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EnD: Entangling and Disentangling deep representations for bias correction

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Abstract and Figures

Artificial neural networks perform state-of-the-art in an ever-growing number of tasks, and nowadays they are used to solve an incredibly large variety of tasks. There are problems, like the presence of biases in the training data, which question the generalization capability of these models. In this work we propose EnD, a regularization strategy whose aim is to prevent deep models from learning unwanted biases. In particular, we insert an "information bottleneck" at a certain point of the deep neural network, where we disentangle the information about the bias, still letting the useful information for the training task forward-propagating in the rest of the model. One big advantage of EnD is that we do not require additional training complexity (like decoders or extra layers in the model), since it is a regularizer directly applied on the trained model. Our experiments show that EnD effectively improves the generalization on unbiased test sets, and it can be effectively applied on real-case scenarios, like removing hidden biases in the COVID-19 detection from radiographic images.
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EnD: Entangling and Disentangling deep representations for bias correction
Enzo Tartaglione
University of Turin,
Computer Science Dept.
Carlo Alberto Barbano
University of Turin,
Computer Science Dept.
Marco Grangetto
University of Turin,
Computer Science Dept.
Artificial neural networks perform state-of-the-art in an
ever-growing number of tasks, and nowadays they are used
to solve an incredibly large variety of tasks. There are prob-
lems, like the presence of biases in the training data, which
question the generalization capability of these models. In
this work we propose EnD, a regularization strategy whose
aim is to prevent deep models from learning unwanted bi-
ases. In particular, we insert an “information bottleneck”
at a certain point of the deep neural network, where we dis-
entangle the information about the bias, still letting the use-
ful information for the training task forward-propagating in
the rest of the model. One big advantage of EnD is that we
do not require additional training complexity (like decoders
or extra layers in the model), since it is a regularizer di-
rectly applied on the trained model. Our experiments show
that EnD effectively improves the generalization on unbi-
ased test sets, and it can be effectively applied on real-case
scenarios, like removing hidden biases in the COVID-19 de-
tection from radiographic images.
1. Introduction
In the last two decades artificial neural network models
(ANNs) received huge interest from the research commu-
nity. Nowadays, complex and even ill-posed problems can
be tackled provided that one can train a deep enough ANN
model with a large enough dataset. Furthermore, they aim
to become a powerful tool helping us take a variety of de-
cisions: for example, AI is currently used for scouting and
hiring people [17]. These ANNs are trained to process a de-
sired output from some inputs. We have no clear idea how
the information is effectively processed inside. Recently,
AI trustworthiness has been recognized as major prereq-
uisite for people and societies to use and accept such sys-
tems [14,33]. In April 2019, the High-Level Expert Group
This work has been accepted as a conference paper for the 2021 Con-
ference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2021).
on AI of the European Commission defined the three main
aspects of trustworthy AI [14]: it should be lawful, ethical
and robust. Providing a warranty on this topic is currently a
matter of study and discussion.
Focusing on the concept of robustness for AI, Atten-
berg et al. discussed the problem of finding the so-called
“unknown unknowns” [3] in data. These unknown un-
knowns relate to the case when the deep model elaborates
information in an unintended way, but shows high confi-
dence on its predictions. Such behavior affected many re-
cent works proposing AI-based solutions on the COVID de-
tection from radiographic images. Unfortunately, the avail-
able datasets at the beginning of the pandemic were heavily
biased. This often resulted in models predicting COVID di-
agnosis with a high confidence, thanks to the presence of
unwanted biases, for example by detecting the presence of
catheters or medical devices for positive patients, their age
(at the beginning of the pandemic, most ill patients were el-
derly people), or even by recognizing the origin of the data
itself (when negative cases were augmented borrowing sam-
ples from other datasets) [2,25,26].
In this work we propose a regularization strategy which
Entangles the deep features extracted by patterns belong-
ing to the same target class and Disentangles the biased fea-
tures: we name it EnD, and with it we wish to put an end
to the bias propagation in any deep model. We assume we
know data might have some bias (like in the case of COVID,
the origin of data) but we ignore what it translates into (we
do not have a prior knowledge on whether the bias is the
presence of some color, a specific feature in the image or
anything else). EnD regularizes the output of some layer
Γwithin the deep model in order to create an “information
bottleneck” where the regularizer:
entangles the feature vectors extracted from data be-
longing to the same target class;
disentangles the features extracted from data having
the same “bias label”.
