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Extinction at the end-Cretaceous and the origin of modern Neotropical rainforests


Abstract and Figures

The birth of modern rainforests The origin of modern rainforests can be traced to the aftermath of the bolide impact at the end of the Cretaceous. Carvalho et al. used fossilized pollen and leaves to characterize the changes that took place in northern South American forests at this time (see the Perspective by Jacobs and Currano). They not only found changes in species composition but were also able to infer changes in forest structure. Extinctions were widespread, especially among gymnosperms. Angiosperm taxa came to dominate the forests over the 6 million years of recovery, when the flora began to resemble that of modern lowland neotropical forest. The leaf data also imply that the forest canopy evolved from relatively open to closed and layered, leading to increased vertical stratification and a greater diversity of plant growth forms. Science , this issue p. 63 ; see also p. 28
Forest composition and insect-feeding damage of fossil floras. (A) Percentage of tree species in 72 extant Neotropical forest plots that belong to the 25 plant families that together account for 75% of diversity. Half of the stems belong to the 10 families shown as dark bars. Orange circles indicate families present in the Bogotá or Cerrejón floras (Paleocene), and green diamonds indicate families present in the Maastrichtian Guaduas flora. (B) Density plot of dissimilarity in family composition between fossil assemblages and samples of living Neotropical forests (see materials and methods for details). ChaoSørensen dissimilarity (CDI) was calculated between randomly selected subregions of the 50-ha plot at Barro Colorado Island (Panama) and the 25-ha plot at Amacayacu (Colombia). Gray areas depict the distribution of dissimilarities of the randomly selected subregions within each site. (C) Average frequency of damaged leaves in 400 randomly selected leaves from each fossil flora. (D) Richness of total and specialized insect-mediated damage types, rarefied to 95 and 90% sample coverage, respectively. Gray lines indicate 95% confidence intervals. (E) Histogram of leaf damage beta-diversity across host plant species with more than 20 leaves at the Guaduas, Bogotá, and Cerrejón floras. Pairwise beta-diversity was quantified using CDI and is depicted in solid bars. The blue curve indicates the probability density for the null expectation that the observed DTs are randomly distributed across host plant species.
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Extinction at the end-Cretaceous and the origin of
modern Neotropical rainforests
Mónica R. Carvalho
*, Carlos Jaramillo
*, Felipe de la Parra
, Dayenari Caballero-Rodríguez
Fabiany Herrera
, Scott Wing
, Benjamin L. Turner
, Carlos DApolito
, Millerlandy Romero-Báez
Paula Narváez
, Camila Martínez
, Mauricio Gutierrez
, Conrad Labandeira
, German Bayona
Milton Rueda
, Manuel Paez-Reyes
, Dairon Cárdenas
, Álvaro Duque
, James L. Crowley
Carlos Santos
, Daniele Silvestro
The end-Cretaceous event was catastrophic for terrestrial communities worldwide, yet its long-lasting
effect on tropical forests remains largely unknown. We quantified plant extinction and ecological change
in tropical forests resulting from the end-Cretaceous event using fossil pollen (>50,000 occurrences)
and leaves (>6000 specimens) from localities in Colombia. Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) rainforests
were characterized by an open canopy and diverse plantinsect interactions. Plant diversity declined
by 45% at the CretaceousPaleogene boundary and did not recover for ~6 million years. Paleocene forests
resembled modern Neotropical rainforests, with a closed canopy and multistratal structure dominated
by angiosperms. The end-Cretaceous event triggered a long interval of low plant diversity in the Neotropics
and the evolutionary assembly of todays most diverse terrestrial ecosystem.
Paleontological evidence indicates that the
bolide impact at Chicxulub, 66.02 million
years ago (Ma) (1), had immediate cata-
strophic effects on plant communities and
reshaped terrestrial ecosystems world-
wide (24). Despite the extent of this ecolog-
ical disruption, the long-term extinction and
recovery patterns were geographically hetero-
geneous (5). As much as 90% of pre-extinction
palynomorphs reappeared during the Danian
(66 to 61.6 Ma) in Patagonia and New Zealand
(6,7), and species-rich Danian megafloral as-
semblages with diverse types of insect damage
indicate rapid recovery of diversity in Patagonia
(8,9). By contrast, palynofloral extinction was
up to 30% in the Northern Great Plains of
North America (10), and floral and insect-
damage diversity may not have reached pre-
extinction levels until the latest Paleocene or
early Eocene [(11,12); but see (3)].
Phylogenies of several plant lineages suggest
that the CretaceousPaleogene (K/Pg) event
marking the end of the Cretaceous played a
role in shaping modern tropical lowland rain-
forests (1315), but the fate of tropical forests
following the K/Pg boundary is not well under-
stood. Assessing plant extinction and recovery
requires a thoroughly sampled fossil record, yet
aside from an impact-related fern-spore spike
in deep-water strata from Gorgonilla, Colombia
(16), the plant fossil record across the K/Pg
boundary in the lowland Neotropics is sparse
structure and composition of forests across
the K/Pg boundary in tropical South America
using a palynological dataset spanning the
MaastrichtianPaleocene interval, including
39 stratigraphic sections from outcrops and
wells, 637 samples, 1048 taxa, and 53,029 occur-
rences (Fig. 1 and table S1) (18). As fossil pollen
assemblages typically integrate information
at large spatial scale (i.e., tens of square kilo-
meters), we also examined the composition
and diversity of autochthonous assemblages of
leaf fossils, which instead reflect local forest
communities. These included 2053 fossils from
the Maastrichtian Guaduas Formation and
4898 fossils from the middle-late Paleocene
Bogotá and Cerrejón formations (19). Situated
near the paleo-equator, this then-coastal re-
gion of northern South America was wet and
megathermal throughout the globally warm
Maastrichtian and Paleocene. As a result, the
effect of the end-Cretaceous event on the fossil
record is not confounded by major changes in
Extinction and turnover of tropical vegetation
We estimated diversity using the corrected
sampled-in-bin diversity (20), the shareholder
quorum subsampling (SQS) (21), origination and
Carvalho et al., Science 372,6368 (2021) 2 April 2021 1of6
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama.
Grupo de
Investigación Paleontología Neotropical Tradicional y Molecular
(PaleoNeo), Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matem áticas,
Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia.
Montpellier, CNRS, EPHE, IRD, Montpellier, France.
of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Salamanca,
Salamanca, Spain.
Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo,
Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Negaunee Institute for Plant
Conservation, Chicago Botanic Garden, Chicago, IL, USA.
Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural
History, Washington, DC, USA.
Soil and Water Science
Departm ent, Univers ity of Florida, G ainesville, FL, USA.
Faculdade de Geociências, Universidade Federal de Mato
Grosso, Cuiabá, Brazil.
ExxonMobil Corporation, Spring, TX,
Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias
Ambientales, CCT-CONICET, Mendoza, Argentina.
Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Chile, Santiago,
Department of Entomology, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD, USA.
College of Life Sciences, Capital
Normal University, Beijing, China.
Corporación Geológica Ares,
Bogotá, Colombia.
Paleoflora Ltda, Zapatoca, Colombia.
