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A review on neurodevelopmental abnormalities in congenital heart disease: focus on minimizing the deleterious effects on patients

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Abstract and Figures

Due to the surgical procedures, the longevity of congenital heart patients is dramatically increased; however, these patients suffer from concomitant neurodevelopment abnormalities, which include deficits in cognitive, executive and behavioral functions. There are more chances of seizure development and incidences of ischemic stroke in these children. Indeed, there are pathological changes in the brain, which include a reduction in the volume of the brain, metabolic alterations, alterations in the functional connectivity, dysregulation of angiogenesis and changes in the apparent axon density along with orientation dispersion. The management of neural abnormalities depends on the type of symptoms observed in these patients. There have been limited studies that have focused on identifying the interventions that may limit the impact of neurodevelopmental abnormalities. It has been reported that dexmedetomidine, α2-adrenergic receptor agonist, produces neuroprotection in infants undergoing surgery for congenital heart disease. Moreover, there have been some studies focusing on the impact of mode of feeding, anticoagulation, and effect of other anesthetics on the neurodevelopmental changes in congenital heart disease pediatrics. The present review discusses the neurodevelopment abnormalities in congenital heart disease pediatrics with a focus on different interventions that have been explored by different scientists to limit the deleterious effects on the patients.
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2021, VOL. 14, NO. 1, 172–180
A review on neurodevelopmental abnormalities in congenital heart disease:
focus on minimizing the deleterious effects on patients
Bai-hong Zhenga, Xiu-min Liub, Peng Zhaocand Ping Lid
aDepartment of Pediatrics, the Second Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, People’s Republic of China; bDepartment of Clinical
Laboratory, the Second Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, People’s Republic of China; cDepartment of Anesthesiology, the Second
Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, People’s Republic of China; dDepartment of Developmental Pediatrics, the Second Hospital of Jilin
University, Changchun, Jilin, People’s Republic of China
Due to the surgical procedures, the longevity of congenital heart patients is dramatically increased;
however, these patients suffer from concomitant neurodevelopment abnormalities, which include
deficits in cognitive, executive and behavioral functions. There are more chances of seizure develop-
ment and incidences of ischemic stroke in these children. Indeed, there are pathological changes in
the brain, which include a reduction in the volume of the brain, metabolic alterations, alterations in
the functional connectivity, dysregulation of angiogenesis and changes in the apparent axon den-
sity along with orientation dispersion. The management of neural abnormalities depends on the
type of symptoms observed in these patients. There have been limited studies that have focused on
identifying the interventions that may limit the impact of neurodevelopmental abnormalities. It has
been reported that dexmedetomidine, α2-adrenergic receptor agonist, produces neuroprotection
in infants undergoing surgery for congenital heart disease. Moreover, there have been some studies
focusing on the impact of mode of feeding, anticoagulation, and effect of other anesthetics on the
neurodevelopmental changes in congenital heart disease pediatrics. The present review discusses
the neurodevelopment abnormalities in congenital heart disease pediatrics with a focus on different
interventions that have been explored by different scientists to limit the deleterious effects on the
Received 20 July 2020
Accepted 2 March 2021
cognition; congenital heart
disease; angiogenesis;
1. Introduction
Congenital heart diseases are the functional and struc-
tural changes in the heart, circulatory system, or large
vessels, which develop during cardiac embryogene-
sis. Congenital heart defects are the most common
congenital anomalies, including aortic valve steno-
sis, coarctation of the aorta, patent ductus arterio-
sus, pulmonary valve stenosis, septal defects, single
ventricle defects, tetralogy of Fallot and transposition
of the great arteries (Garcia and Peddy 2018;Tassi-
nari et al. 2018).Thesedefectsaresignicantcauses
of morbidity and mortality in children worldwide.
However, with the advent of surgical procedures, the
longevity of these patients is dramatically increased.
However, these patients suer from concomitant neu-
rodevelopment abnormalities, which persist for the
whole life (Peyvandi et al. 2019). From the data of
25, 985 Swedish children and young adults with con-
CONTACT Ping Li Department of Developmental Pediatrics, the Second Hospital of Jilin University, 218 Ziqiang Street, Nanguan
District, Changchun, Jilin 130041
genital heart disease, it was found that patients with
congenital heart disease have about 11 fold greater
risk of development of ischemic stroke in compari-
son to the normal population (Mandalenakis et al.
Moreover, the decits in cognitive, executive, com-
munication, and behavioral functions are very com-
mon in these patients (Jakab et al. 2019;Whiteetal.
2019). The neurodevelopment abnormalities observed
in congenital heart disease patients are due to the
impairment in brain maturation (Morton et al. 2017)
2017). These pathological changes are reduction in
the total volume of the brain, white brain and hip-
pocampus (von Rhein et al. 2014;Rollinsetal.2017);
metabolic changes (Vedovelli et al. 2019); functional
connectivity between dierent portions of the brain
(De Asis-Cruz et al. 2018)andchangesintheapparent
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor& Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
axon density and orientation dispersion (Easson et al.
