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Potential of Sun‐Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence for Indicating Mangrove Canopy Photosynthesis

Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

Abstract and Figures

Accurate characterization of gross primary productivity (GPP) is critically important in assessing mangrove carbon budgets, but the current knowledge of the temporal variations of GPP in evergreen mangroves is very limited. Remote sensing of sun‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) has emerged as a promising approach to approximating GPP across ecosystems, but its capability for tracking GPP in evergreen mangroves has not been assessed. The SIF‐GPP link at a subtropical mangrove and its environmental controls are explored using 1‐year time‐series measurements from tower‐based hyperspectral and eddy covariance systems. Both the relationship between SIF and GPP as well as that between SIFy (SIF yield: the ratio of SIF over absorbed photosynthetically active radiation [APAR]) and LUE (light use efficiency: the ratio of GPP over APAR) at diurnal and seasonal time scales are analyzed. The temporal variations of SIF and GPP shared overall similar changing patterns, but their functional relationship tended to be time scale‐dependent. Midday depressions in SIF were observed when environmental stresses occurred around noon (including excess light and high VPD), and the strength of the SIF‐GPP link was affected by changing environmental conditions. The SIFy‐LUE relationship was temporally more dynamic, tending to match during midday hours but diverge from each other during morning and afternoon hours. These findings confirm SIF can serve as a potential remotely sensed indicator of mangrove canopy photosynthesis. This paper provides the first, high temporal‐resolution, continuous SIF measurements in mangroves, and highlights the importance of the impacts of environmental conditions on the SIF‐GPP relationship.
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1. Introduction
As typical tropical and subtropical coastal wetland ecosystems, mangroves are characteristic of rich carbon
storage and strong carbon sequestration potential (Atwood etal.,2017) and thus have been recognized as
important and effective long-term blue carbon sinks in climate change mitigation (Howard etal., 2017;
Nellemann & Corcoran,2009). Mangroves may experience a variety of environmental stresses, including
periodical inundation (Crase etal.,2015), high salinity (Song etal., 2011), wastewater pollution (Jiang
etal.,2018), all of which are temporally varying and/or spatially heterogeneous. Moreover, due to the in-
accessibility to mangroves and notoriously difficult field environments, manual monitoring of mangroves
on a regular basis is impractical. Therefore, it is challenging to accurately assess mangrove carbon fluxes
that vary temporally and spatially (Alongi,2012,2014). Gross primary production (GPP) is the beginning
of vegetation carbon biogeochemical cycle and the key indicator of vegetation carbon fluxes, and thus ac-
curate characterization of photosynthesis is critically important in assessing carbon dynamics and carbon
sequestration potential.
Unfortunately, GPP cannot be directly observed but must be simulated by process-based ecosystem produc-
tivity models (e.g., BEPS; Liu etal.,1997) or empirically estimated from other measurements. One empirical
approach is to estimate GPP from continuous measurements of net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) using
Abstract Accurate characterization of gross primary productivity (GPP) is critically important in
assessing mangrove carbon budgets, but the current knowledge of the temporal variations of GPP in
evergreen mangroves is very limited. Remote sensing of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF)
has emerged as a promising approach to approximating GPP across ecosystems, but its capability for
tracking GPP in evergreen mangroves has not been assessed. The SIF-GPP link at a subtropical mangrove
and its environmental controls are explored using 1-year time-series measurements from tower-based
hyperspectral and eddy covariance systems. Both the relationship between SIF and GPP as well as that
between SIFy (SIF yield: the ratio of SIF over absorbed photosynthetically active radiation [APAR]) and
LUE (light use efficiency: the ratio of GPP over APAR) at diurnal and seasonal time scales are analyzed.
The temporal variations of SIF and GPP shared overall similar changing patterns, but their functional
relationship tended to be time scale-dependent. Midday depressions in SIF were observed when
environmental stresses occurred around noon (including excess light and high VPD), and the strength
of the SIF-GPP link was affected by changing environmental conditions. The SIFy-LUE relationship
was temporally more dynamic, tending to match during midday hours but diverge from each other
during morning and afternoon hours. These findings confirm SIF can serve as a potential remotely
sensed indicator of mangrove canopy photosynthesis. This paper provides the first, high temporal-
resolution, continuous SIF measurements in mangroves, and highlights the importance of the impacts of
environmental conditions on the SIF-GPP relationship.
© 2021. American Geophysical Union.
All Rights Reserved.
Potential of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence for
Indicating Mangrove Canopy Photosynthesis
Xudong Zhu1,2 , Yuwen Hou1, Yongguang Zhang3 , Xiaoliang Lu4 , Zhunqiao Liu4, and
Qihao Weng5
1Taiwan Strait Marine Ecosystem National Observation and Research Station, Key Laboratory of the Coastal
and Wetland Ecosystems (Ministry of Education), College of the Environment and Ecology, Coastal and Ocean
Management Institute, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China, 2Southern Marine Science and Engineering
Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), Zhuhai, Guangdong, China, 3International Institute for Earth System Science,
Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 4State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess
Plateau, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China, 5Department
of Earth and Environmental Systems, Center for Urban and Environmental Change, Indiana State University, Terre
Haute, IN, USA
Key Points:
First continuous coordinated
measurements of sun-induced
chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) and
eddy covariance in mangrove is
SIF serve as a potential remotely
sensed indicator of tracking diurnal/
seasonal variation in mangrove gross
primary productivity (GPP)
Environmental stresses tend
to weaken mangrove SIF-GPP
Supporting Information:
Supporting Information S1
Correspondence to:
X. Zhu,
Zhu, X., Hou, Y., Zhang, Y., Lu,
X., Liu, Z., & Weng, Q. (2021).
Potential of sun-induced chlorophyll
fluorescence for indicating mangrove
canopy photosynthesis. Journal of
Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,
126, e2020JG006159. https://doi.
Received 6 NOV 2020
Accepted 18 FEB 2021
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization: Xudong Zhu,
Qihao Weng
Formal analysis: Xudong Zhu, Yuwen
Hou, Xiaoliang Lu, Zhunqiao Liu
Funding acquisition: Xudong Zhu
Investigation: Xudong Zhu, Yuwen
Methodology: Xudong Zhu,
Yongguang Zhang, Xiaoliang Lu,
Zhunqiao Liu
Project Administration: Xudong Zhu
Resources: Xudong Zhu
Software: Yongguang Zhang
Visualization: Xudong Zhu, Yuwen
Writing – original draft: Xudong Zhu,
Qihao Weng
Writing – review & editing: Xudong
Zhu, Yuwen Hou, Yongguang Zhang,
Xiaoliang Lu, Zhunqiao Liu, Qihao
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Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
the eddy covariance (EC) methodology (Baldocchi etal.,2001), in which GPP can be derived through par-
titioning measured NEE. EC has been used for various ecosystems including mangroves (Barr etal.,2010;
Liu & Lai,2019; Zhu etal.,2019), since it provides a long term, continuous, and near-direct assessment of
ecosystem-atmospheric NEE. Another empirical approach to estimate GPP is based on spectral measure-
ments from remote sensors by linking optical signals with ecosystem photosynthesis, mostly through light
use efficiency (LUE) models (Gamon,2015). The LUE-based GPP models might work better for deciduous
or annual vegetation, since their photosynthesis is mainly regulated by canopy greenness that can be well
tracked with commonly used vegetation indices (VIs) like normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI;
Myneni & Williams,1994) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI; Huete etal.,2002). For evergreen vegeta-
tion like mangroves with relatively stable canopy greenness, the seasonality of GPP is largely decoupled
with these reflectance-based VIs (Barr etal.,2013; Zhu etal.,2019). As a complement to reflectance-based
VIs, sun-induced fluorescence (SIF) has recently emerged as a promising spectral approach to approximat-
ing GPP given that the strong SIF-GPP correlation has been confirmed across spatial scales with spaceborne
(Frankenberg etal.,2011; Guanter etal.,2014; Sun etal.,2018), airborne (Damm etal.,2014; Zarco-Tejada
etal.,2013), and ground-based (Miao etal.,2018; Yang etal.,2015) platforms.
