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Tactile stimuli induce deimatic antipredator displays in ringneck snakes



Adaptations for predator defense are often complex traits with integrated display components spanning multiple signaling modalities. For antipredator coloration like deimatic or startle coloration, behavioral variation controlling dynamic color displays is an important but poorly understood component of the predator defense in most taxa. We studied antipredator behavior in North American ringneck snakes (Diadophis punctatus), which possess a brightly colored (red to yellow) ventral surface of the body and the tail compared to the mostly gray dorsal coloration. We sought to (a) characterize intraspecific variation in antipredator behaviors in ringneck snakes and (b) test which stimuli can induce antipredator displays. First, we assessed antipredator displays in the field and during routine handling during data collection by comparing categorical classifications of all displayed behavior across 25 individuals. Second, we performed experimental assays with tactile and visual stimuli to determine the cues that can elicit an antipredator display in ringneck snakes. We found that antipredator displays include ventral displays and tail‐coiling and that these components were induced by tactile cues in the field and the lab, but not visual cues. Our work is the first to show that a snake species with bright ventral coloration uses this behavior in response to tactile cues from a potential predator, but only in response to relatively strong stimuli (i.e., handling). This experimental evidence that tactile stimuli can induce a behavior revealing bright ventral coloration highlights the importance of correlated evolution of antipredator coloration and behavior.
Ethology. 2021;127:465–474.
  465© 2021 Wiley- VCH GmbH
Predator- based natural selection has produced many examples of
convergence in antipredator traits and is a major driver of phenotypic
diversit y (Arbuckle & Speed, 2015; Barber et al., 2015; Langerhans
& DeWitt, 2004; Walsh & Reznick, 2009). Antipredator traits are
diverse and can include chemical (Arbuckle & Speed, 2015), me-
chanical (Stankowich & Campbell, 2016), and color defenses (Davis
Rabosk y et al., 2016). Relative to other antipredator trait s, color de-
fenses can function to startle (Umbers et al., 2017), decoy (Watson
et al., 2012), or warn of a defense (Kozak et al., 2015; Summers &
Clough, 2001; Wang & Shaf fer, 2008) (sometimes falsely in the case
Received: 18 Septemb er 2020 
  Revised: 12 Ma rch 2021 
  Accepted: 13 March 2021
DOI: 10.1111/eth.13152
Tactile stimuli induce deimatic antipredator displays in ringneck
Christian L. Cox1,2 | Albert K. Chung2,3| Christopher Blackwell4| Maura M. Davis2|
Miranda Gulsby2,5| Hasib Islam2| Nathan Miller2,6| Carson Lambert2| Olivia Lewis2|
Ian V. Rector2| Marleigh Walsh2| Alannah D. Yamamoto2,7| Alison R. Davis Rabosky8
1Department of Biological Sciences, Florida
International University, Miami, FL , USA
2Mounta in Lake Biological Statio n,
University of Vi rginia, Charlottesville, VA,
3Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Biolog y, Universi ty of California Los Angel es,
Los Angeles, CA , USA
4Tidewater Community College,
Chesapeake, VA, USA
5Department of Biology, Kennesaw State
University, Kennesaw, GA, USA
6James Madison Uni versit y, Harriso nburg,
7University of Marylan d, College Park, MD,
8Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Biolog y and Museum of Zoology, (UMMZ)
Christ ian L. Cox, Department of Biological
Sciences, Florida International University,
Miami, FL , 33199.
Editor: Jonathan Wright
Adaptations for predator defense are often complex traits with integrated display
components spanning multiple signaling modalities. For antipredator coloration like
deimatic or startle coloration, behavioral variation controlling dynamic color dis-
plays is an important but poorly understood component of the predator defense in
most taxa. We studied antipredator behavior in North American ringneck snakes
(Diadophis punctatus), which possess a brightly colored (red to yellow) ventral surface
of the body and the tail compared to the mostly gray dorsal coloration. We sought
to (a) characterize intraspecific variation in antipredator behaviors in ringneck snakes
and (b) test which stimuli can induce antipredator displays. First, we assessed anti-
predator displays in the field and during routine handling during data collection by
comparing categorical classifications of all displayed behavior across 25 individuals.
Second, we performed experimental assays with tactile and visual stimuli to deter-
mine the cues that can elicit an antipredator display in ringneck snakes. We found
that antipredator displays include ventral displays and tail- coiling and that these com-
ponents were induced by tactile cues in the field and the lab, but not visual cues. Our
work is the first to show that a snake species with bright ventral coloration uses this
behavior in response to tactile cues from a potential predator, but only in response to
relatively strong stimuli (i.e., handling). This experimental evidence that tactile stimuli
can induce a behavior revealing bright ventral coloration highlights the importance of
correlated evolution of antipredator coloration and behavior.
antipredator behavior, antipredator color, aposematism, deimatism, flash coloration, startle
   COX et al.
of mimicry). While much attention has been paid to antipredator col-
oration in general, we know relatively little about certain types of
antipredator coloration (e.g., startle and decoy coloration) and the be-
haviors that are associated with these color patterns (Stevens, 2015;
Umbers et al., 2017). For antipredator coloration like startle color-
ation, behavior is an integrated component of the predator defense
that has not been well- studied in most taxa (Rowe & Halpin, 2013).
Deimatic or startle coloration is a type of antipredator col-
oration whereby brightly contrasting (Bordignon et al., 2018)
or threatening (Martins, 1989; Stevens, 2005; Stevens &
Ruxton, 2014) patterns or colors are concealed until a predatory
attack. During a predator y attack, the deimatic coloration is re-
vealed suddenly, which causes the predator to pause or startle,
granting the prey a brief period in which to escape (Umbers et al.,
2015, 2017). Deimatic coloration might also warn of chemical de-
fenses that would leave prey unpalatable or toxic to predators
(Lenzi- Mattos et al., 2005; Umbers & Mappes, 2015). Crucially,
deimatism requires that the antipredator color trait is coupled
to defensive behavior (Umbers et al., 2015, 2017). Deimatic col-
oration is phylogenetically widespread, with well- known ex-
amples including insects (Loeffler- Henry et al., 2019; Umbers &
Mappes, 2015), cephalopods (Langridge, 2009a), frogs (Bordignon
et al., 2018; Martins, 1989), lizards (Badiane et al., 2018), and
snakes (McCallum, 2006; Richards, 2017). However, for many tax-
onomic groups like snakes, deimatic coloration is diagnosed based
solely upon the presence of color traits not immediately evident on
the organism's most visible surface. Indeed, lit tle is known about
the antipredator behavior of snakes with deimatic coloration or
the cues that stimulate their expression.
