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Impact of Communication Climate on Conflict Management Styles among Employees



The quality of the relationship between people manifested by spoken and wordless messages refers to the communication climate. The approach of people about how to feel about each other generates the communication climate. When people perceive they are desirable so it builds the productive communication climate. A negative climate makes it difficult for people, because it is hard to communicate. The purpose of present study is to find out impact of communication climate on conflict management styles among employees. The sample was consisted on N=295employees calculate by using G-power method. Employees were taken from different organizations of Multan .Communication Climate Inventory and Rahim Organizational conflict inventory were used to collect the data. The result shows that integrating and obliging styles of handling conflict are significantly correlated with supportive communication climate. The result also shows that dominating and avoiding styles are significantly correlated with Defensive communication climate. There is a significant impact of communication climate on conflict management styles among employees.
Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies Vol. 7, No 1, March 2021
Volume and Issues Obtainable at Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy
Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies
ISSN: 2519-089X (E): 2519-0326
Volume 7: No. 1, March 2021
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Impact of Communication Climate on Conflict Management Styles among
1Nazia Jahangir, 2Aasima Safdar, 3Beenish Zaheen
1Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Pakistan,
2Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Bahauddin Zakariyah University,
Multan, Pakistan,
3Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, the Women University, Multan, Pakistan
Revised format: February
Available Online: March
The quality of the relationship between people manifested by spoken
and wordless messages refers to the communication climate. The
approach of people about how to feel about each other generates the
communication climate. When people perceive they are desirable so
it builds the productive communication climate. A negative climate
makes it difficult for people, because it is hard to communicate. The
purpose of present study is to find out impact of communication
climate on conflict management styles among employees. The
sample was consisted on N=295employees calculate by using G-
power method. Employees were taken from different organizations of
Multan .Communication Climate Inventory and Rahim
Organizational conflict inventory were used to collect the data. The
result shows that integrating and obliging styles of handling conflict
are significantly correlated with supportive communication climate.
The result also shows that dominating and avoiding styles are
significantly correlated with Defensive communication climate.
There is a significant impact of communication climate on conflict
management styles among employees.
© 2021 Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy Pakistan under
a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
Avoiding, Communication
climate, Compromising,
Defensive, Dominating,
Integrating , Obliging,
Supportive Climate.
JEL Classification
M10, M14
Corresponding author’s email address:
Recommended citation: Jahangir, N., Safdar, A. & Zaheen, B. (2021). Impact of Communication
Climate on Conflict Management Styles among Employees. Journal of Business and Social Review in
Emerging Economies, 7(1), 63-68
1. Introduction
Communication plays a central role in any organization setting and it is directly related to the study of
employees’ interaction with other employees at working environment. Every person conveys their
thoughts, ideas and feeling through communication. So the employees’ position and function within the
organization are likely to affect the structure and content of their communication.(Hackman, Michael Z.,
and Craig E. Johnson.2000).
Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies Vol. 7, No 1, March 2021
Spoken and wordless messages which are sent, received and understandable are conveyed by affection
and plans of responsive, senseless, purposeful and involuntary communication process '(Guzley,1992).
Verbal communication is a course of action in which people express their ideas through words and can
transfer and spread any type of information face to face. It makes a person capable to make better
connections and association with people. Putnam (1985) define communication climate as "the
atmosphere in an organization regarding accepted communication behavior. “Usually use supportive and
defensive communication climate as distinction for the key factors in the communication climate
A person may feel encouraging and protective by communication if the climate is non-judgmental. So
the open, useful, truthful and successful communication with people stimulated by supportive climate. A
person makes himself protective which guides him towards aggressive and harmful disputes defined by
defensive communication. So the encouraging communication climate sustain by adequate
communicators who strive for it.. According to Dr. Gibb (1961) describes six dimension of behavior to
warm up or chill the communication climate. The pole of these dimensions creates a defensive climate
and supportive climate. They applied equally in every small group.
Organizational climate has been confirmed between members of an organization as an evaluative
element (Guzley, 1989). A productive organization is generated by one of the most progressive element
i.e organization communication climate which is different from organizational climate in literature
(Zaremba, 2003). Communication climate is different from organizational environment and climate. It
can be describe through the effective communication techniques using by the employees in the
organization. When employees avoid to sort out their conflicts with others they can used defensive
communication style (Poole, 1985). The formation of the communication climate of the organization is
the central duty of the management.
