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Three-dimensional and two-dimensional relationships of gangliogenesis with folliculogenesis in mature mouse ovary: a Golgi–Cox staining approach


Abstract and Figures

The present study was set out to investigate two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) evaluations of ovarian nervous network development and the structural relationship between folliculogenesis and gangliogenesis in mouse ovaries. Adult mice ovarian tissue samples were collected from follicular and luteal phases after cardiac perfusion. Ovarian samples were stained by a Golgi–Cox protocol. Following staining, tissues were serially sectioned for imaging. Neural filaments and ganglia were present in the ovaries. In both 2D and 3D studies, an increase in the number and area of ganglia was seen during the follicular growth. The same pattern was also seen in corpora lutea development. However, in some cases such as ratio of ganglia number to follicle area, the ratio of ganglia area to follicular area, 2D findings were different compared with the 3D results. 3D analysis of ovarian gangliogenesis showed the possible direct effect of them on folliculogenesis. Golgi–Cox staining was used in this study for 3D evaluation in non-brain tissue. The results of 3D analysis of the present study showed that, in some cases, the information provided by 2D analysis does not match the reality of ovarian neuronal function. This confirmed the importance of 3D analysis for evaluation of ovarian function.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5547 | 
and two‑dimensional
relationships of gangliogenesis
with folliculogenesis in mature
mouse ovary: a Golgi–Cox staining
Mohammad Ebrahim Asadi Zarch1,7, Alireza Afshar2,7, Farhad Rahmanifar3,7,
Mohammad Reza Jafarzadeh Shirazi1*, Mandana Baghban4, Mohammad Dadpasand1,
Farzad Mohammad Rezazadeh1, Arezoo Khoradmehr2, Hossein Baharvand5,6 &
Amin Tamadon2*
The present study was set out to investigate two‑dimensional (2D) and three‑dimensional (3D)
evaluations of ovarian nervous network development and the structural relationship between
folliculogenesis and gangliogenesis in mouse ovaries. Adult mice ovarian tissue samples were
collected from follicular and luteal phases after cardiac perfusion. Ovarian samples were stained by a
Golgi–Cox protocol. Following staining, tissues were serially sectioned for imaging. Neural laments
and ganglia were present in the ovaries. In both 2D and 3D studies, an increase in the number and
area of ganglia was seen during the follicular growth. The same pattern was also seen in corpora lutea
development. However, in some cases such as ratio of ganglia number to follicle area, the ratio of
ganglia area to follicular area, 2D ndings were dierent compared with the 3D results. 3D analysis
of ovarian gangliogenesis showed the possible direct eect of them on folliculogenesis. Golgi–Cox
staining was used in this study for 3D evaluation in non‑brain tissue. The results of 3D analysis of the
present study showed that, in some cases, the information provided by 2D analysis does not match
the reality of ovarian neuronal function. This conrmed the importance of 3D analysis for evaluation of
ovarian function.
Follicles are basic units of mammalian ovary. e development of rodent’s follicles begins at neonatal period,
the stage at which primordial follicles are formed1. Each primordial follicle has an oocyte which is held at rst
prophase of meiosis and is covered by attened granulosa cells layer2. Aer female maturation the estrous cycle
starts. rough this cycle, primary, secondary, antral and preovulatory follicles develop from primordial follicles3.
At this stage, most of the antral follicles undergo atretic degeneration and a few of them, under stimulation of
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), become preovulatory follicles2,4. Aer that,
due to follicle response to LH hormone, the follicle ovulates. e remaining cell transforms and forms corpus
luteum4. e ovarian cycle in mouse strains is called estrous cycle. is cycle includes four stages: proestrus and
The Persian
            
    Department of Basic Sciences, School of Veterinary
   Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Shiraz
 Department of Stem Cells and Developmental Biology, Cell Science
           Department of
        
These authors contributed equally:
         *email:;
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estrus as follicular phase and metestrus and diestrus as luteal phase5. Ovulation and corpus luteum formation
occurs in estrus stage. Presence of corpus luteum is vital for progesterone secretion 6,7. So, due to lack of preg-
nancy, corpus luteum undergoes degeneration and progesterone secretion reduces at proestrus stage. Hence,
next estrous cycle starts8.
e mammalian’s ovary is regulated by hormonal factors and direct neuron eects9. Several studies have
demonstrated that in mouse strains there are distinct populations of neurons, both internal and external neurons.
It has been shown that the chemical phenotypes of ovarian neurons of some mouse strains are sympathetic,
similar to primates10. Due to results of previous studies, it is now well established that ovarian neurons are
derived from neural crest cells, which form with complete ovarian maturation and subsequent reproductive
functions11. Noradrenergic nerves are expressed in the ovary near birth12. It has been conclusively shown that
the total number of neurons in puberty increases and then decreases12. External nervous system of mouse ovary
has many roles. Several studies have shown its role in developmental process, cyclic stages, pregnancy, and aging
process1315. ese nerves and ganglia are responsible for ovarian estradiol secretion15. e number of internal
neurons in neonatal ovaries was lower than that of adult ovaries, some of which form ganglia and networks16.
Some neurotransmitters such as neurotrophins have an important role in follicle growth. For example,
reduction of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) can cause folliculogenesis
disorder17. Also, these nerves and ganglia can take part in pathological conditions such as polycystic ovary syn-
drome (PCOS)18. Based on the previous studies, hypothetically assumed that the ganglia may have an important
role in mice ovary function. In spite of the fact that many researchers have utilized the two-dimensional (2D)
methods for evaluation of ovarian nervous system, so far no three-dimensional (3D) analysis research has been
performed on ovarian ganglia using image processing techniques and non-immunostaining methods. e pur-
pose of the present study was to perform three-dimensional evaluation of ovarian ganglia network development
and their structural relationship with folliculogenesis in the mice ovary. Golgi–Cox staining was performed in
the ovary for imaging of ganglia.
Ganglia and ovarian structures in Golgi–Cox staining. In the present study, Golgi–Cox staining was
used for the rst time to identify the ganglia network of mouse ovaries. Also, with the help of this method
of staining and serial cryo-sectioning technique and three-dimensional reconstruction of ovarian slices, the
parameters of gangliogenesis relationship with ovarian structures were compared. Briey, in 2D images, the gan-
glia structures were stained black and the ovarian tissue was stained brown (Fig.1). Conversely, in 3D images,
the ganglia structures were recolored red and the ovarian tissue color was changed to transparent for 3D recon-
struction (Fig.2, Video S1).
