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A Trusted Blockchain-Based Traceability System for Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products


Abstract and Figures

Traditional traceability system has problems of centralized management, opaque information, untrustworthy data, and easy generation of information islands. To solve the above problems, this paper designs a traceability system based on blockchain technology for storage and query of product information in supply chain of agricultural products. Leveraging the characteristics of decentralization, tamper-proof and traceability of blockchain technology, the transparency and credibility of traceability information increased. A dual storage structure of “database + blockchain” on-chain and off-chain traceability information is constructed to reduce load pressure of the chain and realize efficient information query. Blockchain technology combined with cryptography is proposed to realize the safe sharing of private information in the blockchain network. In addition, we design a reputation-based smart contract to incentivize network nodes to upload traceability data. Furthermore, we provide performance analysis and practical application, the results show that our system improves the query efficiency and the security of private information, guarantees the authenticity and reliability of data in supply chain management, and meets actual application requirements.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Received January 21, 2021, accepted February 8, 2021, date of publication March 1, 2021, date of current version March 9, 2021.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3062845
A Trusted Blockchain-Based Traceability System
for Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products
1National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China
2National Engineering Laboratory for Agri-product Quality Traceability, Beijing 100097, China
3College of Information, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China
Corresponding author: Chuanheng Sun (
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 31871525, in part by the Beijing
Municipal Natural Science Foundation under Grant 4182023, and in part by the Academician and Expert Workstation of Yunnan Province
Project of Construction of Information-Based Cloud Platform for the Quality Traceability of Green and High-quality Dairy Products.
ABSTRACT Traditional traceability system has problems of centralized management, opaque information,
untrustworthy data, and easy generation of information islands. To solve the above problems, this paper
designs a traceability system based on blockchain technology for storage and query of product information
in supply chain of agricultural products. Leveraging the characteristics of decentralization, tamper-proof and
traceability of blockchain technology, the transparency and credibility of traceability information increased.
A dual storage structure of ‘‘database +blockchain’’ on-chain and off-chain traceability information
is constructed to reduce load pressure of the chain and realize efficient information query. Blockchain
technology combined with cryptography is proposed to realize the safe sharing of private information in the
blockchain network. In addition, we design a reputation-based smart contract to incentivize network nodes to
upload traceability data. Furthermore, we provide performance analysis and practical application, the results
show that our system improves the query efficiency and the security of private information, guarantees the
authenticity and reliability of data in supply chain management, and meets actual application requirements.
INDEX TERMS Blockchain, traceability, on-chain and off-chain, agricultural products.
Fruit and vegetable agricultural products have excellent
production advantages in China, which is a large agricul-
tural country with superior climate conditions and abun-
dant species resources. According to data from the National
Bureau of Statistics of China [1], the total output of fruit
and vegetable agricultural products in 2019 was 995.03 mil-
lion tons, accounting for 54.48% of all agricultural prod-
ucts (1826.55 million tons). Fruit and vegetable agricultural
products have the characteristics of green, healthy and high
nutritional value [2], which are deeply loved by people. How-
ever, the short storage time and the low storage temperature
of storage requirements for fruit and vegetable agricultural
products, leading to food safety incidents are extremely prone
to occur [3].
In recent years, domestic and international safety incidents
of fruit and vegetable agricultural products have occurred
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and
approving it for publication was Adnan Abid.
frequently. Such as ‘‘poisonous ginger’’ incident in China [4],
Hami melon contamination by listeria in United States [5],
and the outbreak of E. coli in Germany [6], which have greatly
harmed the health of the majority of people. As a result,
the state attaches great importance to the traceability of food
supply chain, and countries strengthen management of trace-
ability by issuing relevant laws and regulations. The General
Food Law promulgated by the European Union in 2002 [7]
stipulates that a comprehensive traceability system must be
established in the food industry in order to recall targets in
a timely and accurate manner and transmit information to
consumers. The Food Safety Law implemented by China in
2009 [8], which provides that food producers and operators
should establish a food safety traceability system to ensure
food traceability. ‘‘Traceable’’ has become a challenge for all
food and food-related companies and the traceability system
has become an effective means of quality management in the
agricultural product supply chain [9]–[11].
The traceability of fruit and vegetable agricultural prod-
ucts involves many subjects. In accordance with the business
36282 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see VOLUME 9, 2021
X. Yang et al.: Trusted Blockchain-Based Traceability System for Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products
relationship, it can be divided into internal and external
entities of the supply chain [12], [13]. The internal entities
include production enterprises, processing enterprises, cold
chain logistics enterprises, sales enterprises, etc., and the
external entities embrace consumers and regulatory agencies,
etc. [14]. The entire supply chain has the characteristics
of many production points and sales points, long pro-
duction chains, and wide production areas, which makes
supervision and tracing of food safety particularly difficult
in practice [15]. In practical applications, data in traditional
traceability systems is centralized, and authoritative agen-
cies manage the central database of the traceability sys-
tem [16], [17]. Since the traceability data of each supply chain
node are managed by enterprise, the data are easy to tamper
with. Therefore, the reliability of information transmission
among different roles in the agricultural supply chain needs
to be increased.
Blockchain is a kind of distributed database which is
decentralized, tamper-proof, traceability, and maintained by
multiple parties [18]. It uses a cryptographic algorithm to
form a chain structure composed of data blocks in chrono-
logical order. Any party must receive the consent of all
other parties in advance according to agreed rules in order
to realize information sharing and information supervision
among different parties [19]. Moreover, blockchain integrates
many technologies, such as Peer to Peer (P2P) networks,
cryptographic technologies, smart contract, consensus mech-
anisms, timestamps, blockchain structure, etc. [20], [21].
Thus, it can achieve the self-verification and management of
data without relying on a third party. The use of blockchain
technology for the tracing of agricultural products can solve
the problems with the current traditional traceability sys-
tem. Blockchain are mainly divided into three categories:
Public chains, Consortium chains and Private chains [22].
Consortium chains refer to the blockchain which several
organizations participate in and manage together. In terms of
privacy, Consortium chains is intermediate between Public
chains and Private chains, with its data only being acces-
sible by members of the alliance. Additionally, Consortium
chains transaction efficiency is higher than Public chains.
In a traceability system, the main responsibility bodies of
the supply chain of agricultural products are related to the
cooperative relationship between participants in supply chain.