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of
Houston, Houston, TX, USA.
Instituto Amazónico de
Investigaciones Científicas SINCHI, Leticia, Colombia.
Departamento de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, Medellín, Colombia.
Department of Geosciences,
Boise State University, Boise, ID, USA.
BP Exploration
Operating Company Limited, Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-
Thames, Middlesex, UK.
Department of Biology, University of
Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland.
Department of Biological and
Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg and
Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Corresponding author. Email:
1000 Km
90˚N 80˚N 70˚N
Caribbean Sea
Pacific Ocean
Accreted oceanic terrane
Continental marginal uplifts
500 Km
B3 LM1
Palynological site
Macrofossil site
Continental, marginal plains, swamps
Shallow marine
Fig. 1. Location of stratigraphic sections and macrofossil localities in northern South America.
(A) Map showing modern-day distance to Chicxulub crater. (B) Paleogeographic reconstruction of northern
South America [area delimited by dotted rectangle in (A)] during the late Maastrichtian, based on (64).
on April 1, 2021 from
extinction rates using the second-for-third
method (22), and PyRate (23)[seematerials
and methods (18)]. Palynofloral diversity was
higher in the Maastrichtian (72 to 66 Ma) in
tropical South America than in the early and
middle Paleocene (66 to 60 Ma) (Fig. 2B; mean
of Maastrichtian bins 172.3 versus Paleocene
bins 84.1, ttest, df = 10.9, P<0.001;tableS3),
regardless of differences in sampling size
(Fig. 2B, SQS estimates 27 versus 12.7, ttest,
df = 3872.7, P< 0.001) or depositional envi-
ronments (table S4). This marked decrease in
diversity coincides with a peak in extinction
rates at 66 Ma (66 to 66.5 age bin; log Bayes
factors >6 with a 95% credible interval be-
tween 66.4 and 65.7) that diminishes palyno-
morph diversity by 45% and significantly exceeds
Maastrichtian or Paleocene background extinc-
tion (Fig. 2C, extinction rate of 0.44 versus a
mean of 0.04 for all other bins, SQS esti-
mates 0.53 versus 0.03, ttest, df = 309.08, P<
0.001; PyRate extinction rate 0.75; credible
interval (CI): 0.45 to 1 versus a median rate of
0.07; CI: 0.04 to 0.09 in the Maastrichtian and
0.05; CI 0.03 to 0.07 in the early Paleocene). As
a result, most Maastrichtian cohorts (groups of
palynomorphs that coexist at a given time)
decline in the first bin of the Paleocene (65 Ma
bin), well above the mean cohort reduction
obser ved throughout the Paleocene (Fig.
2E, mean slope of all cohorts at 65 bin 0.24
versus mean slope of all other cohorts, 0.05,
ttest, df = 13, P< 0.001).
Following the K/Pg boundary, palynomorph
diversity did not recover to pre-extinction
levels until after 60 Ma (Fig. 2B) and further
increased beyond pre-extinction levels through-
out the PaleoceneEocene Thermal Maximum
and early Eocene (24,25). The second-for-third
estimates identify a peak in origination during
the 59- to 59.5-Ma interval (Fig. 2D; mean
origination rate 0.38, mean at all other inter-
vals 0.09; SQS estimates 0.95, 0.28 versus 0.08,
ttest, df = 332.54, P< 0.001), whereas PyRate
found support (log Bayes factors >6) for a drop
in origination in the earliest Paleocene (from
0.23; CI: 0.2 to 0.27 to 0.04; CI: 0.01 to 0.08)
and a strong increase between 60.7 and 60.2 Ma
(rate 0.37; CI: 0.28 to 0.47). A reanalysis of the
data allowing the PyRate algorithm to search
for rate shifts at a higher temporal resolution
resulted in similar patterns of origination and
extinction overall (fig. S3). However, the analy-
sis detected an additional brief but strong peak
in origination rates between 59.6 and 59.2 Ma,
when the origination rates increased from 0.26
(CI: 0.18 to 0.38) to 1.30 (CI: 0.90 to 1.72).
We used detrended correspondence analysis
(DCA) and cluster analysis to evaluate changes
in palynofloral composition across the K/Pg
boundary. Rapid change through time in the
first axis scores of samples (Fig. 2F, first axis
explains 57% of variation) and a distinct clus-
tering of Maastrichtian and Paleocene plant
communities (Fig. 2G and fig. S1) reflect a
major and permanent change in floristic com-
position. Although the Maastrichtian contained
roughly equal proportions of angiosperm
(47.9%) and spore grains (49.5%), angiosperm
grains dominated in the Paleocene (mean abun-
dance 84% versus 16% of non-angiosperms,
Wilcoxon test, W-statistic = 14,552, P< 0.001; fig.
S2). Gymnosperms (mostly Araucariaceae) are
2.5% of Maastrichtian grains but only 0.4%
of Paleocene grains (Mann-Whitney test, U-
statistic = 17,509, P< 0.01). Gymnosperms also
occur in 75% of Maastrichtian samples but
only in 24% of Paleocene samples having >100
grains. Sediments from the Maastrichtian
Umir Formation (central Colombia) are rich
in gymnosperm lipid biomarkers (26), sup-
porting the abundance of gymnosperms prior
to the K/Pg extinction. Living species of
Araucariaceae occur as large trees and are
often underrepresented in the palynologi-
cal soil record and do not disperse long dis-
tances (27), such that their low abundance in
Maastrichtian deposits is likely to be an under-
estimation of their true abundance.
Leaf physiognomy and forest types
We recognize 41 angiosperm and 4 fern
morphotypes in the Maastrichtian Guaduas
macroflora. In the Paleocene, we found 46
angiosperms and 2 ferns in the Bogotá flora
and 58 angiosperms, 5 ferns, and 1 conifer
leaf morphotype in the Cerrejón flora. The
foliar physiognomy of nonmonocot angiosperm
leaves (ANA-grade angiosperms: Amborellales,
Nymphales, and Austrobaileyales; magnoliids;
and eudicots) in both the Maastrichtian and
Paleocene assemblages resembles that of mod-
ern tropical rainforests, characterized by leaves
of large size, untoothed margins, and elongated
drip tips (Fig. 3). Of the 36 species of non-
Carvalho et al., Science 372,6368 (2021) 2 April 2021 2of6
Age (Ma)
Pollen/Spores Taxa 010 30 50
0 100 200 300
0 0.5 1.0 1.5
CI 95%
Extinction rates
Origination rates
0 −0.1 −0.2
−1.0 0.0 1.0
DCA Axis 1
0 0.5
CI 95%
0.5 1.5
Fig. 2. Changes in diversity and composition of Maastrichtian-Paleocene
palynofloras in northern South America. (A) Stratigraphic ranges of taxa across
the Maastrichtian-Paleocene interval. Shown in green are the taxa that became
extinct and in orange, the taxa that originated during thistime period. (B)Corrected
sampled-in-bin diversity. (C)PyRate(23) extinction rate mean and 95% credible
interval (orange shadow) and Alroys second-for-third (22)extinctionrate.