A team can work in highly systematic manner by an important factor which is a satisfying working
atmosphere; the enthusiasm of an employee enhanced by positive communication climate which played
consequential role in it. So it depends on manager to use his expertise in order to maintain and generate
positive communication climate and use it in their work to get inventive attainment in a well organized
and easy manner and the manager will be able to recognize the behavior is coherent or not and change it
accordingly. The organization’s decision-making and accomplishment of task is easy in positive
communication climate and it can also provide the even movement of information to the campaign. So,
all the organizations will attain a good communication environment if they remove the barriers inhibited
and completely well-inform about the significance of positive communication (Taguiri, R.1968) Conflict
is classified into the following types; Interpersonal conflict refers to a conflict between two people. This
happens usually thanks to however individuals are completely different from each other. Apparently, it's
a natural incidence which may eventually facilitate personal growth or developing your relationships
with others Intrapersonal conflict happens inside a person. (Akinsaya, A.O. and Momoh, A.M.2012).
The expertise takes place within the person's mind. Hence, it's a kind of conflict that's psychological
involving the individual's thoughts, values, principles, and emotions. Intergroup conflict; could be a sort
of conflict that happens among people inside a team. The incompatibilities associated misunderstandings
among these people cause internal conflict. It is arising from social disagreement (e.g. team members
have completely different personalities which can cause tension) (Evans, 2013).Conflict between people
is a fact of life. It is inherent in all social life. Its occur when an individual or a group feels negatively
affected by another individual or a group. Conflict as the internal state that results from difference in
ideas and feeling among different people.(Marquis.T&Huston.R,1996).
2. Literature Review
A research conducted by Shahrina et al., (2014).The study describe that when personnel used different
types of strategies to avoid conflict at the workplace ,So positive and supportive communication is help
Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies Vol. 7, No 1, March 2021
out them to deal and manage their conflict in the organization. The findings discuss the impact of
various communicative strategies used in conflict management on the organizational communication
climate. The results suggest that conflicts are always play important role in the organization. The
management of the organization or leaders has used different approaches to identify the conflict between
the employees. By using effective communication during conversation is sort out the problems among
top management and employees. Performance of the employees is depend on the environment and
climate in the organization.
A research conducted by Bushra Hassan and AneelaMaqsood and Muhammad Naveed Riaz on
“Relationship between Organizational communication climate and Interpersonal conflict management”
in (2011). This study examined the Relation between different styles of interpersonal conflict
management and dimensions of organizational communication climate were looked into, employing a
sample of 160 bank employees. Sample included men and women employees having age range of 27 to
55 years and education ranges from graduation to post graduation. The correlation analysis revealed that
supportive and defensive communication climate dimensions showed positive relationship with total
scores of conflict management inventory. The results further showed that integrating, obliging and
compromising styles of handling conflict has significant positive correlation with supportive
communication climate. Dominating and avoiding styles of handling conflict has significant positive
correlation with defensive communication climate. Findings revealed non significant differences with
respect to gender on communication climate women are found to use more “comprising” and “avoiding”
styles of conflict management. On education non significant differences existed on communication
climate however less educated people were found to be compromising and obliging on styles of conflict
management and highly educated people showed dominating styles of conflict management. Moreover,
younger employees are found to be highly endorsed on supportive communication climate than old age
employees and old age employees are also found to be more obliging.
A research conducted by Ojo Olu and Abolade on how conflict management impact on employees’
performance. The research findings show that organization used conflict management styles to enhance
employee’s performance in an organization. It was responsibility of the organization should design on
training and retraining of its employees in area of dealing with conflict so as to create a productive
working environment for the employees and that there should be used supportive communication
between and among all of the management, staff and employees in the organization. This will deal and
sort out conflicting situations in the organization. The employees must be trained and discourage by
using defensive communication climate when they are dealing or manage their conflicts.