SIF is a chlorophyll fluorescence emitted by photosynthetic pigments after solar light absorption. SIF carries
direct information on the actual electron transport in the light reactions of photosynthesis and is mechan-
ically linked with GPP (Gu etal.,2019; Porcar-Castell etal.,2014). In practice, SIF can be retrieved within
deep and narrow atmospheric absorption bands where a small fluorescence signal is technically discernible
from large background solar radiation (Meroni etal.,2009). Although many previous studies have empiri-
cally shown a close relationship between SIF and GPP across ecosystems and platforms, the knowledge of
the controlling mechanisms of SIF signal and its linkage with GPP is still limited. First, although SIF and
GPP are closely coupled at the physiological level, there is theoretically no universal scaling relationship
between each other because several space- and time-dependent physiological and canopy-structure factors
affect how measured SIF is related to GPP (Gu etal.,2019; He etal.,2017; Zhang etal.,2019). For example,
the absorbed photon energy in the light reactions excites Chl molecules, and then the excitation energy is
consumed by three main pathways including photochemical processes, fluorescence emissions, and heat
dissipation through non-photochemical quenching, all of which are temporally dynamic and under differ-
ent physiological controls (Porcar-Castell etal.,2014). Although there is a close connection among three
pathways, one can only physiologically interpret the link between two processes when one or more of these
three processes are determined. Thus, the SIF-GPP relationship is also a function of environmental stresses
(Ač etal., 2015; Maxwell & Johnson,2000). Second, both linear and nonlinear empirical functions have
been proposed to represent the SIF-GPP relationships, but it is unclear which one works better in estimating
GPP from SIF. Although many previous studies have reported linear SIF-GPP relationships, in particular,
with spaceborne sensors (Frankenberg etal.,2011; Guanter etal.,2014; Sun etal.,2017), this linear relation-
ship on a global scale is likely to be an artifact due to temporal and spatial aggregation of original SIF signals
(Gu etal.,2019; Magney etal.,2019). In fact, nonlinear asymptotic SIF-GPP relationships have also been
reported in both spaceborne (Li etal.,2018) and ground-based (Paul-Limoges etal.,2018) studies. There-
fore, large-scale SIF-GPP patterns might not represent actual SIF-GPP correlations at plant and ecosystem
scales (Damm etal.,2015). Third, spaceborne and airborne remote sensing generally provide snapshots of
SIF under clear sky conditions, and thus there is an under-sampling of SIF under other light conditions,
like diffuse light. Without temporally continuous SIF signals, it is difficult to fully assess the influence of
light conditions on SIF and its correlation with GPP, which is non-trivial given the significant contribution
of diffuse light to GPP (Mercado etal.,2009; Zhang etal.,2011). Fourth, there is limited knowledge of the
relationship between the quantum yield of SIF (SIFy: the ratio of SIF over absorbed photosynthetically
active radiation [APAR]) and LUE (the ratio of GPP over APAR), and how this relationship changes with
APAR (Miao etal.,2018). Although the SIF-GPP ratio is by definition equivalent to the SIFy-LUE ratio at
instantaneous scales, the SIF-GPP relationship at long-term scales is jointly determined by the SIFy-LUE re-
lationship and the temporal variations in APAR. Due to much larger variations in APAR than those in both
SIFy and LUE, APAR has been found to be the dominant factor controlling the linear SIF-GPP relationship
(Yang etal.,2015). The LUE-APAR relationship has been widely reported across ecosystems (Gitelson &
Gamon,2015; Turner et al.,2003), but the SIFy-APAR and SIFy-LUE relationships are rarely investigated
and still unclear (Miao etal.,2018; Verma etal.,2017).
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Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
In the face of the challenges discussed above, ground-based continuous and concurrent time-series meas-
urements of SIF and GPP (e.g., via EC flux towers) are highly needed to capture both short-term and long-
term temporal variations of SIF, GPP and their relationship under different environmental conditions.
Although the SIF-GPP correlation has been confirmed in several tower-based field studies, they were con-
ducted largely for croplands (Goulas etal., 2017; Liu et al., 2017) or temperate/boreal forests (Magney
etal.,2019; Yang etal.,2015). Until now, we are not aware of any SIF study for mangroves with long-term
continuous high-frequency measurements of SIF. Although the empirical linear SIF-GPP relationship has
been established in previous tower-based field studies on temperate/boreal forests (Magney etal., 2019;
Yang etal.,2015), it is unclear whether this linearity is applicable to subtropical/tropical evergreen forests
like mangroves. As low-latitude coastal wetland vegetation, evergreen mangroves are experiencing strong-
er atmospheric interference (e.g., cloudiness and aerosols) and smaller temperature difference (both diur-
nal and seasonal). Thus, the responses of SIF and GPP to varying light and temperature conditions might
not be obvious. Furthermore, evergreen mangroves have low stomatal conductance and intercellular CO2
levels, and thus the photosynthetic rates tend to saturate at relatively lower light intensity (Alongi,2009;
Ball,1996), which could make mangrove's SIF-GPP relationship different from others. Here, based on con-
tinuous and concurrent time-series measurements from tower-based hyperspectral and EC systems, we
derived and analyzed 1-year temporally continuous high-frequency signals of SIF and GPP at a subtropical
mangrove. The main objectives of this study were (1) to explore the diurnal and seasonal variations of man-
grove SIF and GPP and their environmental controls; (2) to investigate the empirical relationship between
SIF and GPP at diurnal and seasonal time scales; and (3) to examine the influence of different environmen-
tal conditions on mangrove SIF-GPP relationships.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Field Site
A mangrove forest within an intertidal estuarine wetland of southeastern China was investigated with a
variety of in-situ time-series measurements at a mangrove flux tower (23.9240°N, 117.4147°E; Yunxiao
mangrove site of ChinaFLUX and USCCC; Figure1). With a subtropical monsoon climate, this estuarine
wetland has an annual mean air temperature of 21.2°C, rainfall of 1,714.5mm (mostly during spring and
summer), and relative humidity of 79% (Lin,2001). The mangrove forest around the flux tower has dense
canopy structure with species composition mainly of Kandelia obovate, Avicennia marina, and Aegiceras
corniculatum (Zhu etal.,2019). With irregular semi-diurnal tide (mean tide range of 2m), the understory
sediment surface at the flux tower is normally inundated twice a day with varying maximal tidal heights
(up to1m) (Zhu etal.,2019). This mangrove forest is administrated by the Zhangjiang Estuary Mangrove
National Nature Reserve, China, and all permits for our research activities are acquired from them.
2.2. Environmental and Eddy Covariance Measurements
Air temperature and relative humidity were measured above the canopy using an HMP155A sensor (Vais-
ala), and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) was derived from air temperature and relative humidity (Mur-
ra y, 1966). Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was measured above the canopy using a PQS1 PAR
Quantum sensor (Kipp & Zonen). Rainfall was measured above the canopy using a TE525MM Rain Gage
(Campbell Scientific, Inc.). Soil temperature was measured at a depth of 20cm using a soil thermocouple
probe (model 109; Campbell Scientific, Inc.). Incoming (SWin) and outgoing (SWout) shortwave radiation
were measured above the canopy using a CNR4 Net Radiometer (Kipp & Zonen). Meteorological measure-
ments were recorded using a CR1000 datalogger (Campbell Scientific, Inc.). Tidal surface water level was
calculated based on pressure difference from a pair of pressure sensors: one (HOBO U20L-04 Water Level
Logger; Onset) was deployed just above sediment surface at the flux tower to measure varying pressures
with tidal cycles, and the other (CS106 barometer; Vaisala) was deployed on the flux tower to monitor air
pressure. Raw 10-min time series of meteorological and tidal measurements were consistently converted to
30-min data for further analysis.
Mangrove-atmospheric NEE was measured continuously using the EC technique (Baldocchi etal.,2001).
The EC system consisted of a three-axis sonic anemometer (CSAT-3; Campbell Scientific, Inc.) and an open
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Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
path infrared gas analyzer (LI-7500; Li-COR Inc.). Mangrove forests had varying canopy heights averaged
at 4m (Zhu etal.,2019), and the EC system was mounted on the tower at a height of 6m. Raw EC data
at 10Hz was recorded using a CR3000 datalogger (Campbell Scientific, Inc.) and processed to 30-min NEE
using the EddyPro6.1 software (Li-COR Inc.). Necessary flux correction (including axis rotation, ultrasonic
correction, and frequency response correction) and quality control (including steady-state test, turbulent
conditions test, statistical tests, absolute limits test, and rain test) procedures were implemented in Ed-
dyPro6.1 to ensure the quality of processed EC data. Nighttime poor flux measurements under insufficient
turbulence were filtered out using a friction velocity threshold calculated as in Reichstein etal. (2005).
Storage fluxes of CO2 calculated in EddyPro6.1 using a single-point concentration profile method were
also considered in computing NEE. Co-spectral analysis indicated the EC system was able to capture eddy
fluxes across the whole range of frequencies. The daytime 30-min ecosystem respiration (Re) was first es-
timated from daytime soil temperature based on the fitted nighttime Re-soil temperature response curve,
and then used for partitioning 30-min GPP from daytime 30-min NEE (more details in Zhu etal.[2019]).
Similar to Barr etal.(2013), nighttime NEE values with inundated sediment surface were excluded in fitting
the Re-temperature response curve since measured nighttime NEE under inundated conditions was likely
lower than actual nighttime Re because respired CO2 might dissolve into the overlying tidal water and be
exported. The LUE (mol mol−1) was calculated as the ratio of GPP and APAR (Equation1), which is the
product of PAR and fraction of APAR (fAPAR) (Equation2). The fAPAR was approximately estimated for the
canopy based on concurrent measurements of SWin and SWout (Equation3) (Nichol etal.,2019). The daily
GPP and LUE were calculated as the average of 30-min GPP and LUE, respectively. The monthly GPP and
LUE were averaged from the daily values.