In addition, the neural network was detectable in this color in black, but with continuous lament structures
in 2D (Fig.1A) and 3D images (Fig.2A). e ganglia were also recognizable as a network of tree dendrites
from a cell body between the theca and granulosa cell layers around all types of follicles (Fig.1B,C). In corpora
lutea, these ganglia were scattered throughout the corpus luteum structure (Fig.1A). e size, the shape and the
number of branches were structurally dierent between ganglia but all of them were multipolar (Fig.1B,C). e
ganglia of the follicular phase ovaries (Fig.1A,B) and the luteal phase ovaries (Fig.1C,D) were measured and
compared. e number of the ganglia at luteal phase ovary seems to be lower than the follicular phase ovary
Aer reconstruction of ovarian structures by 3D method, scattering of ganglia between follicles and corpus
luteum was observed (Fig.2B). e segmentation of the ganglia aer the segmentation of the follicular structures
made it possible to image the spatial relationship between both ganglia networks and reproductive structures
(Fig.2C). e spot algorithm for measuring follicles and corpora lutea completely segmented the ovarian struc-
tures (Fig.2B,D). e cell algorithm also segmented the network structures of the ganglia (Fig.2C). Ganglia
and neurons were observed in all parts of the ovarian tissue. Nerve tissue density especially neural laments was
higher in the medulla of ovaries than the cortex.
Follicular growth and increase of ganglia number. In the 2D study, the total number of ganglia
increased during follicular growth (p < 0.05; Fig.3A,B). In contrast with luteal phase ovary, in follicular phase
ovary, the total number of ganglia in the antral follicles was higher than in the secondary follicles and atretic
antral follicles (p < 0.001 and p = 0.001, respectively; Fig.3A,B). Investigating changes in the number of ganglia
relative to increasing follicle area in the 2D study, it was observed that the ratio of ganglia number to follicle
area in secondary follicles was higher than antral follicles and atretic antral follicles (p = 0.023 and p = 0.022,
respectively, Fig.3C). However, the number of ganglia in secondary follicles in the follicular and luteal phases
was not signicantly dierent (p > 0.05, Fig.3D), but the number of ganglia in antral follicles in follicular phase
was higher than luteal phase (p = 0.03, Fig.3E).
On the other hand, in the 3D study, the total number of ganglia increased during follicular growth, as well
as 2D study (p < 0.05; Fig.3F). Indeed, the total number of ganglia in the antral follicles was higher than the sec-
ondary and atretic antral follicles in both luteal and follicular phase ovaries (p < 0.01 and p < 0.001, respectively;
Fig.3F,G). Furthermore, the ratio of ganglia number to follicle area in the secondary follicles and the antral
follicles was not dierent, which was in contrast with the 2D study ndings (p > 0.05; Fig.3H). In addition, this
ratio in the antral follicles was higher than atretic follicles, unlike the 2D study analysis (p = 0.026; Fig.3H).
Follicular growth and increase of ganglia area. In 2D study, the total area of ganglia increased during
follicular growth (p < 0.05; Fig.4A,B). Total area of ganglia in the antral follicles was higher than the secondary
follicles in both luteal and follicular phase ovaries (p = 0.48 and p < 0.001, respect ively; Fig.4A,B). In addition,
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the ratio of ganglia area to ganglia number between the antral follicles and the secondary follicles was not dif-
ferent (p > 0.05, Fig.4C). However, the ratio of ganglia area to area of structures in the secondary follicles was
higher than the antral follicles (p > 0.05, Fig.4D). In addition, the ratio of ganglia area to area of structures in
the secondary follicles was higher than the atretic antral follicles (p = 0.034, Fig.4D). Furthermore, the area of
ganglia in the secondary follicles in luteal phase ovary was higher than the follicular phase ovary (p = 0.001,
Fig.4E). Also, the area of ganglia in the antral follicles in luteal phase ovary was higher than the follicular phase
ovary (p = 0.006, Fig.4F).
In the 2D study, there were positive correlations between increase in ganglia area and increase in ganglia
number; increase in ganglia area and increase in ovarian structures’ area; and increase in ganglia number and
increase in ovarian structures’ area (p = 0.0001, Table1). In addition, in the secondary follicles, there were posi-
tive correlations between increase in ganglia area and increase in ganglia number; increase in ganglia area and
increase in secondary follicles’ area and increase in ganglia number and increase in secondary follicles’ area
(p = 0.0001, Table1). Moreover, in the antral follicles and the atretic antral follicles, there was also positive cor-
relation between these three groups (p = 0.0001, Table1).
In the 3D study of luteal phase ovaries, the total area of ganglia in antral the follicles was higher than the
secondary and atretic antral follicles (p < 0.01; Fig.4G). On the other hand, in the 3D study of follicular phase
ovaries, the total area of ganglia increased during follicular development (p < 0.05; Fig.4H). Area of ganglia in the
antral follicles was higher than the secondary follicles, as well as the 2D study (p < 0.001, Fig.4H). In contrast with
the 2D study, the ratio of ganglia area to follicular area in the antral follicles was not dierent with the secondary
follicles (p > 0.05, Fig.4I). Additionally, the ratio of ganglia area to follicular area in the antral follicles was higher
Figure1. Mouse ovarian sections were stained with Golgi–Cox method. (A) Two-dimensional follicular phase
ovary. (C) Distribution of ganglia around follicular phase ovarian follicles. (D) Distribution of ganglia around
luteal phase ovarian follicles. e ganglia (red arrow head), and neural laments (blue arrow head) are stained
black. Secondary follicles (SF), Antral follicles (AF) and corpus luteum (CL) are also seen (all images are gray
scale format).
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than the atretic antral follicles, which it was not seen in 2D study (p = 0.009, Fig.4I). However, the ratio of ganglia
area to ganglia number in the atretic antral follicles was higher than the secondary follicles (p = 0.017, Fig.4J).
