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The complete mitochondrial genome of the endemic Iberian pygmy skate Neoraja iberica Stehmann, Séret, Costa, & Baro 2008 (Elasmobranchii, Rajidae)

Taylor & Francis
Mitochondrial DNA Part B

Abstract and Figures

Skates, Chondrichthyes fishes from order Rajiformes, are the most species-rich group of all Batoidea. However, their phylogenetic relationships and systematics is still a highly discussed and controversial subject. The use of complete mitogenome has shown to be a promising tool to fill this gap of knowledge. Here, the complete mitogenome of the Iberian pygmy skate Neoraja iberica (Stehmann, Séret, Costa & Baro 2008) was sequenced and assembled. The mitogenome is 16,723 bp long and its gene content (i.e. 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA, and 2 ribosomal RNA genes) and arrangement are the expected for Batoidea. Phylogenetic reconstructions, including 89 Rajiformes and two outgroup Rhinopristiformes, recovered family Rajidae as monophyletic, and further divided in the monophyletic tribe Rajini, sister to tribes Amblyrajini and Rostrorajini. The newly sequenced N. iberica mitogenome is the first representative of the tribe Rostrorajini.
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The complete mitochondrial genome of the endemic Iberian pygmy skate
Neoraja iberica Stehmann, S
eret, Costa, & Baro 2008 (Elasmobranchii, Rajidae)
e Gomes-dos-Santos
, Andr
e M. Machado
, Sofia Grac¸a Aranha
, Ester Dias
, Ana Ver
L. Filipe C. Castro
and Elsa Froufe
CIIMAR/CIMAR Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, Universityof Porto, Matosinhos, Portugal;
Department of
Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal;
CCMAR Centre of Marine Sciences, Universidade do Algarve, Faro,
CIBIO Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, Vair~
ao, Portugal
Skates, Chondrichthyes fishes from order Rajiformes, are the most species-rich group of all Batoidea.
However, their phylogenetic relationships and systematics is still a highly discussed and controversial
subject. The use of complete mitogenome has shown to be a promising tool to fill this gap of know-
ledge. Here, the complete mitogenome of the Iberian pygmy skate Neoraja iberica (Stehmann, S
Costa & Baro 2008) was sequenced and assembled. The mitogenome is 16,723bp long and its gene
content (i.e. 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA, and 2 ribosomal RNA genes) and arrangement
are the expected for Batoidea. Phylogenetic reconstructions, including 89 Rajiformes and two outgroup
Rhinopristiformes, recovered family Rajidae as monophyletic, and further divided in the monophyletic
tribe Rajini, sister to tribes Amblyrajini and Rostrorajini. The newly sequenced N. iberica mitogenome is
the first representative of the tribe Rostrorajini.
Received 5 January 2021
Accepted 27 January 2021
Elasmobranchii; Iberian
Peninsula; mitogenome;
Within the Batoidea (skates, stingrays, sawfishes, electric rays,
and guitarfishes), the order Rajiformes (skates) is one of the
most species rich (250 species so far described) despite its
seemingly morphological stasis (Ebert and Compagno 2008).
Skates also tend to have very localized distributions, reflected
in a high degree of endemism with several new species
being described recently (Igl
esias et al. 2010; Stehmann et al.
2008; Stevenson et al. 2004). Nevertheless, phylogenetic rela-
tionship inferences and systematics of the Batoidea remain
controversial mostly due to low taxon sampling, unresolved/
poorly supported topologies using either morphological and
molecular data, and also incongruent morphological and
molecular topologies (Aschliman, 2011; Aschliman et al. 2012;
Douady et al. 2003; Gait
an-Espitia et al. 2016; Last, White,
et al. 2016; McEachran and Aschliman 2004; Rodr
Cabello et al. 2013; Serra-Pereira et al. 2011). Although the
application of molecular approaches have been fundamental
to understand the phylogenetic relationships and assert the
systematics within Rajiformes, these are still under discussion
with several interpretations available (Last, Weigmann, et al.
2016; Last, White, et al. 2016). Consequently, from here for-
ward, we follow the nomenclature proposed by the most
recent taxonomic/systematic review of Rajiformes (Last,
Weigmann, et al. 2016).
