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A Secure Cryptography Based Clustering Mechanism for Improving the Data Transmission in MANET


Abstract and Figures

Providing security to the Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is one of the demanding and critical tasks in recent days, due to its dynamic nature. For this reason, the various routing protocols and security mechanisms are developed for the traditional networks. Nonetheless, it still lacks the limitation of increased computational complexity, inefficient security, reduced throughput, and increased delay. To solve these problems, this paper developed a new system, namely, Secure Cryptography based Clustering Mechanism (SCCM) for MANET. It comprised the following stages: secure routing, encryption, signature generation, signature verification, and decryption. After forming the network, the connection between the mobile nodes was formed. After that, the secured routing was created between the source and destination by implementing the AOMDV routing protocol. Then, the original packet was converted into an unknown format by employing an Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) encryption mechanism. Consequently, the signature for the encrypted packet was generated and forwarded to the destination via the Region Head (RH) and other gateway nodes. When the destination node received the packet, it performed the signature verification process for verifying whether the packet is valid or invalid. If it were valid, the receiver would accept the data and decrypt it by using the ECC decryption mechanism; otherwise, it would reject the packet and report to the base station. The simulation results evaluated the performance of the proposed security mechanism by using various measures and compared it with other techniques for proving the superiority.
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Applied Sciences
Walailak J Sci & Tech 2021; 18(6): 8987
A Secure Cryptography Based Clustering Mechanism for Improving
the Data Transmission in MANET
Anubhuti Roda MOHINDRA* and Charu GANDHI
Department of Computer Science, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India
(*Corresponding author’s e-mail:
Received: 26 September 2019, Revised: 17 June 2020, Accepted: 8 July 2020
Providing security to the Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is one of the demanding and critical
tasks in recent days, due to its dynamic nature. For this reason, the various routing protocols and security
mechanisms are developed for the traditional networks. Nonetheless, it still lacks the limitation of
increased computational complexity, inefficient security, reduced throughput, and increased delay. To
solve these problems, this paper developed a new system, namely, Secure Cryptography based Clustering
Mechanism (SCCM) for MANET. It comprised the following stages: secure routing, encryption,
signature generation, signature verification, and decryption. After forming the network, the connection
between the mobile nodes was formed. After that, the secured routing was created between the source and
destination by implementing the AOMDV routing protocol. Then, the original packet was converted into
an unknown format by employing an Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) encryption mechanism.
Consequently, the signature for the encrypted packet was generated and forwarded to the destination via
the Region Head (RH) and other gateway nodes. When the destination node received the packet, it
performed the signature verification process for verifying whether the packet is valid or invalid. If it were
valid, the receiver would accept the data and decrypt it by using the ECC decryption mechanism;
otherwise, it would reject the packet and report to the base station. The simulation results evaluated the
performance of the proposed security mechanism by using various measures and compared it with other
techniques for proving the superiority.
Keywords: Confidentiality, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), Message authentication, Mobile Adhoc
Network (MANET), Secure Cryptography based Clustering Mechanism (SCCM), Schnorrs signature
generation mechanism
The Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) is a self-organized system that contains a set of wireless
nodes, where each node can act as a router or data transmission source [1]. This type of network does not
require a pre-organized network infrastructure, which is deployed in uncontrolled or harsh environments
[2]. Moreover, information sharing and distributed collaboration are the major operations of MANET.
The major characteristics of a network are shared wireless medium, limited resources, physical
vulnerability, and absence of fixed trusted infrastructure [3]. Due to the aforementioned proprieties, the
MANET is highly susceptible to the demolition of malicious attacks. Besides, it does not have any
centralized infrastructure for monitoring the operations of the node, which leads to node compromise and
malfunctioning [4]. Hence, it is easy for the adversaries to launch the attacks on routing function and it
hinders the normal communication of the network [5]. The MANET is used in the following applications:
conferences, meeting events, battlefield communication, forest fire detection, etc. The general
architecture of clustering based MANET is shown in Figure 1.
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Figure 1 MANET of a smart device [6].
Problem statement
Due to the dynamic nature and distributed control of MANET, it is highly susceptible to attacks [7].
In the traditional security strategies, a trust based framework is offered by the central parties like Trusted
Third Parties (TTP) [8]. It is responsible for creating the trusted relationships between the nodes in the
network. Normally, the TTP acts like a Certification Authority (CA) that provides the certificates as the
trusted indication for the public key authentication. Also, the trust-based relationship between the nodes is
created to decide whether the communicating node is highly trusted or not [9]. In the clustering-based
frameworks [10], the cluster head acts as a TTP or CA to provide secure communication in inter and
intracluster routing [11]. To manage the cluster members in the group, the cluster head requires
lightweight key management algorithms [12]. For this purpose, different algorithms are derived from the
traditional mechanisms, but they lack in regards to increased computational complexity, network
overhead, inefficient security, unreliability, and reduced network throughput [13]. To solve these
problems, this paper aims to develop a new clustering-based security mechanism for improving the
efficiency of a network.
The major objectives of this paper are as follows:
To ensure secure communication, message confidentiality is ensured at the sender side, and the
message authentication is ensured at the receiver side.
To detect the anonymous activity in inter and intracluster routing, a Secure Cryptography based
Clustering Mechanism (SCCM) is developed in this work.
To enable a secure routing path between source and destination, an Adhoc On-demand Multi-
path Distance Vector (AOMDV) protocol is utilized.
The rest of the sections in the paper are organized as follows: The existing clustering related
security frameworks and architectures for MANET are surveyed in section II. A clear description of the
proposed methodology is presented with its detailed flow description in section III. The results of existing
and proposed security mechanisms are validated and compared in section IV. Finally, the paper is
summarized and the enhancement that can be implemented in the future are stated in section V.
