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Forager and farmer evolutionary adaptations to malaria evidenced by 7000 years of thalassemia in Southeast Asia


Abstract and Figures

Thalassemias are inherited blood disorders that are found in high prevalences in the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. These diseases provide varying levels of resistance to malaria and are proposed to have emerged as an adaptive response to malaria in these regions. The transition to agriculture in the Holocene has been suggested to have influenced the selection for thalassemia in the Mediterranean as land clearance for farming encouraged interaction between Anopheles mosquitos, the vectors for malaria, and human groups. Here we document macroscopic and microscopic skeletal evidence for the presence of thalassemia in both hunter-gatherer (Con Co Ngua) and early agricultural (Man Bac) populations in northern Vietnam. Firstly, our findings demonstrate that thalassemia emerged prior to the transition to agriculture in Mainland Southeast Asia, from at least the early seventh millennium BP, contradicting a long-held assumption that agriculture was the main driver for an increase in malaria in Southeast Asia. Secondly, we describe evidence for significant malarial burden in the region during early agriculture. We argue that the introduction of farming into the region was not the initial driver of the selection for thalassemia, as it may have been in other regions of the world.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5677 | 
Forager and farmer evolutionary
adaptations to malaria evidenced
by 7000 years of thalassemia
in Southeast Asia
Melandri Vlok1*, Hallie R. Buckley1, Justyna J. Miszkiewicz2, Meg M. Walker2, Kate Domett3,
Anna Willis7, Hiep H. Trinh4, Tran T. Minh4, Mai Huong T. Nguyen4, Lan Cuong Nguyen4,
Hirofumi Matsumura5, Tianyi Wang6, Huu T. Nghia4 & Marc F. Oxenham2*
Thalassemias are inherited blood disorders that are found in high prevalences in the Mediterranean,
Southeast Asia and the Pacic. These diseases provide varying levels of resistance to malaria and
are proposed to have emerged as an adaptive response to malaria in these regions. The transition to
agriculture in the Holocene has been suggested to have inuenced the selection for thalassemia in the
Mediterranean as land clearance for farming encouraged interaction between Anopheles mosquitos,
the vectors for malaria, and human groups. Here we document macroscopic and microscopic skeletal
evidence for the presence of thalassemia in both hunter-gatherer (Con Co Ngua) and early agricultural
(Man Bac) populations in northern Vietnam. Firstly, our ndings demonstrate that thalassemia
emerged prior to the transition to agriculture in Mainland Southeast Asia, from at least the early
seventh millennium BP, contradicting a long-held assumption that agriculture was the main driver
for an increase in malaria in Southeast Asia. Secondly, we describe evidence for signicant malarial
burden in the region during early agriculture. We argue that the introduction of farming into the region
was not the initial driver of the selection for thalassemia, as it may have been in other regions of the
alassemias, a group of inherited hemoglobin blood disorders1, are highly prevalent in present day Southeast
Asia and the Pacic. ese diseases stand testament to a deep history of genetic adaptation to the parasitic disease
malaria2,3. However, it is unknown when thalassemias or malaria originated in the region. e two forms of the
disease, alpha and beta thalassemia, cause disruptions to the synthesis of the alpha or beta hemoglobin chains
respectively. Malformation of hemoglobin results in an excess of the opposing hemoglobin chain which is the
cause of disease in the body4,5. Today, malaria aicts approximately 8 million people in Southeast Asia. Eradica-
tion eorts are sporadic and reliant on access to treatment at a community level to be eective6. alassemias,
like other hemoglobin disorders, disrupt the mechanism for malarial parasite-binding to red blood cells2. In
Southeast Asia where thalassemia genes are observed in high frequencies, in as much as over 75% of the popula-
tion, malaria is also highly endemic, particularly the most lethal form Plasmodium falciparum3.
Although most variants of alpha thalassemia provide resistance to malaria with little clinical complication,
most homozygous beta thalassemia variants (thalassemia major and intermedia) can have signicant eects on
health. Complications of beta thalassemia include gross changes to the skeleton and death from infection or iron
overload3,7,8. In Southeast Asia specically, a milder form of beta thalassemia, the hemoglobin-E (HbE) variant,
is also present in high frequencies, with the gene present in up to 30–50% of the population in some geographi-
cal areas9. Homozygous HbE is not associated with clinical symptoms. However, complications can occur with
co-inheritance of HbE and classical beta thalassemia variants (HbE beta thalassemia)7,10. HbE beta and classic
beta thalassemias are frequently found co-inherited with alpha thalassemia in Southeast Asia and result in a wide
Department of Anatomy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. School of Archaeology and Anthropology,
The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. College of Medicine and Dentistry, James Cook University,
Townsville, Australia. Institute of Archaeology, Hanoi, Vietnam. School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical
University, Sapporo, Japan. Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. College of
Arts, Society & Education, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia. *email:;
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5677 | 
spectrum of symptoms and severity11. Modern day research demonstrates that variants within Southeast Asia
and the Pacic can vary across short distances, and relate to the ecological ranges of Anopheles mosquitos, the
vectors for malarial parasites3. Given the co-evolutionary relationship that continues to drive high frequencies
of thalassemia in the Southeast Asian region today, it can be hypothesized that the identication of thalassemia
in the prehistoric record can be, at least in part, related to a prior selection pressure of malaria.
To date, the only archaeological evidence for hereditary anemia in the region dates from approximately
4000–3500 BP from Khok Phanom Di, a Neolithic site in central ailand (Fig.1)12. In the Mediterranean
region, where beta thalassemia is similarly frequent, skeletal evidence in prehistoric assemblages supports the
emergence of the disease with the transition to agriculture (the Neolithic) from approximately 7000years ago13.
It is hypothesized that agricultural practices such as land clearance encouraged contact between human groups
and Anopheles mosquitos13,14. Did these conditions then emerge alongside the spread of agriculture in Southeast
Asia as is proposed to be the case in the Mediterranean?
e emergence of farming in Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA) occurred much later than the Mediter-
ranean, from only aer 4500years ago15, with most Neolithic sites post-dating 4,000 BP. Prior to this time the
region was occupied by indigenous Pre-Neolithic foragers descended from the rst people out of Africa and
into Asia16. By the early seventh millennium BP some forager groups in northern Vietnam and southern China
developed large sedentary settlements, at the same time as agriculture was practiced to the north in China17. e
Figure1. Map of Southeast Asia with sites important for this study. Khok Phanom Di in ailand provides
the only prehistoric evidence of thalassemia in the region. Our study includes research from Man Bac and Con
Co Ngua in northern Vietnam. Modied from image by Koba-chan (https ://uploa d.wikim edia/
commo ns/1/15/Topog raphi c30de g_N0E90 .png) created from DEMIS Mapserver (http://www2.demis .nl/world
map/mappe r.asp). Published under CC BY-SA 3.0 (https ://creat iveco mmons .org/licen ses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en).
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5677 | 
subsequent adoption of agriculture in MSEA during the Neolithic (4500–3100 BP) was associated with multiple
migration events of farmers from what is now geo-politically southern China, coming into contact with these
forager groups15,18,19. ese subsistence transition and migration events signicantly altered the demography
and genetics of this region from this point forward. e aim of this research is to investigate, for the rst time,
whether thalassemia, as a proxy for malaria burden, was present prior to agriculture in northern Vietnam, and
to what degree the transition to agriculture may have contributed to the emergence of thalassemia in Southeast
Asia. Additionally, if thalassemia is observed we aim to further investigate which variants may have been present.
We applied a diagnostic protocol based on macroscopically observed dry bone lesions for thalassemia to
two archaeological human skeletal assemblages. e Pre-Neolithic site of Con Co Ngua radiocarbon dated to at
minimum 6200–6700cal BP17,18 represented a pre-agricultural but sedentary forager community (n = 155; Fig.1).
e Man Bac site dating to 3,906–3,523cal BP was occupied during the agricultural transition of Southeast Asia
(n = 70). is site captures co-habitation of indigenous forager and migrant farmers during the early stages of
the agricultural transition18. To support the strength of the disease diagnosis using the macroscopic methods,
we also conducted histological analysis on three Con Co Ngua individuals to assess microscopic pathological
changes in aected bone.