Skates (Order Rajiformes) are among the most threatened
groups of vertebrates and are particularly prone to overex-
ploitation (Davidson et al. 2016; Dulvy et al. 2014). Thus, the
inability to efficiently infer phylogenetic relationships and
assert the systematics of the group is clearly a concern for
fishing management and conservation planning. Most species
have low fecundity, late sexual maturity, and long generation
times that hinder efficient population restocking and since
skatesmeat and gill rakers are valuable commercial resour-
ces, over-fishing has devastating effects in many populations
(Serra-Pereira et al. 2011; Wannell et al. 2020). This is further
aggravated by frequently bottom trawling bycatch of these
organisms (Wannell et al. 2020). Complete mitogenomes
have been successfully used for comparative studies and
phylogenetic inferences in cartilaginous fishes (e.g. Alam
et al. 2014; Gait
an-Espitia et al. 2016; Gomes-dos-Santos et al.
2020; Inoue et al. 2010). This is especially relevant in cartil-
aginous fish due to their slow mtDNA mutation rates that
can hinder the efficient resolution of traditional partial mito-
chondrial markers (Gait
an-Espitia et al. 2016; Martin 1995).
The Iberian pygmy skate Neoraja iberica (Stehmann et al.
2008) was recently characterized as an endemic species from
the south coast of Portugal and Spain (Serra-Pereira et al.
2011; Stehmann et al. 2008). The very few studies published
to date on this species relied on morphological analyses,
CONTACT L. Filipe C. Castro CIIMAR/CIMAR Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, University of Porto,
Terminal de Cruzeiros de Leix~
oes. Av. General Norton De Matos s/n 4450208 Matosinhos, Portugal; Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of
Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre 1021/1055, Porto, Portugal; Elsa Froufe CIIMAR/CIMAR Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and
Environmental Research, University of Porto, Terminal de Cruzeiros de Leix~
oes. Av. General Norton De Matos s/n 4450208 Matosinhos, Portugal
ß2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2021, VOL. 6, NO. 3, 848850
with only a few partial COI mitochondrial sequences being
available. Furthermore, no mitogenomes for Neoraja genus
are currently available. Therefore, producing a complete
mitogenome is a timely and valuable resource.
Liver and muscle tissue samples from a N. iberica speci-
men were collected and stored in 96% ethanol. The speci-
men was captured in June 2020 off the south coast of
Portugal (between Lat: 36.777.215, Long: 8.817.514 and Lat:
36.779.223, Long: 8.612.814), onboard of a commercial
crustacean bottom trawler and at depths of approximately
500 m. Morphological identification was performed onboard.
The specimen is stored at the Interdisciplinary Center of
Marine and Environmental Research (specimen code
Neoib001). Liver tissue was used for genomic DNA extraction
and whole-genome sequencing of 150 bp paired-end (PE)
reads were obtained using Hiseq X Ten machine at
Novogene Europe.
Complete mitogenome assembly and annotation were
obtained using MitoZ version 2.3. (Meng et al. 2019).
Annotation was further validated by comparison with mitoge-
nomes from other members of the Family Rajidae available
on NCBI, including representatives of the two rajid tribes:
Amblyrajini and Rajini. For the phylogenetic analysis, all
available mitogenomes from species from Family Rajidae and
from two species from Order Rhinopristiformes (Accession
numbers NC_023951.1 and NC_022821.1) were retrieved from
GenBank (03/12/2020). The 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs)
were individually aligned using MAFFT version 7.453 (Katoh
and Standley 2013) and afterward concatenated using
(final length: 11,435 bp). The best partition-scheme, best fit-
ted evolutionary models and maximum-ikelihood (ML) phyl-
ogeny were obtained using IQ-TREE version 1.6.12
(Kalyaanamoorthy et al. 2017; Nguyen et al. 2015). The newly
sequenced complete mitogenome of N. iberica is available in
GenBank under the accession number MW377218. The length
of the mitogenome is 16,723 bp and the gene composition
and arrangement is, as expected for Batoidea, the typical for
vertebrate mtDNA: 13 PCGs, 22 transfer RNA, 2 ribosomal
RNA genes, with 14 tRNA, 2 rRNA all PCG (except NAD6)
being present in the heavy strand (Satoh et al. 2016).
