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Analysis of the Performance of Drilling Operations for Improving Productivity


Abstract and Figures

Drilling is a vital machining process for many industries. Automotive and aerospace industries are among those industries which produce millions of holes where productivity, quality, and precision of drilled holes plays a vital role in their success. Therefore, a proper selection of machine tools and equipment, cutting tools and parameters is detrimental in achieving the required dimensional accuracy and surface roughness. This subsequently helps industries achieving success and improving the service life of their products. This chapter provides an introduction to the drilling process in manufacturing industries which helps improve the quality and productivity of drilling operations on metallic materials. It explains the advantages of using multi-spindle heads to improve the productivity and quality of drilled holes. An analysis of the holes produced by a multi-spindle head on aluminum alloys Al2024, Al6061, and Al5083 is presented in comparison to traditional single shot drilling. Also the effects of using uncoated carbide and high speed steel tools for producing high-quality holes in the formation of built-up edges and burrs are investigated and discussed.
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Analysis of the Performance of
Drilling Operations for Improving
MajidTolouei-Rad and MuhammadAamir
Drilling is a vital machining process for many industries. Automotive and
aerospace industries are among those industries which produce millions of holes
where productivity, quality, and precision of drilled holes plays a vital role in their
success. Therefore, a proper selection of machine tools and equipment, cutting
tools and parameters is detrimental in achieving the required dimensional accuracy
and surface roughness. This subsequently helps industries achieving success and
improving the service life of their products. This chapter provides an introduction
to the drilling process in manufacturing industries which helps improve the quality
and productivity of drilling operations on metallic materials. It explains the advan-
tages of using multi-spindle heads to improve the productivity and quality of drilled
holes. An analysis of the holes produced by a multi-spindle head on aluminum
alloys Al2024, Al6061, and Al5083 is presented in comparison to traditional single
shot drilling. Also the effects of using uncoated carbide and high speed steel tools
for producing high-quality holes in the formation of built-up edges and burrs are
investigated and discussed.
Keywords: drilling, cutting tools, hole quality, productivity, multi-spindle head
. Introduction
Drilling is the most commonly performed machining operation in manufac-
turing industries. Therefore, the analysis and improvement of this process are of
great importance in increasing productivity and competitiveness, where many
existing studies reported on the optimization and improvement of this process [1,
2]. There are many machines that perform drilling operations including dedicated
drilling machines, lathes, milling machines, machining centers and special pur-
pose machines. The drilling process is extensively and heavily used in industries,
accounting for a large portion of overall machining time and costs. Therefore,
drilling has a significant economic role in industries, where it hugely contributes to
the fabrication of various industrial parts [3].
Hole-making processes using drilling operations have been the focus of many
research studies, where a lot of development and progress has been made. However,
as technology has progressed and newer tools and equipment have been introduced,
further research is required to improve the productivity and efficiency of this
important operation, which forms the core of activities in many industries [4, 5].
For example, the heat exchangers of nuclear energy centrals require up to 16,000
holes in a single exchanger for assembly with refrigeration tubes [6]. Other examples
include the automotive industry, where the drilling process forms up to 40% of total
material removed [7], or the aerospace industry where millions of holes are required
for joining various parts of aircraft fuselage [8]. It is estimated that 750,000 holes are
required in a single wing of an Airbus A380, with 1.5–3 million holes as the require-
ments for producing a typical commercial aircraft [7]. Furthermore, over a million
rivets are needed for large ships [9] where drilling is the primary process. Therefore,
a proper selection of machine tools and equipment, cutting tools and parameters
is essential in achieving required productivity, dimensional accuracy, and surface
roughness. This subsequently helps industries achieve success and improve the
service life of their products.
. The drilling process
In the drilling process, holes are created when a cylindrical tool rotates against a
workpiece, where a tool called a drill bit is used as shown in Figure  [10, 11]. The
drilling operation process involves three stages: the start and centering stage, the
full drilling stage and the breakthrough stage [12]. In the first stage, the exact posi-
tion of the hole is required, whereas the second stage leads to the full engagement of
the drill bit, whilst the last stage includes passing the drill through the underside of
the workpiece, where the operation stops [13].
A hole in the drilling process can be created in many forms, including blind and
through holes, as shown in Figure . Blind holes are drilled to a certain depth whilst
through-holes refer to the condition when the drill bit passes through the material
and exits the workpiece on the other side [13].
Generally, a depth to diameter ratio of 5:1 or greater is commonly performed by
twist drills, where this ratio may be doubled when using high-performance twist
drills equipped with through-tool coolant systems. This ratio can be increased to
roughly 20:1 when using special deep hole drilling tools equipped with through-tool
coolant systems. Whilst this chapter focuses on the use of twist drills, it is worth-
noting that a depth to diameter ratio of 100:1 or more is achievable in gun-drilling
machines with through-tool coolant systems. Unlike conventional drilling opera-
tions, within gun-drilling machines both the cutting tool and workpiece rotate in
opposite directions and at different rotational speeds, which significantly improves
the straightness of the deep hole that is generated [14].
Figure 1.
Standard twist drill nomenclature [11].
Analysis of the Performance of Drilling Operations for Improving Productivity
. Cutting conditions in drilling process
To a large extent, cutting conditions determine the success of any drilling opera-
tion. Basic cutting conditions include cutting speed, feed rate, material removal
rate, and machining time, as discussed in this section below.