Macroscopic results present strong evidence for thalassemia at Man Bac. Five children aged
between 6months and 12years and one adult presented with skeletal changes that are strongly diagnostic
(pathognomonic) for thalassemia (Table1, Supplementary Text S1; Supplementary TableS1; Figs.2, 3). ese
changes included rodent facies, a skeletal condition specic to thalassemia, where expansion of the marrow
results in a bulbous face and mandible. Radiographs conrm marrow expansion, a clinical consequence of severe
thalassemia (Fig.2). Radiographic ‘rib-within-a-rib sign’, again pathognomonic for thalassemia, was identied
in three individuals. is condition results from extensive marrow expansion within the shas of the ribs. Fur-
ther evidence for thalassemia included a lack of the development of facial and cranial sinuses, commonly caused
by extensive marrow expansion of the face since infancy. Two children also presented with severe porosity of
the orbits and the endocranium, likely due to marrow expansion through the cortical margins of the skull, as a
result of thalassemia. Additionally, a newborn with multiple lesions suggestive of possible thalassemia, including
evidence of marrow expansion throughout the skeleton was identied (Table1, Figs.2, 3).
Macroscopic results present evidence suggestive but not diagnostic for thalassemia at Con Co
Ngua. We identied seven adults and adolescents at Con Co Ngua presenting with macroscopic and radio-
graphic ‘bone-within-a-bone’ changes of the limb bones (Supplementary Fig.S1; Supplementary TableS1). We
observed a mixture of enlargement and restriction of the medullary canal areas in these individuals. In thalas-
semia, this skeletal change is caused by marrow expansion within the long bones perforating the outer cortex.
As such, these pathologies are suggestive of thalassemia but alone are not diagnostic for thalassemia, as they
can also be found in a number of other chronic conditions20 (Supplementary text S1). However, these skeletal
changes were similar to those with strong diagnostic evidence of thalassemia at Man Bac. We extracted bone
samples from three of the CCN individuals for further microscopic analysis.
Table 1. Macroscopic and radiographic diagnosis of thalassemia in Man Bac individuals. P = present,
A = absent, N/A = skeletal element missing/unobservable. *MB07H1M12 presented with multiple suggestive
lesions, but no diagnostic (D)or strongly diagnostic (SD)lesions (see Supplementary TableS1). **Frontal
sinuses were not preserved, absence of pneumatization based on preservation of maxillary sinuses only.
Individual ID MB07H1M8 MB07H1M12* MB07H2M26 MB05M12 MB05M3 MB07H1M1
Age (years) 30–39 0 1.5 2 0.5 12
Sex Male N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Diagnostic criteria
Marrow hyperplasia of the facial bones: maxillae-leading to ventral displacement of
central incisors, zygomatic bones-leading to orbital displacement, and/or mandible
(rodent facies deformity) (SD) A N/A P P P P
Radiographic: “rib-within-a-rib” appearance. Radiographically dened sclerotic
bands within the ribs due to extramedullary hematopoiesis (SD) PA P P A
Poor or lack of pneumatization of the paranasal and cranial sinuses sparing the
ethmoid sinuses (D) A N/A P A** A P
Enlarged tubular bones of the hands and feet due to marrow hyperplasia (infants)
sometimes associated with enlarged nutrient foramina or Radiographic: coarse
trabecular patterns of the hands or feet, sometimes associated with cyst-like lucencies
due to focal collection of hyperplasic marrow (D)
Premature fusion of epiphyseal plates particularly of the proximal humerus and distal
femur, oen causing short long bone maximum length (D) A A A A A N/A
Widening of entire rib, or widening of the rib head and neck with pronounced bul-
bous appearance posteriorly (costal osteomas). Associated with radiograph appear-
ance of erosion of the inner cortex (D) P A A A P A
Diagnosis Probable Possible Probable Probable Probable Probable
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5677 | 
Figure2. Cranial evidence for thalassemia at Man Bac. (a) Anterior protrusion of the zygomatic bones
consistent with rodent facies (MB05M3, approx. 6months old, antero-lateral aspect). (b) and (c) Diploic
expansion of the cranial vault. ere is no porosity on the ectocranium but hair-on-end formations are present
on the endocranium (MB05M12, approx. 2years, lateral aspect). (d) Marrow hyperplasia of the zygomatic
bones (MB05M12, antero-posterior view). (e) Lack of pneumatization of the frontal sinus (MB07H1M1, approx.
12years, antero-posterior view). (f) Rodent facies of the maxilla, mandible and zygoma (MB07H2M26, approx.
1.5years, antero-superior aspect). (g) Severe cribra orbitalia (white circle) and diploic expansion of the crania
(black arrow, antero-lateral aspect) (MB07H1M1). (h) Marrow hyperplasia of the le zygoma (MB07H1M1,
lateral aspect). (i) and (j) Marrow hyperplasia of the maxilla (MB07H1M1, superior-inferior view). e expanse
of the marrow hyperplasia is indicated by the white arrows.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5677 | 
Figure3. Postcranial evidence for thalassemia at Man Bac. (a) Enlarged rib (MB05M3, approx. 6months old,
superior aspect). (b) and (d) Expanded foramina of the phalanges (yellow arrows) with marrow hyperplasia
(white arrow, MB07H1M8, middle aged adult, antero-posterior view). (c) “Rib-within-a-rib” sign (yellow
arrows, MB07H1M8, supero-inferior view). (e) Alteration of the trabecular structure of the ilia. Note the
radiating pattern (MB07H1M12, neonate, antero-posterior view). (f) “Rib-within-a-rib” sign (yellow arrow,
MB07H2M26, approx. 1.5years, supero-inferior view). (g) Enlargement of the scapular spines (MB07H1M12,
neonate, posterior aspect). (h) Marrow hyperplasia of the humerus (white arrow, MB05M12, approx. 2years,
antero-posterior view).
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5677 | 
Combined microscopic and macroscopic results strongly suggest thalassemia at Con Co
Ngua. We assessed bone samples of one adolescent (> 16years) of unknown sex (CCN13M67a), and two
adults: CCN13M40a (young adult female), CCN13M59a (old adult male) (Fig.4). We focused specically on the
endocortex (cortical bone located on the inner third portion of the cross-section) as preliminary macroscopic
assessment of the samples prior to microscopy determined this region to be particularly important (Fig.4).
Widespread pores were evident on the endocortical surfaces of samples from the old adult male (CCN13M59a).
e porosity consists of ‘giant’ pores that appear to have been created as a result of adjacent coalescing pores
(Figs.4, 5). All three bones of this individual showed a “trabecularization eect, which essentially transformed
cortical bone into a trabeculae-like matrix of bone as a result of prolonged resorption, and possibly marrow
In contrast, the bone samples in the young adult female (CCN13M40a), showed denser and enlarged endo-
cortical surfaces. e adolescent (CCN13M67a) presented with a mix of large porous regions of the endocortex
(right humerus) and regions of increased cortical density (femur). Possible beginnings of the ‘trabecularization
eect’ such as those observed in the old adult male (CCN13M59a) were found in the right humerus of the old
adult. e extent of medullary bone size reduction can be seen, particularly in the adolescent femur section where
the cortical wall is unusually enlarged (Fig.4d). is femur showed evidence for secondary bone remodeling
conrming cyclical replacement of old bone with new bone tissue, possibly driven by increased metabolic bone
needs (Fig.6). ere was a clear pattern whereby samples from the femur did not show evidence for widespread
porosity and coalescing of bone pores, but were observed in the bones of the upper limb (ulna, humerus, and
radius) (Fig.6).
We compared the microscopic results to various diseases of infectious and metabolic etiologies known to
cause the macroscopic ‘bone-within-a-bone’ sign (Supplementary text S1). e microscopic outcomes of Con
Co Ngua are only consistent with clinical bone histological observations in cases of beta thalassemia. Increased
osteoclast-mediated resorptive activity, and decreased osteoblastic activity have both been described as under-
lying processes that increase porosity of the endocortical margins of the long bones in beta thalassemia21. In
thalassemia, skeletal changes can be localized, due to focal deposits of iron during iron overload which is con-
sistent with the variation between the upper and lower limbs we observed across the samples2123. e overall
histological bone pattern observed in the Con Co Ngua individuals therefore supports localized metabolic
changes consistent with thalassemia.
Figure4. Cross section of microscopic samples from Con Co Ngua. (a) Femora sections from CCN13M40a.
ere is increased cortical thickness, and the cortical width of right femur is asymmetrically wider than the le.