The resulting phylogenetic tree (Figure 1) recovered
Family Rajidae as monophyletic, further divided in the mono-
phyletic tribe Rajini, sister to tribes Amblyrajini and
Rostrorajini. The newly sequenced N. iberica represents the
first mitogenome sequenced Rostrorajini taxa. The present
Figure 1. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree based on concatenated sequences of 13 protein-coding genes from 89 Rajiformes and two outgroup
Rhinopristiformes mitogenomes. GenBank accession numbers are presented before species names. The above the branches indicate both bootstrap support values
above 95%.
study highlights the importance of increasing the sampling
and mitogenome sequencing of Rostrorajini, as well as other
skates, to clarify the phylogenetic relationships within the
most species-rich group of Chondrichthyes.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This work was funded by the Project The Sea and the Shore,
Architecture and Marine Biology: The Impact of Sea Life on the Built
Environment (PTDC/ART-DAQ/29537/2017) from FCT/MCTES through
national funds (PIDDAC) and co-financing from the European Regional
Development Fund (FEDER) POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029537, in the aim of
the new partnership agreement PT2020 through COMPETE 2020
Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program (POCI)
and by Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) UIDB/04423/2020,
UIDP/04423/2020 which also supported A.G.S. (SFRH/BD/137935/2018),
S.G.A (SFRH/BD/147493/2019) and A.V. (DL57/2016). Additional funding
was provided by FEDER Funds through the Operational Competitiveness
Factors Program COMPETE and by national funds through FCT within the
scope of Project PTDC/ASP-PES/28053/2017.
e Gomes-dos-Santos
Ana Ver
Elsa Froufe
Data availability statement
The genome sequence data that support the findings of this study are
openly available in GenBank of NCBI at (
under the accession number MW377218. The associated BioProject, SRA,
and Bio-Sample numbers are PRJNA694536, SRS8105111, and
SAMN17526303, respectively.
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... A relevant uncertainty is the phylogenetic position of the tribe Rostrorajini. Previous morphological observations placed Rostroraja alba within the Rajini [9,102] while other phylogenies inserted the species into the Amblyrajini [29,34,36,103]. Our phylogeny is consistent with the phylogeny presented by Chiquillo et al. [104], who elevated the Rostrorajini to the tribe level and placed it as a sister group of the other two tribes within the Family Rajiidae. ...
Full-text available
Conservation and long-term management plans of marine species need to be based upon the universally recognized key-feature of species identity. This important assignment is particularly challenging in skates (Rajiformes) in which the phenotypic similarity between some taxa and the individual variability in others, hampers accurate species identification. Here, 432 individual skate samples collected from four major ocean areas of the Atlantic were barcoded and taxonomically analysed. A BOLD project ELASMO ATL was implemented with the aim of establishing a new fully available and well curated barcode library containing both biological and molecular information. The evolutionary histories of the 38 skate taxa were estimated with two concatenated mitochondrial markers (COI and NADH2) through Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian inference. New evolutionary lineages within the genus Raja were discovered off Angola, where paleogeographic history coupled with oceanographic discontinuities could have contributed to the establishment of isolated refugia, playing a fundamental role among skates' speciation events. These data successfully resolved many taxonomic ambiguities, identified cryptic diversity within valid species and demonstrated a highly cohesive monophyletic clustering among the order, laying the background for further inference of evolutionary patterns suitable for addressing management and conservation issues.
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The rapid expansion of human activities threatens ocean-wide biodiversity. Numerous marine animal populations have declined, yet it remains unclear whether these trends are symptomatic of a chronic accumulation of global marine extinction risk. We present the first systematic analysis of threat for a globally distributed lineage of 1,041 chondrichthyan fishes-sharks, rays, and chimaeras. We estimate that one-quarter are threatened according to IUCN Red List criteria due to overfishing (targeted and incidental). Large-bodied, shallow-water species are at greatest risk and five out of the seven most threatened families are rays. Overall chondrichthyan extinction risk is substantially higher than for most other vertebrates, and only one-third of species are considered safe. Population depletion has occurred throughout the world's ice-free waters, but is particularly prevalent in the Indo-Pacific Biodiversity Triangle and Mediterranean Sea. Improved management of fisheries and trade is urgently needed to avoid extinctions and promote population recovery.
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Rays (Batoidea) are among the most threatened groups of vertebrates. Slow growth and low fecundity make many species vulnerable to overfishing, but increased demand for gill rakers in traditional Chinese medicine and elasmobranch meat means exploitation continues. In response, protection has increased, with manta and devilrays (Mobulidae) and sawfishes (Pristidae) now listed on Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). This protection requires an accurate assay for species identification, even when parts of the body have been removed or products have been processed. Therefore, we developed and tested a new COI minibarcode to identify ray species among processed samples. This assay was tested on 25 samples from across four batoid orders and showed consistent amplification. In 68% of cases, a correct top match was identified on GenBank and BOLD, but its accuracy should be much higher (particularly due to extensive taxonomic revisions in this group). Bioinformatic analysis of existing sequences also showed 81% of minibarcodes were matched back to a single species and 100% correctly back to all other taxonomic ranks. This increased to 91% when only including records published in the previous 2 years (that should help to account for recent taxonomic revisions). Analysis of skate ‘wings’ and cooked samples was highly successful, allowing the unambiguous identification of species. These results suggest this minibarcode will be highly useful in identifying ray species and could have a range of applications from the analysis of processed products to investigations of environmental DNA, making them an effective tool in the conservation of endangered batoids.