. Spindle speed and cutting speed
The spindle speed is the rotational speed measured in rev/min, calculated using
a tachometer during the drilling process. The spindle speed is used to compute
desired cutting speed, defined as the distance travelled by each cutting edge on the
surface of the workpiece when cutting material. Therefore, cutting speed in a drill-
ing operation is computed by.
is the cutting speed in m/min,
= 3.14,
is the diameter of the
cutting tool in mm, and
is the spindle speed in rev/min.
. Feed and feed rate
In a drilling process feed is specified in mm/rev. The feed rate, which is the linear
travel rate in mm/min, can be adjusted by a convenient system when the feed is
multiplied by the spindle speed. Hence, feed rate can be found as.
f fn=
where r
is the feed rate in mm/min,
is the feed in mm/rev, and
is the
spindle speed in rev/min.
. Material removal rate
The material removal rate can be considered as an index for the determination
of the efficiency of a machining process. In a drilling process, material removal is
obtained by [15].
Figure 2.
Drilling process: (a) blind holes (b) through holes [10].
rr r
M df
4 (3)
is the material removal rate in mm3,
is the diameter of the drill in
mm, and
is the feed rate in mm/min.
. Drilling time
Drilling time is the time a tool is engaged from the beginning of chip produc-
tion to the end for uninterrupted machining. Any pause during this process, either
planned or unplanned, is not included in this time. The drilling time in minutes for
through holes can be determined by [15].
= (4)
where Tm is drilling time in minutes,
is the distance travelled by the cutting
tool in mm, and
is the feed rate in mm/min.
It should be noted that the drill bit should travel the distance L (see Figure ),
which consists of the desired depth of the hole plus an allowance for the tool point
given by.
tan 90
is the allowance in mm,
is the diameter of the drill in mm, and
the tool point angle in degrees.
. Aluminium alloys
Aluminium and its alloys are very attractive to many manufacturing indus-
tries due to its unique combinations of properties with outstanding engineering
applications across various industries [16, 17]. Aluminium has low density, rea-
sonably high strength, high ductility, high thermal and electrical conductivities,
good oxidation and corrosion resistance, easy to manufacture and has a relatively
low cost [18].
The high strength-to-weight ratio of aluminium alloys makes them suitable for
wide use in marine, automotive and aerospace industries [19]. The various grades
of aluminium alloys used in the aviation industry can be found in reference [5].
Aluminium and its alloys are also used in home appliances, construction industries,
electrical, electronic, packaging industries, etc. [16, 19].
Aluminium alloys are divided into workable alloys and cast alloys. Alloys of
aluminium that undergo hot or cold mechanical working processes are termed as
workable alloys, while those whose shape is obtained by the casting process are
known as cast alloys [19].
Aluminium alloys are generally considered more machinable than ferrous alloys;
however, their ductile nature results in high machining forces, poor surface rough-
ness and difficult control of chips, whereas those with hard particles can cause high
tool wear [19].
Analysis of the Performance of Drilling Operations for Improving Productivity
. Multi-spindle drilling for productivity improvement
Multi-spindle drilling is used in manufacturing industries to improve produc-
tivity as they can drill many holes simultaneously, which reduces machining time
significantly. The multi-spindle or poly-drill head gives high center-to-center
accuracy and in many instances eliminates the need for the use of drilling jigs,
and this further decreases drilling time and cost. Therefore, in today’s competitive
market, it is essential to produce a large number of products at the right time with
high quality and at minimum cost, where the use of a multi-spindle drill head is one
way to fulfil this goal. A multi-spindle drill head can simultaneously drill from two
to ten or more holes on the same plane [20]. The multi-spindle drill head produces
a number of holes of similar quality in the most economical way, providing a high
level of automation with a small investment [21].
Multi-spindle drilling technology is used to increase productivity whilst reduc-
ing machining time in working conditions where a large number of closely-spaced
holes need to be drilled. A good example of this is the manufacturing of aircraft
fuselage and construction of metal bridges, where a large number of riveting holes
are required. Figure  shows a section of the Golden Gate Bridge which has been
constructed using a large number of rivets. It is estimated that approximately
600,000 rivets are used in this structure [22].
Multi-spindle or poly-drill heads are mounted on a machine tool to perform
many operations simultaneously [23]. Multi-spindle drill heads are either fixed
or flexible. The tool positions in fixed multi-spindle drill heads cannot change.
Whereas in the flexible type the positions of tools can be adjusted as needed within
a particular range [24]. Figure  shows an adjustable 3-spindle drill head [25].
The importance of using this poly drill head instead of using a single drill bit is
the possibility of producing high quality drilled holes, the elimination of a drilling
jig for maintaining a high center-to-center tolerance, fewer rejections, reducing
Figure 3.
Thousands of rivets are used in the structure of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, United States.
machining time, increasing profit rate and less operator fatigue [26]. Therefore,
it is worth noting that the use of multi-spindle drilling is an excellent choice to
improve productivity and reduce machining time for manufacturing industries
requiring the production of a large number of holes with stringent tolerances.