However, these responsibility bodies cannot be fully trusted.
In reality, the main responsibility bodies of the supply chain
are originally related to each other by horizontal interaction
or a vertical transaction relationship. Therefore, this paper
chooses the Consortium chain as basic network.
The main purpose of the current paper is to explain how
to apply blockchain technology to the traceability of agricul-
tural products. Using the features of distributed storage, hash
encryption, and programmable smart contract of blockchain
technology, we have designed and implemented a traceability
system for fruits and vegetables agricultural products based
on a trusted blockchain. We will describe the design process
of the system in detail, and clarify the key breakthrough
technologies of this system, including the on-chain and off-
chain storage structure and the combination of cryptogra-
phy to achieve privacy data protection. We will build the
blockchain environment based on Hyperledger Fabric for per-
formance testing and practical application of the agricultural
product traceability system to prove the practicability of the
The main contributions of this paper include:
We elaborated on the main shortcomings of current agri-
cultural product traceability and proposed solutions.
We apply blockchain technology to the traceability of
agricultural products, and propose solutions to the prob-
lems of heavy load, slow query speed and privacy data
protection on the existing blockchain technology. The
detailed design of the on-chain and off-chain storage
structure and privacy data protection is a key part of the
We build blockchain environment based on Hyperledger
Fabric, and use the C# language to develop and imple-
ment traceability system to realize the process of storing
and querying agricultural product traceability informa-
tion. And through the system function test and system
actual application case evaluation system.
The remaining paper is organized as follows: Section II
provides a literature review on agricultural product traceabil-
ity; Section III describes the detailed design of the system;
Section IV describes the implementation of the system in
detail, analyzes the performance of the system, and gives the
application results of the system and the comparison of the
system and traditional traceability system. The conclusions
and suggestions for future work are presented in Section V.
Traceability is defined as the ability to access any or all
information relating to that which is under consideration,
throughout its entire life cycle, by means of recorded identifi-
cations [22]. For agricultural products, traceability means that
when quality problems occur, the raw materials or process-
ing links that have problems can be quickly and effectively
checked, product recalls are carried out when necessary, and
targeted penalties are implemented to improve the quality and
safety of agricultural products.
Traceability has become a challenge for all food and food-
related companies, and traceability system has become an
effective means of quality management in the agricultural
supply chain. In recent years, many scholars have carried
out exploratory research in the field of agricultural products
traceability. Qian et al. [24] combined the 2D barcode and
RFID technology to design and implement a Wheat Flour
Milling Traceability System (WFMTS) by pasting the QR
code label on the wheat package to link to its processing
information and pasting the RFID label to the storage box to
record the logistics information. The center database is used
to manage the information from raw materials to finished
products in the flour mill, and realize the whole process
VOLUME 9, 2021 36283
X. Yang et al.: Trusted Blockchain-Based Traceability System for Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products
monitoring from source, circulation to sales. However, the
information in the traditional traceability system is managed
by the enterprises in each link, and the transparency of the
information is low, and the information is easy to be tampered
Blockchain as an emerging technology that has proper-
ties of decentralization, tamper-proof and traceability pro-
vides the possibility to solve the problems existing in the
current traditional agricultural product traceability system.
More and more scholars are beginning to pay attention to
the application of blockchain technology in the traceability
of agricultural products. In the application of combining
blockchain technology with Internet of Things technology,
Bumblauskas et al. [25] combined Internet of Things technol-
ogy and blockchain technology to track products from farm
to dining table in real time. Taking the egg supply chain of a
Midwestern company in the United States as an example, and
the implementation of blockchain technology in the supply
chain system from farm to consumer was summarized in
detail. Feng [26] built a real-time traceable food supply chain
traceability system based on HACCP, Blockchain and IoT
technologies, and introduced a new concept BigchainDB to
solve the problem of blockchain scalability. Liao and Xu [27]
established a blockchain traceability system based on intelli-
gent agriculture and wireless sensor networks for tea quality
and safety management, combined with food risk assessment
and safety traceability technology based on hazard factors
to efficiently control products quality and safety. From the
multi-chain structure level of blockchain. Zhao et al. [13]
designed a big data version fresh food traceability plat-
form based on the account blockchain (ABC) and trans-
action blockchain (TBC) dual-chain architecture, analyzed
user needs from the perspective of information ecology, and
proposed a risk compensation plan that traces participating
entities. Liu et al. [28] designed an anti-counterfeiting trace-
ability system (TSPPB) that uses dual blockchain and IPFS
systems. TSPPB utilized two sets of blockchains, includ-
ing public chain and private chain, and the TCDBB tech-
nology is used to solve the problem of product label copy
and spam. At the level of improved architecture and mecha-
nism. Li et al. [29] proposed the application of blockchain
technology to the database layer and communication layer
of the blockchain food safety traceability system through
analysis of the technical architecture level, and demonstrated
the design through the case of ham sausage effectiveness of
the program. Dwivedi et al. [30] designed a pharmaceutical
supply chain management system (PSCM) by combining
blockchain technology with traditional drug supply chain,
and proposed a mechanism to distribute all encryption keys
to all participants using smart contract technology. In the
design of blockchain storage model, many scholars used
on-chain and off-chain data storage to reduce pressure on
on-chain storage. Lin et al. [31] developed and implemented a
food safety traceability system based on blockchain and EPC
Information Service (EPCIS), and proposed an on-chain and
off-chain data storage structure to solve pressure problem of
blockchain data storage. Khaled et al. [32] proposed a method
of performing business transactions, where the Ethereum
blockchain and smart contract were used to track and trace
soybeans throughout the agricultural supply chain process,
coupled with the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for stor-
ing traceable data to reduce the amount of data stored on
the chain. Dong et al. [33] designed a reliable traceability
prototype system for the whole food supply chain based on
blockchain technology, and proposed a data storage mode
of ‘‘on-chain +cloud database’’. Thus ensuring the operat-
ing cost and efficiency of the blockchain system. Although
a large number of scholars have constructed a blockchain-
based traceability system, most of them have not considered
the issues of efficient information storage and privacy data
This paper divides the traceability of agricultural products
into the links of production, processing, logistics, and sales.