(b) Upper limb sections from CCN13M40a. Large endocortical pores are evident. Medullary canal widening is
most distinct on the humerus. (c) Upper and lower limb sections from CCN13M67a. While the femur presents
with extreme cortical thickness and restriction of the medullary canal area, the upper limb sections present with
severe porosity of the endocortical surfaces. (d) Asymmetry of the medullary canals of the humeri and femora
of CCN13M67a.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5677 | 
What hemoglobinopathy variants were present in prehistoric Vietnam? Our results demonstrate
skeletal evidence for thalassemia from the early seventh millennium BP in northern Vietnam. e gross skeletal
changes in all but one Man Bac individual are consistent with beta thalassemia4. e clinical consequences,
including bone changes, of beta thalassemia only develop following replacement of fetal gamma hemoglobin
with adult beta hemoglobin in the months following birth. However, the possible case diagnosed in a Man Bac
Figure5. Macroporosity observed in the arm bones of CCN13M59a. e porosity is large and coalescing.
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5677 | 
Figure6. Regions of bone captured from the endocortical surface in the adolescent (CCN13M67a), allowing to examine the
degree of bone modelling and remodeling. (ad) e femur: Secondary osteons (SO), primary osteons (PO), Haversian canals
(HC), and osteocyte lacunae (OL) can be seen. (a) White arrows point to endosteal lamellar layers which are typical for this bone
region. (c) White arrows point to a cement line of a secondary osteon that indicates a remodeling event of a fragmentary osteon
(FO) underneath, conrming cyclical replacement of old bone with new bone tissue, possibly driven by increased metabolic bone
needs. (e) White arrows point to primary lamellar bone layers and an isolated HC. (f) A SO amongst primary bone.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5677 | 
newborn may be consistent with alpha thalassemia major (Barts hydrops fetalis)24. Alpha thalassemia major,
caused by deletion of all of the four alpha alleles, is a common variant in Southeast Asia today25. ere is little
clinical description of the skeletal complications of alpha thalassemia major due to its fatal outcome. However,
severe bone marrow expansions occur in utero during growth detected as early as 18 fetal weeks7, and skeletal
complications similar to beta thalassemia major can be expected24. Severe growth stunting is a common out-
come of alpha thalassemia major, and skeletal deformities have been clinically documented, but not described5,7.
Evidence for co-occurrence of both alpha and beta thalassemia variants at Man Bac is of evolutionary sig-
nicance. e gross skeletal pathologies of Man Bac post-birth individuals are commonly observed in patients
with beta thalassemia major, a severe form that requires removal of excess iron and blood transfusions in order
to survive past infancy26. However, 57% (4/7) of individuals macroscopically diagnosed with thalassemia at
Man Bac were older than 1-year of age, having survived infancy without treatment. Alpha and beta thalassemia
co-inheritance is known to result in a milder form of disease than beta thalassemia major due to a balance of
depleted alpha and beta hemoglobins27. Additionally, the Southeast Asian variant HbE beta thalassemia com-
monly results in severe forms of thalassemia that do not require blood transfusions to survive (known clinically
as thalassemia intermedia)28. It is possible that co-inheritance of beta thalassemia with alpha and/or HbE may
account for the severe skeletal changes in individuals at Man Bac who survived past infancy.
It is not possible to determine whether the Con Co Ngua individuals had beta or alpha thalassemia. While
there is clear clinical recognition of the skeletal changes of beta thalassemia29, HbH alpha thalassemia caused
by deletion of three of the four alpha alleles are reported to cause mild to moderate skeletal deformities in some
patients5. Signicant facial deformity was not recorded at Con Co Ngua. However, infants at this site were very
poorly preserved, so more severe forms of thalassemia at Con Co Ngua cannot be ruled out.
Evidence for deep antiquity of thalassemia and malaria in Mainland Southeast Asia. Based on
our macroscopic and microscopic observations we suggest that thalassemia was potentially a considerable bur-
den for Southeast Asian populations prior to the adoption of farming. is contrasts with our current knowledge
on the emergence of thalassemias in the Mediterranean and demonstrates that the agricultural transition was
not the dening factor in the emergence of this disease in Southeast Asia. We note here that the one adult with
probable thalassemia from Man Bac had dental and skeletal anity to Australo-Papuan populations, such as
those from Con Co Ngua (and all foraging groups from Vietnam prior to agriculture). e inhabitants from the
Neolithic central ailand site of Khok Phanom Di where thalassemia was previously reported represent mixed
Australo-Papuan and East Asian dental anities30. erefore, a deep antiquity for thalassemia in the region prior
to the Neolithic appears highly probable. However, the complexity of gene ow and stabilizing selection in the
region exceeds the capabilities of skeletal morphometric data.
e heterogeneity of mutations that cause beta, HbE beta and alpha thalassemia in Southeast Asia support
multiple instances of independent emergence within the region likely tied to a consistent threat of malaria
within MSEA31,32. Alpha thalassemia variants in Southeast Asia populations have similarly been identied in
modern indigenous Papuan and Austroasiatic (modern Southeast Asian) speaking populations33. e widespread
geography of these variants today, and the compounded eect of multiple migration and genetic admixture
events since prehistory, mean it is not possible to determine the origins of these variants from the distribution
in modern populations. However, dierent haplotypes do indicate separate founder eects in Australo-Papuan
(indigenousAustralian and New Guinean Highlanders) and Austroasiatic (ai) groups33. At least in the case of
alpha thalassemia, a pre-agricultural deep history of this disease in MSEA is consistent with present day genetic
data. In contrast, selection models of one HbE variant from a ai population indicates an emergence between
4400 and 1240years ago, consistent with agricultural intensication between the Neolithic to Iron Age periods
(4500–1500 BP) in MSEA34. HbE emergence is consistent with the time period of the Man Bac individuals with
thalassemia. Multiple independent events of thalassemia emergence may have occurred due to dierent social
transitions in Southeast Asia’s prehistory.
e presence of thalassemia in prehistoric MSEA, as is the case today, indicates a constant selection pressure
of malaria stemming from deep antiquity. It is expected that the gene frequencies of thalassemias in the absence
of malaria would not have been maintained given its mortal cost when inherited in its severe forms14. While P.
falciparum has a considerably higher mortality rate than P. vivax, thereby incurring a stronger selection pressure,
both Plasmodium species are endemic to the region and thought to have had possible selection eects on thalas-
semia in Southeast Asia35. Both P. falciparum and P. vivax malarias share African origins. It is thought that P.
vivax emerged out of Africa with human groups prior to 30,000years ago36 consistent with the rst anatomically
modern humans who inhabited MSEA as early as 60,000years ago16. P. falciparum is thought to have emerged
in Africa approximately 60,000–40,000years ago, and estimated to have undergone a bottle neck approximately
6,000–4,000years ago that likely favored human infection37. is proposed bottle neck event post-dates the
skeletal evidence for thalassemia at Con Co Ngua and pre-dates that of Man Bac. Rather than provide resist-
ance, alpha thalassemia has been proposed to increase susceptibility to infection by P. vivax35. is susceptibility
may be an adaptive mechanism to cross vaccinate against P. falciparum35 which signals the complex connection
between Plasmodium infections and the emergence of thalassemia. e association between thalassemias and P.
vivax morbidity and mortality, however, remains unknown and is a necessary component to understanding the
relationship between malarial types and the emergence of thalassemias in the region38. Rarer still, Plasmodium
variants commonly found in Southeast Asian forest macaques have also been known to transfer to humans39,
an important local reservoir in communities in Vietnam40. Potential human to non-human primate interactions
may also factor into the relationship between malaria and thalassemia in the prehistory of the region. Both Man
Bac and Con Co Ngua inhabitants exploited non-human primates as a food source17,41.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5677 | 
Lowland ood plains in Vietnam, such as where Man Bac and Con Co Ngua are located have low reported
malarial cases and primary vectors today, as is the case with coastal and estuarine environments42. However,
the original ecology of the region surrounding these sites in antiquity included movement within fringe forests,
brackish water, and riverine areas that may have placed the inhabitants at risk of a number of dierent Anopheles
mosquito species that carry both human and simian Plasmodium species42. In tropical forested areas of MSEA,
malarial vectors are common. Tropical forested regions expanded substantially from approximately 14,000years
ago following the Last Glacial Maximum, which would have been opportunistic for the spread of species A. dirus
and A. minimus, the primary mosquito vectors of malaria in MSEA42. e tropical climate would have enabled
year-round transmission even in seasonal areas such as northern Vietnam that experience dry and wet seasons43.
While pre-agricultural, the complex hunter-gathers of Con Co Ngua existed in large sedentary populations,
thereby encompassing a suite of factors that have been argued to be associated with the emergence of malaria
and thalassemia in the Mediterranean44. Sedentary residential mobility would have enabled completion of the
cycle of the disease within one host population42, increasing the selection pressure on these populations. In
Southeast Asia today, an increased risk is observed in people who live in villages but actively exploit the forest
for resources45. is risk appears to be related to the early night feeding times of these vectors. e exposure
to forest Anopheles mosquitos and sedentary residence alone would likely have been sucient to increase the
probability of contracting malaria in the absence of agricultural land clearing.
