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Kirschsteiniothelia thailandica sp. nov. (Kirschsteiniotheliaceae) from Thailand


Abstract and Figures

Phytotaxa 490 (2): 172–182
Copyright © 2021 Magnolia Press Article PHYTOTAXA
ISSN 1179-3155 (print edition)
ISSN 1179-3163 (online edition)
172 Accepted by Sajeewa Maharachchikumbura: 4 Jan. 2021; published: 12 Mar. 2021
Kirschsteiniothelia thailandica sp. nov. (Kirschsteiniotheliaceae) from Thailand
1 Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China.
2 Center of Excellence in Fungal Research, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai 57100, Thailand.
3 School of Science, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai 57100, Thailand.
4 Institute of Plant Health, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Haizhu District, Guangzhou 510000, China.
*Corresponding author: YONG WANG,
A Kirschsteiniothelia species was found on decayed twigs of Ficus microcarpa collected at the Garden of Medicinal Plants
in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Phylogenetic analyses of combined ITS, LSU and SSU sequence data showed the new isolate was
phylogenetically distinct from other known species of Kirschsteiniothelia. Accordingly, Kirschsteiniothelia thailandica sp.
nov. is described and illustrated and compared with other species in the genus.
Keywords: 1 new taxon, hyphomycetes, Kirschsteiniotheliales, multi-gene phylogeny, taxonomy
Kirschsteiniothelia was introduced by Hawksworth (1985) based on the type species Kirschsleiniothelia aethiops.
It has both asexual and sexual morphs. The sexual morph of Kirschsleiniothelia has brown or black, hemisphaerical
or subglobose ascomata, cylindrical-clavate, bitunicate, 8-spored asci and ellipsoidal, brown to dark brown, smooth-
walled, 1–2-septate ascospores (Hawksworth 1985, Boonmee et al. 2012, Hyde et al. 2013, Mehrabi et al. 2017).
There are two types of asexual morphs in Kirschsteiniothelia, viz. dendryphiopsis-like and sporidesmium-like.
Dendryphiopsis was linked with Kirschsteiniothelia, which was confirmed by Hawksworth (1985) and Boonmee et
al. (2012). Subsequently, Su et al. (2016) reported a sporidesmium-like asexual morph (Kirchsteiniothelia submerse)
in Kirschsteiniothelia. Wijayawardene et al. (2014) recommended using Kirschsteiniothelia over Dendryphiopsis
considering fewer names changes.
Kirschsteiniothelia was assigned to Pleosporaceae by Hawksworth (1985) and Barr (1987). Barr (1993) suggested
that Kirschsteiniothelia should be transferred to the Pleomassariaceae considering its asexual morph, host and
morphology. Schoch et al. (2006) proposed that Kirschsteiniothelia should has its own family as the type species K.
aethiops did not group with Pleosporaceae in their phylogenetic analyses. In a further study, Schoch et al. (2009) showed
that K. maritima clustered within Mytilinidion (Mytilinidiaceae), while K. elaterascus grouped within Morosphaeria
(Morosphaeriaceae) (Suetrong et al. 2009). Kirschsteiniotheliaceae was established to accommodate Kirschsteiniothelia
based on morphology and phylogenetic analyses (Boonmee et al. 2012). In this study, Halokirschsteiniothelia was
introduced to accommodate formerly species K. maritima, and K. elaterascus was transferred to Morosphaeria
(Boonmee et al. 2012). Kirschsteiniotheliaceae was distantly related to other orders in Dothideomycetes in the study
performed by Hernandez-Restrepo et al. (2017). Therefore, a new order Kirschsteiniotheliales was established.
Hongsanan et al. (2020) provided a refined, updated document on families of Dothideomycetes. Kirschsteiniotheliales
is a monotypic order grouped with Asterinales in Dothideomycetidae, but the monophyly of these two orders is not
well-supported. Moreover, Kirschsteiniotheliales and Asterinales diverged approximately 221 MYA in divergence
time estimates (Hongsanan et al. 2020).
KIRSCHSTEINIOTHELIA THAILANDICA SP. NOV. Phytotaxa 490 (2) © 2021 Magnolia Press 173
We are studying the fungi growing on medicinal plants in China and Thailand to record diseases and other
beneficial properties (Long et al. 2019, Sun et al. 2020, Zhang et al. 2020). A specimen of Kirschsteiniothelia was
collected at the Garden of Medicinal Plants in Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand. Morphological study
and molecular analysis showed that our isolate represents a phylogenetically distinct species of Kirschsteiniothelia.
Therefore, we introduce K. thailandica as a novel species.
Materials & methods
Collections and examination of specimens
Fresh samples of decayed wood were collected from a garden of medicinal plants, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang
Rai, Thailand (November 2019). We used a stereomicroscope (SteREO Discovery. V12, Carl Zeiss Microscopy
GmBH, Germany) to observe fungal structures on natural substrate. The fungal structures were transferred to a small
drop of water on a slide using a syringe needle and covered with a cover glass. The fungi were checked by a Nikon
ECLIPSE Ni compound microscope (Nikon, Japan) and photographed with a Nikon DS-Ri2 digital camera (Nikon,
Japan). Images used for figures were processed with Adobe Photoshop CS6 software (Adobe Systems, USA) and
measurements were made with the Tarosoft (R) Image Frame Work software.
The single-spore isolation was made on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Germinated conidium was transferred to new
PDA plates and incubated at 26 ºC for four weeks following the method of Chomnunti et al. (2014). Herbaria materials
were deposited in the Fungarium of Mae Fah Luang University (MFLU), Chiang Rai, Thailand. Pure cultures and
tubes were deposited in the Mae Fah Luang University Culture Collection (MFLUCC). Faces of fungi (FoF) and Index
Fungorum numbers were acquired as described in Jayasiri et al. (2015) and Index Fungorum (2021).
DNA extraction, PCR amplification and sequencing
Genomic DNA was extracted from scraped fresh fungal mycelium grown on PDA using the Genomic DNA Extraction
Kit (GD2416) following the manufacture’s protocol. DNA amplification was performed as the method described by
Wijesinghe et al. (2020). PCR was carried out in 20 μl reaction volume which contained 10 μl 2x PCR Master Mix, 1 μl
of each primer, 1 μl template DNA and 7μl ddH2O. Primer pair ITS5/ITS4 were used to amplify the internal transcribed
spacer regions 1 and 2 including the intervening 5.8S nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS) region and NS1/NS4 for the
nuclear 18S ribosomal DNA (SSU) (White et al. 1990) . Primers LR0R and LR5 were used to amplify the nuclear 28S
ribosomal DNA (LSU) region (Vilgalys & Hester 1990). The PCR thermal cycle program for ITS, LSU and SSU were
as follows: 3 min at 94 ºC (initial denaturation), followed by 35 cycles of 30 s at 94 ºC (denaturation), 30 s at 52 ºC
(annealing), 1 min at 72 ºC (extension), with a final extension of 8 min at 72 ºC.
