
Maslow Theory Revisited-Covid-19 - Lockdown Impact on Consumer Behaviour

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The current study is attempting to derive the reference to the hierarchy of Maslow, where the consumers were placed before the arrival of Covid-19 and during the lockdown time. Consumer behavior consists of cognitive, emotional or physical activities in which people pick, purchase, consume and dispose of products and services to satisfy their choices and expectations. Abraham Maslow defined hierarchy of needs in different forms viz Physiological, Safety,Social,Esteem and Self-actualization needs. A multiplicity of competing factors influences human behaviour and thereby needs and requirements.Recognition of needs is essential as the initial step for market participants in the supply chain. At the same time recognising where the needs of consumers will alter is parallelly significant for smooth functioning of market processes and securing profitability along with capturing the trend. In the present study with the help of primary survey need recognition or any sort of variation therein, pre and during the Covid-19 lockdown periodare traced within the conceptual framework of Maslow Hierarchy of needs theory.

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... As per Maslow's hierarchy theory psychological and safety, needs are two important factors that make the consumers motivated to engage in purchasing activities. Dwivedi (2021), has indicated that ensuring own as well as family safety are the major causes that have made the German, as well as global pharmaceutical consumers, purchase the safety products like essential medicines, hand sanitisers, masks, essential medicines and many more. According to the viewpoint of Patil and Patil (2020), who have done their research on the changing consumer behavior of India, it can be said that the majority of the consumers were not serious about the emergency situation created by Economics Sojy Selvaraj Nirmala Kumari 23 COVID 19. ...
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1. What are the reasons behind the transformation of customer behavior regarding the purchase of pharmaceutical products during COVID 19 in Germany? 2. Which were the top market players among the pharmaceutical and hygiene products during COVID 19 in Germany? 3. How many possibilities are there behind the sustainability of the consumer trend transformation experienced during crises in future as well? 4. Which companies are the market leaders in the hygiene and pharmaceutical markets of Germany?
... Self-actualization needs are located at the top of the Maslow pyramid, which is described as the passion of the person to be capable of using his potentiality, ability, and capability (Oladayo, 2021). When an individual has achieved all the other needs in the lower stage of the Maslow pyramid, he is able to achieve more and more (Dwivedi, 2021). Besides that, according to Maslow, the highest need for self-actualization cannot be accomplished; even the lowest stage needs have been achieved (Heylighen, 1992). ...
... Ancak alınan salgın önleme tedbirlerinin uzun vadeli toplumsal zararlarını sınırlamak için tedbirlerin toplum üzerindeki etkilerini de düşünmek durumundadırlar (Ryan vd., 2020: 623). Toplumsal hayat içerisinde Covid-19 salgını öncesi insanların sosyal ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması gerektiği bu durumun ön koşulunun ise güvenlik ihtiyaçları olduğu belirtilmektedir (Dwivedi 2021(Dwivedi : 2449. Covid-19 salgınının toplumsal hayat içerisinde meydana getirdiği değişimler Maslow'un ortaya koyduğu insan ihtiyaçlarından salgının önlenmesine yönelik getirilen şartların ortaya çıkardığı gıda temini ve güvenliği, su, salgını önlemede kullanılacak temizlik maddeleri, maske gibi fiziksel ihtiyaçların karşılanmasını (Brooks vd., 2020) daha belirgin hale getirmiştir. ...