Since the deep model is trained minimizing both the loss
and EnD, all the biased features are discouraged to be ex-
arXiv:2103.02023v1 [cs.CV] 2 Mar 2021
tracted in favor of the unbiased ones. Compared to other
de-biasing techniques, we have no training overhead: we
do not train extra models to perform gradient inversion on
the biased information or involve the use of GaNs, or even
de-bias the input data. EnD works directly on the target
model, and is minimized via standard back-propagation.
In general, directly tackling the problem of mutual in-
formation’s minimization is hard, given both its non-
differentiability and the computational complexity in-
volved. Nonetheless, previous works have already shown
that adding further constraints to the learning problem could
be effective [28] as, typically, the trained ANN models are
over-sized and allows a large number of solutions to the
same learning task [27]. Our experiments show that EnD
effectively favors the choice of unbiased features over the
biased ones at training time, yielding competitive general-
ization capabilities compared to models trained with other
un-biasing techniques.
The rest of the work is structured as follows. In Sec. 2we
review some works close to our problem. Then, in Sec. 3
we introduce EnD in detail providing intuitions on its effect.
Sec. 4shows some empirical results and finally, in Sec. 5,
the conclusions are drawn.
2. Related works
In this section we review state-of-the-art techniques de-
signed to prevent models from learning biases. The tech-
niques can be grouped into (but not limited to) three main
approaches: direct data de-biasing from the source, use of
GANs/ensembling towards data de-biasing and direct learn-
ing the de-biasing within the trained model.
De-biasing from data source It is known that datasets
are typically affected by biases. In their work, Tor-
ralba and Efros [30] showed how biases affect some of the
most commonly used datasets, drawing considerations on
the generalization performance and classification capability
of the trained ANN models. Following a similar approach,
Tommasi et al. [29] conducted experiments reporting dif-
ferences between a number of datasets and verifying how
final performances vary when applying different de-biasing
strategies in order to balance data. Working at the dataset
level is in general a critical aspect, and greatly helps in un-
derstanding the data and its structure [8]. The concept of
removing bias by using data borrowed by different sources
has been explored in a practical and empirical context by
Gupta et al. [11]. In particular, they have designed a de-
biasing strategy to minimize the effects of imperfect execu-
tion and calibration errors by reducing the effect of unbal-
anced data, showing improvements in the generalization of
the final model.
Adversarial and ensembling approaches. Having an ex-
plicit formulation for the bias contribution in the loss term
is typically hard. One possible approach is to use additional
models to learn the biases in data and use them to condi-
tion the primary model so that it avoids them. Kim et al.
use adversarial learning and gradient inversion to eliminate
the information related to the biases in the model [16]. An-
other possibility is to use the gray-level co-occurence ma-
trix to extract unbiased features and to train the model, as
proposed by Wang et al. with HEX [32]. Alvi et al. pro-
pose the BlindEye [1] technique, where they train a clas-
sifier on the extracted deep features to retrieve information
from biases: then, they force the “bias classifier” to be no
longer able to retrieve bias-related information, modifying
the deep features accordingly. Bahng et al. [4] develop an
ensembling-based technique, called ReBias. It consists in
solving a min-max problem where the target is to promote
the independence between the network prediction and all
biased predictions. Identifying the “known unknowns” [3]
and optimize on those using a neural networks ensemble is
the approach proposed by Nam et al. with their LfF [21].
A similar approach is followed by Clark et al. in their
LearnedMixin [6].
De-biasing within the deep model. Dataset de-biasing
helps in the learning process, as training is performed with
no biases; however, with such an approach we typically
have no direct control on the information we are removing
from the dataset itself, or we are including an extremely-
high computational complexity like when training GANs.
A context in which, on the contrary, we can have direct ac-
cess to these biases is presented by Hendricks et al. [13]. In
such a work it was possible to explicitly introduce a correc-
tive loss term (coherent with the formulation introduced by
Vinyals et al. [31]) with the aim to help the ANN model to
focus on the correct features. Similarly, Cadene et al. pro-
pose RUBi [5] where they use logit re-weighting to lower
the bias impact in the learning process, and Sagawa et al.,
with Group-DRO [23], avoid bias overfitting by defining
prior data sub-groups and controlling their generalization.