Phylogenetic analyses
The sequences (Table 1) used for phylogenetic analysis were downloaded from GenBank (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
gov/genbank/) according to a BLASTn searching in the sequences from type material and relevant literature (Boonmee
et al. 2012, Mehrabi et al. 2017, Bao et al. 2018, Jiang et al. 2020). Alignments of single gene were performed with
MAFFT v7.2.1.2 (Katoh & Standley 2013). AliView (Larsson 2014) was used to check the alignments and change the
format. Ambiguous regions of the alignments were trimmed by TrimAl v 1.2 with gappyout option (Capella-Gutiérrez
et al. 2009). Sequence Matrix was used for combining single gene alignments in a concatenated alignment (Vaidya et
al. 2011). The newly generated sequences were submitted to GenBank.
The maximum likelihood (ML) analysis was carried out with IQ-tree (Nguyen et al. 2015, Chernomor et al. 2016).
The best fitting substitution models were chosen by jModelTest2 (Darriba et al. 2012) under the Akaike Information
Criterion (AIC) algorithm for each dataset. The TPM2uf + I + G model was selected for ITS dataset, and TrNef + I +
G for LSU, and TrNef + I + G for SSU. Nonparametric bootstrap iterations were run with 1,000 replicates.
The maximum parsimony (MP) analysis was performed with PAUP v. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2002). Gaps were treated
as missing data and every character was unordered with equal weight. Bootstrap (BS) analysis was used to estimate
clade stability, including 1,000 replicates, each with 10 replicates of random stepwise addition of taxa (Hillis & Bull
174 Phytotaxa 490 (2) © 2021 Magnolia Press
Bayesian inference (BI) analysis was conducted in MrBayes 3.2 (Ronquist et al. 2012). MrModeltest v.2.3
(Nylander 2004) was used to estimate the best evolutionary models under the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).
GTR + I + G model was chosen for each locus. Six simultaneous Markov chains were run for 1,000,000 generations
and trees were sampled every 100 generations. The first 25% trees were discarded and the remaining trees were used
to calculate Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP) in the majority rule consensus tree.
Phylogenetic trees were viewed with FigTree v1.4.4 (Rambaut 2009) and modified in Adobe Illustrator CS6 software
(Adobe Systems, USA).
TABLE 1. Isolates and sequences used for molecular analysis. The newly generated sequence is indicated in red. Ex-
type strains are in bold.
Taxon strain ITS LSU SSU
Acrospermum adeanum M133 EU940180 EU940104 EU940031
Acrospermum compressum M151 EU940161 EU940084 EU940012
Acrospermum gramineum M152 EU940162 EU940085 EU940013
Anisomeridium ubianum MPN94 - GU327709 JN887379
Flavobathelium epiphyllum MPN67 - GU327717 JN887382
Kirschsteiniothelia aethiops CBS 109.53 - AY016361 AY016344
Kirschsteiniothelia aethiops MFLUCC 16–1104 MH182583 MH182589 MH182615
Kirschsteiniothelia aethiops S–783 MH182586 MH182595 MH182617
Kirschsteiniothelia aethiops MFLUCC 15–0424 KU500571 KU500578 KU500585
Kirschsteiniothelia aquatica MFLUCC 17–1685 MH182587 MH182594 MH182618
Kirschsteiniothelia arasbaranica IRAN 2509C KX621986 KX621987 KX621988
Kirschsteiniothelia arasbaranica IRAN 2508C KX621983 KX621984 KX621985
Kirschsteiniothelia cangshanensis MFLUCC 16–1350 MH182584 MH182592 -
Kirschsteiniothelia fluminicola MFLUCC 16–1263 MH182582 MH182588 -
Kirschsteiniothelia lignicola MFLUCC 10–0036 HQ441567 HQ441568 HQ441569
Kirschsteiniothelia phoenicis MFLUCC 18–0216 MG859978 MG860484 MG859979
Kirschsteiniothelia rostrata MFLUCC 15–0619 KY697280 KY697276 KY697278
Kirschsteiniothelia rostrata MFLUCC 16–1124 - MH182590 -
Kirschsteiniothelia submersa MFLUCC 15–0427 KU500570 KU500577 KU500584
Kirschsteiniothelia submersa S–481 - MH182591 MH182616
Kirschsteiniothelia submersa S–601 MH182585 MH182593 -
Kirschsteiniothelia tectonae MFLUCC 12–0050 KU144916 KU764707 -
Kirschsteiniothelia thailandica MFLUCC 20–0116 MT985633 MT984443 MT984280
Kirschsteiniothelia thujina JF 13210 KM982716 KM982718 KM982717
Megalotremis verrucosa MPN104 - GU327718 JN887383
Phyllobathelium anomalum MPN 242 - GU327722 JN887386
Phyllobathelium firmum ERP 3175 - GU327723 -
Pseudorobillarda eucalypti MFLUCC 12–0422 KF827451 KF827457 KF827463
Pseudorobillarda phragmitis CBS 398.61 MH858101 EU754203 EU754104
Strigula guangxiensis HMAS-L0138040 NR146255 MK206256 -
Strigula macrocarpa HMAS-L0141394 - MK206240 MK206221
Strigula nemathora MPN 72 - JN887405 JN887389
Strigula nitidula HMAS-L0139358 - MN788374 MN788375
Strigula sinoaustralis HMAS-L0137204 - MK206249 -
Strigula univelbiserialis HMAS-L0137657 - MK206243 MK206224
Tenuitholiascus porinoides HMAS-L0139638 -MK206259 MK352441
Tenuitholiascus porinoides HMAS-L0139639 - MK206258 MK352442
Tenuitholiascus porinoides HMAS-L0139640 - MK206260 MK352443
KIRSCHSTEINIOTHELIA THAILANDICA SP. NOV. Phytotaxa 490 (2) © 2021 Magnolia Press 175
Phylogenetic analyses
To better infer the phylogenetic position of the new taxon in Kirschsteiniothelia, nucleotide sequences of the ITS, LSU
and SSU were used. Thirty-six strains, representing four orders (Acrospermales, Kirschsteiniotheliales, Monoblastiales
and Strigulales), with 2 outgroup Pseudorobillarda eucalypti (MFLUCC 12–0422) and P. phragmitis (CBS 398.61)
were analyzed. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree generated by IQ Tree with the best scoring (likelihood value =
-12960.346) was showed (Fig 1). The final combined dataset consisted of 2,146 characters (LSU: 742 bp, ITS: 392 bp,
SSU: 1012 bp), including alignment gaps. Among them, 1,368 characters were constant and 778 variable (including
575 parsimony-informative characters and 203 parsimony-uninformative). Fourteen equally most parsimonious trees
(Tree length = 2,178, CI = 0.548, RI = 0.707, RC = 0.388, HI = 0.452) were produced from the heuristic search. All
phylogenetic trees (ML, MP and BI) were similar in topology.