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Related works
In this section, the existing routing protocols, and cryptography mechanisms related to MANET
security are discussed with their advantages and disadvantages.
Rafsanjani and Fatemidokht [14] designed a new routing protocol, namely, FBeeAdHoc for
providing secure routing in MANET. Tis paper aimed to investigate the security vulnerabilities and
threats against the network. Also, the fuzzy set theory was utilized in this work to identify and detect
different types of threats in the network. The attacks that are considered in this work were scout related
attacks, forager route related attacks, and forager route information related attacks. Moreover, both the
node trust and route trust were evaluated by using the concept of fuzzy logic. However, it is required to
improve the performance of the system by implementing the optimization algorithm. Chavan et al. [15]
examined the performance of AODV and DSDV protocols for detecting the black hole attacks in
MANET. In this paper, it was stated that the Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol
outperforms the Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) protocol by providing a better
throughput, reduced delay, and increased packet delivery ratio. Chang et al. [16] developed a Cooperative
Bait Detection Approach (CBDS) for detecting the malicious nodes in MANET. The suggested technique
integrated the benefits of both proactive and reactive defense architectures. Also, a reverse tracing
technique was utilized to detect the malicious nodes by using the bait destination address. The advantage
behind this work was that it constructed a comprehensive security framework by protecting the MANET
against miscreants. Vhora et al. [17] developed a Rank Base Data Routing (RBDR) scheme for detecting
packet dropping attacks in MANET. The intention of this paper was to find the malicious routing paths
and trusted loop-free routes during the packet transmission. The suggested technique used a record to
analyze the malicious behavior of the nodes, which contains the fields of route rank, timer, routing paths,
destination sequence number and hop count. However, it failed to prove the effectiveness of this system
by evaluating different performance measures.
Cai et al. [18] developed a Group Mobility-based Clustering Algorithm (GMCA) to perform a
secure routing in MANET. In this environment, the mobile node was selected as a cluster head that
depends on the group of mobile nodes with similar mobility. Also, the Gauss-Markov model was utilized
in this paper, which determined the nodes movement in the network. Moreover, the velocity between the
2 nodes was estimated by using the mobility factor. However, this work required to improve the mobility
metric by implementing an efficient clustering technique, which was the limitation of this work. Loutfi et
al. [19] presented an energy-aware clustering algorithm for improving the lifetime of the MANET. Here,
the number of cluster heads were selected by considering the measures of mobility and node density.
Moreover, the Multi-Point Relays (MPRs) were used to reduce the network overhead in the same region
with the use of link-state protocol. Here, the key factors of using this protocol were traffic controlling,
efficient broadcasting, neighbor sensing, and shortest path calculation. In this paper, it was stated that the
performance of the routing protocol was highly dependent on the mobility pattern that is transpiring in the
network. Furthermore, 2 different scenarios such as the Random Waypoint Mobility model (RWP), and a
fixed number of nodes were considered to evaluate the performance of the suggested technique. Yet, it is
required to analyze the impact of differentiated traffic and overlapped clustering in the network.
Saxena et al. [20] designed a max-heap tree for enabling energy efficient routing in MANET. This
paper intended to increase the lifetime of the network by splitting it into small and self-manageable
groups. The cluster head was selected by the use of max-heap, which focused is to increase the scalability
and energy metric of the network. The stages that are involved in this system design are general steps of
multihop cluster-based protocol.
After forming the cluster, the energy level of each node was analyzed to select the cluster head by
constructing the max heap. The disadvantage behind this approach was, it failed to prove the efficient
performance of the suggested system. Morshed et al. [21] introduced a Cluster-Based Secure Routing
Protocol (CBSRP) for enabling a secure routing in MANET. Here, the digital signature was generated to
ensure secure communication between the nodes. Moreover, the authentication was enabled between the
2 nodes by using 1-way hashing technique. The cluster-to-cluster signature verification was performed to
reduce the computation cost. The major considerations of this work were as follows:
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Designing a cluster model
Cluster to cluster communication
Hash key management
Digital signature generation
The limitation of this work was, it does not use various measures to evaluate the performance of the
suggested technique. Jhaveri [22] developed a Reliable AODV (R-AODV) protocol to detect and isolate
the black hole and gray hole attacks in the network. Such attacks can disrupt the normal functionality of
the network by forwarding bogus information. The suggested routing protocol intended to enable a secure
route between nodes. This paper does not evaluate the R-AODV protocol by using some performance
measures. Singh and Singh [23] implemented a clustering-based attack detection mechanism for
providing security to MANET. Here, the communication nodes were selected based on the location, trust,
energy, mobility, and throughput. Also, various clustering techniques such as Lowest Id Clustering (LIC),
Highest Connectivity Clustering (HCC), Least Cluster Change (LCC), and Weighted Clustering
Algorithm (WCA) were examined to select the most suitable technique. In this paper, it was stated that
the clustering algorithm improved the network lifetime and transmission rate by efficiently detecting the
malicious nodes in the group. But, this work failed to maintain the stability of the network by
implementing an energy-efficient mechanism. Kulkarni and Yuvaraju [24] investigated the challenges
and issues of clustering based security in MANET. Here, the trusted based security, and authentication
base security mechanisms were estimated for enabling reliable communication in a network. Also, the
cluster-based key management scheme was utilized to authenticate all the nodes in the network with the
threshold signature. Furthermore, various clustering techniques were discussed with their advantages and
Kaur and Rao [25] implemented a key management scheme for improving the security of MANET
with reduced mobility overhead. The main intentions of this work are as follows:
Small calculations were performed to improve the network security.