EnD belongs to this class of approaches, since we directly
regularize the trained model, with no additional parameters
to be learned. In Sec. 3we are going to describe in detail
the approach we take in order to EnD bias propagation in
the trained model.
3. Entangling and Disentangling deep repre-
In this section, after introducing the notation, we present
EnD, our proposed regularization term, whose aim is to reg-
ularize the deep features in order to discourage the deep
model to learn biases.
3.1. Preliminaries
In this section we first introduce the notation we are go-
ing to use for the rest of this work and we provide some
intuitions on how EnD is going to work. Let us assume we
Figure 1: Model overview. The features for EnD are ex-
tracted at the output of Γ, after a normalization layer per-
forming the operation as in (3).
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Toy example of EnD’s effect. Each arrow rep-
resents the feature vector associated with a sample. Biases
are represented by the three different colors (green, orange
and blue) while the target class is represented by the ar-
rows marker’s symbol (triangle, square and circle). While in
some un-regularized training the deep model strongly cor-
relates with the bias (a), using EnD we aim at enforcing the
choices of different features (b).
focus our attention on some layer Γ, at the output of which
we are going to apply EnD. Let Tbe the cardinality of the
target classes of the learning problem and Bthe cardinality
of the bias classes in the dataset. We say the output of Γ
is yRNΓ×M, where Mis the batchsize and NΓis the
output size of Γ.
We also define:
Mt,b as the cardinality of the samples having the same
target tand the same bias b;
Mt,as the cardinality of the samples having the same
target tregardless the biases;
M,b as the cardinality of the samples having the same
bias bregardless the target class;
yt,b as the subset of the features ybelonging to the
inputs having the same target class tand showing the
same bias b;
yt,as the subset of the features ybelonging to the in-
puts having the same target class tregardless the bias;
y,b as the subset of the features ybelonging to the in-
puts having the same bias bregardless the target class;
yias the i-th sample in the minibatch;
T(yi)extracts the target class of yi;
B(yi)extracts the bias class of yi.
In our work, EnD sides the loss minimization, discouraging
the selection of biased deep features and encouraging the
unbiased ones at training time. Hence, the overall objective
function we aim to minimize is
J=L+R, (1)
where Lis the loss function for the trained task and Ris
our proposed EnD term, applied at the output of Γ. Fig. 1
provides the overall structure of the trained model.
Let us consider, as a toy example, some classification prob-
lem having three target classes, but as well three different
bias classes (Fig. 2shows the extracted feature vectors at
Γ). We encode the biases as three different colors (green,
orange and blue), while the target class is represented by
the arrows marker (triangle, square and circle). Typically,
training a deep model without taking biases into account
produces feature representations shown in Fig. 2a: here, the
loss on the target classes is minimized (three distinct groups
are formed depending on the arrow marker), but it is driven
by a heavy bias (the colors of the arrows). The purpose of
EnD is to disentangle the representations belonging to the
same bias class (color) and to entangle the representations
with the same target class (the arrow’s marker). Fig. 2b rep-
resents the effect of EnD on the deep representations: while
the disentangling term un-groups the biased example’s rep-
resentations, i.e. makes corresponding vectors almost or-
thogonal, the entangling one promotes correlations between
samples having the same target.
3.2. Data correlations
Our main goal is to train our model to correctly classify
the data into the Tpossible classes, preventing the use of
the bias features provided in the data. Towards this end, we
aim at inserting an information bottleneck: the information
related to these biases will be used as little as possible for
the target classification task.
We can build a similarity matrix GRM×M:
G= (˜
where (·)0indicates transposed matrix and ˜
yindicates a per-
representation normalization
i[1, M ].(3)
Hence, every gi,j entry between two patterns i, j in Gindi-
cates their correlation:
gi,j = (˜
Gis a special case of Gramian matrix, as any
gi,j [1; +1] and indicates the difference in the direc-
tion between any two yiand yj.Ghas some properties:
is a symmetric, positive semi-definite matrix;
all the elements in the main diagonal are exactly 1by
if the subset of outputs ˜
yforms an ortho-normal basis
(or Gis full-rank), then G=Iby definition.