FIGURE 1. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree generated by IQ Tree, based on combined ITS, LSU and SSU sequence data. The tree
is rooted with Pseudorobillarda eucalypti (MFLUCC 12-0422) and P. phragmitis (CBS 398.61). The ex-type strains are indicated in bold
and the new isolates are in red and bold.
176 Phytotaxa 490 (2) © 2021 Magnolia Press
The phylogenetic analyses showed that the monophyly of Kirschsteiniotheliales was strongly supported by ML, MP
and BI analyses. Acrospermales, Monoblastiales and Strigulales clustered together and sister to Kirschsteiniotheliales
with strong support values (100% MLBS, 100% MPBS and 1.00 BPP). Kirschsteiniothelia thailandica formed a
distinct lineage, closely related to K. rostrata, K. tectonae and K. thujina (97% MLBS, 89% MPBS and 1.00 BPP).
Kirschsteiniothelia thailandica Y.R. Sun, Yong Wang bis & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov.
Index Fungorum number: IF557949; Facesoffungi number: FoF 09289
Etymology: Referring the fungus collected from Thailand
Holotype: MFLU 20–0263
Saprobic on dead wood. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph (Fig 2): Hyphomycetous. Colonies scattered,
effuse, brown to dark-brown, hairy on natural substrate. Mycelium composed of branched, smooth, septate, hyaline
hyphae. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, solitary, erect, cylindrical, straight or slightly flexuous,
unbranched, septate, brown to dark brown 55–93 × 7–10 μm ( = 75.5 × 9 μm, n = 15). Conidiogenous cells
monoblastic, integrated, terminal, cylindrical, brown to dark brown 9.5–21 × 7–10 μm ( = 16.5 × 8 μm, n = 15).
Conidia acrogenous, straight, solitary, obclavate, smooth-walled, 6–8-distoseptate, shiny, olivaceous or brown, hyaline
at apex, truncate at base, tapering towards apex, 74–110 μm long ( = 91 μm, n = 20), 13–20 μm at the widest ( = 17
μm, n = 20), with a conspicuous, gelatinous, hyaline sheath around tip.
Culture characteristics: Conidia germinated on PDA within 24 hours from single-spore isolation. Both ends
produced germ tubes. Colony diameter reached 25 mm after one month at indoor temperature on PDA media, circular,
surface rough, flat, dark-olivaceous from above, dark from below.
Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang Rai Province, Mae Fah Luang University, Garden of Medicinal Plants,
on twigs of Ficus microcarpa, 11 November 2019, Y.R. Sun, B4 (MFLU 20–0263, holotype; ex-type living culture
MFLUCC 20–0116).
Notes: We delete Kirschsteiniothelia emarceis because it’s a long branch in phylogenetic trees. Phylogenetic
analysis showed that K. thailandica clustered with K. rostrata, K. tectonae and K. thujina, and they formed a sister clade
with K. submersa. Kirschsteiniothelia thujina is known only its sexual morph (Hawksworth 1985). Kirschsteiniothelia
thailandica resembles to K. rostrate and K. tectonae in having unbranched, cylindrical conidiophores, integrated,
terminal conidiogenous cells and obclavate, rostrate conidia with mucilaginous sheaths. However, K. thailandica has
shorter conidiophores than K. rostrata (55–93 μm vs 190–450 μm). Kirschsteiniothelia thailandica differs from K.
tectonae in having shorter conidia (74–110 μm vs 135–150 μm) and shorter conidiophores (55–93 μm vs up to 200
μm). In addition, polymorphic nucleotides from the ITS sequence data showed the more than one fifth of bases were
different, and we also compared with other gene sequences (Table 2).
TABLE 2. Number of polymorphic nucleotide differences between K. thailandica compared with K. tectonae and K.
Taxon Isolate ITS LSU SSU
K. tectonae MFLUCC 12–0050 108 31 not available
K. rostrata MFLUCC 15–0619 98 37 38
K. rostrata MFLUCC 16–1124 not available 36 not available
KIRSCHSTEINIOTHELIA THAILANDICA SP. NOV. Phytotaxa 490 (2) © 2021 Magnolia Press 177
FIGURE 2. Kirschsteiniothelia thailandica (MFLU 20–0263, holotype) a Colonies on natural substrate. bd Conidiophores with conidia.
e Conidiogenous cell with conidium. f Conidiogenous cell. gj Conidia. k Bipolar-germinated conidium. l, m Colony on PDA. Scale bars:
a = 100 μm, b–d = 50 μm, e–k = 20 μm.
178 Phytotaxa 490 (2) © 2021 Magnolia Press
Kirschsteiniothelia has a worldwide distribution and most species have been found in tropical (Mehrabi et al. 2017), or
subtropical regions (Su et al. 2016, Bao et al. 2018). Most Kirschsteiniothelia species occur in terrestrial habitats, while
some occur in freshwater, such as Kirschsteiniothelia aquatica, K. cangshanensis, and K. fluminicola Z (Boonmee et
al. 2012, Li et al. 2016, Su et al. 2016, Hyde et al. 2017, Mehrabi et al. 2017, Bao et al. 2018) (Table 3).
Thirty-five species are accepted in Kirschsteiniothelia and six species are presently known from Thailand (Table
3). However with comprehensive collection, it is expected that many more taxa will be discovered as Thailand’s has
a high fungal diversity (Hyde et al. 2018) and the genus is not well-studied (Hyde et al. 2020). Two asexual morph
types are known in Kirschsteiniothelia (Boonmee et al. 2012, Su et al. 2016, Hyde et al. 2017, Bao et al. 2018).