In the 3D study, the same as the 2D study, there were positive correlations between increase in ganglia area
and increase in ganglia number; increase in ganglia area and increase in ovarian structures’ area; and increase
in ganglia number and increase in ovarian structures’ area (p = 0.0001, Table2). In addition, in the secondary
follicles as well as the 2D study, there were positive correlations between increase in ganglia area and increase
in ganglia number; increase in ganglia area and increase in secondary follicles’ area; and increase in ganglia
number and increase in secondary follicles’ area (p < 0.05, Table2). In contrast with the 2D study in the antral
follicles, there were no correlations between increase in ganglia area and increase in ganglia number; increase
in ganglia area and increase in antral follicles’ area; and increase in ganglia number and increase in antral fol-
licles’ area (p > 0.05, Table2). In addition, in contrast with the 2D study in the atretic antral follicles there were
no correlations between increase in ganglia area and increase in ganglia number; increase in ganglia area and
increase in atretic antral follicles’ area; and increase in ganglia number and increase in atretic antral follicles’
area (p > 0.05, Table2).
Corpus luteum development and increase of ganglia parameters. In the 2D study, the total area
and number of ganglia increased during corpus luteum development (Figs.2A,B,3A,B). Specically, the total
number of ganglia in the corpora lutea was higher than the antral, and secondary and atretic antral follicles in
luteal phase ovary (p < 0.001, p = 0.002 and p < 0.002, respectively Fig.3A). Additionally, the total number of gan-
glia in the antral follicles was higher than the corpus luteum in follicular phase ovary (p = 0.036, Fig.3B). In both
luteal and follicular phases, number of ganglia in corpora lutea was higher than the secondary follicles (p < 0.001
and p = 0.002, respectively; Fig.3A,B).
In 2D study, the ratio of ganglia number to area of structures and also the ratio of ganglia area to ganglia
number in the corpora lutea and the antral follicles was not dierent (p > 0.05, Figs. 3C,4C). Also, the ratio of
ganglia area to area of structures in the corpora lutea was more than the atretic antral follicles (p = 0.025, Fig.4D).
Moreover, number of ganglia in the corpora lutea in luteal and follicular phases was not dierent (p > 0.05,
Fig.5A). In contrast, the area of ganglia in the corpora lutea in luteal phase ovary was higher than follicular
phase ovary (p = 0.01, Fig .5B).
In the 2D analysis, there were positive correlations between area of ganglia and number of ganglia in the
corpora lutea (p = 0.003, Table1). Also, positive correlations between area of ganglia and area of structure and
number of ganglia and area of structure in the corpora lutea were observed (p = 0.004 and p = 0.007, respectively;
Figure2. ree-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and segmentation of mice ovary structures aer Golgi–Cox
staining for detection of ovarian structures relationship with ganglia networks. (A) Whole tissue imaging and
3D reconstruction of mice ovary aer Golgi–Cox staining (red color represent the ganglia); (B) ovarian follicles
and corpora lutea segmentations in the whole tissue 3D reconstructed ovary. e blue spots represent Antral
follicles, yellow spots represent secondary follicles, purple spots represent corpus luteum and brown spots
represent atretic antral follicles. (C) Ovarian follicles, corpora lutea and ganglia segmentations. Ganglia are
shown with white cells. (D) Ovarian follicles and corpora lutea segmentations. All scale bars in four images are
300µm. All images are processed and drawn by Imaris soware.
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5547 | 
In 3D analysis of luteal phase ovaries, the total number of ganglia in the corpora lutea was higher than the
secondary and atretic antral follicles (p < 0.001, Fig.3F). In addition, in the 3D study of follicular phase ovaries,
Figure3. Comparisons of means and standard errors of variables in the three-dimensional (3D) and two-
dimensional (2D) studies show the relationship of follicular growth and increase in ganglia number in the
mouse ovary. Number of ganglia in luteal phase (A) and follicular phase (B) phases in follicles and corpora lutea
in the 2D study. (C) Number of ganglia to area of structures ratio in luteal phase in the 2D study. (D) Number
of ganglia in secondary follicles in follicular and luteal phase ovary in the 2D study. (E) Number of ganglia in
antral follicles in follicular and luteal phase ovaries in the 2D study. (F) Number of ganglia in follicles and corpus
luteum in the 3D study. (G) Number of ganglia to area of structures ratio in the 3D study (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01,
***p < 0.001).
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:5547 | 
total number of ganglia in the antral follicles was higher than the corpora lutea in follicular phase (p = 0.001,
Fig.3G) e number of ganglia in corpora lutea was higher than the secondary and the atretic antral follicles
in follicular phase ovary (p < 0.001 and p = 0.002, respectively, Fig.3G), same as the 2D analysis of luteal phase
ovary. e 3D study results of luteal phase ovaries were almost similar to the 2D study. In the 3D analysis of
luteal phase ovaries, the total area of ganglia in the corpora lutea was higher than the secondary, antral and
atretic antral follicles (p < 0.001, p = 0.003 and p < 0.001, respectively; Fig.4G). In both the 2D and 3D study of
follicular phase ovaries, total area of ganglia in the antral follicles was higher than the corpora lutea (p = 0.013
and p = 0.025, respectively, Fig.4B,H) and higher than secondary follicle (p < 0.001, Fig. 4H). Moreover, the
total number and total area of ganglia in the corpora lutea were higher than the atretic antral follicles (p = 0.002
Figure4. Comparisons of means and standard errors of variables in the three-dimensional (3D) and two-
dimensional (2D) studies to show the relationship of follicular growth and increase in ganglia area in the mouse
ovary. Area of ganglia in luteal phase (A) and follicular phase (B) phases in follicles and corpora lutea in the 2D
study. (C) Area of ganglia to number of ganglia ratio in luteal phase in the 2D study. (D) Area of ganglia to area
of structures ratio in luteal phase in the 2D study. (E) Area of ganglia in the secondary follicles in follicular and
luteal phases in the 2D study. (F) Area of ganglia in the antral follicles in follicular and luteal phases in the 2D
study. (G) Area of ganglia in follicles and corpora lutea in the 3D study. (H) Area of ganglia to area of structures
ratio in the 3D study. (I) Area of ganglia to number of ganglia ratio in the 3D study (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01,
***p < 0.001).
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and p < 0.001, respectively, Figs.3F,4H). Furthermore, the ratio of ganglia area to ganglia number between the
corpora lutea and the antral follicles was not dierent (p > 0.05, Fig.4J). In contrast, the ratio of ganglia area
to ganglia number in the corpora lutea was higher than the secondary follicles (p = 0.004, Fig. 4J). e area of
ganglia to area of structures ratio in the corpora lutea was higher than the secondary and the atretic antral fol-
licles (p = 0.006 and p = 0.001, Fig.4I). In contrast, this ratio between the corpora lutea and the antral follicles
was not dierent (p > 0.05, Fig.4I).
