching
students [8]. The duties and functions of vocational
teachers in VHS consist of three main types of activities,
namely teaching, learning and work training / practical
work [9,10,11]. Mastery of vocational knowledge is
divided into mastery of concepts, structure and concept
theory. The mastery of professional knowledge is not
only a matter of mastery of material, but most
importantly teachers need to understand job knowledge,
mastery and competence in professional skills [12].
Figure 1. Factors cause changes in vocational teacher
Vocational teacher competency standards are very
different from teacher competency standards in general
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 540
schools. Vocational teachers' competency standards are
more complex for teachers in public schools [13].
Professional vocational education teachers must have
integrity, adequate knowledge in accordance with their
fields, a commendable character, competence, and even
have to follow good education, not just training (not only
trained but educated).
In this analysis, the combined methodology
comprises qualitative and quantitative methods used in a
study to make the data collected more detailed accurate,
reliable and objective[14]. The first order in this analysis
uses qualitative approaches and the second order in this
study employs quantitative methods. Additional research
designs and extension are used in the qualitative process.
The replication extension research architecture is
generally called free and expansion in qualitative
methods. In qualitative research, vocational teacher
competency criteria was be determined using
complementary and expansionary design analysis,
namely the existence of replication [15]. This research
was be conducted in all vocational schools in Bali
province, especially VHS with ICT expertise
competency. The implementation of this research has
been estimated for 8 (eight) months, starting from April
to early November 2020.
3.1 Analysis and Data Sampling
In accordance with the methods used in this study,
namely AHP and Fuzzy Delphi, it is stated that the
sample used is a sample that is considered an expert in
accordance with its field. AHP and Fuzzy Delphi require
an expert as a sample who gave weight to the proposed
criteria. The sampling method suitable for this method is
purposive sampling. From the total population of
vocational teachers, there are 557 people. Purposive
sampling was be taken from this population for sampling.
Purposive sampling is used to obtain factual data that is
adjusted to the study of the problems in this study.
Some of the criteria that were be the subject of this
research are as follows:
a. Experts from academia, local government (Education
Authorities of Bali Province), outstanding vocational
teachers as informants. The number of informants
who were be involved in this research is eight (8)
experts from academia, local government, and
vocational teachers who have high credibility.
b. Productive ICT teachers at VHS in Bali province,
who have the following criteria with a minimum rank
of III / b and 5 years of teaching experience and have
participated in teacher certification, are named the
head of the MGMP for each skill competency. With a
total of about 20 vocational teachers.
3.2 Data Collecting
Data collection techniques in this study are divided
into data collection techniques in the first phase, namely
the qualitative approach stage (literature study, Focus
Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews) and
data collection techniques at the quantitative approach
stage (instrument / questionnaire).
3.3 Data analysis technique
In the first phase, a qualitative approach was be
carried out using taxonomy (Hierarchical classification
based on levels) and domain analysis techniques
(taxonomy and domain analysis). The data analysis
techniques used in the second stage using a quantitative
approach are as Fuzzy Delphi and AHP formulas as tools.
Carrying out the filtering process and determine the
priority / ranking of vocational teacher competencies
through Fuzzy Delphi and AHP questionnaires. This
formula uses only one survey round, and uses a specific
question type for each survey item (pairwise comparison
technique). Fuzzy Delphi and AHP techniques, use the
opinion of experts to confirm how important the
competencies needed by vocational teachers in VHS.
Experts were invited to fulfil the Fuzzy Delphi
questionnaire. This study analyses the importance of the
items in the draft competency standards that have been
produced for vocational teachers by referring to the total
score generated from the defuzzification calculation, and
then assigns each of the most important competency
score weights through a panel discussion. The AHP
technique calculates the weight to reconfirm the
competency criteria that have been generated from the
Fuzzy Delphi calculation. Researchers used the expert
choice v.11 software to calculate the competency of
3.3.1. Fuzzy Delphi Method
In the first phase, the survey were accumulated by
feedbacks to decide if adjustments are required. Thus the
triangular fuzzy numbers are employed to approximate
and identify the following.
While n is the total quantity of experts and represent
the quantity of vocational teacher skills requirements.