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Figure 1. Wetland landscape of the field site (a) and horizontal view of mangrove flux tower (b) deployed for
meteorological, eddy covariance, and hyperspectral measurements (for visual reference, the forest strip around the
flux tower is 200-m wide). Various instruments, including two spectrometers, were integrated as shown in the sketch
diagram (c) to collect continuous hyperspectral measurements for retrieving SIF and vegetation indices.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
APAR out in
1 SW / SWf
2.3. Hyperspectral Measurements and Calculations
Following the FluoSpec2 system (Miao etal.,2018; Yang etal.,2015), two high-accuracy hyperspectral spec-
trometers were deployed on the mangrove flux tower in December 2017 to acquire long-term continuous
hyperspectral measurements for retrieving SIF and VIs (Figure1). The first hyperspectral spectrometer (QE-
PRO, OceanOptics, Inc.), covering the wavelength from 730 to 786nm with a spectral resolution of 0.1nm
(full width half maximum, FWHM), was used for SIF retrieval at the O2-A band (760nm). The second one
(HR2000+, OceanOptics, Inc.), covering the wavelength from 200 to 1,100nm with a spectral resolution of
1.5nm (FWHM), was used to calculate VIs. Each spectrometer was connected to a pair of upward-facing
(irradiance path; collecting signals from the sun) and downward-facing (radiance path; collecting signals
from the mangrove canopy) fiber optics (mounted at the height of 7m above the canopy), and an inline
fiber optic shutter (FOS-2X2-TTL, OceanOptics, Inc.) was embedded between the spectrometer and fiber
optic to switch between irradiance and radiance paths. The upward-facing fiber optic attached with a cosine
corrector (CC-3-UV-S, OceanOptics, Inc.) had a field of view (FOV) of 180°, while the downward-facing
bare fiber optic had a FOV of 25° (footprint of 3m in diameter). The spectrometers and inline shutters
were housed in a temperature-controlled enclosure.
The spectrometer-shutter system first collected solar irradiance, then collected canopy radiance with shut-
ter switched, and then collected solar irradiance with shutter switched back. To improve signal-to-noise
ratio, the system was configured to have an adaptive illumination-dependent integrating time during each
collection (<10s). The system triggered an irradiance-radiance-irradiance measurement cycle every 5min
to acquire one canopy radiance measurement and the mean of two solar irradiance measurements. Radi-
ometric calibrations of the system were performed before data collection: irradiance signals were calibrated
using a standard light source (HL-3P-CAL, OceanOptics, Inc.) and radiance signals were calibrated using
a standard reflection board (Spectralon®, Labsphere). All measurements were corrected for dark current,
and raw data collected by the spectrometers were converted to irradiance (mW m−2nm−1) and radiance
(mW m−2nm−1 sr−1) (Perez-Priego etal.,2005). For example irradiance, radiance, and apparent reflectance
spectra over the course of the day were given in FigureS1. To avoid potential large deviation from the cosine
corrector (e.g., self-shading issue from the recessed cavity), we excluded the raw measurements acquired
with solar elevation angle <30° (71% data remaining at this stage). Following Cogliati etal.(2015), addition-
al data quality control procedures were applied to filter out poor-quality spectra measurements: (1) collected
data were checked not to represent spectrometer saturation values (68% data remaining); (2) poor-quality
data were rejected by checking the magnitude and stability of irradiance and radiance within each irradi-
ance-radiance-irradiance measurement cycle, to avoid potential disturbance from cloudy conditions (e.g.,
a quick cloudy/clear shift) (67% data remaining); (3) too low irradiance (vs. dark current) was rejected to
exclude poor-quality measurements under low-illumination conditions (55% data remaining); (4) data ac-
quired with non-optimal integration time (maximum irradiance<half of spectrometer saturation values)
were also rejected (33% data remaining). Thus, the availability of valid data reduced from 71% to 33% with
higher availability in autumn (57%; how much of the data were valid within this season) and winter (42%)
and lower availability in summer (29%) and spring (21%).
SIF at 760nm was retrieved from the hyperspectral measurement (QE-PRO) in the O2-A band (atmospheric
absorption spectrum) using the spectral fitting method (SFM; Meroni etal.,2009). By assuming both canopy
reflectance (r(λ)) and SIF (F(λ)) are linear functions of wavelength (λ; nm) in the O2-A band, SIF can be
retrieved from hyperspectral measurements of incident solar irradiance (E(λ)) and reflected radiance (L(λ)):
    
, 757.834, 768.763
where ε(λ) is the model error. In practice, a total of 194 bands within the spectral range between 757.834 and
768.763nm were used to retrieve SIF at 760.351nm.
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Since photochemical reflectance index (PRI; Gamon etal.,1992) has been often found to scale well with
GPP across different ecosystems including evergreens (Garbulsky etal.,2011), the PRI-GPP relationship
was also examined here. Specifically, PRI was retrieved from canopy reflectance data at specific wavelengths
(r(λ)) based on incident and reflected spectral signals from HR2000+:
rr rr
Both SIF and PRI were calculated every 5-min and then averaged to 30-min values for further analyses.
Spectral measurements under rainy conditions were excluded. To remove the effect of APAR variation on
the SIF-GPP relationship, we also compared LUE with the quantum yield of SIF (SIFy; J nm−1 sr−1mmol−1),
which was calculated as the ratio of 30-min SIF and APAR:
Daily values of SIF, PRI, and SIFy were calculated by averaging all 30-min values. The monthly values were
averaged from the daily values.
3. Results
3.1. Temporal Variations of GPP and LUE
The 30-min GPP showed significant diurnal and seasonal variations from December 2017 to October 2018
(Figure2a). The magnitude of GPP typically varied from 0 to 25μmol m−2 s−1 with the daytime mean GPP
of 16.0μmol m−2 s−1. At the diurnal scale, the 30-min GPP showed humped varying patterns with values
peaking around noon. At the seasonal scale, the 30-min GPP had the highest and lowest values in spring
(daytime mean value of 17.0μmol m−2 s−1) and winter (14.8μmol m−2 s−1), respectively. The daily GPP
(average of 30-min values), ranging from 3.52 to 21.8μmol m−2 s−1, also had a strong variation over the year
with the highest and the lowest mean daily values in spring (16.9μmol m−2 s−1) and winter (14.7μmol m−2
s−1), respectively (Figure3a). There were also significant diurnal variations in 30-min LUE values typically
varying from 0.01 to 0.04mol mol−1 with the daily average of 0.019mol mol−1, while there was no obvious
seasonal varying pattern in 30-min LUE (Figure2c). The 30-min LUE tended to show U-shaped diurnal pat-
terns with the values lower around noon and higher at dawn and dusk. The daily LUE varied from 0.010 to
0.054mol mol−1 with an average of 0.020mol mol−1, and daily LUE was higher in winter (0.023mol mol−1)
than in other seasons (0.019mol mol−1) (Figure3b).
3.2. Temporal Variations of SIF and SIFy
The 30-min SIF varied across time at both diurnal and seasonal scales, and the magnitude typically changed
from 0.2 to 1.2mW m−2nm−1 sr−1 with the daytime mean of 0.44mW m−2nm−1 sr−1 (Figure2b). Like GPP,
the 30-min SIF followed humped diurnal patterns with statistically significant (p<0.05) higher mean values
in summer (0.55mW m−2nm−1 sr−1) and autumn (0.54mW m−2nm−1 sr−1) than winter (0.30mW m−2nm−1
sr−1) and spring (0.16mW m−2nm−1 sr−1). The daily SIF, ranging from 0.03 to 1.01mW m−2nm−1 sr−1, varied
over the year with statistically significant (p<0.05) higher mean values in summer (0.44mW m−2nm−1
sr−1) and autumn (0.46mW m−2nm−1 sr−1) than in winter (0.32mW m−2nm−1 sr−1) and spring (0.20mW
m−2nm-1 sr−1) (Figure3a). The 30-min SIFy ranged from 1.0×10−4 to 1.3×10−3J nm−1 sr−1mmol−1 (daily
average of 4.1×10−4J nm−1 sr−1mmol−1) (Figure2d), and the daily SIFy ranged from 4×10−6 to 1.2×10−3J
nm−1 sr−1mmol−1 (average of 3.5 × 10−4J nm−1 sr−1mmol−1) (Figure3b). Same as SIF, the mean values
of both 30-min and daily SIFy were found to be statistically significant (p<0.05) higher in summer and
autumn than in winter and spring.
3.3. Correlation Between SIF and GPP
Although there was not good consistency in temporal variations of daily SIF and GPP, the running mean
of the daily values indicated that SIF tracked with GPP to a certain extent, where the peaks and troughs
of the smoothed curves roughly matched each other (Figure 3a). The strength of the SIF-GPP correla-
tions varied with seasons, with better covariations between 30-min SIF and GPP in summer (correlation
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Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
coefficient between diurnal mean values, r=0.84, p< 0.05) and autumn (r=0.82, p <0.05) (Figure4).