Many defensive behaviors are deployed in response to a
stimulus, which can include signals from predators or other dan-
gerous situations (Blanchard et al., 1994). The predatory stimu-
lus can be of a t actile (Brodie et al., 1991; Davis Rabosky et al.,
2021; Mukherjee & Trimmer, 2020; Roth & Johnson, 2004), ol-
factor y (Peacock, 1998), auditory (Curlis et al., 2016), or visual
nature (Davis Rabosky et al., 2021; Herzog et al., 1989; Moore
et al., 2020). The behavioral response that is invoked in response
to the predatory stimuli is often potentiated by the intensity of the
stimulus (Herzog et al., 1989; Roth & Johnson, 2004) and body tem-
perature in ectotherms (Brodie et al., 1991). Antipredator displays
in some species with deimatic coloration are generally stimulated
by relatively intense stimuli, such as tactile stimuli (Lenzi- Mattos
et al., 2005; Martins, 1989; Umbers & Mappes, 2015). However,
the stimuli that can induce antipredator displays in other species
with deimatic coloration, including snake species, are not as well
Snakes ca n possess a bri ghtly colore d ventral sur face that is wid ely
interpreted as evidence of deimatic coloration (Gehlbach, 1970). This
brightly colored venter can be red, orange, yellow, and even brilliant
white (Deepak, 2015; Greene, 1997). Anecdotally, many species that
possess bright ventral coloration also display conspicuous inversion
behaviors that dynamically expose the ventral surface of the body
or tail (Davis, 1948; Fitch, 1975; Greene, 1973), and bright ventral
coloration can be associated with lower predation in some species
(Cyriac & Koda ndaramaiah, 2019). For this r eason, some aut hors have
suggested that bright ventral coloration might ser ve an antipreda-
tor role as deimatic coloration (Ernst & Ernst, 20 03; Greene, 1997;
Jensen, 2008). However, even for well- studied species, there is little
more than anecdotal evidence that species with bright ventral col-
oration have behavioral reper toires that are deployed in response to
potential predators.
We studied antipredator behavior in ringneck snakes (Diadophis
punctatus), which possess bright ventral coloration that is very differ-
ent from their cryptic dorsum (Davis, 1948; Richards, 2017). Ringneck
snakes are small- bodied and widely distributed across Nor th America
(Fontanella et al., 20 08). These snakes have wide habit at preferences
and are fou nd from deciduous f orest to desert w here they subsist u pon
invertebrates and small vertebrates (Ernst & Ernst, 2003). In some lo-
calities, they can be the most abundant vertebrate in an ecosystem
(Fitch, 1993). While these snakes are grey to brown dorsally with a
prominent yellow nuchal collar, their ventral sur face is brightly colored
in hues ranging from red to yellow (Figure 1). When confronted by a
predator, these snakes frequently (60%– 96% of encounters) perform
an antipredator display that involves writhing and coiling the tail to
expose the brightly colored venter (Fitch, 1975; Smith, 1975). Despite
being an abundant and relatively well- studied ver tebrate, little else is
known about variation in their antipredator behavior that might be as-
sociated with their bright ventral coloration.
We sought to 1) characterize antipredator behaviors in ringneck
snakes and 2) te st which stimuli c an induce antipredator displays that
are typically associated with deimatic coloration. To do this, we re-
corded antipredator displays in the field and during routine handling
during dat a collection. Second, we performed behavioral assays with
tactile and visual stimuli to test whether the antipredator display in
ringneck snakes is cue- dependent. We found that antipredator be-
haviors of ringneck snakes included ventral displays and tail- coiling,
and these behaviors were instigated by tactile (but not visual) cues
in the field and the lab.
2.1 | Field collection and morphology
We collected 25 ringneck snakes from a rocky area adjacent to a
road near Mountain Lake Biological Station in Virginia, USA in the
first t wo weeks of June 2018. Due to its location and high density of
snakes, this area is likely a hibernacula and oviposition site for gravid
females. Rocks were c arefully turned, and the snakes underneath
were captured by hand and placed into a container for transport .
All snakes that were encountered were retained for this study and
all snakes experienced each stimulus type. From initial capture until
release, we attempted to handle all snakes in as similar fashion as
possible to standardize the environment. We scored behavior dur-
ing this initial encounter (see section 2.4, below). At the end of each
sampling event, the snakes were transpor ted back to the laboratory
COX et al.
in Mountain Lake Biological Station for processing on the evening
of capture. Body size was measured as snout- vent length (SVL) and
total length (TL) to the nearest mm using a ruler as well as body mass
to the nearest 0.1 g using an AWS- 100 Digital Scale. Sex was deter-
mined based upon observing the width of the base of the tail (wider
and less tapering in males than females) and occasionally ever ting
the hemipenes. Scars (binary variable), gravid status (binary variable
for females only, based upon palpating abdomen), and state of ecdy-
sis (binar y variable, based upon opaque eyes and shedding skin) were
also recorded. We also noted all behaviors exhibited during process-
ing, which was an encounter likely to instigate defensive behavior.
The same three individuals collected snakes and made behavioral
observations during capturing and processing.
2.2 | Visual stimuli experiments
All behavioral trials took place in the following two days after capture.
During this period of time, snakes were housed in 1- liter plastic con-
tainers with a moist substrate at a depth of ca. 3 cm to allow burrow-
ing. During the day (0900– 1600), the snakes were held in a research
laboratory for behavioral experiments but housed in a temperature-
controlled room (maint ained at a constant temperature of 25°C) on a
12L:12D light cycle for the rest of the time period. Snakes were not fed
during this time, and because we palpated the abdomen of the snakes
to check for stomach contents, all snakes were likely post- absorptive
during behavioral trials. Snakes were only handled during capture, pro-
cessing, and the transfer to behavioral arenas.
We tested the behavioral response of snakes to three different
visual stimuli: human hand, taxidermy prepared crow, and taxidermy
prepared raccoon. All snakes were exposed to all visual stimuli prior
to tactile stimuli experiments. We used only a single mounted pred-
ator and human to standardize the visual stimulus. Because we used
a single model for each stimulus, this limits our inference to the class
of visual stimuli, and we do not draw conclusions about generalized
antipredator responses to crows, raccoons, or humans (Kroodsma
et al., 2001). The same three individuals conducted all visual stimuli
experiments. We did not use a control group, because we were in-
terested specifically in stimuli that would lead to a ventral display,
and not a general exploration of antipredator behavior. Prior to
each trial, the snake was placed in a behavioral arena (82 × 45 cm)
with soil substrate (from nearby forest) to a depth of ca. 4 cm and
a refuge in the form of a flat cover object (a flat tile that measured
45 × 45 cm). We did not attempt to control for odor among visual or
tactile stimuli trials for practical reasons, but the presence of multi-
ple humans in the room would have likely standardized odors among
stimuli t ypes. The snake was allowed to acclimate in the behavioral
arena for 30 min prior to the trial. Because the snakes began each
trial under the cover object, the cover object was removed to reveal
the snake. Following cover object removal, the stimulus was pre-
sented after a 5 s lapse. Each stimulus was presented for 10 s at ap-
proximately 25 cm from the head of the snake. Each individual was
presented with visual stimuli across three trials, separated by 10 min
of rest. The order of the stimuli for each individual was randomized
to avoid bias created by any order effect.
2.3 | Tactile stimuli experiments
Following the visual stimuli experiments, we tested the behavioral re-
sponse of snakes to four dif ferent tactile stimuli: prodding gently with
a clear rod, brushing gently with a paintbrush (1 cm width), covering
with a gloved human hand, and picking up with a gloved human hand.
We included prodding with the clear rod to provide a tactile cue with
minimal visual stimuli. We chose the paintbrush stimuli as it is similar to
a classic approach to motivate antipredator behavior in snakes (Brodie
III, 1993) and is a low- intensity stimulus. We used hand covering and
picking up with a human hand to have stimuli of different intensity
FIGURE 1 The ringneck snake
(Diadophis punctatus) at rest (a- b) and
exhibiting tail- coiling (c) and ventral
display (d) [Colour figure can be viewed at]
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
   COX et al.
involving a human hand, with hand covering a lower intensity stimulus
than picking up. The same four individuals conducted all tac tile stimuli
experiments. We did not use a control group, because we were inter-
ested specifically in stimuli that would lead to a ventral display, and not
a general exploration of antipredator behavior. Prior to each trial, the
snake was placed in a behavioral arena with soil substrate (from nearby
forest) and a refuge in the form of a flat cover object (a flat tile). The
snake was allowed to acclimate in the behavioral arena for 30 min prior
to the trial. Because the snakes began each trial under the tile, the tile
was removed to reveal the snake. Following tile removal, the stimulus
was presented after a 5 s lapse. Each individual was presented with
tactile stimuli across three trials, separated by 10 min of rest . The order
of the stimuli for each individual was randomized to avoid bias created
by any order ef fect.