A research conducted by Reza Hosseinpour and Giti Pahlevani (2016) on communication and dealing
with conflict. This study explores the correlation between styles of conflict management and teachers’
organizational health in Kuhdasht County. This study is a descriptive-survey and correlational-type
research. The statistical population is consisted of all 431 teachers working in Kuhdasht County. Using
Krejcie-Morgan table, the sample size is determined to be 205; the sample members have been selected
using relative stratified random sampling method. In order to collect the required data Allen & Meyer
Organizational Commitment Questionnaire and Miles Organizational Health Questionnaire have been
used. In order to analyze the data descriptive statistics indices such as the mean and standard deviation
as well as inferential statistics tests such as Pearson’s correlation test and multivariate regression have
been used. The results suggest that avoiding, collaborating, accommodating, and compromising styles of
conflict management have a positive and significant relationship with organizational health.
Hypotheses of the study
1. There would be a significant impact of Communication climate on conflict management styles
among employees.
2. There would be a relationship between communication climate and conflict management styles?
Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies Vol. 7, No 1, March 2021
3. The employees will score high on supportive climate will also score high on Integrating and
obliging styles?
4. The employees will score high on defensive climate will also score high on dominating and
avoiding styles?
3. Research Framework
Communication Climate
Supportive Climate Defensive Climate
Obliging & Integrating Conflict Styles Dominating & Avoiding conflict Styles
Source: Researcher
4. Method
The present study is the sample was consisted of (N=295) employees were taken from different
organizations of Multan. The Random sampling technique was used to the collect data. The age range
was being from 25-45 years. Along with instruments, a demographical variable sheet was being attached
to measure the demographical variables (Age, Education, experience, income).Two research instruments
were used to collect data. Communication climate inventory developed by Schmiedler &Costigen(2001).
The Inventory consisted on 36 items scale, each item score on 5-point scale. Internal reliability ranged
from .80.Out of 36 items the odd numbers of items measure the defensive climate and even number of
items measures the supportive climate. How organizational members manage their interpersonal
disputes with superiors, subordinates and peers measure by Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory
(ROCI-11, Rahim, 1983). Conflict management styles are assessed by 28-items.The inventory contains
five subscales. Integrating (7items), obliging (6item), dominating (5 items), avoiding (6items), and
compromising 94item).The instrument measure how an organizational member handles his or her
conflict with superiors, subordinates, and peers. Internal reliability ranged from 60 to 83. An
organizational member responds to each statement on a five-point scale (1=N) never or almost never
true of you, (2=R) rarely or seldom true of you, (3=S) sometimes true of you, (4=O) often true of you,
(5=A) always or almost true of you. A higher score represents greater use of conflict style.
5. Results
Table-1Alpha Reliability Coefficient of ROCI and CCI (N=295)
No of Items
Cronbach s Alpha
Communication Climate Inventory
Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory
Above table shows that Cronbach’s alpha reliability of the scales.
Table-2 Regression Analysis showing Impact of Communication Climate on conflict management styles
among Employees (N=295)
Std. Error
Note. R=.078, R2=.006, adjusted R2=.004, F=2.412, P<0.05
Above table shos that there is a significant impact of communication climate on conflict management
styles among employees.
Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies Vol. 7, No 1, March 2021
Table-3 Pearson Correlation between Supportive Communication Climate and conflict management
styles among Employees (N=295)
Integrating P value
Defensive Communication Climate
0.270** 0.000
** Correlation 0.01 (2-tailed).
In Above table the result shows that integrating and obliging styles of handling conflict are significantly
correlated with supportive communication climate.
Table-4Pearson Correlation between Defensive Communication Climate and conflict management
styles among Employees (N=295)
Avoiding P value
Defensive Communication Climate
0.184** 0.000
** P-value is significant at (2-tailed).
The result also shows that dominating and avoiding styles are significantly correlated with defensive
communication climate.
6. Discussion
This finding is in line with literature that there is a relationship between communication climate and
interpersonal dispute administration styles.Hendel,Fish&Galon,(2005),Trombetta &Roger,(1988),Wei &
Morgan(1996) did studies and find out that For the usefulness and success of an organization,
communication climate has a supreme importance in an organization. The organization’s environment
affected by the communication climate of an organization. On the other hand, energetic engagement,
beneficial interchanges of information and positive disputes decision also inspired by organization with
supportive environment. In an organization collaborative communication climate can be implant through
productive administration of disputes. First Hypothesis is accepted that there is a significant impact of
Communication climate on conflict management styles.