Handling these relations, we are going to build our regular-
ization strategy, which consists in two terms:
a disentangling term, whose task is to try to de-
correlate as much as possible all the patterns belonging
to the same bias class b;
an entangling term, which attempts to force correla-
tions between data from different bias classes but hav-
ing the same target class t.
3.3. The EnD regularizer
The regularization Rwe propose blends the disentan-
gling Rand entangling Rkterms by setting
where αand βare proper multipliers. In the following, we
are going to describe in detail the disentangling and the en-
tangling terms.
3.3.1 Disentangling term
In order to disentangle biased representations, at training
time, we select the patterns belonging to a bias class band
build the corresponding Gramian matrix
G,b =˜
Then, we enforce de-correlation between the features be-
longing to the same class: ideally, we would like to get
G,b Ib. To this end, we introduce the regularization
that promotes minimization of the off-diagonal elements in
3.3.2 Entangling term
While Rdiscourages the model to learn biases, the model
should also build strong correlations between patterns be-
longing to different bias classes, but to the same target class
t. With an orthogonal approach to the one used to derive
(6), we compute the Gramian matrix for the patterns belong
to the same target class t:
Let us focus, now, on the vector gt,
i, extracted from the i-th
column of Gt,: it expresses how the i-th pattern correlates
to all the other patterns which will be grouped to the same
t-th target class. As a first option, we might ask the model
to correlate the i-th pattern to all the other patterns having
the same target class t, deriving the pattern entangling rule
as the opposite of the disentangling rule in (7):
Rk= 1 1
i,j (9)
In this formulation we are asking all the gt,
i,j 1, corre-
lating the features as much as possible. However, (9) has
a major shortcoming: it simply forces again correlations
according to the target class tregardless the bias informa-
tion, which might be re-introduced. This is already done
at a more general level by the loss function minimization as
in (1): it is desirable to have a term which entangles features
having the same target class, but belonging to different bias
classes. Towards this end, we can re-write (9) maximizing
the correlations between each single example yiand every
other example yjsuch that T(yi) = T(yj)but, at the same
time, B(yi)6=B(yj). Hence, our entangling term reads
Rk= 1 1
MT(yi),b ·
i,j ,(10)
δ(a, b) = 0a=b
4. Experiments
In the experiments we present in this section, we aim to
remove different types of biases such as color, age, gen-
der which can have a high impact on classification perfor-
mance when recognizing, for example, attributes such as
hair color and presence of makeup on facial images. Ad-
ditionally, we also show how this technique can help in
sensitive tasks such as in the medical field, specifically in
Figure 3: Biased MNIST by Bahng et al. [4], where the
background colors highly correlate with the digit classes.
Method ρvalues
0.999 0.997 0.995 0.990
Vanilla 10.4 33.4 72.1 89.1
HEX [32] 10.8 16.6 19.7 24.7
LearnedMixin [6] 12.1 50.2 78.2 88.3
RUBi [5] 13.7 43.0 90.4 93.6
ReBias [4] 22.7 64.2 76.0 88.1
EnD 52.30 83.70 93.92 96.02
±2.39 ±1.03 ±0.35 ±0.08
Table 1: Biased MNIST performance on the unbiased
test set.
COVID-19 detection from CXR images. In all the results
tables, the best results are denoted as boldface, the second
best results are underlined. “Vanilla” denotes the baseline
model performance for the learning problem, with no debi-
asing technique applied. All the EnD’s results are averaged
over three different runs.1
4.1. Controlled experiments
In this section we describe the controlled experiments
that we performed in order to assess the performance of
EnD. Full control over the amount and type of bias allows
to correctly analyze EnD’s behavior, excluding noise and
uncertainty given by real-world data.
4.1.1 Biased MNIST
We test our method on a synthetic dataset, where we can
control the bias in the training data. We use the Biased
MNIST dataset proposed by Bahng et al. [4]. This dataset
is constructed from the MNIST dataset [18] by injecting a
color into the images background, as shown in Figure 3.
Each digit is associated with one of ten pre-defined colors.
