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human machine interface


Abstract and Figures

A Human-Machine Interface (HMI) is a user interface or dashboard that connects a person to a machine, system, or device. While the term can technically be applied to any screen that allows a user to interact with a device, HMI is most commonly used in the context of an industrial process. Although HMI is the most common term for this technology, it is sometimes referred to as Man-Machine Interface (MMI), Operator Interface Terminal (OIT), Local Operator Interface (LOI), or Operator Terminal (OT). HMI and Graphical User Interface (GUI) are similar but not synonymous: GUIs are often leveraged within HMIs for visualization capabilities.
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Human Machine Interface (HMI) Software Projects
Pardeep Kumar1,
Harpreet Kaur2, Himanshi Sehgal3
1B.E.EE. Student, Chandigarh University, 2Asst. Prof, EED, Chandigarh University,
3B.COM Student, Guru Gobind Singh College for Women
Table of Contents
Software installation ………………...........................................……….….4
1. Programming…………………………...........................................………..5
1.0. Bit Button and Bit Lamp...............................................…………..5
1.1 Word Switch and Word Lamp................................................….16
1.2 Function Key………………...............................................………21
1.3 Bit Switch, Timer with Number Display...........................……23
1.4 Bit Switch, Timer, Number Display with Level Meter……….…28
1.5 Bit Button, Alarm Display, Alarm Setting with Function Key.....35
1.6 Bit Button, Alarm Display, Alarm Setting, Event Display,
Event Setting...................………………………………….....….42
2. References…………………….............................................…………..53
I am deeply grateful to Harpreet Kaur, Assistant Professor , department of
Electrical Engineering Chandigarh University for providing the requirement and
support through the project work.
I would like to acknowledge the tremendous scarifies that my parents made to ensure
that, I had an excellent education. For this and much more, I am forever in their debt.
It is to them that I dedicated this Book. His wide knowledge and logical way of
thinking have been of great value for me.
A Human-Machine Interface (HMI) is a user interface or dashboard that connects a
person to a machine, system, or device. While the term can technically be applied to
any screen that allows a user to interact with a device, HMI is most commonly used
in the context of an industrial process.
Although HMI is the most common term for this technology, it is sometimes referred
to as Man-Machine Interface (MMI), Operator Interface Terminal (OIT), Local
Operator Interface (LOI), or Operator Terminal (OT). HMI and Graphical User
Interface (GUI) are similar but not synonymous: GUIs are often leveraged within
HMIs for visualization capabilities.
In industrial settings, HMIs can be used to:
x Visually display data
x Track production time, trends, and tags
x Oversee KPIs
x Monitor machine inputs and outputs
x And more
Similar to how you would interact with your air-conditioning system to check and
control the temperature in your house, a plant-floor operator might use an HMI to
check and control the temperature of an industrial water tank, or to see if a certain
pump in the facility is currently running.
HMIs come in a variety of forms, from built-in screens on machines, to computer
monitors, to tablets, but regardless of their format or which term you use to refer to
them, their purpose is to provide insight into mechanical performance and progress.
Software installation
x First Create Account
x Login
x Enter your detail
x Click on Download
1. Programming
1.0. Bit Button and Bit Lamp
x Open NB-Designer
x Click on File
x Create a new file
x Click on Connector show in fig.
x Drag Serial Port on your project window
x Serial port wire increase left click on mouse and increase length.
x Click on “PT” Show in Fig.
x Drag a HMI those you like in this project use “NB7W-TW01B” choice any
one difference is only for SIZE.
x Select size like “HORIZONTAL” or “VERTICAL”
x Click OK HMI Visible on project Window.
x Drag HMI on Serial port one end automatic HMI Connect to Serial port.
x Click on “PLC” show in Fig.
x Choice your PLC Series those you use in this project use “OMRON
x Drag PLC on Serial port second ends automatic PLC Connect to Serial port.
x Save project.
x After that click on “HMI0” show in Fig.
x Project “Work banch open” show in next fig.
x When you click on “HMI0” lots of Frames open we can’t change in that’s
x By default open Frame0.
x We make first project on this after that make a new frame.
x Drag a “Bit Button” on Frame0.
x After drag automatic “Bit Button Property” open show in fig.
x Enter same value in “Basic Property” those show in Fig. Enter Variable like
“LB” and address in 0, you change as you need.
x In “Bit Button Property” Click on “Bit Button” choice type “Alternate” its
mean when you press first time switch “ON”, again press switch “OFF”.