The agricultural transition and gene ow variation. While Con Co Ngua individuals were less well
preserved than those from Man Bac, 10% (7/70) of the latter assemblage presented evidence for thalassemia.
Man Bac is contemporaneous with Khok Phanom Di indicating these alleles were widespread through the region
at this point in time. erefore, the transition to agriculture may have considerably altered the gene ow or
increased the selection pressure of thalassemia mutations, and shaped the relationship between human groups
and malarial vectors in the region. Wet rice agriculture (irrigation) was only developed during the Iron Age
(2500–1500 BP) in Southeast Asia46. is form of agriculture has been previously, erroneously, argued to be
linked to increased malarial vectors compared to dry rice agriculture in MSEA47. Our results indicate a strong
relationship between human groups and malaria prior to wet rice farming. Present day reports of dierences
in malarial vector prevalence in irrigated versus non-irrigated farming localities vary and depends on other
ecological dynamics such as seasonality48. In Mainland Southeast Asia, A. dirus is found in signicantly higher
densities in forested areas than in villages, and reside in shallow pools42 rather than in deep waters. erefore,
the moated settlements of the Iron Age in ailand may have made the ecology around villages less attractive
to primary malarial vectors or attracted dierent Anopheles mosquitos such as A. barbirostris with signicantly
lower vector potential49. Instead, the reliance of dry rice farming on mild seasonal ooding may have increased
the exposure of Neolithic inhabitants to malarial vectors42, particularly as they continued to exploit forested
areas through mixed farmer-foraging practices50. While Pre-Neolithic foragers in northern Vietnam and south-
ern China were arguably primarily sedentary, an increase in sedentism and signicant population growth dur-
ing the transition to agriculture in MSEA51,52 would have increased the transmission potential within human
Possible interaction between Man Bac inhabitants and other nearby contemporaneous sites further inland,
where higher vector densities have been reported42, may have also contributed to the presence of thalassemia at
Man Bac. Alternatively, we also recognize that gene ow of thalassemia alleles from other inland Neolithic sites
may be responsible, and a direct relationship between thalassemia and malaria presence at Man Bac cannot be
determined. A similar argument can be made for Con Co Ngua, as contemporaneous forager sites of northern
Vietnam are also archaeologically documented to have maintained interactions through exchange53. Nevertheless,
it is apparent that mobility and interactions within and between groups were essential for the spread of thalas-
semia variants in the prehistory of MSEA, and the prevalence of this disease can be tied directly or indirectly to
malarial endemicity in prehistoric MSEA.
rough a combined macroscopic and microscopic approach we demonstrate that thalassemia has been present
in northern Vietnam from at least the early seventh millennium BP. is nding indicates that agriculture was
not a crucial factor in the emergence of thalassemia in response to malaria in Southeast Asia as appears to be the
case in the Mediterranean. In the context of large sedentary forager populations exploiting forested resources,
such as the inhabitants of Con Co Ngua, we propose a pre-agricultural origin for the emergence of thalassemia
in MSEA as an adaptive response to the threat of malaria. However, the agricultural transition approximately
4500–3500years ago likely encouraged the spread of malarial vectors, increasing the gene frequencies of thalas-
semias. e outcomes of our research indicate a deep history of thalassemias which are endemic in MSEA today.
Methods and materials
Ethics and approvals. Paleopathological observation and collection and analysis of samples for histologi-
cal investigation was approved by the Vietnam Institute of Archaeology in Hanoi, Vietnam on October 12, 2018.
Bone samples were exported to the Australian National University in Canberra under approval by Dr. Nguyen
Gia Doi (Director), and are currently housed at this institution until further notice. As the samples are of an
archaeological nature, no ethical approvals were required for this study.
The sample. We macroscopically assessed 70 individuals from Man Bac and 155 individuals from Con Co
Ngua for pathology. All skeletal elements with pathological change with the potential for diagnosis were radio-
graphed. ree individuals from Con Co Ngua were sampled for histological analysis.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5677 | 
e skeletal assemblage of Man Bac was well preserved. While post-mortem breaks were frequent, the skel-
etons were easily reconstructed. Surfaces were excellently preserved. For most skeletons both adult and subadult
were either complete or near complete54. In contrast, the individuals from Con Co Ngua presented with erosion
of the cortical surfaces, but not to the degree that pathologies could not be observed. Post-mortem breakage
was common, and a large proportion of the assemblage was at most partially complete. Subadults were com-
monly poorly preserved, with infants highly fragmented. Methods for age and sex of the individuals from Man
Bac and Con Co Ngua were previously reported and briey summarized here50,55,56. Non-metric traits of the
os coxae, cranial morphology, and sample-specic post-cranial functions were used to estimate adult sex5760.
Adult age-at-death was estimated by way of pubic symphyseal morphology61 and/or sample-specic molar wear
functions developed by Oxenham60. Subadult age-at-death was estimated using dental eruption and calcication
standards62,63, and/or skeletal maturity schedules64.
Paleopathological dierential diagnosis. e paleopathological diagnosis of thalassemia was based on
macroscopic and radiographic observations of pathologies in dry bone. A standardized ‘threshold’ diagnostic
protocol for thalassemia was produced following clinical diagnostic standards (Table2). A possible case was
diagnosed when an individual exhibited one diagnostic or two suggestive lesions. A probable case was diagnosed
when an individual exhibited one strongly diagnostic or two diagnostic lesions. Such recording methods are
consistent with a number of previously published diagnostic protocols in paleopathology, and ensure diagnostic
Gross skeletal manifestations of thalassemia are restricted to beta thalassemia only, except in the case of
alpha thalassemia major (also called Bart’s hydrops fetalis) a fatal form, where infants die prior to or immedi-
ately following birth7. Severe porotic hyperostosis leading to a ‘hair-on-end’ appearance is a common skeletal
manifestation of thalassemia (as is the case in other anemias) and has been reported particularly in cases of
thalassemia major68,77.
Extensive marrow hyperplasia of the medullary canal and within cancellous bone regions cause consider-
able thinning of the bone cortex, and expansion of the area of the medullary canal68. e extent of the marrow
Table 2. Criteria for diagnosis of thalassemia in dry bone (SD = strongly diagnostic, D = diagnostic, and
S = suggestive). A probable case is dened as an individual exhibiting at minimum one strongly diagnostic
pathology or two diagnostic pathologies. A possible case is dened as an individual exhibiting at minimum
one diagnostic or two suggestive pathologies. *A strongly diagnostic lesion is one that is considered
pathognomonic for that disease and alone stands as evidence of probable disease. In extremely rare instances
these pathologies can occur in other diseases which are listed here in the dierential diagnosis.