In the 3D analysis, there were positive correlations between area of ganglia and number of ganglia in the
corpora lutea (p = 0.02, Table2), area of ganglia and area of structure (p < 0.001, Table2) and number of ganglia
and area of structure (p = 0.02, Table2).
In the present study the gangliogenesis during folliculogenesis and their relationship was shown in both 2D and
3D evaluation of mice ovaries. We found that during folliculogenesis the area and number of ganglia in the fol-
licular wall increased. Also, the 3D study results revealed that although the number of ganglia did not increase
by development of the secondary follicles to the antral follicles, proportionally, considering the increase of
volume and area of follicles during folliculogenesis, the area of ganglia increased from the secondary follicles to
the antral follicles. As a result, proliferation and hypertrophy of ganglia were observed during folliculogenesis
in mice ovary. ese phenomena were observed in both follicular and luteal phases. Besides, during follicu-
lar development, their function increased, too19. erefore, due to their enhanced function, secretion activity
increased, subsequently19. Furthermore, in a 3D evaluation of mouse ovary it has been shown that angiogen-
esis happened during folliculogenesis20. On the other hand, previous studies have shown that there is some
Table 1. Correlation coecient of follicular area and ganglia development including ganglia number and area
in dierent follicular phases and corpus luteum in two-dimensional ovary analysis.
Ganglia area-ganglia number Ganglia area-structure area Ganglia number-structure area
Correlation coecient p-value Correlation coecient p-value Correlation coecient p-value
Ovarian structures 0.971 0.0001 0.924 0.0001 0.925 0.0001
Secondary follicle 0.880 0.0001 0.920 0.0001 0.882 0.0001
Antral follicle 0.956 0.0001 0.904 0.0001 0.983 0.0001
Corpus luteum 0.955 0.003 0.950 0.004 0.932 0.007
Atretic antral follicle 0.993 0.0001 0.976 0.0001 0.993 0.0001
Table 2. Correlation coecient of follicular area and ganglia development including ganglia number and area
in dierent follicular phases and corpus luteum in three-dimensional ovary analysis.
Ganglia area-ganglia number Ganglia area-structure area Ganglia number-structure area
Correlation coecient p-value Correlation coecient p-value Correlation coecient p-value
Ovarian structures 0.985 0.0001 0.978 0.0001 0.979 0.0001
Secondary follicle 0.966 0.008 0.948 0.014 0.878 0.05
Antral follicle 0.532 0.468 0.566 0.434 0.429 0.571
Corpus luteum 0.927 0.023 0.997 0.0001 0.918 0.028
Atretic antral follicle 0.540 0.460 0.667 0.333 0.857 0.143
Figure5. Comparisons of means and standard errors of number of ganglia in the two-dimensional studies to
show the relationship of corpora lutea function and increase in ganglia number (A) and area (B) in the mouse
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relationship between internal nervous network and vascular system in ovary functions and both of them take
part in ovarian secretion18,2123. ey indicated that vessels and nerves have an important role in folliculogenesis
and ovulation18,2123. Consistent with our ndings on the relationship between ovarian function and ganglio-
genesis, the same ndings about other neuronal cells in mice10,24, monkeys and humans9,25 demonstrated that
ovarian internal neuronal laments increased in sexual maturation. Furthermore, distribution, morphology,
and chemical phenotype of ovarian intrinsic nervous system in guinea pigs increase in adult animals compared
with neonates16. Comparing previous ndings with our results, it can be speculated that follicular function has
a positive relationship with gangliogenesis, intrinsic neuronal network and vasculogenesis. Another result of
current study showed that the estrous ovary had higher number of ganglia of antral follicles than luteal phase
ovary, however, their area was higher in luteal phase than follicular phase ovary. ese results suggest that during
follicular phase there is ganglia proliferation around the antral follicles. In addition, it is further conducted that
at the luteal phase the ganglia undergo hypertrophy and the area of the ganglia increase.
On the other hand, data of the current 3D study demonstrated that the number of ganglia to area of structures
ratio in the secondary and antral follicles and corpora lutea were not dierent. As the area of the follicles enlarges,
which indicates an increase in the number of granulosa and theca cells vascularization26, the number of ganglia
has increased to such an extent that the ratio of the ganglia number to the area of the follicles and corpora lutea
remains constant. is indicates a constant ovarian structure volume-dependent gangliogenesis. e number
of ganglia to area of structures ratio remains high during follicular development. Due to the increase in ovarian
follicular metabolism27 and in hormonal activity28, to ensure the interaction of ovarian structures and ganglia
remain constant, the area and volume of ganglia, as well as ganglia number increase.
During follicular development, some follicles undergoes atresia29. e specic criteria for follicles undergo
atresia, which it called atretic follicles, is pyknotic nuclei30. However, other criteria for atretic follicles recognition
is follicular deformity and they don’t have rounded shape29. As the Golgi–Cox staining only stain the cells of
nervous system31, the pyknotic nuclei in granulosa cells around the follicles are not recognizable. In the present
study, the atretic antral follicles were distinguished by their shapes’ deformity and non-rounded shape from antral
follicles. Totally, in the follicular phase ovary, the total number and area of ganglia in atretic antral follicles were
lower than antral follicles in both 2D and 3D studies. e follicles in follicular phase became almost mature and
on the other hand the rest of the follicles undergo atresia29. is showed that the as the atretic follicles undergoes
degeneration and their cells reduced, their ganglia also reduced in number and area. However, in the luteal phase
ovary, there was no signicant dierence between antral follicles and atretic antral follicles which it could be
because of the less maturation of antral follicles in luteal phase ovary29,32.