Accordingly, it is suggested that there is a need for
follow-up and application of early intervention follow-
ing surgery to limit the neurodevelopment abnormal-
ities (Butler et al. 2019). The management of these
abnormalities is dependent on the type of symp-
toms observed in these patients. However, there have
been few studies that have focused on identifying
the interventions that may limit the impact of neu-
rodevelopmental abnormalities. It has been reported
that dexmedetomidine, α2-adrenergic receptor ago-
nist, produces neuroprotective eects in infants under-
going surgery for congenital heart disease (Schwartz
et al. 2016). Moreover, there have been few stud-
ies focusing on the impact of mode of feeding
(Holst et al. 2019), anticoagulation (Leijser et al.
2019) and the eect of other anesthetics (Fleck et al.
2015) on the neurodevelopmental changes in con-
genital heart disease pediatrics (Table 1). The present
review discusses the neurodevelopment abnormalities
in congenital heart disease pediatrics with a focus on
dierent interventions that have been explored by dif-
ferent scientists to limit the deleterious eects on the
The literature to write this review was collected
using ‘PUBMED’ ‘EMBASE’ and ‘Google Scholar’
using dierent keywords including congenital heart
disease’ ‘neurodevelopmental abnormalities’, ‘infants’
‘children’ ‘card i a c s u r ger y, and ‘neuroprotection’.
Neurodevelopmental abnormalities in
congenital heart disease infants
Diverse range of abnormalities related to brain
It is very well reported that infants with congenital
heart disease exhibit a wide range of neurodevelop-
mental abnormalities, including decits in language,
executive function and behavioral abnormalities
(Peyvandi et al. 2019;Whiteetal.2019). Executive
function impairments are among the most prevalent
neurodevelopmental morbidities in youth with con-
genital heart disease (Nattel et al. 2017;Calderonetal.
2019). Children and adolescents with congenital heart
disease (CHD) are at risk for mild to moderate cog-
nitive impairments. In particular, impaired working
memory performance has been found in CHD patients
Tab le 1. Summarized findings of different interventions on neurodevelopmental abnormalities in children undergoing heart surgery.
S. No Interventions Type of study Results References
Non-Pharmacological Interventions
1. Feeding Mode Retrospective cohort study
Lesser neurodevelopment delay in orally fed children in
comparison to enteral tube-fed children
2. Feeding Mode Retrospective cohort study
Infants on oral feedings developed lesser neurodevelopmental
impairment in comparison to infants on G-tube feedings
Jadcherla et al.
Pharmacological Interventions
3. Dexmedetomidine Retrospective cohort study
Patients had improved outcomes in patients receiving
Schwartz et al.
Randomized, single-blind study
Decreased levels of neuron-specific enolase and S-100β
protein along with improvement in oxygen metabolism
suggesting reduced brain injury
Gong et al. (2019)
Retrospective study (n=256) Significant preservation of intelligence quotient and
neurodevelopment undergoing surgery
Huang et al. (2020)
4. Erythropoietin Prospective phase I/II clinical trial
No neurological protection from erythropoietin Andropoulos et al.
5. Ketamine Randomized clinical study
No significant differences in the expression of cytokines,
chemokines, S100, and neuron-specific enolase between
ketamine-treated and placebo
Bhutta et al. (2012)
6. Dextromethorphan Randomized, placebo-controlled
trial (n=13)
Treatment with dextromethorphan exhibited fewer brain
abnormalities, however, the effects were not significantly
different in comparison to placebo
Schmitt et al.
7. Allopurinol Single centered, randomized,
placebo-controlled, blinded trial
Ketamine produced neuroprotection in higher-risk HLHS
patients without any significant effect in lower risk,
non-HLHS infants
Clancy et al. (2001)
8. Anticoagulants Two-center, observational cohort
study (n=118)
No benefit of preventing brain injury with the use of
Leijser et al. (2019)
174 B.-H. ZHENG ET AL.
of all ages (Ehrler et al. 2020). The disrupted or delayed
maturation of white matter may persist into adoles-
cence and is associated with working memory impair-
ments, particularly if present in the frontal lobe (Ehrler
et al. 2020). Furthermore, cerebral injury in the form of
arterial ischemic strokes, white matter injury, subdural
hemorrhage and intracranial hemorrhage is also com-
mon in pediatric children suering from congenital
heart disease (Kelly et al. 2019). Furthermore, children
with complex congenital heart disease experience a
high incidence of perioperative seizures (Desnous et al.