The allocation of resources was decreased to expand mobility.
The key generation time was reduced with the increased network quality.
Here, the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) was utilized to generate the key for removing the
malicious nodes. Panke [26] developed a clustering-based certificate revocation scheme for identifying
and detecting the attacks in MANET. In this environment, the nodes were classified into different
categories, which include normal, warned, and attacker. Here, the Centralized Authority (CA) maintains
the black and warning list for blocking the attacker nodes. If it detects the node as an attacker or warned,
it added those nodes into the corresponding list. Moreover, the false accusation and false recovery were
considered for detecting the node as an attacker. However, this paper has an increased computational
overhead and reduced robustness. Prasanth and Sivakumar [27] implemented an energy-efficient geocast
forwarding mechanism for increasing the security of MANET. Here, the common 3 tier security
framework was used for performing the pairwise key establishment and authentication. The suggested
protocol utilized the geographical information for efficiently forwarding the packets. Also, the multi-
hopping scheme was utilized to route the data in a clustered manner. Nevertheless, this paper failed to
improve the level of security by enabling efficient and reliable communication in the network. Kannan
and Dinesh [28] used a Cluster-based Certificate Revocation with Vindication Capability (CCRVC) for
identifying the attackers in MANET. Here, the cluster head identified the false accusation for revoking
the certificate. This mechanism protected the legitimate nodes by maintaining the warned list and block
list. Moreover, the node was classified as legitimate, malicious, and attacker by using the CCRVC
mechanism. The advantage of this mechanism was, it reduced the revocation time by maintaining the
legitimate nodes. However, it has increased computational complexity and overhead.
Satav et al. [29] had proposed a modified AOMDV routing table. The proposed structure consists of
a path status parameter for labeling status of the path. Simulation result proves that proposed method
offers numerous alternate reliable path for secure communication. This plan solves the effect of single
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and collaborative black hole nodes. This method attains 100 % of PDR but there is increase in storage and
computational cost. Alkhamisi and Buhari [30] to enhance network security, this research proposed
Trusted based Secured Ad hoc On-Demand Multipath Distance Vector (TS-AOMDV) which depends on
the routing behavior of nodes. TS-AOMDV aims at discovering and isolating attacks like a gray hole,
black hole, and flooding attacks in MANET. With the support of trusted dependent routing and IDS
(intrusion detection system), discovering and isolation of attack was performed in 2 steps such as Data
forwarding and route discovery. IDS enables full routing security by monitoring data and control packets
that involved in route discovering and data forwarding step. To enhance performance measures for
routing, IDS combines measured statistics with AOMDV protocol for the prediction of attacks. This
enables the proposed method to offer better routing performance and security in MANET. Makhlouf and
Guizani [31] introduced an efficient and secure AOMDV routing protocol for vehicular communication.
Security measures include the prediction of malicious vehicles and malicious behavior that arent
authenticated. To guarantee authentication and integrity for a route, replay packets were utilized to
retrieve secure and best path. For node adjustment, RREP packets were utilized. The proposed method
proves its efficiency in terms of average end-end delay for high-speed vehicle.
From the survey, the merits and demerits of both existing and proposed mechanisms are
investigated, but the traditional clustering-based security mechanisms lack the following limitations:
Reduced network performance
Consumed a large amount of network bandwidth
Unresolved security issues
Gradually reduced number of nodes.
To solve these problems, this paper aims to develop a new clustering-based security mechanism for
detecting the harmful attacks in MANET.
Materials and methods
In this section, a detailed description of the proposed methodology is presented with its flow
illustration. The motive of this paper is to increase the security of MANET by implementing the signature
generation and cryptographic mechanisms. The working procedure of the proposed SCCM system is
illustrated in Figure 2, which has the following phases:
Neighbor discovery
Key generation
Secure routing
Packet encryption
Signature generation
Signature verification and decryption.
Originally, the network is designed with a varying number of mobile nodes, and the link between
those nodes are created by sending the HELLO packets. Then, the location of each node is shared
between the neighboring nodes to enable the secured data transmission. In this environment, the region is
formed by grouping the mobile nodes into a cluster, in which the Region Head (RH) is elected based on
its energy, bandwidth, mobility, and lifetime. Here, the region members register themselves to the RH,
and the key generation and sharing processes are performed in each region. Once the service request is
initiated, the secure routing path is established between the source and destination nodes. Before
transmission, the original packet is encrypted into an unknown format by using the Elliptic Curve
Cryptography (ECC) technique. After that, the signature is generated for the encrypted data by the use of
schnorrs signature generation technique. Then, the encrypted packet is forwarded to the destination
through the RH and other gateway nodes. When the destination receives the packet, it again regenerates
the signature for decrypting the original data. During this process, the proper verification is performed, if
the received is correct, the destination can accept it; otherwise, it discards the message and it reports to
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the base station. The major advantages of this system are, it enabled both message confidentiality and
Region head selection
After discovering the neighbors, the region [32] is formed by grouping the nodes as clusters for
improving the routing performance in the network. It increases the data transmission rate and reduces the
communication overhead in the network. In a region, a node serving as a local coordinator is selected as
RH and the remaining nodes operate as member nodes. In the proposed work, one-hop regions are formed
so that the nodes are located proximate to the RH.
Figure 2 Flow of the proposed system.
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The Algorithm I - RH selection procedure
Step 1: The source node initiates communication by transmitting the Hello packet to detect the neighbor
node Identity (ID).
Step 2: One hop neighbors send a reply after receiving the Hello packet. When the neighbor ID is
detected, the status of the neighbor node is checked.