Dendryphiopsis-like asexual morph has branched conidiophores, cylindrical, 3–4-septate, brown conidia with rounded
apices and an attenuated, truncate base, such as K. aethiops and K. goaensis (Pratibha et al. 2010, Su et al. 2016).
Sporidesmium-like asexual morph are characterized by unbranched conidiophores, oblong to obclavate, 6–27-septate,
olivaceous or brown conidia with or without sheath around tip, for example, K. aquatica, K. tectonae, and K. rostrata
(Li et al. 2016, Hyde et al. 2017, Bao et al. 2018). Moreover, it was noteworthy that K. binsarensis is the only species
with a dendryphiopsis-like asexual morph with obclavate conidia.
Kirschsteiniothelia thailandica was found on terrestrial dead wood. Phylogenetic analyses shows that it forms a
distinct lineage. Kirschsteiniothelia thailandica resembled with other species in Kirschsteiniothelia but it has a unique
TABLE 3. Summary of distribution, habitat, host and morphology type of Kirschsteiniothelia species.
Taxon Country Habitat Host Sexual morph Asexual morph
Kirschsteiniothelia abietina U.S.A Terrestrial Tsuga canadensis Determined Undetermined
K. acerina U.S.A Terrestrial Acer saccharum Determined Undetermined
K. aethiops
dead wood/submerged wood Determined Dendryphiopsis-like
K. aquatica China Freshwater Submerged wood Undetermined Sporidesmium-like
K. arasbaranica Iran Terrestrial Quercus petraea Determined Undetermined
K.arbuscula Unknown Unknown Unknown Undetermined Dendryphiopsis-like
K. atkinsonii Hawaii Terrestrial Freyeinetia arnoltii Determined Undetermined
K. atra U.S.A Terrestrial Dead wood Undetermined Dendryphiopsis-like
K. binsarensis India Terrestrial Dead twigs Undetermined Dendryphiopsis-like
K. biseptata Sri Lanka Terrestrial Dead wood Undetermined Dendryphiopsis-like
K. cangshanensis China Freshwater Submerged wood Undetermined Sporidesmium-like
K. dolioloides Switzerland Terrestrial Pinus Determined Undetermined
K. elaterascus Chile Freshwater Dead wood Determined Undetermined
K. emarceis Thailand Terrestrial Dead wood Determined Dendryphiopsis-like
K. fascicularis Unknown Unknown Unknown Undetermined Dendryphiopsis-like
K. fluminicola China Freshwater Submerged wood Undetermined Sporidesmium-like
K. goaensis India Terrestrial Bark of tree Undetermined Dendryphiopsis-like
K. incrustans Taiwan, China Terrestrial Dead wood Determined Dendryphiopsis-like
K. lignicola Thailand Terrestrial Dead wood Determined Dendryphiopsis-like
K. maritima U.S.A Marine On testblocks and also driftwood Determined Undetermined
......continued on the nextx page
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TABLE 3. (Continued)
Taxon Country Habitat Host Sexual morph Asexual morph
K. phileura Unknown Unknown Unknown Determined Undetermined
K. phoenicis Thailand Terrestrial Phoenix paludosa Determined Undetermined
K. populi U.S.A Terrestrial Populus angustifolia Determined Undetermined
K. proteae South Africa Terrestrial Protea cynaroides Determined Undetermined
K. recessa Italy/U.S.A Terrestrial Pyrus/ dead wood Determined Dendryphiopsis-like
K. reticulata Taiwan, China Terrestrial Unknown twigs Determined Undetermined
K. rostrata Thailand Freshwater Submerged wood Undetermined Sporidesmium-like
K. smilacis Taiwan, China Terrestrial Smilax Determined Undetermined
K. striatispora Switzerland Terrestrial Juniperus communis Determined Undetermined
K. submersa China Freshwater Submerged wood Undetermined Sporidesmium-like
K. tectonae Thailand Terrestrial Tectona grandis Undetermined Sporidesmium-like
K. thailandica Thailand Terrestrial Ficus microcarpa Undetermined Sporidesmium-like
K. thujina Canada/U.S.A Terrestrial Abies balsamea/
Thuja occidentalis Determined Undetermined
K. umbrinoidea Italy Terrestrial Bark of aesculus hippocastanum Determined Undetermined
K. xera U.S.A Terrestrial Bark of prunus Determined Undetermined
We would like to thank the director of the Mae Fah Luang University botanical garden, the botanist Dr. Jantrararuk
Tovaranonte for her support given. We also want to thank Dr. Shaun Pennycook for checking the nomenclature. Kevin
D. Hyde would like to thank the Thailand Research grant entitled “Impact of climate change on fungal diversity and
biogeography in the Greater Mekong Subregion” (grant no: RDG6130001). The following projects supported the
research: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31972222, 31560489), Program of Introducing Talents
of Discipline to Universities of China (111 Program, D20023), Talent project of Guizhou Science and Technology
Cooperation Platform ([2017]5788-5, [2019]5641 and [2020]5001) and Guizhou Science, Technology Department
International Cooperation Basic project ([2018]5806).
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https://doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.63.49264
... Kirschsteiniotheliaceae species are mostly saprobes on dead wood from terrestrial and aquatic habitats in tropical and subtropical regions (Boonmee et al. 2012, Su et al. 2016, Mehrabi et al. 2017, Bao et al. 2018, Sun et al. 2021. Monotypic family Kirschsteiniotheliaceae was established by Boonmee et al. (2012) to accommodate Kirschsteiniothelia. ...
... The sexual morph of Kirschsteiniothelia is characterized by superficial, globose or sub globose, dark brown to black ascomata, fissitunicate, cylindrical-clavate asci and dark brown, septate ascospores, with or without a mucilaginous sheath (Hawksworth 1985, Boonmee et al. 2012, Mehrabi et al. 2017. Two types of asexual morphs are reported in Kirschsteiniothelia, namely, dendryphiopsis-like and sporidesmium-like, both having dark, thick-walled, septate conidiophores, which arise singly from the woody substratum, and thick-walled, septate conidia (Sun et al. 2021). The type species K. aethiops has been linked with the asexual genus Dendryphiopsis, which was characterized by macronematous, branched or unbranched, erect, septate, brown to dark brown conidiophores, terminal, determinate, monophialidic, conidiogenous cells, and cylindric-obclavate, septate, pale brown to dark brown conidia (Hughes 1953, Hawksworth 1985, Boonmee et al. 2012, Su et al. 2016, Wijayawardene et al. 2017. ...