Pathological changes in the brains of newborns with
congenital heart disease
The neurodevelopment abnormalities in congenital
heart disease infants have been attributed to patholog-
et al. 2017). Most of the studies have focused on the
decrease in the volume of the brain or its dierent
portions. A signicant decrease in the hippocampal
volumes in congenital heart disease patients has been
identied, which is negatively correlated with work-
ing memory and other executive functions (Fontes
et al. 2019).Therehavemorestudiesshowingasigni-
cant decline in the volume of total brain, white matter,
and cortical grey matter. The reduction in brain vol-
ume ranged from 5.3% (cortical grey matter) to 11%
(corpus callosum) (von Rhein et al. 2014). The reduc-
tion in the white matter microstructure in congenital
heart disease infants has also been reported, which was
associated with the decrease in cognitive performance
(Rollins et al. 2014).Thesamegroupofscientistsdocu-
mented that the decrease in the volume of white matter
predicts the development of language abnormalities
in congenital heart disease infants. Indeed, a reduc-
tion of approximately 54 mL in the total brain volume
in infants with congenital heart disease in compari-
son to normal infants. Moreover, this dierence in the
white matter volume was correlated to the language
development indices (Rollins et al. 2017).
It has been reported that there is a reduced regional
functional connectivity involving critical brain regions
in newborns with congenital heart disease, which
may be responsible for early-life brain dysfunction
and neurodevelopmental impairments (De Asis-Cruz
et al. 2018). In a very recent study, the changes in
the apparent axon density and orientation dispersion
in the white matter of newborns with congenital
heart disease have been reported. Using brain mag-
netic resonance imaging, the comparison between the
axon density and neurite orientation dispersion within
white matter was made between normal and congen-
ital heart disease infants. The average neurite den-
sity index was much lower, particularly within long
association tracts and in regions of the corpus callo-
sum in congenital heart disease infants. Along with
it, smaller white matter tract volumes and clusters of
lower fractional anisotropy was also reported, with-
out any signicant dierences in orientation disper-
sion index. It suggests that the decrease in the density
of axonal packing, but not altered axonal orientation,
is the important microstructural change in the white
matter in infants born with congenital heart disease
(Easson et al. 2020). Apart from well-dened patho-
logical alterations in the brain, there are changes in the
metabolic proles in congenital heart disease patients,
including higher levels of accumulation of citric acid
cycle intermediates and glucose, which has been sug-
gested due to switching to anaerobic metabolism. The
presence of these metabolic changes has been cor-
related with the adverse neurodevelopment pattern
(Vedovelli et al. 2019).
Dysregulation of angiogenesis
It has been proposed that there is an overall dysreg-
ulation of angiogenesis i.e. an increase in the expres-
sion of antiangiogenic and decrease in the angiogenic
factors in the brains of fetuses with congenital heart
disease. An experimental study identied the changes
in the expression of angiogenesis regulating genes in
the cerebral tissues obtained from 15 fetuses with con-
genital heart disease that had undergone termination
of pregnancy. Real-time polymerase chain reaction
(RT–PCR) revealed the higher expression of soluble
fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1), a tyrosine kinase
protein with antiangiogenic properties, in the frontal
cortex and basal ganglia of fetuses. There was also
teins including, VEGF-A and hypoxia-inducible fac-
tor 2-alpha in the frontal cortex and basal ganglia.
However, the net balance was towards the antiangio-
genic factors, which suggested that fetuses with con-
may be responsible for impaired brain perfusion and
abnormal neurological development (Sánchez et al.
An earlier study reported a similar pattern of
changes including an increase in sFlt-1 and angiogen-
esis promoting proteins and suggested that the imbal-
ance in angiogenic-antiangiogenic factors is associ-
ated with developmental defects of the human heart
(Llurba et al. 2014). However, these ndings are not in
congenital heart disease. Indeed, the extent of blood
perfusion was compared in one newborn with con-
genital heart disease before surgery and three healthy
newborns. The cerebral blood ow was increased in
the white matter of a newborn with congenital heart
diseases. Moreover, there was the overexpression of
vascular endothelial growth factor in the injured white
matter of the newborn with congenital heart disease
(Wintermark et al. 2015). The studies of Wintermark
et al. (2015) and Sánchez et al. (2018)reportthe
opposite results, however, both reported the increase
in the expression of vascular endothelial growth fac-
tor in the brain of congenital heart disease children.
Sánchez et al proposed that an increase in the shift
to anti-angiogenesis factors may decrease the cerebral
blood ow, which may contribute to neurodevelop-
mental abnormalities. There have been several studies
supporting that decrease in cerebral oxygen supply or
utilization is responsible for reduced brain size and
neurodevelopmental abnormalities (Sun et al. 2015).
On the other hand, Wintermark et al proposed that
an increase in angiogenesis may contribute to cerebral
injury and this hypothesis was based on the studies
showing that an increase in angiogenesis is responsible
for macular injury and retinopathy (Hartnett 2014).
Accordingly, more detailed studies are required to fully
elucidate the role of angiogenesis regulating factors in
the neurodevelopmental abnormalities in congenital
heart disease.
