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Diversity, ecology, distribution and biogeography of Diplura

  • Ajuntament de València

Abstract and Figures

Diplura is the sister group to insects and one of the three basal hexapod groups with unique entognathan mouthparts. The order is divided into 10 families, which include 1008 species in 141 genera, with a high proportion of monotypic genera. They are ubiquitous in soils and subsurface terrestrial habitats, as well as have an important role in overall biogeochemical cycles. We present the first comprehensive review of the global biodiversity and ecology of Diplura. We highlight four aspects of this basal hexapod group: diversity in morphological body plans and sizes; ecology in terrestrial environments from soil to caves; food preference and trophic levels, and their biogeographical and paleobiogeographical significance. Diplura depends on high humidity and moderate temperatures. They are presumably very sensitive to anthropogenic pressures and climate change, and therefore are a suitable model for ecophysiological studies and evident priority targets for conservation. We conclude that the future efforts should focus on establishing a molecular phylogeny to clarify the relationships between and within families, as well as to reveal global biogeographical patterns. This will require an increase in sampling effort in several regions of the globe, especially in tropical regions.
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Diversity, ecology, distribution and biogeography
of Diplura
Colecciones Entomológicas Torres-Sala, Servei de Patrimoni Històric,
Ajuntament de València, València, Spain,
Research Team on Soil Biology and Subterranean Ecosystems, Department of Life Sciences,
Faculty of Science, University of Alcalá (UAH), Madrid, Spain,
Laboratori dInvestigació dEntomologia, Departament de Zoologia,
Universitat de València, València, Spain,
Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c), and Departamento de
Biologia Animal, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal and
Natural History Museum of Denmark,
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Abstract.1. Diplura is the sister group to insects and one of the three basal hexapod
groups with unique entognathan mouthparts. The order is divided into 10 families, which
include 1008 species in 141 genera, with a high proportion of monotypic genera. They
are ubiquitous in soils and subsurface terrestrial habitats, as well as have an important
role in overall biogeochemical cycles.
2. We present the rst comprehensive review of the global biodiversity and ecology
of Diplura. We highlight four aspects of this basal hexapod group: diversity in morpho-
logical body plans and sizes; ecology in terrestrial environments from soil to caves; food
preference and trophic levels, and their biogeographical and paleobiogeographical
3. Diplura depends on high humidity and moderate temperatures. They are presum-
ably very sensitive to anthropogenic pressures and climate change, and therefore are a
suitable model for ecophysiological studies and evident priority targets for conservation.
4. We conclude that the future efforts should focus on establishing a molecular phy-
logeny to clarify the relationships between and within families, as well as to reveal global
biogeographical patterns. This will require an increase in sampling effort in several
regions of the globe, especially in tropical regions.
Key words. Apterygota, basal Hexapoda, cave ecosystems, Entognatha, soil organ-
isms, subterranean biodiversity.
Diplurans are one of three entognatous hexapod groups present
in almost every soil, cave or other empty subsurface space. This
order is poorly represented in the scientic literature with only
about 900 publications since Linnaeus wrote the Systema Nat-
urae (17611767). In spite of their ubiquity in subsurface terres-
trial habitats, diplurans have been mostly forgotten in ecological
studies and remain without a solid worldwide revision since the
monograph of campodeids by Condé (1956) and the Diplura
checklist by Paclt (1957). A handful of zoologists have devoted
their scientic career to diplurans, beginning with Filippo Silves-
tri (18731949) from Italy; from France: Jean Robert Denis
(18931969), Bruno Condé, and Jean Pagés (19252009); from
Germany: Petr Wygodzinsky (19161987); from Czech Repub-
lic Juraj Paclt (19252015); from Russia: Boris Pimenovitch
Chevrizov (19511993); from USA: Leslie M. Smith
(19031976) and Mark Alan Muegge (19562015); and nally
from Uruguay: Pablo R. San Martin (19331969).
Diplura is considered the sister group to insects and thus the
closest group among the three basal hexapods that include Col-
lembola and Protura (Beutel et al., 2017). Hexapods became ter-
restrial most likely in early Ordovician (Misof et al., 2014),
acquiring breathing capacity through a tracheal system, excre-
tory activity through Malpighian tubules (which are reduced or
absent in some families), and reproduction with indirect sperm
transference by spermatophores (Beutel et al., 2017). The oldest
Correspondence: Ana Soa P. S. Reboleira, Centre for Ecology, Evo-
lution and Environmental Changes (cE3c), and Departamento de Biolo-
gia Animal, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon,
Portugal. E-mail:
© 2021 The Authors. Insect Conservation and Diversity published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological Society.
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Insect Conservation and Diversity (2021) doi: 10.1111/icad.12480
record of a truly dipluran fossil dates back to the Lower Creta-
ceous from Brazil (Wilson & Martill, 2001). However, a
japygid-like doubtful dipluran fossil was described from the
Upper Carboniferous (Kukalová-Peck, 1987). Another four fos-
sil species of campodeids and japygids have been described hith-
erto (Paclt, 1957).
As hexapods, diplurans have an insect-like body plan with
three tagmata: head, thorax, and abdomen. The head has two
frontal antennae with all antennomeres equipped with their
own set of muscles and unique entognathan mouthparts, partially
hidden into two oral folds. The three thoracic segments lack
wings (apterygote hexapods) and have a pair of similar legs end-
ing in a simple tarsus with two claws (pretarsus). The abdomen is
divided into 10 complete segments, some with vestiges of legs
represented by a pair of articulated styli and eversible, water
absorbing vesicles (Weyda, 1976). The last abdominal segment
bears the typical paired cerci, responsible for the common name
two-pronged bristletails or double tails, that evolved into
a great variety of shapes and function differing among
families (Fig. 1).