x In “Bit Button Property” click on “Label” enter Message show in Fig.
x When switch “1” message show “ON”
x When switch “0” message show “OFF”
x After complete property Button show in “Frame0”
x Drag a “Bit Lamp” on Frame0.
x After drag automatic “Bit Lamp Property” open show in fig.
x Enter same value in “Basic Property” those show in Fig. Enter Variable like
“LB” and address in 0, same address enter those enter in “Bit Button
x In “Bit Lamp Property” click on “Graphics” click on “Import Graphics”
show in Fig.
x Next open “BIG” there have already install Icons.
x Open “Lamp” in this folder have different Lamp icons.
x After select Lamp Icons click on “Import” then “Exit”.
x Lamp import on “Graphics” click OK.
x “Bit Button” & “Bit Lamp visible on project window.
x Save project.
x Open Tools icon select a “Compile”.
x Important for compile otherwise project not starts.
x Again check connection.
x Don’t run without re-checking.
x Don’t confuse in Addressing Write and Read enter same Address.
x After compile click on “Offline Test”
x Some time error occurs like in Fig.
x For solving click on “project” show in fig.
x Its error occur because serial port not connect to HMI or PLC.
x Please connect carefully connection otherwise you again see error occur.
x After connection again click “Tool icon” do “Compile & Offline Test click
on Start.
x Output/Result
x HMI Frame Window open.
x Switch is off condition now message show ”ON” its means when you press
switch than LED on.
x HMI Frame Window open.
x Switch is off condition now message show ”ON” its means when you press
switch than LED on.
1.1. Word Switch and Word Lamp
x Right click on “HMI0” click on “Add Screen”
x Enter new Screen name in this project name is “Frame10” press ok.
x Click on Frame10
x New project window Appear.
x Now two frame created “Frame0 & Frame10”.
x Drag a “Word Switch” on Frame10.
x After drag automatic “Word Switch Property” open show in fig.
x Enter same value in “Basic Property” those show in Fig. Enter Variable like
“LW” and address in 0, you change as you need.
x In “Word Switch Property” Click on “Word Switch” type “List” its mean
Number of switches in One Frame.
x Choice State No “2” means Two property available “ON & OFF”, you
create more also.
x Drag a “Word Lamp” on Frame10.
x After drag automatic “Word Lamp Property” open show in fig.
x Enter same value in “Basic Property” those show in Fig. Enter Variable like
“LW” and address in 0, you change as you need.
x Please enter same variable and Address switch & lamp.
x In “Word Lamp Property” Click on “Word Lamp” Choice State No “2”
means Two property available “ON & OFF”, you create more also.
x In “Word Lamp Property” click on “Graphics” click on “Import Graphics”
show in Fig.
x Next open “BIG” there have already install Icons.
x Open “Lamp” in this folder have different Lamp icons.
x After select Lamp Icons click on “Import” then “Exit”.
x Second Programming Done But before Run Program, we need to do
Window Change Property help of this we move “Frame0 to Frame10”,
otherwise we can’t Visible Frame10, because by default Frame0 visible,
You need to create switch(“window change”) on Fram0.
1.2. Function Key
x Click on a Function Parts show in Fig.
x Drag Function key on a Frame0
x Function key Property open click on “Switch Screens” select “Change
x Next select frame which frame you need move, “Frame0 to Frame10”.
x Next click on “Label” enter message as you like in this project “Move on
x Same “Function Key property” apply on Frame10, because move Frame10
to Frame0 also. Without this you not able to move other frame.
x Save project.
x Output/Result
x Click on Move on Frame0”,you visit Frame0
x Click on word switch in this project take only 2 state, press switch”0” state led
glow green color.
x Click on word switch in this project take only 2 state, press switch”1” state
led glow Yellow color.
1.3. Bit Switch, Timer with Number Display
x Right click on “HMI0” click on “Add Screen”
x Enter new Screen name in this project name is “Frame11” press ok.
x Click on Frame11
x New project window Appear.
x Now three frames created “Frame1, Frame10 & Frame11”.
x Click on a Function Parts, Drag on Frame11, “Timer property Appear”.
x Select same those show in Fig.
x Next click on a “Timer function” select State Setting and enter same value
show in Fig.
x Important is variable & address.
x In timer property two variable use one is “LB” & “T”
x “LB” for operate like switch or other method we use next step Switch.
x “T” it’s for timer when press switches timer start those values enter in
property show in Fig.