The 30-min GPP followed humped varying patterns across seasons without obvious downregulation around
noon, while the diurnal courses of SIF experienced obvious downregulations around noon, in particular
for summer and autumn. The positive SIF-GPP relationships at diurnal and seasonal time scales were con-
firmed by the statistical analysis using 30-min and daily data, respectively (Figures5a and5c). Moreover,
the positive SIF-GPP relationship was found to be more nonlinear and linear at diurnal and seasonal time
scales, respectively. At diurnal time scale, a nonlinear regression (
 GPP 18.7 SIF 2.93 / SIF 0.24
explained 14% of the variations (p<0.05), while at seasonal time scale the SIF-GPP relationship was bet-
ter described by a linear regression (
GPP 14.29 4.01 SIF
; R2=0.17, p<0.05). The SIF-GPP correla-
tion was comparable with the PRI-GPP correlations at both diurnal (Figure5a vs. Figure5b) and seasonal
(Figure5c vs. Figure5d) time scales. Further analysis of environmental influence on the SIF-GPP correla-
7 of 17
Figure 2. Diurnal and seasonal variations in 30-min measurements of (a) GPP, (b) SIF, (c) LUE, (d) SIFy, and environmental factors (e–h: PAR, air temperature,
VPD, and surface water level) from December 2017 to October 2018. The data with solar elevation angle 30° were shown only for the former four variables.
Gaps in the data resulted from instrument failure and quality control. GPP, gross primary productivity; LUE, light use efficiency; PAR, photosynthetically active
radiation; SIF, sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence; SIFy, quantum yield of SIF; VPD, vapor pressure deficit.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
tion indicted that the correlation coefficients between 30-min SIF and GPP were not constant across various
environmental gradients (Figure6). Among the five investigated environmental variables (PAR, air temper-
ature, VPD, surface water salinity, and surface water level), the impacts of VPD on the SIF-GPP relationship
were the most obvious with lower SIF-GPP correlations at higher VPD.
3.4. Correlation Between SIFy and LUE
The correlation between SIFy and LUE was found to be weaker than the SIF-GPP correlation. At seasonal
time scale, both of the time series of daily SIFy and LUE fluctuated a lot, but there was no obvious covar-
iation between them (Figure3b). At diurnal time scale, the strength of the SIFy-LUE correlations varied
across seasons, with better covariations in spring (r=0.72, p<0.05) and winter (r=0.64, p<0.05) (Fig-
ure7). During the course of the day, 30-min LUE tended to be higher at morning/afternoon hours and
lower around noon, although this U-shaped diurnal pattern was not obvious due to the dismissal of early
8 of 17
Figure 3. Seasonal variations in daily GPP, SIF, LUE, SIFy, and environmental factors (PAR, air temperature, VPD,
and surface water level) from December 2017 to October 2018. The daily mean values were shown for the variables
except for surface water level (using daily maximum values). Lines represented 11 days moving average of daily values.
GPP, gross primary productivity; LUE, light use efficiency; PAR, photosynthetically active radiation; SIF, sun-induced
chlorophyll fluorescence; SIFy, quantum yield of SIF; VPD, vapor pressure deficit.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
morning/late afternoon hours with solar elevation angle <30°. For 30-min SIFy, there was no obvious diur-
nal variation for each season. The comparison between 30-min SIFy and LUE indicated that they tended to
match during midday hours but diverge from each other during morning and afternoon hours.
4. Discussion
4.1. The SIF-GPP Link and Its Environmental Controls
The relationship between SIF and GPP observed from this study conform to previous understanding that
there is a link between photosynthetic CO2 assimilation and accompanying chlorophyll fluorescence emis-
sions. The coupled SIF-GPP relationship demonstrates the potential of SIF to track the temporal dynamics
of GPP in mangroves. Although the SIF-GPP link has been confirmed across ecosystems and platforms,
whether the link is linear or nonlinear has not been well understood (Damm etal.,2015; Lee etal.,2015;
Yang etal.,2017). Many of previous SIF studies reported a linear SIF-GPP relationship (Magney etal.,2019;
Nichol etal.,2019; Yang etal.,2015), but recent studies have also revealed that the SIF-GPP relationship
tended to be nonlinear, especially at shorter time scales (Lee etal.,2015; Paul-Limoges etal.,2018; Zhang
etal.,2016). Based on 1-year time-series measurements from hyperspectral and EC systems, we were able
to better examine the SIF-GPP relationship in mangroves across time scales. The strength of the SIF-GPP
linkage at diurnal and seasonal time scales was comparable, but the positive link tended to shift from a
nonlinear pattern at diurnal time scale to a linear pattern at seasonal time scale (Figures5a and5c). This
finding is consistent with previous empirical/modeling studies (Damm etal.,2015; Li etal.,2018; Zhang
etal.,2016) showing the functional relationship between SIF and GPP was not consistent across time scales
with a trend of being more linear with temporal aggregations. This finding also agrees with recent research
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Figure 4. Diurnal mean GPP and SIF across seasons: (a) winter, (b) spring, (c) summer, and (d) autumn. Markers and
error bars represented mean values and standard deviations, respectively. Pearson's correlation coefficients (r) between
diurnal mean GPP and SIF were calculated for each season (all coefficients were statistically significant at p<0.05).
Note the data with solar elevation angle <30° were excluded via quality control. GPP, gross primary productivity; SIF,
sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
review by Gu etal.(2019) demonstrating that nonlinear instantaneous SIF-GPP relationship should in the-
ory move toward more linear when integrated over time.
Midday depression in SIF was observed from our measurements, and this phenomenon was found to be
more obvious in summer and autumn (Figure4). Although few remotely sensed SIF studies have reported
midday depression in SIF likely due to the lack of continuous, high temporal-resolution SIF measurements,
the midday reduction in chlorophyll fluorescence emissions has been widely reported in many studies at
leaf level (Martínez-Ferri etal., 2000; Raschke & Resemann,1986; Špunda et al.,2005), which attributed
this phenomenon to both stomatal and non-stomatal limitations from environmental stresses such as excess
light and high VPD. Excess absorbed solar energy at midday increases energy allocation to non-radiative
heat dissipation, which leads to reduced energy allocation to photochemistry and fluorescence, resulting in
the midday depression in fluorescence (Demmig-Adams,1990; Martínez-Ferri etal.,2000). The depression
also occurs when the plant suffers from moisture stress with VPD exceeding the threshold (Raschke & Rese-
mann,1986). The midday depression in SIF from our measurements in mangroves corresponded to midday
environmental stresses including excess light (Figure2e) and high VPD (Figure2g). Higher midday light/
VPD/temperature around noon (Figures2e–2g) might explain why midday depression in SIF was more
obvious in summer and autumn.
In comparison, midday depression in GPP was not as obvious as that in SIF (Figure4). Same with SIF, the
extent of midday depression in GPP varied across seasons with relatively stronger suppression in summer
and autumn (i.e., change from a humped phase to a stationary phase; Figures4c and 4d). The reasons
10 of 17
Figure 5. The relationships between GPP and SIF and between GPP and PRI at diurnal (a) and (b) and seasonal (c)
and (d) time scales. Statistically significant (p<0.05) fitting curves and corresponding R2 were also shown. The color
bars in the first row indicated point density of 30-min values. GPP, gross primary productivity; PRI, photochemical
reflectance index; SIF, sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
why the extent of midday depression differed between GPP and SIF are manifold. First, the absorbed so-
lar energy may also be consumed by non-radiative heat dissipation in addition to that used for SIF and
photosynthetic activity, and thus there is no universal scaling relationship between SIF and GPP. Several
studies have attributed the midday SIF depression to higher non-radiative heat dissipation (Li etal.,2000;
Peguero-Pina etal.,2008; Paul-Limoges et al., 2018). Higher midday non-radiative heat dissipation was
also supported by our previous study showing lower PRI at midday hours for the same mangrove forests
(Zhu etal.,2019), since lower PRI corresponded to stronger non-radiative heat dissipation via xanthophyll
cycle (Gamon etal.,1992). Second, although SIF is directly coupled to photosynthetic activity during light
reactions, the whole physiological processes involved in SIF (light reactions only) and GPP (both light and
carbon reactions) are not the same (Gu etal.,2019), and thus they are very likely subjected to different envi-
ronmental controls (Porcar-Castell etal.,2014). Frequent cloud formation during the midday in subtropical
coastal region leads to a decrease in PAR but an increase in LUE (due to higher fraction of diffuse radiation)
(Barr etal., 2010; Gu et al., 2003). The combination of these two canceling effects might help to explain
the relatively stationary GPP around noon especially in summer and autumn (Figures4c and4d). Third, it
could also result from the difference in horizontal and vertical footprint sizes between SIF and EC systems.