(D) PyRate origination rate mean and 95% credible interval (blue shadow), and
Alroys second-for-third origination rates with 0.95 confidence interval (SQS = 0.95;
gray shadow). (E) Boxplot of slopes from the survivorship analysis performed
on 1-million-year bin cohorts. (F) Change in floral composition shown by scores
of samples on DCA axis 1 plotted against time. (G) Sørensen Cluster showing
two distinct clusters, Maastrichtian (green) and Paleocene (orange); see fig. S1 for
individual samples cluster. (H) Boxplot of the proportion per bin of angiosperm
grains versus total flora; see fig. S2 for proportion of individual samples.
on April 1, 2021 from
monocots in the Guaduas flora, 89% have
leaves larger than 45 cm
(mesophylls), 81%
have untoothed margins, and 11 of the 25 species
with preserved apices have drip tips (44%). In
the Paleocene assemblages, 63 and 76% of
nonmonocot species haveuntoothedmargins
(Bogotá and Cerrejón, respectively), and 30
to 35% have elongated drip tips. Estimates of
mean annual rainfall based on Leaf Area Analy-
sis (18,28,29)indicateannualprecipitation
of 234 to 293 cm year
for the Guaduas flora,
182 to 184 cm year
for the Bogotá flora, and
240 to 308 cm year
for the Cerrejón flora
(Table 1 and table S8).
Leaf mass per area (LMA) values, estimated
on the basis of the scaling relationship between
leaf mass and petiole diameter observed in
living plants (30), were consistent with modern
Carvalho et al., Science 372,6368 (2021) 2 April 2021 3of6
Fig. 3. Representative leaf taxa. (A to K) Taxa from Paleocene Bogotá and
(L to W) Maastrichtian Guaduas floras. (A) Menispermaceae (BF6). (B) Salicaceae
(BF5) with midrib gall. (C) Fabaceae leaflet (BF38) with surface feeding
damage. (D) Euphorbiaceae (BF37) with hole and margin feeding. (E) Fabaceae,
Caesalpinioideae (BF21). (F) Water fern, Salvinia bogotensis, Salviniaceae
(BF22). (G)Malvaciphyllum sp. Malvaceae (BF4). (H) Example of drip tip in
Salicaceae (BF23). (I) aff. Eleaocarpaceae (BF13). (J) Fabaceae leaflet
(BF21, 5 mm) with hole feeding damage. (K) Arecaceae (BF27). (L) Arecaceae
(GD47, 10 cm). (M) aff. Lauraceae (GD54). (N) aff. Hamamelidaceae (GD56).
(Oand P) Fertile and sterile fragments of Polypodiaceae (GD22). (Q) aff.
Salicaceae (GD6). (R) Lauraceae (GD7) with drip tip. (S) aff. Urticaceae
(GD52). (T) Zingiberales (GD46, 5 cm). (U) aff. Cucurbitaceae (GD8).
(V)Bernhamniphyllum sp. Rhamnaceae (GD1). (W) aff. Dilleniaceae (GD3).
Scale bars: 1 cm except where noted in parentheses after taxon.
on April 1, 2021 from
evergreen rainforest environments across all
three floras (Guaduas: 36 to 206 g m
; Bogotá:
52 to 206 g m
; Cerrejón: 44 to 126 g m
), yet
LMAs of the Guaduas and Bogotá floras are
lower than those of Cerrejón (ttest, P< 0.001,
tables S9 and S10) (18). Evergreen trees tend
to have higher LMAs when living under drier
climates (31), which is consistent with the
relatively lower precipitation of the Bogotá
flora compared with Cerrejón. The Guaduas
and Cerrejón floras had similar precipitation
(>200 cm year
), so it is possible that the
higher Guaduas LMA may reflect a higher
irradiance related to canopy structure (see
below) or poorer soils (31).
A notable feature of the Paleocene Cerrejón
flora is its resemblance to modern Neotropical
rainforests in terms of family-level composi-
tion of angiosperms (19). To examine this, we
compared the natural affinities of leaf taxa in
the Guaduas with those at Bogotá, Cerrejón,
and modern Neotropical rainforests. Some
Maastrichtian angiosperms have confirmed or
tentative affinities to families that are widely
distributed in (but not necessarily restricted to)
the lowland tropics, including Lauraceae (t wo
or three morphotypes), Araceae (two morpho-
types), Theaceae (one or two morphotypes),
Arecaceae, Rhamnaceae (32), Piperaceae
(33), Salicaceae, Canellaceae, Dilleniaceae,
Urticaceae, and Monimiaceae (one morpho-
type each), among others (Fig. 4A, table S6,
and data S4). The flowering plants of the
Paleocene Bogotá flora closely resemble those
of the Cerrejón flora (19) and include the dom-
inant tree families in modern Neotropical rain-
forests. The Bogotá flora has two leaflet types of
Fabaceae, one of these representing the earliest
record of Caesalpinioideae (with abundant
legume pods) (34), Euphorbiaceae, Lauraceae,
Salicaceae, Violaceae (two morphotypes each),
Malvaceae, Melastomataceae (35), Rhamnaceae,
Arecaceae, Eleaocarpaceae, and Araceae (one
morphotype each; table S7 and data S5).
Fossil seeds of Annonaceae, Icacinaceae,
Menispermaceae, and Passifloraceae are also
present in the Bogotá flora. Because nearly
autochthonous leaf assemblages reflect tree
biomass as a combination of stem abundance
and stem diameter (36), we compared the
family-level composition of five unbiased cen-
sus sites (two from Guaduas, one from Bogotá,
and two from Cerrejón) with permanent plots
in two living Neotropical rainforests: Barro
Colorado Island (BCI), Panama (37), and
Amacayacu, Colombia (38). In living tropical
rainforests, samples of leaf litter that are an al-
ogous to single fossil quarry sites can represent
most of the standing vegetation (90% biomass)
in a 12.5-m radius (36). The Paleocene census
sites are more similar in family composition
to the living forest at BCI (Fig. 4B; Wilcoxon
test, W = 46882, P< 0.001) and Amacayacu
Carvalho et al., Science 372,6368 (2021) 2 April 2021 4of6
Mean percent of plot
species in family
Amacayacu BCI
Within living plots
Maastrichtian vs. Living
Paleocene vs. Living
DT Frequency (%)
DT Richness
Bogotá Cerrejón
0510 0510
0510 0510
Probability Density
Families present at Paleocene sites
Families present at Maastrichtian sites
Fig. 4. Forest composition and insect-feeding damage of fossil floras. (A) Percentage of tree species in
72 extant Neotropical forest plots that belong to the 25 plant families that together account for 75% of
diversity. Half of the stems belong to the 10 families shown as dark bars. Orange circles indicate families
present in the Bogotá or Cerrejón floras (Paleocene), and green diamonds indicate families present in the
Maastrichtian Guaduas flora. (B) Density plot of dissimilarity in family composition between fossil
assemblages and samples of living Neotropical forests (see materials and methods for details). Chao-
Sørensen dissimilarity (CDI) was calculated between randomly selected subregions of the 50-ha plot at Barro
Colorado Island (Panama) and the 25-ha plot at Amacayacu (Colombia). Gray areas depict the distribution of
dissimilarities of the randomly selected subregions within each site. (C) Average frequency of damaged
leaves in 400 randomly selected leaves from each fossil flora. (D) Richness of total and specialized
insect-mediated damage types, rarefied to 95 and 90% sample coverage, respectively. Gray lines indicate
95% confidence intervals. (E) Histogram of leaf damage beta-diversity across host plant species with
more than 20 leaves at the Guaduas, Bogotá, and Cerrejón floras. Pairwise beta-diversity was quantified using
CDI and is depicted in solid bars. The blue curve indicates the probability density for the null expectation that
the observed DTs are randomly distributed across host plant species.