The production link involves planting, transplanting, water-
ing, fertilizing and picking operations of fruits and veg-
etables agricultural products, and records key information
such as seedling information, planting process information,
environmental information, and product transaction infor-
mation. The processing link includes classifying, weighing,
packaging, pasting two-dimensional code and other opera-
tions for the picked fruits and vegetables, and recording the
product information, processing process, processing environ-
ment, product transaction and other key information. The
transportation link refers to the transportation of (such as
the Internet of Things) during the process of production,
processing, transportation, and sales. Using a traceability sys-
tem, detailed information about agricultural products can be
displayed to consumers, and the trust of consumers regarding
the safety of agricultural products can thereby be enhanced.
When quality and safety accidents occur with agricultural
products, law enforcement agencies can trace back to the
problem link and determine where the main responsibility
for the accident lies. Blockchain traceability refers to the
use of blockchain technology in traceability systems; such
traceability is achieved using blockchain characteristics of
decentralization, non-tampering, and traceability to ensure
the authenticity and transparency of traceability information
in agricultural products traceability systems, and achieves
effective and reliable traceability. The blockchain-based fruit
and vegetable agricultural products traceability system uses
the data storage scheme to manage the growth information,
processing information, logistics information and sales infor-
mation of fruits and vegetables agricultural products, so as
to monitor the whole process of agricultural products pro-
duction, processing, transportation and sales. The structure
of agricultural products blockchain traceability system was
mainly divided into storage layer, service layer, interface
layer and application layer, as shown in Figure 1.
36284 VOLUME 9, 2021
X. Yang et al.: Trusted Blockchain-Based Traceability System for Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products
FIGURE 1. Blockchain-based traceability system architecture.
Among them, the storage layer includes MySQL, the local
database of the system, and the CouchDB database that comes
with the blockchain system. The local database stores the
public information of each link. The blockchain system stores
the encrypted ciphertext of the private information and the
hash value of the public information to meet the needs of
fast data query and small storage space on the blockchain,
which ensures the security of private information. At the same
time, the authenticity comparison is provided when checking
whether the traceability information has been tampered with.
The service layer includes data analysis, reputation-based
smart contract, key management, key authorization, PBFT
consensus mechanism, etc. The interface layer is composed
of smart contracts, which mainly implement the data upload
blockchain system and data query functions. The data was
automatically executed when the label is printed, and the
query is automatically responded to when the terminal makes
a request. The application layer provides business functions
corresponding to different users of the system platform, such
as uploading data from enterprises in various links, querying
traceability information by consumers, and supervision by
government departments.
The existing storage mode of blockchain traceability sys-
tem involves directly writing traceability information of each
node of agricultural products into blockchain. With increas-
ing numbers of nodes, an increasing amount of transaction
data is obtained, and the storage load pressure of blockchain
consequently increases [34]. Due to the unique chain-type
structure of blockchain, the query efficiency is very low;
FIGURE 2. On-chain and off-chain data collaboration storage.
members of the same blockchain network access all the data
on the chain ledger. To overcome these shortcomings, this
paper improved the storage mode of a blockchain traceabil-
ity system for agricultural products and designed a method
involving the double storage of traceability information under
the chain of ‘‘database +blockchain’’. As shown in Figure 2,
after traceability data uploaded to the system, the system clas-
sifies the data. The product public information is stored in the
local database. The encrypted ciphertext and the hash value
of public information is uploaded to blockchain. Considering
the issue of storage space, the SHA256 algorithm with higher
VOLUME 9, 2021 36285
X. Yang et al.: Trusted Blockchain-Based Traceability System for Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products
FIGURE 3. Traceability information privacy protection data flow diagram.
security is used in the encryption of public information. For
the input of any length string, the SHA256 algorithm will
generate a 64-bit hexadecimal value. The block structure
of the traceability information data structure stored on the
blockchain includes block head and block body. The block
head mainly includes current block number, the hash value
of previous block, timestamp, and other information. The
block body mainly contains transaction-related information.
The storage format of the traceability information is shown
in Table 1. ‘‘Key’’ is the corresponding ID in the ‘‘Value’’
parameter, which acts as an index and a unique identification
field. The parameter ‘‘Value’’ is the value written to the
blockchain, including Type, ID, PrivateData and InfoHash.
The parameter ‘‘Type’’ is the name of the structure body that
is defined by the ‘‘Value’’ parameter. The parameter ‘‘ID’’ is
the unique identification field of the source message record,
which corresponds to the unique identification field of the
source traceability information stored in the local database.
The parameter ‘‘PrivateData’’ is the ciphertext of private
information encrypted by CBC algorithm. The parameter
‘‘InfoHash’’ is the value of source traceability information
after this information has been hashed.
The data involved in the entire supply chain is not only prod-
uct traceability information, but also contains private data
that only relevant companies can view, such as transaction
information. For competing enterprises, data privacy is an
important issue. This paper design a traceability informa-
tion privacy protection data flow that private information is
encrypted by deploying smart contract and uploaded to the
TABLE 1. Data structure of the blockchain used in the system.
blockchain together with the hash value of public informa-
tion. As shown in Figure 3, private information such as trans-
action data is encrypted by the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
mode of the AES encryption algorithm. The required Key1 is
randomly selected by the smart contract generate and upload
encrypted ciphertext to the blockchain. In order to ensure
the security of the Key1, this paper used the Elliptic Curves
Cryptography (ECC) to encrypt the Key1. The encrypted
Public Key authorized the viewing node. The Public Key of
the authorized viewing node and the Encrypted Key1 form a
key-value pair, stored in the world state of the smart contract
and written to the blockchain. When the relevant enterprise
nodes view the private data on the blockchain, the current
node private key is used to decrypt the Encrypted Key1 on
the blockchain to obtain the original Key1, and the Key1 is
used to decrypt the private information and view the private
Smart contract are essentially time-driven, stately computer
programs deployed on shared distributed database [35]. It can
36286 VOLUME 9, 2021
X. Yang et al.: Trusted Blockchain-Based Traceability System for Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products
TABLE 2. Smart contract interface.
be automatically executed when trigger conditions are met,
and node behavior can be transmitted and verified in an
informationized manner. Smart contract are called Chaincode
in Hyperledger Fabric, which greatly reduces the degree
of manual participation and ensures the decentralization of
blockchain and the tamper-proof of data. Alliance members
in the Consortium chains negotiate to participate in book-
keeping, and define incentive methods based on business
needs. The agricultural products traceability system based on
blockchain designed in this paper records traceability data
of fruit and vegetable products from production, process-
ing, transportation, and sales. In order to encourage alliance
members to upload traceability data, this paper designs a
reputation-based smart contract. After the node uploads the
traceability data that meets the requirements, the contract
logic will be triggered to increase the reputation value of the
node. Table 2 presents the interface of the smart contract.