... Kirschsteiniothelia agumbensis(AMH 10646). a-f SEM of conidia. Scale bars: a-b = 20 µm. c-d = 2 µm. e-f = 20 µm.Sun et al. (2021) included five hitherto Dendryphiopsis species (asexual morphs), D. arbuscula, D. binsarensis, D. biseptata, D. fascicularis and D. goaensis in Kirschsteiniothelia following the latest treatment of Dendryphiopsis byWijayawardene et al. (2014a). However, these five species were invalidly introduced in Kirschsteiniothelia without following ...
This study introduces a new species of Kirschsteiniothelia from Agumbe in the central Western Ghats of Karnataka, India. This new species differs from the allied species by its reduced to sessile conidiophores and cylindrical, straight to flexuous, coarsely verrucose to granulate to punctate, 18–41 euseptate elongated conidia. Phylogenetic analyses of combined ITS, LSU and SSU sequence data delineated K. agumbensis as a new lineage allied to Kirschsteiniothelia rostrata under the family Kirschsteiniotheliaceae. Furthermore, pairwise homoplasy index of phylogenetically closely related taxa also confirmed it as a new species.
... Su et al. (2016) identified Kirschsteiniothelia submersa as a sporidesmium-like asexual morph, and then several novel Kirschsteiniothelia species with sporidesmium-like morphology were introduced, such as K. aquatica, K. cangshanensis, K. fluminicola and K. rostrata Bao et al., 2018). Sun et al. (2021) provided a detailed summary of Kirschsteiniothelia species. Hyde et al. (2020) introduced Paramonodictys for a monodictyslike species, which is characterized by present stroma and globose to subglobose, brown, muriform conidia. ...
... based on the combined LSU-ITS-tef1-α-rpb2-tub rDNA sequences. (Sun et al., 2021). Phylogenetically (Figure 4), Kirschsteiniothelia ramus (GZCC 23-0596) is a sister taxon to K. lignicola (MFLUCC 10-0036). ...
... The discovery of these five new taxa enriches the freshwater fungi resources of China and further reveals the diverse morphology for this group of fungi. Hermatomyces, Kirschsteiniothelia, Paramonodictys and Pleopunctum have been reported from both terrestrial and freshwater habitats (Sun et al., 2021;Calabon et al., 2022;Xu et al., 2023). Among them, Hermatomyces and Kirschsteiniothelia have a worldwide distribution, while Pleopunctum are reported from China and Thailand Phukhamsakda et al., 2020;Senwanna et al., 2021;Xu et al., 2023). ...
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During the survey on freshwater hyphomycetes in Guangxi, Guizhou and Hainan Provinces, China, five fresh collections were encountered. Based on their morphology, these five isolates were identified as belonging to Hermatomyces , Kirschsteiniothelia , Paramonodictys , Pleopunctum and Sparticola . Multi-gene phylogenetic analyses were performed for each genus, which resulted in the identification of five new species, namely Hermatomyces hainanensis , Kirschsteiniothelia ramus , Paramonodictys globosa , Pleopunctum guizhouense , and Sparticola irregularis . Detailed descriptions and illustrations of the morphological characteristics of these new taxa were provided. This research enriches the biodiversity of freshwater dematiaceous hyphomycetes.
... This study introduces three new species and new host records of Kirschsteiniothelia from dead wood from Chiang Rai Province, Thailand, based on morphological and molecular analyses (Figs 1-7). Kirschsteiniothelia species have been found almost worldwide, including in the United States of America (Hawksworth 1985;Hyde 1997;Wang et al. 2004;Su et al. 2016), Iran (Mehrabi et al. 2017, Switzerland (Hawksworth 1985;Wang et al. 2004), Thailand (Boonmee et al. 2012;Li et al. 2016;Bao et al. 2018;Hyde et al. 2018;Sun et al. 2021;Jayawardena et al. 2022), South Africa (Marincowitz et al. 2008), China (Chen et al. 2006;Su et al. 2016;Bao et al. 2018;Liu et al. 2023;Yang et al. 2023;Xu et al. 2023), Canada (Hawksworth 1985), Italy (Wang et al. 2004), Spain (Rodríguez-Andrade et al. 2019 and India (Bao et al. 2018). Most of the species (K. ...
... Most of the species (K. acutispora, K. chiangmaiensis, K. crustacea, K. emarceis, K. extensa, K. lignicola, K. phoenicis, K. rostrata, K. septemseptata, K. spatiosa, K. tectonae and K. thailandica) have been reported from Thailand (Boonmee et al. 2012;Li et al. 2016;Bao et al. 2018;Hyde et al. 2018;Sun et al. 2021;Jayawardena et al. 2022), representing more than 25% of the species in this genus. Our results expand the knowledge of the diversity of this genus, especially in Thailand. ...
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Kirschsteiniothelia (Kirschsteiniotheliales, Pleosporomycetidae) includes 39 saprobic species recorded from dead or decaying wood in terrestrial and freshwater habitats. This study focuses on exploring Kirschsteiniothelia diversity in woody litter in Thailand. Wood samples were collected from forest areas in Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai Provinces in Thailand and examined for fungal fructifications. Fungal isolates were obtained and their morphological and sequence data were characterised. Micromorphology associated with multilocus phylogeny of ITS, LSU and SSU sequence data identified three isolates as novel species (Kirschsteiniothelia inthanonensis, K. saprophytica and K. zizyphifolii) besides new host records for K. tectonae and K. xishuangbannaensis. The placement of the new taxa and records are supported by morphological illustrations, descriptions and molecular phylogenies and the implications of these findings are discussed. Our findings provide information for understanding Kirschsteiniothelia diversity and ecology.
... Notes-The phylogenetic analyses revealed that K. chiangmaiensis formed an independent lineage, sister to K. puerensis , but with low bootstrap support 68% ML/0.76 BYPP (<75% ML and 0.95 BYPP) (Figure 1). The comparison of the base pairs between K. chiangmaiensis and the three closely related species is shown in Table 3. Kirschsteiniothelia chiangmaiensis is reported from its sexual morph, while K. puerensis, K. thailandica, and K. xishuangbannaensis, are reported from their asexual morphs , Sun et al. 2021. Therefore, we could not compare the morphology between the above species. ...
... This genus comprises 38 species, and there are 24 species have available data in GenBank (Sayers et al. 2020, Index Fungorum 2023, distributed in 14 countries , out of which 12 were introduced from Thailand, viz. K. acutispora, K. chiangmaiensis, K. crustacea, K. emarceis, K. extensa, K. lignicola, K. phoenicis, K. rostrata, K. septemseptata, K. spatiosa, K. tectonae, and K. thailandica, (Boonmee et al. 2012, Li et al. 2016, Bao et al. 2018, Hyde et al. 2018, Sun et al. 2021, Wijayawardene et al. 2022. These findings show that the introduction rate of Kirschsteiniothelia species has been relatively high during the past few years. ...