Pathology Diagnostic strength Dierential diagnosis References
Marrow hyperplasia of the facial bones: maxillae- leading to ventral
displacement of central incisors, zygomatic bones-leading to orbital
displacement, and/ or mandible (rodent facies deformity) SD 29,6670
Radiographic: “rib-within-a-rib” appearance. Radiographically dened
sclerotic bands within the ribs due to extramedullary hematopoiesis SD Sickle cell anemia, osteomyelitis, leukemia* 29,66,68,71
Poor or lack of pneumatization of the paranasal and cranial sinuses
sparing the ethmoid sinuses DNeoplasms, Paget’s disease, trauma, hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism,
osteopetrosis, sickle cell anemia 29,68
Widening of entire rib, or widening of the rib head and neck with pro-
nounced bulbous appearance posteriorly (costal osteomas). Associated
with radiograph appearance of erosion of the inner cortex D Neuroblastoma, Nieman-Pick disease, Leukemia 29,66,68,71
Enlarged tubular bones of the hands and feet due to marrow hyper-
plasia (infants) sometimes associated with enlarged nutrient foramina
or Radiographic: coarse trabecular patterns of the hands or feet,
sometimes associated with cyst-like lucencies due to focal collection of
hyperplasic marrow
D Treponemal disease, leprosy, tuberculosis 12,29,66,68
Premature fusion of epiphyseal plates particularly of the proximal
humerus and distal femur, oen causing short long bone maximum
length DScurvy, hypervitaminosis A, trauma, achondroplasia, Morquio’s
disease, Ellis-van Creveld disease, peripheral dysostosis, poliomyelitis,
mucopolysaccharidosis, rickets, osteomalacia
Extensive marrow proliferation of the long bones leading to expansion
of the medullary canal, associated with thin cortices (and in extreme
circumstances honeycomb-like porosity) resulting in swollen appear-
ance or metaphyseal asked shaped deformities
SOther hemolytic anemia, scurvy, rickets, metaphyseal dysplasia,
Gaucher’s disease, osteomyelitis 66,68,73
Severe porotic hyperostosis/ diploic expansions of vault and maxilla
with “hair-on-end” appearance and/ or cribra orbitalia S
Aer Lagia74: hemolytic anemias and red cell enzyme disorders
(including sickle cell disease, iron deciency anemia and G-6-PD de-
ciency), cancers (including leukemia, multiple myeloma, meningioma,
metastases and secondary to kidney cancers), and polycythemia
Wide dental spacing S Skeletal dysplasias, normal variation 66
Spiculated or scalloped proliferation of subperiosteal reactive new
bone on the shas of the limb bones and the clavicles SInfectious diseases, rickets, scurvy, hypertrophic osteoarthropathy,
Gaucher’s diseases, Paget’s disease 12,69,75
Marked osteoporosis and cortical thinning of the vertebrae, with
compression fractures in severe cases S Age related osteoporosis, osteomalacia, scurvy, trauma 29
Bone infarction S Osteomyelitis, sickle cell anemia, osteosarcoma 76
Enlargement and alteration of the trabecular pattern in at bones
(pelvis and scapula) S Other hemolytic anemia, leukemia 70
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hyperplasia causes thinning trabeculae. However, subperiosteal new bone response to the trabecular destruction
instigates the coarsening of trabeculae which is observed radiographically68. In extreme circumstances cortical
thinning can progress to destruction of the cortex and subsequent honeycomb appearance of the bone surface70.
A distinct facial deformity called rodent facies occurs in severe cases particularly in thalassemia major
whereby extensive marrow proliferation of the maxillae and zygomatic bones creates anterior bulging of the
face, oen associated with anterior displacement of the central incisors, and lack of pneumatization of the
maxillary, sphenoidal and frontal sinuses29,6668. is pathological lesion is strongly diagnostic for thalassemia,
particularly of thalassemia major (Table2)29,68. e marrow proliferation also causes anterior teeth protrusion
and malocclusion of the remaining teeth66. A strongly diagnostic radiographic feature of this disorder is the ‘rib-
within-in-a-rib’ sign. is feature is produced by extensive marrow hypertrophy perforating the thin cortex of the
rib associated with a radiodense line in the middle of the medullary canal29,66,69,78. Hypertrophic changes to the
hands and feet of infants (with associated expanded foramina in the phalanges) is also characteristic of the dis-
ease, as this lesion indicates an extreme form of anemia unlikely to be associated with non-genetic etiologies12,68.
Marrow perforation of the cortex known as extramedullary hematopoiesis occurs. In certain circumstances
subperiosteal new bone response similar to the “hair-on-end” appearance of the skull, surrounding thin cortices
of postcranial bones, can result as a consequence of marrow perforation69,75. is skeletal response has been
documented to lead to premature fusion of the epiphyses of long bones particularly of the proximal humerus
and distal femur68,75. e extent of prematurity is dependent on the individual. is lesion is more common in
cases of thalassemia intermedia75. Bone infarction, while less common in thalassemia than sickle cell anemia,
hasalso been reported. In this pathological condition, bone death occurs followed by inammatory new bone
response around the region of necrosis, and has a distinct appearance on radiographs76.
Histological sectioning. All sectioning procedures followed standard protocols79,80 and were completed
at the Institute of Archaeology, Hanoi, Vietnam. A Dremel Variable-Speed Rotary Tool 3000 with associated
Dremel blades was used to cut into the bone shas. is involved making two longitudinally oriented parallel
(along the long bone axis) cuts, followed by a transversely oriented (perpendicular to the longitudinal cuts) cut,
so that sections freely detached themselves from the bone. Permissions obtained from the collection curators
strictly stipulated that sections were onlyto beremoved from the bone regions already aected by post-mortem
breaks to avoid further damage to the specimens. For example, where the long bone was broken in half or
had epiphyseal ends missing due to taphonomic issues. Sampling in those regions avoided further damage to
the specimens. However, we ensured that the bone sections still derived from the long bone shas so that we
could assess the histological changes on the endocortical surfaces. e three individuals sampled for histological
analysis met these criteria. We sampled the le and right femur of CCN13M40a (Fig.4). e right humerus, le
ulna and le radius of CCN13M59a were sampled as they were the only available long bones for this individual
(the lower limb only consisted of a fragmented right bula). e right humerus, le radius, and le femur of the
subadult CCN13M67a were sectioned as both the upper and lower limb bones showed a degree of endocortical
thickening. e lower (distal direction) third of the le femoral sha, approximately 4cm below the linea aspera,
and the midsha of the right femur, were sampled in CCN13M40a. e upper limb bones of CCN13M59a were
sectioned at the distal end of the le ulna and the right radius, and the midsha of the right humerus. e le
femur of CCN13M67a was sectioned at the middle of the upper (proximal direction) third of sha, the distal
third of the sha in the le radius, and the upper (proximal direction) third sha of the right humerus. We note
that the le radius in this individual shows a well remodeled and healed fracture at midsha (Supplementary
Fig.S2), which clearly resulted in a deformation of the bone. is will need to be borne in mind when interpret-
ing the appearance of histology in thin section. A total of eight, approximately 1cm thick, roughly C-shaped,
sections of bone from the posterior aspect were removed for the entire sample (Fig.4).
Prior to histological preparation, external size measurements of the bones and sections were recorded using
standard digital calipers and a so measuring tape. All measurements were repeated at least two times from
which an average was computed and reported here. e measurements79 were: sha circumference (Circ) at point
of sectioning (mm), anterior–posterior diameter in mm (AP dm), medial–lateral diameter in mm (ML dm),
cortical width (Ct.W) of the extracted sample measured from both the proximal and distal surfaces in the lateral
direction (from the endosteal, referring to the endosteum lining the medullary cavity, to the periosteal surfaces).
Histopathology. No prior information on age, sex or macropathology was provided for the samples to
ensure an objective observation. All samples were processed into thin sections following standard methods
applicable for histological analysis of archaeological human bone81,82. e processing was completed at the Hard
Tissue Histology laboratory in the School of Archaeology and Anthropology at the Australian National Univer-
sity (Canberra, Australia), which is also where the resulting thin sections are curated until further notice. Each
sample was embedded in Buehler epoxy resin, cut on a low-speed saw equipped with a diamond wafering blade,
and attached to microscope glass slides using Stuck epoxy glue. e attached samples were further trimmed on
a cutting saw, and later lapped on a series of grinding pads of various grit sizes that increased from 400 to 1200
in coarseness. e thickness of each section was controlled using a handheld Buehler 28 × 48mm target holder,
allowing to produce sections of approximately 90–100μm thickness. e sections were polished using a Buehler
MicroPolish powder, 0.05µm, until all scratches created during grinding were removed. is was followed by
cleaning the sections in an ultrasonic bath, dehydrating them in a series of ethanol baths, and clearing using
xylene for histopathology. e samples were nally covered with glass cover slips glued to the bone surface with
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5677 | 
Imaging and histomorphological analysis. Each thin section was imaged using transmitted and polar-
ized light under a high powered Olympus BX53 microscope equipped with a DP74 high resolution camera81.
We used a series of objective lenses, ranging from 4 × to 40 × (40 × to 400 × total magnication), to examine his-
tological features82. Each section was rst examined for any overall diagenetic damage, and second for patterns
in, and areas of, abnormal bone matrices and micro-organization. is was followed by a targeted examination
of bone regions on the endocortical surfaces, which is where we hypothesized abnormal changes would occur as
per the macroscopic manifestation (Fig.4). As the border between intra-cortical and endocortical bone relies on
a somewhat arbitrary division, the endocortical area examined in our samples was, on average, 1.5–1.7cm once
the entire section surface was sub-divided into four equal segments (one sub-periosteal, two intra-cortically,
and one endocortically). We captured individual regions of interest (ROIs) from within the endocortical areas.
It is also where we recorded a full endocortical strip of bone using an automated stitching tool of the Olympus
CellSens soware.
e microscopic examination revealed an overall moderately good preservation of the samples83. Our histo-
logical examination was based on inspecting bone regions for: bone matrix type (woven, lamellar)84; bone growth
stage (primary, secondary/ Haversian)85; bone remodeling indicators (poorly remodeled with singular secondary
osteon units, well remodeled with several generations of fragmentary and intact secondary osteons)80,85, ‘giant
resorption canals (porosity eect indicating prolonged osteoclast-mediated resorption, tabularization eect)86,87.