For horizontal footprint, SIF signal had a much smaller footprint (3m in diameter for tower-based SIF
vs.100m for tower-based GPP), and thus it is not a surprise that SIF was generally more sensitive to envi-
ronmental stresses than GPP. For vertical footprint, tower-based SIF signals mainly represented the top-can-
opy leaves exposed to heavier environmental stresses around noon (e.g., high light, temperature, and VPD)
than the leaves lower in the canopy, while tower-based GPP from EC measurements represented ecosystem
carbon assimilation integrated over the whole canopy. Therefore, tower-based SIF was more likely affected
by environmental stresses around noon than tower-based GPP, leading to their midday mismatch.
11 of 17
Figure 6. Influences of environmental factors on the correlation between 30-min GPP and SIF. Pearson's correlation
coefficients were calculated for each single day and then grouped by daily values of environmental factors. The daily
mean values were used for the environmental factors except surface water level (using daily maximum values). The
vertical and horizontal error bars indicated standard deviations of SIF-GPP correlations and environmental factors,
respectively. GPP, gross primary productivity; PAR, photosynthetically active radiation; SIF: sun-induced chlorophyll
fluorescence; VPD, vapor pressure deficit.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
The analysis on the impact of the environmental factors on the SIF-GPP relationship revealed that the
strengths of the SIF-GPP link varied across environmental gradients (Figure6). Among these environmen-
tal factors, VPD was the only one exerting statistically significant (p<0.05) negative effect on the SIF-GPP
correlation, where lower VPD corresponded to stronger SIF-GPP correlation. The SIF-GPP correlation tend-
ed to be affected by PAR and air temperature, where the correlation peaked at medium PAR and air tem-
perature. There was no indication that the SIF-GPP correlation was regulated by surface water salinity or
surface water level. It is possible that tidal salinity at this field site (0–18 ppt for daily salinity) was not high
enough to cause apparent salinity inhibition of mangrove photosynthesis, which usually occurs with daily
salinity>15 ppt (Barr etal.,2013; Cui etal.,2018). Although the environmental impacts on the SIF-GPP
correlation differed in strength, as a whole the SIF-GPP correlations tended to be lower under atmospheric
stresses (i.e., high PAR, air temperature and VPD), which was consistent with previous studies showing that
the occurrence of environmental stresses decoupled the relationship between SIF and plant physiological
dynamics (Atherton etal.,2016; Lu etal.,2018).
4.2. The SIFy-LUE Link and Its Environmental Controls
In contrast with widely reported positive relationship between SIF and GPP across ecosystems and plat-
forms, there is a lack of consensus regarding the functional relationship between SIFy and LUE (Miao
et al., 2018). Positive correlations (Verma et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2015), negative correlations (Damm
etal.,2010), and even both of them (Miao etal.,2018; Zhang etal.,2016) have been found in previous stud-
ies on the SIFy-LUE link across the time scales. It is not a surprise the SIFy-LUE relationship is more variable
than the SIF-GPP relationships, since the influence of APAR with much larger temporal variation has been
12 of 17
Figure 7. Diurnal variations in seasonally mean LUE and SIFy across seasons: (a) winter, (b) spring, (c) summer,
and (d) autumn. Markers and error bars represented mean values and standard deviations, respectively. Pearson's
correlation coefficients (r) between diurnal mean LUE and SIFy were calculated for each season (all coefficients were
statistically significant at p<0.05). Note the data with solar elevation angle <30° were excluded via quality control.
LUE, light use efficiency; SIFy, quantum yield of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
excluded in the former. From the physiological perspective, it can be possible to have both positive and
negative SIFy-LUE relationship since the proportion of absorbed energy flowing along each of the energy
partitioning pathways can be dynamic and under various physiological controls. Porcar-Castell etal.(2014)
discussed the physiological processes that control the energy partitioning in details at the photosystem level,
and suggested a clear two-phased inverted “V” relationship between quantum yields of fluorescence and
photochemistry over the course of a day based on leaf-level pulse amplitude-modulated (PAM) fluorescence
measurements: (1) inversely proportional under low light phase; and (2) directly proportional under high
light phase. Under low light, the change in photochemistry yield are dominated by photochemical quench-
ing (PQ) with low and constant non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), while under high light the change
in photochemistry yield are dominated by NPQ with constant PQ. Since decreasing PQ and increasing NPQ
have opposite effects on fluorescence yield, it generates a two-phased “V” relationship between fluores-
cence yield and photochemistry yield (Porcar-Castell etal.,2014).
Although it may not be meaningful to directly compare canopy-level SIF measurements (non-steady SIF)
with leaf-level PAM fluorescence measurement (steady SIF), we did observe a similar two-phased diurnal
relationship between SIFy and LUE (Figure7). The difference in diurnal variations between SIFy and LUE
supports the notion that the functional relationship between SIFy and LUE depends on light conditions
(Miao etal.,2018; Zhang etal.,2016). Another possible reason explaining the divergence between SIFy and
LUE at early morning/late afternoon is that, at lower solar elevations, larger proportion of light is absorbed
by within-canopy leaves rather than by top-canopy leaves, resulting in less detected SIF emissions due to
the within-canopy re-absorption effect (Du etal.,2017; Porcar-Castell etal.,2014). The escape probability
of emitted fluorescence was not considered here, and thus it was possible that the observed diverge between
SIFy and LUE at early morning/late afternoon might have been magnified by ignoring the escape probabili-
ty that can vary substantially over the day (Yang & van der Tol,2018; Zeng etal.,2019).
4.3. Implications and Uncertainties
The asymptotic behavior of the SIF-GPP relationship at diurnal scale (increasing SIF vs. saturating GPP)
indicates that the increase in SIF is faster than the increase in GPP under light-saturating conditions. For
this reason, we expect that the estimation of GPP from sporadic spaceborne and airborne SIF measurements
(usually under light-saturating conditions) would be higher than the actual values if a linear SIF-GPP em-
pirical relationship was assumed. It should be cautious to establish functional relationship between SIF and
GPP since it could be time scale-dependent. The mismatch of midday depression between SIF and GPP un-
der high light observed from our results also suggests that the retrieval of SIF-GPP relationship from those
sporadic SIF measurements could contain biases.
Although the SIF-GPP correlations are not as strong as those reported by previous ground-based SIF stud-
ies, our results demonstrate the potential of SIF in indicating mangrove canopy GPP with comparable per-
formance of PRI. This confirms that SIF can serve an important complement to reflectance-based VIs in
indicating mangrove carbon fluxes. It should be noted that previous ground-based SIF mainly focused on
vegetation experiencing either seasonally distinct canopy structure or temperature variation over the course
of the year, while evergreen mangroves in this study are experiencing indistinct canopy structure and small
temperature variation. This can partially explain why the SIF-GPP correlation in mangrove forests is rela-
tively weaker. Both of the midday depression in SIF and the variation in SIFy at the diurnal scale suggest
that SIF might be highly sensitive to various environmental stresses, which reveals the potential of applying
SIF to examine the influences of various types of stresses on mangrove carbon fluxes.
Although tower-based continuous measurements of both SIF and EC systems enabled us to examine the
SIF-GPP and SIFy-LUE relationships and to disentangle the confounding effects of various environmental
factors, several uncertainties are involved in field experiment setups and data processing/analyses. First, the
direct comparison between tower-based SIF and GPP suffers from the difference in footprint sizes (both in
horizontal and vertical dimensions) between SIF and EC instrumentations. The impacts of the difference
in horizontal footprint sizes were not considered in data analyses of this study, but future studies should
examine how this “horizontal mismatch” affects the SIF-GPP correlations. Tower-based SIF signals pre-
dominately come from top-canopy leaves because of the re-absorption of emitted SIF within the canopy
(Du etal.,2017; Porcar-Castell etal.,2014), while GPP represents carbon assimilations integrated over the
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Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
whole canopy. This “vertical mismatch” may affect the empirical relationships and their sensitivities to
environmental stresses. Second, tower-based SIF measurements are affected by changing fractions of sunlit
and shaded leaves over the course of a day (He etal., 2017; Tol etal.,2009; Zhang et al., 2020), and this
sun-viewing-geometry issue requires further investigations (Liu etal.,2016; Pinto etal.,2017). Third, there
is a growing recognition of the importance of escape probability of emitted fluorescence, which is highly
dependent on canopy structure and affects the amount and temporal variation of fluorescence “seen” by the
spectrometer (Yang & van der Tol,2018; Zeng etal.,2019). The retrieved SIF could be smaller than actual
fluorescence emissions by ignoring the escape probability, which propagates uncertainty to the analyses
of temporal variation of SIF and the SIF-GPP correlations. This limitation needs further investigation in
future studies. Fourth, the choice of various SIF retrieval algorithms could affect our data analyses. To
examine the impact of algorithms on the retrieved SIF, we tried another commonly used algorithm, 3FLD
(Meroni etal.,2009), and the comparison showed little difference between 3FLD-based and SFM-based SIF
(FigureS2), which supported the reliability of retrieved SIF. Fifth, the dismissal of atmospheric absorption
(a 7-m distance between fiber optics and mangrove canopy as in this study) of reflected canopy radiance
could bias the retrieved SIF (Liu etal.,2017). A rough analysis of the influence of atmospheric absorption
on SFM-based SIF retrieval (assuming 1% decrease in upwelling atmospheric transmittance for a 7-m dis-
tance according to Liu etal. [2017]) indicated that the difference was negligible (<2%) between retrieved
SIF with and without considering atmospheric absorption. Sixth, further attentions should be paid to the
uncertainties associated with the partitioning approaches for EC-derived GPP (Reichstein etal.,2005) and
the applicability of the approaches in tide-affected mangrove wetlands (Barr etal.,2013). See Wohlfahrt
and Gu(2015) for a comprehensive discussion on the potential difference between EC-derived and “true”
photosynthesis as well as the issues associated with the partitioning approaches. Last but not least, our data
analyses suffered from the sparseness of the data and resultant sampling biases over the day and the season
due to instrument failure and quality control (e.g., low data availability in winter, and under-sampling in
early mornings and late afternoons), and thus improvements of instrumentations and maintenance for
more data availability are highly need to further confirm these findings.