Therefore, the advantages of using the multi-spindle head are listed below [23]:
• The increase in productivity at a higher rate
• The performance of multiple operations in one cycle
• The time for one hole is the time for multiple numbers of holes
• The multi-spindle drilling ensures positional accuracy
• Elimination or reduction of the need for drilling jigs
• Less quality control rejections
• Easy to install and use anywhere
• Easy to operate and low maintenance
• Simple in construction and robust in design
. Cutting mechanisms in the drilling of aluminium
In the machining process, when a tool penetrates inside a metal workpiece, it
produces an internal shearing action in the metal where the metal becomes severely
stressed. This causes the metal to be plastically deformed and flow in the form of
chips when the ultimate shear strength of the metal is exceeded [27]. In the drill-
ing process, the thrust force is the perpendicular force to the workpiece during its
translational motion while the torque comes from the machine spindle to rotate the
tool during drilling operation. Other forces in drilling are not important as they are
small compared to the thrust force [28]. It should be noted that high cutting forces
affect hole quality and tool life [29]. Forces generated in the drilling of metals are
uniform where uncut chip thickness is constant [30].
Figure 4.
An adjustable 3-spindle drill head [25].
Analysis of the Performance of Drilling Operations for Improving Productivity
Experimental studies have shown that thrust force generated in multi-spindle
drilling is higher than that obtained in one-shot single drilling processes of alu-
minum alloy Al5083 [31]. The higher thrust force occurs due to the combination
of more than one tool operating simultaneously in one go. However, the results of
experiments have concluded that the average of all the tools’ thrust force per tool in
multi-spindle drilling was slightly lower than the thrust force resulting from single
drilling [31]. In addition to thrust force, another important parameter in a drilling
process is the increase in cutting temperature [32]. A higher cutting temperature
increases the ductility of the material which results in the formation of long chips,
which negatively affects the hole quality [33]. A high temperature may also increase
the chemical interaction between aluminium and the tool coating that is responsible
for inter-atomic diffusion [34]. The cutting temperature increases due to heat
generation which is the result of an increase in cutting speed [35].
Further, in machining ductile materials like aluminium, there is a chance of
producing continuous chips due to the plastic deformation of its ductile nature.
Other factors that contribute to the formation of continuous chips are high cutting
speed, sharp cutting edge, etc. Continuous chips are not easy to handle and dispose
of, where they can get tangled around the tool and pose safety issues to the opera-
tor. Additionally, when a tool face is in contact for a long time, it results in more
frictional heat and affects machining. Therefore, discontinuous and segmented chips
produce less friction between the tool and chip; hence, resulting in a better surface
finish and providing higher operator safety [27].
. Cutting tool and spindle adjustment in multi-spindle drilling of aluminium
As mentioned earlier, the best performance in a drilling process is obtained
when using appropriate cutting tools, where the correct process conditions are
used to reduce the level of damage as much as possible [27]. The most commonly
used drill bit is the twist drill, as shown in Figure , which represents the industrial
standard [36]. The important features of the twist drill include the point angle,
clearance angle, chisel edge angle, drill diameter, web thickness, the rake angle,
etc. The rake angle in drills is specified as the helix angle [13]. The high point angle
and large helix angle are recommended for better hole quality and less tool wear
[37]. The large point angle also contributes to producing thinner chips during the
machining of aluminium alloys [38]. However, the point angle should be selected
based on silicon contents in aluminium alloys [39].
Experimental studies performed in references [31, 40] have shown that tools
used for multi-spindle drilling give less formation of built-up edges as compared to
the single drilling process of aluminum alloy Al5083 due to differences in chip size
when uncoated High-Speed Steel (HSS) drills with a point angle of 118° and size
of 6mm were used. The experiments were conducted using a conventional milling
machine for both single drilling and multi-spindle drilling processes, and the same
drilling parameters and conditions were applied. For the multi-spindle drilling
process, a SUNHER poly-drill head, as shown in Figure , was used.
Multi-spindle drilling experiments were further extended and uncoated HSS
drills were tested on aluminium alloy Al2024 and compared with uncoated carbide
drills with a point angle of 140° and a diameter of 6mm. Apart from aluminum alloy
Al2024, the 6mm uncoated carbide drills were also used for multi-spindle drilling
of aluminium alloys Al5083 and Al6061. In addition, 6mm uncoated carbide drills
were used to compare different center-to-center tool distances of the spindle in the
multi-spindle drilling process. Further, a comparison of 6mm and 10mm uncoated
carbide drills with the same point angle of 140° were also made [41, 42].
In general, the uncoated carbide drill has been recommended in multi-spindle
drilling of aluminium as compared to the uncoated HSS drills due to the high
built-up edge formation because of its moderate strength, as shown in Figure . The
drill diameter did not show any significant changes in affecting the hole quality;
however, the larger drill size covered a larger cross-sectional area that resulted in
a higher thrust force and producing larger chips. Therefore, for the smaller drill
size, an easier chip breaking and evacuation was resulted. Furthermore, the larger
point angle of 140° - compared to 118° - provided a better hole quality but did not
contribute to changing the size or shape of the chips.
The tool conditions from Figure  also shows that when drilling aluminium
alloy Al5083, a large built-up edge was formed, which was expected due to low
silicon contents, where this is in agreement with research conducted by Akyüz [43]
in which alloys with low silicon contents produce a high built-up edge. Additionally,
the low hardness value of the material used in this operation might be another cause
of high formation of the built-up edge because alloys with low hardness values have
a high tendency towards the formation of built-up edges [44].