Studies focusing on the impact of different
interventions on neurodevelopment
Impact of the feeding mode on the neurodevelopment
A signicant impact of the mode of feeding has been
identied on the outcome of neurodevelopment in
congenital heart disease infants. A retrospective cohort
study performed by Holst et al on 208 children with
congenital heart disease reported that the children on
enteral feeding tubes had signicantly lower develop-
mental quotient scores in cognition, communication,
and motor function in comparison to orally fed chil-
dren. The developmental delay was much more signif-
icant in enteral tube-fed children with the same-aged
infants, kept on oral feed (Holst et al. 2019). Another
study involving retrospective cohorts of 194 neonates
reported the impact of the mode of feeding on the neu-
rodevelopment outcomes. It was reported that infants
(60%, n=117) discharged on oral feedings remained
on an oral diet and presented with lesser long-term
neurodevelopmental impairment. On the other hand,
the remaining infants (40%, n=77) discharged on
G-tube feedings had lower cognitive, communication,
and motor composite scores. It further emphasizes the
importance of oral feeding in reducing neurodevelop-
ment alterations in congenital heart disease patients
(Jadcherla et al. 2017).
Pharmacological Interventions
Dexmedetomidine as an anesthetic in congenital
heart disease infants
Safety and ecacy of dexmedetomidine as an anes-
thetic in infants with heart diseases. Dexmedeto-
midine is an α2-adrenergic receptor agonist, which
is FDA approved for sedation and analgesia in the
intensive care unit (ICU) (Phan and Nahata 2008;
Afonso and Reis 2012). As a pre-anesthetic medica-
tion, dexmedetomidine produces arousable sedation
and anxiolysis, while as an intraoperative adjunctive
agent, it provides balanced anesthesia and reduces the
neuro-humoral stress response. Moreover, its clinical
prevent the risk of postoperative delirium or agitation
(Kiski et al. 2019). There have been several studies
showing the ecacy and safety of dexmedetomidine
in infants with cardiac diseases (Chrysostomou et al.
2009). Moreover, its safety persists beyond 24 h, with-
out the emergence of rebound eects after its discon-
tinuation (Guinter and Kristeller 2010). A retrospec-
tive observational study conducted in the cardiovas-
cular intensive care unit has reported that critically ill
neonates and infants with heart disease remain hemo-
infusion during surgery. Moreover, it was shown to
176 B.-H. ZHENG ET AL.
reduce the concomitant dose of opioid and benzo-
diazepine agents (Lam et al. 2012). There has been
another retrospective study showing the ecacy and
safety of dexmedetomidine in critically ill infants and
children with congenital or acquired heart disease
who received dexmedetomidine for more than 96 h. It
was shown that the duration and amount of midazo-
lam and morphine infusions were signicantly lower
in the dexmedetomidine-administered infants (Gupta
et al. 2012). The retrospective observational study con-
ducted by Lam et al also reported the safety and
ecacy of dexmedetomidine in children with heart
failure. Dexmedetomidine was administered in 21
patients, and it was reported that there was no sig-
nicant eect on the heart rate, blood pressure, or
inotropic score at the termination of infusion. It also
led to a reduction in the dose of midazolam. Moreover,
the numbers of sedation and analgesic rescue were sig-
nicantly lower in the dexmedetomidine group, sug-
gesting that the administration of dexmedetomidine
in children with heart failure appears to be safe (Lam
et al. 2012). Moreover, dexmedetomidine is eective
in reducing the length of stay and time to extubation
in critically ill ICU patients. However, a relative risk of
bradycardia has been identied among patients treated
with dexmedetomidine (Cruickshank et al. 2016).
Neuroprotective eects of dexmedetomidine. Apart
from a simple anesthetic agent, the employment of
dexmedetomidine has produced favorable eects on
the brain in congenital heart disease infants under-
going surgery. Schwartz et al analyzed the data from
the Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society-Society of
Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Disease Database
to study the role of perioperative use of dexmedeto-
midine in pediatric patients with congenital heart
disease. The data of 12,142 patients, in which 3600
received perioperative dexmedetomidine and 8542
did not receive the drug, was collected from 2010
to 2013. The results revealed that children receiving
dexmedetomidine had improved outcomes as com-
pared to patients who did not receive dexmedetomi-
dine (Schwartz et al. 2016). A randomized, single-
blind controlled study involving pediatric patients
(n=80) with congenital heart disease explored the
neuroprotective potential of dexmedetomidine during
surgery. The study revealed that the administration of
dexmedetomidine signicantly attenuated brain injury
as assessed by decreased levels of neuron-specic eno-
lase (NES) and S-100βprotein. Moreover, dexmedeto-
midine treatment during surgery improved the oxygen
metabolism in brain tissues suggesting the neuropro-
tective actions of dexmedetomidine during surgery
of congenital heart disease pediatric patients (Gong
et al. 2019). Another retrospective study on pediatric
patients (n=256) with heart disease undergoing tho-
racic surgery revealed the signicance of dexmedeto-
midine. The results showed that there was a signi-
cant preservation of intelligence quotient scores and
neurodevelopment evaluation scores in infants receiv-
ing dexmedetomidine in comparison to patients not
receiving dexmedetomidine. However, there was no
signicant dierence in overall mortality, duration
of mechanical ventilation, or length of stay. There-
dexmedetomidine may improve neural development
in infants with congenital heart disease undergoing
surgery (Huang et al. 2020).