Diplurans have successfully colonised hypogean habitats in
soils and in the vast network of caves. They have thrived in all
kind of dark cryptic terrestrial habitats (Racovitza, 1907;
Condé, 1956; Sendra et al., 2020b). Diplurans have a fragile
depigmented cuticle with punctually sclerotized areas at the tip
of the buccal pieces, in the pretarsus and, in some families, in
some distal abdominal segments including the cerci. Colour
in some diplurans is due to sub-epidermal soluble fats, which
give a few species a yellowish to pinkish colour, or a mix of dif-
ferent patterns as in heterojapygids and some campodeids spe-
cies (Condé, 1956; Paclt, 1956). Diplurans have a vermiform
and attened body, which gives the group a great mobility and
capability to move along the subterranean network of sometimes
extremely narrow and tiny spaces. To move in these completely
dark environments, the eyeless diplurans possess numerous
kinds of mechanoreceptors and other types of sensorial sensilla,
presumably to detect gradients in humidity, temperature and/or
variations. In hypogean environments, diplurans play an
important role in plant litter decomposition and in the generation
of soil microstructure, occupying different trophic levels in the
soil as well as in cave-ecosystems (Condé, 1956). They host bac-
teria, protozoa, fungi, nematodes or other arthropods, and they
feed on a wide range of food sources ranging from fresh or
decomposing plants to dead or alive animals, including microor-
ganisms and fungi (Condé, 1956: Sendra et al., 2020b).
Here we provide a critical review of the order Diplura based
on the current bibliography to highlight four aspects of this basal
hexapod group: diversity in morphological body plans and sizes;
ecology in subsurface environments from soil to caves; food
preference and trophic levels and their biogeographical and
paleobiogeographical relevance.
The order Diplura comprises hitherto 1008 species and 88 sub-
species in 141 genera, with a high proportion of monotypic gen-
era (60 genera, 43%) (Figs 1 and 2) (Supporting Information
Table S1). This biodiversity is unequally distributed into 10 fam-
ilies, which exhibit a large variety in body size and shape, behav-
iour, reproduction, and habitat preferences (Denis, 1949;
Koch, 2001; Sendra, 2015). Campodeidae, with 491 species
(49% of dipluran biodiversity), and Japygidae, with 343 species
(34%), account for 83% of all dipluran species. Anajapygidae,
Dinjapygidae, Heterojapygidae, Osctostigmatidae, and Procam-
podeidae represent only 2% of the orders total biodiversity,
while the remaining three families Evalljapygidae, Parajapygi-
dae and Projapygidae contribute up to 15%. Dipluran biodiver-
sity is similar to the other basal hexapod orders, being slightly
higher than in Protura (800 spp.), but lower than in Collembola
(nearly 9000 spp.) (Rusek, 1998; Galli et al., 2019; Potapov
et al., 2020).
Currently, diplurans are divided into three superfamilies,
Campodeoidea, Projapygoidea and Japygoidea, and each has a
well-distinguished body plan (Denis, 1949; Pagés, 1959, 1989;
Koch, 2001; Sendra, 2015). These three taxa show substantial
differences in terminal abdominal cerci, mouthparts, rst uros-
ternite, tracheal system, and ovary structure (Denis, 1949;
Pagés, 1959, 1989).
Campodeoidea comprises two families: Procampodeidae and
Campodeidae, both characterised by bearing two long and plur-
iarticulated cerci. The mouthparts include mandibles with a pros-
theca, maxillae without palps, and a labium with a pair of
palpiform processes and an additional pair of spheroidal palps.
The rst urosternite bears two subcoxal appendages in lateral
position. In the open tracheal system, spiracles are restricted to
the thorax. Finally, the ovary is simply formed by two sacs sim-
ilar in shape to the testis (Denis, 1949; Pagés, 1959, 1989).
Projapygoidea includes three families: Anajapygidae, Octos-
tigmatidae, and Projapygidae, all of them characterised by bear-
ing two short but pluriarticulated cerci. Each cercus has an apical
orice, which is the exit of abdominal spinning glands. As to the
mouthparts, like in Campodeoidea the mandibles have a pros-
theca. The maxillae however have palps and internal pectinate
Fig. 1. Overview of Diplura habitus. (a) Campodeidae; (b) Japygidae;
(c) Projapygidae and (d) Heterojapygidae. Scale bars: (a), (b) and
(d) = 10 mm; (c) = 2 mm. [Color gure can be viewed at]
© 2021 The Authors. Insect Conservation and Diversity published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological
Society., Insect Conservation and Diversity, doi: 10.1111/icad.12480
2 Alberto Sendra et al.
laciniae. The labium has one pair of palpiform processes in addi-
tion to a pair of more or less developed palps. The rst uroster-
nite bears lateral styli in addition to two internal subcoxal
appendages. The tracheal system opens with thoracic and
abdominal spiracles. Finally, the ovary is divided into two ovi-
ducts with two ovarioles each (Denis, 1949; Pagés, 1959, 1989).
Japygoidea comprises ve families: Japygidae, Evalljapygi-
dae, Parajapygidae, Heterojapygidae, and Dinjapygidae, all of
which bear unarticulated pincer-shaped cerci. At the hind end,
the 810 abdominal segments are well sclerotized, bearing the
musculature of the cerci. The mandibles lack a prostheca, and
the maxillae have palps and an internal pectinate lacinia. The tra-
cheal system opens with thoracic and abdominal spiracles.
Finally, the ovary is divided into two oviducts with seven ovari-
oles each (Denis, 1949, Pagés, 1959, 1989).
Below the family level, diplurans display minimal morpho-
logical diversity. Delimitation between species, subgenera, gen-
era, and subfamilies depends mostly on chaetotaxic characters of
large setae (macrosetae), sensilla patterns, modications in the
glandular and sensorial structures of the rst urosternite, and in
some families on the shape and number of teeth in the pincer-like
structurer of the cerci (Silvestri, 1912; Denis, 1930; Pagés, 1953,
1984; Condé, 1956; Smith, 1962). Bareth (1968) suggested the
use of the variability in the shape of spermatozoids fascicles
and spermatophors in Campodeoidea as a taxonomic character.
Recently, scanning electron microscopy studies have provided
Fig. 2. Phylogeny, taxonomical diversity and body length in Diplura compared with Protura and Collembola. Diplura phylogeny adapted from Koch
(2001). [Color gure can be viewed at]
© 2021 The Authors. Insect Conservation and Diversity published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological
Society., Insect Conservation and Diversity, doi: 10.1111/icad.12480
Diplura, a group of basal hexapods 3
additional details about cuticular structures, setae, and sensilla
(Sendra et al., 2019, 2020a). Morphological characters fail to
provide a clear phylogeny below family level and hitherto
molecular data for dipluran species is still very scarce. Conse-
quently, only rst advances in molecular analysis, with poor tax-
onomic clarications, have been produced (Luan et al., 2004; Bu
et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2014).