Table 1. Leaf physiognomy and precipitation of the Maastrichtian-Paleocene floras. Numbers in parentheses indicate numbers of quarries (Total
specimens), number of census localities (Census), and number of morphotypes with preserved apices (drip tips). MAP, mean annual precipitation.
Formation Age Total
numbers Leaf taxa Nonmonocot
with entire margins
with drip tips
Leaves mesophylls
or larger
(cm year
Guaduas Maastrichtian 2053 (12) 1650 (2) 45 36 29 (81%) 11 (25) 32 (89%) 234293
.................................... ....................................................... ..................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................ ......................
Bogotá Paleocene 2416 (19) 1370 (1) 48 40 25 (63%) 6 (20) 25 (63%) 182184
.................................... ....................................................... ..................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................ ......................
Cerrejón* Paleocene 2482 (18) 1190 (2) 65 46 35 (76%) 12 (34) 44 (68%) 240304
.................................... ....................................................... ..................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................ ......................
*Data reported by (19).
on April 1, 2021 from
(Wilcoxon test, W = 7806, P< 0.001) than they
are to the Maastrichtian census sites (fig. S5).
Canopy structure is reflected in the distri-
bution of leaf vein length per area (VLA) and
stable carbon isotope ratios (d
C) within in-
dividual taxa (39,40). Most nonmonocots
from Guaduas have relatively high VLA values
(39,41), yet the unimodal distribution of VLA
within single taxa in the Guaduas flora (39)
and the low range of d
C measured in leaf
cuticles (40) suggest that these forests did not
have the range of light environments seen in
modern multistratal rainforests. By contrast,
leaves of the Paleocene Cerrejón flora show
the same bimodal distribution of single-taxon
VLA and the wide range of cuticle d
served in modern closed canopy, multistratal
forests (39,40). Maastrichtian wet tropical for-
ests, therefore, likely had an open canopy that
promoted mixing of respired and atmospheric
and a small light gradient between the
understory and the canopy compared to mod-
ern Neotropical forests. These open canopy
forests may have recycled less rainfall through
transpiration than their multistratal Paleocene
equivalents, potentially influencing regional
and global climate (42).
Diversity of plant-insect interactions
The diversity of insect-feeding damage on
leaves reflects the richness of insect herbi-
vores (43). We quantified insect damage in the
Guaduas and Bogotá floras following a stan-
dard damage type (DT) system and compared
it with damage from the Paleocene Cerrejón
flora (18). Over 50% of leaves in all three floras
show insect herbivory (Fig. 4C), indicating in-
tense biotic interactions in both Maastrichtian
and Paleocene forests. The richness of insect
DTs in the Guaduas flora is comparable to that
at Bogotá and greater than at Cerrejón, both
for total DT richness resampled at 95% cov-
erage (Guaduas versus Bogotá: 46.5 versus
47.8 DTs, ttest one-tailed, t= 0.325, df = 579,
P= 0.745; Guaduas versus Cerrejón: 46.5 versus
16.0 DTs, ttest one-tailed, t=6.23,df=483,P<
0.001) and for specialized damage only (at 90%
coverage: Guaduas versus Bogotá: 30.53 versus
29.48 DTs, ttest, t= 0.20, df = 802, P= 0.841;
Guaduas versus Cerrejón: 30.53 versus 11.43 DTs,
ttest, t=5.09,df=1121,P<0.001;Fig.4D).
Because insect-feeding damage reflects in-
flicting herbivores, DT beta-diversity across
host species provides evidence of host speci-
ficity among insect herbivore communities.
Leaf damage beta-diversity across host taxa
in the Maastrichtian Guaduas flora is higher
than expected by chance (Wilcoxon test, W =
41615, P< 0.001) and higher than that observed
at either Bogotá or Cerrejón (Guaduas versus
Bogotá: Wilcoxon test, W = 1322, P<0.001;
1410, P< 0.001) (Fig. 4E). This distribution of
bivore community specificity than at either
Paleocene site.
The end-Cretaceous shaped modern
Neotropical rainforests
Prior to the end-Cretaceous, Neotropical rain-
forests had relatively open canopies; contained
a mixture of angiosperms, ferns, and conifers
(mostly Araucariaceae); and suffered intense
and host-specific insect herbivory. Paleocene
forests, by contrast, were more similar to mod-
ern Neotropical rainforests in having closed,
multistratal canopies, biomass dominated by
angiosperms, and a similar plant family com-
position. Yet, Paleocene rainforests were less
diverse than Maastrichtian, Eocene, or mod-
ern rainforests (19), and the low plant diversity
seen throughout the Paleocene shows a long
lag in the recovery of diversity following the
P/Kg event.
The differences between Maastrichtian and
Paleocene forests in floral composition and
canopy structure, but similar leaf physiognomy,
denote two fundamentally distinct ecosystems
that developed under the same wet, tropical
climate. Because of their open canopies, lower
angiosperm abundance, and a constant, albeit
minor, presence of conifers, Maastrichtian rain-
forests may have been accompanied by slower
rates of carbon fixation, transpiration, and nu-
trient cycling when compared to Paleocene
rainforests. In addition, the development of
closed canopy rainforests in the Paleocene
would have created stronger vertical gradients
in light and water use, providing opportunities
for new plant habit and growth forms and
leading to the vertical complexity seen in mod-
ern rainforests.
These notable differences raise two ques-
tions: (i) Why did Maastrichtian rainforests
lack a closed canopy? By the Late Cretaceous,
angiosperms were taxonomically and ecolog-
ically diverse (44,45) and had evolved a wide
range of growth habits, ranging from aquatic
plants to large trees (45,46), making it unlikely
that they were inherently unable to form a
closed canopy. (ii) Why did Paleocene rain-
forests establish a different plant community
composition and structure instead of return-
ing to the Maastrichtian-like rainforests? This
is particularly perplexing given the similarity
in Paleocene and Maastrichtian climates.
We offer three, nonmutually exclusive ex-
planations for the observed pattern. One is
disturbance by large herbivores. Sustained
trampling and extensive feeding by large her-
bivores, mostly dinosaurs (47), could have main-
tained an open canopy by reducing competition
for light among neighboring plants through
continuous habitat disturbance and gap gen-
eration. Such pervasive disturbance could ex-
plain the abundance of ferns in Maastrichtian
palynofloras, as they typically thrive in succes-
sional vegetation (48). The extinction of large
herbivores at the end-Cretaceous would have
reduced gap formation, triggering a race for
lightamong tropical plants, and creating
more shaded habitats in which a wider va-
riety of light and growth strategies could suc-
ceed (49). A second explanation involves soil
nutrients. Extensive and stable lowlands de-
veloped in northern South America during the
Maastrichtian (50), with a persistent humid
climate over millions of years. Maastrichtian
forests therefore must have grown on strongly
weathered soils characterized by extreme in-
fertility (51) with nutrient limitation of growth
exacerbated by the high CO
and associated high water-use efficiency that
reduces nutrient uptake by mass flow (52,53).