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The transformation of conventional mass media into digital has had an impact on human life in all aspects of life, especially patterns of thinking and social practices. Ironically, the public is not yet fully aware of the potential threats posed by digital media. The process of migrating to digital media makes the virtual world lose depth and accuracy in digesting accurate and accountable information. Mental health and terrorism are a small number of diseases that colonize and inhabit the digital world as if preparing to infect its users. This research uses a qualitative approach with a literature study model. The main data sources were obtained from fifty reputable national and international scientific journals and books. Meanwhile, supporting data was obtained from various digital and social media platforms, such as YouTube, websites belonging to the government of the Republic of Indonesia and the private sector, and social media popular among people in the industrial era 5.0. This article examines in more depth how digital media has contaminated its users on a psychological aspect and has become a symptom of an acute social illness. This study concludes that among the forms of digital media disease are acute internet addiction, cybercrime, pornography-sexual crimes, cyberbullying, ignoring others, FOMO, living without a society, culture without privacy, noise in silence, nervous, liking to show off, thirst for appreciation, like sensation-controversy, to radicalism-terrorism. Abstrak Transformasi media massa konvensional menjadi digital telah memberikan dampak pada kehidupan manusia dalam segala aspek kehidupan, khususnya pola berpikir dan praktik sosial. Ironisnya, masyarakat belum sepenuhnya memiliki kesadaran adanya potensi dan ancaman yang ditimbulkan oleh media digital tersebut. Proses migrasi ke media digital membuat masyarakat dunia maya kehilangan kedalaman dan akurasi dalam mencerna informasi-berita yang akurat dan akuntabel. Kesehatan mental dan terorisme menjadi sebagian kecil penyakit yang berkoloni dan mendiami dunia digital seakan-akan bersiap untuk menginveksi para penggunanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan model studi literatur. Sumber data utama diperoleh dari lima puluh jurnal ilmiah nasional dan internasional bereputasi dan buku. Sementara itu, data penunjang diperoleh dari beragam platform media digital dan sosial, seperti youtube, situs web milik pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan swasta, dan media sosial populer di kalangan masyarakat era industri 5.0. Artikel ini membahas secara lebih mendalam bagaimana media digital telah melakukan kontaminasi kepada penggunanya pada aspek psikologis dan menjadi gejala penyakit sosial yang akut. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa diantara bentuk penyakit media digital adalah kecanduan internet akut, kejahatan dunia maya, pornografi-kejahatan seksual, cyberbullying, mengabaikan orang lain, FOMO, hidup tidak bermasyarakat, budaya tanpa privasi, bising dalam sepi, baper, suka pamer, haus apresiasi, suka sensasi-kontroversi, hingga radikalisme-terorisme.
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Tüketiciler yaşamları süresince birçok olağanüstü olayla (Doğal afetler, savaşlar, ekonomik krizler, salgınlar vb.) karşılaşmakta ve bu olaylar nezdinde çeşitli durumsal (ruh hali, hisleri, tutumu) uyarıcıya maruz kalmaktadır. Bu uyarıcılar tüketicilerin davranışları üzerinde etkili olmakta, olumlu ya da olumsuz kararlar almalarına neden olmaktadır. Tüketici davranışında satın alma niyeti ve satın alma kararında etkili olan önemli faktörlerden birinin de durumsal faktörler olduğu söylenebilir. Bu süreçte “durumsal faktörlerin tüketicinin satın alma niyeti ve satın alma kararı üzerindeki etkisi nedir?” sorusu akla gelmektedir. Günümüzde birçok endüstri gibi turizm endüstrisi de pazarlama stratejilerini bu sorunun cevabı üzerinden oluşturmaktadır. Özellikle Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde bu sorunun yanıtını bulmak tüketici davranışını etkileyen faktörleri bu döneme özgü değişkenlere göre değerlendirmekle mümkün görünmektedir. Bu çalışmada, tüketici davranışını etkileyen durumsal faktörler kapsamında Covid-19 Korkusu ve Fırsatları Kaçırma Korkusu (FoMO) pandemi süreci içerisinde ele alınmıştır. Pandemi sürecinde kişilerin tatil satın alma niyetlerinin Covid-19 Korkusu ve Fırsatları Kaçırma Korkusu (FoMO) üzerinden karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada Covid-19 Korkusu, içinde bulunduğumuz pandemi sürecinin kişiler üzerinde yarattığı durumsal etkiyi ifade eden bir değişkeni, Fırsatları Kaçırma Korkusu (FoMO) ise günümüz yeni nesil pazarlama stratejileri içerisinde yer alan insan algısının manipülasyonu üzerine etki eden durumsal bir değişkeni ifade etmektedir. Bu araştırmaya toplamda 714 kişi katılmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak “Covid-19 Korkusu Ölçeği, Fırsatları Kaçırma Korkusu Ölçeği (FoMO) ve Satın Alma Niyeti Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiş olup, çeşitli sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Bu sonuçlar kapsamında, araştırmaya katılan kişilerin Covid-19 korkularının tatil satın alma niyetleri üzerinde negatif yönlü bir etkiye sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Bu bağlamda, Covid-19 korku düzeyi yükseldikçe kişilerin tatil satın alma niyetinin düşmekte olduğu, dolayısıyla Covid-19 korkusu yüksek kişilerin tatil satın alma niyeti içerisinde olmadıkları sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Yine, bu sonuçlara ek olarak, FoMO korkusunun ise tatil satın alma niyeti üzerinde ne negatif ne de pozitif yönlü bir etkisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Çünkü, Covid-19 korkusuna bağlı olarak satın alma niyeti olmayan ya da düşük düzeyde olan bir bireyin fırsatları kaçırma ile ilgili bir endişesinin olmayacağı düşünülmektedir.