Fungal diversity is rapidly expanding, with new species being discovered worldwide. Northern Thailand is considered a hotspot for fungal diversity. In this study, we collected a saprobic microfungus from decaying wood in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. Morphological examination and phylogenetic analyses of ITS, LSU, and SSU sequences using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference placed a new isolate within Kirschsteiniothelia. Kirschsteiniothelia chiangmaiensis sp. nov. is characterised by 8-spored, cylindrical-clavate asci with a small ocular chamber and 1-septate ascospores that are ellipsoid to fusiform, with distinct guttules and a smooth wall surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath. Kirschsteiniothelia chiangmaiensis differs from the type by the smaller ascomata, wider asci, and presence of pluri-guttulate, and diverges from K. thujina by smaller ascomata, ascospore, and the presence of mucilaginous sheath. Based on morphology and phylogeny evidence, we introduce K. chiangmaiensis as a new species.
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This article is the 15th contribution in the Fungal Diversity Notes series, wherein 115 taxa from three phyla, nine classes, 28 orders, 48 families, and 64 genera are treated. Fungal taxa described and illustrated in the present study include a new family, five new genera, 61 new species, five new combinations, one synonym, one new variety and 31 records on new hosts or new geographical distributions. Ageratinicolaceae fam. nov. is introduced and accommodated in Pleosporales. The new genera introduced in this study are Ageratinicola, Kevinia, Pseudomultiseptospora (Parabambusicolaceae), Marasmiellomycena, and Vizzinia (Porotheleaceae). Newly described species are Abrothallus altoandinus, Ageratinicola kunmingensis, Allocryptovalsa aceris, Allophoma yuccae, Apiospora cannae, A. elliptica, A. pallidesporae, Boeremia wisteriae, Calycina papaeana, Clypeococcum lichenostigmoides, Coniochaeta riskali-shoyakubovii, Cryphonectria kunmingensis, Diaporthe angustiapiculata, D. campylandrae, D. longipapillata, Diatrypella guangdongense, Dothiorella franceschinii, Endocalyx phoenicis, Epicoccum terminosporum, Fulvifomes karaiensis, F. pannaensis, Ganoderma ghatensis, Hysterobrevium baoshanense, Inocybe avellaneorosea, I. lucida, Jahnula oblonga, Kevinia lignicola, Kirschsteiniothelia guangdongensis, Laboulbenia caprina, L. clavulata, L. cobiae, L. cosmodisci, L. nilotica, L. omalii, L. robusta, L. similis, L. stigmatophora, Laccaria rubriporus, Lasiodiplodia morindae, Lyophyllum agnijum, Marasmiellomycena pseudoomphaliiformis, Melomastia beihaiensis, Nemania guangdongensis, Nigrograna thailandica, Nigrospora ficuum, Oxydothis chinensis, O. yunnanensis, Petriella thailandica, Phaeoacremonium chinensis, Phialocephala chinensis, Phytophthora debattistii, Polyplosphaeria nigrospora, Pronectria loweniae, Seriascoma acutispora, Setoseptoria bambusae, Stictis anomianthi, Tarzetta tibetensis, Tarzetta urceolata, Tetraploa obpyriformis, Trichoglossum beninense, and Tricoderma pyrrosiae. We provide an emendation for Urnula ailaoshanensis Agaricus duplocingulatoides var. brevisporus introduced as a new variety based on morphology and phylogeny.
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The tropical montane cloud forest is the most diverse and threatened vegetation type in Mexico. In the last decade, the number of described Ascomycetes species has notably increased, reaching more than 1300 species. This study describes six new species based on their molecular and morphological characteristics. Our results suggest that Mexico has the highest number of described species in the Neotropics. However, many other Mexican lineages still need to be described.
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This is the eighth of the series Mycosphere notes wherein we provide descriptions and notes on various fungal genera. In this compilation, we introduce Neophaeosphaeriopsis (Phaeosphaeriaceae) as a new genus, and 25 new species. The new species are Acrodictys bambusae (Acrodictyaceae), Acrogenospora guizhouensis (Acrogenosporaceae), Aureobasidium xishuangbannaensis (Saccotheciaceae), Conlarium guizhouense (Conlariaceae), Dactylellina dulongensis (Orbiliaceae), Diaporthe araliae-chinensis (Diaporthaceae), Dibaeis jingdongensis (Icmadophilaceae), Dictyosporella yunnanensis (Annulatascaceae), Distoseptispora phragmiticola (Distoseptisporaceae), Fusarium camelliae (Nectriaceae), Helminthosporium lignicolum, Helminthosporium shangrilaense (Massarinaceae), Kirschsteiniothelia puerensis (Kirschsteiniotheliaceae), Melomastia septata (Pleurotremataceae), Montagnula aquilariae (Didymosphaeriaceae), Neophaeosphaeriopsis triseptatispora (Phaeosphaeriaceae), Neoroussoella chiangmaiensis (Roussoellaceae), Nigrograna heveae (Nigrogranaceae), Pestalotiopsis ficicrescens (Sporocadaceae), Pleurothecium hainanense (Pleurotheciaceae), Rhodoveronaea hainanensis (Sordariomycetidae), Roussoella chinensis (Roussoellaceae), Torula calceiformis (Torulaceae), Trichoglossum ailaoense (Geoglossaceae) and Zeloasperisporium spartii (Zeloasperisporiaceae). We provide new sequence data for 25 species and updated phylogenetic trees for 24 genera (Acrodictys, Acrogenospora, Aureobasidium, Conlarium, Dactylellina, Diaporthe, Dibaeis, Dictyosporella, Distoseptispora, Fusarium, Helminthosporium, Kirschsteiniothelia, Melomastia, Montagnula, Neophaeosphaeriopsis, Neoroussoella, Nigrograna, Pestalotiopsis, Pleurothecium, Rhodoveronaea, Roussoella, Torula, Trichoglossum, Zeloasperisporium).