Where necessary, we also undertook histomorphometric measurements using ImageJ ‘straight line’ tool to obtain
maximum diameter of pores in cases of abnormal porosity.
Received: 10 November 2020; Accepted: 8 February 2021
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We would like to thank Dr. Ngo Anh Son, Mr. Bui Van Khanh and Ms. Nellissa Ling for their assistance with the
radiographs. We are grateful to Dr. Nguyen Gia Doi for permission to extract histological samples. is work
was supported by a National Geographic Early Career Grant (EC-54332R-18); Royal Society of New Zealand
Skinner Fund Grant; University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship; Australian Research Council DP110101097 and
FT120100299. Histological processing was funded by the Australian Research Council DE190100068.
Author contributions
M.F.O. directed the excavation of MB. M.F.O. and H.H.T. jointly directed the excavation of CCN. Initial osteo-
logical analyses, including sex, age, and pathologywere performed by MF.O. and K.D. for MB and M.F.O., H.B.,
K.D. and A.W. for CCN. M.V. and H.B. designed thehydatid disease study. M.V., H.B., T.M. and M.W. collected
the data. M.V., H.B., J.M. and M.W. analyzed the data. All authors contributed input to the manuscript including
contextualization of the data and draing of the manuscript. M.V. prepared Figs.1, 2, 3 and S1. J.M. prepared
Figs.4, 5 and S2.
Competing interests
e authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
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org/10.1038/s4159 8-021-83978 -4.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.V.orM.F.O.
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... Malaria was endemic in many lagoon and coastal areas of the Italian peninsula at least until the end of the nineteenth century (Corti 1987;Frassine 2007). Its connection to hereditary haemolytic anaemias, in particular b-thalassemia, from the most (major) to the least (minor) severe forms, is a natural evolutionary response of human communities living in marshland environments infested by Anopheles mosquitoes, vectors of Plasmodium falciparum, the cause of malaria (Weatherall 2018;Vlok et al. 2021). While malaria per se does not cause changes in the skeleton, chronic anaemia associated with malaria, such as b-thalassemia, can leave non-specific traces detectable in the bioarcheological record (Buikstra 2019). ...
... Of the 27 individuals affected by PH and/or CO, 17 (63.0%) presented osteopenia on the post-cranial One of the most severe cases of porotic hyperostosis with characteristic «hair-on-end» appearance on a skull of a 9-18-month-old subject skeleton (PC), i.e. cortical erosions and pathological porosity on different anatomical regions, particularly on the distal metaphysis and epiphyses of femurs, tibiae and fibulae and proximal of the humeri (Fig. 3) (congenital haemolytic anaemias are characterised by low bone density: Jensen et al. 1998;Vogiatzi et al. 2005;Vlok et al. 2021). Of these, ten were children, five of whom died within 2 years of age; four were sub-adults between 13 and 17 years, and three were adult women. ...
... This research stemmed from the joint analysis of the demographic, paleopathological and isotopic observations of the sample, taking into account the surrounding natural environment, the coastal plain where the archaeological site of Vetricella is located, an area historically affected by the presence of malaria until its eradication in the twentieth century (Majori 2012) (Fig. 7). The correlation between the presence of malaria and the evolution of congenital anaemia in human communities has been widely demonstrated (Weatherall 2018;Vlok et al. 2021). Recent aDNA studies of thalassemia-related genetic mutations show that malaria in Italy was endemic even before the Medieval period (Viganò et al. 2017). ...
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The application of radiology as an aid for paleoanthropological analyses is seeing a widespread increase. The aim of this study is to examine a number of radiological dental aspects related to hereditary haemoglobinopathies, such as b-thalassemia, visible on the human remains of a past community by way of micro-CT, in order to support the difficult diagnosis of b-thalassemia in sub-adult individuals documented in archaeological contexts. A sample was selected from the early medieval (tenth–eleventh century) site of Vetricella (Scarlino, Grosseto), located in an area historically affected by malaria. The study was divided in two phases: in phase 1, macroscopic paleopathological analysis revealed features typical of b-thalassemia while CT analysis of the ribs, as demonstrated in previous studies, confirmed the presence of b-thalassemia in the sample. In phase 2, the dental micro-CT carried out on a sample of 7 deciduous incisors belonging to 7 sub-adult individuals allowed to observe for the first time a direct relationship between the degrees of anaemia recorded on the thalassemic skeletons and dentinogenesis defects, identifying also a new radiological evidence which will be termed as “iris-like” appearance. A sample of three individuals from a coeval, non-thalassemic community was used for comparative purposes. These observations constitute a new approach for the diagnosis of b-thalassemia in archaeological contexts, providing an additional tool for differential diagnoses while also furthering our knowledge of the natural history of this disease.
... Almost 11% (5/44) of the Man Bac non-adult assemblage exhibited evidence for clinical signs of thalassemia . The clinical signs of thalassemia that are strongly diagnostic for this disease include radiographic rib-within-rib signs and gross marrow expansion leading to macroscopic deformity of the mandible and maxilla (Lewis, 2012;Vlok et al., 2021). In Southeast Asia, a high burden of thalassemia, a genetic disease, has emerged over the millennia because of the advantage it provides to the host against malarial mortality (Weatherall, 1997). ...
... In addition to thalassemia, the presence of a high malarial burden itself likely added to the prolific evidence of general anemia at Man Bac. Thirty-four percent (12/35) of the non-adult assemblage exhibited moderate or severe cribra orbitalia and/or porotic hyperostosis (Vlok, 2020), and over 90% (29/32) exhibited some form of pathological orbital porosity or porous new bone see Wang et al., 2023, for similar circumstances hypothesized for Con Co Ngua, a forager site in northern Vietnam with evidence of thalassemia; Vlok et al., 2021). Cortical thinning of long bones is similarly observed in anemia and in active hypomineralization disorder. ...
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This paper presents evidence for hypomineralisation disorders (rickets and osteomalacia) in non-adults at Man Bac, a Neolithic site from northern Vietnam dated to 4000-3500BP, contributing to the well described disease burden at the site that includes scurvy, treponemal disease, thalassaemia, and malaria. Forty-four non-adults (< 20 years of age-at-death) were assessed for macroscopic and radiographic evidence for hypomineralisation disorders. Differential diagnosis was completed using traditional methods and three-level standardised criteria to combat the challenges of overlapping pathological features between hypomineralisation disorder and the other diseases already diagnosed at the site. In addition, a diagnostic certainty approach was applied to investigate the impact of lesion ambiguity on our findings. Kaplan-Meier and Fishers exact tests were applied to assess age-at-death related epidemiological patterns of hypomineralisation disorder, and co-morbid relationships with scurvy, thalassaemia, and treponemal disease. Almost 50% of the non-adult assemblage presented with evidence for hypomineralisation disorder which was associated with decreased survivorship in childhood. Potential epidemiological relationships between scurvy and hypomineralisation disorders, and thalassaemia and hypomineralisation disorders are described. The former relationship may be due to the likelihood of the introduction of rice resulting in multi-micronutrient deficiency, including vitamin C and calcium deficiency, and cultural attitudes to sunlight. The latter relationship may relate to the pathophysiology of thalassaemia which can result in secondary osteomalacia possibly contributing to the development of hypomineralisation disorder in the thalassaemic non-adults. The findings are 2 significant as they present possible approaches for diagnosis of disease embedded within complex disease burdens where individuals are likely suffering from co-morbidities.
... Both β-thalassemia and sickle cell disease leave some characteristic skeletal lesions. The former arising as a result of extensive marrow hyperplasia (expansion), such as rodent facies (changes to the facial bones) and rib-within-a-rib sign (observed in rib shafts) (78,79); and the latter, bone infarcts (blocked blood flow leading to dead tissue) (80). While characteristic, there are no skeletal pathologies diagnostic of sickle cell disease. ...
Malaria is a disease of global significance. Ongoing changes to the earth's climate, antimalarial resistance, insecticide resistance, and socioeconomic decline test the resilience of malaria prevention programs. Museum insect specimens present an untapped resource for studying vector-borne pathogens, spurring the question: Do historical mosquito collections contain Plasmodium DNA, and, if so, can museum specimens be used to reconstruct the historical epidemiology of malaria? In this Perspective, we explore molecular techniques practical to pathogen prospecting, which, more broadly, we define as the science of screening entomological museum specimens for human, animal, or plant pathogens. Historical DNA and pathogen prospecting provide a means of describing the coevolution of human, vector, and parasite, informing the development of insecticides, diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines.