Algorithm 1 Upload Information to Blockchain
Input: ID, Private Information, Hash Value of Public Infor-
mation, Public Key
1ID is the unique identification field of the source
message record
2 if Private Information!=NULL then
3Randomly generate Key1.
4PrivateData=CBC (Private Information, Key1).
5EncryptedKey =ECC (Key1, Public Key).
6InfoHash=Hash Value of Public Information.
7Add ID, PrivateData, EncryptedKey, InfoHash
in blockchain.
8 end
9 else
10 InfoHash=Hash Value of Public Information.
11 Add ID,InfoHash in blockchain.
12 end
Algorithm 1 elaborates the process of upload information
to blockchain. The system categorizes the information and
uploads it to the smart contract. After the smart contract
judges the information, the corresponding operation is exe-
cuted on the chain to realize the secure sharing of private
information in the blockchain network.
Algorithm 2 illustrates the process of granting reputation
value. When alliance member nodes upload traceability data
that meets requirements, the smart contract awards the node
reputation value in line with the consortium network incentive
mechanism, and incentivizes network nodes to upload trace-
ability data to ensure the integrity of the traceability chain and
the sharing of information between upstream and downstream
Algorithm 2 Grant Reputation Value
Input: Peer, traceability data
1Peer is the member of organization of the Hyperledger
2Initialize reputation value when peer enters the con-
sortium chain.
3 if Peer upload traceability data then
4 if All nodes have reached a consensus after
verification then
5Trigger the smart contract issuing the reputation
6 end
7 else
8Preview an error after returning the contract to its
previous state.
9 end
10 end
The flow chart of fruit and vegetable agricultural products
blockchain traceability system is shown in Figure 4. The
traceability information is collected by Internet of Things
device or manually entered. Users upload the traceability
information of production, processing, logistics and sales
to the system. After classification by system, the trace-
ability information is divided into private information and
public information. The private information is uploaded to
blockchain after CBC encryption, and the public information
is stored in the local database. The SHA256 algorithm is used
to hash the public information. The hash value obtained is
stored in the blockchain system, and the block number is
returned. The block number is updated to the public infor-
mation record corresponding to the database. If the agricul-
tural products information needs to be modified, the hash
value of the public information needs to be rewritten into the
blockchain to update its block number. Consumers can obtain
public information and block number from the database by
scanning the QR code, hash the public information obtained,
and compare the consistency with the hash value stored on the
blockchain through the block number to determine whether
the product traceability information has been tampered with.
The blockchain-based traceability system for fruit and veg-
etable agricultural products mainly divided into two parts,
VOLUME 9, 2021 36287
X. Yang et al.: Trusted Blockchain-Based Traceability System for Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products
FIGURE 4. Anti-counterfeiting flowchart of system traceability.
one is the construction of consortium chain and the other is
the development of business system. Based on the Linux sys-
tem environment, the blockchain system builds a Hyperledger
Fabric distributed network environment based on multiple
Docker containers, using CouchDB as database. The shell
script is mainly used to build the network. The smart con-
tract is implemented in Go language, and the related depen-
dent NodeSDK development, implement Restful interface for
resource call. The application system is developed in .Net/C#
language, adopted the MVC (Model-View-Controller) archi-
tecture, the Bootstrap framework and a novel JavaScript
framework. The blockchain system Hyperledger Fabric runs
under the Linux environment and uses the Ubuntu operating
system with Inter Xeon Gold 6130 processor, 16GB memory,
100GB hard disk, and 100Mb/s bandwidth. The blockchain
network is deployed in a Docker container, as well as the
installation, testing, and instantiation of smart contracts need
to be performed in the Docker environment. As shown in Fig-
ure 5, the blockchain system in this paper adopts the deploy-
ment mode of single machine multi-node. The production
enterprises, processing enterprises, logistics enterprises, sales
enterprises and regulatory authorities in the supply chain are
added to the blockchain as five organizations, named org1-
org5 respectively. Each organization contains a peer node,
corresponding to a CA certification, used to track identity and
digital certificate management. The entire network contains
an orderer node, which is used to sort data and generate
Consensus mechanism is a vital part of the blockchain, which
ensures that the participating nodes in the blockchain net-
work store consistent information and the latest blocks are
FIGURE 5. Blockchain network environment construction.
accurately added to the blockchain. The current mainstream
consensus mechanisms include Proof of Work (POW), Proof
of Stake (POS), Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS), practical
Byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT), etc. [36]. The core idea of
POW is to ensure data consistency and consensus security by
introducing the computing power competition of distributed
nodes, which can solve the problem of sybil attacks caused by
the free entry and exit of nodes. In order to avoid the power
consumption caused by the high dependence on the comput-
ing power of the nodes, the researchers proposed a proof of
stake mechanism POS that does not rely on computing power
and a delegated proof of stake mechanism DPOS. PBFT
consensus mechanism allow distributed system to reach a
consensus when there are a few malicious nodes. It uses
cryptographic algorithms such as signatures, signature ver-
ification, and hashing to ensure tamper-proof modification,
anti- counterfeiting, and non-repudiation during message
transmission. And optimized the BFT algorithm, reducing its
algorithm complexity from exponential level to polynomial
level. PBFT consensus mechanism is not suitable for large-
scale Public chain scenarios owing to consensus cost, and it
is more suitable for Consortium chains or Private chains with
fewer nodes. According to the characteristics of agricultural
product traceability, this paper chooses Consortium chain as
the basic network, and the consensus mechanism chooses the
PBFT mechanism apply to Consortium chain.
The system operation page includes eight modules which
are my farm, base management, production operations, crop
traceability, value-added services, system settings, big data
analysis, and blockchain management modules were shown
in Figure 6. Figure 6(a) shows the resume creation page.
Users can set the traceability information displayed to con-
sumers according to the traceability requirements, and the
hash value of the information will be stored in the blockchain.
Figure 6(b) is the blockchain management page. Users can
36288 VOLUME 9, 2021
X. Yang et al.: Trusted Blockchain-Based Traceability System for Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products
FIGURE 6. Blockchain-based traceability system operation page:
(a) Resume creation page. (b) Blockchain management page.
view the relevant information of the blockchain in real time,
such as the number of nodes, the number of contracts, the
number of blocks, and the number of transactions.