Then the fuzzy weight number obtained from second step
cannot be applied for direct comparison. This analysis
therefore used the varying mean and spread method,[18]
translating the findings into a limited number of 𝑂𝑓
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 540
The experts subsequently set a criterion. The level is
defined to r = 0,7 [18] for evaluating the required teacher
skills. If O 𝑓
𝑗 < r, the requirements of professional
teachers' competence must be chosen and if O𝑓
𝑗 < r, then
the parameters for professional teacher competence must
be omitted.
3.3.2. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
A framework of hierarchy is also formed based on the
skills configuration of educators built into the Fuzzy
Delphi technique, and afterwards the research aim was
proposed. The goals are to pick the best skilled instructor
skills. For the first step of the AHP process, the input is
given by pair comparisons and the proportional weight of
each variable is generated at levels 1 and 2[19].
W = (W1,W2,…,Wn)𝑇 , where W is the specific
proportional weight vector and represents the number of
components.The matrix of the pairwise comparisons is
presented below.
n and W are referred to as the eigenvalue value in the
matrix algebra and the right eigenvector of matrix A. The
measured matrix A therefore includes contradictions. The
estimate of W (referred to as 𝑊) is identical to
Where 𝐴 is the pairwise comparison of the matrix
examined, ̄ max is the highest value of 𝐴 and 𝑊 is its
right eigenvector. The Consistency Index (CI), the first
measure of the accuracy of pair comparisons, is thus
developed for the second stage in order to make sure test
reliability. Below is the method for calculating the index.
The last step of further analysis is its consistency ration
(CR), in which ACI is the average index of random
If the CR value is less than 0.1, it is eligible for the
consistency ration[20]. The paired comparison must be
The competence of vocational teachers consists of
pedagogical, professional knowledge and skills related to
the delivery of vocational subjects, vocational learning
and competencies and utilizing technology in their work
and life to make gradual improvements and continue
professional development [16,17]. Review literature
studies related to the competency framework of VHS
instructors and offer four attributes, namely: pedagogical,
professional, vocational and technological competences.
Each of attributes covers several domains and each
domain is separated by sub-domains. Attribute of
pedagogical competence cover 13 domain areas and 34
sub domain measures, aspects of professional
competence include 3 domain areas and 7 sub domain
criteria, aspects of vocational competence cover 3 fields
and 8 sub domain measures, aspects of technological
competence cover 4 fields. The results of these steps are
called the draft VHS teacher competency framework.
From Figure 2 below, then it determines the sub-domain
criteria in each domain: (1) pedagogical; (2) professional;
(3) vocational; (4) technology using domain analysis and
taxonomic analysis.
Figure 2. Initial Construction of Vocational Teacher
In competency structure, it gives a comprehensive
and detailed review of the competencies for VHS
educators involving pedagogical experience and skills. In
this study proposed: (1) vocational competence; (2)
technological competence as an aspect of the vocational
teacher competency framework. It also proposes: (1) a
learning environment based on industrial settings; (2)
guidance and supervision internship program; (3)
administration; (4) application; (5) vocational experience
and skills; (6) entrepreneurship; (7) networking &
In this analysis, the Analytical Hierarchy Process
(AHP) uses the competence dimensions of skilled
teachers to define the significance of each area. The
outcomes of AHP analysis show the four aspects that are
classified from the most important to the slightest
important are: pedagogic competence (0.466), vocational
competence (0.300), professional competence (0.172)
and technological competence (0.063). Pedagogical skill
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 540
is a primary qualification in vocational education and
Table 1. Competency Weight
Based on the assessment of expert opinion, it is
concluded that the pedagogical aspect is the most
important competency aspect for VHS teachers.
Teaching skills, instructional skills, communication and
language, self-reflecting and developing skills,
administration, teaching knowledge such as (finding
goals, content, strategies, media, evaluation and
assessment), based on curricula knowledge on industry
needs. The technical competence of the experts is the
most important. This means that additional experience
and abilities in technical training are technological skills.
Technology as a method in teaching and learning is only
additional but also essential.
For VHS teacher competencies, pedagogical
competence is considered the most important aspect of
VHS teachers. Among the pedagogic competencies, the
most important domain aspects are the implementation of
teaching and learning and practical work skills (0.131),
mastery of the head of vocational learning (0.123),
facilitating the development of the potential of students
(0.113), the learning atmosphere (0.096), evaluation and
assessment. (0.089), industry-based curriculum (0.086).