Step 3: Check the status of the neighbor node only if the neighbor node is located within the cluster
range. Otherwise, the nodes are not reachable.
Step 4: After the selection of nodes, check the relay factor of the selected neighbor and calculate the link
status of the node.
Step 5: Then, check the signal status for the selected neighbor nodes.
Step 6: Check the energy level for the selected neighbor nodes.
Step 7: Check the mobility of all selected nodes.
Step 8: Finally send the acknowledgment to RH.
Step 9: When the weight value of RH is reduced from the threshold value, the RH is re-elected.
Step 10: Finally, update and activate the RH.
Secure data routing
In this work, the AOMDV protocol is used to perform the secure routing between the source and
destination. Here, an alternate path is selected during data transmission, only if there is any fault or failure
like a blackhole attack found in the selected path. A blackhole attack is a kind of DDoS attack which
performs packet dropping activity. Due to this kind of malicious activity routing overheads are increased.
In such cases, the protocol uses the alternate path for further transmission. It efficiently avoids the data
loss and end-to-end delay of the network by computing multiple loops free and link disjoint paths. This
type of protocol is specifically designed for the highly dynamic ad-hoc networks, where the route breaks
and link failures are frequent. Also, it uses the route update rule for establishing and maintaining the fault-
free and multiple paths between the sender and receiver nodes. In this environment, 2 different types of
path disjoint mechanisms such as node disjoint and link disjoint are utilized. In which, the node disjoint
mechanism has only the path between source and destination, and the link disjoint mechanism has some
common nodes, but it does not have any common links. Moreover, it selects a common path based on the
time of routing by building multiple paths. AOMDV multipath algorithm attains and resolve blackhole
attack issue by choosing an alternate route. The purpose for utilizing AOMDV are:
Least inter-nodal organization overheads in AOMDV.
Numerous are disjoint.
The whole path is disjoint and loop-free.
There is no need to find a new route.
Reactive routing protocol establish the path only if there is a need to transmit a packet to a
AOMDV chooses the only ideal path from the existing path.
Selection of optimal path depends on less congested path and nearest path property.
Secure route selection
The routing structure of AOMDV includes various parameters, such as IP address for destination
node, a sequence number for destination node, hop count, path list, and expiration route. Path list includes
IP for next hop, hop_count_1, path_status, Launch_time.
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Algorithm II - Secure route selection
Step 1: Form a mobile ad-hoc network with sufficient N nodes.
Step 2: Proposed SCCM routing protocol is designed with an additional parameter.
Step 3: Source node checks availability first and reliable updated path availability from the routing table.
 (
== &&  == )
Choose the path from the routing table
Send the packet through that selected path
Perform route finding process for reliable path
Step 4: Forming, verifying, and updating the reliability of all the paths for single/multiple cooperative
black hole attack detection on the trajectory.
( :=1 <;+ +)
A dummy packet is sent from source to destination node to validate and update trajectories status.
 ( = = )
as a reliable path
as an unreliable path
Step 5: SCCM chooses the most reliable and secure path among the existing path.
 validation of the reliability of the path
path list
Path creation time
path status
Reliable path
 acknowledgment received from source to destination
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After establishing the secured path between the source and destination, the ECC technique is
implemented to encrypt the original data into an unknown format. It is one of the widely used
cryptographic techniques in network security, which offers fast computation and reduced resource
consumption. Also, this technique establishes equivalent security with minimized cost. The strength of
this algorithm is, it fully depends on the key and alphabetical table. Also, it provides a better solution for
the data by enabling the secure transmission of keys between the communicating entities. Furthermore,
different characteristics are symbolized in this technique as the coordinates of the curves. The group of
the structure of ECC is formed by the curve that has a finite number of integer points with determinate
points. In this work, the main reason for using ECC encryption is, it creates complexity in the encrypted
data, so the unauthenticated user cannot easily access the data.
Signature generation
After encrypting the data, the schnorrs signature generation algorithm is utilized to generate the
signature for the encrypted data. It is a kind of key generation mechanism that integrates both digital
signature schemes and public-key encryption schemes. It analyzes the discrete logarithmic problem for
generating the digital signature, which increases the security of the network. This signature generation has
the following steps:
Key generation at the sender side
Key generation at the receiver side
In this technique, the source verifies the public key of the packet by using the certificate. Then, the
integer is randomly selected, based on this the keys that are used for generating the ciphertext are
computed. Also, the one-way keyed hash function is utilized to generate the encrypted text, and it is
forwarded to the destination with the generated signature. The working procedure of ECC based
encryption and signature generation algorithms are illustrated as
Algorithm III - Encryption and signature generation
Step 1: Source verifies the public key of Py by using its certificate;
Step 2: Randomly select an integer , where
Step 3: Compute =()
Step 4: Compute (,) = ()
Step 5: The symmetric encryption algorithm is used to generate cipher text =()
Step 6: Use the one-way keyed hash function to generate, =[ || ||||)
Step 7: Computes =
Step 8: Compute =
Step 9: Sends the signature added ciphertext (,,) to the receiver;
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Signature Verification and Decryption
After receiving the data by the destination, the packet can be decrypted by using the ECC
decryption technique. Also, it regenerates the signature by using the same schnorrs key generation
algorithm. During this process, the verification is performed to ensure that the packet is valid or not. If it
is valid, the receiver can accept the data; otherwise, it rejects and reports to the base station.
Algorithm IV - Signature verification and decryption
//The destination receives the encrypted and signed text (ct, T, s), based on this it decrypts the ciphertext
'ct' by performing a decryption algorithm with secret key k. It also verifies the signature.