e corpora lutea has the highest value of ganglion area and number compared with the other ovarian struc-
tures in luteal phase. is result was observed at both 2D and 3D analysis of luteal phase ovaries. Along with
these results, the study of mice estrous cycle showed that progesterone secretion of the corpora lutea increased in
luteal phase33. In early luteal phase, area of luteal tissue and its function increased, which is known as luteogenesis
phase34. In addition, results from rat ovary showed that the corpora lutea formed at early luteal and progesterone
secretion started35. ese results indicated that corpora lutea in luteal phase has a high function and produces
progesterone. In order to reach this function, corpora lutea needed more secretory cells. On the other hand,
ganglia of the corpora lutea decreased during its atretic degradation. As the ovary was in follicular phase, the
results showed that the antral follicle has higher value of ganglias area and number than the corpora lutea. Due
to lack of pregnancy, the corpora lutea begin degradation and at the follicular phase are no longer observed8,36.
erefore, it can be resulted that during degradation of the corpora lutea, its ganglia undergo degradation too.
e 3D results conrmed our 2D ndings and showed degradation of ganglia during degradation of the corpora
lutea. e results of previous studies demonstrated that the corpora lutea has higher vessels and angiogenesis37,
which shows its higher activity rather than the other ovarian structures. Due to the fact that the nervous system
of ovary has a role in regulation of mammalian ovary function, steroidogenesis and ovulation38 and ganglia may
have roles in progesterone secretion, also, the higher number of ganglia in corpora lutea at luteal phase was seen
in comparison with regressing corpora lutea in the follicular phase.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst time that 3D morphological parameters of ganglia in the ovar-
ian follicles and the corpora lutea of mice were determined. In contrast with the 2D study, in the 3D study, the
number of ganglia to area of structures ratio in the secondary and the antral follicles was not dierent. is nd-
ing showed that during follicular growth, due to preserving the function of follicles, this ratio always remained
constant, which cannot be seen by the limitations of the 2D analysis. In some other ndings of our study, the
results of the 2D study were dierent from the 3D study and the 2D analysis could not give us a proper aspect of
the view of reality compared to the 3D analysis. In line with our ndings, even results of the 2D and 3D ultra-
sound techniques in ovary showed that the 2D analysis could not detect all data of ovarian structures and the
3D analysis was realistic39. In addition, in a histomorphological evaluation of rodents’ brain, the 3D analysis was
more accurate in analyzing all parts of brain rather than the 2D analysis.
In the present study, although the cost of immunohistochemistry method for whole tissue imaging of neuronal
networks of brain40 and dierent organs makes this approach unconventional, Golgi–Cox method was performed
for nervous tissue labeling and 3D imaging. Golgi staining is one of the oldest staining methods for nervous
system imaging and was developed by Camillo Golgi at 187341. is method has been shown to be eective due
to neuronal morphology imaging such as dendritic and axonal arborization and spines detection42. ere are
three methods of Golgi staining: Golgi–Cox, Rapid Golgi and Golgi–Kopsch43,44. While all of these methods
have some dierent advantages and disadvantages, Golgi–Cox method is better than the others for dendritic
trees analysis due to less background density44. In this method neurons, especially dendritic trees stain clearly
without noise44. Four types of ganglia exist in ovary of young and postnatal adult rats, including mesovarial,
Hilar, medullary, and cortical ganglia24. In the present study, Golgi–Cox method based on the previous study
“Golgi–Cox staining step by step”45 with slight modication was performed.
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In conclusion, the present study demonstrates the positive relationship of gangliogenesis during folliculo-
genesis in mouse ovary. Furthermore, gangliogenesis has been shown in corpus luteum development. Ovarian
ganglia as an independent part of ovarian nervous system is likely to have an important role in folliculogenesis
and luteogenesis. Furthermore, 3D analysis instead of conventional 2D approach, in addition to Golgi–Cox
staining of ovary can be used for study of this physiological phenomena in ovary.
Animals. e ovaries of 12 non-pregnant adult BALB/c mice were used in the present experimental study.
e mice weighed 35 ± 2g and were 49days old. Mice had free access to food and water and were kept in labo-
ratory cages in standard conditions at 22°C and 12h light/dark cycle. Complete ovarian sample was used for
imaging and statistical analysis.
Briey, aer the mice were anesthetized, 0.9% NaCl solution was perfused in le ventricle of the mouse hearts.
en the ovaries were removed from the mice, and the pattern of nervous system distribution with intra-ovarian
origin and their relation to folliculogenesis was determined by cross-sectional imaging and image analysis of the
ovarian tissues. According to the protocol, the initial experiments were performed so as to repeat the dierent
times of the samples in Golgi–Cox solution, showing the stability of this staining and the most appropriate result.
Estrous cycle evaluation. e vaginal smear test was performed to detect estrous cycle. Using 100µl of
physiological salt solution, aspiration of vaginal canal was done. Aspiration was considered about 4 times on
each mouse. e contents of the sampler’s head were then drained onto the slide and coated with cover slips.
Finally, based on previous study5,46, using light microscopy estrous cycle phases for mouse was determined.
Briey, predominant cornied squamous epithelial cells observation indicated follicular phase. However, at
luteal phase, the cornied squamous epithelial cells was not (or rarely) observed. At luteal phase, the most pre-
dominant cells were leukocytes.
Cardiac perfusion and ovary collection. e mice were anesthetized by chloroform-impregnated cot-
ton. en dissecting the heart, the right atrium was cut and 0.9% saline solution was injected into the le ven-
tricle. e saline solution slowly entered the circulatory tract. e perfusion was then performed with a syringe
containing 10mL of 4% formalin until the tissues became pale. Aer this, the ovaries were removed.
Golgi–Cox staining. Staining was done by a modied Golgi–Cox technique as described by Zaqout etal.45.
is modied method includes three main solutions.
Solution A: 5% (w/v) solution of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7; UNI-CHEM, Serbia).
Solution B: 5% (w/v) solution of mercuric chloride (HgCl2; UNI-CHEM, Serbia).
Solution C: 5% (w/v) solution of potassium chromate (K2CrO4; UNI-CHEM, Serbia).