This paper has carried on the comprehensive test to system
performance, by changing send rate to test system through-
put and network latency. An open source blockchain perfor-
mance evaluation tool Hyperledger Caliper is used, which
allowed users to perform performance tests on the blockchain
network through predefined use cases and obtain a set of
performance test results. The currently supported perfor-
mance indicators include transaction success rate, transaction
throughput, transaction latency, resource consumption, etc.
The performance of system is mainly reflected in two aspects:
transaction latency and transaction throughput under different
send rate. Transaction latency refers to the response time
required for a single user to send a request, including query
latency and write latency. Transaction throughput refers to the
number of successfully sent data per second, also falls into
two categories: query throughput and write throughput. This
paper tested transaction latency and transaction throughput
of the system. The test results of read request are shown in
Figure 7. It can be found from Figure 7(a) that when the send
rate of the read request is less than 250tps, the send rate of
the read request is linearly related to the read throughput.
When the send rate exceeds 250tps, the read throughput of
system reaches saturation. The system read latency is tested
by increasing the send rate from 0tps to 400tps in a total time
of 60 s, each increment of 50tps. The transaction latency test
result of the read request is shown in Figure 7(b). The results
show that the send rate has little effect on the read latency of
the system, and the average response time of the system is
stable at 0.02s. The test results of the input request are shown
in Figure 8. It can be found from Figure 8(a) that when the
send rate of the input request is less than 125tps, the send rate
of the input request is linearly related to the input throughput.
When the send rate exceeds 125tps, the input throughput of
the system reaches saturation. The system input latency is
tested by increasing the sending rate from 0tps to 200tps
in a total time of 60 s, each increment of 50tps. It can be
shown from Figure 8(b) that there is no obvious correlation
between the send rate and the input latency of the system,
and the average response time of the system has always been
kept at a low input latency of about 0.12s. In summary, the
fruit and vegetable agricultural products traceability system
based on blockchain technology proposed in this paper is
a low-latency, high-throughput system that satisfies actual
production needs.
The system has been successfully applied to an apple com-
pany in Yantai City, Shandong Province, China. Through on-
the-spot investigation on the apple supply chain of enterprise,
the apple traceability system collection method was designed
from the planting and warehousing, processing, transporta-
tion and sales links, and the ‘‘database +blockchain’’ pro-
posed on the chain was used. The dual storage design of
traceability information, and the query method of the exter-
nal database index, have realized the efficient storage and
query of the traceability information of the apple blockchain.
Figure 9 shows the product label and product information
query method in practical applications. Figure 9(a) shows the
label information of apple. Users can scan the QR code on the
package and send a query request to the background server
to obtain the relevant traceability information of the product.
Figure 9(b) and Figure 9(c) are the schematic diagrams of
consumers inputting traceability source code on the web to
query product information and using mobile phone to scan
QR code to query product traceability information and data
storage certificate information. After the system apply in the
company, compared with the traditional traceability system
used before, the cost of equipment and system software has
increased by 7.3% and 24.9% respectively. The system appli-
cations requires to rent multiple server equipment. The cost
of developing and maintaining the system has increased to
a certain extent, and the training fee for workers to learn to
use software has increased slightly. In addition, the use of IoT
devices to automatically upload data to the system reduces the
waste of human resources and reduces labor costs by 5.3%.
According to financial statistics in 2019 and 2020, the total
cost of the product increased by 18.2%, and the sales revenue
increased by 34.6%. Although many factors influencing the
increase in sales revenue, the application of the blockchain-
based traceability system guarantees the authenticity and
VOLUME 9, 2021 36289
X. Yang et al.: Trusted Blockchain-Based Traceability System for Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products
FIGURE 7. System test results of the read request: (a) Effect of the send rate on blockchain network read throughput. (b) Effect of the send rate on
blockchain network read transaction latency.
FIGURE 8. System test results of the input request: (a) Effect of the send rate on blockchain network input throughput. (b) Effect of the send rate
on blockchain network input transaction latency.
TABLE 3. Comparison of traditional traceability system and
blockchain-based traceability system.
credibility of data, which is an significant reason for winning
the trust of consumers.
Due to complicated links involved in the supply chain pro-
cess, Table 3 compares to six aspects of the traditional
apple traceability system with the blockchain-based apple
traceability system in terms of storage mode, data sharing
scope, data transparency, government supervision, data cred-
ibility and query rate. The traditional apple traceability sys-
tem adopts centralized management. Product manufacturers,
processing manufacturers, logistics parties, sales companies,
and terminal consumers of government regulatory depart-
ments are isolated from each other. They are isolated islands
of information, with low transparency of data and low gov-
ernment supervision. Product information is easy to be tam-
pered, and the credibility of the information is low. The
blockchain-based apple traceability system adopts all links
of companies and government regulatory departments as
nodes to join the consortium chain. It has the characteristics
of multi-centralization, does not rely on an organization or
individual, and realize information transparency, ensure the
integrity and accuracy of the information, and strengthen
government supervision. At the same time, real-time tracking
is performed to ensure the verifiability and reliability of
product quality, and to solve the ‘‘trust problem’’ in apple
supply chain management. The non-calculable modification
of the data using the blockchain ensures that the traceable
data cannot be tampered with, assures the credibility of the
data, and has ideal application functions such as tracing the
main body responsibility, tracking product flow, and sharing
regulatory information, which effectively protects consump-
tion rights. In order to solve the problem of low query rate of
the blockchain, this paper proposed an on-chain and off-chain
36290 VOLUME 9, 2021
X. Yang et al.: Trusted Blockchain-Based Traceability System for Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products
FIGURE 9. Product label and product information query method: (a) The tag of apple. (b) Query
results of traceability code input on the web. (c) Mobile phone scan query results.
storage structure, which can alleviate the storage pressure
brought to the blockchain system due to the continuous
increase of data under the condition of ensuring that the
data cannot be tampered, so that the query rate significantly
In this paper, we designed and implemented the traceabil-
ity system of fruits and vegetables agricultural products
based on the non-tampering and traceable characteristics of
blockchain, and discussed the storage and query design of
the system. To overcome the problems of high data load pres-
sure and poor private security of the blockchain traceability
system as the data grows, an on-chain and off-chain data
storage method using ‘‘database +blockchain’’ is proposed.