Step 1: Verifies source's public key Px by using its certificate.
Step 2: Computes k= hash(sT + sPx)
Step 3: Computes (k , k ) = hash(vsT + vsPx )
Step 4: Uses the one-way keyed hash function to generate = KH[ct ||k ||ID||ID)
Step 5: Uses a decryption algorithm to generate plain text m = D(c)
Step 6: Destination accepts the message 'm', ifE = T.
Otherwise, it rejects the message.
k= hash(sT + sPx)
= KH[ct ||k ||ID||ID)
Accept m if and only if E = T
The key benefits of this work are as follows:
Increased network throughput and security
Reduced latency
Highly efficient
Results and discussion
In this section, the performance of existing and proposed security mechanisms are evaluated by
using various performance measures that include control packet overhead, Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR),
average end-to-end delay, False Acceptance Rate (FAR), and throughput. The existing techniques [28]
considered in this analysis are Flooding Factor-based Trust Management (F3TM) [33], Cooperative
Opportunistic Routing in MANET (CORMAN) [34], and Protocol for Routing in Interested-defined
Mesh Enclaves (PRIME) [35]. Here simulation was carried out on NS2 2.29 network simulator, a broadly
utilized simulator across the world with open source code. With plentiful component libraries, NS2.29
simulate protocols of MANET, mobile wireless network, etc. result generated by NS2.29 is considered
broadly as veracious and acceptable. This is the main reason to choose NS2.29. The simulation settings of
the proposed environment is depicted in Table 1.
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Table 1 Experimental settings.
Simulation time
100 s
Topology size
1,200 × 1,000 m²
Number of nodes
> 100
Pause time
3 - 5 s
Max speed
10 m/s
Traffic type
Packet size
1,024 bytes
Wireless channel capacity
Routing protocol
Modified AOMDV
Transmission range
< 250 m (thresh 150 m)
Mobility model
Random waypoint
Wireless standard
Control packet overhead
The control packet overhead is defined as the ratio of the total number of generated control packets
to the total number of the received data packets by the node in the network. It is also termed as the
amount of time required to transfer the message or data by the node. It is estimated based on the functions
of link maintenance, latency, and node discovery. It is calculated as follows:
    =  
   (1)
Typically, the generated control packets and received data packets are helpful to find the overhead
ratio of the network. Based on this, the attacker’s presence in the network is identified and blocked.
Figure 3 evaluates the control packet overhead of both existing and proposed protocols concerning the
number of attackers. When compared to the other techniques, the proposed SCCM efficiently reduced the
control packet overhead with the decrease in generated control packet and an increase in received data
packets by transferring the message based on RH selection.
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Figure 3 Control packet overhead [33].
Packet delivery ratio
The PDR is estimated based on the fraction of the number of packets that are transmitted by a traffic
source and the number of packets received by a traffic sink. Also, it is used to evaluate the efficiency and
correctness of the routing protocols by estimating the loss rate. Figures 4 and 5 show the PDR of the
existing and proposed protocols for the number of attackers and number of nodes. The PDR is calculated
as follows,
 = 
  100 (2)
Figure 4 PDR vs the number of attackers [33].
Packet Delivery Ratio (%)
Number of Attackers
Mechanism for Improving the Data Transmission in MANET
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From the evaluation, it is observed that if the number of attackers in the network can increase, the
PDR of the network can be decreased. When compared to the other techniques, the proposed SCCM
provides a better PDR by efficiently blocking the attackers in the network. Also, the AOMDV uses
multiple paths for forwarding the packets, if there is any failure in the current, it uses an alternate path for
further communication, which increased the PDR.
Figure 5 PDR vs the number of nodes [33].
Figure 6 Average end-to-end delay vs the number of attackers [33].
Packet delivery ratio
Number of nodes
End-to-End Delay
Number of Attackers
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Average end-to-end delay
Average delay is defined as the required amount of time that a packet takes to travel from the source
to the destination. It is estimated as follows:
  =    
     (3)
Figures 6 and 7 shows the transmission delay of both existing and proposed protocols for the
number of attackers and number of nodes. In this analysis, it is proved that the proposed SCCM provides
a minimum transmission delay when compared to the other techniques. Because, in the proposed
environment, each routing path contains some transmission medium like a gateway, which is used to
direct the packets based on the properties of nodes.
Figure 7 End to end delay vs the number of nodes [33].
False acceptance rate
False Acceptance Rate (FAR) is defined the false positive proportion that represents how many
nodes are misidentified as attackers. If the algorithm has a lower false-positive rate, it will give better
performance. The FAR is calculated as follows,
 =     
      (4)
Figure 7 shows the FAR of both existing and proposed techniques, concerning the varying
simulation time. From this analysis, it is evaluated that the proposed technique high detection rate, when
compared to the other techniques.
End to end delay (ms)
Number of nodes
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Figure 8 False acceptance rate.
The throughput is defined as the average rate of successful data delivery over the communication
channel. Figure 8 shows the analysis of throughput for both existing and proposed methods for the
number of attackers. The throughput of the network is calculated as follows:
  =     ()
   () (5)
During this calculation, the time window is estimated for measuring the throughput based on the
successfully delivered packets per unit of time. In this evaluation, it is proved that the proposed SSVC
technique has increased throughput when compared to the other techniques.
Figure 9 Throughput [33].