The body size in diplurans ranges from nearly 1 mm up to
80 mm, a wide variation among soil and cave fauna. Diplurans
are considered from mesofauna to megafauna following the clas-
sication of soil arthropods according to size (Eisenbeis &
Wichard, 1987). Body length in diplurans has a wider range than
in the other basal hexapods whose body length is up to 5 mm in
proturans and 9 mm in springtails (Fig. 2). Procampodeids, ana-
japygids, octostigmatids, and a few parajapygids species are less
than 2 mm long. The body length of most diplurans ranges from
2 mm to 2 cm, and it includes all campodeids, evalljapygids,
projapygids, and the majority of japygids and parajapygids. Only
a few japygids (including most cave-adapted species), dinjapy-
gids, and heterojapygid families exceed a body length of
20 mm (Figs 1 and 2).
All diplurans inhabit soil and subsurface terrestrial habitats,
extending from non-consolidated debris in soils to network of
voids in the bedrock, including caves (Condé, 1956; Sendra
et al., 2020b) (Fig. 3).
Diplura, due to their soft body and thin cuticle, depend on high
humidity and moderate temperatures (Condé 1956). Campo-
deids are extremely hydric and have a high transpiration rate,
for example, in Campodea the average loss of water mass is
77.4% h
at 100% relative humidity and 22C (Eisenbeis &
Wichard, 1987). Japygids are considered more thermophilic
and mesic than other diplurans (Eisenbeis & Wichard, 1987)
and have their optimal humidity around 85%, while campodeids
and parajapygids are known to have an optimal tness under
100% relative humidity (Pagés, 1967b).
Diplurans are well known and mostly diversied in temperate
forests with rich soils, but they are also found under the bark of
tree logs and in mosses (Condé 1956). Coexistence or syntopy
of dipluran species is reported in forest soil habitats, with up to
four different campodeid species found in oak woods in Europe
c, 1987). Dipluran diversity is reduced in boreal forests,
while in tropical forests campodeids are represented mostly by
the Lepidocampinae subfamily in the litter layers, rotten wood
or soil, and in tree epiphytes, while japygids are abundant in deep
soil layers (Delamare Deboutteville, 1950; Condé, 1956). Soils
of scrublands and meadows are occupied by the smallest diplur-
ans such as parajapygids, campodeids or projapygids. Under
stones, it is possible to nd the largest diplurans, such as big
japygids, heterojapygids, and dinjapygids. In dry regions, diplur-
ans survive in sites that retain humidity such as temporal water
courses, oasis, or caves (Condé, 1956). Diplurans have also been
collected by chance in ant or termite nests (Silvestri, 1916;
Condé, 1956), as well as in mammal nests (Condé, 1956).
In caves, diplurans from the families Campodeidae and Japy-
gidae are found in karst and in volcanic formations all around the
world, except in extreme cold or dry regions or areas that expe-
rienced these extreme conditions in the past (Sendra
et al., 2020b).
Diplurans can be found along a wide altitudinal range from the
sea level to high mountain areas (Condé, 1956; González, 1964;
Pagés, 1975). Some parajapygids species inhabit the sand or
gravel substratum in intertidal areas (Pagés, 1975; Bu
et al., 2012). To survive in oodable soils, Parajapyx adisi,
which lives in the Central Amazonia forests, builds a cocoon
using the urosternal glands to survive for months (Adis &
Pagés, 2001). Some campodeids have also been found at river
oodplains (Condé, 1960), including temporal water courses
(Sendra et al., 2017) and in the so-called alluvial mesovoid shal-
low substratum (MSS) (Ortuño et al., 2013). At high altitudes,
diplurans can be found in alpine meadows and scree slopes
(Sendra et al., 2017), even when those are seasonally covered
by snow. Almost 50 species have been collected above
2000 m a.s.l., and only a few above 3000 m a.s.l; these high-
altitude species include ve campodeids, two japygids, and
two species of the gigantic species of the dinjapygid family:
Dinjapyx barbatus and Dinjapyx michelbacheri in the Andes
Altiplano (González, 1964). The campodeid Lepidocampa
weberi nepalensis keeps the highest altitude record for the
order; it was collected in Nepal at 4800 m a.s.l. (Condé &
Jacquemin-Nguyen, 1968).
In well-stratied soils, diplurans occupy all soil horizons.
Larger species occupy the upper layers represented by O and
A-horizons and are comprised by the larger campodeids and
japygids, including the giant species of dinjapygids and heteroja-
pygids. Smaller species live in the narrower pores of the B-hori-
zon, where only diplurans with a tiny body (usually under 2 mm
body length and short appendages) can move. Most diplurans are
not actively tunnelling and burrowing soil animals, however,
japygids can build microtunnels in the soil matrix
(Pagés, 1967b), a behaviour that is more evident in heterojapy-
gids (Tillard, 1924). The lower soil layer, the C-horizon
(or MSS) is occupied by soil diplurans. In case of a physical con-
nection of caves with the C horizon, this MSS can be inhabited
by cave-adapted diplurans (Bareth, 1983; Sendra et al., 2017).
The vast cave-ecosystems are found below the soil or under the
rock surface and consist of a network of cracks and voids from
5 mm to hundreds of meters in consolidated rocks (Moldovan
et al., 2018; Culver & Pipan, 2019). These large subterranean
areas are inhabited by a cave-adapted fauna, mostly campodeids
and japygids with larger and slender bodies and appendages than
their soil-adapted relatives (Sendra et al., 2020b).
Very few studies have focused on the abundance of diplurans in
their habitats (e.g. Christian, 1992). The abundance of Diplura
per habitat is far from being known. Drift (1951) found
100 individuals m
of campodeids at the base of old litter in the
humus/mineral soil layer in a beech forest in temperate Europe,
whereas Blesi
c (1987) reported 4401804 individuals m
in an
oak forest. High specimen density values are also recorded for small
parajapygids living in crops, from 118 individuals m
collected at
5 cm depth in a wheat eld in Australia (Greenslade &
Luan, 2018) to 18105500 individuals m
at 30 cm depth in a
© 2021 The Authors. Insect Conservation and Diversity published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological
Society., Insect Conservation and Diversity, doi: 10.1111/icad.12480
4 Alberto Sendra et al.
clover eld in USA (Macklin, 1956). A behavioural study with japy-
gids estimated 30 specimens of Dipljapyx humberti to be an average
number in a volume of garden soil of 60 ×40 ×50 cm
(Pagés, 1967a). For the other families of Diplura there is no density
data available, but sampling revealed great abundance for evalljapy-
gids, for example, Evalljapyx helferi was described from a single
locality from a redwood humus with 1500 specimens in California,
USA (Smith, 1959); for projapygids, San Martín (1963) quoted
32 specimens under a single stone in Uruguay; and for octostigma-
tids, Rusek (1982) mentioned 51 specimens of Octostigma herbi-
vora in a soil sample from a peanuts plantation in Tonga Islands.