5. Conclusions
Qualitative and quantitative analyses have been conducted here to explore the temporal dynamics of SIF
and GPP as well as their link under various environmental conditions at a subtropical mangrove forest
of southeastern China, based on 1-year continuous and concurrent time-series measurements from tow-
er-based hyperspectral and EC systems. Both of the SIF-GPP and the SIFy-LUE relationships were examined
to assess the capability of SIF for tracking mangrove photosynthesis at diurnal and seasonal time scales. The
main findings are summarized as follows. (1) The temporal variations of SIF and GPP shared overall similar
changing patterns at diurnal and seasonal time scales. (2) The SIF-GPP correlations was comparable with
the PRI-GPP correlations and thus SIF can serve a potential remotely sensed indicator of mangrove canopy
GPP. (3) The functional relationship between SIF and GPP in mangroves might be time scale-dependent
with more nonlinear and linear at diurnal and seasonal time scales, respectively. (4) Midday depression
in SIF was observed in mangroves when environmental stresses occurred around noon (including excess
light and high VPD), and the strength of the SIF-GPP relationship was affected by changing environmental
conditions. (5) The SIFy-LUE relationship was temporally more dynamic than the SIF-GPP relationship,
and SIF and LUE tended to match during midday hours but diverge from each other during morning and
afternoon hours. This study provides the first, high temporal-resolution, continuous SIF measurements in
mangroves and highlights the importance of characterizing the impacts of environmental conditions on the
SIF-GPP relationship. Future studies should take into account these issues in order to reduce the uncertain-
ty in estimating GPP from remotely sensed SIF measurements.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest relevant to this study.
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Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
Data Availability Statement
The data necessary to reproduce key findings in this study can be accessed at
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The authors thank Yaqing Lu, Kang-
ming Chen, Chenyang Sun, Cheng-
juan Zheng, and Guanmin Huang for
their help in the fieldwork and data
quality control. The authors thank
the Zhangjiang Estuary Mangrove
National Nature Reserve for its long-
term support to our ecological research
program. The authors also thank
ChinaFLUX and the U.S.-China Carbon
Consortium (USCCC) for helpful
discussions and exchange of ideas. This
study was supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China
(31600368), the National Key Research
and Development Program of China
(2017YFC0506102), the Natural Science
Foundation of Fujian Province, China
(2017J01069, 2020J01112079), the Youth
InnovationFoundation of Xiamen,
China (3502Z20206038), the Funda-
mental Research Funds for the Central
Universities of China (20720180118,
20720190104), the Key Laboratory of
the Coastal and Wetland Ecosystems
(WELRI201601), and the State Key
Laboratory of Marine Environmental
Science (MELRI1603).
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... At the beginning of global carbon biochemical cycle, gross primary production (GPP) plays an important role in quantifying the carbon sink of terrestrial ecosystems (Zhu et al., 2021). GPP is the largest CO 2 flux that measures the quantity of organic carbon that vegetation fixed, therefore accurately monitoring GPP is the key to understanding terrestrial carbon cycles (Friedlingstein et al., 2020;Zhang et al., 2021). ...
... To date, increasing attention has been devoted to investigating the impact of environmental factors on the correlation between the SIF and GPP. Previous studies at the leaf level reported a depression of fluorescence emission at noon (Špunda et al., 2005), and midday depression of SIF has been revealed in recent studies (Paul-Limoges et al., 2018;Zhu et al., 2021). This can be partially elucidated by considering the stomatal and non-stomatal limitations that arise due to environmental pressures, including water stress, excess light, or high NPQ (Meroni et al., 2008;Zhu et al., 2019). ...
... On the 30-min time scale, the SIF-GPP relationship was modulated by the interaction of SIF yield and LUE (Zhu et al., 2021); however, because APAR and SIF were strongly correlated (Fig. 11), APAR was the determining factor in the SIF and GPP relationship in subtropical evergreen forests. Fig. 11 shows that at the 30-min scale, APAR and SIF show a more obvious linear correlation, whereas the relationship between APAR and GPP was more dispersed, which was suitable for non-linear fitting. ...
... operational wavelength range of the instrument is approximately 650 nm to 840 nm, with a spectral resolution of around 0.31 nm. At the YX site, the SIFSpec instrument installed is the QE-PRO (Zhu et al. 2021), which is an improved version of the QE65Pro. The QE-PRO features a high saturation threshold, with digital numbers (DN) reaching up to 200,000. ...
... In order to obtain tower-based SIF, a series of processes have been carried out, including raw data preprocessing, quality control, atmospheric correction, and SIF retrieval. Detailed information on the processing can be referred to Du et al. (2019) and Zhu et al. (2021). The in-situ tower-based SIF observations over these sites are free to access at ...
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Validation of the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) SIF product is a necessity to evaluate its feasibility in various applications. A few validation works have been conducted through direct comparison with in-situ SIF retrievals or cross-comparison with similar satellite-based SIF or vegetation index (VI) products. Nevertheless, the influence of the geolocation mismatch between the validation pixel and reference data on validation results was never considered. This study, for the first time, quantifies the geolocation shift of the TROPOMI validation pixel based on a geometric location matching method and then the uncertainty caused by the geolocation mismatch. The results indicate that the geolocation shift of the TROPOMI pixel shows large temporal variations, with a standard deviation of 2.30 km and 1.91 km in the across- and along-track directions. The mean shifts are 0.17 km and 0.28 km in the across- and along-track directions respectively, indicating eastward shifts in the across-track direction and northward shifts in the along-track direction in general. More than half (42/54) of the time periods showed relative uncertainty larger than 5%, with the maximum even reaching 55.7%. Hence, the uncertainty caused by geolocation mismatch should be fully considered in the validation of satellite SIF products, especially over heterogeneous surfaces.
... We collected daily GPP data from January 2016 to December 2018 at the MP site , from January 2017 to December 2020 at the ZJ site (X. Zhu, Hou, et al., 2021;X. Zhu, Qin, & Song, 2021;X. ...
... height of the EC sensor was uplifted from 5 to 10 m in June 2020, leading to an additional 10% of open water within the sensor footprint. Therefore, we proportionally enlarged the daily GPPs after the tower change. The annual GPP observations were provided by previous studies through summing up daily GPP values after gap filling Zhao et al., 2022;X. Zhu, Hou, et al., 2021). Note that the ZJ site missed long-term GPP measurements (22 days in 2017 and 55 days in 2019), and the annual GPP was calculated as the sum of the available daily GPP values. We also excluded the missing period from the modeled GPPs when comparing the observed and modeled annual GPPs. Table 1 shows the model environmental drivers, incl ...
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Mangrove ecosystems are becoming increasingly important in global climate mitigation. However, large gaps still exist in evaluating mangroves' gross primary productivity (GPP) due to reasons such as the specific influences, for example, temperature and salt stresses are poorly described in Earth System Models (ESMs). This study developed a process‐based biogeochemical model (Mango‐GPP) to improve the GPP simulation in natural and restored mangroves. The model integrates mangrove‐specific physiological processes, including the response to salt and temperature stresses, as well as the light‐use efficiency at different growing stages. Eddy covariance flux measurements at two natural sites and one restored site in China were used to calibrate and validate Mango‐GPP. The model was calibrated by inverse analysis approach based on two cases and independently validated against the other cases. The validation results showed that it was generally capable of simulating the seasonal and interannual GPP variations at different sites. The simulated daily and annual GPPs agreed well with the observations and yielded R² of 0.67 and 0.96, with model efficiency of 0.64 and 0.93, respectively. In comparison, Mango‐GPP showed better performances than many current satellite‐based GPP products and ESMs. The model was more sensitive to solar radiation, carbon dioxide concentration, and leaf traits. Future improvements should focus on enhancing Mango‐GPP's descriptive power of key processes, and further simulating other carbon fluxes at regional scales. This work provides a model foundation for further simulating carbon exchanges between the atmosphere, mangrove, and ocean for studying the coastal wetland restoration on regional carbon neutrality.