Communication climate is directly effect on conflict management styles. When climate is Supportive
employees uses obliging and integrating styles by handling there conflict in the organization. Result find
out that, in organization employees used dominating and avoiding conflict management styles, when
communication climate is defensive .there is no significant gender difference could find out in the
context of gender. Pervious literature supports the findings of the present research.
7. Conclusion
Communication between the employees is very important to deal conflict and issues in the organization
and communication climate create the supporting environment for working condition. For the
Employees is to understand communication within an organization, it is important to explore that how
the processes of communication is effect on the organizational climate and how the conflicts managed
by the members through using communication. Communication climate describe through supportive and
defensive climate .The result shows that there is a significant impact of Communication climate on
Interpersonal Conflict styles. The implication of the study is very important in the context in the
organization, that employee’s batter understand the importance of communication climate and identify
that conflict management styles. Conflicts within the organization between the employees is a very
common thing, but if the conflict neither is nor proper handle by the organization management .It is
directly affect the organization development and employees performance as well. The implementation of
the current study is highly related with the employee understanding towards other persons. Conflict is
part of everyday life. When a person working in an organization, difference of opinion is always occurs.
Sometime is very productive but most of the time its effect on employees interpersonal relationship at
work place .This research finding is help out to employees to use supportive climate in the conversation
with others employees.
Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies Vol. 7, No 1, March 2021
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... The positive relationship between Problem-Solving Behavior (PSB) and Work Engagement (WE) aligns with findings by , emphasizing the importance of positive conflict behaviors in enhancing work engagement . This is particularly relevant in Pakistan, where Jahangir et al. (2021) found that communication climate significantly influences conflict management styles, suggesting that PSB might be more effective in organizations with open and positive communication (Jahangir et al., 2021). Conversely, Dominating Conflict Behavior (DCB) negatively impacts WE, echoing the research by Çavuş, Develi, and Güğerçin (2020), which suggests that aggressive conflict behaviors can lead to decreased work engagement. ...
... The positive relationship between Problem-Solving Behavior (PSB) and Work Engagement (WE) aligns with findings by , emphasizing the importance of positive conflict behaviors in enhancing work engagement . This is particularly relevant in Pakistan, where Jahangir et al. (2021) found that communication climate significantly influences conflict management styles, suggesting that PSB might be more effective in organizations with open and positive communication (Jahangir et al., 2021). Conversely, Dominating Conflict Behavior (DCB) negatively impacts WE, echoing the research by Çavuş, Develi, and Güğerçin (2020), which suggests that aggressive conflict behaviors can lead to decreased work engagement. ...
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This research explores the complex dynamics between follower conflict behaviors (FCBs) and work engagement (WE) within the private sector of Pakistan. It delves into different types of conflict behaviors, including Problem-Solving Behaviors (PSB), Dominating Conflict Behaviors (DCB), and Non-Confronting Conflict Behaviors (NCB). A key focus of the study is to analyze how Transformational Leadership (TL), Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), and Team-Member Exchange (TMX) mediate these relationships, particularly in the context of work engagement. Furthermore, it investigates the moderating influence of Prosocial Motivation (PSM) on the interplay between FCBs (PSB, DCB, and NCB) and Work Engagement (WE). Utilizing Smart PLS 3.0 for its structural equation modeling, the study gathers data from 395 respondents to shed light on the direct, mediated, and moderated relationships involving FCBs and WE. Findings indicate a positive association between PSB and WE, whereas both DCB and NCB are shown to adversely affect WE. The study identifies TL as a significant mediator in the PSB-WE linkage, with LMX mediating the relationship across all forms of FCBs. Additionally, TMX is particularly influential in mediating the PSB-WE connection. In the context of moderation, PSM emerges as a pivotal element, shaping the dynamics between FCBs and WE. These insights are crucial for comprehending the intricate interactions of conflict behaviors, leadership styles, and engagement within Pakistani organizations. The study underscores the importance of further research in diverse cultural settings using various methodologies. It contributes significantly to the understanding of how conflict behaviors, leadership approaches, and motivational factors impact work engagement, offering critical guidance for enhancing employee engagement in multicultural contexts.