2.4 | Behavioral classification
We took behavioral notes for all snakes during the initial capture in the
field, during morphological processing, and for both set s of visual and
tactile stimuli trials. Snakes can exhibit a complex suite of responses
to threats or potential predators, which can include fleeing, threat s
(striking, threat displays), death feigning, startling or misdirection
(deimatic behavior), odorous attack deterrents (musking and defeca-
tion), and aggressive defenses (biting and constric ting). We classified
behaviors as no response, fleeing, lip curling (observed during process-
ing and field collection only), tail- coiling, ventral display, musking and
defecation, and biting. Behavior was classified as fleeing whenever
the snake moved away from the stimulus. We note that this fleeing
behavior was not possible to obser ve in the field or during data pro-
cessing as most individuals were not given the opportunity to flee. Lip
curling was noted as the lateral or bilateral lifting of the labium. Tail-
coiling was noted when the snakes raised their t ails and exposed the
caudoventral surface (Ernst & Ernst, 2003). The ventral display was
noted as the writhing behavior that exposed the ventral surface of the
body (Ernst & Ernst, 2003). Musking and defecation were noted when
the snake released musk or defecated, as this species will musk and
writhe, smearing musk, and feces (Ernst & Ernst, 2003). Constriction
behavior was noted when the snake wrapped tightly around the stimu-
lus source. Finally, biting was noted when the snake gaped, struck at,
or bit the stimulus sources. The presence of each behavior was scored
during the trial, and multiple behaviors could be observed in each trial.
2.5 | Statistical analyses
Because collecting animals and subjecting them to data processing
has the potential to alter behavior in subsequent experimental trials,
we analyzed behaviors exhibited during the first contact of individu-
als with a potential predator (humans) during the initial capture. We
also documented behaviors expressed during processing, which en-
tailed prolonged handling that could potentially instigate a behavio-
ral response. We compared the presence or absence of all behaviors
exhibited during field collection and processing to sex (n = 3 males
and 22 females), gravid state (n = 16 gravid females and 6 non- gravid
females), and ecdysis state (n = 5 in ecdysis and 20 not in ecdysis)
using contingency analyses and determined statistical significance
with Fisher's exact test. We compared the presence or absence of
behaviors exhibited during field collection and processing to body
temperature at time of collection, body length (SVL), and body mass
using nominal logistic regression.
For the experimental trials, we examined both visual and tac tile
stimuli. Beyond an initial foray, visual stimuli data were not statisti-
cally analyzed because none of the snakes exhibited a focal behavior
(tail- coiling or ventral display). For the tactile stimuli trials, we ana-
lyzed all behaviors that were collected. We first used a mixed- model
analysis to compare the presence of each behavior in separate sta-
tistical models (i.e., each model had a single behavior as the response
variable) for each tactile stimulus to sex, gravid state, ecdysis state,
body temperature, body length, and body mass, with individual as a
random factor and all other factors fixed (12 total models).
We also analyzed whether the presence of a behavior differs
among types of stimuli and whether behaviors are associated using
three dif ferent approaches. First, we analyzed whether the snake
exhibited the behavior during the first trial, ignoring subsequent tri-
als. We chose this approach as this would represent behavior prior
to any capacity of acclimation to the stimulus. Second, we scored
the presence of the behavior across any of the three trials, where
the behavior was marked as present if it was exhibited in any of the
three trials. We chose this approach as the least sensitive to stochas-
tic error in low- frequency behaviors. For both the first and second
approaches, we then used non- parametric Wilcoxon signed- rank
test to compare frequencies of behaviors in response to different
stimuli, because of the repeated- measures nature of our behavioral
trials and non- normality of the data. We also used contingency anal-
yses and assessed significance with Fisher's exact test to test for
an association between behavior types. The Fisher's exact test was
used because it is most appropriate for contingency tables with low
sample sizes in some cells. Third, we summed the results across all
three trials by creating an ordinal variable that scored the number
of trials in which a snake exhibited a behavior (i.e., a value of three
if the snake exhibited the behavior in all three trials). We chose this
approach to estimate a propensity to display a particular behavior
across all three trials. We then used Spearman's rank correlation to
test for an association between the number of times that a trait was
exhibited across the three trials. All analyses were conducted in JMP
9.0 and significance assessed with an α = 0.05.
3.1 | Field collection and processing
During field collection, only a single snake attempted to bite (4%),
while ever y snake deployed musking and defecation. Eighty percent
of snakes displayed tail- coiling, while approximately one quarter of all
COX et al.
snakes (24%) initiated a ventral display. During processing, we found
that every snake released musk and defecated. Surprisingly, nearly
half (44%) of snakes attempted to bite, and all of these biting attempts
occurred while they were grasped behind the head and measured for
body length. This biting was often preceded (46% of the time) by a lip
curling display, and lip curling was significantly associated with biting
(Fisher's Exact Test, p =.0087). Tail- coiling (88%) and ventral displays
(28%) were also frequently used during processing. The ventral dis-
play was not significantly associated with tail- coiling in either the field
(Fisher's Exact Test, p =.2887) or the laboratory during processing
(Fisher's Exact Test, p =.5343). We found that none of the behavior
exhibited during field collection or processing was significantly asso-
ciated with sex, parturition status, ecdysis status, body temperature
at time of capture, or body size (SVL or body mass, Table 1).
3.2 | Visual Stimuli
The most common response of snakes to any visual stimuli (hand,
taxidermy raccoon, or taxidermy crow) was fleeing (40.1% of trials).
There were no snakes that deployed scent- based defenses (musk-
ing or defecation). Similarly, no snakes exhibited either tail- coiling or
ventral displays in response to visual stimuli. Because no focal be-
haviors were instigated by visual stimuli, we did not further analyze
the response to visual stimuli.
3.3 | Tactile stimuli
3.3.1 | Association between
behaviors and organismal traits
We found that there was no relationship between sex, par turition
status, ecdysis status, body temperature at time of capture, or body
size and behavior exhibited in any of the t actile stimuli trials, using
fully factorial mixed models with subject as a random factor (all
p's > .05), although these results should be interpreted with caution
given the low sample size for some comparisons (e.g., sex). While
sexes or other groups did not significantly differ in antipredator dis-
plays, it is worth noting that both sexes, including both gravid and
non- gravid females, and snakes both in shed and out of shed exhibit
the ventral display behavior.