Multi-spindle drilling is useful in its easy adjustment of tools. Depending on
the type and use, the tools of a multi-spindle head can be adjusted to any position
without affecting the results, which not only increases productivity at a high rate but
also produces high-quality holes. This is performed at the same time, whereas only a
single hole is produced in one-shot single drilling process without a compromise on
the hole quality.
. Quality assessment of drilled holes in multi-spindle drilling of aluminium
In any drilling process, it is important to ensure that damage-free and precise
holes are produced to avoid rejection of parts [45]. For example, poor hole qual-
ity has been observed in 60% of aircraft components [5], which is of course a
Figure 5.
The 3-spindle Suhner multi-spindle drill head mounted on conventional milling machine (Courtesy: Edith
Cowan University, Australia).
Analysis of the Performance of Drilling Operations for Improving Productivity
Figure 6.
Tool conditions after performing the drilling operation on different types of aluminium alloys using the multi-
spindle drill head.
challenging problem. Hence, there is a need to control the number of rejected parts
by overcoming problems related to the drilling process, especially the quality of
drilled-holes [45]. A poor quality hole can create regions of concentrated stress that
increase the chances of formation of fatigue cracks, which reduces the reliability
of products [46]. Desirable hole quality in drilling operations can be achieved by
proper selection of drilling process parameters, appropriate cutting tools, and
machine setup [47].
In the experimental study by Aamir et al. [31], a single drilling process was
compared with multi-spindle simultaneous drilling of aluminium alloy Al5083
using uncoated HSS tools. The drill diameter was 6mm and the point angle was
118°. All drilling experiments were conducted using the same cutting parameters
and in a dry environment. The hole quality produced by multi-spindle drilling was
better than those obtained in a single-spindle drilling process. The holes drilled by
the multi-spindle head had a lower surface roughness and fewer burrs around the
holes. This was expected due to differences in chip formation.
Hole quality in a drilling process is also affected by the chemical composition
and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys. An experimental study in multi-
spindle drilling of aluminium alloys Al5083, Al6061, and Al2024 by Aamir et al.
[42] concluded that regardless of drilling parameters, low surface roughness was
obtained in aluminium alloy Al6061 due to its high silicon content. Literature has
shown that alloys with high silicon content result in low surface roughness irre-
spective of drilling parameters [43, 48]. Furthermore, the reason for high surface
roughness of aluminium alloy Al5083 might be due to the poor machinability and
low hardness [44].
Aamir et al. [42] observed that less burrs formed around the hole edges of
aluminium alloy Al2024 due to its good machinability compared with the alu-
minium alloys Al6061 and Al5083. Further, the less ductile nature of aluminium
alloy Al6061 - in comparison with aluminium alloy Al5083 - resulted in the low
formation of burrs. Hence, high ductility and poor machinability properties led to
the formation of more burrs in aluminium alloy Al5083 [49]. Additionally, uncoated
HSS drills produced low-quality holes by giving high surface roughness and more
formation of burrs around the edges of holes due to the high built-up edges because
of its moderate strength. Moreover, a larger point angle of 140° - compared to 118°-
and a smaller diameter of 6mm - in comparison to a drill size of 10mm – have been
recommended for multi-hole simultaneous drilling of aluminium alloys. However,
the drill diameter did not show any significant effect on hole quality including the
surface roughness and burrs [41]. Figure  shows the quality of holes in terms of
burr formation in multi-spindle drilling of aluminium alloys.
Regardless of drilling parameters, the workpiece materials and different tools,
the surface roughness increases with increasing the cutting speed and feed rate. The
likely reasons for high surface roughness at high cutting speeds might include the
increase in workpiece deformation due to rise in temperature and the chances of
high vibrations exerted by the tools [7, 47]. The high cutting speed and feed rate are
responsible for the formation of burrs that reduces the hole quality. However, the
high impact is due to the feed rate because stable, jerk-free and slow insertions of
drills are possible with low feed rates which form thin chips; hence, the hole quality
is less affected [50]. Further, according to Costa et al. [51], any factor that causes
the generation of high thrust force results in more formation of burrs, and the high
feed rate increases thrust force. Additionally, due to less formation of burrs, the tool
entry side of the holes was found to be better than those on the tool exit side. This is
likely due to the different mechanism of burr formation at the entry and exit sides
of the holes. According to Zhu et al. [52], the tearing occurs as a bending action
followed by clean shearing or lateral extrusion causing entrance burrs while exit
Analysis of the Performance of Drilling Operations for Improving Productivity
burrsformed as a result of plastic deformation of the materials. Besides this, low
temperature and thrust force are the reasons for small burrs on the entry side of the
hole which can be removed by chamfering [53].
. Conclusions
Many industries, such as automotive and aerospace, produce millions of holes
per day where productivity, quality, and precision of drilled holes plays a vital role
in their success. Multi-spindle drilling is capable of producing more drilled-holes
with higher rates, which makes it advantageous in high-volume production with
uniform qualities, simultaneous machining, and most importantly reducing the
drilling time which is one of the important factors in achieving greater productivity.
Figure 7.
Hole quality in terms of burr formation in multi-spindle drilling of aluminium alloys using the multi-
spindle head.