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The class Dothideomycetes is the largest and most ecologically diverse class of fungi, comprising endophytes, epiphytes, saprobes, human and plant pathogens, lichens, and lichenicolous, nematode trapping and rock-inhabiting taxa. Members of this class are mainly characterized by bitunicate asci with fissitunicate dehiscence, and occur on broad range of hosts in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Since the last monograph of families of Dothideomycetes in 2013, numerous novel species, genera, families and orders have been discovered. This has expanded information which has led to the modern classification in Dothideomycetes. In this paper, we provide a refined updated document on families of Dothideomycetes with emphasis on Dothideomycetidae and Pleosporomycetidae. We accept three orders with 25 families and four orders with 94 families in Dothideomycetidae and Pleosporomycetidae, respectively. The new family Paralophiostomataceae is introduced in Pleosporales. Each family is provided with an updated description, notes, including figures to represent the morphology, list of accepted genera, and economic and ecological significances. We also provide an overall phylogenetic tree of families in Dothideomycetes based on combined analysis of LSU, SSU, rpb-2 and tef1 sequence data, and phylogenetic trees for each order in Dothideomycetidae and Pleosporomycetidae. Family-level trees are provided for the families which include several genera such as Mycosphaerellaceae and Teratosphaeriaceae. Two new genera (Ligninsphaeriopsis and Paralophiostoma) are introduced. Five new species (Biatrisopora borsei, Comoclathris galatellae, Ligninsphaeriopsis thailandica, Paralophiostoma hysterioides and Torula thailandica) are introduced based on morphology and phylogeny, together with nine new reports and seven new collections from different families.
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In this study, we introduce Corylicola gen. nov. in the family of Bambusicolaceae (Pleosporales), to accommodate Corylicola italica sp. nov. The new species was isolated from dead branches of Corylus avellana (common hazel) in Italy. The discovery of this new genus with both sexual and asexual characters will contribute to expand the knowledge and taxonomic framework of Bambusicolaceae. Corylicola gen. nov. has similar morphological characters compared to other genera of Bambusicolaceae. These are solitary, scattered, globose to subglobose and ostiolate ascomata; anastomosing and branching pseudoparaphyses; cylindrical asci with a welldeveloped ocular chamber and short furcate pedicel; and single-septate ascospores. The coelomycetous asexual morph of Corylicola has holoblastic, phialidic conidiogenous cells and light brown conidia analogous to other members in the family. Corylicola differs from the other genera of Bambusicolaceae in having yellowish-brown ascospore masses at the top of the ascomatal neck. Detailed morphological illustrations with comprehensive descriptions for the new taxa are provided, as well as a key to the genera of Bambusicolaceae. Maximum Likelihood analysis and Bayesian Inference of a combined SSU, LSU, ITS, RPB2 and TEF1 sequence dataset confirms the placement of this genus as a distinct lineage in Bambusicolaceae.
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Bamboo is a widespread plant with medicinal value. During our taxonomic study on medicinal plants, three collections of Distoseptispora were made from China and Thailand. Phylogenetic analyses of combined LSU, ITS and RPB2 sequence data showed that two collections represented a new species, phylogenetically distinct from other described species in Distoseptispora . This new species has macronematous, mononematous conidiophores, polyblastic or monoblastic conidiogenous cells and acrogenous, solitary, straight, obclavate, multi-septate, thick-walled conidia. Distoseptispora bambusae sp. nov. is introduced with illustrations and a comprehensive description. The third collection on dead wood from Thailand was identified as D. tectona with newly-generated molecular data for this taxon.
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Five Curvularia strains isolated from diseased leaves of lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) in Guangxi Province, China, were examined. NCBI-Blast searches of ITS sequences suggested a high degree of similarity (99–100%) to Curvularia akaii , C. akaiiensis , C. bothriochloae , C. heteropogonis and C. sichuanensis . To accurately identify these strains, we further analysed their morphology and phylogenetic relationships based on combinations of ITS, GAPDH, and tef 1 gene sequences. Morphological observations indicated that the key character differing from similar species was conidial size, whereas phylogenetic analyses indicated that the five strains represent one species that is also distinct from C. akaii , C. akaiiensis and C. bothriochloae by conidial size and conidiophore length. Thus, the strains examined are found to represent a new species described herein as Curvularia nanningensis . The pathogenicity test on the host and detached leaves confirmed the new species to be pathogenic on Cymbopogon citratus leaves. Standardised requirements for reliable identification of Curvularia pathogens are also proposed.
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Phylogenetic analysis of some foliicolous lichens collected in Hainan Province, China, revealed a new lineage morphologically similar to Porina but phylogenetically related to Strigulaceae (Dothideomycetes), differing from the latter in ascus type. The monospecific genus Tenuitholiascus gen. nov. is introduced for the single species, T. porinoides sp. nov., which is placed in the new, monogeneric family Tenuitholiascaceae, sister to Strigulaceae in Strigulales. The new taxon closely resembles the genus Porina in external morphology and ascospore type, as well as the thin-walled asci and unbranched paraphyses. Yet, it is entirely unrelated to the latter, which belongs in class Lecanoromycetes in the order Gyalectales.
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Three strains of the genus Diaporthe were isolated from different plant hosts in south-western China. Phylogenetic analyses of the combined ITS, β -tubulin, tef 1 and calmoudulin dataset indicated that these strains represented three independent lineages in Diaporthe . Diaporthe millettiaesp. nov. clustered with D. hongkongensis and D. arecae , Diaporthe osmanthisp. nov. grouped with D. arengae , D. pseudomangiferae and D. perseae and Diaporthe strain GUCC9146, isolated from Camellia sinensis , was grouped in the D. eres species complex with a close relationship to D. longicicola . These species are reported with taxonomic descriptions and illustrations.
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Fungi have been often neglected, despite the fact that they provided penicillin, lovastatin and many other important medicines. They are an understudied, but essential, fascinating and biotechnologically useful group of organisms. The study of fungi in northern Thailand has been carried out by us since 2005. These studies have been diverse, ranging from ecological aspects, phylogenetics with the incorportation of molecular dating, taxonomy (including morphology and chemotaxonomy) among a myriad of microfungi, to growing novel mushrooms, and DNA-based identification of plant pathogens. In this paper, advances in understanding the biodiversity of fungi in the region are discussed and compared with those further afield. Many new species have been inventoried for the region, but many unknown species remain to be described and/or catalogued. For example, in the edible genus Agaricus, over 35 new species have been introduced from northern Thailand, and numerous other taxa await description. In this relatively well known genus, 93% of species novelty is apparent. In the microfungi, which are relatively poorly studied, the percentage of novel species is, surprisingly, generally not as high (55–96%). As well as Thai fungi, fungi on several hosts from Europe have been also investigated. Even with the well studied European microfungi an astounding percentage of new taxa (32–76%) have been discovered. The work is just a beginning and it will be a daunting task to document this astonishingly high apparent novelty among fungi.