3.3.2 | First trial
Snakes exhibited tail- coiling significantly more frequently
(Figure 2) in response to being picked up than the tactile stimuli
of the clear rod (Wilcoxon signed- rank test, p =.0 054), the brush
(Wilcoxon signed- rank test, p =.0111), or being covered by a hand
(Wilcoxon signed- rank test, p =.0026). Similarly, snakes exhibited
the ventral display significantly more frequently in response to
being picked up than the tactile stimuli of the clear rod (Wilcoxon
signed- rank test, p =.0084), the brush (Wilcoxon signed- rank test,
p =.0162), or being covered by a hand (Wilcoxon signed- rank test ,
p =.0012). Snakes most frequently responded to the tactile stimuli
of the clear rod by fleeing (88%), followed by the ventral display
and tail- coiling (4% each), with no snakes biting or deploying a
scent defense (musk and defecation). In response to the brush,
snakes most frequently fled (72%), followed by ventral displays
and tail- coiling (8% each), and no snakes attempted to bite or de-
ployed a scent defense (musk and defecation). In response to cov-
ering by a gloved hand, no snakes exhibited any focal behavior
(Figure 2). Finally, for the tactile trials where snakes were picked
up by a gloved hand, snakes frequently used tail- coiling (32%) and
ventral displays (36%) in response to being picked up but did not
deploy musking and defecation. Additionally, two snakes thrashed
and tried to escape vigorously.
TABLE 1 The statistical relationship between behaviors
exhibiting during collection and processing
Behavior during collection
Sex Test Statistic
p1 1 .5539
Gravid Test Statistic
p1.1348 .3341
Ecdysis Test Statistic
p.2 1 1
Body Temp Test Statistic . 61 1.73 1.56
p.4 351 .1881 .2109
SVL Test Statistic .02 1.34 2.19
p.8753 . 2462 .1391
Body Mass Test Statistic .12 1.08 1.26
p.7315 .2981 . 2621
Behavior during processing
Sex Test Statistic
p1.3304 1
Gravid Test Statistic
p1 1 .3341
Ecdysis Test Statistic
p.6232 .5043 1
Body Temp Test Statistic .22 .01 1.82
p.6394 .9043 .1767
SVL Test Statistic 0.14 0
p.9533 .7098 .9461
Body Mass Test Statistic .2 1.22 .07
p.6543 . 2702 .7917
Note: Where the tes t statistic is absent (indicated with – ), we used
contingency tables and assessed signific ance with Fisher's exact test.
Test statistic is the W s tatistic from the Wilcoxon sign- rank test.
   COX et al.
3.3.3 | Presence of behavior across all trials
Across all three trials, snakes exhibited tail- coiling in at least one trial
(Figure 2) significantly more frequently in response to being picked
up than the tactile stimuli of the clear rod (Wilcoxon signed- rank test,
p =.0049), the brush (Wilcoxon signed- rank test, p <.0001), or being
covered by a hand (Wilcoxon signed- rank test, p <.0 001). Snakes also
exhibited ventral displays in at least one trial significantly more fre-
quently in response to being picked up than the tactile stimuli of the
clear rod ( Wilcoxon signed- rank test, p =.0093), the brush (Wilcoxon
signed- rank test, p =.0009), or being covered by a hand (Wilcoxon
signed- rank test, p <.0001). Snakes most frequently responded
to the tac tile stimuli of the clear rod by fleeing in at least one trial
(100%), followed by the tail- coiling and ventral displays (24% and 32%,
respec tively), with no sna kes biting or deployi ng a scent defense (musk
and defecation). In response to the brush, snakes most frequently fled
in at least one trial (96%), followed by ventral displays and t ail- coiling
(12% and 28%, respectively), and no snakes attempted to bite or de-
ployed a scent defense (musk and defecation). In response to cover-
ing by a gloved hand, a single snake attempted to flee in at least one
trial (4%), and one snake coiled their tail in at least one trial (4%), but
no other behaviors were observed. Finally, for the tactile trials where
snakes were picked up by a gloved hand, 28% of snakes thrashed and
tried vigorously to escape. However, snakes frequently used tail-
coiling (64%) and ventral displays (72%) in response to being picked
up in at least one trial but did not deploy musking and defecation.
3.3.4 | Behavior and number of trials
Snakes fled from the clear rod (mean number of trials ± SEM,
2.68 ± 0.11) and the brush (2.60 ± 0.11) in most trials (Figure 2), but
rarely f led in response to t he cover stimuli (0. 04 ± 0.04). Sna kes rarely
exhibited tail- coiling or ventral displays during trials in response to
the clear rod (tail- coiling, 0.32 ± 0.11; ventral display, 0.36 ± 0.11),
brush (tail- coiling, 0.16 ± 0.10; ventral display, 0.32 ± 0.11), or cover
stimuli (tail- coiling, 0.04 ± 0.04; ventral display, 0.0 ± 0.0). However,
the pickup stimuli instigated tail- coiling (1.28 ± 0.23) and ventr al dis-
plays (1.48 ± 0.23) in significantly more trials than the other stimuli
(Wilcoxon signed- rank tests, all p's < .01).
3.4 | Behavioral correlations
Tail- coiling and ventral displays were not significantly correlated
during collection or processing (all p's > .07). However, it is worth
noting that all snakes that exhibited ventral displays during either
collection or processing also exhibited tail- coiling (Figure 2). During
the pickup stimuli (the only stimuli that substantially induced tail-
coiling or ventral displays), we did find that tail- coiling and ventral
displays were significantly correlated (p =.0053). No other behavio-
ral traits were significantly correlated during collection, processing,
or the pickup stimuli trials.
Bright ventral coloration in snakes has frequently been proposed
to be startle coloration and has been associated with deimatic tail-
coiling and ventral displays (Ernst & Ernst, 2003; Greene, 1997). Our
work shows that a snake species with bright ventral coloration uses
this behavior in response to tac tile cues from a potential predator,
and only in response to relatively strong stimuli (i.e., handling). This
experimental evidence that bright ventral coloration could be linked
to antipredator behavior suggests that the correlated evolution of
color and behavior might be impor tant for understanding the dy-
namics of antipredator coloration.
FIGURE 2 Behavior exhibited in response to tactile stimuli
for the first trial (a), presence of behavior in any of the three
trials (b), or number of trials with the behavior. Symbols indicate
mean ± SEM. While snakes frequently fled in response to some
tactile stimuli (clear rod, brush), only the pickup stimuli could induce
ventral displays or tail- coiling
Behavior (%)
Ventral Display
Clear RodBrush Pick up
First Trial
Behavior (%)
Clear RodBrush Pick upCover
All trials (presence)
Behavior (# trials)
Clear RodBrush Pick upCover
All trials (#)
COX et al.
Deimatic coloration and behavior is widespread in the animal
kingdom (Umbers et al., 2015, 2017) as a response to predators and
even competitors (Langridge, 2009b; Umbers et al., 2015, 2017).
Our research experimentally demonstrates that tactile cues can
cause snakes to reveal concealed coloration. Similar to previous
work in other species, we found that tail- coiling and ventral displays
were only instigated by substantial physical contact (Lenzi- Mattos
et al., 2005; Williams et al., 2000), which would likely represent
later or final stages of predation (Badiane et al., 2018). Specifically,
we found that snakes only deployed tail- coiling or ventral displays
under the most intensive of tactile cues, which involved capturing
and handling snakes in the field and in the laboratory. Most tactile
cues did not initiate any ventral displays or tail- coiling, and no visual
stimuli elicited any behavior beyond fleeing. However, it is wor th
noting that the limited repertoire of visual stimuli and use of a single
model for visual stimuli constrains the generality of these findings
(Kroodsma et al., 20 01). Future research could incorporate more
visual stimuli and individual variation within stimuli to reach more
general conclusions about visual stimuli and antipredator behavior
in these snakes. Our interpretation is that capturing and handling
snakes simulates predation and is able to elicit a behavioral display
that would have been used during an actual predation event. Visual
stimuli might be less likely than intensive tactile stimuli to induce
a deimatic display because of limited visual acuity in this species,
or to avoid revealing bright coloration and drawing attention to an
otherwise cryptic animal. We also found that these displays were de-
ployed in bot h sexes and regardle ss of body size or parturition s tatus,
which implies that displays could have fitness benefits that are not
specific to a single sex or life stage. Many species that exhibit dei-
matic colors and displays are dangerous or unpalatable, suggesting
a role for aposematism in deimatic displays (Kang et al., 2016; Lenzi-
Mattos et al., 2005; Umbers et al., 2017; Umbers & Mappes, 2015).