12345678 9 10
Simulation Time(s)
Vlaues in %
True Positive Rate
False Acceptance Rate
Throughput (kbps)
Number of Attackers
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This work proposed an efficient mechanism, namely, SCCM for providing security to MANET with
increased throughput. Message confidentiality and message authentication are the major considerations of
this work. Here, the AOMDV routing protocol is used to select multiple paths during transmission to
avoid packet loss and reduce the delay. Then, the ECC based encryption mechanism is utilized to encrypt
the original packet before transmitting it to the receiver. Also, the Schnorr algorithm is employed to
generate the signature for the encrypted data, which improves privacy. Once the destination receives the
packet, it verifies whether the packet is valid or not. If it is valid, it regenerates the signature using the
Schnorr algorithm and applies the ECC decryption mechanism for decrypting the data. During the
simulation, various performance measures are used to test the results of the proposed SCCM technique.
Moreover, some of the existing techniques are compared with the proposed technique for proving the
efficacy. From the examination results, it is illustrated that the proposed SCCM provides better results
compared to the other techniques.
Future work
In the future, this effort can be enhanced by considering the energy conservation of the network.
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... The simulation shows superior performance compared with other methods, but the multiple factor usage for route prediction is not possible practically when the nodes are huge. Anubhuti Roda MOHINDRA and Charu GANDHI [27] proposed the SCCM routing protocol, which has secured the transmission of packets using encryption and signature generation and decryption process. The packet is converted to an unknown packet using the ECC encryption method, which supports to provide the secure transmission of data packets between the nodes. ...
... The proposed cluster node-based routing protocol was implemented in AODV protocol [9] and named CNRP-AODV, with the simulated values analyzed with the alive SCCM -AODV [27] FLCH-AODV [13] algorithm for predicting the comparative analysis. The performance factors considered in the comparative analysis are connectivity analysis for making the route, cluster head accuracy and cluster forming time, power analysis, and energy consumed. ...
... The working principle of the proposed Cluster Node Routing Protocol starts with finding the cluster node forming. From the simulation first comparison was made to cluster head forming time compared with the other existing cluster headrelated routing protocol research Fuzzy logic cluster head AODV (FLCH-AODV ) [13] and Secure Cryptography based Clustering Mechanism (SCCM-AODV ) [27] with nodes count starting from 50,100,150 and 200 nodes.In all the cases, the proposed CNRP-AODV node forming times 50,60,72 and 85 ms, and FLCH-AODV cluster nodes take 80,90,95 and 98 ms and SCCM-AODV cluster forming times 82,92,97 and 100 ms, which take more time to form clusters comparing with proposed CNRP-AODV protocol as shown from the Figure 5. ...
... In a hybrid routing protocol, the optimal characteristics of the reactive and proactive protocols are merged with the nature-inspired protocols [5,6]. Despite the wide range of uses and benefits, the decentralized and dynamic nature of MANET makes data transmissions vulnerable to eavesdropper attacks [7]. In other words, MANET is susceptible to attacks from malicious nodes, yet the ad-hoc network's dynamic nature is crucial to developing secure and reliable routing in MANET [8]. ...
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Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are autonomous networks where mobile nodes are connected with one another over wireless links using multi-hop transmission. Malicious attacks can severely disrupt routing setup and data transmission, seriously compromising the security and normal functioning of MANETs. This paper introduces regression and clustering techniques to compute the trust values of nodes and improve the routing of transferred packets in the MANET. Initially, the trust value of each node is detected with the help of the routing paths’ reputation. However, the trust evaluation using mathematical methods is challenging due to the ambiguity of the attack and the network’s diversity. To tackle this issue, the proposed model transforms the computation of the node’s trust values into a linear regression problem and solves this problem using Stacked Autoencoder with Sparse Bayesian Regression (SAE-SBR). After evaluating the trust value, a private collaborative K-means (PCK-means) clustering approach is proposed for clustering the nodes into benign or malicious based on the obtained trust values of nodes. Finally, the path that contains few nodes in the low trust value group and medium trust value group is chosen as the optimal routing path. The simulation results show that the proposed method minimizes the end-to-end delay time to 0.023 s in the presence of 10 malicious nodes. Also, it achieved a maximum throughput of 95.568 KbpS, a maximum detection accuracy of 94% and a maximum packet delivery ratio of 99.5%.
... Then, using the found optimum path, the encrypted DPs are sent from the sender to taget, and lastly, relayed to the base station. [27][28][29][30][31] Because of the constant node migration and the limited resources available, security management is a severe challenge [32][33][34][35][36][37]. Rekeying is only done for the so-called clusters of subnetworks to avoid having to repeatedly renew the group key for the entire wide network. ...
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MANETs aredecentralized network that involves mobile nodes. As the overall network is mobile and has no centralization, network management, routing, and security become very challenging. Though many works have been presented, still there is a lack in organizing the network due to unauthorized access, centralized security schemes, and the dynamic nature of the nodes. This paper proposed a novel Blockchain-assisted Secure Routing (Block-Sec) protocol for MANETs. All mobile nodes are authenticated by Distributed One-Time Passcode (DOT) based authorization scheme. All authorized nodes are segregated into multiple clusters based on Weight based Dynamic Clustering (WDC) algorithm in which multiple metrics are considered in clustering and re-clustering processes. After cluster formation, each cluster is elected with optimal Cluster Head (CH) by Strawberry Optimization (SBO) algorithm with a new objective function. After cluster formation, the optimal route is selected by Fast Neural Net-assisted Fuzzy (FNNF) algorithm by combining multiple variables. Data transmission is secured by Efficient Elliptic Curve (E2C2) algorithm. With the combined algorithms, the proposed approach obtainedimproved efficiency in packet delivery ratio (PDR), throughput, time analysis, and security level.
... Thus, there are several ways to manage digital identities. For instance, a research study [26] proposed the model via a Secure Cryptography-based Clustering Mechanism where signature generation and signature verification processes are applied. To start with, a single entity can be responsible to manage and issue the digital identities for the stakeholder (centralized approach). ...