Author details
MajidTolouei-Rad* and MuhammadAamir
School of Engineering, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup,WA, Australia
*Address all correspondence to:
Therefore, the production of a large number of closely-spaced holes simultaneously
by using a poly-drill or multi-spindle drill head results in achieving higher pro-
ductivity and quality. This approach not only enhances the competitiveness of the
process but also results in cost reduction and uniformity of generated holes.
Further, it can be concluded that hole quality is affected by drilling parameters
and properties of the workpiece. Alloys of aluminium with high silicon contents
show lower values of surface roughness while those with low hardness and poor
machinability provide poor hole quality. The experiments also show that uncoated
carbide tools are more suitable compared to uncoated HSS for producing high-qual-
ity holes, resulting in the formation of less built-up edges when drilling aluminium
alloys. Moreover, the aluminium alloy Al2024 produced better results in terms of
hole quality due to its good machinability compared with aluminum alloys Al6061
and Al5083.
The authors would like to thank Edith Cowan University, Australia for the
awarded (ECU-HDR) higher degree research scholarship and for providing support
on this research.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
© 2021 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
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... The existing literature suggests that MDMT is a promising approach for improving the efficiency and accuracy of drilling processes [10]. However, further research is needed to fully understand this approach's capabilities and limitations and develop new techniques and tools to enhance its effectiveness. ...
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Multi-hole Drilling with Multiple Tool dimensions (MDMT) is a crucial technique in today’s industry, allowing manufacturers to satisfy the increasing demand for precise and high-quality components while adopting the latest technological advancements and environmental standards. This paper introduces and validates a computational model for MDMT, offering numerous advantages over conventional drilling methods, including enhanced efficiency, accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility. The computational model was developed for the MDMT problem using the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) concept to measure the total toolpath distance. The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Genetic Algorithm (GA) are applied to solving 12 cases of MDMT problems with varying numbers of holes, classified as small, medium, and large, using MATLAB software R2022b. Note that the algorithms were evaluated based on their solution quality, with lower fitness values indicating better performance. Overall, GA performed the best across most hole configurations, achieving the optimal fitness value in 5 out of 12 cases (small, medium, and large), ACO performed better in 4 out of 12 cases (small and medium) and PSO performed better in 3 out of 12 cases (medium and large). The research emphasizes the potential of multi-dimensional tools for accomplishing intricate drilling tasks. Other than that, this paper contributes to the existing literature on MDMT and highlights the importance of multi-dimensional tools in modern manufacturing. Future research could optimize the proposed computational model for various materials and drilling scenarios in MDMT.
... 6 As a result, inappropriate drilling parameters, sudden tool wear, and poor hole quality can result in part rejection, increasing overall production costs, and time. 7,8 Many industries produce millions of holes, and e®ective drilling is regarded as a critical aspect of their success. Through the appropriate choice of independent parameters, tools, and machine con¯gurations, high-quality holes are feasible. ...
Primary manufacturing processes like casting, forming, and shaping (forging, rolling, drawing, extrusion, sheet forming, and molding) further need any of the secondary manufacturing processes like turning, drilling, boring, planing, milling, grinding, etc. In order to produce superior quality products, and to enhance productivity, the selection of desirable process parameters is significant. The selection of suitable process parameters is essential for accomplishing the desired component. Based on the existing literature, this study examines the causes, effects, and variances regarding chip formation, tool geometry, thrust force, torque, surface roughness, drilling time, and other drilling quality characteristics in the most typical machining operations such as drilling. Developing a repository on these process parameters will guide the process planning engineer for ready reckon. Therefore, this work aims at the development of a detailed repository with the study of characteristics. Further, this literature review comprehends the characteristics of a behavior with its reasoning, which was detailed in the past decade. It reveals the beneficial process parameters for achieving better production rate and superior quality.
... Optimizing these factors can reduce the machining time by increasing the material's overall machinability. This shifting will depend on straightforward aspects, such as the selected machining process, and characteristics such as needed tools, machining equipment, and specifications that will rely on the material's mechanical properties [1,2]. ...
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Machinability, along with its associated facets, is a critical parameter that ultimately determines the cost of machining. Its optimization, however, is inherently limited by the current technology. To surmount such limitations, novel alternative machining technologies, such as Ultrasonic Assisted Machining (UAM), have emerged. The present study introduces UAM, the technology’s underlying principles, and general considerations for vibration application (harmonic waves, eigenfrequencies, resonance). The influence of ultrasonic application on the key parameters of conventional machining processes is studied and relevant research data are presented to support UAM benefits. Following, a comprehensive kinematic examination of vibration application to the milling process is conducted, accounting for various possible vibration modes. A detailed analysis of the requisite system components and their technical specifications is presented, followed by identifying common issues within such systems. Solutions for the identified limitations are proposed, acting as design guidelines for future technological advancements. Finally, based on the conducted research, conclusions are drawn and future directions for UAM are suggested.
... These include developments of new methods in production methods and systems and optimization for improving productivity or maximizing profit. For example, drilling as the most used production process is still the subject of study for improvement by contemporary researchers, and many of these works can be found in the literature [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. There are also reports on the improvements of conventional and nonconventional production processes [9][10][11], optimization of processes [6,12,13], and enhancement of properties [14]. ...
... To tackle this, extensive research has been performed by contemporary researchers and models are developed for feasibility analysis of the utilization of such machines; both technically and economically [7][8][9]. The models developed can assist engineers Another essential accessory for the drilling operation is the poly-drill head, which can increase production by creating many holes simultaneously [10]. Poly-drill heads are used for drilling and drilling-related operations. ...