Aggregation behaviour has not been observed in any dipluran
family, while some conspecic avoidance and cannibalism seem
to be common among campodeids (Gunn, 1992). Territorial
Fig. 3. Conceptual model of Diplura habitats, habitus and trophic relationships. [Color gure can be viewed at]
© 2021 The Authors. Insect Conservation and Diversity published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological
Society., Insect Conservation and Diversity, doi: 10.1111/icad.12480
Diplura, a group of basal hexapods 5
behaviour has been suggested for the predatory japygids
(Pagés, 1967a).
Cave-adapted dipluran populations seem to maintain constant
numbers along the year (Sendra & Reboleira, pers. obs.). Diplura
in the MSS show variable seasonal patterns of abundance, that is,
peaking at different seasons in different localities (Eusébio
et al.,, ; Sendra et al., 2017), while soil diplurans show strong
annual variations (Mitrovski-Bogdanovi
c & Blesi
c, 2006; Sen-
dra et al., 2017). This seasonal variation correlates with the
degree of development of the reproductive glands in some cam-
podeid species (Bareth, 1968). Adult females of soil campodeids
lay eggs all year round, except from November to February, dur-
ing a 2-year lifespan (Orelli, 1956). Observational studies of
Campodea lankasteri in a rhizotron showed a higher abundance
from May to mid-September, accounting for approximately 9%
of total soil fauna abundance (Gunn, 1992). Blesi
c (1987)
reported minimal population size of campodeids during the win-
ter in oak forest, similar results were obtained in other sampling
studies (Sendra et al., 2017). In the case of japygids, which have
a lifespan longer than 6 years, Pagés (1963) showed less sea-
sonal variation, perhaps because they survive the annual climatic
variation by reaching deeper layers during periods with extremes
temperatures (Hairston & Byers, 1954; Gyger, 1960).
Pearse (1946) remarked that parajapygids keep regular activity
throughout the year.
While other entognaths, as springtails, have long been used as
model and indicator taxa in soil and ecotoxicology studies
(Smit & Van Gestel, 1998), our knowledge on the effects of con-
taminants in Diplura remains extremely scarce. The effect of sea-
sonal variation in cadmium (Cd) bioaccumulation for Campodea
staphylinus living within litter and with high metal concentration
was studied by Janssen et al. (1990). The study showed a signif-
icant higher Cd concentration in spring and summer compared to
fall and winter seasons, matching the increment in body mass.
The same study pointed out that C.staphylinus showed a higher
Cd bioaccumulation compared to other soil faunal groups, such
as carabid beetles and Mesostigmata mites. The midgut epithe-
lial cells of C.(Monocampa)devoniensis were microanalysed
and their electron-dense granules were found to be strongly
inuenced by the environmental bioavailability of metals with
the capacity to bioaccumulate Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, and Cu (Pigino
et al., 2005). Another study on the effects of increasing soil metal
contamination on arthropod communities suggests that Diplura
(together with the other entognaths orders) may tolerate high
concentrations of Pb and Sb in soils (Migliorini et al., 2004).
Diplurans have also been reported to be inuenced by soil acid-
ity (Paoletti et al., 1996). The potential of Diplura as relevant
taxa for evaluating anthropogenic disturbance in soils has been
highlighted because they are well represented in all kinds of soil
and subsurface habitats and are impacted by environmental
changes (Blasi et al., 2013).
Food preference and trophic levels
Overall, diplurans play multiple roles in soil food webs from
primary consumers of root plants and detritivores, to secondary
and tertiary consumers, and they can even be top invertebrate
predators. Their feeding preferences vary across families and
are related to size, shape of mandibular and maxillar structures,
and to the type of terminal cerci (Christian & Bauer, 2005). Cam-
podeids (up to 10 mm body length) have long, fragile, multiarti-
cular cerci and mouthparts with grasping and crushing function.
They are omnivores with a generalist diet, eating from fresh
roots, fungal hyphae and spores to decay organic matter or even
tiny invertebrates, so they can be considered either decomposers
or primary and secondary consumers (Bareth, 1986;
Gunn, 1992; Blesi
c, 1999; Christian & Bauer, 2005). Japygoidea
(up to 6 cm body length) have unsegmented pincer-shaped cerci,
heavily sclerotized and muscled, with offensive and defensive
roles, and mouthparts optimised for perforating and tearing.
Thus, they are mostly predators feeding on small arthropods
such as mites, springtails, symphylans, insect larvae and others
diplurans, and very rarely feed on terrestrial isopods, but they
are also known to feed on organic debris and fungal mycelia
and spores (Christian & Bauer, 2005). Within Japygoidea, japy-
gids are predators while heterojapygids and dinjapygids are top
invertebrate predators, thus representing the highest level of the
trophic pyramid for all invertebrates. For instance, in the Andes,
dinjapygids have been reported to apparently exclude scorpions
and occupy their ecological niche(González, 1964). Parajapy-
gid species feed on plant roots including crops (Reddell, 1985);
evalljapygids probably also mostly feed on plants since no ani-
mal remains have been found in the guts of many species
(Smith, 1959), with the exception of one Evalljapyx macswaini
specimen that had insect parts in its gut, probably thrips
(Smith, 1960). Finally, Projapygoidea (2 mm) have short
multi-articulated glandular cerci with a defensive and offensive
function, showing a mixed feeding behaviour by predating on
microarthropods such as mites and tiny pseudoscorpions (San
Martín, 1963) but also consuming plant roots (Rusek, 1982).
Diplurans are predated by several arthropod groups. Larger
diplurans feed on smaller diplurans and at the same time are
known to be predated by centipedes and ground beetles
(Kasaroff, 1935; Gunn, 1992).
Symbiotic interactions surrounding diplurans, most of the
time with unclear dependence degrees, comprise a wide range
of organisms including bacteria, hyphae and spores of fungi,
Amphoromophfungi, Gregarinia cysts, larvae of Gordiidae
nematomorphs, and nematode larvae or Acari (Paclt, 1957;
Bareth, 1974).