Among vocational competencies (0.300), the most
important domain aspects are vocational knowledge and
skills (0.513), networking and collaboration (0.278) and
entrepreneurship (0, 209). In professional competence
(0.172), the most important domain aspects are mastery
of content application (0.447), mastery of content
knowledge and concepts (0.323) and continuous
professional development (0.230). Finally, the least
important aspect is technological competence, including
the use and utilization of ICT to improve learning (0.678)
is the most important.
In the vocational aspect, the most important
competence is technical experience and competence.
Regarded on the assessment of experts, it is stated that
vocational teachers must have good knowledge related to
work knowledge which includes: (1) factual work
knowledge such as work culture, work challenges in the
future world of work; (2) conceptual work; (3) work
procedure in the form of work instructions, providing an
explanation regarding the mechanism for using work
tools; (4) technical skills. In this competency, it does not
only emphasize the delivery of theory but the most
important thing is how to provide industry experience in
teaching and learning activities. Vocational teachers must
be successful as role models in technical and practical
In the professional aspect, specialization is not only a
dominance of concept-knowledge but the most important
thing is how the implementation of material can be
guided and integrated with the industrial context. This
competency also emphasizes responsiveness and being
proactive with changing skills demands in the industry.
Vocational teachers must update and improve their
knowledge and skills related to the demands of skills in
the industry, so that they can always develop content that
is oriented, connected and integrated with the industry.
In the technological aspect, the core competency is
utilizing and using ICT as a learning aid. VHS teachers
must be familiar and have good skills in using ICT. ICT
in vocational education can serve as a reference source
material and as a teaching aid. For example: using and
utilizing network system installation software
applications and administrators to help students
understand the backbone network system. By using ICT,
students and teachers can learn more flexibly, ICT allows
anyone to access information and learning materials from
anywhere and anytime. In addition, the use of ICT as a
teaching aid and a source of reference material will
provide an effective learning experience for students.
Vocational school teacher competency standards
cover four competency aspects: (1) pedagogical aspects;
(2) professional aspects; (3) vocational aspects; (4)
technological aspects. There are many domains in every
Aspects of pedagogy are: (1) the ability to recognize
student personalities; (2) mastery of acquiring in
vocational training; (3) mastery of curriculum
development based on industrial needs; (4) mastery of
learning environment implementation; (5) mastery of
teaching, learning and practical work; (6) ability in
assistance and supervision internship program; (7) the
ability to accelerate the improvement of student potential;
(8) communication skills; (9) mastery of evaluation &
assessment; (10) ability to perform reflective actions;
(11) administration.
Professional aspects include: (1) mastery of content
knowledge; (2) mastery of content application; (3) able
to carry out self-development in a sustainable manner.
Vocational aspects of the field are: (1) mastery of
vocational knowledge & skills; (2) entrepreneurship; (3)
the ability to network and collaborate. Technological
aspects are: (1) capacity to access and exploit ICT for
learning; (2) capacity to use and employ of ICT for
assessment and evaluation; (3) capacity to employ and
utilize ICT to communicate; (4) capacity to employ and
utilize of ICT for self-development. There are also
multiple subdomains for each domain.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 540
This work was supported by The Universitas Pendidikan
Ganesha DIPA Funding allocation budgeting.
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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 540
... In addition, the vocational aspect ensures that the teacher has the necessary technical experience and competence. Lastly, the technological aspect of utilizing and using ICT to successfully implement the teaching and learning activities (Wahyuni & Sugihartini, 2021). ...
... Source: (Wahyuni & Sugihartini, 2021) 1.3 Conceptual framework Figure 2 shows a conceptual framework illustrating the inter-relation of variables under investigation in a study. CBET implementation, the Dependent Variable (DV) in the study, was conceptualized in terms of the expected roles of a trainer in a CBET classroom during training and assessment. ...
... On the other hand, trainers' competencies construct was conceptualized in terms of pedagogical and professional aspects and had 14 items measured on a five-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree). The items were adapted from the Vocational Teacher Competencies Model (Wahyuni & Sugihartini, 2021). Trainers' competencies were modified to fit in the Kenyan TVET CBET context. ...
... In addition, it will be easier for teachers to transfer their knowledge to students, and student learning outcomes will increase (Johannes, 2018;Handayani & Sunaryo, 2020). The pedagogical competence of the teacher must be directly related to the lesson plans they develop (Virmani, 2019;Gade, 2020) because pedagogical competence is an asset for the learning process (Wahyuni & Sugihartini, 2021). Therefore, a professional teacher with good pedagogical competence can compile and develop complete, logical, and systematic lesson plans and quickly implement them (Sendurur, 2018;Lim et al., 2018). ...