To assign the color bias to an image of a given target class,
the pre-defined color is selected with a probability ρ, and
any other color is chosen with a probability (1 ρ). To
vary the level of difficulty in the dataset, the authors select
ρ {0.990,0.995,0.997,0.999}. Higher values of ρcor-
respond to higher correlation between target class and bias
class (color). Two testing datasets are constructed with the
1The source code, written using PyTorch 1.7, will be made publicly
available in the final version of the article. The hyperparameters used for
the proposed experiments are optimized using a validation set or k-folding
cross-validation depending on the dataset.
same criterion: biased, with ρ= 1.0, and unbiased, with
ρ= 0.1. Given the low correlation between color and digit
class in the unbiased test set, models must learn to classify
shapes instead of colors in order to reach a high accuracy.
Setup. We use the network architecture proposed by
Bahng et al. [4], consisting of four convolutional layers with
7×7kernels. The EnD regularization term is applied on the
average pooling layer, before the fully connected classifier
of the network.
Results. Results are shown in Table 1. EnD’s results are
averaged across three different runs for each value of ρ. For
all values of ρwe report the accuracy obtained by EnD on
the unbiased evaluation set, compared with other debiasing
EnD successfully mitigates bias propagation. The im-
provement obtained with EnD with respect to the baseline
model is noticeable, especially in the higher levels of diffi-
culty. We observe an increase of accuracy across all values
of ρ. Notably, for ρ= 0.999 the vanilla model reaches
10.4% accuracy, meaning that the background color is used
as the only cue for classifying the digits, whereas employ-
ing EnD yields an accuracy of 52.30%. Figure 4shows the
effect of EnD, using Grad-CAM [24] to highlight the im-
portant regions of the input image for the model prediction.
We observe that the vanilla model (Figure 4a) focuses on the
background, while the EnD-regularized model (Figure 4b)
correctly learns to focus on the digit shape.
Comparison with other techniques. We observe that EnD
yields the highest results among all of the compared debi-
asing algorithms. Such gap is especially higher in the most
difficult settings for ρ {0.999,0.997}where many algo-
rithms are unable to generalize to the unbiased set, espe-
cially HEX [32] and LearnedMixin [6]. Some of the com-
pared algorithms even show a collapse in accuracy com-
pared to the vanilla baseline in certain cases (HEX for most
values of ρ, LearnedMixin and ReBias for ρ= 0.990).
Ablation study. We also perform an ablation study of EnD
to analyze how each of the EnD’s terms affect the perfor-
mance of the trained model. For a fixed ρ= 0.997, we
evaluate only the contribution of the disentangling term R
and disable the entangling term Rkby setting β= 0. We
then perform the opposite evaluation by setting α= 0, to
only take into account the entangling term. The results are
shown in Table 2. We observe that both the regularization
terms contribute to boost the model’s generalization capa-
bility. As expected, the best results are achieved when both
of them are jointly applied. The entangling term yields a
higher increase in performance compared to the disentan-
gling one, however it is in general not always applicable,
for example when, given some i-th sample yi,
@j| T (yi) = T(yj) B(yi)6=B(yj)i.
The disentangling term provides a smaller benefit in this
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Grad-CAM on Colored MNIST: [24] vanilla model (a) and EnD-regularized model (b).
20 40 60 801 Epoch
Biased Test Accuracy
kick-in region
20 40 60 801 Epoch
Unbiased Test Accuracy
kick-in region
20 40 60 801 Epoch
Train CE
kick-in region
20 40 60 801 Epoch
Train R
kick-in region
Figure 5: EnD learning curves on Colored MNIST for ρ=0.995.Biased accuracy (a), unbiased accuracy (b), Lvalue on
the training set (c) and Rvalue on the training set (d).
Setting α β Unbiased
Vanilla 0 0 33.4
Disentangling only [0; 1] 0 45.67 ±0.67
Entangling only 0 [0; 1] 75.36 ±0.94
EnD [0; 1] [0; 1] 83.70 ±1.03
Table 2: Ablation study of EnD on the Biased MNIST
dataset,ρ= 0.997.
case, but, on the other hand, it can always be applied. We
find that the ideal case for EnD is when both of the terms
can be used in the learning process, leading to better gen-
eralization capabilities. Furthermore, we observe a similar
pattern in the learning process when employing the full EnD
regularization for different values of ρ. Figure 5shows the
learning curves for ρ= 0.995. We notice how models tend
to quickly learn the color bias in the first few epochs, as
the accuracy on the biased test set is close to 100% (Fig-
ure 5a). However, once the value of the loss (in this case,
we have used the cross-entropy loss, Figure 5c) falls be-
low a certain threshold, the contribution Rof the EnD term
becomes predominant (Figure 5d). In this phase, which we
call kick-in region, the optimization process begin to rapidly
minimize R, stopping the model from relying on the bias-
related features. This can be observed in the rapid increase
of the accuracy on the unbiased test set (Figure 5b), whereas
the biased accuracy momentarily drops as the models shift
their focus from the background color to the digit shape.