... The population was under some demographic stress with a high fertility rate of 6.8 births per woman as well as an estimated elevated rate of natural population increase of 4.3% per annum . Furthermore, extreme physiological stress and poor health were evidenced by treponemal disease, malaria, thalassaemia, anaemia and scurvy identified in both adults and children (Adams et al., 2021;McDonell and Oxenham, 2014;Vlok et al., 2020Vlok et al., , 2021a. Walker et al. (2022a) recently examined humeral and femoral bone histology in an individual from Mán Bạc afflicted with paraplegia (possibly quadriplegia), describing microscopic changes in skeletal tissue in response to muscular dysfunction. ...
This study describes a non-adult individual with bone features suggestive of β-thalassemia, a disease commonly found in malaria-endemic regions today and in the past. The skeleton of a 5.5- to 6.5-year-old child exhumed from a 16th- to 18th-century CE necropolis in Almeirim (Portugal) was examined macroscopically, with a scanning electron microscope, and by conventional radiology and computed tomography. This individual shows frontoparietal diploic hyperplasia with a slight hair-on-end radiographic appearance and an exuberant serpiginous pattern. The orbital roofs have a plaque-like formation and facial bones display new bone proliferation and porosity. The teeth show caries, calculus deposition, anomalies on the four deciduous canine roots, and linear enamel hypoplasia on the first permanent right upper central incisor. The postcranial skeleton presents osteopenic trabecular appearances, cribra humeralis, and cribra femoralis, the latter associated with malaria. A second non-adult individual (2.5–3.5 years old) had similar lesions in the cranium, raising the question of whether they were siblings. The lesions are consistent with β-thalassemia intermedia, a homozygous or compound heterozygous hemoglobinopathy found in malaria-endemic regions, such as Almeirim, due to the protective advantage conferred by β-thalassemia carriers. Thalassemia presents a wide spectrum of lesions common in other hemolytic anemias, which makes the diagnosis a challenge. Hopefully, biomolecular techniques will assist the diagnosis in skeletonized individuals. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first possible case of thalassemia in the westernmost part of Europe, in a region currently with high prevalence of hemoglobinopathies, attributed to the past Islamic and sub-Saharan presence, and in an area historically affected by malaria.
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α-globin gene triplication carriers were not anemic in general, while some studies found that α-globin gene triplication coinherited with heterozygous β-thalassemia may cause adverse clinical symptoms, which yet lacks sufficient evidence in large populations. In this study, we investigated the prevalence and distribution of α-globin gene triplication as well as the phenotypic characteristics of α-globin gene triplication coinherited with heterozygous β-thalassemia in Ganzhou city, southern China. During 2021-2022, a total of 73,967 random individuals who received routine health examinations before marriage were genotyped for globin gene mutations by high-throughput sequencing. Among them, 1,443 were α-globin gene triplication carriers, with a carrier rate of 1.95%. The most prevalent mutation was αααanti3.7/αα (43.10%), followed by αααanti4.2/αα (38.12%). 42 individuals had coinherited α-globin gene triplication and heterozygous β-thalassemia. However, they did not differ from the individuals with heterozygous β-thalassemia and normal α-globin (αα/αα) in terms of mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) levels. In addition, heterogenous clinical phenotypes were found in two individuals with the same genotype. Our study established a database of Ganzhou α-globin gene triplication and provided practical advice for the clinical diagnosis of α-globin gene triplication.
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Objectives: We test the hypothesis that the condition(s) leading to the development of cribra orbitalia at Con Co Ngua, an early seventh millennium sedentary foraging community in Vietnam, effectively reduced the resilience of the population to subsequent health/disease impacts. An assessment of both the implications and potential etiology of cribra orbitalia in this specific population is carried out. Methods: The effective sample included 141 adults aged ≥15 years (53 females, 71 males, and 17 unknown sex) and 15 pre-adults aged ≤14 years. Cribra orbitalia was identified by way of cortical bone porosity of the orbital roof initiated within the diplöic space, rather than initiated subperiosteally. The approach is also robust to the misidentification of various pseudo-lesions. Resultant data was analyzed using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Results: Median survival is higher in adults aged ≥15 years without cribra orbitalia than those with this lesion. For the pre-adult cohort, the opposite pattern is seen where median survival is higher in those with cribra orbitalia than those without. Conclusion: Adults displayed increased frailty and pre-adults increased resilience with respect to cribra orbitalia. The differential diagnosis for a survival analysis of adults and pre-adults with and without cribra orbitalia included iron deficiency anemia and B12/folate deficiency, parasitism (including hydatid disease and malaria) in addition to thalassemia. The most parsimonious explanation for observed results is for both thalassemia and malaria being the chief etiological agents, while appreciating these conditions interact with, and can cause, other forms such as hematinic deficiency anemias.
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This study aims to describe a non-adult individual with bone features suggestive of β-Thalassemia, diseases frequent in malaria-endemic regions today and in the past. The skeleton of a 5.5-6.5-year-old child exhumed from a 16th -18th centuries CE necropolis in Almeirim (Portugal) was examined macroscopically, with scanning electron microscope, and by conventional radiology and computed tomography. This individual shows frontoparietal diploic hyperplasia with a slight hair-on-end radiographic appearance and an exuberant serpiginous pattern. The orbital roofs have a plaque-like formation and facial bones display new bone proliferation and porosity. The teeth show caries, calculus deposition, anomalies on the four deciduous canine roots, and linear enamel hypoplasia on the first permanent right upper central incisor. The postcranial skeleton presents developmental delay, osteopenic trabecular appearances, cribra humeralis and cribra femoralis, the latter associated with malaria. A second non-adult individual (2.5–3.5 years old) had similar lesions in the cranium, raising the question if they were siblings. The lesions are consistent with β-Thalassemia intermedia, a homozygous or compound heterozygous hemoglobinopathy found in malaria endemic regions, such as Almeirim, due to the protective advantage conferred by β-Thalassemia carriers. Thalassemia presents a wide spectrum of lesions common in other hemolytic anemias, which difficult their diagnosis. Hopefully, biomolecular techniques will assist the diagnosis in skeletonized individuals. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first possible case of thalassemia in the westernmost part of Europe, in a region currently with high prevalence of hemoglobinopathies, attributed to the past Islamic and sub-Saharan presence, and in an area historically affected by malaria.
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Weighted threshold diagnostic criteria approaches have emerged for diseases that involve skeletal/bony tissue that are readily diagnosed in the field of paleopathology such as Vitamin C deficiency (scurvy), Vitamin D deficiency (rickets) and treponemal disease. These criteria differ from traditional differential diagnosis in that they involve standardized inclusion criteria based on the lesion's specificity to the disease. Here I discuss the limitations and benefits of threshold criteria. I argue that while these criteria will benefit from further revision such as inclusion of lesion severity, and the incorporation of exclusion criteria, threshold diagnostic approaches have considerable value in the future of diagnosis in the field.