... The day-night difference in F CH4 is supported by the latter interpretation with the evidence of lower daytime F CH4 especially at morning hours (Figures 2 and 3a). The possibility of this interpretation is further strengthened by the abrupt increase in F CH4 at noon (mainly occurring in summer and autumn months), likely associated with reduced oxygen pumping due to midday depression of photosynthesis (Zhu, Hou, et al., 2021). The peak of F CH4 in the early evening (Figure 3a) is attributed to the combination of strong methanogenesis and weak methanotrophy simultaneously occurring at these hours with peaking soil temperature and vanished radiation. ...
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The climate benefit of blue carbon sequestered by mangrove forests can be partially offset by CH4 emission, but this offset is rarely assessed using multi‐year high‐frequency measurements. Here, four‐year eddy covariance measurements were used to examine temporal patterns of CH4 flux and its blue carbon offset (i.e., reduced climate benefit) in a subtropical estuarine mangrove in China. We found both diel and seasonal CH4 fluxes were mainly driven by soil temperature and tidal activities, showing greater nighttime emission. On average, one‐tenth of CO2 uptake was offset by CH4 emission using the sustained‐flux global warming potential metric at a 20‐year time horizon, while this offset could vary over an order of magnitude due to asynchronous fluxes of CH4 and CO2 across diel and seasonal cycles. These results highlight the significant contribution of nighttime emission to mangrove CH4 budget and the importance of asynchronous flux variations in assessing mangrove's climate benefit.
... Specifically, we systematically reviewed the peer-reviewed publications between 2002 and 2023 reporting mangrove flux data using a Web of Science keyword search with the following terms: TOPIC: (mangrove AND Flux AND (GPP OR NEE)). This returned 24 related studies, of which three mangrove flux data are publicly available, located in the Everglades National Park in the United States 71 , Yunxiao in Mainland China 60,72 and Mai Po in Hong Kong 73 (Supplementary Table 1). These sites provide half-hour GPP or net ecosystem exchange, and the latter was partitioned into GPP and ecosystem respiration following ref. ...
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Mangrove forests are a highly productive ecosystem with important potential to offset anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Mangroves are expected to respond differently to climate change compared to terrestrial forests owing to their location in the tidal environment and unique ecophysiological characteristics, but the magnitude of difference remains uncertain at the global scale. Here we use satellite observations to examine mean trends and interannual variability in the productivity of global mangrove forests and nearby terrestrial evergreen broadleaf forests from 2001 to 2020. Although both types of ecosystem experienced significant recent increases in productivity, mangroves exhibited a stronger increasing trend and greater interannual variability in productivity than evergreen broadleaf forests on three-quarters of their co-occurring coasts. The difference in productivity trends is attributed to the stronger CO2 fertilization effect on mangrove photosynthesis, while the discrepancy in interannual variability is attributed to the higher sensitivities to variations in precipitation and sea level. Our results indicate that mangroves will have a faster increase in productivity than terrestrial forests in a CO2-rich future but may suffer more from deficits in water availability, highlighting a key difference between terrestrial and tidal ecosystems in their responses to climate change.
... Regular instrument maintenance including analyzer recalibration and drying chemicals renewals was conducted roughly every half year, and the sensor mirrors of the CO 2 gas analyzer were manually cleaned once or twice a week to ensure credible signal strength. The raw EC measurements were recorded at a 10-Hz sampling rate and then processed into 30-min time series data through a standard procedure of EC flux corrections (including axis rotation, frequency response correction, ultrasonic correction, and WPL correction) and quality controls (including steady-state test, turbulent conditions test, statistical test, and absolute limits test) implemented in the EddyPro software (Li-COR Inc.) (Zhu et al., 2021a(Zhu et al., , 2021b. Each 30-min data was assigned a quality flag of 0, 1, or 2, standing for the best-, good-or poor-quality data, respectively (Mauder et al., 2013), and in this study, the data with a quality flag of 2 were excluded in further analyses. ...
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Mangrove forests are highly productive ecosystems with important potential to offset anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Due to their location in the tidal environment and unique ecophysiological characteristics, mangroves are expected to respond differently to climate change compared to terrestrial forests. However, the difference remains largely elusive at the global scale, though the knowledge is critical to guide the forest conservation over coastal regions. Here we examine long-term trend and interannual variability of the productivity of global mangrove forests and their nearby terrestrial counterparts, the evergreen broadleaf forests (EBFs), over the past two decades using satellite observations. We find while both mangroves and EBFs experienced significant increases in their productivity, mangroves exhibited stronger trends and interannual variability in productivity than EBFs on 71.79% and 73.49% of their co-occurring coasts. The difference in NIRv trend is attributed to the stronger CO 2 fertilization effect on mangrove photosynthesis, while the discrepancy in interannual variability is attributed to the higher sensitivity of NIRv to variations in precipitation and sea level. Our results indicate that mangroves will have a faster increase in productivity than terrestrial forests in a CO 2 -rich future but may suffer more from deficits in water availability, highlighting a key difference between terrestrial and tidal ecosystems in their responses to climate change.
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Plain Language Summary Photosynthesis is an essential process by which plants convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and water into sugars and provides the primary source of energy for life on Earth. Variations in photosynthesis also affect the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, the water‐heat balance, and the climate. It is therefore important to estimate the photosynthesis rate, which is generally quantified as the gross primary production (GPP) at the large spatial and temporal scales. Solar‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) retrieved from the recently launched TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument, which has substantially improved spatial and temporal resolutions, has greater potential than previous satellite SIF data to be used as a proxy of photosynthesis. However, SIF observed by sensors (SIFobs) represents only a portion of the total canopy SIF emission from all leaves within a canopy (SIFtotal). This portion depends on the canopy structure and observation direction, hindering the application of SIFobs for GPP estimation. In this study, a correction method is proposed to convert directional SIFobs retrievals into SIFtotal by considering the soil effect in the conversion. The derived soil‐resistant SIFtotal could help to better estimate the terrestrial GPP compared with using SIFobs.
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Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) has emerged as a leading approach for remote sensing of gross primary productivity (GPP). While SIF has an intrinsic, underlying relationship with canopy light capture and light use efficiency, these physiological relationships are obscured by the fact that satellites observe a small and variable fraction of total emitted canopy SIF. Upon emission, most SIF photons are reabsorbed or scattered within the canopy, preventing their observation remotely. The complexities of the radiative transfer process, which vary across time and space, limit our ability to reliably infer physiological processes from SIF observations. Here, we propose an approach for estimating the fraction of total emitted near-infrared SIF (760 nm) photons that escape the canopy by combining the near-infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRV) and the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR), two widely available remote sensing products. Our approach relies on the fact that NIRV is resilient against soil background contamination, allowing us to reliably calculate the bidirectional reflectance factor of vegetation, which in turn conveys information about the escape ratio of SIF photons. Our NIRV-based approach explains variations in the escape ratio with an R2 of 0.91 and an RMSE of 1.48% across a series of simulations where canopy structure, soil brightness, and sun-sensor-canopy geometry are varied. The approach is applicable to conditions of low leaf area index and fractional vegetation cover. We show that correcting for the escape ratio of SIF using NIRV provides robust estimates of total emitted SIF, providing for the possibility of studying physiological variations of fluorescence yield at the global scale.
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Photochemical reflectance index (PRI) has been found to be closely related with vegetation photosynthetic phenology in many ecosystems including boreal evergreen, but its ability to track carbon dynamics in low‐latitude evergreen mangrove ecosystems has rarely been assessed. To fill up this gap, this paper explored potential mangrove PRI‐carbon links and their environmental controls across temporal scales (diurnal and seasonal), based on 1‐year continuous high‐resolution (half‐hourly) time series measurements of spectral signals, eddy covariance carbon fluxes, and multiple environmental factors at a subtropical mangrove wetland of southeastern China. The diurnal variation of half‐hourly mangrove PRI, a U‐shaped changing pattern, was consistent with previous PRI studies on boreal evergreen, while the seasonal variation of daily mangrove PRI did not experience a hump‐shaped changing pattern as in boreal evergreen. Diurnal and seasonal mangrove PRI variations were significantly correlated with meteorological (radiation and vapor pressure deficit) and carbon‐related parameters (gross primary productivity, net ecosystem exchange, and light use efficiency), and the strength of diurnal PRI‐carbon correlations varied with meteorological factors with stronger correlations at enhanced radiation and vapor pressure deficit. Our results further indicated that physiology‐related PRI performed better than conventional structure‐related normalized difference vegetation index in tracking mangrove photosynthetic parameters. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to explore the link between high‐frequency PRI and carbon dynamics across temporal scales in natural mangrove ecosystems. The PRI‐carbon linkage confirmed by this study will improve our understanding of temporal variations in photosynthetic carbon dynamics in mangrove ecosystems.