4.2. Real world datasets
After benchmarking EnD in a controlled scenario on
synthetic data, we move to real world datasets where biases
might be subtle and harder to handle. In this section we aim
at removing age and gender bias in different datasets. We
also apply EnD on a computer-aided diagnosis task, where
hidden biases might lead to sub-optimal generalization of
the model.
Setup. For CelebA and IMDB Face, we use the ResNet-
18 model proposed by He et al. [12]. The network was
pre-trained on ImageNet [9], except for the last fully con-
nected layer. The EnD regularization is applied on the aver-
age pooling layer, before the fully connected classifier. For
CORDA,2we use a DenseNet-121 [15] encoder pre-trained
on publicly available CXR data, which is then followed by
a two-layer fully connected classifier.
4.2.1 CelebA
CelebA [19] is a dataset of for face-recognition tasks,
providing 40 attributes for every image. Following
2This dataset’s name and the involved institutions are kept anonymous
(just) in the reviewing process since it has not been publicly released yet.
Method Unbiased Bias-conflicting
Vanilla 70.25 ±0.35 52.52 ±0.19
Group DRO [23] 85.43 ±0.53 83.40 ±0.67
LfF[21] 84.24 ±0.37 81.24 ±1.38
EnD 91.21 ±0.22 87.45 ±1.06
Vanilla 62.00 ±0.02 33.75 ±0.28
Group DRO [23] 64.88 ±0.42 50.24 ±0.68
LfF[21] 66.20 ±1.21 45.48 ±4.33
EnD 75.93 ±1.31 53.70 ±5.24
Table 3: Performance on CelebA.
Nam et al. [21], we select BlondHair and HeavyMakeup as
target attributes tand Male as bias attribute b. This choice
is dictated by the fact that there is a high correlation be-
tween the target and the bias attributes (i.e. most women
have blond hair or wear heavy makeup in this dataset).
The dataset contains a total of 202,599 images, and follow-
ing the official train-validation split we obtain 162,770 im-
ages for training and 19,867 images for testing our models.
Nam et al. [21] build two types of testing dataset: unbiased,
by selecting the same number of samples for every possible
value of the pair (t, b), and bias-conflicting, by removing
from the unbiased set all of the samples where band tare
Results. Following Nam et al. [21], the accuracy is com-
puted as average accuracy over all the (t, b)pairs. Ta-
ble 3shows the results obtained on the CelebA dataset. We
observe how the vanilla model heavily relies on the bias
attribute, scoring a low accuracy especially on the bias-
conflicting sets. EnD, on the other hand, outperforms the
baseline in both the tasks. We report reference results [21]
of other debiasing algorithms, specifically Group DRO [23]
and LfF [21], for comparison with EnD. The results we ob-
tain are significantly higher across most of the evaluation
sets, and comparable with Group DRO and LfF on the bias-
conflicting set when the target attribute is HeavyMakeup.
4.2.2 IMDB Face
The IMDB Face dataset [22] contains 460,723 face images
annotated with age and gender information. To filter out the
misannotated labels of this dataset [22,30], Kim et al. [16]
use a model trained on the Audience benchmark [10], keep-
ing the images where the prediction matches the provided
label. Following Kim et al.s proposed data split, 20% of the
IMDB is used as test set, containing samples with age 0-29
or 40+. The remaining data is then split into two extreme-
bias subset: EB1 contains women in the age range 0-29 and
men with age 40+, while EB2 contains men aged 0-29 and
women 40+. Thus, when learning to predict the gender at-
Figure 6: IMDB train splits: EB1 (a) and EB2 (b).