Distribution and biogeography
The order Diplura is an ideal model for biogeographical studies;
diplurans are wingless hexapods with limited dispersal capaci-
ties and with little tolerance to temperature variations and dry-
ness. Besides, many species live conned in underground
habitats, and the taxon has its ancient origin in the Early Ordovi-
cian, reected in a Pangean distribution for the most species-rich
families (i.e., Campodeidae and Japygidae) and more limited
distribution ranges for the rest of the families (Tables 1 and 2).
Nevertheless, some ecological traits can complicate the under-
standing of their biogeographical patterns. For example, some
campodeids and parajapygids can survive in temporal interstitial
© 2021 The Authors. Insect Conservation and Diversity published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological
Society., Insect Conservation and Diversity, doi: 10.1111/icad.12480
6 Alberto Sendra et al.
ooded habitats for long periods (Condé, 1960), and parajapy-
gids can produce resistant cocoons (Adis & Pagés, 2001) that
can be easily dispersed. Some species are considered invasive,
such as Campodea (Monocampa)devoniensis, native to Western
Europe but found in urban gardens and city surroundings around
the world, as well as in certain Darwinian islands (those never
connected to mainland) such as Saint-Helena or the Canaries
(Paclt, 1966; Condé & Bareth, 1970). The lack of an internal
phylogeny (Sendra et al., 2020b), and the large geographical
sampling bias (54% of all known Diplura records are located in
France, Italy, Spain and USA), are currently the two major limi-
tations to understand the biogeographical history of the taxon.
Diplurans have been found in all continents, except in Antarc-
tica, since they never managed to overpass the Polar circles. This
vast distribution is somewhat smaller compared to the two other
basal hexapod groups, where Protura slightly overpass the Arctic
Circle (Galli & Rellini, 2020) and Collembola even managed to
colonise Antarctica (
Avila-Jiménez & Coulson, 2011). Among
diplurans, only campodeids have been found living in northern
latitudes. For instance, Campodea (C.) fragilis was recorded
from Vega Island, Norway (Lie-Pettersen, 1907), located at
65N, slightly South of the Arctic Circle, and two other campo-
deids, Metriocampa allocerca and Metriocampa rileyi, were
found at 64N and 56N in Alaska, respectively (Sikes &
Allen, 2016). At the lowest southern latitudes there is again
another a campodeid, Campodea (Campodea)lahillei, which
was found at 49S in the Santa Cruz province, Argentina
(Silvestri, 1931). Japygids and Evalljapygids species are
restricted to warmer areas although two species, Dipljapyx hum-
berti and Metajapyx leruthi, have been found at 50N in Belgium
(Silvestri, 1948), and Evalljapyx saundersi was located at 49N
in Vancouver Island, Canada (Saunders, 1946; Pagés, 1996).
Regardless of the aforementioned limitations, the existing
data (1008 described species sampled, Supporting Information
Table S1, from more than 7000 localities around the world) per-
mit to delimit distribution patterns, as well as to arrive at some
paleobiogeographical conclusions. For instance, the biogeo-
graphical distribution of diplurans follows the general patterns
described by Darlington (1957) and Vigna Taglianti
et al. (1992, 1999). According to that criteria, Diplura fall into
the W-Palearctic, containing the distribution areas of 35% of
all diplurans and 43% of all dipluran genera. In the whole
Holarctic, the percentages rise to 56% of the species and 90%
of the genera. Surely, such high numbers may be inuenced by
the biased sampling and lack of taxonomical studies in other
At the family level (Table 1), the Holarctic region is charac-
terised by the high diversity of campodeids (336 out of the
491 species) and by two highly diverse genera, the cosmopolitan
Campodea (143 out of the 180 species) and the endemic Plusio-
campa (70 species), as well as a good representation of japygids
(139 out of the 340 species). In addition, the Palearctic region is
characterised by its endemic and small procampodeid family
(2 species). In the Ethiopian and Neotropical regions, three fam-
ilies are noteworthy because of their diversity: japygids (126 out
of the 340 species), parajapygids (37 out of the 62 species), and
projapygids (36 out of the 42 species). The Oriental region
shows a high diversity of japygids (58 out of the 340 species)
(Table 1). The ve species of the anajapygid family are distrib-
uted in the Holarctic (3 species.), Oriental (1 sp.), and Neotropi-
cal (1 species) regions (Table 1). The rest of the families, all with
a very low number of species, have more restrictive distribution
ranges. Two of the three octostigmatid species live in the Orien-
tal region and one in the western Australian island. The 10 het-
erojapygids occupy the Eastern Palearctic (ve species) and
Australian (ve species) regions. And nally, the ve species
of dinjapygids live exclusively in east territories of the Neotrop-
ical region (Table 1).
The current distribution of Diplura is linked to the fragmenta-
tion of Pangea and drift during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic era
(Table 2). As mentioned above, not only campodeids and japy-
gids but also parajapygids show a Pangean distribution, which
is a distribution that can also be inferred in some monophyletic
lines such as the tachycampoids (Bareth & Condé, 1981; Sendra
et al., 2020a, 2020b). For the Campodeidae family, Laurasia was
probably their centre of diversity judging from the high number
of species and genera (381 out of the 491 species and 41 out of
the 58 genera) found in Eurasia and North America, which
include some shared taxa such as Campodea s. str., Litocampa,
Podocampa and Metriocampa. Some campodeids genera and
subgenera have a Gondwana distribution, and they are found in
most of its remains landmasses, for example, Notocampa
(New Zealand, Australia, Madagascar, Africa and South-Amer-
ica), Lepidocampa (Australia, India, Madagascar, Africa and
Table 1. Number of Diplura species and genera (between brackets) per family by biogeographical regions.