Erythropoietin as neuroprotective drug
Erythropoietin has been shown to exert neuro-
protective eects due to its anti-apoptotic, anti-
inammatory, and antiexcitatory eects (Fischer et al.
2017). Therefore scientists have employed the use of
erythropoietin as a neuroprotectant in patients under-
going heart surgery. There have been mixed reports
regarding the use of erythropoietin as neuroprotec-
tive agents in older patients undergoing cardiac injury
(Lakič et al. 2010,2016). However, in a prospective
phase, I/II clinical trial involving 22 neonates under-
going cardiac surgery did not get neurological pro-
tection from erythropoietin administration and results
were not statistically dierent from the placebo group
(n=20) (Andropoulos et al. 2013).
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists as
neuroprotective drugs
Ketamine. Ketamine is an NMDA receptor antago-
nist and serves as a dissociative anesthetic. There have
been preclinical (Wang et al. 2019)aswellasclin-
ical studies (Nagels et al. 2004)showingtheneuro-
protective eects of ketamine. The employment of
ketamine has been shown to attenuate post-operative
cognitive dysfunction after cardiac surgery (Hudetz
et al. 2009). Based on these reported benecial eects
of ketamine, a randomized clinical trial explored
the neuroprotective potential of ketamine in infants
(n=13) undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery
for repair of ventricular septal defects in comparison
to placebo (n=11).Theresultsfoundnosignicant
dierences in the expression of cytokines, chemokines,
S100, and neuron-specic enolase between ketamine-
treated and placebo. It suggested that ketamine failed
to exhibit neuroprotective eects in infants with con-
genital heart disease (Bhutta et al. 2012).
Dextromethorphan. Dextromethorphan is a non-
competitive antagonist and it has also been shown to
exhibit neuroprotection (Pu et al. 2015).Inaclinical
study involving thirteen children (age 3–36 months)
undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary
bypass, the ecacy of dextromethorphan in attenu-
ating brain injury was explored. The results found
that children with dextromethorphan exhibited fewer
abnormalities in electroencephalography and MRI,
however, the eects were not signicantly dierent in
comparison to placebo (Schmitt et al. 1997).
Allopurinol as a neuroprotective drug
Allopurinol is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor and apart
from its typical anti-hyperuricemic actions, it has been
shown to produce neuroprotective eects in animal
studiesaswellinneonates(Anninketal.2017). The
neuroprotective eects of allopurinol may be due to
inhibition of superoxide formation and directly scav-
enging free radicals (Yıldız et al. 2017). A single-
center, randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded trial
explored the neuroprotective potential of allopuri-
nol in infants undergoing heart surgery. The authors
divided the patients into two categories i.e. hypoplas-
tic left heart syndrome (HLHS) and all other forms
of congenital heart disease (non-HLHS). It was found
that treatment with ketamine led to signicant neu-
roprotection in higher-risk HLHS patients without
any signicant eect in lower-risk, non-HLHS infants
(Clancy et al. 2001).
The use of anticoagulants is recommended for the pre-
vention of the development of stroke in patients with
atrial brillation and valvular defects. A two-center,
observational cohort study of 118 term-born neonates
with congenital heart diseases (TGA, n=83 and SVP,
n=35) studied the eectiveness of anticoagulation
diopulmonary bypass surgery. The results revealed
the more signicant postoperative parenchymal brain
injury (stroke) in SVP neonates with the use of antico-
agulants as compared to without anticoagulation (31%
vs 5%). In neonates with the incidence of preoperative
stroke, there was more frequent development of new
subdural hemorrhage as compared to without anti-
coagulation (36% vs 0%). Accordingly, it was stated
that there was no anticipated benet of preventing
brain injury with the use of anticoagulation during
cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (Leijser et al. 2019).
Impact of propofol
Propofol is widely used in procedural sedation in chil-
dren during surgeries. Indeed, intravenous propofol is
used for the induction of anesthesia, and thereafter,
anesthesia is maintained with propofol-remifentanil.
Propofol is well known to decrease systemic vascu-
lar resistance and arterial blood pressure. Therefore,
it has been speculated that due to a decrease in sys-
temic perfusion, the employment of propofol may
potentially result in a reduction in cerebral blood ow
and oxygenation. A study was performed to mea-
sure the changes in the cerebral blood in congeni-
tal heart disease children (n=32, median age =49
months) undergoing heart surgery using propofol as
an anesthetic agent. Propofol was shown to decrease
the mean arterial pressure (79 ±16 vs. 67 ±12 mmHg)
and cardiac index (3.2 ±0.8 vs. 2.9 ±0.6 ml/min/m2).