x “Asc value” for starting timer value (1).
x “Max Value” for last value (100).
x Click Parts Library.
x Drag a “Bit Switch” on Frame10.
x After drag automatic “Bit Switch Property” open show in fig.
x Enter same value in “Basic Property” those show in Fig. Enter Variable like
“LB” and address in 0, you change as you need.
x In “Bit Switch Property” Click on “Bit Switch” choice type “Alternate” its
mean when you press first time switch “ON”, again press switch “OFF”.
x In “Bit Switch Property” click on “Label” enter Message show in Fig.
x When switch “1” message show “Stop”
x When switch “0” message show “Start”
x Drag a “Number display” on Frame11.
x After drag automatic “Number Display Property” open show in fig.
x Enter same value in “Basic Property” those show in Fig. Enter Variable like
“T” and address in 0, you change as you need.
x Address “T” because Timer also has “T” Address Timer value show in
Value Display.
x Help of switch Timer Start and stop.
x Timer value show in Value Display.
x Frame11 Design
x Bit Switch
x Timer
x Number Display
x Save project
x Before Run Program, we need to do Window Change Property help of this
we move “Frame0 to Frame10 to Frame11”, otherwise we can’t Visible
Frame11, because by default Frame0 visible.
x Click on a Function Parts show in Fig.
x Drag Function key on a Frame10.
x Function key Property open click on “Switch Screens” select “Change
x Next select frame which frame you need move, “Frame10 to Frame11”.
x Next click on “Label” enter message as you like in this project “Move on
x Same “Function Key property” apply on Frame11, because move Frame11
to Frame10 or Frame0 also. Without this you not able to move other frame.
x Save project.
x Compile and Run.
x Output/Result
x Click on “Move on Frame10”,you visit Frame10
x Click on “Move on Frame11”,you visit Frame11.
x Click on “Move on Frame11”,you visit Frame11.
x Press start button Timer start “1-100”.
1.4. Bit Switch, Timer, Number Display with Level Meter.
x Right click on “HMI0” click on “Add Screen”
x Enter new Screen name in this project name is “Frame12” press ok.
x Click on Frame12
x New project window Appear.
x Now four frames created “Frame0, Frame10, Frame11 & Frame12”.
x Click Parts Library.
x Drag a “Level Meter” on Frame10.
x After drag automatic “Level Meter Property” open show in fig.
x Enter same value in “Basic Property” those show in Fig. Enter Variable “T”
and address in 0.
x Level Meter Property enters Color/Shape as you like.
x Click on a Function Parts, Drag on Frame11, “Timer property Appear”.
x Select same those show in Fig.
x Next click on a “Timer function” select State Setting and enter same value
show in Fig.
x Important is variable & address.
x In timer property two variable use one is “LB” & “T”
x “LB” for operate like switch or other method we use next step Switch.
x “T” it’s for timer when press switches timer start those values enter in
property show in Fig.
x “Asc value” for starting timer value (1).
x “Max Value” for last value (100).
x Click Parts Library.
x Drag a “Bit Switch” on Frame10.
x After drag automatic “Bit Switch Property” open show in fig.
x Enter same value in “Basic Property” those show in Fig. Enter Variable like
“LB” and address in 0, you change as you need.
x In “Bit Switch Property” Click on “Bit Switch” choice type “Alternate” its
mean when you press first time switch “ON”, again press switch “OFF”.
x In “Bit Switch Property” click on “Label” enter Message show in Fig.
x When switch “1” message show “Stop”
x When switch “0” message show “Start”
x Drag a “Number display” on Frame11.
x After drag automatic “Number Display Property” open show in fig.
x Enter same value in “Basic Property” those show in Fig. Enter Variable like
“T” and address in 0, you change as you need.
x Address “T” because Timer also has “T” Address Timer value show in
Value Display.
x Help of switch Timer Start and stop.
x Timer value show in Value Display.
x Frame12 Design
x Bit Switch
x Timer
x Number Display
x Level Meter
x Save project
x Before Run Program, we need to do Window Change Property help of this
we move “Frame0 to Frame10 to Frame11 to Frame12”, otherwise we can’t
Visible Frame12, because by default Frame0 visible.
x Click on a Function Parts show in Fig.
x Drag Function key on a Frame11.
x Function key Property open click on “Switch Screens” select “Change
x Next select frame which frame you need move, “Frame11 to Frame12 so
x Same “Function Key property” apply on Frame10, Frame11 so on because
move Frame12 to Frame11, 10 or Frame0 also. Without this you not able to
move other frame.
x Save project.
x Compile and Run
x Move Frame0 to Framee10.
x Click on “Move on Frame11”, you visit Frame10-Frmae11.
x Click on “Move on Frame12”, you visit Frame11-Frmae12.
x Output of window or Frame12.
x Press Start Button Timer start display on Display value with Water level
indicate because we given Timer Address.