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The cybersecurity of modern systems has dramatically increased attention from both industrial and academia perspectives. In the recent era, the popularity of the blockchain-based system has traditionally been emergent among various industrials sectors especially in supply chain management due to its streamlined nature. This reveals the importance of the quality aspects from a supply chain management perspective. Many industries realized the importance of having quality systems for supply chain management and logistics. The emergence of blockchain technology has created several potential innovations in handling and tracking business activities over the supply chain processes as specific. This paper shed the light on the blockchain and specifically on a smart contract technology which been used to handle the process of creation, verification and checking data over the supply chain management process. Then, touch upon the area of blockchain cybersecurity in the supply chain context. More and more, since the smart contract handles the transfer of data over different locations, then the security protection should be strong enough to secure the data and the assets from any attacks. Finally, the paper examines the main security attacks that affect the data on the blockchain and propose a solution
... Adaptive load balancing scheme (RBO-EM) for efficient data dissemination to get improved end to end delay is discussed in [12]. In [13], the Secure Cryptography-based Cluster Mechanism (SCCM) for MANET is discussed. To develop the AOMDV routing protocol, it included the following stages: safe routing, encryption, signature generation, signature verification, and decryption. ...
Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is a transport system that uses communicating technologies such as cellular network communication, digital video broadcasting and adhoc wireless communication to link people on the road, vehicles with aim of solving various traffic related issues. Vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication is an important research area to develop cooperative self-driving support system using DSRC technology. V2I develops an environment friendly system that also accelerates the fuel efficiency by establishing high quality links between vehicles to roadside infrastructure. It is a system to prevent and help drivers to overlooking or missing the red lights at junctions. V2I system along the road side and intersections continuously transmit the traffic signal information to vehicles by warning the driver about red lights and thus help us to prevent road rule violations. ITS helps to prevent drivers' oversight about signals right/left turn collision avoidance and timely activation of brake system. In the proposed work we used a three-layer Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) network architecture to collect and disseminate the safety information using static and dynamic agents. These methods help us to quickly selecting high quality error free links to forward the data packets. In a highway road scenario with moderate traffic density, the proposed system gives an improved performance in terms of coverage area, lossless transmission and reduced latency. Finally, qualitative comparison is made with present V2I system and found significance improvement in its performance metrics. The outcome of the proposed system improved by 23%, 13%, 15% compared to the existing system in terms of end-to-end delay, communication overhead and energy consumption respectively considering V2I network architecture.
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In recent years, intelligent emotion recognition is active research in computer vision to understand the dynamic communication between machines and humans. As a result, automatic emotion recognition allows the machine to assess and acquire the human emotional state to predict the intents based on the facial expression. Researchers mainly focus on speech features and body motions; identifying affect from facial expressions remains a less explored topic. Hence, this paper proposes a novel approach for intelligent facial emotion recognition using optimal geometrical features from facial landmarks using VGG-19s (FCNN). Here, we utilize Haarcascade to detect the subject face and determine the distance and angle measurements. The entire process is to classify the facial expressions based on extracting relevant features with the normalized angle and distance measures. The experimental analysis shows high accuracy on the MUG dataset of 94.22% and 86.45% on GEMEP datasets, respectively.
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The cybersecurity of contemporary systems has drawn much more focus from both academic and industrial viewpoints. The blockchain-based approach has recently become more popular due to how straightforward it is, especially in the management of supply chains. This highlights how crucial the quality factors are from a supply chain management standpoint. Numerous sectors have come to realize how crucial it is to have reliable supply chain and logistics solutions. The introduction of blockchain technology has given rise to several possible breakthroughs in the management and monitoring of corporate operations, specifically supply chain procedures. The blockchain and, more precisely, a smart contract technology that was utilized to manage the process of creating, verifying, and inspecting data over the supply chain management process were both discussed in this study. Next, discuss blockchain cybersecurity in the context of supply chains. Security protection needs to be powerful sufficient to shield the assets and data from dangers, as the smart contract increasingly controls the movement of data over many places. The paper then examines the primary security breaches that have an impact on the data on the blockchain and offers a fix.KeywordsBlockchainSupply chain managementTamper-proof dataSybil attackSmart contractEclipse attackMajority attack
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Cryptographic algorithms enable secure data communication over public insecure networks. Though they enhance network security, complex cryptographic operations consume substantial amounts of computing resources, introducing significant network overhead costs. This study aims to find the cryptographic algorithm that can efficiently utilize network resources. The study evaluates three cryptographic algorithms with different file formats on varying numbers of node densities. The NS-3 simulator was used to measure latency, data throughput, end-to-end delay, packet delivery ratio, and packet loss of files in text, image, and audio formats. The results find AES as better than DES and 3DES for a large number of node densities for the three file formats in terms of latency, data throughput, end-to-end delay, and packet delivery ratio. However, DES has the lowest packet loss as AES records the highest packet loss. The findings provide researchers avenues for further research and the practitioners the choice of suitable algorithms based on the overhead performance.
One of the most significant challenges appears to be securing the Internet of Things (IoT) communication network. As a corollary, information security has become the basis for establishing trustworthiness in IoT network communication. Cryptography is one of the ways for securing information in this case. However, the majority of current approaches are static, making them subject to security threats. As a consequence, a new concept, dynamic encryption, is growing rapidly in IoT communication. In this paper, a dynamic encryption algorithm (DSIT) has been proposed to secure IoT communication. This algorithm is based on Feistel and Substitution–Permutation Network. DSIT is a block cipher that takes the 64-bit block of plaintext, 64-bit secret key, and a secret dynamic box (D-box) as input. It produces a 64-bit ciphertext by performing eight rounds of the DSIT algorithm. For each round, the key and D-box are updated. This dynamic effect provides high security to a dynamic IoT network. The proposed algorithm has been executed in IoT environment using Raspberry Pi 3 Model B[Formula: see text] and 50% average Avalanche effect has been achieved. The proposed algorithm efficiently encrypts the image data to secure the communication and high resistant to cryptanalysis attacks.