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This book presents the latest findings of scientists and engineers for enhancing the quality and performance of drilling in various industries. It covers interesting topics on conventional and multi-spindle drilling operations, challenges of machining widely used aluminum alloys, non-conventional drilling using the hybrid EDM+ECM method, development of CNC machines, and the loss of circulation in the drilling of oil wells.
... To tackle this, extensive research has been performed by contemporary researchers and models are developed for feasibility analysis of the utilization of such machines; both technically and economically [7][8][9]. The models developed can assist engineers Another essential accessory for the drilling operation is the poly-drill head, which can increase production by creating many holes simultaneously [10]. Poly-drill heads are used for drilling and drilling-related operations. ...
... The common problems associated with the drilling process include the high surface finish, high circularity error, deviation of the holes from the nominal size, and burr formation around the hole edges [3][4][5]. Therefore, improper drilling parameters, low hole quality, and rapid tool wear may lead to part rejection, which increases the total manufacturing cost and time [6,7]. ...
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Millions of holes are produced in many industries where efficient drilling is considered the key factor in their success. High-quality holes are possible with the proper selection of drilling process parameters, appropriate tools, and machine setup. This paper deals with the effects of drilling parameters such as spindle speed and feed rate on the chips analysis and the hole quality like surface roughness, hole size, circularity, and burr formation. Al7075-T6 alloy, commonly used in the aerospace industry, was used for the drilling process, and the dry drilling experiments were performed using high-speed steel drill bits. Results have shown that surface roughness decreased with the increase in spindle speed and increased with the increase in the feed rate. The hole size increased with the high spindle speed, whereas the impact of spindle speed on circularity error was found insignificant. Furthermore, short and segmented chips were achieved at a high feed rate and low spindle speed. The percentage contribution of each input parameter on the output drilling parameters was evaluated using analysis of variance (ANOVA).
The drilling of composite structure leads to its damage, near the peripheral areas of the drilled hole, due to the laminar structure of the composites. The goodness of a drilling process can be evaluated by measuring the extent of the damage caused by it. In the present study, lock-in thermography non-destructive inspection method is proposed to characterise the drilling damages in glass fiber–reinforced polymer panel. A semi-automated image processing methodology is proposed to calculate damage parameters, namely delamination area and size, and delamination factor. The effect of excitation frequency on the damage characterisation is studied to decide the optimum frequency range to measure the damage parameters through signal-to-noise ratio and damage visibility. The damage parameters are measured at optimum frequency. The study showed that the lock-in thermography technique has the potential to characterise drilling damage.
Despite the growth of composites and other lightweight materials, aluminium alloys remain an attractive choice for the aerospace industry due to their distinct manufacturing processes, good resistance to fatigue crack growth and superior damage tolerance. In the aerospace industry, the drilling process is widely used among all the machining processes as millions of holes are required to produce riveted and bolted joints in the assembly operation of the aircraft's structures. The major challenges which arise from the drilling of these alloys are characterized by the low hole quality, which might initiate cracks within the airframe structure and reducing their reliability. This results in the rejection of parts at the assembly stage, which directly impacts the manufacturing cost. Hence, an appropriate selection of tool geometry, tool materials and coatings, cutting speed, feed rate, and drilling machines is required to meet the requirements of machined parts. The large number of holes required for riveting means that their installation must be carried out in a fast and precise manner. This can be achieved by using multi-head drilling tools that can drill several holes simultaneously. Therefore, in this study, a simultaneous multi-hole drilling approach was used to investigate the important drilling output parameters, such as the thrust force, chips formation, post-drilling tool conditions and hole metrics including surface roughness, deviation of hole from the nominal size, circularity, cylindricity, perpendicularity, and burrs formation under dry conditions. Moreover, the inside hole surface defects and top and bottom hole edges were examined using scanning electron microscopy. The investigations were based on different cutting parameters, the maximum and minimum possible center-to-center spindle distances of the multi-spindle head, tool geometry, tool materials and four types of tool coatings (TiN-, TiCN-, TiAlN-, and TiSiN). Furthermore, analysis of variance was employed for estimating the relationships between the input parameters (spindle speed, feed, and tool coating) and the studied hole quality metrics. The focus was mainly on Al2024 alloys, which is commonly used as an aerospace structural material. The results show that uncoated carbide drills with high point angle and smaller diameter generated less thrust force, produced higher quality holes, and formed a lower built-up edge due to short chips. The common surface damage found on the inner hole surface was smearing, feed marks, and metal debris adhesion. The results also show that the uncoated carbide drills performed better at low spindle speeds, while TiCN-coated drills produced better hole quality at higher spindle speeds. Regarding the coated drills, TiCN-coated drills produced holes with the least deviation, circularity, cylindricity and perpendicularity at high spindle speeds. TiSiN-carbide coated drills produced the most oversized holes and noticeable damage and deformations on their surface following TiAlN and TiN. Besides, tools of the multi-spindle head can be adjusted in any position without affecting the hole quality, which is useful for increasing productivity at a higher rate in manufacturing industries.