The public information displayed to consumers is stored in
the supply chain to the local database, whose hash value
by SHA256 algorithm was upload to the blockchain system.
The private information encrypted by the CBC encryption
algorithm is stored into the blockchain for sharing with
relevant companies. The storage method proposed in this
paper combines the actual situation, taking into account the
need for encryption of corporate private information as well
as the need for public supervision of supply chain public
information, and reduce the pressure of data load on the
chain. By storing the block number of the public informa-
tion on the database, the association between the blockchain
and the database is realized. The consumer obtains the
public information from the database by scanning the QR
code, and the system verifies the information according to
the corresponding block number stored in the database to
determine whether the product information has been tam-
pered with. With the development of blockchain, in order
to meet actual business needs, multi-chain is the future
development direction. For future research, we will fur-
ther explore the cross-chain technology between multiple
chains and a new type of consensus mechanism suitable for
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XINTING YANG received the B.S. degree from
Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao, China,
in 1997, the M.S. degree from Zhejiang University,
in 2000, and the Ph.D. degree from the Research
Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, China, in 2008. In July
2000, he worked with the Beijing Agricultural
Information Technology Research Center and suc-
cessively served as a Research Intern, an Assis-
tant Researcher, an Associate Researcher, and a
Researcher, where he has been the Deputy Director, since 2012. His research
interests include blockchain, agricultural traceability, and machine learning.
MENGQI LI received the B.S. degree in net-
work engineering from Anhui Sanlian University,
Anhui, China, in 2018. She is currently pursuing
the M.S. degree with Shanghai Ocean University.
Her research interests include blockchain, cryp-
tography, and agricultural traceability.
36292 VOLUME 9, 2021
X. Yang et al.: Trusted Blockchain-Based Traceability System for Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products
HUAJING YU received the B.S. degree in soft-
ware engineering from the Jiangsu University of
Science and Technology, Jiangsu, China, in 2019.
He is currently pursuing the M.S. degree with
Shanghai Ocean University. His research interests
include blockchain and smart contract.
MINGTING WANG received the B.S. degree
in electronic information science and technology
from Fuyang Normal University, Anhui, China,
in 2017, and the M.S. degree from Shanghai Ocean
University, Shanghai, China, in 2020. Her current
research interests include blockchain and consen-
sus mechanism.
DAMING XU received the B.S. and M.S. degrees
from the Taiyuan Institute of Technology, Shanxi,
China, in 2013, and the M.S. degree from
the Taiyuan University of Technology, in 2016.
In July 2016, he worked with the Beijing Agri-
cultural Information Technology Research Center,
where he successively served as an Engineer. His
research interests include blockchain and agricul-
tural traceability.
CHUANHENG SUN received the B.S. degree
from Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao,
China, in 2002, the M.S. degree from Zhejiang
University, in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree from
China Agricultural University, Beijing, China,
in 2012. In July 2005, he worked with the Beijing
Agricultural Information Technology Research
Center, where he successivelyserved as a Research
Intern, an Assistant Researcher, an Associate
Researcher, and a Researcher. His research inter-
ests include blockchain, agricultural product identification, and agricultural
VOLUME 9, 2021 36293
... Furthermore, no access control mechanism has been designed specifically for IoT devices. Yang et al. (2021) [45] proposed the implementation of the dual storage of traceability information, both in a database and blockchain, to alleviate chain load pressure and enable efficient information queries. The authors store public information in local databases and encrypt private data on the blockchain, along with the hash of the corresponding public information. ...
... Furthermore, no access control mechanism has been designed specifically for IoT devices. Yang et al. (2021) [45] proposed the implementation of the dual storage of traceability information, both in a database and blockchain, to alleviate chain load pressure and enable efficient information queries. The authors store public information in local databases and encrypt private data on the blockchain, along with the hash of the corresponding public information. ...
... However, as the number of participants in the network increases, creating a separate channel for each participant can result in maintenance challenges and reduced network performance. • The literature commonly suggests off-chain storage to reduce the burden of blockchain technology [35,45]. In some cases, this is performed to safeguard data privacy [39]. ...
Full-text available
In Agrifood scenarios, where farmers need to ensure that their produce is safely pro-duced, transported, and stored, they rely on a network of IoT devices to monitor conditions such as temperature and humidity throughout the supply chain. However, managing this large-scale IoT environment poses significant challenges, including transparency, traceability, data tampering, and accountability. Blockchain is por-trayed as a technology capable of solving the problems of transparency, traceabil-ity, data tampering, and accountability, which are key issues in the AgriFood supply chain. Nonetheless, there are challenges related to managing a large-scale IoT envi-ronment using the current security, authentication, and access control solutions. To address these issues, we introduce an architecture in which IoT devices record data and store them in the participant’s cloud after validation by endorsing peers follow-ing an attribute-based access control (ABAC) policy. This policy allows IoT device owners to specify the physical quantities, value ranges, time periods, and types of data that each device is permitted to measure and transmit. Authorized users can access this data under the ABAC policy contract. Our solution demonstrates effi-ciency, with 50% of IoT data write requests completed in less than 0.14s using solo ordering service and 2.5s with raft ordering service. Data retrieval shows an average latency between 0.34 and 0.57s and a throughput ranging from 124.8 to 9.9 Trans-actions Per Second (TPS) for data sizes between 8 and 512 kilobytes. This architec-ture not only enhances the management of IoT environments in the AgriFood supply chain but also ensures data privacy and security.
... For instance, Babu et al. [8] used MongoDB to store electronic healthrecords (EHRs) while its hash value with some patient information will be stored in the blockchain. Yang et al. [9] proposed a solution to save data of the products into two parts, the first part called public data which will be saved in relation database where the private part of the data will be stored in the blockchain. ...
... Another approaches in off-chain that use IPFS for instance, in [9] the authors use IPFS to save the data generated by IoTs in smart city applications then linked the data with Ethereum blockchain. Additional study by Mani et al. [10] uses a similar approach for saving data in IPFS which is connected to a Hyperledger blockchain that used as index in the form of key-value to reach the date in IPFS. ...