1.5. Bit Button, Alarm Display, Alarm Setting with Function Key.
x Right click on “HMI0” click on “Add Screen”
x Enter new Screen name in this project name is “Frame13” press ok.
x Click on Frame13
x New project window Appear.
x Now four frames created “Frame0, Frame10, Frame11, Frame12 & Frame13”.
x Drag a “Bit Button” on Frame13.
x After drag automatic “Bit Button Property” open show in fig.
x Enter same value in “Basic Property” those show in Fig. Enter Variable like
“LB” and address in 0, you change as you need.
x In “Bit Button Property” Click on “Bit Button” choice type “Alternate” its
mean when you press first time switch “ON”, again press switch “OFF”.
x In “Bit Button Property” click on “Label” enter Message show in Fig.
x When switch “1” message show “ON”
x When switch “0” message show “OFF”
x After complete property Button show in “Frame13”
x Click on Function Part project Library
x Drag “Alarm Display” on Frame13 only enter 0-255(char) show in Fig.
x After filling Property Alarm Display window show in Frame13.
x Click on Project Database project Library.
x Click “Alarm Setting” it’s not Drag on Frame13.
x Click on “ADD”.
x Enter same address those use in Switch “LB”
x Enter message when you press switch message start to display as like LCD.
x After “ADD” Address and Message click OK.
x Frame13 Design
x Bit Button.
x Alarm Display
x Alarm Setting
x Save project
x Before Run Program, we need to do Window Change Property help of this
we move “Frame0 to Frame10 to Frame11 to Frame12 to Frame13”,
otherwise we can’t Visible Frame13, because by default Frame0 visible.
x Click on a Function Parts show in Fig.
x Drag Function key on a Frame12.
x Function key Property open click on “Switch Screens” select “Change
x Next select frame which frame you need move, “Frame12 to Frame13 so
x Same “Function Key property” applies on Frame10, Frame11, and Frame12
so on. because move Frame13 to Frame12, 11, 10 or Frame0 also. Without
this you not able to move other frame.
x Compile and Run
x Move Frame0 to Framee10.
x Click on “Move on Frame11”, you visit Frame10-Frmae11.
x Click on “Move on Frame12”, you visit Frame11-Frmae12.
x Click on “Move on Frame13”, you visit Frame12-Frmae13.
x Output of window or Frame13.
x Press ON Button Alarm message start to move Left to Right like as LCD.
x Press OFF Button Alarm message not display.
1.6. Bit Button, Alarm Display, Alarm Setting, Event Display, Event
x Bit Button, Alarm Display and Alarm Setting all are same see on previous
x Click on Function part project Library.
x Drag “Event Display” in fram12 choice which event you display in this
project only date and month choice.
x Click on Project Database project Library.
x Click “Event Setting” it’s not Drag on Frame13.
x Click on “ADD”.
x Enter same address those use in Switch “LB”
x Enter message when you press switch message start to display as like LCD.
x Output/Result
x Output of window or Frame13.
x Press ON Button Alarm message with Event message also start to move
Left to Right like as LCD.
1.7. Password or Security, Number Input, Bit Button, Bit Lamp
import own image,
x Right click on “HMI0” click on “Add Screen”
x Enter new Screen name in this project name is “Frame14” press ok.
x Click on Frame14
x New project window Appear.
x Now four frames created “Frame0, Frame10, Frame11, Frame12, Frame13 &
x Apply Security or password.
x Click on Project2 show in Fig.
x Double click on “HMI” PT property Open click on “Security Level
x Enter 1password “9023” you Put any digit.
x Drag a “Bit Button” on Frame14.
x After drag automatic “Bit Button Property” open show in fig.
x Enter same value in “Basic Property” those show in Fig. Enter Variable like
“LB” and address in 0, you change as you need.
x In “Bit Button Property” Click on “Bit Button” choice type “Alternate” its
mean when you press first time switch “ON”, again press switch “OFF”.
x In “Bit Button Property” click on “Label” enter Message show in Fig.