However, the cerebral tissue oxygenation index was
increased (57 ±11 to 59 ±10%) despite a decrease
in cardiac index and arterial blood pressure, which
may be possibly due to decreased oxygen consump-
tion by the sedated brain with an intact cerebral auto-
regulation. Accordingly, it was suggested that the use of
propofol as an anesthetic agent does not reduce cere-
bral blood ow and oxygenation during surgery (Fleck
et al. 2015).
Future directions
At present, there are limited options to attenuate
brain injury during cardiac surgery for the repair of
congenital heart disease. There has been extensive
research on the use of stem cells for the repair of con-
genital heart disease and success has been achieved
in many experimental studies. However, the impact
of stem cells in preventing brain may need further
178 B.-H. ZHENG ET AL.
There have been very few studies that have focused on
the reduction in neuronal damage in congenital heart
disease patients. Amongst the pharmacological inter-
ventions, dexmedetomidine, α2-adrenergic receptor
agonist, has been reported to impart neuroprotection
and limit the impact of surgery on neurodevelopment.
However, the employment of anticoagulants has not
been reported to produce benecial eects in these
patients. The non-pharmacological intervention i.e.
oral mode of feeding, has also been found to produce
benecial eects. Nevertheless, there is a need for more
studies to identify the interventions that may attenuate
the deleterious impact of congenital heart disease on
the brain.
Data availability statement
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This work was supported by Appropriate Health Techniques
For Poverty Alleviation Program of Health Commission of Jilin
Province: [Grant Number 2018FP044].
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Children and adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD) are at risk for mild to moderate cognitive impairments. In particular, impaired working memory performance has been found in CHD patients of all ages. Working memory is an important domain of higher order cognitive function and is crucial for everyday activities, with emerging importance in adolescence. However, the underlying neural correlate of working memory impairments in CHD is not yet fully understood. Diffusion tensor imaging and tract based spatial statistics analyses were conducted in 47 adolescent survivors of childhood cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (24 females) and in 44 healthy controls (24 females) between 11 and 16 years of age (mean age = 13.9, SD = 1.6). Fractional anisotropy (FA) of white matter diffusion was compared between groups and was correlated with working memory performance, derived from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV. CHD patients had significantly poorer working memory compared to controls (p = 0.001). Widespread bilateral reduction in FA was observed in CHD patients compared to healthy controls (threshold-free cluster enhancement (TFCE) corrected p < 0.05). This reduction in FA was present both in cyanotic and acyanotic CHD patients compared to healthy controls (both p < 0.001). The FA reduction in the frontal lobe, mainly in the forceps minor, was associated with poorer working memory performance in both patients with CHD and healthy controls (TFCE corrected p < 0.05). The current findings underline that in CHD patients, irrespective of disease severity, disrupted or delayed maturation of white matter may persist into adolescence and is associated with working memory impairments, particularly if present in the frontal lobe. Adolescence, which is a crucial period for prefrontal brain maturation, may offer a window of opportunity for intervention in order to support the maturation of frontal brain regions and therefore improve higher order cognitive function in patients with CHD.
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Background: From fetal life until cardiac surgery, complex congenital heart diseases (CHD) exhibit different hemodynamic and oxygenation patterns that can lead to alteration of the metabolic profile. We used a metabolomic approach to identify urine metabolic markers before cardiac surgery, aiming to define the physiology of patients with complex CHD and to contribute to predict their neurodevelopmental outcome. Methods: In a prospective, observational, single-center study we enrolled 28 patients with complex biventricular and univentricular CHD aged less than 5 years, on stable hemodynamic conditions, and with no genetic anomalies. We analyzed urine samples, collected at the induction of anesthesia, by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Profiles of 1H NMR spectra were submitted to unsupervised (principal component) and supervised (partial least squares-discriminant) multivariate analysis. Neurodevelopment was assessed by neuropsychological and adaptive functioning testing. Results: Principal components analysis divided CHD patients metabolic profiles in two distinct clusters (RED and BLACK). Metabolic profiles belonging to the RED cluster showed higher levels of accumulation of citric acid cycle intermediates and glucose compared to the profiles in the BLACK cluster, indicating a possible switching to anaerobic metabolism. Patients belonging to the RED cluster were significantly more prone to show an adverse neurodevelopment pattern (p = 0.01). Conclusions: The application of metabolomic analysis to CHD children permitted a deeper insight on their metabolic status that could help to obtain a better understanding of the physiological implications and to predict long-term neurodevelopmental outcome.