While ringneck snakes are not unpalatable (i.e., consumed by multi-
ple predators; Ernst & Ernst, 2003), they possess rear fangs and are
venomous (Hill & Mackessy, 2000; O’Donnell et al., 2007), although
it remains unknown if this venom is deployed defensively. However,
while our research has demonstrated that ringneck snakes will use
a deimatic display in response to predation, the impact of ventral
displays on behavior of ac tual predators is unknown.
The traditional interpretation of the function of deimatic color-
ation and displays is that they either serve as concealable warnings
of toxicity or unpalatability, or that they startle or confuse the pred-
ator, allowing the prey to escape (Umbers et al., 2017). Both of these
interpretations rely on the potential prey modifying predator behav-
ior to facilitate survival. However, predator responses to deimatic
displays have only rarely been assessed (Holmes et al., 2018; Kang
et al., 2016; Kim et al., 2020; O’Hanlon et al., 2018), probably for a
variety of logistical reasons (e.g., selection of appropriate predator,
accurately assessing predator response and cognition). In general,
research on predator cognition has lagged behind research on prey
species that exhibit antipredator traits (e.g., mimicry, decoy color-
ation). Hence, future research should determine predator response
to ventral displays and tail- coiling in snakes.
While we have discussed bright ventral coloration and behavioral
displays in s nakes in the context of un defended deimat ism, it is worth
noting that concealed coloration and behavioral displays might serve
other functions. First, bright or contrasting ventral coloration could
be both an aposematic and deimatic signal (i.e., defended deimatism,
Umbers & Mappes, 2016), warning of a dangerous or unpalatable
prey. For example, coral snakes of the western hemisphere often
employ tail- coiling when disturbed, and these brightly banded t ails
may warn of their deadly venom (Greene, 1973, 1997). Defended
deimatism is probably most likely when the snake is highly venomous
(e.g., defensive gaping and venom in cottonmouths, Agkistrodon pi-
scivorous, Gibbons & Dorcas, 2002; Glaudas & Winne, 2007) or toxic
(e.g., toxic nuchal glands and bright nuchal coloration in Rhabdophis
tigrinus, Hutchinson et al., 2007; Mori & Burghardt, 2001), while
undefended deimatism would be common in snakes without robust
defenses. Second, some have suggested that tail- coiling could be a
decoy trait, whereby predatory attacks are focused on a less vital
region of the body (Greene, 1973; McCallum, 2006). Importantly, in
a complex, multicausal world, antipredator traits could vary in their
function (e.g., deimatic vs. aposematic) based upon the contex t of
the predatory attack (e.g., location, time, predator). Regardless, our
work strongly supports that ventral displays and tail- coiling are ini-
tiated in response to intensive predatory at tacks to expose bright
ventral body and tail coloration.
While the focus of our research was on deimatic behavior, we
also documented that ringneck snakes will also bite (although this
was rare), flee, and both musk and defecate in response to capture,
handling, and other stimuli. Fleeing in response to predators is the
most direct way to avoid predation. However, during the initial cap-
ture and handling, snakes also exhibited musking and defecation.
Musking and defecation is a widespread behavior in snakes, and
probably renders the snakes unpalatable to potential predators
(Delaney, 2019; Gangloff et al., 2014; Mar tins, 1996). We found that
snakes only used this antipredator behavior during the first contact
of capturing and handling during processing, but did not musk or def-
ecate during visual or tactile stimuli experiments. This finding might
suggest that individual snakes are limited in their ability to mount
this defense repeatedly in response to frequent predation attempts.
One unexpected outcome of this study was that the ringneck
snake, which is a species that is frequently noted for its docile de-
meanor (Ernst & Ernst , 20 03; Krysko et al., 2019), can be reliably
induced to bite. This behavior was only stimulated by grasping the
snake behind the head, as was done when measuring the body
length of the snake. This raises the intriguing possibility that this
is an antipredator trait for a very specific type of predator y attack.
Snakes are important predators of other snake species because
the shape of snakes and other elongate organisms provides max-
imal energy while minimizing costs to locomotion from a bulky
food item (Cundall & Greene, 2000). However, snakes are unlikely
to be the primary target of a deimatic display because of dimin-
ished visual acuity and nocturnal habits of most species (Sillman
et al., 1999; Walls, 1942). Ophiophagous snakes often initiate
feeding on snakes by grasping their ophidian prey behind the head,
   COX et al.
and ringneck snakes can thwart the predatory at tack by biting
their snake predator on the head or mouth (Rossi & Rossi, 1994).
Crucially, our study documents this biting behavior in response to
a specific tactile stimulus to a single body region that can be tar-
geted by predators.
Color is one of the primary axes of phenotypic diversity in
snakes because of their simplified body form. Previous research
has found that predator- based selection is impor tant for the evolu-
tionary diversity of color in snakes (Brodie III, 1992; Davis Rabosky
et al., 2016; Jackson et al., 1976). Our research highlights that dei-
matic coloration is yet another color trait whose evolution could
be driven by predator- based selection. In addition, we found that
a species with concealed coloration also possessed deimatic dis-
plays, and that two deimatic displays (tail- coiling and ventral dis-
plays) were correlated. These linkages between color and multiple
behavioral trait s suggest that all deimatic traits could be parts of
co- adapted character complexes (Brodie III, 1992; Cheverud, 1996;
Lande, 1984; Vidal- García et al., 2020). Future research should (a)
assess the determinants of deimatic behaviors in other snake spe-
cies with concealed coloration, (b) document behaviors correlated
with other types of antipredator coloration in poorly studied groups
(Creer, 2005; Davis Rabosky et al., 2021; Moore et al., 2020), and
(c) determine the comparative pattern of bright ventral coloration
across the snake tree of life. The goal of this research would be to
reveal the evolutionary forces underlying the evolution of color di-
versity in snakes.
We thank Edmund D. Brodie III, Eric Nag y, and Jaime B. Jones for
logistical help during the commission of this study. We also thank
Mountain Lake Biological Station for supporting this research
through their educational programs.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
All authors designed the study. H.I., M.D., M.W., C.L.C and A.K.C.
conducted the field collection and animal processing. I.V.R., N. M.,
O. L., and A. D. Y. conducted visual stimuli assays. M.G., C.L., and
C.B. conducted tactile stimuli assays. C .L.C ., A.K.C., and A.R.D.R .
processed and analyzed data. All authors contributed text to the
first draft of the manuscript, and C.L.C produced the first draft of
the manuscript. All authors contributed to revising and editing the
This research was completed under IACUC protocol 3927– 0415 to
Edmund D Brodie III (Director of Mountain Lake Biological Station).
Data are available via FigShare (10.6084/m9.figshare.14210972).
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How to cite this article: Cox CL, Chung AK , Black well C, et al.