All three solutions were kept in glass bottles at room temperature in the dark. In this condition, these solutions
can be used for a long time. For preparation of impregnation solution 25mL of solution A was slowly mixed with
25mL of solution B. 20mL of solution C was carefully added to previous mixture. In the nal step, 50mL of
dd-H2O was added to the mixture of all three solutions. Final solution was covered with aluminum foil and was
kept at room temperature in completely dark condition for 48h. Aer that, the reddish-yellow precipitation was
formed. e supernatant solution was gently collected by glass pipet (avoiding the reddish-yellow precipitant in
supernatant collection). e ovary tissue was transferred into glass bottle containing Golgi–Cox solution. Aer
24h, the tissue was transferred into fresh Golgi–Cox solution. e glass bottle was kept in the dark at room
temperature for 14days.
Ovary cryo‑sectioning. Firstly, cryoprotectant solution was prepared. For cryoprotectant preparation,
30g of sucrose was dissolved in 100mL ddH2O (30% sucrose solution). Aer tissue impregnation in Golgi–Cox
solution, tissues were transferred in cryoprotectant solution. e samples were kept in this solution at 4°C in
dark for 24h. Aer that, cryoprotectant solution was refreshed and the samples were kept in new solution in
the same conditions for 5days. en samples were washed with ddH2O and xed on cryo-holder by cryo-glue.
Finally, the samples were transversely sectioned on a cryo-holder at a temperature of − 25°C and a thickness of
30μm. e serial sections were transferred onto gelatin coated slides for developing stage on staining.
Developing step of Golgi–Cox staining. e developing step of Golgi–Cox staining was performed. In
detail, slides were kept in ddH2O twice for 2min each time. For dehydration of sections, slides were placed in
50% ethanol for 5min. Aer that, sections were transferred into ammonia solution (3:1 ammonia to ddH2O)
for 6min. en slides were placed in ddH2O twice, each for 2min. At the next step, samples were kept in 5%
sodium thiosulfate solution for 10min in dark condition. Aer repeating the ddH2O step twice (1min each),
samples were dehydrated with ascending percentage of ethanol (70%, 95%, and 100% ethanol each for 5min).
Aer dehydration step, tissues were placed in xylol for 10–15min until tissues were completely cleared. In the
nal step, slides were mounted by Entellan glue. Sections were kept in the dark until imaging.
Ovarian tissue imaging. An optical microscope (Nikon, E200, Japan) with a 40 × magnication and a
Dino Capture camera (AnMo Electronics Corporation, New Taipei City, Taiwan) were used. Whole ovarian
serial sections images were captured for each ovary. e images were provided in 2600 × 1950 pixels with TIFF
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format. e numbers and area of follicles, corpus lutea, ganglia and neuronal laments were calculated. e
criteria for assortment of follicles and corpus luteum in 2D analysis was described in Azarnia etal.47 and for 3D
analysis it was described in Feng etal.48. In addition, the assortment of the atretic antral follicles were described29.
2D analysis of ovarian follicular and neuronal structures. ImageJ soware used for 2D image
analysis of ovarian structures. Firstly, imported images converted to 8-bit images using “Image type” option in
“Image” panel. en scale of all images was set using “Set scale” option in “Analyze” panel. In order to analyze
single follicle, the area of each follicle containing its surrounded ganglia and a few neuronal laments was manu-
ally cropped. For this purpose, the border of each follicle with its ganglia were selected by “Oval” tool in main
menu of ImageJ soware (FigureS1A). Aer that, the selected area was duplicated and analysis was continued.
e specied structures (ganglia and neural laments) were measured by “threshold” algorithm. e size of
threshold eld was adjusted by dragging the threshold border, manually. By adjusting the signal threshold in the
soware, the shape of the ganglia and the neuronal laments around the follicles were detected. Using “Analyze
particles” in analyze panel, the number and area of particles were measured (FigureS1B). In this stage, laments
in a few crops were deleted manually using “delete” option in “ROI manager”. Finally, data were measured by
measure option in ROI manager and data were saved as an excel le with CSV format (FigureS2A).
3D analysis of follicular and neuronal structures. First, using ImageJ soware, serial images were
combined as a TIFF series image using “Images to Stack” tool. e TIFF series image was saved as stack with
TIFF format. en, using Imaris soware (V 7.4.2, ImarisX64, Bitplane AG), 3D reconstruction was performed.
Specically, aer serial TIFF image was imported, the dimension of image was corrected in z-stack according to
thickness of tissue slices using “Image properties” in “Edit” panel. Firstly, the whole image was reconstructed. In
order to reconstruct follicles and corpora lutea, “Spot” algorithm was used in “Surpass” panel. is procedure
was done manually in order to cover follicle area and diameter. ree “Spot” algorithms were used for three
dierent ovarian structures: secondary follicles, antral follicles and corpora lutea. en, the whole nervous net-
work was reconstructed by “Cell” algorithm in “Surpass” panel. e data of each algorithm was extracted from
“Statistics” in “Preferences” in “Edit” panel. In order to delete the data of neuron laments, the biggest ganglion
in whole image was isolated by “Crop 3D” in “Edit” panel and the area of this ganglia was examined by “Cell”
algorithm. e areas higher than area of biggest ganglia were deleted, as well as their counts. e number and
total area of neuronal laments were calculated by subtracting the total number and area of whole image from
the number and area of ganglia. For follicle and corpus luteum analysis, each follicle and its surrounding gan-
glia were isolated by “Crop 3D” in “Edit” panel. “Cell” algorithm was used for ganglia reconstruction in crops.
Only two neuronal laments were detected in these crop 3Ds and their data were manually deleted. e data
of area and number of ganglia from each crop were extracted from “Statistics” in “Preferences” in “Edit” panel
Data analysis. Aer data extraction from ImageJ and Imaris soware, the data of area and number of struc-
tures (ganglia and neuronal laments) obtained from image analysis were entered into Excel soware. IBM SPSS
Statistics 26 (SPSS for Windows, version 26, SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA) soware was used for statistical
analysis. e mean dierences between follicular groups were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey
test. e correlation of the total ganglia area and number and the area of structures (follicles and corpora lutea)
with each other in four dierent groups including total ovarian structures, secondary and antral follicles and
corpora lutea were analyzed by Pearson correlation. All data were expressed as the mean ± standard error of the
mean, and p value was considered less than 0.05 for statistical signicance. GraphPad Prism (v7.0a, GraphPad
Soware, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA) soware was used for drawing the graphs. e table format was “Grouped
and the data input was the mean of area and number of ganglia and standard error of the mean.