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Objectives Neurodevelopmental impairment has become the most important comorbidity in infants with congenital heart disease (CHD). We aimed to (1) investigate the burden of brain lesions in infants with CHD prior to surgery and (2) explore clinical factors associated with injury. Study design Prospective observational study. Setting Single centre UK tertiary neonatal intensive care unit. Patients 70 newborn infants with critical or serious CHD underwent brain MRI prior to surgery. Main outcome measures Prevalence of cerebral injury including arterial ischaemic strokes (AIS), white matter injury (WMI) and intracranial haemorrhage. Results Brain lesions were observed in 39% of subjects (95% CI 28% to 50%). WMI was identified in 33% (95% CI 23% to 45%), subdural haemorrhage without mass effect in 33% (95% CI 23% to 45%), cerebellar haemorrhage in 9% (95% CI 4% to 18%) and AIS in 4% (95% CI 1.5% to 12%). WMI was distributed widely throughout the brain, particularly involving the frontal white matter, optic radiations and corona radiata. WMI exhibited restricted diffusion in 48% of cases. AIS was only observed in infants with transposition of the great arteries (TGA) who had previously undergone balloon atrial septostomy (BAS). AIS was identified in 23% (95% CI 8% to 50%) of infants with TGA who underwent BAS, compared with 0% (95% CI 0% to 20%) who did not. Conclusions Cerebral injury in newborns with CHD prior to surgery is common.
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There is a high prevalence of neurodevelopmental impairments in individuals living with congenital heart disease (CHD) and the neural correlates of these impairments are not yet fully understood. Recent studies have shown that hippocampal volume and shape differences may provide unique biomarkers for neurodevelopmental disorders. The hippocampus is vulnerable to early life injury, especially in populations at risk for hypoxemia or hemodynamic instability such as in neonates with CHD. We compared hippocampal gray and white matter volume and morphometry between youth born with CHD (n = 50) aged 16–24 years and healthy peers (n = 48). We also explored whether hippocampal gray and white matter volume and morphometry are associated with executive function and self‐regulation deficits. To do so, participants underwent 3T brain magnetic resonance imaging and completed the self‐reported Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function—Adult version. We found that youth with CHD had smaller hippocampal volumes (all statistics corrected for false discovery rate; q < 0.05) as compared to controls. We also observed significant smaller surface area bilaterally and inward displacement on the left hippocampus predominantly on the ventral side (q < 0.10) in the CHD group that were not present in the controls. Left CA1 and CA2/3 were negatively associated with working memory (p < .05). Here, we report, for the first‐time, hippocampal morphometric alterations in youth born with CHD when compared to healthy peers, as well as, structure–function relationships between hippocampal volumes and executive function. These differences may reflect long lasting alterations in brain development specific to individual with CHD.
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Objective To study the brain protective effect of dexmedetomidine (DEX) during surgery in paediatric patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). Methods This randomized single-blind controlled study enrolled paediatric patients aged 0–3 years with CHD who underwent surgery and randomized them into two groups: one group received DEX and the control group received 0.9% NaCl during anaesthesia. Demographic data, heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and central venous pressure (CVP) were recorded. Levels of neuron specific enolase (NES) and S-100β protein were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Results The study enrolled 80 paediatric patients with CHD. Compared with the control group, HR, MAP and CVP were significantly lower in the DEX group at all time-points except for T0. At all time-points except for T0, the levels of jugular venous oxygen saturation in the DEX group were significantly higher compared with the control group. At all time-points except for T0, the levels of arterial venous difference and cerebral extraction of oxygen were significantly lower in the DEX group compared with the control group. Levels of NES and S-100β protein in the DEX group were significantly lower compared with the control group at all time-points except for T0. Conclusion DEX treatment during surgery for CHD improved oxygen metabolism in brain tissues and reduced the levels of NES and S-100β protein.
Aim: Explore if dexmedetomidine (DEX) improves neurodevelopment and cognitive impairment in infants with congenital heart disease. Materials & methods: We retrospectively analyzed 256 pediatric patients aged less than 2 years with heart disease undergoing thoracic surgery. The intelligence quotient and neurodevelopment were tested. Mortality, incidence of postoperation adverse events, duration of mechanical ventilation, and length of stay were recorded and compared. Results: Compared with those not administered DEX, intelligence quotient scores and neurodevelopment evaluation scores increased in patients receiving perioperative DEX. There were no significant differences in mortality, duration of mechanical ventilation or length of stay. Conclusion: The administration of DEX might improve neural development and reduce the adverse effects of general anesthesia in infants with congenital heart disease undergoing surgery and extracorporeal circulation.