These low-nutrient conditions would have pro-
moted an open canopy structure by favoring
the conifers, which in modern tropical for-
ests are typically associated with infertile soils
(54). Ashfall from the Chicxulub impact added
weatherable phosphorus minerals to terres-
trial ecosystems worldwide (55), instantly
resetting fertility to the high-phosphorus, low-
nitrogen period that characterizes young stages
of ecosystem development (51). This set the
stage for the diversification of nitrogen-fixing
taxa in the Fabaceae, whose rise in the Paleo-
cene (34) would have increased soil fertility,
stimulated forest productivity (56), and en-
hanced the relative advantage of highgrowth-
rate angiosperms over conifers and ferns (57,58).
These proposed changes in nutrient cycling
could be tested by analyzing paleosol com-
position and isotopic signatures across the
MaastrichtianPaleocene interval. A third ex-
planation of the observed pattern concerns se-
lective extinction. Although the Araucariaceae
were not diverse, they could have been impor-
tant in structuring the Late Cretaceous canopy
environment (59). Lineages with narrow eco-
logical ranges and tree growth forms such as
Araucariaceae are particularly susceptible to
mass extinction events (60). By contrast, high
ecological diversity within Maastrichtian angio-
sperm lineages (44,45) may have made them
more resistant to extinction (60), as might their
higher capacity for whole-genome duplication
(6163). The near disappearance of conifer trees
from tropical rainforest canopies at the end
of the Cretaceous may have released resources
upon which the modern angiosperm canopy-
forming lineages diversified during the Paleo-
cene. This scenario could be tested by assessing
shifts in diversification rates across the K/Pg
of Neotropical canopy trees, epiphytes, and
Although there is still much to be learned
about the Cretaceous and Paleocene tropical
forests, the changes described here show that
the end-Cretaceous event had profound conse-
quences for tropical vegetation, ultimately en-
abling the assembly of modern Neotropical
rainforests. It is notable that a single historical
Carvalho et al., Science 372,6368 (2021) 2 April 2021 5of6
on April 1, 2021 from
accident altered the ecological and evolution-
triggering the formation of the most diverse
biome on Earth.
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We thank Carbones El Cerrejón, the Montecristo/Peñitas coal
mines, and Chechua/Cogua siltstone mines; E. Cadena, A. Rincón,
J. Moreno, S. Gómez, D. Carvalho, A. Giraldo, and A. Alfonso for
fieldwork assistance; G. Doria and C. Gómez for their work
systematizing the fossil collections; three anonymous reviewers for
their helpful comments; Universidad del Norte and Museo Mapuka;
and Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia and Parque
Nacional Amacayacu. Funding: This research was funded by
NSF grant EAR-1829299 (to M.R.C., F.H., C.J.), STRI-Earl S. Tupper
postdoctoral fellowship and GSA graduate student research
grant (to M.R.C.), the Oak Spring Garden Foundation (to F.H.),
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, the Anders Foundation,
the 1923 Fund and Gregory D. and Jennifer Walston Johnson
(to C.J.), the Swiss National Science Foundation and Swedish
Research Council (PCEFP3_187012, VR: 2019-04739 to
D. Silvestro), and CTFS-ForestGeo. Author contributions:
C.J. designed and coordinated the research program; M.R.C. and
C.J. led the writing with contributions of all coauthors; F.d.l.P.,
C.DA., M.R.-B., P.N., M.P.-R., C.J., and C.S. performed palynological
data gathering; M.R.C., F.H., S.W., C.M., and M.G. performed
paleobotanical analysis; M.R.C. and C.L. performed herbivore
analysis; M.R.C., A.D., and D.C. performed analysis of modern
vegetation; D.C.R. and C.J. performed pollen data analysis;
B.L.T. provided soil expertise; J.L.C. performed radiometric dating;
G.B. performed palinspastic reconstruction and sedimentary
analysis; and D.S. performed PyRate analysis. Competing
interests: The authors declare no competing interests. Data and
materials availability: The data reported and code used in this
paper are deposited in figshare digital repository (65). Additional
information on samples can be accessed using STRIidentification
numbers, through
The BCI forest dynamics research project was founded by
S. P. Hubbell and R. B. Foster and is now managed by R. Perez,
S. Aguilar, D. Mitre, and S. Lao under the ForestGEO program of the
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. Numerous
organizations have provided funding, principally the U.S. National
Science Foundation, and hundreds of field workers have contributed.
Materials and Methods
Supplementary text
Figs. S1 to S8
Table S1 to S11
References (66114)
Data S1 to S6
13 October 2020; accepted 3 February 2021
Carvalho et al., Science 372,6368 (2021) 2 April 2021 6of6
on April 1, 2021 from
Extinction at the end-Cretaceous and the origin of modern Neotropical rainforests
Santos and Daniele Silvestro
Labandeira, German Bayona, Milton Rueda, Manuel Paez-Reyes, Dairon Cárdenas, Álvaro Duque, James L. Crowley, Carlos
Benjamin L. Turner, Carlos D'Apolito, Millerlandy Romero-Báez, Paula Narváez, Camila Martínez, Mauricio Gutierrez, Conrad
Mónica R. Carvalho, Carlos Jaramillo, Felipe de la Parra, Dayenari Caballero-Rodríguez, Fabiany Herrera, Scott Wing,
DOI: 10.1126/science.abf1969
(6537), 63-68.372Science
, this issue p. 63; see also p. 28Science
closed and layered, leading to increased vertical stratification and a greater diversity of plant growth forms.
that of modern lowland neotropical forest. The leaf data also imply that the forest canopy evolved from relatively open to
Angiosperm taxa came to dominate the forests over the 6 million years of recovery, when the flora began to resemble
but were also able to infer changes in forest structure. Extinctions were widespread, especially among gymnosperms.
forests at this time (see the Perspective by Jacobs and Currano). They not only found changes in species composition
used fossilized pollen and leaves to characterize the changes that took place in northern South Americanet al.Carvalho
The origin of modern rainforests can be traced to the aftermath of the bolide impact at the end of the Cretaceous.
The birth of modern rainforests
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on April 1, 2021 from
... 145-100 million years ago (Ma) (Magallón et al. 2015), and fossil data suggest that they did not dominate Neotropical ecosystems until the Late Cretaceous (ca. 100-66 Ma; Burnham & Johnson 2004;Dino et al. 1999;Mejia-Velasquez et al. 2012;Carvalho et al. 2021). ...