Tactile stimuli induce deimatic antipredator displays in ringneck
snakes. Ethology. 2021;127:465– 474. https ://doi.or g/10.1111/
... Examples include gaping to reveal color within the mouth, spreading of a body part to reveal a pattern on interstitial skin, and ventral coloration only visible when the animal displays on its back . Most, if not all of these, are responses specifically to a predation threat (Greene, 1988;Cox et al., 2021). These signals are sometimes referred to as deimatic or startle coloration (functioning to surprise or confuse a predator in their attack sequence), or they may function as a threat warning of forthcoming aggression as in gaping before striking (Glaudas et al., 2007). ...
... Whether color variation is continuous or discrete (as in the color morphs of polymorphic species), color elements are not univariate. Individual color traits may be integrated with other color traits (Watson et al., 2019), and they are often correlated with anti-predator behavior in snakes (Brodie III, 1992;Moore et al., 2020;Cox et al., 2021). Accordingly, selection should favor combinations of color traits and behavior that optimize fitness (Jackson et al., 1976). ...
... However, clay model studies are not ideal for all situations. Because models are stationary, they cannot incorporate defensive behavior, which is probably less important for studying crypsis and camouflage but can be a limitation for studying other types of anti-predator coloration (Moore et al., 2020;Cox et al., 2021). Incorporating motion into field-based studies of predation on models will be an important area of future inquiry (Paluh et al., 2014;da Rocha et al., 2022). ...
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Snakes have evolved extraordinary diversity in coloration, which is strongly linked to fitness and represents a major axis of phenotypic diversity in snakes. In this chapter, we discuss the integrative biology of snake coloration and identify future research targets in the field. First, we explore the ways that researchers define and quantify snake coloration, characterize interspecific diversity, and delimit intraspecific diversity (including ontogenetic color shifts, sexual dichromatism, geographic color variation, and color polymorphism). Second, we synthesize what is known about the mechanisms of the production of coloration in snakes, from identifying the sources of color (pigments or structural color) and color texture (matte and iridescence) to classifying the cells and tissues involved in color and color pattern and describing the quantitative and transmission genetics of snake coloration. Third, we discuss historical and contemporary approaches to studying the functional biology of snake coloration. We achieve this by considering snakes as both signalers and receivers of color information and discussing tradeoffs across the multiple functions of snake coloration, such as thermoregulation and predator defense. Fourth, we examine evidence for the drivers of color evolution by considering the role of neutral and selective forces that impact snake coloration, identifying the ecological agents of selection, and discussing potential evolutionary constraints on coloration in snakes. Finally, we explore macroevolutionary patterns of snake coloration, including phylogenetic tests of color variation, directionality of transitions and rates of change, and ecological correlates of coloration in snakes. Ultimately, future research that unites these conceptual approaches and data across disciplines will be crucial for understanding the factors that structure color variation across the snake tree of life.
... For example, ringneck snakes (Diadophis punctatus) have extremely bright and contrasting colour on the ventral side of the body, including the tail, compared to the cryptic dorsal colour. These snakes display brightly coloured ventral scales, including undersides of tails, during handling, probably as a startle effect (i.e., deimatic coloration; Cox et al., 2021). Brightly colored tail tips are present in a wide variety of snake species and are thought to serve the same purpose (Greene, 1973). ...
Defensive tail displays are common in squamates; however, the factors underlying the occurrence of such displays are rarely studied. We tested 268 adult dice snakes (Natrix tessellata) in a population with three colour morphs, exploring the effects of morph, sex, body size, tail length and temperature on the occurrence of tail waving in two stages of the antipredator response. When captured, the blotched morph tail waved the most, followed by melanistic then green morphs. Males displayed tail waving during post-capture immobility more often than females, possibly due to sexual dimorphism in tail length and/or fleeing speed. The occurrence of tail waving was low in response to a researcher as a “predator” (∼2.6% on capture; ∼6.8% during immobility), however the occurrence of this behaviour during encounters with real predators might be different. Large sample size is crucial for revealing fine scale effects on rare behaviours such as tail waving.
... We studied the environmental and organismal correlates of regional heterothermy in the ring-necked snake (Diadophis punctatus Linnaeus 1766). Ring-necked snakes are small bodied and found across much of temperate and subtropical North America (Ernst and Ernst, 2003), and are perhaps best known for their deimatic coloration (Cox et al., 2021). Although in parts of their range they can approach 1 m in length, individuals in most populations weigh less than 20 g and are less than 50 cm in total length (Ernst and Ernst, 2003). ...
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Regional heterothermy is a pattern whereby different body regions are maintained at different temperatures, often to prioritize function of certain body parts over others, or to maximize function of organs and tissues that vary in thermal sensitivity. Regional heterothermy is relatively well understood in endotherms, where physiological mechanisms maintain heterogeneity. However, less is known about regional heterothermy in ectotherms, where behavioral mechanisms are more important for generating thermal variation. In particular, whether small and elongate ectotherms with high surface area to volume ratios such as diminutive snakes can maintain regional heterothermy, despite rapid thermal equilibration, is not yet known. We measured regional variation in body temperature and tested whether environmental heterogeneity is used to generate regional heterothermy in the ring-necked snake (Diadophis punctatus) using both field and laboratory studies. We found that ring-necked snakes have robust regional heterothermy in a variety of contexts, despite their small body size and elongate body shape. Temperature variation along the length of their bodies was not detectable when measured externally. However, snakes had higher mouth than cloacal temperatures both in the field and in laboratory thermal gradients. Further, this regional heterothermy was maintained even in ambient laboratory conditions, where the thermal environment was relatively homogeneous. Our results indicate that regional heterothermy in ring-necked snakes is not solely driven by environmental variation, but is instead linked to physiological or morphological mechanisms that maintain regional variation in body temperature irrespective of environmental context.
... Ringneck snake (Diadophis punctatus) i "Sudden" (2015), g Vallin et al. (2005), h King and Adamo (2006), i Cox et al. (2021). brown = 11.3 ± 3.0 ms) while simultaneously reducing their overall size (Figures 5C,D). ...
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Some brightly colored structures are only visible when organisms are moving, such as parts of wings that are only visible in flight. For example, the primarily brown Carolina grasshopper (Dissosteira carolina) has contrasting black-and-cream hindwings that appear suddenly when it takes off, then oscillate unpredictably throughout the main flight before disappearing rapidly upon landing. However, the temporal dynamics of hindwing coloration in motion have not previously been investigated, particularly for animals that differ from humans in their temporal vision. To examine how quickly this coloration appears to a variety of non-human observers, we took high-speed videos of D. carolina flights in the field. For each of the best-quality takeoffs and landings, we performed a frame-by-frame analysis on how the relative sizes of the different-colored body parts changed over time. We found that in the first 7.6 ± 1.5 ms of takeoff, the hindwings unfurled to encompass 50% of the visible grasshopper, causing it to roughly double in size. During the main flight, the hindwings transitioned 6.4 ± 0.4 times per second between pauses and periods of active wing-beating (31.4 ± 0.5 Hz), creating an unstable, confusing image. Finally, during landings, the hindwings disappeared in 11.3 ± 3.0 ms, shrinking the grasshopper to 69 ± 9% of its main flight size. Notably, these takeoffs and landings occurred faster than most recorded species are able to sample images, which suggests that they would be near-instantaneous to a variety of different viewers. We therefore suggest that D. carolina uses its hindwings to initially startle predators (deimatic defense) and then confuse them and disrupt their search images (protean defense) before rapidly returning to crypsis.