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Cartilaginous fishes are a highly vulnerable vertebrate group but remain poorly studied, especially those occupying deep-water ecological niches. Here, we describe the complete mitogenome of the deep-water chimaeriform Hydrolagus affinis (de Brito Capello, 1868) (Holocephali: Chimaeridae). The mitogenome has 19,437 nucleotides and the same overall content, i.e. 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, as available for all cartilaginous fishes mitogenomes. Phylogenetic reconstructions including 615 cartilaginous fishes mitogenomes place the H. affinis within the family Chimaeridae but suggest that Hydrolagus and Chimera are not reciprocally monophyletic, highlighting the need for additional molecular data to improve phylogenetic reconstruction.
Full-text available
The Arctic skate Amblyraja hyperborea is common in the cold water of the Atlantic and Pacific Arctic. Its distribution and taxonomy have been open to discussion. Here, we report on the whole mitochondrial genome sequence of A. hyperborea and the subsequent characterization. The mitogenome is 16,729 bp in length and consists of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNA genes, and 22 tRNA genes. The phylogenetic tree we reconstruct with the mitogenomes of related skates within the order Rajiformes supports the monophyletic assemblage congruent with recent studies, whilst raising the necessity of further investigations to elucidate the relationship among some rajid genera.
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Mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) plays important roles in evolutionary and ecological studies. It becomes routine to utilize multiple genes on mitogenome or the entire mitogenomes to investigate phylogeny and biodiversity of focal groups with the onset of High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) technologies. We developed a mitogenome toolkit MitoZ, consisting of independent modules of de novo assembly, findMitoScaf (find Mitochondrial Scaffolds), annotation and visualization, that can generate mitogenome assembly together with annotation and visualization results from HTS raw reads. We evaluated its performance using a total of 50 samples of which mitogenomes are publicly available. The results showed that MitoZ can recover more full-length mitogenomes with higher accuracy compared to the other available mitogenome assemblers. Overall, MitoZ provides a one-click solution to construct the annotated mitogenome from HTS raw data and will facilitate large scale ecological and evolutionary studies. MitoZ is free open source software distributed under GPLv3 license and available at
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In the course of the NSF-funded project “Jaws and Backbone: Chondrichthyan Phylogeny and a Spine for the Vertebrate Tree of Life”, morphological and molecular data were collected for a huge number of species (including type specimens). Molecular studies using mitochondrial and nuclear markers with dense taxon sampling corroborate that the skates consist of four main family-level groups, i.e. Anacanthobatidae, Arhynchobatidae, Gurgesiellidae and Rajidae. The Rays of the World book followed this subdivision of skates resulting in several nomenclatural decisions at both supraspecific and species levels, which are described and discussed in the present paper. These nomenclatural changes include: 1) resurrection of the family Gurgesiellidae, comprising all eight species of Cruriraja, eight species of Fenestraja and three species of Gurgesiella; 2) supraspecific changes to anacanthobatid nomenclature, i.e. elevation of subgenus Schroederobatis to generic level and resurrection of Springeria from subgeneric rank as a valid genus-level taxon; 3) provisional assignment of members of two undefined genus-level taxa, the “North Pacific Assemblage” and the “Amphi-American Assemblage”; 4) reassignment of species to the genus Dentiraja; 5) resurrection of Dipturus intermedius as a valid species from synonymy with D. batis; 6) resurrection of the tribe Pavorajini McEachran, 1984; and 7) erection of two new tribes, Bathyrajini (type genus Bathyraja) and Crurirajini (type genus Cruriraja). Furthermore, an annotated checklist of rajiform species is provided to explain major nomenclatural changes and place the list in context with other contemporary lists.