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The aim of this study is (1) to analyse the development of consumer behaviour research during the Covid-19 pandemic (2) to identify theoretical and empirical contributions from the results of research on consumer behaviour during the Covid-19 pandemic. Co word analysis with VOS Viewer used to answer the first research objective, and quantitative analysis was used to answer the second research objective. The results show that the development of consumer behaviour research during the Covid-19 pandemic is mostly related to the exploration of changes in the types of needs, types of products and priorities of consumer needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, research that needs to be developed is changing online consumer purchasing decisions; Consumer buying behaviour is related to psychological factors, product choice (mainly fresh food ingredients and staple foods), Consistency in purchasing; consistency of changes in consumer habits; awareness and consideration of consumer risk and consumer behaviour during a pandemic. Fundamental theories used in this research include theory of Fear Appeal, Maslow, TAM and TPB. The results showed that there was a model development through the S-O-R computational decision tree ensemble model with Bagging.
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The major goal of this study is to see if lockdown and restrictions have an impact on consumers' purchasing decisions and to figure out what motivates them to buy unnecessary items while shopping online during lockdown. Essentially, the goal of this study is to find out what drives customers to buy unnecessary things during lockdowns when shopping online, as well as to understand the influence that consumers have during lockdowns when making irrational purchases.
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All levels of government are authorized to apply COVID-19 protection measures, however, they must consider how and when to ease lockdown restrictions to limit long-term societal harm and societal instability. Leaders that employ a well-considered framework with an incremental approach will be able to gradually restart society while simultaneously maintaining public health benefits achieved through lockdown measures. Economically vulnerable populations cannot endure long-term lockdown and most countries lack the ability to maintain a full nationwide relief operation. Decision-makers need to understand this risk and how the Maslow hierarchy of needs and the social determinants of health can guide whole of society policies. Aligning decisions with societal needs will help ensure all segments of society are catered for and met while managing the crisis. This must inform the process of incremental easing of lockdowns to facilitate the resumption of community foundations such as commerce, education and employment in a manner that protects those most vulnerable to COVID-19. This paper proposes a framework for identifying a path forward. It reflects on baseline requirements, regulations and recommendations, triggers, and implementation. Those desiring a successful recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic need to adopt an evidence-based framework now to ensure community stabilization and sustainability.
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This paper suggests that explicit recognition of situational variables can substantially enhance the ability to explain and understand consumer behavioral acts. A definition and description of situations is offered, existing research is summarized, and implications for consumer research are considered.
This paper examines the impact of psychologist Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs in American management. I trace how a roster of management experts translated the hierarchy of needs into management through case studies of job redesign programs at Texas Instruments and marketing firm Young & Rubicam's management training. The hierarchy of needs resonated with management, I argue, because it seemed to offer both a concrete guide for management, with practical implications for designing management training and work structures, alongside a broader social theory that purported to explain changing social values and economic circumstances in America. For the management theorists who invoked the hierarchy of needs, the corporation served as both the prime site for people to fulfill their higher psychological needs and the ideal site to study and cultivate motivation. This article contributes to histories of psychology that show how psychology became a prominent resource in American public life.
Purpose - This study examines the levels of motivation and needs satisfaction of academic library employees, adopting Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to examine individuals’ motivation. Design/methodology/approach - The study collects and analyzes quantitative survey data. The research population comprises 108 employees working across eight college libraries at Kuwait University. Findings - While participants generally agreed that their needs were being satisfied at each of the five levels of Maslow’s hierarchy, they reported higher levels of satisfaction of their self-actualization and social needs. Self-actualization is the summit of Maslow’s motivation theory, representing the quest for reaching one’s full potential as a person. Research limitations - One limitation is the relatively small sample size due to Kuwait having only one public university. Future research could overcome this limitation by investigating both private and public universities. Practical implications - This research contributes significantly and in various ways to understanding motivation in a library setting. It elucidates many aspects of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory criticized in previous literature. Overall, the study’s results should be useful to scholars in the library field interested in motivation, to academic librarians, and to managers in academia. Originality/value - Though many prior studies have focused on motivation in a library setting, Maslow’s theory has been little considered in the context of academic libraries. This study uses a theoretical framework based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to understand and explain the levels of motivation and needs satisfaction of academic library employees.