Interactions between predator and prey are fundamental drivers of ecological and evolutionary dynamics. Behavioral responses are one of the most common strategies that prey species use to deter predation, especially through highly stereotyped defensive displays. However, these displays are also predicted to show strong context‐dependence, in which individuals can dynamically employ different display elements as a function of their own characteristics (e.g., age and sex) or those of the predator (e.g., type of predator). In this study, we experimentally tested for the effects of four simulated predator cues on defensive displays in two species of South American calico snakes (genus Oxyrhopus ). We found that juvenile snakes were both more likely to respond and to respond more strongly than adults and that displays were most common in response to tactile stimuli than to other treatments. However, we also found broad similarity across both simulated predator treatments and species in the components used in each snake's defensive display, suggesting a high degree of stereotyping. This research suggests an important role for both ontogeny and intensity of predation risk in structuring variation in defensive behavior in Neotropical snakes and emphasizes the foundational importance of context dependence in conceptual frameworks for understanding predator–prey interactions.
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Snakes in the family Colubridae include over 2,000 currently recognized species, and comprise roughly 75% of the global snake species diversity on Earth. For such a spectacular radiation, colubrid snakes remain poorly understood ecologically and genetically. Two subfamilies, Colubrinae (788 species) and Dipsadinae (833 species), comprise the bulk of colubrid species richness. Dipsadines are a speciose and diverse group of snakes that largely inhabit Central and South America, with a handful of small-body-size genera that have invaded North America. Among them, the ring-necked snake, Diadophis punctatus, has an incredibly broad distribution with 14 subspecies. Given its continental distribution and high degree of variation in coloration, diet, feeding ecology, and behavior, the ring-necked snake is an excellent species for the study of genetic diversity and trait evolution. Within California, six subspecies form a continuously distributed “ring species” around the Central Valley, while a seventh, the regal ring-necked snake, Diadophis punctatus regalis is a disjunct outlier and Species of Special Concern in the state. Here, we report a new reference genome assembly for the San Diego ring-necked snake, D. p. similis, as part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP). This assembly comprises a total of 444 scaffolds spanning 1,783Mb and has a contig N50 of 8.0Mb, scaffold N50 of 83Mb, and BUSCO completeness score of 94.5%. This reference genome will be a valuable resource for studies of the taxonomy, conservation, and evolution of the ring-necked snake across its broad, continental distribution.
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Some visual antipredator strategies involve the rapid movement of highly contrasting body patterns to frighten or confuse the predator. Bright body colouration, however, can also be detected by potential predators and used as a cue. Among spiders , Argiope spp. are usually brightly coloured but they are not a common item in the diet of araneophagic wasps. When disturbed, Argiope executes a web-flexing behaviour in which they move rapidly and may be perceived as if they move backwards and towards an observer in front of the web. We studied the mechanisms underlying web-flexing behaviour as a defensive strategy. Using multispectral images and high-speed videos with deep-learning-based tracking techniques, we evaluated body colouration, body pattern, and spider kinematics from the perspective of a potential wasp predator. We show that the spider's abdomen is conspicuous, with a disruptive colouration pattern. We found that the body outline of spiders with web decorations was harder to detect when compared to spiders without decorations. The abdomen was also the body part that moved fastest, and its motion was composed mainly of translational (vertical) vectors in the potential predator's optical flow. In addition, with high contrast colouration, the spider's movement might be perceived as a sudden change in body size (looming effect) as perceived by the predator. These effects alongside the other visual cues may confuse potential wasp predators by breaking the spider body outline and affecting the wasp's flight manoeuvre, thereby deterring the wasp from executing the final attack.
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Many animals use visual traits as a predator defence. Understanding these visual traits from the perspective of predators is critical in generating new insights about predator–prey interactions. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to support the study of strategies that exploit the visual system of predators. With spiders as our model taxon, we contextualise these strategies using two orthogonal axes. The first axis represents strategies using different degrees of conspicuousness to avoid detection or recognition of the spider and deter predator attacks. The second axis represents the degree of honesty of the visual signal. We explore these issues with reference to the three main vision parameters: spectral sensitivity, visual acuity, and temporal resolution, as well as recent tools to study it, including multispectral digital imaging.
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Animals in nature use many strategies to evade or deter their predators. Within venomous snake mimicry, stereotyped anti-predator behaviours are hypothesized to be effective warning signals under strong selection for independent convergence across species. However, no studies have systematically quantified snake anti-predator displays across taxonomically broad clades to examine how these behaviours evolve within a comparative methods framework. Here we describe a new high-throughput approach for collecting and quantifying anti-predator displays in snakes that demonstrates both low observer bias and infinite extension. Then, we show this method’s utility by comparing 20 species spanning six taxonomic families from Peru. We found that a simple experimental set-up varying simulated predator cues was successful in eliciting displays across species and that high-speed videography captured a great diversity of anti-predator responses. Although display components show complicated patterns of covariance, we found support for behavioural convergence in anti-predator displays among elapid coral snakes and their distantly related mimics. Our approach provides new analytical opportunities for both behaviour and kinematics, especially macroevolutionary analyses across clades with similar difficulty in observing or comparing trait diversity.
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Some camouflaged animals hide colour signals and display them only transiently. These hidden colour signals are often conspicuous and are used as a secondary defence to warn or startle predators (deimatic displays) and/or to confuse them (flash displays). The hidden signals used in these displays frequently resemble typical aposematic signals, so it is possible that prey with hidden signals have evolved to employ colour patterns of a form that predators have previously learned to associate with unprofitability. Here, we tested this hypothesis by conducting two experiments that examined the effect of predator avoidance learning on the efficacy of deimatic and flash displays. We found that the survival benefits of both deimatic and flash displays were substantially higher against predators that had previously learned to associate the hidden colours with unprofitability than against naive predators. These findings help explain the phenological patterns we found in 1568 macro-lepidopteran species on three continents: species with hidden signals tend to occur later in the season than species without hidden signals.
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Anti-predator defences are typically regarded as relatively static signals that conceal prey or advertise their unprofitability. However, startle displays are complex performances that deter or confuse predators and can include a spectacular array of movements, colours and sounds. Yet, we do not fully understand the mechanisms by which they function, their evolutionary correlates, or the conditions under which they are performed and evolve. Here, we present, to our knowledge, the first phylogenetically controlled comparative analyses of startle displays including behavioural data, using praying mantises as a model system. We included 58 species that provide a good representation of mantis diversity and estimated the strength of phylogenetic signal in the presence and complexity of displays. We also tested hypotheses on potential evolutionary correlates, including primary defences and body size. We found that startle displays and morphological traits were phylogenetically conserved, whereas behavioural traits were highly labile. Surprisingly, body size was not correlated with display presence or complexity in phylogenetically controlled analyses. Species-rich clades were more likely to exhibit displays, suggesting that startle displays were probably involved in lineage diversification. We suggest that to further elucidate the conditions under which startle displays evolve, future work should include quantitative descriptions of multiple display components, habitat type, and predator communities. Understanding the evolution of startle displays is critical to our overall understanding of the theory behind predator–prey dynamics.
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Synopsis Warning signals in chemically defended organisms are critical components of predator–prey interactions, often requiring multiple coordinated display components for effective communication. When threatened by a predator, venomous coral snakes (genus Micrurus) display a vigorous, non-locomotory thrashing behavior that has previously been qualitatively described. Given the high contrast and colorful banding patterns of these snakes, this thrashing display is hypothesized to be a key component of a complex aposematic signal under strong stabilizing selection across species in a mimicry system. By experimentally testing snake response across simulated predator cues, we analyzed variation in the presence and expression of a thrashing display across five species of South American coral snakes. Although the major features of the thrash display were conserved across species, we found that predator cue type, snake body size, and species identity predict significant inter- and intraspecific variation in the propensity to perform a display, the duration of thrashing, and the curvature of snake bodies. We also found an interaction between curve magnitude and body location that clearly shows which parts of the display vary most across individuals and species. Our results suggest that contrary to the assumption that all Micrurus species and individuals perform the same display, a high degree of variation exists despite presumably strong selection to conserve a common signal. This quantitative behavioral characterization presents a new framework for analyzing the non-locomotory motions displayed by snakes in a broader ecological context, especially for signaling systems with complex interaction across multiple modalities.