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The diversity of lignicolous freshwater fungi of China is currently being studied. In this paper, fresh collections of Kirschsteiniothelia species from submerged wood in northwestern Yunnan Province, China, were reported. The phylogenetic analyses of combined ITS, LSU and SSU sequence data placed the isolates of the taxa within the family Kirschsteiniotheliaceae. Three new species, Kirschsteiniothelia aquatica, K. cangshanensis and K. fluminicola are introduced, based on their distinct morphology and evidences from molecular phylogeny. A detailed description of Kirschsteiniothelia rostrata, a new record for China is provided.
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This is the sixth in a series of papers where we bring collaborating mycologists together to produce a set of notes of several taxa of fungi. In this study we introduce a new family Fuscostagonosporaceae in Dothideomycetes. We also introduce the new ascomycete genera Acericola, Castellaniomyces, Dictyosporina and Longitudinalis and new species Acericola italica, Alternariaster trigonosporus, Amarenomyces dactylidis, Angustimassarina coryli, Astrocystis bambusicola, Castellaniomyces rosae, Chaetothyrina artocarpi, Chlamydotubeufia krabiensis, Colletotrichum lauri, Collodiscula chiangraiensis, Curvularia palmicola, Cytospora mali-sylvestris, Dictyocheirospora cheirospora, Dictyosporina ferruginea, Dothiora coronillae, Dothiora spartii, Dyfrolomyces phetchaburiensis, Epicoccum cedri, Epicoccum pruni, Fasciatispora calami, Fuscostagonospora cytisi, Grandibotrys hyalinus, Hermatomyces nabanheensis, Hongkongmyces thailandica, Hysterium rhizophorae, Jahnula guttulaspora, Kirschsteiniothelia rostrata, Koorchalomella salmonispora, Longitudinalis nabanheensis, Lophium zalerioides, Magnibotryascoma mali, Meliola clerodendri-infortunati, Microthyrium chinense, Neodidymelliopsis moricola, Neophaeocryptopus spartii, Nigrograna thymi, Ophiocordyceps cossidarum, Ophiocordyceps issidarum, Ophiosimulans plantaginis, Otidea pruinosa, Otidea stipitata, Paucispora kunmingense, Phaeoisaria microspora, Pleurothecium floriforme, Poaceascoma halophila, Periconia aquatica, Periconia submersa, Phaeosphaeria acaciae, Phaeopoacea muriformis, Pseudopithomyces kunmingnensis, Ramgea ozimecii, Sardiniella celtidis, Seimatosporium italicum, Setoseptoria scirpi, Torula gaodangensis and Vamsapriya breviconidiophora. We also provide an amended account of Rhytidhysteron to include apothecial ascomata and a J+ hymenium. The type species of Ascotrichella hawksworthii (Xylariales genera incertae sedis), Biciliopsis leptogiicola (Sordariomycetes genera incertae sedis), Brooksia tropicalis (Micropeltidaceae), Bryochiton monascus (Teratosphaeriaceae), Bryomyces scapaniae (Pseudoperisporiaceae), Buelliella minimula (Dothideomycetes genera incertae sedis), Carinispora nypae (Pseudoastrosphaeriellaceae), Cocciscia hammeri (Verrucariaceae), Endoxylina astroidea (Diatrypaceae), Exserohilum turcicum (Pleosporaceae), Immotthia hypoxylon (Roussoellaceae), Licopolia franciscana (Vizellaceae), Murispora rubicunda (Amniculicolaceae) and Doratospora guianensis (synonymized under Rizalia guianensis, Trichosphaeriaceae) were re-examined and descriptions, illustrations and discussion on their familial placement are given based on phylogeny and morphological data. New host records or new country reports are provided for Chlamydotubeufia huaikangplaensis, Colletotrichum fioriniae, Diaporthe subclavata, Diatrypella vulgaris, Immersidiscosia eucalypti, Leptoxyphium glochidion, Stemphylium vesicarium, Tetraploa yakushimensis and Xepicula leucotricha. Diaporthe baccae is synonymized under Diaporthe rhusicola. A reference specimen is provided for Periconia minutissima. Updated phylogenetic trees are provided for most families and genera. We introduce the new basidiomycete species Agaricus purpurlesquameus, Agaricus rufusfibrillosus, Lactifluus holophyllus, Lactifluus luteolamellatus, Lactifluus pseudohygrophoroides, Russula benwooii, Russula hypofragilis, Russula obscurozelleri, Russula parapallens, Russula phoenicea, Russula pseudopelargonia, Russula pseudotsugarum, Russula rhodocephala, Russula salishensis, Steccherinum amapaense, Tephrocybella constrictospora, Tyromyces amazonicus and Tyromyces angulatus and provide updated trees to the genera. We also introduce Mortierella formicae in Mortierellales, Mucoromycota and provide an updated phylogenetic tree.
The recent realistic estimate of fungal numbers which used various algorithms was between 2.2 and 3.8 million. There are nearly 100,000 accepted species of Fungi and fungus-like taxa, which is between 2.6 and 4.5% of the estimated species. Several forums such as Botanica Marina series, Fungal Diversity notes, Fungal Biodiversity Profiles, Fungal Systematics and Evolution—New and Interesting Fungi, Mycosphere notes and Fungal Planet have enhanced the introduction of new taxa and nearly 2000 species have been introduced in these publications in the last decade. The need to define a fungal species more accurately has been recognized, but there is much research needed before this can be better clarified. We address the evidence that is needed to estimate the numbers of fungi and address the various advances that have been made towards its understanding. Some genera are barely known, whereas some plant pathogens comprise numerous species complexes and numbers are steadily increasing. In this paper, we examine ten genera as case studies to establish trends in fungal description and introduce new species in each genus. The genera are the ascomycetes Colletotrichum and Pestalotiopsis (with many species or complexes), Atrocalyx, Dothiora, Lignosphaeria, Okeanomyces, Rhamphoriopsis, Thozetella, Thyrostroma (relatively poorly studied genera) and the basidiomycete genus Lepiota. We provide examples where knowledge is incomplete or lacking and suggest areas needing further research. These include (1) the need to establish what is a species, (2) the need to establish how host-specific fungi are, not in highly disturbed urban areas, but in pristine or relatively undisturbed forests, and (3) the need to establish if species in different continents, islands, countries or regions are different, or if the same fungi occur worldwide? Finally, we conclude whether we are anywhere near to flattening the curve in new species description.