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... Pedagogical competence is needed as the main capital for learning operations. While the professional competence of teachers will play a role in supporting the application of pedagogical competence (Wahyuni & Sugihartini, 2021). The low pedagogical competence of the teacher will affect the low competence of students as well (Fauth et al., 2019). ...
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The pedagogical and professional competence of vocational teachers is still a fundamental question in the education and learning system. In the 21st century, teachers are required to have high pedagogical and professional competencies. This study aims to analyze the extent of the pedagogical and professional competencies of vocational teachers. This research is a descriptive study using a quantitative approach. A total of 232 vocational teachers became respondents in this study. Data were collected through a questionnaire method with an instrument in the form of a 4 Likert scale questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive analysis and inferential t-test which includes one-way ANOVA test and independent-sample t-test. The results showed that the pedagogical competence of vocational teachers was in a low category. Meanwhile, the professional competence of vocational teachers is in the high category, but in some indicators, it is still in the low category. Various retraining is needed to improve the pedagogical competence of vocational teachers; meanwhile, psychological approaches must also be taken to improve the professional competence of vocational teachers.
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The shift to a PBL-oriented approach necessitates a reevaluation of the roles and identities of teachers. In the context of vocational high school English classrooms, where there may be diverse student backgrounds, aspirations, and career paths, exploring how English teachers adapt their roles as facilitators, mentors, and content experts can provide crucial insights. Additionally, understanding the factors that influence teachers' willingness and ability to embrace these roles within the context of an emancipated curriculum remains largely unexplored. Thus, this research aims to discover teachers’ role in implementing problem-based learning in the Emancipated Curriculum. This qualitative case study employed an interview to one English honorarium teacher as the main instrument, which covered the questions regarding teacher’s understanding and practice of the teacher’s role in problem-based learning. Through thematic analysis, the study revealed that, in general, the teacher’s role is in line with the previous related study, theory, and the goals of the Emancipated Curriculum in which the role of the teacher is: as the facilitator, evaluator, and guide. The findings provide practical implications for educational policymakers, school administrators, teacher educators, and English teachers seeking to enhance student engagement, motivation, and skill development in vocational education settings, specifically the findings allow teachers to learn and understand the teacher’s role in the classroom to support students in achieving problem-based learning objectives.
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Teaching profession reform in the Indonesian education system began with the enactment of National Law on Teachers and Lecturers. An exception to the productive vocational high school teacher competency standard in the government regulation is identified to be a problem in the vocational teacher professionalism development system. This article reviews in what way it is missing and what the effects are. Comprehensive analysis on the vocational high school teaching context indicates the importance of occupational-specific competency standard for vocational teachers. This article reviews how the missing standard affects the vocational teacher professionalism development programs in the national education system.
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The role of pre-vocational education in general compulsory education has become increasingly relevant over recent years, with the international debate focussing particularly on its importance in school-to-work transitions. This study considers curriculum design and the implementation of pre-vocational education in four countries with radically different cultures: India, China, Germany and the USA. Using a theoretically framed concept of relevance to inform curriculum analysis, it compares the widely divergent content of curricula. In addition to this, interviews with teachers in all four countries flesh out how the curriculum is implemented in practice. The study, which is based on the ‘prescribed curriculum’ and ‘enacted curriculum’ approach, demonstrates that a range of factors means implementation varies widely from country to country but that teachers in all four countries focus in pre-vocational education on equipping students with life-skills.
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This study investigates continuing professional development (CPD) of vocational teachers, with a focus on recurrent participation. Vocational teachers need to be competent as teachers and in relation to their vocational teaching subject. Reformation of Swedish vocational education in order to strengthen the working-life connection imposes demands on teachers to have up-to-date knowledge about the vocations related to their vocational subjects. To support the reform, vocational teachers have been offered to participate in a new national CPD initiative targeting their vocational competence. The study concerns participation in this initiative. Drawing on a socio-cultural perspective, vocational teachers’ CPD implies boundary-crossing between school and working-life. Theory concerning adults’ participation in education is considered relevant to understand conditions for such boundary-crossing, and learning, among vocational teachers. The article specifically investigates patterns in vocational teachers’ recurrent participation, which is expected to clarify the factors influencing further participation in professional development. The strongest predictor of recurrent participation, when adjusting for the influence of other factors, is the type of municipality that the teacher comes from, with low populated municipalities having the lowest likelihood of participation. Furthermore, recurrent participation is more likely by participating teachers from adult education or from privately owned schools, and by male teachers.