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Uropeltid snakes (Family Uropeltidae) are non-venomous, fossorial snakes that are found above ground occasionally, during which time they are exposed to predation. Many species are brightly coloured, mostly on the ventral surface, but these colours are expected to have no function below the ground. Observations have shown that the cephalic resemblance (resemblance to heads) of uropeltid tails may direct attacks of predators towards the hardened tails, thereby potentially increasing handling times for predators. Experiments have also shown that predators learn to avoid prey that are non-toxic and palatable but are difficult to capture, hard to process or require long handling time when such prey advertise their unprofitability through conspicuous colours. We here postulate that uropeltid snakes use their bright colours to signal long handling times associated with attack deflection to the tails, thereby securing reduced predation from predators that can learn to associate colour with handling time. Captive chicken experiments with dough models mimicking uropeltids indicate that attacks were more common on the tail than on the head. Field experiments with uropeltid clay models show that the conspicuous colours of these snakes decrease predation rates compared to cryptic models, but a novel conspicuous colour did not confer such a benefit. Overall, our experiments provide support for our hypothesis that the conspicuous colours of these snakes reduce predation, possibly because these colours advertise unprofitability due to long handling times.
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The use of defensive behaviors to avoid predation increases the likelihood of survival. Snake species have evolved numerous and diverse antipredatory behaviors to fit a variety of natural histories. Understanding how snakes react to simulated predation events can help us understand their ecology. I conducted behavioral trials on 11 colubrid and dipsadid species (n = 16 individuals) in the Republic of Panama to examine patterns of antipredation behavior. The level of aggression and number of antipredatory behaviors exhibited during simulated predation was positively correlated with body size. To complement these results, data from previously published studies were used to assess these patterns with a larger sample of Neotropical colubrids and dipsadids (n = 44 species). Indeed, the level of aggression and number of antipredatory behaviors known for each species was positively correlated with body size. However, the positive association between the number of antipredatory behaviors known for a species and body size was driven largely by colubrids and not dipsadids. Larger snakes may be more intimidating to potential predators, therefore making aggressive defensive behaviors more likely to be successful. Larger snakes also may encounter a higher diversity of predators and may benefit from the ability to choose from a suite of defensive behaviors specific to certain contexts. Although this study suggests two interesting patterns in the defensive behaviors of Neotropical colubrids and dipsadids, comparative studies of the interactions between snakes and their predators are needed to better understand the pressures driving variation in snake antipredation behavior.
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Investigating the stimuli that elicit dynamic defensive displays can indicate when throughout the predation sequence prey are likely to perform them. This is crucial to understanding whether these displays function as classic deimatic ‘startle’ displays, facultative aposematism or aid in facilitation of predator learning. We investigated the triggers of defensive display in three different praying mantis species found in eastern Australia; Archimantis latistyla, Hierodula majuscula and Pseudomantis albofimbriata. Dynamic displays in praying mantises have been described as ‘deimatic’ and given the risks inherent in sustaining an attack, especially as mantises are not chemically defended, we predicted that mantises would perform their displays to stimuli that simulate early cues of predation. In a randomised order, we exposed each mantis to five different stimuli simulating a non-specific predator, including tactile and non-tactile stimuli. All species performed their display in response to tactile stimuli however A. latistyla and H. majuscula were more likely to respond than P. albofimbriata. The smallest species, P. albofimbriata, did not readily respond to simulated attacks and was the least likely to perform a display. Our results do not meet the prediction that mantises should respond to stimuli that correspond with early stages of the predation sequence. This raises questions surrounding the utilisation of defensive displays in non-chemically defended prey and contributes to our understanding of predator-prey dynamics during the predation sequence. Significance statement Startle displays, or deimatic displays, present some of the most charismatic and well-known examples of animal behaviour and colouration. Particularly in animals such as praying mantises, defensive displays are classically cited examples of anti-predator adaptations. It is generally stated that defensive displays in animals function by startling the predator before they have attacked; however, evidence is accumulating that dynamic displays may function in a number of ways including facilitating predator learning, or facultative aposematism. We found that three species of praying mantises only performed dynamic displays in response to simulated predator attacks. This contrasts with predictions that displays should happen before predator attacks, thus fundamentally challenging our understanding of why these strategies have evolved and how they are utilised in nature. This adds to growing evidence that apparent ‘deimatic displays’ may actually function in other ways such as facilitating predator learning, even in non-chemically defended animals such as praying mantises.
In addition to camouflage and chemical toxicity, many caterpillars defend themselves against predators with sudden sharp movements. For smaller species, these movements propel the body away from the threat, but in larger caterpillars, such as the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, the movement is a defensive strike targeted to a noxious stimulus on the abdomen. Previously, strikes have been studied using mechanical stimulation like poking or pinching the insect, but such stimuli are hard to control. They also introduce mechanical perturbations that interfere with measurements of the behavior. We have now established that strike behavior can be evoked using infra-red lasers to provide a highly localized and repeatable heat stimulus. The latency from the end of an effective stimulus to the start of head movement decreased with repeated stimuli and this effect generalized to other stimulus locations indicating a centrally mediated component of sensitization. The tendency to strike increased with two successive sub-threshold stimuli. When delivered to different locations or to a single site, this split-pulse stimulation revealed an additional site-specific sensitization that has not previously been described in Manduca. Previous work shows that strong stimuli increases the effectiveness of sensory stimulation by activating a long-lasting muscarinic cation current in motoneurons. Injection of muscarinic cholinergic antagonists, scopolamine methyl bromide or quinuclidinyl benzilate only decreased the strike probability evoked by paired stimuli at two locations and not at a single site. This strongly suggests a role of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in the generalized sensitization of nociceptive responses in caterpillars. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
While there have been a number of recent advances in our understanding of the evolution of animal color patterns, much of this work has focused on color patterns that are constantly displayed. However, some animals hide functional color signals and display them only transiently through behavioral displays. These displays are widely employed as a secondary defense following detection when fleeing (flash display) or when stationary (deimatic display). Yet if displays of hidden colors are so effective in deterring predation, why have not all species evolved them? An earlier study suggested that the hidden antipredatory color signals in insects are more likely to have evolved in species with large size because either (or both) (i) large cryptic prey are more frequently detected and pursued or (ii) hidden color signals in large prey are more effective in deterring predation than in small prey. These arguments should apply universally to any prey that use hidden signals, so the association between large size and hidden contrasting color signals should be evident across diverse groups of prey. In this study, we tested this prediction in five different groups of insects. Using phylogenetically controlled analysis to elucidate the relationship between body size and color contrast between forewings and hind wings, we found evidence for the predicted size-color contrast associations in four different groups of insects, namely, Orthoptera, Phasmatidae, Mantidae, and Saturniidae, but not in Sphingidae. Collectively, our study indicates that body size plays an important role in explaining variation in the evolution of hidden contrasting color signals in insects. © 2019 by The University of Chicago. 0003-0147/2019/19401-58643$15.00. All rights reserved.