E-Palearctic W-Palearctic Nearctic Australian Oriental Ethiopian Neotropical Holarctic World
Campodeidae 30 (12) 246 (19) 92 (16) 20 (8) 20 (8) 47 (14) 45 (13) 366 (38) 491 (58)
Procampodeidae 1 (1) 1 (1) 2 (1) 2 (1)
Projapygidae 4 (2) 1 (1) 2 (1) 8 (2) 28 (4) 4 (2) 42 (4)
Anajapygidae 1 (1) 2 (2) 1 (1) 1 (1) 3 (2) 5 (2)
Octostigmatidae 1 (1) 2 (1) 3 (1)
Japygidae 18 (7) 89 (17) 32 (7) 20 (5) 58 (13) 63 (17) 63 (13) 139 (27) 340 (61)
Parajapygidae 3 (1) 9 (1) 5 (2) 4 (1) 8 (1) 20 (2) 17 (2) 15 (2) 62 (4)
Evalljapygidae 26 (3) 22 (3) 26 (3) 47 (5)
Dinjapygidae 6 (1) 6 (1)
Heterojapygidae 5 (4) 5 (1) 5 (4) 10 (4)
Total taxa by region 56 (24) 350 (41) 158 (31) 51 (17) 91 (25) 139 (36) 181 (36) 560 (79) 1008 (141)
© 2021 The Authors. Insect Conservation and Diversity published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological
Society., Insect Conservation and Diversity, doi: 10.1111/icad.12480
Diplura, a group of basal hexapods 7
South-America), and Campodella (Australia, Madagascar and
Africa). In addition to these genera, Campodea (Indocampa)is
restricted to landmasses from East-Gondwana (Australia, India,
and Madagascar), whereas Natalocampa is restricted to South-
America and South-Africa (West-Gondwana). The diversity
centre for japygids is uncertain; todays Laurasia territory has
173 species and 35 genera, meanwhile todays Gondwana holds
168 species and the same number of genera. Some japygid gen-
era, such as Metajapyx and Occasjapyx, are good examples of
the connection between the Laurasian plates and their split in
the Early Cenozoic. Several japygid genera are shared between
Gondwana plates, such as Mesjapyx (Australia, India, Madagas-
car, and Africa), Indjapyx (Australia and India), and Austrjapyx,
Hapljapyx and Teljapyx (Africa and South-America). In the case
of the projapygids, the massive diversity in the Gondwana terri-
tory, with 41 out of the 42 species (39 species mostly in Western
Gondwana, todays Africa and South-America) indicates its
probable centre of origin in the Early Cretaceous before the
opening of the South Atlantic. In parajapygids, the existence of
a hot diverse centre is Africa with 27 out of the 62 species, fol-
lowed by Eurasia with 13 species and South-America with
12, makes it difcult to decide on its probable centre of origin.
Furthermore, parajapygids can live in the marine coast and u-
vial sediments, giving them a certain capacity for long distance
dispersal and to colonise new regions. This can explain the pres-
ence of Parajapyx isabellae in all continents (Greenslade &
Luan, 2018). The distribution range of evalljapygids reaches
from the western regions of North America (34 out of the 47 spe-
cies) throughout South America (12 species). The dinjapygids,
with six species, are distributed in the western South America,
and their proposed close phylogenetic relationship with the Het-
erojapygidae (with 10 species in Australia, New Zealand, and
Eurasia) probably implies a wider Pangean distribution of the
common ancestor (Markus Koch, pers. comm.). The remaining
dipluran families: procampodeid, anajapygid, and octostigmati-
did, have a handful of species, making it impossible to suggest
any centre of origin, but their relationship with the other families
suggests, at least, a Laurasian and Gondwanan origin for
procampodeids and anajapygids, respectively (Table 2).
Final remarks and future perspectives
In summary, as this review has shown, Diplura is an important
and abundant group, both in soils and cave ecosystems, occupy-
ing a variety of trophic levels. With their ancient origin, Diplura
is a crucial taxon to understand the early phase of insect evolu-
tion, the most diverse group of animals on Earth. Diplura is also
an impressively diverse group with an astonishing variety of
shapes and morphologic body plans, including unique sensorial
and glandular structures. Nevertheless, diplurans have attracted
scarce attention from zoologists, and as a result the knowledge
is often restricted to taxonomy and geographically biased. Future
efforts in the study of the order Diplura should focus on:
Establishing a molecular phylogeny to clarify the relation-
ships between and within families, as well as the
biogeographical and paleaobiogeographical patterns;
Table 2. Number of Diplura species and genera (between brackets) per family in the different Pangea tectonic plates.
America Laurasian New Zealand Australia India Madagascar Africa
America Gondwana E-Gondwana W-Gondwana
Campodeidae 280(31) 104(18) 381 (40) 1 (1) 19 (8) 4 (2) 13 (4) 49 (18) 35 (13) 113 (27) 31 (8) 83 (24)
Procampodeidae 1 (1) 1 (1) 2 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1)
Projapygidae 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 11 (2) 29 (4) 41 (4) 2 (1) 39 (4)
Anajapygidae 2 (2) 2 (2) 1 (1) 2 (1) 3 (1) 1 (1) 2 (1)
Octistigmatidae 2 (1) 2 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1)
Japygidae 136 (31) 35 (7) 171 (35) 2 (1) 17 (4) 23 (4) 1 (1) 66 (20) 60 (14) 168 (35) 42 (8) 126 (30)
Parajapygidae 13 (1) 8 (3) 20 (3) 4 (1) 1 (1) 27 (2) 12 (1) 42 (2) 4 (1) 38 (2)
Evalljapygidae 34 (4) 34 (4) 12 (2) 12 (2) 12 (2)
Dinjapygidae 6 (1) 6 (1) 6 (1)
Heterojapygidae 5 (4) 5 (4) 1 (1) 4 (1) 5 (1) 5 (1)
Total taxa by plate 438 (70) 184 (35) 618 (91) 4 (3) 46 (16) 30 (9) 14 (5) 156 (44) 154 (35) 402 (75) 86 (21) 307 (65)
© 2021 The Authors. Insect Conservation and Diversity published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological
Society., Insect Conservation and Diversity, doi: 10.1111/icad.12480
8 Alberto Sendra et al.
Increasing the sampling effort in several regions of the globe,
especially in the tropical regions;
Including Diplura into soil and cave ecological studies,
reecting their importance in both ecosystems;
Generating ecotoxicological information to understand the
ecophysiological tolerance of Diplura;
Exploring their potential to serve as indicator species in
global change studies, as expected looking at their narrow
hydric and thermal tolerance.