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Delphi technique is a group knowledge acquisition method that has been used for over half a century. Delphi technique calculations are based on experts' opinions. Therefore, any error or inconsistency in the assessment of experts' opinions affects the result of calculations. In traditional Delphi approaches, although experts' mental competencies and abilities are used for comparisons, the quantification of experts' opinions cannot completely reflect the human thinking style. Using fuzzy sets is more consistent with human linguistic and sometimes vague descriptions and it is better for decision-makings in the real world by applying fuzzy numbers. The error level is reduced using fuzzy sets. A traditional challenge of Delphi method is solving the rounds of Delphi technique. This study indicated that the fuzzy Delphi technique could be used in a single round for screening criteria. A clear solution was also given for ending the rounds of Delphi technique.
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The unfavorable comparisons between English and European vocational education and training (VET) systems made in the Wolf Report—and indeed in many national reviews of VET in Britain since the Royal Commission on Technical Education reported in 1884—point toward the low status of vocational pursuits in the United Kingdom compared with that in Continental Europe and elsewhere. In the light of these cultural differences, it is unlikely that structural, funding, or curriculum reforms alone will succeed in enhancing VET provision without corresponding changes in the value foundation of vocational studies. The reconstruction of VET requires a re-orientation of its foundational values if the reforms proposed by Wolf and others are to have any chance of lasting success. By the same token—although European and other national systems have their own peculiar problems—the global policy agenda concerned only with cognitive outcomes expressed as behaviorist skills and competences is, arguably, unlikely to meet the key challenges. A reconstructed model of VET needs to foreground the values, craft, and aesthetic features of vocationalism if the perennial problems are to be dealt with adequately. A reconstruction plan is suggested below, informed and inspired by the concept of “mindfulness”—non-judgmental, presentmoment attention, and awareness—drawn from Buddhist contemplative traditions. Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) in areas such as psychology, psychotherapy, medical science, and education have grown exponentially over the last decade or so, and interesting work is now emerging in relation to the value of mindfulness in workplace training. Keywords vocational education and training (VET), education theory and practice, education, social sciences, moral/aesthetic education, craft skills, mindfulness and education Downloaded from
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a problem solving framework. It is a systematic procedure for representing the elements of any problem. It organizes the basic rationality by breaking down a problem into its smaller constituent parts and then calls for only simple pairwise comparison judgments, to develop priorities in each hierarchy.
Cieľom prispevku je poukazať na možnosti rozvoja kľucových kompetencii vo vyucovani technických odborov vzdelavania. Doležite je poukazať na výber vhodných aktivizujucich metod vo výucbe a tým aj zlepsiť vývoj jednotlivých kompetencii. Prispevok poukazuje na to, ake aktivizujuce metody sme zvolili vo výskumnej casti dizertacnej prace a zaroveň uvadzame výsledky prace. Rozvojom kľucových kompetencii prispievame k celoživotnemu vzdelavaniu, k procesu stalych zmien a množstvu ďalsieho rozvoja nas v spolocnosti.
This article analyses the growing focus on teacher competences in European policy discourse against the backdrop of global convergences in education reforms. It traces key ideas, policy recommendations, peer learning and documents which underscore the relevance of teacher quality for education improvement, as recently stressed in the European Commission Communication and Staff Working Documents Rethinking Education. The intertwining of teacher competence frameworks with other areas of education policy is outlined — key competences in school education, the quality of initial teacher education, and the continuous professional development of teachers — teasing out reasons for their central role. Some insights from research and peer learning then explore key implications in the defining and implementing of teacher competence frameworks in national education systems. A comparative viewpoint further analyses current policy trends about teacher competences across European national contexts, in discourse and practice. In order to do so, a framework of analysis takes into account system features as key variables affecting national policy — roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, governance and education cultures, and the status of the teaching profession. Across the variety of policy practices, the analysis endeavours to trace some emerging patterns and trends, highlighting paradigmatic national examples, with some food for thought.