x When switch “1” message show “ON”
x When switch “0” message show “OFF”
x Setup security Property in Bit button if password is correct than able to
press switch otherwise can’t press switch.
x Bit Lamp import own image.
x First open you pic on “Paint” show in Fig.
x Click on File.
x Click on Save as format only “BMP” Show in Fig.
x Save pic on Desktop.
x import own image
x Click on Add Graphics show in Fig.
x New Graphics Window appear click on “Bitmap” press ok.
x Double click on Black Box ADD your pic those already save in Desktop.
x Add two state “0”, “1”.
x Don’t forget to Save
x Drag “Bit lamp” don’t forget to enter same address.
x Click on Graphics add Bit Image.
x Click on Parts project Library.
x Drag Number Input show in Fig.
x Select System Memory, choice variable “LW9040”
x Click on numeric Data.
x Storage Format “Signed Integer”
x Press ok save project.
x Compile and Run
x Move Frame0 to Framee10.
x Click on “Move on Frame11”, you visit Frame10-Frmae11.
x Click on “Move on Frame12”, you visit Frame11-Frmae12.
x Click on “Move on Frame13”, you visit Frame12-Frmae13.
x Click on “Move on Frame14”, you visit Frame13-Frmae14.
x Output/ Result
x First you not able to press switch because security property available, you
need first enter password show in Fig.
x Now press “ON” Button Picture change.
2. Reference
[7]. Dr. A. Selwin Mich Priyadharson and Prabhu Kumar Surarapu, “PLC-
HMI Based Automatic Screen Printing System International Journal of
Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 8, Issue 10,
October 2017, pp. 101107, Article ID: IJMET_08_10_013.
[8]. Amanpreet Kaur and Er. Pradeep Singh, “Paper Machine Automation Using
PLC, VFD’s and HMI” International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology (IJERT) Vol 8, Issue 05, May 2017, ISSN: 2278-0181.
[10]. Programmable Logic Controllers by Frank D. Petruzella.
[11]. Programmable Logic Controllers by W. Bolton.
[12]. Erwin Normanyo, Francis Husinu, Ofosu Robert Agyare Developing a
Human Machine Interface (HMI) for Industrial Automated Systems using
Siemens Simatic WinCC
[13]. Flexible Advanced Software” Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and
Information Sciences Vol. 5, No. 2 February 2014, ISSN 2079-8407.
[15]. Amanpreet Kaur and Er. Pradeep Singh, "Paper Machine Automation Using
PLC, VFD's and HMI" International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology (IJERT) Vol 8, Issue 05, May 2017, ISSN: 2278-0181.
[16]. M Anibal Valenzuela and Robert D Lorenz, “EletroLine shafting control for
paper machine drives” in Conf Rec. IEEE-IAS Annual meeting, 2001
[17]. Banupriya and R.radha, “Automation of sectional drive paper machine using
PLC and HMI” in International Journal of Engineering Research and General
Science Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August, 2015
[18]. Kaushal and Sharma (March 2014) presented a paper on “Control and
Automation of Cylindrical Grinder using PLC, Drives and HMI” [10] paper e-
mount white paper.
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... This term if seen technically can applied to any screen as soon as it allows the user and device interaction. HMI is basically and widely used for industrial purposes [8]. It is also termed as Man -Machine Interface (MMI), Graphical User Interface (GUI), Local Operator Interface (LOI), Operator Interface Terminal (OIT) and Operator Terminal (OT). ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Due to the growing energy demand it is necessary to move towards renewable or green sources for power generation. Nowadays local production through renewable sources like PV, and wind is increasing every day. Microgrids are small power systems that are connected to such local networks. The concept of a smart microgrid is introduced to monitor and control the microgrid with help of advanced technologies. The commercial aspects regarding power exchanges are extremely important. A microgrid can operate in both grid-connected and islanded modes. The optimal performance of the microgrid can be achieved only by generation scheduling. A microgrid also supplies ancillary services (power services) to the grid. Depending on the selected model the microgrid management is rarely influenced by these activities. This control and management is easy with Human Machine Interface (HMI) as it is user-friendly and it can give a lot of information. This paper presents a real-time HMI that is industrial-based and is designed for scheduling smart microgrids. The panel for different functions of microgrid has been explained and a pictorial view has been presented. Also, various work done in scheduling smart microgrids has also been discussed.
... Sementara itu, HMI digunakan untuk interaksi pengguna dengan mesin secara lebih praktis yang disusun dengan software tertentu. HMI berisi serangkaian monitoring dan kontrol melalui display berupa tombol perintah, input parameter, dan juga display angka dan status untuk memudahkan operator mengendalikan mesin selama proses berlangsung (Channi, 2019). ...