Despite of poorly known, the ubiquity of Diplura in terrestrial
ecosystems, paired with their sensitivity to environmental
change, makes them important target key species for conserva-
tion, which should not be neglected in environmental
We would like to thank Loris Galli, who inspired us with his
studies on Protura, to Nikolaus Szucsich and Lubomír Ková
for their careful review, to Teresa Molina Jiménez and Ricardo
Gimémez Mezquita for support in producing Figs 2 and 3, to
Lucia Maltez for the English revision, to Louis Deharveng for
the Projapygidae image in the Fig 1c, and to Yunxia Luan for
the Heterojapygidae photo in Fig. 1d. AJ-V was supported by
the Spanish Ramón y Cajal Program (RYC-2013-14441), which
is nanced by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and
Universities. ASPSR is funded by a research grant (15471) from
Data availability statement
Data are available in the cited references.
Supporting information
Additional supporting information may be found online in the
Supporting Information section at the end of the article.
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© 2021 The Authors. Insect Conservation and Diversity published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological
Society., Insect Conservation and Diversity, doi: 10.1111/icad.12480
10 Alberto Sendra et al.
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Accepted 10 February 2021
Editor: Raphael Didham; Associate Editor: Thomas Bolger
© 2021 The Authors. Insect Conservation and Diversity published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological
Society., Insect Conservation and Diversity, doi: 10.1111/icad.12480
Diplura, a group of basal hexapods 11
Diplurans are among the earliest hexapods in the geological record. These primitively wingless relatives of insects are infrequently encountered despite being pervasive in soil habitats. Two groups have disparate adaptations for hunting, one mechanical and the other chemical, in Japygoidea and Projapygoidea, respectively. Here, we report three genera (two new) and four species of fossil Projapygidae preserved in Mesozoic and Cenozoic ambers: Electroprojapyx alchemicus gen. et sp. nov. in mid-Cretaceous Myanmar amber, and Symphylurinopsis punctatus gen. et sp. nov. and two species (unnamed) of Symphylurinus in Miocene Dominican amber. The exceptionally preserved specimens possess cerci that are morphologically specialized for expelling a glandular substance on prey. The new Cretaceous E. alchemicus is a stem group to all living species of the family and provides conclusive Mesozoic evidence for a rare type of predation involving offensive (vs. defensive) secretions. The specimen was fossilized in a preying-and-spraying position with its presumptive meal, a Symphypleona springtail (Collembola), reflecting the behavioural predatory repertoire of modern relatives. Apart from one Cenozoic species, these rare specimens represent the only fossil record of the family Projapygidae. Our findings demonstrate that these basal hexapods were predators of small arthropods of ancient forest soils and enrich our understanding of palaeoecological associations and behavioural strategies paramount for the survival of species.
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Agricultural expansion is among the main threats to biodiversity and functions of tropical ecosystems. Conversion of rainforest into plantations erodes biodiversity with little-explored consequences for food-web structure and energetics of belowground communities, and associated ecosystem functions and services. We used a unique combination of approaches in stable isotope analysis and food web energetics to analyze in a comprehensive way consequences of the conversion of rainforest into plantations on the structure of and channeling of energy through soil animal food webs in Sumatra, Indonesia. Across the 23 animal groups studied, the channeling of energy shifted towards freshly-fixed plant carbon in plantations, indicating fast energy channeling as opposed to slow energy channeling in rainforests. Earthworms as major detritivores stayed unchanged in their trophic niche and monopolized the detrital pathway in plantations. Functional diversity metrics of soil food webs reflected the reduced amount of litter, tree density and species richness in plantations, providing guidelines how to improve the complexity of the structure of and channeling of energy through soil food webs. Our results highlight the strong restructuring of soil food webs with the conversion of rainforest into plantations threatening soil functioning and ecosystem stability in the long term.
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Five new species are described, Plusiocampa (Didymocampa) cvijici Sendra & Antić, sp. nov., Plusiocampa (Plusiocampa) atom Sendra & Antić, sp. nov., Plusiocampa (Stygiocampa) barethae Sendra & Rađa, sp. nov., Plusiocampa (Stygiocampa) dulcici Sendra & Rađa, sp. nov. and Plusiocampa (Venetocampa) pirnati Sendra & Borko, sp. nov. This brings the number of cave-adapted species of campodeids known from the Dinarides, Eastern Alps, Balkan System and Rodope Massif to 28 (one species in the genus Campodea and 27 in Plusiocampa). Among Plusiocampa, four out of five subgenera are present (Pentachaetocampa is not present in the region studied): Didymocampa (one species), Plusiocampa s. str. (15 species), Stygiocampa (eight species) and Venetocampa (three species), whereby Stygiocampa and Venetocampa are endemic to the studied region. These results reveal the importance of the Dinarides karst region as a centre of diversification for campodeids and for cave animals in general. A monophyletic subgroup, consisting of Stygiocampa, Venetocampa and Plusiocampa s. str. and characterized by the absence of medial posterior thoracic macrosetae, presumably colonized the Dinaric plate during the middle of the Cenozoic and occurs in that area since then.
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Mapping of Diplura within the city limits of Vienna (11 Campodeidae and 2 Japygidae species) reveals the habitat preference and the hemerobiological and bioindicative significance of the more abundant species. The faunistic characters of 8 urban biotope groups are outlined and the modes of both long-distance and intra-urban dispersal of Diplura are discussed.
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Collembola are among the most abundant and diverse soil microarthropods, which are found in almost all (semi)terrestrial environments and often serve as model organisms in empirical studies. Diverse data collected on the biology and ecology of Collembola over the last century are waiting for synthesis studies, while developing technologies may facilitate generation of new knowledge. Collembola research in 2020 is entering the stage of global synthesis and in this opinion paper we address the main challenges that the community of collembologists is facing on this avenue. We first discuss the present status and social context of Collembola taxonomy and the potential use of novel technologies to describe new species. We then focus on aspects of community ecology, reviewing the processes of dispersal, environmental and biotic filtering, from the spatial scale of microhabitat to the globe. We also discuss the involvement of Collembola in ecosystem processes and which proxies, such as functional traits, can be used to predict the functional roles of species. Finally, we provide recommendations on how we can improve community data collection by using standard methods and better data handling practices. We call for (1) integrating morphological descriptions with high-resolution photographs and genetic barcodes for species descriptions and developing of user friendly software and machine learning approaches to facilitate deposition of structured taxonomic knowledge on web platforms; (2) multiscale studies on biodiversity distribution and community processes, especially including dispersal mechanisms; (3) recording and sharing functional, not only morphological, trait data in controlled experiments and field surveys; (4) knowledge synthesis and meta-analysis studies on the topics of ecosystem roles of Collembola, conservation of its diversity, feeding behaviour, protection mechanisms and dispersal of different Collembola species, and effects of land use and climate change on collembolan communities; (5) joint efforts in covering the gaps in Collembola knowledge, especially in underexplored regions (predominantly tropics and subtropics) using standard methodologies; (6) data sharing and its integration in open structured databases. We believe that Collembola studies could make use of new technologies and ongoing changes in society. To facilitate the progress across these research topics by 2040, we have established #GlobalCollembola, a distributed-effort community-driven initiative that aims to provide open and global data on Collembola taxonomic and genetic diversity, abundance, traits and literature and to coordinate global efforts in covering the key knowledge gaps.