Statement of ethics. All experimental protocols were approved by the Shiraz University Ethics Commit-
tee (project number: 97gcu4m148075). All methods were carried out in accordance with the World Medical
Association Declaration of Helsinki. is study was carried out in compliance with the ARRIVE guidelines
(http://www.nc3rs Eorts were made to minimize animal suering and to reduce the
number of animals used.
Received: 24 November 2020; Accepted: 19 February 2021
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Author contributions
M.E.A.Z., A.A., F.R., F.M.R., M.B. and A.K.: data collection, and manuscript writing. A.T., H.B., and M.R.J.S.:
idea conception and study design. M.D., A.A., and A.T., statistical analysis. A.T., H.B., and M.R.J.S: review and
proof-reading. All authors approved of the nal version.
is study was nancially supported by the Shiraz University (Grant number: 97gcu4m148075).
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This review explores tissue engineering as a potential solution for reproductive health issues in women caused by genetic or acquired diseases, such as premature ovarian failure or oophorectomy. The loss of ovarian function can lead to infertility, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. Hormone replacement therapy is a common treatment, but it has limitations and risks. The review focuses on two main approaches in tissue engineering: scaffold-based (3D printing, electrospinning, decellularization) and scaffold-free (stem cell transplantation, organoid cultivation). Both approaches show promise in preclinical studies for creating functional ovarian tissue. Challenges include vascularization, innervation, long-term function, and safety. Despite these challenges, tissue engineering offers a potential avenue for restoring fertility and hormone balance in women with ovarian dysfunction.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine and metabolic disorder. Sitagliptin (Sit) and rosiglitazone (Ros) are widely used to treat PCOS, but the mechanism is unclear. This study explored the mechanism that Sit and Ros inhibited autophagy and inflammation in PCOS. In this study, 50 female SD rats were divided into 5 groups (n = 10): control, PCOS, Sit, Ros, and Sit+Ros group. The body weight and ovarian weight were measured 2 h after the last administration, and fasting blood glucose, insulin levels were determined. Lipid metabolism and pathological changes were detected by an automatic biochemical analyzer and HE staining. Sex hormone, oxidative stress and inflammatory levels were detected by ELISA. PCR detected IL-18, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β, ATG3, and ATG12 mRNA. The PI3K/AKT/mTOR, TLR4/NF-κB pathway and autophagy-related proteins were detected by western blot. Finally, the number of autophagolysosomes was detected by transmission electron microscopy. Sit or Ros alone reduced body weight, ovarian weight, fasting blood glucose, and insulin levels in PCOS rats. It also improved lipid metabolism, sex hormone levels, oxidative stress and pathological changes, restored the estrous cycle, and corpus luteum quantity. In addition, it could reduce the levels of IL-18, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β, ATG3, and ATG12 mRNA, inhibit the expression of Beclin1, LC3, PI3K/AKT/mTOR, and TLR4/NF-κB pathway proteins. The Sit+Ros group was more effective than single administration. In conclusion, Sit+Ros inhibited the PI3K/AKT/mTOR, TLR4/NF-κB pathways, thereby inhibiting the autophagy and inflammation of PCOS rats, which will provide a theoretical basis for PCOS.
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Background: The goat is a multi-purpose animal producing meat, milk, hide, fiber and manure, and hence plays a significant role in providing supplementary income and livelihood to the huge number of asset-poor ranchers and landless workers of rural India. Aims: The present study is aimed to investigate the in vitro effects of prostaglandins E2 (PGE2) and F2α (PGF2α) on ovarian granulosa cells of a goat. Methods: The healthy, slightly atretic and atretic antral follicles of goats with diameter ranging from 3-8 mm were cultured with PGE2 and PGF2α (1.0 μg/ml) along with control for 24 h. Histomorphological analysis was done in order to study the prostaglandins induced changes in granulosa cells of all the three categories of follicles. The acridine orange (AO) and methylene blue (MB) staining were used to study the apoptotic index in all the three categories of follicles and the collected data were analyzed by ANOVA with Duncan post Hoc test. Results: Prostaglandins E2 revealed positive while PGF2α showed a negative effect on the rescue of apoptosis in granulosa cells. The PGE2 treated follicles revealed a reduction in the attributes of apoptosis in granulosa cells while PGF2α showed an increased in the apoptotic characteristics. Conclusion: The present study depicted that granulosa cell viability in vitro is dependent on the continuous supply of survival and growth factors and prostaglandin of E series synthesis is a crucial step in the suppression of granulosa cell apoptosis while that of F series induces apoptosis.
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Emerging evidence suggests that sex differences exist in the control of lung innate immunity; however, the specific roles of sex hormones in the inflammatory response, and the mechanisms involved are unclear. Here, we investigated whether fluctuations in circulating hormone levels occurring in the mouse estrous cycle could affect the inflammatory response to air pollution exposure. For this, we exposed female mice (C57BL/6J, 8 weeks old) at different phases of the estrous cycle to 2 ppm of ozone or filtered air (FA) for 3 h. Following exposure, we collected lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL), and performed lung function measurements to evaluate inflammatory responses and respiratory mechanics. We found a differential inflammatory response to ozone in females exposed in the luteal phase (metestrus, diestrus) versus the follicular phase (proestrus, estrus). Females exposed to ozone in the follicular phase had significantly higher expression of inflammatory genes, including Ccl2, Cxcl2, Ccl20, and Il6, compared to females exposed in the luteal phase (P < 0.05), and displayed differential activation of regulatory pathways. Exposure to ozone in the follicular phase also resulted in higher BAL neutrophilia, lipocalin levels, and airway resistance than exposure in the luteal phase (P < 0.05). Together, these results show that the effects of ozone exposure in the female lung are affected by the estrous cycle phase, and potentially hormonal status. Future studies investigating air pollution effects and inflammation in women should consider the menstrual cycle phase and/or circulating hormone levels. This study evaluates the influence of the mouse estrous cycle in the inflammatory response to ozone. Our results show that female mice exposed to ozone in the follicular phase versus the luteal phase show differences in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid neutrophil counts, airway hyperresponsiveness, and expression of inflammatory genes.