Method Trained on EB1 Trained on EB2
EB2 Test EB1 Test
Learn Gender
Vanilla 59.86 84.42 57.84 69.75
BlindEye [1] 63.74 85.56 57.33 69.90
Kim et al. [16]68.00 86.66 64.18 74.50
EnD 65.49 87.15 69.40 78.19
±0.81 ±0.31 ±2.01 ±1.18
Learn Age
Vanilla 54.30 77.17 48.91 61.97
BlindEye [1] 66.80 75.13 64.16 62.40
Kim et al. [16] 65.27 77.43 62.18 63.04
EnD 76.04 80.15 74.25 78.80
±0.25 ±0.96 ±2.26 ±1.48
Table 4: Performance on IMDB Face. When gender is
learned, age is the bias, and when age is learned the gender
is the bias.
tribute, the bias is given by the age and vice-versa. An ex-
ample of the EB1 and EB2 training sets is shown in Fig-
ure 6.
Results. Table 4shows the results obtained on the IMDB
Face dataset. We performed two main experiments: gen-
der and age prediction. Besides the perfomance evaluation
on the test set, when training on EB1 we also tested the
model’s performance on EB2, and viceversa. This allows us
to better evaluate the bias features’ influence on the model
prediction. We notice how the baseline model is heavily
biased towards age when predicting gender, and towards
gender when predicting age. This can be observed on the
performance achieved on the EB2 and EB1 sets, both for
gender and age prediction. When employing our regular-
ization term, we observe an increase across all of the ob-
tained results: in particular, when training on EB2 for age
prediction, we notice an increase from 48.91% to 74.25%
on the EB1 set. We also report reference results of other
debiasing algorithms, specifically BlindEye [1] and the ad-
versarial approach proposed by Kim et al. [16]. In general,
EnD obtains the best results among all the other debiasing
algorithms we compared to.
Vanilla 69.99 ±3.27 59.26 ±2.09 64.63 ±2.50
EnD 68.16 ±2.08 76.30 ±2.10 72.22 ±0.01
Vanilla 52.14 ±3.20 87.63 ±4.37 69.88 ±2.95
EnD 68.37 ±6.04 84.51 ±3.04 75.94 ±1.62
Table 5: Performance on CORDA, sorted by collecting
4.2.3 COVID CXR dataset
CORDA is a dataset comprising 898 Chest X-Ray images
(CXR) that were collected during March and April 2020
by radiology units at Citt´
a della Salute e della Scienza and
San Luigi Gonzaga, in Italy. Virus testing (nasopharingeal
swab) was used to determine the presence or absence of
COVID-19 infection. The dataset can be split by collecting
institution, resulting in CORDA-CDSS with 297 images of
COVID-19 positive patients and 150 of negative ones, and
CORDA-SLG with 129 positives and 322 negatives. Re-
cent literature [7,20,26] shows that merging CXRs com-
ing from different sources poses bias issues, since differ-
ences in acquisition techniques given by the scan machines
or composition of the population sample might be used by
the deep model to distinguish the provenance of the data
itself, even when pre-processing techniques are employed.
For CORDA, we notice that data coming from Citt´
a della
Salute e della Scienza contain a majority of positive sam-
ples, while data coming from San Luigi Gonzaga have a
majority of negative samples. Hence, if distinguishing fea-
tures are embedded in the scans, then the networks might
learn to discriminate the source of the data, instead of actu-
ally classifying between COVID positives and negatives. To
build the test sets, we use 30% of CORDA-CDSS and 30%
of CORDA-SLG. The remaining data are then merged and
used as training set. Testing on the two distinguished sets
allows us to assess whether the prediction of the models are
biased towards the origin of the data.
Results. The results obtained on CORDA-CDSS and
CORDA-SLG are presented in Table 5. We observe how
the vanilla model is in fact biased towards the source of
the data. On CORDA-CDSS (which contains mostly posi-
tive samples) the vanilla model shows a higher true positive
rate (TPR) and a lower true negative rate (TNR). On the
other hand, on CORDA-SLG (which contains mostly nega-
tive samples) we notice a lower TPR compared to the sen-
sibly higher TNR. Employing EnD helps in improving the
results in this case too. While maintaining a similar TPR
on CORDA-CDSS and TNR on CORDA-SLG, we obtain
an improvement of the TNR 59.26%76.30% and of the
TPR 52.14%68.37% on CORDA-CDSS and CORDA-
SLG, respectively. This also results in an increased bal-
anced accuracy (BA) on both of the test sets. As a further
(a) (b)
Figure 7: Grad-CAM on CORDA: vanilla model (a) and
EnD-regularized model (b).
insight, we observe in Figure 7a that the vanilla model fo-
cuses on irrelevant regions outside the lungs area, while the
EnD-regularized model mainly focuses on the lower lobes
of the lungs (Figure 7b).