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Diplura is a group of entognathous hexapods, often considered a sister group to insects. They play an important role in recycling organic matter in soil and subterranean terrestrial ecosystems. The Campodeidae is the most diverse family, divided into four subfamilies. The subfamily Plusiocampinae has a subterranean life-style with many species distributed in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The incertae sedis tachycampoids (“lignée Tachycampoïde”) is a group within the family Campodeidae that share with the Plusiocampinae a strong preference for subterranean habitats and several morphological characters, such as slender body shape, elongated appendages, considerable increment in the number of antennomeres and cercal articles, and complexity of sensorial structures. The present monograph provides a taxonomic revision of the subfamily Plusiocampinae and the genera belonging to the tachycampoid lineage from Europe and the Mediterranean region. It comprises detailed morphological descriptions and illustrations together with data on the habitats and distributions of 87 species, 10 subspecies and 11 affinis forms. Seven new species are described among those, namely: Plusiocampa (Plusiocampa) apollo Sendra, Giachino & Vailati sp. nov., P. (P.) chiosensis Sendra & Gasparo sp. nov., P. (P.) dublanskii Sendra & Turbanov sp. nov., P. (P.) hoffmanni Sendra & Paragamian sp. nov., P. (P.) rhea Sendra sp. nov., P. (P.) ternovensis Sendra & Borko sp. nov. and P. (Venetocampa) ferrani Sendra & Delić sp. nov.
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This publication reviews the literature on the ecology of Protura. Current knowledge is scarce, fragmentary and scattered among papers which do not all strictly deal with ecology or soil arthropods communities. Therefore all available information is summarized in order to better understand the ecology of these arthropods. The density of Protura ranges from hundreds to thousands of individuals per m². Their aggregate distribution is probably related to food (fungal hyphae) availability and quality, and to the production of aggregation pheromones. Protura tend to form species assemblages characterizing different habitats. Their populations often show an unbalanced sex ratio in favour of females, suggesting that a single male can fertilize several females, perhaps via spermatophores. For some species only females have been collected, which suggests the possibility of parthenogenesis. Our analysis of the available information on phenology and population dynamics of Protura points toward annual cycles with one, two or more peaks of reproductive activity.
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A description is given of a biogeographically interesting new species of Campodeidae (Diplura), Plusiocampa (Plusiocampa) tinoamorei sp. nov., a troglobiotic species found in the Sicilian Villasmundo and Scrivilleri caves. A second subterranean species already known from three caves in northwest Sicily near Palermo, Campodea (Campodea) majorica sicula Condé, 1957, also was studied. Both species were characterized with SEM. Each species belongs to a different monophyletic group: Plusiocampa s. str., with thoracic medial posterior macrosetae, and the group related to Campodea (Campodea) grassi Silvestri, 1912. Both groups are widely distributed on almost all of the large western Mediterranean islands. Nevertheless, although these two monophyletic groups have a different origin both could be dispersed via land connections between the mainland and the islands during the Messinian Age. This new discovery shows the great value of Sicilian caves that hold species with unique features and of high biogeographic significance.
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Parajapyx isabellae (Grassi, 1886) is recorded for the first time from Australia. It is a cosmopolitan soil species found in Europe, North and South America and Asia. Womersley last studied Australian Parajapygidae 80 years ago, listing a single endemic species for the genus Parajapyx Silvestri, 1903, sensu stricta. In 2017, an unidentified Parajapyx was found in deep soil under wheat in winter, spring and summer at Harden, New South Wales, in a long-term tillage trial. It was most abundant in the minimum tillage/stubble retained plots in soil below 5 cm but rarely observed in the conventionally tilled/stubble burned plots. The same field experiment was sampled five times using the same methods over 3 years from 1993-95 but no specimens of Diplura were collected. The specimens were identified as P. isabellae using morphology and confirmed with the DNA barcoding sequence data. Most species of Parajapygidae are carnivores feeding on small arthropods but there are records from North America, Europe and Hawaii of P. isabellae feeding on roots of wheat and other agricultural crops. We provide here illustrations of species P. isabellae so that crop scientists in Australia are aware of the potential pest and can identify it. Sequence data indicate that the population may have originated from two sources.
Diplurans (Hexapoda) are considered the ‘ideal cavernicolous animal’ having one of the highest ratios of cave-adapted vs. non-cave-adapted species. They are successful colonizers of subterranean habitats, thriving in all cryptic, dark, terrestrial environments. Diplurans play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter below the ground and are sensitive to anthropogenic pressures. We present the first comprehensive review about cave Diplura diversity, ecology, evolution, distribution and biogeography. We provide a roadmap for research questions regarding the ecology, aimed at stimulating the pursuit of new studies on this fascinating group. Filling these current knowledge gaps will contribute to conservation efforts for cave ecosystems.
Caves and other subterranean habitats with their often strange (even bizarre) inhabitants have long been objects of fascination, curiosity, and debate. The question of how such organisms have evolved, and the relative roles of natural selection and genetic drift, has engaged subterranean biologists for decades. Indeed, these studies continue to inform the general theory of adaptation and evolution. Subterranean ecosystems generally exhibit little or no primary productivity and, as extreme ecosystems, provide general insights into ecosystem function. The Biology of Caves and other Subterranean Habitats offers a concise but comprehensive introduction to cave ecology and evolution. Whilst there is an emphasis on biological processes occurring in these unique environments, conservation and management aspects are also considered. The monograph includes a global range of examples from more than 25 countries, and case studies from both caves and non-cave subterranean habitats; it also provides a clear explanation of specialized terms used by speleologists. This accessible text will appeal to researchers new to the field and to the many professional ecologists and conservation practitioners requiring a concise but authoritative overview. Its engaging style will also make it suitable for undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in cave and subterranean biology. Its more than 650 references, 150 of which are new since the first edition, provide many entry points to the research literature.