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Background: The mitochondrial (mt) genome has been used as an effective tool for phylogenetic and population genetic analyses in vertebrates. However, the structure and variability of the vertebrate mt genome are not well understood. A potential strategy for improving our understanding is to conduct a comprehensive comparative study of large mt genome data. The aim of this study was to characterize the structure and variability of the fish mt genome through comparative analysis of large datasets. Results: An analysis of the secondary structure of proteins for 250 fish species (248 ray-finned and 2 cartilaginous fishes) illustrated that cytochrome c oxidase subunits (COI, COII, and COIII) and a cytochrome bc1 complex subunit (Cyt b) had substantial amino acid conservation. Among the four proteins, COI was the most conserved, as more than half of all amino acid sites were invariable among the 250 species. Our models identified 43 and 58 stems within 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA, respectively, with larger numbers than proposed previously for vertebrates. The models also identified 149 and 319 invariable sites in 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA, respectively, in all fishes. In particular, the present result verified that a region corresponding to the peptidyl transferase center in prokaryotic 23S rRNA, which is homologous to mt 16S rRNA, is also conserved in fish mt 16S rRNA. Concerning the gene order, we found 35 variations (in 32 families) that deviated from the common gene order in vertebrates. These gene rearrangements were mostly observed in the area spanning the ND5 gene to the control region as well as two tRNA gene cluster regions (IQM and WANCY regions). Although many of such gene rearrangements were unique to a specific taxon, some were shared polyphyletically between distantly related species. Conclusions: Through a large-scale comparative analysis of 250 fish species mt genomes, we elucidated various structural aspects of the fish mt genome and the encoded genes. The present results will be important for understanding functions of the mt genome and developing programs for nucleotide sequence analysis. This study demonstrated the significance of extensive comparisons for understanding the structure of the mt genome.
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Torpediniformes (electric rays) is a relatively diverse group of benthic coastal elasmobranchs found in all shallow tropical to temperate waters around the world. Despite its ecological and evolutionary importance, the inter-relationships within this lineage of cartilaginous fishes and its phylogenetic position within Batoidea remain controversial. In this study, we report the first complete sequences of two tropical electric rays, Narcine bancroftii and Narcine brasiliensis, using a combination of 454 and Sanger sequencing technologies. These species are a common bycatch of artisanal fishery communities on the north-east Caribbean coast of Colombia and are considered Critically Endangered according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature classification system. Overall, the two newly sequenced mitogenomes exhibit similarities in size, transcriptional orientation, gene order, and nucleotide composition in comparison to other batoids. Based on the concatenated alignment of protein-coding genes, our phylogenetic analyses support the hypothesis that electric rays are closely related to thornback rays (Platyrhinidae), forming a clade in a sister position to a group containing the remaining three batoid orders. Within Torpediniformes, our results reject the nonmonophyletic hypothesis of the genus Narcine reported in previous morphological and molecular studies.
Model-based molecular phylogenetics plays an important role in comparisons of genomic data, and model selection is a key step in all such analyses. We present ModelFinder, a fast model-selection method that greatly improves the accuracy of phylogenetic estimates by incorporating a model of rate heterogeneity across sites not previously considered in this context and by allowing concurrent searches of model space and tree space.
Neoraja iberica n. sp. is described from the Portuguese and Spanish sector of the Iberian Peninsula south coast slope, based on a series of 50 type specimens representing all sizes of both sexes. This pygmy skate species was found with a maximum total length of 316 mm for females and 327 mm for males. The smallest specimens were a 55 mm neonate female and a 67 mm TL male. This new species is easily distinguished externally from four named congeners iV. stehmanni, N. caerulea, N. africana and Ar. carolinensis by: upper side ochre to medium greyish-brown and dark greyish in ground colour with a lively ornamentation in smaller specimens of dark brown dots and spots all over disc and posterior pelvic lobes to the extreme margins, plus frequently a few pairs of whitish spots and dots on inner pectorals; 7-8 blackish cross-bars or asymmetrically paired saddle blotches along tail, which pattern fades with growth and becomes reduced in adults to a few pairs of larger dark, pale edged spots, plus mostly 1-2 pairs of the whitish dots, and cross-bars or saddle blotches along tail become less distinct; underside of disc, pelvic-fins and tail white, at most a faint greyish margin to posterior disc and pelvic lobes, but occasionally a cloud of merging brownish spots appears on each pectoral centre. A mature male specimen in poor condition of about 260 mm TL from the southern Bay of Biscay, originally identified by Vaillant (1888) as Raja fullonica Linnaeus 1758, is now reallocated to Neoraja, based mainly on features of its nearly skeletonised claspers. The similar patchy and limited distributional range of each species all along the Eastern Atlantic from off South Africa to off Scotland is briefly discussed, with four or five species occurring in the Eastern and only one species in the NW Atlantic.