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The integrity of machined holes depends on many parameters, some of which are related to the cutting tool (geometry, coating, material). Other influential parameters are related to the machining process variables (spindle speed, feed rate, workpiece material), all of which can affect the quality of the hole and drilling induced damage on its surface. This study investigates the effect of uncoated tools and four types of tool coatings (TiN-, TiCN-, TiAlN-, and TiSiN) on the hole quality and its microstructure. The study analyzed several hole geometrical metrics, namely hole size, circularity, cylindricity, and perpendicularity of an Al2024 aluminum alloy using a multi-spindle drilling process that utilizes three drills capable of creating multiple holes simultaneously. The results showed that the uncoated carbide drill gave a high-hole quality at low spindle speed. Regarding the coated drills, TiCN coated drills produced holes with the least deviation, circularity, cylindricity and perpendicularity at high spindle speeds. TiSiN–carbide coated drills produced the most oversized holes and noticeable damage and deformations on their surface following TiAlN and TiN. The common surface damage found on the inner hole surface was smearing, feed marks, and metal debris adhesion. The ANOVA results revealed that the tool type had the highest percentage contribution that mainly affected the hole quality
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Multi-spindle drilling simultaneously produces multiple holes to save time and increase productivity. The assessment of hole quality is important in any drilling process and is influenced by characteristics of the cutting tool, drilling parameters and machine capacity. This study investigates the drilling performance of uncoated carbide, and coated carbide (TiN and TiCN) drills when machining Al2024 aluminium alloy. Thrust force and characteristics of hole quality, such as the presence of burrs and surface roughness, were evaluated. The results show that the uncoated carbide drills performed better than the TiN and TiCN coated tools at low spindle speeds, while TiCN coated drills produced better hole quality at higher spindle speeds. The TiN coated drills gave the highest thrust force and poorest hole quality when compared with the uncoated carbide and TiCN coated carbide drills. Additionally, a multi-layer perceptron neural network model was developed, which could be useful for industries and manufacturing engineers for predicting the surface roughness in multi-hole simultaneous drilling processes.
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The use of the multi-spindle head in drilling technology can reduce the drilling cycle time by simultaneously producing multiple holes in one go. However, selecting the appropriate drill material and geometry is critical to overcoming the challenges of multi-hole drilling to ensure high-quality holes. This study investigates the use of the multi-spindle head with different tool configuration, tool materials and tool geometry during multi-hole simultaneous drilling of Al2024. A comparison is made among the high-speed steel drills (diameter: 6 mm; point angle: 118°) and two different carbide drills (diameter: 6 mm and 10 mm; point angle: 140°) as well as the maximum and minimum possible centre to centre tool distances of the multi-spindle head. The experiments are based on measuring the thrust force, evaluating the hole quality in terms of surface roughness and burrs, the formation of chips and post-drilling tool conditions. The results showed that carbide drills with high point angle and smaller diameter generated less thrust force, produced higher quality holes, and formed less built-up edge due to short chips. Besides, tools of the multi-spindle head can be adjusted in any position without affecting the hole quality which is useful for increasing productivity at a higher rate in manufacturing industries.
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Carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite is becoming popular in supply and demand trend among the industry players especially in aerospace industry. This material can be applied into various applications in the industries due to the features such as strength-to-weight ratio and rigidity, which is suitable for the aircraft with the highest weight ratio or low weight for high-performance automobile racing. This chapter covers comprehensively regarding CFRP and their machinability. The first section explains three major types of composite materials and its features including a brief highlight about the development of composite materials. Next section covers the fundamental of machining characteristics and the tool development, which is focusing on the machining of fibre reinforced polymer composites. Furthermore, this section focuses on drilling aspects because it is the most challenging machining process compared with sawing, planning, turning, milling and other conventional machining process. The third section highlights the development of drilled hole measurement techniques, which focusing on the prominent development of the delamination factor (Fd) ratio. The final part summarizes the outlook of exploiting this composite material in term of machining parameters. This chapter reviews the experimental progress in drilling of CFRP composites, which is intended to help readers to obtain the latest views in order to develop the appropriate machining parameters.
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Despite the growth of composites and other lightweight materials, aluminium alloys remain an attractive choice of the aerospace industry due to their mature manufacturing processes, good resistance to fatigue crack growth and superior damage tolerance. In the aerospace industry, the drilling process is the most challenging among all the other machining process as millions of holes are required for producing riveted and bolted joints in the assembly operation of the aircraft's structures. The major challenges which arise from the drilling of these alloys are characterized by the poor hole quality which might initiate cracks within the airframe structure and reduces their reliability. This results in the rejection of parts at the assembly stage which directly impacts the manufacturing cost. Hence, appropriate selection of tool geometry, tool material and coatings, optimal cutting speed and feed rate, as well as drilling machines, is required to meet the requirement of machined parts. This motivates both academia and industries to further research on the application of drilling operations in the aircraft industry. This review aims to document details on drilling forces, drilling parameters, drill tool geometry, drill materials and coatings, chips formation, analysis of tool wear and hole metrics such as the hole size and circularity error, surface roughness, and burrs formation during the drilling of different aluminium alloys used in the aerospace industry. The focus will be mainly on Al2024 and Al7075 alloys since they are most commonly used and reported in the open literature.