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Optimal distribution of heterogeneous organelles and cell types within an organ is essential for physiological processes. Unique for the ovary, hormonally regulated folliculogenesis, ovulation, luteal formation/regression and associated vasculature changes lead to tissue remodeling during each reproductive cycle. Using the CLARITY approach and marker immunostaining, we identified individual follicles and corpora lutea in intact ovaries. Monitoring lifetime changes in follicle populations showed age-dependent decreases in total follicles and percentages of advanced follicles. Follicle development from primordial to preovulatory stage was characterized by 3 × 105-fold increases in volume, decreases in roundness, and decreased clustering of same stage follicles. Construction of follicle-vasculature relationship maps indicated age- and gonadotropin-dependent increases in vasculature and branching surrounding follicles. Heterozygous mutant mice with deletion of hypoxia-response element in the vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) promoter showed defective ovarian vasculature and decreased ovulatory responses. Unilateral intrabursal injection of axitinib, an inhibitor of VEGF receptors, retarded neo-angiogenesis that was associated with defective ovulation in treated ovaries. Our approach uncovers unique features of ovarian architecture and essential roles of vasculature in organizing follicles to allow future studies on normal and diseased human ovaries. Similar approaches could also reveal roles of neo-angiogenesis during embryonic development and tumorigenesis.
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Background A standard histomorphometric approach has been used for nearly 40 years that identifies atretic (e.g., dying) follicles by counting the number of pyknotic granulosa cells (GC) in the largest follicle cross-section. This method holds that if one pyknotic granulosa nucleus is seen in the largest cross section of a primary follicle, or three pyknotic cells are found in a larger follicle, it should be categorized as atretic. Many studies have used these criteria to estimate the fraction of atretic follicles that result from genetic manipulation or environmental insult. During an analysis of follicle development in a mouse model of Fragile X premutation, we asked whether these ‘historical’ criteria could correctly identify follicles that were not growing (and could thus confirmed to be dying). Methods Reasoning that the fraction of mitotic GC reveals whether the GC population was increasing at the time of sample fixation, we compared the number of pyknotic nuclei to the number of mitotic figures in follicles within a set of age-matched ovaries. Results We found that, by itself, pyknotic nuclei quantification resulted in high numbers of false positives (improperly categorized as atretic) and false negatives (improperly categorized intact). For preantral follicles, scoring mitotic and pyknotic GC nuclei allowed rapid, accurate identification of non-growing follicles with 98% accuracy. This method most often required the evaluation of one follicle section, and at most two serial follicle sections to correctly categorize follicle status. For antral follicles, we show that a rapid evaluation of follicle shape reveals which are intact and likely to survive to ovulation. Conclusions Combined, these improved, non-arbitrary methods will greatly improve our ability to estimate the fractions of growing/intact and non-growing/atretic follicles in mouse ovaries.
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The ovary, the female gonad, serves as the source for the germ cells as well as the major supplier of steroid sex hormones. During embryonic development, the primordial germ cells (PGCs) are specified, migrate to the site of the future gonad, and proliferate, forming structures of germ cells nests, which will eventually break down to generate the primordial follicles (PMFs). Each PMF contains an oocyte arrested at the first prophase of meiosis, surrounded by a flattened layer of somatic pre-granulosa cells. Most of the PMFs are kept dormant and only a selected population is activated to join the growing pool of follicles in a process regulated by both intra- and extra-oocyte factors. The PMFs will further develop into secondary pre-antral follicles, a stage which depends on bidirectional communication between the oocyte and the surrounding somatic cells. Many of the signaling molecules involved in this dialog belong to the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) superfamily. As the follicle continues to develop, a cavity called antrum is formed. The resulting antral follicles relay on the pituitary gonadotropins, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH) for their development. Most of the follicles undergo atretic degeneration and only a subset of the antral follicles, known as the dominant follicles, will reach the preovulatory stage at each reproductive cycle, respond to LH, and subsequently ovulate, releasing a fertilizable oocyte. The remaining somatic cells in the raptured follicle will undergo terminal differentiation and form the corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone necessary to maintain pregnancy.
The ovary is the main organ of the female reproductive system and is essential for the production of female gametes and for controlling the endocrine system, but the complex structural relationships and three-dimensional (3D) vasculature architectures of the ovary are not well described. In order to visualize the 3D connections and architecture of blood vessels in the intact ovary, the first important step is to make the ovary optically clear. In order to avoid tissue shrinkage, we used the hydrogel fixation-based passive CLARITY (Clear Lipid-exchanged Acrylamide-hybridized Rigid Imaging/ Immunostaining/In situ-hybridization-compatible Tissue Hydrogel) protocol method to clear an intact ovary. Immunostaining, advanced multiphoton confocal microscopy, and 3D image-reconstructions were then used for the visualization of ovarian vessels and follicular capillaries. Using this approach, we showed a significant positive correlation (P <0.01) between the length of the follicular capillaries and volume of the follicular wall. © 2017, Journal of Visualized Experiments. All rights reserved.
Adipose tissue plays an important role in regulating female fertility, owing to not only its energy stores but also the endocrine actions of secreted adipokines. As one of the adipokines, adiponectin is almost exclusively secretedfromthe fat,andits circulating concentration is paradoxically reduced in obesity. Although recent studies implied a purported positive role of adiponectin in ovarian functions, definitive in vivo evidence has been sorely lacking. We have consistently observed subfertility in female adiponectin null mice and therefore postulated a protective role of adiponectin in ovarian functions. Female adiponectin null mice displayed impaired fertility, reduced retrieval of oocytes, disrupted estrous cycle, elevated number of atretic follicles, and impaired late folliculogenesis. Analysis of their sera revealed a significant decrease in estradiol and FSH but an increase in LH and testosterone at proestrus. In addition,wefound marked reduction of progesterone levels at diestrus, a significant decrease in LH receptor expression as well as in the number of GnRH immunoreactive neurons. Adiponectin deficiency also altered the peak concentrations of LH surge and led to lower expression of Cytochrome P450 family 11 subfamily A member 1 (P450scc), an enzyme critical for progesterone synthesis, as well as an increase in BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator and Insulin like growth factor binding protein 4 in atretic follicles. These physiological and molecular events were independent of insulin sensitivity. Thus, we have revealed a novel mechanism linking adiponectin and female fertility that entails regulation of reproductive hormone balance and ovarian follicle development.