We offer a structured vision of the main research contributions made on a wide set of issues compounding the online consumer behaviour area. We present a wide view of research topics, analyzed from the marketing perspective, from the early nineties till now. This approach may be useful, not only to better structure or reinforce the knowledge academics have accumulated in the field, but also to serve as a guide and source of ideas for future investigation.
INTRODUCTION, The well-being and survival of social animals depends, among other things, on grasping – and sometimes adopting – other people's goals. For example, to better prepare oneself for the future, one may need to be able to successfully predict others' behaviors. Predictions of this sort must take into account others' goals, as goals are important determinants of human behavior. Furthermore, in everyday social interactions, an understanding of the goals motivating others allows one to entertain similar goals and to try to attain them oneself – for the sake of personal as well as social needs. A necessary prerequisite for processes of this sort is an ability to encode others' behaviors in terms of the goals they desire and aim to attain. Sometimes these goals are readily available to the perceiver, as they are communicated explicitly. More often than not, however, goals are not explicitly conveyed, due either to resource constraints that limit communication or because they are nonconsciously pursued (and hence are not consciously available even to the person who pursues them). Similar constraints may thwart the adoption of others' goals even when such an adoption is warranted. Thus, limited resources, or lack of awareness, may hinder one's capacity to consider and adopt the goals of other people. Our well-being, then, may depend on processes that allow us to infer goals and adopt them effortlessly and nonconsciously. In this chapter we develop a framework for the comprehension and examination of automatic goal inference and pursuit.
Using both the direct and indirect method, the authors tested the delayed-reaction ability of 2 anthropoid apes (an orang-utan and a white-handed gibbon), 19 old-world monkeys, 2 new-world monkeys, and 1 lemur. The animals were tested in their cages in the zoo. Delays of 0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, and over 180 seconds were used. The results show an increased ability progressing from the lemur and South American monkeys to the anthropoid apes. It is pointed out that this ability parallels Tilney's neurological classification. The ability to use representative factors was evident in every instance, but it varied in degree. Marked individual differences, as well as differences between genera, were evident. "There is evidence to indicate that, if the difficulty of the problem is such that the animal is unable to solve it immediately (insight), the primate characteristically attempts the solution in some simple and inadequate manner, gradually eliminates these methods, and finally solves the problem. If the difficulty of the problem is then increased, the animal tends to revert to the same inadequate types of response." High test-retest correlations were found. Extraneous sensory cues were controlled without affecting the accuracy of response. Bibliography of 30 titles. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
In Post Keynesian Economics, theorists have sought an alternative to neoclassical choice theory by turning to Maslow's hierarchy of needs (Pasinetti 198117. Pasinetti LL 1981 Structural Change and Economic Growth Cambridge: Cambridge University Press View all references, Lavoie 19929. Lavoie M 1992 Foundations of Post-Keynesian Economic Analysis London: Edward Elgar View all references). Instead of each individual surveying a complete choice set, individuals prioritize (basic) physiological needs, moving with increasing incomes to satisfy safety and social needs, through to the higher needs associated with self-actualization. This framework provides a theoretical foundation for the Engel curve, since as incomes increase consumers become satiated when particular needs are satisfied. As an alternative to the neoclassical preoccupation with prices and substitution, a Post Keynesian theory of consumption has been formulated with income effects as the cornerstone. The main problem with Maslow's approach is that individual needs are innate, so that questions of social interaction and culture are seriously downgraded. In this article, the social theory of Pierre Bourdieu is offered as an alternative to the Maslow approach, providing the basis for a social critique of consumerism and an alternative evolutionary theory of consumption. In this approach, the structure of the social hierarchy both constrains the consumption of lower social strata and leads to subtle, less conspicuous consumption patterns at the top of the social hierarchy: a scenario that could provide a social foundation to the Engel curve.
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