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Aluminium alloys are extensively used in different industries due to their good mechanical properties, machinability, low cost and reliable inspection. Drilling is one of the most important machining processes for assembly operations. The number of holes required in an assembly may vary from several holes to millions depending on the application which increases the manufacturing time and costs. In this study, a multi-spindle drill head also known as the poly-drill head is used to perform multi-hole simultaneous drilling with the aim to increase productivity. Dry drilling tests are performed on Al2024, Al6061, and Al5083 aluminium alloys using uncoated carbide tools. Thrust force, hole quality in terms of surface roughness, burr and chip formation, as well as post-machining tool conditions, were investigated under different drilling parameters. Experimental results showed that Al2024 produced fewer burrs around the hole edges, less built-up edge on tools and formed short and broken chips. Holes machined in Al6061 alloy had a good surface roughness while lowest thrust force was recorded in holes drilled in Al5083 alloy.
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Poly-drill heads are used in mass production to increase productivity when a large number of holes are required. In this work, drilling experiments on Al5083 aluminium alloy were carried out using a poly-drill head to measure the thrust force and assess hole quality. Analysis of chip formations and post-machining tool condition were evaluated using optical microscopy. Additional drilling tests were conducted using one-shot drilling and results obtained from the two drilling techniques were evaluated against each other. The results showed that the average thrust forces obtained from poly-drill head were slightly lower than those from one-shot drilling. Improvement in hole quality in terms of surface roughness and reduction in chip length were achieved using the poly-drill head. Furthermore, visual inspection of the tools showed that adhesion and built-up edges on drills used in the poly-drill head were lower as compared to drills used in the one-shot drilling. The contribution of input parameters on the measured outputs was determined using an ANOVA statistical tool.
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In industries such as aerospace and automotive, drilling many holes is commonly required to assemble different structures where machined holes need to comply with tight geometric tolerances. Multi-spindle drilling using a poly-drill head is an industrial hole-making approach that allows drilling several holes simultaneously. Optimizing process parameters also improves machining processes. This work focuses on the optimization of drilling parameters and two drilling processes—namely, one-shot drilling and multi-hole drilling—using the Taguchi method. Analysis of variance and regression analysis was implemented to indicate the significance of drilling parameters and their impact on the measured responses i.e., surface roughness and hole size. From the Taguchi optimization, optimal drilling parameters were found to occur at a low cutting speed and feed rate using a poly-drill head. Furthermore, a fuzzy logic approach was employed to predict the surface roughness and hole size. It was found that the fuzzy measured values were in good agreement with the experimental values; therefore, the developed models can be effectively used to predict the surface roughness and hole size in multi-hole drilling. Moreover, confirmation tests were performed to validate that the Taguchi optimized levels and fuzzy developed models effectively represent the surface roughness and hole size.
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Drilling is considered as one of the most challenging problems in aerospace structures where stringent tolerances are required for fasteners such as rivets and bolts to join the mating parts for final assembly. Fiber-reinforced polymers are widely used in aeronautical applications due to their superior properties. One of the major challenges in machining such polymers is the poor drilled-hole quality which reduces the strength of the composite and leads to part rejection at the assembly stage. In addition, rapid tool wear due to the abrasive nature of composites requires frequent tool changes which results in high tooling and machining costs. This review intended to give in-depth details on the progress of drilling of fiber-reinforced polymers with special attention given to carbon fiber reinforced polymers. The objective is to give a comprehensive understanding of the role of drilling parameters and composite properties on the drilling-induced damage in machined holes. Additionally, the review examines the drilling process parameters and its optimization techniques, and the effects of dust particles on human health during the machining process. This review will provide scientific and industrial communities with advantages and disadvantages through better drilled-hole quality inspection.
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Hole quality in drilling is considered a precursor for a reliable and secure component assembly, ensuring product integrity and functioning service life. This paper aims to evaluate the influence of the key process parameters on drilling performance. A series of drilling tests with new TiN coated HSS bits are performed, while thrust force and torque are measured with the aid of an in-house built force dynamometer. The effect of process mechanics on hole quality, e.g. dimensional accuracy, burr formation, surface finish, is evaluated in relation to drill bit wear and chip formation mechanism. Experimental results indicate that the feedrate which dictates the uncut chip thickness and material removal rate is the most dominant factor, significantly impacting force and hole quality. For given spindle speed range, maximum increase of axial force and torque is 44.94% and 47.65%, respectively, when feedrate increases from 0.04 mm/rev to 0.08 mm/rev. Stable, jerk-free cutting at feedrate of as low as 0.04 mm/rev is shown to result in hole dimensional error of less than 2%. A low feedrate along with high spindle speed may be preferred. The underlying tool wear mechanism and progression needs to be taken into account when drilling of a large number of holes. The findings of the paper clearly signify the importance and choice of drilling parameters and provide guidelines for manufacturing industries to enhance part’s dimensional integrity and productivity.
Three novel drill geometries, multipoint, step and double cone, were designed and experimentally evaluated to understand the effect of tool geometries on the machining performance of dry drilling Al/Ti stack. Results showed that the double cone drill achieved a better hole quality and a higher efficiency due to the smaller thrust force, broken chips, and less burrs compared to the other two drill geometries. The multipoint drill generated serrated chips in titanium alloy drilling. Significant microstructure deformation occurred in the adiabatic shear band (ASB) and the second shear band. Visible cracks propagated along the ASB from the free to back surface of the chip. Phase transformation from β phase to martensite occurred in the second shear band. The drill geometry design and experimental investigation in this paper could provide guidance for drill bit design and manufacturing for Al/Ti stack drilling.