5. Conclusion
In this work we aimed at EnD-ing the selection of biased
features in deep model trained on biased datasets. Towards
this end, we have designed a regularizer whose task is to ei-
ther disentangle deep feature representations with the same
bias and to entangle deep features with different biases, but
belonging to the same target classification class. Differently
from other de-biasing techniques, we do not introduce any
additional parameters to be learned and we do not mod-
ify the input data: the model itself is naturally driven into
choosing deep features which are unbiased, without intro-
ducing additional priors to the data. Our experiments show
the effectiveness of EnD when compared to other state-of-
the-art techniques, excelling in the cases of heavily-biased
data (like ρ= 0.999 for Biased MNIST or IMDB). As an
application case, we have also tested the effect of EnD on
the COVID diagnosis from CXR images, where the bias is
given by the data source and it is not straightforward to de-
tect. In this case we have observed an overall improvement
of the performance on the test set as well, showing that our
technique may be employed to build more reliable models
even in more sensitive tasks.
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Full-text available
The possibility to use widespread and simple chest X-ray (CXR) imaging for early screening of COVID-19 patients is attracting much interest from both the clinical and the AI community. In this study we provide insights and also raise warnings on what is reasonable to expect by applying deep learning to COVID classification of CXR images. We provide a methodological guide and critical reading of an extensive set of statistical results that can be obtained using currently available datasets. In particular, we take the challenge posed by current small size COVID data and show how significant can be the bias introduced by transfer-learning using larger public non-COVID CXR datasets. We also contribute by providing results on a medium size COVID CXR dataset, just collected by one of the major emergency hospitals in Northern Italy during the peak of the COVID pandemic. These novel data allow us to contribute to validate the generalization capacity of preliminary results circulating in the scientific community. Our conclusions shed some light into the possibility to effectively discriminate COVID using CXR.
In this paper, we compare and evaluate different testing protocols used for automatic COVID-19 diagnosis from X-Ray images in the recent literature. We show that similar results can be obtained using X-Ray images that do not contain most of the lungs. We are able to remove the lungs from the images by turning to black the center of the X-Ray scan and training our classifiers only on the outer part of the images. Hence, we deduce that several testing protocols for the recognition are not fair and that the neural networks are learning patterns in the dataset that are not correlated to the presence of COVID-19. Finally, we show that creating a fair testing protocol is a challenging task, and we provide a method to measure how fair a specific testing protocol is. In the future research we suggest to check the fairness of a testing protocol using our tools and we encourage researchers to look for better techniques than the ones that we propose.
In this study, a dataset of X-Ray images from patients with common bacterial pneumonia, confirmed Covid-19 disease, and normal incidents was utilized for the automatic detection of the Coronavirus. The aim of the study is to evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Network architectures proposed over recent years for medical image classification. Specifically, the procedure called transfer learning was adopted. With transfer learning, the detection of various abnormalities in small medical image datasets is an achievable target, often yielding remarkable results. The datasets utilized in this experiment are two. Firstly, a collection of 1427 X-Ray images including 224 images with confirmed Covid-19 disease, 700 images with confirmed common bacterial pneumonia, and 504 images of normal conditions. Secondly, a dataset including 224 images with confirmed Covid-19 disease, 714 images with confirmed bacterial and viral pneumonia, and 504 images of normal conditions. The data was collected from the available X-Ray images on public medical repositories. The results suggest that Deep Learning in X-Rays may extract significant biomarkers related to the Cpvid-19 disease, while the best accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity obtained is 96.78%, 98.66%, and 96.46% respectively. Since by now, all diagnostic tests show failure rates such as to raise concerns, the probability of incorporating X-rays into the diagnosis of the disease could be assessed by the medical community, based on the findings, while more research to evaluate the X-Ray approach from different aspects may be conducted.