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ABSTRAK Dalam industri manufaktur, salah satu persyaratan yang wajib dipenuhi sebelum barang dikirim ke pelanggan adalah kebersihan barang sebelum dibungkus. Metode yang paling banyak digunakan adalah dengan mencuci barang. Prototipe yang mesin pencuci otomatis yang dibuat pada perancangan menggunakan komponen standar industri seperti PLC, HMI, proximity sensor untuk mengukur level ketinggian air, katup solenoida, dan juga pompa air. Prototipe tersebut kemudian diuji durabilitas dan stabilitasnya. Uji durabilitas dilakukan dengan pengoperasian mesin hingga 1400 cycle tanpa masalah, sementara untuk uji stabilitas dilakukan dengan mengoperasikan mesin hingga 200 cycle tanpa fault yang diakibatkan oleh sensor LOW yang menandakan kehabisan air. Setelah melewati kriteria uji dengan hasil yang sesuai ekspektasi, diharapkan mesin ini mampu menjadi alternatif baru untuk mesin pencuci skala industri dengan beberapa pengembangan tambahan seperti diintegrasikan dengan IoT. Kata kunci: PLC, HMI, sensor proksimitas, level ketinggian air, durabilitas, stabilitas ABSTRACT In the manufacturing industries, one of the mandatory requirements that should be fulfilled is the product's hygiene before packaging. The most commonly used method is to wash the goods. The automatic washer prototype constructed during this observation uses industry-standard components such as PLC, HMI, proximity sensor for measuring the water level, solenoid valve, and water pump. The prototype then is examined for its durability and stability. The durability test is done by a 1400 cycles trial without any problem, while the stability test is done by a 200 cycles trial without a fault triggered by a LOW sensor that indicates the lack of water. After passing the test criteria as expected, the prototype should be able to be a new alternative for industrial-scale washer machines, surely after some improvement such as being integrated with an IoT system. Keywords: PLC, HMI, proximity sensor, water level, durability, stability
The proposed work is to develop and design a fully automated Screen printing system which will be controlled and operated using PLC-HMI. The current industrial printing system involves the usage of microprocessors and relays to control and in addition includes lot of manual interference. The coding process in microprocessors are low efficient and not suitable for complicated and high end applications. In this work a mechanical setup is made to execute the printing, a printing mechanism that suits the setup and the code is developed based on PLC- HMI. The mechanical setup consists of the conveyor mechanism holding the paper on side, lifting arrangement, wiping setup, cutter and sensors. For controlling the printing operation and Automating the screen printing set up, power panel 4PP045 and 0571-062 PLC is utilized. The setup encompass control system (inbuilt processor-supporting both analog and digital inputs), motion system (gear assembly, servo motors), IO modules (12 input and output ports with temperature sensors port) & visualization (HMI). In this work PLC is programmed using ladder diagram and advanced HMI is designed with hotspots, buttons and active points to control the printing operations. In this proposed PLC - HMI based Automatic screen printing system; printing will be in a continuous fashion without manual intervention. The synchronism between the lifting and wiping processes will carry out by PLC. Consequently a very reliable and highly accurate printing will be attained.
Ofosu Robert Agyare "Developing a Human Machine Interface (HMI) for Industrial Automated Systems using Siemens Simatic WinCC
  • Erwin Normanyo
  • Francis Husinu
Erwin Normanyo, Francis Husinu, Ofosu Robert Agyare "Developing a Human Machine Interface (HMI) for Industrial Automated Systems using Siemens Simatic WinCC
Flexible Advanced Software
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EletroLine shafting control for paper machine drives
  • Anibal Valenzuela
  • Robert D Lorenz
M Anibal Valenzuela and Robert D Lorenz, "EletroLine shafting control for paper machine drives" in Conf Rec. IEEE-IAS Annual meeting, 2001
Automation of sectional drive paper machine using PLC and HMI
  • R Banupriya
  • Radha
Banupriya and R.radha, "Automation of sectional drive paper machine using PLC and HMI" in International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August, 2015
Control and Automation of Cylindrical Grinder using PLC, Drives and HMI
  • Sharma Kaushal
Kaushal and Sharma (March 2014) presented a paper on "Control and Automation of Cylindrical Grinder using PLC, Drives and HMI" [10] paper emount white paper.