... The Amazon was substantially modified by a sudden mass extinction triggered by the Chicxulub asteroid impact about 66 million years ago at the Cretaceous-Paleogene [K-Pg] boundary (De La Parra et al. 2008;Carvalho et al. 2021;Jacobs and Currano 2021). Many groups of Neotropical birds (Claramunt and Cracraft 2015; Oliveros et al. 2019), butterflies (Espeland et al. 2015(Espeland et al. , 2018Seraphim et al. 2018), and fishes (Friedman 2010;Hughes et al. 2018) diversified rapidly following this event. ...
Full-text available
Amazonia (defined herein as the Amazon basin) is home to the greatest concentration of biodiversity on Earth, providing unique genetic resources and ecological functions that contribute to ecosystem services globally. The lengthy and complex evolutionary history of this region has produced heterogeneous landscapes and riverscapes at multiple scales, altered the geographic and genetic connections among populations, and impacted rates of adaptation, speciation, and extinction. In turn, ecologically diverse Amazonian biotas promoted further diversification, species coexistence, and coevolution, with biodiversity accumulating over tens of millions of years. Important events in Amazonian history included: (i) late Cretaceous and early Paleogene origin of major rainforest plant and animal groups; (ii) Eocene-Oligocene global cooling with rainforests contracting to tropical latitudes separating Atlantic coastal and Amazonian rainforests; (iii) Miocene uplift of central and northern Andes that separated Pacific coastal and Amazonian rainforests, spurred formation of mega-wetlands in the western Amazon, and contributed to the origin of the modern transcontinental Amazon River; (iv) late Neogene formation of the Panamanian Isthmus that facilitated the Great American Biotic Interchange; (v) Pleistocene climate oscillations followed by late Pleistocene-Holocene human colonization and megafaunal extinctions; and (vi) modern era of widespread anthropogenic deforestation, defaunation, and ecological transformations of regional landscapes and global climates. Amazonian conservation requires decade-scale investments into biodiversity documentation and monitoring to leverage existing scientific capacity, and strategic habitat planning to allow continuity of evolutionary and ecological processes now and into the future. KEYWORDS: biogeography; conservation; extinction; Neotropics; speciation
... Backbone relationships between some clades (e.g., Macrocentrum, Michelangeli et al. 2022) vary between these two available phylogenies, but, central to our study, core Merianieae consistently form a monophyletic group originating in the mid-Miocene. In the main text, we present results on the phylogenetic hypothesis of Reginato et al. 2022, which has been dated in BEAST v.2.6.3 on a consensus tree for Melastomataceae with constrained topology, using four different combinations of time prior constraints of one secondary calibration point at the stem of Melastomataceae ) and three fossils (Duarte 1956;Collinson and Pingen 1992;Carvalho et al. 2021). The phylogenetic hypothesis of Dellinger et al. (2019b) is based on a slightly different taxon sampling (141 spp.) and lacks the fossil of Carvalho et al. (2021), but mean crown ages are comparable across both phylogenies, with the 95% highest probability density ranging from 37.94 to 23.5 Ma (30 Ma mean crown age in Reginato et al. (2022), 24.5 Ma in Dellinger et al. (2019b)). ...
... In the main text, we present results on the phylogenetic hypothesis of Reginato et al. 2022, which has been dated in BEAST v.2.6.3 on a consensus tree for Melastomataceae with constrained topology, using four different combinations of time prior constraints of one secondary calibration point at the stem of Melastomataceae ) and three fossils (Duarte 1956;Collinson and Pingen 1992;Carvalho et al. 2021). The phylogenetic hypothesis of Dellinger et al. (2019b) is based on a slightly different taxon sampling (141 spp.) and lacks the fossil of Carvalho et al. (2021), but mean crown ages are comparable across both phylogenies, with the 95% highest probability density ranging from 37.94 to 23.5 Ma (30 Ma mean crown age in Reginato et al. (2022), 24.5 Ma in Dellinger et al. (2019b)). To ascertain robustness of our results, we ran analyses on both phylogenetic hypotheses, and additionally randomly subsampled the phylogenetic hypothesis of Reginato et al. 2022 to only 50% of taxa to evaluate potential bias due to incomplete sampling (Supplementary Table S1 for sampling fractions). ...
Why and how organismal lineages radiate is commonly studied through either assessing abiotic factors (biogeography, geomorphological processes, and climate) or biotic factors (traits and interactions). Despite increasing awareness that both abiotic and biotic processes may have important joint effects on diversification dynamics, few attempts have been made to quantify the relative importance and timing of these factors, and their potentially interlinked direct and indirect effects, on lineage diversification. We here combine assessments of historical biogeography, geomorphology, climatic niche, vegetative, and floral trait evolution to test whether these factors jointly, or in isolation, explain diversification dynamics of a Neotropical plant clade (Merianieae, Melastomataceae). After estimating ancestral areas and the changes in niche and trait disparity over time, we employ Phylogenetic Path Analyses as a synthesis tool to test eleven hypotheses on the individual direct and indirect effects of these factors on diversification rates. We find strongest support for interlinked effects of colonization of the uplifting Andes during the mid-Miocene and rapid abiotic climatic niche evolution in explaining a burst in diversification rate in Merianieae. Within Andean habitats, later increases in floral disparity allowed for the exploitation of wider pollination niches (i.e., shifts from bee to vertebrate pollinators), but did not affect diversification rates. Our approach of including both vegetative and floral trait evolution, rare in assessments of plant diversification in general, highlights that the evolution of woody habit and larger flowers preceded the colonization of the Andes, but was likely critical in enabling the rapid radiation in montane environments. Overall, and in concert with the idea that ecological opportunity is a key element of evolutionary radiations, our results suggest that a combination of rapid niche evolution and trait shifts was critical for the exploitation of newly available niche space in the Andes in the mid-Miocene. Further, our results emphasize the importance of incorporating both abiotic and biotic factors into the same analytical framework if we aim to quantify the relative and interlinked effects of these processes on diversification.
... The severity of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction for plants has been debated (McElwain and Punyasena 2007;Vajda and Bercovici 2014;Carvalho et al. 2021;Thompson andRamírez-Barahona 2023, Wilf et al. 2023), and we do not see substantially increased extinction rates in Sino-Himalayan angiosperms in the latest Cretaceous (86 -66 Ma). However, we do infer high diversification rates during the Paleocene, immediately following this event (66 -56 Ma). ...
Full-text available
The current status of the Sino-Himalayan region as a biodiversity hotspot, particularly for flora, has often been linked to the uplift of the Sino-Tibetan Plateau and Himalayan and Hengduan Mountains. However, the relationship between the topological development of the region and the onset of diversification is yet to be confirmed. Here, we apply Bayesian phylodynamic methods to a large phylogeny of angiosperm species from the Sino-Himalayas, to infer changes in their evolutionary rates through time. We find strong evidence for high diversification rates in the Paleocene, late Miocene and Pliocene, and for negative diversification rates in the Quaternary, driven by an increase in extinction rates. Our analyses suggest that changes in global palaeotemperatures are unlikely to be a driving force for these rate shifts. Instead, the collision of the Indian continent with Eurasia and coeval topographic change in the Sino-Himalayas, the Miocene Grassland Expansion, and the impact of Pleistocene glaciations on this altitudinally-variable region may have driven these rates. We also demonstrate the strong influence of change time choice on the shape of inferred piecewise-constant trajectories in Bayesian phylodynamics, and advocate for the use of prior information when making this decision. Supplementary material at
... The fossil evidence suggests the extinction events in the early evolution of the WCS might have primarily occurred around the Cretaceous/Paleocene boundary. This temporal coincidence aligns with Earth's most recent mass extinction event when over 75% of species became extinct [70][71][72]. ...