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The Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) are emerging networks that provide essential services to drivers on the road. To exchange data, vehicles as network nodes route information between source and destination using the V-to-V infrastructure. To retrieve the best path, routing algorithms are used. We focus in this paper on the Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) routing algorithm, which is able to retrieve at least three paths. Despite, its efficiency for VANET, the AOMDV protocol still faces big challenges in terms of security. Because of the lack of security mechanisms, such as cryptography and intrusion detection, the AOMDV protocol is vulnerable to attacks such as the blackhole and the man in the middle attacks. For this purpose, we propose in this work a secure and efficient AOMDV routing protocol for vehicular communications. The security consists of detecting malicious vehicles that are not authenticated and have malicious behavior. Moreover, to guarantee integrity and authentication of Route REPlay packets that are used to retrieve the best and secure paths. The efficiency consists of node disjuncture for RREP packets. Our algorithm is specific to vehicular networks, because it deploys specific vehicle-based authentication. The performance of the proposed protocol is evaluated using the NS2 and compared to AOMDV and then to SAODV and TS-AOMDV. The results prove that our algorithm is more secure and efficient than AOMDV, especially in terms of average end-to-end delay, for high-speed vehicles. The delay reduction is estimated to 1.5 ms for a speed of 108 km/h, which is promising for vehicular communications.
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The smart devices are extremely useful devices that are making our lives easier than before. A smart device is facilitated us to establish a connection with another smart device in a wireless network with a decentralized approach. The mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a novel methodology that discovers neighborhood devices and establishes the connection among them without centralized infrastructure. Cloud provides service to the MANET users to access cloud and communicates with another MANET users. In this article, I integrated MANET and cloud together and formed a new mobility model named Cloud-MANET. In this mobility model, if one smart device of MANET is able to connect to the internet then all smart devices are enabled to use cloud service and can be interacted with another smart device in the Cloud-MANET framework. A middleware acts as an interface between MANET and cloud. The objective of this article is to implement a middleware in Cloud-MANET mobility model for communication on the internet of smart devices.
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The origin of Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) was started in 1970 as packet radio network (PRNET), later on different researches were made on it in different ages. MANET works under no fixed infrastructure in which every node works likes a router that stores and forwards packet to final destination. Due to its dynamic topology, MANET can be created anywhere, anytime. As there are limited resources in MANET so it faces many problems such as security, limited bandwidth, range and power constraints. Due to this, many new routing protocols are proposed. This article examines different techniques to manage congestion control, security issues, different layers attacks, routing protocols and challenges that are faced by MANET.
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Creating and accessing multiple groups with various validations in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) is getting popular these days. Providing privacy as well as accessibility at the same time is a challenging process because the MANET nodes are highly random and independent characteristics. Several researchers have been proposed different Key Management Schemes to serve these purposes. The prime objective and common goal of these schemes is to ensure a secured communication in an Ad hoc Network, which is complicated one because of its dynamic nature and the lack of Centralized Management. The fully-distributed ID-based Multiple Secret Key Management Scheme (IMKM) was proposed to provide secured communication. This research work has implemented the IMKM and thoroughly studied. From the experimental results, we observed that IMKM was performing well and it is eliminating the requirement of certificate-based authenticated public key distribution. This is also suitable for Key Update and Key Abrogation. IMKM can be significantly improved to reduce the Procedure Complexity, Processing Overhead, Power Consumption, the Key Size and Group Key Generation, which could not be achieved through the existing IMKM. To overcome above problems, we enhanced IMKM by introducing Elliptic Curve Technique based Key Exchange Procedure, which is known as Enhanced Multiple Key Management Scheme (EIMKM). This improved EIMKM Scheme is implemented and analyzed the performances. From our experimental results, we conclude that the proposed EIMKM Key Management Scheme has achieved higher performance in terms of Robustness, Mobility, Computational Overhead, Message Overhead, Security Strength, Key Exchange Time, Power Consumption and Key Update Time.
Mobile ad hoc network consists of a group of mobile nodes that can communicate with each other without any infrastructure. Clustering of the mobile nodes ensures efficient use of available bandwidth and high network throughput. Various clustering schemes are developed to improve the energy efficiency and lifetime of the network. However, there is an increase in the energy consumption with the increase in the number of clusters for forwarding data. This paper presents an energy-efficient clustering approach for collaborative data forwarding in mobile ad hoc network. The cluster head (CH) is selected based on the processing capability of the nodes and link connection metrics. The CH receives the data from the server and forwards the data to the member nodes at a corresponding data rate of the nodes. Data offloading technique manages the data traffic in the network. The CH rejoining approach enables load balancing in the network. The proposed clustering approach achieves a significant reduction in the energy consumption and data traffic and improvement in the throughput rate through stable routing.
Abstract Mobile Ad-hoc Network one of the prominent area for the researchers and practitioners in assorted domains including security, routing, addressing and many others. A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) refers to an autonomous group or cluster of mobile users that communicate over relatively bandwidth constrained wireless links. Mobile ad hoc network refers to the moving node rather than any fixed infrastructure, act as a mobile router. These mobile routers are responsible for the network mobility.