Background: White matter alterations have previously been demonstrated in adolescents born with congenital heart disease (CHD) using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). However, due to the non-specific nature of DTI metrics, it is difficult to interpret these findings in terms of their microstructural implications. This study investigated the use of neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI), which involves the acquisition of advanced multiple b-value data over two shells and provides proxy measures of apparent axon density and orientation dispersion within white matter, as a complement to classic DTI measures. Study design: Youth aged 16-24 years born with complex CHD and healthy peers underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging. White matter tract volumes and tract-average values of DTI and NODDI metrics were compared between groups. Tract-average DTI and NODDI results were spatially confirmed using tract-based spatial statistics. Results: There were widespread regions of lower tract-average neurite density index (NDI) in the CHD group as compared to the control group, particularly within long association tracts and in regions of the corpus callosum, accompanied by smaller white matter tract volumes and isolated clusters of lower fractional anisotropy (FA). There were no significant differences in orientation dispersion index (ODI) between groups. Conclusion: Lower apparent density of axonal packing, but not altered axonal orientation, is a key microstructural factor in the white matter abnormalities observed in youth born with CHD. These impairments in axonal packing may be an enduring consequence of early life brain injury and dysmaturation and may explain some of the long-term neuropsychological difficulties experienced by this at-risk group.
Purpose of review: Patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) suffer from a pattern of neurodevelopmental abnormalities including deficits in language and executive function. In this review, we summarize recent studies that examine these outcomes, their risk factors, possible biomarkers, and attempts to develop therapeutic interventions. Recent findings: The latest literature has highlighted the role of genetics in determining neurologic prognosis, as we have increased our understanding of potentially modifiable perioperative risk factors. The role of potentially neurotoxic medical therapies has become more salient. One recent focus has been how neurodevelopment affects quality of life and leads to a high prevalence of mental illness. Neuroimaging advances have provided new insights into the pathogenesis of deficits. Summary: Although many risk factors in CHD are not modifiable, there is promise for interventions to improve neurodevelopmental outcomes in patients with CHD. Biomarkers are needed to better understand the timing and prognosis of injury and to direct therapy. Research into psychosocial interventions is urgently needed to benefit the many survivors with CHD.
Objective: To investigate the impact of feeding mode on neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with congenital heart defects. Design: A retrospective cohort study of 208 children with congenital heart disease (CHD), who had surgery from 1 January 2013 until 31 December 2016 at Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, TX, US. Settings: University Hospital, Developmental Outcome Clinic. Outcomes measures: Standardized cognitive scores were assessed with Capute Scales and motor development with Revised Gesell Developmental Schedules. We analyzed anthropometrics, mode of feeding, surgical complexity, syndrome, and gender as predictors of developmental outcomes at four time points: hospital discharge, and 6, 12, and 24 months of age. Results: Mode of feeding is associated with neurodevelopmental outcome in children with CHD. Children on enteral feeding tubes had significantly lower developmental quotient (DQ) scores in cognition, communication, and motor function at 12 and 24 months compared to orally fed children. There were greater proportions of developmental delays (DQ < 70) in enteral tube fed children at the 6, 12, and 24 months visits. Further, there was a strong association between presence of enteral feeding tube, syndrome, and developmental outcome. Greater surgical complexity, weight gain and ethnicity were not associated with the developmental outcomes. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the presence of an enteral feeding tube following corrective congenital heart surgery are at increased risk of neurodevelopmental delays at 12 and 24 months.
Congenital heart defects are the most common congenital anomalies, accounting for a third of all congenital anomaly cases. While surgical correction dramatically improved survival rates, the lag behind normal neurodevelopment appears to persist. Deficits in higher cognitive functions are particularly common, including developmental delay in communication and oral-motor apraxia. It remains unclear whether the varying degree of cognitive developmental delay is reflected in variability in brain growth patterns. To answer this question, we aimed to investigate whether the rate of regional brain growth is correlated with later life neurodevelopment. Forty-four newborns were included in our study, of whom 33 were diagnosed with dextro-transposition of the great arteries and 11 with other forms of severe congenital heart defects. During the first month of life, neonates underwent corrective or palliative cardiovascular bypass surgery, pre- and post-operative cerebral MRI were performed 18.7 ± 7.03 days apart. MRI was performed in natural sleep on a 3.0 T scanner using an 8-channel head coil, fast spin-echo T2-weighted anatomical sequences were acquired in three planes. Based on the principles of deformation-based morphometry, we calculated brain growth rate maps reflecting average daily growth occurring between pre- and post-operative brain images. An explorative, whole-brain, threshold-free cluster enhancement analysis revealed strong correlation between the growth rate of the Heschl's gyrus, anterior planum temporale and language score at 12 months of age, corrected for demographic variables (P= 0.018, t = 5.656). No significant correlation was found between brain growth rates and motor or cognitive scores. Post hoc analysis showed that the length of hospitalization interacted with this correlation, longer hospitalization resulted in faster enlargement of the internal CSF spaces. Our longitudinal cohort study provides evidence for the early importance of left-dominant perisylvian regions in auditory and language development before direct postnatal exposure to native language. In congenital heart disease patients, the perioperative period results in a critical variability of brain growth rate in this region, which is a reliable neural correlate of language development at 1 year of age.