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Background The "woody clade" in Saxifragales (WCS), encompassing four woody families (Altingiaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, and Hamamelidaceae), is a phylogenetically recalcitrant node in the angiosperm tree of life, as the interfamilial relationships of the WCS remain contentious. Based on a comprehensive sampling of WCS genera, this study aims to recover a robust maternal backbone phylogeny of the WCS by analyzing plastid genome (plastome) sequence data using Bayesian inference (BI), maximum likelihood (ML), and maximum parsimony (MP) methods, and to explore the possible causes of the phylogenetic recalcitrance with respect to deep relationships within the WCS, in combination with molecular and fossil evidence. Results Although the four WCS families were identically resolved as monophyletic, the MP analysis recovered different tree topologies for the relationships among Altingiaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, and Daphniphyllaceae from the ML and BI phylogenies. The fossil-calibrated plastome phylogeny showed that the WCS underwent a rapid divergence of crown groups in the early Cretaceous (between 104.79 and 100.23 Ma), leading to the origin of the stem lineage ancestors of Altingiaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, and Hamamelidaceae within a very short time span (∼4.56 Ma). Compared with the tree topology recovered in a previous study based on nuclear genome data, cytonuclear discordance regarding the interfamilial relationships of the WCS was detected. Conclusions Molecular and fossil evidence imply that the early divergence of the WCS might have experienced radiative diversification of crown groups, extensive extinctions at the genus and species levels around the Cretaceous/ Paleocene boundary, and ancient hybridization. Such evolutionarily complex events may introduce biases in topological estimations within the WCS due to incomplete lineage sorting, cytonuclear discordance, and long-branch attraction, potentially impacting the accurate reconstruction of deep relationships.
... The fossil evidence suggests the extinction events in the early evolution of the WCS might have primarily occurred around the Cretaceous/Paleocene boundary. This temporal coincidence aligns with Earth's most recent mass extinction event when over 75% of species became extinct [70][71][72]. ...
Full-text available
Background The “woody clade” in Saxifragales (WCS), encompassing four woody families (Altingiaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, and Hamamelidaceae), is a phylogenetically recalcitrant node in the angiosperm tree of life, as the interfamilial relationships of the WCS remain contentious. Based on a comprehensive sampling of WCS genera, this study aims to recover a robust maternal backbone phylogeny of the WCS by analyzing plastid genome (plastome) sequence data using Bayesian inference (BI), maximum likelihood (ML), and maximum parsimony (MP) methods, and to explore the possible causes of the phylogenetic recalcitrance with respect to deep relationships within the WCS, in combination with molecular and fossil evidence. Results Although the four WCS families were identically resolved as monophyletic, the MP analysis recovered different tree topologies for the relationships among Altingiaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, and Daphniphyllaceae from the ML and BI phylogenies. The fossil-calibrated plastome phylogeny showed that the WCS underwent a rapid divergence of crown groups in the early Cretaceous (between 104.79 and 100.23 Ma), leading to the origin of the stem lineage ancestors of Altingiaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, and Hamamelidaceae within a very short time span (∼4.56 Ma). Compared with the tree topology recovered in a previous study based on nuclear genome data, cytonuclear discordance regarding the interfamilial relationships of the WCS was detected. Conclusions Molecular and fossil evidence imply that the early divergence of the WCS might have experienced radiative diversification of crown groups, extensive extinctions at the genus and species levels around the Cretaceous/Paleocene boundary, and ancient hybridization. Such evolutionarily complex events may introduce biases in topological estimations within the WCS due to incomplete lineage sorting, cytonuclear discordance, and long-branch attraction, potentially impacting the accurate reconstruction of deep relationships.
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Biomes are large‐scale ecosystems occupying large spaces. The biome concept should theoretically facilitate scientific synthesis of global‐scale studies of the past, present, and future biosphere. However, there is neither a consensus biome map nor universally accepted definition of terrestrial biomes, making joint interpretation and comparison of biome‐related studies difficult. “Desert,” “rainforest,” “tundra,” “grassland,” or “savanna,” while widely used terms in common language, have multiple definitions and no universally accepted spatial distribution. Fit‐for‐purpose classification schemes are necessary, so multiple biome‐mapping methods should for now co‐exist. In this review, we compare biome‐mapping methods, first conceptually, then quantitatively. To facilitate the description of the diversity of approaches, we group the extant diversity of past, present, and future global‐scale biome‐mapping methods into three main families that differ by the feature captured, the mapping technique, and the nature of observation used: (1) compilation biome maps from expert elicitation, (2) functional biome maps from vegetation physiognomy, and (3) simulated biome maps from vegetation modeling. We design a protocol to measure and quantify spatially the pairwise agreement between biome maps. We then illustrate the use of such a protocol with a real‐world application by investigating the potential ecological drivers of disagreement between four broadly used, modern global biome maps. In this example, we quantify that the strongest disagreement among biome maps generally occurs in landscapes altered by human activities and moderately covered by vegetation. Such disagreements are sources of bias when combining several biome classifications. When aiming to produce realistic biome maps, biases could be minimized by promoting schemes using observations rather than predictions, while simultaneously considering the effect of humans and other ecosystem engineers in the definition. Throughout this review, we provide comparison and decision tools to navigate the diversity of approaches to encourage a more effective use of the biome concept.
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Morphological disparity and taxonomic diversity are distinct measures of biodiversity, typically expected to evolve synergistically. However, evidence from mass extinctions indicates that they can be decoupled, and while mass extinctions lead to a drastic loss of diversity, their impact on disparity remains unclear. Here we evaluate the dynamics of morphological disparity and extinction selectivity across the Permian–Triassic mass extinction. We developed an automated approach, termed DeepMorph, for the extraction of morphological features from fossil images using a deep learning model and applied it to a high-resolution temporal dataset encompassing 599 genera across six marine clades. Ammonoids, brachiopods and ostracods experienced a selective loss of complex and ornamented forms, while bivalves, gastropods and conodonts did not experience morphologically selective extinctions. The presence and intensity of morphological selectivity probably reflect the variations in environmental tolerance thresholds among different clades. In clades affected by selective extinctions, the intensity of diversity loss promoted the loss of morphological disparity. Conversely, under non-selective extinctions, the magnitude of diversity loss had a negligible impact on disparity. Our results highlight that the Permian–Triassic mass extinction had heterogeneous morphological selective impacts across clades, offering new insights into how mass extinctions can reshape biodiversity and ecosystem structure.