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The growing popularity of the most current wave of decentralized systems, powered by blockchain technology, which act as data vaults and preserve data, ensures that, once stored, it stays preserved, considered to be one of the most promising safe and immutable storage methods. The authors of this research suggest an on-chain storage framework that stores files inside blockchain transactions using file transforming, chunking, and encoding techniques. This study investigates the performance of on-chain file storage using a simulated network blockchain environment. Test files of varying sizes were deployed. Performance metrics, including consumed time in chunking, encoding, and distributing chunks among block transactions, were measured and analyzed. An analysis of the collected data was conducted to assess the framework’s performance. The result showed that selecting the appropriate chunk size significantly influences the overall performance of the system. We also explored the implications of our findings and offered suggestions for improving performance within the framework.
... Rights reserved. systems [13,14], healthcare [15,16], traceability systems [17], and energy [18]. However, as distributed cluster sizes continue to expand, the Raft algorithm faces challenges such as increased network pressure, declining computational capabilities, insufficient storage space, and decreased security, raising concerns about the classical Raft algorithm. ...
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To address the limitations of the Raft consensus algorithm, such as the lack of support for Byzantine fault tolerance, performance bottleneck of the leader single node, and high leader election delay, an improved Byzantine fault tolerance consensus algorithm called RaBFT based on Raft is proposed. The distribution process of log messages is optimized by utilizing the secret sharing technique to make it Byzantine fault tolerance, and the role of the committee is introduced to share the communication pressure of the leader, thereby resolving the performance bottleneck issue of the leader single node. The leader election algorithm based on a dynamic committee improves the speed of leader election and reduces the time required for leader election. The experimental results show that RaBFT algorithm has a significant improvement in throughput and consensus delay in the log replication phase, and has a lower leader election delay, RaBFT algorithm can improve the efficiency and performance of the system, it is a safe and efficient consensus algorithm.
... The dynamic and precise selection of business entities can be elevated, and the versatility of business entities to enter the supply chain can be enhanced by sharing information [18,19]. However, it remains a challenge to offer assurances on data quality and enhanced data security in the face of the increasing complexity of supply chains [20]. ...
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Blockchain is a progressive technology in many applications, such as supply chain management. Blockchain technology is gaining attention due to its transparency, decentralisation, and high-level security features. In the beginning, blockchain technology was developed for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.; later, it was used in various applications like supply chain management and healthcare. Blockchain plays a central role in the re-engineering process by optimising workflow operations. Traceability plays a crucial role in supply chain management. Traditionally, these solutions were based on a centralised architecture, which does not provide tamper-proof data sharing. The primary issue faced in this approach is that different supply chain users use systems containing distinct features and complexities. To overcome these challenges, a decentralised process was initiated. In this work, we develop a supply chain management system using blockchain technology and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. This system has the potential to realise traceability with trusted information across the entire supply chain, thereby effectively guaranteeing safety by gathering, transferring, and sharing the relevant data in the production, processing, warehousing, distribution, and selling stages. It also provides transparency for better management of products by providing access to information about the supply chain by trading partners, shareholders, consumers, and regulatory bodies. The proposed system provides data management, and the lurking algorithm guarantees data security. This approach can simplify the traceability of products and can be scaled for industrial use.
Blockchain is seen as a disruptive fundamental technology that will transform agri-food sectors in the near future. Blockchain is a digital, immutable, decentralized ledger of transactions that is replicated and distributed throughout the chain of computer systems on the blockchain’s network. This systematic review examines the literature to identify the enabling characteristics of blockchain technology that support its application in the agri-food sectors. The literature reviewed indicated essential characteristics such as transparency, immutability, redundancy, versatility, automation, and remittance. Among these features, immutability and automation have a salient role in the current implementation, particularly in food traceability. However, the application of blockchain in the agri-food sector is not without controversies. More research is needed regarding technical improvement and its environmental impact.
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Medication quality and safety are crucial to the health of the public. Responding to the urgent need for medication information provenance and anti-counterfeiting, this study proposes a blockchain based method for medication information storage, inquiry, and anti-counterfeiting along a medication supply chain. Leveraging the features of decentralization, tamper-proof, traceability, and participative node maintenance of blockchain technology, the proposed method can assure the transparency and openness of medication supply chains. An access control policy model based on smart contract is designed to prevent medication information from being altered or disclosed at nodes of the blockchain. In addition, a point-accumulation upgrade/downgrade mechanism is introduced to improve the consensus mechanism. The proposed solution eliminates the needs for centralized institutions and third-party organizations, and provides a full record of the medication circulation process. Our simulation results show that efficiency and security are enhanced by the improved consensus algorithm and access control mechanism. As a result, our method can render high level of security and privacy protection that is critical to the integrity of a medication information management system.
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Food holds a major role in human beings’ lives and in human societies in general across the planet. The food and agriculture sector is considered to be a major employer at a worldwide level. The large number and heterogeneity of the stakeholders involved from different sectors, such as farmers, distributers, retailers, consumers, etc., renders the agricultural supply chain management as one of the most complex and challenging tasks. It is the same vast complexity of the agriproducts supply chain that limits the development of global and efficient transparency and traceability solutions. The present paper provides an overview of the application of blockchain technologies for enabling traceability in the agri-food domain. Initially, the paper presents definitions, levels of adoption, tools and advantages of traceability, accompanied with a brief overview of the functionality and advantages of blockchain technology. It then conducts an extensive literature review on the integration of blockchain into traceability systems. It proceeds with discussing relevant existing commercial applications, highlighting the relevant challenges and future prospects of the application of blockchain technologies in the agri-food supply chain.
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In order to trace the logistics information and make use of the characteristics of the Consortium Blockchain, a logistics information traceability model based on the Consortium chain is proposed. The research focuses on two key technologies in the model, namely Multi-center Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (MCPBFT) consensus algorithm and Information Matching mechanism. In MCPBFT algorithm, many nodes involved in logistics information are divided into multiple consensus sets, and the consistency protocol is improved into two phases based on PBFT algorithm. In the information matching mechanism, the authenticity of the recorded on-chain information is ensured by matching the updated logistics information with the information stored on the chain in advance. By analyzing the two key technologies, the feasibility and superiority of these two technologies are explained. Among them, MCPBFT algorithm can effectively improve the efficiency of consensus and ensure that the logistics information can be updated in time; the information matching mechanism can be safely applied to the traceability model and improve the practicability of the traceability model.