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Recent progress in observing sun‐induced Chl fluorescence (SIF) provides an unprecedented opportunity to advance photosynthesis research in natural environments. However, we still lack an analytical framework to guide SIF studies and integration with the well‐developed active fluorescence approaches. Here, we derive a set of coupled fundamental equations to describe the dynamics of SIF and its relationship with C3 and C4 photosynthesis. These equations show that, although SIF is dynamically as complex as photosynthesis, the measured SIF simplifies photosynthetic modeling from the perspective of light reactions by integrating over the dynamic complexities of photosynthesis. Specifically, the measured SIF contains direct information about the actual electron transport from photosystem II to photosystem I, giving a quantifiable link between light and dark reactions. With much‐reduced requirements on inputs and parameters, the light‐reactions‐centric, SIF‐based biophysical model complements the traditional, dark‐reactions‐centric biochemical model of photosynthesis. The SIF–photosynthesis relationship, however, is nonlinear. This is because photosynthesis saturates at high light whereas SIF has a stronger tendency to keep increasing, as fluorescence quantum yield has a relatively muted sensitivity to light levels. Successful applications of the SIF‐based model of photosynthesis will depend on a predictive understanding of several previously underexplored physiological and biophysical processes. Advances can be facilitated by coordinated efforts in plant physiology, remote sensing, and eddy covariance flux observations.
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Solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence has been shown to be increasingly an useful proxy for the estimation of gross primary productivity (GPP), at a range of spatial scales. Here, we explore the seasonality in a continuous time series of canopy solar induced fluorescence (hereafter SiF) and its relation to canopy gross primary production (GPP), canopy light use efficiency (LUE), and direct estimates of leaf level photochemical efficiency in an evergreen canopy. SiF was calculated using infilling in two bands from the incoming and reflected radiance using a pair of Ocean Optics USB2000+ spectrometers operated in a dual field of view mode, sampling at a 30 min time step using custom written automated software, from early spring through until autumn in 2011. The optical system was mounted on a tower of 18 m height adjacent to an eddy covariance system, to observe a boreal forest ecosystem dominated by Scots pine. (Pinus sylvestris) A Walz MONITORING-PAM, multi fluorimeter system, was simultaneously mounted within the canopy adjacent to the footprint sampled by the optical system. Following correction of the SiF data for O2 and structural effects, SiF, SiF yield, LUE, the photochemicsl reflectance index (PRI), and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) exhibited a seasonal pattern that followed GPP sampled by the eddy covariance system. Due to the complexities of solar azimuth and zenith angle (SZA) over the season on the SiF signal, correlations between SiF, SiF yield, GPP, and LUE were assessed on SZA <50° and under strictly clear sky conditions. Correlations found, even under these screened scenarios, resulted around ~r2 = 0.3. The diurnal responses of SiF, SiF yield, PAM estimates of effective quantum yield (ΔF/Fm′), and meteorological parameters demonstrated some agreement over the diurnal cycle. The challenges inherent in SiF retrievals in boreal evergreen ecosystems are discussed.
Coastal mangrove wetlands have an excellent potential in sequestrating atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) owing to their high primary productivity as well as slow anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. Yet, there is hitherto a paucity of researches examining the temporal variations and environmental controls of ecosystem-scale CO2 fluxes in subtropical mangroves using quasi-continuous, high temporal resolution measurements. In this study, we measured the net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) between the atmosphere and a subtropical estuarine mangrove dominated by Kandelia obovata using an eddy covariance system for two full years to investigate the seasonal variability and key biophysical drivers of NEE. During the wet seasons, the magnitude of increase in ecosystem respiration (Re) was greater than that in gross primary productivity (GPP) owing to a combination of higher temperature and lower percentage of inundation, tidal height and water salinity, which subsequently resulted in an overall decrease in net CO2 uptake as compared to the dry seasons. Our results of path analysis showed that temperature was a dominant control of the temporal variations in CO2 flux during the wet seasons, while its influence became weaker during the dry seasons. On the other hand, an increase in water salinity during the dry seasons had a positive influence on GPP, which was likely related to a greater availability of ions (mainly Cl− and Na+) in supporting photosynthesis by mangrove trees in this coastal wetland with relatively low salinity (∼5–15 ppt). Our subtropical mangrove wetland was shown to be a significant carbon (C) sink, with annual C uptake rates of 890 and 758 g CO2-C m-2 yr−1 in the two years of study. We found a strong control of mangrove CO2 fluxes by biophysical factors such as temperature and salinity, implying that global warming and a reduction in water salinity in response to a greater river discharge could potentially reduce the C sink strength of estuarine mangroves in the subtropical regions.
Northern hemisphere evergreen forests assimilate a significant fraction of global atmospheric CO_2 but monitoring large-scale changes in gross primary production (GPP) in these systems is challenging. Recent advances in remote sensing allow the detection of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) emission from vegetation, which has been empirically linked to GPP at large spatial scales. This is particularly important in evergreen forests, where traditional remote-sensing techniques and terrestrial biosphere models fail to reproduce the seasonality of GPP. Here, we examined the mechanistic relationship between SIF retrieved from a canopy spectrometer system and GPP at a winter-dormant conifer forest, which has little seasonal variation in canopy structure, needle chlorophyll content, and absorbed light. Both SIF and GPP track each other in a consistent, dynamic fashion in response to environmental conditions. SIF and GPP are well correlated (R^2 = 0.62–0.92) with an invariant slope over hourly to weekly timescales. Large seasonal variations in SIF yield capture changes in photoprotective pigments and photosystem II operating efficiency associated with winter acclimation, highlighting its unique ability to precisely track the seasonality of photosynthesis. Our results underscore the potential of new satellite-based SIF products (TROPOMI, OCO-2) as proxies for the timing and magnitude of GPP in evergreen forests at an unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution.
Mangrove-inundation patterns have been examined in many field studies, but spatially explicit quantitative analyses are still lacked. A better understanding of how mangrove species responds to the inundation gradient will facilitate mangrove conservation and management. In this study, we integrated unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) camera imagery and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data for exploring mangrove-inundation spatial patterns over the intertidal zone in a subtropical estuarine wetland (Zhangjiang estuarine wetland, Fujian, China). Our results indicated that>90% of mangrove forests (mainly Kandelia obovate, Avicennia marina, and Aegiceras corniculatum) were situated within a one-meter elevation range between local mean sea level and higher high water, and the spatial distribution of mangrove forests showed hump-shaped patterns along the inundation gradient with favorable inundation periods of 2∼5 h per day. Our analyses further indicated that there was a weak mangrove zonation pattern with overlaps between species zones along the elevation gradient, and that mangrove species had differential inundation sensitivities with Avicennia marina being most sensitive to the inundation stress. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first spatially explicit quantitative study to examine the influences of inundation regime on both spatial distribution and canopy height of different mangrove species over the intertidal zone at the landscape scale. This study highlights the practicability and necessity of UAV LiDAR in interpreting mangrove-inundation spatial patterns, and confirms the importance of inundation regime as a key driver in regulating the spatial patterns of mangrove forests. The determination of appropriate elevation ranges and inundation periods provides some important knowledge to guide mangrove restoration practices and to assess the vulnerability of mangrove forests in response to future sea level rise.
Due to the large carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere, dynamics of photosynthesis can have significant effects on atmospheric CO2 concentrations and lead to large uncertainties in ecosystem C budgets. Remote sensing approaches using sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) hold the potential to directly assess ecosystem photosynthesis. However, many challenges remain linked to using the SIF emission signal to estimate gross primary production (GPP). The goal of this study was to gain a better understanding of the relationships between GPP and SIF over different time scales (minutes to years) and under varying environmental conditions. Two different ecosystems were investigated, a cropland and a mixed forest, with continuous eddy covariance flux measurements. Continuous tower-based SIF retrievals were performed in 2015 and 2016 at both ecosystems. In both ecosystems, SIF was found to be more affected by environmental conditions than GPP. Annual cycles for GPP and SIF differed at the mixed forest due in part to the influence of the different footprint size of the two independent measurements. Diurnal cycles in GPP and SIF corresponded well under unstressed conditions and followed the incoming photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). However, depressions in SIF were found at both sites either at midday or in the afternoon during the growing season. At the cropland site, reductions in SIF occurred at high PPFD (PPFD>1470 µmol m-2 s-1, R2=0.62) and high VPD (VPD>1590 Pa, R2=0.35). Whereas at the forest site, reductions in SIF were linked to high VPD (VPD>1250 Pa, R2=0.25), but not to high PPFD (R2=0.84). The depression in SIF was also associated with an increase in non-photochemical quenching, as indicated by the photochemical reflectance index (R2=0.78), showing the complementarity between SIF and non-photochemical quenching as different energy pathways. Our results show the importance of characterizing the influence of different environmental conditions on SIF-GPP relationships for specific ecosystems to reliably estimate GPP from remote sensing measurements.