... Defensive Communication is not just a matter of linguistic issues, but also behavioral issues (Garvin-Doxas & Barker, 2004;Nazia Jahangir et al., 2021). Communication is the exchange of message that can be done face-to-face and or through written mediums; verbal and non-verbal. ...
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em> Generation-Z has become a popular topic in mass media, due to their development amidst the growing online lifestyle of our society. Born between 1996-2010, the internet has become part of their development, as it slowly grew into our society. Generation-Z are the true digital native. They have grown accustomed to using their handphone all day long, doing various activities with it. Such custom is enhanced by the Covid-19 pandemic which reduced, significantly, the possibility of a direct physical contact with other members of the society since March 2020. The contact also includes their learning and working process—where schools and offices alike were forced to take their operations online. This research used the qualitative-descriptive approach to get a natural depiction of the informants, and a study case to get a holistic data from the respondents, a group of Generation-Z. The purpose of this research is to find out how Generation-Z interprets the online learning situation. Using Modern Theories of Learning and symbolic interactionism, it was found that informants grew up in a supportive communication climate while learning from home. Informants are also more productive as they could study while working, interning in several places. This finding concluded that Gen-Z could use their online situation to develop themselves. </em
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Communication climate is of paramount importance in an organization as it contributes to the effectiveness and success of an organization. The communication climate of an organization may influence the atmosphere in the organization which either encourages or hinders horizontal, upward or downward communication among the employees. In organizations with defensive climates, employees have the tendency to abstain from communicating their needs, as they become very cautious in making statements, and may have low level of motivation. On the other hand, organizations with supportive environments encourage active participation, healthy exchange of information and constructive conflict resolution. Instilling collaborative communication climate in an organization however requires effective management of conflicts. This paper reports a study conducted in a high risk work environment of an oil and gas company, in which the personnel have to work with volatile chemicals and heavy machines. The communicative behaviors in such hazardous environments are not to be taken lightly as communication errors could lead to fatal incidences. The study thus investigates the impact of communication conflict strategies used by the personnel on the overall organizational communication climate in a high-risk workplace environment. A set of questionnaires were administered to employees at all levels in the organization working at the administrative office and at the gas plant. One hundred and twenty five employees responded to the questionnaire, which attributed to more than fifty percent of the total population. The findings discuss the impact of various communicative strategies used in conflict management on the organizational communication climate. The overall findings suggest that conflicts management is related to the roles the personnel play in the organization. In assuming the leadership role, the top management's approach to conflicts include confrontational and compromise, instead of non-confrontation and control, which have a degree of impact on the communication supportive climate. The executives, technical staff, non-technical staff have different approaches in conflict management strategies. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer review under responsibility of Organizing Committee of BEM 2013.
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Employees of a large service organization based in the Southwest were surveyed to determine if individual levels of organizational commitment were related positively to perceptions of organizational climate and of communication climate. The results of the study suggest that employees' perceptions of organizational climate and communication climate were correlated positively with the level of employees' organizational commitment. Specifically, multiple regression analysis indicated that organizational clarity, participation, and superior-subordinate communication accounted for 41% of the variance in organizational commitment, with participation and organizational clarity emerging as significant predictors of commitment. Tenure was included in the study as a moderating variable, using Buchanan's conceptualization of tenure stages: Stage 1 representing the first year of employment, Stage 2 representing Years 2 through 4, and Stage 3 representing Year 5 and beyond. Results varied by tenure stage.
This study attempted to investigate the effects of communication on organizational commitment (employee loyalty). Based on data from 521 nurses in four general care hospitals, the relationships among three communication variables, four demographic variables, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment were statistically analyzed. The results of the study suggest that communication does affect organizational commitment, that communication affects job satisfaction (employee morale), but that job satisfaction does not affect organizational commitment. A model of these relationships is proposed.
Communicating is an art. Words are its vehicle, and its goal is to convey ideas from person to person. In this article, Gibb treats communication as an interpersonal process that is greater than the sum of the words used. His analysis shows the nurse administrator ways to avoid arousing defensive behavior. The nurse administrator who understands that defensive behavior can block effective communication will be able to act in a way that conveys ideas, and can better work toward solving managerial problems.