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The Early Cretaceous (145–100 million years ago (Ma)) witnessed the rise of flowering plants (angiosperms), which ultimately lead to profound changes in terrestrial plant communities. However, palaeobotanical evidence shows that the transition to widespread angiosperm-dominated biomes was delayed until the Palaeocene (66–56 Ma). Important aspects of the timing and geographical setting of angiosperm diversification during this period, and the groups involved, remain uncertain. Here we address these aspects by constructing and dating a new and complete family-level phylogeny, which we integrate with 16 million geographic occurrence records for angiosperms on a global scale. We show substantial time lags (mean, 37–56 Myr) between the origin of families (stem age) and the diversification leading to extant species (crown ages) across the entire angiosperm tree of life. In turn, our results show that families with the shortest lags are overrepresented in temperate and arid biomes compared with tropical biomes. Our results imply that the diversification and ecological expansion of extant angiosperms was geographically heterogeneous and occurred long after most of their phylogenetic diversity originated during the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution.
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The consequences of the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary (KPB) mass extinction for the evolution of plant diversity remain poorly understood, even though evolutionary turnover of plant lineages at the KPB is central to understanding assembly of the Cenozoic biota. The apparent concentration of whole genome duplication (WGD) events around the KPB may have played a role in survival and subsequent diversification of plant lineages. To gain new insights into the origins of Cenozoic biodiversity, we examine the origin and early evolution of the globally diverse legume family (Leguminosae or Fabaceae). Legumes are ecologically (co-)dominant across many vegetation types, and the fossil record suggests that they rose to such prominence after the KPB in parallel with several well-studied animal clades including Placentalia and Neoaves. Furthermore, multiple WGD events are hypothesized to have occurred early in legume evolution. Using a recently inferred phylogenomic framework, we investigate the placement of WGDs during early legume evolution using gene tree reconciliation methods, gene count data and phylogenetic supernetwork reconstruction. Using 20 fossil calibrations we estimate a revised timeline of legume evolution based on 36 nuclear genes selected as informative and evolving in an approximately clock-like fashion. To establish the timing of WGDs we also date duplication nodes in gene trees. Results suggest either a pan-legume WGD event on the stem lineage of the family, or an allopolyploid event involving (some of) the earliest lineages within the crown group, with additional nested WGDs subtending subfamilies Papilionoideae and Detarioideae. Gene tree reconciliation methods that do not account for allopolyploidy may be misleading in inferring an earlier WGD event at the time of divergence of the two parental lineages of the polyploid, suggesting that the allopolyploid scenario is more likely. We show that the crown age of the legumes dates to the Maastrichtian or early Paleocene and that, apart from the Detarioideae WGD, paleopolyploidy occurred close to the KPB. We conclude that the early evolution of the legumes followed a complex history, in which multiple auto- and/or allopolyploidy events coincided with rapid diversification and in association with the mass extinction event at the KPB, ultimately underpinning the evolutionary success of the Leguminosae in the Cenozoic.
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Terrestrial record of recovery The extinction that occurred at the end of the Cretaceous period is best known as the end of the nonavian dinosaurs. In theory, this paved the way for the expansion of mammals as well as other taxa, including plants. However, there are very few direct records of loss and recovery of biotic diversity across this event. Lyson et al. describe a new record from the Cretaceous-Paleogene in Colorado that includes unusually complete vertebrate and plant fossils that describe this event in detail, including the recovery and expansion of mammalian body size and increasing plant and animal biotic diversity within the first million years. Science , this issue p. 977
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The estimation of origination and extinction rates and their temporal variation is central to understanding diversity patterns and the evolutionary history of clades. The fossil record provides the only direct evidence of extinction and biodiversity changes through time and has long been used to infer the dynamics of diversity changes in deep time. The software PyRate implements a Bayesian framework to analyze fossil occurrence data to estimate the rates of preservation, origination, and extinction while incorporating several sources of uncertainty. Building upon this framework, we present a suite of methodological advances including more complex and realistic models of preservation and the first likelihood-based test to compare the fit across different models. Further, we develop a new reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to estimate origination and extinction rates and their temporal variation, which provides more reliable results and includes an explicit estimation of the number and temporal placement of statistically significant rate changes. Finally, we implement a new C++ library that speeds up the analyses by orders of magnitude, therefore facilitating the application of the PyRate methods to large data sets. We demonstrate the new functionalities through extensive simulations and with the analysis of a large data set of Cenozoic marine mammals. We compare our analytical framework against two widely used alternative methods to infer origination and extinction rates, revealing that PyRate decisively outperforms them across a range of simulated data sets. Our analyses indicate that explicit statistical model testing, which is often neglected in fossil-based macroevolutionary analyses, is crucial to obtain accurate and robust results.
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While modern forests have their origin in the diversification and expansion of angiosperms in the Late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic, it is unclear whether the rise of closed-canopy tropical rainforests preceded or followed the end-Cretaceous extinction. The “canopy effect” is a strong vertical gradient in the carbon isotope (δ13C) composition of leaves in modern closed-canopy forests that could serve as a proxy signature for canopy structure in ancient forests. To test this, we report measurements of the carbon isotope composition of nearly 200 fossil angiosperm leaves from two localities in the Paleocene Cerrejón Formation and one locality in the Maastrichtian Guaduas Formation of Colombia. Leaves from one Cerrejón fossil assemblage deposited in a small fluvial channel exhibited a 6.3‰ range in δ13C, consistent with a closed-canopy forest. Carbon isotope values from lacustrine sediments in the Cerrejón Formation had a range of 3.3‰, consistent with vegetation along a lake edge. An even-narrower range of δ13C values (2.7‰) was observed for a leaf assemblage recovered from the Cretaceous Guaduas Formation, and suggests vegetation with an open canopy structure. Carbon isotope fractionation by Late Cretaceous and early Paleogene leaves was in all cases similar to that by modern relatives, consistent with estimates of low atmospheric CO2 during this time period. This study confirms other lines of evidence suggesting that closed-canopy forests in tropical South America existed by the late Paleocene, and fails to find isotopic evidence for a closed-canopy forest in the Cretaceous.
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Leguminosae are one of the most diverse flowering-plant groups today, but the evolutionary history of the family remains obscure because of the scarce early fossil record, particularly from lowland tropics. Here, we report ~500 compression or impression specimens with distinctive legume features collected from the Cerrejón and Bogotá Formations, Middle to Late Paleocene of Colombia. The specimens were segregated into eight fruit and six leaf morphotypes. Two bipinnate leaf morphotypes are confidently placed in the Caesalpinioideae and are the earliest record of this subfamily. Two of the fruit morphotypes are placed in the Detarioideae and Dialioideae. All other fruit and leaf morphotypes show similarities with more than one subfamily or their affinities remain uncertain. The abundant fossil fruits and leaves described here show that Leguminosae was the most important component of the earliest rainforests in northern South America c. 60–58 million years ago.
An impact with a dash of volcanism Around the time of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction that wiped out dinosaurs, there was both a bolide impact and a large amount of volcanism. Hull et al. ran several temperature simulations based on different volcanic outgassing scenarios and compared them with temperature records across the extinction event. The best model fits to the data required most outgassing to occur before the impact. When combined with other lines of evidence, these models support an impact-driven extinction. However, volcanic gases may have played a role in shaping the rise of different species after the extinction event. Science , this issue p. 266