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Skeletal evidence of two probable cases of treponematosis, caused by infection with the bacterium Treponema pallidum, from the northern Vietnamese early Neolithic site of Man Bac (1906–1523 cal B.C.) is described. The presence of nodes of subperiosteal new bone directly associated with superficial focal cavitations in a young adult male and a seven-year- old child are strongly diagnostic for treponemal disease. Climatic and epidemiological contexts suggest yaws (Treponema pallidum pertenue) as the most likely causative treponeme. This evidence is the oldest discovered in the Asia-Pacific region and is the first well-established pre-Columbian example in this region in terms of diagnosis and secure dating. The coastal ecology, sedentary settlement, and high fertility at the site of Man Bac all provided a biosocial context conducive to the spread of treponemal disease among inhabitants of the site. Co-morbidity with scurvy in both individuals demonstrates that malnutrition during the agricultural transition may have exacerbated the expression of treponematosis in this community. Man Bac is a site of great regional importance owing to its role during the Neolithic transition of Mainland Southeast Asia. During this transition, approximately 4,000 years ago, farmers migrating from southern China into Southeast Asia influenced a number of changes in subsistence and demography and potentially introduced new infectious diseases such as treponematosis to indigenous forager communities. The findings presented here may encourage reevaluation of existing Southeast Asian skeletal samples and demonstrate the importance of using weighted diagnostic criteria for future reporting of treponematosis cases. Hai trường hợp nhiều khả năng mắc bệnh ghẻ cóc do nhiễm vi khuẩn Treponema pallidum, thuộc di chỉ Mán Bạc sơ kì đá mới Việt Nam (cal 1906–1523 B.C.) được mô tả trên bằng chứng di cốt. Sự có mặt của các hạt xương mới dưới màng xương trực tiếp liên quan đến các lỗ ổ bề mặt ở một nam trẻ tuổi trưởng thành và một trẻ em 7 tuổi là chẩn đoán nhiều khả năng cho bệnh này. Bối cảnh khí hậu và dịch tễ học cho thấy bệnh ghẻ cóc do nhiễm xoắn khuẩn Treponema pallidum pertenue là nguyên nhân phổ biến nhất. Bằng chứng trên được phát hiện muộn nhất ở khu vực Châu Á-Thái Bình Dương và là một ví dụ điển hình đầu tiên giai đoạn tiền Columbia trong khu vực này dựa vào chẩn đoán và định niên đại chính xác. Sinh thái biển, lối sống ít di động, và tỷ lệ sinh sản cao ở di chỉ Mán Bạc, tất cả đã tạo ra sự tương tác giữa các yếu tố sinh học và xã hội thuận lợi cho việc lây lan bệnh ghẻ cóc giữa các cư dân thuộc di chỉ này. Cùng với đó là sự mắc bệnh thiếu vitamin C (scurvy) ở cả hai cá thể trên chỉ ra rằng sự suy dinh dưỡng trong suốt quá trình chuyển tiếp nông nghiệp có thể trầm trọng hơn và biểu hiện bệnh ghẻ cóc ở cộng đồng này. Mán Bạc là một di chỉ vùng quan trọng bởi vì nó nằm trong ranh giới giai đoạn chuyển tiếp Đá Mới của Đông Nam Á lục địa. Trong suốt bước chuyển này, khoảng 4000 năm cách đây, các cư dân nông nghiệp di cư từ miền nam Trung Quốc vào Đông Nam Á đã ảnh hưởng nhiều thay đổi trong phương thức sinh kế, dân số, và mang theo bệnh nhiễm trùng mới tiềm ẩn như là bệnh ghẻ cóc vào các cộng đồng nông nghiệp bản địa . Các phát hiện trình bày trên đây hi vọng sẽ là khởi đầu đánh giá lại về sự tồn tại các di cốt Đông Nam Á và minh họa tầm quan trọng của việc sử dụng tiêu chí chẩn đoán tin cậy về các trường hợp bệnh ghẻ cóc cho nghiên cứu tiếp theo.
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We report human infection with simian Plasmodium cynomolgi in a tourist from Denmark who had visited forested areas in peninsular Malaysia and Thailand in August and September 2018. Because P. cynomolgi may go unnoticed by standard malaria diagnostics, this malaria species may be more common in humans than was previously thought.
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The aim of this paper is to test the hypothesis that healed traumatic injuries in the pre-Neo-lithic assemblage of Con Co Ngua, northern Vietnam (c. 6800-6200 cal BP) are consistent with large wild animal interactions prior to their domestication. The core sample included 110 adult (aged ~ 18 years) individuals, while comparisons are made with an additional six skeletal series from Neolithic through to Iron Age Vietnam, Thailand, and Mongolia. All post cranial skeletal elements were assessed for signs of healed trauma and identified cases were further x-rayed. Crude trauma prevalence (14/110, 12.7%) was not significantly different between males (8/52) and females (5/37) (χ 2 = 0.061, p = 0.805). Nor were there significant differences in the prevalence of fractured limbs, although males displayed greater rates of lower limb bone trauma than females. Further, distinct from females, half the injured males suffered vertebral fractures, consistent with high-energy trauma. The first hypothesis is supported, while some support for the sexual divisions of labour was found. The prevalence and pattern of fractured limbs at CCN when compared with other Southeast and East Asian sites is most similar to the agropastoral site of Lamadong, China. The potential for skeletal trauma to assess animal trapping and herding practices prior to domestication in the past is discussed.
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Objective The 3.7 kb deletion (-α3.7) is the most common form of α⁺-thalassemia found in multiple populations which can be classified into three subtypes. In order not to mis-identify it, the molecular information within each population is required. We have addressed this in northeast Thai and Laos populations. Methods Screening for α⁺-thalassemia was initially done on 1192 adult Thai subjects. In addition, 77 chromosomes of Thai newborns and 26 chromosomes of Laos with -α3.7 α⁺-thalassemia were also examined. All subjects were screened for -α3.7 α⁺-thalassemia and subtyped by PCR-RFLP assay. Exact deletion breakpoint of each -α3.7 subtype was determined by DNA sequencing. α-Globin gene haplotypes were determined. Results The proportions of -α3.7 subtypes found in 216 Thai -α3.7 chromosomes were 94.9% for -α3.7I, 4.2% for α3.7II and 0.9% for -α3.7III. All 26 Laos -α3.7 chromosomes were of -α3.7I variety. At least six α-globin gene haplotypes were associated with the -α3.7I α⁺-thalassemia. Conclusion All -α3.7 subtypes were observed among Southeast Asian population. Haplotype analysis indicated a multiple origin of this common disorder in the region. A multiplex PCR assay has been developed for simultaneous detection of all subtypes of -α3.7 α⁺-thalassemia as well as other α⁺-thalassemia found in the region including -α4.2 α⁺-thalassemia, Hb Constant Spring and Hb Paksé.
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Background Human malaria is a major threat in rural communities of central Vietnam. Anopheles dirus and Anopheles minimus species are critical malaria vectors in Vietnam, which transmit Plasmodium parasites. However, the entomological aspects of malaria transmission in some of the central provinces of Vietnam remain unexplored. Hence, a cross-sectional entomological survey was carried out to identify the malaria vector species and the transmission of Plasmodium parasites in seven endemic provinces of Vietnam. Methods Mosquitoes were collected from seven provinces, Gia Lai, Khanh Hoa, Phu Yen, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan, Dong Nai, and Binh Phuoc. The collection was conducted for four to eight consecutive nights using three established methods, indoor and outdoor human landing catches and light trap method. Nested-PCR analysis was performed to detect the Plasmodium species in the separated thorax and the abdomen of the individual mosquitoes. Results A total of 2278 mosquitoes belonging to one of the four species of anopheline mosquitoes, An. dirus, An. maculatus, An. aconitus, and An. minimus were collected. Among the collected mosquitoes, 1398 were analysed using nested-PCR, of which, 40 mosquitoes were positive for Plasmodium parasites. Most of these parasites were detected in the samples from the thorax region, followed by the abdominal portion. The parasites were detected in both the thorax and abdomen of An. dirus. Seven species of Plasmodium parasites were detected during the analysis, of which, Plasmodium inui was the most common species, followed by Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium cynomolgi, Plasmodium coatneyi, Plasmodium knowlesi, and Plasmodium fieldi. Out of the 49 positive samples, 12 showed mixed infections. Co-infection of P. inui with human and other non-human primate Plasmodium species was common. Conclusions This study demonstrated the presence of human and non-human primate Plasmodium infection in An. dirus, a predominant malarial vector. Further, we showed that An. maculatus and An. minimus species also take part in malarial transmission. This might potentially lead to an alarming situation conducive for the emergence of novel zoonotic malaria. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s41182-019-0139-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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The emergence of agriculture in Mainland Southeast Asia appears to have resulted in a subsistence shift from hunting terrestrial and arboreal game to a combined hunting/animal management subsistence regime focused on the maintenance of pigs and dogs. These conclusions are currently based on nominal differences in vertebrate taxonomic composition observed at different archaeological sites. In this paper, we take a statistical approach to test whether hunter-gather and early agricultural subsistence economies really can be confidently distinguished based on the relative taxonomic composition of the recovered animal bone assemblages. A regional database of terrestrial and arboreal vertebrate faunas was created for 32 archaeological sites across Southeast Asia from the Terminal Pleistocene to the Late Holocene, and principal component analysis was performed. The resultant data indicates that terrestrial vertebrate taxonomic composition is a relatively strong indicator of the general subsistence base for the various archaeological sites studied and can be used to determine whether the inhabitants subsisted purely from hunting, or from a mixture hunting and animal management.
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New evidence from archaeological investigations in north-east Thailand shows a transition in rice farming towards wetland cultivation that would have facilitated greater yields and surpluses. This evidence, combined with new dates and palaeoclimatic data, suggests that this transition took place in the Iron Age, at a time of increasingly arid climate, and when a number of broader societal changes become apparent in the archaeological record. For the first time, it is possible to relate changes in subsistence economy to shifts in regional climate and water-management strategies, and to the emergence of state societies in Southeast Asia.