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In recent years, with the increase of consumers’ attention to the quality of agricultural products, reliable and reliable traceability technology of agricultural products has been paid more attention. This paper proposed a block-chain traceability system based on smart agriculture with the integration of wireless sensor network. The system has realized the agricultural product traceability system based on Ethereum. After farmers access to the system, data acquisition front-end data storage to block-chain system, the use of block-chain itself has the characteristics of decentralization, tamper-resistant, security encryption, combined with the backend database management and traceability QR code to provide consumers with safe, reliable and real farm products traceability information. Building a holographic database of the tea whole industry chain from farmland to table, adopting the food risk assessment and safety traceability technology based on the hazard factor to design the multi-role, multi-link and multi-factor intelligent management system to realize the efficient control of food quality and safety.
Blockchain platforms and languages for writing smart contracts are becoming increasingly popular. However, smart contracts and blockchain applications are developed through non-standard software life-cycles, in which, for instance, delivered applications can hardly be updated or bugs resolved by releasing a new version of the software. Therefore, this systematic literature review oriented to software engineering aims at highlighting current problems and possible solutions concerning smart contracts and blockchain applications development. In this paper, we analyze 96 articles (written from 2016 to 2020) presenting solutions to tackle software engineering-specific challenges related to the development, test, and security assessment of blockchain-oriented software. In particular, we review papers (that appeared in international journals and conferences) relating to six specific topics: smart contract testing, smart contract code analysis, smart contract metrics, smart contract security, Dapp performance, and blockchain applications. Beyond the systematic review of the techniques, tools, and approaches that have been proposed in the literature to address the issues posed by the development of blockchain-based software, for each of the six aforementioned topics, we identify open challenges that require further research.
The concept of Supply Chain Management (SCM) is very imperative while moving sensitive products from one entity to the next entity until it reaches to the end-users to avoid damage(s) in the product. In the traditional supply chain management system, several serious problems such as tampering of products, delay, and fraud, etc. exist. It also lacks proper authentication among the participants, data management as well as the integrity of the data. The blockchain mechanism is capable of solving the above-mentioned issues due to its important features such as decentralization, transparency, trust-less environment, anonymity, and immutability. This paper describes how the blockchain mechanism combines with the traditional pharmaceutical supply chain system and to achieve a better SCM system, we present a blockchain-based scheme for information sharing securely in the pharmaceutical supply chain system with smart contracts and consensus mechanism. The proposed scheme also provides a mechanism to distribute required cryptographic keys to all the participants securely using the smart contract technique. Further, transaction and block validation protocols have been designed in our protocol. The security analysis ensures that our protocol is robust and also achieves reasonable performance in terms of computation and communication overheads.
Foodborne disease remains a major public health problem worldwide. To understand the epidemiology and changes of foodborne disease in China, data reported to the National Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System during 2003–2017 were collected. A total of 19,517 outbreaks, which resulted in 235,754 illnesses, 107,470 hospitalizations, and 1457 deaths, were reported in this period. Of the 13,307 outbreaks with known etiology, 31.8% of outbreaks were caused by poisonous mushrooms, followed by Vibrio parahaemolyticus (11.3%), saponin (8.0%), Salmonella (6.8%), nitrite (6.4%), pesticide (4.8%), Staphylococcus aureus (4.2%) and Bacillus cereus (3.0%). Among 18,955 outbreaks with reported setting, 46.6% were associated with food prepared in a household, followed by 22.5% with food prepared in a restaurant, and 18.4% prepared in a canteen. Of the 13,305 outbreaks associated with a single food category, fungi (mainly poisonous mushroom) were the most commonly implicated food category, followed by meats, vegetables, aquatic animals, condiments, poisonous plants (such as saponin, tung oil or seed, aconite) and grains (such as rice, noodle, rice noodle). Analysis of foodborne disease outbreaks can provide insight into the most important causative agents and sources of foodborne diseases, and assist public health agencies determine the high-risk etiology and food pairs, specific points of contamination and settings to reduce foodborne disease illnesses.
Food safety and traceability are nowadays a constant concern for consumers, and indeed for all actors in the food chain, including those involved in the fruit and vegetable sector. For the EU, the principles and legal requirements of traceability are set out in Regulation 178/2002. Currently however the regulation does not describe any analytical traceability tools. Furthermore, traceability systems for fruits and vegetables face increasing competition due to market globalization. The current challenge for actors in this sector is therefore to be sufficiently competitive in terms of price, traceability, quality and safety to avoid scandal and fraud. For all these reasons, new, flexible, cheap and efficient traceability tools, as isotopic analysis, DNA fingerprinting and metabolomic profiling coupled with chemometrics are needed.
Traceability has become a critical element in supply chain management, particularly in safety-sensitive sectors like food, pharmaceuticals, etc. Upstream (manufacturers, producers, etc.) and downstream (distributors, wholesalers, etc.) supply chain members need to store and handle traceability-related information for providing proof of regulatory compliance to both state authorities and more demanding customers. More specifically, European Union regulations mandate food producers to trace all raw materials/ingredients used throughout their supply chain operations. Consumers also place high expectations on food supply chains (FSC) with specific emphasis on facets related to safety. However, the complexity of modern FSC networks and their fragmentation act as barriers for the development of sound traceability mechanisms. This paper aims to develop a distributed functional model to provide decentralized and automated FSC traceability based on blockchain technology and smart contracts. For assessing the feasibility of the proposed modeling approach, a food traceability use-case scenario is presented. The applicability of the model is further illustrated by the development of a fully functional smart contract and a local private blockchain. The overall benefits of the proposed model are assessed based on a set of predefined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The results are of significant value to both practitioners and researchers.
This paper aims to explain the implementation of blockchain technology in the production and supply chain delivery system for eggs from farm to consumer by a company based in the Midwestern USA. One of the primary research questions answered is how blockchain can be utilized and applied to more accurately and transparently move goods through global supply chains. This company is at the forefront of developing such systems for use in industry, and a use case for egg distribution is detailed. The goal is to track products from farm to fork using blockchain and internet of things (IoT) enabled technologies. By creating traceable and transparent supply chains for food, consumers can attain the information they need to make informed choices about the food they buy and the companies they support. For stakeholders in the food supply chain, having traceability and transparency builds better relationships with their customers, increases efficiency, and reduces the risk and cost of food recalls, fraud, and product loss. The blockchain technology and this business are creating a case for fixing and transforming the world’s food system.